AYEIt'S CATIIARTIO PILL9. .: r . . .... ' It little tliovo (ill llll.O- YU 'ft' '.V ---vV u-uct.-a ! hi 'Uii airnln. l-J-;5''' "' '.VX Tin-v mimtilttt! lit ruiiUiiu Ct.r yv-'JyW or lit Imdr Into vlanou. s JSJ-aVKSr'.- -:fwA thin-, puiii'v tin ifitmii fn in :nM. A Cll.l SettM n.l,.T ill tit' 'f I riu- II" KittMi 'il rmirllotK. 'lli". If 11. I Kl..,..l, tenet Ulioll llllMIKrlVca Hf1 Uf mtlTOlilinllHJ OnxAlie. I'M .1. ....,,.-.,1 i.j,f.tv:tti.'H. MiT ri'.if, .Ul.l til nfl. Vl'u'aiti Mti lit . oi.nn hy llf d'nini."!!' t,k Arm fill", rill'l H'll li'-i diirc'v li-. I'-"' 1 ,.r!l..ti M" tlio a,t.iil. n:i-l vitlt it lit. I is l.'ia ..vit f..,.i;n..f IkviIiIi again. " V.'li il tfieaifl in..t:ent it? tltii tttviiil and f.in-i.?i cninplilht. I" "1"' of rl.o .l. ii .!' 1 mi.) ilmigui "in .li.l.nintii A Hiiimih t.itfK..iivt. err., t fxit.'U lltfii. 0.ii."l "V ,'ttuil.ir oi.;i 'je tton, mi l ..Miti;. tii 'iH"f I' '"' ' W-lr. Ii.t ni Mi-i.llf. imJ iniiijr "f ""'"i wi" p,"'1 l.rtltswtltslif n'. N,m.. wh tm.t'" llu t.t I'l .J f'ti.' will nnlft rfoitifUy li.itm whan tttHerlt.n fi jul tin JUtrJon Hff 'if-- . . , , . fcUtt..tl. :tM fivti. le.llin I'h' ! K"tl i.f lli rrlticipBi titiu, uU fiui.i !iiM iiil kuuKii iubliv for out. F,in a Pirwrrtii-7 .V.!i.inf Smid, Tri. 4, ISM. Db. Arm: Tour I'HN . tl.i-)tfiit.n of nil tint ! f.nit hi mMlli'lnu. 'J'ii". Imvo ciiikI iiiv Itille il'iuirlitfr oi uicffi i'ltK poi-ch upon b'T It t"i!i iitnl ft-l Ht'it lul l pr.-Teil itiriir.ilil't r.tf yi-n. !!i!f in -tJi" lui lK.rn 1'itt-f ij-ti-r. nilr nltlflpil with hlitlulim uti't iiimpLrt fll lici" :(i'l ' I t ilvr Imir. AHoi fur i li.l 1 wm tuteJ, ibo nl Ho J ut pi,K ...j h... cu.a i..-. a M0l0BIMfc Aii a Fumlly Plijslc. From Dr. K. H'. (Ui'fmVl, M' Oirmj. Tour ruin urn tl pi'lnw of lurgM. Tlmir f Tcc1ln qnailtitHl iuritMS liny raillinrllo wo lliy nr -ill, but vtt v curliu'i "ml mtivtii.il In It.i.ir ncll.ni i.n tht .owel, wWcl'i ni.ik-n lliom luvaliiubla to t III tlw Uiul IrMttnent of dic:ic. " Medcli,Slc UIIcmlif lie, Foul Stomncli. fruiu Vr. AUiimi t UMiatrt. pi IB lino. Atrnt f cannot nn'vor votl what comfl'ilnU 1 limwn villi vonr I'tll Im-I t-r limn to ray nil ! u ! fit if wifA f'u-tfllin nf.f..:.'.ie. I .l.t. e piwit t!i't;ll ftnr 00 till fHl-ollfil Mlllirtflir 111 IIIV lliiily contet V.'iltl ;ttnMu, uii'i Mi-viiu m I tio th -it yt'tir I'iHi nitunl ui tin twit ivs biiv, I gf cjursu vultm tlieiti htlily. FlTTtnicnn, I'll.. MnT 1, 18f.5. Tin. .T. C. Arm. fir; T Imvn Intt'ii ntH-ntnlly eiirril f Via wont Aiitf.i'.'Ait any lioily ran lmo hy n dnwur Iwa af yottr THlt. It rrhi4 lu ailo fruui r fuul atuniathi illicit thry demise tit onro. l'jura witU fcnul iwiiMe, V.TI. V. t'UF.nt.!?, Ctcrl tf Stmmtr f.Vtn i-rti Bllloul Dltoi'iltri-I.lrcr toiiiptnliito. fmi Dr. Tht"m IMl, itf Xno 't.rk C'll. JTnt only ro your I'illi wltnlrnl ly n.lnptiit to Ihrlr prr fn n nil npirient. Iurt I filial