Ciucrnl Lnnder's Victory at ttioomcry Cap. THE OFFICIAL rISPATCn3. 7'hh teen Bebols Killed, end Seventy five Prisoners Taken. Washington, Feb. 15. Tim MWinir fifficial dispatch from Get; LiiLiJer hui 1"'d ri cuti'd at head quarter's ! Taw Paw, Fb. 148 o'clock p u. To Maj.-Okh. I'. McClkllah : l i e railroad wal opened lo Ilaucock this mnrinng i also llm lelejtrapu. Wfl linft an important forced reconnoissance last night, which was compliited lo day. W brnka op the febe I nest al Blonmery Unp, V ruu down aud captured seivutern cum' iiiisssiotifd cfTicerl", among them Colonel, Lieutenant Cnlnn-ls. Catilaiun, Ac. We eu' gaged ihnii with 400 cavalry. Our infauirj weri nut in'nr i-iioukIi to support tbe cavalry, mid the memy ware retiring. We hsva in ulJ .5 priSDOHta, and killed 13 of tho enemy. e Ion two men and fix horse! at their lirst lira. 1 led thu cliurgo In poison. It was a coin plet s.irpris.-. Cnl. Carroll, commanding the Filth oi lCiphlu Ohio regiment, mailt, a wry il.irinij and successful reconnoisaatice s mi ini.,i i'l'U- i.ft.-rrd to Ungfr' store. M.ij l'lollm.uluui is onlitled to great credit r,.r buildiiiK 'under my direction, in four hours, in the duad of n:i;hl, a bridge over tho Oreat C.:cson. at on"il'ieoled mountain tour). Two cciumiia or t tliousand mi'n each have mi Tried thutj two miles, and una column r,,,,., s, since fnr o'clock yesterday nVt.rn..n. bmi.a bridging rivers. The ;m to rs thai eie taheii Iroin our prisoners, and n rown recmuiii-Kiitices to lh tjuuth prov that the country i clear, and Jacksuu and Lur'Hg are in iucliester. We riTjpicd th,- Uloomesy Oep and I oint M li-i , n tit l el i f, liy inronnatioo from some tlererters, that General Caasou's brigade las thirn. i . v general Iiuiiiiins hue just arrived at New t'ii-ek Mid M.'inlirld. loriy milea south l-I Uoinnrv. lie has captured 225 beer cuttle, ut.d br.'ke up the g jerdla Iwutit tbre. To n, bin men were badty wounded, aud we killed c veral of llu rein-la. Tub enemy has beeu driven from Uis department. (Signed,) I'. W. La.s-lkb, Crig. Gen. FKOil KENTUCKY AMD TEN NESSEE. Evacuation of Bowling Green Confirmed. Cincinnati, Fub. 17. ir.oruiufj's. Cummerciul has tbe follow ing : 0 learning th-it tbe reliela were evacna ting Hnwlinj Green, Get eral Uueil ordered a forced march, by M iteiti II, to save, ll possiMe, ti e iiil,i)ud and tiirr.p;l; bridges on the H-g It .rr.m rv. r. Tln-y had. however, been d' eirrueil when Mitchell reached the banks of th" river. The liurii'l.'-- t-T l.-ti -Itir.ridg and Hindmnn were until Thursday fvening at WoodlaDd stnlion. Tl,p rebels l 'ft nothina at Bowling Green Suit u few old vr-j.-ir.ji. i'art tf the towu id tep'irte.I to bii burnt. It is !,ei. vud that no rebel forcta arc now in Kentucky east ol the direct road from li.iwiing lireen via Franklin to Nashville. Ciitt'ii'ln i? trying to organizn anntlier ariiiv at Oarll. 'iie, on the nnlh bank of the Ciiiiberl.u.d. I h.a is t !x only rM force 00 !ae line Irooi lionliPtt Green to Na.-.hvili. Ilreckiuridgu and liindnnin's brigades have fallen back on liussli-ville. where Huckner's and Floyd's brigades have been stationed for Some timet liardeo and Johnston were also believed to bfl at that point on Friday. It is presumed, v.itli the exception of the above. tiriadt, thu whole rebl army have b.'eu uj'jVcd to Fort Dcoe:on aud C'larks-V.'-ie. mivemor.t may hjve been made by l!,e rebel forces since Tue.iday, pan only be C 'i jeetured. but tiie prohabilitiea are that t v lij'.e co'ifeutrat-d ili"ir whide lorco (,n th CnTbei-:.,i:.l. I', li.'.' ever, they have not 1 cTonA so, t: t ,'iviiors of Nelson and Mitchfll j will b n'ir'.,' t 1 -op- with tli they may have ! between B ) vv W '1 j Green arid NsnliTille. It is believed t'l i tbe liviiHS of MeCook I f-.tjd I lionias rsibiuked at the month of Halt I r:cer on (tennier? for ('oii!! "tbiDd on r-atnr day nisht, and yifterdny tho troi ps t hut have b.-eu in camp of intractioo at Bardftnwn were at Lounvilla embarking for Cumber1 land. Three Indiana rPEtTfota find otip battpry of arti'iery leave New Albany today. The niereuate ,,f the roiuforceuieuU i, perhapii, 4-1 Hill). G.tcmI Beill, v.o ordnrstand, goes with McConk's ilivisinn to Hl:e command in per f in on the Cumberland, where our form will, by to-morrow night, t:umbt r about 80 000. Vr'liile he prefes tbe enemy on the Cumber: Ijnd with his tremendous f.irce, their flunk and rnir i,rrt pretsed by lie heavy divisions boder Mitchell und , fci.ncu thd writing of th ubove, we learn that ten regiments, now in the Ohio camp?, are ordered ui otite tj Cumberland. JSAVAIVVtli captviii:d I DISPATC1IE3 TO TIIE NAVY DEPARTMENT. WAsiiiMiT", Feb. 17. 16C2 P. M. Tbe Navy llepartirenl has receivid dispatches stating thul the fctats and Strifes wava over tS'ivannah. I'i'.o city lias been re-'.ukcn, re cccupied sod re possessed. The gun tu-uU were eleven ill I. umber. Thi-su and three transports formed the ad vance of ibo i'eileral tleet. This portico of the exijeiiai.'U alone, Ceiricd tibt thousand tr.iops. Among l!:o re;ji.T.coti' crcerncd, were the Nine!) ttv, Mil Pennsylvania, the Sixth Cuir toci.cut, un.l the Pour ih New Ilumpsbire. Ti:e iO iti: taken lus mil been made known, Ileionoiteilrg exneilitions for somo t into past bnvi. pissed up Wiliiiiuntiiti liver, in tho rear of Port Pi.liitlu ui.d VVoU'i Cut, emerging upon the Savuimah liver, in the neighborhood cl port Ja lMin. It is probublo that the gun bouts upended I lu etic li ll.esa eumo cbuuuels t'jii allacked Port Jackeoo. ItlGltl.V IMI'UUHM' IKO'.I PAUIS alldi 11 aui Mu.un make a III1 tor "llecosulilou.' lu te Traite I'rvmhul fur Fijl'j Years Tha "Shipping flszetie" saya there is little Jju'.it that t!;e I'rniib tioM-rtiii.ent will follow our rimnple in inipnt-ni aull mura aiiiiReiit obliga lions of iieutrihty on Piei.cli fu'..j. t'li in rtferenca to the Amnican l'cliicrcntu, Ccnfeileiaies nd Fcdcrala 'sill be (li ua cuinpellcd lo keep Hit act, or i-helter in .u !. yut'.i ui sitll remain eirn In tbriii on tho Anieicui ae.husid. 'J he Ici.Jeiicy cl the enl'orceiiici.t ol such neutrality ia certainly I ii war's rei-liicting the luarilima oorralioiu of t.otli allies, und ia au far a ptulcclion to mail li ne cvmmerca. Ja ill h, Feb.?. Tha 'Inrteprndcneo Btlge" as tila tt.ul ihe foull.rru Commissioners have in. inrioed l'ue l'nglian (Joverniiirnt that in return fur lite recognition of the Moulhern Cokfcdracy, lliey would eatLtiliah moid absolula fiee trade for t.f.y yeura, ulmiish the olerual slava tralfle, and eiiiaiiclisia all black born aflei the recognition. Thcas oil'uia, however, will not determine Lord IVtiiermon to abandon the policy of neutrality. Lo.iros, Feb. W. The proopiikiliou af Mr. (ireory fjr Ihe recngniiion of llie tSonlh will l e I'f.currd soon after the opening of Parliauienl. n iiiterntiii and cxcitad dlal, and rejection 1 1 tie prjposwl M esfee'sJ. THE WAR IN MISSOURI. VTajiiinotoK, Feb. IT. This forenoon Gen Ilalleck telegraphed to General McClellan the vralifying intelligenca that Geo. Curtis' pursuit of Price' Reelna' army h so far heeti emiueully oiicce-ru He had. up tu 'I iiuia day, captured 1 lie Colonel, 01:0 l.i. iiteoant Colonel, two C.iplaiui and more privntea, Arc , thaii he coul.l hy any porihilily just then take Cure of. 