TO ALL WANTING TATTmS. NEW NKXTLOItSr VIKl.A!Jl. A UKMEDY Ton 1! A Ul TtMba. A Hare opportunity io ihu Hint Mark t, mid tuosl iMtfthtfn) nnJ Mc.iliht'nl (Jlirrmte in Hih Union. Only I hiriy .M ili - fioulb if l'tiilddlpi.iajf.o JUil rotid j bfinjyt rich, oil, auit tnul proline- 1 v 1; ve nheut luud ; 8tnonpnt tin IiphV tU the UilldtQ UU or Nuw . ft enniil nfo.fMtO n?ra f (iMn fcn-rl. tlirift.! Ul' Knriii of ihfTrri-iit pizc t Mill l-ie puri'liiwiT Krtim acreanml nml t nU nl Mm tmr f 15 I" '-n pir nrre fr ihe ftiun In ml. utile ime-("itrtli mMi, mill llii tvilmirp H fiinrirr.ywrly tntn Intents, wi'h lug" I inlet eat, within Hi term ul f-'Hr yi-m-a. TilKSOll li.Hiffpit pnrt. a Pirh Ciny I-nni, miluMf for Whcnf, iirutm aiuU'MliitHf ,. n lmk mul nrh windy Mm, "UiUi He hir corn, awert put turn, tului ft, nil kiml !" vcprt hiv nnd HK'l cious. mid lh limf t v:ineius nf fruit, kocIi uiljm !, t'exra, I't-ui'lu'ii, Apnnlf, Ni-tiriiiiiit I'hu-k-Wtrits. Mi'lMiismttt'Mlitfr inula. hvt mijiptt it ii the I'i.iI.i delphiii ativt NuW Wrk mirkHi. In iMct tit lite il and thie run tic n intMitKi, tis vivitrn cm it rxmnuie Imth, ami nmie ate vxpn t" buy lM'"re rVinp, bn.I fintliiiir those atnt emend C'lrrott under tticKMirciiinvltii,te Unices Then mtttemenli vir. crf et. limns wmiiM be no use in llicir'. It is ouiMderrd. Tilt IlKtT FBUIT ?('IL IX Til t'xuix. e ftVpnrta if Colon Ittibtii"ii, Kt .( Mir Ni'W York Tribune, nnd tin- wt !l-knnvii n!nrii!'tint. Willimii 1'nrry H rinimniiaon, New Jersey, wliu-ii will le imiiislicd in quirers j T!!R AlAPKI'.T By liNtkinjovcr tin imp ihe rt:t'ler will porceivr Urn! it nijitvi the bwt nvukrt in ilir I'mi mi. and dirret cm. muntration with New York hiI I'ltilntlrfphia t ire it d;iy, tifiiijf itnly tlmiytwo ini If a Inuu l!ie l:iMi-r. Ir 'diii in t tits murkel tr t tti dnutile tin- pnec lliH il duct in l.irntiha tltftinu fr-'in the cities In Mmr Inn Hum it run bi put inift nmrket tlie nunc ni'Tii'iiu i' ie j.-itili'-ml, and t'nr wmit t lie fHrnier BeiiB ln jtcli Um Itighciit pi ice ; wliiirt pPK-eru-s and oilier nitu lf he pun-h;it' lie j;rts ni Mif l est priru. In tlif! W tt, whut he ir)l8 bniign Inma piMnnrr, but f-tr vhstt Imvs Im p:iy two prit-ri. In batii-n hue the Imi ninny thrr ndwin'aqra. He ia within a few h'Mir. by railroad, ff all the Rii'.-if eilirpnf Mew Knlai.d and the Middle Uites. Hi: i nein his iUI I'rieudt mi.l nt. rinliitno He h:m fichnnl for hm rliillrrii. divine ncrvire, a I'd all the dvanlagei of civiMlioii, and he ia near a large city. THE CI.IMATK d liirhlful; the winttri brim nbthri'tna nml npe?it whilst ihe rummers tire no wiitmer ihnn in Mir North. Tht locatum is up mi the line of lniitiiie w:th n-Tilier Virt;ini;i I'erRom WMtiii!j a i:h iltct ot clmiutt lr'h. wonld he Ht'ii'Ii bi'iiefilted in VinelmtiJ. Tlo- niildni-M the rli. mate hihI it bruein? inlUieiiee, :n.i!t s it Xvt t,',nt lor pu'.nn:irv MirerMnrt, dy-tpt-pitif, rr penrrtil dcl'lhiy Vi?i tofK wi'l notice n iblfcienuti iu u lew iJim. Cliill.s ttnd fevursare unknown. CONVKMKNCKS AT ff ANP. BuiMir.jr matfjriul is plenty. Finn and Oy.iten rtrrplenti- lui mm enenpe Viaitora mnsl expect, however, to fee a new plae. Why the I'rupcrty hum nut Leai sitttf llefovp. Thipquestiou itie r cider iciluniliv nsks li L bt:c i;,i! il link i(cii lit id in Ixrre inieu by litumu s iit il.sp m-i to sell, and bun witliou't t:itlio;ul ujciIuu s they had lew in ducement, i he nulpiud hilt jut Item oeiit-d tiinniyli the properly ihtsacttson, for the lust time. ViMluia are shown over ihc land in a carriage, fret f expense, and uil uUd lime and oppoitut.ity lor tlu.!ii:!i invesiiniioii. i noc who come utli u view t at-ttl.- aTlould bring money to sfriue their puichusc. aa I taiiuu ure not held upon refusal. The safest thing iu hard times, where people hive beti thiown out of einjiim incut 01 biisinrKv s-mic little inc;tnv(,r I smart income, la in stun ineneivcsat n iiie. ii buy u piece of hind ut n mull price, and emit inoi t' wnivs iu improving il,a:ui wnen it tadnne it inu ,, mdepeiidciice amino Iocs. A lew acres in fruit tr v ' in -Mire a cnnfortable livinti. Tlie iHtid o put iluwn . u i tunc prices, nnd nil impruvemeut can be inudi utn ci. -i rate tlnu any tnlu-r time. The wlnie tract, wiili st in ilea front on (he n:o1to.;f!. tr beinc laid out wiih line and Sj-aciouwavunnts. vii u tvi in 'he cent re five ;i:re 1 :u tlie town trl at from .n t tjf'; two und a liull r.;:re l-df, at .-0 lo rlJ!) to n: iv.' nnd n hnif aeie I'-ts, nt friu to and t-wn a r I eel front by 1)0 feet acep. ul J?l 0 p.i;ible one hill c.odi und the bnluiica wiihiii it ye r. It is only npnu hums of twenty acres, or tn 'ie, tint four j fus1 time i given. T Mnnnfi'clurers, tliu town uiloida n hue tuwiitng uf the StlOK nriiuifricturing business, and other anuita be nm ucitr l'niUidelphia, und ihe eurroniiding country hu a lame popnlntion, which ufT. idg a good market. Tins settlement, in tlie course ul several years, will b4 one oftheinosi henuriftil p luces in the c-uuli y, und inot ngiec:ihle for a residence. Il is i.itenik-nded to make a Vine nnd Fruit prow in; c e.mtiy, ns this culuire is ihe most pnrimblu und ihe tusi a 1-ipted t m irket. Kveiy adimia::e nnd convenience fur Settlers will be introduced will msuie ihe proeMTiv of the pi; ice. The h:ird times through -ul the country will beau n:U':i!it;i!;e to the sett'emeut, ua it comiclIs eopIe to resort to mjiiculiuie foru living. Ijjtice ntimhers of people art1 pun-lmxed, au l people who deMre the be it location ehoutd visil the pluce at miia. Iriprovml land is also formic. TiMnvR Uiud miii iNiueht wi'.b or without timber. Tiie Tiuilernt marked vahiaitnu. The title u indisputable. Wurrantce Det dk given, clear uf all ineumhr.'ince, when the tnne ia p.ud. U.ittrdiug conveniences ut bund Lt-ttera p!-mptlv antweied. ami Reports of P"h-it R. biiison and Win. Wiry sent together with the Vinelond Kuril.1 lioute to the lam! Leave Walnut s'teet whirf, Thiln delphm. ul 1) o'clock A M , and 4 1'. M. (unlets Ihete ahi'u'u be n chnni(e of Iihk,) fr Vinelaud, on the tila taoro'mid Millville Knilioad. When you leitve Ihu cars ul VuielandStution. jn opened, impiire for CHAKIJ;$ K. I.A.N Mr. Posttn-iater, K'Miudrr of tlie Colony, YlXttLAND, P. O., Cumbeilund county, N.J V.9 There is a chance of cars nt tiltha'toro'. Also Unvart: of sharpen on the can from New Yoi k and Philu. delphia lo VineUuid, latpiiring your business, destination, REPORT OF kilLOl ROBINSON, of the New York Tribune, upon the YINELAND SETTLEMENT. fsTTht following is an extract from the report of h-u Itobmsn, Knj , puiihvheil iu the New York Tribune, in r.