" " " ' "1 J qiL, v v n- a v i oiii ii kh "aiu.n no & THE &MERICAIT. a ii'Ain Monef. CVoorim on hit Way to KlchmonJ VAnt!nTos, March 1. The War Depart rrent has received hiijlily estis'actcry report f;om General Wool, at Portress Monroe, , in regard to the military conJition of tbut im portant forlrrFU, end in state i f preparation lor any military titrations which liicjm.tao ces tuny rtqnirc. , During the Inst week lotervb-as aere held beteeeu General Wool, on the part if the Ui-iletJ States, aud Howell Cobb, of the lie bul Army, respecting the exchange of pri- ,,-. nf Kir. It 19 CXDCClld that 00 arrangement will ho made which will speedily release all tho United States prisoners end reflate the exchange in fuMre. The last accounts from Colonel Corcoran received by the War Department, represeut him to be on his way from Columbus, iioolb Carolina, to llicbmond, to be exchanged. A grout change baa already occurred In the political feeling of the people of Tinuer ree. 'l'he War Department has onlhorized the raiHir.R uud aniog ol Tolubteer troops in that, Stale, und tbu iijd.Cftt.oij3 ere II, ul a taiga fuice'of loyal TciiDetsceans will soon be under arms to &iJ tho United Stales forces. 1 bp policy of tbo Government is enrrjti c-'l'y U;i-ict"d toward supporting the loyal ire'iog in all tho Southwestern States, and j lacing them iu the attitude of resi6tauce to to the ili'bul Authority. Abundant evidence is bilorded tint a truly loyal felling exists, which, aUlniuvh for some time overpowered end silenced, is now ready to avail itself of tho presence of the United States forces for its manifestation, in meeting tho enemy in battle. two va lmkh nui'i i.irtorr. Halifax, March 1. It is reporter! that the Tosearoro bad arrived at Gibrelter, where the tiu inter still remained without coal. Pais, Feb. 10. The French papers think that the rjupstioo relative to American affairs nitt!l lend to the full of the Paimerston Cabi net. It is believed that Poland will with ili iw fi-im the expedition should its aiivi be abandoned by Spiiu and France, and ebonld they interfere with the iuternal policy of Mex ici. The 'Ir.uVpeodence Pelpe' eeserls the posi tive acceptance of tho cuudidalive throne of Mexico ry Maximilian. 'J he Emperor of Austiia w'.ll ruaUa another tourney to v enetm The t.jliuf cnnlinnes in Italy that Austria mediates ar e.;aiu.-t Piedmont. The emi irratini) o! ' yeiiBff mcu from Yenetia cor.t titles 'i he journey of Victor Kmaouel to Naples, lias been postponed. 11 is sun, I niice 11am bert, will po there. The Prince, nf Wales baB left Vienna,. 1. is generally believed tht Pruetia will tsi-r-':i:ze '.lie Kincdoin of ltuly, Victi.r Kmaiiuel is to send a fri;;nto Into ho Mexi'.'un wateis for ilia pruUclion of IllilUlj j. '. , I r-wJit t f I i.. f - v BUNBURY, i'-A. SATURDAY, MARCH 8, 18G2. n. B. MASSEB, Editor ond Proprietor (-y Nrw DeBs On or before the first of next month the" American will appear in an entire new dtese, having engaged btao' tiful new type for the rime, during; onr late visit to Philadelphia Bnd New York, iv e bBil contemplated doing so lint epring, but post pnned it on ereonnt of the war. rilT Some editorial end other matter has been unavoidably crowded out of this week's jefiue. CTThk Weathkb The month of March baa thus fur appeared in a lullen win tor gib, thongh tho sun is beginning to assume it" power. The February number of Blackwood. bv 1. Sc! It A Co., N. ., has been received It is Gilt'd with the osual variety of interest' ing literary matter. Hf Dancikhocs CouNTKiimiTs uttered $2 notes if the l!auk of Columbia, are in circulation. Kit.t.r.ii. Mr. Peipher.lhe v.el! kuown proprietor of the freight linn from Philadel pliia through this place, was killed at H arris burg a few days since, having been ruo over by an engine. Tnr soTiiFn.1 r-ciTnaL hailkod. The stockholders of the Northern Central Railway held an election on the 27tb ultimo, at Calvert Btntion, Ualtimcre. The amount of voting rapithl shares is 3G.BG5. The old board was composed of the following' gpntle. men t On the part of Baltimore, Peter Mow. ell and Peter Saoewein J and on the part of tbe stock holt' or i, Simon Cameron, J. S. Git. tinge, V., C, Biddle, Wm. Waller. William Colder, A. B. Kapp, J. R. Eby, William J. Palmer, J. A. Wright, James D, Cameron, J. 8. Naldeman end Alex. Small. Tbe raw board Is composed now of tbe following gen tlemen : Simon Cameron, K. C. niddle, Wm. T. Walters, William Colder, Jos. D. Potts. J. R. F.hy, John A. Wright, Alex. Small, Fairmnn Rogers, James D. Cameron, Henry Wclb, A. E. Kapp and Frank Newcomber. The full amonnt of the capital stock was re presented. Jos. D. Potts, Fairman Rogers, Uenr? vp li and Frank Newcombpr ore new directors, and represent, with John A Wright and E. C. Riddle, the Pennsylvania Railroad Interest, l'he directors elected A. R. Worford, Esq., their President, and J. D. Cumercn, Vice President, The Secretory and Treasurer are not elected acDually. Mr. John S. Leib baa been Treasurer for a long period, and remains in bis position, lie is a faithful, honest and hard workiog oRicer. Mr. R. 3. llollins is the Secretary, end J. N. Du Harry, Esq., the (General Superintendent, and Geo. A. Hathaway, Esq., the Gen 1 h reight Agent. The finances of the company show the followioe items, as laid before tho stock holders, by Mr. I.eib, the Treasurer, for tbe past fiscal year of 1801 : RMKSUK. From Freight 8fiO.-i.4SO 57 " Pasrttngera Ml). 701 93 Mail 20,100 CO " Express ' 24.ES5 !'2 " U. S. Service 33G.8.n.:) 4'J " State Service 2 1.OP.0 34 " Suudriel . 20,303 70 Sif" The rebels are everywhere panic strick en. At Richmond, tho prer-ent Capitol of Jeff. Davis' government, martial law has hecn declared, and it is reported that John M. Bolts a leading Union man Las been imprisoned. At Nashville, the presiding Mayor invites tho citizens and others to resume their business under the protection of cur flag. The city is quiet and a Uuion feeling is begin, oing to deveiope itself. The rebels highly commend our soldiers for discipline and soldierly benriop. Cols. Wilcox aud Corco ran have been released and have arrived at Richmond. rmi'ATIOSAf.. Tim Atmpj pmiiik --.Mr ij s fuhsls-.Te. In vert tuinllcr unil prrFt It into pnil nf i.nttr. Tho wnicr will not tire into the e'.ini ; (lie nlr krrp it out. An empty e? l is full of sir. The Bt:rm(ihrre has weight Inmierfo a gahlet In wnirr, invert It and rn!.