y the rneds for the advath. SMrppjjic lctos. TROII WASHINGTON. Wakiiinotor, March C, 1RC2. Mri Norris, a fashionable resident of lta. lirsore, and II known in aristocratic clrclee iu Philadelphia, recently arrested while endeavoring to convey Blea and acids, a well a Cypher despatches tn the inmates of Fort Lafayette, baa had bar papers and effiets examined. Tlia reiolt ia. tbe discovery at bcr boost of Urge quantities of contraband articles and important treasonable corraepoo dene. The most significant matter were nantitiei of liut and adhesive plaster, which will do find one in different direction Iban vraa originally intended. Secretary Seward ia preparing aa elaborate and outspoken commnnicatfuo to Cnngres on the subject of the .Mexican affairs, in wbicb bo will take ground that the tailed State are bound by every consideration of principle and policy to resist to the utmost the eon lemplated establishment of en adjoining monarchy by Kornpeeo military intervention, t he document it one of the most able State papera ercr issued, and will be immediately considered by the Comoiivlee on Foreign Affairs of botb Houses. rttOM (iBX. BANKS' COMMifl. T.nmiiRu, March 8 Col. (irnrj has taken Leeirtiurir anil driven lienrrel Hill, with his hole rnmmand, from the town and eurrniindiuc fort. The lt and Htripes wrae over all the bill. The Kebcle fall hack towards Middlebury, last night. Colenel tteary left I.nwtuville, with his rmnmand, and marched through Wheatland and Waterfuni, taking prisoners at both places, and putting the reattercd farces of the enemy to flight. shortly nftrr sunrise, thi morning, he took possession of Tort Johnson, which wa rerhr'ntni' ed by the ollicera Fori Geary. He then entered the camp, with flags flying nnd bayonets fixed. The Hebcl troops, who bad considered this as one of their greatest stronghold, could be discern cd through a glau in full retreat. The command took many prisoners and a quantity of army stores, and are possession of (lie I! ink. i'ost (Mice and public buildups Forts Beauregard and Evans are also in our toss scion. THE WAR IN ARKANSAS. THIS UATTLK AT PEA K!I)CiK. rCflTllfcll l-ARTKTLAM. Federal loss 450 Killed and Wounded, Rebel I.iirs 1 ,000 Killed and Wounded, and 1,000 Prisoners 'I7t Enemy's force 25, 000. Den MeCulloeh and (n. Mcintosh Mortally Wounded. Ki-RiNormi.t), Mo., March 10 (Special tn the St. Louis K'pwilican .) X messenger vrbo arrived here at three o'clock this morning reports that tbe battle at Tea Ridge lasted from Thursday morning to Saturday evening, and that oar loss wa9 nbunl fourbnndred and fifty killed and-ouuded. The rebel Iota was about 1.00(1 killed and wounded, and 1,000 taken prisoners. A mong tbe latter was Colonel Mcltua, of no Aikan bus regfmeot. Tba ntlack od oar forces was made from tlia north and west our army boiug com pletely surrounded. (jeoeruls Van Porn, Trice, MeCulloeh, and Mcintosh were present with 25,000 men. MeCulloeh and Melotosh are reported to have becD mortally wounded. The attack . from ' ' tba rear was made ny MeCulloeh and met by General Slgel, whcuHriUfeh jo tbeir own markets wounded him and completely scattered his force in wild confusion. e nave also cap tured a large amount of stores, teams, cannon, luiajl arms, and ammunition. mini coxiMonoRB dipont's fleet. Capture of Fern andina, Florida, and Brum uici, ft'eoryiaA U. S. Fort Recovered. Ualtimoks, March 10. The United Htates steamer Alabama, Capt. Laoier, arrived bere ibis morning, direct from Fernaodioa, Florida, bringing Capt. Davis, tale flig officer of tbe South Atlantic equad rou, as baarer of dispatches from Commodore DuponJ to the Navy Dopartoient, announcing the capture of Kcroaudina nai Bronswick, by the Uiet under bis command. LATE NEWS FROM BUROPE. 1'okti.aku, March 1 1. The steamship North A mericao has arrived with Liverpool papers of the '27th. The paper relative to the Southern, block ade had beoo submittod to Parliament. Karl Russell, in a letter to Lord Lyons, detod the 15th of February, says that tbe fact nf ships bsving successfully ran tbe blockade don't prevent tbe blockage from being effective,' end argues that a neutral State ought to exercise great caution with regard to a de fuclo blockade, and ought not to disregard it unless the power of blockade rs abused. Council Proceedings. Sctuunv, Murcb 12, 18G2. Council met, pursuant to ootico Chief It urge 88 in the chair. Members preseui, Mcscra. Hocher, Zetelinoyer, WUvert, lioyer, lirinut, Crant and Stroh. Minutes of luit meeting read aod approved. The Finance Committee reported the fol lowing bills correct : P. M. Sbindel, $3. 25 25. 00 1. (10 2:. oo 10. 12 &. 18 John W. Uuchor, A. W. Fisher, Geo. It. Vouugman, Benjamin Uroiious, Ira T. Clement, Ypungman Bro , On motion, orders above bills. 11.12 were granted for tb, Od motion of Mr. Rover it was unanimous ly Resolved, That the resolution passed by Council nu Hie 1'Jlh of March, 1861, granting pay to members of Council be repealed, and that the pay auJ Cues during the pat year be remitted. Ou motion, tbe Chief liuigecs was autho' rir.ed to enter into a lease witb MesVs. Siroh "L Elliott for river bank for the term of fif teen years from the expiration of the lean of Zimmerman A' Pnrsel, at the yearly rout of 10, according to their proposition. JOHN W. HCCllKIl, Clerk. C The F.ael Baltimore Methodist FpiSf ropal Conference recently adopted a series o resolutions, on the .bullion, the Cut of which ii as follows , RttJved, 1st, That v a body of Christian rniuielers, in Conference assembled, we here by express irur abhorrence of tba rebellion tori axUtiug within our borders, as being treasonable io its origin, gauguioery io its progieii, and as tending to retard the ad vancement of civil liberty throughout tho world. After an animated debate, these were adopted by a vote of 132 years to 15 pays. NaysMessrs. J. Wesley Vrnwo, Ueale. J. H. Haahicil, Hedges. Hall, Kepler, kin ay, M'Courlney, Norria, Parrisb, Philip 1$. I'.eese, Bargeut, Stevenaou. Speogler aod V!ty.l&. Tbo iioo clad gay boat, built by Capt. Krirsaon, laa proved to be a formidable an gina of war, aod just in time to save that co bl ship, tbe "Minnesota," then agroaod and LelpUis. C2T Tba Iioo. Hubert M. Paloier, of this Stale, has bseo compelled to ask to ba lec&Hed from bis position as Minister of tbe Argentina Uopublie, oo eccuDut of bit decliu. ing lesllb. THE AMERICAN. 