'Miscellaneous. THE Ml ERIC A IT. iJAJ.ttl WASHINGTON. Wasuisot.iN. Feb. 17. Tho War Department to tiny received, by cx ptos, a mi ml er of rew-i"n (Dit". trophic of icloiv lit Mill jrii g n i.-l Fort Henry. '1 lip Secretary i f Ihe Navy sent congratulatory lft era to Ccrrmodore Kooie and one lo Commo l..tc ;i..l,lormh. The ollicrrs mil n'rn under l! fir rcrp. rli M command ire iln cnnil liineiilcd f.ir tlu-ir heroic aehiiveiiieril. and M r iirinuiil iiiR great and almost insuperable dillicu lie Wlnle ihc heaiis and wishes of ilio nail m hive been with them lliMuuh tlie long trials they have f nd'irc d, moot sincerely the Sccrctarv say, do we TrJ.iirf with you in the successes which you have obtained. Yesterday ttie military ttrijruih, the lines of the American 'J'flrgi a.li Company and those of tlie Western Union Company were com ertcd with lln headquarter nf Mnj.r General McClcl. Inn. ami put in iliin t connniiiiicaiion withGciier nl ltiii'11 at Louisville, ticneral Hulleck at Si. L-uis. mid Commodore Foote at Caiio. Ily arraniTMif lit llie message of the General in-chief to each commander were repented at ihe F.imo time to the others. The distance lraverrd liv the electric fluid at -ne writing was over 1300 mile. The romiminicaiiiMi was maintained from !l o'clock in the) mornim; till f n'il nk in the eve ning with llie promptness of a personal interview ti litl t:ot only Rave entire satii-farlioli hut culled forth the warmly expressed admiration of the dis till 2 uishtd coi respondent 'Honor follow sw ill on 1 1 ic i'.erla of victory." Immediately on the receipt of Ihe Ulegraptiic lieu announcing the rapture of Fort Dnnels-ori, Ihe l;ecretarv ot War sent the name of Gene ml Grant to iho President for nomination to the Senate ai Major General, a a reward for his gallant services, Vn Dnp.inTwr.sr, ) Washim-lon, Feb. Ul. 166J. J To Uripadier General F. V. Lander. Trie President direct nie to say thai he has ob served Willi pleasure Ihe activity and enterprise rnaniicatcd bv yourself and ihe eli'ners and the atihiiers of your command. Von huvc shown how much may be done in the wor.t weather and worst road of a spoiled ol'hcer. at the head of small forco of brave men, unwilling lo waste life in ramp when tho enemies oflheir country aro within resell. Your brilliant success is a happy prcaaire of what may he expected when ihe army of the Potomac shall be It. u to tlie field by tbt'ir gallant general Euw-i M. Stistox, cicrclary of War. l..'-.4.vls I I Y iditprial cotmi-rsposnj.KtE. Ivnr.nK4TtONAt, llnTF.t, Na-ff York, Feb. 18, 1802. j Sine the fall of Fort Sumter there) neer a to much wild rii cilempnt and anxiety for lleTii 01 jplerday. Rumora had been tela graphed of tlia aorrender nf Fort Dotiolson on Saturday night and on Sunday ; but no thing BttlheDtiu wna heard udtil jcslerday about noon. About five in the tifternonn I wag ninndfrir on tho step of tba Aftor IloHe, waiting with hondnda of t.tr.ers fo tba third -edition of the Port. When the papera came the news agent, who had hie stand near the atepa, covered witb canvas to protect himieW from the etcrm of sleet and nnw then raging, found himself aurroutided with en eager crowd, each one rnchtng past the othr to get the new. The rejalt waa, hats were lost, coats half torn off, and the Caijvass cover itself waa entirely dcmolit-hpd in the struggle each one cunin rut with a paper crnnched np in hit hand, tome ol thetn I torn almo?t tn piecea. With one of the hal1 j torn sheets I jumped into one of the Third i-?fv,.. 17,. p n .mi liv.r . lee- I Aveote streetcars, which leave evory two 8UNBURY, f A. SATURDAY. PEBSUARY 22, 1SG2. II. B. MASSED, Editor and Proprietor CJT Foil Sai.k, a icolarahip io I'ryant & Slrattou'a Fbiludclpbia Commercial College, on leBsonable terms. CJS" The liHtwick Guzttlt! bus passeJ iutn tbe bunds of James IS. Sunder.", lute editor and proprietor of the lnvillu InhlttQtnctr Aleni JJ. Tale retiring. WAR FOR THE UNION. TERRIBLE BATTLE AT FORT DONELSON. THE KIQIIT FORT CAPTURED 1 THK Gen. RKBKLS R FIN FORCED FROM BOWMNtj URKKN. r.ttell on liia Wny to Reinforce Ccn. Grant with Twenty Thousand Men. THE MORTAll BOATS TO TAKE PART. lure od the "Ktitiibsrdnicut ot Foit llojal S. (.'.. BDd the Sooibern Rebellion,"' in Lutheran Uhtirch, on Monday evening next Mr. lt ir was Chaplain of the 70 1 b N. Y Regiment, am) was present at the bombard ment, and is fully uble tu give a cornet and highly iotereftiiig account nf all that occurred- Wc advise nil who tb-sire to heur a good b e" tnr to go and bear bitn. See advertisumeut iu another column. THE BLACK FI.AC) flAHplM Ci'mpkiilakd Rivr.n. KKAU Fopt DoNEf.aON, ) February 15tb, A.M. J The details of the firtu daj'a engogement has been telegraphed real. The firing commenced again at daybreiik on Friday, and continued at intervals all day lorn?. I'n '.o four o'clock In the afternoon, no wiovcment of assault by the lund fmccs bad been made. On Ihe nifht before lat an ntterr.pt waa marin by the Rohels to take Taylor's Haltery of I.iebf A'rtillrry. hot they wr repulin-d by ,i. t i i ti ' I wn I'pdrrn fpitmer, I n and oriven hr.ck i ' lo" j'ncf-1-ni.'frB Romp nnniH, dii'.i urniij un - - - - - - - ... .. iii . . ia I beyond their entrenchments. Our Iom in rU,.,M,vU .,,. ,,n,,.-ra ) inn i j ; .,,,, wn (,rn,if!pr,, bt not more than the pupersj it bar become a necessary ihr.