GHAND VICTORY IN VIRGINIA rniLLUNT FiotiT wnn the : . RKBKL8. ENGAGEMENT AT DHANESVIILE. A Portion of O'tn. M'C'all' Viviiion Engaged GALLANTRY OF GEN. ORD. ... . frhi Enemy Completely Routed Two Cannon Capture J 7 he Lots of the Enemy, Seventy Nine Killed and Wounded. Wasiiwutoic, Dec. 20. Tliin mornio?, t G o'clock, a portion of Geo. McU-ill division proceeded in the di rection of UranesTille oo foraging ex parti tion, aod for lb porpoia of making recon noisanc in I bat locality. Drsoesville is nbout midway between McCuli'i headquarters sort Lvp.sburg. On nrriin(f in that vicinity they encoun tered the Hiemy, who had four regiments of infantry, composed of South Carolinian, Ala barman, cud KenlnckUne, with one buttery of six piece ami a regiment of caralry, under the roamiand of Gen. Stewart. The only troops on oar part engaged in the .flair at Uranetville, were General Ord'g br;. gad, the First regiment of riflt's, and F.astoig buttory of four gun. At four o'clock, after the action, General McCall sent two officers to count the rebels who were killed and wounded, and it wag ascertained that they had left on the field fifiy-teveo killed anil tneniy two wounded. Three of the latter died on being removed, making their loss sixty killed and oioeteen wounded ; risking a total of seventy-nino killed and wounded, and they no donbt curried off many more. The enemy were coinepletely rooted, and fl"ti precipitately after a liiiht of an hour and a half, leaving two canuon and a quantity of small arms, blanket, great could, iie., more than our troops could bring away. Our wen also brought in luuie prisoners . betides the wounded. Our loss is, as near as can he ascertained at pretext, about ten killed end Clieeo wound td. The expedition returned to their camp at Ldniey'ri nt cine o'clock to night. j"(ierul McCall, in a despatch received at headquarters to nifjht, says too much credit r.aunol be given to Geueral Ord for his gal lon I ry and skill throughout tho day. The titles behaved finely. I'KI'AILS OF Tllli BATTLE. Biiicit the oQicial despatch of the atTuir at J)ni:iK-6ville to-duy v. us forwardi-d, we are siinliled to give the following particulars: Generul Ord started ut sis o'clock this ttiorcttig. His comaiood consisted of four lull regiments ; the Uucktail Utiles, Lieutenant Cuiunel Kane, and Koston's battery, cotisict iny ul two twelve pound howitzers. Thf-y pi c.-eilud on a foraging expedition in the dr r. ctiou i f Urainesville. General McCall. en j ticipjltng they might be attacked, ordered !'ij1 uu.l Secmid brigades to foiljw nt eight A. M. 'Ine First hrigude, General Ue-juulds aovanced ou the Leesburg turnpike, and took ft p)?;i,(t:i on IMusull creek to await further pruert. Two hours later Geo., with bis st.'ir end escort of cavalry, followed by the ee-iid r-tita. Meantime Gen. Ord advanced to Thorn ton's IU aee, near Druinesville, when his com niar.d was suddenly tired upon by a force lying in uu.hii.-h in deuse woods acjacent. This was l ho signal of battle, uud a lirmli engage-ni-ul promptly entued. Gt-n. McCull, who arrived a few minutes previously, took commatnl. Iu a moniebl'a tune lvibtun's battery was planted alongside t&u Thorntou 1 1 ou jo, and Urd rapidly and with terridle eBect in the enemy's ambush. CNd. Kane's "Uuck.iail nllemeu" were placed in li'Jvacco, and fired upon the enemy wherever thoy oiade their appearance. The iu'jcU who bad a battery of six pieces, r. turned the cancooadiug, and replied to the r:3 -s witli mupketry. The tiring win kept up untie three quarters of an hour, when the tin-my retreated rapidly, the lire of the whole brig-tJe, lilies aod batiery, belt 5 too but for th-ni. Our troops stood op bravely no't-r the slurp vi j s of the relu-ls. Their steudioess wis praised by General McCil &uu bis cflioers. The rebt Is took the direction of Fuirfai Court lionse, leaving on the held a liumbet of lb-Mr killed and wounded. Our troops pursued theui a short distaoce, and re turned. The bceoe in the woods presented all the horruis of a sanguinaiy battle Held, and the deud ac.d dying lying strewn io various il:rr;l una. Forty dead bodies of the rebels were p eked up, aud li fife 11 wounded prison ers taken uud placed iu lluutt-i'n aod ot!-.r houses in Uruinsvtlle. (jeneriil Ord captured eight wounded prisoners and two cusions with auiujuui- Io their haste tbe enemy left behind arms (jf ail di-cripti(u, clothing, ic. 'I tn-ir lo?a H estimated at 1 50 killed and rrany w, 0 d d. Am rig the killed was Colo o i 'l orji. Ti-y!( r, of Fr inkfoit, Ky., and com iiiai.or of the First Kentucky regiment of rri-j!j. The forces of the eoeuiy consisted or three regiments of infantry, First aud KUvoiith Kentucky and Tenth Alabama, with a cvulry regiment and a battery, all under the command of Col. Jobo (1. Forney, of ti e 'IV 1. Ill Aluhnma, Acting ISrigadirr General. The dead rebels were left 00 the lield. 'I he prisoners belong to the differett regi ments engaged io the action. Neither are dressed alike. TLe clothes they had on were ragged and filthy. Kadi was without any overcoat, and their general looks belrey anything but nutritious fare. 1 had a con. vi'ieiinuii with three prisoner; belonging to the Tenth Aluliama, after they were brought to Gen. McCall's headquarters. Thy statu that llfir regiments were organized seveo mouths ago. Formerly they were under command of Geit. Johnson, hut after thu battid cf Itull run were transferred to Gen. I!-H:;ret!ard' divUiou. Of the condition of the ri-hfl army they gave the most deplorable account, continuing the previous statements ; received aa to the want of proper clothing ' and fond, and the general discontent prevail ing among the men. The greater part of the truiv. they asy, has gone into winter quarters ll Maua.