Stttuntnr mm A. A & J A NEW SERIES, VOL. Mv NO. 61. SUNJWRY N0UT1IUMHKULAND COUNTY, PA -SATURDAY, MARCH 15, 18G2. OLD SERIES, VOL. 22. NO- 2s The Sunbury American. PUBLISHED EVERY SATl'liDA BY H. B. MASSER. Marktt A'yMiiri, -S'tmntiry, l'tnn. T F. R M ! O F 8U 8 C R I H T I O M . ,"ri"e.Vur1ri d.Kii.l t.i.i.i.eitigr. r paid. TO CLUBS Tbree Cuinei l-i UHr a.ltticsi t no i 10 00 1 vu mi ! F, dollar. ii.avs,ir wiH PT full-Vee yar' j VltrraeoiitaiieNg subscription Bl-nKV. Itiv) r-r .-"-l !., tu Oo Una untcr me " t : ii m r a ji v if k t i i v,rK.tiisre of 11 Uni' J timet, l 0-' ! i . S on I v : . m ; Kvvrv K'ihururnt insertion, .-o' ?s.;u:ire. .i mourns, lift rtiou'-bt, i( y.Mir, - . ' " Hn.mtss Cants f Fire luie. f" "', u.rtaaritaii.l'her..mlvel-ii!g Jy u" j with the pri' -l nijtti1c-il''ljrf- G'- Uu gn Advertisements, M pet JOB PHIMTIHQ We bv nine ctfit with nit establishment well lavies) JtiB i'SrliT.. wlurli wit. enable u tu xrc i. tlie riealr.l lr. ever) vum lv i f """'"-j ..,i. S. E. IA03SP A T'T OIINE Y A T L A W , j 6DNBCRV, PA. j Business attended tn m th Counties of Nor- , mmberland, Union, Montont nd , Joiumhin. Hvfcrtnctt in Philadelphia: Ho J.'' R.Ti-imn, Thin nitilKl,K.q e.miart A Bietdcrais, !'' i,mU'' Co t 1 1 o v 11 c n a t a tu , j So. I2S nroadwny. w York, j Wi.'l ntrrfnllT lllrnit M Ci.iWtic and hU njilte'- j itilrcatrtl tn hi. eare. i Miv Jl. IfSd. j FH AN K LIN II OU8E, j RK BUILT AND REFfRNtHkD, j Cur. "f llovard and Franklin Strertt. a fee i A-,;Lar H'mI of the .V. C. It. . Dtpi t. j BALTIMORE i rum, l m Pit C. LCIriCNKINR. Prt-p'ietor, j wrLMAK . IIIKCm CllilllLt? G. SOMERS & SON, Impitrtrn tiid Itealrrain Cloth. Cusimere. Vesting, Taylor Trimmings, dee.. No 3"i fcooth Fourth Street, between MarVei arid ('h.inut .Streeti, PhlUJelphia. Merchant, other. Waiting the city would find it lis their adirinUg. to (jt I tiero a call nd I tanine their itork. M.rch 10, IPtiO THE INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, HltOJtUWAY, CORNF.K OF FRANKUN' TKK.Lt' NEW VORK CITY, ff.'i Msturcoicuu la Mm-haiiii mJ T-uriia viait ing w Vers. umarpaMeibr any lintel in IHe Mr.r,iplii. tti I'oil.iwuiir arc among tht ailvnlagvs wbic-li it p ise- l, and whim will tx apprcclalcl hy all u.ivelrri. lit. A ccutrul loeMiii-ii.ruiviiiiil I" iLneea uf BJintraa, nvell ai pl-iee. ot Hmutemeiit. ti. tcoiinl.iu,ly clean, writ lann.a-d titling rvma, , a maMirior it ldiaa Pallor, coaubauoing ail uiirii eiv v.tcw oi llnudway 34. lr ami upWy furnirt.ed aittnij ,.nr. with a netgiiibent Tarlor, coiuiivinauig titiune vitw ol ti'awuy. 4ih. Hrmf ePii-tufte-! on ile Fufopa pt.m, am U.e in lha tint llvlt, wita Uil g'Utcit m.)' Stti. Il il runeectra with Taylur'a Cclebratrtf ftnloonai. where viini ran hav. thrlr niiaii. uf, if thr .Ir.we , lirv wiei..,! imtaitown ii. i ih. Tnnnc irrvrd in ihe i!"ni and ll.,tc' ,. ac- , nowiMiunt ny epie.i.ei. i" b vmtiy icri r to tiuu of 1 nm- mHii ii tci ei tin riry. I l ll'i 1 MHf,r n,i)Mii;r,, iiic -. ,,. .-- I. iirr inii.iial, n much brlnw I'- it ( iny "iher nisi . In.'. II. iel. GUON 1 CU , I'mprxUrn. AaifJ.t 4, IiW - IT SPAI.OINi.i'S I'rrpa'rd (ll-ir, an-l thtil).Maciluge I'ru-e rrr Uilllr .M't iif itti 'J.i rrnta "'oiial Hi,r of Cauaa tUik A UeniiiK.f" rm..v eg f i ii. VOU SU.K AT TIUS OFFU'lk SonSary, MarA H is". " JOHNS & CROSLEY." ol:'. mamkaoti ithi: (if tiik imi'iiovu QTJTXA PHI'.CH A C K M E N T U O OFING, mi.I Wivr I'runf. It fun e nppIirJ fi uu ami . Hth.n kiiu', OitJ I Phi It'Mfi w.tli ut rin tii4 ii itiiiig!ci. The Cost is only about One-Third tLat of Tin, an'l it is twice na Durable, Cl'TT X I K it C 1! .V C K M KNT, F' f prerevm nuii rtjiuin -g Tu nJ other Mclul Kuf ( rry dsr?:i l:nu, I'fum itl ptvM iitiClt;-, !i u t t V IHC C lltia "llt'tl ami rJv;-UI'l'.ll ( OiCU, ftd TAIlI U t ei. r k i" c ml t nm at wairu wcsltirr. Ti-fte tonttr. liave In n th -ruglal)' tritrd m New Yi'K nut! u ii i'rti uf the Snj'.iirrii gi-.d Wmtrru fi.i'-ft, a l mb can giv ui til wt Citiru in tlu-ir Thcyure retail) ipphed bv or mury alt;. fill tJailfHt ' NO II K AT 1 RKQi:iRKI. Trae rr'triitlsnre put up rr.J for um, aiul ("i hip- fiiif tu uM pirn yf tfltf c-uuuy, with fuil prmuil air ret o., Ku.l Utv:fipr,ie fire aliri will be fim,(iiaft on Rpp'irA X;.i uy m:ul -r iti pfri'Miit r Prinftnl U!S':r au 'A'ur. 7H W! 1.1,1 VI al'KKE T, (Coiiirr tf Ltbtny h;ret.) New Vurk. JOHN'S & TROSLM AlBMTf V5ma ! Trtt Cah ! ! J ii e 1. IhU iy n O! YB LOVERS OF HOPp! A Irrsh uitW uf Misrini atiJ Coiift-f tionrrv nt rKIMMj A UKANT'rt. Hunbury. June 3, I ft ''. JATENT IIKITTAMA BIOi'PEKH l.i na : ooiiiea tor lair ej H. n MAMSKK rrtEsH xi Ti'LY or pruhs at the t . mmntK Store. Alao. anew lot ot i.r- umerr. Soaps snd Fanev Artirle. Very cheap. ' eiitt ivn. t. imivr r Iti tiv u a u .s . tfonhury, May 6, I860. ejEH,ET01Nr 6KIKTS AT tbe Mammoth Store will be found a w. tery large asaortment of tikaletoo Skirts rem Seven hoops up to thirty, Oct. 6. 1M0. FKIMNO A IJRANT. B AR Iron. Hl.el. Naiia, Ticks, tirub-Hoaa and . Maeon Hamra.ri, at low pricea. bHIUIIT St fcON. Hunhury, June 16,Ii!60. BLACK SILK COATS. tior.d Mantles, Poplin Uuatrra, French Kaqu.i, Hil It Kaaquinea, .wrt Umtgns. KeaJ) Made, or Ma.U to Ord.r. COOIT.R A C'ONARD, J E. Com.r Ninth ui Market, Philadalpbia. M.v I.li6l. . , NEVV l.CT OF HARDWARE &. StU M.rRV. AIo,thbslsaofMaW oi iror (Dnginal !ocfvi). (For the i,Amrnc:iti.,J XiEQUISITES FOR SUCCESS. To win tho prize in the world's ere at rnce, A in no Pliciiilt bave a brazen face j An iron orin to give slroke, And heart as sturdy a, I lie oak ; Kye like a cut, good iu the duik, An) lei-th us piercing as tho shark ; L ira to hear the gentlest unand, hike mules that burrow io the grnnnd ; And inoBlb, an close a, paloiil locks, A sturniicb, strouger than an t.x ; His tcngue should be a razor blade, II i conscience, indiu rubber made ; Ii B blood as cold an ml a r ire, Ilij Lands as grasping na a vice ; 1 1 l-i abnuhler should lit) adequate. To hear a couple thousand weight ; !Iu Ifri like pil! irs f-nii and elror., 1 n M.'Vo ieat iiiKiiiine alnn? ; Wi'li :,upjde knei to i-ringe, ai.d trawt, And c'.' ii.u iVtt placed under all 1 CiUHI.KT P. Lim,ttoyie 1'n. (Fur iti- " Amlicuii ' I5CCUS DITTY. J Thi've'a brc di bngni pills, Hr.guj vbart'ca. tu iTm bill.