llnir In'tK liilul rfli'iln il.nn Ilia l.hrr very bum Ri'.l Imlot il. Vln-y huvt? in my jiruc tlt: iiruveil lui.ro fiectunl f.ir llio euro uf biltasu C"iti f-'jtrtts ttmli any tint rrhlrtly I tnti lurnlti.lt. 1 liltcuvly r.iol-ti tlmt wo lime nt Iriniili a iiniKUiva wliMi u wui" tttj' tin cviiUUuucu il' Llio iirori-iitiiuii and tltu janila. PrPAKTMENT or TUB TKTrn'T, ) ViluliiliBlull, 1). C, till X-'li, Sin t T Imto it. jour rill in my Mit-nil mul IiohjiUaI iai-.'u u t,vut' Kiin'u ou nitulo lln.-iu, uml c.miiut Intitule to ij tliu tvro tlio Ut ittlliiuUo wo fin'.ii'i. 'J'lit'lr p kk liiiiii; nctioji on tho livir Is quirk nil tloiltlc!, con juuiiily tlioy are u mluilrulilij mnuily l.ir Uraumntt il thit orpin. iM'ltftl. 1 hitvo b-1"Uhii tUmil n eu-. tli(.u utu.i' no nlitiiiiuto tU.U It did mt reiflily ylvUi to them. Aiutfiiially yuuiH, AI.ZJ 1IAI.L, M. I ( J'iySiC;un otht Afaritit ll' tliUL Ujicntcry, DlaiiUocn. Rdnxr Wornn. i'lVHi Vi J. 0'. Orcut, tf CUwxiyy Yonr TilU Imvo had Icmr triul in my i mcllro, urnl t L.'U Ui'-IM in tv-ttuiu us oho uf tin! Irust iqioiiftitf 1 lntv rfr fotniil. Tiifir ulttiillivu t-lUct ltnli lliu llvor imikr Utvm mi vxi-ullfiit tvfiicily, whuii giviu in Miuull UoiM fir i.tv,t ti'jxuOr'f vmt tli ' li-r.'fccf. 'Jli-ir ftf-iir-c-mtltiK lnkif Ihrm very iiovc.ii aUti aud cJiicuitut fur llio uta t Wutiicii ud ciiilJrt ii. DyHprpiUu, Impnrlfjr of Hie Dlood Ftvm liw.J. V. tliiuc't lU&turof AJretit tliurtfi, ll tU-n, ln. Ayiii: f li-tve tHcd your I'MNwilli oxtrmnrdiimry emcc-it in my liiiuilv nnd tiiiim Uioko 1 nni ( iillol to viit In HiaMcM- Tt rfiilittu llio uiiians uf UiKt"tin mid iitrlfy Uto MitHril, rlicy uta the very I.'1 n-ineily 1 Iinvo ever l(ti own, nnd 1 call cotilidt-utly ictuiiinu iMl tiivin to uy fiiwid. Yuum, J. V. MM lid. Wnsw, Vynnilnp Co., K. Y.( Oct. C4, I)K4ll Sin: I am tiiiff your Cilimi lie I'ilU In my pnic tic, iitel lind tltnii uii t X'-i'lU-iit iniirii(hi to vlcuuio tut vftU-Hl aud J'tUiJlf f'C JoituUtiun J' f'f. Mitt, JUllN U. MBACIUM.M.l). Conn tlpnt Ion, Cof U eiirs, Su prciNltu. iliritiia Ism, iiitlt JVci(&'ulga,ut lkO I) , I'urnly ai., bltt etc. Fivih JMJ. J Vauthn, Muutrml, Ctn'i'la. Too nmcli rtmn-rf hn miid of your l'illu for (ho cure of tntttrrnest It niltMR of irnr fr.itfrtilty Jtiive fjuml Uiem IU I'flii'Ui'ir.ui tut I Ii;tvt they hltouM j.iii tuft it, i-oclnilil-ing it tor I lie IwnWH uf f ho intilt ltnlen wlio uitT fioin tii.it comultint, wtii-h, ulilioitli cuoith in ilvulf, it tlio pro;!t'iiiior of (.tlii'iK Unit W 'lM'. 