-sa?. Since fueir connection with the army they have only been paid twice, and the prospect of a tbird payment wan so dimly (ibscire that early all had given Dp hopes of ny rurlhur enlargement of their exchequers I the hands of their commanders. General Hancock's division, under orders rf General McCleliao, maiched toward the buttie ground to support General McCull, tut their services were not ueeilud. Wbeo General McClelUa learned that (Jenerul MiCall's troops were engaging the enemy, he jumped into his saddle, and, accom panied by Col. Colbnrn, proceeded to Miners, ville, where h learned the results as given love uad returned. S.SSMX Mobta. A mammoth bomb mortar i s-sed Ih'oigh our city yesterday en ronla lot the sreat. We had previously met a large number U n.r.a iii the same direction. They are intended tyt ihruwing ehells about thirlcrn inches in ditui Iter, and their imtnenso strength was a source of l-noiiikliment tu the curious, who inspected tbeui, idea of their strength msy be formed from 4. fact that altho'igh they are only about four Vf. in Itngth, ibiy weigh nearly cine tons each. ilsruaburg Telegraph. Martin Blue, t( Liberty Township, Moa oar County, while hunting for deer oo the Vbite Lifer MoonUins, found lb bear aod i 'two eubs lo the cleft of rock, tod shet ,tt ftd kJW tu tkrsas BrtiM, hi ftfsK otrtbar, Kew Advcrtisemcnti. AOmlulalrnlor'a ioticc. fVOTK.'B Is hereby given that letters of edroi nislration have been grantaJ to ilie iu!iscri- her, on the estate of Kooert Cimptcll, late of Kunli lowntlilp, JNorihunibcrlsnd county, renn a , Ueceaied. All iiersona Indelited to tan eatate are rrnueateJ to make immediate payment, and thnte having claims tn present them fur 'tle menu AMOS VA8TIE, Adm'r. hlinmokin, Dee. SI, 1801. Ut TEACHERS' INSTITUTE. WHE Ninth Annual Mee lug of the Teachers' Institute of NortlnimherUnd rountv, will he held at JV O RT11 I'M BEK LAND, hi ginning on MONDAY, DECEMUKR 30, l61. and continue in session three days. Dept. 8upt- Uatex, 1'rol alkei, lieva. A. V. llawn and J W. Wampola and other Educators have cou sented t be prese.M and panicipata in the cier cirea. Teachers of Common Schools. Prinriiiiili of Academies, richnol Directcrs, and the friends generally, are cordially invited to attend. J. J. JOHN, Sec y. Shamnkin, Vtc. SI. 1861.- St G HOVER & EAKiRS i-iVf Preminm SEWING MACHINES FOR FAMILY USJS AND Maiiafattiirlug riupomn, With Ilcininen, Kellers, Tuckets, CorJirs, Ciuileri, c PRICES FROM $40 UPWARDS. SEWJNG MAt'lIlNLi COMPANY, Make Ilie lK-k nr flillle Slilcli Ma.-liinrn i,f llip B.nn piitieriit, niHl 111 1 he sme priersns their celri.iuttd DOL- ui.i-; i. luicsn rcit macuim-:. 'J'tlTS istlie iii.le timi.iiiv .).t m.,l.-a t, a, L! il.n.. fure the only one ll,atcau suiuiiy uil 1 lie ut llic- i.ub lie. IT Piih-hniers enn take tlieir ehnire "f either Slitch, Wll'l the priviie'- ,. ricli 11 sum f..t Ilie iithri. A new n'. H,,t slintileMi.eliine rum futi and quivt, fji Vt Mukei Tail.,i, SSIi.h: Umtleis, Ac. lf the .'iir Price of $i0. tTBl'Y Till: I1KST - CHOVKIt At HAKKIfS.P M Tn, ?3U C)ietnul Miei-t, I'liiiuttrlphia. II. D. MiStn, Sunlury, Agent fur the Manu facturer. Uecenilier3l,1fr!! !y S. Z G0TTWAIS, PLO"J?a It, FP.ODU"CE COMMISSION MERCHANT A'u. fi!2 Sj-rinfi Garden Strict, Philadrfphia, 1 HI'ICTKll.l.Y lli-ili roi,sif;i,uieuts of all kind f of com 'oilntiv nrodni-.. ex!rrr fimolv l-'lonr. A t, Lein liH-ated iii the i-eij- centre of luitiiu m, and Imvini? n very rxirnuvR liebiil Tn.uu uuclei loa own immiiiia'e rnpt'i vision, he h is ample t'nrilities f..r ohlaining the vciy hicheM niaikel pi iee lor everj tiling he Bella. i'ecciubei HI, ILl"i . .y ' IIST OF CAUSES For Trial in the Court of Common Pleas of Northumberland County, Jan'y Term, IbCI. PlniiiliiT-. l('ftiidants. Jeshn Hent v Jlenry '.Veisa. Uaniel I' Caul. Adm'r of I) V Caul vs Ann Divers. In the matter of there port nl diieria! Audi tors n;ion the acc't of Jacob Young, for merly 'I'reaeuier of NortliM County. lleniy llumenrdner s Ira T CiemenL Win I ilclfeiiiUin vs Wm l.ouai. . Sune va II K Kuley. Henrv J reroute, as't vs W illiam l'oulds. U V Klcnifiing, Ex'r va Wm I, Helfen tein. Wm V .W!e . 8 JtIO u AicAiicker. vs John Shioler, John Keller Krciiter cV Cases for J r'redtrick va Adm'r of Kal; h Oocle, dcc.d. va M A Kecfer and John eihiiiiier. John Ke iter for Mary Keiter Jnslah Keiter Wm 1. I)ewait Jacob Cass vs bame. vs Ex'rs of Henry Maiser, dee'd. vs Nortli'ii Cen'l R R Co. fur Henry Tha'p C H A A Abbott, en dorsers of Samuel K Wood vsR. G. Wheeler and J V I, Drwiit. Wrm Wcidenhammer vt John .Nc.Mathcnr. Mary JI Greenland' Heirs vs North'n Cen'l R R Co. Slmmokiu Dank Same Kluze ii Uochner Krancis Kluze Morv C Vincent Hiram Young Adm'r ol Uati'l Whit- mer, dee'd Adm'r of Robert Sax. ton, ilec'd Peter Ha to I em an Decatur Herb vs Albert Warrell. vs I'.ivid I.ongenecker. vs Win I, DenuM el al. vs uine. vs John I. Watson, vs Iia T CU'iueut. vs Clair & Reed. vs Peneville K. Hskj. vs Rotiert li Mct-'i.y. vs Adtn'r of John A Sny der. Wm T Carter Gabriel Kline Amos Pnlier Zuern & lleran Wm I." Ucwart Jacob uiinaon Samuel J Young William iU r Jacob Mowery vs Wm II Kase. for vs ttenrge C McKee. vs Joseph W Anthony, vs Charles W. ilegins. va John lleinebach. v Genri;e Y Weise. vs Jonathan Uunkelliurger vs The Curhou Run I in provement Comnaiiy. E Derirkson fur II D & K K Gould vs Charles Senser.hach. Iltnjamin R Haul vs It II Awl, el al. C R Hill and others vs R II A vj, at al. The (Jitnrd 1'irc and Marine ftienrance Co., "f Endorsers ol Thurlovr Hughe it Uo. Stridden. Maer Sc Co. Peter Hansleuin v Robert McCoy. Paine vs Same. The lirat 20 of the above cases will be for trial the first week, and tne balance for the sec'j week. UAMKL 13KCK.I.EY, J'rulhonolr.rj', FALL AND WINTER. CLOTHING. JOSEPH SCHWEITZER, Agent STJItf J3XJH -sr, IA., JIAS just rrreived a Inrpe assortment of FALL or WINTER CLOTHING, made up of all sizes, of the best mateiiuis and in the latest styles, audi aa FROM l SO to f IS. A good slock of CASSIMERE COATS. A splendid assortment of DRESS COATS. A larre variety ef BUSINESS COATS. An eiecllrnl assortment PANTS AND VESTS. A large supply of Mens' Undershirts, Ovar. shirts. Whit Hhirts, Hiawera and variety of other urlicles for mens' wear tco numerous to meut'iiii. Persons In wsnt of clothing esanot do letter then to buy at this cheep stoie. Call and rsamine for ourselves and you will Cnd it cheaper than ean be purchased eUewbeie . . JOSEPH SCHWEITZER. Asrefrt. Market Street, aaarly pmaius Wsavsr's Hotel , etssvbtjry, Pac U, llr- - - . Auditor's Notice. In the Orphans' Court ofNurihumberlenJ County Estate of Gsonoi Himi, decranrd. THE auditor appninted hv tie said Court, to make distribution of the ImiU fir III K tian.ta ol John Hime, adminintrstor of (.'enrge Hiijie, deceased, according tn law, will attend to the du. ties of his said appointment on Thuisday, the Snd day of January. A. I). IR6S, at o'clock A.M. at his office, in the borough ol Sunbury, Pa., at which time and place all persons intt retted are requested to he preaent. 8A.MLEI. J. PACKER, Auditor. Pnnhury, Dec. 14. W6I. New Millinery Goods. Fawn Strtrt.twodoort nuth oj the Shamohin " ""ry I iiiuctlte lluxl Jtiiad, 8TTNBURY, PENN'A., 1JKHPECTFUM.Y informs the citizen or 8UNUURY and vicinity, that she I, aa inat received from Philadelphia a' la rue and ailendid assortment of the moat fashionable stylo of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, comprising of 03 CE 3" im f33 , II A T 8, FEATHERS, FLOW ERS, TRIM- MI.VU.-l&c. TihiL-h the is selJing at the moat reasonable prices 1 o which she directs the attention of the ladies ami invites all lo call and see them. Thankful for pnst patronage, she hopes by keeping; to best ansorttiieiit at reasonable prices tocmitinuo the same. Sunhury, October 19, I SCI. -3m "'SHERIFF'S SALES. By virtue nf sundry writs of IVnriVt'oiif F.x pimas and Aluix lt. h.rpnnas, issued out ol the Court ol Common l'. as of Northainber land county. 