1KB SEW YORK WEEKLY TIMES. INGLE COPIES -TVl COPIES FOR 3 FIVE COPIES FOR &. The Cheapen and Best Family and General Xttespnper in the United States. Trie New York WEEKLY TIME? I a lary; '! H fii'ilv pi mint quarto heit. of eight pacr. or forty-eight olunin. devoted tn Politic, l.ileraluie and titneial Newe. nml iiileinleil In lie Hie Hrilm vvcllua ihe Cheapest FrmnlY Newepupcl itt l!e I mini Huiles. I'lieflist aim id 'Hi TIMES ip, nml will nlwirj be, to seep iu icuil"is thoroiu lily ami relmlily oitd up. us lo everything wtni'li limy hiiiipen, iif geuciul inlercid, ill any r.irt 'ul Lhti vv,.td. It cnoilriitB lully and Irerly upon all topic nf iinporlnnce ill every di-imrtmi-nl uf puhlic action, mi,l Hlvn in 1 lie Interest uf Ficcdniti, Older, ami the Public. Outid While its lulluence will lie nnilnrinly coliser vinvf, itauviurilcsfvm' nicnsuie of jusl and lirnr tieeut Pnipii as, and resist the inrieiise, extension, t prrpetua- tiuni't ft in very, as of tver) tinny else ncoiniwililile Willi I he I lliilnat w i-'l'nre ut llie vvh.ile C'.inuuini' y. lole il reports j jir- nipMvonii arrurutcty all intelligence or gi-ni-ral lutertat in cvitv uepnrtmentoi hunun activity, it never pmuhrsto vu.i.uMvli, und e.vlmles fniiil lis columns everything II. ut iiiigui re,..iiT il uiis.i(eir imprnpei fur grncrnl Family p,-r,:Ml It iieelis to unmote t'nc general welfare by urging the claims "f tlm-ut i Mimlitv mJ Religion npm the masses of the people ; ami III nlt'ita discussions, Il endeavors couslunt 1 I hr cm Jul niirl c.iilioiled hy Ire ipint of niwlerutiun, 1 ritriotism ami common neni:. In in t'm iesi -iindenee, hotli Foreign nnd Putnrslic. the Tuiira laiMiumml lone supuioi I" nhy mini Aiuericiin J iiirnal In Itcuoilsnl Coi.giersionnliind fcaulative pro eceuings, of Fnmnciul, Ooiuuictciul and General Intelligence, rf importniitl.epil and Criminal Trials, and nf vvhelev;! ilia) have special interest f it the gicnl body of the com munity, are lull, prompt ami rrluililu. Especial intention ii devoted ml'ull, accurate and Unit worthy report ui the Live Stuck and Produce Marltts, tot which a special corpa of Reporters is maintained A LITfRARX DEPARTMENT will alto be kept op, cmhinciiigStwilatd Novel and Tolea, and nitsce.inueoua seie-'lione 1.1 ine iiigncst inieriet. The Agricultural Departments compihnl from n varie ty of sourer, munynf ihem nmcccstnlile to the American reader, nml furnishes valuable inforniaiion tu the Parmer and Gni'lemr. The Weekly Time will he lent to subscriber in any tart of the country on the fvlkwuig terms:. Single Copies 2oyear. Two " ' J enr. Five " tonycar Any person who will send tie a club nf TEN subscribers at 1 each, shall receive an emra copy for himself or may retain One llolliir ashis compensation. THE NEW-YOKK DAll.Y TIMBS, Ir- j-.nhliFlieil Every dnv except eHinrmy, nnd is sent tn sub scribers by mu.lal Sui Uoliana jenr ineluilii.g SiMnla' edition &7. TUB SKMI-WEBKI.Y TIMES, Pnbiinlo-d i u Tuemhtys and Fridays, and enntninin eipht i(!snt re'ulmj; matter in cvei nuin'jel, ia sent lo sub cullers at tlie following tales : Pmfrle copies - M Two copies ..---&5 Any person wlm will send us a club of Five subset iSers itisv inceive mi rxtin copy for himself, or retain Two Dollars and n Hull ns his compensation. Term Cush inviiriiibly in advance. All letters to be addresser) to II 1. R AYMOVfl A Co , Piopiietnrs of the ".New-Yolk Times," New Yoik City. Nov .311, ItGI. ex- NICHOLAS HOTEL, llroadtrau, ew 1 Hoard Itctiuccd to $2 n Dar. bince the opening of this vast and commodious Hotel, in ISM, it has been the single endeavor of the proprietors to make it the most sumptuous, convenient and comfortable home for the citizen and stranccr on thissido the Atlantic. And whatever has fceinrd likely to administer to the. comiort nf i's rucsH they endeavored, without regard to coat, to provide, and to combine all the elenientsof individual and social enjoyment which modern art has invented, and modern last npprov- eJ; ami the patronage which it has commanded during the past six yeara ia gratifying proof that their effort haA been appreciated. To meet tne exigencies ol tf.e times, wncn au are rctjuireu to practice the most rigid economy, the undersigned HAVE KKDUCED THE PRICE OFBOATvD TO TWO DOLLAHS PER DAY, ot the same time abating none of the luxuries with which their table ha hitherto been supplied. TREADWELIj, WHITCOMB At CO. Oct. 12, 1861 1 mo. JAMES 13 ARBER'S WHOLESALE AND BF1TA1L CLOCK ESTABLISHMENT, S. E. Corner Stcond and Chestnut sts., GKVY fr.rtiHPATr.NT r.(Ii:AMZlNOTH.RTY V UAV Cl.()Clv, h very (ieuiratite nrtide for Joarcb- M, H.'tt'l". lJ.inkB, Ct'UM'.itiS IInufR. IJitr!rirt. o, (i, Mitumuct'irtTMl MM-: UOLD ri.ic.vi rt'i.i.nctl il i. d wut nuiittl. Ci-ifH i'i muiii:s of e-ry HcM'iiptiou. MiiU-jfijiliia, Jiiuuary itf, l-.Gl. 3y " r "" riiiMDELi'iin roixrci:. S. IZ. corner of Seventh and Chemut Streets. Tins is one of CIO 11 T COI.l.lvCKS, CONSTITUTING TUB. "NA TlONAt. CHAIN." LOCATED 1M Philailetphla, evv York Ciiy, Albany, CiiJnli, Cleve. tan), Ciiieuuo, ioid ft. Louis. Sehiflarsbips can be pur chased ut eiLli'r point, Rood at ull the Culleties. Tilt: COl.l.LUIATK COLKSE anibrsres Poultie ami trinsle Kuliy U-ok-Keepi;is;, Com tnereiul Coilptltati.ms, Coinmereiill Imw, I'eillMUhdliip, liusme-s Con'esiomieiiee, I'urtiieiainp Seitlements, etc. PHACT1CA ij TEXT-HOOKS. T.'