-fereuce tu Vmelaud. Al J peisuu can read this import with i mere t Advantages of Farming near home Vinelaud Remarks upon Marl Soil its great Fertility Tim cause of fer tility Amount of crops lVoduoed 1'racticul Evidence. It ia certHi;i'y one of tlie most extensive fertility tracts, in an alui"t level poHituui,aut suitable, e -mlmou for pleu BJt f Brining ihut we know of tins Aide of the wcstei n prui na. We found h line oj' the oideai furint apuuLiil! jual aa profitably produeiive as when brut cleared ul ureal buy vr a hiuidictl years ac'. Tim Geoiiiat would aon discover Uie c:iuse of this continued fertility. The wh ile country ish mm me de sit, mid all tiirouiili the soil we found evidences of a c alca reous tubalHiiees. genurully in the lorm of iulurutcd culcu re uis itiiirl, showing many distinct fuiius of uueieut shells of the lurritory loiiuatiou; and this umily suliKUmca is cartured Mil ihr(uh My? soil, in a very comminuted form nnd in tiiecx'ict couduioit mtt easily aiMiiuiluled by such iiuti as the tanner desires to cultivate. Murl, iu all it forms, has been used to fertilize coma in Kmhind li-mi the ti me it was occupied by the Konuna; aid in runce and Oenuaiiy a mnrl betl is e'untett on nati viiiuahle bed ol uniuure, that can be Jug ami ciuttdand thread over the rjeld. H v much nur valuable Him it liiuai be, wlien found already mixed thrnuun the soil, whnre new pari idea will lid tor not up und exposetl, nud U uuioruicd to the owuer's uo every time he aim the carta. Jluviiifr then satisfied our minds of the cause, they will lit be excited witli thewuidei aituutioua, having the s-une Ifencidl ciiuraclciisticaor least uppiuiuncea, ia entirely uu rcimiuerulive except us its prtMiuetivcuca is promoted by krlili 'ial fertilisation A few word ab mi the quality and value of this land for cult vution, of which we have s.m- ilroug proof. Our hrat visit waa to Willnuu i Vitni, KiHiikliit town aii-p, OlouceHtercoHiity, who purchased aome eiht miles li nth "f Millville, aUui three eurauotfii ihe purp me ft UL!istoir u tteatn mill, lo w rk up lite timber mlo lum be i, to aend oft bv the new rmlroad, u ve!laa tlie (ireW'Ktd and coal, for wnici he built abruueh trwck u mile and a I all" l'H. lie als ifariiislit d sixUcii inilev ol the road with tie, hasnod 'ubt nude the mill pioli uble, though his ilium ohjrJct was lo open a funu, having tuceiue cxmvoieeil th it the aoil waa valuable for cultivation. In this he has pot I wren disappointed, aa aine ol hit crops prove. l-or . uaUnce, l:ut eei the second lime of ciwppin, 3ut) but he is tf p itatoea on one uere woith 00 eeutbu bunUel in the held. Thia rar, acveu acres, without manure, produced L'lsrwia of oats. In out field, the fun crop waa p'tult;a, jd oiled uiuoiig thu routs, und yielded 75 bualiela- The po 1a tea were dug und wheat sown, und yield 10 bushels; ued the alubbbi turned under and aowu lt buekwlieul, wqicb yicldvd aVt bufthels ; und then the pound waa aowu toclovcraud lnuotby, winchgiveua a mat crop tons pei acie Thefertihxen applied tn these crops were first, ashes from clearings j second i!S pumds ol supci towplmte ol Itme ; third, 200 p-unu Peiuviau cuano ; then 50 bushels v( :! lime has been apreud upou the clover since U was mowed, anu turned in for whuut: t Mr. Wilfrm's growmt; crops, and tlie wheat stubble of the prcaeiit suuii, all iiiUicata lus luud as prducuve ua amy pjrtof the Siate. At Mary Burrow's an old style Jersey wman funner, seveial miies s aOh of Mr Wilwni'a, we were ao aMieu J.tily struck with the fine appeal sue ol a held of com, that we stoppe-l to impure il the hired muii how it was pro tbicutl. We found that Ihe W'td had been Ihe year but one Srwnt, and lust spring ploWeU ouoe, with one "pour old lt:ig," ami planted with crn. Yes, but you immured high, we suppose?" we said interrogatively, and ;otthiB reply: Waal, you see, wo could'nt done tlmt; Vause we k.i'ln'1 but forty onc-h'Tsc kids altogether, ior 2J sxits, aii't we wi t d the urist wii'i fo lite truck " Tm: truck coosiatetl M beeia, carrots, cubhefa, eueuin. utelona, Ae , and a very pnalikcuvs uuh 4 lama tcis, giown fnrnuirketmg o wa were aattslied thai lbs il wu i-t fertile, ven unaidjd by cKvor, whit h had led thfjcnrii, liccuusethetlim-k wtehM had u A been clo Vcred, und bud he.rii iu culuirau Jit kmg c.iough to oblite (aic all aiiiw of ths finest. Our ne&t visit was to Mis fursi of Andrew Pharp, five s iDith of MdlviMe, fro half to a mils eual of the r,l' adl and ju at about ia the centra of Vmekmd. Mr. Wmip c toiiue-nced work bereiu locMier, I 5s, upin 70 Iu leas than three jretua, he huagot 2 A acres clear d iii in rros this strtsou , all weM eticbaul a ud divided n': tvcril tieMs. with ecdur mil iT pieence; has built 'ostjry dvvellmff, about 3A by 4U feet, aud a si nailer f ffm Ub-treis. and a stable and gisuury simI sums . Whrruut-LiiLI... C .nadtr.Vi-Ulifi Wr..Vle uiiri nt Ihe kiut wm etMtrrd fat thm bLiw ". (HurtHj avTf, aiu oil "rneiif il Uie HH crop w.s v "-"1! I"ul wilhio bu.Utl.ui pnJ-i Hsr n rf Hi 'iTT ""' Pl ' J"1)' "hi "d W im acit, lurvcMod ia NurcCi1! j hu His I land britf rwi Hi "A 1V1 U of Terarian gnann aid I 1 ttffHH ryet yielded W to Mlniahelap f acre ami ten l-Pan woitk ui traw The iya auibhlc ttomd, after ; knc-rhiflftoff a larjte ;rowMi of rmk sprouts, and Hrcaed ! a '.m with (riinm. mid aeedetl to wheat, aave IS if 18 bua, j Tiierr-p which be waa Ihreahiiij whila we werft there pr.Mnidrtlmiae, of very plump gnun, and tha lraw ia . vri y in nvy. Weweiit'trer the atubble and fotind Ihe fJuver and ll nsothy, I loin seed a-'Wed Inst spring, on the whent without hi rowing, h'kina" n" w" aa we ever an wit upon any tiM fuiiiyaiedtaiin.and witha h!:le wtnk done In winter t eli-ni li anne rooiaund rottil lumpa.aml aettina; smkef to murk permanent nnra. he wtllhe able In cut Ihe crop