-e It tolv. The pressure or weight of the air in removed from the water under the gomet, and noV Innl from around it. The weiirbt of the air on the nrnter forced it up where it has been removed. Water will fol low an invertid vessel 33 fret, or ill rue In a vacuum 33 feet. The weight nf tho air mint hn equal to that i.f a column of writer 3:t feet In height. A column of water .13 feet high weigh 14 6 10 lbs to every square Ineli. 'J'he air is a compound body. Its constituents areoxvgen, nitrogen, carbonic acid, tentery vaior, and a trace of ammonia, the aroma nf flowers and almost every volatile substance. Nitrogen constitutes about 77-100 of the air. It is a very inert body and ill chief nflii e seems to be to dilute the more active, energetic, ele ment oxygen. Nearly S3. 100 of the air i ojveen. This Is an active Mibntanre. and readily unites widi all other substances. The oxygen of the air unites wiih tho oil of our lamp, and prodeces liiilit t with the wood and c.ial in our cloves, and causes heat ; with iron it farms rut, and it combines with and purines blood in tho lung of animals. Carbonic acid forms from 3 to 6-10 000 of the atmosphere. The watery vapor varie with the tempr rnture, but seldom exceeds t -51 of the whole atmosphere. These aulwtanres are not chemically united like the elements of water, but are simply min gled together. Were they chemically entled, the air would be very inferior medium for the trans. oiission nflighl and sound. Inced, in that case, neither beauty nor harmony could eiist in any high degree. 100 cubic inches of air weighs 30 J grains Were it nf the same density at all heights, it would he very ea?y to tell bow far it exists above the surface of the earth; but it is an elastic sub stance and its volume is inversely prnprvlionately to the preroure, ro ll at the lower portions are more dense than the upper. So rare i ti air, whera the pt,'S.-ure is removed, lint it m doubtful whether there is a regular limit to i s height, like the surface ol the sea. 'J'he l ent authorities give its extent aa 4-'i or f0 miles. Vet more than one-half is itbin 3 miles of the esrlb. Total Revenue 1,417,377 00 rxrgNsrs. Expenses for transportation 306.023 00 " repairs i machinery 14'J 205 f2 " ' " tailwuy 170,117 0 031,433 01 IUFCS'i'AKT THOM THIS . TEX R.E65EE ItlVEH. Gun loat Ln'jag,.mtnt tci'.'A a JlcuiI Battery. WAfui.sc-roN, M-irch 3 The following dcSpMch was received at the j.Nuvy lleparluient to-tiigbt : Hun. UiDF.o.v Wei.lks Caiko, March 3, 1SC2. Lieutenant cotninanding Shirk hnj, this moment, arrived from tlio Tennessee r;v!r, and brings full despatches from Lieut Commaudiiig Uwin, of the gunooat T)ler, a synopsis of which t?, I nut the two gun tioots proceeded tip to I ittsliurg, near lue Mississippi line, v. hero a Robel buttery was op.eoed upon tixim, consisting of six guns, (.lie of them being rilled, which v.ere soon s l-'iiced by tho gjr.bouts. Ninety moastej men Unded cr.Jer cover of the gunliouts, und charged Ufioo tho tnomy, driving tl.nm eomo dislunce, uut.i they were eU'us(ly reitiforeed, wbui our party withdrew to the boats. Than three rebel regiuieuts cpi.ci! upon tho gunboats, bnt Were repulsed With great sUugbtt-r. Tub casualties cm onr sido amounted to f 'o hilled end missing mid live wuaaded l-icjtend:.U Ccniinutulitij? (lio and tihirk, v, :tli their corumandj, huve behaved with grout gallantry and judgment. Ac elettiwo for towoolTicera has j-jet taken place in Uardiog coauty, Tenn., which result ed in ttro hundred voles fur the Uniou and thirteen for s?ceEsinn. (Signed) A. II. Foots;, Flag Offcer. nn: H ilt i. KUMitiiv. Coixvnrs, Kv March 4, 18C2, via Cairo, Columbus, which is the strongest ltebol position in tho Valley of the Mississippi, has Loen evacuated, burued, and otherwise. duetroyed. So incensed wete the Rebels, that they spared nothing in their work of destruction except a portion of private prop erty. 'l'he evacnation commenced on Thursday liei. hut all the R-.-bela did cot leave until a late hour yesterday afternoon. 'J'he torch of tbe iuce&diary was first applied on Friday, end tho conflagration raged with yrent fury until Sunday. Even now large e onions of tho enemy's barracks, magazines other qumlera aro still buu:iug, beiiiiiug t'p hoavy il' iijj of smoke and ashes. TLe llehils did not destroy the fortifica tions which have cost Ihem to Uiucb labor, but left t'jem uumoiuKlcd. Iweryibing which they could not carry anuy with them they eilbtr burned or tbretv iulo the liver. A great many car.non of the most effec tive r.mge Lave been dismantled au.i stink in the river. In one place 1 saw fivo heavy pun, and in another seven, which bad becu thro s from a high biufl on tbe bat.k of the r vjr. Rut in their de:cent they nud beeo flopped by the trees which overhang the fat i in 'uelow. I, is as y:t impossible to ascertain bow in iry cjcnon the Rebels have thrown into tbe M.s;i-e.ppi, supposing that in so duing, tbev WvUtd tuoiler Ibem useless to us. There were, at the time of the evacuation, niuett'uo t'.iou.and troops in ond around the plic. the euli.u foice commanded by (Jeoeral (lliiiiop) Pi,!!:, (ienerala Cheatham and P: In wre in C03imaud of lingades. (ieoenl Jleanregard was uot theie, out was hour'y I'XpHtte.l, bi arriv.ng haul g bcea delayed by h.3 atiaek of sickoets. Tie Rebels, when they evacuated Culum bus, not only went by railroad, but uUo availed themselves ol lue lac, lilies oCeiod by tacnty iraboports. The Cuptuia r.f port DoneUoo occipation l! Nashville hud dinhearteiied thein ; and tbe men, bueonrng deuioralied and reckless, said thiy would soon be sno'iuded aud slatvc-d c i, aod they wonld m louger obey tbe eotn Vianis of their uprUit. (ieuerui Polk and tbo ofocttis generally bad becoaie urpopolur, beeau'o, a the troops rennrked, they tad done nothiog but foitily. Tbe town lud beeo fired seveial limes, and was on!y saved by the uuiiiing ixerl.uus and the constant vigiUoca cf tt,a tlljers, who (oared that their deniorilired condition would thus ba made koowc to Ilia l.'o.ou ironpt. Kx-Mayor febarpa wal suspected of treason t the so cul ad S'lulhern Con U-de racy, and was eeiisad before tbey left, eud carried eff a prisoner, withuut buicg allowed even to aiJiosi a parting word to his wile, . - Tbe Mansion Farm belonging to the lata ('ul. Jamas Cuuaer m, was sold va I'ueadaT. the 13th nit, fur 517,000. It coutai a 'J.'Io acres. The farm adjoining below, co tai i lg oout 106 aerei, wus also si I J, at jjt.YAuO 'i'hesa farms were sold very low. Siltvntun. CiT Delicate females Uod do better reaedy to atrangtuca their nervous Fvatem than Dr II v:gi0i' tiennan )i:tlnrt. Road tbe advet tieUukl t asctbst cctumc. Damages 09 W. i'.iQ. R. R. Co. 