Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, March 15, 1862, Image 3

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    Sfit a r K e to s .
Tli c Rebel Steamer Memoriae and iLe
Gunboats Yorktown and Jamestown.
IFrORTtD tINKI.Ml Ur TlltS t. 8. FRI
The V, S. I'tigutt Congrtst Capturtd and
J'urtud. The I'. S. Frignle Minnesota
Aground. The 1'artieulars of the Lngugt
n.trif. Fomrms Monror, March 8.
The dillne-s of Old Point wag startled at
10 o'clock to-day by the nonooncetnetit tbal
i mysterious vessel, (apposed to be the Mer.
iwac lonkingjika a submerged house with
.he roof only above the water, was moving
Iowa from Norfolk by the channel in front of
Sewall'i Point batteries. Signal guns were
ilso fired by the Cumberland and Congress
o notify Ibe Minnesota, St. Lawrence and
lloanokts of approaching danger, end all wag
excitement iu and about Fortress Monroe.
There was nothing protruding above the
water but a flagstaff, flying the rebel fits, and
short smoke stack. She moved along slowly
tnd turning into th channel tending to New
isrt News, steomed direct for the frigates
Jumberlaod and Congress, which were lying
it the mouth of James river. As soon as she
nie within the range of the Cumberland she
ipened on her with her heavy guns but tbo
tolls struck and glanced off having no more
fleet on her than peas from a pop guc. Her
ions were all closed, and eho moved on io
lilence, but with full head of steam. In the
mean time, as the Merrimac was approaching
he two frigates on one side, the rebel iron
:lud steamer, Yorktown and Jamestown,
.amsj down James river, end engaged our
'rigates. On the other side, the batteries at
Newport News also opened on the James
'.own and Yorktown, and done everything in
.heir power to assist the Cumberland and
l.'uugress, which, seeing the sailing vessels
ivrre at the mercy of the approaching steam
rs. The Merrimac io the meantime kept
iteadily on her course, and slowly opproaebvd
.he Cumberland, when she and the Congress
it the distance of one hundred yards rained
'ull broadside on the iron clad monster. The
hot took no i-ffi-ct, glaoeinjr upward and
Hying off, having only the effect of checking
her for the moment. After receiving the
Brit broadside ot two frigates, she ruo on to
lb Cumberland striking her about midships
and literally laying upon her sides. She then
draw off, fired a broadside into the disabled
ship, and tfgain dashed against her with her
iron clad boy and knocking in her side, and
left her to sink wbilo she engaged the (ion
gres, which laid ubout a quarter of a mile
distant. The crew on board of her seeing
the hopelessness of resisting the iron clad
steamer, at once struck her colors. Her
crew had been discharged several days since,
and three companies of the Navy brigade bad
boon put on board temporarily until she would
be relieved by tbe St. Lawrence, which was
to have ana up on MonJay, to take her
position es onr blockading vessel on the
.lames river. On the Congress striking her
colors, the Jamestown approached and toek
from on board ber, all tho officers as prisoners,
bat ullowed the crew to escape in the boats.
The vessel thug cleared was fired by tbe
rebels, when the Merrimac and ber two iron
clad companions opened with shell aud shot
on the Newport News batteries. Tbe firing
win briskly returned.
Various reports bave been received, princi
pally from tbe frightened sutlers and clerks.
Some of them represented that tbe garrison
had been compelled to retreat from tbo bat
teries to tbe woods. Another was that two
smaller rebel steamers bad been compelled to
retreat from their gons.
In the meantime tbe steam frigate Minne
sota having partially got up steam, was being
towed up to lbs relief of the two frigates, but
tl it not get np till too late to assist tbem.
She was also followed up by lbs frigate St.
Lawrence, which was taken in tow by several
of tbe small harbor steamers. It is however
rumored tbot neither of thes.e vessels bad
pilots on board tbetn. After a short engage
ment both of tbm seemed to be, iu tbe opin
inn of the pilots on the point, aground. The
Minuesota either intention illy or from neces
sity, angaged three steamers at about a mile
distinct) with only bor two bow guos. Tbe
tit. Lawrence also poured in shot from all tho
guns she could bring to bear, and it was the
impression of tbe most experienced naval
officers on the point that bo h had been
considerably damaged. These statements it
must bo borne in oiind are all based 6n what
could be feun by tbe glass at a distance of
Dearly eight miles, and by a low panic stnckea
non-combatants who fled at aliuust the first
gun from Newport News.
In the meantime daikncss approached,
though tbe moon shone out brightly, end
nothing bnt occasional flashing or gnns coold
be soeo. Tho Merrimac was also believed to
be aground, as she remained stationary at a
distance of a mile Iroin Ibe Minnesota, making
no attempt to attack or molest her.
devious to tbe departure of the steamer
for Haltiniore, no guns bad been Gred for bnlf
an bour the last one being tired from tbe
Minnesota. Some persons declured that
immediately after this lest gun was fired, a
dense volume of vapor was seen to rise from
tbe Merrimac, indicating the explosion of a
bo.lor, whether this is so or not, cannot be
known, but it was tbe universal opinion that
tbe rebel monster was hard aground.
Fears were of course entertained for tbe
safety of tbe Minnesota and tbe St. Lawrence
in such an unequal content, but if the Merri
mac was really ashore, tbe could do no farther
harm to them.
It was the intention of Ibe Minnesota with
bur picked gallaut crew, to have run into
close quarters with tbe Merrimac, avoid ber
iron prow and board ber. This the Merrimac
seemed not inclined to give ber an opportunity
to do, being afraid of tbe crew approaching
her at close quarters when agrouud.
Ateigbt o'clock when tbe Baltimore boat
left, a fleet of steam tugs were being sunt up
to the relief of the Mioueeot and St. Law
rence, and ao endeavor was to be made to
draw tbem off from tbe bar ou wbicb they bad
grounded. la tbe meantime the firing bad
been susptoded, whether from mntnsl consent
or iieces.-ily could not be ascertained.
The Hebel battery at Pig's Poing was also
enabled to join in the combined attack on the
M innnsota, and several guui were tired at her
from S-j a-ell's Point as she went up, none of
them, however, struck ber, but cue or two
iiid over ber.
The Baltimore boat left Old Poiot at eicht
o'clock last night. About half ao hour aftet
tbe left tbe wharf, the iron clad Krricson
steamer and Moniteur pasted ber going io,
iowod by the large steamer Moniteur, and
undoubtedly reached Fortress Monroe by 9
o'clock and may have immediately gone into
service. If not sbe would ba ready to take a
Land early 00 Sunday morning.
Washington, March 9 seven o'clock l. m.
I Telegram from Fortress Monroe. I Tbe
l.rr.cson arrriveo ei rorirris. aiooroe last
night. Karly this morniog sbe was attacked
ly the three vessels, the Merrimac, James
town aud Yorktown, and, after five beurs'
r intest, tbey were driven oil, tbe Merrimac
iu a aiukicg conditio). Tbe abova is official,
Fortress Momkok, March 9.
