SHE NEW Y0ilKWI2:i.Y TlilES. BIN01 E COPILS i-TWOCOPItF0a S3 H VE Cul'iE Foil 5. JA Cheapest and JJtst Family and Gtniral Xciv.'poper in the United Swte. T.e New York WEEKLY TIMES large "" nmrv pruned quart" the.,, of r"P:."r loriy-e'thl 1 in l' Iilie-s. LlLrnlute una utneiai News, Mill ...londed Ui I the Best ne wellne Ihe Cheapen Family Newiopctm the I'nucd Wnlri. Thefir.rt eiinof the TIMES ., and will always he, to teen in icnd.ra Ihoroi.shly tud ."i''"''' everything which mny happen, nfronernl interest, in any part nf the woihl. II ooinmen'. lully and ire.y of importance In every department rrr''C ,l,0,,i and always in the liifrrrl of ,'reedon., Older, end the lublic tiiK.d White Ut intlueu'e will he nniioini y C-wiser, vntive. it advocates every measuis of just snd Iwnehccnt lWese,n.l re.i.l the inercnse, esteinuoti, "'.P"'!1"" tim.itfH.iwry, a. of everyihiiifrclsa I wit h I ,e tiifhrtt welfare i.l ciminniity. hile it report! prmipily hibI nrcuralelv nil intelligence ;.f general interest in every department nl lumiim n. livity, U never pnmltrato vice, male, and eacludea from il f.'ui..i. evrry t hi.. thai rniglll render it uunufeor improper I'" general ranuly perusal It'ceka to prorDutcinc general weliare ty urging the claim id , f Education, Mrahry and rit-hpu-n upon the musses of tt,c people ; and in ah in diacum '". U entleuvnte, ly t he and c nlr,dluit l.y the t'iut "I in.'dirulion, lurttiotimi and common temie. . luirt Crresnninleure, h"th Foreign and PntneVtc, me Tim- ii colile.ted M toe siipeiioi to .ihy olhei American Journal C,'iigifmi.alai.d Legniauve pro ceeding', 01 'Financial, Commercial and General Jntel'igeuci. of important Leenl and Criminal Trin'a, and of whattvel mv Inve special n.ieic.l for Ihe gieal body of Iho coin tnumtv, nrrluil. pr.ini.t Ul.d nlinl.le n'leniioii it JcvutiJ to lull, accurate and Hunt Wuriliy rrrn of ll.e Jive Slock and Produce tlrltlt, for which a apac ill corps of rtrvmrtaiaia nminlainid A L11KRA 11 If IMilMUTMliNT tit!!t)e kept up, fnMfii-iiH'la'MWd Nnve' mid Ta!e, nd niiicclluiifi'UCSrie.-iiMiis i tliv lnghtil interest. The Agrirult'iral l?rpnrliiieiit m crt:np:!oiJ from n vnrie ty ol uic maijynf tliKin inac-veMuiiilt to ihe Arrericmt left'ler, ntid lurii'.ilit vaiuuuie jniorni.moii iu mc i anner ftnl Guril'MiiT, Tho Wt.-'uly Timet will le sent to tihtcrif.ert in nay wirt of ht cuniiry on lh fiilvwiii; teirri: Fmclo C.'pict f"U year. 'I wo fii yw. ive ' fri a jmr Anv prvn whr, will tend up a club of TKN annbtra, at ?! CHohf nhnll irceiv u tra cpjr f'f hunit;!f r may rcUin One Dollnr aa tin cot ipemaiit ii. THE iNKW-YOUK DAM A TIMES, n fnSltthed Every Any Snhnnv, 8hd i pru to ti;t cnlirrs ly niAiidi btji Ui'ltaiia ytni nicluJti.g funiiay tUlUoil (f. THE SEMI-WEEKLY TIMES, rnhiiahed i n Tuesday and Fridays, and coiilftimnj; tiht piffinf rwidini? imttur in evvry tiUiubci,l ttiit to eul icil'vraat the Allowing tates t Bmgle enpift FT Two copiea M Any wraoii v, wil1 tend o a ".a nf Five a-jtincriVrt tms receive an extra crpy for hnnnclf, of laiainlwt pfllarp otid a llalfup hi r.mipeimnt)'n. TfiR5a CHih invarialily in ndvttnca. Ail letters to be addfeiferf ti U J. nAYWDfcCo, rio:.iictora or the,New-VokTiITlel,,, New Vorkt Cny. ftov.Sq, leOl. BT- NICHOLAS HOTEL, I'.rundicay, 2ew lork. Hoard Retluccil to fl a bince the opening of this vast and commodious Hotel, in ISM, it has been the single endeavor of the proprietors to make it the most sumptuous, convenient and comfortable home for the citizen nd atraneer on this side Ihe Atlansic. And whatever has seemed likely to administer to the comrort of its guests they endeavored, without regard to coat, lo provide, and lo combine all the elements of individual and social enjoyment which modern art has invented, and modern tastapprov ed;ar,d the patronage which it bos commanded during the past six years is a gratifying proof that their ellort ha been appreciated. To meet tne exigencies of the timet, when all are required lo practice the most rigid economy, Ihe undersigned HAVE REDUCED THE PRICE OF0OARD TO TWO DOM. A RS PER DAY, at tho same time abating none of Ihe luxuries with which Iheir table hni' hitherto been supplied. TIIEADVVELL, WHITCOMB & CO, Oct. 12, 1861. 1 mo. JAMES BARBER'S WUOI.KMLS AND P.ETATL CLOCK ESTABLISHMENT, S. Corner Second axid Chestnut $ti., Plillndelplila. A 0E.VCY fir the PATENT EQUALIZING THIRTY i V DAY CLOCKS, a very deairuble article fur Cfiurcu. at, mucin, isniiKa, couiimpk Hoiic, I'arlnrt, Axe. Alt ), .Manufacturer of FINK liOLU I't.NS. Cl.icka reimired and warranted. Cl(k Tiiniinlngi i.f every dricriptioiu i'tuiadcS.ihia, January 19, lrOl 3y B. E. corner of Seventh and Chtiput Streets T;.ii It on of KICHT COLLEGES. CO.VSTITLTINO TUE ".NA TIONAL CHAIN." IiOCATKD IM . Phi'adelphia, New York City. Albany, Bnffnln, Cleva. kml, ChiriiKo, and St. l,ouit. rVlwlaraiiips cau be pur. )..., .nn, ii, an ,'IIC(Ca. THE COI.I.KOlATE COURMS mbrseet Double and fingle Entry Uonk-Ereping, Com increii ...'iiiHiu,ii.,ii, i,ininere imi ijiic, 1 eniiun,rilj einm ... it-toiiueucc, i uniieiiiiip reit.emeiilt, etc. 1'KACTICAL I KXT BOOKS. The Teacl In the Book.Keennia Denartment it rr.o.t, y from writt,:.! iimnuaciii,! f.irn.a, with otal iuitiiicti..ut mcturen, ana mack-board eliieiilnt.. i.i j in addition t . which, in order to mute the Colleemra nd effectual aa pouible, the following TeAl-lluokt have teen prepared : Eryaul Ac Striitton't Rfv.V.Keepii'g, in three editlnne toniruoii wikii, men Brnmii, and C auiint ll nm ; Bry. ent As Str i'ton't Commeioial Aritlimetie ; flrvant II tirauo'.i't C'u.nmcrcial Lnw, by Ain.ia Dean, ti L D. BI FNCEHIAN SYSTEM OF PENMANSHIP, tn a seriraof iiiuebookt, by P. R. SPENCER. ' P. R IEN0(-:R, Jr.. Tuacher of JVnm.iuMn. Iru'i. eidual liitiruetiiwi. fciudeutt enter at iiy time. Diuiu t&na awarded. tV For Cnt-ilogoet and Cirrnlan. call at the Collere. February 9), 1H01 y Fhiladelphia. A E G E j. Rich Kit Wtd Rareiea. 