't his means evidently thai be has succeeded in breaking op 1'iice't army. SrRiNcriKt.n, Mo, Feb 1G Special dis putcb to the 81 Lonta Democrat -Acciirding to the Utest advices, the Federal army was in vigornna pursuit of the Rebels. Price's Briny was on Crane Creek, tweoty nine miles from here, on Friday evening, and our forces were Gve miles in bis rear, preparing to make an early start In pursuit the next morning Price bud placed bis traiu In advance. A limit one hundred wagons, containing supplies for him, were brought into this place fioio For Hlh. a few hours before Ins retreat. The Rebel sympathizers here claim that Price will he reinforced by twelve or fifteen rei menls from Ilenlonville, Arkansas, under Gn. Van Dorn ; but Generul Siel, who is advancing on the Rebel column on a different route than I lint pursued by Gen. Ciirti-fl. may strike a blow on their Hank, aud upset Prici', calculations. Four Rebel officers end thirteen private fell into our IihihId on Friday, aud are now here. The nflicrs are the nuloroas Colonel Frepirinian. M j Merry, A id de camp to G, n Mcllnde, Captain ck nson, Cbiel J'jngtueer, and Capt Dontiel, iiartrnnster, A puny express, with reluy posts, lis been established between Rulla uud this point by Capt. Baldwin. ST.lRS AU SlltlPF FLOATING 1 M AltKNa tl. St. I.nriR. Feb. 1R.- The following despatch was ciit I'mm bead quarters to .night : "To MnJr Ijrvrdl McCh itun. If ir7 t't'l, I). ('. j The flug of the I'niuii islljaliii; in A ikana. ticieral Curtis lias driven Price from Miaou'i, and ia several mites aerosa the Arkansas hue, cuttio; op Price's rcai.and hourly capturing piisnnera and tlnres. The urmy nf the Poatliwrnt is doioij its duty liuhly. II- W. Hai hck. Mi jr (icneral. IM.I..IMI. The London Shipj'inti (iuzttl: says that a rnmor i current in crcles supposed to be wnll informed, that a semi-oriicial note has been addressed to the Bntinh Government by France, respecting the blockade of I ho block" ade of the Cnr.lederule ports, to the r-fleet that the lCioperorennnot longer allow French Commerce to be injured by lespectiOK the notl effective blockade, and that he will short ly make un (fiii'iul demand tu the 10oilih Government to join l.itn in ruisini; the block' uile, and that in ca.xe of iion-coioplinncu be will lake the initiative. The London Tinu-s. in on editorial, avs : We in ed r ot be eaijer to meddle wilii A titer ican iifTun". This is a limn lor uwait:P!. and j we CBn ufTord to wait (p ile as easily as the Nortn and houth can attorn to bewoikirif across the Potomac, at the cost of two mil lions a week each of them. It there does crime any real cause of iMinp'.iirt, it will tell all the more fur our present palieDco and foibcaratice. Kit. t :n Lernard Miller, formerly rf Ihia place, but lately a tenant on one of Mr. Rjhly's (am j in Point township, Norllmin liprlund county, vv is instantly killed by the freivht eri'ioe on the I.ackawana Rail Ri ad, a short d staoca below town, on list. Tuesduy al'lenioon. The engineer seeinir him a short rii?t!ioc uhead whirl ed but observing that the mun did not ln-ed the warning, re verted the eng ne, bnt not in tiiri" to prevent the accident. No blame is nttiiched to the engineer, who did everything in his power to stop the enqine. It in supposed that Miller was under the infloenca of liquor, as l e was of somewhat iutcn. pernio habits. Danville Democrat. Council ProeecdiusS' fcLNULiiv, February 17, 18G2. Conncil met pursuant to adjournment, Chief Burgess in the chair. Members pr Sent, Stroll, Bncher, Bruner,, Wilvert, Boyer, Ruhrbacli, Bright, Sbindel, Z tile" mover. Hendricks. St inntes of I .is I meeting read and approved. Fiuauce Coinun'tee uiudu lUa fulluwing RLPORT: Solomon Shindel, Collector of Bornngh, Roa I and Poor Taie for the jear lS.'iQ and 18G0, in account with thu Borough of Sunhory. To buiunce of cash in band S V'J P2 "am't ol boiocnh taxes uncollected, 2lti 22 " " Road tux uncollected, 211.1 J Poor " " 147 01 A mount due as per last report fled Cu2 oti By uoi'l paid Treutuitrr on Borough tX, $lfi Co " " " " K-md tax, ICO C.)J " " " " Poor lax. ll7 KI.4 5 pur cent fur collecting $428 42, 21 42 Credits as per last leporl Cled 44!) 84 A mount due horuugh vc uuplicutcs for ie;.'J, !212 54 Sum total ss per last report C'.ed Cu2 08 To nnirnrit ol Borough tas fur tLo yeur L-Gl, g40S C7 To am't ol Poor tsx, C'JH 'JO ' 11: ti ' C!)d 21) Sum total for amount of dnplicatn for 13b'U. $1,895 23 Cndit by amount paid Treasurer on iluj I cite fur Ibo year loCO, d.iteii Oct Uib. 1861. Sl.OCO 22j 5 per cent lor coliectint; 1 0(16 2:' d 31 Amount of exonoraliou on borougu tax for 111(1, Amount of exonoration ou Roud tax for lbOO. Aniouni of exonoration on Poor tax for lirCO " Amount ol taxeg due borough for 04 70 9.1 28 the jtur lb'CO, C02 12i S 1,81)4 25 Ain't of taxes due borough for tha year 16..9, 212 tti Aoiount of tuxes duu borough fur the year 1SC0, C!)2 12J Sum total, 4 1)0-1 (if,!, Poor Overseer Orders Issued by Jacob O. Beck aud J. M Bos'.ian, beleeii tha 24th of May, 18o9 and Ihe 16th duy of July lbCO, nd unredeemed na per last auditor' report tiled amounting lo $111 86 Amount of J. O Beck's orders (then unredeemed) 137 3G Amount of J M. Bostiao's orders (then unredeemed 7 0 S141 80 8137 30 $137 30 S7 SO AmonntofJ. O. Beck's orders, then unredeemed, Am't since redeemed, $74 C7 " unredeemed, 62 69 .ImountofJ. M Bostiao's orders tben uoredeeinej, Amount since ledecmed, $4 CO " unrtdeeuibd, 3 fiO $7 SO Amount of orders issued before tha lCth of July I860, by Beck and Bostian, and since redeemed, Amount of orders ismed before the lfith of July, 186(1, by Beck ud liostiao, and ouredesoied 878 C7 CO 19 144 86 Tbe whole amount of orders issued by tho Overseers beiweeu the lfith day of July, I C0, and the Hth day of Fcbras'y, I8C2, Batocctit to tun:: Am't o( orders redeemed $213 97 unredeemed 104 HI $378 fi9 The whole amount of orders nnre. deemed, issued liet ween the 24i li day of May, J8.Mt.aud Hlb day of Februaiy, lbt'2, $230 81 P. W. Gray, Treasurer of thu Rorongb of buubury, in account with the tame : Dr. To balanc in his hand as per last amlitor's report tiled, 37 03 To nn,'t of horouch tnxs fur 1HG0. from Snlumuu Shio' del. Collector, SCO 40 j To ain't of hurooji'i taxes for lHul. from C. F. Martin, Collector 67 03J To um't of Road tax for J SCO from Solomon 8hindel, col' lector, eSCO 4PJ Tu amount of Poor tsX for IbliO, fin in Soluoioii bhiu del, collector, 373 CG To ain't received from P. M. Sbiudal. fur Poor. 23 l. 81C47 75J Cr. By am't i f Imrongh ordt rs pxid and marked C , $507 43 ny am t ot Komi onterfl paid and u aiked C, By am't of Poor orders paid and Imitkeil C, Bv percentage ou $1, 442 l.'ij . 