.eTe'cl mg in the Honk-Keeping I)epurhrui:it ismnst. K from writicn m.iiiucriiL rcrius, with oiul niHtiiirtions leeturm, ami black-Uiurii elueid.-itions ill addition to wiio-li, ill order to ni.ilce tl.e tolieciuie t'ourair as llioitiugli a'id efi'.iuiil a puuiiiUe, tne following Tem-liouks have lf!i puj.ioiil : hiyni ii K'.tutton's Jlook-Keepitu;, in thrre erlitlons riiiiiiinn Seliooi. li ri r-eliooi, and C tiiitiusr Hiiiims ; lire ant ,1c titrtiii.tn'k Coirmeieiul Arillimelie ; Jtryant & etralton's Coniiuereial Ijivv, by Autos Ueun, I. L L. 61'KNCKRIAN 8VSTK.M OF I'KXMANSHIP, tu a series ol' nine hooks, by 1'. R. SPKNCtlt. P R t-l'liXCKR, Ji., Teacher of Penmnship. lai'i. vidnai insiriieiioii. Siudenu enter at any tune. Diplo mas ii wa rued. tf Fur atnlognes and Cirrulnrs. call at tlie Cnllejre., t aJdre.s lilt V A NT, K1KATTO.N Jt FAIKMANKd ! eoruiry a J, ly tbi!adel;iUi. IB A 1 E U r. ).- J) Rich Fia J.td Uarerjes, 19, 25and 31 cent. j-arege Kobe. S:j Ml, no and $5 0U, Mozanibiijue Rubra at $5 Ut), Traveling l)rea Ciood. Hhephard' Pluidj, .Mohair PlatJs, (linghain's, I.auns. Piiius, CUallies, lirey Figured Ciood, COOPER A CON A RD. 8 E corner Ninth and Market, Philadelphia. N B beat quality Hoop Skirts, 94 cent to May 13, 1861. . Tarsxss: TREES! 'I.tli undersigned invite attention to their large and well grown lock of FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, Bhruba, &c, euihrciiig a largo and comidele is lortment of Apples, Pear. Peache, Plum, Cherries, AprL eoU, and Nectarine, btandard for lUe Orchard, and Dwarl for the garden. English Walnut., (Spanish Chs.nul. H.xle nuu, 4c, Hjherrie, ISirawberrie, Cu'ranl and Oootoberries, in great variety, GliAPEij OF CHOICEST KINDS. Ararago, Rhubarh, Ac. Ae. Also a fine lock of well formed, hushy E VEHCjKUENs auitaMo for the f 'erne try and I.awn. ' Deci luou Tree for treel (.'laming and a g.n. ral assortment of Oruameuul Tree aud Fow. ring shrub. Koaea of choice varietica. Ctmelli, Leddini Pianu. 6lc. Our Mock Is remarkably thrifty arid fine, aud we offrr il el price ta suit the lime. CP Catalogue mailed to all applicant AdJreM LDvVAIIU J. EVANrt V CO. Central Nureiiea. VORK, Pa. ' Bepterober ItiCt 3iu STOVES. . lOR SALE o excellent aeeond-hand C.k. . tl owe, alM mwiI s.BiUir. al thj nd'ak Cjlinde Ctsal ill's- r Thf) Great Ctlre for Consumption- sMaMtasaaajBcal If you h eoJ, u) . . WUhiirt'i Tin. Tree Tr Conlml J If ton liav acnunb. Use Wishirl' Tin Tree Tf Cordial I Tf vnu have Asthma. U'o WishMt' Pine Tree Ter Cordial ! If vou hava Sore Throat, use Wishart' Tine Tree Tar Cordial I lfvon have Drouchili. use Wishart' Pine Tree Tar Cordial ! If J ou have Consumption, use Wishart' Vine Tree Tar Cordial Wiaharr Pine Tree Tar Cordial is an unfai ins Tcmcilv fur disease of the Kidnrvs, 1'iinarv Conipltiiiii. Ulintl and Illeetlinn Pile. Nervou l)i biliiy, and lor Female weuknia and Irrcgu laritics. The well known efficacy of Pine Tree Tar in the cure of ntvriiel affections or fores, tmiiiied il out ns the Natural itemi'dy for what Physician cull Tubercular jl flections (that is to y, Sores.) upon the I, tings. It remained In ilikcover the best mean of application, which diacovery ha been made, as a thousand testimonial prove, by the Proprietor of Wishnrt' Pine Tree Tar Cordial 1 1 If you have DYSPEPSIA, use Wwharl'e (treat American' Dyspepsia Pill! A sore cure Warranted for one dollar, or the Money Hefunded T 1) uy a bsx and lake Ihem according to direr lions, and if they do not cure you, the money will be returned. Aoknt m. Weimer, Northumberland. A. W. Fischer, Sunhury. Call at either place, and get a descriptive Cir cular. !. Q C. Wishart, proprietor, No. 10, North Second, Philadelphia August 10, 1SUI. ly AYJJR'S CATHARTIC Ars yon sick, feeM, and .- :'. : : .---o - !' '& -" isereepillg l!(ton yo't, I .'rr. T- .;? 5 and sliould be averted a k . 'y 'Vii'- ;-'! tiinelv e of tlie rilit run- V. 'fVr1 S3 Cli:nirc vw on-i nu. imi- tlx II Hi' if; movo un mi'v fct, ti .lt J In li.'.iUll liiitll. 'J St'v miTnulHte tlie functi- u - SjJif '-' ' S thiiv. i-iiiifv the rtyvtunt from J " ti. i.ltsti ti-iiiis nhkb ihuKo d.ic;iw. A mM lu r i hi ttu Iw-.v, am. .-b- Ftrili'M its Ili'.tiKtt) f'IIMtil..i1. 'Jlit-V. if n .l nllvvrd, rp.-t in jii tli-uiH.-lifti nnd Hie mirniMuiliii? oix uts, pro ln- hiu r'ti-r-'i ussriivriiiiHi. niir.'it.iR, iiii l Iif-.ie. hi! i:i ilii rtn ttti.m. fiiH-wit?l by llw tl"inntfiii"iti tlai , vvr'H Tills mi l m h w iliwtly tht-y i"Rtoi f tin imtnmi iifti.iii rf tho jt-"in-K"' il l,ll".VI,,lt ftlhip iif Ii-.Mlili Kiiu. " Whut in tiu.Min.l mi nppiitviit In rliit luvinl :um1 rointimn fniiif.iint, U aU' tnu' in nmny ut tlid th ( uu.l .i:ti.;eivn lisit-;in(t . Th tnuitt p-.trc iMfc vlWl fx-li tliftlt. C:iM"i hy fllitilul- olihfruc tioiii ninl iU't.'iit?nintr4tit' Ui untuml fttiKtittiiPi f lh .xx.v, th".v iii-if Mpittt.v. Md many f Iht-ui mrcly, ruu-l v tliuMthitj iin-iin. Notm wtuikitnvv thu v 1 1 it the Pills, will n-hn't to emjilo litem lin suUtaiiiy truin t)it iliorilvm iln-y rtir, lititntfiitN from lemlinj? iTiyftl'-t In of Ui prinrfimt til lei, and from ullwr wl kuuwu (wr- tOU9. P. om a nmi-arrfnp frrclnint St. Txtnii, 2h. 4, lSft. Urn Avrn: Your I'lIM m