19. 25 and a I Oirege Kouea. J ou, 1 00 tud 5 00, lozatnLique Rubes at $5 00, . Traveling Orese Gooda, fchei hard's, Mohair Pluids. Gingham's, 1. awns. Prim,, Chaliiea, Grey FigureJ Goods, COOPER Si COXARD. E corner Ninth tnd Market, Philadelphia. Ii Dest quality Hoop t-kirU, H cents to 9 2s. May 19, 18CI. TREES rTiinES! THE undersigned invite attention to iheir large and well grown stock of FRUT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, thrulie, cVc, embracing t large tnd complete as Iviilment of Applos, Peara, Peaches, riume, Cherries, Aprl. c&U, and Nectarines'. Standard for the Orchard, tnd Dwarl for the garden, Fnglish Walnuts, Hpanish Chssnuta, Hsxle nuta. 4-c., Raaberriee, Ktrawt erries, Curants and Gaiiseberries, in great vnrii tv. CRAPES OF CHOICEST KINDS. Asparagus, Rhubarh, Ac , &e. Also t fin tockof well formed, lnuhy EVERGREENS, suitable for the C'eiiielrv tin Lawn. Deciduous Trees for street planting am t gen, rat assortment of Ornamental Trees and Flow ering Shrubs. Koae of choice varieties. Camellias, BeJdint plants. Are. Our stock is remarkably thrifty and fine, and are nfler it at prices la suit the times. (7 Catalogues mailed lo all applicants Addraaa EDWARD J. EVAN oV CO.. Centra) Nurseries, YORK, P September 'y 161. 3m STOVES- TOR SALE an excellent aecuixl-hand (V.k - lur C"lv, lo aeveral r'yli,l,u C'rwl auoros. Low at this i4lW 4V ' m Ihe Great Cure for Consumption. If joo hate col J, uae WithaM'i Pine Tree Tr CorJial ! If you have foui;h, oae Wiahart'i Tine Treo Tar CorOiitl ! If you hae Atlim, tir-e Viharl'e Tine Tree Tar Coidinl ! If you have Sore Tliront, tine Wirlmrl'i Tine Tree Tar Cordial ! Ifyou have Drnnrhitin, tine V'tMinrt' Pine Tree Tar CorJinl ! If you have ('nnaumniion, use W iluu t'e Pine Tree Tar Corilinl Wiriart'a Pine Tree Tar (,'or.lial it an unfal Ing ri'tiicJy for disrate of the Kidney. 1'iinary Complaints, Dliml and Ulccdirm Pika, Nrrvout Delulity, and for Female weuktici and Irregu lariliet. The well known efficacy of Tine Tree Tar In ihe t iire of external nllrcilnnaor Xorrt, niinlcJ it out a the Matutnl Ki'innly for what l"ujirinna cnll Tubercular i411'.'ctioti (lliat i to any, rioree.) upon the l.ungs. It remained to discover the bod imana of applicalinn. wbich discovery ha I rrn moilr, as a thoui-aiid tratimomaia prove, I y tho Proprietor of islnrt'a Pino Trte Tar CorJial ! If yoti have DVM'KPSIA, use iMinrt Ureal American Hyapepal I II! : A aure cure Warraiitrd lur una dollar, or the Money lirfundt d ! Hiiy a bnx and Inke tlicm acconlini? Is jjirre- lions, and if they do not cure ) on, the money will be returned. ' Aoemb Vm. Weimcr, Northumtierland. A. W. Kitcber, Sunbury. Call at either place, and get a descriptive Ch- culer. I.. Q C. Wiahart, proprietor, No. 10, rorth Second, Philadelphia August 111, I f G I . 1 y AYEIl'S OATHAETIO r -v. , . a PILLS. fcf. :!-?! ''A i.'-.l n ' ' VC' ' Are yrt hci. fin Mo, anrl eniinil iiiiM'tf .' Ai )m out of ousel, v iilt y -nv -t iu tly-riiA'l- 'Oi'l j"ttr li eiitifai mi ciiilort.ii-.- '1 hofio f ui t- iiiv aie "III n tin pielit'lo to MTi'iU lli--. t-JlilO tit of ;h i iif:i' ii"S nii-M yi ii, nnl fch" tlit ! rufiu.t )y a i ui '.y nc ft t;.f il.t ifiu Ctly. "'i'Mi.e Ay pr' i'.'i. und Cl'-nr.bO nllt Illy illf.M'lU-l liU- Hi,,i-i-..iri1'y tin t-iooii. njid Ji-t iltiKln on uiii-li- thu:it .l in li.-.Jili ag iin li iy oliniiiHia the tntM'ti na ol' tity li i. If to vi'xoti- h tluty. pmily tl in'in tljf olitati in li'iin u iiii It Mnil.a u. . . f IM r. M 'i?.rv;y- Kb. tliase. A eM Brtloi aoi(i-wlnro in Iho l.njy, irnd ob fitrneia ll n:itnrnl fmittiMi't. M'f. if ivliufi-d, rvmt n.-i t1ii-uie-lTrt ami the ainTKiiu.liitj ornans, .to-dn.-lut; fc.Mtrl flK,l'1,' '"? ti"-w. Wliile In tliii roii'liil 011, pi.sM t, ti.- ilet uiuit nti, tnko Avet'i I'ilU, an-l l. vf illrertly ihry iv:ore ttia ii(i(m:il iif-tinn of tlu nvMtvni. ninl will) It the tiioyinit f.i-liii-X (tf h' Klili nif iiii. ' H it'll in (nioaii.l npjKmnt in thi4 trivial ntnl e-itiiiiiM C-iiliioit. i ulmi ti tij lit in uiy of iho t(,v.i-riti-:t ntil H.iisoroiti iliitmWnt. 1 tie itnma plin;atiiti oir-j.-t t-xieln tlitti. 