325 04 549 C3 28 84 17G 7G To a. n't in the hands cf Treasurer, S1.C17 7." 3 All bfwbicii is reepeel fully submitted S B. B..VKR, P. M. ibIIIMll, Auditors. February 14!h, 1?C2 On motion, report w9 acccptrd and adopt cd. 15 II of Mr. Bon r, pre'enled f, r services as ui.ii.lor lor I Kill and lcb2. (i tiO. Also, one fr'.iii Mr. Grant I 'T services as atidrtor lor lftiO. ol 1 1 (10 On motiou ordeia wi ie grunted for the s-ame. Chief ljui)e handed in an answer to l.ia le'.li r from A. II Fke, Snpl., Shair.nkin Visl i'V Si I'ottsville Uiilroad, nation that he would ban the culverts cleaned out soon. A li), that he was gelliuif material ready lor n p iss i;e w ly Ihroogh Ihti Rail R iad em liunkineot ut the alley near dudyH Jordan's n .-hli'l.iv at:il sli ill s "i'tl complete tliMUOik, On motion of Mr Wilvert, ie.nnlviil, the CImiU he directed to obtain a book in which he shall open account with the persons wh.i h ivu rented thu wharves, &C, of the Bo ron.; h. On motion of Mr Wilvert, llesolceu. That the Chief Buries und Cb ik tie Hiiilioiiznl In I colli ct all mo.nes due for wharve rents, , ferry rei.ta, and rents f.-r river bank, and pay I he nine ii to t lie Tt.'.suty. Also, lo make report lo thu Council ut next meet nig, it e i iiiv or pirtie? who luive entered into lease ui v purtioti of the river bunk and wharv and when the term ol said leases will expire. Ou uioliun, adjnurned INI) V. BUCIIKU. Cler'r. Xtw Auvcrtiseiuciits. CHsi;GE of CLII'ATE ICR HEALTH bi::: aijveutikme:jt of VIWBTA'ND FARMS. SHI: RIFF'S HA LE. 75 V virtue of a certain writ of Ym Bsp. issurd j rut ol loe I ourl cl l nininoii rlcaa, and to j ir.o dire:led, uiil he vx u.-cd tu the public sale j nt ll e Court Ilouee, in b'uooury, on 'I'lictday, ! the C.'lh tiny of Fchrujrv. I xfJ. nt one o'clock, I 1'. M . the liilliiniii); I'eacnln d lu-al ICslntct.. w it : All thone tivu con iginus tracts or pieces ot laud I aituate in I' per Auiturta li.nvn.-hip, .urtiiiui.lie v land couiily. I'u., b nioiled and described as I I Ions: ln'Riitiiinu at a luileu I.ii korv, thence I v Liul of ChriatMii Miller nu,l the ollirr tiact lirreinarter i uienliencd, s iuth Jt j."cfs eili-l Vi 7 10 of n I perch lu slopes ; hv land of 1'eler Huev, Sj degri'fa west tifi pen hrs ni.d RlUofa cell ' to stoi es j tlicnre moth "4J dcjreea eai-t 11 j peichcs I'll) to slo;,ea, S'tiilh 15 dci't' -s eal 12 i . cubes t.i utiires in the rentrc of a puhlic roa.l ; ! j thence by land of I'cter limy ninth 7(i decrees ! j ensl 17 perches fj 111 of a perch t.i i.,ni a in the ' ' road iilmif another piihhe rinl mi l bi Mary I Houghton's l it. south '. de'iees. cal 14 jcr j chestii st. iocs ; llienrv by land of Pram t Btic'.er : and wife, sniHli live dcr-ries und ilnre ijuaricrs I ! uit ah. Hit 4 perches lo slimes ; ilieiice bv lien- I i ry Dr.iriiius. iinirnvemenl m nth M decrees tio perches .r it) ol a perch I' a biclorv ; ll.eiice l y laud ol Win I. I ic art. south 4 1 t- ilcreea. ' ; west li 10 to aliujcii; liiencc by same foulli Hi i I u.l 1 111 .r.. It.. A l t.. . l..n. ! by land ol (,haa. (ijilnci r, tooili Hiij' dearees nesi'!)4 perches ' III lo oiiea ; lliincu by laud of Win Kramer, itunh decrees en 4 prcli j es 2 10 lo stones; llience imrili (! decrees e.i.-t j perches to stones, s o'h H-t degrees ru,t 4 ierelie ! V II) in stones, noil!) I ib-gicea eal l.'i percaea I In KlDiies, norlli HI! t der, os i at I 9 pi n I11 s in stories; tbeocc bv licnre lvietlei a land, nor 1 li o decrees ekt 'id 0 III pen lief, lo lliu place ol 1 t-u iut: tiier Uniilaioio 1 A cres 1 (111 .f i clies, inoie or U'm, and on which are erected a two lory Fiaine Dwelling House, a one and one Imlf Kterv i rami) Huellioit IIoiim'. a prame Bank Darn, Wr.;rii Shed und other outbtiiliiine ' a '.rinu ol water near 111." dour, a atv Mill, an Apple Orchard and other Fruit 'Frees, A c. The other of said tracts, bcgionioiz at a posi on on ihe til virion line aud between l!na tioct and Ihe trai l ol laud ubove den riiH il ; iheuce aloiig said line south HtJ decrees, east 17 perches to store ; by lil.ilol I'rancis Burlier and wile norih .) decrees vccsl 411 perches in a p. .at. North I decree east I I perches lo a post ; Ihence I v laud of Ibo heir of llciirv M aer, dee'd, lit,! Hi) perches 7 III lo a pine smil'i & perches (j pine; thence by land of l.' Miller, south t dtgrees ce :JU jterches lo Ihe place of bcoin nin. Containing M Acres, mine or less, on which aie erected a bvulao I lame Bnelliu House, a I'taine liai.k llarn. and oilier outbuild loss, a vounrj A pple (Jichar I and oil er fiuit trees f .. leiii d ns the properly of Jacob rsecsliulli Seiz. d, taken in rxecu'iMi. ami In be sold as Ihe properly of licubcn Fagely. William Fugely ninl Jacob Seesholi7 triidu.g under Ihe 1'. tin of Kagely, 6eel.ill7. fV Co. DAVID WA DrtON. Shrrifr. fhfrifrs Ollice, bunliury, Feb. 8. IKIiS. i IIFIUFF'SSALE. By virtue of a tciuin writ ol Al. Lev. Ta. issued out of the Cmirt of ('ommoii Plena of Niirtliuiiilielaiid County 1'a , and lo mc directed will be eipiwrd In public sale, at Ihe Couil House, in siunl urv, on Tued iv, ib 'ifnh il,iv of February. IHb? nt I oVInck P. M., l';e follow ing described Ileal Kata'e. In v it : All that rerluin tract of land in Cpper Augusta township, Norlbonil'i lland comity, afore. aid. beeinning at a fallen hirkiuy corner of a tract, in the name of Ifichaid Duller, llience by lai d ol Christain Miller in ric.hl of Win. P. lliady, south eigh y four and a half dcgiees, east llirce hundred and feien ierchrs alisns line of laud of Jacob rjrai-hulli in risihl of John Helper lo a while oak aiump, Iheuce by land of Henry Maaaer in right of James McCoy south live degrees and llnee ijuui eia, anl forty five perrhe and six tenths In atones, Iheuce by lli'iuy Urowna linpruvenii iit soiiih ei(;liiy'four degrees, west ninety live perches and live tenths to a hickory, thence north forty and one iiuailer degreea v. est iii lenthi of a ptrch In stones, thence by laud auneyed to Amhuny Morria, now widuw Clink, south 05 degrees, ureal one hundred and ten perches and lour temha la stones, iheuce south eighty 'six and three qna'lers degrees west one hundred and six perches and Ihrre tenths lo stones, iheuce by Itnhaid Duller north live and tluee quaileia drgieee east one buudied and lam porcltea and five lentha to the place of besioniug. .Cunlaining One Hundred and Forty Five Acre and TweuiyKigbt Perches, strict meakuretnei . bein d, taken in execution, and lo be sold as ll.r properly of Jacob Krakhuil. DAVIIi WALORO.V, fthcrift .