-e or four were dant-rroiiily hurt inent. if pot to sustain life, to add nl InaSt to Six gotiboala arriced yesterday'. erd com its enjnyment", so much po thai the ah?ence j mere,.,! an httnk on the fort at l,. F. M. ; I pe llrmir wii riy iiijimi mimi s-vprr. boo ! Inaipft an tinn'r and twenty miniiies. Viht-n our minr.lca. They wero junmed full, most o of light and beat would be ii!mol as endura ble us the ubsenee; nl that great luminary or I modern tniiep the I reps, in r.nKiiitiii in- I'ress is sometimes r'eeignnted us the thiril power; in this country it is unquestionably the first. No monarch ever wielded as much real power as llie Frefs in this great city Its numerous steam prefses, ruining Uxrtnswiv of l-'titi: IVmr. At Hear Iiiilge, tw,7 niih a above Port Carbon, ihia Couniy, on Tue'iv morninc lst, betivcrii 7 and 8 o'clock, five tnen named Hich.ird Dossnt, a resident of Hear Hideo. ; Thomas 0nii, of Port ('.irhon ; Janie HiL'in", of Port Cirhin ; illinm Kiiz Chuileii. nf Hear Ridee, and Matthew Kilh, of Hear liide. er.ter..J the ol.l mines formerly work ed by .lumen Henry, for tbe pi'.rpoai of eecurina u d im in llie gangway, conslructeil to prevent the rvii-ii-'ioii of a tiro in tbe works .vhich coinmeuced about a year pince, and which hns been burninq ver hucc. Tho irr.nicdiate object oflhia. is to r-rvvcr a iiuaniily of i'oii vtbidi h.ia been liiiii i-i tlir iv.irl,!. ihi'e they were a', atidoned. Ahont o'llork while the men were working in the giiieway, a tearful cxih'oii of Pie dimp look J-I.I1C, I i'ii;,5 Docgat, and erriouiily buriiiiic all tl-c tf-t, l':-7. ("barlea ihewiost. '1'brce of the imfoi lunate men, llianius, Fin Char!cs an I K1I.-I1, siicci 'li -.l in foroinj; tl.eir way from the mine lo llie su'lUec, i.lier ihc explosion, leavinit Uann and the brdy of U-.vgiit behind. Several epb"i jus took pbue during ihe day, rendering the ellorts of the workmen to rescoe fJann, e.vci eibnijly InzarJou and dangerous After aeverul attempt to pene trate to where be l".y, each time being driven hack once they were within a few yards ol him the men finally rescued him, ahotii 7 o'cl.-bk Oil "F. C. V." is respectfully informed that we do cut publish any commtioiciitiou unless accompanied with tbe uulbnr's name j alone. in full. lf"F. ('. WV'defirc; ua to publish bis vutuuble conirnotiication, as we buvu no j aiol afiernoon. its teeming ionies by the mil doubt be desires to become a luminary 10 the ; iioii, filled with intelligence by telegraph, for literary world, wo would ask of hint tho favor to cull at this I'ffico and correct bis manu script, aD il is neither Fnglit-h nor (jertmin, and inform us whether he really intends it for 1 -ilticr tnnhsh ZUUn" or our German paper, so that we can inform the editor, who is now absent. prtnboftlp f.-'l bnel Tbe 'our ironcld boaia went within three hundred yards of the fort, and n'l of the j pri'-inv's river puns except six wero either dipoiotinle.-t or s i- neet'. The fi.iJt shot fired from t!i I .ouisville cis-m-ointed the R-hel's L'S- pun niter. The I,onivil!e riCeic it (l.rty seven shots. 11 r.:nM ;.. t,..,l.,.u!i nu-.riiieiF I two of which took effect, one Finking lb STMi'mnro 01 ner in c, inn papniiu inron;;n the tonclb of the boiit. killing three mi n and hri .k-incr tier 1 1 which thousands of dollar? are opxeniteo o.mj the pilot liouse hy these greet entities of Uoowli'dge mid ler rnp 11 short distance from I he ropo ivus iiiamigpn I y (jodey's Lady's Hook for March is one of the best cumbers issued, and is Hot excel led in eugrtivinos, ic , by any other Maga zioe published. Price only $H per annum. (HJ 1 1 At.r I'oLt.ARs fje siiii.lies ofgiuuine halves have been counterfeited, and arc in circubtioti. CaJ A Conokiit. Messrs Steel & Uucher wi l uivu u concert in the Court House, in this place, on Wednesday evening, March A. for tbe bent-fit of the families nfotir volunteers who ure now doing good service for their country. As the proceeds are to be applied t a worthy objict, we hepe tbe hoU-'U will be tilled. C-ItV Tub tit.oiiiois Waii Nkws W have devoted our columns Ibis week almost exclu sivuly to tbe details of the glorious news from tho scut ol war. Oo lund an I water tbe re bels have received blow upon blow. On our I'ueaday eveniiiR, be having lain about ten hoiira ooiside will be found the particulars of tbe in a woimdrd condition, (.'aim rajs that nftir the explnnion be threw himself in' o a pool of walcr, and covered hi bead with !onea. in which capture of Roanoke liiaud by Ueu Duroside . and ;ti oar news columns will be found the position be laid nnt'Nie waa rescued. Thia plan I glorious news of tbe capture or i'ort 1'ooel i;uestioiiahlv, saved bis life. His head was much 1 g00 j3 West Tennessee. We Cac rtly refer swollen and inutihited. All the wounded aie ;:i a f-iir way ' re-nery. i'.inp.il leaves a larpe fmiily in destitute circumfanei-s. Too much rraife car.'tot ' e a'vanled to Hie workmen w ho at t.ie imi-o-iii rink of thi ir lives, perserved until they rcpcued l.'ann. Theirs was an exhibition ot fruc coerge. Minem Jnurn-il. C?" Hon. iiiMos Camkkc.v, paid oar town a visit Ui-t wtfk on hie return from up thn Wiist Hrancb. Tba Lewifburg Chronicle, iu noticing bis visit to that place, says : "(Jen. tliinou CauieroD, h is been on a visit tu bis parents' graves, and bis only remain ing brother's borne, iu Luwisburg, enjoying the scenery of the Vc9t Uraticb. (familiar to bis boyhood's memory) previous to bis con leuiplated .Mi-sioil to the proudest Monarchy i f ttie 0;d WurlJ. 1'is health seems to be very good, an I be enj.iya his reloaao from crushing cares, vexations, and resp.iiisibtlities. ''Smith hi n men ri'iV'i.i in tusiues f lit shall .sdi li jure King." I bis passage was our readers to the details wo have given, urn! exhort ull to ' thank Corf uid lule courage." It wil! no do';' t be regretted by ull that the thief and traitor Flmjl was not la keo at Fort Dooelson. l'bc cowardly villuiu ran aw.iy in the ulg'ut, without the koowlcdgo of b:s commander. We hope a j'ist and righteous relnbutioo will yet ovettuke tbe bccuiiiirel. OlR Navv, that was tbe pride of the war of 1812, bas lost in Ibis war nothing of its aocieoi reuowu. Dupont, Foote, String bam, end Iiurnside are names that will bo transmitted to bit tory with those of Lawrence Feiry, Hull, and Oaiobndge. If tbe Euro peao Powers should ever iuteifere in favor ol ibe unholy rebellion that bas atteoipted tho destruction of our (jOYcrcir.eLt, we shall look illu.