This morniog tba conflict wis renewed,
until tbe presence of tbe Mouiteor was known
to the Merrimac' Tbe latter wsi engaged
with tba Minnesota, and but forlbe fortunate
arrival of the MooiiMr, tba Minnesota might
bva beep lost.
Tbe two iroa cUd ! engja".scb
ether 'of, iW0 or jorM n0ar8i tt long and at
sl)ottange. No perceptible effect wag pro-
d.Ced apoo either. They went along side
once or twice, and seemed almost to ruo each
;her down, but they soon reappeared. The
K ricson battery succeeded finally io forcing
a large bole io the port side of the Merrimac,
and with tho whole Confederate fleet, she
then retired to Norfolk.
At about one o'clock the U. S. gunboat
Oregi n wag struck by tba Merrimac io ber
bi iter and was blown up.
A rebe4 eno-boat was cut in two yesterday
afternoon by tbe Cumberland. Tbe crew of
the Minnesota were brought 00 shore this
afternoon, and with the assistance of the
Spaulding she bag been gnt off, and is now on
ber Kay here. Sba received numerous shots,
bnt do seriotn damage. .
The Congress is supposed to have lost over
one hundred, inclnding but one officer. Tbe
escaped crewg of the Congress and Camber
land bave arrived here.
Tbe Moniteur lies coma op to the expecla
tions that were entertained or her, and fias
proved herself impregnable to the heaviest
shot at close quarters. Sbe behaved remark
ably well on ber passago from New York,
and although the sea covered her decks
completely at times, her speed did not seem
to bo at all diminished. To her presence
here may be attributed the safety of the
Minnesota and other vessels io port, and tbe
final disabling of the Merrimac, which had
previously been proof against everything.
Captain Worden, of the Moniteur, was
wounded in tbe head wbilu looking out of tbe
wheel bouse. No other accident of any kind
occurred to the Battery or crew.
We bave not yet any list of the killed and
Naval men bore are generally of opinion
that, considering everything, the rebels had
the worst time of it. Without the Moniteur,
the damage might bave teen much more
Waamssrox, March 3 7o'clork, P. M. The
telcr-ranti lines to Fortress Monroe has been
completed, and the following despatch has been
received direct from that point:
"The Ericsson iron clad steamer Monitor, ar
rived at Fortress Monroe last night, and earlv this
morning she was attacked hy tho three Rebel
learners, the Merrimac, Jamestown and York
town. After a context of fire hours, they were
driven olT, the Merrimac in a sinking condition.
orririAi ukshtciim mum toRtiiess mosnna.
WaSiiihotox, March 9. The following des
patch was to night received hy Major General
McUellan from l-eneral Wool :
FortrilIS Mun roe, March ! 6 o'clock P. M.
Two hours after my telegraphic despatch to the
Secretary of War, last rvening, the steamer Mon
itor arrived. She immediately went to the assis-tihc-e
of ihe Minnesota, which was aground, and
continued to until a few minuets since. Early
this morning she was attacked by the Mcrrimac,
Jamusiown aud Ytrktowe.
A fter a five hours congest, they were driven off,
and ihe Merrimac in a sinking condition, sbo
was towed hy the Jamestown, Yotklown, and
several smaller boats, towarJa Norfolk, 110 doubt
for the purpose, if possible, to get her in the dry '
dock for repairs.
The Minnesota is afloat and being toned to
ward Fortress Monroe.
inwra-rrii to thk stcar.Tinv or the irr,
Fortress Mosnot, March 9 F-45 P. M,
To U. Welles, Secretary of the Navy: The
steamer Monitor arrived at 10 o'clock last nif-ht,
and went immediately to the protection of the
Minnesota, Ijing aground just below Newport
News' At seven o'clock A.M., Ihe Merrimac,
accompanied by two wooden steamers and sever
al lugs, stood out towards Ihe Minnesota and
opened fire.
' The Monitor met them at once, and opened
her fire, when nil tha enemy's vessels retired ex
cepting Ihe Mirrimac. These two iron-clad
vessels fought part of the line touching each
other, from eight o'clock A M., till noon, when
the Merrimac retired. Whether she is injured or
not it is impossible to say. Lieutenant J. S.
Worden, who commanded the Monitor, handled
her with great skill, assisted by Chief Engineer
Stemers. Lieutenant AVorden was injured by
the cement from the pilot-house being ditven into
his eyes, but I trust not seriously. The Minne
sota kept tip a continuous fire, and is herself
somewhat injured She was moved considerably
to-day. and will probably be olf to night. The
Mwmtor is injured, and ready at any moment to
repel anothei attack.
(Signed) O. V. For.
Assistant Secretary of the Navy.
New Advertisements.
Tbe I'oiif'i'Ksloiia and Epcrleuce
of an Invnlld.
-B- as a warning and a caution to young men
who suffer for Nervious Debility, Premature De
cay, &c ; supplying at the sitno time the means
of Self Cure. Uy one who has cured himself
after being put to great expense through medical
imposition and quackery. Hy enclosing a post
paid addressed envelope, single copies mav be
had of the author, NATHAMUL .MAV FAIR,,., Bedford, Kings Co., IS. Tt. '
March IS, ICC?. Iv
" t KOWjA ation.
TV OICK is hereby given that tho several
Court of Common Pleas, (ieneral Quarter
tensions of the peace, and Orphans' oort. Court
of Oyer and Terminer and (icnernl Juil Delivery,
in and for the county of Northumberland, to
commence at the Court JKusc, in ihe borough ol
Kuiibury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, the
seventh dnv of A PRIL, next, and will continue
Tha coroner, Justices of the Peace and consta
bles in nnd for the county of Northnyilierlaiid, are
requited to he then and there in their proper per
sona, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, and
other rt-tueinbrancea, to do those things to their
several olliccs appertaining to be done. A ad all
witnesses prosecuting in behalf of the Common
wealth agahiKt any prisoner arc also requested and
commanded to be then and there attending in their
proper persons to prosecute against him, as ahull
be just and not to depart without leave at their
peril. Jurors are requested to hepiinctual in their
attendance, at tho time appointed agreeable to
their notices
Given under my hand tt Kunbury, the first day
of March, in the year of our Lord one thotts.
and righ' hundred aad sixty-two and the
Independence of the United Slates of Aiticiica
the H.'dh.
God save the Commonwealth.
HhenfTs Office, Bunbury,
March 8, 1
)f virtue of sandry writs of Venditioni Expo--
naa, fieri Facias, Al Fieri Facias and Leva
ri Facias, issued out of the Court of Common
Pleaa of Northumberland County, Pennsylvania,
to me directed, will he ei posed to public sale at
Ibe Court House, in the borough of Sunbury, on
fcalurday, the S!Hh day of March, A. D. IHtVJ, at
1 o'clock P. M., the following described real
estate, to wit I .
Tbe one and equal undivided half part of all
that certain tract of limber land situate iu Lower
Augusta township, Northumberland county, Pa.,
adjoining land of the heirs of Henry Maaver, de
ceased, on the west ; laid of the heirs of Mamuel
Reiser, deceased, on the east ; land of the heirs
of Rev, J, p. Khindle on the south j and land of
David Malick, on tha north; containing seventy
acres mote or less.