- c:i:r'di.Sm,hu7, Teb. 8, 1SS. : State of the Bank of Northumberland, February 6th, 1862- ASSIiTlS. I .nuns and tMli d tcnuillnl. tt'tMl 3' 11". liiHhtti. I'eniiM Iviniin, 4.llV 111 N.illliumlwiliiiid llnnk Slutlc, S.II7II till Ollirr shalis, S.IH) CK) Hail KiKile, e fttIA H Due i,y other RanlisA 1H 1CJ 17 mill Cheeks of other Binks, 31 :il 17 bptia iii Vault, 31,011 el f 51 I.70U 01 MK) t 711 i rcu u i 3 III.1 Oi . TU -."-U 3 1 tJABILITlKS. Notes In Ciientatlnn, i'ub inner ifittiKs, line CoTTnnniiweulib, Dueiltyititois, S-Wl tllt lis I eenlfy the alore stalrment to Iw just ami true to Ilia test of tiiy kiuiwletlire ami liehef J. It. I'ltlKSTt.fclY, CasKier. Swnrii snd sulir-rit,etl ma I H J. I'ackua, Nulury I'ulilic. I Teh. e. IMIJ. ' ' AdiiilnlMlrntor's n1lrr. ' N'OTICK is heirhy privenlluit letters of mtriiiiilstntlnii Inivinir been granleit tn ttie siili.serili.r. s on t!te ea'iite of Mnrtrmi llnphia. hie nf Hliiiinoloii tutviialup. Nmtliuin berliinil r'Mintv. Pa., ifeecaser). All pets-ins luitrtitis) are rrine..e(j tn nril.e oinni-.hnte pavinenl, nnrl llmse riaving claims to present tlieni for setl'eineiit AI.VIN D tlFOHKS, I'K TKit YOS'I', Phami kin ip , Feb. 8. l0i Ot Administrators. Notice to all Persons Interested 'Pll H subscriber hereby notifies all persons in debted to him on Note or Hook account, Inico or small, that Ihey must be sellled on or More the tilth of March next, if they nieh In ssveroSts, na ihey will be placed in thu li'itnls of u Justice, fur speedy collection, after Hint date. W'M. 11. MILLKK. f'unbury, Feb. I. 186. Ct CRITTENDEN'S I'll I L A D E S I' J 1 1 A CO MM E I1CIAL C O L L I G E , N. K. C irneri.rTth aadClitsaut Slnets. Pliilr.r!, Ij.hio This liislitution. whirh was cslahlii-hcl in 1 i and is now consequently in Ihe ISlh venr of its existence, numliera ainonn its jzrailuates, huntlreds of llie most successful Mcichants and lluiness Men of our country. The object of the fnstitu'ion is solely ta afTnr.l young men facilities for thorough preparatinu fur bu-in.iss. The branches taught are, Douli 1;ec inrr, as sp. plicable to tbe various ileparlnienK of trade ; IVrr uianship. both plain and ornamental ; Commercial Law, Mathematics. Navigation, Civil Engineering. Drawing, I'lionography, and Modeern J.angua (es. The system of i'lstrurlinn ispeculairj noclas es or set lesions nre made use of, Iml em Ii ftu dent is tausbt individu ill), so that he may ciioiinciii'it nt any lime, nnd altelid whatever hours are most cnnnii. nl. t'ntnlogiies nre issued annually after the ISth of A pid. ciintiiiriing l ano s nf ihe students for the year, nnd full particulars ol terms. Vc. and mav I e obtained al any li.uc by address tig the Trinci ,.al. In extensive nccnmuidatinns. wide spread repu tation, nnd tbe lene'hy e(irriencc ifibe I'rii.ii pal, ibis Iiistiiuti in cllers f.n i'iiiea to any other in the country, f ir vmiiuii men widiing In preun;re lor bu'iiit'ss. and tn obtain ut ihe same lime a depl.nnn, w hich will prove a recominenda linn fur liiLin to any Mercantile House. C' Crittenden's t-'cries of Treatises on Rook' ICeipiii!;, now ,noro widely circulated Ihnii nnv oilier work ou the subject, arc for sale at the Cd Icdic. . HOI)f;::s CIJITCEMiLX, Alt'y at Law. l i b. N Irilia V iOiitltiKll'at iti N ,illce 'Ol'lt'Eis hereby Riven, Ihiit b iiera of nd. minvtraii n I. avion been granted lo the soli scriber, on i!,e ctate of 1-rael Chaiulierlam, tile ol NliiiuioJvin tntviijihip. Northornl-erland couti!)', deceased. All persons judi bled in said I'stnui are requested to make ituniediate in y mint, and tlinsu'linxiiig claims to present tliein fer settle lln tit. LEWIS CH AM BF.RI.AIN. Adin'r. Shamokiu Ip, .lanunry 1st, IHOtf. fil SUN1IU11 Y A C A D E M Y . Kev. P. UIZEK. A. M , intending to coo fine his p i.-tore.l latiurs loa smullor district, has arranged to take charge ol Mr. Wolver ton's Clns.-ieiil School, ui) the tiret Monday in M aicli lleXt. Terms per rj-urter to remain as a present viz : flraiiimiir. A ril'i luetic. (Jeography, Jcc. S4 III) Higher Fuel sh Ilnincbi'S, 5 0U La!iu.ii!"s. Latin, Creek, G.irmau atnl French, 7 00 Mr. Woi.vfhtoK. tbp present Principal bus It mil, emii-i'titi'd to render ussiatauce occa I y d ui inf he first quarter. IV I'atroruge is re-peetfnlly solicited. Siiiibiiiy, Junn.iry lb. 13 '2. au bi tors notTc"eT f f 11 E uni!c i sinned, having been nppeihted A udi 1 I or hv llie I Irphau' Conn ol N in th umber land Couiily, to inn lie a distriii .lion of ll e mimics in Ihe hands of (,'. (i llmd, Administrator nf Win. T. l!od, deceased ; thai the umlersi itnil Auditor w el meet at bis i.lilce, in ihe bonne,!, nf Sunburv, to if i lor in ihe duties of hi appointment, on the -I'll d.iv of March, A. 1). IH 2, when and where all parties interested mav attend it lln y see proper. HOI.OMUN'lv. S'uiilmry, Teh. I, J fid 3. Auditor. THE GREAT CAUSE Of T. "J IC j?. IT 1Z1Z-Z "Z lust I'ulilisbe.l in a Pealed Envelope; Trice f els' A I.FC'I'URK HY U11 l l. I.VERW'..1 ON'lHKCAI'sE A N ) CI'RK of Mpermator rbici. I 'iiisiinipiiiiii. Meiiiiiland physical Uebili- Iv .Nervousness. Dni'i : Iim aireil Nutrition of i the Hojy I Lassitude ; U e ikiu.s of llie LluiU and the llmk; Ii.dis nsition, and Ii.cspacity lor siiidy and Labor; IJnllness of Apprihension ; Loss of Memory ; Aversion In Society ; I, site of Solitude: Tlini.liiv ; Self Distrust; Dullness; Ilea Julie; All. 1 lions ol llie Eics ; Pimples on llie Face; luvnlunlurv Eiiiissions, and rsixnul I m 1. 1 .1 t i t ; the Const nuenti's of Youthful Iintis creii oi. tee . Ac. l" This admirub!o Lecture clearly proves that Ihe al.nve, often sell alllu ted, eips mav be removed with. nil medicine and without dangerous eingiciil opcnilioiis. and shou'd be read by every y nut li uud every mail in the Intnl. '"ent under seal, lo anv address, in a plain, sealed envelope, on ihe receipt of six cents, cr two postage, stamps, by addressing Dr. CH.Ul. J C. KLINE. I7 Howery, New York, Host (lllice llox, 4,"isiB. TO ALL WANTING FARMS. Kt.W l. PILI'.tHiM' OF VI.KLU. a iii;.Mi:nY fou iiaud t:mi;s. A Hare (ippnrlunity in tho Host Market, aud most Delightful unJ 1 1' IiI'mI Citiiiuto in the Union. Only Thirly M lea South nf Philadelphia. on a liul 10 ui; beiii u lied, feovy soil, anil lustily pruduc liva wheal lund ; KinuiiL'St the bunt in the Garden tj'.ata or New J ersey. It e'liisitt ..fjn.OOn ocrea i f OflOD land, divided Istu Furiiis of ilirlelenl Sles In sun llie iiureliusrr Fiom 'ill ai res nisi upw.inls uinl is Hid nl Ilia tatr tt I5 lo Kill I irr Mt-le .i llie l.ion tanrl, p-tyul'le nur-tnurlli ensli, and Ihe Uil.niec In qu nier-yeurly uislitliucnu, wilh leeil imcr. est, W'uhm the Uliu ol lour )eina. 