r UC LINKS. V " v and ruii.ADni.niu JlAll.nOADCO.HLIlMK Jl to Neto l'urk and Wag I 'laces. ftt Wharf a id Rrnmuftnn Depot, e as Mlows, Tit Hi din id Ainboy C A A Aecom- t 'J IS SJnn na Jersey City New Jer. illnn, (-mticn JutMV city Morning 3 00 s Kentlnston and Jersey city, Wee- (ii Cntnilrii and Ami.)-, a..cnmmodi.tion I & i Camden anil Aniboy v una a. r.- 3 00 f vis Kensington, mill Jersey city, Eve- M, via'Kenaington and Jeiiey clty.Sd ... ... - . .-:. .ii. ' , vin Cnnnleil anil Jersey city South. Mail II 5 1 M. via Cnmilni and AmlHiy Aiwnunoou- , (Fieigbt and I'uasenger,) vn t" i jj P. M. Mail t.ina tuna daily. Ths II southern for Helvuiers, Eastnn, Flemington. c .at 7 10 A M., i i ,i i Walnut street wharl ami V( r i , mm mimiai'. fir ftlflllPh I till I.K .AlieiMOWII UIN l.Cliinri.vti., . , n ... . ia llnh Vallay Biilrl For Water tinp, r-tmuoMiurv. rcnm'-n. .n,.-,. ic, lontrone. Great llcud. Ac, ni : lu A M, via Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Rallnwd Fit Freehold, at 0 A. M. and t P. M. Fot Mount llully, at 0 A M.. mid 4, P M. WAV LINKS, For Ilrist"!. Trenton, ftp., at 7 10 anil CJ A.M., SJ, t 30 nud 1 1 1' M fiom Kensington and ji l M from al liut S-jeet Whnrf. ForPatmvrn. Hiverb'n, Dclnnro, ncverly, niirtitnrtnn, Florence, Horitiutown, Ae . at 17 . I. 3 and A, P. M. Steamboat Trenton, t-t llonlcutowii. rod imerlacdinte plmu. nt SJ P Al, from Walnut III"! Wlmrf. f5- Fiir New Yurk, and Way Lines leaving Reming ton Depot, bike the cms ml FiOh slrcct, above Walnut, hulf an hour before departure.. Tlie cms rait into Hie l'a pol. mid on arnviil of each Tiain, Tim from Ihe dcp.t. Fifty iodiidnf Hwanre "lily, allowed each pnsenrer, I'nuwnflpra are pinninneu irom laaota nnyiiima h nt.. snge hut tlipir wearing apparel. AM Bnsange ovpr fifty pniiuila to be pnid fur extra. The Company limit -thpit rcjioiisihiliiy for llngg.'i:p t" One Dollar per pound, und will not lie liable foi nny uinouiit lieyond 1UU D"liai, ex cept by speeinl contract. WM 11. CATMF.K Apnt C. A. R. R Co Nn. 9, Wl. ANOTHER ARRIVAL 01- Millinery Goods! at the St're of Misses . & L. RIIISSI.En, Simptnn'a BuiWint, Murfcct Square, Sl.'Mtl'UY, Ta fPHE pulilip arp invited to call mid exunhip .lipir Milli 1 ncrv ii.wvls juntoppned ftu-li ua L;i'1ic' iHv U-v-ds, f ilk-, and Hie lateat New Yrk and I'tiiludulphia ntylca BONNKT. ladths' rnnss CATS. FVR3, Iidip'GI"VH, lloiipiv, llandkPTi-hiffi, Nliont, lrl'iweip, and Mil'inpry g.M'dinf every vnriftv. MANTLA.MAKI.NU'. lircatra made in the bet man. tier and iti any sivli'. We intend to if II low. call and emmine onr Mo. V. B. &. L.SlllSsLLR. Runhury, Octi'ber 12, ledl . ; BT- NICHOLAS HOTEL, Brondway, Xtw York. Board llcduccd to SI a Day. Since the opening of this vast and rommodinua Hotel, in 1 854, it has been theainglc ciu!eavr of the proprirtora to mtike it the most aumjdunu, convenient and comfortable home fur the citizen onJ Btrunc;er on thispiilo the Atlantic. And whatever hag penned likely t j administer to the comfort of its guest they endeavored, without regard tococt, to provido, and tn combine nil the elements of individual and socinl enjoyment which modern art has invented, und modern tastapprov rd;and Iho patronitgn which it linn commanded during the past six years is a gratifying proof that their effort ha been appreciated. To meet tne exigencies of the time', when all are required to practice the most rigid economy, iho undersigned HAVE REDUCED THE PRICE OF DOARD TO TWO DOI.LA RS FER DAY, at the same time abating; none of the luxuries with which their tabic has hitherto been supplied. TREADWELL, VVH1TC0M0 & CO, Oct. 13, 1861. 1 mo. JAMES 13 A R B E 11 ' S WllOLESAt.R AND BF.TA1L CLOCK ESTABLISHMENT, S. E. Corner Second and Chestnut its., Philadelphia. GF.XCY for the PATF.NT EQUALIZING THIRTY i. DAY CLOCKS, a vpry desirable ailicle fur Caurcri ts, llotei, bank, Cotintire Houfleft, Parlor. Ac. Also, Manufacturer of FINK OOLD PE.i. Ciopka repaired and warrnntd. Clock 'Piinnniiif; of every I'cscription. Phimdclphia, January 111, 1HSI. 3y p" rillLAnELPIIIl rOLLFGU. S. E. comer of Stventh and Chesnut Streets. TNis is one of EIGHT COLLEGES, CONSTITUTING THE "NA TIONAL CHAIN." LOCATED IK Philadelphia, New York Ciiy. Albany, Iiu.T.il.i, CIpvs. land. Cuieaeo, and !t. Imii. HclmlHTsliips tun be pur chased at either point, it-Hid ut ull the Colleges. THE COLLKOIATK COI RG emhinces Double and Single Entry Kook-Keepine. Com sneicial Coliputations, Coinmcrci.il Law, Pei.iimiibhip, tiuaineas Correspondence, Purtueiilnp SetUeintnU, cle. PRACTICAL TEXT-KUOK9. TlieTescI ing in the BiKik Keepin pppirimpnt is most, ly from written iiiunuseiipt lrms, wuh onil instiiiptions ieeliirKS, and black-board e:uciUntioi,a ; in uddilloti to which, in older to make the Collegiate Course as thorough and erfectuulas poMible, the luilowiug Text-Books have been pre;iarpd : llryant Ciralton's ft lok-Kpeping, in three editions Couiinnu Sdiool, High hool,and Counting House itry ant A; tralton's C.nTinierciul Ariltniielic ; Hrvaut it Virultoa's Cuuunereial Law, by Amos iieuu, L.l. 1. l'ENCF.niAN SYSTEM OF PENMANSHIP, lu a ser.es of nine hooks, by P. R. SPENCER. P