All that certain lot er piece of ground situate
in Ihe borough of Huuhury, Northumberland
county, being bound aud deccribed, as follow,
to it
Hounded on Ihe south by V'horllrhai ly street ;
on the wr si by lot number 22 1 r on Ihe north by
an saey ; aim on me east hy t swn Btreel; be-
ing numbered in the general nlan of said boroneh
as lot numbtr S3 1 la-ing 60 Iret iu fjonl on
, . . . , . ... .
Whortleberry strwtt and in depth 140 feet.
renaj, taken in ate ution and to M ivld a
Ihe poj-crty of Jacsb SesslilHt.
At the same time and place, the one and equal
unlimited half part of all that certain tract 01 Urn
her land situate in Lower A no tut a township, Nor
thtimherland county, Pa., adjoining land of Ihe
heirs or Henry Masser, deceased, on tbe west
land of the heirs of 8amuel Keiser, deceased, on
the east land of the heirs of Rev. J. P. Shindel,
deceased, on the south I and land of David R.
Malick, on the north containing seventy acres,
more or less.
At the same time and place, the following piece-
parcel and tract or land being part ol a larger
tract, belonging to the heirs of E. Ureenough, de
ceased, situate in t'pper Augusta township, afore
said adjoining land of Mrs Clark, land late of the
heirs of John Wiggins, now of said Jacob Seas
holtz, and bounded and described as follows,
to wit !
Beginning at a stone on the division linn be
tween the land thereby granted and land of Mrs
Claik, thence by said division line north forty-nine
degrees east eighty'two and four tenths perches to
a beap of stones, thence by land late of the heirs
of John (iiggins, now of Jacob Seaaholti, south
eightyseven degrees, est ninety-six and four
tenths perches to a heap of stones, thence by land
of the heirs of E. Greenough, deceased, south
thirty four and three fourths degrees, east sixty
perches to the place of beginning containing
fifteen acres and fifty-seven perches, strict
Seised, taken in execution and to be sold as
the pro-wrty of Jacob tjeasholla, with notice to
Charles Uaringer.
A I.SO :
At the an me time and I lace, the following des
cribed lot or piece of ground situate in I'pper
Attgti sta township, Northumberland county, Pa.,
bounded on the north hy land of George Conrad,
on the west by lands late of John Robins, decens.
ed, on the eatt hy Catlawisea road, and oil Ihe
south hy Centre turnpike road containing 5
acres, more or less.
Seized, tuken in execution and to be sold ns
the proprty of Henry Weise.
At the same time and place, a certnin lot or
piece of ground in the town ofTrevorton, Nor
thumberland county, bounded and described as
follows, on the north hy the rail road, on the east
by vacant ground, on the soulh by Market street.,
and on Ihe west hy lot owned hy ttenjamin Gear
hart, it being marked in tha general plan of said
town, as lot No. six (6) in block, seventy-ono
(71) upon which is erected a two story frame
house ouibuildings, Ac.
A certain tract of limber land, situate in
Jackson township, county and State aforesaid
beginning at a stone, thence by land of fsuec
Deppin, south ten and a quarter degrees, cast
seveoly perches to a stone, tbence by vacant
land, north eighty sven degrees, west forty,
four perches to a stone, thence by Holslioe's
land, south eleyen and a quarter degrees, west
sixtv six perches to a white oak, thencu by
land of John Deppin, south eighty degrees,
east forty-Eve perches to a place of beginning,
containing eighteen acres, eighty seven per.
dies, neat measnre.
Also, the undivided moiety or half part of
a certain tract of laud, situate in Jackson
township, county aod State uforesaid, begin
ning- at a stone, soulh ten and a half degrees.
east thiity-nine perches to a pine on the land
or John Adam, tlienco north four and a half
degrees, east fifty-eight and one teeth of a
perch to a stone, south eighty-three and three
fourth degrees, east to 0 stone, thence olong
und of r.nnle, south sixty aod three
fourths degrees, eaat forty-six and five tenths
to a cnesnut, tuence along the same, south
seventy six degrees, east sixty-two six tenths
of a perch to a stone, thence by other lands
of Hepp-n nod Carman, north four aud a hulf
degrees, weft ninety lour, two tenths of n
perch to a chestnut, tbence by lund of 1'uviit
Hillmao, sooth eighty-seven and three fourths
degrees, west one hundred and sixty perches
to a stone and place of beginning, containing
sixty-six acresn and fifty perches.
Tbe undivided half moiety or half part of
a certain tract or piece of laud situate in same
township, county and State aforesaid, begin
ning at a stone, theuce by land of
south eighty-seven degrees, west one hundred
perches to a chestnut, tbence by James Wil.
sous land, south five decrees, east ninety six
perches to a stone, soulh seventy eight do'
greos. east twenty perches to a pine, tbenco
by land of Lngle, north eight degrees,
west thirty eight perches to a stone, north
eighty eip-lit degrees, eaist one hundred and
sixty eight and seven tenths perches to a
stone, thence by land of David Ililbish, nort'h
sixty five perches to tbe place of beginning,
containing forty four acres, strict measure.
Those tnocertaio outluts of (-round situate
in the town of Trevortoo, county and State
aforesaid, and described on the plan of said
town as lots Nns. ten nnd eleven (Nog. 10
and 11) in block one hundred aod four (No.
lUi ) :
A certain lot or prnond No. 2, In block No,
It!), as numbered in thn Deneral nlan nf the
town ofTrevorton in Aie county of Northum
berland and State of 1'ennsylvania, whereon
re erected two story frame dwelling boose.
A certain lot of ground situate in the town
of Trevorton, Zorbe township, county aud
Stat aforesaid, boonded on tke north by an
alley, south by Coal street, east by Int of
u illinm Campbell, and west by lot of Daniel
Doaawin, being lot No. A, io block No: KM,
1iereon is erected oue and s half story
frame bouse.
The following lets as numbered in the gen
eral plan of the town of Trevorton, county
aod .-5 lata aforesaid, to wit :
Lots Noe. 8 and 13, in block No. 1C. lot
No 13 in block No 19. lots Nob 1 and 2 in
block No. 22, lot No. 3 in block No. 34 lots
Noa. 1 and '1 in block No. 30, lots Nos. 8 and
9 in block No. 50, lot No. 4 in block No. 61.
lots Nos. 3 and 4 in block No 53, lots Nos. 7
anp 8 in block No. &G, lots Nos. 5 and C in
block No. 67, lot No. 9 in block No. C8, lots
Nob. " and ' io block No. 86 lots Nos. f
end C in block No. 109, lots Nos. 8 aod 9 in
block No. M, lot No. 13, containing two
seres ; lot No. 36, containing one acre.
Beized, taken in execution and to ba told
as the property of William Deppen.
At the same place, on Saturday, the-5th
day of April, 18C2. at 1 o'clock, P. M.