-, J!fn? pupils, br(;ii3 teorln tf, Hi'(iii miut?, :!( Impii. pronclieri ; II;!,: .is irifiM', end b cus Dame, III ji iii c!!'i'rf, bngii! claim", U'i'i. siti", and hi pus fears, I'.hmh fini!s, :.nd I.;ua teiri1, JJ.i.mis !-k u h. tiocm uirs, liojiuj f.ii'b, and lioooi! prujers, lvus ii, fn.l biius notis, IUf'i:.-! Ian, and h:gi, voteji, ItnjiUi wi.riis, oi, d bii;;u! ili-cds, Ho'iia coil f, Blui Im'H croidr', liny'j- j;""''', and licyiij luilies. I wir.i f. ar.d Im-jin b!ut! li.-cc .- iVinp.: t u tin' Binij. t ;ld blfc'IJ M t t il' tun''. Of nil t!." mucsl. t.)': e tu t." n, 1 Left's noi.n eja inaicb tLc couiiridtrel ' lliii. r. r. s. SlffcctiiK? J?cntt TLIS r-i'IKO ECLDir.R. ( A clinpliiiti lurnifbitij; tl.o foilowiPjt afTcct- iog account of the last h'-urii of b eying I solJier. No one can read it aithoot e:no. tioti ; Tiie wr.rds wer f.jl! of wouDiicd Si I Iters O 1 that I coold bring to your mind, reader, the full SaJnu'S of such u ?cet:e ! Jt would do you uu baroi, tbcugb thrill utter thnll of horror m;hl fi.kj your fYuuie. Jt is not aloDjj the gasping wounrl.i, t!iu heavy groups Hut would etiliat your v u. paih j, but ihcsente of dtsoiaienesa the poor uk men ni jet fL-el, as they lUrk of their homes, and tbe dear one tbey arc never more In behiddj'n lif. Thero l hey lie, ranged side tiy aide, aomeof tbuin io'l:tl r, i.t tu b'I that is lukiog place around them, others with eyes brightly ret leas and watchful, now gUiomed with apple hcusicti, now lightened with Imp". Hert is mm, athletic, handsome, youthful, whose arms lies slintleled at his side, the good right, arm that has so often been wielded in useful deeds Il w.l! never i.ervo him more, for amputation has become thu iircetiulv, and ili.olb may fol i 1 Herd is another whnae f ee is ijandaged (loan to the pale outline of his hps, and whose doiim IS inevitable blicdoess, it bi life ia spared. Here lie another whose quivering I " mouth anil muscle! tell tiie agony hu has tbe tnrtiluiix to conceal, but hich the surgeons iiuy will prove too mnch for bun. What under tbat the nuraej more, about bim wi;li blancLed cbei-ks and moikiened eves? 1. is their brst experience, and sonio of tiiern , tremble na eucli body i brought for fear I recognizing n son or a brother. J t'iii tlv from bed to bed moves the chaplain,! S'ekened to tbe heart, hut strengthened for 1 his duty by tte bund that never fail. To! ! pome he nives a few words cf sympathy refer ving their cases for tnother day, lor tbey are J 1 only slightly wounded; to others le speaks j i gently of their situation, etrtving to tell liieuri ' ! with words from which all hope baa departed j of their swill coming end. To at! be speaks j of Jesus ; bida them the hour or their ex ! trem ty to look op to Ood, v. ho ix willing to 1 accept then, il they will put their trust in ! him. j 1'oor iViiow, rode 'nrd ronnb. though they j may have .eeined, the quivering bps, thuking tiut i. i a cbiol sorro.v, th.j deep heaved SuO, tuat ll'is the ereat chei-t Wltb almost Convulsive I iir.-rs, tell thM there is a fountain ta tlie heart, th.t the bA.t words of synipuib; nmy t-t:r Tiie chaplain came at lest to a cot jot eonitiwbal by i'.aeli' oulsi.lo tile wards. Here, r clin'i g ot full length, was a yeung tpao wliyse fo e bore but slight traces of suffering. It was il'isl ed with a hue like that of health ; his pj cs were iil.dimiiied, and only '.he position of ijia b'Miifii, which were tbro.vo over bia bead locked id nlm.oi tpasniolic tiuhtuesa, told that he was in pu n lid was unusually nob!e io cr.julenarice His brow w.u broad ond fair. at:d tbe thick lucks thut clustered hoc from hu temples culled like the riglets of a buy. H kuew not v by, but the chaplain experienced an'jul and andJen .ympathy for this young man, struck down iu his beauty ; still be f, lt theie jo no jiouit'J.btu danger iu biii cafe, "il w is be wnni ded ?" la asked of tbe luriieon, os tun to approached thu bed f,.ity. ' In the right side, below tbe ribs," was the reply. ' Is be iu d ji eer !' 0! no; that i. not at present The case may tak a md turn, il is uuu ; tut it looks very well now, Chatlea," he added, address, in? the s -k man familiarly, "the chaplain is goir.g Ui ruuiidit ; would you l.ko tu sae him V . . "0 ! cerluiuly," malaiaicd '.he young man, smiling. "1 am very lad In sea bim nd' be held out his hand. Ilia voice a strong at! rTginp, as with the biyjlif.-t health, and his c'asp wus vigorous, "I am sorry to GuJ jou wounded, in; fritod," aid lha chaplain. 'Only lha ca.ualty of wart we must some of us expect it. you kuow." "Oj oo sollVr much If" "At t.oies, a,.