Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, January 18, 1862, Image 3

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K ExreDiiion unwn the m mo
rn im.
:a!o, an. 10 The rloce of the expo-
oo, composed of McUleroanti'a Hrigade,
Jed eiftht oiilei down tba M isMmiippi, nl
mouth of M) field Creek, on tbe Kin
ky nidi1, where the; pitched their leoli for
night. ,
jeneral Grant sod ntBff went flown doring
afternoon and returned in the eveuing.
e remainder of the force will move in the
'ront the New York Cnmmtrciul Adver
r we glean the following particular of
a loug talked of expedition down the Mir
nippi river, end judging rrom iu formida.
, character, la destined to strike s terrible
iw to rebeldotn : The moet extensive pre
rations have been made fur this expedition,
lich has been planned by the most skillful
litnryand naval authorities in the Western
Next to the overpowering numbers or the
petlitinn is tho formidable character of the
nting batteries, which will form acompo
nt port of it. 'I'hese have been prepared
tb great care, end consist of boats of the
ost substantial construction. The total
irnher of boats is seveotyeight, of which
elve ero gun boats, thirty-tight tr.orUr
uts and twenty eight are tugs ami steam
.sis. The gun boats are as follows :
(tuna. (Juse
anion 18 Pittsburg 1ft
Meg 15 Cincinnati! 15
, I.ouis ifi l.oui'ville 15
arolitleWt 15 Conestnga 15
ennui City IS Lexington 15
aiu) 15 Tyler 15
Seven of these boats cost eighty-nine thou
ind ilnlltU!) earh to build. They ate one
aodred and seventy Gve feet in length, flfty
ne feet six inches in breadth, and draw five
et when loaded.
The bows and bow bulwarks consist of
bout three leetof oak timber, bolted togeth
r and sheathed with th best quality of
rought iron plates two and a hall inch thick,
i'hn sides have the game sheathing, with less
iulk of timber. Each boat is pierced for Ihir
een guns, four on each silt, four on tbe stern
ind three at the bows, Tbe bow guns are
-iglity four pounder rifled cannon : the others
ire eight itich Columbiads. The sides of the
oat8, both above and below tho knee, incline
it an angle of forty live degrees, and nothing
.tut a plunging shut from a high bluff cn-jld
trikn the surface at right angles. Tbe boilers
und machinery are situated as to be perfectly
protected, and may be considered quite out
of danger. Tho iron plating has been severely
tested by shots from rifled cannon at differ
i nt distances, aud has shown itself to be
utterly impervious to any shots that bave
been sent against it, even at a runge of three
hundred ynide.
Th? liinttm is the flag ship of the expedi
tion. She is one hundred and eighty six feet
lung on deck, and seventy five feet wide at
the beam. Her hold is eight and a half feet
in depth, and with a heavy armament and
trtiw on board, will draw about five feet: She
bus a double bull, with wheels working in tbe
recess, nenr the stern. Her bull is of four
inch plank, and timbers eight by ten inches.
The bull is divided by live fore and aft bulk
beads, and thirteen erot-s bulkheads, making
forty live water tight compartments. The
k-rk Iramrt hi'ums are ten inches equate.
The main deck is planked with lour and a
iialf inch plank. The lorward defence runs
iown to the two feet water line, and is of
twenty four inch timber, all sheathed witb
two und a half inch iron plating. The entire
(mat is sealed with- three and four inch oak
ilunk, caulked and made perfectly tight.
Casemates extend arouud tbe whole boat, and
ore made of twelve inch timber. At tbe
I. uuckieon the main deck the timber is from
three to four (eet in thickness, solid. The
Denton is pierced for, und will carry eighteen
lieavy guns, which ure from H2 poundera to
4-puumlers calibre, some rifled and some
Miiuotn bore, and there are two !) inch Dabl-f-reu
guns. Tbe principal part (if tbe arina
iiienl :s disposed in tbe forward part of the
boat, there being two guns only at the steru.
The machinery, boilers, etc., are all under
the deck. The cylinders are '20 inches in dia
iii. ter with 7 feet stroke. There are four
boilers, "4 feet long and 40 inches in diamn.
ter, double flued. Tbe wheels ure 20 feet iu
meter with 11 feet bucket. The wheel house
is protected by timber from six to eight inches
th cknes?, and sheathed with heavy iron. Tbe
pilot house is protected by 12-inch oak timber
pUced til an -.ugU of about thirty degrees
with the upper deck, is conical in shape, and
of every ingenious construction.
There are two magazine?, one on each side
ju-t forward of the wheels. Tbey are each
i-ajiable of carrying one hundred rounds of
uiiimuuitioi) fur every gun, and afford ample
loom for the uei-eesary evolutions witliiu
I I. .'in. The. inuga.ines can be flooded with
wuter in a mouietit from the main deck, and
re furnished aud arranged in true naval
The mortar boats are built of heavy tim
tiei'D, the sides of boiler iron, loop-holed fur
musketry, and are so arranged that tbey can
bd used for bridges. They will each curry
one fifteen inch mortar. The mortar boat
will be towed into position by tugs.
With this formidable armament, and a force
of seventy five thousand men, the onward
march must be comparatively resistless. Tbe
rogje8 of the flotilla will probably be by
tbe Mississippi to Columbus abd Memphis ;
by the Tennessee tn tbe mouth of the Sandy
jiver, aud by '.be Cumberland river to .Nash
ville. Within a few days wa shall make
history vorv fast.
tUVIRSMI :.T ,11 A K I ft G Wait UN 1UE
The following correspondence bas tuken
place bet eon tbe O'Dooogbue, M. P., and
the Lord Chancellor of Ireland, in reference
to tbe speech of the Toroier at a mass meeting
in Dublin a short time since:
Lokd Chancku.or's Skcrrta rv'k Oi rtrie,
l'oia Courts, Dublin, Dec, 9.
Sir : I am directed by tbe Lord Chancel,
lot to write to you, and state I hut is bis
lordship bas read tbe report, as given in the
Freeman's Juurnat newspaper of the Gib
iust., of the proceedings of whit is called a
mass meeting of Irish Nationalists, bolden at
ti e lloluuda oo tbe evening of Thursday the
6tb iust , and over which yon are stated to
liave presided as Chairman. The whole tenor
of tbo speeches reported to bave been made
t this meeting, aud tbe resolutions adopted,
plainly indicate tbe determination of those
who tuok part in it, that if, in consequence of
decent occurrences, a war should aiise bet wet o
Her Majesty aud tbe Federal States ol
Northern America, ibey would as fur' as
might beiutbeir power, not only withhold
all assistance from their lawful sovereign, but
would maoilest their syBipatby and friendship
fur those wbu in that calamitous event woulJ
be arrayed in open hostility against ber.
Tbe meeting appeara to bave concluded
villi the appointment of a committee, of
which you are named as chairman, whose
object is declared to be to take ioto conside
ration tba advisability of carrying out an
organization in the present state of affairs at
borne and abroad ; aud looking to tbe princi
ples avowed by those vbo addressed tbe
meeting, it is to be presumed that tba organ
ititioo thus projected is designed to advance
those principles and to disseminata tba
treasonable views so publicly announced.
The abnln of these proceedings appear to
tbe Lord Cbanrellor to be altogether at
variance witb the true allegiance to abicb
every subject of lbs Kmpire is bound, and bis
lordship has directed this communication to
be made to yon, as magistrate of tbe county
o' Kerry, aud holding ber Majesty's coomiia
tio, iu otder that yoa ms make tucb
observation! thereon as you shall think
1 have tbe honor to br, sir, joor obedient
Mark Pkrrin.
The O'DoNooni-R, M. P,
DcRRRqi-iw Casti.k. Kenmare, Dec. 14.
