mm. rTriiEir or ALnjtsur.i irnniiM, 7i Tfj'Ij to th thargii contained in the report vf tit " Van IPyct Instigating Committee." Hon. Wm. 1. Kkllt, Mtmler of Cvngrtss, Fourth jllitrin, Pa. I A severe and protracted illueta, from which 1 Late as yet only partially motored, Lbs prevented uie, oo til now, from responding lo, .r iu er.J way noticing, tie extraordinary fsul. npon my ch-ir.icli r, coMaihed in the report r! what is known as tha "Van Wyck Cra tniitep," Hindu 10 the House of Re prcacn Uiives rn Iho lth of December last. 1 hi, !-.' c tha entliest momenta of returning lifili'. !o ceil and reditu the unfounded Bib-gat'ons contained iu that Report. I eddress j on because 1 am your cnhxtiloent i-.. "nd well known to you utnl ueed no fir ill.-:-cc nmendntioo. I tak yoo, therefore, ,- ..a me lire I lilting occasion, when thin tub j r.ii Lo V':f.i'H the, lluus", lo inlroducu 1 1,, 3 later, thai it way have Hie same publi c ; '. -.vj'i, 'he slaudeis ibut have been olleied i;;e. 1 ' "' 1 1 !' vir-.u ;be midJ'.e of December, iiol long j tW Notirt to Aivi:ktihir. A number af;. n : .jreuhod cooveoej, l-ariiji!, prenly , of new advertisements inteuded for this week's lo iL? iini pr in-, tjroneh w Ini-iid, thai the , ,.n .....r ., . H.-rc-'l -r thf .' about lo be made, ! T'' '"jmU I'P" Untl1 n"1 mtk bfc0 corlamtU eUlttot-Dtl irju.-ioiMly effecting uj j our avrtiemnl, r.ew and old. will ri'i-atJtr, 1 Came to ehinrU' (rin appear in new dress of beautiful uiiliioo si-ir bed, npinit the earnett protect cf my'tj pe. pliysiman, twin the view ol seeing the nitrnbera j . p: t'jc CuDMiiittoe, to nsccrlain if pocaible, I OT Our aetl itsuo will appear in en eolire -hRt was tl. quwtlco, if any, in their minde I ... dresa of ttno. Th. .rlimri.r .i in relit ion tu my Irsneectiuns. I waited in ! Versoo upoo a C",B.irity of th members of the iV. -.initt.. 6".ho..Kb parccly able to . the iiotcl ; nni!, wLv.lo J o'Uititd no lufor'iia- : tion, yd 1 iuferrej, from cert tin ciiciiins-tiin-C", tliat tiiy wer! aboet to Hiiee some dis rep'ni:!-s in r bit ion 10 my ucconuts. i kje. 'I It-.e uccounig were all before theui, ttiiit. i!ic.r coald be co tompleint ullepi-d S"r.!ttEt me, ijJ earOiSllv recnesied the di-lnv tit tl) l;iort for a singlu cay, sta'ting to them ' While at Harrishurj a few dnys last week, that t oi,lrt despaleh, unil !i!efpiei)t!y Hint the Lf gielalnr discussed resolution to ad ! r V;;6!1, ".'ir'"' '? ' journ B the IUS of April. Ao etr. srssion l..-r Mr. Liatch'iirf), Iri had III h:i p.lffvesioo i . j . . , , ,, r.-.cti and vo-jchors which wouU .i!:cve ,0 j w,j U,ked of 10 d,ef UM tue "'" u u,!l. D"' from th ) Fliyl.'.oet suspiuioo iu r-l iiion Id tho j pt-sding io Cougres, und cthir oieasures el Jra ".i.aciions wlrch fcv receive.) the animad- j well s a new apportiooment bill for members ve.-Sv.Q of iho Committee, end whau 1 cuder- j 0f C.,nre... We are pieced lo say that we !ooo thev were abont to ciitirin . . . ., , . ' Though refusing, by a vote of the majority I r"Dd Mr nonJ ,Dd Mr- onr Seoalor of t03 present, to fcract my tentiesl on these i ",ld Hepr'si-rilative, both prompt attentive uriieiit, sppciflc. and manifestly jet (;roiiu(!, ' and obliging in t'us discharge of their duties, end tnstruclioK their chairman to n-aku the : 0n Tuesday there was a spicy debate on the Hi-port !or:hwitl, it hnppr-ned by some acc:- u n ., , , . .. deot. tbat the Heporl was Slaved for t he i bl," for U e re ",0T1 of lhe bprtne Court to length of lime I denied, durihir htch ir.iortal ' w illianisport. Mr. Hound's remarks were tol Mr. lllntcbford arrived ij Washington, for j intended as complimentary to our ambitious t!)ii c-xprees purpose of Hppearing before the j neighbors. Comiimtre. 1 immediuieiy and personally , , TmTI JtVT, ,f 41 r UUXLlht d'B I 8T The ice oo the North lirancb broke np presence la Iho Committee. , . , 1 whj advised by a physician in UVMni;. ! aD'1 "8Jed "fl- tv" tiB.v lnco- llie too, who W3B in coustunt hUenctunci upon ! riser has been pretty well np, hot is falling. roe and warned by tr.v own kovwledgn of j tnyconJition that, if I would secure or regain ; illLT'''i Uakk. Our Millon oeihbors my health, 1 must speedily return home. ! ; have converted iheir Savings Hank into a Ijft Washington, nt.t entertnir.iup a doobt j bank of itsue, undei the general banking law, LtVt; c" rTtV:: ! t act of Assembly the name fjrf'jh the iinportunt inlorui&tion 1 hud b3Sorf;:l (hem was io his possesion, and which wnld buve Hived ma from the leust tuspic;on of wrntif. The puulic wiil be sorpiieuil, us 1 Luve be( n, In 1, urc thai Mr. lilulcMord wa cot allowed to appear before the Committee, utitil ajttr the hvj'uri, with all its reckless errorj and caiuHiiiioud misslateiriutils, wan launched tipoo tho lioufo and thucountry. I snbmlt to you whelhcr there ever was conduct in or i) unjuKliliuble ? My iiluess a severs- etlack Tif (rnstric fever proved of long contiooucco, and for a coosi'lorabla portion of the period of doubtful result, with utter inability and entire probh bilian lo evee think vf bueiLcts of oty kind whatever. lltbcliion bud not only eognlpled all south cf the Potomac, bul tho insurrectionary spirit Lad fprfcai! over Murylund, seized its metro polis aud cut c'X all connriuuiation between tftO capital cf tbu nation find the loynl per ticu of lhe people. Tfcu terror und the panic throughout tie lacd for tho fortnight uc ceciiirg the tragedy in Dultimoro on the 10th tif April, nero uppulling. bi,J will i,ij;h pur Irjir.g to the courage and the energies of ull. Tho LtioniI uulbcnties ut Washington were astoi)i-hed ao-J perplexed, and scarcely knew wLi-:ii wy to turn for relief. In this pnriious emerge ncy, the corrcraliou of the city of New York, prompted by the iu'P'j'tios of the popnlor mind, enran furwurd Pith oo oppropriai'ioc of S2,OOH,i.inO lor the rsUon-I OelenBe; and tho autboriii-8 at V nsbiueton so snou es tbiy C'nil'J in any wu- convey a ccminuiiicatton to Nw Vmk coiL1'. to their aid persoog iutiiimtoly known to theci, io wtioe judifnienl uud integrity t:.