-, very severely I feel so ell, only the distress bets," aed b pressed hi hand on bis tide, 1 You will he up sooa, I hop." I trust so sir t tba doctors say it is a bad w3ond but will yield wilb car. I only wish I bad my mother Lero. She has beard of it and doubtlsn sisrted befjrs this time. It ter ; yn tbe hardy -ol.lier feel tha ping of pain, it is your name ha call, your form, he irr through tbe mist of deliriomi, your roice he bear, in every gentle word that is spokeo. lie knows wbnge touch will be tbe lender! ; through tbe sympithy of suffering, he knows who ha borne tbe tin-; 8 fur hi in ; and on the tented lield, tbe holy uatre or mother receives a fresh baptltm of love and b-auty. '1 cau imagine how yon feel, said the chaplnin, "and 1 have no doubt tbat yna will tro ber soun. Meanwhile joa know there i Friend who will be more to you than mother or father, sister or brother." "1 realize tbat, air," said the yuoDg man "1 am profeor f relieion, and have been fiT yeara. VVb?n 1 was (hot. aye, and before, 1 commended my soul to bun fur life or death j but 1 CiinfcB.i 1 have much to live for. I am not yet brought where 1 am willing to die," ' It my be for the reusun that ynu are not yet Culled to die," replied tbe cbaplaiu ; "but in life you know it is the one irnportuut tliiny to be prepnred Icr death." Alter a shoit praysr the minister and siclt mail parted. "He seems very strong and pnngoine," he Said, as be met the furpicu again, "and likely to recover." "No doubt cf it, sir, no donbt," was lb" bai ty reply of tbe f uryenn as he parsed on I Tim hour of nudniglit bud ctruck Irom tbe great cluck in the huM. Slowly und snlmnly It knelled to departing moments, and its echo rolled tlironi'll the hail.i, vibrating on ninny an ear liiat would never heur the sound ol the sinking boura again. The chaplain (Mil! cat tp in In-own room writing letters for three or lour of bis wounded suldiers, and Ptrange stillness fell uro'jnd him aj he closed tbe I ;i I ihpet an-) an back with fnideri hands to think He could not tell why, hut do what and go where be would, the of tbe young vnlnn teer wiih ulumi he bud apnken lost haunted bim. lie urose to move to the window where th.) brere wan cnob r, when o knock heard ut the elnor, and a rup d voice culled. "Chaplain"' He hurried to lilt the Inlch. 'I tie Mirgeou Pteod theie, looked Ilk" u s-Iimlow iu tbe o'.m iiiuuuliht that crept into tie pa. .age. ''Chaplain, Bo-ry to disturb yoo, and more .orry lo give vou an uipleasnnt dutv to per ft no " "Whv, wliat is it ?" was the fiuick rejoin d.r. ' I Imt (in.i young fellow whom you ta'ked with ii going." "Wiiat 1 ynu do Tint menu " "Won't live nn In-nr, or two n'. Ibo mntt I tried fi ti il him lu ! I c.iub'n't nm! final'y ! lIiiHigMcf vm. You c i ii' it. f ii kim." A greet shndow fell on tho el iilii'ii lor a momi-nt, he whs s his Vi'Icj glow q- mini i! anil t r.. k. o ; ami :',e hubky as he nuju i. reply : "ll is a sad errand; bjt none the lees my duly. Poor fi How ! I ei.n't rci.,.ie it. indeed 1 i annul. lliavune as Mronu ; his manner aj miiural ! I'll te tin re preaeiitly" and lelt ahuie, hv tbrrw bimseir upon his kncis to w ustle l. r atrenglli in tTaier. , The at.T.rtsphrre was riled wiih low liglm Irnm the Mruchrs with pain and di.-ease. (joing softly op tn the conch at which i.e had stood tie I3it. Hie cliapla'.n (;i:icit upon the luce lirlora l.nn Il looked a calm as ihnt ol'a bleei iii infant. Imt I be did not elirp. lleaMng a altclit Home, hni",ir,"v. A s mtnx:eat me drtnki. her are eve. !!ew ooeii and rraled in some atrtKise on the ! prohibited-! hp island being nndnr mart's! law chaphiiu ' I li it an' if I must see ynu again before I re. tired," ami! the I a t ir r, strivji g to Blrady his voice. "How do ynu leel now J" ' O ! hctlcr. I Ihank vou ; in fart alnnmt wll. The pain is gone, and I feel quite hopeful. I rather think the surgeon dots, though he said ! nothing A pain that fearful hweiling in tbe chaplain's throat. How ths'l he lell him uf hia danger--hotr pirpare the mind so calmly testing on almo,t a ret'.amty the poor, hopclul anul thai would neter look with earddy eyes on the mother he to longed lor. Another moment and the young man appeared Io be sirnrk with tome peculiarity in the lace or mnementa of the chaplain. The large eyfj tjoUfc'il his with an iulf iisencas that was painful, ami lie alr.ive io iip.rpret tint which maile the tlitletence between thU and his former dcinruiioi- ' Vuur casra weary yon, cbaplaiu." he said qt::eiv ; "'ju must he very faithful, far il is past miunijjlit. j ' Il was on thu point ofpoin; to bed when I was railed to prrpaie adding mail lor hia last J hoiir,"wa. that Irailul renpome of the chaplain, "Indied ! what poor lelluw gors next I" rcjaiir I ed the yonng man, nuii a mournful inquiry. There wus no answer, from iho iveulih of (he chujdniii would not have ol:cii now. That tnnnao unconsci nia of ilai,ier lliat rye so full of lymnathy ! iStill a strange silence What did be incai, t Tiie dick :iin::'s i::;uiring (lance changed lor a moment lu one of iutcnsr u rrcr lie raiicd both ar.-ns lei them fall heavily upon he Ctitirlfl at hi. cue, and in a voice totally altind bv emoii ill, be gasped." "Oood heaviiis! you menu mc." "My dear f.icndl said thu chaplain, unman, ned ' I am to die then and how long !" his eye once more sought ihut vf hu chaplain "Vou have undo your pence wilb (iod; let death come s ..ion an it i,l, He will carry you over the river." "Vet: but this ia awfully andden ! awfidly sudden !" hia lips ipiive m. ; he looked up grirv ingly "and I shall not see my inolht r " "t.'hrisi in httler than a uiulbrr," inurmurtd the rlmplain. The word came in a wHspcr. Ilia eve. were closed ; the lips still wore thai trembling g'ief, as if the chastisement were too sore, too hard to he ' h one, hut as the minutes passed, and the soul lilted itaelf up monger and more slesilily upon the wings of praver, the countenance grew calm er the lipn steadier, aud when the rvea opened si;iii, there waa a I i t-1 . t in their depths tbul could hake only come from heaven. "I thank you for your coinage," be laid, more feebly, lukir g the band uf the chaplain "The hit'.ei nes. is over now, end I feel w'llin to die. "1VII my ".mlticr." h.c j ausul, ' oi.r ob, dry, and full o liie last anguish ofearlb "lell ber how I longed lo see her, but