Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, March 29, 1862, Image 3

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i iimjiii.v nuMurr.vr i:t
j Has ItKiritsni itii a Nun Stock or
Cnnli'i'liiinsirli'N, I mil mill Iojii,
T w-cni. nr if a M-w aire, a new lifii n i)ciiing
iiHtn n., niiiniiiting evcrv hciirl In lii'lilcr deed.
Art, Literature anil -iii-nee will
fiWNMW. llli.l .-V. Ii lu ik rityv Ktililltlil r III lill.l' .-.
ami (rriin'lcr coiici'i.tinii.
The luisinc. wtirlil. I"0, niut f fl Ihe new influence
n-r1 s-vi-rr ji'irt fu- nui. kciii il nn.l stinifi-ni'.J l,vun
itirrrtifi-il , itnlit.v. which shall nirc n. nn Willi i Icc
trii spi-i'il to Ihi' ciuisnmmiilinn n greater tliinisslliuti
wit!" cvt r ilrciinieil of in the l'liili-iiliv ol' the puM.
Auiniiitc.1 hy the cnthiisiiisiu nl.ii-li ifi-viilM nil
cliwscs. nii'l ilcsiruns ol' ihiiujr hi. pluire tuwarili "Tin
irrciil cvctiM ot Hie An'. (lit minscrim-r wiutlil rr-
Mil II IIU.1
luinrd fnmi
1 tin' pity "f I'liilmlfli'hiH w iih Hit- lurircst iinrl chi-ii'i-st
i-tii.'k fif t'linliM'tiniiiu im, r'niil nnl i'uy. that Iihf
cvi-r hei-Vi drought lu ilii. scctiun i cmtiitry. lit ii
lo tnnniti'tictiiriiii' all kiiul of ConlVcti'iiinric, Ac,
to fill tip cmlcr. wholesale or retail, at short notice.
A in. .on hi; Hock i-l t'l.N FKCTIU.NAUI KS limy be
fouiiil :
Excellent 'Wine.
i ..e . i M.i
A ll'P I'lll' I'llMin l I I II ITI'IHUUMI
irniiU'H ; tdkc the juice nil" ntnl mix t lie rvsi-1 I
tint" with n solution of (! pound while huimT , an-1 higher Mint!
in H (iiillous ct wnlir. I.v veil m'.utiiiji up,
utnl let ("timrl over lli";lit. Then jirtw ngiiiti,
rind treat the rehlur with limr ami h hull'
pounds of sugar in 8 grnllniw of wntrr. in the
(time way us In fore, nnd thin npenition you
limy repent once more. The original juice
of the erupts, should then ln-iniu-d witlillm
other l'multR oMnirii-d lv iir sxinir, nnil the
whole nllowed to iinilinio (he uleoholic or j siic.-.ifullv Inform the pairl ii.i.i-ol 1 M'J
vinous fcrnientiition. wiiii h niitriitiim will1 ' V,ul.ln" tf;i;criilly. Hint In- ha. just re
In- finished in from three to st vril d:i. tl
.'rding to the outside fi-iiitit-r.ttnr.'. which,"
tiotwitlistnndinp, slmtild never aiirjuisa 2 t
licjfret Keuiinmr. Alter this proccsw thitt ,
is niter the tritnHforimition of most of the
Mijrnr into uleohol.. mid alter the fonnittion I
of ciirlionie ncid is oensinir the wine is I
reiidy for use. Hy tiliinn the li(iiids into n
liiim l or for fcrmii'tntion. m cordiui; to the
uuiiiititv. tku the precaution to tee that llie
vcsmI. v,1io:h! opetiinif tniet lens small ns i
jKis-iMe to keep most of the oxyocn of the
utr off. he marly full with the liipiids. and if
not so. fill it so far with c solution of Impound
white sujrar in 1 ouait of water. This wine j
is of a hi ;n!'.'if'.d l i'ihv color, a vi TV ayivraMe, :
not too iieid, and r!i:'lit!y ustrinueiit taste,
Hiid cniiluins lii t weeii 7 nod S pi r ci nl. alco- j
hnl. If on want to jrive t i it inoiv tlavor, I
the -."a!!e I i lime-w nu- liiu.iiet. let n stnall
Hiiaiility of the diy iue l-lossonis fi nnent
Kinultanenusly witli tlic alove spoken of
juiies. The reason thai 1 fttrtherexlr.K t the
once pressed iriaprs wilh smjar waier. is to tl'.e grapes of tlo-ir tmtar. coloriiifr
mutter, i tc., and al ; la.icrf 1'ic Anujican
f;r.ii ! contains t'o n'c !i of pit rocneous
Ml! :u-'. wliich in the ' :.:' i i 1 juice would
:;t i !i!:re!y deto tiposi , i I t iiv.r too eoneen
!. I.ut tlic keep I'll a .i.on' i r less cou-
.tiiitioils f, run ".':: inn. nod iii!; i.'niu evt the
w iue into i'leuitr.
This w ine I can v onoin tid a entirely
l.armless in it- !:iture, lis I administered it.
ucccrdin ; to circumstances, to many of my
peti ut, utul i far prcf. rul le in cutaneoi.s
diseapea Ly children, v h tc we need a food
diet, to lite so-called ort Htid nllu r wines,
which are very seldom genuine, hut irmre
enmuinnlv iiudiiltciv.tcd. I'n. II. i5!.
Frincli Si'urets,
Puriipil Alinoiiils,
(.'011111 VV lii I .
" l(o.-.
" Vanilla,
C"iiiiiion toorL'l.,
t'iiiTant,i. ilrii',1,
(!nm liro.. all kimtt Kent,
l.ovp I)roi't
Miut Pro' s. rulmiJ while,
J'lly I'tiki's,
r'ruit PioH.
ftii'k I mii.Io s.of nllf-'iutF.
Kock I'aial.v.
Aliuoud Cautljr.
rut it.
r.iiisi n'. Nutjcf nil kiti'l".
of a iii rior fti.ilit. by th" fiiiulp or Hon n. A
Mipi-rior tinlily of 'I "I.. .vo hh1 Segnr. nn,l n vnrii iy
of ('oiitW'iioniirirt'. I'l uit. "J'oy. Ar., allot' which in
nttVrwl clifnp nt itlioli'saln nii.l retail.
-' Iti'iiuiiibor tlu' mi mi" ami .ai .
M. '. CtKAItllAKT,
Market slr' ct, ,T 'loom w st of i;. Y. lti iirlit A Sin'j
Sunbyry. April II. ls,
n a s i it w i 1 1 tTm irfi
( 'i t: i ici:i:.i:i( :
A linirov,vl fi.r 1809 unci S'iO.
Hy K. KKTCIIAM A f".. 2s? IViul.,1.. NVw York.
'PHM only FnTz-r eoiitniolod on cii'titific prin
I cipli. wi:h a ri'volvinit omi iiml spring liluli
fruper. 1 In1 iih' hast ens the ti ccxiiiKof the vivaui
the n-.hcr remio i. ii n fjist hi fioen.
'llie uioit in pi 1 in fnciinc-. with the h'nst Ciinitily
of ice.
The init ppnnnniii'itl inom-t. as it if the iiio.h! jiuipli'
nnil iluniiilr in 'nicturi'.
tor Maie in alt tie- rinripitl cii ien aul towni in llie
iiipiiiiicl with n t-jok of rtcipe:1
Kri' h Kivt-, r ad
I lull Uiieclii lis
Trepent Kintr-
As so ui as the omul is in i;t eotidilion,
thi' .1 'finmifii lieds slio'.iid lie put i i order.
The lop-drc sinu of hist aul'iiim, niter ivmo
inir tlic coarse portion of it, should In-carefully
turned in with a '., hut not too
ihcjily, or tVcrowi s of the root- may le
injured: (herf nke evenly, j ulvci-ii the
soil ns finely i s po sil.le.
tlrn' villi's, li'irji'i- ,v ri"r. O.c. laid
down in the nnt.nnii. shoal 1 n 't In taken up
l.if'i-e the f,rst of Ai vv. Tle ir c.intinu.uice
under rover retards the lj..d. and hence
mi vi them many a nip iV"ti) the frost.
S'vurLi rrji l eds shc ld have t!ie wpiter
j.'-'itce:!"!! ivuioved. and thoroughly ilr-.-sed.
'file siir):us plants lemid be take i Ui. uinl
ifint wanted to transplant, can he sold or
idv.i away.
Warm 1 orders e: r. now 1 e j ieiared .it'd
conic I'.arly l'i as. Onion.-,, I.citiK '.' iVc, pul
The Oanlen, uenernl ';. at I'd- pi rind.
kIioi'.M have a thorouoh cVatii'L; up a-.d llie
fluff burned. Manure -honl d he hauled in.
gone i n w:th as
. t'U'irK
-I iunrts.
8 (iinrt.4.
1 1 (tiaris.
2n limit-.
Appiv to ir.
rrh 211. tS02-
f (10
I P.)
a nu
c on
s no
l-j no
1!. MASSi:il, .uiibury.
and ti e (r.neral c.tltiv tion
the beds may be net led.