-trited when the printer Fniiikl.n w3 : tj the Navy to maintain the freedom of the cho'en. in the dork days of thn Revolution, seas, and carry tbe Flag of tbe Union r. ..V., On I I., nil if I'.inCfl It id llfltill I fcrnU to mind irj ihe election of Printer i Iriumpli through the contest. Cjtnaron, in ils present troubles, to represent cur now great Naiiuii at the Court of Res s;n, J!olb feii-inada iren, of few eaily ud taiiUgo?, Ii-.:t wiiU tiiiurijed praoticul com mon sense, end experience 11. ay tLi latter return, ia Luuorui uud as succeialul us the former !'' CJ" The Ladies' Aid Society of SuDbury ac'ui)3Hltnoe tba receipt of the following donations since last report : M I7TKN8 : Miss Mary liiyr-rs, 1 pair, yarn by Mr. Finoey. M i3 A nthoi y 1 pair, Mrs. Wilson Mrs II. Campbell 1 psir, Miss lluiiio Haas 1 pair, " Miss Celia I'eale 1 pair, " Mts A. H (,'lenints 1 pair" M ias S. A. Hhindul 1 " " Miss Msriuda Covert 1 " " Mi-s LvSS'e Peale I " " Mrs. Amelia Smith 1 " M'js K'nte UUcli 1 " " Misi Anthony 1 " " Miss Lonisi Fisher I " " Miss V.. Potinel I " Miss M. A. Fisher 2 " " Mis Mrv Masscr 1 " " Mrs. M. lliilingtoti 1 " " Mis Mary li j c-rs 1 " " Mrs. Agues Wren 1 " " BrofKiNOS : M rs. IT. O.impliell L pair, Mrs. M . liiMington i " " M iss Megg:e Lionnul I " " Mii.d Mary bouoel 1 " " Mrs. llellja 1 " Mrs. II. K. Cement 1 " M:ss It. A. Cieineuls 1 M rs. lowrt 1 Miss F. F. Ionnel 1 tV Thk WkitmimsIKr Kkvibw. The January number of this old and popular Ma gazine, cow 00 our table, commences a new volume, and this i therefore tbe time to sub scribe. Tbe Dumber before us is fully up to ibe standard, and contains much interesting reading matter, among which is a lengthy article oil ' The Americau ISelligerents ; or tbe Rights oT Neulia's" Tbe enterprising re-publishers, Messrs. L. Scott i- Co., No. 54 tin'd Street, New York, offer this and the lbri-0 other R -views thu London QuurUrlj' bv self, i luB L iiuburgh JUrUw aud tbe A'ui7i liiitult .'erietr 00 tbe lolloaing 'J'erjh : Ir ann. For any one cf tho four Reviews, 11 00 For uuy two of tho lour Reviews, ft bit For any three o( the four lli-vitws, 7 0U For all four of tbo Reviews, 8 W lay Society 11 hv sill Mr. Finney. 11 .1 Focker power. In enterprise, energy, ability and resource!-., the Ne w York Press, as body, is oot 1 quailed by any in tbe world. Tbo series nl vutotiis uchieved by our gull.iot soldiers over the rebels, in every lute battle, bas already bad a most cheering elTi-ct on nil the business prospects ol life. Many of the more moderate and intelligent rebel leaders are themselves heginnir.g to tee lout the rul- and riot of rebel. loin is nearly at its end. M r. Faulkner, of Virginia, lute Minis, ter to France, has already prcrbiimcd it a failure, and advises bis friends to make the best terms they can. The rebels have learned one lesson Unit will he invaluable to them, if 1 not profitable to us ; and that is the delusion that one Southern niun is iqiil to three Northerners in cutirago aud cupacity for tiahliiig. Tbey need r.o loncer talk ahc.ul dying in the ' lust ditch." Fb jd n 1. J Pillow will never dig 0 ditch for their own interment if tbey cau help it. Oeutral Filluw, at I.1M1 will profit by his experience in the Mexican war, and keep on tbe "right side" of tbe dilc-b, so that be Can run when it is not agreeable to Gtiht. Uut of ail the modem would he heroes, Done are so excessively lumpnoued by tbe Press and the people, as Ki-Secretnry Floyd, who, when be found bis position such that he could steal nothing eUe, resolved t0 "steal a march," and ran from tbe field Of batllo witb his Legion, leaving b'S fellow soldiers to their fute. ronr" Innocent Floyd !'' is there no one to tlep forward and shield him from obloquy and eternal icfumy iu Ibis, bis hour of adversity, when his own friends and fellow traitors heap curse-! on him for bis cowardice and treocbery ? lie bas surely done nothing tout should detract from bis former high etandiug us tbe author und originator of the most ttupetiiious I'rnnds end J treachery to bis country that the world ever witn-'-ssed. ul let hi 10 go, and, as a cotenT- ! porary &uys, if be can live upon such corning let him live until justice brings bis neck acquainted with hemp. May bis In els s t : 1 ' farther protect him from a soldier's death, Tbe capture ol Foil iJoi.elfoii, with fifteen ibousanJ Rebel troops, u:ll their best (ierieruln, together with uu itnnicnse amount of military stores and seige cutis, has t iken all by surpriFe. We did expect to tuke tbe position, the stores and the guns, I ut we did not expect to to entrap the ! hulk of the lii'iil army, an tu preu-nl tin ir run ning away, in which practice they have grown so adept at alutot to defy prevention. The thief Floyd, with Home five thousand men, have cca id, primp lo Cluikesi i,le. '1'bis is a town in tba northern ptrt of Tennes see, on the Cumberland liver, twenty five miles cast of Fort IJonelson, and through which paiors Ihc railroad whieh enniiects Howling tlietii with Mem) bis. Upon the evacuation of Howling (irceii, tbe rebel troops at that point were dis patched bv Ihia railroad towards Fort l-lunel.-oo. ia Ciarkesi ille, bel'ore ll.C fiuul ab iiuluninf nt of j Howling (iieen wan known. Counuodoie Foote The above is gleaned from statements made by get'll men who were aboard tbe bl. I. "ins during the engagement. LaTKH A gentleman who left Foil Dnnelnon Vesterdaf afiernoon, ot 3 o'clock, and reached here at r.oon to-day, says that the tight had bean going on all day yesterday. The right wing of the eoeitiy'i fortifications was takeu, and the Stars aud Slfipei were waving river them, Tbe forces were breast to breaBt, apd tbe fjuht was to be renewed. Caiko, Feb 1C The steamer Minnehaha arrived here finm Fort Dom lson, having left tho Fort at ft o'clock last evening, bringing a military mail and desputcbes, and lf0 of tbe wniim hi! to tin. hnsDilsl at I anucolt. The fight commenced on Thursday and was continued ou Friday and Saturday. Tbe fight during the latter day was desperate. Tbe Illinois Eighteenth Regiment suffered severely, aud the Iowa Ninth sustained con siderable loss. Swarlz's