1'., and lo me directed, will be. exposed to public sale, at the Court House iu the borpuiib nl Sunhtirv, on M O XI) A Y , J A N U A Ii Y Ct h, 1 8C2, at I o'clock I. M the lullnwirg dofcnbed Ueul lutntH, to wit : The one undivided eighth part, of iinrj in ul! that cerium piece or tract id' land, situate in Coal towtiebip, Xut thnniheiland county, bi-inr a part of a large tract of land, survey vj upon a wurrant granted to John JJrady, bounded on the norlli by lam's surveyed to Ludwig Uas-f, on the vnH by another iart of tho said Jolin Liiudy tract, owned by William L. Itewart.on IIih south by a truct of land suiveyed in the nuniH of yainnel Clailt. ond en the west by another pnition of the snid Jnlm lirudv sur vey, uow owned by the heirs ol Cha's U Ltori nel, det'd, Wm, Camrrcn and otht rs, contain' ing twpMy'five acres, more or Ihis ; snid tract coutuiua eeverul veins of atilhrucite coal, Jco. tji'ized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property ol 'Uenrite V. Matser. ALSO : A t the same time and place, cerluin trucl ol land situate in I'oiiit township, Nor'.buio' berland county Vn , iletcriocd as follows : bepiiinit.K at a fallen black ok, n fitrjor . land of the heirs (! 10. (Jteenouiih. d.-censieil : theiice by the same, south thirty 'seven and one rpiarter rieprees east, fitly nine nod eight leutlis perches tn a Mone; tin r,ve by the Mine south twent y-eiuiit tlegrees eust, sii I yot:e and eight tenths peahes to a elnr.e j th-ni-e by the same, south thirty-three and u hairtlepree's east, twenty two und eipht tenths peiches to a stone, in tho roud huditig Irntii ltunvilie to Nortliumherlatid ; thence by tho said roud and land of John Layeoi-k, south fifty docn-FS west, sixty two and itvo tetitbs pervhi s to a stone; thence by land of IVter Uahly, south fightynine and three (piurter ricpretfa weit, thirty eilit and two tenths percln s to a stone; thence by the same, north loityeight and one" leuth perches to a stone j thence by the surne, south eighty-nine and tlirt-e'iiuarler decrees weft, thirty Cre perches to a stone; thence by land late of Henry line k eft-Her, torth srr enleea degrees west, ninety six and four tenths perches lo a post ; thence by the suffie, seventy-three dt'Rrees West, -no liundred aud forty-nine und avbalf perches to a post ; them- by the some, north seventeen degrees west, forty two and three tenths perches "to a stone ; thence by land claimed by the heirs of Urant, north seventy two degrees east, twenty seven and threo tetiths perches lo a post ; thence by land of Albert Ainmerman, deceased, north eiylilyseven degrees eust, one hundred and thirteen perches to it pine; tl.euce by the suriip, north eipMy six a-nl a-half degrees eusi, one liundred uud six peiches to the place cf hepinninp containing one hundred aud ten ty three acres and one hundred and tliittj-iive perches, more or less ; whereon are erected a two-story Iratne hotiEU and kitchen, a large frame bunk barn and othur out butldiops, a well of water and oo orchard of choice fruit trees, &e. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the ptoperty of John lleckuit. ALSO : A I the same time und place, the nndiviJed one half part of a certain lot ol p round, situate in Sunhury, Xoithumberlund cocnty, I'enii'a. bounded und described i.s follows, to wit; on the north by land of Jacob Yotin?, on the south by un uliey, on the east by land of Ji-sne M. Simpson, ui.O ou tho eH by land of Cath urine Ouster : containing cue acre, strict mea sure. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of John Vouol'. ALSO : At the same time and pUc, two certain continuous lots of prouod, situate in the town nl Irevorton, Zerbo township, Northumber land Count V. Ileinn Iota Vn r, nu t It ii, I.I....L- No. 11G, riontitip on Shumokiu street on the i north, and bounded by n lot of (Jeorpe Keif-r I on the wet. a lot cf Christian K rntiar tn the en ft, end ou ailev pd He south : whereon are erected a two story frame house, a well ol water, outbuildings, A'tr. Seized and (niton in execution end to be sold us the property of George Uolshoe. ALSO: At the same time and pluce, a certain truct or piece of land, situute iu (.'uicrron township, Nothun-berUiid county. IV, hounded and described as follows, niljoinlng land tielntigini.' '.n the estate nf John Weary, dee'd. on the east by I)aniel Kelileig und the Muhanoy ereek, ou tun south, and by land of David liillmati on the west and north, containing about seventy eight, acres more or U-89 ; ahr ul sixty acres whereof are cleared, whereon are erected a two story log bouse and u frame banlt barn and other outbuildings, aa apple orchard and tprinp of water, &e. AI..M): Another certain tract or niece cf lard, situate in Cameron township N'orihuuilu ijand rounly. Pa., adjoining lauds ul Peler Weikel, John lloupt. Johr. lloyer, (;har!es U Uoyer, Win. Loujaud others, eonlaininir sity seven aerea, more or lets, about forty eitiht acres of which are cleared; whereon are erected a two story frame dtaelling house, a frame hank ham and other out buildtiiB, an apple orcharj and piHu of waier &c. levieo upon aa the proper' y of John Lonj, tSeized taken in execution snj to be sold ss the property r.l John Long and Uaniel Long, who eurvi.rd Charles H enuinger, Eliiibelh lleuuinger aud Jacob Jioupt, now dee'd. Al.SOt At the same lime aud place, a eertain lot of ground, lot Ko. in block iXn. OU. siuate in Fha rnokintown, Coal township, Noiiliuuiberland . uu.i.j, uuuueu anu ueacrioeu as loliows, on tha weat l.y fiurth nrr.t. on the inrtli by Pine street, on the east by lot uiimber 3 in the saint block and on the south bv an alley eonlaiuins in width SS feet and in depth 150 fujt. Al.riOt Another certain lot of ground, ' No j jn the block as abuse, aud in asms lowu, lowanl.ip J e. oounoea on IDS we.l by lot iNo. I. on ihs north by Pine etreel, on the east by lol No. 3, in sama block and on the south by an alley, containing in width 25 feet and in drpth I6 feel; whereon re f reeled a one end a fall' storv frama hon A , 8cixed taken io eiecntiot and to W sold as lbs jiJlriy eg ASarn Adansv ATJWj AtttieaanetlaM and pktee, taa eutarn aalf pwtofa eeitiukiiu a'uarxl, anuata ia Uia Uuniajhuf bunkmy, NouhuinbeiUiKi niuiiiy, I 'a , knuwii as lilt 1N11 8JI in tha Keneral plan ul mui borough, buaiMledand daM-ribed ut Id Mvt : Itiaitiiiuti Ulackberry Mroat ailjuimiif hil No IU0 on the mi, l(aabry nlley on iheaouih, anu weMeru hill of inll.,t.HJI,ci4itiiliiiin frmil atawt aureetaiiU III li(-itli ulxiul iMuleel wlir in reeled a siuall uiiud