il God will permit mo, I will I a near her. Tell her lo com fort ull wlin loved me, lo say lliat I lhnin.;hl nf I heiu all. Tell mv lathe; lliat f am glad be gave me hia consent, and that all other fathers nill un.urri for rhi I amis. Tell my minister by wind or let'er, tint I th.i'l of bun and Ihut I thank him for all bis couti.fls. Tell bim I foi l tbit Christ will not desert the passing soul; and lhat I wish bim to give my testi.nany lo Ihe livinj that nulh big ia of real w.vlh tint the reheioo of Jesus And now will you pray for me 1" What imctinii a.villed the beait of lhat de voted man, as he knell by the bedside of lhat ilv. inj volunteer, the young soldier of Christ and with tones so low 111 si only the aar cf Ond aud that of him who was passing a vay eoubl hiuir beictighl God', grace and prasrnae. Never in all his ei peril nc bad his heail been so powerful wrought upon; u.ver had a leehng f .urh un utterable teiiderneia taken pOMaaton of his anul lie seemed already in lb of a glorified spirit ; and alter th prayer was oiar, lesUuining hi. ml, he bent down and piMa.d upon that "autiful brow, alreadv chilled with lha br.eth of 'iog angal. twice, thrtee, a fervent kin ' hl bt lieeaj token, from (Ti father .. -til M rir:f f js.rf.sp. -U'l the dying foldier, for a heavenly emile touched his fur w ith new beaut? a. h suid : "Thank ynu ! I won't trouble you any longer; you are wri'ied out; g.i to your rest" "1 ho Lord le wiih you !" wa the atrnng re epnnaei Ain-n !" enmc from the fa.t wld'eninc l!p. Anner hour paaed. The i-haplain li!l moved uneasily around Ida ronrn. There were hurried mnnil. ovrrhead, and fontaiepp nn the atairn. He opened hia door encountered the luigeor.. who w hispered one word "(one !" "Christ'a aoldirr had found the Captain of hia Mlvatinr., oiTcsponiicnce. Latter from the Sunbury Guards. Warm f "im':le AtlentJinr Church lixulny ally of i!n Meiiihrrt l'tijiu'.iilion of A'ey I"' 'i I'lhabitmitf Their Occupation Drinkinif Silnnii .V.Vk ,. nn'! Citttte Afusiiiil'icf Furl VVif'nr .'ru. Ctif'turrrt 'J' Arriving Fi'iy tiny -I 'tice "f Lumbtr Wwjti Tht '.SniriVnm ami 'Gaz.tte.' IAVP I5HA.VVAN JvKY W KT, lM.A., Fell 1C, 18(1 C,2. I'F.ri Wh.vkht. With the I li-rrpr.mier at ho j in the shade, it is not a very pleasant orider'.akinij to commence a letter to a friend. but. as I huve prnmiRxd to keep you p,i?t,(, I must do it cr He in . position that would not be at nil areei.h!e. Willi s-vinl member of nur .'"o-panv, I attended (':iirrh ,tt sJM.,ii"i The Church buib'ire is n l.upe and beaut. lul one. nr.d the penpl.. decprve preot credit for erect ins it. Th Minister is'n tr."'t. Uri.iii mr.ri. end it ttrurl; r,,P r,n !,M Wliba'h. thot 't Ii.) opportunity of displaying his I'ninri sen'imerit limn ego some of the meir hPi-9 ,.r (.'hnrrli were very dislieyal, and when thn Minister real the p'tyer "io behoM iir.d t.e. Thy R'TVanl, tl,. Presi.lent if lh I.'iiiti i) t-,ip, n: d nl' others' in nntbo. rit.T." they aro'il.l close th prayer b.i'.k. nr-t I nil: ? -sogers nt him, wondering wbrm thev should bang first -the Min:ster or He coin. ( Itrannnn ft 'iinlnin nt the t ime i liefir;i'r f it. t'"t in ei"1 to this disrespect. m ine tl.em tube the now ilmv rpr. enr " ruttli of Bth'iirc1, ri"d A men" as I oid nnd n henriilv t. J,es l.'r.w n mHn on the i.-l i:..l I I hero is nothing lik.i a t i 1 " c;si ,r " ! Tor Ii,.. .,; f,f t!,n Chnieh. I am h-ippy to ' "-si" t nat rt iv n Tew c r , ' "i'i'i ei o '(jt; to llfw i,, ;r fcr rr'"-r rs nes f . r Jeff. ; , Uvis tho rFt of thn r en tiers were v. i chid that Uen. D'annrr. tnrk the matter in . Inn, I, I he pnpnlni ;nn of ihn inland is nhnnt fonr thrnsanit. coni?ting of nceroe, Spaniard', nnd a f.iit whites. With the exception of five store keepeta. the occupst ion r.f its inba bitantu is fishing, deal'n in fruit and felling noi fotied nm! cool drinks. Ther are a ma ny cofjee and coo! drink s-ilor.r.s h. r.. there ye i.ager r er saloons m the h,vrrl i nn fi; v, .linmspf rt, arn from that vntj can r''B"''T perceive lhre til nee.) of hring It i mpossiM in pM pen n me' and it is well Ihnt it is so, for io I hi. elimete there i no telling fihat nmnnnl of sickness it iisp might prodime. The hnild ns nad for stores are vesv nrgn nno airv, bnt I ran anre yen that in th srorea of either Vrilinu X- fJr'jpt or K. Y. Hright St Son. thern are more goods thin in nil the stores nn thi inland put tm;p llrangeB, coming Trr m Cnh and Naa j sail islands, are very plnl v. and can be hn't , at threo for eixppnep ; not snch ynu folks ! get at home, but real fresh, juicy f.-!rw that J melt in one' month erpmt to the beat ice j cream mad. iu JT H. Mnsser's rateot ire J crnirn frm er. Fish am vetv nnd 1 can lie boucbt cheep. Thanks to Rergennt Smelser, onr compnry Is livine high in the I fili lino. He is coinpmy Qn irter-M aster Sergeant, and on evprv fish m?.rkct mornicg, I'eter i at the wharf, an! thero evebanrn j our su.-plu pork and bef for fish ; so that J the boys have a variety end are rnntep'. I llc.iaej and caflo ar very small. They i come irom uuri I he hrrse nro not near a big as Peter ?!. Mixer's blank ponies. rd i I bare neen at home tsrn year oi l rnttlo lar- j ger than those they use here for breve I Tli-re is en nrt'cle here, that 1 bebevo hothera the whole human race, nnd tbat is mosquitoe. ,ne on I hia ishind are not of ABd an I lila ... an the common kind, but regular tormentor..- ' ' u sum inniini ni" him F'S your net work as vou mav, yon will ro cnivo their sting bef .re morning. '1 bey are great on a Serenade too, end if one i impolite emcs-h to go to s!iap ae thev are in Ihe mid. die of a r;'e, the leader w ill give yoo a I ickler with bis s'ing that it is impossible to resist : hot for my part. I c-i easily dipene wi'h l;ntt kind of mosic, and often wish that thev would favor some one els who cat) appreciate the:r talents belter than I cin. The Fort on this island (Fort Tay'or) is a very laege one, and is now of tlie most imp. r. tanee to Iho (Jnvernmpnt, It ia cot rair filii.