R SPENCER, Ji., TcHch .r of Pium.oithip. Iiwii. vulual n.n" riK tu.ii. rj'.udruts entei at any tune. Diplu mas awarded. IV For Catalogues and rirculars, call at the Collece, ora.ldre-s lilt Y AN P. STRAT TON at FAIKHANKS February S3, 1-fil ly l'luliulrlihia. A E ( E Rich Fie ld Caregoa, 19, 25and 31 cents. Hirege Robes. SI !0, SI 00 and $5 00, Mozambique Robes at $5 til), Traveling Dress (Sonds, hlhard'a Plai.li, M diair PUMs. (iiiitinni's, l.nwnn. Prints, Cballici, Grey Figuied Goods, COOPER k CONARD. R E corner Ninth and Market, Philadelphia. N 15 Uet quality llocp bkirla, 91 cents to 25. May 18, J 80 1. TREES! TREES ! FTWE undersigned invite attention to their large and well grown stock of ' FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, Shrubs, iic, embracing a large and complete as ortment of Apples, Pears, Peaches, Plums, Cherries, Apri. cots, and Nectarines, Standard lor the Orchard, and Dwart for the garden. F.ngliidi Walnuts, bpanish Chssnuts, Hazle' nuts, 4 c-i Rasbemes, Strawberries, Cu'tsuls slid liooseberrii s, iu great vaiietv. GRAPES OF CHOICEST KINDS. Asparagus, Rhubarh, Ac, it, Also a fine stock of well formed, buehy EVEROUEEAs, auitabU for the Ceuietrv and Lawn. Deciduous Trees for street planting and a gen eral assortment of Ornamental Trees and Flow ering Shrubs. Roses of choice varieties. Camellias, Bedding Flauts, Ac. Our stock is remsrkably thrifty anil fine, and we offer it at prices to suit the times. I f Catalogues mailed to all applicants Address EDWARD J. EVAN & CO., Central Nurseries. YORK, Pa. September 'y 1861. 3m STOVES- 1V)R SALE an excellent second-hand Cook ing Stove, ,lso aeveral Cylinder Coal Sioies. Btiquixe al this oflic. The Great Care for Cotunmption. If you havt cold, una Wishart'a Pine Tree Tar Cordial ! If you have a cough, use Wiaharl'i Pin Tre Tar Cordial ! If you have Asthma, use Wishart'a Pine TreeTar Cordial ! If you have 8ore Throat, use Wish rt'a Pine Tree Tar Cordial I Ifyou have Bronchitis, use Wishart'a Pine Tree Tar Cordial ! Ifyou have Consumption, use Wishart'a Pine Tree Tar Cordial Wishart'a Tine Tree Tar Cordial it an unfa ing remedy for disease of the Kidneys, Urinary Complaints, Blind and Bleeding Piles, Nervous Debility, and far Female weakness and Irrpgu' Uritiet. The well known efficacy of Tine Tree Tar In the cure of external affections or Korea, pointed it out as the Natural Kemnly for what Physicians call Tubercular flection (ihr t i to say, Sores.) upon the Lungs. It remained to discover the best means of application, which discovery has been made, as a thousand testimonials prove, by the Proprietor of Wiahnrt's Pine Tree Tar Cordial ! Ifyou have DYSPEPSIA, use Winharl'e (treat American Dyspepsia Pill! A sure cure Warranted for one doliur, or the Money Refunded ! Buy a box and take them according to direc tions, and if they do out cure you, the money will be returned. Aor.STS Wm. Weimer, Northumberland. A. W. Fischer, Sunbury. Call at either place, and get a descriptive Cir cular. I.. Q. C. Wiehart, proprietor, No. 10, North Second, Philadelphia. August 10, 1801. ly AYEli'S CATHARTIC PILLS. Are ymi Kick. f-MU, und rtiaipliiiiiiul' A 10 jvti tut of or tier. Milii uur sti-m do- CDitiluittiblt'l 'iht-Hn pivinpa tc-nm re oRf n ltx prcltiiU la ftcrlotis illtw. fcoiiio lit of iK'klitjH I ripej iin; nj'Cli you, mi l utiMuttl be stveiitd t'V J ft I ice'1 jMIUVAUKit liiuuly of tlt rilit rwi. tilw Titke Artr's 1'ilN, mid thii), iuni iti.i nv-ini irim Ilia ol.triirtii'ii whivh lunke rfiser.). A cold Mfl' i JAn,.-wli.'t iu llie l" ly, onl uh s'trnvn IU natiirnl ttin-'ti'tiM. 'i U?f. if iiwt Mi'-ie l, rc.ct iifii lhfinulws ami tlm fciTuiiuJhiit oinaun. (io rttii'itm gi'iietut K:n tivitMi'n, Miftvt iiifi, nud diiHs, Vhil lu tin- mn litlon, AppntKri Wy tliu Ueiunp mf'iitpi, tik Aver'ii I'llK. ftiid ilirecily I'io.V re-tore tlia nadirnl nH.Mt ui li tiyt. m. nnd with it ihj l-uiniit fyliii(5 of Ir.tiHIi ntiu. What l l ftn-l aiipuivul ia tbis turirU Hiid rmumon enmtiliaint, If aUu tut'' in imhmjt of til di!tt nr-at'-U nd linii-ciii':r! (liit-mt?in. Tln tiHiiit purxntivo ofTv-i'I uxpclri tiM'in. Ceimwl l.y ulntil'ir o1i..ruc tittup mid (1frAiiR''rii'ntR of thu Hnhiinl rinictinim of tlia bolv, lliy tir r.ipidly. iuid m.niy oC tlim uruly, f-nri I IjV tlmBniiieincnux. Non win know (hit f irtti. il tlis fills, will n-Ktvt to ruifluy thum wlia fturTviing fruta llie MOidri Iliy cur. ISiuTrmnl fioirt Imdtnx jdiTalclrini In oiiii of the primi.tU utkrfi, nd fivui wtl.iir well kuown iiuDh,- p-tr-bans. ftvm a Prw:trding Mtrtttfint 7suii, A6. 4, Db. Art:: Your .Mil po the RrRim of nil tlmt 1 gvcM hi uifdichirt. Tli"T Intro cured my little dtuhtvr i uli-ernti ure uptHi hot timidi itntl fo- t that lutd pruvwl iiuiir:ittlc fir ywi. liar moth or liru U-en loiijr ifrinv unity tttllitod with tdotobtj-) nud plniplM 'ii hoi' nkiu fttid hi her liRtr, Alior our child wtui cured, nke nlo ttied Vur l'illi, and thoj hru curttd lur. As-A M0KGKXDGB. Ac a Family Fhyklc. TV.wji ier. K II. (hWiTiy'i. At w Otieans. Tour Pills are th viin's I'-f K Thdlr fxrollfnt quail ti urtfuM any tat Initio w pftflt. 