'lUliSOlL, Is, ih (real sin, a Rieh i'luy Usui, stilish' for Wheati Grass and Pnliiliies also a dark Hod rieh . ill, silltu Ise fur corn, sweet pmtitocs. Iiilm -co, all kinds of vsyela. b'es and ro.. I flops, and llie finest vallelles of fiuil, taeli us (ltuirs, Pens. P. iiiles, Apricls, Neel'iluea, Pltek. hemes, Mel.iiis und oilier iruila, hesl udiiptrd to Ihe Ptnui delihiu ami Now V 'rk m o ken. In lespecl In ilia ami tuid croui laeie eun lie no misluke, as fun eautuise botli, uiul isms ata eitieeled to buy lielma ao di u.(. and linduin Ihese siati iiieiitt c irr t miller Iheieeirciuiisiuiiea unless these slAteineiiis weic enrieet, there would be lio asa in llicir bainii tiiuda. It ia considered. Tn a Hsu Kauit Suit, ia ma Usiom. (See Reporlt of H.,..i llnhjiusin, Fsq ,of His N'svv Tnhuua und the well-known spneuUun.l, Williaiu Pany of (, New Jeisey, wliitb will bs luin.siitil lu quiiers J TI1F. it! A UK FT. By ktnkinf aver th map Ike rtadar w H perceive thai it rn) iys lbs lsl assikeltu Ihe b'i'M'ii, and has direct nn. aiunlcatloii with New York anl Phila-lri'hia isrinki, i leief r.n'v t.lny iwo nsitts itvfa lha Uaw PmIufsjui tMs marlcet briars dattt the prlae that ItdrwainlnetUmis , -.... ,r. ii on, fin, a ,(, (K.lM ,t e ,0 pllt ,,,, uiiirKi i irio amie in .ruin it i Kntn. red, anil lor what tliss oiiiiu'i sells Iiu Kelt ll'e lurjlicsl ; wlnlst ftna erits i . ,i ii pun-Inter. he gets nt ilia ..wet price, .ii ';l"'i"n'i ae Sells urml nun a, liulf'ST IV .al helm, a ,e,,nvt two ,,,iee.. In I. heie Hie eille lias many tlirr ml. anuuiea tie is will, in rw .!"i'o ' ."'""Wd, of all tl,r kio.,1 i f New Knjlnnd Mi llie .Mlil.lle -lute.. II,. ,, ,, , , fri, ,,.( na 11.11. lie han nliiiiil fr hit divma service, aiiJi.lltiiB.vai,ii,(eofcivilaii.,n,anUhels utar . uirt( TIIKCI.1MATR 151' rill; Hi. niler n a,!,,! ....I Is d wlu.l n,r .ut -r rt wroiner ll.iin in the N.mli Tne ka-ation I.,,,, .,, Uiehnrnf kilnn ir, with nriher Vircinin OS lltlleh liensfitteil In Vim. lii..H 'l i.. ,i male anil its lirarine; Inline,,,... msSea II ex.rllent for nil ia .11 n.nry .lleellons. rt,, ,.Me.or (,.,ienil ilelnlnv Visi. t::zz;;f',r'''' m ,iw tO.VlAIKNCI:3 AT HAND, liil al!!u'l',e,'p 'te,i",'r''-'". Fulinnd Oysters nrepleuti- Visitors must espect, however, tu sue a new phea. HVi fir l'r:rrlj has ,jt hern utile l), fore,!,,,,, , ;1,ier M.orttllv t heinuse It Ma liien hi-l.l in lane tinelt , l irinl,,, . d,Hr( tu sell, ami Ikiih Willi.., n onlionU lueiiitiea Ihey In.d few in. dnee.i,eilt i l; ,nlr..ail l.;i. ,,:U o.K-litd lUrouth u,, iropi:ily llimsi iisu,,, ,,r i,(. t,t llH,0 a Vinton nre slimvnovi i ihe Innd in u esirince, free of expense, tii.,,1 and uppoilu'.iiy lor Ihronth lliveslliiiitmu. 'I a se who cuniif wnh a view to settle Ii lulil lirina in.ino) t i sseare tliair paivlmses, as lueatbrns are in.! lii- U up.-n renuHl The :Oesttl,i,i!r i ImrJ thn.-'s. where people have been thrown nut. i teinpliiunentoi liusniexs K.nne mile n.euns or tiuull inenme. is In mini tin anselves nt liornc. Taey can buy n pieruof land nl n small price, nnd emu m ire limn V4IICM in iinproeing ii n, id it is d ine it n,i, entam llnlepeiulenee iiniii, i I ,n. few ner.-s ill fruit tres will ni.uren eiiinioriiii.le liv nur. The Iniul itpm down to Hard lime t rices, and n'l impr0veintius eon lit niuiic al a cheaper rhlo ili-ni miy oilier lime. Tne w hole trni i . witn six mtlesfror.t on tbe Ititilrod, i beinj. l-ml,.ul wilh line mid apiieioug nvenu, n. weii n town intlieceiiire fi-imr Intsin thelowu srll nt In.m i:,0 to S.'.'ii; tw i nnd n half acre lots, nt Hill lo rflin to jn,,- Uv,, mid ii Imlfacre lots, nt fioin -0 to .Sl'iO, nnd town I 51 leel Innl by I.-.0 fe. t ntep.nt gl C p.iynlea one h ill ej'sl, nul the b-iU-iev williili a ye-.r. llUo'cl.- Umn fmnn of Iweuiv nc-res, oi in n... 1 tirs i inur ypirs' lime is gaeii. To Mil lUtiit-lurera. ll.e town 'nli no's n fin o.,, niiir of tneSllOl' niaauf.iL-iiiritiit lniv,K-s, snd oilier ntlieJra lie. it ', near I'liilmie'jiliia, me iiiriouiKlinp e- untry has a bnw'e p- pli filn n. w h .'lil'iiCB ii ud if-iiSit '1 h' s-'ttleireiir. in t tie c--in"iil sevi ri j enrs, :! be run; i.l the inntt Umiihi uI places in llie c unity, and mo,! apreenble f.-r a risidence. ll is i aenileiiileil to ii.., k n Vine nnd Fruit er'.wiiirr ciniali v. lis ll.m .-uiiiife is llie mi si prnhiab!e ui.d l):e li.- llillpteil tiliuiket. Keeiy ImIviiiOiVU nml e- ii ve nn lice for Si i: 'trs vnl lie ili'li'daeed W..I ni .ine t.'.e .ro,e-rl y o u.t pi ne Tne It ml nines tliroii.jh ut Itie e-ui.lry will be tin inK-miteir- 10 the a-tt eiueut, us it e aiipeils people to resort to m;i ir-u.lure torn !icii,,.. I.iiiko uiiir.bers nf people are purehnsed. and people who dc-'iri- the best lii-nliiin chniild visit ilia piaue at uiim. Improved lnnl is nlj i lor Mile. ' (.ninl enn bocctii with or witliuul timber. Tli- Toiiiiernl niarv,ed viiluntii-n. The ntie ii iiiijii-pu.alile W.irinntep Deeds given, clcur of a i iiiL-umtaaiii.-e, wle-ai ;he lie nty is pind. jj -ariliiig convenieii'-es at Hand l.ettiis iiiinipiy answered, and Iteports i f fto. biiisiili uud Win. Parry sent toetthtr with ilia 'V ineland liu.il1 H.'ilta m the hml 'Leave Wnlnut fleet wlinrf. Pints, delpln.i, at i o'eliick A. M , nn. I 4 I. M. (unlets tl.eie ile.ii d l.e a eli.-inue ol hour.) for Viuelnnil, on llie lilims. I.iro' Millvilie ntotio.-iil. When you Icsae tliccioant Viiivlaud rStulluu. not opei e l inriene lor K. I.AMUS, P irtrnsiter, l-'o under of the Colony, Vi.nrmnd, P O.. Cumlieiliii.d f', N. J. I . S There u T choiite i I cats nt G I'ostior. Also l.ewnreol rope's on the e irs (mill .New- Y.ns- i.el I'h ll''l dllU ti y'li.iiU.lJ. II... '.urn e V"UI bilSUiel. deatlliatluii. lu.rop.T or sin. on itoniNsoN, i t' llie .New Vi.ilc 'Jri'eine, U'.'.m tiie VINELAN ) f l.TTI.K.M EXT. 17 T!i follow, i r i nn xrn fmm tr rfprt cf .S I hi Hi.!-nf ,i, t ij , i.-ii-iiie-ii m int .V vv - tk 'rnl.miv, in rt-if e nr.-t.j V...t,.inJ. Ai I j-fiPuii van rtMii Ui'i Ii-jyrt UUll lllUILal A'ivaijtaes of Fanning iirnr home Viijclaini Ut marks upon Marl Soil La great Fertility Tho cause cf fer tility Amount of crops Produced Practical Kvidenci. ll iji r-tt inily ilt ,.f t:,f m bt rxfcimivc ft-MiN-v tr!i;. Ml :til ;i::n IrV-.-i (-.-ll i jh, Butt t,h,t;iL,- v titll'iou 1 1 if psa llt TcrMill li'TlS e ilimvi:! s-Ul'- n Ills; WCIi't'Ml (.!- fit W c I -U uta -illf (.( Ilitr u;( .'M lnm.a rij ml t' i i y ;ust dS pT tt' lln;'tlvt: u-: .V.M'li il:Bi Cltrtiftd ul Irtbi ti.L)' ' ;i lii.'.tti-j.l jfiiM iik". 'I'wv (i-;.-i n i si wi-ultl 'i-n i-'ueuvfr thi cm so t.f I'm C'ihiiituvil iViti.t'.y. The wli .le inijuiry ik;i mwriiiti dep... nl, .ii, d nil ihrmjjtJi tliciwil we l"U,,il l-v td. nccj oj u cnlcu rentn ful!.:,iiiCLi!. .