All that certain tract of land, situated in
Upper Mahuooy township, Northumberland
county, l'a., adjoining land of Daniel Wrist,
Solomon Dunkelberger and others 00 tbe
east, John Moyer aud Nathan Haas ou the
South, John Diehl on the west, and Daniel
llowerler and others on tbe north, containing
two hundred and twenty-seven acres, more or
less, about one hundred end fifty acres whereof
are cleared. Whereon are erected large
two story r tone Dwelling house, Hank Barn,
Wagon House, Spring boose and other ont.
buildings, Jie. Seized, taken in execution
aod to be sold as tbe property of Henry
Sheriffs Office, Sunbury, March 15. 18C2.
1 )Y villus of a certain Alias writ ol Vendition Expo.
J nas, uuued out ot the Court ol Common I'tats id
Noutiuintierlnud county, Pa., In me directed, will be et
posed lo publie ante, at the Court House in tha isnrruith
ol lilnbury, on -snUirday, Msich Sttli, letti, at II u'vUicli
A. M.,enctolkwiug described property to wilt
A certain lot of i round, situate in Ih. borouih of Hun-
bury, NorihuniberUnd eouitty, aud fciut. ul I'cuiisvlvuuiu
nuuiiHu-ea ill in ihe gei.erul planol auid towu, and Is ti
ed and eeaciibcd as follows, to wit l on tiieuorthbv liU'
Biokin stieel, south bv auallev. east bv . Lit of stebastisn
llsupl,aud west by Ueei street, containing one quarter of
an uere, wncroon are erected ukitgc two-story sum. dwel
ling house, kiu-hen, stable and oilier outbuildings.
Also,. II lh. defsndaurs lilleiest in number fll. situ
ate in the bo-ousti of Sunbuiy aforesaid, and bounded aud
described as follows, to wit t North byj-thamokin street,
i east bv h number SJ auuta hv an lUv ttA hv L-...,
sirit, containing al.,ut nns-louilh of an sn. whnci,g
""Tn'.-V W'L'ZJ ,tm '-', '. ("
'';., ,V rharie. Weave a. a Uulel) a lare.subl. awl
.-i.i.u,ktiu,a. ' '
'ill lU.1 eortnin meesuAce .IM tract tslaitfl siiuais
I .ts-iuhip itfoKtSMl, ticoi-j pari f a hi-fe truei
- i;td tua wairaat io the iwiacW Jhu Uiady,
C 'lttstnlrig loo anil all-Sine. Iionmlt-il anil itrrerilmt ns
lullows, to wit: on (tie ninth t,y .mlwig ll, nti ly
luml of Wm I, Dewart, soulh liy lamia of -Itoiiuel Claik,
and west hy Inmls o llrnry Mumtr, rtrenisnt, ami on
which areohened two large veins of Owl, now Mug
worked. '
Also, sit thnt certnin mpwnnge ami tract ofranrl, ailitnts
in Coal township nfurcaotl, hrmgpart of a Inrgrr Unci of
Isitrl survryrtl ill the mime of John Hntdv, cmtmning fin
nci es ami sltowanrn, bounded and di-srribed as follows, to
wit t on lbs north by land nf laidwig Ghbs, east hy Imu!
surveyed in the nui of Luke idler, south hy hunt of
lnmue Wrthfrill, and west by tha ntwivs desrrihrd Irset
of Wm l.Dewart, anon which two veins of conl are open
ed, and now in working otdef
Also, thestirrsee right to all the following described lota
of grituitd luld out upon John Hrsily lrnet of hntil, situ'ile
in the town of 9hsrnokm aforesnid, .nid tiu-ked in the
plsu of said town, with Ihe numbers, 314 ain Ul, contain
ing about nne-eiahth of mi acre ench.
Also, all thnt certain nieasiiageniid tract of Innrt. situate
in Cml township sfotesmd, being pnrt of a targer 'tirtet of
land surveyed ill thetisme of John Itrnily, coiibiiiiiiie: 174
neres, strict ntensure, boiVtded on the north hy lauds of
Mnrtniu Unas, ou the emt by innrt Inte Purily nud Dvwnrt,
(now t'urily.) on the south by lands of ThoinnN Itiiunlton,
nnd iw the west by Inndsof ilham !' Hoiiiy,oil which are
opened two larfe veins of conl.
Also, the undivided tmlf of a certain tract rif Inmt, situ
atstnConl townthi, nfoieanid, surveyed iu the name of
Wllhnm T! Htsdy, contHiuiug 414 acres, biuudrit nod de
scribed ns follows, to wit : ou the north by Imid nf Mnrtin
(.His, east hy binds of Jrdin Brady, south by lauds Thom;is
Hamilton and Ksther Kramer, wet by lands nt'M: K le
versouaud John Hoyd. being a vultintil trnet of e -ai liiur).
Also, the umlivided third ivtrtof nil that certnin tract of
land sitimtc iu Coat township nloresnid, surveyd in the
untne of Joint Hoyd, eoutntniug 4t4ju-rrs. bounded nnd
described ns follows, to wit : on the north hy Innd of Thus
Ifnrniltou, (old survey,) mi the eust hy bind 'of Wiilntin I'
Hrnly. on the south hy Inndsof M K Levers-ut mid Kred.
etick Kramer, und on the west bvlnuds of Mutlous Zun.
merman, l-iug a viihiuble trm-t oleosl Inmt.
Also, 1 lie undivided ninth purl of nil tl4t certnin tmrt
nf lund sininlc in township nforrftiid, surveyed iu the
nnme of Tliotntis Hamilton, continuing 4 Wai-res. -mil allow
ance, bounded on the north bv Innds of Vilhnm I' Hr:ulv
and John lltndy. cast hy land of Sninuel Clurk, south by
Inudsol John t nrsott and l-.sther Kramer, nnd west hy
hiiulsof William I'liiadyjOil which n coat vein has been
Also, the undivided h-ilf part of all that certain Irncl of
Innd. situate iu Little Muhouoy township, oountv nnd tlnte
nforesnid. surveyed in the nnme of JoHeph l.yon, contan-
liir mi acres, nouuneii ami in-scntieo as on the
north ly land of John Punkleherper. enfl tiy lund of Fred
erick Itees. soulh by hunts if Frederick' DunkleberiTe-,
and west by the Oap, upon which a coal vein is opi-ned.
Also, the undivided half part of all that certain
tract of land, situate in Point township, county
aforesaid, surveyed in the name of John llnrron.
jr., containing 410 acres and allowance, bounded
on the north by land of 1 . Ilcwit, on 'lie cast ly
lands of William Uer.son and Robert Krwiu, on
the south by land of Willkim Urodie, and west hy
lands of A. Kensing.
Also, all that certain trnct nf Inm), surveyed in
the name of Itohrrl Erwiu, silunte in Point town
ship aforesaid, containing 413) acres, hounded -in
the north by land of ilham llci aon, on the cast
by lands of 1". Rranhnm, on Ihe south by II.
Kurtz, and on the west by lands of John Bar-
ron, jr.
Abn, all that certain tract ol land, surveyed in
the name of Ijhencier Uriinhnm, situate in Point
township aforesaid, containing 1-10 acres, bounded !
on Ihe north hv land of John David, en-t bv lands ,
of Andrew Jennie, south and west by Robert I
Also, ill that certain tract nf land, surveyed in
tbe name of Andrew Epple, situate in Point
township aforesnid, cnntniiiing 430 irrca bounded
on the north by lands of David lackson, east by
In mis of John Service, south and west by Kbcna
zer llranhatn.