Sir: 1 bave received your letter of lbs
9th of December, conveying to me tba view
lbs Lord Cbaocellor has beeo pleased to
take of the proceedings at the recent meeting
of Irnh Nationalists, over which I bad tbe
honor of presiding. And, In compliance with
your request, I beg to state for bis Lordship's
Information, that it is my conviction that an
overwhelming majority of tbe Irish people
feel that they bave much more reason to be
grateful to the American nation than to the
Uritish Government and that, therefore, in
the eveat of war between America and
Kngland, they would be very unwilling to
supply men and money for the purpose, as 1
stated at the meeting, of destroying Aineri
can commerce, bombardiug American cities,
and humiliating the American flag. I can
didly avow that those are my sentiments.
further, I have to state that I bave already
acquainted several with tn? intention of with.
drawing from the Committee nomioated at
the Ilotunda meeting, because, npon redec
tion, 1 see clearly that, in the absence of a
great Dumber of names, the Committee
cannot command the cooQdoncu of tbe
At the same time I think it absolutely
oecetsary that a Committee, manifestly
entitled to public confidence, should be
appointed to consider how tie interests of
Ireland may bo affected by a war between
America and Knglatid. Perhaps 1 mny
become a member of such a committee, the
formation of which must necessarily lead to a
moat useful Balneal organization. An ap
prehei sino of trespassing tuo freely open
your valuable time foihidn me to enter at
greater length into details ; for, innsmucb ns
1 deny tbe necessity or prudence of a secret
system of action, 1 see no reason why the
Lord Chancellor should nol be made ac
quainted wiib our plans, and bis opinion taken
upon the feasibility of our proposed organiza
tion, i neneve trie meeting at the Uotunria
ruiy indicated tho ceneral feelinu nf th. !
leopleof Ireland upon Ihe ntiestion of war
people oi Ireland upon Ihe nnestion
between America und England, end I am
prepared to maintain, at all risks, that it is
the duty and the undoubted ritiht of my
countrymen, unreservedly, to discuss oil
questions aflecting the interests of Ireland.
1 cannot be persuaded thut bis lordship
cnutemplatea visiting me with what he, no
doubt, regards us punishmeul, for venturing
to discbirge this duty, and to aBfert th s
right. 1 urn puzzled to understand why you
bave been directed to address me "o a 11107
isriie " and notes an Irishman. Are the
two characters incompatible f Muste magis
trate forego freedom of thought and expres
sion? Must he allow others to think and
speak fur bim ? Must he take an English
view of every question, and at once stifle
the natural predilections of li e Jri-h heart ?
future events sbull decide tbe answer to be
given to these queries.
1 have the honor to be, ynnr obedient
servant. O'Donoiihuk.
To the Secretary of the Lord Chancellor.
Lonu Ciunc-km.or's Skcrf.tary's Chick,)
Tour Cot-UTS, Dl'iii.i.m, Dec, 17. J
Sir : I am directed by tbe Lord Chancel
lor to inform you thot, having read your
letter of the 14th ult., his lordship hag
directed writs of supersedeas to issue, remo
ving you Irom the commission of tbe peace
of Ihe counties of Cork and Kerry.
1 have the honor to be, sir, your obedient
eervaut. Mark I'errin.
Tbe O'DoKootii-K, M.
We present cur readers witb our .lnnoal
Cnul fctatn-tics of the business of the year
lCl. In 18GI) there was an increase in An
thtacite ol 54:1, f01 tons, and 1 14, IHU tons of
Somi-Anthracite and Bituminous, making
the total increase in 18G0. (j;"7, GOT tons. In
IHGO there is a decrease in Anthracite of
flH4,10'J tons, and in the other kinds of 419,310
tons, n.aking a total lo?s of 1,()U.'1,4 i'J tons.
This is the heaviest decree? the trade bag
ever sustained in one yeur. In 165" the lots
was ouly 2G5,8oO tons, r-.ud for twenty three
yeurs previous there bad been no loss.
In 18")8 the trade increasei', lSI.'JGl
In 18."i'J 1,1 15.a8'.
In 1800 " ' ;.ri7,G97
And in IHCX the loss is 1 003,41!)
Of the loss of fi81.10'J tons of Antbiacite,
Schuylkill County loses 573 057 tous within
11.042 tons of the whole quantity.
Tiik Siiamokin Ukiiion, Soi'tii. Tho fol
lowing is the qnantity of Coal transported
over the extension of the Mine II ill and
Schuylkill Haven llailtoad from the Shamo.
kin Keg:on
W 80 1
(Jeo. W. Parvin,
W. II Do-ity A- Co..
(ieo. K llerseb & Co.,
Haas & linwen,
Sc-tmll ,t Dotiohn,
William MntitellUS,
Joseph Hird,
A. Deitmao, Ag't,
-Miners' Jouruui.
4 73.)
Tub Scikntikic Amkkican. Tho Louisville
Journal says :
"We do not believe that even in this age of
cheap publications any work can be more rea
sonable than the terms ot tbe Siientijlc Amir
iVim ut $2 per annum, with 2b per ceot. dis
count for clubs of ten. It forms a yearly vol
ume of 832 pages quarto, with an immense
number of original engravings of patented ma
chines, valuable inventions, and of scientific
interest. There is not an industrial pursuit
which does not receive a share ol its attention.
It contains oflicial lists of patent claims, im
portant statistics, practical recipes for useful
domestic purposes, and bai long stood, botb
in this country and Europe, as tbe highest au
thority in the mechanic arte and sciences.
There is no publication more valuable to tbe
farmer, the miller, tbe eogiueer. tba iron foun
der, tbe mechanic, or tbe manufacturer. We
bave never opened a number without learning
something we never knew before, and obtain
ing valuable information for tbe benefit of our
readers. Tbe Publishers, Messrs. Mukn Si.
Co, or No. 37 Park ltow, New York, have
deserved the grccess which they bave achiev
ed. No one should visit the city without call
ing at their palatial establishment, which is a
Museum of inventive geuius, collected from
the entire world. If any of our friends away
ofTio the country do not know this work, and
will tuke our advice, tbey will mail $2 and be
come subscriber immediately, or by applying
to the Publishers they cao obtain a specimen
ropy gratis, which will be sure to cootirm tbe
truth of our recoroineodation."
We fully endorse tbe above, and woold ree.
ommend our reader! to take Prkntici's ad
vice, and subscribe for to paper. A new vol
ume commences on to first of January, and
It being valuable work of reference, contain-
ng. a it does, tbt only official list of patent
claims published in the country, every nom
ber should be preserved. Tbe paper is pub
lished every Saturday, by tba well known pat'
eot agents, Messrs. Mvkn k Co, who bave.
conducted tbe paper during th sixteen
lo additioo to furnish sperimea copieg of
tba paper gratis, the pnhlither will send a
pamphlet of advice to int. ntnrs, free n'
charge. Address MINN A CO, 37 V.i'
fig, New York.
New Advertisements.
Adminieitrntor's) Notice.
IV OTIC E ia hereby given that letters of admin-
Vitration hive been granted to I he auhacrllier,
on the estate of Isaac 1). Kline, late of Hush
township, Northumberland county, deceased. All
peranna indebted to said estate are requested to
make immediate payment, and those having
claims to present them for settlement.
Upper Augusta, Dec 8S, 1861. Ct
Public Male.
WII.I. be said at Public Sale, at the House
of Mrs. ilurr, in the llorouijh of Nor
thumherland, on (Saturday, the 25th day of Janu
ary 1803. at 2 o'clock V. M .- '
Nineteen shares stock of Ihe Bank of Northum
Twenty-two share of Northumberland Bridge,
(old stock )
Five shares stork of I.nwisburg Bridge.
One ahare stork of Danville Bridge-
Rixtceu shares stock of Centre Turnpike
One rhara atork of AronsAnrs; Youngwomans-
town and llelleloiite Turnpike Hon. I.
One share flock of Lancaster, Klizahetlituwn
and Middlelown Tunqdke l!"nd.
Attorney in fact Tor the Executora of the
etatc of Catharine DcOruchy, dee'd.
Norfhumberland, January II.
kt'eti(h ami Three Tenth Per I'eut.
T It K A 8 U 11 Y N O T K S ,
Now Ready for Delivery at tbe Office of
1$ AN K KltS,
An. 114 South Third direct, VhUmitlfhia
PL'USlJANT to instriM li.niB from the Micre.
tary of the Treasury, the So! scriptnm Book
to tho NEW NATIONAL LOAN id Treasury
Notes, be ring interest at the rale of seven and
three-tenths per cent, per annum, will remain
open at my ollice,
No. 114 8. THIKD (STREET,
until further notii-e, from 8 A. M. till 5 P. M..
ml 011 Mondaya till 9 I. M
L.,f..,,e."e, n"!7 of thr ,Srnnm"'i',"n "f
l'll.l.; ll.-l, l.r. II IU(r.l) 1M)L.