1hy nr tnlld. but vrycitiin und ruVftiHtl in thdr nct.n on Hit bcmeli, which m.ikci tUeut iurnJuetblif lu us iu tho duily treatmuDt of dinetuw. IIodaclir,SI( kI!e(liicl.c,F'onl Stomnch Vow Vr. tdw ttd ISoyl, UaiUnwrt. Athh: I ciinnit answer on tvtmt complftints t hTo r'rr t with your fills hotter thnn to sny oli Utat uc trtr (cc.if with a paii-itttv mnttciite. I ptnee firvnt tlopcn 'l"iKcn nn ifrciiiiil nnhnttic In my d iily rontrst with iliMo.iv. hii'I Lhrviii nn I i i thtt ymir I'ilU ullord Ut tU be we Ucvve, I ut ccu;e v:Uue tlutn highly. riTTsMTsa, Pa., May 1, 165. IR. J. C. Ain. Plr: T havn own repntedly eumd f the w irst htutluifm any UAy ran line l.y a d tse or two f ynur fills. It Mf-mii to arise froui a foul itopiftch, hUKh thty rnntj at once. Vmn wltli grout rcsi-tKt, ET. W. mKT'.T.F, TtrHr Suumer Ciurim, DUlona DUerdert Llrer Complalnta. From Dr. The'urt tt W, Xrw York Cy. K't only are your Pills ndmlraldy adiiptrd to lblr pnr iw as an aperient, hut I And tlnir lenHriitl eriWttiXa Iho Mvur very niarkrd lnd'ud. 'l iny biive In my prac ticu proved iiit'iu bifrtiial fx the cute of bihtrnt cmi ftlautts thauany out rvimnly 1 ran uiuntinn. I iurur.-! rt-Joii-u that wn have at h-tiih a pufptive which is wur tU Ute cuufldwiewe of the pi ufmfcluu uud thu pet-pie. D IT ART KENT OF TIIK iNTKKIOIt. Vashiiit;ttit U. t'.,;th fib., lbG. Ftn t T have iHml yuitr I'ilU in uty eiifiiil and hospital prai'ikouter siino you ma Jo thum, and c.-itiuul lnliatw ta way tiivyarolhe Ut caihui tic wu employ. Their rep. lutinif a- tion ou tb liver is qui-k nnil doniH-d, comte iiiit(iy they are tin tvhuirable reuivdy for Ueiuut;fiutiit f tint oigiMi. 1ii1iiJ, I have sclloiii fi-iiiid a cake of utUttiu lit tense so obstinate that It did not ituiily vinhl to tbvia. AiuUiUuliy miih, AlA.0 HALL, M. U, J'hitician of' lite JUunni JlvpitoU Dytcntcr' Diarrhoea, Rvlux, AY or mi. Vvi Vr. J. ii. t ten, if CViicuo, Tour Pills have had a long trial lu my pra.-tlr, and I bold tlim iu tittviui as ouv of the lust apviiftits 1 have tt fuumJ. 'J'iii'ir alUv.ttiTo ft''l upon the livfi makes them au exoelltfut rcuirtly, wIku k" 'i in atitall doitm Ut Upturn lijsettttrj unit ilii'irAtix. 'Jhtir sii):iir-iiaiiiig tiiHkK thm Vfi y acceptable aiid wiivuuii-ut tliu um uf wuiui n aud cbilarvu. Dyspepsia, Impurity of tlic Bloocl Ft am Uto, J, V, Hunts, iitt r Advrni CUure ituib-n. 1h. AYrtt: I linve utfd ymir PilU with oxtru'-nliimrv m-iT in uty fiiuiily and tuuoiij; llnst I am i-ullrd to uit in dihttt'-fS. To niiliifrt the oiv-tin of ilicuKtinn mitl pai'ify the blood, tlu hi thi Vij ix-it itiiifdy I b-tve fwr known, aud 1 cau coiendVutly nvt uiin"iitl (hem to uiy huiud. Vuma. J. V. UIMi;3. )V.MiW, Wyoming fo.. X. Y., Oct. ill, 1:5. Pta Sir : I am tiMua yur CHiharti I'ilU iu niv piito tlt'i. and llnd thriii n fsjcolli nl pin caii ve it. clt'niiM) the syitti'tu aud j-Nrti tiit j'utmi'tiui Vtt '-. JOHN U. Mi-ACII.M, SI. D. Const I pat Inn. Cal lv neaa, KM pprcsslon. Itlir iiiiiiitUui, tnul9 i-ttra);iU Drup ) rrlai., fits, etc Vom lir. J. . YaugUu. J.ii(,v . Ctnmla, m luh cntmot be a.iid of your I'illn f.r the cure of (r-intiirii, if nthiMs of our fiittfinlt.v have li'imU thrm a 'ffl-(n ious as I bate, thi-y kltonM join ite iu ptisclHtm log it lr the Uiut tit of Ihe inullitu hn wlm milltt f ont that tiiupl-iint, whit'h. althub bail euoii.'h in ilnulf, it the pro,'iiiit.ir wf ull mis Unit a wor. I rnMU've e (ityucM to of t'iitilf in i he livur, but y -ut i'ills adi-ct tli.it oiau aud rure Hie liiMMHa. Frtmi irs. F. Stuart, Fltyrician ami XV.V'c, -.fi, I find on' or two Urn U- of ymir Vii. taken ut the projMT tiute.are xr, il nt pr Utlivt ul the Uftmui trct t-fn-l a hen holy.r p-ii lially supttrswl. and also itiy olft-ctuwl to i'mww (he $tum:k and tf-t h-vm$. 1 hi y arn nit utii h the Wt pbi; e bav that I ruvuim.ud UOOl!t:l to my llvllts. From Vn Ftv. Ir. Uawka.oftht WAaf af Ffh, Church. pfU'ici l! ir P.naintnt, Hi... .Ian. 18M II -xna ip Mut I h ,iihl le un -mmMuI f r thu uli.f yanr kili ha lioui:hi mn it I did not rep.rt uiy uuf ti yu. A f'4'l tftiUil iu un litMlsMan-l btutiKlit ou vairn ri.etinic uurvie pa.t, whlrh itiw( eh nut if thv nul lum. ,oH uli,tai..llnn h.t.t ih Ut'l of phyais uns. the disease grow i uud wm-e until l-y the mU h w 'f vur ki elit-lil a-ent In I'siltimorw. pi . Mac'kenxU. 1 tiu-d Ynur ti ll. Ibflr eir-rta writ k)w. but Mire. My vetHvfiuz lo the use ol tlu ni, J iuu i. w utiicly well. Praan rusiinrt. Pat. Hmir-e, I W. U&a. Pa. AYKtt ; I bv l-n ritldsdy rnr. d. by your PiiU.ff .' m. fee (A.u a paioiul d ).. nfXh-b d me f.r yenr". lCi:NX Hl.lhKl.l.. MaC f-f.ibe Pill In mtrket cntiln Slercury. sihoii. altbHiih a -IuhI U- rviu dy in t-kiCul hamU. Is dtmol-.,u in a putd.e t fr.iu th ihvadful c t)uut t4 tlMt frfu utlv r-iis. v ttH im itutioii" iim, These C'UImIu io utarcuiy or miHeral sKtisjtniH wliatever. Price, 25 oenla per Box, or 0 Boxes for $1. Prepared tj Dr. I. C. VTH 5o CO., Lowell, Matt. -Wby Frilii-g A r.rent.ai H A. W. Vieiher,minbujy J r".CakwairtT C. Hrwu, Milton Vt Weork, Mc Kevensvill i HrifsoyderA 4'hrintian, Turbutviile: R. H aictoy, rniiuinmietHuiu aim by Ptawit cvecywhcia. AptilaX), lucidly I, 00T8 V HH0E8, eao