the next year with a nmwinfnne we will tuarHntee,lwo tone pel aere,ifhe will the overplus il it overruns the atimata I'uftMf the land was plnntid with polales for a first crp, whieh ielded 170 hiiihrla m nere. H wn then prtird with .V) btuhrr pe acre, andaeeded wttll wheat and eawer ueklinft aavriHpref over 16 tuahclt per acre and thechivet nnwhiitkalHfyuuftil, Other pinions have Iteen alnnted with corn ae a first er, wbn h yiekh-d UO bushels if yehow fUnl com, and Ote secoitd crop 40 baahi la, and ihe third crop, treated to l)lbi of guano, weaieara aura ni ihu would eatiinutc laai m 4d bkvls per acre. Tut h-adet will recolleet that Ihe writer it now apeak ir if hind perfectly new, and which can scarcely be ftm kiirerediii K'd arnhle condition. Ko ) -it inhrr crises, the com crop of hi at year waa followed with iKitajhia aeaaon, imH y Ihreahed, but will aventpe prolmbly 411 In 6u Ima hela. Iweet p"Htoea, henna, melons ami id fuel, all iplrduti vegetables, as well aa young petich and other friiji trees planted this year, ahow very plnialy Ihut thia lHn-neglected trnetof laud ahnht remnin ao lid l' aitdthere isnwa stiuitg pr-'habihty Mint tt will not t -r, tmdr-r the atiarirea of Mr. will l divided into fnitill lia, with roads hcatel toaeeommNliite all the amveyora nrv iiiw busy at this work and all purchasers will he rrqufred In build nent comfortable houses, and either fence, which would tie prefernble, by which menus a good ipipulatinnw II beaeeured, who will eslnMish t hnrrhes a-h'M'ls, stores, mills, rnechamr shopinml h -nies h"inesof Anrertettn t'tirmeta. Ftirnmnrted by Kudeiis. orchards, fiekla rnndeoinfoitaof civilized lifa, Kaui'iie, from any denmgtment nfhnainesa. is desiroua of ciuiViiiMig his pursuits, tf, or who ia fnnnany cniice deal rou to find anew lortdiommd cheap hire iu ihe comitiy, and who nny rend ami iK'Heve what we have truly atiiicd he wilt do well to go and er for bur self wttat may )te ieen wilhin two houra ride iutto Fhiladelphin. JOlA)N ROBINSON. Fehniary I.IHia ly KEW YORK LINKS K CAMDKN A AM HOY AND 1'IIIKADI.I.HnA AND TKI'NTON KA1I.R(A1 t'O.'J? UNI'!, I From VhilaiiJvUa to iVcw Vork and I IV v ! From Wuhnit "itreet Wharf and Kcnsingtou Depot. Philadelphia, will leave us .'ollowa, v.s if ark, At fi A M. via Ciimdt'ii and Amboy C A Accom modation, 25 Al 6 A M, via Camden and Jersey City iew Jer sey nvt onmi'Kliition, At 1' A M, via Cumden and Jersey city Morning Ma.l. At F M, via Kensington and Jersey city, Wcs l in Kxiurss. 3 no 3 on At l .'i I' M via Ctnndrn and Amtxiy, accommodntion 25 it a 3 00 3 0(. 3 'IS At 2 r M. Via t-umocii ami Aiiiooy v, anu a. .x- pre-s. At 0 F M, via Kensington, and Jersey city, Kve- nuiT KxpreiS, At 4 F M, via Kensington and Jeney city, 3d CA-.tnm Tn ket. At II F M. viuCrmden A Jersey city Kveninc Mail 3 iKl At II F !, via Camden and Jersey city South. Mail 2 25 At 0 F M . vii' Camden and A misty Accommoda- t mi. (rreight und Fassenger,) 1st class ticket, S 25 2d 1 50 I The ft P. M Mud l.iim runs daily. The 41 Southern ' Mml Jl'uiurdiivs exeeptcd. Kit Helvidere, KhbIoh, Fleminfftnn, Ac, at 7 10 A. M., from Wtibml street wharf and 2J F. M , from Kensimrtoii. ! I- or Matteh LtinnK, Aiieniowu anu ucinienem, ai u, a w. via Lcltigh V til ley Kmlrond For Water liap, Strondsbiire, rVranton, Wilkesbarre, Montrose. Great Ib-iid, Ac, nt 7 10 A M, via Delaware, I.a-kiiwanna nnd est em Unilroail. Kot Kreelmld. nt ft A. M. and 3 P. M. Koi Mount Holly, nt 6 A M., and 2, P.M. W A V t IVL'd r BritM. Trcntnn. c, ul 7 IU mid M A.M.. 5), r "ul 1 1 I' M iruin Kciiiingtiiii anu 1 M rum . l.ul 4 .1 Whurf. Ki rl'.ilniyni. Hiverton, Drlnnro, Hfverly, Rnrlinirtun, Kl'irriir, lionlcni'.w ii. c , at 17, I, 6 anil 5( 1'. M. u-:inilMHit Trt'iitiiil. ft'r Jliirtlfiitnwii. nnd iiilerinctliiite pt:i- . nt '2 I' M. from Wnlnut .trrrt Whiirl. I'? KiirNcw Y"rk, nd Wnv Lines lenvinn Kniinr t 'M Den-it. tnkt Hie cms an Killli street, slmvc Wnlnut, hnirunhnur lirlnre dipirtiire. The cms run iiitu tlieie p"l. hihI n nrnviil nl'cm-li Tniill, runfrnm lh depot. 1 iffy iniuii'li of Um'iiiiiie only, bII'wI tmrh rmMenprr, rnHdenigff. ure iiioliiiiiitd from tukintr aiiytlnnir us Ht :iec nut their wenriiiR nppiirct. All U.ifrn.e over fifty poiindii to be paid for extra. The Compnny limit their responsibility for Itagtrtige to jthie Dollar per pound, mid wilt not be tiitbte fni vuy amount beyond 100 DolUis, ez cent by perinleontmrt WM H. GATZ.MKR Aaeiit C. ft A. R. R Co Nov. (I, BIJ S. Z. GOtTWALS. PL0TJB. & PP.ODTJCE COM MISSION MERC II AWT No. P12 Spring Garden Street, Philadelphia 1) KSl'I'.C'f Fl'I.KT 'lictU roiisipiments of ell kinds of country prmtuce, extra fiimily Klour. Ac. Itciiiff lornteil in the very centre of bu.MK.s, and hnvinv a very extensive lletail Tritde under hi. own innneitiHie supervision, he h:is ample fueilities for olrtniuiiig thevury lnuliest nirirket prieeslureverythifiK he sells, lleceinber it, 1861- -ly AX 01' HER ARRIVAL OI Millinery Goods! at the Store of IlIlNNCS H. ti. U SIlISSLER, Simpson's BuUdinu, MHtket ftjyare, SfNUTRY, Pa riMII'. public are invited to call and examine .heir M illi nerv Uooris just opened surh us Indies1 lreaa GiK dn. Ik, und the latent New Veik and l'hlladelnhia stvles LADIES' DRKSS CAPS. n il?. Ijiilies' move, tlo.ieiy, llnndkeiehtefs, Notions, rioweis. und Millinery gti.Nl. of every variety. MaMTL'AMAKINU. Ureucs inude iu the best man ner mid iu nny style. We intend tu sell low, call and exnmiue our stock. 0. & L. irlllLLU. Sunhiiry. October 12, IfOl. JAMES BARBER'S WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CLOCK ESTABLISHMENT, S. E. Comer Second and Chestnut sts., Philadelphia. VCKSCV fortbePATKNT r.tH'Al.IZINf! THIRTY UA Y CLOCKS, a very desirable nrticle for Cuurch us, lloieis, Uiuiks, Counting Houses, 1'urlor., Au. Also, Miniufiivlurerof KINK UOI.l) I'K.NS. Clocks reiaired and wairnnted. CI-H-k Tiiiiiiniiii;. of every deription. fbiladelliiu, Juiiuury 10, lJOI.