a half story fiaiui hi.ute, a mall kiU-htn.ete. Seiiod ukru in ntcutiou aud i a aa uit prvpartr ofHeuUtll i-SMly. . . ALSOt At Iht same time and filnce, ad that certain double twa Mory brick h. aw, utuattwit the corner 01 Knwnanil Mloik. berry Meet! In the b,.roii(rh of Sunlmry, fa , Wild tw.ilulf ... uiuiv.,in ivnieu hiu ones uunuinea urn ereelett, UiuiideU mth hy lot 1,1 Alia l. Ilnaa nnd uu alley, mi tl.a weat ly Jittol Jiienb Cuhle. aiiulh l.v liiMa,ita.rte ,r.i m,,,! .. ... airei-i. f il ril taken in tjmciiiiou and to keloid as Uic property or Juia.h Weiluei. ALSO 1 At the mine time and plnee, a eerlnin tract or pia cf ..,...H.V ,(I llM,iiaiii i.iwriMiip. iorinuinueriniiu coun ty, I'a , bounded und deat-iitied aa follow, 10 wit : on tne south by Cliarlea Sojiler, on the weat liy Jaeob Slli.ll, OH Iheiionh by Auiuiiuii Wulrertou and (Je-i. H. ekerl.ainJ -11 thecuatby Charles Uiiiiinielt, toiilioinny filiv two aercs, more or leva, about tort) acre of w I, icli 1,1 e tltai ed 1 where ou aia tieeieda fume dwelling house, name atai.le. tie. Sen. d taken in exeeullon and to Leauldat the nropcity of kluaiiuul Caldall. ALSO i At the same time and place, a certain lot cf ernninl, iltn. ale in ahninokin tnwu, Cteil iowihi, ioitnumli. rland, (Vti I In in block No I7T bounded and dc cnliedas ioMows.iiii the north by lot i,l' M. l-iiiien, ou the iiulh by Win Wiiltera n. on the eust by fr.uWiii airerl, " K i-ej 'ei-t HIIU III lle-Ill IOU leel j WltelC. aiei-reclie a twoatoij uaniedwellinp hoi.aa and a auny frame atore loijn, elo tfened Uikenui exec'ltiniiand In lie ol, n the property ol Henry A Hauler aud Uoaetlo II. UUiaaicr Itil wile. ALSO'. At the sometime nid pluee,D eertain half lot of groanrl, ituule iiilheb.roilih m San' ury, M.-rthaiiibelUind cunlv, I'a., bein tlieeaateiu hall part ol lot No 17. on Ihe iTenei'ul pianol aaid town, ami from nig on fokebtri, air. ci, on ll,e .....ut i,u uuuiiutu ou me aouin ny an alley, eual by a lot of hdurnrd V. Iliieht and a M oflieury I'eteia on the went, eoiitaiiuiuf aufeel in froiiiauil-.'Utiliel iu depth , whereon are neeled a two alory fiiiine house, outbuildings, cie. Heued tut en in exceuiioii aud tu be sold us the piopeitv ofltobeit iln,ks. ALSO: At the Mine tune ami place n crrtn!.i 1 .1 er piece of .iiuiiic in t.eiiMviire l-'WIIMO,., iori(:uniIierlai.d Ci.UII tv, fa., Iionmleil on Ilie nor.Ii b)'inl,lie mil, anith and w-eat l,y land if J une. Kverelt and cuU by laud of John l.elnbiii-ii. continuing lliree ncieii, more or leaa, on which are elected atoiy mill :i h.ii: story Ir.-inie dwt.liui- h sin:ih burn, a hincKmnili shop. well..f, n hue yuan njM le rehaid ami oilier flint tre.-ii.elc Seized iiiki-u in executinnuudM be a U as the properly Iiionel K. Arnwiue, survivor to Daniel li. Armenia aud John F. Ueiulci. ALSO: At the s-ime time and place, one undivided h1f of a cer tain i . I of sroanil. aitniile in il ..w-eiisville, Northumber. laud pnunty. Pa , b -unileil fiiiddencrib'-il us follows. to wit : on the ii-nlli by lot of William fninple and on Hie weM l.y .Main alteet. e inbiinina in width Oil leel. and in lenc'ti loll reel ; whereon it erect-i'ii brn k dwelling Inn se.twoatoiiel huh nudum lious'i, a ftuine suble and i-urnuaa house, a Well of M uter, t ic. Scied inken in execution and tu be sold aa the nro.ierlv ot A. W. fox. 1 ' ' t n DAVID WALD1! ON, Sheriff Sunhiiiy, Dec. It, IfOI. J Eulo cn the Etirs of HENRY WEAVER, deceased. NOUTIU MBEri.AND COUNTY. SS. The Cummonwenlih of Pennsylvania to heirs anil legal representative of Ili nry Wcaverate ol'Kusii township, in said couuiy, deccasctl GREETING : WIIERFA3 by an inquest duly awarded l y the Drphai.a' I'nurl nf the county "aforesaid, lite renl come of the said Henrv Wiacr, was sjj' ptai-nl nt and for l!;e sum of And whereas, none ul Ilie heirs r.f the aid deceased, niieared in Court, on t!ic rrltirn of toe said ii:qoi-iii,.ti, i,, ia;e the jireu.Hes therein iiieiitimied si liie apr.iicmeiit.. Yon nnd evi-iy of you ate lliercf.irn hereby cited to he and sp-j-car on lite lirst day of next term ul 10 o'clock. A, M., and ri fuse or accept lite said estate nl ihe valuation aud appraisenu nt ihrreof or show cause nhv the same should nut he sold Witness the Hon. A. J OK DAN, President of snid i.'nuit, at Sunl-ury. this s,ih iovember, A. D, IHUI. .1 IJ. MASmEU, Clerk O. C. unhiiry. Pre. 7. I8CI. Bcgister'a Notice- NOTICE is hereby given to all Legatees, Cre ditors an. I other persona interested ill the follow. ins estates, that the Executor, Adminitr. tors and liuar.hsiis of the nic, have fiit-d their iuco"iits with the Keyirter of N orthnmheiland rnunty and that they will be presetted to the Orphans' Court of said county on Tjrsdny the 'ilh of January iient, in the loreiwuli ol that duy for coniinniiieii, to wit : 1. Joins Alfred J., selllcj by his Guardian, lohn lluuuhiinotit. !i. Kox Frederick, deceased, settled by his Ex ecutors. Charles nnd Williim Fox. 3. Kc'klcinari I'laiieis, dee'd, settled ly his AOiniuistrator. Wm Kuthang. 4. Foilmer Eve l!:iii,urn. dee'd, settled by her AJininisiratnr, John Porter, Ksq. B. Hurwick lliintiali, dee'd, settled by her Administrator. Andrt-w Fullmer. C. Haas Elizahrtlt, settled hy her Guardian, Wm. Iiepfiin. 7. Elias Woodruff, dee'd, settled by his Ex ecutor, Jesse Wcvgel. 8. iSnydcr J iciil-, dee'd settled by Jos. Snyder, one of the Administrators. 0. Dmitri John, sr., (partial account,) scttted by his Administrator. Daniel Spiith. Ul. Malick Daid, settled by bis Guardian. David Maliik. 1'. Maaeer Henry, dee'd. (partial account,) reltlcd by II. II. Master, one ot the Executors. IS. tsatnuei Iveyser, settled by his Adminislra lor. Michael Metihee. 13. Nilas S. Farrow, dee'd. (irtial account) setlled by bis Executor, Amandus r. Mtih r. 14. W iliiiim Cornell, dee'd. scithd bv his Ex ecutors, John Cornell und Abraham Mitt nun. J. 11. UAS.SEII Sunbury, December 7, I Sill. Keu'r. , PllOCLAMATIOX. jVOlCH is hert-hy given that the ar.eral Courts of Common I'leaa, lieiiernl tiuirter fensions ol the peace, and Orphans' Court. Court ot Lfyerauit J i-iituner mui t.eucrul Jail Delivery, '" u"d ldr ' " 0,)ull,.v o1' NortJuinibcrland. to i;!"nu'"cc at c"urt Uue, in the borough ol j .-'uuouij, a, 10 ution,, l. .11. III! .(IOII1I1IV, till. j bib uav of J.W L'.