SAND DOLLARS, and are all dated Angimt
!3th, I SKI, pavahle ill gold, in three yenra, or
convertible into a twent years' aix pel cent, loan,
at the oplion of Ihe holder. Each Treasury Note
has interest coupons attached, which ran he cut
oil' ami collected in gold at the Mint every n
month, and at tho rato of one cent per d,iv on
each fifty dollar
I'uymeiita nrstiharriptinamay he mndo in gold
or check, or notes of any of the Philadelphia
II. inks. .
I'aiities at a liisTjsri: can remit by their
friemla. through the mail, or by exprraa, or thro'
Uanka, and the Treaaurv Notea will lie iininedi
alely delivered, or sent tu each suhacriher na they
may severally direct.
Parlies remitting most add Ihe interest from the
I'Jih of August, tha date ol' all the notes, l.i'. to
day the remittance reaches l'hiladelphi 1, al the
rate of one rent per day on each til'ty dollirn.
Apply tour address
JAY ('POKE. Subscription Agent,
Care of Jt Cookk iV Co., Hankers,
No. 1 14 Suuih Third Street, I'lili'a.
I mo. pr.
On th nrventh of Peplimilier, IMJI, The New Y irk
WKKKIsV TKUM.'NKc innieiivtd t went) -h it tnr
ul Hi camlfiictf; The Doily Ti iltuiic biiK fctuie iiitiititu
older Qitd the SH-iiu-W cfkly Tnhui.e avnu wlmt iii-irr th'ni twenty cit. iiiti j-iunml liilMired in
wlitit tlscoiHhu-ttiri have felt tn be ihe ruuie 'f Hiiiimiiity,
Juilirenud 1'reciioiti, eudatvorinji; tu niehunite the c'iKli
turn f lite ipTeiitnl mid uiiiortunutr, ti Uvwt hihI tu
cisuia uvelul fxcrlum in wtiutevei sj-liert-, and, to pro.
inotr by nil nieima the iihifiil, inteltet'tunl und uiHicrinl i-V.iiH't-infiit
ni purrtnintry, li ),:t uniit-d to le riht rather
than Ktpuhr,nmi to t-K ii8euhd cotninvnl to Uity the truth
thut oilu-rbiuay mil hr vvillitift: to accept till to imurow.
Iiipurtfum thiscouiBiiiustiikfkilmvediMihtlntt bvtm intuit
and fiMil.tiimmiiltcd; Imi, having mall tliiiifrstncitnl our
reudrra to think und judjiu lor ihemfieii'ea rather thuii
udopt blindly tiur nwu or 'ili'M' ronclumni. we brlieve
we limy 'Hilly cliiini lor this jouriml the credit of hiiving
qn:ilihttd id remleri to tleleci mid exronv even iti own
error. To develop the iiiiikI o' ihe young hy tlu most
general, th iU(;li und prHCtieul Kduvotmn, and to tneour
at;eiiiid it 1 mu late rrodnrtive mdiutrv, tlir-ui;li fiee j;rnii
ol' I'ubhc IjiihIsJ to iictual icttlen und culltvatxr, ui als-i
throushtlie protection ol immature or peculiarly exsH'd
hruitc-heii Hum tmi p'twen'ull'oreit;iicoiiietitioii,ureuiiioiif;
theainii to which thiN j oiriiiit h tn adhcurd throiia;h
tnidevil report. Hiid wheb n gtcndfailly cuiiiincMlU tn
Auieiiran Kitiiotiatui and pttiLinlhropy,
Asto the Civil War now detiaatatiuiy ur country, we
h-.ldit to have ni initiated iu n Kebfllion in to wuiiion,
wteked, inexeiiKilile, than whi ever hel'ore known a lie
bcthon in the intereit nt the lew agnintitlic in;inv a Ke
IktIIioii deiipuedui rune hif;h the wuIIhi.I ravie und tikhien
iheehniiiitoioppreisiioii. Ilavin done nil wen-ultl with
out n auirendei ol vital puitripleto avoid tin Witr.niid
witiievitetl tlie rorliearunee. nicekueiiti, und l-tig sutlcrmt;
Willi which the Federal Government night to uvert ita
horrora, we hold it nur eleur duty, with that of every
othurcitizeii, tit atiind hy the imtion und ita fairly en
ridera. and to atruiuiwith ult our enerjii'-a their ell nin to
iiphld the fulfil, the Constitution, nud the aupreinaey of
the Ijiws. Ami, th-nsh the Kebellion has trectane, thro
usurpation, deception, tenorisiri und spoliation, Vjiridly
firoitK. we believe the Aiuetictui Kepuhlic far aironger,
and that the unaiitinoun, earnest eii'-rts nf loyal hearts tintl
hands will insure ita overthrow. Jtut on nil ju ations uf
feetine the ol.jceU, ttteaeopt', und duration of the moat e.t
traordutury contest we ruler U ihuae wh an the American
people have clothed with HMth'riiy, holdniK unity ol pur
toaenod of action hulippenaalile in antrave an eineipeiiey.
111 crisis nae me prcseur, oui columns utnit be In rifely
enajrtisied with the current histoiy ol the War fr thi
riiion.und with elucidationa of its inre sinking ineideiila.
We sIihII not, however, remit that uitrniiou to l.iitr iHtre,
to Foreign AfTaira, the Ati icultural IVoresa, hi Croi,
Muikets, Ae., Ac , n Inch has alieady, we trust, won for
The Tribune mii hni"iable pofili"n m..iig its coteinporu
riea. Oar inn in object ta and shall lie to prod ure u coin
prehensive m wspnper, trom vhu:k a careful reader n n
j;lean a vivid and faithful history of the limes, not merely
iu the di'inauiof Action but in of Opinion also. As
our facilities for acquiring information increase with years,
we (rust that an improvement in the contents of our journal
is perceptible, uud that, in the variety and fullness of in.
tei licence alf'-tded. we may still ho(ie lo "make euch day
a critic on the last." In this hope, we solicit a coutmunuee
of the ieneroua mcuiuieot patronage hilhertu accorded to
our jnqrnal.
Daily Tribune (111 issues per annum) $3
rVmi.Weekl) (ll 44 11 1
Weekly Si i
Tu Ct.i'tM Send Weeklv : Two conies for fci.v l-'iva.
for 11 '6, Ten copit-a to one ml lies lor -Jii, ami any
Inrpei num1er nt Ihe latter rate. For a chib of Twenty,
an eitruc-pv will Im aeut. For a club of Forty, we send
the limly Ti ibune grutiaoue y-ai.
Weekly : Three copies for 6-V Kihl copies fr 810, and
any larger uumlier at the rule of 81 each pti niiuuni- the
jiaper ui i uiioreasea to cacti lutiai-riber. J o clubs of
a (Trin j v r i-iin tin rtiu i'"py.
'I'wenlv cniilt-s ti una address fur P-JII. wilh nna ptItb
lo hliu wliosf uds rn Ihu chit,. For rach club One Hun.
dra,!, TU Daily Trilaine will lia svnt gratis for one yann
Warn dnills cnu laf prorurrd il is much snlVr titan lota
lint llanli Hills. Th. iihiii. nl Ihe I'.'tt Uifico and Stale
should III all casts lie plainly written.
Payment always in aiK-ani-c. Addrrsa.
I'llli lit 111 L NIC, No. 161 NawnuSlrr-t,
New Yoik.
AdmliilMlralur'M Xollce.
IVOTKJE ia hereliy iiveii that letters of aJmi
' ninlration bave luen grantej to the auhscri
tier, on Ihe rafale of Holier! C'ainil-ell, late of
Kusli township, Norihunilierland county, I'enii'a ,
decrared. Ail persons indelitwl to said eatate
are requestej to make immediate payment, and
those having claims In present them lor aellle
ment. AMOS VASTI.VE, Adm'r.
bbamokin, Dee. 21, M6I. fit
New Millinery Goods.
miNH m. i crssi.Eii,
Fuu-n Street, two doort south uf the Shumokin
Valley Pottsville Hail Jlnail.
)Et3PECTFi;iJ.Y informs the citizena of
BL'NULltV and vicinity, that ah baa just
rereiveil from Philadelphia a large and splendid
assortment of the most fashionable atyle of
comprising of
m cd est sf Lsa tcp esa ,
which ahe ia selling at ihe moat reasonable prices
1 o which ahe tiirecu the attention of the ladies
anil invitee all la call and see them.