Also, all that certnin tract of land, surveyed in
the name of John Service, situate in Point town
ship aforsnid, containing 121 acres, bounded on
the north hy land of David J.ickson, east by Innd
of J. Thorncroft, south by Innd . and west by
lands of Andrew Hpple- Tbe last five Iracls of
Und above described containing valuable dtposi
tcs of iron ore.
Also, all the following ilcscribcj lots of parcels
of ground, sitttnte in Ihe town af Mount (,'nrniel,
in I lie township of Mount (-'armel, county and
State aforesasd, Io wit : lot number I, marked in
tbe plan of said town as Ilepot Lot block num
ber in said luwn, situate on the Shamokiu Val
ley I'nilroad block number JO in said town.
Scixcd, taken in execution, and to be sold at
the property of W. L. Dewart.
david waldron, Sti'rr.
SheriirOlFicc. i
Sunlinry. Man-h Hth. '62.
M 1I1IOXS 1 I'Altil
Ira T. Clemrnt, )
vs. In tbe Court of
William M asser, Julia Mas Common l'lea.i
ser, Henry H. Mser, l'o- of Nnrthumber
ter IJ. Masser, Joseph J. J-land county.
Albright, Jereminh Sbiudel j April Term,
and Klizabeth his wife, and 18C2.
Francis Ducber and Mary i
his wife. J
Xnrthuiuherland Ctmiity, m.
Tbu Commoowealth ol renn?ylvaoiB,--to the
Sherill if said county, ti :
IF Ira T. Clement, make jou secure of
presenting his claim, then, we comtminj you
that you summon, by good nnd lawful sum
monera, William Masser, John Mufeer, Hen
ry H. Masper, l'ete; li. Masser, Joseph J.
Albright, Joremiah Shindel and Klizabeth
his wife, and rancis llucher and Mury his
wife, late of your county, so that they be aud
appear, before our Judges at Sunbury at our
County Court of Common Pleas, there to be
held the first Monday of April next, to show
wherefore whereas, they tha said Ira T.
Clement and the aforesuid William Masfcr,
John Masser, Henry U. Masser, Peter H.
Masser, Joseph J Albright, Jeremiah Shin
del aud Klizubolh his wile, and i'ruiicis Du.
cher and Mary his wife, together and undivi.
ded, do huld all tbat certum piece or tract of
Laud, situate in the township of Coul, Nor
thumberland county, Pennsylvania, contain
ing twenty-live acres, more or less, with the i
appurtenances ; being a part of a larger tract j
ol land surveyed upon a warrant granted to
John Hrady, bounded on the north hy a tract
of land surveyed io the name ol Ludwig (ins,
on tho east by another divided part of tho
said tract surveyed in the nutne of John lira
dy, now owned by Wui L Dewart, on tbe
south hy land surveyed iu tbe name of .-Urn-uel
Clark, and on the west by aootber part
of tho said John Brady tract, now owm-d by
Wm Cameron and others ; upon portion of
tho surface of which said twenty-five acres of
land, certuin town luts and parts of town lots.
adjoining tho town of Miatnokiii, Northum
berland, innnty, and walked aud designated
iu the additiou to tho Oeneral Plan of said
town of Shamokio, have been laid out, num
bered and ditsignated as follows, viz '. ''Lnts
Nos. 198, rj'.l, 2011. -Ul, .02, 203,204, 301,
302, 303, 304 and 31:5 and parts of lots lo t,
103, 1G2, 205, 20G, 207 and 300 ;" the fluid
plaintiff, Ira T Clement, owning one nudivi
ded eighth part of the said land and the said
deft-udunls owning tbe other undivided seven'
eighth thereof, viz : the said William Masser
tho oue undivided eigbtb ; John Masser, tho
one undivided eigbtb ; Henry It. Ms,sser, tbu
one umlivided eighth ; I'eti r U M-asser, the
one undivided eighth; Joseph J Albright the
one undivided eighth ; Jeremiah Sbindol and
Klizabeth his wife, in right of said Klizabeth.
one undivided eighth; Francis Ducber and
Mary bis wife, in right of said .Mary, the re
maining one undivided eighth part thereof;
the- tho said defendants, partition whereof
i. . . l L . . . i: . .
ueiween tuetn iu uu inane, ai'curuiiiH tu ine
.L i.l .1. i !
laws oi mis couinionwea.ia in fucu case mane j
and provided, do gainsay, and the same to he
done, do Dot permit unjustly and against the j
same, laws and customs in such rase made
and provided, .tc. And bave yon then and
there the names of those suuinioners aud this
Witness tbe Honorable A. JoKntx, Fresi
dent of tbe said Court, tbu 25lb day of Feb:
roary, A. D. 1SK2.
1 certify tbat the above is a true copy of
the original writ, (ahd tbat all partitS inter
ested Will please take notice.
Sheriffs Office, Sunbury,
March 1st, 1862. J
L'atute orciirlxtiuu 8. !Irmii, Uc'd.
IS hereby given that letters of administration
upon tbe estate of Christian H. Drown, late of
Ihe borough of Northumberland, deceased, have
been granted to the suhscrilurr.
All persons having claims against Ihe said
estate are rrcjunatrd to make known the same
without delay; and persons knowing themselves
iudebwd are requested to make payment.
Nuylhumbtilaud, Jan. 291b, 1861, .til
To tiKStroy tints, Rosches, As.
To llestroy Mice. Moles, and Ants.
To Destroy lied Hues
To liesiroy Moihsin Fars. Cbthes, Ac.
To llestroy Mosquitoes nnd Fless
To Destroy Insects on l'1-.nlaand Fiwls.
To lestroy Inserisou Auimnt'. AC
To Destiny - Jlvery form and spevies of Vermin
Destroys Instantly
"W ibe: ni5 h&jsl ;n: mr
Tluise Preparations (nnlikeall ithen) are
"Free l"r..m Poisons."
"Not dangerous to the IInim:i Fatuity "
"Hut dou-'t die on the premises
'They come out of their h ,cs Iodic."
They are the only iut'a'litile remedies known '
'-t-J jvnrs nnd more csinMished in New York Citv "
tseil by the City Posit
Fse.l by the City Prisons and Station Houses.
Used hy the City Steunnns, Ships, tt.;.
Fst-d by .ihe City Hospitals, AITus-Hoiiaes, Ac.
I serf by "the. t.lity II..UIs '.stoi ' -M Niiholal,' stc
jed by the Ibnriliug Houses, ft a.
Used by more than 5u,WD Private Fnmili
IV See one r two peci mens of what is Krervwhere
sn:d by Ihe People Kdiluis Dealers, ic.
HOtVK.KKF.PKKi troubled with vermin need he so
ii" longer, m rney use "l o,lar' Kstrrmiuiitors. We
have used it to oui satisfaction, nnd if n bos eost ss We
I would have it Wp bad trod poisons, but thev efl.-eti d
nothing ; bnl'-Costm V urlu-n- kuorks the breath out of
( Hu'e, Mice. Itoaehes. nil I lled-liucs. ijnu-ker than we can
I wrilu It. It is iu greut demand ull over the eouiitiv
Medina t).J (iuzelte.