'M0 (Ml Uroond red 4,100 47 Insuranco -i'.'.'J 00 Incidentals 1.205 oC Legal V.xpenses .41'!? 71 Office Kxpeusts ,ri,4u3 13 OPice reut IHI Salaries m.77'J 59 Tax on Capital stock 5,054 D9 Tax ou real etlate 1!33 CI r?" Tin: Voi.t KTKFR Minstrki.s gave their first concert in the Court House, on Wedues day evening, 'l'he house was crowded, and wo think wo never saw an endience more delighted than the one ossemlled to hear the Gi?t compnny of negro minstrels organized in this place. The dre?s and appearance of the actor3, the music, dancing, acting kc, were all that could lie desired, and more than we had a right to expect from amateur actors. At the close of the performance it was announced that another exhibition would be held on Thursday eveuirg. ' Tho fund is for the hrmCtof the families of Vohntetrs in the army, and 83 r.o compli mentary tickets were issued, even to piinters, who furnished tickets, bills JLc, and, we presume, to merchants, who furnished oil Ac, the receipts must necessarily be considerable fW Si'sntrr.r Covs is this Wkftern Army. Cha?. C. Martin, son of tbe lale (Jeo. Mar tin, K.-q , cf this place, and Michael Slough, also c f S'tnbnry, participated in the Into bat tics in tho West. Ooo belonged to an Ohio. j or.d the other Slough, to an Illinois regi merit, which was in acliou at Fort Donelson. They fortunately escaped without any injury. Tbo Sunbury boys seem to turn up in every (section of tho Union in tin prosecution cf this war, aud wherever tbey go we Lear a good tccouct of their conduct. Three of the sons of Usquire Martin, are i,i service. William, late Lieutenant in the Mexican war, is now Paymaster in New Mexico. George, who has had ten or twelve years experienca in the Qtiartermastnr's De pattmcnt, is cow keeper of tho Arsenal at Philadelphia. Luther, Printer und late an editor iu New Jersey, was also in service aa a Lieutenant, but resigned on occocut of ill health. tfniT Van Wvck's Speech. Our neighbor of tho bogus Dem-jcral asks cs to publish Van Wjik'ii speech. We Lave already pub. lished extracts froiujjbis report, and would have no objection to publishing Lis speech based on the report. We cannot, Lowevcr, endorse the motives which iuduced onr neigh bor to publish it, namely, to palliate the con duct of the rebel leaders, or to show that tbey are ru t so Lad after all when companed wila soaie unscrupulous men of the North. 47.30C 59 Net revenna CSI.fc-32 730,144 1.417.977 00 63Andkkw Johnson. The appnintmen' of Senator Johnson, of Tennessee, as Military and Provisional Governor of that State, back ed with iifty thousand stand of arms, is a mott significant fact. Gov. Johnson was formerly Governor of Tennessee, and is one of the pu rest patriots, es well as one of tl? ablest men in the Union. If we are not much mistaken be will occupy a still higher position. I.LTTEK IOLM) Ai fr OKT Ilk-MItV. The following is nu extract nf a letter to Copt. F.tnpson Thompson. Fort Lleiman, Kentucky, from a lady friend, hi cousiu. The lady bad not written bim before, because she did not know his address. She dories now to bo ablo to "keep up witb him." If so, she will bo faster than our cavalry : "Your letters found us iu the most gloomy state imagiuab'e. Our late defeul at Mills Spring) bus alftcted us terribly, and you can imagine our feelings in regard to the i mines' see Rivr. We certainly tlnuk you are in a most perilous situation. 1 have never expe rienced such conliiiliug feelings of excitement and melancholy as 1 have Ibis week. 1 hope, aud cannot but fed that this reverse must work to oar good." Tbe following is an extract from a letter from a lady to her husband, dated, "Rruudon, M Us., Jan. 29." "Oh ! I fear we ero going to see trouble bnt I bopa for the best. My darling, We condense the following decision of the Stale Si.pe'int.indent, from the official repot I given in ihe "School Journal:" Directors have the right to exclude children from the school, when em .ill pox oi any other contusions disease U in the family Teachers must pive iheir Monthly report to the Keeretaiy or the School Hoard, and until lliis i done they should not receive Ihrir pav. Twenty five days in a month U the most that Lirectors should require a teacl'er to keep school, nnd 20 drive is the least that should b? arked by the teacher. . A teacher hn the rie'it to oM'gc I. is pupils to declaim in school, lint if they are by nature, too timid to do so' he will not sh nwmurh knowledge ol hi p'rfession hy forcing llj-m. Vhen r.iriit schools arc lieid, the teacher in charge of the building during lite day, h is the same linlit to etcloJo unruly persons, that he would have il the diaturhance had occured during regular acl ool hours. LATiS FltOMiVlia COUTH- J'.:FFERVo DAVIS'Nlfw CABINET. Foe about one hundred feet here the canal I ,11-,1, n suurp iiruu nn lonowing im river. No house are real the place, and the tors have dug dowu the bmil:, which a. ..I 1 mellow earth. . CONFlBMATIONa flV TUB FEItATB. The Seuate to-day conGrniod t;eneral Me Clemand, liuell, Hnmside, McDowell, O. F. Smith and Lew Walluce Sigel as Major Gen erals, and the following as Hrig Generals s Speed, of Tennessee ; Col. John Cochrane, of New York j Col. Logan, of Illinois Colonel Me Arthur, of Ohio- Col. Lawrence, of