There is no tiive lo lor. in ctriurr '"n
apples, peatsn d ih.ti .-. It true a
piod lianil at a ft in;: can make :lrn(i:-t tiny
of these sraw up to the middle of June.
Then: is nothing that will resuscitate old
gardens so quickly and lastingly ii lime,
applied tit the rate of not less than a hundred
bush' la to the acre. It should not be du;
in, but spread owr tlic soil after diiruinirund
rake 1 in.
In Tvliitcwasin:? crrape trellisea nnd oTai('
houses, mix with the whitewash hour of sul
phur in quatity so ns not lo effect the color.
There is nothing better to drive awny insects.
tlenunntown Teleoraph.
Mush C'aki:p. Mush Cakes presupposes
you nave Had lor supper ttie iitutii '.eiore a i
turei u of i;ood mush, made by stirrinu' ImF
fln meal into boilii, water slowly, nnd boil
ing it thereafter well for throe hours. In
the morning for breakfast, with ":iy two
quarto of the uiu-li h.l'l fio:.i se.pjier. il'.ir a
lamilv ot six. st.r lilo it tluve pints oil
wurm milk ; di ht well lu o cl us and mid.
ith half tefispoonful of soda; tlon with a
dash of wheat Hour in your tinkers ad'led to
the batter to make the eukei udheie, stir all
well and bake in cakis upn a hot jridd'e,
a il fc- nd to ta' k- in pm'.irt. of si.
There in. f.r et. Mr. Kdilor, Im- l erns. en
the child or o;o vn person upi :i i.i j:i mise
wli.i failed lo do ample in. 'i c to t h' -e . !
iHiii:i i:i.M: x itovi:.
Attorneys nt Law, Bunbury. Pn.
i JOIMi.W KOI KKlT'bl.KH an.) So,(iMi.
H. ltnYllH. rispecifiilly iiiiii..'.mce th it tliey
li.ive filter'''! inio I'oiuirti eisliio in the i.r.icti 'o of
iln ii pn tes-iuii. nnil will cuitiiiiii' lo a'teinl to all
bii-ini-si i'iitruteil to their I'harc in the cmntiin
of .Vol iIiiiiiiIii'iIiiihI. 1'ni'iii. Snv.ler an.l Mnutotir.
prompili. taiilifally no I ivirefullv. Sp.'eiMl nttea
ti.'ll will be isivt-ii In tl. ('oh I. KC I I"S nl'
CI.AI.M". Li'ii-iiltati.'iiH cull Ihi hid in llie litlt
Xi A N iiinlln -r.
oilier .M.eket ftrei'l. o,f-ie Wener V IV..-1.
Sunbiiry, February I. 1; -jn.
ICi-iiKlicsi. Wiiiex, . Ac.
fj'HK pub-i rib. r. hsvini o eneil in Tlioinpeon'."
I lhick lluildiiiK, Mill street, Danville, a large
and e, lnplele stuck of
I'ul'.l.liiX AM) IiOMKSTK' T.IlJI'OHS,
cninpriinjr tho best brand" f Pr in.lies. Ci in. Old
live. Scotch und Irish Whiskey. Port. Sherry. Ma
ileira. rhiinipiiune mid other Wiuen. of all grades, all
i f which wdl be mid Wh.,! al tho lowest citv
puces. Tavem-keepeiH. i.ybuvinof ut, cuii savi
at leHbt the Irenrht.
I'ersijap deriiuua of per 'basiinr l! f..r
I' A M I 1. Y i .-' i; ,
may rely ii .111 being furnished wilh a pure Mi l
ninidiiHeriiii'd nr;icle.
i if - ileinn iletenniiie.l lo itablish ii reputation for
Helling ' heap, he respect fully solieila llie pah oimge
of tho public. All orders prompilv imen.le l In.
DllhMlle, June 111. IXfin.
IF Ton want to buy cheap for cash, (to to WM. II. He inu received Irotn Philadelphia a
large stock of
too ts a yn . 5 hoi'.?.
lli s!'V cniisls! of Ocnl'i" Kipp Boots, Toutln'
Kipp Children 'a Calf Hunt".
Alw a variety of Women 11 Cair l.aea Boota. Wo
men .I011..:. o" bio e I!-n. Children a Moroceu anil
Calf I.acti ltiaita. all of which he will mdl cheap foi
A Ihi, furl iiiinlitj of Tiuiipieii Morocco for ciilc for
c-h. 1 WM. II. Mlbl.Kll.
Sniibury. January 7, 1HC.0.
SIMtlXJ A.l M 111:1 4IVIM.
J. II. Engel, of Bunbury, Pa .
HAS iii-t arrived with a aplcndid 8T0CK OF
SI'IUXU AND SI MMKIl HOODS, from 1'hila-
delphia, to which lie respectfully invites hia friendi
and the public lo cull and limpecl, lie, will fpurc no
time in fhowiin; them. Ainoliji hia nlock of gooili'
w ill bu found line llluc and lilaek ,
Flit: yen cLofir,
Finn Ill'iek nnd Fancy Cassinierif . Tweeds. Pallnctta.
.leiins. Illaek Dalian ( loth. Caslilnerettc. Cotlolnulc.
bilious, bineii Drill, l.incn Ch'k. and Fancy Veal
lei's, also a hirjrc assortment of Keady Made CLO
TllINH for men and hoys, cheap.
Fi ' It LADIKS' WHAlt:
Itlaek and F'aney Drem Silk", very cheap. Silk
Ti.-siio. Herc'es. Chnli and Chuli ltobe.4. llcreac
Delninei. Ilerejse Hobes. Fiirured Ilrilliant. and a
variety "f other Dress liooil, Sprinir and Siuiiiner
Shiwls. Mantillas. Parasols, a .m.-I as-orlment of
W hi'c liiHuls. Clbirs. Sleeve", Irish Linen. Shirt
I fronts. Marseilles. Brilliants. Ac. A general assort
ment of domestic Dry tOasls.
Also a lurje stock of Jlnta and Cb)H. Bools It Shoes,
Hardware, Kiieenswiiro and ( lass warp. (Ina'crii.
Ccdarwnri'. Stone and Karthcnware. Drills and
Paints. Salt. Fidi. Cheese. Ham. Oil. Tar, Ac.
X. II. Wall and Window Paper. Floor and Table
Oil Cloth and Carpels. All the above w ill be s.ld
for caidi, or country produce taken in cxehiitmo for
(ir,o.s. ' J. II. KNHF.L.
Sunbury, May 1?. l.sGO. If
i:vrit i iionii..
SunlMii-.v. rllinmb-i-linl '.. B:i.
fpllIS larire and cominodioiip Hod 1. now nnuined
I bv JA.MKS YANDYKK, is situate at llie Kail-
road Depot. North Kast corner of Market Square.
Sunbury. Pa., and at the terminus of the Sunbury A
Ki ie met Northern Central Kiiilronds. and is open for
the of Travelers and Ihu public in
Jhc pr..prietor viill tfivc his exclusive attention to
the combat and ciiveiiienco of his quests, and i?
delerniiiii'd to liiakc this c-tabR-luucut rank among
the first in llie State.
His table will be supplied with the best the market
can in'...uee. having the advnntiie of daily commit-
nieaiioti by curs direct from Baltimore, and also from
these brinin produce from the surrounding
Hi- bar w ill be supplied wilh 111" purest liquors the
market can produce.
Careful and ..llii;inr sei vaii's always in atti n latico.
New and coinluodiou- siablin lew just been added
to tl.e premises.
A share of the local nod Ircvcling community is
most respectfully solicited.
Sunbiiiy, January IJ. Ist'.l.
IyioTs AND SIIUKS can be purchased at tho
Mammoth Store ot Friliug A lirant. verychen.
as wc are dalermiue.l not lobe undersold by anybody.
Call mid learn die list i.f prices for yourselves.
Sunbury. Jan. 12, lsol. FlULl'.Nli A viKAXT.
and can more than make wanes In improving it, and
when it is done il is a certain independence and no
loss. A few acres in fruit trees will Insure a comfor
table living. Tho land Is put down lo hard time
prices, and all Improvements can be made at a cheap
er rate than any other time.
The whole tract, with si mill's front on the Kail
road, is being laid out with line and spacious avenuea,
with a lown in the centre five aero lots In thn town
sell at from 91. Ml In fAHJ ; two and ft half acre lots, at
yso io M JO to fL'iiu ; two and a hall aero lots, al irom
fSU to SI III. and town lots ftO foot front by lftU feet
deep, at $10(1 payable one hall cash and the balance
within a year. Ii is only uirjii farms ol twenty aerce
or more that four years' lime is given.
To Manufacturers, the town affords a fine opening
of the lwf manufacturing business, and other arti
cles, being near Philadelphia, and the surrounding
country has a large population, which affords a good
nun ket.
This settlement, in the eonrse of several years, will
he one of I he most b.viiMtiful places, in tho couutry,
and most iigreouhlo for a resilience.