ilm furnatm t all tlml Is r;it Iti iii'Mlicitif. They hiivi rurl my li4.fl ihitiit;hhr -tf ulccnnin mi m itnn hr Imn.U iiinl tV t I hat h-l trvtJ inriu-iihl'i for yi'iiiN. Her nntlir iuA Uvn lunit gH-'r-ovifly Rftiictitl Villi hlolchw itl (initlt4fn hr nkiit an J hi hr hair. AUr our rhil-l was ureJ, nUt hUii IritU ' ASA MO KG U1DGC A m Family Phytic. JBV-oin c. A. 1 lhrtu.Tiyhtt JNrw OrUifU. Ymir Tilli ftro th prinfa cf uik. Thtir vin)ldnt qnalitkn nuiiatu itny mtli;uttc wo wu, 1wv tin icld, hut very corlmit hm4 lT-(-iiml in th.Mr uc(n hii tit hotels, whi ii tnrikut lUeiu iuvniuublu ta Ui lu the 'lolly trt'fitmi'Ut uf iIivimni). Headache, SI UIIriar1e. Foul KtomAch Sviii Or. JaIic ttd Ifiyti, ttxtttitnore. Vti llnrt. Avkii : 1 rannot niiwer you u-tiat emnphilnU I hiie curt I tilth yur rill l'tlfr Ihnn h mv oh thH tf d'-nt ot an .Ucttnt cathartic lu my tl.iiiy contf-st with isHcnto, aiit h(ltevifi m t do tlml Your I'iIU alTuril Ut tl liit wu lime, 1 olcuurM value Uicm highly. riTTBBrtio, Tit. Mr? 1, 18,S5. Ttu J. C. Arnu Fir: I liave renfHttsllv curl ef tii wont h'Hii'u h any Imdy ran Imre hy a tlnae or two w your rn in. it fwenu te arm Hum wM stoaiacu, aiiioli thv fttane at (Mice. Y-jura nitb reat wpect, FT). v.rnF.M,F, (Itrk nf Struma- I'larim Dilloua Pliordrra Liver Complaluta .om lr. Thtiirt ttrtt, f -Vrw York C ty. Not only are y.mr I'iIIn mlinh.U'Jy a-lititiM to their pnr pu n no ntrlfiit. hut I tinl their liitilcial enctuo ttio IJvr vt-y luaikail I m It-J. 'ihvy have in my the piricU iii'iro fciliMiunl fur tlie vine uf b,Uout o-mv-jtf-iiutt tlmu any out n-uitHly 1 cau mculluti 1 tincM-ely rnjoi e thtit m Lave ut h-ulli a pur itive which in wit lit Uie coblliiuDce of the juufciivu auU Iho !eii'Le. Drf iitTNChT or the Interior, l Vabliinit.'ii, 11. V., ilh l'tht JM.'U. ) Pint T hire yuur I'tll in my oneiitl uiul lianpital prnctict uvit hiiM-e ion umjc thum,uutl ranuut liLituLe te n.i.i they mo thi! tuHl fit) htii tic wn viitphiy '1 hflr ii'kh laiUiit U' lin vu thy IU rr U iiii-k uml deciiloU, roime mi ally lhy arc uu uhuirallu ifinctly lur uYriiiiKfiiieiitJ )' tl..it otKiti' In h it, 1 huiu dfl.lom ffuurl a cus- of !-tt'-u4 UifM.v 'hitii(Hto thiil It J i J nut itnliiy yield tu tiiv.ui. iiutitaUAiiy yum!, Aujy&'t hall, w. i'ttyticiuH of Uu JUanni UutpiUtU Dj-neutery, Plarrhcru, llrlaz, AVorma. Jot iJi: J. (J. iUH, nf Vhuagik Y. ur I'ilU Imve bad a lung trivl In my practice, and I IkiM tliuiti iu t'ote-Jia as one uf the bvt itperietitt 1 have ou r f"iiml. Their Hltoruliv idett iijkju thu lirttr makee them an exccllviit ruinoly, wlmu giicn in nuuII iow fur Vt'iu tl-itnbry amt ui'irrhaa, 'Jhtir nt'Arcatitig iinkvK thi ui wiy arcrpuWe at.U ceuveuteut Ut the uae ut Wiuiu aud iljildix-n. DyapoptU, Impurity of tti Jon Ate. J. I'. llt.nuy lt$Ur nf AtlretU Chuveftt HHmu Pn. Attn: I bare uwd your Pilla with eitrnnntinary iicvi- in n;y ftuuity atil mining iUvt am cullml to ..t in iltritrtni. To rvgulntn the tiyin l ditfii'ii aud pmlfy the Llvd, they are the try U'lt nuiely 1 have M'r kimwoud I van oouttth utly recotiiiiH-iii) tlnm u biy fiind. Vuuii, J. V. JIIMJ.tJ. VTsuiw, Wyntnlnc Co., N. T- Ot. !!l. 1555. Pcvn Hilt : I am usiiiic 'n" Ciilliarlie t'tllw lii uiy pi;o liee. alifl tintl tliem all excellent purgative toelesuw tlMS Vr.telll SuJ VitriCu tit. JuHlitiiH . iUr l,!nil. JJI1N U. MbACIUU, . D. Con.tlpntloit,Cosflveneaa,$iiprealovit 1C iir ulital Ihiii. ;oilt, l-urailjjlw, ilVp my, l'aruljal., I'll., tic. yrr.fH lr. J. I VstlojltH, iltotrr , fllNJlf. T.ia inm-li rannm lie sal.l of your I'ilts for ths curs of eA,''IYN'J. Jl't.llier. of uur f: alerhlly have H.uu.l thelu twi-fitc.ii'iiin.aa 1 bv, they slmiilij j.'.in rue in pnielniiu iiir it fir tlu bAneiit of tli. ftnilitiu.toa vilio siirr.-r fix.in II, il ohm l.,.nt, wliii Ii, allliouiili bail enHit.-li In llu-lf, I tiia piV'ui'oeof otlirrs tlnu ar vo.rmi. I bWi,-i fis In rii'ji In hi -Kinnte In tbe liver, but your J'lIU allKl Unit wau auu eui. vns uiaeaM. Frm Mrs. E. .u?it, rkytU-vm and itlivifi, Bislm. 1 nml nn or two larpn ilose. nfynur Pills, taken at lli proper litii,. are exc.-llt-nt .p,iinlive.i,f lb. untiu-ni tutu wlicn vvlr.lly ot Mrtiitlly Mii.r.Hv., and .Uo Very Vftc-i'tiiiil tu c'l-nit'. ilia s.'.,uiiiVi anil xjl . Hit, I'lii.y uio s.i ii. mil tlie. Wat I'lijila a. Imv. tbut 1 iwwuuneuil UU otilel' to my pulieula. F.M e.e lite. Dr. lT.,wU),itfttit Mrfioditi fyii. Church. I'rUtll llotwe. Kuvnnniili.fla.. .Inn. fl. Iv.'.S llnworrii hiii i I .hniilj b. uiijcvutetiil fur lb ieli-f your sliill bat brout;lit lu. if I ilid not i-n.rt kn.v vase to y u. A eol.l ..IIKhI In my liiulao,l Im-,.iikIiI uu eai ru tlallntt li'ni'viic .iio.., v,iii,-li einli-tl lu f'iKiwi.' rAru,4 (ism. hlltHilll.l.lllltillK I liutt tlia Ihi ,f ijliikii-iuiu, tb. diseiol. Clew Vurw Mint www. until l the mh ii',- of Vuur JV,H-ll.lil u;etit lu I'alliniore. Ir. Ma, kelisie, 1 trii-,1 ,,ur I'ill. '1 1, -li' n.eu Wei'. hI"W. but fura. ! MllM;leliug lu II.. ue ut llieut, 1 am le eutilil) Kill. FrvvT"! rnai-, ttnlrm rn:e, Iji.. & Tee. 1V.ll. TB. Avra: I luiv. U.m eulirctv euu-d. bv our I'llU.rf Jlhttimitttc u'vula pnlniul Um.'U-' tl".o bud ultiifl.