-v hii-i contiiifiice, and of vlne patriotic loyally tbira was nt a tinge ol doubt. L'ii'1 r the nnlhoriiy thm conferred, pur phases of clothing, erina mid ether suppl.e er wade, by mo, aud ships wer chartered ,tn cm rv tro.ipa, ic., io tho gross auioui.t ol Zi.ll. 731, 10, fcr which 1 huve hi. i in the 'J're.'':ry l)ppartoi.-.t vnchers in detail a fail btaieaiu.l of til uf which was f'lrni-hud Uj 11.3 Cor, -nit Ue io New York, io Septem ber last. And 1 lold theui at the same time that lie rsuiainder of lhe Vouchers word in tut hauJi cf Mr. Biatchford, for mher pur chases made by my authority which would Coru;.i t the whole account. The hal nice in Liy tiaudd, .,i'j3 62, was 6ube(;ucntiy de posi'.eJ with Mr. Ci,i, the Aiiitit 1'ieus B:cr at , ew 1 orirf, for wh:ch 1 luvo his a copt of which is fled in tin. c-.rt;:jttie Jreasuy l'eparlmeot. The vouchers and eoiuiicate torether amount to 221.923 01. The vouchers in ll; bauds of Mr. Blutct.fnrd wuich ho bid will) birn, when here io Ibccn. lier.f.i ready to exhibit to tho Committee, as 1 assured ihcoi, with a balance in his bum! f aViul 6,(i'J since deposited with ibd U. t5. Treasurer io New Yt-rk amonnt 4o the tsni cf JIGS. 071 M mhkiog all togi tbtr, thiee l.utiJred od oioety thi-Ui-aud dcllara aus the latai amonnt drnwu from that portion of the two millions placed in Iho bands of Me.srs. Dn, Blutchford andOpdjka, subject lo lhe ralt of Uovtruor Morgan and r.iyelf, for the purposes indicated in lhe above ltltcra. 'I ha vouchers In tlie bands or Mr. TMatrh ford, which 1 have befoie stated, the Commit tea so onreoEonably and ruthlessly refused even to look at, contained not only the authority of the ranio of Mr. Hlutchford LiuiEcIf, but most of them are endorsed by the ignsturra of Moses 11. Urioiiell. Captain Charles II. Marshall, and Barnaul fcloao, all alike eminent for their integrity end iutelli. gent devotion to the interests of the eountry. Many of the articles whose pnrcbma Is thus endorsed by these voi.fl.ers, were bought coder lhe direclioo of Genersl Wool and General I'ix ; and uol a smail portion were directly purcbasd by (jeueral VaJsorlb in person, for the purpose, ut freighting the ateanu-r Kill von lv nil. which he seut foraard witb these B'.rres for lhe lelief of the (overn ment ( all of which the Committee would lave seen if they had yielded to my Importu nity aud called Mr. BlutchforJ, and tbtia the whole question ol the righlfal l ipeoditure of all the uvo-y would Lave but a dmposed of. Tui Pni'M4 Ctan. nonh of tha June lion, will opn navsgaiion about lhe 3Mb int , giving tian'iiortaliuu from the coal region lo lids wale eaiiier than uual. The Juniata Canal w ill be open about the Kt of April- Tha Tide Water Canal will be fipao and in uvigabU orJer e that Jutb inU Th raw oiTering bounty tor lhe dsatiuetiosi of oVnoxiuus aniaaila Las l4 rrfwajsd. No art. miaas wrfl be v ku if Mt , twr, f-. THE AMEBIC A K. SATURDAY, MARCH 22. 1862. II. D. MASKER, Editor and Proprietor AST CeNOKUt at Milton. 1 bo Volunteer Minstrels of tliia place, in negro character, will perform at Milton ou Saturdav Dtrht. They d row crowded house, coo-posed of ladies land gentle-run. In 1 tits place, and all Here I r.lUUc...l . it.- --.r . .'. . . , h,'r c,lU"r- be f""'" handsome j e t4 HourpeM,. o4 the advert;. j meole in tumoo. I his, tofether with oew ! meets in tiinioo. This, tojffi'.her with new j headtcp, will, wo trust, enable us to presei.l i cur readeis with asbeet which, in appearance ' at least, w ill be seceud lo hood iu this section i of the Slate. has been chat.gcd to that of the Miltoa Hack. Hir The canals having been opened, the coal trado will become more brisk. Our ope. rators have been laboring under great disad vantages for want of facilities io getting their coal to market. fcT UrigDilisr-ljeneriil Burcsido was con. Ormed a Major-Central cf Volunteers cu Tuesday lust. m a ' CP The uomiuaticci of Dis. It. B. McCoy of Norlliumberlar.d, nnd J. U. Strawbridgej of Donviiln, as Brigade Surgeons, have been confirmed by the Senate. (7 l'i:s Canals. The water wee admilted inlo the L'cir cnunl on iturduy. Tho Su.i'Vuunna Canni, noilb of tb Junction, will open navigation about the 25'b int. '1'ho Joriola Canal will be open abcnl tie Ut of A pril. The Tide Water Caual wil! be open and iu navigable order by tlie 2Cth instant. 2" The rebel Congress has passed a reso luttou adisicg the planterc not to plant cotton, but lo devote Iheir energies to raising provisions and cuttle. IIavis, the Ubcl Tresident bas suspended Flo; ,1 nod I'i'Iow, the two Rebel lii-nornls who lieu f.-nm Fort IneUou, from their coininnnd. Poor Floyd 1 lj seems to be io a bad odor, North and South. Will not our neighbor I'urdy of the bogus Dar.ncrvt couio to the rescue of his friend once more ? Try it iigaiu, Troman. (Jive him another coat of wbilu-wai-h. YTou may be more succersful than in your former efforts in defending bim useiost tha charge cf rob!iug the Uovero. roeot. C5T Our learned friend of lhe Dtmvcrat, a few weeks since, publibhed the following Cing at (ien, Cumeron s "Thad. Stevens calls Curairon's appoint meot to the Xluseiau Mit-sion, 'banishment to Liberia.' " Our neighbor no doubt referred to Siberia, which is a part of the Russian Fmpire. V.'e think we shall huve to furuieli Truman with a tJeography, us well as a Spelling. '. o k. l i bi-riit is on tbe African coast, the osoie of a oolony of liberated negroes. ILs mind most have been wandering and wool gathering. C3T I ax on Wm.ktv Th. amount Of w.iiffcej till to , be manufactured by the dia- t.lleries ia the Ln.ted Stales is estimated ut COO.OOU.OCO gallons. Tbe tax on whiskey, as proposed by the Tax Bill, will be 15 cents per galtoa. At that rate, tbo eineunt 0' whiskey WBDufac'.ursd would produce f 90. 