1 Mtcvti ct tit cut to ftniritnti- in Uvcr, but yw Villa tUluct tlttt oi:iu aud vinu ilie iliswiM). ivwi Jrt, V. Stuart, Vhyticiun and Miw-ff, Tiist'mt 1 find one m two hiva nn of ymn t.iltn tit llio pfW'Ci f tint, iiri icf lli'hl )rriiif.iv(ii oi the unfutvit imc tii-n uIm ii iioilvor ntrliully -i)ptruriul, rthtl ulnu very tlTc';tUil ti rhutise tlid iimtiut nft-1 r'r ivrmt. J'lifjf rn no inucli tlio lt IiIjvno wg liuvj Hint I rtwuiueud uo oilier to ih iiM icii is. Fivn Vtt liev. Dr. lLwU$,tf the SlttMst T)nt. Church. IYmski 1I'M!f.. t-iirHimali.Gfu. .Iftn. fl, TTi5rtTfr- iriftt I Imiild lm iinnatliii fi r lim rli-f Tour kill Iitui linnikrlit iiid if 1 ilid itt ii;it ty c to rn. A cold w'ttlcd in my lhiilHiid brought on fx -.rn-Kiting itHntrrji' jiningt wliicli emtrii in rfuntiic r tin (mu tism Noiw ii)intituJii n 1 I'tid ttn If t t plivfi' iiun. ilit ditwis" ((ivw WMi-ne .in i wurwi. until ty tin- n.lvirt ttfjtitiT X'-t'ilunt u.' ei it in liltitiKiru, l)i M-uliviitio. J tiled w J'ills. 'J wv cfi. rfh v '.-re tw, il I'y ixrMVCihi iu tlio usu of llii U), 1 am now uiiiii'1'I.v veil. Hfvtr Ctmnini, ratr-n llmiKo, T.L. ft Tc IfM. Pit. Avru: I liuve ln'fti t-ntirtdy (int-l. In ymir I'id. if Jtheutrt'-lic 6of u yiiiniUi Uiiedtt1 Hint Iful uAiiolttl tut f;rye.n. M.NCKNT KMl'KI.L. 4'ijr?rt cf tlio fillii In imir1:ot ctnitnin ?larrurr, vrliicli, uUIioukIi h vi.itiii' lr n'lut-.ly in nkilt ill I units, it datifioroim in :i juil lie jnll, frnm tlm rtn-iKirul qunn'N tlmt fifueritly f iilnw ttN inc:ititit'ti too. 'iUma C'iitniu tio ircuuiy ui" iui uml ultauco hnit t'i, Frico, 2.5 cents per Box, or 5 Boxes for $1. rreparei ly Dr. J. C AYEU CO., Lonoll, Mass. cull ii) i a. v'lum, ui ii n. K.riiiii'i, i- ui.uii jy . i CimLiw iimI (V 11. . u ii Mil. .n? Pr rm l M C .IA 1... t. "".-.. a M' C... I Kweitivilli ; htii'myiu-r tV I hiinnun, Tuilaitvilir ; 11.13 McCoy, NiiiihuiuUrliiiiii and by iJcalcm everyw l.eie. Anl iid, l-til ly PIIIL40CI.PIII1 COLir.KU. S. E. corner of Stventh and Chesnut Streets. This is one r,f EIGHT COLLEGES, CON'STITUTINO THE "NA TIONAI. CHAIN." I.OCATKD IX Pltilnilflphia, New Yuri City, Atlitiny, Bulfilo, Cleve. Uittl, Chuiffo, ami St. Miil. KL'll'.ljt.liiil euu be pur ch-ouil utvtllter imiiii, good tit all the Cillr;e8. THK COI.l.KGIATK COIRSH .mhraees Dntiblr and r-l.tsle Kulry L!itk-Krrpin;, Com nteri'ul C.iniHiUlliitts, C,,lntntirt..i.il Iiim', IVniliun.hip, ittistnes CoircBvtuleiK-et I'urlneriiliip riettleiuejiut, etc. TRACTICAl. TKXT-BOOKS. The Tract mg in the U.til..Krrpiiie Orpjirtmrnt iamon. ly Irtita written ina.itiacliia fi.rn:., with inn! inkti nrltiins lecliirra, and lilitek.liiiurd elticiiiiitiniia ; in niMittun l.i winch, in uritrl tu iiiuke the Collmmte C'ur.r n.tlimiii.cli and eifiriuHlu. poMiuie. the lullavving 'IVxt-linuks tiuve been pirtArril : llryaitt St 8tinunn'i KonV-Krepine, in litre nliti.ma Cottilitiiit Mlimtl. tji!u fallout, and i;.nintni Hnutr ; Hty ant & ttlrtiU.m'1 (;'nuiiieieiitl Arillnnetir ; llrvunl Ic btratliHi'i Conimereitil Uiw, by Atiitti Dean, L.I. t. HPKNCKUIAN BYSTKM OF PENMANSHIP, in a aerirmr iitnelim.ki, by Y. It. fPKNCKK. P. It Pl'KNCIUl, Jl., Teacher of Peniiblialiip. tnt!i vidunl iiunruciiuii. tiudenls eiittr ut any tune. Utnlu mul awardett. CST fill Catalngnes Soil