3 HUNHUBY, 3P.A-. SATURDAY. MARCH 15, 1862. n.B.MASSER, Editor aad Proprietor tjjr I. in can prom thu Asm v. We refer our readera to several interesting letters from H I). W., at Key West. The letters of oor correspondent, we are pleased to say, are ge. ncrelly read wilb interest. Tbey embody facts, and are written in a terse, clear style. without vesbiage or redundancy such as we might expect from an intelligent Uicruber of j .. I. ! me typograpuic att, " I'iscator's" letter from the Filly seventh Uegimenl Pennsylvania Volunteers, encamp ed tiear Alexandria, Va , will amply repny perusal. Tnr. Scirit ok Improvkmfnt is mani festing itself in different quarters of the town io various ways. A number of new dwellings have already been cotntn'enced. William M. Rockefeller. Ksq., is erecting a new building ,. . . ,. '. . . ... bojuuhi.r nis restueuce, io oo ui-i-upuiu uy .,. James lloyd. A new building is to be erected on the Duwart corner-lot, at the depot. The store-room of Wm, Hoover, at the corner, has been enlarged and handsomely fitted np, with windows and door fronting 4ka railroad' tV The Sulinsgrovo limes, referring to General Cameron's recent visit to Sunbury, says : "Friend Tordy, of tbe Demncrat.hai better keep a sharp lookout and well bolted doors." The editor of the Times ond his friend Tor dy need be nndor no apprehensions. They are game entirely too small for Fort Lafayette or Fort Warren. It won't puy to put a tom tit into an eagle's cage. sE? Tur Taru f. The editor of tbe bogus Democrat, in his efforts to prejudice tbo pco. pie against the turiff levied to support the war ogaiuat the rebels, says : "It keeps all roscully foreign produces from ruiniug this country by selling the laboring muo coffee for 10 cents per lb. when he can just aa well bo made to pay 25 els., and from dressing bis family with cotton goods ut 10 cts. per yard when he can juet as well have them dressed with the same goods at 20 cents." Every intelligent editor knows that the tariff enhances the price of coffee only five cents, and every intelligent editor ought to know and does know that muslins and other domestic cotton goods bave not advanced one farthing ou account of the tariff, and that our manufacturers have fur years undersold the Tbe rise of cotton, from ten cents per pound to thirty, owing to itn scarcity, is the chubi; and yet shilling musliua have not advanced three cents per yard. Fray, Mr. Furdy, bave some tittle respect for the intelligence of yonr readers, and do not treat them as if they were all dolts or idiots, by attempting '.0 cram such stuff down tbeir throats. tRT Mb. Cowan, one of the Republican U S. Senators from this Stute, has become quite a favorite with the editor of tbe bogus Dmom crut of Ibis place, wbilo Mr. Wiluiot, tbe otb. er Republican SeDalor is d'enouueed iu no measured terms. Cowan voted against tbo expulsion of Jesse D. Bright from tbe Senate for disloyalty, on technical grounds. He also voted against tb3 expulsion of Senator Star, ke, of Oregon, who was charged with having uttered treasonable language, and expressing sympathy for tbe South, oo Iho same grounds. With a knowledge of Ibeso facts, it dou't re' quire the vision of a prophet to tell why the editor of the Democrat admires Mr. Cowan Bright was no better than lireckiuridge, and( like bim oud many others north of Mason & Dixon's line, was "opposed to coercion," and only wauted climate to bring them oat full blown traitors. An It;r.0K.NT Look. The Sunbury correspondent of the Relicsgrove 7'iic gives, as Le says, "a little description" of General Cameron, while cjj a recent vifit to Sunbury Its littleness cannot Lo questioned. Here il ii : "He is about six feet two inches tall, has very a Ignorant look, wears low shoes aud white stockings," ilce. That lie General bad 'a very ignoiant look t be'!low!1 UP0D the learned eorre- tpuuuvub I'l luts jirrrrs sunuueu uia pruj'ui- tiuns, is more than probablu. CF" ifno. C. Brrckinridge, late Vice-President of the United States, is a candidate fur a seat in the Coufuderute Congress, lu his address to tho people of Kentucky, anoouu ciug his candidacy, he "detiues bis position'1 thus : 'I am utterly opposed to a reconstruction of thu old gnvarnmuul, or any measure which in the remotest degree tend io that direc tion, l-'or one, 1 shall uever consent that peace shall bo made until the very last of all the enemies ofoar liberty shall be driven, not only from our hallowed soil, but from every foot of territory which, by its geographical position, naturally belong to tbe rjoulb." The Northumberland County Dnnucrut m please copy. ajy LTK!t Nkwi. A despatch from Ber' ryville, Va., says that Winchester, Virginia' bas been occupied by our troops, tbe rebels having retreated tp Straeburg. A slight skir mish occurred on entering tba town. Tbe futl details of the late buttle in Ilamp' too Itoads state that the attack on our Beet waa but a portioo or the rebel movement, which likewise contemplated a land move' meet upon Newport News. Tbe rebel troops ten thousand strong, oame within a few miles of tba pott, driving io our pickets, but, per ceiviog that the Mcrrimae bad failed to ac complish ber share of tbe