Thankful for past patronage, ahe hopes by
t evpinc tn heat assortment at reasonable piitta
i. iniinue Ihe earns.
1 Buubui), Uclobei 19, 18ol- 3m
l'irtt J'remimn
niHiiuracliiiini? Purpose.
With lleinmera, Pellera, Tuckera, Currlcra, Dnidcrt, kt
Mnke Ilia tmk or (hnttle Peiteh Mocliinen of the oui
imllenit.amt at th km prior n ihnr ci-idmleU DOU
This is the milr Company ihut mnkr tmlh kit its. tlifre
nm the oiilyun iluii cuu iipnly all Hie want! of Ilia puti
llu. ITT P-trrhiHrri ran Inke their ehulce nf rithef Snitch
with the piivilrar nrexi-haiiirinc f'"t Ihe Mhri.
A tirwr style t Shiitlle Mni lniie mm font anil qniel, fol
Vent Mukeia Tniloia, h'e Uiinhrra, Ac.
At the h,w Price of $10.
T.IU I'hmtinit f ttrrt, I'liilittlelptitai.
II. It. MsEn, rtunhury, Agent for the Maiiu
(aotnrer. Urcrnilxr3l,lfll ly
Vn. 812 Spring (iiirilm Street. Phila-lrlphiit.
I, KSI'IXl'l I I.I.V licit! L-.iiiiiipiimeiill of all kind
of euiilry prmlur,, rxtiu timtily l-'lntir. Ac.
lleuiy IiiciiU-iI in the v.'ty ci-ntri n Inialnrra, mill hnving
a very fktriiRive ItetMil Trxtlr uitiler Ina iiwii liiiiii-iliale
aiilM-rvifiHiii, he hni nmplrrm-ilttii'ii fur ulitaiiiini; the very
hicltetln;iik-t prit-ratiirevt-rythiiiKhe irlla.
llei-vnihi-r til, l!-0l.-..y
eiNUIsK tv lFS FOR 3- FlVtl
curii; FOR .
The Cheapest ami Jltxt Fatuity and (itntrall
A'ctcspnper in the L'uitttI States.
The New York WF.KKl.Y TJ.MK3 ia a large and ele
gintly piniicil quarto sheet, of eight piigea,or lorty-eight
coiuuma, devoted to J'oliiics, J.ilerutuie tmd lituetal j
News, und inteinled to be the I J eat its wellua the Cheapest
Family iNevspiiiei in I hi: (niied Mnlrs.
'J'lieliiat aimtfi the TIMKrt is, nnd will alwnyslie.lo
keep its iciid'-ta thoroughly aud rt:li;hly Hatel up us o ,
evei j thing which may happen, of general interest, iu any
part oi the woikl. It comments tully and Jreely upon ail
topica oi iinportHiice m every detriment oi public action,
tuidulwiivs in Ihe interest ol Freedom, Oidt-r, und the ,
I'uhln (joml While its intluenre will he iiuiloi ruly c Miner- j
vanv, itadvocuteaevery menauie of just and beiiehccut
Frocrem.aud resist the im-mire, extension, or perpctuu
lioiiol 'sLivry, as of everything tm lucomnatiblc with the
higln st welfare ol the whole Community. While it reports (
promptly and ticcurately ull intelligence of vencrnl interest ;
in every departmeiilol liuuian activity. H never panders to
viei"Uii tnates, a i til excludes from its columns everything j
thut might render il unsnfeor mipr -per for getiernl Family i
perusal It seeks to promote thegenerul wellure by urging
the claims of j
I ducali-Mi, Morality and Religh-ii upon the mnses of
the people ; and in uli its disciiDsious, il endeavors coiifttaiit-
ly li be guided and controlled by Uiespintol moderation, i
pilriotiKiu and common sense
In iis Correspondence, both Foreign nnd Pntnrntic, the
Tnil' S iseonU tHed to Iht supcriot to ahy other Aineri'-an ;
Journal Its ItepoMsot Cotigtesionalaiid ieu tutive pro i
c:ediiigs, ol Financial, Coimncieial and J
General JutcHifence j
of important I. ecu I nud Criminal Trm!, and of whatevi i
may have Kpi-cial intfitHt for the gtcut Uily of the cum- '
miiniiy, lire i nil, prompt und rehal-Je I
i:tjp eiiil attention im dtvoleil to full, accurate and Unit
Wurthy re Kir ta ol thi j
Live Stock anl Produce Markets, I
for which n spn ial corpa of Hcportris is muiuluined
will also be kept up, ein'naciiig Standard Novels nnd Tales, 1
and miscellaneous selejtioiis t. the highest interett. j
The Agricultural Department is compiled from a vane- 1
ty ol s luic- a. mail) ol lliein inaccetiulile to the Ainerieau !
leader, nud luriuhhci valuable iiifotmaiion to the Fanner
anil liaiilener. j
The Weekly Times will le sent to auhscnbeii iu any
jmrt of the country on the Miowmg lei ins: !
Single Copies Fain yciir. !
Tw. " t?Ja year. !
I ve " H h ear j
Any ji s mi who will aeudiia aelnbof Tl-A' aulacnlsers,
nt l eaeh, shall receive uu extra copy (n himself or may ;
retain One Dollar us his compeukution.
Is piibbrhed F.very day except huunay, and is sent to sub- J
acrilHTF by mail at Six Doharsu jetir induilmg luudjy I
edition 97.
rubiiahcd i ii Tuemlaya and Fridays, and coutRiuing eight j
pugesoi residing mailer m every number, is sent to sub- '
aciiliersat Ihe following mtes ;
Single copies S J !
Two CoitlCS ...... f j j
Any person who will send us a club of Five subscriber
mav receive an extta copy (or huusell, oi relulu Two
Dollars und a Mali as (us cmpcuKiioi. j
Tr.bM Ch1i mvaritibly in advance t
All letters to be Hildresed to II J. R YMOD & Co ,
I'lOfiiettaa of tbe "New-Yoik Tiuiea," New York Cny. i
Nov.att, lf-U. i
SUNBURN, 3? A..,
nA just rereiveil a laree nsaor'.nient of FAI.l.
& VVINTEK Cl.orill.Nt;. made ui of
all sizes, of Ihe heat materials and
styles, etuh as
the lateat
EKOM 1 50 lo f 12.
A splendid assortment of
A lurge variety of BUSINESS COATS.
An excellent assortment
A laree supply of Mens' I'mlersliirta, Over
aliiils. White Miirla, Itrawera and a variety of
other articles for mens' wear too numerous to
lVrsons in want of clnthiua; raunot do better
than 'o buv at this cheap store.
Call and eiamine for ourselves and you will
find il cheaper than can be purchnaed eUcwhcre
Market Street, nearly opposite Weavtr'e Hotel
Kunbury, Dec. 14, IHhl.
IXute tf Win. nic-C'iirly, deceuajcd
VOTICE is hereby given that letters tenia
meulary, have been issued to the subm-ril r.
on the estate of William McCarly lale of Ihe
borough of Sunbury, Northumberland county,
deceased. A II persona indebted to aaid estate or
having claims on tbe same, will present them for
settlement to the undersigned.
It AC UK I. McCAHTV, Administratrix:
Hunbiirv, Tlereinher 7, 1861.
j uuie oa the Hiir of HENRY WEAVER,
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania lo heirs
and legal representatives of Henry Weaver, late
of Kul township, in aaid county, deceased
WHEREAS by an imjueal duly awarded by
the Orphans' Coufl of the county aforraaid, the
real eslate of the said Henry Weaver, wa ap
praised at and for the sum of
And whereas, none of lbs heirs nf the saij
deceased, appeared in Court, on the return of the
aaid inquisition, to take the premises therein
mentioned al the appraisement. You and rvejy
of you are therefore hereby riiej lo ba and ap
pear on the brat day of neat lerui al 10 o'clock.
A, M., and refuse or accept the aaid estate al tbe
valuation and appraisement thereof or allow cause
why Ihe same should not lie sold
Wilnesa Ihs Hon. A. iOKUAN, President of
said Court, at Sunbury, this IHiti November, A.
D, 1801. J U. M ASnElt, Clerk O. C.
Sunbury. Dee. 7. I Mill
BOY ' UOOI'S aud MIOKS, cheap for ca.h
Sun my, August 87 I a.") 9.