1MmI y limilar olKtt uc mi l tlr rniu'-Mi-iitu tf thf lunciino of Ilia lrt tli'-y r;t-illv. iiinl many of t lit-iti kuiely, mrfj v tli8f:oui'iiit'fin. NmiBnlm know ttiu f tt iiuh f ilium) I'llln. will iifulpct tn employ Ukui nhetl huikiim; hum thr ilinoriU'i'i iIkv nin. HtnUMiti'iit-j fnnn tn'lltij p1iyti-1un In aomfl nf Ilia priiKiiM. citie, auU fim vlliur mvU kuuwu jmblic pur bihii. jWnat a Ptrwnltt(r Merchant 'f St. T.otrii, F.h. 4, TR. ATffd: Yonr IMMa ar Hie inrfiitii of nil that la irrwit in mMKrlue. Thi y Iimh curd my liul i)u.Kbl-r of ulcai-oitu aoitM itoii hov UnnA -and I'vt tluU had prvvM nenrniilo for ynart. Iler mother tnva lHeti Iohk grior ously Kinirto 1 with lttt-tiiH iii'l nliri'ilit bar akin nn.l in her hair. After our clnll m ctuedjaha also litml our Villa, aud tUn Imva curvd hr. ASA MOIUaUIDUtt. As a Family Phytic JVwtn Dr. A". IK OirlierM, Sew OrUani, Totir rillt are tlie prliifo of f'l'K'- Uttit vxe-tllnnt qaallLit aurpuai any c:tlIi:nlio wo pwoa. Tliajr ara mild, but vt-ry Ctfttulti iind elft'ciu'il In tln-lr act! tn t tlia bow wis, tuiii'-li m ikod tUeoi iuvuhmhie to u iu tho dauly treatment of, lleadachc.SickllcatlNilir.Fonl Slomacli Vnyi Vr. J-tliv n Hsydt HaUiinorr. T)Kn11no- Ay fit; Icnnnot auwor ou what complnltiti T linn cm-e l hUIi your I'llli b -tti't- to wiy all that u jti trtut oitU n put ryxlivc mttln-iue I plnt-e reti drpAH rtpna nu eti firLTtii ,1 nitlmi tir in tnv tluii) nnt 4t lth JtteMe, and bebj(ii is I du th-M yotir ailj4'd UI tli b4t a havij), 1 ofcouiaa v:duu tlivui lu(bly, riTTfiu.Ra, .'a.. Mar 1, IP 15. TK. J. C. Atfu. Sir: I have bwii i'.eiitwlly ruii mt tie H-irtt futUJ any tioily t-nn o hy a (k-itd or two f yf'itr I'lllat. It Mftni to nriuo fruiu a foul atouiucJif fcu-cb thpy clpnTia at otu-c. Yours witU grout ictjicct, TT. W. I'lirPM5;, Clcr- Steimrr Ctai im, nilona niKotilera T.frer Cotnplntitta. yMl Dr. Thtnlnr nU.'Xw ',rK Ctt. Xrt only aro yrur ViU ndinhnblr adttptt d to their pm fHbW a.i tin uKiliint, bi'.t 1 tind llu ir limti-llriiil elV iu-on the l.i-'ei1 voiy miiin-d intiocd. 'i'lu-y liHe in my (irao tlc jtovmI t'tTccluid fi-r tho ruin of bihaut C'" jW titu titan tiny ony tunmily I cm nun (. ninruri ly i:joi . that wo h-tiio iM li-uiti a I'utg ilio liii b ia wur liij tho tvoijti'louce of Uii p.flV-iuii and the e"ilo. TH-AMMENr Or TIIR 1ME1UOR, V'lllhlltnli, . ('., Tl'l jVidl, Itiutt. I 1 1 ii ft vp ntvd jour rills in my om'inl mid Imnjitnl piJii iKmm hin'o ou mndu thciii, h ml vunnot hooituto t ty iby ent tii bunt i.utu; wi ctnploy. 'luoir n-iH ifttuitf artioucu ilio hwr lei quirk nml do.'iiU J, coiiko nuiiily tltt-y am nu :uhnitallo rutin dy lur di-i tiAL,euttnla of VI i-i t oig.tu. Indtfd. 1 huo iHhliun fi-uud ru-tMf trk U4 Ui.i. ) 'taWlci'O Hint il ilid Uut luiulily J ii'id tti tliou. liiiUiually j. urn, . A,oa iiAl.L, 1. !., i'ryj.ctUJi :J' tkt Mann 9, Dyacntcry, nittrrhora, Rclnx, Woui.a Jlhi JJr. J. (i. (Jtcfn, ' Cm'j Ynur l'jll mo dud a lhg iiial In my f-rartlce, lid I lijld tht-iii ia a-ntin as one of ibo lu4 hjm.-ui-hIii 1 l.ava ever fomid 'ilicif uMciaiito ( (Vi ct Hio llvr iuukt ihfru tin HAtvdifiit K'nicdy, wtinu fcieii ni amnll donvn lr Uiltottt t.v.MtV ri eu't tivwrftOFtL 'J hvir aii;uirfiaiii)g ni tki'i tin-in vui v ii.Tfj'tuU'j and couoiiioi.t lur (bo um irf Wuiiu'-ii uud cliildrVii, Dyrprpwin, Iinpnrlty ef Ilia niond. rron htv. J T. i.-iifi, i Wt Jt(mt CAim e'., ttaUtu Ir. I bnra iiavd jii:r I'tlU with extra .rdlimrt urcta in my f.uuily and mnuu h (- J nm cuiud to vtit lo difttrctta. I n ri'Liuuiu tho 1111,1 i d i'-'-U"!! aud purify tho Muod, ti't hh v.'i y, but le-ivietiy riiva ev.-r Known, uud 1 am tcnll'l-'tiilv twcuiiiu-iid tK-m to ILy iluud Vuu;f J. V. ItlMlid. . TTasiw, TTv.Mi.lnjr Co., K. YM Oct. ill, lSf.S. I'RAR MR: 1 AM ll-llj,UU Clt'-ti UC II iU IU IliV pi'aiV tic, mid find t lift 11 ArMvi)t 'Hit j nli w Im clc.tno 111 ylKta vid put i'y Ihe 'ii'.ui ' h!r.t, JOllS u. MLACUAW, M. P. C'onatlpat Ion Coal Ivrneoo, Sti piii-rwalont jiuriiiiiniuMi. ((iiii. Araiuui In, Di'i , l'urulj Htu, etc. Fii-m lnJ. l Yc.tyhit M-uti'ml, CuhuJo. Too Diu1.I1 rbiiuut ha Mid nf i'ilt f-r the enra r.f eotmin;i. Ii'rahfuof our fiati inlfv havv t'uiid thou an fdicnrioutt hi 1 li.iiv, tb.-y nJiOubl j lu in in ro-? iiiu in p it tir tlm Ih'im-iu ut liiu niultiinlt-4 uliu uirt r from cufiii'ltiint. wliii-h. Hllht'iib bad in itvidi', it thO prOt lllinf of oHle.) UIW WHI'aVH. 1 t-t 'il'l.l c- tiitncu t'loi igiiiiite in tho lifur, but Ji-ui' l'Jlui ullccl tbnC ci gin tuid LUio tbe duc. from Mr$; JT. Stuurtt PhytMmn 'iift M'SviJ, Bdm. find 011a or two In.. of your I'ilU, taU.-u at tba Jirojr titiifj, Ht emvlli'iit trnuolivtjj of tba uuiw:t ucr tn wbeu wli .Hy in- )N4i tinily i.iitpiiMdl, und olio v.ry offuotiial to 'r tu$e tho rhiuniJi and rrfel ttrmM. 'i'lu-y at -jo iiairli tho bt phaio wo buw tbaU 1 rucoinmuud do uibor to uy potionta. Fivm Vu Xtv. Vr. Udwltitif t JA'. tUi iVpi,. Chunk, riTtaiti ll.ivir, HNvamiub . .110. a, W:A llt'.ionio Flit! 1 dliouhl i. un-iHttiiil f -r th irli-f Joui- kkill Uua brwiikbt uio If I 1I1J i.