Iowa t ( ol. Wallace, of Indiana) Col. McCook. of Ohio j Col. Herry, of Maine, and Col. Ferry, of Connecticut. srnator Johnson appoiktkd oovgnnoa or TKNKKSSKB. SonVor Andrew Johnson, of Tennessee, accepts his appointment as Military Governor of that state, and will repair at once to his post, having been furnished by the Govern ment with fifty thousand stand of arms for the loyal Tenncssaeans, who are flocking to our camps. IMTORTANT TO COVKRNMF.NT CRKD1TORS Tbe engraving and printing of the new Trea sary notes will not bo awarded till Wednes day, the 5th inst., and it is calculated that several weeks will elapse before tbey can be furnished. The first lilly millions issued will be nsed to pay debts due by the Quartermas ter's Department, fourteen milhous of wbicb are owing in Philadelphia. After Ibis tbe next batch issued will be used in paying tbe Western end Southwest ern troops, and then the troops on the Poto mac will be paid. The troops of this division will, therefore, not receive their pay before the first of April, if so soon. THE RKHKI, BTKAMER K ASIIVIIXS. Wo hear, via Norfolk, that tho steamer Nashville arrived at Wilmington, N. C. )es terday, Laving run the blockade at that place. D1VORCK CASK. Tbe Circuit Cnort of this city hs ordered the potition for divorce of General John M. branr.ao (Captain F.fih Artillery, U. S. A ), now commanding at Key West, to be publish ed. It sets (or lb that ho as married in 1850, that in It-.'if! bi wife mysteriously dis appeared, (it will be remembered that it was I thought she had been murdered on Stalen ! Island.) and that in 1858 he learned that (he was alive, living in k loreiico with rowell D. On Legacies and Distribution Shorts of the personal pioperty of deceased persons, (according to the degrees of r. l ilinnphip) from , ICnf 5 per cent. A'd Stamp Duties on nil k mils of legal und Cciiinieretal papers, all Patent Medicines, Telegraphic Messages aod all goods by Kx presses. I he Tat Uill contains one nunrtre eni five sections, and is one of the longest of any kind ever before prepared month of prepa ration having been bestowed upon it: To Destroy Rats, Rnnches, Ac. ' To Destroy Mice, Moles aod Ants. To Destroy Bed Rugs. To Destroy -Moths in For, Clothes, to. To Destroy Mosquitoes end Fleas. To Destroy Insects oh Plant and Fowls To Destroy Insects on Animals, Ac. 10 Destroy Kvery form and species of; Vermin. See Coster's advertisement in this papor I ior me aesirucnon inn oner extermination or all forms and species of Vermin. Sold in Sunbury, Pa., by Friling & Grant, and by the Drngglsts. Grocers aod Store- keepers generally, A Osseins PcAntcnow. A country lad ay his Uncle lien once made a scarecrow so very frightful lhat one 6f the feathered thieve actually lirought liack all Ihe corn he had stolen during I several day. There are aome tailors ivhn make their customers look like just such object as L riele ; Ken nephew describes. A e would suggest to the victims of such unskillful workmen tintcnd their hahii hy procuring their suits at tbe Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Uockiiill & Wilson, Nos 003 and r.OTi Chestnut Street, above Sixth, Philadelphia. 'ends of William Derm n and Ttobert Krwin, on 'he south by land of William Urodie, and west hy lands nf . Kensinp, Also, all Mint certniri trtK-t of bind, siirvcved in ihe name of Knhctt ICrn in, situate in Point town ship aforesaid, cmtaiiii'is; 4U)J acres, hounded on the north, by lar d of William Uersun. on Ilia east hy binds of 12. Ltranham, on the south hy H. Kiitlr., and on the west by land of John Bar ron, jr. Also, all that certain lrrt of land, snrvevej in the name of Klienerer Brnnham, situate In Point township aforesaid, con taininR 430 acre, bounded on the north hy land of John David, ear-t hy land of Andrew Kpple, louth and weal by Hubert Grwin. A lo, U that certain tract of land, surveyed in tVc name of Andrew Fpple, situate in Point township aforesaid, containing 430 acre bounded on the north by land of David lackson, east hy land of John Service, saulb and west by F.ben' icr Rranham. Alao, all that certain tract of land, anrveyed ir the name of John Service, aituate in Point town hip aforsaid, containing 424 acre, boundeJ on the north by land of David Jackson, east by land of J. Thorncroft, svuth hy lands . and west bv land of Andrew Epple- The last five tracts of land above described containing valuable depoai les of iron ore. AUo, all Ihe following described lots of parcel of around, situate in the town af Mount L'armel, in the township of Mount C'annel, countv and Plate aforesasd, to wit : lot numher t, marked in the plan of said town as Depot Lot block num ber fi in said town, situate on the fcharnoUn Val ley Railroad bloc k number 10 in said town. Seized, taki n in execution, and to be sold aa Ihe property of W. L. Dev. art. DAVID WALDKO.N, Sb'tT. Gctta Fkri-iia Ckmkkt Rookinu We invite the attention of onr readers to the advertisement of Messrs. JOHNS Jc CROS LKY, New York, in another column. Tim numerous experiments made for the last few years, to produce a substitute for tin, ! slate and shingle roofs, havo nt last led to a perfect triumph in tho Gutta Pijkcha Cement Roofing offered by these gentlemen. Possessing in a great degree, the features of thisticiti. (which is a qualification of a CV.'.'ioif l'oofinti oc'.uully necessary ond long after.) durability and chenpness, combined with tbe fact that it is weuther end fire proof, its genera! adoption cannot be ton earnestly urged. Their Gtitta Percha Cement for coating and repairing Metal Roofs of ell ShcriirsOfiirn. Sunbury, March 8 ilh.'fiS. Wyman, as man and wife. Mr. Wyinan was ! kinds aud for preserving all metuls from rust We copy the following items from the Ncr fidk buy t'u'jk ol Friday la-t : Tin: cauinit. A Richmond pr.por sujs that th? following will, in ail prutntioliiy, cooolitule lliu Cub, net of President Davis : J. P. Retijainio, of Louisiana, Secretary of State. General lee. Secretary of War. lirig.