be purchased et the Mammoth Btore of r riling & Urant, serv ciiuap.as we ere determined not to be undersold by anybody. Call ami learn the list of prices for yourselves. t KILIKU & URANT. Banbury, January H, H1 mi CtS'Vg, 1 morn ini ify Ui iluuJ, nod f 1 l1 tltiitlp move vn umib c7 AP.HH-,, Li I.s.i.m ! tl.M.iiiiilrtr4.1 hi. IMPORTANT TO LOVERS OF G3 CD CD tD RLP LEQ BRIGHT St fiON, Invite attention to their Stock of Prime Green and Black Tea. June 1ft, 1061. SUMMER GOODS. AT PRI CES TO SUIT THE TIMES E. IT. BRIGHT & SON, UAN'i: RECEIVED OF ALL KINDS Op GOODS H ANDS0ME, 3D TJ b T.E A A D GZ2 1E3 EL E3J GREAT BARGAINS AND Splendid Inducements TO AT THE OxE PlllCE STOl.E, OF E. Y. BRIGHT k SON. Sunbury, June 15, IS61. A IV OTHER AUIUVAI, OF SEASONABLE GOODS, AT THE MAMMOTH STORE! OF FRILING 8c GRANT. Suobory, September 7, 18CI. COMMERCIAL NURSERIES, H. E. HOOKER Sc CO.. 0C'IIK8TK. N. Y JOHN V. CUCHER. Local Agent, Sunbury Pa. flbe subscriber, having been appointed local M. Agent for the sale of Fruit trees, iilsnts. vines, Ac, of one of the most reliable Nurseries. calls the attention ol all who want choice fruit lo this method, as more cettain than by obtaining them through traveling agents. Among thoso described in the Catalogue are. Dwarf Pear Trees, of the age for transplanting, remarkably nne. svarf Apple. Trees, on Paradise Storks, ma king beautiful little trees for the garden, and pro ducing remarkably tine specimens of fruit iu t very short time. Dwutf Cherry 1 rees, budded on Mahaleb Stocka, handsome trees. Standard Apple, Pear and Cherry Trees, very fine, with a large list of varieties. Peach, Plum, Nectarine and Apricot Treea. Gooseberry, blackberry and Struwberry Plants all of the finest kinds. Currants, many near and improved varieties, such ae Cherry, White Qiape, While Uondouin, Red Grape, Victoria, cVc (strawberry Plants, in great variety, including the Hooker, Wilson's Albany, Triooiphie de Uand, (the most approved old varieties,) as well aaall the novslliee. Orape Vjnea, including those fine, new, yet well tested kinds, which no planter ahould be without, such as Delsware, Concord, and Hart ford Proline These we have propagated ao ex leneively aa to able to oflW theut at reduced and aalisfactory pricea. Plants, Rosea, Evergreens and every variety of ornamental treea and Bhrubbery.aecurely packed- JOHN W. BL'CHER, Ager... Sburyr. Buiibury, Tebusry, W, Wt-l. BENT BY EXPRESS BVEBTWIIERE. Retailed at Wholesale Prices, Made to Measure at $18 per doz, OR BIZ FOR NIMH DOLLAR!, without Collars on, with Collars ea 2 per dot. tztra, MADS Or KEW-TORK MILLS MUSLIN, TTlth fln Linen Bosoms, and warranted as r"t a tUlrt as sold In tus retail stores at 2,S0 each. ALSO. TUB VERT BEST PHIRTfl THAT CAN BI MADS AT i kACIL f.'t. Those who think I eannot make a rood Chlrt for f IS per dnien sr. mlitakan. Dsrs's lbs cost of on doicn 1S line shirts. SO vards of N-Tork Mills ranilln at K.Ve. p" yd. H 85 T r'anls of fins Linen, at 60c. per yard, 8 t o MaVlneand cultln? ( 00 J.vimlry, tl I bullous and cotton, COc 1 to rat i cs Total IIS 00 Self Measurement for Shirts. Printed directions sent free everywhere, and so cane to understand, that snj one can take tlielr oun tueayurs foriMrts. I arrant a food fit. Tlis cash to bs id t the Lzprcss Compsu y on receipt of goods. The Expren charges on on doten Elilrts from Ksw Tork to New Orleans Is (1. P. . -PARTIES WISHISO FmnM IS nASTK.not bnvia? time to send for Rules of Measurement, sliould send per mall, prepaid, one of the bent fitting Rhirts Uir have got, statin( anj alterations that may ba required. f S. W. IT. WARD, from London, 387 Broadway, up stairs, . Between WLlts A Walker Streets "KtV-YOML. March 1G, 1861.-tf CENTRiS0TEL7 SUNBURY, ITorthumberland County, Pa. rf'Hl.S large and comm"lions Hotel, now -- managed by JAMES VAN DYKE. Il is situate at the Railroad Depot North East corner of Market Square, Sunbury, and al the terminus of the Sunbury 4 Erie and JNorth cm Central Railroads, and is open fur the accom modation of Travelers and the public ill general The priprietor will give hia exclusive atten tion, lotbe comfort and convenience of his guests and is de'ermined to make this esiablinhment rank among the first in the State. llij table will bo supplied with the best the ma'ket ran produce having the advantage ol daily communin.ilion by cars direct from Balti more, and also from those bringing produce from the surrounding country. Hia bar will be supplied with the purest liquors the market can produce Caeful and obliging servants always in at tendance. New and enmmndioue stabling has just been added to the premises. A share ol the local and traveling community a mont respectfully solicited. S'jnbury, January 12, 1861. WINTER GOODS, F 0 II M EN'S WE A R . I! lack and Blue Hair Cloth, lieaver Overcoating, Ula ik Doeskins, New Style Cassiineres, All Wool Tweeds, Heavy Kentucky Jeans, Real Onod Cassiuetts, Bili Mixed Coating. Super Velvet Cords, iilack Grenadine Vesting, Black Satin Vesting, Fancy Silk Velvet Vestings, Plain Silk Velvet Veatincs, Nice Caasimere Vestings In fact all kinds of goods for Men's and