MOHK tilt Al nnd provisions nre destroyed nnnurill
in lirant County by vermin. Unit w-mld p-iv f..r toni f
this H at Bint Insect Killil Ijoaiuter (Wis ) Herald.
ItRNKV tt. CohtaU We are selling V"ur prepimtions
rapidly. Whert-vei they have been lisej, lints, Mie.
It-ueliebUiid 'vrtnin ilis.ij-eai re iii'y.
I:cj.skA: Slot Win, l"rU,K:l, Winds, a-, -td.
'CostarV Eat, Roach, &c , Exterminator.
"Costar s" Bed bug Exterminator.
"Costar s" Electric Powder for Insects, &c.
Iu i.-cuiid $1.00 Uoiea. Motth-sniut Klaiks.MnnJSJaizes
lor p!iiututi"iis, Mops, itonta, tloiti. s, i; o.e.
CAU TION ! ! ! To prevent the public from be
ing imposed u;ion by Mpurioua and Highly i'cr
nicious ImilHtions, a new lube! tins been prepared
hearing a fax siir.ilc jjl the I'roprielor'a sigimture.
Kxniiiine each los.l!le, or lUsk rarefwlly befme
purt-husing, und tul.e nothing iiiifCU'l'A HV."
SOLD Every where by
All Wholesale Druggists in huu cities.
Soie uf the
!hiehi liuItrothels Co.
II A r.hiisttK-k, llnllJk Co.
A II At II Sands .V. Co
W heeler Ji Hart,
James S Aspiuwall,
Moruau and Allen
Hall, liuekel It Co
Thomas and Fuller
I' LI tu vu
and i
Ilnrral, Ki.lev Kitehen.
I I. ale At Hot
M VVar.l. i:o.
MpKok n Ar liotihins.
II ! lt iri cs.V Co
f (- V,--sJt Co.
1-iUelle, Mirsh llardlier.
I'all. il.X' liuad Co,
t'oiiiud Kojl.
riin.ADFt.riii.i, v.
T W Ovottnn.t Co.
II A FaUutKl-k and Co,
Itlohrrl Sh oeuinkel and t7e
Ff euell, Kiciiulds und Co,
and others.
and by
Druggists. Cmcera. Storulccers and Kctnilern
generally in all Country Towns and Villiges
In Ihe
And by tha Druggists, Storekeepers and Retailers
Country Dealers can order as above.
Ur addreaa orders direct or if Prices, Terms,
Ac, is deaira J, ISend for IBh'.'j Circulai, giving
reduced Prices lo
Principal Depot -No. 612 HruaJuay (Oppo
site tha HI. Nicholas Hotel,) iNesn Yolk.
Marih I, lbbJsm
C Tt I 'X r t JM
N. P.. Comer of Till ami chcanut Stirets. PiiilwMphia
This Institution, which was eMnblislied in !M t
and U now consequently In the I Hth year of its
existence, numbers among its graduates, hundreds
of the most successful Merchants and UiiMiiosj
Men ol our oounlry. .!
Ihe object ol tha is solely to sfTor.l
una men facililies for thorough prcpnratiou for
young men facilities for thorough prcpnratm
The branches tnughl are, DnoVkccping, a np
plicnhle In the various departments of trade I Pen
manship, both plnin andnrnamenlal ; Commercial
Law, Mathematics, N avigaiiun, Civil Engineering,
Drawing, Phonography, and Modcern Langua
ges The system of instruction Is prrulair ; no rlas
sra or set lesions are made use of, hut eath stu
dent is taught imlividuilly, so that he mny
commence at any time, and attend whatever hours
are most convnieitt.
Catalogues are issued annually after the ISih
of A pill, remaining names of the students for Ihe
year, and full particulars of terms, Ac, and mny
bo obtained at any lime hy address ng the Princi
pal. In extensive acenmmdations, wide-spread repu
tation, and Ihe lengthy experience of the Princi
pal, Ill's Institution ofleta fnrilities pupcrior In any
other in the country, for yxung men wishing to
prepnare for business, and to obtain at the snme
lime a deploina, which will prove a recommenda
tion for them to any Mercantile House.
t it Crittenden's iScrio of T'rc atises on Hook
Keeping, now .more widely circulated than any
other work on the sul jcct, arc for sale at the Col
ledge. S. HODOn CriTTENDEN, All'y
Feb. 8. lKfiS. y
Rev. P. KIZKH, A. M., intending to con
Gno his pastoral labors to a mnllor tlistricti
bus nrranped to tnko charge of Mr. Wolver
ton's Clusiical School, on tbe first Monday
iu March next.
Terms per quarter to remain as a present viz:
fJrnmmnr, Arithmetic', O-ography, &.C. $4 00
Higher Koglii-h Diuucbes, it 00
Languages, Latin, Oreck, Oormou
and French, 7 00
Mr. Woi.vkrto!, tbe present Frincipal has
kindly consented tn rentier nssmtance occa
sionally during tbe Erst quarter.
tT Patronage is ret-peetfully solicited.
Sunbury, January 16. 18".2.
KolEocV ISandt-iiou Co7ite.
This preparation, mnde from thn beat Java
Coll'ee, is recommcniled by phyaicianii as a
superior NUTRITIOUS liE VEHAfJE for Debility, Dyspepsia, nnd nil billions
disorder. TliousamU who l.nvc been compt llej
to abandon the use of coll'ee will use this without
injurious t-Hcrts. One can contains the strength
ol two pound-t of ordinary cullee. Price ii'
The purest and best DAKINfi POWDER
known, tor making light, sweet and iiiittuiotis
UicuilauJ cukes. Price 15 cents.
Hivt ricTt'inu ur
M. n. KOLLOCK, Chemist,
Corner of Broad und Cbnstunt Streutst,
Anil aolil by ull Urnylstj aud Grocers.
March 1. 116!.
LITTLE HOOK. .H-signing to aid in
DISAKMINU TKEASU.X. and resturin
repose to THE NATION ! -To provide bonus
of comfort, and open fie I (3 of ttiiterpiUo for
r?" This lit'.tle woik should he in the hand,
of every rentier.
Price of the Hook one copy, Tuji ('entsj 15
ropil-a, .Jll.uo, ou copies, .iJ..1 j 1UU topics,
Address all orders accompanied wi:h the
ca-hto JO.E3 WEHSTEIt.
io. 50 North Fifih St., (Inn 2(171),) Pbila.
N. U. Ajenla wanted to sell this Hook in every
town, county and Mate.
March I, 18T,3. 3t.
i?H I L A DE Ll?H I RE A D IN fj R R fj o.
1NU AND IIAIiltrstil ItVi.