-ni.i.ii'.y m Hi- I nn . imluimtd ciIl-h. re-'JH iit.iil.sii .wn.i! iii'i'iy tlmiKai-t loUi4 if nin'ifnl !u.; ' t it-li'iiit..rv l iiiiiiitiuii ; Hml l! m iinifly i l sciit'jrid h!J i hr. u ti Hie ttnil, m a v.i v- inmiixif.l lunn, innl i:i iiu-t x ici l'i'vIiii ii iij.-k: fiihi-y ii.iiiii!att'U bv uclt pi. ii, la ns tne ldiim.-i draiicii In tulliv.ilt. Mm l, in nil nt I'.iimi, liiiK lif-m uki-J In f.-ri!iize cr"ps in l-.ji.n.d !j -ii, tin; ii nn it Wiih t.iuupM-il Ity tl.y Uiliiui.; innl in rtan' u;;ii luui, -it u i.imi i t-il im cfiiu'cu uii biju ,i.u.iKie brtl nl ui iiKirp, lliul cit.i be Jjjf mul cnl- d uud r tcu i nvci lln ' li. ut. 11 w iiuil Ii in .tu Viiimib-r ihtll it lti:i-it In-, when 1' iiml n:rvJiiy u 'led tin- ugt (he i)tl1 vvfi ri lli w nirticleti Wtil hv tUtnrti up Uwil rXpotirit, iin-l traitsf'iTineJ Ij lUc uwmrr's l-e vvr.y lauv Jic fcliiiv ll.e e.1 s ! ii . il t Ti - i saiif.-J r.ur m n tt ir rxciUil with tiit: w g'tiu' i-i:ar:nMi i ;a: .11 . r le..: (-ill mrriilivt rx- fpl al H p,. :ir'..l.c...i l lil..'.;i:i 1. "f t!ie cause, niev will r.'iiii s imv 1111; llie s-.liie iiruiiLis, is 1 1, nr. ly uif iviiiicss is ilnlli..Rvl L A lew w.'fU a't ut tin qit iiity ard v.i'.u- i.f tiim laud f.f CJlt 1 Vat iuii. t'l" M liirh .,i i- t. it.c,,jj prm il Usir liihi viiit wi.s t 1 i.l.u ui 0 i; i,. Kcuikim town ttji. Ui u. ':-.-.. u ,i , 1,, 1 pun ,.ii-,: iHiim eiB!il 11. 1 rs ii 'i III I Al i -11 iii--, '1.1 Uirii; ji'.iih h, .t (",, 1 u. , urpufat- uf t bt-.k hi.. icii a f-.ihi km::, to w ik u,twf hin(-;r mM lum . l' eitu ' l! Ity ll.r it-w r:i:linar. tin wei: i thr lii ew -od n.ul obi, l-jr Mlucii t.e Luilt a Iraik a nnie und a ti ill I 'Mis'. Il-r H.i ."..ini!ird MXiri-ti 111 1 I'H . 1" the r. ud Vl lih lai, una ll k no tl 111 ui. ihe 111 II pn Ji utile. lh"iii;li in.11,1 ! on t n Jht a ia: in. U. ,1. tsjc- ni- ('..Mvnuvf I .Kit Iltr S .11 l JS Vtiilii'.i; 1-1 itl'lMifini. l,i tint he lui II -t ot-ni ilih tpi Intnl. i4 b. int 1 j Ics cr ; j i..Vr ',,r !.-! 1 (', hut jtii t!:r nre. -till tiuiel ri.'pphu; . :ll tilddr: l p .!;.;.. . ut . ne a".e wnilli t,tj t-eiiUa Uit-I.H In tin- lirtd. 1:11s seven -i i. . wi ll ul r.i.iuuie, I'lmJuetd 3wll l.el I, t !'e li 1 st en.;i was p ajt rt, tnal .k'..;iit T I li.isl.i 'I lie u. I.u. ie.s '.I ..:.!. I ., ..... .ilit.-' mil 'iy Ine ri: 1.11 esw'eie line nil. I s i r. mi l yielil l'.l lui. :uls : li'.ltl.u B I t.rnt-'J miller ne.l s.iWil 1 Lneliw lir.n. mut whs m.iv: n'HU'li yie'tl.-il li g Imsliels; and lueii me c I i' ci vfr mul Uiii.'thy, whitji; 1 i.t 1 ttcie Tiie ifiiiSizc'a iijii-.. t- ir.Lf crnjm wtrc firtt, I I'r. ui ir!i'(ii'iMa ; in t -ml 'JJi i uiuiu i'I ki.(-cf-iln )i.nif ((' j liuic i lint., .iou P untU l't-iiivi:!!! ijuaiiu ; hini 6U liushcl I ttt Klsiiit'd I jiic lm lifcii pfirrstui u,wu the cluvrr imcc it wai Ill'iW'Ctl. tllHl lllllir-U Hi Iiif Of .Mr. nit 'ii k i(i'Wiiii tin.. lino ui wueil tiuLiUien. V.-.v :ftKi iil iruu, nil iiiOkuio lua J.iiiii aa DrwtlWti. ii any ar l s" the r?intf. Al .hny iijiruu ' nn oM n'.c Jcmcy w nnu farn;er, .wi!i! nnUs a 'titli t .Mr i,; .ii', - wie iti .hMh-u-imiy KUucU Willi lliif U ptiiinitce ui 11 luiJ n t"r. , wc M",i ol tn lutjiiirtt ..j ihv- Jiiirtl unit lu'vv il vtt i,rn-tim-cil. Wc i u .nitliat i:;c I-j.U J1.1U L-ttM ttie t-;ir Lui one fj.-iii n, und l..l niTitia; 1,-U oucc, will ujc "iuit .-iJ ti- i; 1 "u! j'Unti-tl tvi'li L'l-rn " is, l.m iit.Mitirt .1 liicli, we fuiuis y V1 we aiJ I Ihlvtri'ii itiv't ; ,aiiU u i tluK r- i ; u.ti, iu ice. t; foniii'nt rt il ne liiut ; 'i-niise we huiln'l iml h-ii t i.t' u 'aiv it.. tU ii.i.'w't :lu r, nr bcicti, a. iti we wu.i'.eil llu- itu -il u't ioi tnv UufK " liu Is" e.u&(tij ti !jtt, t-jrriis, tniMwige, cucum- IhTj, lUt-'-iiS. i- , ;n.i! il Vt i p. .'tlucUVe pitlv-n f l.i.ii i t.tuns, fcH'Wu fur iiiaist-iiiij; wc wci t ;ttitu tl tiiai ;:.c Ml w; ii"t lert i vi-u un tuJt-il l- cl'ci', wim iiitti 1 led li.e tiiru, U-i'iiuiif ti.e "ii'n a. ...l l." ii ul u 1 Ueeu tij. j Viltti, UtnJ lisiU lrt'H ID ru tl .'UU -Ji l-'i;g CiC'LltjIl lu U.illtd. lattf u.l biim fl" ilif t.r:it. I itir iit-jit viKit vv I " llit f irm -if .-u!rt:w Sharp, five J unit- ii hiIi iif Al ilivi 1 1, ii lull to u n.tU cubt ui the i iiti:r.i:l, j.til .tUmt i.t ihe ffii'ie i l' iuvl.ii,J. Mr. Mijtp c niiiii t-:tv.'t'd w.-ik Itcrt- in l)ct u ii.ii r, 1 up tl CTU . ihti a. In lf" lirtit Ui. i'c yr':irn. In-1 m t il ;! t C Mf : eii unJ ui ei'tpfl thia a a in. ult well eittl aetl mnl tjiv ultd inh' auvcfui lick), wtili redur riHUirjxtle tence; h- l ji ;u ti Kiiiry uwfliii g. uli 'iil Oli li v u in-t. Mud a auttsili r' i r fit nn Uli-'fria, mid n aiauiei4!id giuuury ui.d aun.e iutr iJiiL-iMiiuiiiii;, C.'iis tleniti.e iioioi Uietoiil win cleared for tha flow ut nine it.iViiaiui ii'iv.iii..l on r'inet'1 il llie timt vri wa 1-iifA wlit'Jt, timed Willi MJ l'jut In p ,vdri -t-r di-rtf - '1 ii ih iT'D nnv be put in Jti y 4Ui, lu litiili, and yieka 'H tn IsUilu !k j t'l ucie. Ii.irvi.i-li d m i vim tr; wlieii ttie land iicin( a iweit wait );i) I ' nl' i't,uuii gUttii biid fldcil'il wuli re, yieldi-il IJ tn IAIiuthflflp r nee und ten il.'tiiua u nl h til at i :i w J tie je 'uliule luuitti. ni'ri ; kii' i kiny U" a Urj,e r.avih t'l' iuk n,.nmia, und dieirnvst HC llll Willi eUHH-t Mild htt'llfll t Wh'Ill five f t 10 llU ; i uuer p witu li he Mu ihrrahit! wli.le we were there prii)i.aed umit. u u very piump gruiu, und thu lruw I Vfiyhtuvy. We wentttver Iht- itul.tle mitl f-'und t! e c!nver d li iiklliy, iistin need a--wvil hiat tfj.riiijr, ou ius wilinii i;iir-"vviii(,l"l,in(i Hi wetliiawe cvera.iwtt tivn any .k ciiliv'.iti liifm, atnl wnliu title wm k d site tu wmiir li cl ;ir i ii i '.ne iti'M :uut ft'lu-tl aiuuii-a, uud Ki-lllug ka.ikta Ij iiiuik pcrm.Mu-iil itiit-a. he wtiH.e un p Ui rut the erp the nri un u niuw ns? "ne yc will t ti.ii.inu , t wt toiia jm i ticie, il u will tne oVcipJu tl il Ov (.iruna ihr d I ut ol th': Uiul W.H pkiitlt-d w itU (xiUilt ea ft r u j at erup, wh elt yielded Ivftt IiurIuU per i.cre. It wi ihen jniicd wtli 50 i utiirlape acre, Hutl cfctled wuli wfat and ci-tvcr yieltiii(f uu iiwi.'h:' f tvei 15 hu4itrUf.criit-retti.iJ thrcl.'Vrr now itjia.aU.iuu!ul. ther p iti n hj c hte.i pttutdl with c-rn aa tt firat crt.i, win- h yici Vd Jtt hukhfla nf yrllw Hml c-,rii, atuj Ihe ec-. tl cip4U bin lit l, au.U the iliitU iiup, ttfutrd t lOUllia offjiistii , wc uie arc lute uu Wiuiii caiuuute lel"- 4U l -atirU pel ttiTf. I The nadei wnl rec.Hecl thntthe writer ia ruiv iprak. ilif ii lund perut-Uy new, mid whit ',i run atmrel) be c-'ii-aideitd in K'Hitl u i ul ile tMiJiniti j In oihei c !aM.B, t'ie C"t". crop nl Utkt yetr win ftill.nved wilh ! thia aeuaoii, 1114 l ihrtitlivfl, bat will uveit.gtj pr 'ItuMv lun 