Boys' wear, can he found at tho People's One Price Store of E. Y. Tiright & Son, who have juat eceived by Railroad a splendid stock of all kinds of goods, suitable for cold weather. Please call and be convinced. E. Y. BRIGHT & SON. Sunbury, October 27, I860. REVERB HOUSE, (I.ATK T.AGLK IIOTKL,) Third Slreit, above Race, Philadtljilia, miOADS li SAILOn, Propnetors. JMPROVKMKNTS nnve been made, and the House has been refil'ed tlirouclinut 'I'ilohm V. Hun!!., fnrmeilyof the NationsI Hotel t'llASLSS SaiLiis, liinnerly of Schuylkill CO., fs. I'hiludclphia, Jan. IV, IMil ly J. A. C RANDALL'S PATENT SPRING HORSES 478 BaOADWATT, NEW V0HK. Should he in every family. School, (iymnasi um, Asylum, and Hoepitol in the land. Are not DANOEKOL'8, like the common Rocking Horse. Stands firm on ita Pedestal, will not wear C ARPETS, and has no Rockers to injure the Feet. "Healtli'snd happiness in the same saddle." N. P. Willi, FROM THE "HOME JOl'RNML." "Of all the child-furniture we have ever seen no article combine so much of those two impor lant things health and happiuras a the Ad justable Patent Sli-el Spring Saddle Horse, in vented by Jesse A. Crandall, It is not danger ous, like a eommnn rocking-horse, lo children's feet, cannot be upset, does not wear carpets, but stands firm on its base, and its action is so like the gallop of a live horse that the child never wearies of it. This .atekt of child novelties is ex ceedingly elegant and artistic in design ; and so adjustable, substantial, and durable, that it will last a lifetime. It is indispeusable in every family where there are children. It should be in every primary school and gymnasium in the country, as it can be made large and strong enough to sustain grown persons. As a pedestal for photographic pictures, nothing is more beauti ful. "Every Oiphan Asylum and Institution where children are congregated, should tie furnished with a number of these beautiful article They are fitted with side aaddles when required." DIRECTIONS FOR ADJUSTING;, Opr-n the after part of the base sulliciently to allow Ihe axle to go in its place ; then raise or lower the Horse to suit too. Screw ihe bolt in the side very light. IJT These Horses are Aiii(At Jt.U on yesr. Mrrb 16, If 61. if Life or Ueatll The auhschber take pleasure in announcing that they are now prepared to mail (free) to those who wish it, a copy uf an important little work, by the late Dr. Brampton, entitled "The Invalid' Medical Con fidant, published fur the benefit, and warn' ing to young men and person who suffer from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, 4c. Ac, aupplying the means of self cure. The reader ia irresistibly led lo compare a useful life with en ignoble death. Reader, lose not moment, but aend oui ad dress for a copy of this little work. Addres tu rublwber DR JOHN D OG DEN tfc CO, ii it fit John St. New York. My II, lMl-tSmo SUNBURY STEAM FL0URLNQ THE subscribers having taken possession of this first clave FLOURING MILL, are pre pared to receive train of all kinds, and to do ru- tom work at the Shortest Notice. Customers will have their grists ground immediately upon their being left at the Mill. Al it ia the inten tion of the firm to stock the Mill a large Sup. ply ol urain, will be constantly kept on hand, and flour by the quantity can always lie obtained, The greatest care will be taken to turn out t su perior quality of flour, for which the mill Is ad mirably adapted. Strict attention will be raid to the want of customers, and the patronage of the public generally te respectfully requested. MORGAN & CO., Sunbury, June S3, 1810. LUMBER ! LUMBER PHILIP SHAY, MTJNOT, FA. INF0RM8 hia friends and the public in gene ral, that he constantly keeps on hand, Boards, SilinfftAa. Lath Jniala all kln.1. nf t .I.-. o ' - " I nil m.iun ... ..uiHwi and building materials, which he will sell el the iuri priurs. Msrrh 30, 1861. "W-A.T-.X, PAPER 1 FRILING & GRANT, at the MAMMOTH STORE, have this day (January 17ih, 1861 received a CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF TUB NEWEST STYLES AND PATTERNS OF WA.Z.I, PAPER, which they are selling at prices that defy competition. Sunbury, January 19, 1861- NOW WITHIN REACH OF ALL GKOVKlllUKEirs B CELEBRATED NOISELESS Sewing Machines, 495 Uhusuwst, New York. The public attention is respectfully jequcsted to the following cards of Elias Howk, Jr., and the Grover A Baker S. M. C A Card from the 0 ROVER & BAKER S. M. Co. Our Paten's beinc now established by t2 t. . .... - .. . - i.ouria, we arc enabled to lurnish the lirover & Baker Machine, with important improvements at greatly Krduccd Price. The moderate price at which Machines mak ing the Grover & Baker stitch, esn now be had brings them within the reach of all, and renders ihe use of Ma -.nines making inferior stitches as unnecessary as it is unwise. Persons desiring Ihe best Machines, and the right to use them, must not only lie sure to buy Machines making tho Grover A. Baker stitch but a'so that such Machines are made and stamped under our patents and those of Eliaa nower, jr. GROVER St BAKER S. M. CO., 49.") Droadwsy, New York. A CARD PROM ELIAS