-il n H.ri my ce to you. A cold 4tlal in my )imbHiid bt-uiiKM on exoru fluting Hrit,;Q,c fMsut, whicli t.uib d in ehmuic rhtMma tim Nntwithtoanditiii; 1 i id.' !t or )h.lkin, iba ditwasia tfiuw wjia hii.I nori-. untit by tin- .titu ii ynur exwllui.t ,.:ut in baliini.iH, Ur. MackwDKio, I !iisl tour I'lll-. '1 hii elt-t wrio alow, but m sr. i pumtt'duj lu U10 Oo uf ibiro, 1 ani uuw murly well. BrATa, Putn ttmnw, l.a.. & TW. T)R.AYRKt 1 bmolxs n etnlrulv em-), be your KhtuHU tjc Ouuin. puiuiul dtofKHe tiiHi Imd' Miiiki. il me torjotirH. Vi.NCtNX dLIUIXU 7-Mnt of tha TIMa In tuurkut nialn MirurT, win. Ii, although a vnlnublH r In akillul baiiil. ia ilaiiKtrruiia in a public inll, fmiii tho di-mdful eonoo. qurin ca that ftoquoutly fi.ilnrf pn iu uiiiiiui u-. lhoa Cuutaiu 00 marcury or uiiuotal auhaUiico wliatuer. Prioe, 25 cent per Box, or 5 Boxes for $1.. Prcpmd by Dr. J. C. AYEH It, CO , LovU, Van. K-dd by rriiiuf h. Orant.aud A. V, riwrher, Sunbujy . Cantow aiij c. Hruwn, MiHon: Vr WeiK-k, Me Kwentvill ; Ketfuiyiler St l.u.iiuin, TutbuH'ille j R McCoy, INi.ithunilieruiuu aua by IVuJeit svcrywaeis. Apitl u, trail ly ar00T8 & SHOES, can he purchased at the a9 Mammoth Mtore of Friling cV -Grant, eery cheap, at we are determined not to be undersold by an) body. fll and learn the list of prices for vuureelves. FH1L1N0 A GRANT, tuitnry, January , Ul jVPORTANT TO LOVERS OF 2i CD HJ Q LJ liR Ul1 I' A SiiiN', Invite nitciuion to tlicir Stock 1'iiirie Green and Lluck Tea. June in, IHGt. of JEtC BE Eii JEL:2I SUMMER GOODS. AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES E. sr. 33HICHT SON, fl AVE RECKIVKD OP ALL XEXNDS OP GOODS HANDSOME, DTJR ABLE GREAT BARGALVS AKL) Splendid Inducements TO PoRCEAS3r.S. ATTBB ONE P1UCE STOKE, or E. Y. BRIGHT t 0N. Sunbury, June 15, 1 86 1. AOTHi: AICllIVAfs OF SEASONABLE GOODS, JIT TOS MAMMOTH STORE! OP TRXLING &. GRANT. Suubory, Septeinber 7, 1861. COMMERCIAL NURSERIES, II. E- HOOKER Se CO., RorilESTKR. V. V JOHN' W. Bl'CHEIt, Local Agent, fctuiibu.y, f llhe tubacrilier, having been appointed local Jl A gem for ihe sale of Fruit tree., plants, sine; Atvuf one of the most reliable Nurseries, call the attention of all who want chniee fruit to nut metnou, at inoro ceitain lliaa by obuining Ihem through traveling agent. Among those described in the Catalogue are. Dwarf Pear Trees, of the age f..r Uai.spleuling, remarkably Sua. warf A pi le Trees, on Paradise felorks, ma king beiuliful little tree for the garden, tnd pro dueing remarkably line specimens of fruit iu t very short time. IJwtir merry I rees, budded on Mahaleb rstockt, liauilsome tiees. Standard Apple, Pear tnd Cherry Treea, very Cue, with a large li.t uf varieties. ' Peach, Plum, Nectarine and Auricol Tree. Gooseberry, Ulacklierry tnd btrtwberry i'lanl til of th finest kinds. Currama, many new tnd improved varieties, such ti Cherry. White Crape, White Condouiu, Hed Crape, Victoria, Ac Hlrawlierry Planla. in ereat vtrietv. including Ihe Hooker, Wilson'e Albany, Triomphie de w.iu, v,uo most approveu old variellua,) well as all the novelties. Grape Vine,-. including those fine, new, yet well tested kind, which no ulanier should h without, such Delaware, Concord, tnd HarU ford ProliGc. 1'heie we have propagated to ex tensively ti lo tble to oflet them tt reduced tnd tttisfactory price. Pilots, Iioe, Evergreen and every variety of orntmeuUl treea tnd Shrubbery, securely packed- JOH.V W. BUCJIER, Agent, Sunbury Pe uulury, febuaiy, W, l6t; QBKT BY ill jL rr -v rr. t l - T T Retailed at Wholesale Prices, Marie to Measure at $18 per doz. OR SIX FOR NINE DOLLARS, VTltliout Collars on, with Collars on 2 per dot, extra. MADE OF MILLS MCELIN, fntbflne I.lnrn Tlftom n4 irarranlefl as pood a Eblrt at tolJ la the rtfMI store, at $ J,.'0 each. 11Z0. TUB THRY PEfT FITIP.T9 T1LAT CAN UK ' HACK AT J I ACIL P. P. Thow ho think I canrml mrike a (reofl Phlrt for flS per d.'7en are mistaken, lien's tlie Cult o( on doten (13 line tblrts, to vardt of New-York Mills murtln at Uc. per jt. J4 fS T of fii.e I.Hen, at We. r jrard, ( 0 Ulaklneand cutlinff t 0') I.vmdry, 1 ; and cotton, Wc 1 (9 Trolit . W Tolal 1S 00 Self Measurement for Shirts. Pilnlcrl dlreetions lent free everywhere, and si eiwr lo ua.lcr.tand. r.:ftt any oufi enn tel., tlieir o n meaiure for tirts. I arrant a food fit. Tlie ta be paid U ti e express Compan ou receipt of (tools, Tlie F.xiireM cliarpes on one dosen Ehlrts from Kew York th Kew Orlenra is 1. p. B.-rAnTirs wisinso FmrtT.i is rtAT!,noi hivtn? litre to and for Rnli. of Mpasnremenl.tliould ernd per mail, prepaid, ore of the best l.ttlneililrti the tave t ot, tlutlnrf any alterationt that niy be required. S. W. II. "WARD, from Londpn, 387 Broadway, up Btairs, Between Tl.;te A V.'olkcr Eucctt i:TV-Y0UIl-Vtrrli II!, IhOl.- tf CENTRAL HOTEL, SUNBURY, Northumberland County, Pa, ''Ills In rue nnu commodious lintel, now -- managed by JAMES VAN DYKE. It it situate at the rtuilroad Depot North East comer of Maikct Kiunrn. Kuubury, and at tho terininna of the Sunbury r Erie anil ;ortli era (.'entral llnilroiids, and ia open fortheaccom Dimliition of Travelers and the public in general The proprietor will give his exclusive atten tion, totbe comfort and convenience of his cueel and is de ermined tn mnke this establishment rink among the first in ihe State. Iiii tnhle will be supplied with the best the ma'ket can produce having the advantuee of daily communiiialion by cars direct from Haiti- more, and also from thoto bringing produce from the surrounding country. His b.irwill be supplied with the purest liquors the market can produce i a-eful and obliging servants always in al tem'.iiice. N v and commodious stabling has juat been added lo the premises. A share of tl.e local and traveling community mont ro'prctlully solicited. P-jribiirv. Jain.arv 12, 1SGI. GOODS, S WEAR. FOR MEN' Black nml Blue Hair Cloth, Beaver Overcoating, Liauk Doeskins, New Si)le Cassimeree, All Wool Tweeds, Heavy