It is intended to make a Vine and Fruit growing
count rv. as this culture is the moat profitable and the
best fl.lapted to market. Every aeyantage and con
venience for suttlera will be introduced, and will
insure the prosperity ot the place. Tho hard thnea
throughout the country will bo an advantage to tho
settlement, as it compels people to resort lo agricul
ture for a living.
l.ari:e numbers of people are purchasing, and peo
ple who desire the best location should visit die placo
at once.
Improved bind is also (ir sale.
Timiimi. band can be bought with or witbont
timber. The timber at market valuation.
The title is indisputable. Warrantee Deeds ifjvcn.
clear of all incumbrance, when the money is fuid.
Boarding conveniences al hand.
betters promptly answered, and Reports of Solon
Itobinson mid W in. Parry, sent together wilh the
Yiitrlnnil liitrat.
Koute to the land : Leave Walnut street wharf,
Philadelphia, at 9 o'clock, A. M., and 4 P. M.,
(unless there should he a chnnjrc of hour.) for Viae-
hind, on the tllnssboro' and Millville Bailroad. j
When yon leave the curs at Vineland Station, just
opeiieil, ln'linre lor
ClIAUI.llS. K. LAN DIM, rostmnster.
Founder of the Colony.
ViNKt.Asn, P. ).. Cumberland county, N'. J.
P. S. There is a change of cars at tllHvlairo'.
Also beware of sharpers on the cars from N'cv York
and Philadelphia to Viuclaiid, inquiring your busi
ness, uesiiuiiiion, nc.
To Dsairny Rats, Roaches, Ac.
Tn Destroy M ice. M-'lesntl Aiua
To Ueitpiy Bed-Ruga
To Destiny Moths in Fun. CMhes, Ao.
To Destroy Mowpntoes mid Fleas.
To pestrov Insects on PUntl nnd Fuwla.
To lVsiroy liisecisnn Aaunsls, Ac
To Destiny-
Evef y form and sjieciei of Vermin
"-ti iiitrrtii.imi a.j" ' i Li(
Uealra Instantl
W SH flfi. jJBT.
.1 .r
j . j,. . j
AM FAC1 1'liFD ni.d f-rsalebv M. P.-iner .1
I.eiliiauilt und JlcDewell f liuildio .'. Norlh
Livt Cciller Second and Puce streets. PliilaJelphia.
0-b bcr ;;. l-r.o.
nl i he
i it k irr u 1 1 1;i
tiic M,;!. A.- it if l lit;
kf't on hrui'l. ii.'l Ii i;r ?
be ('l.lfiillt 1. 'J'ljC ;fl i-H'i ,
vut a j-uj.- iiT 4i?.li:v i.f H...H
Ji'lfnir.'iliiy U'lii N-.t. ,ii,- a'
tlic of "i."l'iiti-r. I'li'l
jinl'li.: i-i.t-r. !!; i- i t-n.vtfui i;
;?uiilnir, .1 nut m.i. Kit..
H'l.OJ 'Itl.j i
ibs '.il.ii-c havini taken p....ssi,.n of tins 1
Ins. nnriayH Mll.l.. are prepared !
jrr-uu ol ail kin-Is. and In do ciis:..iu i.o;k '
il'-st noli' e. Cil-tolin-is will have tt.i ir
ly lii.i.11 Hieir liclli let at
iineii:i..,n of the linn bn nck
...ill will be
i j ii mi' il y e'lii al -la-.s
re will l . 'tiik.'li lo linn
. f r wliich tin- mill is
t'-l. i-ai v. ill be pni i t-i
the p.iir..t.a;re of tin
; r--ou.sied.
M'iKi.AN A CO.
t a , si;
The Great Cure-for Consumption.
If vou havo a coIJ. v
Wi.-hart' Tiuc Tne Tar Cordial
If you have a coujh. use
i-imrl I'mc ir-e lar v nr-iiiu
Tf you Ijbvo A-tliintt.
VUlmrt'd Pino True Tar Cordial !
It' jnu !ihc Thrmit. H-e
Wi.-lmrt K Tiuo Tr f Tnr Cordial !
Ifyvu b;.vo Rr.riicliiti. um
V i-.hart( IMm Trw Tar CordiHl !
If you have rousiiniptinn, uo
A Uhai t rim: Tree T;ir Ct.rdial !
V-f1p,irt Pinu Tree Tnr Cordial is an unf'aliii;
reua-dy iWr dimie of thu Kidnryi. Vrinary -om-lileihtt-.
1 U itict and lMeplini Piles, Nervous lebdily,
und I'nr l'ein'ile wcnkiu and Frreiulnri!ie.
'jlienell kimwn i-llieary nf Pine Tree Tiir in tl.c
can vi' t xtertml fle;'litii." or Si.rei. ivtinttnl it -tilt at
tlje N.ilurul Pfiueily tor what PliyMeinini call Tulter
j culiir Atrctii ii- liuit i- lo fay. Sire.) uhw the
J l.un"H. It reiiinined to tlisuver the licit nicaiw of
i :t;MJi':i.ion. whieli di-eowry hr.9 brun inmle, hp n
j ti..-u-faiid le-timiuials (imve. ly tlie Projtrielnr of
i-iuirt a fine Jreu lar VTiintl "
If ynu h-ive IiVPKI'l A. uu
ishnri f (.r Mt Anicrifnn )y.iifwiH Pill !
A iir- i-i;re w unulited fur one dullar, or llie imoiey
ret'.izj-ic! !
PiiV lw add tr:l(e thelii aeourilifiL: t dinrfiottn.
an-1 if tl.i-y do not uur-i nut l!ie i.iMiuy will be
A-:i.Nr? A. M. Kiseher. Shl.i:ry ; Wui. W'tiiirvr,
( nt r,:ior p!itc. mid jfet a d ser")!i o eireulnr.
- 1.. v.t:. W l.-llAUT. Piopii' :. r, So. M, North
S-.'nli I tr."t. PLil.Mlelpliiil.
I Alr'U."t it. l.v.l - ly
mm, i ii. -y nrt
lint tlic ti.. t. ii:;l
if OI.P It' t K !!!. : W'jt'll i
1 ;r ru;n r. l no .u
l n'.ii-i.
r-'.?;.i'.r-.i.-i TJi'ii'i
111 l.;;:l 'hi- "II y fji-ri.-'li j
i- -'; ii;-...'r, f- r l lie ri'iiMim i
lli-vr.-1' ; - Hi, i !
Tiit e ;.i i ii i'tlv 1
I .' luklr in li.o t vi
i all is aoiii IPH'i'il
vf'l :t- tin y il.i tin t it
l i'l'i :il;:':ist iii'.m iniiri:-
B.i.-isilti-r !
PIHl.IP SUA . .Minic-
L is. tiien-U ai
,l:iu:lv k'-ep-
l. iih. Ji nnd all aiu ls .. Lutein r und I:
ii.-'.i.-iN'-. wlii. h lu- v.ill .cil at i:o I .-Mil i,r;.
.Mar -li ::u, l.s il.
I M'llH.M-t hi,
I tl.i't lie col.. I;
I.' ;
LycMnin,.' .-nuntj.
t:..-!ie mi eiural.
1 1 '" -riis. M.i nles.
..n h:
I Mil VS .MliM..
To I liM i: K'.' i. I'n:! until (,11111-
ibeu roil. nvc Oic -.lie! ; i- 1 y. u,- i,vr iln tii
if-a:lniif viiic-.'ir. siiisnO'il with wliul,
iK'i'jn'i'4, ul.-j'ii'i!, it low rnrr ufoiiiiT, anil u
jew " iM if nu!'..'. Win 11 (n!il. covrr
rlnri'ly, i'li'l in iv, inoiUi.s tiny i!ll'c lit
j'or n-i..
i.M I AN l'lPIIIVll. - Tllkt I'll, j iut l,l'llt
liiiik. I(i'i:. ;i'i. I v.liilr 1 i-l -1 '.in- iint ol'
ImliiCi l;i ill. Ii:i!l' pint l!;.tr, 11 iri i'
(if HI' I tin- aii- of ntl I'X'J, ( 'lO.lju il lilli-.
til l- lllll'i Sll' nt' 1)1(1".' -s, ii,i- fi!.
11 -il imo t :i."iKwnit'i!l nl' suit. S:'.r it well,
ii:nl la'.ko an lioi.r and 11 hull'. Sine hot,
wilh In.UiT urn) sinnir. or ir. ntu -miii i-.
ClILsil VT IIu l.
- lrrr:nantoirn T-h-jn'jA.
Mow to Mak:: Cuks ii:in..i.K C.xKi.a.
Almost cM ty inn- i- intrn-strd now in kimu
iua noiv to iniiki- (Min cuke.- most puliitnlili'.
tiiici- so niiirli ot' it In- iimmI in iIh'm-Htrtiiu'iiii-d
tiiins. i'ln t'uliow in.; U iM to
ll' nil i-Mcllrlit ici'rijd; mid :;t ni'ht linll'
the (iiiintitv of ni( ul you uiu uoin; to use,
mix iIip olhtr with cold water, huvinj; in it
the coiiM-tfiiey of thick lmttcr; ndd 11 little
ult and net it to rise; it will need no yent.