-Gen. Geo. W. Randolph, of Virgiuia, Secietary of the Navy. ('. G. Memminger, of South Carolina, Se cretary of tbe Troniuiy. Mr. Henry, M.C lio.m Uecluchy, Peat M aster General. Ilortchel V. Johnson, of Georgia, Attorney General. WOI1K IN TUK ItLllKI. CO.NOIlKfS. Ric'iiv.'iNU, Full. 27 Tbo Senatu today continued A. Li. Hill and J. J. 1'etttgrew, bjlh of North Caruliua, aa Rrigadier-Gene-mis. A resolution was nuenimnusly passed to entertain uo peace propositions excluding any portion of tbe bo.I of auy ot tho Confederate Slates, and decluridg that tl.e war be contin ued until the enemy be expelled entirely from the Confederacy. "Sot fierce OUihIj In so lend a strain Reared far Hie baiiikrrcuic( lliul rnuacd liia iaiii." The sore-beaded sympathizers with Rreck inridge, Floyd and other orcL traitors, era exceedingly eepsitive on account of the lam pooning which these vile ingrates have receiv. ed from tbe loyal press, 'l'he mis called or bogus A'oiiiKtr.len'nnrf f.'cumfy Democrat aud that other ecmi srstssioo ehci't -the Selius grove y'ii.:j - both find fault witb us for stigmatising Floyd X Co. as they deserve Tli s t tiny bliuuld feel soi e whou tbey tiod their quondam friends impulid by the loyal pr, es, aud posted by thein as tbe vilest scoundrels that tver dUgraceJ a civilized comaiunily, is very natural; but that they should have the imprudence, to say nothing of iinpudetce, to complain of this through their CuluQiQS, (hows a degree of reckletauee aud uieu dacity that cue would hardly expect In a loyal community. The editor of the Democrat feels annoyed lhat we should so frcijoeully refer to Lis attempted defence of Floyd. Wa intend to 'efer to the ftct that tbe editor of the AVr. tlmr.iberland Vuumy f)tmicral volunteered bis services to whitewash the traitor Floyd after hit iudictment by the Government, and called ! on the press to "do Floyd the justice to pub lish his luiioei'DCe, uutil that fact is pateut to every mao, woman aud child in tbe county. It is dot the abuse of Floyd that annoys our neighbor to muck as the reference to Lis opeuly eptte.l sympathies for that traitor. We do Dot mt-nd that ba shall eover op these sympathies by loud aod extraordinary professions of Deoiocrry. A tnojority of our officers and soldiers are Democrats, but tbey ould scorn to place psity above palriotian or endorse such trailers i fl- xd. ' will I do if you have a fight at Fort Henry ? 1 cm so oiienF)' ior you ; but we inupt put our trust in Him who ruleth everything. 1 hopo yoti have everything lixed up at Fort Henry, and are sale. If the enemy should come, 1 do hope and pray that you may be able to kill tho very lal ono or them ; and if not, to frighleu them so tbey will never of tempt the same game auy more. "'1 he weather bu3 teeu juol like Spring for the last two or three weeks, to. day il com' menced raining, aud is getting quite cold. The peach and plum trees are'ull in bloom, and everything looks liUo Spring; but I ex pect it is going to froez.i before long." Another sensible letter from a good old lacy regrets that tbey Lud'uot submitted to Mr, Lincoln's Government at once. Then we might bave saved something. Hut now she fear all will be lost. Some of the letters from ladies are very afJeclii.g, and excite one's enmmiseratinn, and en inward curse from tho heart' depths opun the heads of JtlT Davis, Yancey and company, who bave brought, by their ambition, so much sorrow to the hearts of the fair daughters of tbu! South." j IMVtrDITIO IPlllfcTKNNtSsKK KIVKH. j Wasiunotos, March ! .Despatches were i received at the Navy Department today from Cotninoiore Foote, enclosing a report from Lieut. Gwin, in which he says be return ed to 'airo on the 23d, after having gone tip tbe Tenii-sseii river, in the punbjat Taylor, as high as Kastport, Mississippi. He is happy to state that the he ha met with an increased Union feeling in South Teouessee and North Alabama. Jla saw a few Mississippians iu Hardin, McNarv, Wayne and Decatur, and a portion ol Har dliner!, all of which bordered cn the river. The Union sentiment is stronf, and those who do not express tbemseSv, a openly loyal are only prevented by their feara of the mili tary tyranny aud coercion which is practife.il by marauding bands of Guerilla companies of covalry. Learning that a large quantity of wheat and Hour was stored in Ciiftciti, Tennessee, intended, of course, to be shipped to the South a large portion of il having been bought fur a firm to Memphis, on hi way down ha Unded iheie and took on boaid about a thousand sacks aod one huudred barrels of flour, and soma six thousand bushels of wheat. He also considered il bis duty to take possession of tbe above, in older to prevent it being aeired by the i.'ebels, or disposed of in the Rebel country. The glorious suecesse or oor ermies at Forts lleory and Donelson, be s)s, bave beeu most beneficial to the Union Cause throughout South and West Tenoesse and Alabama.- The Union men ran now begin to express their I yal sentiments without fear of being mobbed, especially along the banks of the liver. He brought down, under arrest a man Darned Wm. P. Poole, who has been active In oppressing tbe Union men in bis comuiouity. Ha bus warned tbe inhabitants Of tbe ditVereot towns along tbe banks of tbe river, that La would bold Secessionists and their property responsible ror any outrages committed on tho Unionists jo their comma aities, and had enlisted seventeen men and brought down a prtieo cf the refugees. frKoiu c;r.N. n.vMii' iiii.uii. Chari.umcwx, Va., March 2. The main body ol General liauks' division rests io lue hall vicinity of Cuarlestocn. No disaster or acci dent liH oeooried since Its cocceu traliuu at end d- partute from Sandy Uook, to cause any anxiety to fi lends at home, 'I I roe inches of snow fell to day. The hitherto rancorous secesaionistg now pay marked respect to the United States uni forms. The cilizeus w ho had been compelled to succumb to Rcbu! force are elated with the prospects of the future. It is gratifying to perceive that the couutry throughout which tbe army (.as.