6u hutihela Swett p -l i"r, Luuua, and in fad, ah Kriten V'rtuhlea, aa well M V"u"f P'b und ttthcr ft ml net s, pUnted llu tar, ahw very plumly I hut Ihia hM.aT-tiegl-trd tnirlif lund h -uld leiiiaiu u l-'iier und Iheiv ii nw u iiuite prttlautiiiuy I hut it will not f"r, und-r the auflt u ca i f Mr. louidia, 11 will he divided into amall axa, wi'h t"tk I "eutrd ttnircttmni. date at ihe auiveyura are m-w huay at Una W'tili ai cl all ptiri-huarri will lsJ retain re I lo huilU uettt coniftiriMbiV littufea. and either fence, which wuid ha pteferuhle, by wlm-h nienua a gtfati iv'puiaiiniiw II b-ad ored, wh will raluhliati i hun-hia at'liula, isarra.mill. niechuiiir ahojiaund h"ine h' niemf Aiiittru-an Inrmeia, auriitundfd by guideiia, ffchardi, fields ttiidoumftntfli'f nvihzd lifa. II aiione.fmm any davatisetnont nrimiineaa. if deainua f changing htipurauiu, tf, nr whn la fn in nnv eauie deal. rtua t' luui iiiiew kteaiiuiittud cheap lviii in tha tunny, and wh'nviy rfitd and Itelicva wnl we Lava Uuly auied km will du well tn $. and aeeiVr hiu aelf what uuy be fteea wiittt iw Iwfira rid ut CO f'lu!c.-lphia t0!.O.N ROBINSON Suitable for the Times ! TIIE UNRIVALLED ASSORTMENT O F FALL t "WINTER G001JS BOLD AT THE MAMMOTH STOP. E 0 F TOILING k. GItANT. Laillra' Dress (irsmls, Casslmrrea, Cloths, Saitinctls, lljts anil Caps, lioota snJ Sluts, Clothing, Hosiery, Glotes, flarjnara, Queensware, SsJJifry, Ac, Ac. c-raOcsniES risb, Salt anJ Daatrr, Iron anil rVails, DRUGS .AND MEDICINES, Paints, Oils. Glass, Tobacco, 9c;ars, Ac, to, cVc, At Prices that I?fy Competition, For Cash or Country Produce. We hso selected thrse Goods with grest care, and feel assured tiiat they are tha BEST AND CHaAPrSfk' STOCK OIF GOODS ever befuro cCurrd to Ihe iiublic. Examine for yourselves. FIMI.ING & GRANT. Sunbury. November 23. ISfil. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. I N pursuance i f an order of Ihe Or. bans' Court - nf .Niiriliumberluiiil Couiily. will becx;iose I to public sale, ut Ihe house ol EuwM T. Ui uiiilieller, 111 Ihe lioruiiith of Sunbury, on Saturday, the first duy of Manli next, the following descrilid b'eal Es'.iile, 10 wii : A certnin imct nfland, situate in Cameron tp. NorthunibL'rland county, I'a.. ailjoining mo'inlni i and oilier lund on llie i.ortli, Inn, Is of John U Hilumsn on tbe s.iuth, lamlss ol Geo. Kersttrtte on llie west, ai d lunila of l) iiol Da. rick am. mhers on tne ea t: loiiluiiiinir one hundred nnd ibiitytbric acres, mure or less; whereon are erecttil a two story (rime hone. stable. Ac. I. ale the property of Pbilip lluuki lhergcr, deceased. feule ta commence al 10 oMotk A. M. of said day. when Ihe lenns ai;d conditions of sale will be made known by GFOR'iR KEVSER, Trustee uv or.ter ot t!in Lourt. urt. -i '. Clerk. Hli2. ) John A.J Cniiiiiings, j.ul.t.iuy, eh. I, IhO GROVER & BAKLR'S First Prtuiinm SIEVING MACHINES- lOIl FAMILY USE AND I hi: 11 f a f luring PuriioNPN. W.ili Iteminers, Fellers, Tackers, Cordeis, lluiUers, Ac PRICES FI10M $40 UPWAFsDS GS.OTEP. & BASS?. SFAVING MACHINE COM PAX Y, Mitko the ,tscl or Haitlle ttilcli Mficliim-n t.l" iliu ivn MiitUTin, anil ot lln wiiim p.ifmui llicir celf.fHietJ 1UL' ULi: LOCK Si'lTCll .MatCUlM-:. 'J'liil itthti onlf Cnniiiiinv .Kut tttrtUfa lu.tii ii.-r. mc uih one inui cuu fcujipiy u Ui wm.ii v( Umiu'j- ! y P'ireliasers con take tlitir choice nf either Siitch Willi the pi 1 vi lege of exc'li'iusiOK for llie other. A new lle..fS.iulile Miielnne runs Isst and Cuitl, fol tst Waken Tailms, Slusj Bn.Ocls, Ac. At the Low Priee of $40. cy uvr TIIE I1FST a- CKCiVF-ft IIAKKK'S.S M Co. IM Chestnut Mtctl, Ph'lddelplna. H. II. Mssfta, Sunbury, Agent for the MmiU' Isetiirer. Il.een.ber 'J 1 . 1 c I 1 y PALL AND WINTCIl CLOTHING. JOSEPH SCHWEITZER, Agent 8TJNBTJBY, PA.., f I AS just received a larce assortment nf F ALL & WINTER CLtlTHING. mad. .... .,f all sixes, of ihe besi materials ai,J in (he latest ti U, fUch a 4 FROM $ fio tu f 13. A gooJ slock cf CASSIMERE CQATS. A splemlii assortment nf DRESS COATS A larga vatiaty of UUSINE83 COATS. An (irellont astortnient PANTS AND VESTS. A late supply of Mens' 1'iiJeuliiits, fivsr shins. Wliitc Mliiris, llrawera anJ a variety of other ailicles fur ineiia near tea liumetous ta mention. Persons in want nf rlothing csanot ia better than to I uv al Ihia cheap aluie. fall and aiamiiie for v ourselves srnl you will An.l It l.a...u. t S 1 I t "I'.i ti. tsti t'9 iiutL-uascu riivaiiete . - .eni-n. JllSFPIt KCHUT rip,, . . I """P1'" "t"""s.'U m ii"or o, .c mimenil Pm4 JIlSLt 11 bCHW Ll I ZER, ARellt. .MeJnil.e. In genial. Ilir..,.,;!, dl-Uual of ll.ell ,yl MarVet Kireel, nearly oiiuusilo Wcavci'a Motel I '"' 'a"'u'- 1 r' k'"'w ' ( tuilii i. 1.1 reas.11 u i.vniim.t (Sunburv. Her. 14 1 81. 1 "':' " " ,'r""v '" u ' ni'.a t,, y' 1 e,,i . reetivesli.'..M. any Bin (,ie isepnibti m. 1,1 11,. a tlal l. mt " , r 1-..1IIIIUU; I., lie lienelil nl i.lUk.S I lailOSJ I IIIK'd. l.l.rostnei.i...a,eu.l,lyi rtuHitll,,' Il,u.fl4n's Gsr. rjMm.ub.cri.,ro,IV,..,i.a,'rvie to th. K ' 'fc Win "I rsunliury antl viriniiy, 111 Tuning nii.iessi,,it tiiuiil.ty wetc eiotiii mi atet.n .lie inixinre 1 rianisa. Oru.r. I. lt at th. Central Hotel, will i '"Ti'T., f 1 'il""C"i, l si, , i.,r .1. Lu attt'nJea u s . ' "'J'"'" I"' l' uiis.ana f. i rncoui uv autiiutu tt. 1 inti nu-ni 1,1 irv 11. to. v. L...i ,. .... . , , O. KlMBAI.l.. Jsiuary 18, I8fi3 i 1)I.ANK Parch men. Panrr lieeds and blank J Mortgages, ISoi.da, EnouUolia, fuuiiutMis, It , for sale b II Tl. M AS.KK. I 11 ' .. ... n .v-.-r.rv. NEW YOIUC LINKS- THKCAMnKN A AMIIOV AND I'llll.AM.l.rnU AM) TltKNTON RAll.ItOAD CO.'S I.I.NKn, From rMwldiMa to sYew lurk und Way I'lacer. rr.-n Vai,..t Pl-ret lu rT nlrl KpiisiiiJV'II Dr"l Pliiluilelpliiii, w ill leuirs as slows, via aa, At 8 A ,l . '. ia Ciiiiiil, n ami AiuLo) C A Acrom. . At A M, vi.i Cit-.sI.m nu t J;-.t, y City New Jer. Se III' Hlilliinlitl -11, a At t'l A M, via Cuiiidiu anrl Jersey city Mnriiiiig .'iml, 3 00 At l'!J I' M, via Kenali-stnn am1 .'eissr city, ' lent l-'upirts, " 3 At i!l I' Al via Cion-len si 1 Aml -v. n-n irm'-rt'iHon Al i ,M, via (.'uir. lcii nnd Am'.i )' t out A. Ka IliCS, Atoj I ,l, vlT Keiuinjt"ii, anJ Jersey cily, Kva. III! 2 I ..MM. 3 VII 3 OU At 4 I' M, nn Kensiiijioii ai,J Jirny city, 8il '.'IlISS Tiefcet. !l H At 0 P ,M, siii Liiti.'lei, Jrrs.'V rity Kvriiini Mail 3 HI AMI!' M, via l i m.i.n n .MfTsi-j ,-ny-rV ulli Mail 11 5 At a I' .M. via C ne .leii Anilsij Aniiiiiiii'Sli. linn, (r'lelir'.'t :i!.J I'aiirneer,) 1st cl.vss Inset, 31 4.1 I Ml The l. M. Mail Line ran Hai.y. '1 !:o II Poaihern. Mini SiOiinliiys eiei j.lLtl. I'm 1'tK nn re I'.isif.n Flemil'irl'iri, ..! 