In tin- morningr the cukes will lie lilit nnd
cri-!). fskiiniiiiiiL''S where meat Ima Utii
boiied, ia Lest lor Irving thelii with,
low iv.
nr! Win-
fnML Pllii.M Till' Nclilll.
cimi: tv.os Tin: MH th,
CJ.MK I Il'i.M 'I'll F. LAST.
C'l.MK I'LO.M Till: VKST
Sroe t!i" r -m'.ry and bnilj vourse'.v-K lii.inis. for
n.iu i.- the time to (:et vour Lumbi 1 cheap. Ves.
Living:- i.r.visr.u : jAwim-mr
can l.e purchased ill low rales ut the STEM S W
M 1 I.I. ,.f
jit a T. ci.KMuyr. sr.xvrjtv, r.t
Su.-h us Panel Lumber. Frame Lumber. li..:inls. Si.
dim;. Shingles from 'i !.. J-i j,er ;husnii,l, l'lasleiini;
Lalb. P'.liir;. Pooling Lalli. ,1c . Ac.
Ail bills or. len d, fur nuv kind of Lumber, aill be
furnished at the stiuries: noli".'.
Sunbiirv. March 0. lsiil .
Nine 3011 1'
l)V using Mason's' Patent
Sheet Metal S'r Top
Piiservc Jar.
.VA.?U.X'li J'ATi:T
Ail that iw neei-4'irv beiu 1,1 screw the Cap. bun
ll.ll tlie liul lit r tf.L-kvt, mhi.'h is placed oulside
uis.n llie shoulder ol Hit .lar. i of mi inch disiant
I'roiii llie top: fruul liie K'ilulitv ol llie flat or nt
the fruit bi in;; injured by c- ujiue; iicolil ici nilh the
Persni.s desiriu th.w.'
leatinL' their urders i:h
Siini.urv, June 1', 1-tlO.
Ni:w Itr.viKPY pou Nm itAi.oiA. Tin
Jvurntd ile (7nV Mi,lirn1r contains nil ne
coiint of the discovery nf Knew und poweiftil
sedalivB in ncnralulrt, iti-t diaeovered Ly Dr.
Field. Tlie Mulist.ince Used jsi nitra'.e ol'j
oxide and glyellu.iind iiolilained liy treating
jrlycerine at 11 low t' niperatute w ith hiiIiiIim-
ru'ornitiio acid, due din mixed ith
ninety-nine dropa of .ijiirits of wine, consti-.
t uti's, "t lie- first dilution, A (Us.e of neliraloiu
iu un Did lady, which hud resi-tnl t-xery
known remedy", w a couiplctely cured hy this !
new agent. i
I1 Si
Vims Cakk ran Bhkakkabt. Mix at MIJIllO. II 11.14 K
nVlitonemirt of mcul will wutcr cnuuii inornry Im Sunbnrv, Nurtbumlvr
tomnku u thin butter, a.Minu a hiMcnpium
Tulofeaht, an.Uult to Huit the taste. In the
rtioruiiiLj, stir in two fggs aul a huiall tra-
pouain id mil la, ami w itu a biHoa Ixut it j
nK hikI Jiar't IJ'ittcr atir.-ian. Murt!:c
ja'KJurr uu tt nnr Imk-f imiiU',liat 1 about
to Mi min-i 'AlOlS
TSvw 3eTtlmont of Vineland.
.1 jttMMt V FOll JIM'I) 77 .VAX
i A It nr oit.rtm.i:y in tin Ui-hI Murkt't, hu v.uM
1'O.i.iiUtil uiid iliHliiilul ts liimiti in Ihi L'jii.'li.
t "iily Jliiity Mil.-;! Sunth (f i'liilii'ltlpliiri, 1,11 h
I ; Ut iiij; a ri-li, ln'ity wil. nu I huhly
! j-iflii:;c vli-Ht lainl ; aniuii.-t the li-t in .be
tirrtl' ii Stutc ul .New Jt-ijicy.
! It tt ) IH'ii m rt-i v( uw! I.m l, iliviilrtl
into Iut nil !' tliiVrLiii -itsto suit the piirrliHaiT
j truui it rrf iiiitt u(i.irln tuid ks tll al tin1 rate t
j J"lo tn I'tr acre t'r tlm farm laud, piiya'-lu iiu
! luurlb ta.-li. iik! lit l.ilmici' iiv jiuu til -vi url v iiiftal-
1 ui'ulf, wilh Irtfitl iiitii-!-!, wiUiiu tliu tt rm ut' tur
, vnrif.
; r. in iroat part, n Mk'h Clay Lohu.. iuituW
: lit nt. (inw uii'l l'ntuttc(i uut a ditrk untl rih
sati-ly lo!iii). nuiiaMc fur ('ril, ftwtet 1'utatorH, To
li.icni, nil kim If ft vcfft'lidilc hihI not cntpn. Hltd the
ti-H st ai it tti'fciiHriiil.KiH l) uc simpt l'eai he. I'rurs,
' Am)l-u1, .NtH'taiiiitd. Uliii-Mirri M'hmt, au-lothtT
; ti ui.f!, I't-t la)t'ii to thi l'liiUiU'lphiM aiii Nw
: Yui k iui.i k-'i-. In if-tipi;t lu tin iil itnii i-roj tht-re
' enn bu m iut-takt, ua vi.-itui can xuuiint both. nitt
iitiiit uru t Xtf.'lt d io buy ) vrt ttiii. uui lindiii
' tlit'i stalfnu ii: crrvet tin l.-r tljOB-.' eirouinetMin'',
I unli'! thi'e' iati iiit utf vru rorrt-ct. iln ri' wi'UiU be
: ho u in tl.i ir bt-iiig uuiJr. It is cousi Jt-rt'J
! Tut: rKirr.SoiL is tin: Lniun.
I ISii Itnnrtt of Sulon Hobiiiton, Erq , of the New
Yni k Ti iltin Hhl the Ht-ll-kii'i-vu nj;i ii-uUni Mt,
Williuiu i'lirry. t iunaitiii-li, New J-rst y, which
; will be tm )!!'k'.J iji.pnr. tr J
j tiu: MA It KET.
ly btokinjj tni-r the map the rentier will prc"ivo
that it enjoy.- tin btst iuark't in tho I niuii. unl hut
ilner I with New ork ami I'hilitiUl
l phia mit e a day, bein only thirty-two miUn from
tht lHt r. I'roiiuuL- in this market brinies loubW I he
; pri.M- that it (lo.i- iu loaiioiui iiiiaut tioin the ciiie.
npplie't by , )n tl, luvuli.m it ean be ut inUi market lh iJtime
: iiiuniinn it i aihtre.l, hihI tiir whut ihi far in it vi
he :j.'i the hihf"! uiee; whil--t j;rrteer Wu an.l oiher
j lu piir-hiuiit, he .- at the low cm price. In
' the W ix, whut be sell biiiiif hiui ti piitmiee, but for
I TT'tX S. NI-IWL'OMKU, rropri t4.r "bat lie hu he pay, twu prietn. In lo-iMiinjr here
JH-Tia euuwnient bv iWiiif.-r th.V " VUr lnH,!' w,!llV,!j'?"U-t,,, H-' 'l
. h w iioiith. ijv mill tmu. oi tin uo L'rrui mi 111 iw
K ny' I ami nul die Mitl-lle ?latt. Jle u ne;r hi obi
' tVivmU an.l itriMM'iutiuiu. Jie ha 'hool for hi ohil-
ttren. tli iiie M-rviee, ami all the ud aailue of eii il
izatiuii. and he i near a larire city.
! vli'lijihtfiil ; the winter bciu salubrious ainl opeu,
whiUt ihe Mimuier are nu warmer than in the North,
The lofittiuu i ujku lha liuv of latitude ith northern
I'viMtiis wanting a elume of climate fur health,
woul-t be tti'i' h Im-ih ft:t.Hl in Vineland. The mild
iii of the etiuiate and iU bracing intluenee. luakea
it exet'llunl lor all piilmon uy aMi-eiioni), dviH-ptia.
or jem ral debility. it'ir- will notiee a iliriYrence
iu a Kw du". i'hillM ai.-t five are unkuowu.
l' at jiaxu.
liulidin material ix plenty. Full ttntl Oyj'er are
pb ntitul and eheap.
Vi.itoi exptct, however, to tee ft Dew flaoe,
TI.r:i liKKOHK.
Tlii" en it tlon the reader naturally ak. It U to
etiUr-e ii ha beeu held iu Uiyo travU by faniilie nut
deponed lo i.ill, and being without raiiruad fioilitiui
lliey had few indueeiut ut. The ruilruad has j'i-t
bofu ojH-utsl through the property thi e4uuot fur Ihe
liiKt tiinu.
VUitorn are Nhown orer the laud In a carriage. fre
of exHuw. and aflorded time and opportunity tor
thorough inveiiiifrattoii. Thticewhueotun with a view
tt wlile. j-huuld bring uioney tu aeeure l heir purcha
se, aa local i. his are uut belt! upon refuaal.