work, tbey retired Capt. Bncheoeu, commander of the Merrimac bad died of hit wounds, as has also seventeen of the crew, Generals Pillow and Floyd bave been ens' peoded from their command by Jeff. Davis, until a more satisfactory account ii given lr the Fort I'OBsltoo e&eir. C3"T"S Vak W'ycK Invfstici avion Commit tkk. I hot groat frauds have been perpetra ted On the Government, by unprincipled men as contractors tod speculators, these Investi gations prove, unfortunately, to ba too true. W should be glad to sea every mother's ion of them severely punished, as we look npon them as do better than semi secessionists, who are endeavoring to clog the wheels of Govern ment by peace propositions, falso inuendoat party prejudices and other underground ef. forts to favor tbe South, liut these commit tees of investigation are generally looked upon with suspicion, and Mr. Van Wyck cer tainly has been greatly damaged by M r. Cam- mings' expose of tbeir conduct, read ia Coo' grew. They oot only refused to bear Mr. Camming! testimony, but altered and per verted bis language to auil their purpose. After offering to furnish the voncbers and the evidence of the proper expenditure of tbe $140,000, Mr. Cummiogi proceeds to say : "It is tbos mode evident, by authentic and well-attested Vouchers, that tbe money drawn from the two million fund wos honorably ex ..f,it.. f .kut H A a ik.nahl In li. ' .ml B it 1 1 I pendud for what was thought to be, and really was, the necessity nr the Uovernmect. "it is made equally evident that the state meLt of the report still more plainly ond offensively repeated in Congressional speech es by members nf the Committee that a l.irge balance of 1 10,000 was retained in my possession, is datilule of tbe slightest sem blance or shadow of truth, the only ground for whirh, at any titr.e, seems to hove been a vingnl.ir misapprehension or an ingenuous and wilfnl alteration of tbe language of my nn. l t-ommiHee, ami anpenue.i in my testimony. 1 be note, as written to the Com- . m- . . . . - D0S,,PD. is literally and legibly os follows. Mark tbe words : "There retained under authority of the Secretary of the Treasury by Messrs. Dix, lilntcbford and Opdyke, oue hundred and for ty thousand dollars, besides what 1 have sta led iu toy testimony, which is accounted for by the vouchers.' "The original draft of the note, still in viy possession, is os follows : " ' Thore was retained under authority of the Secretory of the Troosury by Mess. Dix, HUtcbford and Opkyke, one bnndred and for ty thousand dollars, besides what 1 have sta ted in any testimony,' which is accounted for by the voucheis.' "In copying it very hastily for the Commit tee, 1 seem to bave omitted the word 'was ;' but the least intelligent reader would in an instant have supplied it, and, indeed, without It the meauing is entirely plain. "Tbe Committee, in their report, printed it as follows, and rounded upon their version an argument that 1 bad possession of 110, (IPO Their whole line of argument and injurious deductions if thus baaed upon ou alteration of my language : "'1 bave retained, nnder authority of the .Secretary of ibu Treosury, by Messrs. Dix, I'datchford and Opdjke, oue hundred and for ty thousand dollars, besides what 1 have sta ted in my testimuuy, which is accounted lor by the vouchers.' "It will thus be seen that, in ebnnsing tha word "there" to the words "I have," the report not only reduced tho language of ihc note to an absurdity, but, so far as it left any meaning in it at all, it changed the depositary of the $. 10,000 from .Messrs. Ili x. Ul.ilcliford ond (Mlike (by whom it mas held by proper authority) to myself, who, according lo their insinuations, retained it, without voucher of any character whatever. "Hut aside frm. and independently of, Ibis critical exposition of Ihe alteration of my lan guage by the author of (lie report, from which 1 have been sullering, I have happily nt my com mand official papers sustaining, in whole and in detail, my statement on this point all of which Mr. Lilatchford would have exhibited to Ihc Committee if he had been allowed to appear be fore them. "It was to this sum, and to the fiction in rcla lion to it, that I referred to my note so strangely garbled and misused I re fi red to ii because it was in addition lo what had been al first expended, I discovered on examining my papers, having en deavored in vain to induce Hie Committee (o allow me to Itiruisb iliein ih.i vouchers and papers, instead of relying on my lecollt ctioo ; and I wrolo the nolo that there iniht not be the noiearance of an omission. It ut Ihe note stated, in relation to it, that this sum "ia accounted for by the vuuehers," w hich seemed to render it impossible for any misapprehension ; and I think now that no fair mind could have iniKipjirehcndcd it. and certainly no honest mind would have altered it. "All these facts, so perspicuous, so undeniable aud so conclusive, as lo aierinlilful retention and appropriation of ihc $ 1 10,11(10 with the knowl edge and sanction of the authorities rf Ihe Go vernment could have been had bv the Commit tee il llity lad been willing even lu hear the testimony of Mr, lilatchford who had all Ihe papers necessary lo a lull understanding of the cave, as previously stated. "It should be remembered that during all my interviews with the members of the ('.oiiiinittce, I had not the remotest idea of what Ihey were about lo complain of. I was never once atked to explain a syllable about tbe $140.0110, nor was it hinted to me that that was a question in their minds; and, indeed, I had been assured thai they had no serious complaint to make against me. "The simple statement of these facts convicts Ihe Committeoof such gross ar.d reckless injustice, that I co not feel called upon t stamp it