Suitable for the Times !
o r
I.lrefaj (J iJ.kU, CuMriiinorcit, ( 'lotlm,
S illmettri, JIuls ami I
Moot am) Shoca, (Molding, lloaiery, Cilovon,
Hardware, QitccriBwarc, feadJIrry,
Ac, Ac, Ac.
Kinli, Salt and i'laster, Iron and Naila,
Paints, tJils. Glass, Tolucco. Segars,
ftc, iVe, Ac.,
.11 Prices dial Itvfy oniKll(loii,
Kiir Casli or Ciiunlry I'ruduie.
W'e bave aelectnl these i inula with great care,
and li'i' I assured ill nt they are the
ever liefure cHi-rrJ to the uMic. Kiauiine for
Siiiihurv. November iJ. IN'il.
pni:ucMs am) ininucTioxx
I.. Sl'OTT & t'O. iS'iw Vrk, c-onlintie to
I' the Itillowiiig leading KriUih 1'eiiotlicals :
The I.omluii Quurttrhi f'ofri-ofi'rtf.
The p.ilinbunjh Jit view II7ii.J
J . U. -
The Xorth Uritish h'eciew Free Church
i The U'lSlmiiisttr Herivw Liberal.
i 6' . .
I Ulacktrood't l.tliubunj Mnijmine l'ory.
The present criiical slate of i'uropean atl'iira
I will render thtc iutlicaiiona unusually inlerert-
inif .luiil'S the forthcoming year. They will
1 occupy a middle ground bi'iuecn the hastily
written news items, crude speculations, and flying;
I rumor nl the duily lournal, aud Ihe ponderous
I Tome of the future historian, written alter the
I living inlircat and elcilement of the great
pnlilicul events of the lime shall bave passed
HtvaV' It i- to these PcriiMlicala that readers
must look for the only really inii lliii'le and ,
reliulile history of current events, and as such, in j
' addition to their well eslulilishe.l literary, scientit'e-,
', and theological character, we ure them upon the
! con ficVratinn of the reading public.
' The receipt of Advance r-hccla Irom the It j
' publishers gives additional value lo these lie-
j prints, inasmuch as they cnu now lie placed in
' (be bauds nf aubacrihcr about as aoon as the .
! original editions. i
T Eli MS. (liegnlar Price. ) I
Per annum, j
For any one of the four Keviewa,
$:t Ull
f UU
7 00
8 Oil
3 Ull
6 00
7 0(1
9 Ull
For any two of the lour Keviewa,
I Eor any three of the four lie view a,
j For all four ol the Reviews,
For Itleckwood' Magazine,
For Ulackwood and one Review,
! For Ulackwood and two Reviews,
j For Ulackwood and three Reviews,
For Ulackwood and the four Reviews,
1 Money current iu the state where
10 00
iaaued will
be received at par.
The Postage lo any part of tbe t'nitcd Sia'ee
will be but twenty-four rents a year for "Ulack
wood," and but tourlcen cents a year for each of
tbe Reviewa.
At the above prices the Periodicals will lie
furnished for IHtii, aud as a
tbe N us. of the smut) Periodicals for I "tit! w ill
lie furnished complete, with .ul adilltoual charue.
Unlike the more ephemeral Magazines of the
day, these Periodicals lone little by age. Hence,
a lull year ol Ihe Noa. lor I (-till, may be regarded
as nearly as valuable as for I Mi..
Sutiscriliera wishing also the Nos for 1181.
will be supplied at tbe lollowing eilremely low
rales i
SpUndid Offers r IfcfiO, 'CI, oik 'C2,
For Blackwood's Magazine, tbe 3 years, $S 00
For any one Review, "
For any two Reviews, "
For Ulackwood and one Review, '
For Ulackwood and two Reviews, "
Fur three reviews. "
For Ulackwood and three Reviews,"
6 til)
tt 00
13 HO
II 00
15 00
U 00
17 no
Km tile four lieviews,
Kur lilaikwooj anil the! lieviews,
Any of the a bin works will also ba furuisheil
to New hubseriliers fur the ear IH.SB-K, auj 9,
at unu. lull the regular aub'riition (irirrs.
'J'lius a new subscriber may obtain the
lieiirinu of tha Four Keviewa and UlackwoiJ
u..' - v- f .r ft:n ! 1 1 M'lii.-h ia
.... I, VVII.,.HIM " ' V"' " " '
but littla in. ne I hail llie (jikb of the oiiginal
works for one yea'.
As we shall never again bo likely lo olTur suih
iniluceaiciita aa Ihoee bete uresenleil, now ia the
lime to aubacrile 1 !
lieniilUncee niul, in all raaea, be made Jin o
to the 1'ubliahera, fir at these iiieea no com
iniaai'iu can I a I Imve J In aaunls.
LUON.VKL) 8t:tliT A. CO.,
No. 61 Uolil alrevt. New Yom.
Nui ember :l, IKNI.
Adiiiliiltilrutor'M Wot lev,
--roTICK is ben by fivt-ullial tellers trf aJiuiiufimti4ni
s:ivmg lafeii giaiiltilUt Ihe snivel itor oitlhe ealalaia
Jae4 Kiy, jr., hie oi llie lua-ouyll of Sunbury, .Vitl.uiu
brrlaud oaliilV. Ta., tlnteasnt. All ei'iis ualelam aie
iriirMel Hi wake ) meia, and la-w bavnal elaiiiw tn
la-raeitl tlieiw lur srll!eiurul, al Ihe ri-aideuceia- Ilia uudef
Sillieit cu evlurday Ihe lh dav ft Jaiiua.r, IrK'l
I, AJia'r.
Vuubarr, NuvciuUii 1, rA w
For lhacura nf urnfiiln, Incipient Cimsumption, Gaiifral
Jjr'.il.ty, Wlnlo f wnlniu, Khrumaiism, Disriiva ot
Ilia l.ivcr and Skin, and all UMin Arising from
liiipuntiea of the Hlnod and tba EUucia ut
Hvniins Pnnart-a tins hei-n fur more than furl) yrart
e.-lrlnnl,-d in tins C'MiiiUy anil m Juumpa fur its extra
unliiinijr cures, lor Uie euruhvati-a iif which reference is
mmle in ih dileetli'itt and Usiks (winch msy la hud
gratis; ncnoinpmiyiiiy the I'aitifrn; anlne t'f Whu-h itiva
the iHrlirulnrs ,,l eitara tm fisa-lmol lur ganeral Midmi
tion, where the pntivttis have la-i-n almnst euit-i, up with
aVrofulR, and wei e denned im-urnblc li- I'livsifiiins.
It hits lii-t-ii usud in hospitals null pnvitli, piaitn-a, anil h.-is
hfrn rufiiiniiit'tnlt-d by tlir imiat celrbralrtl eh) iiriuns and
itllt-r i-iniiienl neiaiiiis. AilVMia til'mis. hy vV Oitnli. iM.
II. , I'rnf. ul fiiririTy, Pom I uivrrii i Vulcnniie Moll,
'. ., , ,i , r"uir,y, . 1 . , ct.i, , , . , .
wi-i-s, M I)., I'rnf. Mui , Piim. t'liivursii) j N. i:h:iaiiuii,
M. 1. , Pinf. (it l-livsic. Pcnn. l.-nivemiiv l 'I'. Piirkf. Al. li.,
Prrsilenl i;.ila,; I'd . i iiiiii.. 'liiln lrlihiii; Dr. 11,1 ul!",
Pmf. of McAlicinc, Iliiviinil : J"Se rmiicntii df I.W7.. Pr-'f.
ol foijrny, Lisiani; J Chiinnaii, Airmhrr ll.iynl Colinrr
rfnrgnins, IiiiiIkh ; ij. W. living, laic iM It-r In tipam i
J't i ll 'inns Pciirsiin, Mnj ir ii-neriil Uiiiifli Ann) ; Uil
irl Ituln-itKin, HniiMi Consul. At-.
Ths wniHlvrlul l-nrrs .HVi'li-d I.) VAIM'S PAN ACKA
Imve lor n anyynua iimdv it an iiivnluiililn iriiirily. 'I Iih
I mmt'wi Oofs l-oiiI.,ii, lurrury In 1141 y I'iriii, mui, lirina,
hii iinh'ccut inapiirntioii, it nwy In: mivi-u Ut llie. iinifl l 11
dcr iiilmit. ' "
The reliiil price Ins tin .ilui nt lo H.MI pnr Iwtlle,
(nonuiiiiihg 11,1c, M pi,,,,.,) r n,.,.. ,ut f,,t
hI'.waui: nt- imi'oi rm.s.