The aalWl tiling iu hard tiiuea, where people bave
been thrown "Ut of em)loyine.nt or biuine, aoroe
little meaov or unal! iiirotne, u to tiarl tUcuiiielvea at
h. m Tho na buy a pte-'o of land al a niall prlc,
Rrror.r op Sttto'f Uom?.S(i. op tup Nkw Yohk
l imn n k, ri-uN tiir Yinkuand Sltti.kmkst.
I "tf ' Thn following is an extract from the report, of
Stilin Hobinwrn, Knj., publilittl in Ihe New York
Ttt'fnte, in reterem-e tn Yinelaud. All perfuiw euu
read thirt rojwrt with interest :
Ath'ahtogi ,v of J'tinnimr near homf I'ihcAtmi
llcinttrl n ufnu jlio Sot', iti errat 1'vrtiHi if
Tftf Cat of Fertility Ann unit of Ctojts
Vroilurfti Vrariictl Kviilcnct.
Il in certainly one of the most extensive fertile
tiueU, in an n I most level Hition, and ituitable eon
liiion tor pleasant I'mutim that we know of iIim rido
id'lho western piiiineK. We found nomc ol thenblent
fitrins apparently jul nn prntitably pnulnetivo vl
when fiinl cleared of forent fifty or a hundred years
The jteobi would noun if vover the cause of thin
continued l.nttlttv. The whole country is a nmriiic
deptnit. and all through the soil we found evid nce
j o calcareous -iilwlaiict, jj;eilrHll.v he lorni id !
I indurated Citleareou uiarl, showing many distinct
(oi nif ot aiictent -helH. of tlie tnrlnuy forniation ; and
this marly nub-tane if scattered all throu ;h the noil,
in a very eoinininuled form, and iu the exact condi
tion liio-t easily nhnilnled hy such pluutu uh the
laruier rle.'irett to cnlti ate.
Mail, in nil it fornix, has ben lined to fertiliri
crop in Entfltind. from the time it w:w occupied by
the Uoiiirti:H ; and in France ai d tierinany n marl bed
ii counted on tm valuable b d of manure, that can
be tlui; and carted Hiid Kpread over the field. H' W
mueh in. -re valuable, th 'ii, it inu-t be. wheu found
hlrcfoly mixed thrtiiih tlie soil. wh'renew particle
will be turned up and cxjitKed. and trati-'tormcd Uj
the owuer'c me every time he iii.!i the enrih.
Ilnviinj then patiffied our mind nl the caue, they
w ill not be excited with wonder at ciug induhit ihl'o
evidence of fertility iu a noil which in other hi Illa
tion . having tho samo (general characteristic or at
lc:i.t uppearanccH. ic entirely unreniuuernlive. eicept
ha itc prudus.Livuic! w pnnnoted by urlifi'-ial fertili
sation. A few wunl a I Hint the quality and value of this
land for ciillivatiuii, of which we. have some utronjr
iiur tir-t vi-u win to iiuam v. v iio-ni. tranklin
township. tihiueeiter cunnty. who pur'.'hued Hume
eiht inileit north of Millville. alxmt three y curs aro.
for the purjse of etablir-liinjr. a Hteum mill, to work
up the timber into lumber, to Hcud oQ by the new
ruilroftd. a well a the urew.xd and coal, for which
he built a hmtich track a mile anJ n hnlf lon. lie
alr'o furiiLlteil ttixleeu miloi of the road with tic, ond
ha no duubt made the mill profitable, though hif
main object whh In opti a farm, having bocottie con
vinced that the ?oil wa vduable for eullivatitm. lu
tliis he b i tiof been, tw .-iue Vf hi
( cn prove. Kur instance. .nt year, thegecotid time
j of cropping. 3ta buhetr-nf .-none acre, worth
Ol' ceiite a biudtel in tlie field. Thin year, fcveliacreis
' without manure, produced 't:d bithclH of oat. Iu
1 one field, the firs' ctopwti i.tntoe-. planted ainonff
j Ihe r-th. and yielded 7 buhel. The totatoe were
tlu and wheat imn. nnd yielded ly huti -Ir : und
( theiubble tiinud under and swu to buckwheat.
which yielded b'n"hels ; and then the ground w.u
kow ii tu clover and timothy, which ave un a SrM crop
! 2j ton per re.
I The fertilizer nppliivl to thee crori were, first.
1 a-he t'roin cb ariivs; itccoud. Ji.tels of 5up''r-
phosphate of lime; third. L'ou pcunds IVrmitdi
; (Tiitiiio ; then :Mi bnshrl d" slakdl lime hto ieen
J ! read u -m the clover feincc it win- uiowtd, and
! tuin-d in t'.tr w heat.
I Mr. iImiii jrron inn crojw. and tho w heat Ktuhb'.o
I of the .re.-enJ Ben.-t.ii. alt Indicate his land as produc-
live a- any part of the ."'tale.
At Mary lt irruw V. nn obi ntyle Jersey woman
j farmer, hev eral uiib south of Mr. ilun ! ve wt-re
so partn-ulai ly s'ruck with the tine appeanimv ot a
tii Id of corn, i hat we (tt.i).ped to in'jiiTi' of the li'i. -l
inau how il produye I. We f..un I that the lard
had been the vear hnl etie before in wheat, stiwnwith
j clover, and thii cut out seiwon. nnd l;ut "priiiiX plow ed
once, wiilioiie pour old hag. " and planted wilh
I' corn,
but you tun nn red hiirh. we tip'ne we
uiil inleriiv.;atively. and pot thi reply :
I ' Wa d. you see. we couhln't adtuic'that ; cau-ewe
j hadn't but forty unediosre ntto;ether. lor 23
j aereii. and we wauled tho uiost un't !.r the stru- k.''
j 1 he truck consisted of beet, eario:, etibbae. en
I cumbers, melons Ac, and a very productive patch
j of Lima beans. rowu for marketing. So we were
j Kali -died that th will win not infertile, evin uuaided
i by clover, which had fed tlioc'rn. heenusellic 'truck
I patch" had not beeu clovejed. and had been in cul
tivation lung enough to obliterate all sim of the
Tlinne rreparaihuit (unh4e ail oUin) Hf
'Free fr-in roiU'itia.'
"Not dangerous to the Human Family."
"Hat do not die on the prtiniac.'
Tliey come out of their hole tudie."
1 Thry are the only imuUilile remedits known "
''W yeurs untl tnoie enulishd ui New York Cilv '
t'fed by the City Foitt OitVe
L'i-'U hy the City Fris.n.1 and SHaliwti flcusea
Vttd hy the Cit !teaiiniB, Ships,
Vied hy tlie City HoKpituI, A!mi-H"ncr, Ac.
I uriihy Hie Oity lb te!BAtot' tt Nicbolui'&c,
Lied by the It'uniinjf H.mseK, inc.
I'gcd hy ilian 5iiK0 Fiivaie Fnuiiliei
iy ee one or t.v-- SeeiiiK-n .f what ii Kvery where
aia uy iue re ip:tj r.Jil'HK Uenlcrt, A.c.
liul KK I.hrKKS irniihicd wilh vrrmin nenl w
iim i4n!i-r. f,i i nse cn.r s" i:'frntni;it"H W
have urrtl it to out wiul.teUon, nndjt" a Imx e-mt US we Vi had tried itoiaon. but thev efftrcicit
iiolhiiijt ; out"rnfaiV'iirhcie knocks the Urenth out of
Hatt, Mice, UoneljeK. umj lied-Iiiipa. utcKer than we can
write it. It ib ui ureal denmud all over the country .
Mtdinu O.J lijz.'Ue.
M.( T OKAI S and provtsiont ure fbstniyrd onnuall
m (jiani C. unity h vernun. limn would rny f -r tnt of
thin Ual nnd Insect Killer. Incusttr (Wit ) Herald.
Hknr H. CoiTAR We are stHmii i-rvparsiiont
rapidly. Wherever they have been used. Kats, Mic,
K-wchtsntu) Vermin tiisnp;rai rapidly.
Lcuch .V SioiTFin, Urupgists, Wmd.r id.
' Ccstar's" Eat. Roach, &c . Exterminator.
"Costar's" Bed butj Exterminator.
"Costar's" Electric Powder for Insects, &c
lu ijo mid SI.(K)Uixei. D-lllrninl Plaski. 3 Hid ti
lVr plantttU'ilil, 3lll, li.mtl. Butllet, .Vt' , Ac
CAI.TIOX ! ! ! To prevent the rulili.- iV-m fci-iuR
impoxrij upou by Apuriou, aud Ili;lily I't-ruiciuua
ItiitiHtioiiH, n huit liibi'l has hi-i-n pri-phr-ij, biiiring a
f ic-ffimili- of the l'ruprictor's SiKiniuire. Lxamine
ew.h fc-ix, liultln, or cun-fully lii-furo punha
niug, nuJ tuku uulhiug but COs'TAft'S."
F-i!i viry ftliiTu hy
All W)iuUb;iU- Iiru-jni.-u- in lurge cliin
Son.o oi the
tit. Agi-ui.