-hed. but so much so i lint the r-beN dare not v-ntoro within thn r.n'je of ita pnn. Wlien Goisbed it will have one hundred and eighty gnn, and with thns rn the emVank ment on thn m..iit. fronting ihe town, it will have tn hundred and spvpnty five. Some j tioie since thn fort ram will in nn ace of being taken by the rebels, hut Capt Hrannhr. any. d tt l.v stratagem. Mrs werp workiru at tie fn't, si, to prevnt suspicion, tbe Cap tain every mornini; would march a guard from the garrison In ti e fnrt, and in that manner before the iphels were aware of it, he bad full nnssnss'on of it. Mii'raner. formerly a Ser grant of thn Captain's, who bernmn rich hi the rum i.nsines., hoisted u t. res fl ig on his hotel, end si t an imf ndert rote to l!m Cap a n r -questing him ti Imro- the jrfetU Stars by firing a salute from tha firt. The lep'y wns tbot if the rnti was pot tuken down oo the return of the messenger, th Commander would open lb guns of the Tort on the town, ai d send Mii'raner and bis friend to Tortd gas to work in the bnt sand anil g!v them tune to repent of their folly, pr, pirs'orv to dangling at the end of a rnpa. The flag wr taken down M ultaner vnm.ised the rat ihe. and ) now in command r.f a company of re bel somewhere ner VrinCoa. , is Jlo't hat when Oeti Hrarnan arr'va Mnlraner's propetty, wbicb it valaable, will be cunOscs te.i. There are a largo pnmhrr of rri of war here, and every day more are added to their number. Fifty-seven prisoners were brongbs in duricg tha last week from Ship J.-land, b. sides two prizes, oea loided with torpentme, and the other with arm and machinery that were oo lha road to New Orleana, for a largo steamer tbat ia budding Inert) lor tba osa of tbe rebels. You need not ba surprised to dear of to expedition being sent tot from Lere eveiy tbirg looks lika it so many io port, mora eipectad and troops arriving aver dT. There arn threo regional bar now, tba 90lb g.d H Vt TofV, oJ WT ewd, fMidst the) Uegutari Id tbe fort. II wr, do go. there will have to be a strong force left behind j for, in my opinion, the moat of tbe Union men hero are ai treacherous as the men who U'e the stiletto to stab a friend, at tight, from behind. With the exception of fish and froit, pvery. thine they use comes from the North. They won Id sUrve if it were not for the 'mud sills.' and yet they would try to break op the On v. eminent that protects them. Luir.brr is worth one hundred dollar per thousand feet. Carper.'prs' wages are three dollars per day but I think they would starve at that, us I see no employment for them. Tho boya are very well, and are enjoying themselves with theses bathing. We have received the Amtr ii.oti and Ciaztttr three times eince our arru val, and they urn viy welcome V'Kitors, much more bj than were the ainrning pnpers in Vircinia. It i very strange we receive no letter ; if the "folks at home" knew bow arx ii't'.a we arn to ijf.-t them they would be a little umre piinetiii.l. Yours, Fraternally, II. D. W Miscellaneous. FUKEBAL OF Oli'N. LADDER. ( It K A T H K MOSS T It A TIONS. THEEERVICESI fun i-fn a"l "s"e ifxi 0 N . 'J'ut'i'y Thnviaml J'inr,!f nn O.t iirrtt. Wm,i:n:lr,t. WvtiiNuroN. March C. The body of l.eneral 1,'iieler hu J been em balined ami luiu cut in statu ,u the pailor ol .Seutelaiy l.'lmse, wbeie, hut u lew boura bu to'e, li.e 3 mil h and beauty of Wushingtor, bud tneu giilhiiid to pay hciiiuye lo the Sccreluiy m il ins fur dana-liter. A l uu earlv hour the crowd coi.)iiince 1 to I " lther in ihe stteels near the Corner .. .N .;; 1 d I'j Striils. iho ic.i;(iMice pi .S'Cietai i Cliasu. Attol ioiif past nVifii, .v inilitnr j Alio win; Io pur ihe la-t trioctu i f soojo r ' to I '.. dead hero, inaicliei: t.p aud li t j ; tin II uliillg 1', s! eet. i A large lorce f police wi ra riqniied i li' i'p thd 6id?utk limn being clii ruct, d, unit to enable ll.e Iriecla aud n laiites tu it, j Icr the bocsij. I lotl.a path.r, to the left upon ixlcring, ! wus the Collin in the centre of t ltd rooui. The Ucl.erul was ilres-ed in a full suit of tuiforin ; i naunJ lb" Ci.fljn, wbi.'h 1 hlm t velvet aud liiouuted was covered with with silver, wero streaed wb.te rosea un t cnni-lias j li;t lut aud sord Uy by hu side, his right hand as ULJilovei) and t. il luy bis ijiuve. H :s f, n (uifts were p.-ili-ct ; a lock ol hair fell care lessly upon his (on-Lea l, uud hia wbitkers Were co untura! timt our could hardly that tbe ml nt bod departud. A silver plate, however, told the melancho ly tale ! that he bad "tiept his lall i ep '' be bad fougbt his las-; Tallin ! "No aound can aaul.e bun to glory again." "FHKfiklalcK W. l.AMiEK. Hngailler (Jenerul, D.vO at I.' amp Clusc, 3darcb'J.I, lct'li, Age, il'J years. Cravval of Ifau iirave." la tho spacious parlors upon the ripl t were tba ('resident, Secretaries Jjenaid, Hates, Wellts and Siniih, Thu Muesachu I Setts deiegutlOU ill Congtees. ColiSlKtllig of Ji.liO It. Alley, Samuel Hooper, Alex. II. . ce. Tbo. I). Ediuii, U. W. Ooocl) and Charles Delano. j The pull-hearers were all present except l rnr.b i . liliur. lien. McCltllon bora the evidence upon his lace of a n an who lei; the. rerponriL.lily thai now rest, upon bun. He bad bill few remaikslo u.ake. and moved about iu ibo same sereDe oiuuuer thai has always vbaruu leri.ed bim. The I'leaiuciit looked tsceedioglv care worn. The reeetrt loss ol a (leailv beloved i child and iho tluuior of the country that has I followed hi ni Light and day lelt the country that has folloaid bun mght and day huve lelt tl.eir toii'ks upon tbe c.u.l cbetrful lutu i f as boLest 6b I kiudbeartvd a tuto a; ever :tVcd. M r. Lot, Jtr, with ber mother, Mrs. Da veoport. weie up stairs, w ith Mr. and Mis. Chuou, Miss Kate C hase, siecrttury JrUutno aud lady, and ijeiieral McHowell and ludy, with u lew friends. Al twelve ibu crowd . V '." eMcrtng to see the cotpie, uuu Ins wile came down to take a Usl lock al all Ihnt was dear lo ber, llei grief Seemed almost insuppoitahle, and she retired after a few minutes, leaning upon the arm of Secretory Cbae. Tbe colli o was tbeu re tiuivi I lo the Wune, Iwhicb wus a caisson) and diapu I to an Ainuncau llg. 