000,000 per year to lhe Geoeral Gcverouienl. It is an article that will bear taxation more readily Ibaa any other. QTTug DiFrxKKNCii.Ueoeral Curtis, tbe hero of Iba victories io Arkansas, is a grado. ate of Went Point, and served witb honor io tbe Mexican campaign. 11 was a Membe, of Conpresa wheo tbe war of rebellion broke oot. He left Congress to lake the field io dufenee of bis country, while Chas. J. Biddlx, of Philadelphia, tbe pet of tbe Breckinridge part; leaders, Ufi the army to (aba bis seat is Corgress. Middle, who is nna cf that small party who are rather tender footed io regard lo using coercion or barsb measures lowardt Ibe rebels, was one of the l.ttle heroes of Iba editor of Hit .'orthumttr!and County Demnrratm man after bis own heart, wbo fell more!ulerest io party than patriotism, C3T Latfst Nkwi.--A despatch from For tresa Mooroe, dataj tbe 10th, states that Yancey Ibe Rebel Commissioner to England aod Fraoe wai captarej s few days tinea on a schooner tbat was trying to ma tba block ade. Aa official despatch from Commodore Foote, 4etJ the I lib. state, list the bom- I bavJasrut of hlaoj Na ff) , niTJ ffto. "Our town was thrown inlo a grrsl cxei'emer.t oh Friday morning of week by rrmorp .f the disloyalty cfltevj. V . Ilnigrs, lalo pastor of the M. K.Choreh. who vnlrd agniurt Home polni tol resolutions which were offered in tin East Bal timore Coiilcri-nre, dim In ration at Baltimore from pure ly ehristftiu motives, undoubtedly. We were considerably vexed to ace some of his own congregation very loud In his condemnation, from political prejudice, we judged. Mr. Hedge has always been a true chrilaiii minister, never concerning birnelf about political platforms and doctrines, and we teel certain thai he loves the Union as dearly as any other American heart." The abofe ire copy from the Lewisburg Argus, formerly t'dited by our neighbor of the Northumberland County Democrat. The lukc-warm patriotism of the pritelit editor of the Argus, like that of hit predecessor Is coo siderably oeolralited by frJoolbero sympathies, which break out occasionally in the shape ol apologies for acts of disloyalty like the above Tho Arijus reetna to think the "purely ehrii. turn motives" ol Mr. Hedge:, are a sufficient i excuse for Lie refusal lo vole for resolutions iubv ou loyal cunau.u or viiizeu uog;i,fc iu object to. These resolutions we publish in another column. They embody the purest patriotism, and disclaim all political teach ings, and ought to be wholly unexceptionable to all who are nut more I ban tainted with tho l.ensies of secession and sympathy for the rebels. Wo do not wonder that some of bis congro. tfatioo were "lond in bis condemnation.' Our cuy .M ,( (Ul tUr. tli0ulJ be rJcCM ,.;,, Twfc0ty ,euri bence llMe po. . . . ,, , . , I ioi;ibib lor vrrucoii win t.ei:y iu recorus o I tlirir opinions, and thocn that now give them ! ',A and cncuurogeoitrit will endeavor to coo- ceal Ihn fact from posterity. The editor of the Argus calls them "politi. cul resolutions," but does rot pnblisb them, lest they should convict him of falsehood end mUrepreeenUiion. This is also the mode of i argument adopted by our neighbor of the Ihmocrat, and is as unfair as it is unmanly. The reverend gentleman referred to jp, we presume, the same who Wni so highly eulo gized by Mr. Punly in bi's paper of the 12 lb or July last, when be announced that "a move ment is being made to present the Rev, Mr. Hedges, cf Lewitburg, with a eilve pitcher, in cousiderurioo of bis devotion to the true interests of religion," ic , at the same time '. reading a lecture to '.hose patiiotic clergy men who denounced the rebels and sualained . 'be Government, dk "political meddlers," who i rob tte pulpit of its christian integrity." ! This presentation was known only to a select j fow in Lewiaburg, and was Grat anoouoced iu ; Mr. Purdy's pupsr, ia this place. This, in i connection with the fact that he was one of; the committee to consult the reverend gentle- i can's wishes whether it should be a silver pitcher or a gold beaded cane, leaves us to 1 infer that be was one of the masters of the ceremonies on that occasion, We agree with lr. Reese, who offered lhe J resolutions, thai "if there are traitors in the Cocftreccc, they dhot.ld be steamed out." j There are oo people more loyal than our1 Methodist friends ; we do not wonder there fore at Iheir iodigoation. C2T War -Three important j War Bulletins have been issued by President ' Lincoln, as Commander in Chief of the Army I ond Navy. The first is dated the 27tb ol j January last, aod directed that oo the 22d j cf February ultimo, there should be a general ; movement of the land and tisvtil f rces eguinsi the rebels, or, at lciist, a readiness for a gene ra! movement; and holds oil tflicers to a I strict tasponsibility for the prompt execution j of the order. Tbe second is duled iho 8'h ' instant, and dirrcls the division of the Aro'y j of lhe Potomac itlo four army corps, as be- i fore announced placing lhe reserve, t be ' belt! back for tbe Uefcnco cf Wiial.ingtJii. ; under the corumund of llrig. Geu. Wadnorth, 1 also to be Military Governor of the Diftrict i of Culauibis. The third is tinted the 1 1th! irst., ond relieves General McClelhio of lhe : command of the other Military IVpurtmeuie, ' iu order that be mny tnke perscoal cmnniand , ,i , r .i ii . i- . .i . of the Army of the Potntnoc ; directs that the Deportments of Getf. Ujlltck end Hun tcr, together with so much of lhat of Geueiu! Buell, as lies west of Knoxville, b hall be cca solidatcd, aud called Iho Department cf the Mississippi, under the command or Genera' llalleck; and further directs that Gee. Fie moot shall be assigned lo u new Department to be called the Mountaia Department, he tween the Department of the Potomac and , . , t .1 . the Department of the M8.strP,. 