-it tu. f.ry.ur,. lllt.M tUl'l.l.U. $)TT M"at "f tb. PH's In ruurkel fnt:iln Wereury, vbnli, tiltlioiili a. thIimI Iu r. iue.l In .kiltul hands, is dun.i! in tublie 1,111, li.an lb. dtaailful c..i fjiieN" Ibnl liiH-litl Ml. iv lu ineMiltauts n. TUtrf roulaiii wo inet-eury or liiluerjj sutifelait.-ti wbau vwr. Price, SS cent per Box, or S Boxca for 1. Prvjiared by Sr. 7. 0. AYEH & CO., tswell, Han. e .W by Fitliia 0 rant, and A. W. Fiseber, Buubojt J I'. Ck.Iow anif C. Uruwu, Miiiou; lit Wiwli, Me Kw.nsville ; Keifsntdetk C kii.in.ii, Tuil-ulnli. ; R. B aieocy, iSiiitiiumlairUiiai said b IJtsuei every wlicie. Anl), ltl. ly BOOTS k 8HOES, ran be purrhaaed at tbe Mammoth (store of Killing V Grant, ery cheap, aa we era dalermiiied not to be und.raold by any body. CaU and learn the lu of priea Urn y-oi-i'". rniLHU UKAKT. ren'mry, Jatinary l, urtkr. villi ymr uirm r'Mtiv. Aiji. ' jjtitp.'J tf""1 arr ufitn lit prt ln.le to . . r . -aw n i"m lliueiv. fcm Itt of IM POHTANT TO LOVERS Of (73 CD CE CD Uli BRIGHT V SON, Invito attention to their Stock of rrimo Grcon and Black Tea. June IS, 1961. MT JQ 5L JI3 SJSff SUMMER GOODS. AT TRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES Z3. Y. BRIGHT U SON, HAVE RFXKIVED OF ALL KINDS OF GOODS HANDSOME jy Tjr n b j-e Cd JOT StU I3J GREAT BARGAINS AND Splendid Inducements TO AT THB ONE P1UCE STORE or K. Y. BRIGHT k BON. Punburv, June 16, 166i. aotiii:k AiinivAr of S EAS0NABLE GOODS, at Tna MAMMOTH STORE! OF miLING 6l GRANT. Snobary, Septeuiber 7, 1661. COMMERCIAL NUItSERIES, H. E. HOOKER Se CO.. liOCUKBTKR, K. Y JOHNW. BUCHER. Local Agent. Bunlmrv Pa. " rilbe anbacriber, having been appointed local X Agent for the aale of Fruit tree, plants, vine, dec, of one of the most reliable Numeric! call the attention of all who want choice fruit to thia method, a more ceitain than by obtaining them through traveling agent. Among thoae described in the Catalogue are, Uwarf Pear Trees, uf the age for transplanting, remaikably warf Apple Treea, on Paradise 8tocks, ma. king beautiful little trees for the garden, and pro ducing remarkably fine apecimens of fruit iu a very short lime. Dwaif Cherry Treea, budded on Mabaleb clocks, handsome tree. Btandard Apple. Pear and Cherry Tree, very fine, with a large lit of varieties. Peach, Plum, Nectarine and Apricot Treea. Oooaeberry, Blackberry and Strawberry Plant all of the finest kinds. Currants, many new and improved varieties, such as Cherry, White Urape, White Condouin, Bed Grape, Victoria, Ac. Blrawberry Plant, iu great variety, Including the Hooker, Wilson's Albany, Triomphie de Oand, (the must epprosed old varislies,) as well a all the noveltica. Grape Vines, including those fine, new, yet well tested kind, which no pliuter should be without, uch a Delaware, Concord, and Hart ford Prolific. These we bav propagated ao ei tenaively as to able to offer iheia at reduced and satisfactory uricea. Plants, Rums, Evergreen and every variety of naauisiiisi uswe anu BQrubtxry, securely packed' JOHN W. Bt'CHER, Agnt, anbury P, uiHinr, febuasf, , . SENT BY EXPRESS EVEBTWIIEBE. Retailed at Wholesale Prices, Made to Measure at $18 per doz. OR BIX FOR IflKBS DOLLARS, Without Collar en, with Collar on l per do. xtra. MADE OF NEW-YORK MILLS MUSLirt, With fln Linen Bosom, an vrarrantad ss Rood a BUrt as sold In tbe retail store at I'i.W each. ALSO. THE VERT I EST FniRTS THAT CAM EE t ' Thnsa who think I cannot make a food fihlrt for is nee doien ar. mistaken. Uerea tb eost ef on dosen 1S fin sUrl. SO vard of JCew-Tork Mills nraslln at 14X- per yd. M 5 T v'irils of fine l inen, at Wc. per yard, 8 f.0 Makln and caiiins, laundry, 11 1 bullous and cotton, We a co .1 to . (S jroci Total 1 Solf Measvircment for Shirts. P.lntit direction scnl free everywhere, and e easy to understand, that any one can take their own measure for shirt. I warrant a irooa ur, i .. tnu .u iu . the Expres Company on receipt or goon. The Express charpe on on dosen Shirt from New York to New Orleans is (1. P. a PARTIES WISHING ETfTRTS IN rtASTR.nnt bavin time to send for Utiles of Measurement, should end per mall, prepaid, on of the best fittinc shlrit Uitf bav got, statin any aiwa.uuu. .o. "--i S. W. H. WARD, from London, 387 Broadway, up stairs, , Betweerl Whit k Walker BUeet "KW-TORK-March 16, 1801. tf CENTRAL HOTEL, SUNBURY, Northumberland County, Pa- THIS large and commodious mnnaired liv JAMKS VAN Hotel, now' DYKE. It la situate at tlie Kailroau Depot rvorin r.ast corner of Mnrket Sutiare. Sunhurv, nnd al the terminus of the Sunhury 4 Etic and North cm Central Railroads, and is open forllie accom modation of 1 tavelers and the public m general J he prnirtetor will give his exclusive otten- lion, to tec comfort and convenience of his guests and is de-crmined to make this establishment rank amone the first in the .State. llu tulile will ha supplied with the best the market can produce having the advantage of dallv cotnniuniiialion by cara direct from Haiti- more, and also from those bringing produce bom the surrounding country. His bar will be supplied with the purest liquors the market can produce Ca'eful and obliging servant always in at te DiLinre. IVtw and enmmodioue stabling has just been added to the premises. A share ol the local nnd traveling community moat respectfully solicited. S-jnbury, January 12, 1861. WIXSTTEIR. GOODS, FOIl MEN' S WEAR Black and Blue Hair Cloth, Beaver Overcoating, Blank Doeskina, New