TIM-: I mo.v
are in an piirm in mi- i iiv, Hint in i-vi-ry mr
iu aiiiiiii:u lu llu' i-i-iiitiiiu auil uul ol
III! lilll-Hri iulilii-.
i 'i 'J'l-ruis. 1 :-rt piT -l.ty.
ijirinlii'r Is-oi. ly
yil'AI.M.Nij S I'ri-imrnl (ilut- anU Sli.-tlcy
i.J i imi-i-. iin-i- r uoiiiu auu Drum, i'j i-i-nii.
C-ir.liul --I' I'ulisiiya liiii k ami Jii iuine, fr
rimnnii nru', lor Ju al ilit- oflicv of tin- uiilmry
Ms.rluiciit. just riwvivvil by KailruuJ Irum NV-w
Vurk. al Ihu Maiuiiiiiili Sinn- of J-'rilin A tirniil.
Wi- lnivi- also loj :lll? S. K. J'utiiHin A l.'u.'a cvltibra-ti-1
J'liitiit I'i'tiiliiltiiii t'urltiiii J-'ixiuriv.
."-lll.lnirv, .Miin Ii 211. Ili.
AI.K. an li-i'II.hiI ih-ci.ii 1-h ui'l Cmikina'
Movi-. aln spvi-rnl t'yliiiuor Coal sji4lbl.
hUljUII'L' III Ihu othui-.
f)LA.'K ,1'arililiiilil riin-r.) Jin.U ami II. ink
) M'.rljr i-. s, llumli, Kim-ulinw, Suimminii, &c,
fir Mtlo at ilir oliiou of Ihu "t-uubury Auii-ricau."
i IniiJ i-iiunly. I'riiiixylvaiiiu.
(r'.-rmnrly Fri-tbur, Snyder county.)
FFICE,' Mjiki t tri-i-l, a fi-w dnon cast of Hie
Nnrilit-raHit-iilral Jlailroatl lA'jHit, aui 2 dour
wM ol Ibe INt Olbi:.
All i-rufra-ioiial biitiiiiM, nlluilioiv, Ar , UI r--ii
i.ronii'l aic-olion
Miir-t :-4. 11
Hur ni xl vi-il waa lo llm fiirm of Andrew Sharp,
five uiilbK n. .rlli uf Millville. from half lo a null-1 n-t
of Ibo rnilmad. and jimt alioiit in the centre of Vim
land. .Mr. Sliujp i-.-iniuenci'd work here in lJuceiu-lii-r.
Isos, iikih L'70 iu-r,. In Ii lliau three year,
lie bun col 2.14 aerea .-Imirel and in or" Ibis m'amin.
all well encliiiieil und divided inluwviial fields, iih
cedar, rail or Pule fi in-e ; I an buill a to nlory dwell
inir. h In, ut .'il liy III feet, and a manlier humto lor Ho rn
liiburers. and a nl.-ible and graimry and Huu:o other
uiil-biiildini-. pai I of the land ws oleiired fur tho
plow at tin nere. and on mime of it the firM erop
witli biii kwheal. limed wilh in bushels iu pow-ler per
aere. Klin en.p may be pul in July 4ili, lomh.nud
yiel.U I'll lo .'HI buahela pur aere, hurvenud iiiNmiin
l.. r; when the land l.. in unwed wilh K0 llm. of
I'lTiivitin Kuauo und inilej wilh rye, yielded 12 to
I j biishela per aere and Sift worth ol 'alniw. Tbi ryo
tlubblc liirned, alUr knnekinK ofTa liiru tciuwlli "of uproiita, and droaseit aj(aiii withsuanoaiidsi-iHled
In whust. (rave 15 or 16 biuht-U. ill" crop wbieb lie
wan thri-sbiuir while we were there prniiii.-ieib more,
of a very plump Kruiu, and the ttraw it very liraiy.
We went over the atubble and found Ihe clover
aud limi.lby. frouiaecd Mowed last spring, on the w heal,
wilhoiit biirrowini!. liaikinjr u well aa we ever law it
upon any old cultivated farm, aud with a little work
done iu Ihe w inter to clear off aotue roots and rutlen
t ii inpi. and netting atakei- lo murk permanent ones,
be will be able to cut the m.p Ihe next yenr with a
mow ing machine. m w o w ill friiiirnntee tuotoim jar
acre, if hu will nivc Ihe ovorplu if it overrun the
l'art of Ihe land wrni plunted with Hilnloe. f.-r u
firal crop, wbiib yielded 120 luili. i per ueie. It
waa lb i' n limed w ith M bin-ln-N per ncn-. and semled
w iib wheat and clover, yielding an uvi raire of over
I j busbcli pur acre, and the clover now look, beauti
ful. Other Mirliiina havo been planted wilh corn at- a
first crop, which yielded Jo busliela of yellow Aiut
corn, and Ihe aecoud crop 40 bushels, and the third
crop, treated to lot) Ibe. of Kuauo. we are aure nuone
would estimate below 40 buslieli per acre.
(The reader will reculli-ut that the writer la now
HHiikiiiir of land ierfoctly new, and which can
cum I v be considered in ?..d arable roudition. J- 0
Ju other caaea, the coru crop of laat year waa fol
lowed wilh bale IhUaeaaon. nut yet llirtahcd. but
will average pruhnbly 40 lu iO buaiii'U. hwcvt pola
tuea. bi-aus, nil-Inn, and, iu fant. all garden vei-lableri,
a well aa youu( pcaeb and other fruit Ireiw planted
Ui in year, allow very plainly that Ihi. loug-ncloctcd
tract of land ahould remain an no lonrer, and there ia
now u alruuK prolwbiliiy thai il will nut ; for. under
the auipieea of Mr. Iiaudu, it will be divided into
small lota, with road, located to accommodate all
Ibe aurveyora are Dow buy at thi. wurk and all
nuri-baaera will be required to build neat, comfortable
nouaca, aud eillier feme, liicb would be preferable,
by which mean, a guod population will be arcured,
who will rslal.luh chuivhea, tcbools, atorea, luilli,
uiechauie ahopa and liomea hoinua of Americau
fariuera. nurn, undid by gardeua, urehurda, ficlda and
ouuiforle of civllited life.
I f any one, from any derange nioul of huslncet, i
d iwiro ua of chanpiuy but purauiu, or who U from any
caiiM dioiruui to find a uew location and cheap home
iu Ibe country, and who may read and believe what
we havo truly alaled, be will do well to xo and ace
for luuiioll', what may bo teen within two hour.'
ride out ol I'biladelphi Cs01N KiIV60V
Felmary I, Iti -ly
SlMt.-!in rirolheiii .V l'o.
II A t'ntiiistoek, Hull Co
II .V I) M H lu
l.e.ur Hurl.
.1 ,'iie. 5 Aiiuv.ill,
MoiilHii uhU Vilen
II ill, Kuckel Co
Thi'iii'il iiii-I Kuilr
I' HO-i .
lliirrul, Kulev .V Kilchcn
HlLli l!r A Itol inn -u
M Wnm, Clone l',.
McKis.o,, Hon;,,,.,
l) ll-i'i.n v Co
F C W'elit Oi.
I nz- He. Onri'.uer
II ill. Ll l -uaiiil Co,
C"iirad Foi
and oltit-t
T W I 'i. and l i
li A I'uiuiwl-K k uiij C-i
ii'iiiiAiirLrjtiA, r.
1 ft -liert f
I Flntili,
atal oUiet,.
Shoeinakei and Co
llu-haida a.iij Co,
and by
l)ruggila. Oro-ers, Storekeeper!, and Reiatler-
geni rully in all Country Tew ua au-J Villuc
Iu the
And by Ihe liruggute, r-torekee pert and Retailer
t'ouuiry Pealert ean onlor aa above.
Or addree order direct lor if Price, Teruif, in ,
i doaired, aend for llno.l Circular, giving reduced
Splendid Inducements
Arc ym iK-l,. M-et4i, mn4
ciliil'liihiiuX. Ale)eoutvf
in tier. Willi your s.mtt-ni do
lnui(el. bih! yi-iir IHiik an-Cinr-Ttiiltler
Hiiiae P.iiuii.
trills lirr unll tile ptelli'lp tu
aeta-il. Ulltf". ewuia III ef
,e-liii. I. srei.iiia li.-u y
i.lij sliool l be Brt-lli. I l.y a
tiiu.ljr n- of the nlii rn
vll. 'late Ayi-i'a I'llis, anil
rli-aiiM owl IIh- itUHii'li-teil Itu-miH-a-
pnnf.l lit. Mood, iumI
M tho ltwi-1. icoi. on ua.4
.iiin-li-,1 lu li-.-ilrli ai-iilo.
Vic r Hliiniilflt, Hi, fmiviiotia
1 llie Ualy lilt' rta-.tou. ai
tlvirr, i-urlti llie .vhiiiu rr.aa
llie i.L-strtK'ii.iiil eliii li taal-e
.lisdisw. A Mi l B-.ll- none Iii-i- In Ui bl. '"'
iriKia 111 lialiir.ll llon-ll-li.. lh-ae. U llvt rellnied,
risu-l illieii lli.-inu'lie- Kiel I w .iiiroiuiJinnorKiinii,
,,,. H,.n aoiravniloii. n'.tii iim, ami iliamae.