-tlt Y, next, und will continue I TWO WIXKS. Tha coroner, Justices of the Peace und consta bles in and lot the county ol' -Northumberland, are requested lo be then and there in tlieir prOiier per sona, with their roila, records, iii'iiUitii;iig, and other rciueuiitruiii-ca, to do those things t- their several olliics upperluinini; to be done. And ull witnesses prosecuting in la-half of the Common wealth against any priaouer are also requested and couiuiuiiili'd to be then und there uttending iu their proper persona to prosecute against him, as shall be just mid not to depart w ithout leave at then peril. Jurors are requested to be iinu-tual in their attendance, ut the lime uppoiuUd agreeable to their notices Uiven under my hanj at Sunhury, the aoih day of Nov., in the year of our Lord one thous. and eiijli' hundred and eixty one and the IndeiieriJence of the Coiled Mates of America the (loth. Uoil atve the Commonwealth. DAVID W'AI.DKUN, Sheriff. Bheriira Otfire, Kun'oury, ) Nov. 311. I HG I. Widows' Election under tho 300 Law IVOTICK i Iiertly given thai aj iniieu.fiiiii III val Bliil lifrssiniil l.t .ir.oil w liiiv. t made il.owidown, rn- - tiv. I v . t l the rollowin l suieJ t.vt'i'JauU. frt-eihy to 1h nt. uf Atmttiw I ly, in fcurh cnB nmtlo t. J (-rouJeJ : 1. (itiUrhall Jutkii, ilfc'il. 2. Kii&';i Mi'-hufl, ils-c'ft. 3. ('amiroii Jamen, ilec'J. 4. l'verelt Jnrr ciii ileoM. A. K tine Iaac l, ilvc'd. AnJ that thv same will ircaenteJ to the Orphan Court nl' NurthumherUmJ county, for llrjval, on TufnUy, the Ah day of Jmiuary next, unleaa exrepttona he fUetl t hi-re to Im lor naid Jay. J. U. MAtfSKK, CYk. t. C, Sunhury, lOfsyenitrr 7, tsC 1 rhfalo .1 IV m. McCarty, i!c cael. NO'I'JCU U hereby given ihat lettrrg lc-l men ury, hiv In-rn iitnueil to the vubricri.wr, on lh et nie uf William McCarty I ale of the horough of Hunhory, 'orihurnltrUiii rounty, dectaiei. Al! erftone injfhirj lo fiJ e-lute or hiving rUimeon th omtt, jirewnt throt fur Uleineiit to the umJrri)nriJ. KACHEL McCAKTY.AJmiiiUntriai: t unbur. tkeviabef 7. ItftU Suitable for iu. Times! TUB ITHTUTALLED ASSORTMEKT O P FALL WINTER GOODS SOLD AT THE MAMMOTH STORE O P 1TJUNG & GRANT. "WE QKLIi its' Dress Goadf, Csssimeres, Cloths, 8iliinrln, Jlats and Caps, and 81iues. Clothing, Hosiery, Gloves, HarJwara, Que. iisnirs, Saddleiy, Ac, Ae., Ac. Lad Coots OP.05E3.ISa Fish, Ssll and Plaster, Iron acd Nails, DRUGS AND MEDICINES, Taints, Cils. Glass, Tobieco. JJejars, AcH Ae, tie., 41 I'l'lcei that Oefjr CorsiictItIoa, For Cash or Country Produce. We have selected these Goods with great care, snd feel assured that they are the C2ST A27Z) STOCK OP GOODS ever before tffsrtJ to the public Examine for yourselves. Flill.ING & CRANT. Sunhurv, "o. ISfil. BLACKWOOD'S MAGAZINE 1)1 THI BRITISH REVIEWS. GREAT INUUCEMEN Ts TO tUUSCRIBE. PREMIUMS ASU REDUCTIONS. SCOTT &. CO.. Ntw Viirk, cvitiuue to publish the lollowing leading Uiitish Periodicals: 1. V7ie London Quarterly CoriirrrafiVe.! The EdiulurgU jJii-lVt HViiy. 3. The North llrithh Review Free Church. The 'tslninshr Riviiic Liberal. f. Llacku-ond't Edinburg Magazine Tury. The piesent criiionl alato of European affairs will render thr-ae puMicaiiona unusually interei-t-iiiit during the lorthcotiiing 'J'hey will occupy a int. Idle ground between the ha.ttiy written newa items, crude siei.-iilations, and living rumors nt the dully lou'nul, and tho poiulerotis Toino of the future historian, written alter Ihe living interest and rxeilement of the great political eveuts ot the lime shall have pas-itd away. Il is to these Periodicals that readers nu;-i look for the only really iiiiillmilile and leliahle history of current events, and as such, in addition to their wall estal.lir.hed lileiury, scirntil, aud ihcol.'i;ioal cliaracler, we urire them upou the con tii'cnti'iii oflhe itadinr public. 'J'iie reeiiit of Advance Mieitsliom the Rritisli pulili.-licra i;ives addiiioual value to those lie- nut, inasmuch as they can l:ow ho placed in ihe bands of subscribers about as soon as the original editions. TERMS. (Regular Piices ) Per annum. $-1 lit) R till 7 00 8 00 3 Jtl l Ut) 7 hi) 9 Ull For any one of ihe four Keviewi, For any twj ol ti loi r Krviewrf, Kor any liiree of the tuur Kt'vicwjj, For jII lour l the Uviws. Fur hl.iilwo)il,4 Mnjziue, For Uljckaootl m.J one lu vii'W, Fur Ubtkwooi) mnl iwo I.rMi vvg, Fur Ul.ii kwoui.1 aud (lire, lii-vu'i. For lil.ukw.hul the four l!eii!w, 10 (HI Money ibjrri t in liu1 UU where iu(J will ho ri't'f-.wj ut ;.ir. The rotai:c lu any part of the Uniietl Sta'r u-ill he hut twonly lour a ar fur "Uhck tvowt," uuJ hut lour'. t en tciitj a vtr for tacli uf the K itMd. At tlie ahovo pnn-n (he lviitJicaU will he furuihi'l fir IOs!, ami a a PliEUltM TO MIW hUIta&CIUUEKtfs, ihn Nun. of the famo SVrioilicnU f.-r 100 mill lj furi'L'-hi'il iitinpiflt. with ut u ttlilounl ctmrue. 1'nlil.f liie more rjuo'iiicrnl M jg;iiiiit n of th duy, (hete IVriiidicalg Umt Unit ly hc. Il.'u.e. a.lull '.ir ut I ho N.itf. l..r iKtitt, may he regarded a nenrly a u!uh!e un lor i . Sulicriher w i-t.iii uUo I he Na for 181. will he MJj'i'litd al tU ttuhmiug titremrly liw rati ! SjUndti Offtv fr lyiiO, 6l, ami 2t 00 . ii- I "U u .... Fr DI,irkwnoil4 Md.ume, the 0 iaf, Fur uuy on Itnview, For iit.y lAo Kciewa, For and one Review, For Ulaikwt.od and two JJeviewi, Fur three u-view. Fur lllnfkwood und three Kcvirvvg,' Fi the four Ili'viewa, For Blaekwuod and the 4 Kevies, H (IU H 0U 12 HO II 1-0 f Ull IH (III 17 HO A l.y of the Hhoe work will aUo he furuuhed lo ew huhncriher f.r the er I KAH-fi, and 9, at nue-half ihe rcg ulur autvrrition price. 'J'liu new guhsrrihef may ohu'm the RepnnU uf Ihe Four l.tiewa und Dlwrkwftod Si-ten Coiigecutie Verg tor 7 ! I ! Which ia hoi liulo uio'o than the juice uf the original work Joi one yea. ! Aa we ahall never again ho likely to olTrr euih induci iueiiu as thuiw here preaculej, now i the time to vuhak'rii e ! ! iitUft, in all raea, he made diree lo ihe Fahhhher. I t al thete price no eoiu uiifim tun le allowed t arfenln. LUONA KU KCUTT cV CO.. No. 51 Gold alreet, New Vork. Novemher S'J, Administrator Riullce. - VOTICU is brittiy f ivruilwl Mtrrsof adininislralinn i tiavma lareii yranl.J Ui ihs aubar-ul-er until, rstaiaitf Jur- b Fry, ir . lata ul Uia bnmugli nf ISunliury, N -nl.Sjia U-ili.i.d e -unt v, I'.... i'en;J. AH iudl.iMl (aia rr.niJieil I-niaka . niatit, anrt ih riavmc claims to pii tli, in fur, at Ihr rrsidim . . f tin under sislSMad. Oil Clardas in. 4tS ilav of Junuary, IMal . CHI.l.SGARINfiElt.Aara. NEW YOlUv LINKS. THE CAMDKN A AMDOY AND I'llfLADf.U-HIA ANO THENTOM UAll.ltUAb tO.U LIMA From Philadelphia t Aew lork and IIViw priii iiaee. At A M , vh ill 1,-ave nt olow-s, r.s .., At e A at, via CunfoV Alnu")'-C A A Accent- aey nccottiiiT Nlutioi . 2 8J At Pi A M, Via CaiiHlcti anV. ' """'" ai tail. - 4' Al lij I' tit, via Keuaiotton run Jf." 3 00 At I'.M vfi fmf!fn nml Amtmr, ttrr c At V P . VIH Ctlllitieit tiinl Amls.t,' m o? n lire.. ' ""-of. At 9i ! M, via Kensington, and Jerse eliv. Tea. . .7. :''tr'".r . . SIX, tv'''rr'"',v, b'V-i tested In New At i ' .J' ,v'" """I'Hton and Jn.ey city, S.I t'nv. -iiria r( t)r h- uilifu nutl V ..tern Pnoes, ...SIT." ,"'kcl' , .. Siiji Tire!'"" S'abuii-Jautjutrifof all we claim ill tlieir if;. HV;v,,l-"'T"J';''' J-r-"-r-i:-i-v..,iinM:iii ato l rum es,.e.