Style Cassimeres, All Wool Tweeds, Heavy Kentucky Jeans, Real Good rassinetts, Bill Mixed Coating, Super Velvet Cords, Klerk- Grenadine YeatincJ Black Satin Vesting; Fancy Silk Velvet Vesting, Plain Silk Velvet Vesting, Nice Casaimere Yestings In fact all kinds of goods fur Men's and Boys' wear, csn be found at the People's One Price Store of E. Y. fright &. Son, who have just rceived by Railroad a splendid stock of all kinds of goods, suitable for cold weather. Please call and be convinced. E. Y. BRIGHT & SON'. Sunbury, October 27, I860. REVERE HOUSE, (LATE KAQI.K HOTEL,) Third Street, chore llace, Philadelphia, RHOADS Sl SAILOR, PropneU.r. f VPROVEMKNTS nave bevu made, and the House ha A nrcn rrniTrii inrougnout Tilohkam V. Kho.hs, formeilyof the National Hotel i HARLaa rA.itoa, lorineriy ol hchu)iktll cn., I'a. l'biladelplila, Jan. IS, it-Ul ly J. A. CRAND ALL'S PATENT srKIXG HOUSES 478BBOASWAT, DEW YORK. Hhoulal be in every family, School, Gymnasi um, Aavltim, and Hospital in the land. Are not DANGEROUS, like the-common Hocking Horse, titanda firm on its' Pedestal, will not wear CARPETS, and has no Rockers to injure the feet. 'Ueallhjand happiness Iu the same saddls." N. P. With FROM THE "HOME JOURNAL." "Of all the child-furniture. we have ever seen no article combines so much of those two impor tniit things health and happiness aa the Ad justable Patent Steel Spring Saddle Horse, in vented by Jesse A. t-raiidall, It is not danger ous, like a common rocking-horse, to children's feel, cannot he upset, doea not wear carpets, but stsnds firm on its baae, and its action is ao like the gallop of a live horse that the child never wearies of it. This .alestof t hild-novelties ie ex ceedingly elegant and artistic in design j and so adjustable, substantial, and durable, that it will last a lifetime. It is indispensable in every family where there are children. It should be in every primary school and gymnssjum in the country, as it can be made large and strong inough to sustain grown persons. Aa a pedeatal lor photographic pictures, nothing is more beauti ful. 'Every Oiphan Asylum and Institution where children are congregated, should be furniahed with a number of these beautiful article They are tinea wun aiue-eaddie wnen requited. DIRECTIONS FOR ADJUSTING. Open the after part of the base sufliciently to allow the axle lo go in ils place 1 than raise or lower the Horse lo suit yon. Screw the bolls in the side very light- Vv iceseiiorses are wAUKAricu one year. March 16, 1F61 tf pleaaure in announcing that they are now prepared to mail (free) to loose wba wish 11, copy of an important little work, by the late Dr. Brampton, entitled "The Invalid' Medical Con fidant, published for tbe benefit, and aa a warn ing 10 young men and person who suffer from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, Ac, Ac, supplying the mean of self cure. The reader ia irreaisiibly led 10 compare a useful life with an ignoble death. Reader, lose not moment, but tend your ad dress for a copy ef this little work. Address tbe Publishers DR JOHN B OGDEM&CO, ( k John St., New Yerk May II, IMI-vim SUNBURY STEAM FLOURING IJBC3i; HL.35L THE ubcriliera having taken possession of this first claw FLOLHINU MILL, are pre pared to receive grain of all kinds, and to do cus tom work at the Shortest Notice. Customer will have their grists ground immediately upon their being left at the Mill. A it ie the Inten tion of the firm to slock the Mill a large Hup. ply ol Grain, will be constantly kept on hand, and flour by the quantity can always be obtained, The greatest care will be taken to turn out a au perinr quality of flour, for which the mill la ad mirably adapted, blrict attention will be paid to the want of customers, and the patronage of the public generally la respectfully requested. MUKUAIM & bU Runbury, June 93, I860. LUMBER! LUMBER PHILIP SHAY, jMUNcnr, pa. I N FORMS his friend and tlie public in gene ral, that he constantly keep on hand, Boards, Shingles, Lath, JoUt ai.d all kind of Lumber and building material, which he will sell at the lowest prices. March 30, 1861. W-A-LX. PAPER 1 FRII.INO oV GRANT, at the MAMMOTH STOKE, have thi day (January 17th, 1861 received a C110ICE ASSORTMENT OF TUB NEWEST STYLES AND PATTERNS OF W-A.X.I. PAPEB, which they are selling at prices that defy competition. Sunhury, January 19, 1861- NOW WITHIN REACH OF ALL .GttOVEIt j BAKER'S CELEBRATED NOISELESS Sewing Machines, 495 Bhoadwat, Naw Yubk. The public attention is respectfully jequcsted to the following cards of Eiui Howb, J 8., and the Grover A. Baker 8. M. Co A Card from the GROVER & BAKER S. M. Co. Our Patents being now established by t Courts, we are enabled to furnish the Grover A. Baker Machine, with important improvements at greatly Itcduced Prices. The moderate price at which Machines msk Ing the drover & Iluker atltch, can now be had bring them within the reach of all, and render the use of Ma -.nines making inferior stitches a unnecessary as it is unwise. Persons desiring the best Machines, and th right to use them, must not only be sure to buy Machines making the urnvcr & linker stitch but also that audi Machines are made and stamped under our patents and those of Elias llower, Jr. GROVER A. BAKER S. M. CO., 495 Broadway, New