Hliil- iu litis .,tilii.-ii..i-u-.ii-l l- lb" ikn aiiBrnieiila,
t.-ihn er'- -lll. mi l le- itt-e- ily tliev rclom ue
nut mil i f Hw ..-ni. aiH Willi It the binnat
fnelln'ef liealili airniil. Wli.u in Irlmaii.l -i.irelil In
111 is inrial anl 1-IIIIIUI--II cniili"l- l li IriR- m uiauf
ot tin- .li-.-l- - nleil a-nl il.iimer.jiis -Ii i.-iiiih -i -. 'Hi, wui
pinai.thc eM l"M1'- l"-i -tmil-.r i.lMlnie
liuli, mill .1 laiKWii-- I 'he riliiClKHia ul Uu
lklv, tlii .ru r i.i ll. "" I n"o. '''' I" mmtI.v, nir.t
l.i tli iu.iik- m.-Htf. '.-iic who know Hi.- tirlun- -a tluvie
l-'ilU, will ii- ali-l I .Hiiat'iy Hi-;m when ullcnn ft -a
llie ill-uidoi. li-- 'ii '- ... ,
Mnleui i.l. troin Im-lluiT li 'l. I HI., lo luiuo of 111
.Hu.lU cut, """J '""'I o'h-i wed kuuwa .ul-u
P.out a .a-'r.;v .V-c.Sjsi .. !" 4.
Pn. vykii: Vmr t"lll r Hi" n. m-li of all that hi
in at In metUoe. Tli-y haw fu.wl y little daKlrt
of ..fin upon le-l lin-t" and le-'t tliat hiet pr-!
inriinl.le .r vi-m. Her mnlher low laien I '-f
oiHly ailtii-J lili niot ilii-. nnd plmi J-on Imr .kill aiid
lu u-r Iim. Afiei nor eliiM iwed, Me alao trle
Vur Mil., and tic, b.e cured her VuMMM
A a rnmllr Thyelc.
W Ur. K. n (UrlanoAl, .Wii Ot..w.
T-mr Ull. are the prln-e of l-uron. Tlielr exiwtWi
qimlltlea ,iirniMi anv ealhartU- wo iw 1li-y ar
niliu. uui very ceruwu ihi-i ti.i--i.i'i - -
Ueoi, whl. h mullea Ibem inv duat le Is ID lu the dall
treatmeut of ili-na-J.
U.idatlic,SI klleaelwclie.Koul Stomaeii.
iV-ml Ur. l a" HmjI, ll. liii.wrr
fttvltltnc Areii! Iciinii 't anwer yen comil.lMa
I li.n.i cm-e l with your I'ilN l-tlur tlnui to wiy all "
twr tfMl inl'i i' r-n-wtiiv mfi'.i-iar. 1 .Uv Kr't drw
deivem an rtf-cliial catliai-Ue In my dally e-mteat with
disease, nii.l K-Iievlnx fi, I -In lint v -ur pill, aflord a the
bet wv luite, 1 of comae i.iloo ll. in hlahly-
rii-rni"i. Tn.. May 1, IB!
V. J. P. Ati:r. Vlr: I Iut. - lnn niK-iiti dly cured
In- ftor-l A iii.-i- A' anv 1-o-U can l"ii- by a ileae or twe
j( Pill,. H foviti. to ariM fiutu a fc-nl atomaeu.
ah'kb tlu-v rloaiem ut mice,
Viuii with si-en rcspe't, HP. W. I NKI'I.,
tt.-r-t- - .v-i "ce ' .u4
nillou Dlaorrtere I.lver C.'outplwlavU
;.. Vr. nt-, Ikll, A'-w
K.ii oiilv are ynr 1'iH. i.-a. inl U' their T
j.- uf nil npurililit. l-ol I fiii.l tln-i. Is.u..iri.ll elT-ct. lil-a
the l.iicr very in.ik.d lnder.1. Tin jf hnvi In my pa
tli'e proved niori ellcctiial for llio cur) of mul wt
pi tin': an) one i-euif:1y I can lmiilloii. 1 .Incer!
rr.isv tlial we lia.e nl bu. ih a uia Hive whkli u wfir
Uiy lUe colit'iduuce of the piofi'ssk ti and Um pi.
Pl-MllfMINt Of Tim IlTtKluH,
Uadliiiiitt.'ti, U. C 'lb 1.1... I a Ml.
Fif. I 1 liaVI l.i-d ...ll' I'IIIk Ml Ol' iei.rtnl rtl.ll liwell.(
pr, tico i'ln' nili'-'e you in. ly tlipiu, nu-l cmiiil beiiital t
Mil- lliey ar. Om Ik-.I tatlinitic w. en..Uo. Ibi-ir narw
Inillitt artun en llie lifer it qill'k noJ dclilwd, CUH
.tiiiiiilly Ibey at, an adminicle leuiedy for detaui;etiiMila
of ttmt i.iriiu. Iii'l-ml, I bne ai'l.lolil found iciwiJ
tuur dth-uc frj i.tsitiiiato that It -l:.l net l--d1l .IwiU :w
luoui. ralirually j.nris AI. JS.-.I UAl.l, M. II .
yi,;wn a. Aluima ilA-
Dyaentery, Dlnrrlisa, Helm, Worm.
t'lvm Ur. J. t. U nu, J' t'noiy
Your I'illa hnl, had a tons: tilid in my pructlire, aud I
I..44 tliein iu it-teem 'w one of the be.l apetli-nu J liaea
aver found. Tboir -.llettitlve rlKct u.n llie liver
ti.. -in uu eiri'll- lit reue-Jv, wlu-n iu aiuall dia.
iujji .lyieliUry uih! Wiun-'ius.. 'I bull .l!lKr-r4ltUy(
in-ik-v tlr-ni v--i ai-o MOiieiuiait lur llw un
of w.-nii'li und vhildiin.
I)-apepala, Impurity- of tlie Blood.
Mvm .'. J. I', ll.mti, JUilvr Adftu CVmicH, iL-eba.
I'll. Aire: I beg u-sl ronr Pill, eauaorillsasf
tuccosa lu my fuuily ami Hluutv tli.'W I aui i-uilod le .Uf)
in ilislrena. Tu rji.'iii:ile tliu ormns ol diavilI'Mi afwl
parify the Hon I, tin) are tlie .iry U .1 reiae-ly I tiaxw
aver kteiwntand J call CoalLlelitlj lecoloiueiid tlo-iu to
my friend. i'ouia, J. .1UMl3.
tViR-MW, WyondnK Co., N.Y., 0.1 l, l4.
Pun Sin: I iuii ii.ina your il!uu In- I'lll. In my psA
tire, und tind tlicin an sx-viUnt t-i cl-etua ilai
y.letii and Iihi L'f ti i.iiiif.iiM' -(
V Must. 11. MI.Al ti.iyi, M
e. y. inuuiiT & SON.
(unbitry. June 15, 1S1.
AyornEii arrival of
Millinery Goods!
at tlie fc-ioref
IKxeii n. ii. i siinssiiUK,
Siuipacn' Huildinp, Maikel Square, Sl'NUl'RV, Pa
'I'lIK public are invited to call and exmuiiie .litir .Milli.
1 nerv ju.l oiieueil uch a Ijnhe,' Drew (jia. il.
Siik, and tlie laical ,eiv erk and J'inludclphia tiyle,
Fl'liS, I.ailo ' (ik.vra, llo.iei V. Ilallilkelclllcit, Notion.,
Fl-'wen. aud .Milintcry of every variety.
M ANTL A M Aivl.NO. Urewea made in the be.t mail,
tier and in any ttylc.
We intend lo avll l-w, calland eaaniine our Mock.
U. 4t L. llllsl.l.R
(.uiiLury, tlct.-te 18, l-ol.
Cnn.tlpatlon, Coal Ivciteaa. slupprce.lrro,
lllieiininitaiM, t.oiti, .taialgla, ii rop
ey , 1'nrolyala. Kite. etc.
Vcm Ur. J. . lunoAll, .U tllrrsj. rtiueil.
Tixi much cannot lei auld of your i;. 6-r tie. isnre ai
o-rriivtin.f. Ifrttln-r. our ftiit- ri.lty have s-iirel thewi
rlV'-a, i,.n. n. I lnivi., they .hi.ol.l J-en iue in t'l-odattl-inc
II l-r tl.e !k'Ui-tlt of llio niullllnde, w'no .-.ITec frwu
tl. it i-oint'liutit. ntiich, hIIIiohkIi lia-t eu.-uah in towdf. I
lie- pro.-i-iiili-r of oilier, that rr- I b-lleea me-
fiie.tsjf in tin- liver, l-ul y -ur I'llle aUecl ituut
Olau nnd ,.iu llie diec-ao.
FniM Mr I. 1". Sutrt, rAylicma and !U-(t, H W.
1 lln.l one or tw. l.iiy--- lo4c- i.f I'l.'is. uksu al ifc,
J.rop.-r tiuie, fir- i-xs.-lU ut pr -in l.v.- - f I'-e aerurol nr
tt H wli.-ii wholly v.- p-.rii.illv .u; ii.-0, m,. 4v ..wy
eff-'itual to r.oilf ll.e foi.i.sV, .,i,. rrt-l ll. Tlesl
I eie no linn 11 llie lsi.1 pliysK e lia.e llie. i fe.enmiPt.B
i uo ether to l-.y p,UI-'-.lri-
j Finn th, Jin. I r. f ind, aIAa JfrM-fcal Hpi 1nA.