1 he com. maiiders of these several PepartmeDta are ord.-red to report Jirtctly to tbo Secretary of War. i e a a x'-Our oiler lo rurmfb neighbor Purdy. of Ihe j!:iicrat, with a copy of Cobb's Spell iug Bonk, Las uol met witb a very gracious reccp'.iuu. He euileaveii to excuse the ne. eesHitvofltsnse Lv re'errinr-us lo a number of typographical errors io our it issue, lhe proof of which was hastily read. This dodge won't stiswer, noighbpr Purdy. We did not refer to typographical errors, which ere the i, -..It,. I! in il-nr,.nf.r.W .r.,1 oot frrcrl cf judgmec!, aod of which there i. uU.a.. , ,ori iu ihnw,.,.aL j, is. t,ow. ever ratlier 6n)UsiDg tUt lht. Crrt tor re. j huti , b . " . Truir(.. I ... . , , . ' kboo!d bo bis uwu, namely j -Ii keeps all ras- cilly foreign proJuret from," wbicb was veibolim extract from bis own Doner of Feb. 1st, and which reads: "It keeps all rascally f-.-rrign proJucti Ironi ruining tbii country,'' Ac. Wa tbooghl at the ticie that it was a profoundly muddled ar.d iuelegunt expression, but these are so common in the Democrat lhat wa no longer deemed them singular. A s for blunders and errors, they are of weekly occurrence. Evin the lust issue, pointing out our own typographical errors, is dated tha 4lb on one aide, and the 1 Jib on the other. la Hurry, of iha A nr. lean, ia favor of Ilia lealoratiou of tlie t uiuuai it .Yniuuiulie.lainl I'uunl) iicu.uuiul. Certainly wa are ; bul we are opposed lo tha restoration of your qaocduui frieud Floyd, and his rebel associates, lo power. They muat be taught lhat tbera is some virtue fi hemp, as well as io cotton. What It your candid opinion of Jeff. Davit,, since Lit tuspensioo of yoor frieod Floyd from bis conunaod ? 11 1 a a i i. i ..... sJiT Captain Charles Leib, lately charged witb being behind in bit account! wilh Iba Government, at Quartermaster In Western Virginia, to tba amount cf million dollars- sayt tbat tba charge it unfounded. Governor 1 Piernont and Gta. auosuccraaa anJ.MSi kl. I ta'sTWtrt is rmut. $4J" Cot.. Cajjekow. The remains of Col. Ciimercn, tin! late Calient ColwOvl tha N V. I'e venly t;ij!h Regiment, who tell at lhe head cf bis regiment at the bull! of liuii Run, passed through this place on Monday night last to Lewisburg, where they were in terred witb due honors lhe next day. The remains were accompanied by bis brother' Kx Secretary Catneroo, aod other of bit relatives and frieods. A number of oor citixeos, friend aod relatives of Cel. Came ron, who Lava long known and esteemed bim, attended bis funeral. Tho body wss accom panied by a military escort from Washington- The body of Col. Cumeron was recovered oo Saturday last at Manassas. The remains were placed In a coffin at Washington covered witb black clolb, end were conveyed to the Baltimore end Ohio Railroad depot. The coffin was placed io a bearae drawn by four white horses, aod had a haudttome Ameiicsu Oag tbrowo over it. The Fifty fourth Pennsylvania Regiment acted as a funeral escort, marching with reversed arms, lhe regimental band playing tbo Dead March. Kigbt i dicers, of various regiments, acted as pall bearers, and tho mourners followed the hearse lo carriages. Tbe eofSo, which was erdend before tbe party started to recover the remains, consists of an interior case of Zinc, aoother of lead, witb on vxlcricr wooden case, -covered witb blawk cloth, huudsoa-vly finished sod mounted with silver. Major J. C. lvreUchmea, of the 103J Regi ment N. V. V.; Major Klliott, Paymaster U.S. Army; Copt. Elliott, Mr. Kane, Mr. Oaken r-milii, ex Men: her of Congress from Pennsylvania, and a guard of eight privates were deliiled lo accouipuny tho remains. Tho f jnerol ceremonies took place on Tues dy last, from the residence of Wm. Cameron, K?q , a brother of the deceased, at I.ewisburg. Mis remains were followed to lhe grave by ao itninenfc crowd of citizens and slisngers. At 12 o'clock, v., public religious ceremo nies were concocted by Rev. P. B'zer, of Sutibury, Chaplain cf the Regiment formerly commanded by Col. Cameion, io which be was assisted by lhe resident clergy of Lewis burg. .Mr. spoke io terms of jubt eulo gy of the dead, alluding to his imerciibrse with him iu the camp, on the march, ami in tbe battle, during which be ever exhibited the coble ardor of the giddier comhiued with the bumaue irrpuUes of the niau and the CbribtinD. rnit ri'NKRAL ronTKoB, under cofuiimnd of Mujor.I. C. Kre!chmao 103d N. Y. V , was then formed as follows : Union County Cavalry, Ci ptaio Simouloo Music Money Bruss Band. w M H i . a t3 The Hearse was drawn Four Pluck Horses, each led by a groom. Horse of the lute Col. Cameron, used at the battle of Bull Run, with tha saddle, l-olsii-r, aod boots belonciuc to tbe dead, and led by a groom iu tb.rge. . , . , ,, , o 7, Detachment of Peocsylvaoi as o Guard cf Honor. Rela'.iocs cf tbe deceased in Carriages. Chief Munrners. Committee of bolb Houses of the Pencsylva. r.ia Legislature. Adjotanl-Gen'-iil of Pennsylvania. Secretary of State. O.uarltricusli r-G--neral of 1' Ivaoia. Soldiers or lb!2. Officers of I bo Army en-J Nuvy. Citizens on lloiseh uk am) io Carrnigrs. Citizens on Foot. UtR lUXjfiurs. I lie unmet)- w cans ar.o reccperative p!?"-er of this couutty is not g- u- ! erally undorstood by our on penpl-. It will ' i r i -, r .tv , no seen by the followmz article from the Now ; 1 otk Viicti that cur exports unit imports the past year ex:eeded those of lS.'i'J, ond ore not ! much tturt of those cflr'OO; . . . n .