York. A CARD FROM EI.IAS H0VE, JR'. All person are cautioned not to make, deal in, or use any Sewing Machine which sew from two spools and make the stitch known as the tirover ac Suuker stitch, unless the same are purchased from the Grover iV Baker Sewing: Machine Company, or their Agents, or Licenses, and slumped under my patent of September 10, 184G. euni Uompanv, and their Licenses, alone, art legally authorized under their own patents, am my said patent, during the extended term there of, to make and sell this kind of Sewing Machine and all others are piracies upon my suid patent, arid will be dealt with accordingly, wherever found. EI.IAS HOW E, JR. New York. Dec. 20. IHtlO. tf TU ALL, TIIUSE II it Farms. Parks or Gardens, IX CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA. A rare ehnnce is now afforded to select and order FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES Vines, Shrubbery, Ac., from Ihr celebrated Clover Street rvurtenes liculed at Korliesler, New Yolk. jieasrs, moirni:, HiiuriiEKs, PBOPEIETORS W ho lieir leave tn announce that thai' are nieiwrMl .IIIVUII IIICII IJUilllliCU BIIU RESPON8II1LE AOENTS, To distribute their supeiior slock on the moat rctsonabl PEOPLE OK THE KET5T01TE S dl.is Loven of Nature and the lieaul iful. nnd iuitlv rtMphrnt f'r your iiitelliimice, wraltli. liheraliiv nnd tiuie. iuiw im anc tarn; w iimbsvv juui sKNCVllUllv I rUIIl UUr PKSCR 1 PTI VE CATALOGUE AND PLATE ROOK9, Which Will Im fnrui.hp.1 vol, ilirnnoli .tn. I.umI ......... ainVyou may rest assuied tliat yuur orders will tie hunoia- uiy num. r 01 luruier particulars applv ro rHEllERICK A. HOWE, Or JOHN B JONESJ. ' Agent for Nnrlhutnberland county. HEFERENCES: Ho. ERFNK'ER URIFPIN. Rochester. N. V. Hon. JOHN UALKRAITH. Erie, Pa. Col. J. H. JOHNSON, JVIeadville, Pa. February.!, Irtil. m War! War! War! COME FROM THE NORTH, COME FROM THE SOUTH. COME FROM THE EAST, COME FROM 'I HE WEST, Save the country and build yourselves homes. or now ia the time to get your Lumber cheap. 1 re, LUMBER ! LUMBER ! ! LUMBER I ! can he purchased at low rate al the KTEAM SAW -MILL of IRA T. CLEMENT, exjisr-auRY. PA.. Such aa Panel Lumber, Frame Lumber, Board, Siding. Shingle from $3 to Kb per thousand Plastering Lath, Paling, Roofing Lalh, Ac, Ac, All bill ordered, for any kind of Lumber, will be furnished at tbe shortest notice. IKA T. CLEMEUT Sunbury, March 9, 161. COTTAGE JilliLES. IOIt SALE, cheap, three copies of the Cottage Bible, iu two volumes, with eom- . II II II I DOLMI meotar'e. II. B. MASSKR. 60LU.11U. M A LICK. Attorney af Law, 8 UN BUB Y, Northumberland Co, Pa (Formerly Freeburg. bnyder county.) OFFICE, Market Street, a few door eaat of the Northern Central Railroad Depot and two doors west of the Post Office. All Professional Business, Collections, Ac, will receive prompt attention. March 80. IH8I. ' "THE UNION." Arch Street, above Third, Philadelphia, LPTO.M g. NEWCOMER, Proprietor. fl'MS HOTEL is eentral, eoaveiiient by PaaMigwCvr X tu all pai is of tl.s city, and ia very particular adopted te theeomlnna and wauuW th basiaeaa puMto CfT Tario, tlfiO per day, fcsjmssbef tl, mi -If A NOTIIER ARRIVAL OP NEW GOODS, J. II. EX OKI of Suiiburr, Pa, HAS Inst arrived with splendid STOCK of 8PKINU AND SUMM KR GOODS, from Philadelphia, to whirh he respectfully .invitee i friends and the Public to call ana inspect, he will ipare no time in showing them. Among hi stock of good will befound, FINE BLUE AND BLACK FRE1TCE CLOTS, Fine Black end Fancy Ceimerei Tweed, 8at inetta, Jean, Black Italian Cloth, Cashmerette, Cottonade, Linen, Linen Drill, Linen Check, and Farcy Veating, also a large assortment of Ready-mado CLUTH1NU for men and boy (cheap.) I OR LADIES WEAR, Black and Fancy Dreaa Bilk very cheap, Silk Tissue, Uereges, Chali and Chali Robea, Uerege Delaine, Berege Robea, figured Brilliant and variety of other Dres Gooda, Spring and Sum mer shawl. Mantillas, I'araaols, a good assort ment of white gooda, Collars, Sleeves, Irish I.inen, bhirt fronts, Marseille, brilliant Ac. A general sss.irtment of domestic Dry Gond. Also a large atock of 1 lata and Cap, Boot and shoes, Hardware, Queens and Glassware, Groceries, Cedarware, Stone and Earthenware, U'uns and Paint, Salt, Fish, Cheeae, Hatn, Oil, Tar Ac. fee. N. B. Wall and Window Paper, Floor and Table Oil Cloth, Carpel, all the above will be aold at tow price for cash or country produce ta en in exchange for Good. J. H. ENQEL. 8unbury, May. 19, I860. tf. New Air Line Route tone w yore:, SHORTEST IN DISTANCE AND QUICKEST IN TIME between the twe ., 0f NEW YORE AND ARR tTRO. VIA READING), AtXKNTOWN AND F.ASTON. Morning hxpress West li avcsNt-w York at a m . and Fniladelpliia at 8 a M , arrives at Harrislmrc al lli 45 T. at connecting; at llurrisburg with train on Northern Centtsl Koad fur Miiibury, vv iliiamspnrt, Lock Haven and inter mliaie siulions. Mail Train West leave New York at 19 noon, nd I'mindeiphiB at 3 .10 r. u., coniiecnn with tiain on Nurlh em Central Itoad fur stutions as ahuve, and also on al trains on the Willianisnort anil KlTiira. Mail Tiain llast leaves Harrisbut; at S, A M , and ar riveaat Philadelphia at 1 r. u., and New Yolk at 3 30 p. m., in time to take boat or cars fur Huston, tie. Fait Express Enst leavn Ilurrist.ug at 1 15, on at rival