Kentucky Jeans, Real fiood Cassinett. . SiU Mixed Coalings. Super Velvet Cords, Black Grenadine Venting, Black Satin Vesting, Fancy Silk Velvet Vestings, Plain Silk Velvet Vesting. Nice Caaximcre Vcstings In fact alt kinds of goods for Men' and Boys' wear, can be found at the People' One Price Slore of E. Y. .Bright A: Son, who have just eceived by Railroad a splendid stuck of all kinds of goods, tiiitable for cold weather. Please call and be convinced. K. Y. BRIGHT & SON. Sunbury, October 27, ISoO. REVERE HOUSE, (LA TK K.AGI.K HOTKL,) 7'Airo? Street, ahnre liace, Philadelphia, RI10ADS & g.Ml.OIt, Propnetori. JVrnOVKMKNTS nave been mode, and the House bat lieen refttM-d lliroue,lut , TlLnnMAK V. KiiOAEi, formeilyof Ihe National Hotel t'Hiai.M Sn.oK, l'..ri.ierly ol Sei.uylklll Co., I'a, l'lnludtlpliia, Juii. 10, lf-(il y J . A . CRANDALL'S PATENT SPRING HpUSF.8 473 BROADWAY, NEW VOIIK. Should be in every family. School, Gymnasi um, Aaylmn, and Hospital In the land. Are not DANGE ROL'S, like tbe common Rocking Horse. Stand firm on its Pedestal, will not wear CARPETS, and haa no Rocker lo injure the Feet. "Heultli'und happiness in Hi tame saddle." N. P. Willie '.'- V -hi v--ysrvir i, t . s FROM THE "HOME JOURNAL." "Of !l the rhilJ-furuiture we have ever teen uo article combines so much ol those two intpor taut tliinus health and happiness a Ihe Ad justable Patent Steel Spring Saddle Horse, in terne. I by lease A. Crandall, It is nol danger. nu, like a common rocking-horte, to children's feet, cannot be Ui t, doe not wear carpet, hut stands firm on it luie, and its action is to like ihe gallop of a live borne that the child never wearies of it. Thi .atentof rhihl-liovelliv i ex ceedingly elegant and artistic in design ; and so adjustable, subfianlial, tnd durable, that it will In.t lifetime. It is indispensable iu every family where Ibere tie. children. Il should be in every primary. school and gjmnasium iu the country, as it can be made large and strong inouth lo eubtaiu grown pemona. A a pedeital for pbotngraphie plclurt, uollung is mure beauti ful. ' ' - j.., "Every Oiphtn Asylum and Institution where children are ciigregaied, should be furnished with a number of tluse brautilul article Tbey are filled with side saJdle when riuiiej." DIRKCTI0N8 FOR ADJL'STINtl. 0cii the after part of tbe base aulliciently to allow the axle to go in it place ; then rai.e or loner Ihe Hore to suit you. Screw the bolt in the side very tight. CS Tbete Horse- ire WARRAFTEU on year. March 16. Lite or Death The ubcriber luk pleaaure in announcing that they are now prepared lo mail (free) tu those w ho with it, t copy of tn important hide wutk, by tlie lute Dr. Brampton, entitled "The Invtlid't Medical Con fidant," published fur th benefit, tnd is warn' ing lo young men tnd persons who suller from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, &e. oVc, upplying Ihe mean of self cure. The reader is irresistibly led to compare useful tf witb in ignoble death. Reader, lute not t moment, but tend your id dress for copy of thi little work. Addres th Publisher , DR JOHN B OfJDE.VcV CO, .CI f 69 John Su, New York; Viy II, .?mti . urn mmn vmmm r 'JEAM FLOURING f&Wi 13La s havinn luken pore.-.bu (if a VJ.OI RI.VU Mil. I., are .i- o., grm n uf kll M'ula, and to do cuv 4- M Nhn,l.rf ajlia f..lntn,ra will n'- Tlr (trials (rround immeilialvly upon their being left at ihe Mill. As it is the inten tion of the firm to slock the Mill t laritn iSup. ply ol Orain, will he continuity kept o hand, and flour by the quantity can always be obtained, 1'he greatest care will be taken to turn out a su perior quality of flour, for which the mill la ad mirably adapted. Strict attention will be paid to the wants of customer, and Ihe patronage of the public generally is respectfully requested.. MORGAN eV CO., Sunbury, June 33, 18"0. LUMBER! LUMBER PHILIP SHAY, MTJNOY, FA. IB N FOR MS his friends and the public in Reno H ral, that he constantly keeps on hand, Boards, Shingles, I.alh, Joists ar.d all kinds of Lumber and building materials, which be will tell al the lowest prices. March 30, 18C1. WALL PAPER 1 FRILING A GRANT, at the MAMMOTH STOKE, have this day (January I7lb, lbCI received t CUOICE ASSORTMENT or TIIK NEWEST STYLES AND PATTERNS or WA.r.r. paper, which they are telling tt prices that defy competition. Sunbury, January 19, 1SG1- NOW WITHIN REACH OF ALL GliOVElt $ UAKEli'S C C L E B R A TE II NOISELESS Sewing Machines, 4lJ5 Broaiiwat, Nkw Youk. The public tltciilion is repeclfully jt quested lo the following card of F.lias Hover., Jli., and the G rover & Baker S. M. Co A Card from the GROVES, & BAKER S. M. Co. Our Paten's being now cutnhlit-hed by tji Courts, wc are enabled to fomi-li the Giover ck Baker Machine, with important improvements a! greatly It educed I'ricci. The m-Mlerate price al which Machines ma.k ing the Grover dc Baker stitch, can now be bud brings them within Ihe reach of all, and renders the use of Ma -hint's making inferior Hitches ae unneceaaary as it is unwiso. Person desiring the best Machines, and the right to use them, must not only be sure to buy Machines making the Grover 6l Baler stitch, but also that such Machine sro made tnd tamped under our pttcnts and those of Lliaa Howcr, Jr. CROVEIt & BAKER S. M. CO., 495 Broadway, Now- York. A CARD FROM KLIAS HOWE, JR." All person are cautioned not to make, deal in, or use any Sewing Machine which sew from two spools and make the stitch known a the Grover cV S Baker stilch, unless the same are purchased from Ihe Grover cfc Baker Sewing Machine Company, or Iheir Agents, or I, kernes, and lamped under my palentof September 10, 1846. Said Company, and Iheir Licenses, alone, an legally authorized under tlieir own patents, am my said patent, during the extended term there of, to make and sell this kind of Sewing Machine and all others. are piracies upon my said patent, and will be dealt with accordingly, wherever found, ELIAS HOWE, JR. New York. Dee. 59. IS60. tf TO ALL THOSE lilt - Farms, Parks or Gardens. IN CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA. A rare chanee it oow afforded to teleet and order FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES Vine. Shrubbery, &e.. from ihe celehrnred Clover Street rturaene. lK-aim al llocfteater, New York. niooni:, imoniKiis, PROPRIETORS Who beg leave to announce that they ere prepared IIESPON8IDLE AGENTS, To distribute their auneiior atock on the most reaaunabl terim. . PEOPLE OK THE EEYSTOITE STATE. Iveil of Nature and Ihe beautiful, and i.iailt- l.l.rai. for your liilellifenee, Wealth, lilHrality and Uule. now is 111 f I in In tii.ilrj. (-...a. . .- ' ...... ... iwui Kixvumii inwi iiur DESCRIPTIVE C ITALOOl'E AND PLATE BOOK?, will lie fur.ii.hed you, UirouKb our locnl aenle j r I., -v hi, juui u.urra wiu ue aoiiurs- bly hlled. For fuither particuktraapplvtn ' HiLDLKICK A. HOWE, Or JOHN B. JONES, Av.u.t, ra. Ajteiit for Nnrthamberrand county. REFERENCES: lion. ERF.NEZER liRIFFIN, R.Hhetler, N Y. Ift.n. JOHN GAI.I11IA1TH, Erie, Pa Col. J. R. JOHNSON, Weudville, P. February!!, IMil Sill War! War! War!. COME FROM TUE NORTH, COME FROM THE SOUTH, COME FROM THE EAST, COME FROM JllE WEST, Stve the couutrv tnd build yourselvee homes, or now it the time to get your Lumber-cheap. l ea, . LUMBER ! LUMBER ! ! LUMBER ! I I can lie pur.:hed it low rate it fl!vjtTEAM SAW-WU. I. of IRA T. CLEMENT, Such ftnel Lumber, Frame Lumber, Board, Siding. Shingle, train .to 8 per Ihuuetnd, Plastering I.alh, Paling,' Roofing Leih. 4c cVc. AH bill ordered, for any kind of Lumber, wilt M luriuabeil at We ctiorte.t nonce. IRA T. CLE.ME1VT. Sunbury, March 9, 1 S6 1. COTTAGE I3IBLES. 10 ft SALK, cheap, (brei copiet of tba l.ttHL.H HilklA in IVAVflllim.. hilk.nm. . LI. U. M AS8EU. dOLOMO 91AUCK. Attorney a Law, BUNBUJIY, Northumberland Co., Pa (Formerly Freehurg, bnyder county.) OFFICE, Mtrket Street, a few door esst of lb Notthern Central Railroad Depot and two door wait of th Pott Office. AU Professional Busine, Collection, &c-, will receive prompt attention. March 30, 1861. "THE UNION," Arch Street, above Third, Philadelphia, UPTON . NEWCOMER, Proprietor. T'HIS HOTEL is central, eonrenienl by Paaaenger Care to all paria of tie cily, and ia every partteuku tdnpic h, the eoruloete and waauef th bnrtacta putlla. tW Terms, per day. ttaber 1 1, tbl ly AN0TIE It ARRIVAL OF W 15 W GOO D S, X SI. f;EI orsunbiiry, I'a., B J AH just arrived with splendid STOCK of 1 8PKINU AND SUMMKK GOODS, from Pliihidelphia, to which he respectfully invites his friends and the Public to call and inspect, he will spare no time in showing Ihem. Among hisatck of gnodt will befuund, FINE BLUE AND BLACK FFJC1TCE CLOTH. Fine Black tnd Fancy C'aaimere Tweeds, Pt inctu, Jeans, Black Italian Cloth, Cashmeretle, Cotlonade, Linens, Linen Drill, Linen Check, tnd Ftrcy Vesting, elan a large assortment of Iteady-made CLOTHING for meo tnd boyt (cheapj "OR LADIES WEAR, Black tnd Fancy Dres Silk very cheap, Silk Tiasue, llerege, Chali tnd Chali Robe, Ucrege Delaine, Berege Robe, Figured Brilliant and t variety of oilier Dress Goods, Spring and Punv mnr Shawls, Mantillas, Parasols, a good asnnrt- inent of white goods. Collars, Sleeves, Irish Linen, Shirt fronts, Marseilles, Brilliant Ac. A general assortment of domestic Dry Cods. Also a large stock of Hals and Caps, Boots and shoes. Hardware, (juee.iis and Gluanware, Groceries, IjCdarware, Stone and Earthenware, limes and Paints, .Suit, Fish, Cheese, Ham, Oil, Tar Arc. &e. N. U. Wall and Window Paper, Floor and Table Oil Cloth, Carpets, all the above will be sold al low prices for cash or country produce te en in exchange for Goods. J. II. ENCEL. Sunbury, May. 19, 18G0. tf. New Air Line Route TONE "W YOB IK. PHORTKST IN DISTANCE AND QUICKEST IN TIMK between the tw r'o.ea of ITEWYOilU AND II A Kit. S DfJHG. vi READING, AM.KNTtiWN AND F.ASTOM. Morninit Kxpri-ti eat knvet New York at 6 a. M . and riiilii(lcl.lna ut f a M , arrives nt lli.rrn.ln.ri; nl H a r. coiiiiceting at with In. in ,,,, ,.rtlicrn Central Itoad for anbury, il.iumipurt, Lock Haven and iuler rr.e.liute atauona. Mail Trim. West leavea New York at 1J iio.m, and li.hla at H lill r. M., connection with train "n Ni.rlli. erii Ceiiltal Itoial for u Hhove, and also oil all .... ........ ,1... w.ii i ' Alail Tiain Khki leaves Unrriiriiiie nt P, A. M , ond nr. rivcaat 1'hiladelphia at 1 v. m , nnd New York at 3 3(1 r. M.. in time u, i...nt i.r cm. rr Rotton. Ac. t ' l.xpren l-.a lertvee ll irrnhui nt I 13, on nirivnl nl N.irlhen. Centrul Tiniii, and anivei al l'lolmklplin. nt No elinnpe i.f ennor b'.lween New Y"urk or Philadelphia ami Jlarriibuiir. Knr of ti-enery tniil iiced, comfort and accommo dation, Una r.iute present, upenor iiiduceiucnti lo tne travelinf pul.iio Olfn-c in Neve York. f..otof Courtland ttreet, Philadel phia, ltrml and Callowlnll .tree!.. Fare between .New Yu.k aiKt llurn.bur FIVE DOl. I . A II? FurTickela; Freight or other infnnnnth.n, npply to J J. CLYDE, Geneiiil Agent. Ilarril.nrg, June 30, IWill ly THE BEST ROUTE 1860 FROM Vjoniliifi Vrtllcy In IMtllntUlplilii, Setv Turk, llaUImore, AND ALL FOISTS yORTH, SOUTH & WEST, LACK.WAN'NA & BL00MSBUR0 RAILROAD. SUM1MEU AniiANQEI-IEMT. Two Daily Paiwenf tr Trains will be tun bctveteu Scranloa sjki riortnuniiMiu.i.u, at to.ivwn MOVLNO bUUTH: Leaee Thil'sMu l. N. V Ea. Scranton, 10 A. M. 4 84 P. il Arrive al PittKlivl, a 3d ( ft Kingid f t i j g.j rihlekihinnj, 7 60 V g.S Uerwirk, ,-, ( j,;, ltloo....hai(, i-0 1 30 HuKll, 00 7 4! Denvilie, . t 2. 8 10 Northuuil.eUud, Iw o $ . MOVING NORTH r S. y. Kx. Phil's Mail NorU-uruherkud, 30 A. M. . 4 IS P. Al. Arrive al Danville, M 8 SO Rupert, JS S 60 Uloom.buig, t 41 r 00 Kcrn'tck, 7 IS C 35 Shickahinny, 7 41 7 U3 Kme.tun, a 3A 7 43 Pittiton, I 67 8 15 Serttnton, t y5 (. 45 Tlie ljiekawanrM and Bl v.mibtirc Railroad connect, with the Delaware, Lai kawdnna and We.lern Railroad, at ernnton, lur New York and Philaitelph.a, nndiuternie cliate point. Ea.t ; all,,, fur Great Head, Biiighanitoll, rivrucuie, liudalo, Niaearn Falls, and all important points Weal. At Unpen il connect with Ihe CnltHWiim Hall rood, for p.inl. both Fuat and Weil. At N.nlhuinbeiland it conneel. Willi the Suuhury and Erie Railroad, lor point. We.t HnilS.uth. M. '.V. JACKSON, Suii't. Kmgaton, Aitgu.t W, V'. HEGEMAN & COS CCIU)KVJ liLIXlU 01'' CALISAYA B A II K Prepared only by HECiEMAN A CO., Wholele and Retail Chemiala and Drucfriit., 161, 399, fill and 756 Broadway, New Yoik. THE virtuea of PERUVIAN BARK nl t Tonic kave been Um. long k..ov.i b, i.eetl cnmneirt. The CALISAYA ('-or King 'a Hark,") ia the moat valu. ableoflhe iiumer m va.ietiea nf the Peruvian Hark, and 111 the ELIXIR le coinl.iueil with other iiujred.enla lhat iiicreaw, it. eniraey uud at the anme time overeome the 11.1en.1ty ui 111 uttu-r, rendering it a moit Agreeable Cor dial. For pereont living in FEVER tnd AGI'E di.tricls, It Will be found ittvuluable nt 11 pieveittive. Half of u Wllie laaa full taken maht and mo,uin, rendering Hie aatcn. ,.. m mujeei 10 ine uuneanay i'i tne aum t phere. Dl RECTIONS -Dm. tui an nit.ilt. hnlf a wtiietflaa. full hef.u-e hreHkfa.t and dinner; children fioni oueu.two ten.pouua full it maybe uikcn with or without a bule wuier For tale at thi. office. March 17, l-tto A Freitli Supply of tlry C.OU(i. nONSlSTINO in part of Prinla. Delaine bleached and unbleached M osling, Check Stripe Denims. & Drills. &c, just received by iv. i... ui toe 3iammnin store or FHIL1NG & GRANT. LOOK HERE, YOU WANT TO BUY CHEAP IF FOR CASH. pi O TO WM. H. MILLER, he hat received M from Philadelphia a large atock of BOOTS & SHOES. Hi dock commit of Gen't Kipp Hoot, Youth' Kipp Boots. Children' Gulf Boot. Alto a variety of Women' Calf Lace Boot, Women' Morocco Lace Boot, Children' Morocco and Calf Lr Bool, all of which he will sell cheap for CASH. Calland examine foryouraelve. A I. SO, lira, quality of Tauipero Moroco for sale for cash. , WM. H. MILLER. Sunbury, January T, lRf.O. GENESEE SALT. WHOLESALE Sb RET AIL, 1YIL1NU & GRANT (at the Mammoth eftnre.) have just received 600 tba. of Solar Uroujiii, Molar and rine Salt, 700 Suck of Ground Solar Salt every tack warranted .to contain 25 pounds tif Salt and S00 bagaof Salt containing one Bushel each. Ttiia an It is th best and (trongast now manufactured auel in market. Call and see for youitelve. -Sunbury Sept., 8, IHfiO. IVNDOW SHADES. A ry fine and vv cheap aasortment, just received try Rail. rotd from New Yoik, it the Mammoth dure uf r riling J Grant W have also for sale S.S. Putnam & Co' celebrated Patent Pendulum Curtain Fixture. SAVE YOUR FRUIT . BY USING MASON'S Patent Sheet MeUl Screw Top PRESERVE JAR. MASON'S PATENT SHEET METAL SCREW TOPI . it II lhat ia neeesaary being to screw the Cap'down upon the Kubter Gasket, which it placed upon the shoulder of the Jtr, 31 af tn inch dis tant from Ihe top prevent the poibililt of lb Uat or of ihe fruit being injured by coming in xnlact with the Rubber. Personideairing thee Jar, csn he auprlird hv ving their oidei with II. B. MASTER, Sunhiry, June t, IbfVO. , Agent,' NEW GOODS Atthe Mammoth Store of IRA T. CLEMENT, NO. I MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, P.. FpHE subacriber haa juat opened at his w1 I known establishment in Sunbury, ou of lb. hea pest and most desirable stocks of Fall and Winter Goods, that has ever been offered in the place, tnd which ne will sell for CASH or exchange for Country Product. Those desiring to purchase goods will do well to call and examine his stock. BLACK AND FANCY SILK. All Wool Delaine, Figured, Striped tnd Plnln, French Merino, til colors. Beautiful Dres Robe, Cashnieics, Shaded, lain and Striped must be teen to form an idea of the extent and varielr. Mantle, 8tella, Chenille, French Wool SLtwit Thibet and Brochc