- n- . i I ;V ".neotr rell-ctioo may aufSceto show ,oai , .li. ... . " w V : i ral, mineral aud industrial wealth, t-su la so ; without diCleiihy twice or thrice iho y.-urly ' j amount which is likely to be reunited for ' ' the iuter.'ot on any funds expended in de- j . r -c .... .1... n....t.,..1 I. ICC Ol ,l.a i-'OIOU. nun IV. tuu i;inui, ra- lMjtllon of eV(,ry iMllion itiS,tA 1D lP J , costly struggle which, against our will, has i been foiced upon us. Jo our financial column j I xii flinwed yesterday that the commerce nf . ( .o.a cuuni.jr ius r-'jf puiic.tu nytt muui- ; f k-: )''' - i,.-ir.ill..'n,t in.-,,tie l.v wh oh wa on , .. .. . , . . tlut our imports, t specially io .i titles of lux ! Brv. bve declined, but still Ihu lolul nggre ! P,a nf "r : pr-r 1. 1 iotia umonnts to more . l.uo o-i ! i nnnn n:i;i n,iri i ll '' (mi nun ,.r I j ijico.Vnd g33S.000.Oo5 for 1S.V.1. Ou the tlu- ' er hand, our experts have reached tbu very ! i S"tifsctory amount of gilf S.fUHi.OOO ; while ! i J 'y t-mj toj,,tiuu,i'i u, ami io ! 1 coU' W"-"- A more co.-p.eio re.U. ! .iuteii.ei.t recently made in various Hiurtt-rs. tbat tho secession contest had robbed us of hair our foreigo coannerce." Wo only relcr I ? I'1" circamatance now bow-ever, aa ona of ! to show ibe recuperative power und compare- . iu. ui,c uu. riuui .ui. ,.. v. ..,i,lcu prosperity of the coantry, and its ebil'ty to Wit any ainoctn ... nscai oa.oena wu cii uon- gres may find peedfc-l to impose. And our lovol citizeus ore no less wilUuu than thev are i " j ablalocoutribuletoscppoilanddefcoiilhoae instituliort tf which they are so prr.uJ to be i the guaiuians, and wl-.icli they regard with veneration aa Ihe free!, tbe must equal, and th most beneficent ever possessed by any nation in tba world." ClTTho news of the capture of Fort Donat ion bat reached England. It is regarded as a very important victory. American securities Lave advaoced. Tba Locdoo Times remarks that the Fede ral victories bring Ibe Government no nearer tban before to a reconstruction of the Union, Tbe Londoo Post advocates a compromise. A satisfactory and encouraging interview has been held with Earl Russel by Cyrus W, Field oo tba subject of Iba Atlantic Cable. CirGonKT'l Laui's Doug. The March number cf tbit popular tnd excellent periodi cal bas been received, and ooottios tha usual variety of splendid engravings aod eutertain iog literary matter. The f.sbino plates cannot fail of pleasiog tba ladies. At back numbers ara still to be bad, it it Dot too lata for new subscribers to enter thair names for Iba new year. Addtstt L. A. God.y, Pobliiber. rillaJelpbi. ANOTHER VICTORY. 1 rnosi gli r-i'KXMUF's i xr ii i low. fAimTKrf 6 NEWtlr.liV rtlTl Jtoillt, March IH. The eleamer Ci iu modore arrived here Ibis morning, direct from General Hutnside's Expedition. Mie biinpa the annuuorement of lhe capture of Newhem, North Caroline, and Ihn detest of the Rebels there, wilh lhe capture of a large number of artillery, alter a hard-fought bsillo. . Our loss al Newbern was shout ninett killed arid four hundred wounded. Our man displayed great bravery. Newborn ia situated at the confluent- of iho Neure and Trent rivers, and about Cfty miles from Palmira Sound. Its population Is forty-five hundred. It la the port of entry of North Carolina, and capital of Craven county. The rnllrosd runs from Newbern to UoMsho. rough, fifty nine miles distadt, intersertmg there lhe main railroad uniting Weldon am. Wilming ton North Carolina. General Itiirnaide. having moved in this direc tion, i not in any dangrr of attack from the Kebel army that has been concentrating at Suf folk. Vs. The rapture of Newhem it certain that lhe t-.wn of lleaulorl, N. C.. can eeaily be laken, together with Fort Macon, lhe stroiie; work con structed for ils deteure by the Cnitcd Rlates Government, 'J'here is a railfnad fiom Newhem InMooiehead City, opposite Ilea u fort, the dis tance between the two places bting liiiity six niili-s. AnoTiirft AccorsT t the CaTtls. Our special correspondent telegraphs from Bal timore the following account uf the bailie : '-The enemy's works, six miloa behiw New hern, were attacked on Friday morning lual. They were defended by a force about IlMIUfl strong, and had twenty-one guna posted behind formidable batteries, over two miles long. "The fight was lhe most desperate of lhe war. Our troops behaved with lhe Headmen and cou rage oftelcraiis, nnd aficr nearly lour hours of liunl fighting, drote lhe Hcbcls out of all their positiona, co,ttircd three light bittcrics of Geld nrlillery, forty-six heavy aicue guna. Urge stores of fu:J ammunition, three lhuunnd small anna and Iw-o hundred prisoners, including onet'olonel, three. Captains nnd four I.ieute:iinta. The ene my left a targe number of dead on the field. "They cat-aped by the cara to Goldehornug, burning the hiitle across the Trent and Clare niont, and filing lhe city of Newhem. No ex tensile dam.ige was done In lhe place. We lol about one hundred killed and four huudied wounded, r.i-stly belonging to New England regiments. "Kev. O. N. Benton was killed, and Mj''r l.eenuie, ol llu r if'y bral Jinv ork. morlully i ivoumled. Liruti-rieiil't'olonel Meriitt, of the j I weniy Hunt ,vt assacnusetta, hi.i1 Aojulnnt r . A. Stearns, of the Twctilv-firM Maa.ichuetU rep.i merit, of Amherst, were also killed, and Iheu ooiliea aie on tlie way li.ime. I ll A L 1 1 udhi. M crrh 1H. SeroeAnt.M amr Tl. H. ' Johnson, ot thn 'J'weiitvmiid Masachiise-ts, csiiii- piisserger by the stnimer Commodore. clmrKe of tbe bodies of l.icntenant -Colonel Mcr- i rut, of lhe Twenty thud Mafsicbusetta Kegi ' nienl, and Adjutanl Steams, of iho Twcftty first legimrni, who bravely fell while leaning on ,e:r reuimrnia in an auacx on ine ct.emy a haticnea at .ewl-rn. From M ijor Ji-huaon, who was in the fight, we I gxiher the lollotviiig interesting paiticuiars of the liolile Our Irorpj, tir.tlcr General Uurnaidc, landed on Tliuri-'ay evciunir, near tlie mouth r.fSiar.n creek, on the west aide of the Ncuse river, Citeen miles lie-low Newberii. Ging to lhe dense fog, the nayul vetsels did not participate in the fight. I'ariy on Friday inorniog the fight enmmenoed. Our troops aiivamed along the country road, run ning paiallcd with the Neuse river, but a mile or two i.i the rear. The road was ,-kiitr-d en the i net side by lhe railroad and a dense swamp. All along ll.e rivci side were a scries of batter- which w, re taken by our tr ps, one nl'er air i other ufier ..ioe liModv hand lo hun-l contest.