- ... . , ., ? J .. i"' V'M c"m ;lc" ""'IJenwy i-itv f"B Ii Mui! 4 vS I JtT i;lhcd by or niary lahorers, at a tri A I IfM . via r mi.lee aiot AmiH.y Aecoinm.a.ii. I T'-sre msterinla. . m ttou. (I- ie,Rlii ami Passengi r,) tr cUsa ticket, 1 I niu;- r-r-rist f o.JX' Rr-QVIPUD." ...,. ,,. .' I r,u I for :.,,.' .i nt . .,1. 1 r?uly f ir u. snd for sdlp. m .1 . ,"" Tne It S-iatartu t o l ileacitptiee c rer'nie Wf":i fu" printed uirett oi.s .Mjil Saturday, exesj-ted. i , ., r j., iiervumt .., U. , t l or i.eletUore., Flctnineton. .r .nt T n .v. ..!.,, Wild l,u blltl IT.Tt r"'' on rt Ilea- rrotn '1 nlnut Si reel w:-nf uu.l c; .. ;.f , troiti ho.viti-r .tn.t. -New Vu.-k. ' 1 "Tiec neil nra I- or Mancii Cliauk. AII-iii.-,vii and Iteiiiltiiein, al f, A M .. . , i ,a .e n:iiin-III e'or Water Cup. ft-a-uoatmrir, Scm itmi, W;::;e!barre, Montrose. Ursxl lieud. .Ve.. m y 10 A Al, via t'eiu-.varc Lackawanna lout i-i.-c-it ItiM-.-i l Pot t'u-eS iW, ul 0 A. M. m d -i P. M. Fur nlouut Holly, nt fl , ami , P M. WAY i.ixr.i. For Bristol. Trei.Kn, Ac., nl 7 tu rmt ct A.M.. ft, e SO sm.I II H M fioit, lUun-i-ion uiii P'M Imu Wa'i. nut s jest Whurf. r'orl'iianym.liiverti'n I.i :tn. Tsver:-, Su'iien-w, Florence, II .r.Jen., m- . nt I'.J, I. 3 end 'jj p. !t. Sieanit..:,t 'I mi f. r I', t-j.-i t-iwn. mi I t leiiuediatc pl.-iei-s, nt 0 P M, from W:.i.n; sUei 1 Wluirf. IV For .Mw Yorli. and ',.' iv Une len.-tn Ki-nl if ton Depot, take tl;e ,-sia on ri"li street, itli -ve W-ili . .', half on liour l'-f..rc , -s-tur. 'I !- i.-tis rue i ito ti, L'o- ioi, aim on nrrivin oi -i -i, I ruui, re;, Horn tlic fl, ;i.-l r I- n'ty p-iiiuda ul G h-j.h" u,.'y. nHoweil e- e'. -'rsei!-i r, r.-issencsra tire nod (: ,-ni l- m rr!.:. mo il, .-. , it... pee tiut tlieir ei-nr 1,1 iip.:u.-l. Al! o- er n."'V pounds ft I paid At extr-. 'i i - t'-en. -.t.v ! r t tlieif ream. nail. 110.- .... U...,.- ... ... C i , . . win not ne mule tor any UMKUnt t ayoiKl luo Uiilluis, ex. eept by spsctsl coutrrn-t WM H. GATCSint .4yet C. J. A. 1:. It Co Nov. 0, Hi. THE SEW YOEK WEEElTTihe?. 1 - "- ''---m ' :v vj ii ,-' . ;- "i-iii. Hi,.. 8INCIJ3 COPIES ti-TWO COPICrt FOR S3 FIVE Tht Cheapen and jltsl Family and Ctneral Nticsjaper inihe United Stali-n. The New York WF.I:KlT7.MI is a taree a,.d ele. rmity piime.Jqai.rto m.i ii, i ei; -i.i :;?,...r luiiy-ejiii ci.luiilus, -devoled to I'., lilies. I.itrnifu..: uuil .Nuns, an I lutenued to ! p., li, m ;.a n.e i .,. .u,u,iyNeS.nimrl,, ,!- .iiiulfMl,.. Iiiefir.t ana ..fine II.MfcS m..l v.-..! always keep Its ri.d-ra tliorouj 1,1, uud .-..i,!:, M.,le.l .,:.,asM verytiong whieb lany lu.i-.H-u. . 1 (icinr..! .ii-erci, 111 ui,y fart ol thu wiuld. I il'Sllill: loul Inely UJI t, ;ol toniea orttriiMirlHUCO tu tv.ry .:IIUi:vol "I JMiUI.C in lion, mui ale. ii) s 111 the iut.ret ol I r--. .l in, tud, u.,d 1 lie UU1IC UuoU , title Its li.llueiii e v little unit .into-f-....s..r, uauvociiieKev--ry u:j.,Miit-.oi jiii hiki l.i-nelii-cnl rrngreas, auu resiaiine inciiloe, eAieniuon, or p.n j.,-o,;.. ."u cn, vi 1 1 a. oi e J luo. e it e ine -iiiu idii vu It liie mgiuai wt-iiuieoi nie vi. :e oinmumty. 1 utlt il -. .-.i ins pr.-mpily uud accurately uit nm'l.jnieei.i central uilerisl 111 every ilepurttnent 01 l.iuii.ui activity, it m vei ,.iiui,-is to Vl'-l 'Usla.-lea.niid exci-t.l. s tr -in i;s c iluus-is 1 v-ervilniig that might tender il Ulis.ll.-. r I.B,.r-..c (or jieuelal r'iMiliiy I tljcdtl'dl. M'r.j!!t 0 111 lie!!'" it'll li;m tlif r:r-l i.f tin: pofiie; u:l(l III ulil! ilts-t -vitniH. .T t-Mtle iVlK t .ji.V'ni: ly U yuMjtd iit:d emtio1'.-! hy i.m spiiit .. iii..d-rm.. h, p.iUl!'tlflll III )(i C'.IltlOI niisjt. l i ita Ctirre(')iidt.tK.', 0 -Hi 1itc:f(i nnd Pr-mf -iii-, ;;.c Tuni 9 Ui'Miiii-.Hed t i )i tt,i;(Tiui ti tilt thft Al.Li.'.:ti JmirMul Jifj Ktrpitriinf (;-ni::ifHii(i;iit'ii(il .Ug.claln'e ,.ro-c.-cJuiDtUn-'iituiicui, C ii im-mul :nitl Geuerttl Intelligence. uf important Leirnl and Crii:!ii.:ii 'i'ii;.:., ai;J of wli.itt'Vfr iuty v.vk vpcui-il itiW.'fvKt I'.-r tli-. jyiivil knly td" tin; cm tuu.iityi urtuult, pfi int rct.a'.ic-. Ks.wtcal aiieutioii m dtvulct- toiullj accurate and IfUbt Wuftiiy repurts nf 1.13 Line Stock Produce Mnt wtst for wk.rli a tprtiu. corpi tncpttrtLiais maiatnireO A LlTtlltAUV IMil'AU J'MLNT wi!l n)(iLc kci'it up, riiilniicii!(: Sui:'l:irJ 'v'hih1 Titles, ami inisccuaiiL' , hjm (he l.ncit ititcuM. Tilt Afrrk-u.t:ir;tl Df-n'iiir'niii ivii'p.ii.'J from a vrtrie lyol 'uc iiiuii ul iu tc-t;; to l!.u inei icati li-utu-r. mid mruissltcs vuluabie lijcrr-uiii 1. d tlie runtur ai.. ij;t!t-fi-r. Tuy W'kly Timet wi! t'p to Mit-ccr. veri in any part the cu'ilry uu t:ie f jiiuwuiy Itifiik; finale C"p'e C'-1 .1 ynr. Two fc.J;. yr.Jif, Fu'e j.v u tfrr Any pcrg.m who wil! em! n n club nf TEN mSfccnlvrii, at $ eucli, aiiuli rt-ce-vc an 'i 1: y imt b;;4 i-r may retail. One Dollar Hib.i c .uipfiifMii 'ii. THE NKW.VOliK DaM.YTIMEh, Is puiaWuett Keery d'iy elcepl r'une-iy, and is sent to suti cuiaSJt ;.y tuailut Six iio.laisa ) uicluoij oanday edition 1. THE SMI.WKEKI.Y TIME.-, Pu'iirihctj 1 11 Tdrrr'.i it u-td lr:d;i n, ond coii'i; ight puKctoi' rcuduitr ii ttr cr ipv.v ,iuiii..(.i, i utt.i t.ui cut.etint th l tlsOWii:g iuUh : Single cnplrs Tw; cojiiea - . . Any pctuti who will wml v. n rluli f Five .ittTinem mm receive an rsim rop i-r .lir.nt;!., m r'.'.Mnlwu iK'lijta und a II ill un !ig plfm; s..ii"ii. Catii mv;'ri';v 'i -i Wn tv All MUT to be d.rvfc.: to I.' J. lt.Y"T0VD AVn , Pio, iieiors i ttie,,lNewVuik'li..:LE,n .New Vc.k Cny. .Nov.ajO, ldl. On the seventh of Se;, tfGl, The New Vork Wt-.LKIil TKliJI.'Mv e is.itirm-ei liie twcui) h s vr ' older uiut the benii Weekly i'r .tiui.c sj:ii 'Uti",ur. Fr m it ilinu tw-rnty vimk1 il.ig j hu t -l- u J in vvhi.L itk cti'Uuct"in l'i in i i ; .t.e tvtiic f ll.nn t.iit, JuiK-cDil I'ictU 'in, etidc..;--rii k nitti.ti .te tUc c mu j llOll Ol the 'H, Uhll tstll'r ilU.iHt1.-, to il 'll-T iOlO l.l I toui-iiit utciu: cxutt'iin in w It.itt-i ti .litH', uuil, to pr'- f Hi U b) uli m,a;i:ig I'.iv uiM ;!, litUJts-fi.i..i ....U i .;.' tl ; v.u.jrmeiit ul i ui c 'uittrj . !..o uniu ur i.-.t r.i ', thuii ojMii'ir,nuil ehp''ff-...,-o itui;vi,;. V U:. .. Trtuii thai vttu tn m.iy ii n be n tf. u in it 1 1 -1 t'-iiinrr-. v. li. H.r4ii:mi'Uiteir, iif.i .ir'u tl ! i.r?j .a-rn in tuu uiiij t;i"i . culiin..t;. .1 ; 1-t.l, I.::1. .i itui.g u.c."it nr it' iitt-rg lo Cuuk tiuii ii$v ir-r nr.' . . rtti;r . ;.. ! ailupi hliiuMy tiUf uwsi ir in 'it' r-i.i'.ii 'it vu Uiie. c we inuy : i r i y cluiiti f ir t .'.. j nrM;.i iim err.lii tili'ivinjj ' uiiiiliiicit Hi r fin I rit lo d !'. i;iJ '-X;mi" ivn ov i crroig. 