or '-haracterize it with the deserved aud appropriate epflhcls." CiT Sork IIkads. Our notico of tbe sore, headed sympathizers with Floyd and Breckiu. ridge, last week, touched our biiliuus neighbor of tbe bogus Democrut io a tender place, and he stopped the press to oiake the following learned reply : . "Won't Pi-iu.mi It. Tie notorious little advocate of mob law who contrails that obscure sheet, tha Sutioury American, will oot publish Yflri Wyck'ti "Creut Speech." He could bod room to justify uiiduighi attacks npon private property, be could inuke a ereat ado about "Hickibeon and Holt'" speeches, because he thought tbey might have some influence on the full eleclinu-carryir.g it for the 'no party' party, of atriulic army awiudlers in which he fell specially interested; -be can talk six months about Floyd's having sent arms into Southern Arsenals, but IUV he cannot devote a single issue to tbe scoundrels of bis owu party wbo bave stolen a hundred miliiuus from the people. J" Now we will agree to furnish tbe learned aod veracions Truman with a copy of Cobb's Spelling Book, latest edition, by which he can learu lo spell control, renegade and other bard words correctly, if be will poiut out a a siugle sentence of ours 'justifying mobs or midnight attacks on private properly." But what is still more ridiculous aod absurd is the charge that "we cannot devote a single P : issue to the scoundrels of our own nartv not bl.e. !...,:,. iuto thllsa er. scoundrels, as well as tbeir defenders, Tromao among tbem, for tbe last six months? Wbeo the true Democratic party sbull get rid of such excrescences, wbicb we trust will oot be long, tbe Northumberland County Democrat will ba up tba spout, or else located In tbe laod of Dixie, where, if its merit! are not acknowledged, its sympathies will be at least appreciated. Cff" Wuoopino Cornn may ba greatly re. lieved and entirely cured by tba free osa of Hooflaud'i Balramac Cordial. Kutd the ad- t verUxujeul 1U fuller column Ci" Tim Sitrrmk CotnT. An attempt is making lu the I.cgisluture to move the place of holding thn Supreme Court, for the North ern District, from this place to Williemspnrt. The only plausible reason, that can be urged is that the district is too small, and should be attached to the llarrisborg district. The Judges themselves allege no other reason The removul to oor ambitious rival certainly won't culargo tie district. Their new Court House, which is certainly highly creditable. Can be admired by the Judges or others wilb. requiring them to hold court In it. We bere insert the bill es lead iu place by Senator Johnson s Skctioh 1. He it enacted,' Jr., That the regular terms of the Supreme Court for the Northern l'istrirt of Pennsylvania sbull be hereafter held at Willianispnrl, in the county j of Lycoming, and all adjrnrned and special terms or snu court lor sain i'lslncl, mall He held at the same place, ntiless otherwise spe cially ordered by said Court, under existing laws, nnd it shall he the duly nf the 1'rotbo- nitnry of (aid District to remove the records in his oflice to the borough of Williameport within furly days after tbe passage of this act. Tn MokituR, or, Kricssos Uattkkt. This vessel ia sharp at both ends, the deck or top of the battery is even with ihe top of the hull, and is covered with two thicknesses of inch plate-iron, fastened to eight inch oak plank and ton-inch nnk timber, but twenty-six inches npart. There is no railing or other obstruction on tbe top nf the bat tery except a round tower or turret, twenty feel in diameter end nine feet high, nnd eight inches thick, made of plate-iron. The turret has two port holes, each to fret in diameter, for two eleventh inch columoiads, ami is also pierced for musketry. The turret is of immense weight, but made to revolve by ma chinery from telow, so as to bring the gtms in any desired range, and lo remnrc Iho ports from Ihc enemy's (tuna while loadinff. Her two col uml'iads carry round balls weighing each one hundred ami eighty-three pounds, or conisful balls of three hundred and fifty pounds. A correspondent of Iho Pittsburg "Gazette" gives the fallowing remedy for Diplheria a dis ease which, we regret to learn, prevails to a eon siderablc extent in some portions of F.rie Coun. tyi "I notice in iho "Evenine; Gazette," of Feb. I0th,salt recommended for diseases of the throat. &c. For the sake of suffering homanity, I send you the following prescription fur the cure of Diplheria, which I have not known tj fuil in a ingle case : On Ihe first symptoms of Ihe disease, to wit: headache, fever, soreness and enlargement of the glands, take a lull dose of cnstur oil, or any good pills; Gurgle the throat frequently with strong salt water ; keep a small pieco of glim camphor in the mouth; put a tea-spoonful of Ihc best r.ncli.-li carbonate oi soda in a small luml.lrr full of soft water, and when w ell desolveil, lake a table-spoonful every hour , keep Ihe bov.els healthy by repeatig portions of f purgatives." M.C. Cohxi-, M. D. FROM CENTREVILLE. OUU TROOPS OCCUPY MANAS SAS. W AM1INUTO.N, Muich 11, 1S62. Tbo new of tba occupation of tho fumed MauoKas Junction reached tbe city at an early bour this morning, by on oliieiul tele gram, winch set al res- the idlu rumors of a Gght, retreat, etc. The intelligence which has been coming in. ever since Saturday from contrabands ami refugees, has all centred to the fact that tbe rebels were falliug back from j -j he pig race wos a failure. There were loo ma Centreville, with the mteniion ol not only ny rmilltfri) for t)U0 u,jg 8nd B00tber, Mr Por abandoning tbeir works there, hat nt Manas- ;Vt belnR a jjcessiotnst. tbe siebt of bo ruoov 809, a few miles in the rear. 1 ho evacuul:ou of the balteries oo tbe lower l'otomuc, and tbe withdrawal from l.eeshurg, all tended