nf Northern Central Tiain, and arrive at Philadelphia al 6. Id P at , and New York at Dr. M. Nnchongeof cursor baggage between New York or Philadelphia and Uarrisbuia. For beauty of scenery and speed, eomfnrt and accommo dation, this route presents aupenur inducements lo the traveling public Office im New York, footnf Courlland street, Philadel phia, Uroad and Cullowhilt streets. Fare betweeit New York aud liarriahure FIVE DOL LAR9 For Ticket j Freight or other information, apply tn J i. CLYDE, General Agent. Hurridmir;, June 30, lMlu ly i860. THE BEST E0UTE 1860 FROM Wjonilnff Vnllt y to Plilladrlplila, Ac iv York, Uallliuore, AND all roixrs XOIITII, SOUTH i- WEST. LACKAWANNA k BLOOMSBURO RAILROAD. SUMMER AHUANOEMENT. Two Daily Passenger Trains wilt be run between Serautoa alio fMorihumbeilaud. as lollowa: MOVING SOUTH : Leave Pliil'aMail. N. Y. F.s. Scramon, 4 10 A. U. lli Fit Airiveai Pittslon, 38 ) Kingston, 7 14 10 tMmkshinnr, 7 50 6 S5 Berwick, 8 SO 55 Ulooiosbuig, t 50 1 36 Rupert, 0 00 7 40 Danville, tl 81 t 10 Northumberland, lu ov 1 45 NOVLNO NORTH: Leave N. y. Ex. Phil's Mail Northumberland, e 30 A. ai. 4 45 P. M. Arrive at Danville, 6 OS IM Rupert. 6 55 t 50 BiiKirasburg, 6 45 f 00 Ui-rwlck, 7 15 6 35 Plockshiuny, 7 45 7 05 Kingston, KM 7 45 I'iriston, a 57 6 15 6crai:lon, 9 tS a 45 Tlie I-arkawanna and BlM.nisbure Rsilrnad connects with the Delaware, Larkavvaiina and Western Railroad. ai acrainon, lor .-ew v oric anu riiilaarlpniu, and lutcrme diale ponita imu : also lur Ureal Hend, Hire hamton. rymcuse. IlurTalo, NiagHia I'alla, and all iins.rtaut points vvesi. ai nupeii 11 connecis u'ltn uie v aiiawisaa Hail road, for points tioth East und VVcsl. At Norliivniheiland it connects with the Sunlmiy and Erie Railroad, lur pinuts vv est ana Sviuiii. 41 . v . j ACllPU? , (Sun t. Kuigiton, Augutt S3,lS6ii. HEGEIVIAN Sc COS CORDIAL ULIXIUOF CALISAYA BARK Prepared only by HEGE.MAN ft CO., Wholesale and Reuil Chemists and Uruugisis, 161, 309, ill aud 74e Broadway, New Yoik. rTiHE virtues of PERUVIAN BARK as a Tonic bsvs oeen too mug K.inwn lo need ctiniuient. The CALISA 1 A I -or Knie's H.im."li. lhemnatvalu alile of Ihe numerius varieties of the Peruvi.in Hark, and in Ihe ELIXIR is continued with oiner ingreil.euls that increase its eificaey aud at the nine tune overcome the intcnsiiy 01 its hitler, rendering it a most AgreeaUe Cor dial. For persons living in FEVER and' AGUE districts, it win oe lounu invaliialile as a preventive, Mall ol a wine glusa lull lukrn mslil und moining, rrnileriiig the avstern much Iras subject to tlie unhealthy indueuce of the atinoa lucre. DIRECTIONS Dose fur an adult, half a winrnls full heiore hrtukiust and dinner; children fmm one Ui two tenspnuns full j it may ha taken with or without a little water For sale at this office. March 17, l8n A I'reoh Mupl of Ory Cioods r0N8lSTIXG in part of Prints, Delaines bleached and unbleached Muslim, Checks Strips Denims, & Drills, ie., juat received by . k. ui iuu juammnin store 01 FR1LIXU k GRANT. LOOK HERE, IF YOU WANT TO BUY CHEAP FOR CASH. ,pi O TO WM. H. MILLER, he has received Jf from Philadelphia a large slock of BOOTS & SHOES. His stork consists of Gen'ts Kipp IJoois, Y'outha' Kipp Boot. Children' Calf Boot. Also a variety of omen Calf Lace Boot, Women' Morocco l.ace Boot, Children Morocco and Calf Lace Boot, all of which he will cell cheap for CASH Call a nd exsmine for yourselves. ALSO, first quality of Tainpero Moroco for aaie tor casn, WM. H. MILLER Sunbury, January?, 18110. GENESEE SALT. WHOLE8ALB Ac HTAIL rMLlNU dc tiH AN T (at the Mammoth A rltore,) have just received 600 tb. of Solar tiround, Molar and Fine Halt, 700 Sack of Ground Solar Halt every sack warranted to contain 225 pound of cUlt and 200 bag of Salt containing one liuahel each. 2tih salt is the best end strongest uow manufactured and in market. Call and ace for youreulvea. ciunbury Kept., 8, I SCO. VirNDOW SHADES A very line end " chesp assortment, just received by Rsil. road from New York, al the Mammoth atore of Filling 4- Grant. We have also for sale 8. 8. Putnam & t'o's celebrated Patent Pendulum Curtain Fixtures. SAVE Y0UE FRUIT BY UMNO MASON'S Patent Sheet Metal Screw Top PRESERVE JAR. MA8O.V8 PATENT SHEET METAL SCREW TOP! 4U tKatierscsiary being to screw the Cap down upon the Rubber Gasket, which is plsced outside upon tbe shoulder of the Jar, 3-4 of an inch dis tant from the top prevent the possibility of the flavor of the fruit being injured by coming in utect Willi Ihe Rubber. Persons desiring these Jars, ran be supplied by eving their eniere with H. U- MAfeKR, Sunbuvy, June t, I (Aft. Jgnt, NEW GOODS Atthe Mammoth Btore of IRA T. CLEMENT, NO. I MARKET BTRF.KT, SUSBIRT, PA. fllH E aubsciiber ha just opened at Ins well JL known establishment in Sunburv, one of Uia hea peat and most desirable stock of Fall and Winter Goods, thai has ever been offered in the place, and which ne will sell for CASH or exchange for Country Produce. Those desiring to purchase gooda will do well to cll and examine his stock. BLACK AND FANCY SILK, All Wool Delaine, Figured, Striped and Plain, French Merino, all colors, Beautiful Drese Robes, Cashmeres, Shaded, Main and Striped must be teen to form an idea of the extent aud variety. Mantle, Stella, Chenille, French