battery which was token by tbo enemy, was recaptured by our men. Two Colonels wero wounded and two killed. The loss is heavy on both sides. The upper Tort wus tuken at four o'clock, and the Union (lag oow fioMS over it. j Our troops behaved with great gallantry. I ba gunboats bt. I.ouis, Louisville atiu 1 Filtshntc were disabled. I The Minnehaha met ibe mortar boats at! I'u.luci.h goiiiki up. THK OFFICIAL DESPATCHES. St. Louis, Feb. 1G. Despatches received at head quarteis say that all tbe cunbonts are pretty effectually di itiled, except one Commo'lore Foote was wotioded twice, but pot f il illv I'he upper rrdoiiht t-iken by onr tropps, coniniands Fort Ponelahit, and (Jn. (Jtaiit tvleraphs that he would be able to cupiuie that Fort to-dny. Sotulr.y. OFFICIAL DISPATCH FROM COM FOOTE. W ashiS'iton, Feb. 1C. The following despatch was this morning received at thu Navy Deptirtmeot, from Flug Oilicer Foote : U. S. FunSitir St Lou id, ") Nkaii FllHT DliaKI.SO!( f via Pahu-aii. Feb. l.'i. lt-f,2. j Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy : ! made an attack on belt lioiielson. yi-ner Oenerals A. Sidoey Johnsnn and lluckner, Ifi.tliO prisoners, and large amount of ini.1. iial 1 f war, are the trophies of the victo rt. I ! loss is heavy on both (ides. I -'l.ijii. the Ihuf stole away during the night previous, witb fi.ObO men, aod is denounced by the Rebels as a traitor. I am happy to inform you that Flsg Officer Foote, tbongb suffering with bis loot, witb the noble spirit characteristic of nor Navy, notwithstanding; his disability, will take 011 immediately two gunboats, end, with the eight mortar bouts, which be w:ll overtake, will make an immediate attack on Clarksville if Ibe stacn of water will permit We are now firing a national salute from Foil Cairo, Central Oraut's late post, in honor of the glorious achievement. (Signed), Cv.o W. Ct t.l.KN, IlriirodierWeneral Volunteers U. S. Army and Chief of Stair and Engineers. DESPATCH FROM COM. FOOTE. tl.inUSMI.LK TO BR ATTACKED HV TUB MORTAR Fl.Rkr. "To Hoo. Oideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy : Caiho, Feb. 1". The Cnrondoltl bas just artived from Fort Donelsnn, and brings iuforma'ioti of tbe cap ture i:f that Fort by the laud fortes testetday tiinrmng, with fifteen thousand prisoners. 'Johnson and Hucktier were taken prison crp. '1 he loss is heavy on both sides. Floyd escaped with five thousand men, during the night. '1 go up with tbe gunboats, and a soon as possible will proceed up to Clarksville. E'ght mortar bunt are 011 Ibeir wny, witb all I hope lo attuck CUrhsville. Tho wound in my foot is painful, but not dangerous. The iiiuiy llaS behaved gloriously 1 Khail be able tu take but two ironclad gutit'iial with me ; tbe Others are ilisabb d. "Ihe trophies of war aru imineuse. Ihe purt iculi.rs will soon be given. (Signed) "A II. Foots:. Flag Olficer. .SPEECH OF GKN. IIALLECK. St Loi is, Feb. 17. This city is wild with ex: tenient and joy The news wus read at lb Union Merchant s Exchange, cmttirg the inot intense enthusi asm. I no ' Sitrif bpaiigie't Uunner, "CtagDi 9?9t KMPI.OVMEt! J$74 A0KNT8 WANTED f W will pay from $2n lo 75 per moTilh. " and all expenses, to active Agents, or give a commission. Particulars sent fire. Address Uaie. StvriTO AUriu.is ('uImpaRT, R. JAMES, Ueneral Xgenl, Milan, Ohio. October 6, lUfil. Itnligiotii Aolict-9 I)irin srviea will be l.rlj every Pnll ath ta lhi Do tuuirti us ToIIom-s I'll F.rtB YTIiRI an CIIL HCI! Nuilh w-rst crm i. Piaekhnry ami Deei streets. itPV. j i. KsaaiNia, Psstor Divuiij srrvire tveiy Hiil.usth al 101 A. M Prayer mw tor on ThursJsv evenin. At oihn,lrl,.n,l ii, rod f.-hrwil 1'iefl, terian c'liurch, at 3 o'c-loek, P. AI., every tfubbnth GKHMAN HKFORMF-'.l) CHtJItCH -North west corner of Hiver anil UXoklo-rry slri-elt. Iti-v J W. P-rsi!-1TJ, Hnstor. Uivine service, alteriiaielv, every ?!ihlilh at 10 A.M. ami J P.M. Prayer meeting on FnOuy evenini KVANORMCAfj I.t'THF.n AN CHirttCH -Deer street lielow ! V. V. II11. ItoaJ, liev r l izkm, I'lintor llivinr serviw, nltemately, every Snlilmtii nt lo A M. anil (1 P. M. Piaver mreling tm U tJiiewlay cveimifE MKTItoniST Kmscosai Clli ncil Di-wiienvttten uesinl 8 ,V li Knil Itoail. Iti-v. 1:. IIuti.ir loin J l Swasokb, .rnafnrs. Divine etvii-e, allertiaiety, evi n Sut. hiuh at loj A.M. and 6l'.l. 1'rnyer mi-oting 011 ilium, rl'ivevennis- SUWBORY PRICE CURRENT. Wheat, $1 I Sal 25 Hnttir, - $ ! I5ye, .... fii F!sb, ... "j t'orn, . 60 Talluw, ... i Oats, - S5 Lard, 12 Buckwheat, . . 60 Pork, . . . . 7 j'otatoes, CO Heeswax, 31 New Advertisements. ON THK IIOMBAHliMKNT AT POUT BOYAL, S. C , AND TIIK SlU'TIIKRN RKHKI.I.ION. Will lie ilelivrreil nt tlie berl-ee It. -era i.f llie I.utlierr-n Ct.iirrti 01 Nnibury, by ti.e PsiuR,iia McnCay evenn ir 11c.it. the '.Mill iii't I ..-ctorr to eminence at 7 n'cl-clc. A.iiiouiim-e fee, Ulecnti1, f"r Ho- benefit nf t.e rh'irr-ll After (.et-ltire. reft ei-li in-ill n will be otTered b) tlie Lurries Sjnbury, Fsbraarv ii, ISM. so.nn of the hands, when u shell from the Trier, wb'ch lnv fome H i t a lii-i nslvi'a, burst over the Liiiisvilb. i-cntlerin j the me;i lit the tiller rope, and so much disntiled ti e steering t ulile that the boat was comp lii d la diop oitern. A shot struck the lVttsbnrg in the bow, and stove an i ninetise hole to her, whieh caused her to dmv out of the action. Tbe leak, boivever, was stopped. , Vljlljs , f, t t, t li(t-l of this vessel and One shot struck the pilot bouse or the St ; Ultl ,);,.,. ,r Ln;sv.lle weru shot uway Louis, passing through between the pilots j ri,tiiler:tig the two bonis unmanageable, without inj iry. j Tbey then drilled down the river. The All or tbe boats were more or less injureo, , t, rtfiai,n(!r l,0ats were creatly dainoged h-jt rone b it the Louisville seriously. between wind and water. This vessel alone lrro wer live killed unit two wounded on , r,.e,.ived Gllv nine shots, and tbe others about Onr Union," and "Pud, While and Uitio," wi re sung by all present, utter which they adjourned nnd marched to heod qiiiirtete, Ironi twelve hundred to fifteen hundred strong, hero three ro'lsirg cheers were given lor lU'.lick ami Foole. liemral llalleek sppesred at tho window, SHERIFF'S SALES. 