'lie CJr tcge tlurted in the f... lowing Older ; Funeini iiscorl In Coluin. Uue'Loudied iind fnurth lt. giu.ent IVnusyl Vuiuu Yol'intc-ers, w.ih a line band pla) iLg aoSuiiiii airs. This regiuieul wua a licely eq'iipped as any we have accu. and bore Ibe uppearsuce ol regula's. baltery A, Second Regiment Arlillerv, t'. S. A. Tbe nieu looked exceeding well, each or.e wearing a red plume. Company A, Col. ltusb's Lancers, wbo at tracted much alleuliob, from Ihr.r unique arms. lingadier General Casey and SiHff, monnted. He v. Messrs. Wood and Hall, in a carriage. Fall bearer in cairinges. ticoetcr Wilson, Gen. rul McClelljn aud Ueneriil Williatna. A carriage with the stall of Ibe late General A tuitSoii beam j ibe c ftiu. Full beai. rs III luniage. Hon. John F. l'o'.iir. of W:scti:ln ; Hon ClJus. Sr ii in in r, of Massachusetts ; Hr'ta d:er General 1'.. Ii. Mercy, uud Colotul I M. Ke), A. l. C. A carriage with Secretary Chase nod daugh ter and Mis Lander. terretury Slaulon and I oly, General Mi" ii mil and ludy, Dr. Wurien, und a fuw ioturuie frie t.iia of General Lander. I'iie Musiucbuieils dvi-galiuD if Congress, tneu. . The Laud of tba K!evilb Maine ncgiu,rut, playing a luiural match. Tba Eleveutb Maine K'gi tttit, wilb tide armsuuly, lookitig very well. SlsO' of Gt ueral McClellan, niuoDtvd. A nuaiber of army oftictrs. Tba i'reaideiil aud Secn tanes Welles, Bates, Hmiih and Stiwurd. Tha rear was brought up by promlscooci car :iag. s, with letter digmtarins. On arriving at lb cborch, tha immediate rslatives, tha dalegatioo, the bishop and the Cabinet, entered tba church, t.att b.iug reserved io front. 1'ba codin at carried into the pulpit, aud tba funeral t.rvicet of lb Kpiscopal Cbmch were per. roriusd by Kv. ir. Hall, lha brst two vsrset of the IUi't tbiid ixiivti tf J'.alu s "trt i Bi.hnp CUrke, of Hhode Island, delivered I th funeral sermom and paid a glowing tribute io ina memory ot tlm deceased. lie said ! "W hav corns to lay fine man npn the altar of onr country j one who has left behind him a record of bis indomitable will and itivin Cible cooragp. "lie was an honeat man, t man of intefrity, snd from an elevated position he looked down with contempt upon the petty artifices aod intrigues of this life, snd no man lived who ever dare charge him with corruption or dis honor. "Tbe tenderness of feeling, and delicacy of , his perception might have made him a noet. j but the iron will and indomitable energy uf purpose which characterised bis nature, deg, tini nun for a warrior. I II spoke r.f the sactifico which Jnrnl j I, nn.ii r lad made in laying down hi lipe of i the aucnfice made by our fathers io the revo lution to build tip this government end now I ben a trnitor'a band would destroy it, Ood bus ordained it. and we must repeat the saeri fice. The leson come to cs from lh gravri I of onr heroes. We have nndertaken the work I of protecting it, and shall we falter now ? "Genera! Lander will now sleep in Salem. a little town ny tr seashore, whose vry name i peace, and n' nime w II be written upon tbe roll of onr brightest heroes. We only regret that he did not lire to hear the shout of victory that will soon ring out. over all the land when the rebellion is crnshed, and we are once more at peace ; but cur brother's work is done." Message from the President- Wising-, March,. The Pre.idett ta day reiiiitted to Congress the following Mrs sape Feilow citizen of the Pensto and Hnnse of Representatives. I recommend the adoption of a j-iiiil resolminn bv your honorable bodies which i-Ii.i'l .e oiiMatitlallv as fu!aw! "lieeilvi-d, Thst t':c Cniled Utatea oupht tn Co-operate with anv Slate wl,i,li mav admit ("adual ahfiiishmrrit of slavery, citing to such j Mate pcrunitiry aid to he tied ,v nrh JUt in iia drsereiion, to compensate f..r the inronrerien re. ptit.lie and prpate, prmluecd by t jji change ..f vl, in.' I' ll.e prnpnsiiion e-mtnined in ll.e resolution does nut nicet the upp'oxnl nf Corire.-s and tbe cnt.ntrv. there is the end; but if i line, rrnt run ir.Hin! sou, approval. J ilecm il of importnre that ihe Slate and penplo iminrdtatety intirested shmild hp nt or re diatin'lly rr.tided of the fart, o that thev mnv begin tnrnns'der whether to nrrept or rejert it. The Federal Government would find iis hipbest interest in swell a measyre, a. one of le mrtct tfrT:ni.