--:ly PI1ILADELIMII4 COLL.F.GU. H. E. corner of Stventh and Chemut Streets. T'lia is one of EIGHT COLLEGES, CONSTITUTING THE "NA TIONAI, CHAIN." toC.TKU IK Pbiladelphia, New York City, Albany, ButTiiln, Cleve. Innl, Cmcneo, ana St. Louis. rk-liolursliis cau be nur cluMd uleilbir point, good at all the Colleges. T11K COLLKGIATE CUI R8K euibrnces Double and Suifte K.ntry llook-Keepine;, Coin, inerciul tmipuutioiis, CoinmereiMl Iiw, I'eiiuuuuhlp, iiusiiieM CorreiM4idenee, rartiier.ttip Nrltieilienls, etc. PRACTICAL TKXT-HOOK9. TI.e Tend in Ihe Uook-Keeping Department is mot. ly Iroiu writleu munusuiipl lorm. with oral iiitnictious lecture., ami black-board elucidatioi ; in addition to wloch, in order to inuke tlie Colbfiiate Course u. Uiorotiirh and tif.elualu. pouible, the following Text-Books huve been prevircd : Uryuut A Kltatlnn's Rook-Keepinir, ill three editions Common Si-lu.l. High Pchool, UihI Countiiia Houm ; llry. ant A Stratbui's Coiuinereial Arilhinetie ; llrv-aul at kirallon'a Commercial Law, by Aino. Dean, L I. li. cM'ENCKRIAN 8YSTKM OP I'KN.MA.NStHIP, Ui a seneaof ninelHioks, by p. R. rJl'K.NCEH. P. U. BPKNCKK, Jl., Teacher of I'lMiiumliip. Inci. vidual insiruction. blu.icuU eulcr at any lime. Diplo ma, awarded. I"T" Km C:ilnloeiies ami Circulars, call at the College, ure.ldie HIIYA.Vr.HTRATTON KAIKHANKS February ), 1HH. ly I'biUdeJjibia. A V E O E a Rirh Fin Hareies. 19, 25 and 31 cents. lSarega Uubea. : 00, Si 00 and $5 00, Mozambique Roliea at $5 00, Traveling Drraa Coo.l., RbepharJ'a Duija, Mohair riaiiln, (iingharn'a, I.swna. I'rinu, t'hallies, tSrey Figured (!ooil. C(tt)PER A CONARD. 8 E enrnar Ninth anJ Market, I'liiladelphia. N H lie.t qualil; Hoof bkirU, lr4 canU tu H 25. May IS, I8U "THE UNION," Arch Slrtel, aliovt Third, Philadelphia, I PTO.N 8. NEWCOMER, Proprietor. rpHIS HOTEL ia oentral, nnvcnieiit by Panenger Cara 1 to all pails of U.e city, and in .vary partieulu adapted lo the comloru aud waul. a' in basineas public. t V Terrna, S)I.M per day. berHaniher l. Ibal ly I)LANK Parch man Paper lcdi and blank aJ Mortfagt, UuMdii. Kxeculiuna, Bummona, cVc, fur aaU I v H. li. M AlSbCJk. J' T A R! h The Great Cure for Consumption. If you have colJ, um VVihrt'i Pine Trr Tar Cordial ! If you have couch, use Wishart't Pine Tree Tar Cordial t If you have Asthma, use Wirhert'e Pine Tree Tar Cordial ! If vou have 8ore Throat, use Wirharl'a Pine Tree Tar Cordial I If vou have Bronchitis, use Wisharl'a Pino Tree Tar Cordial ! If you have Consumption, use Wiahart'a Pine Tree Tar Cordial Winhart's Pine Tree Tar Cordial is an unfa ing remedy for disease of Ihe Kidneva, Urinary ( omplaiiits, Blind and Bleeding IHIes, Nervous Debility, and for Female weaknesa and Irrcgu' laritiea. The well known effieacy of Pine Tree Tar in the cure of external afleclioiisor Ncre, pointrd il out as the Natural Remedy for nhnt Physicians call Tubercular IVrtli(iim(ili(it is lo nny, Sorrs.) uijon the Lungs, It remained to discover Ihc best menus of application, which discovery has been made, aa a thousand testimonials prove, by Ihc Proprietor of Wiihnrt'a Pine Tree Tar Cordial ! U you have DVf l'lCI'MA, ue Wisharl' (ireul Amerienn Dyspepsia Pill! A sure cure Wnrraiited for one dollar, or the Money lifumleil ! uuy vox nna take tnem arcorains to turcc (ions, anil if llicy do not cure you, the money will be returned. Aorsti Wm. Weimer. Northumberland. A. W. Fischer, Hunhury. Call at cilhrr jilacc, aud get a tlvscriiitive Cir cular. I.. Q. 0. Wivhart, proprietor, No. 10, North Sfcnml, I'liils(pliliia August 111, lwtil. ly Sarsaparilla FOR PUEIFYINa THE BLOOD. And Sir Ilia siwcdy ruin of I he following eompliilntat Scrnfiiln nml S rofiiloni AflVr loiia.aut h n Tuiiiiii s, I'll era, Snrca, I-'.i iiit lona, l'liitilra, rHNl iilca, ItloK licit, ilolla, Ululiia, autl ull Skin Uiaenaea. (Ilkl lMi, III,!.. Ofll June, 1.V1. J. C. Arra A Cn. Ilnii. : 1 f,n-l It inv dmv io .i.. anowleditc what niil' Mo -iiptit ilia liiiif dulie lur me. l lllir luliMlfeil n Llohiun Ihti-rlloli. I ll:tu Billleli il liolii it In vnrioiia . I,.i c.n-i. r:.-iiiol lin,-a II burnt nut Jn lb-era on my btuub, au.l nuitfi; .oniHtiimN it turnip liiWHT'l I ili.tiarl me nr tin Hoinarh. Two Ji-nr. iiirn it bit. It.i rut on ni bi-:i. and i .m-ri-d iny scalp and ear with cue Mic, v likli wai. painful and li.,tli..Miuo In'ynnd de.i'i iptloll. I III. d many In. .ti. inc. and .ereral 1ivb'iali'. l.ul without i li iTli. r bom any tblnir. In fart, the ili..i.,. aieiv or... At l. nlb I w.ik i.j..,',.. to read In tliu .,..- Mc., i,u r that bad pivpan d an ultelative fSai-wipaililaj. f- r I km u I1..111 1, . illa tion that any lloiiic you iii.hIm iiiiii . i:.hI. 1 h tit to Ciiieiiiutlun.lK.. it. and u-,.1 il till it rineil me. 1 iimk It, a yon ihIvIm, In Mirtll ! . n it I. MH....f.l t.v.-r a muth, ami iHcd nlm-M tine- lttlfn. Ni-w nnd htlthy .ikin mn-ii ljmi to form iiiclrr iln. m h. wUivU ntter u While fid I uir. .My hkin K iivv rlt-nr, timl I liitnw my feeling tlmt 1h iliti-ji-. ltns i.-nn' finui mv hKh-m. Ynti ran wi ll K-l.-ve Ihut 1 v. h it 1 ton twin mi n 1 letl you, tlmt I Imtd yon tt. W uc of Ihe iiiK.-ilf vi I ho age, aud rwuuiu u-r yruUfully, Y"iui, AU lil.U It. TAU.r.V. St. Anthony Flrr. Tloae or KrvuliM ln, 'I'HItr nnl Salt Khi iiiti, Siulil lleiMl, King worm, bore Ky ? Oroji-y. Pr. ll.dH-it M. I'tvld w i iri'! from hn.-m. N. V.. VJth ?'t., lfttf. Ih;it he lino rniM nn lnv fi',it c:i- nf JJiojisy, nhih lhientti'd to lerminiite fat, l-v (lie IMTsererinf unv ilnur .'uiMtitirilln, nod m-u n huitfi-num Malignant Kryti1t hv lurtt iludfK i.f the nunie; nays he cures thu coiuiuon Krttfitimm Ly it coiiKtnntty. Hronclioct le, oUre or Kwellctl IVeek. Zt-tml on Slosii of I'tMOfi-ei, Texiw, write" i " Threw ln-t-tie of your iir.u:irlllii s'un-j mc ritm n W i'rt a hil wiis awidliiif on the Ufik, winch I had nullYri-J fiom oer two yeari. frurorrlirm or Vlillea, Ovnrlnn Tumor, Uterine I lrt-t nt ion, Ki iimlf Dl.cnm i. Dr. J I). fl. riiiuirilin;. .f Nw Vutk City, wiittK ; I nnwt rliMrfiilly cum ply w hit tic; ri--Hi"l uf y-nir mii-nt In M.viiitcl hav f iu n I your 5iir";itiilU n niiri . x.--lU-iit attfrntlve in Ihu ntirii'-r im uiiti;iiii ft.r whi-h we employ mi-h a ri'm-nlv, Imt etrny in : it- Pifrtt?r of thu i-iufiiluii tli'tlln -In. hnve run-it rn u.v inn l. r ntu runt'; uf l.tMirorrlHi? hy It, nnl ximc w Itr-ic the t'niic lnint wut rflti-i'tl l.y uUfi:tfn of tli -rn.. Tin- nl'-t-r-atiun ifMflf wan crum, NuiLhttr wilhin my know I-e-liro equal It fr thinr f. tnnh l. rnn.rt-ni' nt." Ktluftrd 8. Mnrruw. of Nt-uhnry. Ala., wrihn, "A Cruui ovarian tumor on out' ul tin- fi nuiluB hi tuy family, H'hlcli lial dc-fitnl nil Mm n-mftlif wv couM mlnv, hm at lriixth htn ettnifati'tt'ly runtt hy your Kttrnct rf but npnrllla. Our -liv-lrtnn tln iiclii uuihlntr hnt fxtii.:i tl -D coiiltl Bftui.l r-l.t-r. I. nt he ii Wn-tM Ihe tiiul tl oir tuMuuirtlla an tin Innt wit l-f n- riitiim.'