HOWE, JR. All persons are cautioned not to make, deal in. or use any Sewing Machines which sew from two spools and make the slitch known as the Grover oc Shaker slitch, unless the same are purchased from the Grover A: Baker Sewing Machine Company, or their Agents, or Licenses, and stamped under my patent of Senteii.tier 10. IH-lK Said Company, and their Licenses, alone, an legally authorized under their own patents, am my said patent, durinc the extended term there of, to make and sell this kind of Sewing Machine anJ all oihcrs are piracies upon my said patent and will be dealt with accordingly, wherever luund. ELIAS HOWE, JR. New York, Dec. 39. IHtiO. if TU AiAU THOSE II4V1.V4. Farms, Parks or Gardens, IN CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA. A rare chance ia now afforded to select and order FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES Vines, Shrubbery, 4e .from the celebrated Clover Sireel Nurenes Ixicated st Rochester, New York. mmni-s, .tioom:, imoTiiEits, PROPHIETOHB Who Iveg leave to anii. uiice lluil ihty ars picpared through ti.cir qunhritd and K K S P O N S I II I, F. A G K N T ft, To distribute their supenor stock on the most lessuiiabl trims. PI'.OI'I.K OK TIIK EET3TC1TE STATE. Ixiven of Nature and the beautiful, and justly celebrate for your inirlliirriice, wealth, laVruiuy and taste, now is the nine tn make youi selections Irom our DKSCB1PTIVK CITAI.dOl E AM) PLATE ftOUKS, Which will be furnished you, through our locnl kcii': and you may rest assuicd ll.al your orders will be honora bly rilled. Koi luitlier particulars apple in HlfcPHRlCK A. HOWF. OrJOHXB.JONKi.. v,u., . Agent lor N'orthumberlHiid county, REFERENCES: Hon. Kni'NKZKIt tilllFFIN, Rochester, N Y. Hon. JOHN O Al.HIt AITfl, Kne, Ps. Col J. II JOHNSON, Meauuhe, l'a. letinni) irbl fm War! War! War! COME FROM THE XORTlf, COME FROM THE SOUTH, COME FROM THE EAST. COME FROM 'HIE W EST, Save the country and build yourselves homes, or now ia the time lo get your Lumber cheap. Yes, LUMBER ! LUMBER ! ! LUMBER ! ! ! can be purchased at low rales al the STEAM SAW-M1I.I, of IRA T. CLEMENT, BUNBUKY, PA., Such a Panel Lumber, Frame Lumber, Boards, Siding. Shingle from $.t to $8 per thousand, Plastering Lath, Paling, Roofing I.slh, cVc, Ac. All bills ordered, for any kind uf Lumber, will be furnished at the shoitest notice. IRA T. CLEMEIVT. Sunbury, March 9, 18C1. COTTAGE BILLES. 17011 SALE, cheap, three copies of the Cottage Uibte, iu two volumes, with com meotar.'ei. II. H. MASS El v. SOLOMON 31 A LIC K, Attorney a Law, gUNBURY, Northumberland Co.. Pa (Formerly Freeburg, Snyder county.) OFFICE, Market Street, a few door east of Ihe Northern Central Railroad Depot and two door west of the Post Office. All Professional Business, Collection, Ac., will receive prompt attention. March SO, 1H61. "THE UNION," AreX Street, above Third, I'kiladtlphia, VPTO.N 8. NEWCOMER, Proprietor. a tHIB HOTEL is osntisi, eoavsuisiit by Passenger Cars to all parts of U s city, and in svary particular adapted I Iris eoraions and wauiasf the bosusret public. Or Tarns, l JO pf saiy. aWpfeasbs, ai, lfl.-if 11 3. ANOTHER ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS, J. II. ENGEI of Sunbury, Pa, I I AH just arrived with splendid STOCK of " UPRINQ AND SUMMKK UUUDB, from Philadelphia, to which he respectfully .Invite hi friend and the Publie to call and Inspect, he will spare no time in showing them. Among hi duck of good will befound, FINE BLUE AND BLACK FREITCE CLOTS. Fine Black and Fancy Casimere Tweede, Sat inet!, Jean, Black Italian Cloth, Cashmerette, Coltonade, Linens, Linen Drill, Linen Check, and Farcy Vesting, also a large assortment of Keaily-mailo CLOTHING for men end boy (cheap.) IVH LADIES WEAR, Black end Fancy Drew Silk verv chcao. Silk Tissue, Beregea, Chali and Chali Robes, Berege Delaine, Uerege Robe, Figured Brilliant and a variety of other Dreae Goods, Spring and Sum mer Sbawla, Mantillas, Parasols, a good assort ment of while foods. Collars. Sleeves. Irish Linen, Shirt front. Marseilles, Brilliant Ae. A general assortment nf domestic Dry Go-d. Also a large stock of Hate and Cape, Boots and shoe, Hardware, Queen and Glassware, Groceries, Cedarware, Stone and Earthenwate, Drugs and i'atnta, Salt, t ish, Cbeese, Ham, Oil, Tar Ac. tic. N. B. Wrall and Window Paper. Floor and Table Oil Cloth, Carpet, all the above will be sold at low price for cask or country produce ta- en in xenange tor uood. J. It. ENGEL. Sunbury, May. 19, I860. tf. New Air Line Route T O NEW SHORTEST l DISTANCE AND QUICKEST IN TIME between the twf (V.ea of NEW YORE AND BACBIB QUO. . via READING, ALLEN TOWN AND EA3TON. Moniing Espreas West leaves New York st s . is . snd Philadelphia at 8 a M , arrives at Hnrrnl.urp st It ii F. H cnnectii.g st Harriihurf with train nn Norlhern Central Kuad for buubury, W lUiainsport, Lock Haven and inter inediale stsluais. Muil Train West leaves New York at l norm, and rniianeipnia at a ju e. 11., coimecliiNi Willi tiain nn North eta Cential Road for siationa ns slve, and also 011 all tramson Ihe Wilhsnisport snd Elmtra. Mail Train East leaves Harrisbuig st 8, a is , and ar rives