to the confirmation of these stories, which were fully realized ut a late hour last night, by the advance of onr forces from Cmilreviile, to wards Manassas, which they eu'ered early this morning. Tbe forlorn hope of the rebels was seen straggliug over the hills, but a short distance beyond the road to htrnsburg, as our eavuliy eutt red too deserted entreucn ments. Il was evideul that no inconsidcra. bleipauic had seized tbe rebels, for their works seemed to be as hastily abandoned as on Ihe lower Potomac. Tbe rebel tlag was flying at Fuirfax Court House at Centreville, and wos I allowed to remam np, but with the glorious flag of the Union waving proudly over it in the clear light of this balmy morning. Komo of the rebt'l pickets lhat were not quick eonngh to follow tbeir punic stricken com panions were cptored. and reached the city lo-dv a must d. ierted. worn nut l.i.ikir.t. set. They were rires.ed iu a white woollen uniform, made from nepro clolb, but th hardships ol Ibe service bad rendered it of many colors. In other respects the soldiers seemed far inferior lo ours, and displayed au iguorance aod stupidity rarely seen in tie human face. They were placo.l in confine' uient. On their march op Pennsylvania avenue tbey were tbe objects of great curiosi ty, hundreds rushiug ou the streets to gel a sight of tbem. TiikScksr at Mnassa8 Dkstkiotiok or Pkoi-krtv. Ckntrkvim.k, March 11. Upon a closer examination, it was discovered that the rebels before evacuating their mucb.boaetcd strong hold, had set fire to such of their commissary stores as they could oot conveniently carry off. Tho place presented a scene ol the ut most desolation a mas of blackeoed ruins. Tbe rebels also blew up the bridges along the line of the Orange aud Alexandria Hail- road for some miles below Manassas, iiucb of tbe locomotives which were oot of repair also destroyed, il is supposed by blowing up, and the vicinty of tho depot is covered with fragments of machinery belonging to tbe de' tlrojd locomotive. It is said that tbe rebels left CvMrevillu on t-'uudoy moruing. . Large numbers of contrabands have roach' ed our lines (which now extend beyood Mi nasa8 Juoclioo) und are slill coming in by droves. On our way from Centreville, yesterday morning, we passed at least oue buudred wbo were muking tbeir way to Washington. borne of the refugees claim lo bave come a distance ol tweuly miles west of Munassus. They ell agree in saying that the rebels left tha latter place in great precipitution, and that Ibe destruction of their couiuiiasaiy stores was commeuced at aa early hour oo Sunday. The contrabands state that a portioo of the forca which left M masses passed northwardly. This is considered improbable; but if tbey did, it was for the pirpose of reinforcing Jucksoo al Winchester. Tbey ulso state Ibat all tbo bridges along Ibe routu by which tbey came bad beeo bluwo up by tbe rebels iu tbeir retreat, und that the greater portioo of '.be track l also torn op. Tbe earthworks at Centreville bad beeo greatly misrepresented. They were not of tba formidable character supposed. Tbe eueuiy, before evacuating, bad somewhat injured tbem by breakiog the embrasures aud casemates. Tbe same is probably the case at Maoas sas, tbe fortifications of which, however, have oot yet been fully examined. Our troops, ou arriving at Fairfax Court House found oot more than a doten families remaining there. Tbe soldiers rushed ioto the court bousa and brought away some of toe records, out, oo this beiog discovered, tbe oflicers directed their return. When our troops learned that Manassas bad .been evacuated, their spirits suddenly became depresaerl, as they bad auticipated a H'luud coLfiict wilb the autoy. Correspondence. Letter from tbe Sunbury Guards. Anical of Gen. DrannanThe Tld of Feb ruaryProgramme of the Celebration A Hull given by the Hand of the 47A Regiment The Dancing A Concert Xcgro Mint, tnls Health of the Hoys. Camp Hrankan, Kkt Wg.iT, l ie , Feb. 27, 1862 j Draa Wn.vkiiT (Jen. Uranoeu and staff arrived here on Friday last, nn tbe steamer J'tiiladtlihia. He made bis first appearance, to us, on our parade gronod, at dress parade, and seemed pleased at the improvement the men had made with tbeir new arms, io tbe manual. After dress parade be rnde passed th different streets of tbe regiment and the enthusiastic cheers given bim showed tbal he was liked, end that the men had perfect con fidence io him. Saturday last, the anniversary of tbe birth of the "Father of his Coontry," WASiiiNnTON, was celebrated in a becoming manner. The whole Brigade was formed io Divisions, which made three sides of s square ; the officers in front, while the General and staff were io tbe centre. A prayer was then offered to the Tbroue of Grace asking for success to our arms, that this wicked rebellion might k) pot down, aod that we might hereafter celebrate the anniversary of Washington's birth day in peace. The farewell "Address" was then rond ; after which tbe Xripade moved io co lumn through the town to Fort Taylor, to be preseut ut tbe Gring of the National Salute of thirty. fonr gnns. Immediately after tbe salute from the fort, the Pensacola, man-of-war, lying in port, let go all its guns, one after another. The effect was splendid, and the loud barking of ils"bull dowe" was dangerous to secesh wtudow glass. The regiments then returned to tbeir different ca-nps, pretty well tired after tbeir march end long exposure to the heat of this hot island. After resting, washing acd enjoying a tin of soup, a holiday was given, aod tbe men were ready lo see tbe fun to ba had in the following PROGRAMME, Of tho celehratino nf the 4T'.h l.Vg. Pa. Vols At Key West, Florida, February 22, lb'C2. Music by the Band. Oration by Capt. fjobio. 