. niul it proved etTcctiiul. At'itr luUiiuiyrtur mmily tiht wveka no ay tup torn of the aliKea irmnlua." ByiihllU antl Merrurlnl IUrna Nrw Oi!M'.a, 'Ji'th Auituft. I'M. Pit. J. C. Ana i Pir, 1 rhifrrully ciuiJj with ih te juet of your apKtit. mi'l rt't-rt to -u wnuw ul Ihu ilh-ii I hive reulixott wild ymir H ir-uitllla. I haw cnrM with it. tn my piicrir), nif-t nf thu rum. pl'iinta fr which it in im-unmi uhtl, nnd Imvi- CiukI it etiaetR truly womh-ifnl in the run uf Ymtrr l itmt Mrr cttri'tt pii'ttit, Oneuf my p.tti-nt Inul Syphilitlr nli-rra In hii throat, wliirh were t'uiiMimiiiL: hit pnl.ttt and thu top of hi moiiih. Your Siiei'ipiiiilld, htm. lily tnki'n, cured htm In tWe wetk. Ain'tln r tiim ntii( ktd hy c.-c-irtt-liuy aymptuma in Mm ine. nud thv uhi-Miti.ui ih vatvu away a cuiiM-h-iuHo putt i t it. t tut 1 Im-i. h tho (inli-r wi'iild wu rt-iu-h I. tit truin mid kill dim. lint it ii-ld-d to my alminitiaii. u ui jmir h'nr.i uiiiU: ih-i UhiT hi-ntifil. and he In wi ll nmu, ut t f.'uic uilhout Nie dMIimn.tiuli to ltjv f,tr.-. A Woiniui who h;id Im l trfati-d fur thu name di-uidt-i- lv memirv win, k.iil;-i in 4 (rum thin ih.U.iii In Iu 1 liu-. 'i hey i;i. t .t u m u nil nt- t' the wvulh-r ( bit 011 a thmip th.) tdn- mi!Ui-iI ri ueintiiit; pain iu her iittf una l-mV Mu-, . o. wu rurd eiiliivly hy your Musap;m!U hi uk'W wk. I know from its imiuiuIm, wlii li -v. u.-ut vtu.' ot-. ihut tli in 1'iejmiiilittit f 1 mil ti.111 umM l- n .i.tit rtuifdy ; t-ui)uvjiifiitly, Ui.y (inly nutMik-iUu nulta with It have mt mn piUi d uie. aViuUrually om, . V. LAItl.MKK, 51. P. UheiimotUm, lioiit, I.lvrr Coiiiilnlnt J xnrrrjcni ni k, I t ,.M V.. t th Jnlv. luM. Pa. J. C. Arra: Mr, I hnw Ut 11 with n p. in. ful rhrunie Hhrymfhsm fur a Imp bull). l thu tikill of pliy-irimiK, and Min. k Vt uiv in ( ito of ull tho rum fili I timid tinl. until 1 1 1 it t ynr iu.-iip.ti ilia. Onrt httttle cured me Iu two wt- k. mid ii'ttied my (''iierM lu-alth i uinrh llixt I nut lr lti.-r limn Ti rf I wag attaikd. 1 think it wniuhiaiil inctii Ine. J. fr UK AM, JuIm Y, Oct. hi ll.ur SI. wiit-t 1 have lhfn aftlit-ttd for yfunwith mi ojUrti-H uf th? V.orr. whi h dt-Klruyed my health. I liit .l wry'. mi-t vt ry thin; fiiilml tt rrlievf tne ; and I have hWu n hiuki'ii tluw 11 rmin f-r uuio y fin 11 from i( olhi-r finmt limn .!(. mtht uf V't J.ivtr. My U-livid ptu.l..r. ll.r Itcv. Mr. ml i-eil me to try your frwapm ilU, iMiiiiiat hr till I .r.ew you, and nn) tin in: ..n! ,u wttrih Iryin. ty ih M.--iiiK f U'mI it him t uu tl uir, autl hit mi pni itit-d my Lluiil iu lo make m n-w- limit uf inf. 1 , H yuuux auuiu. 'iha U-l that bin l-o itnid ol you iu mt h.ill' yo-nl fnonKh." Hrlilrrna.C'Aneer Tuniam, Kiilm veint-iit, l'levrtln, lui ica nud Uxioilutiuu of the JUuuea. A nr-:it Tmjt-ty uf mHi havf U-n rficirtrj t u w 1ito run uf th . n.i.luM.. M.iilam.i. hnw nmUs-d fi"io tlir. lift- of thi r. m.-.iy, 1 ul uni . iu ie will 11 t ih. m. rom of tlom m.ty I found iu unr Auu rnnu Aliimiinr, which lli nni L-. w buad are plfad lo fnrni-li tiiuti- to nli iiIpi imII f r Ihnn. Uyspeila. II.mi Dhrmf, Flt, Kpllrp iy, Jeliiuiliuly, NriiiiilftlH Mnny . iui.i1..lI I.- ( ni ul lhi-ti nlhiliuiu halt) Iwetl lu.ttl.- l.y (In- mIi itttiif p. w r i l thin ni' Uu inn. It Mimu-l-iti thu lt;,l riiiu-tii)h into iiruivuK utlit-n, and thun ovfimmua tli-..t i whi. h would he fcuppiki d Isvyond itt rt-iu h. Sic h n ivim.'y hu luiiif Urn r niiirrd hv the iu o--,in, .f tl.e p.- 1 1-, uu.l mm me t-onlidi iil that thia mill ki ft thtui nil that lurdh ine lull do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, rnn tim: 11 a 11 0 rt he np Couffha, o1la, liifluriiin, lloararnrn, iruii. llrout Itiliw, Iiii liirut ( on aAJiiitlou, anil for tlte Krllvf of oiiMitiiijittve l)ntleuts lu wilt aitcril (Kla(r of the Uint a a v, ThU la a rewiwly m nnivn mtily knr.w n tn aurpaei any othr for Ihe runt of thnmt and liiiit cumplaiiii. ihut tt it ii4u hM br to puhluh th ei.Litrwitf lu tirtui e. Ita anhralli d oacvllviire frr roiirha wnd rolda, aud in truly oudurful cun-a f i.tihnoi.Mry diatjw, have auadw it kuowu ihmuihout thu civihhd 11 at tuna uf the ettrtb. few are the eommiiuitiec nr oven fmuilioa, anion if tlu-m who have not aouie pvi mmnl eaueriniirw of fUe0Mta- uuie living trophy in tht-ir iuidit of Ita victory over tba euMle aud (Unuruiu dUirdtra of the throat and luntr Af all know th drvlfiil (ulality of the diftordwre, and aa they know, ha, thw wirerta of thia remedy, we Deed not do uora than to aaaura theai that it baa bow all the vir tuwa that it did have when niaktuf I lie coma which have eu ao troiiKly upoa the cuithoVuca of maukiud. Prepared by Dr. J. C. ATU & CO., Lowell, Mai. Sold by Friiing k Grant,aid A. W. Kiarhrr, unhujy J F.Caakiwand C. Jliowii, Miliua ; lr mk, Me Kwenaville ; Keifauydt Cbiitinan, Turhutville ; K. li MeCuy. N,Mthiirulrrbind aud by Uealcit averywbeie, April . ' BOOTS k 8H0E8, ran b purchased at Uie Mammoth hlora of Knlinj cV (Jrant, ttry cheap, as wa r detormiued nut to be undersold by any bod jr. Call and learn the liat of prices for youraelvea. FRIMKli c OKANT. buubur, January I J, 1661 IMPORTANT TO LOVEDR OF CC3 CE) QD Q C23 13KIGHT & 80N, Invito attention to their Stock of l'rimo Green and Black Tea. June 1ft, ISfil. UP SUMMER GOODS! AT PRICES TO SUIT TIIE TIMES E. V. BRIGHT & SON, HAVE RECKIVKD A Li.PkGE STOCK OF ALL KINDS OF GOODS HANDSOME D U K A B JL.E , A AT 1) GREAT BARGAINS AND Splendid Inducements TO AT THE 0xp: mice store, OF E. Y. BRIGHT k SON. Bunliury, June 15, 186i. Aonii:it ABtitiv.ii, or SEASONABLE GOODS, AT TIIE M A M MOTH STORE ! OF FIULING & GRANT. Suobury, beptember 7, JSCl. COMMERCIAL NURSERIES, II. E. HOOKER Ss CO., KOCIIKSTKK, K. V JOHN W. BL'CHER, Local Agt-nl, Sunbury. l'a. flhn auliarriher, havini; been appointed local X Agent tor the sale of fruit trees, plant, viuea, Ac, of