-ed bears inaika of the usual agricultural industry, ll is appureut that the luture cereul crops of this proiXc region have out been neglected. TROM WASHINGTON. Wamunctoj)-', March 2, ltC2. General LamiUU, who has bejo unwell for some lime past, died to day, el 4 o'clock P. M., of congestion of tbe bruin, at his camp in I Northern Virginia. His wile, formerly Alisi Davenport, eu actress of ceibrily, is here and I learned the bad intelligence about 5 P. M. He was not rot,.ideied dangerously ill till 1 P. M.to day, aud his wile received the firat tiding? at two o'clock, aod of bis death at live, by Secretary sUutoii in parson, who, mill much feeling and delicacy, acquuinled her with the facts. She is at the National Hotel, and is prostrated with grief. Secretary Chase uud other distinguished friends subsequently visited ber io Ler etllic liou. Gen. Shields succeeds Geo. Lauder in command. Commodore Foote telegraphs from Cairo tb it this morning he saul a party on a reeun nolssaiice down lo Columbus, and found that the Rebels have been several days evacuating the place. All the infantry bave gone, bui the cavalry were atill there, keeping op up. peuiaiices. Ttieir barracks, and a large num ber ol stores, bava been burut. The guns on tbe biud have been taken, but tliooe on the water batteries still remain. Oo learning that the Rebels bave been using Hags ol irune Tor several days, to cover their retreat, Commodore Fool ordered out hi fleet, aud gent them doau to take the place ai.d whatever has been left. Geo. liuell telegraphs that the Rebels are evacuating M ut Iruesboro' und era lleeing across the Tennessee river into Noilheru Alabama. J be House Judiciary Committee bave con cluded nut to report any cuuti'calion bill, as they cannot agree upuu any roc, learly every uibu having clillarent ideas about it. l.ellei received by tb luat steamer from Mr, Adams, our Miuister at London, an nounce tbe rapid iucreese cf friendly feeling toward tba United estates. Over ooe hundred thousand dollars' worth of cotton is now oo its way to New Yotk, lakco iu Nashville. Washington, March 8, 16C. DESTRVCTIO Or THE OHIO AMI CIIESAI'KAKB CANAL. The Ohio and Chesapeake Canal, running up the Potomac on the Maryland side to Harper's l'erry, which has been nsed to transport proviaions and monitions ol war to our troops, was opeued last night about half way between Georgetown aod Chain DriJge, aud all tLa water was lcfbut, washing a ay the embotkuif Ct which was ctsrut the river. an officer in the same reg'ment with General Rraunan, aud is now Colonel of a Massachn- ! sells regiment at Fortress Monroe. It will , be re me in tie I e.l that when Gov. Andrew ob jected to an appoint rneut recommended by . General Itutler, on tho ground of immorul ! conduct of tbe appointee, the General refer- j rert to thi9 cose. H is understood that Col. Wyman has been married abroad to the lady from whom General Uranium now claims a divorce, aud that ba was recommended for his 1 present position by ivlward Kvereit and olh- ' er prominent. liiilln:a:'j, 8-iilJ ho v,n.s to nn: PArtnr. The proprietors of the Nw Vutk and Cali fornia Steari ship Lino have given notice that i bey will unt carry a mail lo Panama after the 2M ol Mrcb. This will cut off all corrc ! fpourlcnce with our commerce on the South Pacili.', and catisu creat iocouveuiecce. They also refuse to carry the newspaper mails to California, tho object of oil this being: to ob- tain thj letter mails, now sect overland. XIAIL KlilTK TO CALIFORNIA. I The refussl of Commodore Vandetbill and tho others whoernlrol tho lines of steamers between New York and San Francisco, to carry the newspaper mails, unless tbey can have the letter mails also, is to be proved for by special legislation. Meonwhilo the loiter mails are regularly carried by tho over land ronte, there Imving been but one failure to arrive in schedule lime at every point np to January 1st. the national rcrsDnr. The New Yorker am evidently determin ed to have the proposed National Foundry established on the Hudson river. B3 tbey oppose Mr. Mnurheads report, estublishiuu it wherever a Commission bhall locate it, east of the Alleghany tnouDlain.-i. Cuiigress may not ngree with them. TILF TAX MM.. Wasiiimitos, March 3. The fi.llowing is en abstract of tho Tax Rill as reported to the House to-day : It provides for tho appointment, by tho President, cf a Commissioner of Internal Revenue, with a salary of five thousand dollars. His office is to be in tho Treasnrv Department, with a suitable number of dorks. Wheat, 1 The country is to be divided, as the Pre-,i. Ilye, . . dent may direct, into convenient Collection Com, Districts, with an Assessor ami Collector to ' Oats, - . . bo appointed by tho President for each Huckwheat, . District, wiio shall bave power to appoint J Tolatoes, such Deputies as muy be necessary. The I 3n?srj. "" bill provides for a duty t On epirilous liquors. 15 cents per pallm. ' Oo ale and beer. 1 pr barrel. I On stem and leaf tobacco. 3 cents per pound, j Do. to add when manufartored 5 cents. ! Ou segors. 5, 10 end 20 cents per pound, j (ncccrdini: to value), i On lard and linseed oil, burnine fluid and ' cmde cod oil. Ou r, lined coal oil. 10 cents per call.m On iras per 1000 cubic feet. 2") cents. Oo Hank Note Paper. ft cents per poucd. ou vv ruing la per 3 mills ami corrosion front its great durability and cheapness, is fast superceding points of every description heretururs used lor such purposes. These materials (for which the First Pre miums have been uwarded hy the American Institute nnd many of the principal State Fairs throughout the country.) arc recemmed In the highest terms by the New York v. F.rie R. R. Co., and many of tli& principal Railroads North and South, end also by tbe oflijers of ihe loading Insurance Companies throughout the country. K.1H'L,I tl tM ! AGENTS WANT lit) I "?TTe will pay from ipSft lo 45 per month, i " ft,,,l flll rTiinipr to AclivM Ai'cnts. or i .PROCLAMATION. TVOK.'L is hereby given thai the searal Courts of Common Plea, General Quarter Sessions of Ihe peace, and Orphans' Court. Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Deliver,-, in and for the county of Northumberland, to commence at tho Court Reuse, in the borough o! .Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, the seventh day of A J'HIL, next, and will continue TWO WEEKS. . Tbo coroner, Juatioes of the Prare and consta bles in and for the county of Norlhumbetlu'id, aro requested to be then aud there in Iheir proper per sons, wiili their rulls, rerords, imiuisiiiuu, and other re mbratires, to do those things to their several ollices nppertaininir, tu be dime. And oil v. itne-sea prosccutiii!r in behalf of the Common wealth nuntnst any prisoner are also requested and commanded to be then and there attending in their prope persons to prosecute against him, as shall be just and not tu tlepart withuut leave at their peril. Jurors aro rcqiwsted to be punctual in their attendance, at the, time appointed agreeable to their notices Given under my hand at Sunbury, the first day of March, in the. year of our Lord one lliotis. and eii;1! bundled and sixty-two and the Independence of the Uuilcd atatea of America the rtolh. God save the Commonwealth. DAVID WAL-URON, Sheriff. Mieritl a Uflire, riuubury, 1 Hr, !i H, ISiiZ. r give a roiniui-.si in. I'.irliculars sent free. AdJre.-s Kbif Siiwisn MtciiiKK CoIsipahi R. JA.MLS, G.neral.i.rent, Milan, Ohio. Ortoher r, 1861. M A IS U I AGES. Un iuu Join int., by the Rev. Jno W. Steinmotz, Simon IIisiikii to Miss Sakaii ConraI', both of Lower Augusta. Ou the 27th ult., by the same Apraiiam Lyti.r, of Lower Augusta, to Mis Sabau -. Rknn, ol Ppper Augusta. jaLJUii. Jiar JUP.Y LIST .Voi ;.'i:iilrfuiii County Anril Tsrm A 1352." etiAJi jcai.aa. 1 Daniel Frv, I. eni. 2 'ih'onas Pardee, Chil'squaijue. 3 DaiJ H.iupt, Siimbury. 4 Djvid H, Mo'itfjomery, I.ewia. fi Ja -ob Heller, Rush. fi Andrew Kenning r. Northumberland. 7 t'iiarles Artman, Turbut, K CerLre H. Hause. Turbot. DEAT TTsT In this place, on the 27th ult , C 11 A RI.LS II. CAS ATT. son of .lacub aod Sarah A. Casatt, nged 2 years 11 tnonlha aud 7 days. On the 22.1 ult., SUSAN, consort of Mar tin Oberdorf ol Upper Augusta, aged do years fi months and 3 days. I,. Il.ia nl.ra ..r, O.llt, nit VI 0 IJAM' r. KI.17.A ni'.TII. dHii.rhtpr ,if Mrfrk i 0 Samnel Johnsen, Northumlx-ila,td. 0 Josejili Nin ly, Delaware. IU J'eter Starr. I'pprr Mahauoy. 11 Jereniii.h IJusfett. liusii. 12 John Hower, Norihumber! mJ. 13 Wiiliain Kaker, Littie Mahan..) 14 John II. Kake, Tilth. 15 Samuel Long, Lower Atisuata. H John A. Ahhct, ffhamcliin. 17 Valen'ina Klaae, Miarnokiu, IS William . Hiehl, Pi.int. It) Kianei Gall, Milton. nnd Sophia Rowlby, aged 4 years 5 months j und 19 days. j Iu this place, ou Thuisdoy morning, the Cih inst, JOHN S , only child of Mrs. rt. F.Iizj. j both Bright, aged 2 years and 1 mouth I The funeral will toke place from the resi ; deoceofbis mother, in Fawn street, to-mor . row (Sunday) afternoon at 2 o'clock. The I relatives and friends are invited to attend. I I.aac Hnlcr, Sunbury. 22 Levi Lynn, Turbut. 2d Samuel I.hijU, D Uware. 24 John Campbell, Rush. m iTkHss ii irue. SUNBURY PlICE CURRENT. I.ial 2.ri . 62 . - CO . 3.r) AO no flutter, -Kge. Tallow, l.ard, I'ork, Iteesw ax. IS IN 12 1 New Advertisements. IiierTff'ssau;. 4 cents par D'O poands. 1 tent per pound. 10 cents per barrel. J per cent ad On Printing Paper. On Soap. Oo Salt. On Sole Leather. Oo Upper Leather. On Flour. All other manufacturers, valorem. Railroad passecgets, 2 mil! travel. Commutation tickets .1 per cert. J Steamboat travel, 1 mill per mile. j Ouinibusses, Ferry boats end Horra Rail ' roads, 3 per cent, oo gross rece ptj from i passengers. Oo advertisements, ft per cent on amount of : receipts annually. For sse of earringes, nnonally, from 1 to &I0, according to value. On liold Watches. On Silver Watches. On Gold Plate. On Silver Plate. Ou Billiard Table. , Oo Slaughtered Cattle. On Hogs. Oo Sheep. On Licenses Rankers. Auctioneers. Wholesale Dealers Retail Dealers in Liquors, Retail Dealers in (Joods. Pawnbroker. RectiGers. Brewer. Hotels, Inn end Taverns (graduated according to rental), from (5 to 200 t V viiliK-of a certain Alius wiit el Wnilimm lTTp-i-J) nis, ic-ueit out the Court ol C'iiiiii-ii I'lrns hi rv.llliilitilH lluml L-.i'JMty, I'll , to lun ilirrcluil, will lie ex iohiI to iulilie uile. lit I lie e'ourt llnus- m the Mi"iii:h ul Suiiliurv, nn riitiiu1:iv. M.och mtli, l-e-i. at ll o'clock ft Cents per gallop, j A .M.,lliet'o!!.,wiiig ilcK-nhni ir...erre iov.it: n rni.nil Zli'Ullli, ai.u-uc- in ,c ,r,,,;j;,, , iiu- I liiny, .N'-llliuin'.it-ilniJ c.iunly, nmt S!::le ol I'rniisi Ivaui.i 1 niinilK-reil '21 in tin-pri.cnil (itiiti of s.mt town, nnd Imtiml- , ' ulnml rie-ari il.e-.l us lollows. Inwil: on llir u.irll, t.y Mia- , l HMklil utieet, -iutli t- un n ituy, east hy a lot ol SHiaklinn ; ! Ibiupt, unit west Ii) IK-ei ttret-t, rontiiiiiiii... one quiolcr 1 ; ml uerc, wlircoil arr eieeteit a korje livo-slorv stone dwcl- llii(! Iioust-, kilcnen, auilile mul nllier oulbuiiJni;s. j I Atso,:ill llie tlrlVnil. nit's inteiest ill lot iiumi'ilt 31, litn- ' : ate in tlie Isiroii.-ili of Suntitiry l.l'rr;lla,. mid bounded ai.d ' i dtienlieil aa follows, towit: N-irtli liy .lininokui street, : e.-i.i liy lot iiiuuIk r ii a-iuili ly an alley, and west by l-'awn ; ' slreet, eouiiijiiijn; uli..ul oi'e-lounll of mi tit-ie, wbercoa ' j i.it- erected n two-noiy filiilie b else m:d kilelirn, (ii'iiv 1 : iK-t upiciiby I'luik-s euverui a Hole!) a lureKtuble aiid i .l.ur out-l-tnMiiies. : I Ais i, ull ll.iit tertjiiu messinee and tract nf Inml, situnle per mild Of ill Coal towiulnpaloirKiid, lietnc prirt of a t.rtte loict of I Uinri surveyed en a warrant in l lie nmite of Jolm Hin-ly, - ! coit'uiniiig isl uud iiiiowuiiee. Im.uikUiI and drseribid as followc. Ii wit: on tlie noith lie l.uilwir ti.iss, rniit by IhihI of Win I, Ltewnrt. aoulll by Innds ol Smiuiel 1'l.iik, ' uml webl by l;mds of Henry .Mii.brr, deeeaSL-d, ten! on ! wiiu-li are .'