( I'rLi.Kl II-i sa. feeanoali. ll... .Ii-n. 1V
j Hofe.nsp Sir : I should ! tiuiti-nM.d f-r ih- rela7
. .ur st'.lll In.- I- oiyl.t in if 1 UW r.ol n-ptat lay caae re
y..n. A cold -i ltli-.l iu tnv lhuUn.i.l he..iikiit m. earre
.l.lliug -OIII-...-H' yst whl.-li sliil- -I in i-A.iMin- r.MiH.
hi. S. twUii.iii.l"ft I ht th- l-l -f Jiyi.i.ln. ihe
illsea.. ri worseant i4m. unlit h. ill a-U iee of your
eifell.t.t l.!- ul in VhImiii-t-. I M. li.n.Mi. I Irin' eM
Pill-. i 1. ' If-!- w ee --, I ut -u". P. el.--li
lu the lusr oi llo l-i. I a:u It- .nlln ly nil.
Hrs.irr. Ci'iir. Iial.ei P.-nce, I.... :. l-w. Ir4.
Da. Ann - I I .-- i-.l'-l) i- ir.-l. L y-in I'PU w
!lt.-nr.. l CA-vl ,i ii. loi iIbs- thai wl .rTkl.-l ej
fr y-ars. M.XetK.ST Kl.ll'fcXU.
t-W.ail i.f the PIP. In aiarV'l c-mt dn Mrror. altlnurfh a n.lnnl I- r-uo .!y in .ei.lul b.niU. I
danitereii. in a pul. II.- pdl fr.en to. -I i lful viae
iii-.nse. that tn-iii-'iiur f -ilo,v lu inrunti..i. u-. Tm
Contain no tii.ii-ury or ii.tneral .nl'.t.n. ,. eiiale.r.
Price, 25 cents por Box, cr 5 Boxes for f L.
Freptred hy Er. J. C. AYER &. CO., Lowell, Mat.
ek.ldt-vFii Giant, ami A. W F lecher, Suubuiy
J F. Cii.low and C. Hn vvn, MiHon; Ur Wem-k. Mo
F.u eu.vilie ; Keuanyder k I "kimmnn, Tufbntville ! K. B
McCoy. NiiiiliuiiiUrlniid and by licaler evcrj whei.
Aiil 4U, 1-tll ly
Entirely Vegetable. No Alcoholic Prepa
ration. IU. II OU FI. A !'
Prepared bv
DK. C. M . JACKSON & CO., PbiUdcI.bia,
will efTfctually cure
Chrunic Nervous Dl-ili(y, Dinranei of (he Kid-
t.'yt, and alldioeauvt. ariving from a diordortd
Liver ur Stuniucli,
Such at C.Miitiikuiion, Inward lilri, Fulnest or H-nop
t ttie HeaJ, Acidity nt llie 8tnut'h, Nuuich, llwjrthuru,
U-ifgu-u I 'I Fond, t-'ulnem or Weight in iok louiuch,
iSnui tiructfiimiit tMukintt uf Kiuiteiitif at th .'it i f the
htnrnm h, hwimmni) ui ihu lld. Uurricti and Difficult
ilri.Tihin. Fluttrih. al ttie Heart. Ctioking or tuticiiHt;
utwHi'Mi when iu m I) mi; i-'wtufe, UiiunrM ( Vmivu,
litithnl wcbi belt re thr. hir ut. Fever uiui llull Pain iu
the ru1e Uu-'k, th-ni, LnnU, c , Suddtu Fluvlictol Html
Huriuiif in the FlrU, CuiiftUut litwuuiinijt t" evil, and
(Trent l'ejreifim nf Spiuta, mtd will p-mvel prevent
c;i.w Fever, tiilimui Fever. 4c.
The rnditior in vmIIiiik the attention rf the (iuhlj m
thn pruitaralmn, doe tvt with a leeUiifc ul the utiunet enn
fideitcti iu U virtuea and uiklatiun tu Uie dituaac tot
which il ta rrCtiniineiKlcd
Il ii no new end untried article, but one that hie tiWtd
the teat ot a twelve yeait' trial beltra the Aineiii:an pen.
pie, and its repututinu and wle are unrivallrd by any udu
kir tireimratmna extant. The testiniunv in iia fuv r aiven
by the m at pimninenl and well known Fli)ieiaui aiul
(HU.viiiuuii in an ptiita ot ma country n iiumeuae, at id a
careful perueal nl tne Almanac, publiahed annuully 4y the
priirietita, and to be bo tiad ffratia of any oi i tic it Agent,
euinnii but eanafv the inmt akeptitAl ttntt thti rennuly la
reallf dteervina: the gient celtbuty it hut obtamed.
hkai) TiiK tiifc;ct;.
tluotwhat the eminent Glau Manufaoturer, JOHN M
lr,C. M. Jackann Reteclcd Friend: liuvina; lor a
loug lime been acquainted with the vntue of thy Bu auiuie
Cordial in Couht Colde, li.dainniau.iii ot itic Luaaa, c.
tjvx.j utrc .eHtniHHijr u na emcacy. tiw aeveral I : I
yeara I Lave never ben without it in mv laiuilv. It alio Pflfw
Xo. Hi 2 Sjrring Garden Strett, Philadelphia
"I FSTKCTFI LLY licits coneinmcnta of all kinda
XX. rtf cuuiitry pntluce, ei:ta imutly Flour, Ac.
Uvula; IncHied iii tlie vt-iy centre ot buiuifit, and having
a Very rxtniiive Hct'iil under tm own tnimediaia, he tun ample lacilitiee for ubtaininf theverf
hiviieitininkft pncei tor ever thing he eetlt.
beceuiber 'il, -tfl.- -ly
S. E- Corner Second and Chtttnut tit ,
nrxrv r -rtin i'atknt kqi'alizinothirtt
V OA V l't.OCK-1, a very drairable article tor CBereks
ea, Hutcl., Bank,. C.-uutmi; II. -uvea. Parlor,, Ae.
Alan, MauuliKlurcrol FINK UOLD PENS.
Click, repaired and warranted.
Cluck Ti ininiinp, ut every dceciiptu-n.
J'hilailrl- bia, January lu,' l-iil.--3
i rv -
Jricoal U
Hriucipal Pen-it No. 412 UriJwaT Oypoit lb
m. Mcauia tl)te),i jiew ion
March 1, l-W-.m
(tivee me pleaaure tu aiate thai I kave uaeil il wila cutue
aucceaa lu the treatment i-f Howel Cuniplaiuie
Thy friendly uul, JtIMN M N HITAI-I,.
Fifth Mu. 17, Ibid.' Race etieel, above 4th, I' hi lad 'a.
Theee medielue ate for eal hy all reapectahl Prugitaita
aud dealer, in medicine hi the I lined Huire, Canada,,
Unti.a Pruvidencea aud cat Indira, at 76 cent, liar hn.-
i tie. Be aureand aet the ecnnitie. with ihaai,u,r. ci
j M. Jack. on lie wrai nf each botil i ,U utnere are i na, awarded
e-aiiilerteil. Pnuc rl liflv ... u....r.L. T I
r, lh,ovi;irh,.:p. e -r. .
I HeimhM U, l , j
tl. E. corner of Seventh and Chemut Strtctt
Tina i (me cf
Philadelphia, New Yrn-e City, Alhany, Buffalo, Cleve
land, Clucae , and tit. l.i,n. Mch.ilaialnpa can be ear
cluuwd at either ioiii, g.sHl at all the Cnllcfea.
emhracea Double and tlinale Kuiiy V-aik-Keepinf, Cem
nicfcial O-mputnliiin,, Cuimaereiul lw, Peninanihla
Uuanicaa C-iircen-imteuce, I'a'luti.lup twulcmenia, etc.
TheTeael u.( in Ihe B-ailt Kecping Department ia avie.
ly li-.ul written inciiuecnni l..iun. wuq uial nianaetii
lecuirea, and Itlack biiard elurulatuuai ; tu addiluai
which, in indei k, make ihe Collif tale Cuia, a, laor.Hi.l
aud edTietualaa, Ui d-u-iwiiui Teai biwka bar f liattnn'a Bick.KM,.i,,. i. iksa l.
Cumnam is-himl, II ith tk-hnul, aud .iiilin Huae ( Bfy
am Ai Kirniuin'. Ccmmeicial Arithmetic; Bivenl
Straltnii'a CmanH-rcial Uw, by A ox at Dean, LX I).
III t ear lea of nine none, by f. R. bPENCER.
P.R BPENCER, Jt., Teacher ot Prunwnahle laCi
Tklaal inalructKHi kVudwila eulei el any lima, r.plr-
DP r'ut Caul.iriiee amtCireaiai, nla the ffrfirw.
a,.14iea KK VAST, 8TB ATrON rAIRBAMt
P.hruaryri, lsl ly