55Y Virtue of Sundry writs nf Venditioni ' Fvponas. issued nut of the Court of Com men Pleas of Northumberland County. J'a , to me directed, will be exposed ta public rale, al 1 i 1. Court House in tho borough of Siiriliiiry-, en Tuesday Ihe llih day of March. A. I) INfi'J, at t o'clork, I'. M , the foilowirg described real e.tale. to wit : 1 All that certain tract cf land, situate in Cpper Ma! am y township, Northumberland emmtv. Pa.. diiv al J o clock, P. M . wilh four ironclad ; , . , ' , , ,11 ,. , ailjoinlog laud of Daniel leist, olo:nnll Dji.kl'" - , , . . , , and thanked tlie people lor their neartv ! , J 1 .1 t , n . enuboals nnd two wooden ones, and ulier one , . . ..' ' ... . , , 'tergcr and ulbcrs on tbe east. John Boycr and hour ond a quarter severe lighling. the latter ! '''nnneirulion. He said :- promised when . 8uui, , j part ol the day, within ler-S than lour li'Midred j 1 C,mt h;'- l Jnnr rt,rne 'lu' ! west, and Daniel Hosrtrirr and others on .ho r " ... , " , 1 A enemies of our tlag from your State. I hts . ,.,, !: ,, , 1 t.i..i, as been done and ney are now i.rtua.l , j man ur , ftbou( 01,e hundred and fil'iy out of Kentucky, and soon will lie mil , Ill:t nl)nr(,llf ,rt cr!l,t,y whereon arce.ccud 1 en ncsM'e. 1 uree cneers lor iuM niii'n j The "t-tor Spangled Bantier"' was repeated ind ihe crowd disporsed. Jndgn Holt, ex Srcntary of War, wept the Ioniipvillo. The gunboats will not be in a condition to renew the attack before Sunday morning. In consequence of the height of the bluffs on which the Rebel lot tilications aro lii.i t our i-hol Could iiol have as much i-tied, on t hi.'. n 69 was tie ca-o at Fort Hinry. Tlie Uehels have rsis--' d t'ue black lltiir. It can be seen fijitig distance from here. uguiii at once. i.ATi'.rt. Loflsvti.i.K, Sunday, Feb. 1G 1 P. M. Ceu. l!ii II, bi ttuli und bmly yiiaid, left on ! Ihe Atlanta', witb about twenty llinii-und men in thirty Kteaoiboats, foi Fort Doiielson. Tbey will reach tho point of attack 011 j M oiolny mormi g ball that uuinber CH'.-h. Theie were fiftyfoiir ; Udied and wounded in this attack, which we I have received to supposo would in fifteen minutes mora co-ihi liie aetiori have been contir.ueil, have resulted in the ciplnre of the tort bearing tipou us, as the enemy was run ninij Irom his b ittern s w hen tbe two ."nnboats tt.iAtn.i helnlefilv dnv.'n 1 he river from the ficni tie buiik a short j ,).stiled steering nppnratos, as tbe relieving 1 leave for ihe coiutnu j tul.y,.fl Cnuld not Heer tlie vessel, when Ihe Hewing enemy returned to the river battery guns from which tbey bad been driven, and again hotly poured their lire t:;i n us. 'i no enemy must have brought over twenty um.s lo beur upon our boats Irotn the water battery and the mam fort on tbe bill, while Could only return Ibe lire with twelve of the cuns from the four boat-:. One of the riled Mure troop? arf on the woy to assist them. nuns aboard Ibe Carotidolet burst during the The n.r.ttar lleet t rum Cairo was ul '.niu i action. 'I he officers and men in this hot'y cn'n on Saturday, and cau leach the fori Ibis contested bol unequal (ijht tiehaved with the Sl'lld'. ireutest gallantry and del er in ' nut ion, , Tho Cumberland river continues very high, j ploritiif tbe accident which rendered two of and is iijV,.iL1o lor the largest vessels. our gunboat.-? Fnddenly helpless in Ibe rarrow ! Py Muiiduy noon we will have seventy Qve ' river and swifl current. j ihoiif nil J men allacl.iou Fori DoiieUon. i Oo cnnstiltatiou with Gen. Grant and my I We have reports hero from Dowlu.g Green ; own officers, as iny services here, until we can j which say that Ihe Rebel forces I here, ' repair damages by bringing u; n competent . amounting tu twenty thousand men, left fort force from Cairo tu attack tbe I'ort, are much ! I less required than tbey are at Cairo, 1 shall . Finney. Packer. Mr. Finney. M r. Packer. Mr. Finney. yam by self. Mr. Packer. " Society. " Mr. Pecker. Fort Donelsnn st-veial Jos ego, and tire now within tho Hoiks. As thvy pasinol tlowu I hey j trurne.l the hourer, ol Union men. '1 he rail' ! rend was ol l.li le use lo tlieiu, as nut roiling bl cli is com ill trly worn out, aud nil along i 1 the toad ure sttewti broken cM. j l! IS nlso reported that the liebels have; now forty thousand men lii-fi'iidiug the attack ' ed post, including the Uowling Green rein- ! fon-i'iiioiils. Wc doubt, however, ll tbey have thirty thousand. Another ruport places Deauregurd io com aiand. Cincinnati, Feb. 1C. Tho most intense anxiety prevails in this city. It is knowu that the Rebels wiil make a determined stand, und It is believed that lliev ,. . . .. , p, . . . ,i. 1 ll lh -let-f-ou ui-ullY, uuu Hill L'linr:eus will resist to the death. 1 bo raising ot tie,.. . , , . ,, ., , , , ,, , ,, Pi it, 'l-lpy rarely have sucn cod weul Ult hack U'S colihnirj the Ptatenntjl Hint they: . . , , , , , - 11 . t H" ''""l . nave irceotj ruiuiuiceuicuia ioiui ijovui.- Green. Tbo conflict on Monday (if the Fort has not been redaced on Sunduj ), will probably be th most terrific of liie war. The land liuces on the federal side are in coin in u tol of Geueruls Grunt, Smith nnd McClernand. wbtio ttie naval expedition is under Commodore Foote. 1 1 is certain ihul the guuboats have suffer ed very severely. Thu approach and attack of the mortar lleut will most prohably decide the day. W. Srii.'