-encd tvv) lure,e veins ol C-sil, now beirg ; worked. A Iso, ull that certain mrssmitte and tract of I'lnd, snuate : ill t.'oul t..wililiii nlor.sid. Ikiiir part ol h knijer liuet of , hind surveyed in tin name of J..lm lliady, e- iitii.iiinir Ail ( uciesaiid ullovvancc, bi unded unit db-M-ribed ul follows, fi wil t on tl.e north by Und of l.ndwi (is, tiut by land ' surveyed in lie- name of l.uke Knller, souilt by l.indof , Hlie.iel Wetllerill, und west by the ub"Ve deseribed Imet ol Win 1. llrwuit. UMn wlneli two veins of coul areo;ieil- ! ed, and now in wolkllilt older I Am, Ihesun.ice rijjlilt.iii'l t'o." follneiii. described lots of croitnd uud out UisiuJohn Itrady Incl of lai.d. ituiee in the mvvil ol tslutiiiokin iileresaid, and inn-ked ill Ilia . plan of iait town, with tbe Lumbers, 3i and Jiti, contain. lug l.ut iiue-eif-lilh of an ati e ea. li. Alsn. all thil cert-iin nieMuiiffAaiid tmct of land, situate I Iu Ooullownsnip af n.Kiid, being uitl of a larger ttaet of ! hnd surveyed in tlienuuia of Joint Jlrady, e nuiiiiiii)i 17a aerei. atricl nimsure. Is.unded on ll.e north by lands of ( Marbiin tliiw, on trie cusl by eind lute Partly and Oevi art, (now I'uidy ) en lb south by lands ol 'l lniiuui ll nuilU n, ' and on the. west by lundlcif William f Urj.: ,ou Wliilll ulo opened two lurse vein ia cord. j Also.ilie itiitiividei ts.ll of a ecrtsin tract of Und, titu- i ata iui;.sil ti.wiisli.,1 ufoieiant, s(.rvred in tbe name of Willijun IV lliadv. iiifaiuiiit; tnl acres, b-'uiidcl audile. $1 per annum. ftOcls. ftfle. per ounce. So. " euo M cents each. IK U 1 J.iaries Dean, Punborv. 1 William 11. 1.iinhnw,' Puint. 3 Jacob W'cisar. Jar son. 4 tieoj;;e Seiler, Loner Aujnsla. ft All en Haas, S,i;,burT. ti John M. HniT. Milton. 7 Samuel liebcnk, I ppeV Mabanoy, R Joseph Watson, Point, 9 Frederirk Wauiier. Lewis. 11 John l.iimplier. 'I'nrbutvilie. 1 1 Jacob Kramer. Zeit s. 12 Jesse Yocuni, Noilliumberland. 13 1'eter Lazarus, Sunbury, 11 (icorge IS. Metier, Ppper Augii'li. IS Henjiimin Wolvetton, Mhamukm, IC Chrifii.in Baushlog, Shamokiu. 17 I'eler Itruch. ion , I ewtj. I 1st John Christian. Hunbury. j 19 .-stiiuel Mc.Musjnn. Ctulliaiasii:ia. ; it) Henry MorgKn, Point. SI Charles Mha.-ll. Lewis. ', i'J I'cter Voris, Chillisquaquo. ; 'Jit Heu'ien N'iiholas, Delaware. 'H Itoiert Mater, Turbut. S.'i J-icob Rrkeit, Northumberland. I -! Thomas II. James, Moant Canntl. ! John l awson, Milton. 2. Chatlea Weaver, tSunbury. SO Dnniel .Noracune. Mil tun. ; 30 Michaol youn', Miltin. . ol Christian tiosh, Delaware, i Ti John Ho IV, Sliunokiii. : :t.1 Joseph ISi-sbit, Chilltstjunqne. o-l Arler Shisaler, tSunliury. 3.1 Daniel P. Hiibi-h, Milton. ' oli Isaac Drown, Milton, ; 37 I'uianoel K. nihle, Waaington- "S Cbarlea Moore, I'pper Augu.ta. j :?!) John Nt jore, Shaniokin. ; 40 William I!erheiser, Upper Mahanor. ; 41 Willinta I'ewttl, Lower Ali-ula. I 42 Abraham Moore, Ku.-h. ' 43 David Enr.el, Turbut. j 44 Michael Kadle, Lower Mahanoy. ! 4ft I'eler V. Zimmerman. Lower Auiusta 4ti Frederick Ooodmar., TurbuL 47 .Incdb Feller, Sunbury. i in La.'.c I'er.ter, Washington. flOfl 20 ft) V0 10 r.o mo 50 rr-Tir Jiaoca. 1 John Bird, Coal. 5 A mandaa S. Miller, Rhamokin. 3 Henry Header, NcUwenaville. 4 DaviA Haine, I ower Mabanoy. fi Jacob Philips, Lower Mabanav 6 Ocnrge liucher, Sunbury. 7 Jacob Henn, Lower Augusta. 8 P. tcr Dunklcberger, Lower Auguta. 9 John J. Kitier. 'i'urbut. '.li Daniel J. Caul Chdlisiiuarpie. 1 1 Samuel Philips. Lewis. 10 60 20 1 100 j r.o! 6 20 Kaling Houses. Commercial Uruker. Other Rrokers. Theatres. . Circuses. Rowling Alleys (each alley). Wholesale Pedlers. Other Pedlers. $5 to Coal Oil Distillers. &e. Oo Jncomes, 3 per rent, on all over. 000, deducting the iucome derived from dividends, ko., wbieh are taxed separately. On Railroad Honda end Dividends tt Ranks and Saving Institutions. 3 percent. Oo payment of all salaries of Officers io the Civil, Military and Naval service cf tba U. 8., (ibclndiog Members of Congress). 3 p etBt .1.1 ,'. .IL.vv. ,., vil , ,1, ,. Ill !, I.i.t.l ..I el..,,... loirs. east by In'Hls of .Ibhn Ui.,i-, s iuOi by lands Tbouiaa i John Stull, Lewis. Hiinii.toiiUHd l.siher homier, wesi by lamia nt M: K l-. I 13 J0,,, HuVvei. Lower Auausta versonBnrJ-.huB .vd.l'in!taval1i:ib.. Iracl of o ,n t,d. i , , , . , A, ' Augusta, Also, lilt undivided third nan of ud Hull cerlaiu lr,i nf j '? J01in ilapp, t.0W. Isnd situate in Coal towiubip uloreMiiU, lurveid in ib j 13 Gee-rsn W, Hlrine; Milton, name of Joan lloyil, eoi,ia,,,,L,4tli a.r,., I.,u,,ded and 6 Elijah Crawford. Delaware, rlcacrilieil aa followa. t-i wil : outlet nonh by hud ol Thi ,T . w v i ! llamiiiuii, (ofcl auivrv.) on Ihe run by land m Wilnatu F ' ' I nirnui llrudy, oil the aoulli by lands of M K lrt-vers n and Fled, eiiek Kramer, and nn tlie wrtt by lands of Mulluus Zitn lattrnian, baina a vnluable Iracl of cuil land. also, tbe undivided iiiutb uirt of all Ibsl certain tract oftunij annate iu Ooul township uforesaiit, autveye,! iu the llvnm of Tlinnni Hiinnlliin MmiMimaa A l, u.. ., .11. .... fi'T: Luce, hnaudedon the until by tusls of Whl.am t lliudv I) ; and joaa lliudy,eaat by laud of IMimiel Clark, aoulb by 1:111. i 01 j inn enfson ami r.ittier Kramer, and west by Linda nf William F l)iudy,nii which a coal vciu liaa been opened. Alan, Ilia aiKtii-ideit half p-irt of all thai certain tract nf land, situate in I. Mile M ihonny township, enmity and Ctaie aforrsnKl, survey ed ia tba nama nf Jo.-.h l.yiai, e-aiuin-ins-Hi acies, Isniistcd ind desciibed aa follows: on Hie north by laud of John Dunkleliertr. rust by land of Fn .1. rriek Reca, anurh by auidtif Frederick Iliniklaherner, and west by tin Oap, up-ui wbieh a coal ve.ni is oit,-tied. Alao. Ihe undivided half part of all that certain tract af land, situate in Point township, eounly aforeaaid, surveyed in tlie name of John Barron, jr., eoutainint; 4 It) acres aud allowance, boumled ea the north by land M f. Hawit, on the east try ! s Juhn . Kaon. - Ul ou.. 1 Henry Butkheimer, Chillirquetja. 19 .lease (.'ampbell, Shamokin. 20 John Kveret, Lower Aucu.ti. A James Snyder, Tuihutville. VS Jacob Wagner, Cameron. '.3 William Savidge, Turhutviila. m 24 William Kolluier, Turbut. 25 The'dore liurr, Point. 20 F.li iicc, Kush. S7 Moses Troultuin, Jordan. 2 Itulaert Lyon, Ppper Augusta. 29 Peter Loup, Cameron. 30 John Donklelierger, Coal. 31 Wallace Kussel, Lewis. Si John Uebot k. Kuah. S3 laaae Leitker, Lnwtr Mahanov, 34 Jacob Carman. Lower Mah.ia -r. Kdnard tr.s. Ti.it'Ul.