StVMiin'a Piinii-rn i in r Und Isailra. fliitrd loiiuilodii sllv,
With lh' I rillow 1, c klKiiSl'liU'lion I l.o '
iny ,11c nnnit' ,11 j Ar. rv.M.M s:ioiln,il 1111 tin' aeiilma
i wui and wiiltrn on the lidiel covriiiiir lliec irk. mill a
sptuilid fiinr.ivn.s ,, tho sul nf the h-.tllc. hv li ii, A
, 1.'., h.iuk note ,'trni-is. in Ihf rntie'if iv!tu-h lsapi.
Hail u the Intti ui hw-iiim, ( i', iithl siTurrd.)
I II (irims pnri Ii;i5inir t'n-i'.niiim, will h- i-iiufnl to nb
I SI.-IVI- llml Hie wold &V AIM is is .riecll) sptlkd, Hit-) nte.l
, nut liv iinpoHMl uu.
A1.SI-, !WAIM VKttMirt UK,
I A ViililtiM'i fitiiiny intdiunir. iH-ni( a lniliiy :i(i;iri'VPil rt-iiie-j
t-'l) f"l till 'lini'iisrs nt .sina tn in lifl.r.ilv of llie nut'htivt; 1.1-
H'O'S. SUi'll Hit, Ariililyi'f Iho MiiMcli, itiiii. l-h.'t'TII
j .M't'iiis. Ilvsrntniv, -ever mill A l',,,., Ilu't-ilitm Pih-s, ick
1 ItiMiliii'lii', ,Vo, ISrc tin' imniplih't (Wi'n h tKuy Liu i.uii i,in.
i Iif.) HL'iMnii.-inyinf ,n 'i'rni:t-inf .
i l'rrp.ii-,1 .,,v i,t !V AIM'S l.MtnlH TultV, Till:
Dl.l) -SM, Slit: I II SKVKNTII l- l'HKK'l', lil'.l.nW
I I'HKSTMI T, Plnliidrlplna, mid sold hy ull di ngi;ils in ihe
j l'iiill Males
iii-nurMl .i.'i'in l"r 1 r, l nitd Mui. s.
" ciui;KKr.i.i iniorm:ns cc,
171) VViliiuin uuet, New ik.
Phil a. Hit 4 3:n p.
TIIK rAMLi:. AMMOY 4M) 111 1 1 .A 1 l.l .11 1 1 A
From FhiltidttpiAa tu Sew 1'ork und Way
I'rom Wulnul SlTet AVhiirf und Kensnitoii lepnt.
Pbibilelliia, Will Ituve m ol!ov. viz lAltfc,
At (I A M vih Cmiiili n sii; Aiiilwj C .V A .Xct'om-
tn-Hiitii ii, f'j yr
Al (J A W, vi. i Cnmden nnd Jersey City New Jer-
m-y nei i.inui'tl:itifii, 'J 25
Al 0 A M, via CHiiidva und Jersey city Morning
.Mini. n (Hi
Al V M, vi Koiminloii und Jersey city, Wes
tern l-.xpreM, ,t On
At I M vih Cimiilru nnd Ambity, feommtHlnti-tn a
.l i r M, Via Cuindta mid Ainboy O und A. l,x-
pres), ' '4 iki
At 6J I M, vin Keiiiington, nud Jersey city, Kvc
iiin Luprees, ' 3 (M.
At I I M, vm Kenoiiitoii nnd Jeuey eitv, '2A
nM Ticket, 0 5
At n V M, vin Cnunb n A: Jerwy eity Kvpnintr :i im
At M !' M. vin riiiiid-n nnd .l.-rey eity Sontli iM ul 3 ',
Al ii I M. Via Cililiden nnd A inlmj Ae',onimol;.
tion. (FieiM und KnsKenger,) Ift clnw tn ket, 4
The 1. M Mm Lino runs djtly. Tim llSomtieru J
.Mini S.ilurdtiys exeefMed. I
Fur Helvidere, IOmeHoii. Flenniiirlnn, At ,nt 7 10 A. At.,
from Walnut street wlmrl" und 'J-. I. Al , I ruin KfntiiL'ion. I
For Mitneli t:iiiink. A;lentnvu Uiid ItetlilUiein, ul ti, A M. j
via lachih Vidley Hilrod i
For WiiIpi (inp, Stioiiilnbum. StTMiitoti, Wilkeibnrre, '
Al'iiltntae, lii.-iit Mend, rVc, nt 7 Iti A M, vih Lb-liivvnie, j
1.4i'kti wnnnil nnd Venterii Kitilrond
For FireboW, nt A. M. nnd 2 V M. j
Foi .Mount Hotly, at t A M., nnd '2, V M. I
Way links, j
Fnf Uriibd. Trenton, ftc , at 7 10 nnd H A M. .IJ, '
H3(l and II V A I truiit Ktiiimiifittui and aj F'.M 1 n-m Wi.
lint jeet Wlnrf. j
FnrFalmvrn, Hiv-rt"n, P-Lneo, H'ver!v, (luilincton, 1
Florence. ... riteiittivvii. ate . nt 17$. I. ft mid M P Al .
Steumb'-ut 'I'renSin, for Hoidentow ii. oid inteiiinttiiite j
pbeen, :it P M. frin Wiihint lreit Whiirl".
CP" For .New York, nnd Wnv Lines leavntir K'-m'imf-
t":i lepi't, take th oui on Fn'ifi nrn't, nbuve Wntnut, j
mui uu iiour ueioru dep irrure. i ne imih run ;nio tuc ire-
mid on nrnviil of em h Trnin, run irom me depot
fe Fifty pouiidKol M-ifie-'tire on y. ulMwd ein'li pjisentfer,
rHRaeutceiti lire piolnbUed fimii takinir nil tlilin; ns H-n:-jrinre
tmt Ibeir weHrtne Hpnuret. All Ijiui!;tite over d ft v
niuiubi to Ik; Hid for exlnt. The Conipuny limit tbeir '
ren,iiiniliili(y fur lJ iK'iue. to 'iu Dollar per pound, and
will not he liable loi any umuuiit beyiuit 1Mb Do lam, e--ccpt
by upti'inl eiiulraet .
WM JL U ATAIFK A'eiit C. V A. R. R Ci
Nov- 0. Hi,
at the
Fashionable Tailoring
MailK-t Htrrrl, SI'Mi! HV, Pa.
TtHE aubm-rilier has iust received und opened j
A large ussortmenl Sl'Hl.Mj AN U SUM
MER OOO 1, such aa
Plain and Fancy Cassimeres, Veatings, &c.
of the latest style. In addition lo bis stock lie
is constantly receiving new supplies front die ciu
keeping a lull assortment of the most substantial
and luteM style of .tooJ in the cily markets.
He is prepared to make loonier ail kinds nl
Gentlemen's and Wov'a wear, such as
LOONS, f, c.
of tho very latest style, ant! in tbe most substan
tial manlier, nt al.ort notice.
Any (iooda not on bund, will be furuUhed
from Philadelphia, bv giviu-j two day's notice.
tH ('all aud examine my stock, no charges
made for showing.
Kiinbtirv, May 1 1, lfil
ASOiniUl AliniVAL Ob
Millinery Goods!
j ut the More vi
JtllM U. I.. SUJSsI.l lt,
Piiiipwiu'i liu.kUnjr, Market Sjititrv. r.MM ItV, l'n
'I'ill. nultttc urt inviifil m full uiul . i n i 1 1 e Jit-ir Miiii-
1 lltTV Ul")la JUhl ojHMltd Kuril ilH lltllrn' Dl ' (. tU,
Silk, aii'l the lalekt .c
1 1 itU.ivRH.
l) U-s
l.A 01 ICS lUIKS-! t.'AIV-i.
FL It!, taiilirs' Uliivru, II .neiv, Hnii'lkn hii U,
KI'iweiK, uiul Miliinrry p'HsUnl t-vcrv vin h iv.
M AN Tl 'A.MAKI.NU Uuiki in. ult iu llie liesl n:nl-u-r
and in mii si ir.