Shawls. Clotha Cassimeres and Satinrt For Men and Boys' Wear, Black Cattimerre, Fancy CaRximeres, side stripe heavy, Doe Skin Capnimeres, Salinel all kinds. X"H,.iVr-TJJ ELS, White and Red Klminc!?, 11 grades tnd prires. Bay Slste Sack Flannels, colors finest rjnaltiue. READY-MADE CL01IIIN0 Bouts and Shoes, Hat and Caps, Ac., f,e., all of which were selected with greul care, ar.d will compare favorably, as regsrds quahlv, l; l and price, with any iu the country. HAKDWAKU, a full assortuieut. Wood and Willow Wtre, lueeueware, of all detcripliodt. Groceries, a full stock in store, Carpel Chains, etc., Paints, Oils. Glass, Dye Stuff. Thankful for the patronage heretofore reoeive.1 he will spore no pains to please all who may fvr him with their custom in the future. Sunbury, Get. ', 1859. HIGHLY IMPORTANT NEWS M. C. GEAR II ART, His returned with 1 new Stock of Confectionarics, Fruit and Toys. 1 T seercs ts if tjjew af.e, a new life was open ing upon us, animating every heart to nuhkr deeds and higher aims I Art, Literature and Sci ence will glow anew and seek to develops vil lirner beauties and grander conception. The business world tou must feel the new in fluence and evervjiartbequhkoticJ and ilrcng'.lv encd by an iucrva.ed vitality, which .hull uro us on with electric speed to the coiifuitiiotiiion of greater tliinu;K than was ever I'renmeil of in las Philosophy of the pan. Animated by the enthusiasm which pn vai'c all cles, and desirous of duii. his fbnrc to wards "'1'he grel events of the. Atfe," Hi .. scriber would respectfully inform the ,ooJ peo ple of SUNBURY ond the public (rcner:.l!y, Ibi-l he has just relumed fn:i th cily of PinlndeL phia wilh the largest and choicest' toc!( of Co. . fertionaries. Fruit and Toys ll. -.1 tvir betn brought to this section of country . ile H o!-.i tnaiiul'acluring all kind of Coi.lecii iimiic-i .Vr . to fill up eiders, wIioUsh' or retail, al r.hotl n , tic. Among his stock of Confectioner. n iiihv o found : French Screi.. Oum Dr-pr, ell inivii ).' seen. Burned A !rn..nd, Drop., Creimi While, Mint Drops, red .id whe, " I.tra , Jellv Cake., ' R'e, I'tuit Drops, " Vanilla, .jCk Cajid'ea, c( aj scw.e Co-union Sewiaw. K.vkl'aml), Utt-SKe, AlmJtid Ca.idf, FRUIT. Bajnaaa, Prunes, Dales, Ki5, Curraiit. dried., Ciin na, Ahoomla,", .u: of a l in.,! I.KMON kfYKUr of euperior ijualily, the single !c?r. A atiperiur quality of .igirs e.ii.l Tobacco, nr1 1 variety of Coiifei'tinnaiirs, fruit, Toys, eVe ait of which iaoflVred ehcnp at wholenle'or J Iveu.cinber thH name and place. M. C. GEA KHAK I , Market l, 3 door v. eat of E. Y. Bright & Su't (tore. 8unbur, April 14, 1BC0. ly FIVE-MINUTE FREEZER. A Improved for 1859 and b'O, By E. KETCH AM ek CO., 3 Pearl-tret, New-York. "IHE only Freexer conalructed on scientific - principles, with a revolving can ar.d spring blade scraper. Th one hasten the fret ting uf the cream th other remove it ta faat as frozen. The most rapid in frsciing, with the least quantity of ice. The most economical in cost, as it is the moat simple tnd durable in structure. For sale iu til the principal cities and lowr.t in th Union. Eteh Fleeter accompanied wilh a book of re Hpee and full directions. PRICES. 3 quart, f:J CO 4 quart, 4 00 6 quart, 6 (II) 8 quirt, 6 00 ,' 14 quart, 8 Oil SU quart. IX (JO Apply to H. B. MASSER, Sunbury. June S, IMt.ll. ROCKEFELLER & BOYEit Attornies at Law, &UNBURY, PA. A. Jordan Itockeftltcr ""J Solomon II. ltoyer, respectfully announce Ui. they entered into Copartnership iu the practice of Iheir profession, tnd will continue to attend to all bun l.ess entrusted to their charge in the counties of Northumberland, Union, Snyder and Montour, promptly, faithfully and carefully. Special at. tentiun will be given to the COLLECTIONS OF CLAIMS. Consultation can be bad iu Ihe GERMAN language. OHioe, - Market Street, opposite Weaver' Hotel. Sunbury, February , 1N0. - P. MELANCHTON SHINDEL, JISTI4 i: OF lilt PEACE, BTJJSrBTJRTtT, PA. QJfice in Deer Street, immediately opposite th Public School House. A II business promptly mended to. Moniee ollecled and til ordinary writinga done. Sunbury. 25. itft7. if " HENRY DOSNEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. tic opposite the Court House, Stuibury, Northumberland County Pa. Prompt ttention to bubiuess in adioinin counties. WHOLESALE DEALER JN BRANDIES. WINES, GINS, &C. fl'HE eubacriher having oined in Thumpson's A Brick Building, Mill tteet, Dauville. Ur.e tnd com)ilete dock uf - FOREIGN AND DOM E8TIC LIQUORS, ' ' comprising the bestbrtndsyf Brtndie. Gin, Old Rye, Scotch ind Irish Whisley, Portk Sherry, Maderia, Champigne tnj other Wine, of U gr.ilea, ill of which will bt told .Wholesale tt Ihe lowest ci:y price. Tavern-keeper by buy. ing of u eta ave it leaat the lieiglit. Person! desirous of puicha.u.g liquors for F A MIL Y USE, may rely upon being furnished with a Jiytt ar.d unadulterated article. . I i" Being determined to estuklisb a repUatio for wiling cheap he repeclfulTy oliuithl p. trounge of the' public. All Older jrocuplly V tended to. . . " JEREMIAH S.HALL. Danville, urt 16, lb60. IXGR4INED CARPETS, Al A5VFACTFRED ij fer Sale by M. P.irec A CM IM lirKlt ,el MeU.well'a BmUmg, Korrk I ,l ri,er, Scc.l.d and Bar f r,u philedeij l. .r;Qorfi Gl'ARAXJ FFr.