st Philadelphia at 1 r. si., and New Yoik al 3 JO e. M.. in time to take boat or cars for Ibiston, fte. Express Eust leaves linrrisbus; st IIS. on amvnl of Northern Central Tiain, and arrives at Philadelphia at 0 Id r M . and New Yolk atllr. M. No change of cars or baegage between New York or PhtlHilelpliia and lliirnilmiu. F or beauty of scenery and speed, comfort and acenmmn. dation, tins route presents superior inducements to ths traveling public Office in New York, foot of Courtlsnd strset, Philadel phia. Hriwd aud CnUowhill streets. Fare between New York and Harrisburg FIVE DOL I. A KS. For Tickets; Freight er other Information, epplv to , J J. CLYDE, Uencral Aeeut. Hnrrislmie. June 30, 1HW Iv lbGO. THE BEST ROUTE 1860 FROM Wyoming Valley to Philadelphia, Sew York, Ualllmore, AND ALL I'OIXTS NORTH, SOUTH J WEST. LACKAWANNA k BL00MSBURG RAILROAD. STJIVIMEn AHBAKOEMENT, Two Dsily Passenger Trains will be run between Suranton sjid NorlhuniberlatKl, aa follows: MOVING SOUTH: I .civs Pcrnnlou, Airivest Pulsion, King.iou, siiififiliimiy, Urrwiek, Ulouiiisbaig, Hnpert, Danville, Norihuiuberland, MOV Leave Nortrumberlajtd, Arrive at Dunville, Itnpell, lllisimsburg, Hrwick, Sliiclisluiiny, Kinfiiiton, l'lttsion, rkraiibni, Phil'aMad. N. Y Ex. 10 A. M. 4 113 P. M 39 4 S3 7 OS 4 to 7 AO t Ui t U M 8 60 1 M 0O 1 40 S 11 r? io I0 0 B4S NORTH : N. Y. Ex. Phil'aMail 30 A.M. 4 li i'.Al. e OS S M (i j? a to 45 r oo 7 IS 1)1 7 IS 1 US 30 7 4S IS) ft IS 9 2S 8 Ai The laiekawanaa and Bl.x.m.lmir Railroad connects wuh Ihe Delaware, I aickawaniia and Wealeru Rallruud, '',, i.MMHiiu riinaueipn.u, auu inlerinc- ilwie points Kasl als.i for Ureal Bend, HliiKhaiuKni rvrucuse, oimaio, Niagara Falls, and all iniportaul points West. At Kupeit it connects with Ihe Caltawnwa Rail rood, for points both East and West. At Noilhuinlwiland it cmiiecu with the Sunbury snd Erie Railroad, loi p..uui r imotniin. ri. -,v . J AUhSON, Sup t. Kingston, AuguH ii, I860. HEGEIYIAN 6c COS COUDIAL KLIX1U OF C A L I S A Y A BARK Prepared only by HKflKMAX CO , Wholesale snd Ketuil Chemisusnd Urufirts, 161, 349, 11 and 7Stl Droadwsy, New Yoik. THE virtues of PERUVIAN BARK aa a Tonic have been too long known to need comment. The CALISA V A (-or Kmr-'s Bark,") is the most valu able of the nunier tus varieties i,f the Peruvian Bark, and in the ELI XI K is combined w ith oilier inpreilieurs that iucreaiie i la eificscy ami at Ilia same time overcome the dial rendering it a most Agreeable Cor- For persons living in FEVER and AGUE distiieis, it Will be found invaluable ass uievenhve. Half of a wine. Ulna full taken mpM and morning, rendering Ihe avstem uueii irsssunjcci 10 Uis unucallky il.lluciK-e ol the stuios pliere. DIRECTION'S llnfc. fnr mn .H,.ll h.lf . full licfore lireakf:iit and dinner ; chiklreu finm one to two tenapouns full; il maybe UWeu wilh or without a kills wuier For sale at this office. March 17, I Mill A Freeh Supply ol' iry Good. rjONSlSTING ia port of Print, Delaine bleached and oobleached MoelinB, Checks Stripe Denim. & Drills. Ac., just received by li. li. al the Mammoth store of FKILINU & URANT. LOOK HERE, " IF YOU WANT TO BUY CHEAP FOR CASH. G' O TO WM. H. MILLER, be ha received from Philadelphia a large stock of BOOTS & SHOES. His stock consists of Gen'le Kipp Boot, Youth' Kipp Boot. Children' Calf Boots. Also variety of Women' Calf Lace Bool, Women Morocco Lce Boot. Children' Morocco and Calf Lac Boot, all of which be will sell cheap for CMUI. Call and examine for yourselves. ALSO, first quality of Tampero Moroco for ale for cash. WM.H. MILLER. Sunbury, January 7, 1860. GENESEE SALT. WHOLESALE Ss HETAIL CVilLING it GRANT (at the Mammoth Store,) have just received 600 V: of Solar Ground, Solar and Fine Salt, 700 Sacka of Ground tioler Salt every aack warranted to contain 225 pounds of Salt and 800 bagaofSalt containing one nustiel each. Tbia salt ia the best and atrnngast now manufactured aud in market, ('ail and see for yourselves. Sunbury Sept., 8, I860. IVMWW SHADES A very fine and cheap assortment, iust received bv Rail. road from New York, at the Mammoth store of r riling A Grant. We have also for sale S. S Pntnam A Co' celebrated Patent Pendulum Curtain r ntures. SAVE YOUR FRUIT BY USING MASON'S Patent Sheet Screw Ton PRF.SERVE JAR. Metal MASON'S PATENT SHEET METAL SCREWrOPI it II that ie necessary being to ecrewjlhe Cpdown upon th Rubber Gasket, which is plsced outside upon the should of the Jar, 8-4 of an inch dia. tant from Ihe top prevent the posaibililv of the flavor d,the fruit being injured by coming in Mitact with the Rubber. Psrsonsdesiring these Jsrs, can be aupplied by aving their order with 11- fi. MAetSKR, Sunbury, June , U90. Agent. NEW GOODS Atth Mftmmoth Btora IRA T. CLEMENT, NO. I MARKET STREET, SUNDURY, flHE Bubecriber ha just opened at hii X known establishment in Sunbury, one heaped and moat desirable stock of Fall and Winter Goc that ha ever been offered in the place, and ' ne will sell for CA8H or eichange for Co Produce. 