. Latkk St. Loiis, Feb. 10 The city is perfect :y wild witb excitement and rejoicing at the for iov when be heurd the news. Manv of the stores are closed, the city is being deco rated with flag and evidence of gteal joy is every w here miiuifeeted. Governor Yates, S-cretary Hatch and Auditor Dubois, of Illinois, left for Fort Domlson this morning, to look uftcr ibe wounded ntnotg tho Illinois troops. A refi'itaition has been made for nil tho steum bouts in this vuyuty to be bold iu readiness for too transportation of Government 8tores The J) c ta i 1 s . Fort Donki.so.v, l-Mi 1G. Special to the Timet j Fort Donelsnn surrem.'' red al day lghl this mc rr.urL', uncotiditionuiiy. We have Wens, buckner, Johnson, Huslie' rod, 1 .VOID ptisoners and Stl.Olitl In res. Generals I'tilow and Floyd, with Ibeir bri ll ides, ran away on steac.iets, without General uuckner being aT-art; nl tin ir tnteiiiions. Geo Smith led the charge on the lower er-d j of the wot ks, utd was the first inside lUe for j titii ations. Tht runaways frjin Tort Henry were bag i ged here. I The prisoners are being placed abourd tbe j steamers for C-iiro i O jr loss irf he .vy probably 400 killed nnd j fetid wounded. Wo b so a largo per rentage ' ol the olliccrs. A no tu tneiii are Lieutenant Colonel Erwin, ol the wentieth Dlinois U-i!f i inenl ; Lieutenant Colonel V bile of th" 31st ; Illinois; Lit utHTianl Cuionel Smith, uf llie F. rty eichth Illinois. Ainiini! llie wounded ar ! Col. Johu A. Lc-gan, (M. C.) ! Col. Sawyer. Col. Ransom. I M j. Post of the Eichtb Illinois Kegiment, j with 'Jll'1 privates ore prisoners and have gone to Nashville, having been tuken tbe night be foie the surrender. Tbe loss of the roemy is heavy, but r.ot so huge 03 ours, as they fought behind entrench' nients. We should lave taken llietii by storming tbe fortification ou Saturday, if onr ammunition bad not civen out during the night. General M cCli Miami's division, com posed of Ogb-sby, Wallace and McArthui's Thu more I see of the fort, the more i brigudes. sutlered teiribly. 'I hey were com' convinced am 1 that it cannot bo n duced posed of the Eighth. Ninth, Eleventh, E;?lr j wrthout a terrible buttle. Its rear Eeeins t.-eut!i. Twentieth, Twenty ninth, Thir'.ii t'i, almi rt im)H. enable. 'Ibe outer uoi ks and I hii ty.hrst, IbirtybUb, 1 hirty-eigbtb and bastions ol the lorl are located ou riJej one hundred and lifly to two hundred and fifty 1'ennessee proceed to that place 1 have sent the Tjlcr up the riet.i. to i-,.i'..i- thu r.ilrmirl l,ri,l,,a imnui.i I '." h- e. i (Sic red) AH. Footr, Fiaii-Ufficer Coaimaoding the Nuvul Force. Western Div.sion. FURTHER PA RTICULARS LAND j ATTACK. I Sr. Lens', Feb. 1G. j A special despatch to thb Democrat, dated i in the rear of Fort Dotil.-on, Friday, P. il. sais : Last eight wts very severe on oor troops. i rain having set in which turned to snow and it is 'reez iig to-day, uud old citizens tay Ibai in this a large Iw i storv alone Dwelliua; House, limit Barn, Wapon llouea. Bpring bouso and other outnuihliof s. Ac. Heiieij taken in ctecutioii an J to ho sold as the property cf flrnr Haas. ALSO: At the same time and plirc. a ceitaiti trsrt or piere of land, situate in Jordan township, Nor I i , ii in li-r I j ml c-ninly, l's , bonndej atol discrioed aslolloivs: on the routh by bainnel Verier, ois the east by I'eter Kohri, on '.he wesl bv Ma: lot 'of, and on the North by fami uf Jones' heira; containing seventy five acres more or less; on which are erected a two story Lor, liuu.c, a Km me and Log Darn. ijc. ! 7.e,l, taken in execution, and to te sold as ibe properly of Henry Havsnstein. DAVID WALDKON, SUT. Sheriffs OfTo-e. ) Sunbury, Feb. 23. !HC2. J PHILADELPHIA &RADINtl alfco. I'AS-SiiNGLIl TKAINS l lin POi fSVlIXt, ULAD IMi AMI II Mil'.lliUUli MOININ'lt. I. INI'. t).Vtt.Y,(Suilaji MacerteJ ) O il. l.o LSI Kl.lilrs, ril.l.M.I-'.l.AlllA (Tntr. v:ii:i eiltisueeh 111 'Mil, tt eiil II ill d on Cal! iw.nt! ! n-M n ) ai t'.,0 A M., con iiH-tiiiij nl Itnrrubur Willi llie I't-m s' -'.' -o 1 1 II e'romt 1.15 I'. ,M. triim rtniieey I , Puls'i.iii- ; ttie Cuinl.eil'iiiU V-illev I. .10 t. 1., tiaiu tuoinrije l-i L'ln.ii,. i.'lsi,; Carlisle, Ac, iind lis ottiieni CHiilr4l H.l.r.-..'.l l,y i'. .M., ti on r n a- 'o -nnuurv, ,V?. AFTKIINOIIN I INKS l.wvrNVw Pep- t. KJltNKIt (If-- IIHOAD A' DrAI. I.OVVAil.L MT..fce.T!. 1'IIII.AI. 111. I'll: A. i,IWeiiE er tnir ni-ea -mi 'I'hilteenth nt Ciilloivli-II s-oieis I l'oi PO l"rs I l.l.K runt IIAKUlSUt'tlii. in .1.15 P V., PAI !.v . : ii,iii-elie( nt II o rnlmi wilh the NiTil -rn Cc-ir-il It ulroait for Hmil-Tiry, :i!liumfoit. l-'.!n,nn e. ICxpiens irtiiit from Ntfiv Yoik viri Mitst 'ii. m: It s 1 e nnerii.'ii v ill it. u ii-.i; Mai a ii Ae-"t!iiTe diTmn ir ot f, c ri'ieo: n-t; nl li irnrliirc w-ilh the Pennsylvania l'rntri.1 3 15 A l. irnin rtnihli K Wst I'-r IlLAUi.SU, only ut 4 00 A.M., (S'tdaji ex ee; tfit ) r itivn in i en dii rn: cad.m inumn. 1-r. ra f nilsdiftjitmi. Miles. 1 ii I'tio 'iixi li.e, H. u.-l'iiS, 1 i i .1 ii, ll.irmJurg, lliol;-hln, Milicisi'U'p. 'I'riortrn Jus.etifMl, Pmil'ury, Nortleinihertaad, I .ewl.t'UTg, Milt-u, Maney, Wil'minfe-rl, Jersey Shore, I. ---'S HiiVC.l, nnis'.oii, Tr..y. r.iit.ita. S. ! Pliilnrtelphia anil Rs:ntii-ff Ni fonil Leti3iuii Vailsy 11. H. II'.') 194 loi Noith-m Ccntrsl 15.1 UailroaJ. la 171 17S . 11? j Sanbary sad Erie ft. It. HI'S j I Sk.) Wl I Willlsmsp'rt m.rl i:;T.i.-n M- Ruilruua. T-'orte mntli llonnia Gin. Lewes Wellace, f.et biiih, cuyeied wilh ilirise timber uud : tindergrowtb. iipnit a similar raone of bills j outsitle of these our army is drann up in line ' of buttle, completely encircling the enemy ; I from the Cumberland south of ihe fort to the i i back water of a stream which UauUs tbe fort ' , on the north. ! General (glefSy. who has tho extreme ik'bt. I .ft ritgl-.t pu.-t.ed fur ward his tn imli- j ! 10 thu Ciimtietlatol. ui,i! has plal.tel u haltery ; commar.ding the river. b;cii will elb-ctually ; j prevent l be arrival of apy more re.nliitco i ments. lu fact we luve Colliple'.ely fur' I annoiincenieril juPl itiinltt purine, that Hi" Americau ling now waves over Foil Dunci then dispatched a gunboat to disable Ihe railroad ; son, . . . . . . ... . . I ',- I. i. .. ... I...O. .11 ... bridKe al Clarkr.vtlle, oy which further rem. i ne ,ss u , ue, y , ...m ,, s,.,e, ; rounded it, and can comu'ete ibe iob at our Uuu ol ijeneial urani S oaut ries was loaeii ( hytli' IJetiels but was souu recaplureU by: '. i ,.