-- Our iroopa v-cie dividi Jinto tSree hiigndes, under I """' " "erii-r.a ncno. rosier ami rarKs "0 uuvanced craduailv, the enemy desertir-s , ,-ui, guna nn.i, we reached the line of e.rthwcrka ; i-xtrn-ling serosa the road from the rier to swiimp on the wet--a distance of some two ililit-a. I hese railiiwoias were very strons M.ey were b-cated abcut two iniiea below New- bern, nnd be,weeii there and ll.e rilv ran lhe Trent river. The country road and the railioaJ both patted throngii these works, and crossed ir..-, the citv l-v ;!d-r. In fronl of lhe work, the Rebel, had felled a la.e. numb, r ol Ire.-., homing . aln.o,, pc,ie- itmI.ia n n I, Ili'rp .un. i.-. d nsi. .!. bed, and made I., , wbii' . .1. .'and.- ' Oor hr..c Mlows UnlKl: ai their a-nmeoi- .ion was snent. when an order loci...-.-iMvnnetJ waaeiven and lhe work we,, ll laleH.l.he' o ihe Lionel, the enemy flying like fiih. ; t..Kc.j -!..., ... l.-,;,iit ew-rviliii.o- behind iliam In their irtn-al li ey burned the luiilgeacommuni- i th-- town, over hot n thu country roiid ; nnd the ruilrond- Astlov bad no irums of cars .,. ir ,,r. -1Ujt ;,. ,;.,.. , Wrr, , f curse, able to carry oil iheir wounded em! i dead. !, Tl' ir 'refore, cat certainly i known. Mf NuM)t.j ,;, ,u.t work. . they encr.ui.t, le.l aonlhcr, which was deserted beloio tl,.v ciinie i.p. It ::. in front of this lot I'ort.ticallOtl tho lelilebt toss was oataiued. Our entire loss ia estimated by M.ijor Jul, us. hi at ninety killed, aod about lour hundred wounded end ini::ing. Tba force tf the Rebels is supposed to have been about eight thousand. We cap lured a nuuiber of prisoners, iuc!udmg Cul. Amory, who cursed Ins soldiers us cowar.l.-'. "Just as the battle turminuted the fog lifted, and eual.led oor gunboats, wblcli , l aU beeo tmpatieoi.s waitine; lor ao op I .. . r . .. ... ' portuuity in parncipaio id ine rgot, io r..n,j ,.n K.. rleor n:. n,i Onnn, furnished wilh means of transportation across the Treul river lo Newborn. The Rebels attempted lo fire tbe town io their retreat, but were prevented by iho cii.zeos, who extinguished the (James fast as they were startted by tha sol i jiera Notlo t( onr -.nerals pr any staff offi , wf8 eiIb.T kiled or wounded. We ca. lured from Ihiily to fifty catnon. Tho nflicers if the Rebel troops fell their private traps behind in their final retreat, thJ ia llsuW Rwnv eTfrvlIIIlg. -nu j g,, t ,ermin,u.j 8t 3 0-c()tk M. ott ytl. -i-n our .troops remaiucj masters the position. . , ..... . . r, , . . l ue quanii-y r coo; seni ny uanroau u ; week is US. 171) 02 against 21.420 tins for the a , , correspouditg week last year. Inciease far this year is oO.DCO tors A tew cargoes bnva been shipped by cacal. Miners' Jour- Hill, l Jt IrlaT. Tbe rianllin Jini.tfitory toys ; ''l he boats in which Floyd escaped from Foil Dooelson didn't belong to bim and bis brigade, but wore the couiinou properly of the whole Confederals oraiy. Floyd stol I hem," What tay yoa to tbat charge, neighbor Purdy? Cau't you defend your old friend ou the groond that he It only carrying out a fix ed principle, aud that be is not tha Crst man bo got iolo tba wrong boat, at you can tcs. tify wLeu you attempted lo whitewash bis character. Xf Capt John II. Knox, of Company D, 1 1th Reg. Pa. Vol., died at Lis home iu Jeraey fchore on the 2tiib ult. His remains were hrougt lo Lewiaburg, and interrsd in tba Ceuieleiy on tha forenoon of the nib lust. J 1 te l.ooisville Vemocrat states tbat if it r in tw ring the occupancy of Bowling Grean by .l . . . . . . . 7 . w t T git hnoiftJ gmti wM( itiaaJa thtia. MKT1IOUIST COWFEtltME. The BaV.inioie Conference of lhe Methodist Pptv-opal im'iiiMij1 in lialliniore on the li , ar.J from t!ie proceed inga, n-portcJ io lull in tlio Clijper," we lake tho " Hev. lir. Acfluilla liees aubruitled the follow, ii g preamble and resolutions I Wuskt.tS, Hince lhe last annual acssiun of this body, a fearful r bIHor, his broken out in atverp.l of the southern slates, threatening to over throw tho most benign government lhe world ever saw t And w hereas. The Federal authority has been compelled to ust Ibe force of arma to sup press said rebellion and to maintain ita own supre macy i And whereas, I'striotism is a Chrialain virtue, taught iu the word of God and enjoined upon rs by the SJd article of (La discipline therefore, Kesolved 1st, That a a body of Christain tuimatera in Conference asaembied, we hereby exprevs our abhorrence vf the rebellion now exist ing wilhin our borders as being treasonable In its uiigin, sanguinary in its progress, and as tending to rriaid the advancement el cuil liberty throughout the world. liesolved, 3d, That we hereby approve and endorse Ibe present wise and patriotic adminis tration of lita Federal Government in its elforts to defeat the plana and overcome the armed reeia. tanceof lhe ao called Confeilerate State a. with a view to maintaining and erpelusluig the unity uf this Government. . liesolved, 3d, Tbat ihla our patriotic vfTorta in the post or present to sustain inn uovernment or our Couniry iu this, her hour ol trial, we arc Hot justly iisl le lo the charge cf political teach ing ; and in the inculcation ol loyal pnncipiea and sentiments, We recognize the pulpil and the piesa aa legitimate inslruiaciitaltliea. Ifesolvcd. 