one of the moat reliable Nuraeriea, calls the attention of all who want choice fruit to thia method, as more ceitam than by obtaining them through traveling agents. Among those described in the Calalugue are. Dwarf I'ear Trees, of the age fur transplanting, remarkably fine. warf A pple Trees, on Paradise Storks, ma king beautiful little treea for the garden, and pro. ducing remarkably fine specimens of fruit iu a very abort time. Llwarf Cherry Treea, budded on Mahaleb Stocks, handsome tree. Hlaudard Apple, Pear and Cherry Treea, very fine, with a large list of varieties. Peach, Plum, Nectarine and Apricot Treea. Gooseberry, Blackberry and Strawberry Plant all of the fitieat kind. Currants, many new and improved varieties, auch aa Cherry, While Grape, W hite Ooudoum, Red Grape, Victoria, &c eiliawberry Plant, iu great variety, including the Hooker, Wilson' Albany, Triumpbie de Gand, (the most approved old varieties,) as well aa all th novelties. Grape Vine, including those fine, new, yet well letted kind, which no planter should ba without, auch a Delaware, Concord, and Hart ford Prolific. Tbee we hav propagated ao ax tenrively aa lo able lo offer them at reduced aud ealiafactory price. Plant, Roees, Evergreen and every variety of ornamental tree and bhrubbary.aeeurely packed' JOHN W. BL'CHER, Agent, Sunbury Pa Buubury, Ktbuary, V, ISbl. OENT BY EXPRESS EVEnYWIIERE. 1 Retailed at Wholesale Prices, Made to Measure at $18 per doz. OR SIX FOR MIME DOLLARS, VUhout Collars on, with Collar, en 1 per do, extra. MADE OF NEW-YORK MILLS MCMJM, With One Linen Bosoms, ami warranteil M rxt a FUrt as sold In tb ret nil stores at l,M each. ALSO. TUB VEItY BEST pniltTS THAT CAN. BK ' MADE AT 1 EACH. P.'s . Those who think I cannot make a good Shirt for 113 per dmen are mistaken, ller.'s th cost ef ene doien 113 line shirts. 80vrdsofIcew-TorkMinmn.1lnatl'e,peryrl. It 9S 7 of fine Linen, at Iroe. per xra, Making and cuttlne I.nundry, 1 buttons and cotton, We l'rout Total - 1 H9W Self Measurement for Shirts. Printed directions sent free everywhere, and so east" to understand, Uifit any one can take their own measure fnrslitrtfl. 1 warrant a gooa nw i ne cam io o iim w tlie Express Compnny on receipt of goods. The Express ehrre on on doien Shirt from New Tort to New Orleatisis tl. P. B. -PARTIES WISHING PITirtTS IN ITASTE.nnt hnving time to send for Rules of Menstirenient, thoalil wnd per mail, prepaid, one of the best litting shirts Hiey bavo got, slfllluK any aiiernuons inu. uiuj wv ,n,uu. ? S. W. 11. WARD, from London, 387 Broadway, up stairs, Between White k Walker Ftrccl "KW-TOKK' Mnrch 18, IHBl.- If CENTRAL HOTEL, SUNBURY, Northumberland County, Pa. THIS large and commodinu Hotel, now mnnaged by JAMES VAN DYKE. It ! situate at the Riiilroad Depot North East corner of Market Square, Stinbary, and at the terminus of the Sunbury if Erie and North ern Central Kailrnnds, and is open fortho accom modation of Travelers and the public in grnernl Tho pririi'tor will give his exclusive atten tion, tolbe aomfiirt and convenience of his guests and is determined to mnkc this establishment rank among the fimt in the State. Hi table will be supplied with the best Ihc ma'ket can produce having the advantage of dully communination by curs direct from Haiti more, and also from those bringing produce from me surrounding country. Ilia bar will be supplied with the purest liquors tlie market enn produce La-elul and obliging servants always in at tendnnrc. Ntw and commodious stabling has ju.t been added to the premises. A share of the local and traveling community moat respectfully solicited. P'jiiburv. January IS, ISfil. WINTER FOR MEN GOODS, S WEAR. lilark and Blue HairCluth, Beaver Overcoating, Bliiuk Doeskins, New style Caimere, All Wool Tweeds, Heavy Kentucky Jeans, Real Good Cansinetts, Silx Mixed Coatinga, Super Velvet Cords, Black Grenadine Vesting, Black Satin Vesting. Fancy Silk Velvet Vestings, Plain Silk Velvet Vesting, Nice Caimere Vestings, In fact all kind nf goods fur Men's and Boys' wear, can he found at the People' One Price Slore of E. Y. fright & Son, who have just eceived by Railroad a splendid stock of all kinds uf goods, suitnblc for cold weather. Please cull and be convinced. . E. Y. BRIGHT & SON. Sunbury, October 27. ISfio. REVERE HOUSE, (LATH UAU1.K IKITKI.,) Third Street, almre Rave, i'liiladelphia, KHOAIr A SAII.OU, Proprietors. IMPROVKMF.NT! have licen inade, and the Hoiiee hue lieen refilfed throughout TiLuiiMt.N V. Khoaik, formeily of Die Notional II. itel C iuhi.ks Sailoii, formerly ol Selni) Ikill co., Pa. I'hdailelphui, Jim. I'.l. (Mil ly J . A . C R AX DALL'S PATENT SPRING HORSES 470 BROADWAY, NEW VORK. Should be in every family. School, (iymnnsi urn. Asylum, and Hospital in Ihe land. Are not DANUl'ROrs, like the common Rocking Home. Stands firm on its Pedestal, will not wear CARPETS, and ha no Koikers to injure the Feet. ''lleitltliuid tmppiiieis in the same raddle." . P. Willis FROM THE "HOME JOntNL." "Of all Ihe child-furniture we have ever seen no article combine ao much of those two iinpor lant thing health and happiness aa the Ad. justable Patent Steel Spring Saddle Horse, in vented by Jesse A. Crandull, It is not danger ous, like a common rocking-horse, to children' feet, cannot be upset, doe not wear carpet, hut stand, firm on it base, and it action is ao like the gallop of a live horse that the child never weariei of it. Thi .atest of child-novelties i ex ceedingly elegant and artistic in design : and so adjustable, substantial, and durable, that it will lat a lifetime. It U indispensable in every family where there are children. It should be in every primary school and gymnasium in the country, a it can be made large and strong enough to sustain grown person. A a pedestal tor photographic picture, nothing I more beauli ful. "Every Oiphan Asylum and Institution where children are congregated, should lie furnished wiih a number of these beautiful article. They are fjtted with aide-eaddle when required." DIRECTIONS FOR AnJUSTIXGOpen the after part of the base euliiciemly to allow the axle to go in it place then raise or lower the Horse lo suit you. Screw ihe bolt in Uie aide very light. nr j nes iiorae ar vYAKKArzcLi one year. March 16, 1P61 if SAVE Y0UB FRUIT BY USING MASON'S Patent Sheet Metal Screw Top PRESERVE JAR. MA80.V8 PATEN SHEET METAL SCREW TOP! A that I necescary being to erewjthe Cap down upon the Rubber Gasket, which is placed outside upon the shoulder of the Jar, 3 of an inch dis tent from Ihe lop; prevent the poaaibilitv of th flavor of the fruit being injured by coming in eutact with the Rubber. Peraonadesiring theae Jar, can ba aupplied by viBg their order with Ii. B. MA8SKR, Sunbury, June t, I860. Agent STOVES. 