-.i. ' ' A lormidatilo attntrpt was mode last niglit OUr troop.-. . . . 'l-. tp.', h.illerv III llo. HIOIIIV Wtol Ef" Fhaudtohk l'LKistiAri.K with Dkatii. The cotnuii'.tca on the conduct of the war bare resolved to advise iIh immediute passcge cf bill to punish with death any person who cuiniui'.i fraud upon the Government, wLereby a soldier is bodily injured, as for instance in the sale of unsound provisions. Also lo punish witb imprisonment and coo Cscation of all property and government dues all contractors who io any way defraud lb government lo the quality of goods told, or toivicet pretended to bs rendered to tbe Government. C-IT Bum tfthe reg uients now in Ibe army of the Poleoiao, will sbortly ba Iruotferrad to ii ty ; auiorg them tbe OCth Uegiuieol, L. Cake. This Qioveoieot is to check " "who recently left Manassas witb wf it stj jUce. 53" Statu Linatic Hosi-itai. The report of the trustees and BujuriuteDdunt of this institution has been received, and in which we find that tbe total Bomber of patients admitted to ils benefits, for lcGl wss 131, of which number 84 wero niales and .14 females. 'Ibe whole number of those discharged, nr who died during tbe same period was 14.1 j of whom SO were perfectly restored, CO in an improved condition, 49 without any material improvement, and 16 removed by death. "Ill health" appears to be the most prolific cause of Insanity which is closely approximated by "domestic trouble ;" males appear more lia ble) to the aflliction, end the married relation most favorable to sanity. The farmers take precedence upon the list (281) closely follow ed by the laborers (-1?), whilst the printers have bad but -i representatives, these cumbers having reference lo the patients received since tbe opening of the institutions. Insanity, from the tables, appears to be more generally developed between Ibe ages of 110 aud 40 than through any other decade of human life. The hospital through the past year has been so crowded that for the first time since it es tablishment, several of the counties have been applied to to provide for some of the Insane. Tlie report, which is quit interesting, insists upon louie provision Tor IcoUling the criminal insaue, and concludes wilh aiding for an appropriation of $20,000 for repair, out. staodiug debts, and several necessary altera tine ia tba economy a us roodort of Ua institution. forcen.ents to the west were cut oiT. It ia known that strong fortifications are erected st Clarkesville, which ia the la-t defended pnsb lion in that section nf the country. The new of the Furrcnder of Fort Donelson bad scarcely 'cached Cairo, when Coiii'imihiie Foote bad (liken coininand of a full tle- t of gun and mortar 'the guuboats aie Said to be badly dams . ... ... J. be vie especi llie particulars m iuu v.ciuiy i to liignr. CaiR'i, Feb. IG Special debated to the St. Louis iJtiitocrut.'l Coiiinioilorit Fo te with the Eleventh Indiana, Eighth Missouri, and some Ohio regiments participated. Taylor'. Williurd's, Schwartz's, McAllis ter' und Do Cesses' batteries were in tbe fight fiom the coti inenceinent. The enemy turned our right wing for half an hour, but our lost ground was more than regained. Gen. Lunir.an's brigade, of Gen, Smith's ' division, was the first iu lhe lower end of the : etietny's wotUs. which positmn'lhey succeeded i in nblninioK hy churiii lnior.rts, I As nine tenths of the reh. Is were pitted ! against our right wing, our forces on the riuhl ! were ready ull Saturday c.gbt to recommence 1 tbe attack. ' tfln ..r,,lne nirr.!n itiitv wap.i mnt An lhair TheS A M aail3tiP M. IrtinsCONNI'.CT DAILY AT PORT CLINTON, (Sui.Jios rsceptnt ) w: h lis fATTtWISSA, WILI.I.OIM'lllt P. AM) lit,!'. It All. ROAD, makn.f, ol- sn r-aincen m it i Imej ,i NUOVia P.M.i.s, CANADA, the WEJiT, AN SUUJIIWtai'. DEPOT IN rillLAPCI.rillA. Cirrafr of BIHIAP ANP rALI.riWMII.I. Pnesi-s W. li. MclLHLN.NLV, a.crc.y. Febiuar7S-, 1662. NA1R 0nTC0AL oTl! U tK l.H; SOX l-XaHij;VC anrt equil to ai.v KHROhKNE. W&v l ay eiplosue Oil. wneii a few eeats ruoie i.-r ga.K'ii will i'lnosh yoa wilh a perfect u,l ! MsJe onl) b PA. SALT MANLFACTi niNO CO.MPANV, No. ltJ7 Walnut Strtet. rinisdcl: loa. Felirnarv 15, 1P0J ly ' SAPOJVIFIER I SAPOxVIFIER ! " THE FA MILY SOAP MAKKR All Kitr-hi-u liiease can be made into eood !?-ja-i. us: if Sj-iiiiavr ! ' Pireotiona A-enra;vinying Each Dnx ! pprtiached under cover of the darkness, bol ' npproai-h by a whit.. Hag, General n-li-kner . f-;u'J 7, JJi,,JjJ. "VU a mp cf erf bey were gallautiy repulsed bj tbeTweutielb having e"iit early in tbe morning a dispatch j ' p'A.''s.vi.'-rUM s.nVfacti RLi"o.MPV ll.uois. I to Gen. Grant, siirrenderitig bis commard. j No. i-jt Walnut Sueet, Plniuiltl; U.a' j The wotks of tho lort extend soma live February w, itw -ty boats, and was on his way. up the Cumberland, I reached bete at 12 o'clock, last n ght, on I to att.iok this place. L'.-.der the comb' tied attack ' '"urd Ibe gunboat Coti-stoua. lie stormed i oi i'.p fl.it mi,! .. it .,...,. ..... . t . i r . ... i F"i I Doniison ou Friday ulternoon with the I ,.6 i . c, .ii.. l'., ; g . ,, ! ii,.. ' L'llllU'iam l- I'llUll, O'JUT-.lll,-, inri'l'k, which General. Itaell. M.tcbel and l.m.t can,,, liril!olrti Tl(.r nnJ fooeslog,,. Alter j dispatch for its reduction, there is scarcely a doubt j lighting a liltlo over on hour be withdrew. of its curlv surrender, wbi.h will leave Teonesseo j FitlJ'four were killed and wounded on our t aud Kentucky free fiom Kebel Woqps, with Ihe I gunhouts. Pilot Kiley aud Miuluu being exception of the insignificant force which now re mains within the entrenchments at Columbus. Latkst Nkws An oIEciul despatch from General llalleek to General McCiellan announces the capture, by tail. Curli, uf the HeOel GeDerul Price. Col. Dorsey, Col. (lass, and Capl. Judge, of his staff. Hrigudier Ge neral Price and his statl were also coptured near Warsaw, Mo , on Humlay night. I he new front Fort Donelsnn is still of joyous tenor. Two more rebel regiments were captured to tbe east nf the entrench ment ou Tuesday, and quite a number of liieir troops came in and delivered themselves to custody. About 12,01)0 stand of arms have been taken. Two thousand barrels of flour, twelve thousand boxes i f beef, and a large amount of other provisions have ulsn been secured 1 1 is currently repoiled that Gov. Harris lea ordered ill Tennessean to lay dowu Ibeir arm. Tbe Tennessee rolling i ills where large amount of sbol and shell and other materials nf war for tbe rebels were made, have been burned by oar gunho its. 