-ril manna ir aalf n,,. vaijnn. The leaders of the enisling insurrection enieilain the hone th ul lloa Cwt?i.miit will tin furred to acknowledge ihe independence of mie psrt of the ilisnllectcd region, and that all the Slave Slavs north rf aurh Part will then sav The I'nion for whirh Ve l-.ave alrnrcled being airenuv gone, we now choose to go Willi the Sou' ihern secti m, Todirne hem from ibi linpe subs sniiallv ends the rebellion, and the Initiation of emam-ipa lion cnmrlti!e deprives th, in of i' a 10 all the Sta'e. initiating it. The poipt i not that all the Stntrs tolerating slavery would very sonn. if at i 9 I nn latitig er-iiiriiuor ; but lhat while the j offer is tvj'isllv m ile Pi ell, the mere Northern I shall, Ty such initiation, make it certain to the more Southern, that, in on event, will ihefnrruer ever join thn latter in their proposed confederacy. I sny initiation, hfe.nse, in my judgment, gradu al and not andden emancipation is hetter for all. In the mere financial or pecuniary view, any member of ('oppress, with the table and treasury reporta Isufore bim, can readily are f ir himself how verv soon the cnrrnit evpemlilurea of this war would purchase, at fair valuation, all the alave. in anv named Spite. Such a proposition on tho part nf the genernl Government seta up m rlaim of a rlht. by Fed eral authority, to interfere with .lavery within -'tatelimils, referring a. it doe., tbe absolute eon. trol of tlie snhiert in each cue to theSlateand its people immediately interested. It i. proposed a a matter nf perfectly free choice with them. In the same anneal Me- sape, last December, I thought fit to sav : The able mean must be i rmphved. I said this not ha tilv. hut deliberate- I ,v- Wur has been made, and continue. to be an i iiidipensihle means to thi end. A rractible re. j tan...--. ,. t ini-n, .j, iirt.iwi.n. nilWlli, wiiui.1 ,' render the war unnecessary, and it would at once cease. Un nm.,1 .f (V. n ..ll..n.l . ... I 1 . , I If, however, resistance continues, the war must also continue, and it is iippossib'e In foresee all the incident which mnv atiend. and all the ruin which may follow it. Such as may seem indi penrihlc. or may promise great rlTicicn- ; ry toward, ending the strujrcle, must and will i come. The proposition now mule is an otl'er I "lily. I hope it may be esteemed no nP'enre lo I ask whether the peuniarv eoniidpralion tendered would not be nf more value to the Siatr and private persona c .litre rne I, lhat are the institution and property in it. in the present a.pert of aiTair. i While it is true that the adoption o the proposed re.olution would be merely initiatory, and net I within itself a practical measure, il i. recommeii ( de I, in the hope that it would soon lead to imnor i Unt piaciirat results. In full view of my great responsibility to my God and to mv country, I r.irnestlv l e lha uucniiuu of Cangres. and ihe people to the subject. (Signed) ArtRttitM I.tsrour. A kKI'Ttll OF VttUYIll.ft As the 'i'elegraph states that Naabville has been t.keo possosaion oT t y tmr Iro.-ps, tha following description of that city uioy out bo uninteresting. Nashville i sltoated oo tbe left of the west batik of the Cuoiberland Kivor, some two hundred miles, by thn course of thn stream, from its mouth; two hundred and eighty miles northeast r.f Memphis; two hundred and sixtyaix miles southwest of Lexii gtoo. in Kentucky, and sii hondred tnd jibty four iniles from Washington city. Many t.T tl a private residences are erected rn a scale cf palatial magtiund and splendor, and ibe public buildings exhibit a corresponding char cter. The ..'Pnrbs shnund wi'h picturesque scenery, enriched with beautiful proves of Cedar. The city w originally luid put in lots of one sera each. With a reservation of lour acres for public budding. Tba bvcud urn- hoy since been enlargi d. Tbe new enpito', wbirb standi to com' mauding eminence, one hundred and s.veo'y live fiel above lha river, it one uf the noble: magii'ficieijt, and cotly st'iicture in America. The is fine limes'one, wliich was quarried ei tbe spot, and oearlv resembling marble. 'I he dimr tiiiccs are 2)0 fiat by lh.'i, aud Iba estirratad rust gl.tiiKl.. ODD. 'ilia built, as it is stated, entirely of stone tnd iroo, wit hunt any wood about it, exnept the plank n which tha copper roofing ia fastened tba floors and inner wall tra rf crossed stoo. A lunatic Asylom on a large scale has recently been erected in tbe vicinity. Ti e State Penitentiary at ibis place la 313 feet by 60. rontaioing 200 eel's The Cni' vnrslty of Nsthvilla was founded lo JbOd. Tba Medical College connected wilb tba Uoi' veraity was opened io ISC I j il occupies a tparioot .bnilding. and bis upward of ISO Students. There are abut a number of femel seminaries, the largest of wh'cb it attended hy more tban 300 pspilt. 1 ba popuUt')3 t f Ksltr.'tle il l! (.resact tjbl-t 2S,fX0. Ststistics trvnt! Fsrs-niirw Tgant A special meeting of the Board of Trade was held la-t evening. Mr If. C. Hi kok made n ad dre.a. nn the subject of the pelrotium wrP of Western Pennsylvania. He referred to ihe f.ct hat in two yea s he had only seen two Phil, delphiana at the oil well Nearly all the oil I, being got out by pertnti. from o'he States, the first refinery having been set up by a company from Ponliar, Michigan. The supply cf oil is believed to la eneibaitstihle. The oil fir Id on Oil creek i ronfired to a limit of tboul nine rniies. square. All the well here are fountain well. He saw lately ofi Oil creek, lr0 barrel in vail j l'.nnn, barrel, at a slation nn ihn Pl.iu. delphia and Erie Railroad, and 2'i.000 barrels at Oil station, awaiting shipment. The weekly product is now 7.'i,00f barrel, nd there is no well where twenty might not h link. The well miiiht be mad to yield JQ'l, 000 barrels a week. The flow of oil seem to he increasing. Tha Ilrawley will an eleven monih; in process nf being bored. On Ihe day it wa 533 feel deep it yielded f,3: hnrrel Rjneo last September it hid yielded 4:l.0 barrel and l.'i.ontj barrel of w.ste. 