We liilenil lotflllow, c:illiiiitl I'Xiiini'ie "ur ilii,'!..
11. k I,. Mlls.-I.KU.
Kimhar)-, Oeliilier V2, l.'CI.
lHK Assessors ut .N'mtliuiiiln'rliinil i-iH'ly an
JL riiirattJ In inuke return of llien milennial
assessnieiits tu Ihe (.'oinnii'siuiier' I hhee, on llie
i 7 ill ilay of llei'eml er. I 0 1 . al vvhirli nine there
' mil le a mrrlini; i f the liuaril of Coiiiinissiuiieis.
I Uy oriler ul the IJuuril,
' - S. U. JOItDAN, t'lerU.
I Coinrr isaium r'a Oflii-e,
i Murlhurr. ti'tuler I", I Mi I. S
Ehtatc ol' GI.OUI.i; .1111111, I's.'i.
7JO'ri:K is hereby given that tellers i'f ail
miiiitrtili,ii Innum twen rra'teil tu
auiisrntier nn uie eslate nt laenrpe lariin, r.-i .
late of the borough nf Hunhurv, Nurlliuiiibi rlaiul
riiniilv, Ta , li ii aM'.l. Allpersuns iiuli'Lu-il lo
aaiil estate are mjuralt'i! tn make imineiliale puj
ment, and tliiise bMnu elaiins lo irei iil il.i m
duly authentii-lb d fur seiiU nint.
Mra. MAKO.I Hl.iiUM, Adm'trix.
8unbury, Nov. 2, Ihiil. tit .
a it i: u u
llieh I'ioureil It irefi's. lii, Sfiainl ill mils.
Kart'i-e Kobes. If ) Ml, 1 00 and 5 00,
Moululiiiue It,, bee al 00,
'I'isvi Inn; llress (!ooda,
rheihard'a I'lsid., Mi. hair I'laiila.
lilliyhani's, I.awna. I'rinls, L'lialliit,
lirey FigureJ (loiala,
t E rnrner Ninth and Maiket, l'liiU,lHl(.ii.i.
N li Ileal quality Uooji Miiu, 14 ct-nta tu
t i '2.V
May 18. ID6I.
KOO I'M & tiHOKS, ean be iuirhaaid at llie
Maininulh Store of i' riling & tirjnt, very
cilia i, aa we are determiuej not to be undersold
by anybody. Call and learn the li-l of irieea for
)ourseUea. FlUI IMi A liKANT.
J runbniy, ljiiua.-y 13, 161
3t)L": MALi- Aciui;i:iti ov tiik impiiovkd
The clietifAnt nnd nit rt dim-Ue Kn tfhg IiinM. hit I'm
it hit Micr rrni'l'.
V enn I Applied lo irew ntttl oM nfn'l kiiutn, ah1
lothii.tflrHiMiK rilh-.ul rrimnrinf tint gicc.
The Cost is only about Onc-'i bird that
of Tin, and it is twico :u Durable.
fur prcurvinir and ii'iainnpr Tin mui nllir Mrml l f f
fviry dt!cri)ii'Mi, I r it it jical cHiPtirn j , it h I injur t
t Uu ponlmriioii mid fsi.iitkitu f mrtuJl. niiil a ill in t
Cluck v ctld nr t ii n in vim in wMllifi,
Tiief inHicrmio Imve . t-ti liionnfthly fcKfrd in
Vnrk ttiid nil pni t ol ihe xuilirin mid flrin Jfjiif,
mid wo irmi give tthunduiitaprof oi all wr rlaim in llicir
lav n.
'I'lfynre rrndtly npplicd dv 'f lu'ury Intfur!. at a in
flinK i-xpeiiKo
'( II K AT 1 HK(Vt n.i:l."
'J lirae mutt riiiU urc put up n uth f"f Uir, nnd fr t -ip
pinjf infill (iirts of tin MMiniiy. wtlh lull punlcd dmet mi
fi.r iippltrnuotl.
J- ull drKcriplivr nrml nii u ill f fn i-iflnd mm ai-lu'ii.
lit'it hy if in i 1 -r hi n-rwl ttr I'mn-iMi ( T,Vr nnti :tt
h .'iif. 7H Wif.L.lAM 01'HKK'r, UHr i LiNny
Sirefi.) .New Voik.
Af.RM WiMKD :--Terina '. '.
J'lli . Mil ty
7is Arch Sirs l. Mwtai
Till., mid n'h.,
(I.uto Mrt Marktt,)
liupriT A- Mttiiuijuiur. r
ui. imkI Lriii'T in iti k'. a
i-f" KAM'V PI It?, I t
Iptilii-w,' MrnfaV und Chi!-
v-dri h'j WiMi.
X ll'ivnin H"W iiDMiifiifttir-
m! Hint mi rnv my hhu.-.I
I'l've uiul Irfuu'.iiui ituFmi-
5.-'llt if Illl III' V!lTt..i
C ! li-K rlinl fjtinllf K'K "I Klirp,
---v. " ' . - il-llipli-ll . tltr, I-Mil l
"':T'i. " I v WllUT Wwiil'iliK. i Wt'Uiil
r.-K(M''1lii(l iiiuirr mi i xiiniiiiMtiMn ,.f M.n k nnd prit-r
frimi Ui'.ki- iiitPn.liMt; piirrh..-f, un am enbMrd . i iu,r
tii-tii Vffy ihiiitliff indiiffri.t'iilt.
All inv Turn hnvr hi-cn pun-luipf l for Cnh, nnd mudn
hy rxpiTinicril ham In. iihi' u ihe pri-nut hi-.i-In'v i..fbi.-4
Tru I.T 11 n-it-HHii:v (h;i I Mm iiM d.fp. tC if IT1 g.imla Ml a
Vt-rv titi;ill nilv.iiire im cat.
I :itn Ritixriffl Hint it wwUi ! ti tin; iidefit of thiM hIm
UfftL'ti pitn-h.-iniit. to (!!'( inf a i-'.l).
rp Kcrollri'tili riHine. nuuiher h id mrfpt : J. Kailrra
(-v Fur Smre, ?lb Arch trrrt, I'hil idilpluu.
ttpt. 7, latil. Siu.
Entii-ely Vegetable, Xo Alcoholic Prep.x
t h' 1. 1. nit vi i;n
(JEUMAiV imtteks
Prepared by
Uti. J (KS) i; CO. ( I'lilladclphin, !tiiu o.
Will tlU'ciimlly cure J.iwr C-'mnplaim. L)
bir. J.t jimIi.m, Chronic r Nurou iHUlm,
l'Ucare ol iliu Kidneys, ;hh1 all iliHi-am: arUi
Irom h duonli ri d I vi r or ht-nnacl..
Siiclias Conaiii athni, Inward Fdra, -'ulii.w. t r Hi i d i.t
llie, Ai-idiiy ol tin: I'-in:.. h, nuarti. Ilt-irihu u,
tUv-itic; if I'lH'il, I'ulai ; it Weight in the St .ii-m.ii,
S'lir KiU''tat:oii., SinKa $ -i Kiinitni ft ' the Tn t iL
M-'iitucn, SwiiiMii lift oi' ih H'uhI, Muirif. aid Di ii. ull
Jlieallung, l-'lmtci mg Mt 111 licnt, t n. Ktu , r SuII.mj t.1114
M-nsaati'iiHi wlicu .n n ltii "-'i n.-. Id iuh km ..t V ihhjii,
D-.Laul' -f,n h.-i". i.'thr Nu t. F v. 1 a ,u im, v in 1- Un
iJra'1, ol lrfpir ii.-n, ni wu.j. 01 tj(c Skm
:lnd Kr, I at il intltcSiUe,, C:Ut, i.inili, r ,
ilrii FiiiMit-M (illi.'.I, liiiini it in .i!tf I'li-fcti. C' lliliui! 1 ns
KiiiinuHoi t-vil ihmI i-r id U ptt"l"ii i l tiiiii!,.H..d will
p'MiiM-ly pn-vent i:iaLJV FKVKIt.lilJ.loLs FK-
'J'lit: I'mpnotoi iu ra'.li jr 1I1 ntinilii-u I" t-o pnhhft-
l hi. pit? 1. nt, - 1 vViin a lr. .iuj- oi' tt e ut 11 -fct ro.t-li-lr.iof
ia it v.riiifH hihI iida, I,io n ij t 1: d ifUd-.-a rr
tnt li it im ii't i iiiinriidi-d.