Wool Shawl Thibet and Broche Shawl. Cloths Cassimeres and Satinet For Men and Boy' Wear, Black Cassimerca, Fancy Cassimere, aide stripe heavy, Doe Skin Caseiinere. Saline's all kind. FLANNELS, While and Red Flannel, all grades and price, Bay State Sack Flannel, color finest qnaltio. BEADY-MADE CLOTHING Boot and Shoe, Hat and Cap. Ac, 4., all of which were selected with great care, end will compare favorably, aa regarda quality, style and price, with any in the country. HARDWARE, n full nssortment. Wood and Willow Ware, (jueensware, of all descriptions, Groceries, a full stock in store. Carpet Chains, Ac, Paints, Oils. Glass, Dye Stuflk. Thankful for the patronage heretofore received he will sps re no pains to please all who may favor him with their custom in the future. Sunbury, Oct. S, 18.19. HIGHLY IMPORTANT NEWS M. C. GEAUIIART, Ha returned with a new Stock of Confectionariea, Fruit and Toys. YTieems aa if a'new ate, a new life was open ing upon us, animating evnry heart to nobler ueeu anu nigner aims! Art, Literature and Sci ence will glow anew and eek to develupe sub limer beauties and grander conception. The business world too must leel the new In fluence and every;part be quickened and strength ened by an increased vitality, which shall urge us on with electric speed to the consummation of greater thing than was ever dreamed of in the I'lulositphy of the past. Animated by the enthusiasm which nrJM all classes, and desirous of doino hi share to wards "Th great events of tl, A "tK. .k. acriber would respectfully inform the food peo ple of SL'.NBl'KY and tl.e public generally, that be has just returned from the city of Philadel phia with the largest and choicest stock of Con feclionarics, Fruit aud Toys that has ever ben urougiu to this section or country. He Is also manufacturing all kind of Coni've.tinnarin. A, to fill up orders, whoiesa'e or retail, at short no- s. Among hi Mock of Coufeutionarlc. ma. hm found : Frroeh Secret. Onm Prone, all kinds of amt, Bnrned Almonds, Love Ilrons, Cream White, Moil lir.ins, red and whde. " Una J.Uy takes, ' """V F""t I'rops, Vamua, ttisk Candles, ol aH ssainol Common Sestets KockCaiH) , UijuuiK, Almomi Candy, TEUIT. Bananas, Prnnes, Dales, Fifs, Currants sVicst, ClUona, Almouda, Rsioos, .Nuts of aJI kwea LEMON HYRL'P of a superior quality, by the single or doien. A auperior quality of Scgars and Tobacco, and a variety 01 (.uniectmnarics, fruit. Toy, Ac, all uf which ia offered ehep at wholesale or retail. tf' Remember tlie.nauio and place. 3 M. C. RKAKHillT Market at., 3 doors west of E. Y. Bright A Sun' atore. 8unhnr, April 14, lpf.0. ly FIVE-MINUTE FEEEZEE. As Improved for 1"59 aud 6'. ByE. KETCH M A CO.. ISO Pesrl-fllresC New-Yoik. "THE only Freeier constructed cb seientifie principles, with a revolviiig enn and spring blade scraper. The one hsstens the freciin; nf the cream the other removes il as fast as frozen. The most rapid in freeiing, with the least quantity of ice. The most economical in cost, a it is the moat impl and durable in structure. For sale in all the principal cities and tone in the L'ldon. Eaeb Fieeur accompanied with a book of n ripea and full dirsclioi'S. PRICES. 8 quart. 3 00 4 quart, 4 00 quarla, 5 00 8 quart, g 00 14 quart, g 00 SO quart. qo Apply to H. B. MA88ER,ui:bury. June 2, 18 fit). ROCKEFELLER & E0YEE. Attornies at Law, BXINETJRY, PA. A. Jordan Rockefeller and .Solomon II. lioyer, respectfully announce laj. they entered into Copartnert.ipiu ihe practu of iheir prolession, and will continue to attend tu all buai nes entrusted lo their charge in the counties of Northumberland, 1'i.ion, BnvJcr and Montour, promptly, faithfully and carefully. Special al. tention will be given to the COLLECTION'S OK CLAIMS. Consultalious can be bad in the GERMAN language. Office.-Market Street, opposite Weaver's Hotel. Sunbury, February 4, imju. F. MELANCHTON SHINDEL, Jl'8TI r or TI1K PEACE, B-UISTBTJIIY, FA.. Ojjiee in Deer Strett, immediately opposite the Pullic School House. All business promptly attended lo. Monies ollected and all ordinary writings done. Sunbury. Aoril 25. 1067 tf " HENltY DONEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office opposite the Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County P, Prompt attention to business in adjoinia Count ie-a. WHOLESALE DEALER IN BRANDIES, WINES, 0.INS.4C. f pHE subscriber having opened in Thompeon'e Brick Building, Mill street, Danville, a large and complete stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, comprising the best brands of Brandies, Gin, Old Rye, Scotch and Irish W hiskey, Port, Sherry, Madcria, Champagne and other Wiuea of all grades, all of which will be aolJ Wholesale al the lowest cily prices. Tavern-keepers by buy ing of us can save at leaat the freight. Persons desirous of purchasing lienors for FAMILY' USE, may rely upon being furnished with a pure and unadulterated article. La" Being determined lo establish a reputation for selling cheap he respectfully solicits Ihe pa tronage of tbe public. All orders promptly a tended to. JEREMIAH 8. HALL, Danville, Jura 16, I860. INGRAINED CARPETS, M I'F ACTl'It FD snj far Me fcy M. PripeJ libnuaot sad klciloweU'a Bulkin g, M.fffc lisit asanas , beans aud Km sun FhilaM.h. GOODS GU4KATEP. OewVer IT, lean 'r