MoitMN't,, mm: daily, (Suniivs i:.;,i.i,.,! i
CAlsLCiWIIlI.t. S-!K.KTtl, I' 1 1 1 1 . A 1 I '. I . A It I A (Pass
tiieer entrjitti'vs on 'l'hirleenlli and on 'w.oll sticets,)
n'.-"0 A M., couiiri-hn:' at ll:tir;ti,rg u i:h llic I'rumt !.
viiini Kai!.oi,d 4.15 I'.'l. tiain riiiiiiing to I'ltthhiiri: ;
the Cunil.ethiid tlllev I, So I. M., tiain luiiunn! to CMoV-
l.ersi; Curlisle, Ac., aud lh .Northern Cjniial Itjilrond
1,-JO l M., ttuia ru'irimr toSniil.urv. Ac.
At 'n:uNtn.N I.I.N KS
I.eaveNcw I)ei-..t. I tiKNIlU nf IlilDAD AF.IlCAI.
l.tlWAU.I. frHhlJ'-, I'llll.ADI.I.I'lllA. (1 .iM.-ncr
t-ntraiiees on 'l lorlet-ir im 1 Cn':ow fill: 8;r, .-: )
K.u l"t' Tl? II.I.I-. fi d IIAKUISIU llei, utS.IS P M.,
DAII,V.eoi,neeliiir at llurrisinov Willi the Nurllieru Cei . U:4liroiid for itl,uly, W illia;,i.oit. i;ina.VL-.
Fxpress liain frorii New V.iSt, via F.asloii, tnakesehise
ci note! ion wtli Keu.ltng Mail sad A'-c-.inin daSMu trains,
e-ntieetieg ut I larrnl.ura with tile l eruis) Kaioa Central
3.l-i A l-, tram running W'n-t.
For llFADi.Nli, only ul 30 A.M., (Sudii)a e-x-re;.tid.)
t-r in IMitNitlrhihiu.
5- rhilndcluhia aiel Hemline
k I and Lelauiou Va.k-y It. It".
l.cutl I Dip's
I.trliuu -n,
Trrvorl'.n Junction,
1,' wilniijj,
Jk-'tit-y MiDre,
I.-K-k Haven,
I kl
Nolthern Centrul
1H7 j Suuhuiy and Kris It. R.
WiMiatnsnnt nnd r.Iuitru
TheS A. M units I.', I' M. ininsCDN'NK.f'T HAII.Y
AT I'tiRI' fl.lNTON', (Suintavs rst-enleil.) wnh the
ItAll.llOAlt, llinking olose eontieelloisi Willi lines In
MAtiARA l'll.b, CANADA, Ihu t:ST, A.Nii
Dr.PdT IN I'tlllTAIMejsI'HIA.
Comer of lilt I A I) A Ml T l.l.dW III I.I, Slrsets.
W. II. MelUlKN.NKV, iSrcrctary.
KcLruar7 S3, IEII3.
WlltlttMI II SOX tM'LWMVr,
mot eilieil to any 1 iM"..M.
nv iniy exj-l-isive (til, when a few cents inotu ser
gallon will luiinsti you Willi a ierfecl Ull .
Matte only Ly
No. I-J7 W'alout burn, Phfta.K lehat.
Cl.ruary 1.1. IMi. I)
I'll K FAMILY SOAP MA til-: It
A'i Ktteheutj reuse can he ttiude into good tnp, using
raiKiniticr !
Directions Aeeompanymg Faeh Hos !
HOAP in as etir-ilv made with It. us Hulking a eup of cof
c. Mnmif ,1'tutt-d hy th- P.-i'iiti'.-s
No. li'! nlnut Slreet, Vtu'adi l hu.
Fetirtuty l.t. IOi ly
Aiiftifor's IVolice,
T'StllE under-inned, having becu appuintod bv
3. the Court of Conitnun Pleas of Northumber
land County, an aodit r to distribute Ihe ninnies
in the hands of John A. 8uvder, assignee nf
Simen Hnyder, lo and among those entitled, will
attend for lUut purpose in his ollice, in tbe borough
of Huubury, on Monday, the ITih dny of Ma'sh
prox., between the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. and
4 o'clock P.M. Tlne tntere-ted may attend.
Sonlniry, Jan. 15th, Ififia
AlitiliiUtratui'M .futlce.
N'OTICR is hereby given thai letters of adrninlstnition
liavins heeu y muted to the aiil.a-iiiierBou ihe vaintc or
.Mertisn lliiehes, Ule of t-liausikiu iv.-usliip, N'oiihuin
tierlund emuly, ia., deeeased. All ptisons ui'leMed ara
reiiierite4l to make uniuediatu nuyuieut, wad Ihosu having
claims to present them for settlement
ALVIN' 1) Itt'tiHKrl,
Ohnmokln If , Feb. . lc6idl Adininls'nit'irs.
riauuts Tiiitid.
fHF subscriber offers his aervices to the citi
tens of bunhury and vit inity, in '1'uuing
Pianos. Orders Ull at the Crnlial Hotel, -kill
Im attandt-d lo.
Jaoiaty 18, 186 J.-If
Tt AS i.,t received . I,n m.,.rriii.
j M I. A I.NTKU CMlTIIIMJ. n.adr m. ',.(
'ii .;,.,. - ,, ,,. ... . . ., .' .
all si .., ol tbe best,
styles, suih ni
ninnimw Hliu III liie ISll'Sl
FKOM JO to I2.
A good stark of UA681MERE COAT4.
A splendid assortment of
A large Variety of m?6I.XES.S COAT?.
An escollnnt assortment
A large supply of Mens' t'lidershirls, Mvr
shirts. White whirls. Drawers and a variety of
other articles for mens' wear ten numerous to
Persona in want of clothing cannot do better
than io buv 8t this cheap store.
Call and examine for vourselves nnd you will
find it thenper than can bo purchased cUctaihctc
Murkct Street, nearly opposite Wt-avcr'a Hotel.
riunbury, Dec. l-t", ISM.
Just Piihli!ieil in a .Scaled Envelope; Price R eta
0 THE CAUSE AND CUKE of Mpermat or
rhien, t'onsnniplimi. Menial and Physical Debili
ty Ncrvuusntss, Epilepsy; Impaired Nutrition of
the Itody l l.aesituu'e; Weakness of the Limbs
and the Hnekt Indisposition, anil Itirspai-ity for
sttiily and Labor; Dtillncss of A ppn-hrnsion j
Loss of Memory ; Aversion lofocielv; I. eve nf
Solitude; Timidity; Keif Distrust; Dizziuers ;
Hevl-iche ; AU'ertiona of the K-.cs; Pimples on
the Face; Involuntary Eniiifioi s. and nPI,.in
Incapacity j the Cnnsetpjences of i'oulliful Indis.
crction. Ac , &c.
Vff This admirable Lecture clearly proves thnt
the above enumerated, often sell alllit ted, evils
may Ve. removed without medicine ond without
thngcrous surgical operations, and should be read
by every youth and every man in tho land.
"iem unilcr senl, to anv aildrcss, in n plain,
sealed envelope, on the receipt of six cents, oi two
pusduge slumps, by addressing
1'.'7 Hotvrry, New Vurk, Post OIHce Hox, l.infi.
1'iiat I'rcuiinm
.'Hn mi Cue:! iiiliij; PitrpoirN.