It in ti - i:-.v .itkl iijiirit:,! iirm lf, hat one that 1 as i'ool
tin: ! ft ui 11 I'.v'vf '-:ir ti m! hffi.ii- tin- A intrit 1111 pv.
plr, a-i-l Hi nj nl ill 1. ,1 and ure iiiiriv:i!lt-rt hy any fcilii.l t
pn-paKiti' 11 J'lir l.-jnifii'-ii 111 ta iavor civ-ii hy
Ihf 111 ! pi iiiii 11 nd uvl:.ltti"VH Ftnih-iaiiff und liuh
yidualn ill all l l "t 1 hv f" mi nt t iti iiiinifiitr, anfl 11 euro
ful pM o 1 1 of Uu- A limine, puhlibiictt iiiinu;!!) hv the pit
piirhi. utafto br hnJ tir it im ol any of itinr Ai;eitU. r;ii).
ii"i i-Mt Mitv tin; fii 'H ski niM'id 1 loir this untidy m reu.y
dt i'.'U lliij lilt- ur(-:it . n , it h; h .tl.iai-
"i;t;.u Tiii; kviijk.nci-;.
Fiom J Nuirtoii Hewn, 1. I of the Kncclopi?-diitt-i
l.eliycain Ktnm leilt;.
ltli.'ii li not it"pod t" i.itdr i r u-r 'tTimend l't.-nt
.MedM'int-K In iiau'ial. I iir. hl U iliUut of Iheli iiiirrdii jit
ai'd t lit TtK. 1 vi k 11 -w el 11. xulii-'iriit icani-ii vi ny 11 iimii
may ntititiiv lo llir ht-in ti In- hcltrli-i hiiirrll to hum
iccrivrd iron, any fcimph- prrparatiou. m the h ;e tl ul ha
may thus romni.nte to ihe li-netil oi tit hers.
I do this the nixie rtiti!i in imhiI to -Un -fl-iiid'h Grr
iii'in litnt.:' ptcpurcl . l)r. t. M . Jr1 n. t tlnnrify,
tiffiiiihr 1 u:it pit'UH'irt-d itainM tiirm lor iiiri, uiaKa u.u
iiiipii' (hut lin-v U'fii.' rliieily an a coh he imxiure. I
11 111 nidi-Wed lo my fiu-nd I -ht 1 1 M101 in.itt r, Khq., lor t! n
reiii"val of ilio pirjnillre hy pn per t Ktn. un'l for ei-e ur
auemciit to trv tin-ill, vlifii i.ll. run; Mom yiei.t and If t
et.ntiniiKil llfl.lil. J!,; ant. nf thiru Uiltii n
ti-rs, at llie Uximoni; of t tie prrfctait ear, va fulli wd
hy evident irtlrt. unit r-rt i:ill n dryier of l-tlity rind
ineni:il viiT'r wiiicii I h-id not iitfrMX iiioniha ht-foia
mid hint alnio( dt npintrd of reainii'. 1 ilierefore tliunk
Uod and in) lncnd for tti 1 ivluu lit to the tmi- of llo-in
Fhilml'a., Juiu 'il, 1(1(1. J ,K TON BROWN.
-ii i-,n tv
J , '
riiir.AncM'iiii ioixtch.
5. K. corner of St tenth and Chtsnut Strtcts.
T'us is ono of
l.nCATKli IM
riiliiliU'lillia, Nrw Vnrk I'ltv. Ailmiiy, 1Iii.T1i, Clrve.
lilml, I. llHMC", "ml Si. 1,1,111.1. S( ll!:liillips 1'UU lie Jiul
chubeil ilti'ilhi-l puiiil, H'niil l "II III-' T'llU-yrs.
Tin: ciii.i.i:uiatk
eilllirm'i'S Ilrul'li; ;ii:il Smsle Ix'lV H.hik-Ki'rpliii;, l'i,r.
inrli'ial ('.,-uii Jt.iti"Mi. I't' l.;iV, A iiim r , h i . .
U.silies Cwtt-4i inileiiee, l'urluri,liii ttlelncj,La, cic.
rilACT.CAl. Tl'.XTUviDKS.
Tie'lV.-el lu ut llie lii'k-Kei'imit Ilt'irirliilcnl isnMKt-
1 ly iroin wnlie.i iiij.ius.-n, t tri;ik, wilt, utal uikti urii-aa
j U-rliiri'S. and lil:i,'iirl ,'lnrnut.enii ; in i,ii,liii.i, i..
j wliu li. ill , Tiler In nuke (he l Ili-ttire l'"urf a utli
!aml t'lli t'liiiil m puna, We, lite luiinwnii TrlU.M'k lima
bi-'rii (iniiii.'il :
llryiint . StnittHii's M'ik-Kii--in'.., in llirca etlitinns
C"lnl:inil Scli.ii.l. 1 , r il !i'l i Mil , mirl l' .1111111111 ll''ii ; li! -
.ell .V Slrritt'-n's l'. 'iiiiM-r,!., I A r n !i;i.i u' ; liu:ti.t .V
i riiiiiiinrs Ci'tiinier.-ijl liw, hy Atn-'S Ptun, I. 1. 1.
iua a.'riisiil'liiti"li.ii!.,'liy l". It. SI'KXCI-.II.
I T. K. I'KXCl:!!. Ji.. Ti .n-t . r nf Vi iiiii..nliip. In.'i.
I Vl,lit:il Ir.M-tU'iR Il ltu!riitj eiitcl at aii I. me. 1ij-U-I
lirts urili.l.
i I V I'.ir I'm ail't rlr.'iri. c:i!l ill flu-'efa,
! orti,M,e.s llltYAXT. Sl'liA I'l'nX it l AIUIiANhS
I Kelir-iirv -J i. M'l Iv I'liiI.uU'li Iim.
JAM E S JJ A 11 li E 11 ' S
I S. 1C. Corner Srennd nud Chestnut stu.,
VfiKXl'V tl.e I'A TKX I' lit if A l.l'IXIt Till MTV
HAV t l.lH'K-, H Very llrsiralilr article lul lliuivll
I ea. Il'ih-l-. Iliiiiks. l.-.'.iiiti"i lli'iisi-s. I'mlt'iK. Aw.
A i. .Manulii.-liiirr ..I KINK I.HI.H IT.Xs.
ri'fkH ri',:,it,'il ami win mui, . I.
I Cl.n-k l'i nriiiii.'j. ul t'Vri y I'-'iU'iir.ti it
j I'luk.Lli'lMlitu, l.mninv rY, l-ii.--"iy
I s. l. i;i.rg$tju:sski:,
! jlll)TOt;li.IMlJi, VMUKOTYPi: ami a'l
' llio moilern ij lea uf Pieturea, in,tuuJin.i
superinr lil.ll. lift.
ltf KiiKiiia in his I'Ali, Maiket Sijnaie,
iinl u') . J'a.
Annual 10, IHG1.
! Pirnadtcoji, .NVu.- Ymk-
j tN'iinl IttMlut't'il lo n !:.
I since the tift-ninii nf this vaaiaiul riiinnnhli hm
. liolel, in I CM, il Iua been the single emleatur ui
the iruiiietnra to make it Ihe iimat s"in'lii iii,
I fiitil t lilm and ie Inline fur Ihe cilisen
and slrniiL'rr on lliti.le the Atlantic. Ami
j wlijieM r has h'i mi'il likely lo a liniiiiater lull.a
' cnui'oil ul Its guest lln'y emit v. mil, v.nlnu.1
, rtitrd tocnat, In mviile, and tn i-.tiiihine all Itie
1 element ofiniliiiduiil and smiul enjiyuieiil viliii-li
; luiijem art has Iiivented, and modern last e'mv
ed ; and the uironaeJ v I. if lilt has ronnnanded
' ilurina the aat aia ) tare i- a crallfy inn ro if thai
their ell'.irt liaa been a(i.i. cialail. 'J'o ilia i li e
j exiKeneies of tl.e liinex, when all are required to
! irarliee the iiiu.l iuiJ eronomy, the undersinned
j TO TWO DOI.LA KS I'UK DAY. at the ume
lime alialinij none of theluiuriea with which their
table bar hitherto been stiiilid.
I KKADN II I.. Wliirc C'.MD A 1 O.
Oil. 15, lt. I mo.