70R SALE an excellent aecond-hand Cook- lag Stove, alao aevra Cylinder Coal Btovoa. Enquire at thi orfica. ANOTHER ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS, j. ii. ogku or sunburr, p., HAH (nat arrived with splendid STOCK or SPKINO AND SUMMER GOODS, from Philadelphia, to which he respectfully invite hi friend and the Public to call and inspect, he will apare no tim in showing them. Among hi stock of good will befound, FINE BLUE AND BLACK FB.E1TCE CLOTH, Fine Black and Fancy Casimere Tweed, Sat inctta, Jean, Black Italian Cloth, tashmerette, Cottonade, Linens, Linen Drill, Linen Check, and Farcy Vesting, also a large assortment of Ready-made CLOTHING for men and boy (cheap. I 072 LADIES WEAR, B lack and Fancy Dreaa 8 ilk very cheap, Silk Tissue, Bcregra, .Chali and Chali Robes, Uerege Delaine, Berege Holies, Figured Brilliant and a variety of oiher Drea Good, Spring and Sum mer Shawls, Mantilla, Parasol, a good anaort- merit of white goods, Collar, Sleeves, Iriah Linen, Shirt fronts, Marseilles, Brilliant Ac. A general assortment of domestic Dry Go 'ds. Also a large itoek of Hat and Cans, Boots and shoe, Hardware, (jueena and Glassware, Groceries, Cedarware, Stone and Earthenware, Drug and Paints, Salt, Fish, Cheese, Ham, Oil, Tar Ac. &c. N. B. Wall and Window Paper, Floor and Table Oil Cloth, Carpets, all the above will lie aold at low prices for cash or country produce ta en in exchange for Good. J. It. ENGEL. fuiibtiry, May. 19, I860. tf. HEGE1YIAN & COS COSIHAL KLIXIR OF CALISAYA BARK Pn'imif.l only by IIKCKMAN CO , WholrKil and Hetail Clicmiil md Dnippii-tB, 161, 39V, 511 and 750 UniHi.way, New Vmk. THK virUiwof PKHCVIAN HARK na ft Tunic have In-en hmg k:iown to need comment. The C AIJ8A V A (' nr Knie't Hurk ,) ia th- mml vain nble uf the tiumertus vnnrtira of the Periivijii Hurk, nnd in the t.IJXtK ii eimiliiiit-ri with otlirr higrnliuMlK tlmt iiu?reni it elfitncy hihI nt the Rime time overcomr the inimaity of iu bitter, remlering it a moil Agreeable Cur it ml. For peranna liviup in FKVKR nml AGI'E rtiatrirta, it will e fminii inviiluiibte nan preventive, Hnli tif wme Ktiiw full tnktn inpht and tntiriiiiifr, reniifriiig the ayatem mncn Itu0jert to tlie unhealthy uiilueiice ul the ulinua pIllTC. l)IRi:CTlO! Dnne fnran adult, hnlf n wiiicslaaa full befure brtnkfiiat riuI itinner j chiklren finm out- to two tciisiHiuiia full; il maybe Uikeo with or wiUiout liltle WMlT Knr mle nt thia office , Mnri'h 17, ImMi SUNBURY 'STEA"MFL0UUING HI JEC H TSLd UL THE subscribers having taken poasessinn of thi firet da . FLOURING MILL, are pre pared lo receive grain of all kinds, and to do cus tom work nt the Shortest Notice. Customers will have their grists ground immediately upon their being left at Ihe Mill. As it is the ititenj tion of the firm to stock the Mill a large Sup ply ol Grain, will be constantly kept on hand, and flour by the quantity can always be obtained, The greatest care will lie tiiken to turn out a su perior quality of flour, for which the mill is ad mirnbly adapted. Strict attention will lie paid lo Iho wants of customers, and the patronage of Ihe public generally is respectfully requested. MORGAN l CO., Sunbury, June 23, 1 80. IjUItIBDR! litfWBBR PHILIP 811 AY, MUNCY, PA. INFORMS hi friend and the public in gene ral, that he constantly keep on band. Boards, Shingle, Lath, Joist and all kinds of Lumber and building materials, which he will sell at Ihe lowest prices. March 30, 1801. WALL PAPER f FIULING 4 GRANT, at the MAMMOTH STORE, huvothUday (January 17th, 18C1 received a CUOICE ASSORTMENT OF TDK NEWEST . STYLES AND PATTERNS or -WAT.T. F A. T E H , which are celling at price that defy comtietition. Sunbury, January 10, 1861- War! War! War! COME FROM THE XORTII, COME FROM THE SOVT1I, COME FROM THE EAST, COME FROM 'HIE W EST, Save the country and build yourselves homes, or now i the lime to get your Lumber cheap. Yes, LUMBER ! LUMBER ! ! LUMBER ! ! ! can be purchased al low rale at the STEAM S.W-MILL of IRA T. CLEIVXENT, BUNBUItY, IA... Such as Panel Lumlier, Frame Lumber, Boards, Siding. Shinglf from $3 to 8H iier thousand. Plastering Lath, Puling, Roofing Lath, Ac, Ac. All bill ordered, for any kind of Lumber, will be furnished at Ihe shortest notice. IRA T. CLEMEIVT. Sunbury, March 9, IHCI. COTTAGE BIBLES. IOU SALK, cheap, tbrea copieg of the Cottage Dible, io two volumes, with com mentaries. II. IJ. M ASsSKR. SOLO.MOX MALIC K. Attorney a law, SUNBURY. Northumberland Co., Pa (Formerly Freeburg, nyder county.) OFFICE, Market Street, a few door east of the Northern Central Railroad Dwt and two door west of the Post Office. All Professional Business, Collection, Ac. will receive prompt attention. March 30, 1861. A I reah Supplj- or Dry Good. QONSLSTING io part or Print, Delaines bleached and unbleached M ruling. Checks Stripe Denims, k Drills. Ac, just received by It. li. at tbe Mammoth store of FRIL1NG & GRANT LOOK HERE, IF YOU WANT TO BUY CHEAP FOR CASH. GO TO WM. H. MILLER, he ha received from Philadelphia a large tock of BOOTS & SHOES. Hi stork consist of Gen ,t Kipp Hoot, Youth.' Kipp Boot. Children's Calf Boot. A Inn aa WxarlAftw ttf Women s Calf Lac Bool, Women' Morocco Laca Boot, Children's Morocco and Calf Lace Boole, all of which he will sell cheap for CASH. Call and examine foryourielve. ALSO, first quality of Taropero Moroeo for aiv ,ur cam, a , , WM. H.MILLER. Sunbury, January 7, 1 860. GENESEE SALT. WHOLESALE KBTAIL IDLING & GRANT (at th. Mammoth - Stor,) hav just received Alio tl.. iirounu, ooiar anu rina Salt, 700 Sack of violin., ooiar oau ever sack . contain 5 pound of Salt and 00 bag. of Salt containing on Bushel each. Hi. ut u ,h. bet and atrongast now m.nnf.i,.r.i