'I he Umpire Well give 3010 barrels per tlirm It is h.liev.,1 that the deeper the wells are bored . till l-'iO") fret i( reached, the more oil we shall get All experience shows that the lower we yn tha more oil we get The I'.irman oil field, in India, contain 10tl wells, and have yielded 400 0110 hlr. rels per annum from time immemorial. This field covers t space ol five miles hy three. Ii ia very dillicult to mke a vessel that will hold petrolium securely. I have often seen it drawn through ihe head of a good cask, by the heat of the inn' at tbe rale nf a gallon ar. hour. In summer all our flowing well are closed up. On Oil Creek, fron its moo'h to Titu.vilie. f.00 000 fret of lumber have been used, since tba 1 limine commenced, for huildinir. Ac. Thn aoioun'of capital invested has been ren'ly -ft? 500,000 intwoirars. At prearnt. meat of the nil goes to New York bv way of HiitTuln, although ir is nearer to Hiiladelplii hy v ay of Pittsburg. The pre.-ent pipe bill before the I.egis' i. a anake scheme, gotten tip by some New York s ecclatnra. Thfv pro ose to convey the oil I y pipe Irom Oil Creek to KiManirg. fj-tv rr.ilrs, hut the real ot.iert it believe I to he lo secure the whole oil trade from New Vers Citv. 'I he demand for Ibis nil f,,r tllomina'.ipg pur poses ha been io great in New York tbat Iho lamp-make. a havn la-rn unable to .tipplv their de mand. Last s.nm.r !.., paiJ. the stleaker had seen tha oil psaj in a hotel, at eightv five cent, a gallon, and win chetper than gas at lhat. At the present time, crude petrolium is wn-th fortv cent a c!!on in Liverpool, and it worth one cent a gallon at the wells. A letter. rerr.tly written by nur Consul at Antwerp, save lhat the oil is fj.t rorning into t-sc in France. The esti mates of tbe demand fur thi vear are SOO.fOn ha-eta for the Pjluhurg refineries and 100,000 barrels for a French company. liefinerie are springing up all over Ibe enuntn. There are fve've in Kr'a. twelve in Venango county and s v-ral in Cleveland. The speaker, in lluJii,g to tho different tiie tl which lha oil could be put, said that be hud been msnufictuied from it, it being preamble for thar purpose to the whisky exported to Franca to be returned here as hrnndy. Tl.: ws nme what timihr to t'e lard oil sent bv us tp France, to ba returned to utat oliyeoil. Nearly ill the new and hesutiful dyes.auch a magenta, aniltne, etc.. were made from petrolium Mr. Hirkok dedaiined against the eritom r( calling ibe oil rock oil. He dr.claid his belief that there was no r onner.tion between coal and thi oil. No coal can he found anywhere in th vicin ity of Oil creek. In England and Scoliand there wat no natural deposit nf oil from eennel coal It ia believed lhat these deposits of oil tr much older than the coal deposit.. Mr. John Aleiander, a large operator in tha oil repion, confirmed tbe statittlct of Mr. Hirkok. and cave a few others. He resides in Eighth nd Walnut trei ta, aud will furnith any informa tion on the subject. IlicM Without Moist Msny a man is rich without monay. Thousand of man wiih noth ing in the pocket, are rich. A man born wiih a good sound constitution, a good stomach, a good heait and rood limbs, and a pretty good head piece H rich, (iooj boners ata hetter than gold tiugh, muscles, than ilver; and nerve that (!eh csr carry t nergy tn every function, are betler than 1. anuses .nd land. It ia belter than a landed estate to have tb right kind of father an I mother. Good breed nod bad breeds crisl among men aa really a among herd and ho'ses. Education may dy much to check evil tendenciea, or to develop good one; but it is a gra-.t thing to inherit tha right pronortion of faculties to start wiih. That man is rich who has a good disposition who isnaturaliy kii.d.ih.eiful, patient, hopeful, and who always has a fltvor nf wit end fun in hi disposition. The hardest thing to get along wiih in his life is a man's own self. A crosa. selfish, despnniting and complaining fellow a timid, care burdened man ia deformed on the inside. Ills feet my not limp, but bis ihoashta do. Phari' Phootimi. Our .nrbornt friend nf the Centra! IJnod, whose Hill is easily recog nized, tells the following conversation botWken a rebel end federal picket : Rebel " I say, can yno fellows sboot ?" Federal -'Wa'll. I reckon we csn. some." Rebel "Down In 'Miasitsip' we can knock a bumble bee otTa tbislla blew at tlireo hon dred yards." Feder.l "Oh ! that ain't msa-bin' tew thn wty we shewt np in Vermont I belonged tew a military company there with a hondred men in tbe company, and Wd went out for prac'icn every week. Tb Cao'o draws ns op in tings file end sets a cider barrel roiling down hill, and each man takes bis shot at tha bong hole as it turn np. It is afterward examined, and if tbera i a shot that didn't go. into tho hung bnl. the member who misted iscxpilled. 1 belonged to the com pany ten years, and Ibere ain't nobody beso expelled ! l!uctttr F.rf rss. " - i, i A man who cheat in skoit measure is a measureless rogue. If io whiskey, tlep be it i rogue in Spirit, If be gives a bad Idle to Ificd, then be ia a rogue in died. If be give short measure io wte.t, then he Is rogne in grain. A nd if he cheats when be can, he it in deed, ia spuil, io grain a luessureltss rogua s-' -"ne i!t last ifrrmer, a child asked it! nurse during a thunder-storm, what ma te that lioie ! The nur.a replied thsl it was tbe t.ord mr.vipj Ida furniture. 'But," asld the child, "nur furni ture doi not make such a tmis.." "Oh, no." aid th nurse; "but bis furnhur larger than our.." "ITCllaaa A great rotpy pVI1' I1 ahoutrd "Hurrah !" "many a tim and ofu" but comparalively few know its derivation ai d primary meanirg. Il originated among ike f'.rf em nation., ivSar. It ! used a. a war cry from the belief thai rviy man who d..J in h.Ul. for bit country went la hstven. Ili.d.iivel from th.8clo.onic word' Hurrsg !'' which nie.i.t "To paradit.' Pr. Franklin esrd to say that rich widows ara the only pieces ol second btud goods tii-ii sell tt prime ci st. Eogtr it so high that it is sid ynnnp gen' tiooien ara cb'ig.d tn dri k their c 'Jce clcsr :1 kits lbs tj-rls foraritcoi")j ,