U nh Ili'tiiiners, Fellers, Tuekeis, borders, Itnidtrs, Ac
Make tl.e Ih-1; or Shuttle Sti'eh Maehmes ,,f the sara
patlems, nrel ut th rune iiiti-.-tas llti -ir cettUrnled l'tvL-
lil.i; LOCK Sl l ICIt MAI 'HI.NKS.
'i'iiis istle only Ci inimiiv ihi! mnVes ttli kii.di th-'ie-
f"re tli
nlyonc tun suj-jiiy all the t antv of tiiu pua-
I T'lrelr-si-is i-m take tlieir
nil Hi- uiiviiei-e of e.-trliaiieiiii; for the
f either Slilch
it her.
A im-vv style oi hm:ie M.n-hiiie runs fust and iptiet, for
Vest M.ikcli Tuihus, Slioc Hinders, 4e.
.If the I.nw 1'rirc of $10.
l"r BtY TDK BF..ST si
UnOVKK .V liAKFR' M f...
;50 Clieatnut Str.-t,
11. H. Misslii, Sunbury, Agent for tlie Manu
facturer. Die. n hc: 21, i:i ly
ut the
FasMonable Tailoring Establishment
J -A. COB O. 2ECK,
Marlict Mrcrt, st'MiMir Ph.
fniIK s'uhsi-ril or has juf! rcreived nml opcou.l
- a Inro assortment KI'IUNO AND bls'M-
Mr.K tiOODr. such as
Plain and Fancy Cas6imere3, Vesting-u, &c
nf the latest styles. In aiMitinn l i his stm-k he
is consttiiitly receiving new stij plies front the citv
ket-pini; a full assortment ol the most substantial
und latest style of I roods in the city markets.
He is prepareJ to mnkc to order all kindi of
Gentlemen's nml toy's wear, such as
LOON'S, Ac. Ac.
of tho very lateet style, and in the most substan
tia manner, at short notice.
Any UooiU not on hand, will ho furnished
from Philadelphia, hy giving two day's notice.
LT Cull and examine, my flock, no iliarcs
iRaiio for showing.
Sunbury, May II,
Entirely VegetaLls- lo Alcobolio Prepa
ration. Ii It . IIO t V I. 1 AD'S
I'ropiircil hy
Ull. C. M. JACKSON & CO.,ri.iWtliIiia.r.i
will t'flVctuully cure
I.IVEK COM rL.MNT, liYsi'EI'tflA.J.W.N.
t'hroi.ic Nitvohs OitiUHv, Dlrvcass's. of tlu KiJ-
-' -tnj ullil.t-timci uriMiig from a tliur Jort J
J.ivcr ur Momacli.
Hiich in Cii)ntipiiiinn, litw:ifd TilcN. l'u!nr- -i
t" Uv Hi nd, Atiilil) ut' tilt Sti'lMHi'li. .Viusr.i. ITruilttin.
Itmyunt i 'i Fo-ftt, 'titiifs ur U'ti;lit in ths ii.ititn.'h,
Ssiut Kriiciniiniuj Sinkittt; or Khutor n iit m tiie IM I
Stniu.K ti, htviiinmift n" lite Ufial. HoiriMl il tl I : j ; i . ' t
Hrt-.iihnii.'. Kluttiricj nt I he Ilciiri. i.'h"r.n!r: r (! :'inir
St'IltWltD'Utl Wlit.l l U 1 V I T i P"H'r, 11'llli-f-fM l I IKI' M,
tl.-H . vi-Ut brt"ff tin' ti:tit , i-'cVfl Mint I'lltl i" nit mi
Hitr h(c UarL, t "lici, l.iiiilu, Ac , ?imUii l':uin-.oi lit -it
Itur-tliif: til lUc Klrbli, CuDi'sliil Itu-ti-miu- I i'"."'!. 'Mt
c' it l'cjitt-.'iii'Hi if Usui wilt ;vjiivriy rvenl
rl!uv t i vir, liilliwui I- evi r, Ac
'i'.i prtih ictr in c-iUiiit1 Ul- Biiettiii't) ! ill t'litf
tint prf jmiiil .n. f.1.rl 4MU ttD ii U t fini; .'( I lit- I'I ni. hi v it
title Kl III MM Villus, HI 111 aijtlLt;ihU ttf til silatCHBli Mf
WUicli it ia rcciMiiLiult J.
It m no uw una iiiitnt-tl arliclf. t-ut oi -' llial i-t '-l
tlic t 'skill' h tvvcivt y fui ttiui Lcicn: lltr Ainu kmii p
y'v, Hilits r--jnititluii mid fule lire unriv.i!' l lv nny fcimt
iur prfpiinitioiin ejiiiiiit. Tlif trtiuitj7 ut Hi-lav-'i lmumi
by tho mi'ft piiiii.iiitiii mul wrll ku-nvu l'h wn i-tun m-4
IiiiIivhUiuI hi all wiui lti c-'linirv ti ImtncuKf, hhiI m
ViiiH'uI pr'nsul ut lite Alinunar, pliidctl mmtiiiHy ly Iim
pfopnti'tm, nua u te tt h.tO n unyi'i '"fi t-i'
caiim-i, but lit'iMi'v tlir most a-tiii;il lmt Mm rnuiil)
rf iltsKrvin I In cetriititv it hua .MrtuuifJ.
KeiittwIiRt Hie rmiimit CUm Mwtut'artuii r, JOHN M.
WltlTAl.l.. Mvioi the BAOAMIO fttKlHAI.
lr,C. M. j4ikk-.. Hi,-rctcJ l'fil : llnvnt? tt
1 ii.f l line Ivft ii utiiiuiiitrl wiiti lUc virtue ul lt;i)uuc
Cufthiil hi roujilu, C.'ltU, ItillnnnuutD'H l l)f 1.d -ii, o,
I lliui irrvly (uur taiirwti)- io its ilti.iicy. For wvhuI
yeuri I ttiivr ut vet br it wiilmol U iu i) Utiitly. It ul
Ittvci tne plt-asurr ia ftiulc tluu I iiuvu um iIU witUt tilNC
nuccosu in the irfHtmi'iii tI io(, t-U'nDlaniti
ThyfiirntHy Huly, JoHXM WHITAl-L.
Fifth Mti. IV, r-of. Kmc tuitri, aUv 4tli. riniM.r-,.
'Thme inrdii-inra art I'm Ktl Uy nil rrkMftHl! Iuiitti
-slid Ot'ttliftstH iiifiiit nit ni tne I mlt-il M.iltt, t ttm.
hntifh l'ro UifM.-ra nml tbt lilHir, m 75 rrn II prf ls.'l
I'f. He Mif-i-aml (t-H ihtj peamne, u nli the (k'Kriwi nre ! 4'.
M. Jm ,m tho wrnpi'trff ruiii )ttk : nHi-lnt'i mm
rtnitfrfrit. Puncipul UiVict tuij .MHatil-it-try. i3 Arih
iiit, I'hiUid-lphiss, fa.
brjsuu't- Mi leu. ly
T)LAK rr-.hiunt VcdU ami Mank
l'oMi;Kf, IVuiJ. KatH-utinna. Hummn?,
Ac, (of wit b H. U. M AMfe-EA.