'Joiievel' p ihe I.O..JS- I n ' u.iF', Uy U. M jioiicrjl, tli-rout:h iiiid .i ai I'. :j--a :i", .nni t" it:v -ur. uf Htnl lmiui:ite Piiidu.'tivi i' , ...l': "i--: ; j tn .Vj.iC liiut tosulU'! -' l.;.u t il;;i'."i)i, uh uS , t ilir'jiirli lite pr'-ti'ciia,ii 1 )t;Miiiurc . r ;.ci'.t..ur. vxti fcc-1 ' hfm.f,:fn I root tno jt ivverf". i ! ' -0111;: h arc ui . g ; ilM uiin to which linn i ioikiI in ti... t iljr -ul 1 onil rvtl r-ptirt. uitU wl.i 11 1; t,:-;ittt'afc:iy c jiroinii'. lo AlliriltUil -itil"'lii;i tout j hit ' 'V . At" th Civil Wur no;' Oe-i.i'.r(':iH' our cnnil'-y, v e J h'-Wil l linvi 1 -tiiiiii ifi' I 1 l;i-:. . iu re wa "i, j wirliftl, inexrug;iilc. tliuii ; i r . . ! vu.u ie ; l)i-iiiili in Ilie inUTcfct ! ih- U .v J-n;,.-! 'tn it.,;ji .1 , tit. tlftKoieillx fume i..-; v. 1. r,if . .inl t ik-.: n . ' ihe rluii.g ui oitrcssiHii. o . i wc-' wi'!.- I nut U Jul It'l'itdt Ol VllHl t U, 1 ,;,.f . .i "'lt i S V. :i ,flr! ( I w.nit-Mr.l iii'-i'.Tt'eaMiire. taic. .u"'w, u. i I i- n..!rf;u ; ' w-iiii w -ii'h tiio IVJt-r;.! t i-n 0. ..tiit .1; r 1:. it i. u 1 tl its j j 11- rr-.rg. we h'Ul il 1 nf c i nr ilun', vri. i.::tt i r iy i ntilfl CilUeu. I ' g:M I i li.'-' 1: :.vl ti l;:i"! '1 "' U t r. trr. ttt li to r f,-i.U .Vi.h '..1 'Jf t .1 -i '1 1 t iijSl J iipti 'ttl lite I ill' 11 , 1 P.v 1 "it.'.1' U..' ir-; . '; B-tjTt .l" lilt- iiwst. Anil, lU ti;:l, l. if iUix li. 'n I i. . t , ' usiirjKiu -ti, iUv't'iuii, lert.H :m .t...: , - i.i mm-.ii! y , iircnj. we iirli-i e ihe .n.fin":iit It t i ' . itr- 1 ;, ; ton) lit.-it tne ui:.miiii"ii. .-ir -f : :' v -1' ik -mj I h'tii'lh w ill u.buie lti (OfUMf -w (..ii i'ii ii"! 1; - tr : 1 'f il I .'rvtu'R the i-i-tfitli. t-ifw -;i..i: i 1 f t;f fi ' .- : j irrf..rihnui y e.mti'g. e i.Yi-r i" i.i". " -i 1 1 ir 01 ( i rei' tl-ni.fiv itii jo-: ri-v ::(,: t-? .-piiy ,mo j ! Jt"- -t'lt! 1 'a .it t toil lit. Hi-1 1 1 1' 111 f ' tj r't 1 . ,1 .1 nil1 .'. 1 'V . j I In iU,nit(i;,s,i' llijJro,('il,i'i,i .'.hj, u.f ) . ..H'-'i'' . t , fi'L'totiSeiJ won Hie l-.rrr,i( u -' :" t 1 l.ii j I l"!.il will f iii(i(li:i"i' l .! in- re 51. 11; 'i- iufpi nt. j XV e Bluill not. ho w 1:1, r .'ino lit u''f'-,..ii I.i'. r-"irr. 1 Tun- i'.'ti All' org. If .fi u-t'.: o:ii IV- -..r ti O-'ju. ' Tho Tnlaiiw aa h-MWial-V -ai ii am . ti " "':' r.f rim. I'ui t.ii.iii nl. tri ia mui a'-i-l tui i.i ,-.r iWa.--.n- i prriii-nsiv ii. ws-.ipi-r. tt-iti !m-S a i-;:r. .ii n- nl. r ti tv ! n.r.i-t HI..I t'milr"..! 1.11-rv - -I' Hi -r:.. n ! nirrrlf i.. il nl m iiii-f ah i ... ii it i mi u' Uf ii ui-1. As . ... f....i: .-... ,i Miuhftg, Al'.. Ac . r hu h 1 i.'it'ui-, t-.o" ii r rurilulea .i. ai-i;.ttii".' nit-fiirilii ii ) Weimar mi'tt in tti i -nt---f ur i.i! ! is.i-n-i-ilt.!i.. nti.l llni!, in l!i- tn'.ll' s -t j Itllii-f tir ft" ml.-il. w rn iv . il: li..;ii- in "tti ii.c :.. '. .hy j n i-ritic nn itie" In tliir ll---. .vi- a.'li -it u i-i-nl nui-.i -.'f j of iii gHn.rnus incaui. -I ji:iti it-iiri-litili-.-n ii'-;'- ;.i. -l our iouttu.1. TK.ri.M.S Daily Tr:lii.iie(1H iaat.ra p-r aim"-.) h.-iiii.Verkl (H'l ' " S i S-J I Ti Civsa Sum t Tm c-r.'" ( 'i l'i'.--" tf-rll-JS. fell i-.ipi.-a I. ..i d It.! l-i-s. I-" -.' t. I '-uy '. lun.i iiunitirs til tin- hiliar rn'. l-'-r n ili't. TwiniIi-. an estrac-pv will b B.-nl. K-r arlutn l rmty, .rt acini tlif Ilatlv 'I'nl une stiit'S-i'f '.r'll. .-tUy: i'ar.r i-.pi.-. I'm ". l-ei.i .- pirs f.-r tti.and any lnr;in nuinl-r al lln- mie -f f-i ."i mrii t.r milium. lli" puper tu 1 ad-tri-sanl t rtK'll aut-w-nl.. r. T! t.uia-. Twi-nty svml nil tlia 'l 'I'wfiitv wHii.-s In -in- .-! f.r."ii, w-itli .mi-f tra I.. I..... .hi.ari.iU na tli I'illli l'-r l-m-li ...nil tln il'Hf ' rfr... '1 I.. 11 ..Iv T.-.l.uikr u-ill tj IM-nl sr. ilia l'-r . t:f f. Wh.ii ilma run Iw ir"-airi a i. tini-.-li ! ' .1'".. run . nil llitla Tl. ilia I'-U C'lSts Sinl Suis sh.nilil in aSraarslMi piinii' wriili-" l'aymsiil uiwivs in a.lviir.,-i. A-'n-'s.- THK't'imil'NK.Ni.. IjlX imnStrrrr, i Nt.v Y-iS. STOVKS ! STOVES ! ! FOH 81 B ATTIll". INPl'r-TUI U STOVE Wl RK Nn. :U N. rlU -)ai futrl, 1'iiiknlrlul.ii., ppon r-l...rli. .h. ini'U rr'e''r. iltd das ounautniiis C la Clrlt-.'s . . .i .i .. I I uir 11 -li-r.lll I'll. I i.ii i -i hi SeattlK awnra Ml. -r- , ." . V"" ... ... ft wlucB vs (iiutranlttd to (iv sjHs;cU4Hi ..i L--r.- iiu iniiiri ..'Mikinar IU..I t-wv. .. i'kas ivaowauui. TsVaS at HVHIM JOHNS & CPaOSLET. ROt,!-: MAMITACTL'UKKS OK TI1H IMFROTIS) O-UTTA PRHOUA. C E il Ii u T KOOF1MO, The elieape: s;ir! mot i'nrrl,;e no-fing in use. It it Fire f ami Vmer ref . It ein lie applied 1 1 new im.i .,.,1 i,.ft, f kinds, arsi to Pliu t',e It ii as w-iiicut reinovins Ilia alonges. Tho Cost is oi;!y abaut Onc-Tliirdtliat Cf Tin, nnd it is tWco r.s Dt'niblo. o l l J A r K B C n A C K M V. N T f-P , ' """rTntrniC To, mot oiher Melnl n.s.f. nf I r. i '. ! ."' ' '.'" fr' '." '" elaatietlv, is not injured I -I'liit ,, L -h' '"' "P"'-" "' ' ' iiKtiui,,) Will not euiek I" d ill or run 111 -nirr, -.v-nll el. InrivaiA ral l-iliur AtrsTi V urea ! Tcrn.s Ca.ii ! ! J-irr 1 isui iy A R i: r3 . Miich Figured liurepes. IB, SSarid Ul eeuls, Hi.t-ts. T f.O, 1 110 and $5 ttu, Moi'ambiiito 1'o'oea at S-j (JO. Tra- ills Urc.-a Good.., fcurphard's 1MJ,J.-, .Mohair Plaide. ;i"u!'ai.i'a, I.awrs. P.ims,, Grey Figured t;;) i!, CU0:T,; l CON AND. 8 li nrrer Nlnt! an-l Market, I'l.n.-nit !j Ida. H. Jft IlllalitV lloon Siois. Hi tt.,.lm I,. i2 ' M-iv t?. IRCI. i i" T i Z? , 1 tHUfeiY V CrCUblfc. J 0 AtCyhoUc iTCCa- ' ration. uit. is o Fi, A rt ; 'h RATED I'icpaird by D t. C. .M. JAC'KKOX & CO., Philadelphia, Pa will tfi'.ciuoHy cure j LIVtR COM PL -MM', DYSPEPSIA, JAUN- i JjlCE, I '" bclM ? hSt "' 'OW a Uisordercd I. Ivor or SlOmucll. Sued as Omfpation. IiiwukI Piles, r-jlness or d j lo tlie tier. I, Aeiuily ..f tr.:.t..el.. Xaeses. Ilvaillajr.," , l;i.t 1.., r-.. i-uiiu.s . M.i.hi m , ,oini.e;i s,i i:.-..,-l is I.,e or fi. ,lt ,..e , u'l , r. . .j... j., n.-.u mi..? of ii.e Iii.d. Hi i..,-J Diiucu.t ! ; ur- Hu.itr'i jui ihe iieuri, Choking or S-ilT. ciil:.j I li.e- i wibi In tore i:,i' .M. toul l;it.l Pion tn' r ul l.ili-K, ri.ept, I.1111I.V, Ac M-.sleu Flu. In Sot lleul 1 l;ur!.----: -n l!ie eli-ali. Const. tut Iiii:iuin;:;j!s i-t evil, ai.d 1 j... .1 I e;-ie;n. s. and -oil! t. sitiet'y i.ri.vei.1 I . ...v.- r ever, iii-.e i-a i-e. i r Ac 1 '1 lie proi'tu-loi in e..!:i:w I'.e 11 i.n "I liie public to this iue.i-inui.i,,. u--es so wi.r. 11 i.-elii-e ..i thu uliiit s con- j ii,l,-,-e 1,1 its virtu, s id uda;.:utioU 10 llic di.'e-ises for I whn-li :: is r. i-oii...euil, , i , , ,,. , ,. ., ;..!,. ,.. ore ,1,., ),.,, ,.J .; t- v. ;( i'tie yrjo.i' triMt t'i'crc the AiMCiifon ( en lint ii:: ::;'Ti!..:ji )i uiifi n1)? :i'f unni'i li 1! 1 0nj iini iri)i.o,i'i..;.,. fximit. i !if tr feMinoiiy i:i i frut.r ii'-n t';' .11 i pi.