market. Call and sea for mumi. Sunbury Sept., a, I860. ' lyNDOW HHADEsZa very UZa ' cheap aaaortmanL iu.t aMu.j i.. u.:i road ftoniN.w York, at ihe Mammoth .tor. of riumiauriBr. w nave alao for sale B.U Pntnam 4c Co's ttlebialfd li..i l-..i..i..J Curtain Tulur. NEW GOODS Atthe Mammoth Store of IRA T. CLEMENT, NO. 1 MARKKT 8TRI-.KT, PUNBl'RY, PA. TH E ubcriber ha just opened at hi well . known establishment In unbury, one of th. he peat and most desirable stocks of Fall and Winter Goods. that has aver been offered in the place, and which ne will sell for CASH or eiehange for CounUy Produce. Those desiring to purchase good will do well to call and examine his stock. BLACK AND FANCY SILK. ATI Wool Delaine, Figured, Striped and Plnio, French Merino, all colors, Beautiful Drea. Robe, Cashmere, Shaded, J'lain and must be seen to form tn idea of the extent and variety. Mantle, Stella, Chenille, French Woo SliawU Thibet and Urnche Shawls. Cloths Cassimerei and Satinnt For Men and Boys' W ear, Black tVasaimer, Fancy Cassimcrce, aide stripes heavy, Du Skin Canaimeres, Satinets all kinds. FLANNELS, White and Red KI annela, all grades and prirra. Bay Slate Sack Flannel, color finest qnaltiw. READY-MADE CLOTHING Boot and Shoe, Hat and Cap. Ar.. A.. all nf which were selected with great care, and will compare favorably, aa regards uunlitv, style and price, with any in the countiy. MAUllWAKK. a full assortmont. Wood and Willow Ware, yiueimwtire, of all descriptions. Groceries, a full stock in storo, Carpel Chain, Ac, Paint, Oik ilas, Dy StufTs. Thankful for the patronage heretofore received he will apare no pain, lo please all who may favor him with their custom in Ihe future. Sunbury, Oct. 2, 1859. HIGHLY IMPORTANT NEWS M. C. GEARIIART, Ha returned with a new Stock of Confectionaries, Fruit and Toys. IT seem, a.if aew age, a new lire wa. open log upon us. animation ,..... ... , , . . , r. - - io iiooit'r deed, and higher aimsl Art, Literature and Sci ence will gow anew and seek to devclope sub Inner beauties and grander conception. he business world too mut leel the new In fluenceand everV;uarl beuiiickennl and Mrength cried by an increased vitality, which s hall urge usonwtth electric speed to the consummation of greater thing, thn UM cver drettlll,j (J ; ,h Philosophy of ihe print. Animated by the cnthu-insm which prevails all classes and .kisirou. of doing hi share to wird" ihe great events of U,e Age," the suU scrilH-r would respectfully int.rn, the food pen. pi. ofSl.MsURY and the public gcl.erallv, lhf,t he has just returned from the city of Hi'iladel. Jihia with the largest, and choicest slock of C feationartes, Fruit and Toys that ha ever boei, brought to this section of country. He lit ivlim inani.lacluring all kinds of Cnnfrctionaries. Ac . to fill up order. whole.a's or retail, at short no- fotH.'."""8 b'', ",0Ck T Co"fcc,io,,ari". may no French Spr-mte, Uuraeil Almoiula, Creioii White, lnn-m K.w, " Vamlta, Comm. .ii Sceieta, Liqaoiii-e, Itanswia, LlrtU-a, Ouin Drop., nllkimtaof mil. I've Droiis, Mint Iir..p, red and wlirte. Jiv Oak i a, Prim Droj,,, Jtick 'a,i,V, of ail ecetit. Almond Candy, FRUIT. J'ruiiea, llmo Cnrrnnl. dliml, J.IIIHIIWS, Kaisous, Nmis of all kwih LK.MON STKVP or a superior quality, by the aiuglu or doen. A uK-rto, quality of Seg.ra and Tobacco, aud . variety of Confectionaries, froit. 'J lv. Ac, all of whichi. oirered cheap at whole.ale'or retail. Ur Rfmember the name and place. Mb..., M- GEA HH A UT Market at., 3 doors west of E. Y. Bright A Son's store. B Sunburv, April 14. IH('I) ly FIVE-MINUTE FREEZER, A Improved fur IHhy u(j ByE. KETCH M& CO.. ana pearl-ie.t. New-York. IHE only Freezer constructed on scientific principle, with a revolving can and spring blade scraper. I he one hastens the freeing of the cream Ihe other removes it a fan! as frozen. The most rapid in freezing, with the lea.t quantity of ice. The most economical iu cost, as it i. the moat simple and durable in structure. For sale in all the principal cities and town in the Union. Each Firezcr accompanied with a book of r. ripe, and full directions. PRICES. 3 uusrls, 1 IK1 4 quarts, 4 (MJ 6 quarts, 5 H quart, ft w 14 quorl. N lm 20 quarts, n ,M) Apply to H. B. M A HUE R, Sunbury. Jiirie , INfill. ROCKEFELLER & BOYER, Attornies at Law, SUNBURY, FA. Jordan KockefV-llcr and Solomon If. llojer, respectfully announce ta. they entered into Copartnership in the practice of their profession, and will continue to attend to all bu.i nes entrusted to their charge in the counties of Northumberland, Union. Snyder and Montour promptly, faithfully ,d carefully. Special at' tention will be given lo the COLLECTIONS ? 7.'AlM8, L'ulitioii can be had in the GLKMAN language. Office, Market Street, opposite Weaver's HoleL Sunbury, February 4, istiu. P. MELANCHTON SHINDEL. ' JV8TKIK OF TIIK PKACE 8UNBVRY, PA. Ojfict in Deer Street, immediaUly opposite tht Public Schtwl lluute. All business promptly attended lo. Moniei ollecled and all ordinary writing done. Sunbury. A uril 45. 1857 if HENRY BONN EL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Utficc opposite tlte Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland Conntxf Pe Prompt aiiention to business in adioinj'n -untitles. 1 ' WHOLESALE DEALER IN BRANDIES. WINES, 0.ZN5.&C rpilE aubKrilwr having opened in Thompson' Brick Building, Mill street, Danville, a large and complete stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, comprising th. beat bran Js of Brandies, Gin, Old Ry.. Scotch and Irish Whiskey, Purl, Sherry, Madcria, Champagne and other Winea of all grades, all of which will be sold Wholesale at Ih. lowest city prices. Tavern-kealicrs by buy ing of us csn sav. at least the freight. Person deairou of purchasing liquors lot FAMILY USE, may rely upon being furnished wilb pure and unadulterated arlicla. r?" Being determined to establish a reputation for selling cbesp h respectfully solicits th. pa. ironag. of Ih. public. AU orders promptly at tended to. 'ft . . JEREMIAHS. HALL. Danville, Jure 16, 1HCU. INGRAINED CARPETS, TVT AM FAL'Tl RKD and fer Kile hv M. Pein c- i.vx libnuHlt and MeUoweS ' Huikhiur, Norlk tail Ooiner, SwirI ewl Rao. suemsl kikoll.liui. HOODS GUAUAXTHED. Ikloutrvr, usu