1st, Foot Race. Two men from each com pany, to ruu across tbo Barrack yard aud back. Tbe man making the best time to re ceive $5, the second beet $2 50. 2d, N'hedbarroie MaUh. Two men from euch company to wheel barrow, blindfolded, Cty yards at a mark or stake. I he man coming.the nearest tbe stake to receive $5 00. Second bust 2 50. 3d Sack Race. -Two mon from each com pany to run a race of fifty yards io Kicks up to their nicks. Tbe man making the best lime to receive 5 00. Second best $2 511- lth. J'i' Chase. Ten men from each com- I pany to run after a shaved and greosed pig. 1 tie men catcuing and holding it by tbe tail i lo receive tie pig Judges were appointed to decide as to the winuers of the dillereul feats. The foot race was very, will contested. Ja cob 11. K.eilTir, of our company, came in for the second prize. In a ron of' four hundred yards he would beat all who were in that race. 'Uho wheelbarrow match was full of fun, some of the contestants were further oil from the slake al ftio end than when they started. Tbe big tlnnii of Ihe day was tbe sack business. P. M. Handel was in tbe ring for that I.auky etaiti-d well, but when almost to tbe goal he lost his equilibrium, down he fell ; however, a lucky thought struck him, be tried the ndlii'g process, aud the consequence was "old Had" r.illnd bininpif int o Ih'n aprnnit nrt?a I. don troops rather discomutted him, made him weak in tbe kuees, nnd consequently he could not run. Kvervtbing passed off well. All Hi-re pleused, and tha ludies, who favored us with their presence, (there was a goodlv number nf tbeu) declared they never before enjoyed themselves so much as they did at the celehration cflhe47tu Penti'a. Vols. Ou Monday nitiht, the 24lh tho Bond of our regin.eul gave a ball for the officers. It wos numerously attended by the knights of the rpur and tinsel. The ladies were oot quite so plenty, however, there was enough present to lorm six sella. As forth six sella. As for the per formance on the iBbt fantastic toe." I have ttva some t liut was mora pleasing to my 1 my fan- cy it was 109 much ou thu "bobbin round" style. The ladies are nnaequaiuted witb cur : northern figures, hut to their credit they were willing to luarn, und were ulways ready to till I up a sett so as to keep tho ball in motion. 1 j ,boud say all parties enjoyed themselves, for ! -r .i .... j I ,a hufnr. , mi!,. - ,. j homewards. On Wednesday night, the 26lb, the Band gave a concort. Oa account of the heavy wiod and ruin it was not quite so well attend- ed as it might have boen. Notwitbstondiog the storm, tbe ladies turned out well. Amuse- meuts have been very scarce bere, and the inhabitants patronize almost anything. Why, some of thu boys of onr Regiment, got up a oegro baud of minstrels, and their bouses were so crowded that many were refused ad mittance. The Band cleared over Gfty dol larspretty well for a few hours blotcing. From the amusements and sea bathing, you con perceive tbe Northern "mod sills" are eoinvim; themselves, aud if thev keen it nn this island will soon become famous as a wa - teriog place secoud lo oeitber Capo May or Aiianuc uny The "American" arrives regularly, much n,n,..Aih,n r. h . .. n.. ,.rl ...v.w w ' - " ' ' 'J " UVUIV , UU U.C VI I the latter received since we have been hero, j The boys were very glad when the paper came, UKea jir. atBsser s letter very much, but came to tho conclusion that tbo regiment where the "Angusta Hangers" are. tbny have a straugn hour for healing the reveille ; the hour specified is tbe general Army rule for retreat. The) boys are very well they bave a strong desire for a little more ective service, thinking tbat when the fighting commences this war will soon be at au eod. aod tboy will then bavo a chance of shaking bands with tbe good peo pie of Hanbnry. Yours, Fraternally, 11. D. Lottcr from the 67th Bogiment. Camp Sishltiiansa, 1 Nkar Alexandria, Va., March fi, '62. j jf'o fAc Editor of the Sunbury American Agreeably to your desire, I drop a few lines In yoa it) relation to the 67lh Regiment of Pennsylvania olunleers. It is composed of men. recruited in Mercer and Bradford counties, aod was commanded until recently by Colonel William Maxwell, of the former county, who reeigoed a few days sicuo. He was succeeded by Colonel Charles Campbell, nf Chambersburg, who took command of the ltegimeut to day. We toft Camp Curtio on the 18tb of De cember, witb the impression that we were destined for Port ltoyal ; but to Ibe aggra vation of tba men we landed at Washington, after two days aud nights' travel. We were encamped at Camp Mercer, near tha Bladens burg Toll gate, about two miles from Wash ington, until tbe 18th of February, wbeo we were ordered to join Ceo. Jameisoo'a brigade, Heintzleman'e division, wbicb forms the ex treme left of tbe grand army of ibe Potomaa. Our brigade is composed of tbe 1051b, C3d aod 57tb Pennsylvania aud tba 7th Maine Iiegioieots of Volunteers. If this portioo of Virginia constitutes tba "sacred soil," 1 would be sorry to bebold tbe "profane" (if such there be). The roads are io a wretched condition, wbicb baa retarded tha movements of tbe army, Abont nine hundred tueh Lave been engaged to repairing tnd Occoqtun er-ek. W. I orders for the last ten dark. to lUy to send immediately u ex mirin Hospital, which ind movement. 