7'bos desiring to purchase good do well to call and examine his stock. BLACK AND FANCY SILK. All Wool Delaine, Figured, Striped end J French Merino, all colors. Beautiful Robe, Cashmeres, Shaded, Plain and Stri must be seen to form en idea of the extent variety. Mantle, Stella, Chenille, French Wool U Thibet and Broche Shawls. Cloths Caggimeres and Satinet For Men and Boys' Wear, Black t'assin Fancy Cassimeres, aide atripe heavy, Di Skin Caasimervs, Satinet all kind. FLANNELS, White and Red Flannel, all grade and p Bay State Sack Flannel, color finest qr.s READY-MADE CL0TIIIN Coot and Shoe, Hat and Caps, Ac, 4 all of which were selected with great earo will compare favorably, a regard quality, and price, with any in th country. HARDWARE, full assortment. Wood and Willow Ware, Ljueensware, of all description. Groceries, a full stock iu store, Carpet Chains, Ac, Paints, Oils. Glass. Dye 8tufl. Thankful for the patronage heretofore tec he will spare no pains to please all who may him with their custom in the fulure. Sunbury, Oct. 32, 18r9. H IOHLyTm PORTA NT NE M. C. GEAR1IART, Ha returned with a new Stack of Confectionaries, Fruit and Toy. j r seen aa ir aew age, a new fife was ing upon us, animating every heart to n deeds and higher aims! Art, Literature and ence will glow anew and seek to develnpe limer beautica and grander conception. The business world too must feel the ne fluenceand every.'part be quickened and slrei ened by an increased vitality , which shall usonwith electric speed to the consuoun of greater things than was ever drsamed of i Philosophy of the past. Animated by the enthusiasm which pro all classes, and desirous of doing his shar wards "The great events of the Ace," the ecriber would respectfully inform the food pie of SUNBURY and the public generally, he has just returned from the city of Phil, phia with the largest and choicest stock of l fectionanes, Fruit and Toys that ha ever brought to thi section of country. He is manufacturing all kinds of Confectionaries, lo fill up orders, wholesale or retail, at shor tice. Among his stock of Confectioneries, mi found : Freurh Serafa Gum Drop,, all kinds of Love Drona, Mint l)r opr., red and wl Jeliy Cakes, Fruit Drops, Stick Candies, of sD se Rock Candy, Almond Candy, FRUIT. Prunes, Figs, Burned Almutid, Cream Wlm., " Lin.o Rose, " Vamlta, Common larals. laquorwe, Ibuissas, Dates, Currants dried, A unuiius, Rsisons, Nuts of all knots LEMON SYRUP of a superior quality, by the single or doie-n superior quality of Segara aud Tobacco, a variety of Confectionaries, fruit, Toys, Ac, I whl!Lj" off'red ehesp at wholesale or retail CP" Remember the name ami place. & . M. C.GEU'HART. Market st., 3 door west of E. Y. Bnihl A c store. Sunbur. April 14, 1860 ly "iS3EIC'S-FlTEif,: FIVE-MINUTE FREEZE A Improved for 1859 snd CO. By E. KETCH 4 M A CO., Sa Tearl-Si New-York. pHE only Freerer constructed on seiet principles, with a revohn.j can ar.d s blade scraper. The one hasten, ihe freer:: the cream the other removes il as fast as fr: The most rapid in freezing, wilh Ihe quantity of ice. The most economical in cost, as it is the i simple and durable in structure. For ssle in all the principal cities and tc in Ihe Union. ' Each Fieexer accompanied with a book of cipe and full directions. J-KIUUS. $3 00 4 HO fi Ull 6 00 8 00 13 00 MASSKR.Sunbury. 8 quirts, 4 quarts, 6 quarts, 8 quarts, 1 1 qnarts, SO quarts. Apply to II. B. June 8, I860. ROCKEFELLER & BOYER, Attornies at La 8X7NBTJRY, PA. A. Jordan Ito Uefellrr and Solom II. lloyT. rcsfieclfully announce la t entered into Copartnership in the practice of t profession, and will continue to aisend to all b lies entrusted lo their charge in the cotinlie Northumberland, Union. Snvder end Mont promptly, faithfully and carolullv. Special tenlion will he given lo the COLLECTI0 OF CLAIMS. Consultations can bo had in GERMAN language. Oflice,- MarketStreet, opposite Weaver's IU Sunbury, February 4, imio. P. MELANCHTON SHDEL, J18TI3K OF THE I'EAC STJJNJBXJII pA. Office in Deer Street, immediately opposite Public School Home. All business promptly attended to. Moi ollected and all ordinary writings done. Sunburv. Anril 85. 1857 tf HENRY D0SSEL, ATTORNEY AT LA"V Vjfice opposite the Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County P Prompt attention lo business in adjuii wouniie. WHOLESALE DEALER IN BRANDIES. WINES, G.INS.& f I'HE subscriber having opened in Thompso - Brick Building, Mill Ueet, Danville, a la; and complete slock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS comprising the bestbrsndsof Brandies, Gin, ( Rye, Scotch and Irish Whiskey, Port, Sher Madcria, Champagne and other Wines of grade, all of which will be sold Wholesale Ihe lowest city price. Tavern-keeper by bw ing of ua can save al lead the freight. Person desirous of purchasing liquor i FAMILY USE, msy rely upon being furnished with a pure unsdullersUtd ailicle. ty Being determined to establish reputali for selling cheap he respectfully solicit the tronage of th public. All orders promptly i tended to. JEREMIAH 8. HALL. Danville, Jure 18, 1860. INGRAINED CARPETS, MAM'FACTI R RD and far Me by M. Psipsr ( lihrandl and McDowell's Building, Norlk El Coruar, Seouuf mid Hacs otrest Philadelphia. COODS GUARANTEED. Osiubtr tr. itrn