'J'hs steamship Kungarua arrived at New York on Wednesday, bringing European date to the CUi instant, 'i'he pirate iVusA I'l'iVe was last seeo oo tba evening of tbe 3d tcsunt, oulside of lb NeedUit.staering down tba channel. The Tutcarura left Cotrc on It Clu Ibstsct, for lb wttiward. unioiiii the wounded Commodore Foote, while standing at the pilot house of the Hi. Louis, b: flag ship, was I FLOYD siiubtly wounded. I he bt. Lout was bit by sixty-one sbol. i Two of the L'unHoal weru disabled. Ill E "STEALS The Tyler and C'jnestcga reuiaiued out of lbs riiie of tbe enemy's guns. Tba line of baltle was as follow s : The St. Louis on the right, next tbe Louisville, then llin P.tlsburg, uud tbe CarotduUt on iba left. Tba enemy's Ciing was very accurate. 1 hey bad three balleries one near tbe water's edoe, oob tifly lout above this, and third lilty feet above ibe second. The upper one mounted four 18 pounders. This was held in reserve until our bouts got witbio four hundred yards nf ih Foit, Our Cre was directed principally at the water battery. Cue nf the enemy's guns burst, aud a number wei dismounted. Tbe enemy could be teen carrying the dead out of Ibeir treiicbe. All tbe gunboat were left op the Cumber laud, except the Coneitoga. Kbe left there yesterday aioruing. A rilled guu od the Caroodulet burst, kill ing six men. Tbe rudder of tba Pittsburg was shot nay. Tbe mortar boat left bete Hiterdaj rooru' i leg for Fort Donelson. rriTTi T "I T 4 " TVITirrt D ONELSON. Surrender of Johnson, Uuck ner and llusherod. IJ.,000 PRISONERS CAPTURED ! FROM miles on the outside. The rebels loso forty-eight Oeld-pieces, ! seventeen heavy guns, twenty thnnsani thou' i stand of arms, besides a large quauliy of conr misaaiy stores'. The rebel troops were completely demoral i ized, and have no cooiiderca in their leaders. as they charge Pillow and Floyd with desert' inir them ;n the hour ot tunr otslress, IGAJX STFALIXG "UXCI.K SAM." WITH A MA11CI1" 5,000 MEN ! GENERAL PILLOW KPN'S A WAV. f 'ru'oii Lous 400 Filled and fcOO Wounded. Br. Lot-is, Feb. 17. Fori Donelson was surrendered at nine o'clock on Sunday morning lo tbe land forces. Bnveral of the guuboats wero preseut at the lime. An immense ainonnt of war Dialerial are among tbe trophies ol llie victory General Floyd skulked away the bight before the sunender. Tbe gunboat Curou dolel, Capl. Walker bas arrived at Cairo. A large number ul uur mounded have been brought lo the Paducab and Cairo hospitals OFFICIAL DKSPATH TO GENERAL MtCLKLLAN. Caiko, Feb. 17. To Major General McClrllak. The Union flaj floats over Fort Donelson. The Carondolei, Capl. Walker, brings the glorious iutelligeuce. 'I be Fort surrendered at 9 o'clock ynterdy (Hoods?) aioioiugi Our troops displayed immense phisical en durance, as well u undaunted bravery, during this severe struggle. Since tbe investment of the fort, on Wednesday last, they were oftentimes en posed tn a heavy storm of rain or snow lighting during the day. and lying on their arms at night, aod were without pro visions hall of tbe tune, and ail tbe lime with out tents. Snaiuokm Coal Trade. Shamokin, Feb. 1,1, 18G2. TONS. CWT Sent Tor tba week coding Feb. 1.1. Per last Report, To same lime last year, Decrease, 1.700 09 8,(5U 00 10 410 0 20.708 16 10,358 07 A (it Ki ma ri'iciiuw. A country lad say bis L'nile lien once made a scareciow so very frigbltul that one Of the fesllurid thieves actually brought back all ibe com be had sloleu during several days. There are aome tailors lio insko ll'.eu customeia look like jusl such ohji cis as Cncle Pen's nephew dcscrilies. W would suggest la the virions of such unskillful workmen liaiend their habits by procuring their suits al ibe lirou Ktnna Clo'lhing Hall i f Hutsiu & Wilso.h, Nos C03 and MIS Clirslnut buevl, above Hulb, I'hlUdelihta. Estate ol :iirlNt Ian S. Urotvit, dec'vl NOTICE IS hereby given that letters of administration upon tlia estate of Cbis.tuii . L.own, U:e of I tbe borouch of Northumberland, decease !, have I been granted lo the subscriber. , Ail persons having claims against the sa'J estate are requested to make known the sain? I ...:.i .i .i-.. . i ! . iviuioui uemy ; rsno persjns Know ing tnetiHi tvea indebted are requested to make pavmenl. M TILDA BHOW.N' Adm'liir. Northumberland. Jan. tiSih, lr62 fit Atttlitor's .otire. PJHE underioed, having been appoint!-J by 3 the Court of Common Picas of Northumber land County, an a .dit.ir to distribute Ihe inr.iiies in ihe hands of John A. Snyder, annee ot iiinen Hnydcr, to and among those entitlcJ. wiil attend for that purpose in bis olhce, in the borough of Sunl'ury, on Monday, the I7ili day of March prot., between the hours of 10 e clock A. M. and 4 o'clock P. M. Those intereMed ui.iv attend. JNO. KAV CLLWIEN 1', Auditor. Sunbury, Jan. 15th, 186 NOTICE- IS hereby given, that a numlier of Lot were taken up on the ii 2nd of lanuary, I S C -. hy HETTtnUCK 4- CO., while floating in Ihe rii tsuscjiif hsiinsb, bearing the fallowing maiks upon iheui : 8 b; 3 (N); I,?e; lO; I),M,H( 1,JC ; 4. laua clevese aud spikes ; email clevesea ant Kings. A ststemcnl and description bas been Clad io my oliirs fur lb, inspeciion of all concerntd. 'l lie owner or owners are requested to prove pro rty, pay all legs! charges aa I take then away I er olanwiss the siioe will le forfeited. F. I.AZAKFS. 1. P Pu'nur), Feb. IMS, 186V-31 j.. -