1 think it vary prob will mnffl nn Mnnrlnv The senile? coodilinn of oor Reeimenl is exceedingly sood. We bad bat ten men to send to the Hospital to day, and tbe major portion of those were convalescents. We have had a great deal of sickness, tha princi pal affections being measles, mumps. Potomac fever aud pneumonia. Our mortality, under the circumstances, has been very small. We have lost but six men in onr hospital, end I have reason to believe that nnder other cir cumstances the mortality would bave been still smaller. Onr hospital tents, containing Iweoly-seven patients with pneumonia, were blown to tbe ground oo two different occa sions the wind blew so violently that we were unablo le keep op the tents or replace them during the night. Yon can imagine what would oeceesatily follow such an expo sure. The men are obliged to carry their wood from the adjoioing wood-lands ; the fences bave long since disappeared, havfng becD appropriated for fuel. Since my sojourn io tbe "Sonny Sooth" 1 bave succeeded io capturing contraband, wbose appellation, for short, ia "Jack." He is a truo spneimeo of.bis race a bright and intclliietil yon lb. devoting the most of his precious time to sleep, having the pecnliar faculty of sleeping forty eight hours out of twenly four, Tbe picket lines ere about seven miles from our F.ocampment. Yesterday tbe Sixty third Krgimcnt, of Ibis KngarJe, was on picket da ty. A scouting party, consisting of about city men, commander) by tbe Lieutenant Col nnelofthe U-piment, accompanied by Capt. Chapman aud Quarter-Master Lozel, whilst in ambush, were passed by a scouting party of rebels, twenty in nnmber, commanded by the notorious burke, one of tho Texan Han gers. Our men allowed them tn pass withnnt molestation, being under the impression that they were either tbe advance of a large foice firom tba manner in winch they were march in) or some of the Federal scents. Tbe guide recognizing Dnrke, our party pursued them, when they were surprised by a 'volley irom tturke's party (who in tbe meanwhile had concealed themselves), killing Quarter Master I.ozel, Capt. Gnapmen end one nn vale, and wounding another. Capt. Chapman commanded Co. K, and was a native of the city of Pittsburg. He received the mortal wound upon tbo right nasal bone, tho ball passing through tho brain and out below the occipital protuberance, killing him instantly. Quarter-Mast; Lozel was also a native of Pittsburg. He received bis wound in the right axilla, the ball passing through the body iu a straight line, killing him immediately. 1 law them to-day in tbeir coffins. They will he sent to tbeir friends to morrow. Quarter M aster Lozel bads presentment of his death The day before be entered npon duty he took bis baggage to Alexandria, and gave orders m regaru io us disposal io cose tie sbonld be killed. The wounded man is doiog well ; he was shot tn tbe tliifli. To day the Sixty-third Regiment brought in three rebel prisoners. Onr Regiment expects lo go out no picket to-morrow. Very Truly, Youre, rin-ATon. I. S; Jnst as l had finished the above, Dr. A.'U. Walls, of l.ewieburg, came from Washington in order to spend a few days in camp with me. Tbe appearance of a friend front the Susqnebauna region aroused my spi rits amazingly. Tiik Pbksipekt's Mcssagr Prosiderrt Lincoln has taken tbe country br surprise bv sending an unexpected Message into Congress upon the subject of slavery. There is a diversity of opinion concerning the views of the F.xecutivo npon this distracting subject. Some claim that he is too conservative, and too lender with the "peculiar institution," others maintain that he is an "infernal aboli tionist anyhow;" while yet others think he should have touched npon other and more foreigo subjects. It is hard to please every i oouy ; nut we Relieve that dillieull Teat is accomplished about as nearly al the Brown ! Stone Clothing Hall of Kockhill and Wilson, i Nos. COn and C0" Chestnut flreet, above Sixtb, as it it anywhere else under the sun. We congratulate onr readers upon the dis- I covery ol a cure for Kteumotiem, Gout, Neu .i ,i v V....J ." ? , ,' T .. Biiuuesa . . (,.,, l. ' . . J.r las, bait Itheum, and Mercuriul and other poisonous influences couuleracted Without the uee of Noxious Medicines. Jo fact it is tbe only known remedy, effecting a perfect Cure, and we feel warranted from its recom mendations and proofs of efficiency, io calling ! T ., r W Ku . . . .V' . C"'D I he attention of the elllictod to the advertw ' m"nt ,n another Column of tbe "AN 1 i- merit in another Column KHliLMATIC BAND." ! rTT , .j. J. ! .J.0 e8Jr0T I ii Hats, Unaebes, 4-c. Mice, Moles ond Ants. Bed Bugs. Moths in Furs. Clothes. Ac. .,. : ' To Destrov Mosciuitoes and Fleas. To Destroy Insects oo Plants and Fowls To Destroy Insects no Animals, .vr. To Destroy Kvery form and species of Vermin. Seo Cottar's advertisement io tbis paper for the destruction aod utter extermination of all forms and species of Vermin. Sold in Sunbury, Pa., by Friling & Grant, and by the Druggists, Grocers, and Store 1 keepers generally ( 1 I'TT A lf D' II k i V kS V fcj 1J AAFIl.,1 W'a 17. ",. u ' ."".T'?e.?."' invite the ut tent ion of our readers to the "'"""'wiiu oicbars. uun.3 a. envjn LF.Y. New York, in another column. The uumerous experiments made for the last Tew years, to produce a subslitutu for tin, elate and shiuglo roofs, bave at last led to a perfect triumph in the (ictta Pku.-.ia Cement Hoofing otrered by these gentlemen. Possessing iu a great degree, the features of elasticity, (which is a oualification 0f Cement R.v.finq actually necessary and loeg Blur.) Gurttoiiiiv and cheaonesn. coinbHied cheapness, combined witb the fact that it is weather aod tire proof, its geoeral adoption cannot bo too earnestly urged. Tbeir Uutta l'ercba Cement for coating and repairing Metal Hoofs of all kinds aod for preserving all metals from rust and corrosioo from its great dorability aod cbeapoess, is fast superceding points of every description heretofore uaed for such purposes. These materials (f r which tbe First Pre miums bave been awarded by tbe American Institute and man of tbe oriocioal State i. Fairs throughout tbe country.) are rccemmed in ins nignesi terms by the iNew York & Krie H. H. Co., and maoy of the principal Hailroade North and iSoutb, aod also