7 Id A M., fnim Wat iiut street vs lirtrf nnd lr' I' M , I'r.nn Ki e'llii'm. I' nr Muni'li i.'l.j.ik . Mi. etiiwii innl Uet ulelicm, at 0, A M. viii I.e' ic'l ViilU v Kiilp i'it Tut V..ti. l,n;i, tsir.MnMsirf, Scriit'in, Wiilcestinrre, M-iiiirnsa, fireiii l.'nft. i.t 7 1U A M, via Delnwsia, Li.ehiiwi'iiiia innl 'eslirn Itiiitr'.!'.!1 I'm r'Ti'elii.l.i. at tl A. M. mul P M- Jul ,M .unt Hull), in i A M., sml'J, P.M. WAV I.l.NErt, Vnr, T'enlnn, Ae , nl 7 III anil P A M.. 5f, 8 Iti ninl 1 1 P M iri-iii Keiisii.jton miU P Al fri m Wai Inlt H ieel Vh',tt'. pnil'.iiMirii. Uiverl m, Delmen, C .verlv. Tlnrtifti n, Fl', li .r .Iniinwn, ,xe . t.l ITJ, 1, 5 lil"t Jj P. M tsieiiml I 'Irnni'ii.f. r P., r,lei.l"V.'ti. nril inleiuieiliitto )'ie.', ui H p fr.,in Wah" i siieel Wlmrf. tt V T 'ew V.irk.a.m 'V l.i-iep lerivmp Kei'si-'C-t'M Deji-.l. lake ''ii. ins mi piilli slreel, ulsive Wsiinit, li:i:f ii i li-'Ur hei' it -(virliire. ' run inln t lit: Uo p 'I. mul nn iiMivnl nl nieli Trliiii, run llie l'i(t p-iiiiuls ..I lln:-2nae en y. u'l-'v.'.-it eii Ii pssscner, I .e.s,.ik;ei B nr .,.iiul teil fr.iln ti.k e'lT Hl: .hliii( as I.S". ;:ie i,u: ,,. w-ht e ns-j-nrel A1. P.irL'i'ce over fii'ly . 111. 1.1:1 t . lie nil. ,t fer e.Mr.l. 'I'-.e C."!.:...!) linnt tlieir ri re-iii Ii.Im v burguce In (.'lie ii 'l.:n tier te.e.ul.nii.l wii, it. il lie lin:u nn n:i iner-ii'it tiey.iiid li.U Dnll.iif, ex ee t l. H ei-::,i e'ltne W,M ll. 0 r.MF.K Airsnt C. .V A. It R Co Nov- 0, :nl. IHZ LATEST STYLE OF SPRING AND SUMMER GARMENTS, Ana consTx.r:Ti.Y mazji: at (tie Fashionnb!3 Taljc-rinj Estatlishnicrt JACOE 6. BECK, CaiiK snbai'ribir lias just m'ivnl ami cpnil -2- a 1.1-e.e .il'iiHit ."'I'KilMi ANU fc'j'M' M H I! tiOUl''. such ns CLOTHS, OF EVERY HKsi.'IMt'TION A i.JL'AT.ITY. Plain nr.d Fancy Ca'dTTieres. Vcstir.fjs, &o. of the latent si Irs. In n 1 :ii.i..p to bis smcli Ii9 is cor.stamlv recriviris m v. unj'j lies Irnm Ihe i ity kei in" a l'i 11 .iv. nti.i.'nt nf tl.e most inbstantiat mitt iiJi si st;, I.- rf ll.j'els t!:e etty marsoin. lie jt pre pan 1 tu m.i'.c to r.-i'..'r all Litids of Ol lilli'lllCtl's :,I'-! B -v'.H ".'e:!'-. .::"! -.s DKKs.- t:siATs. ! Ki-f'K.t.'i i'V. .NEc'S-CO.VTs. VKs'l's 1WNTA. I.OON. Ac. ,.-,-. of iha very latent ft-.!.., ii'ii in the nvjal snbstsn tiat i.'.a'.itier, nt sl.orl r. 'tire. AllV ;.n.Js not On hind, will bo. f.ln;i.''.iC J from ri.'il:nli'!iir.i.i, by j;niiis tivn 's Iintitc. tV tnli an,! examine my sjlovi, no ciiii.'a rnaJe lor showing. J.f.'OU 0. BECK. Sunhiirv, May 1 1, 1 ''!. ASOLHEK ARRIVAL Of- H i 1 1 i n e r y Goods at :h': nl' IrllatarK B. !lilS.I,K. Stnipti.i.'s llui!i!ii ir, .Miiiket St MM I? V, Pit r I 'II 1 1 pu!.;ie ti e to tn!! nn I t-. t.uit f .!'sir 1 nerv 11. ...lis ill,-! ...i,.!.-..,! S'leh ll I. I I. s' ilies- urn uiei i'lniiiv:, ;.iu I llie idlest e',' vs. Fries, L-.i'.-b-' m ives. u-.f.-. Fl W'vits. r.'i.l MiMinrv K is .M Tl Ai.A!'.U. l-ria.-.-i- n. Iif Hi I jit imy Hl tf. We liitf.d i'i ist-!! !;iv, cn!l.i::d ex a. Sun'.':"y. Oct .tr !'. I--C;. ei iins, Notiins, 11, VU ..1 t.'iu Litst innn. rrtpiS rule s'O' lr. 1. 1.. sii!i-j.i;rt ITew I-liilinery Goods. vis .tj. i.. (,t.iif.r.ii, Fatcn Slrfft.tirn .,..r ;:i.ii nf ti,t S!if:m.j!.tr, i'ulh;, .V ',. ,-,' J.iil Ihnd. SUNBtTr. Y, PENU'A., I r.? I t-.i ! 1-I l.l, i. li.rms the rill 'tis uf K'MU'KV :.r.J si. i-iitv. that s'le lias jus, :.ii rcceivetl from i'i.iinU'ijiliiii a Inrrn a..J s.' I. assortment of tl.o inns inrunrahle stvlft f f FALL AKD WIITTJZ; COCrS, rr.nirimg of ZJ2 c '2 &a , HATs, I CAriiLli-:. Fl OV. TKS, TRIM- Ml.(Js-c. ivhtrli sli,- is si 'I inj; at t'le most return?! lo I'tirt-a Vf '"i" .'",'J "3 ",'i'r'r'mn 71 ,ri sll'li'siUJ i.-Ji.iL VLiA;.5':'j 'In ivlii'.h shn iliio-t,- the atiinlion ct'lhe Icihes antl 111. lies ail to mil .n,. ce lln in. 'J'lnn.kUil lor pat yu.i. 0, she hor-es l-v kctj in a In Ust nimitiiH'i'.t ui ituulii! j:;cai to 0"nl;ni.o tint sliiiij. S'unbui), I'c! i.or 0, lCt.-- Sin S. 2 CrOTlWALS, COMMISSI U.N' M E i: C li A N T .Vo. b'2 .-'j,nmj (.'nri!ei Strut. V.;'. : .' .Y'ltrj 1 ) IIM'l'.C TI L I.I.V s lif t, e .1 .- in s t 1" u.l k ; Ik "If ..11 It j I l.i.l'i-, i-XTI 1 llll,,'-. ';.,ur. ,'. . lit .1. c li w . .1 ,n ll,. t i-f , 11 leu aiens.t.- Kvt ..I fi ., aillM'IVISI lie ll-.S iiii:-'- . InSiltSl tn.nst 1 j ; t,-cs ., r , , . I.. eti,t.t.. s;, v. . i,- ..ut 1 : U.S.. .1.-1 M.. s I r ..1,'.,. Eatirely Vcgtt: ble. No Alcoholic Prcpa r T."-'".T swat. VWj m. ciai:mt.'i j;:t GEUMAN JilTTEKS. lilt. JAtKSO.s Jt TO, I'liitaditiililn, Tesiira. ill tlUctual.y C14 d Liver C . 1 11 j l i 1 f , I'vspii,. Mil, .ljunui..e, t or. mc ir liitt'ase .'I tl.u L'ok.i ys ami . eivoui 1. iii, u.i J nj.-i't uri.-i:.ii Iri'Mi 11 tlioiilt-r. ti L:rr or Mlntn.ii-lt, SneVis I". 1'ii. Inwar.l I il.-s, l innt or P.lo.'d Iii the ll.l. A. ti .r ,.1 in.- to .. ;.. N.iumm, llt'i.rll uiit. imp .t.1 i.-r I tl, I u-i ft "i it'll in 1I.1. v 11 ,, I ?..ii I t-.iurluli.'ii, ..kl -j M tiUK-il, SiVllU'l."lltt t-l 1 lilt I'l.i.-i., 1-Ii;lts il. . t- 1 T in;e 1 ia llie I'u ltd 11 li rli'u.l? Ii ;!f iU, , S S'-m-si 1,1 ot t-.ttii-if , l'1'i.'.r-a .-I V. hi.-11, 1 u h! U'.i l i' uu it- 11.,.. ;i vt ...' 1 1 u.e t-k hi fi'ltt- il Mil W lir;i ill .1 !; n. p t' V. 1 I t .talh-V i.'il, I' lien.', tl' tr u-i c t-I .n, ut d vr, l .'in i'. ti...- Si u , J.uv lk. t. li t'li i.:n.!'. .V. , u.t. lift I t mIU I'I Hi it, IttUHIlg til the rit-il'. (' "ltM:.,u In, liL.tiiiZa-'l evil fi'l 1" ' !- 11 ( 5r!r:t8a lii-d wi'l I :-ii,uiy prtvt-tt jLL.Ll.t i t.M-il. bli.lUl : fk, 1 VUli Ac. j 'i ie TitiiMM't i lit e;i".ii 4 tite ri'sai:li'rt of tli j o'-!:.. : i j lli. ,"f t.l..!:i'i(. u i t, 1 , l! ii u I K eUt.f- . tlfj uu- , aji L 1 li-l . t- 111 I V rlii-n a :t, liic J W iUl'll .1 II IH - ll'lllf .!l I j ll ia ii-J liUV -ll nl utti.if t!i-1 hi fl u iu cl .' t ''nr. ii-l . i... j ut r.isttn hna n. 1 pie. anil Hair) utattn .alaj'e tn. .(ij.:,iti,'. .... ; ire.i i!...i,as'aiil. 'I I.e i.-sitni-uiv in 1'. I'iv r giveu t. Ine tin.! -i--in. i.e .1 iin.l ....... ki'i.v,t J nt,i,-.ji.k .. .I o H. . ti l.nils in all .niai i li.i . t .ittv ,s t., t...-,-av , uml :, i-.n.-. , fu!. i'( ' 't.e Aiiirinm.i ul,!.t.J a......lh Li" ll.e nf-. I innl'.rs, nul l... 1,0 alu... toil i f .!. r '.au'li.u, Co.. it-ul l.i,.,-. t' 0 Ati.t-rn i-i 1.... 11..1 inn s.nisi ine 11.. .t si,r..l.iv. Hint tin. n-ii.., ia 4esl.y tlestivinu t... .- ..ii if'.-iiuty 11 I,,.. ,. , I From J. Newiou Uiotvn. li V , l.miiir , i"ilit Knevcljne- I tx.u ,.1 t: ..1... .... . U . 1 m: u I tu-. l. lin;t'i. atsl,l U.: vb liullu of tlt.e in,, ters, al ll.e litnt'.uiua t.f ih lueswtl ear. ut 1'. II. s hy en.'.eni it ii. 1. u,ai rest, .jiimt t0 a tliyna f fcnlilr an t rneinsl Htm hn-h I hint a it uu f..r in miKa Is ist autl atinoM it, -,-x.lrelt repsinina. th.ri-rfrvaT Ctsl a i l my ine,,.) u siru.tiu ms n 1'isuaa.s' ihrii I 'sisal's Jam 0). lrl. 1 M'.iVr.A 1,-." .1 ; , . , v -- m