-ii.o.Ps.t ni.: well kn own liivmrinii nnd Uttlivuiuials in ii .:uljj) il'f; c- ilMry Is liiitiii'ni'f , mui a t.iu-nii . ,;,e Aiitutnrie. p ailii-ht-il n.i-n.o!y 1y this ;.i.ii-ifi' -'j , 1 1,; (., Unt i.tig of ph. ot th-ir A'-ittfl, tMii iol Imt Hi-i-fy in m-t-t SAti;c! Ui.u Hub rcnicJy i ri'j;lj Uraervn : 1 1 1 meat cicln i:v : Ism ol lauied. ki-;.u Tiii-; kviijkncx:. Kf:i.) ,t !ie tmiiifiil J!:-m M:innf;o-t,.'pr, .f'fTV M. VHITAlaL, myg ul the UAl.SA.MiC CUHblAL. l)r, C. il. J..; Us on Rt'ipeeifu I'ricml : ilcvni,; for a li?i'T tin.e J.r'fti ictiiiiinit' w.iti t!.e mhii'i 01 titj Uiiituii:io CikiIihI 1:1 nc'ii-i, C ttiifi. Inllioi niutu n 1.1 the I in us. Ve. I 1 V. tS iViv y ! -;.r ifftll.i'ii to i'S tllicrtiy, Vir Bvvvtul j ytM'E I li:iv.ii.ivtr iMii. wi:huut it !i my uimiiy. Ii I p've me -!iMsine 10 ' it 1 hrive uietl it with entire ! ULecSU m thf. Tf t'.iiU-iii ! Hni C'ini"tiiMilb. Tiiv Pr- .-.i'v irulv, JvHN M LtTAU. ri;"ih .Mo. 17, irj. l;ari gtrect. ti!i-ve 4ih, Philud'a. Thef tii ii"jt:tcs ore for tal hy '1!' rpsnreinhie Irusciiti a nl Ir-.l -rs in irt -hciit's i;i L'i:iti d States, t'miui.n. hr.tibti Pri viJinci-s v..u W it' li.Jiei, 11 j eeiitg per imt t'r. IJ. s.nt un! t I !'! j;t tiiihtf . itfi Him g.uniituif 1 1 C. M. J:?rkt..:i un iii' v..ipt r of t;ifti Liitv ; itilutherg nia e-MioicrfVii. I':..Kv;'.i (Uulx ;.id .Mgnuuctwiy. 415 ArcU g:.ftt I iii'tdi f,.I ..1, l' i tirii'in r ! l, I -1, i . ly For ti;eourei-f f.utuU, hi' i.r.u ,.l lonfUtTip' i"H, fienrrul Uchii'iy, Winu! ywtiiii.1.',, h 'I'ti.uaitEi. loSt.-of lite Liter u;iu .kiii, nn'.t a ! li?rnf Arieii ( ina inljiunlitg t,f luo iiiood tn.- ut Fti'i-xtsj ul' Mere try. &raiiiig PaiifH-'-a lnt leen i t ir.ure than foi! yeare C:!i: rnt il m i'.mh count rv an-i ni l-.uiup: ti.f IU fXlru oi. lo. ury ett- p, ut trit Cc r::h.iHs i t vh'tM ittcience i li.ssue ' iliitoMui-n Ui 'l l hf- (wliih tuoy l e li d gnit'.s,! :cc 'iitt'.iiiji 1? U10 I'airu'f-.i t t"i e I which give 1 ,ic 1 a.iM."-i.n.a ui ';ie-i t o fi ii!i.;iul tor g-.i.vrui put- icct turn, v vTQ !.e :i iuh'.g !..i.: been ..huos' t.iici. iiji witU S-nifum, iiA wciv ilccnirtt ititurunii- ' P' Licittrg. ii has iitfii utL-j in lvi?;'il't a ji. i .tiv.le aetur. otwHias h:fo ro'-oiii.nfusird hj ine n.on i'e.t:.rutt.i! v b aid 1 :!ui t'inii.',n iT:.g. .'.ravt.? '. eu , b W. tiii.i n. M. I)., Tri'l. ol siiree"'., r'n I 'nivei.: . ; Va'ttit'U' M-'ttg 'r C a i-uiVfi). N. l i.iv.:i?"v ; W. 1. 1 w.c, .M ii., l'tfl. .Mui . iVii'i. 'tovi-is.ty; N. Liionui., M. Fit f. ut VU .1-. I i-'VtVfi'v ; 1 . Va:-r. i. i-.9 I'liSidrlit l.i,.fgj 1 l.-s.icl-Ois, 1'i.tiu.klpliiJ ; ir. t'e. Vxlio, i'l.if. ut Mediviiie, ll-tVa:"i , J"e r'rj it-o tie l.ui, I n-f. ..r.ft:t? ". 1.1 ': -it ; J r:i.,j!in, .Mi-nrt r imai Oi liege is -ml 11. : ii. w . irvuiaT. M to : Sir rh'tM- .g icrs-.o, M i; i t-t-.c-.l B i is.: Arm ; Oil iifil Tl.h-ili'iit. !.r.ii.-.i 'J (r..-- at.. Th w fr---f ' ty SWA1AFS PANACFA Vive i'..r Uftiiy y ir n;:.t!e it .nt oiva'u"!'ie Tein:i!y. 'J ho I'ait.u eu t) eti n t ;.':.::. .1 inni ur ::: i. . fi.ini. ion!, Ih It (j vn inn.-t'eiit jirii.iiiuoit, 1. n.-; legu'iB 10 tne uiuit ten tier iMi'.n.l. X1' 'e'ji! prtee has been ie hctd lt VI 5J per bull Ic, .uuii i 1: rv h ;.,ititi.. ; r ilri-u Ut t'ur 5si. llhWAHK .r i:.ii i ciT.uN. Q,v:i'.n rii.irfti it in r titi.d Ik ;tit , ..uutl lor.glictUiia!." Willi l.O' i tWH l' ltil -h iir'W ;. 11 l e k 5 !! 'tf M .N A ''I" 111:1, O II tvi.ig t;i- I'iioic ui J.!-. . A Ai ti s i"n,il on tie scMiif Wfix ur i'e'i un tne '..t'l nviihi..- theeork. 4 1 :i iii.hti iv,; t 1... . ;-! ' . t e ' hy tra pa it V-'-. -i. 11 i (jr tv rg. in I)." centre ;" hu h ifcaui tiii-l . 'nt- I :e n ?.-iiiii, v:o, r q'i' I. ?"r ':ni .-;rthas.p t;-, i.cni wil t t:.i f. ! to ci icivt; t! the w.-ui i 'V..i.J ii crii-.-t') rpc-ilcJ lliuy uctJ U"l ie init...t-l -ii. a.. si , eVAivs vrnvnrrGr, A vr'i.ih!- 1 .I'-I'v n'rihj-:-!'. 'o- ii p a ..-gh!j o. r.-rml remr. i iiy t"i n : j.Msir-i nriau in m vx'.-.'.'.' . o' 'iu t r- y .a. t :ig, .r.,:i:v . li.e M- i:ia h. M ra.g Ch. i-n M- i.:k L' !. .ir , I r a: i -i;'" , fo-e.:-: r.ioa. hiriC Kwni." i tf, Si t!.4 ri,frM (Wl'ith uay be Inu! gra li.-.) i;ra'-itt.iiunii '-I't.if 'i.r. m -.rrc ..i'v !i VAh; i.a!u::.vcirv, thr 11. 'j'r i;i, i;n' r.! i'.v;:: ru -TitKi i'. lti av Oil 'i T, rina-en-.1!:.!, and hj ull Uriigiftia iuU. I slllu' M-. v'al A'n!! f -r f ! t' ?rot 9. fcji.;;.i Ki i.iN .-.i.isii'nft rn.t i:,t Won 1:11 Mreci, ifvu;c. rinf-, On 5.- -a :.. r t'lllR As.ifN lit .Ni.;iisui:ih-riar.'1 ounty a retue.teJ ! nl.i'ufl return f "'tir trioaniai H!seMnei;tH ti Ihe l.'oinmut-ioi.crV 'l''icf on the S7;h i!fy ot l'nvriher. I-01, al which t;n;e tiiere will he n ii.cctii, ui the lioaid ut C:n.uiibt.ctit rg, orJer i-t tho ISuaril, KU. JORDAN, Clerks Ci'inil ltitierfa f-l"n?, ) M' tJcl.-'er lu, lsGl. ?A5CY ivrv pabcy ru-.ts : : .7ilii rari-lrss. Ar.n. ri-.-r, lH-twtrii lit... mm Mil.. Ms.. ( ' !x Mark'!,) 'Aiii.iV"i.,i., Jnivirlr ,lr .,i...Mir-.v-tiir.-r ail'. !-:i-l tv.-ir i" n 1 l.;n 's i-l :v:V Fi lls, f.i r ''v n l.til.ta.' M:SSC, I l.ll . f'-fif' , ' --- 15 X '"' ' l',V ' ' 1 :-"--' llnfmcifw mawiftirl , f., ' " fl 'V1 n.rf i J -. M uuJ m i.h- i-iy i.i ' fli,'!-r-HEC,-v!i . fM l"Vlil": "" "..',' ' ; j .' ',"'""' "ii l' ri: : V. . .-L' -.t l ! -..i,l,i.. i ni-a... I- Inr. nsiial It. lilJpi'l lllan! I- u-. .i.l-ll.lril In Ihe I":.!! Bl.l ' --J: . " - .r li.i.-r fcV:is.-ts. I W-UI-I respn-.t'-ri t'lu.'e mi;iiiiil'i'tl i f n.v .l i W .' prt.-- ' Irn.-.i .In si- iim-. ilii i I- pt'ti ti 't', u. I um .-ii ,i U'l liMflcr ' tli'it vrt- .t.-mi.tilf. iii.'in.-, rt-i-iita. ' 1 AJIm-.ruia I--iv.- i-l-i l-.iri'liiita-il f.-r Oiiali. nnil-linn's ,v ,- t in-, . I l-un.'s. ri.-'1 :to I'.. l-'.-si nt n. 'li. ii-iv tn l'S:iS j rrn I. r i . " -1-1,-rirv ln:il I f.i,-iii.l ti.v ae ol 111 fc-'ll al a I VI rV ,lii...l :i' ''M'P -.1 .1. 't, I I i.i.. .iii.l;..l a Inat w-ili '! f'e luitir.l uf ll.'.t wlio ' J.- -. i nu-'i;i?i if. t-i r've inr , V life I!" . tl-- '"."t. imr-iiiw .ii' t Ktr.-rt : J. Tatters, , ( w Ki.r Sinre.) 7I Aitli S-ifee!, riila..l.l ins. h.-pt 7, lia-l int. taiatc of CilUOttTTK M Hi d. l liinri!. ' 'VOTlCE is Lf sivtn Ihat Mtrrs of atl ! X' nii ist'aii ti I'smi ? I'rrii gra ir.l lo Ilia ' suWril.-r a-'U Ilia r.inle of li'irv! Mnrlin, t'fi , 1 laic of Ilie botouuli 1 1 Siinbuiv, Nortliuint wisn J rminty. rs , ... rT-i-iI. A li parsons iiiu.'Miu in Saul r.lata arr rn,,nslrj lo make iinni. Jialr ' mrnt. and llutse I avinn clniir.s lo (iietenl lutm uii'.y aulhriuiiT'lri! for riiliinrit. Mrs. ISA K '. H UI.OOM, Adin'Hix. Punlicry, Nov. 8. lrl. 6l 1 H JjOU I'M r; n l e iur. lia.,l at h ta a Um:nolli Mors ol I niu g & tiraril. vrry ' ,T. .. . . ... .1......... 1..-.I ,.M ... I.. ,...1.1 ..... v, - - ... . . j y tpylMu!.- CaU s"il ! a'lt IPs ii-t i f j i .-. f,r I. ami i... - - - 1