by the officers of tbe leading Insurance Companies throughout the country. KMrXUl.vltvr 1 15 AGENTS WANTED! f will pay from $S5 lo $7S per moaih. ,T aud all eipenaes, to activ Agents, or give a commission. Particulars sent free. Address Kaia fctwua Mrini CotMraas Ii. JAMES, O'tneral Ageul, MUan, flhic, Ottober 6, 161. MARRIAGES. Oa tbe evening of the 6th Inst , by Rev. U. Z. Weiser, Mr. Hinuao LiiAat s, student io the Missionary Institute, and Ms 8. Flush Uemberlmg, of Sehnsgrove. - Oo the eveniog of the same, by tha same, Mr. Saiiusl U. Ilii.aisH. and Miss CaaoLiait U., eldest daughter of F. U. Mover, Esq , of Freeburg. In Selinsgrtfve, March Rib, by tha lUv. Fraoklio Cerbeart. Mr. Lotu Suaart.m, of liloomsburg.and Min Miru Waoa.ssru.Ea of Seliosgatt. II low iCAletV. able tB William , N'r FairflHl J.n... ,lv' I'ldT JeMwranw, t, . - , A , 1 v hhl'' e8ed 43 lrar9. S months and 4 data. SUNBURY PRICE CURRENT. Wheat, $1 S,i Rye, flutter, . f-W, Tallow, . I. acd, -Pork, . Ueeswax, 14 12 13 12 7 !1 Corn, Oats, . . Uuck wheat, rolatnea. New Advertisements. TEKSONS WANTING A CHARGE of CLIMATE FOR HEALTH SEE ADVEllTISKMEXT OF VINELAND FARMS. WALL PAPER! 100,000 PIECES. OF WALL I'AITR OF VERY DESIRABLE STVLEfJ AND PATTERN'S. TL'ST received direct from the Manufacturer, at the MAMMOTH STORE OK KKII.I.NtJ 4 (J RANT. Sunbury, March IS, t8R2. Estate of Christian S. Brown, dee'd NOT1CK is herejiy given thot'the widow of said deceased, bus made her sel.-ctinn of personal property under the acts or lr"5 and lS.'i'J, and has filed a schedule of the samo in office of thn Clerk of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, which will le pre. sented fr approval en Wednesday the 'Jib day of April. 1S02. M ATI I. II A BROWN, Admtrix. March 15, l?r,2 4t Estate of Robert C Campbell, dee d. NOTICE is herehy given that the widow ol fai.! defeated has made her selection of personal property onder the Arts of IS. IS and lhSO. nnd has filed a schedule of tbe same in the office of the Clerk of the Orphans' Conrt of Northumberland county, which will be pr. sented for approval oo Wednesday, the 9 h day of April, ltif2 AMOS VVSTINK, Adm'r. March 15, 1802. 4t NEW GOODS I THE Fill ST OK THE SEASON". FRILING & (iK AIN'T- A t Til Kill MAMMOTH STORE HA Vli just received and opened a new and cheap assortment of DliUGS AXD ME DIC IX EH, TJ :R, 5T GOODS Ci!rocerie4, &-. Which Ihey will sell CHKAP for f ' ASH nr COl.WTKY PKODCCK. We vspeeilultv in vite iho ATTENTION of the I'l. DI.HJ in gene ral lo our large stork of (imals. Owing lo our l.AlitJB sod COM MOIdOl S room our facilities fur dniiiK btminess are v.,rv larjrely increased, and null ibe srrnncerneiiH ,i have made for getting good every few week-. fr..m NEW VOKK and PHll.A UBI.PHIA, we feel confident of being able lo sell AM. KINDS OF COOUS CHEAPER than can be purchased elsewhere. WE KEEP EVERYTHING. nau.Nti Sunbury, March 15, lti'4. iV CK.VNT. Executor's Notice "OTICE ia hereby given lb Letters Tenti " mentary have been granted lo the under aignrd, on the eitate of Pellaliah Whitaker, Ui. of .erho township, N nrthum'ivrlaiid cminly, Pa. deceased. All persons Indebted are requested u make immediate payment, and those havni) claims againtt said eMale to preent tbem ! settlement. I.OIil.NDA l.OW, Zerbe twp March Pi. IHCft. F.xccutru. RHuAfTCS! DR. LELAND'S ANTIRHEUMATIC BAN1 PERM ANENTLY CUHKS XV X oVs U 1YJL A T 1 b l'A IN ALL ITS VAUlOLrf 1 OHM.S. Acute or Inflammatory ; Chrouie, l.uuibag, Sciatica, Pleurodyne. Ac. ... . ifjoess of the Joints i Cramps-Gent , Nurale. and U Ne.vons Affeciiona-l-.r ' 'P.i V.1' 1 vH"m a-'r'"ul"og l'.roj.tioi ?.f th body-Neulrul.xes the lmpunues the lo)d and 1 luids of the whole syster j "u '"'""I' conteracting Mercunul i ' w ' w wv" I Ilita cniirrairnt arrange TJKI.T, rntitamn -i I RMcdn-alrd Cnmp.'aiiil, I" Ik, wmiiiihui. ! ihe b j,. ali-'Ut U.c wnul !-;il AU.Y Kt- KUCflMi Al.'l. ' l rAKTS, wliciever the iliKnie may lie. It ran 1 e . worn wuaout injmy 1.1 tne mtt delicate pr-i r i , aad Mtcliauge in ihe primer. tinl'iu m liv.rg n rr- luiiea ii ciiiirav rellinveii 'tie dileuie Irjui the yslero, with the tallar,niti ue in surh e it,, i'l WP'Aveuui mteinal nieilieinei,-v htrti mibmhh.,.; UraUoy Ilia e lt It ut l.n unit five leinp rjry r Jlrf only ky Itilpifviiig the !. in, iIu.Icp lili: Oila vitality. Hy lh.Hicaonc.il. the nitd.emil pr -parties eiHillii.l in the llaiul , belli- el nti.ly r. , P aloniaLic awl vr.iulile itatmc amt etiruil'le I .iter readily ahanrheil, iariia ihe pore ! the ,k UJ cine uitodirid ciiu.ci with llif BWh d and ts t . rati cTfutHlKHt, wiHKttst tun iiH ins, to puM 1 1 . n c i 1 IU toinacli, wiiit-b WiHilt iena n-'i uoly lo tl tr..t t from tttrtr trmmive Hwcrt, but tn imiir tl.r m LJ tcf iml cpitit Urrtint: Ui rtixraiioii aii Tl.Ui avH4iut(( (Uti iiijntM'tM rlten'tt, mi ultra tho trili rf p iiilrrnnt rrmvaiic, kiim! ftlrrtiii); n prrfrr fine l.y purifying nnd rqualiznitj ihe rirfalmnni of tb riiiil J llutd aiisi rrattsrUtv U jmiih Airied to a b'-aUfy einiiiMi Thi IkiMl tt aUu a ttfii pvvtiiu! Uj ANT1MKHCI KIAI. AliK.NT. i'al. inri fj in$ th irtuury nuc a l'f pari rf ihr it iff m dcu, Ncura'ic I'aina at id H Krautaun. a frva Lif hit attd will aiiiirely reiirva iU a)airui fuiu n -j Hrfnici.u tflt-cu Mtidrrate caara arpenrrd in a fvr iln?s an' f a a are cmamiilly f vuf ui4nbirtl l atno m.ii fl to avbirh w invila inapeclioM at our rfl.cr vt ihcir cfticacy in aggravant! icof lung itanutnj; ry ritK K TWO pAl.I.Ait! May U haJ M Pmp fj gin a. r will tc acnt by nwtil upu rrff ipl il -j In apraavrfVhia. with all urccaaaiy u4iu Hum ffwiu tbe principal ftfica of 0. SMITH & CO. Bole Proprietori 491 Broai-w.t, nir Broom t., New Y CjrrrtU with C-rtfid rtimooiU S I'UKK. ADPTED TOSOLDIER8. .. Ueorge Bnent. S-tiics"UW, II.B.Mii( March !, 162'-'J