4 ib, 1 hut a copv uf the foregoing preamtle and resolutions he transmitted to the President of lhe Cnilml Hiatcx, aigned by the 1', and cnunterttgncd by the oecielary of ; the t onfereni-e. In submitting the foregoing, Mr. Reese, fsid that the reason w-hv he offered the resolutions was, that ft was due to lhe church, due to tlie i State ol Maryland, ami due to the Government thai such a measure should 1 preaented. If o recounted the disgraceful acts of Apiil bst, and! leuounced said acU, as the nioti bioodihiraly an I I revengeful thai ever chnructerixed a clvilixed community. The loyal men of Baltimore, said he, are lucking lo the present Conference with great hopes. Tbe ehargo has been preferred that j many ol Hie memUri weic tainled with dialoyol I sentiments; he wantod that calumny refuted, and j the true seiiliinerits ol the bixly recotd.d. Ho would not minre the qeestion; if there were' trait.irs iu the Conference, be wanted tkeru stemiicl out. A motion to lay the resolutions on Ibe tablo ..... w ... t.a.,,r., .u. and resolutions as a substitulo to me oiieiing oi i.iv. Mr I'.eesp. b'ev. Dr. MrKendrce Tieiily, having obtained the lloor, spoke at great length and with consid ernl.le n aimth in faor of the foul resolutions. During hia remarks he stated llmt il was his ho 111 t t.rl rt.nvinion ttmt (ioit was on tbe aide of the Kd-rl Government in the oresent alrugnSe, and ,,t iie ti,e VdS cot fr distant when pence and ) barmony would again reign Ihrouehout the land. j A, rcmorks were of such a character ,,,t ,ne amj?llC0 fUUIUi Uaelf apidau.ling in a lusty manner. At ISj o'clork a vote win tnl.en on theresolu tions nf l:iv. A Ileese, when they weie adopted yeai naya IS. The following are lb names of the ministers vt bo voted ::i lhe negiiive : J. Wesley llrowii, John t. Deal. John II. Dashiells. John W. Hi dees, John I Hall, Samuel Keppler, Edward Kinsry, F. McCartney, Kichard N'orri, l'hilip II. Reese, Thos. B Sirpent, and Llias Welty. Kev. II. riliccr refused to vote. M ivtrtvri at. A ppoi.VTiir.vTR np tiix Bai.ti- j vtoKR M. K CuMV.RK.srE Noktuunphh.and J , 3Tri,rT T. M. Reese, P. E William- j r0rt. 1st charge, A. E. Gibson ; do., second u. Hinkle; M nnsnnville, r. Shannon ! Moo' ' CT ( ) j Isonberu Milt Cin Station, R. K Wilson; Millon Circnit. K. Gearheart. II. ('. PardoP : Lewifbltrg, E. J. Grsv : Miliiiushtirir. A ilartmnn : Miibilo- a ! i.,,.- r w p., lij0. vn,iiin.K.,iirJ R. P.eilly ; Sonbury, B. F. Stevens, A M. Creiehton -, Cattawissa, M. P. Crnssthwaiu-, J. P. Akern; Ashland, A. M. K-ster ; Itiinviilo, J. II C. iJosb; Bloooisburg Sta ... ' , ... ,, - ' t ' ' ,. ,.i ,. '7 J'ytowii.,. Cleave ; '""l- ; P. UlDg 1 Ter M eadows, J I '" llftV'T;, V, h., -VonrPr R" tion, p. C. Sobn ; Kapytcwn and Ltgut wick, A II. Barnitz. W. C. Hesaer ; Bloom- , - - . - Icgdale, J W. HaogbHwr-ut. K.J. Schwartz ; 0nKV.!if. J. (.. MeKeehan. Thompson Hcl-ll. President n. Hirkmson Seminary, J W. G. Htll and Tl.OUiaS CbOSP. ITOlOS , J Torrence. fie-relary of the I euusyivaiua tuie tJioia OLtiei. 8'namokiu Coal Trado. Shamokix, March 15, If 62. TONS. CWT Sent for the week ending March LV 1.7P1 05 Per last Report, To same lime last year, Decrease, lC.V.nj 13 1?,373 01 30.1. "0 08 12,072 07 Tim Prkswkst'8 Mkssaqe President Lincoln ha taken the country by surprise by sending an unexpected Message into Congress up.-n Ihe subject of alavery. There is a diversity nf opinir.n concerning lhe views of i lb Kxeniivo opc-n tb-at distracting subject. .-70UI0 cia.i.i niui is iiiu censi?rvaiive, stiu OtbPri maintain I ha t he IS 8 n "10 ferhal aboil tujnint anyhow;" wbde yet others thiok bo should havo toothed open other and moru ".reign subjects. It is bard to please every- j toi'jr ; but we believe that difficult feat is I sccompliahed ebonies nearly at the Brown - !"tone Clothing Mall of Rnekhill and ilaon. .Nos. bll.l ond bOS Chestnut street, above Sixth, as ilia anywhere else onder the sue. We congratulate onr readers opon lhe dij covery of a cure for Rheumatism, Gout. Neu ralgia, and all Nmvous AffrCtinns, Stillness and Cramp.. Scrofulous Eruptions. Frysipe. j uS. Salt Rheum, and Mercurial and other of j roisonooa munences counteracted Without theoseorM.x.ous Medicioes. Io fact it is j the only known remedy, effecting a perfect Cure, and wo feel worronte.l from ils recom- is mcrjdatior.s "d r.rooM of i-mciencv. in calling , .n.,,,iinn ,,r .!, '.,inij ,i.'.j.,.. .... ...v.,,,,.., . ,IV i.iiiivivu iv y nuv-iiipn ao , mfTtt in 8noti,Br Column of the"ANri RHEUMATIC BAND." , OF WALL PATER OF VERY DI UC1T.I PFItril CXWFNT RnOFI.VO. Wei STVIMIVtl BlVrPfv invilo lhe attention of our readers lo the 1 A 1 1 Lh-V dverti?ement of Messra. JOHNS i CROS i .1 Iw'Ta wa.Jw'L .V.V LEY, New York, io aoother column, The numerous experiments made for tha last few years, to produce a substitute for tin, slate and shingle roofs, have nt last led to a perfect triumph in the Guta Perciu Cement offered by these gentlemen. Possessing in a great degree, the features of elnstirily. (which ia a qaaliGeation of a Cturifiit liiMi'ino aciuallv nneAKaarv nn.l l,,n after.) durability and cheapness, combined wilh Iba Tact lhat it is weather and fire rirnnf ita general adoption cannot be too earnestly urged. Their Gutta Percba Cement fr coaling and repairing Metal Roofs of nil kinds and for preserving all metals from rost and corrosion from its great durability and cheapness, ia fast aoperceding points of every description beretofort oted for auch pnrpnset. These materials (for which the First Pre - mluma have been awarded by tha American Institute and man of Iba Driiiciral Stat. Fair tbropehoot Iba country.) are reremuied I ln ln ntgnesi torms by the New York I R- J-'0-. end many of the principal ' Railroads North and Sooth, anil .tan h nBSf r. of th. I..J,ng Innr.tC. CcVclai urwigfcmi. th ccnotr;. To npstroy Rali. Tonches, Ac To 'eslroy Vice, Moles and Ants. I'ii I'estroy. Bed Bug. To leftrry Molbs ii, Fur., Clnlh... j To I'estroy Mosnnit,,,. nn.l !.,.' j X'l Insects en Plant. n,l tv. To lelioy Insects on Animala A To lestroy Every form aod species Vermin. Sea Coslar's aivertisemcnt io th'x pari for the destruction and utter extermioalioo all forma and species of Vermiu. Sold io Sunbory, Pa., by Frilira a, (;r, aod by tba Droggisls, (iroceri and hto. keepers generally. XCUrLUYMKHT AGNTfJ WAN'TLD ! Te will py from $J5 to t7r pr mon and all expanse, to active Agenis. give a rommlsalon. TartjeuJars soot f, Address Eaia Bnwiao Mnuisi f.'otrai K. J AME8, General at gent, Milan, Ohio. Dttober 6, 1H6I. ' MAR IlIAG E S . On the l.lih inst., at lhe Lutheran Parsons in Lewiaburg. by Rev. H A. Fink. Gtonna : Hijixbai n aud Miss 8tBiu '-a mi is;, boll- , V. niiii"iuaqne uvp. rSorttiumberlUnd county, i On ll e 6th inL, by l!ev. A. V. Hswn, X 1 , ri" bto I.aKf. of Hhamoliin, and M "" " m iun sney. Un lhe samedav. by lhe aimc. I.rvrr. V P., 4Mb lice. I. V., and Miss dkcca ScKon, bntb offthamokin. In Selinsgrove. on tho fith inst, by I?,-v. C Weier, Mn. lilcimin Lazuiis, and Mis Eitim Giimiii.hlii.0, both of Sclinagrnve. In Selinsgrove. on lhe 6lh inst., by lhe as Mr. 8amfkl . II i lii tou. ami Miss Caiioi IJ., elilcRt ilaugliler of t-. C. Moyer, of rreeb i ith, Illinois, xen. lliu. in Episcopal Chnrch, by Rv. Mr. Waite, C. Hal Rkii.t, of the 10th Illinois Cuvairy A. in: : . .. . Josrhh II. Bovd, daughter of Will T. Boyd, deceased, of Northumberland Cci Pa. "' "Saaaiaai uwsaaaaaaiwa au DEATHS, ;--V -. : .-. -.-....... Io unbory, oo the 12th inst., CLOT " CAS LTT, son of Jacob and rtiiral Ca-;ott, aged i yoors, 4 months and 12 J In Soobury, on the IT'.h inst., II All DIEIIL, son of George ami H.-bccca ) 0jred 1 year, 1 month and l.'i days, ! K!ii,..m. .1,. i,k '. ' lAN'JTIE. dai.olit'er ..r Jm... t. v't''.' i UUUItha. ' , i.. s,.i:,rnv. 0lU . ... ...... SS'-'l WM (T(D Hill I1"U, J Total. , ae iiitamve. on t:-. I oil, i,,., Mrr sul) of (Jeorile ijH.n,. .i , i .1 e . . ... anainofcin, Oil III IJIU inst., hi. I I iiau;(uu-r oi .norgao ami .Maoa ' vra. JcnMns, SUIVSURY PRICK CURREKT. Whiwl, i l sai j Rye, .... I Corn, . : Oats ' Buckwheat, . Polatoca, 25 Butter, 6 I-RR1-, fO Taliow, . 35 U,J. . . so rork, . . tit beeswax, j New Advertisements. j WALL 3?AIExi" I i TCST received from Nw York a i u aisortuunt of WALL PATI-iR :og of one hundred acd sixty three rl f styles aud patterns, vary ng in pr:e six c- iits upwards, ail tf which will ba s Ibe lowest cash prices, et th cheap si, J. n. kng; I roooory, March 22, ItlG. ; eheriffs'sXlesT I By virtue nf sunriry writs of .-IJ Pri ncj, I'lvri'ivt I'tn lU wnas and fvnt i . I issued out of the Court of Common P j Noithumberland county. Peiir.stlvan'a, i dirscteit, wi'.l be axpos'od to I'ohlie !r : the Co'irt Iloose, io the Borr-ogn cf no ; en Monday, the 7th ..aj of April. A. I' , at one o'clock, P. M , lhe following del . real e.-tale, to wit : i No. I. A certain Inl of grnnrjd. si!: ; the town of Trevortoo, in Zcrbi tf :onnurar;erir,o coontv, 1'enn'a b a i No. ; Ja-d I 8, 10 bltck No. 52. in th eern-r,,! d town, containing 25 feel ir. frr..-.i , tn depth, wlo-reoo is erected a tw frame house aod kitchen. f.r,rr,i i . " W UH'?- , . No. . Also a the same t:me an. - , wo certain .OlS OI gronn.l. SltOOtOlU ! kmtown, NcrthnrnberUnd county, 1 ! Nns. C7 or.d t"8, in biofk 153. conlai j width 28 feet each, and io depth I l bi unded and descrilwrf as follows, n j On tbe West by Harmao Snyder, j Ftreel, North by Commerce strt i South by Sunbury street, whereon are j a two story frame house, stable, an I outbuildings. Seized, taken in ex and to be sold as the properly of Eii, , hart. Indorsee of Juceb Weiroer. No. 3. Also, at the same tirro an two certain lots of ground, titoate towo i f Trevortoo, Zcrbe towcsVp, county, Pennsylvania, described as lo wit : Lots Ncs. 1 aod 2. in bit 123. adjoining Sbemokio streel or. th an alley on the sooib, lot No. 3 on t j uu iiiiuiurci uo me west, wtier ccicu a iku aiory irame Dooss, 4c. token in executioo, aod lo be sold property of Harriet C. Griffith aod Gnllith. No. 4. Also, at the same lima ar a cerloin lot of groood. sitnate ia the Shamokin, in the county of Nonhnrr , nil b'ate of Pennsylvania, together : tbfi privileges and njipurteoanci s to ! belonging, aod described as follows ! pln of -aid town, Jot No. 5. ia bl-ck ' together with lhe hereditaments bp lei'or.pei. Weired, taken io xaciitie j 00 k'U as the prooerty of D-ni.lD DA VII) WALDRON, .' Sher.fl's Office, l - '. S"nbory. March 22.1, 1"C2. f I'LT.SONS WANTING CHANGF nf fTIf ATI? rnt, vr ! vLIaJ.ATZ TOR E SV.T. ADVEP.TIStMEXT 01 j VINELAND FAR WALL 100,000 PAFBS risers , - ' FRll.lNG Ci Gunhury, March IS, IHbi. Estate of Christian S Brown. NOTICE is hereby givrn that t of said derrsssd, has made her tel - personal property under the acts ol IHT,tf, and baa tiled a scheduled tl- ' 0? ttie Vrk of the (irphai s ' ortquuioenano coqniv. Wbictl wi Ut approval on Weduendt i dy of April, lfrf.2. j MATILDA BROWN, A( j Mrcb IS, lsn2 4 1 Estate ef Robert C CamcteU N O l'ICE is hereby given that I j ol said deiaa.ed baa made her t ! personal property under tha Acts o I 1669. and has filed a schedule of ll tha ofUee of tbe Cierk cf tbe O'phs A - ' f..' Nortbumberlaod count v. w L,i I, w seul.d for approval on Wednesday .k. dav i.f Annl lHf.2 ! ' A M OS VASTIN P, I Much i5.)PC3. at