Cirrnlnri. mill at (lie Cnl!re, Oraddieaa UK V ANT. STRA TTON A; FA1HHANKS Fhruary3, 1X01. ly Philadelphia. JAMES BARBER'S Wlini.ESALR AND RETAIL CLOCK ESTABLISHMENT, S. E. Comer Second and Cheitnut (., Philadelphia. AGENCY f.irthePATFNT F.QUAUZINO THIRTY DAY CI.OCK4, a very rieuiable in tie fur Caarch. a, Hntela, Buuka, Cumins Hnuars, parlma, Ac. Also, Manufacturer nf FINK OOLi PENS. Clncka refnired and warranted. Cluck Ttiinininir. uf every description. 1'kiladclnliui, January 19, lbdl.--y S. L. BERGSTRESSER, PnOTOOBAPHIO ARTIST HOTOGHAPH8, AMBR0TYPE8. ard all the modern alyles uf Pictures, executed iu a uperior manner. IV Ruoms in bit CAR, Market Square, t-unbury, Pa. Aufiwt 10, 1861. " Are vow rlrk. 8hj1i Hill r-'r77'?i- 1 iir-Ki. vwtu )"tit ny-m-m tie. tf? f-T-i'J runi.,-,1. t.i'l jour r niuae uih I J.illPt" L-M-V '3 Cr.n.lo'.l'ile llit-ne e.Mll Iv...' IC V.-I'l I ........ 11..- rt,ln,le tn 14 s iL'.- faVSk - 111.. feline lit f f-J'3 M ill" '" I"'"" J'""' I 577,. 1JR'; J ami ImiilJ l' ""' I'. V 'Sv V ' ! 1' i'i'iy f the rndit rein- -X.V il et!v. Ayera I'illMiml fQ&fr- i Ci..H. Oil II.-,ll.n.ll It i j n . ...... r.. r - i Innr. lit uv lilt "iwi, i.im I .'V--io3t-. V. I Kill sZZs (7) ? or The Great Cure for Consumption. If you1vo fn!J, llll VVi.han'A Pin Tree Tf Coriit ! If you live cmiRh, me Vinlin' Pin Tre Tar Cordinl I If you have Asilima, uo Wiehart'i Pino Tret Tr CoiJial I If you have Sore Throat., uo Wifhirl'a Tine Tree Taf Cordial ! If you have Protuliiiii, tiro Wihlnri'a Tina Tree Tar Cordial i If you have Conaurnplion, use Wifhan'a I'ine Tree Tar Cordial Witl.ait'a Tine True Tar Cordial ii an unfail in; rt mei!y fur iliacase of the Kidneva, Urinary ( cmpluiiili, llliinl and Dlerding Pile, Nervoua Debility, and for Female weakneaa and Irregu' Iurt i it. s. The w!l Itnown efTlcaey of Pine Tree Tar in the cure of rile run I alTiCllont or 8trea, pointed it out na the Natural KemetJy fi r what i'hyaicia'na call Tubercular 4lTecliorii (that i to aay, Sorea.) uiton t!ii) Lungs. It remained to discover the ileal i.'icntia of ni licHlion. whicli discovery has lain mailo, aa a Ihuimiid tcslinioniaia prove, by the Pronrietor nf VVishnrt'a Pine Tree Tar Cordial I If you have DYSPEPSIA, use Wuhan's Oreut American Dyspepsia Pill ! A aurn cure U'arrui.lt J for one dollar, or the Money I'ci'undcd ! IJuy a tox and lake (hem according to direc tions, and if tlivy do not cure jou, the money will be relumed. Auii.vTi Wnt. Veimer, Northumberland. A. W. Fischer, Sunbury. Call at either place, and get a descriptive Cir. cular. I.. Q. C. Wiihnrl, proprietor, No. 10, North Second, Philadelphia, ' August It), 1801. ly AftOTEIUSS AllUlVtli OF SEASONABLE GOODS, AT TUB MAMMOTH STORE! OP miLING St. GRANT. Sunbory, eeptember 7, 1861. COMMERCIAL NURSERIES, II. E. HOOKEB Ss CO., Rochester, N. Y JOHN W. I3UCHER. Local Agent, Sunbury t'a. fThfl auhscriber, havins; been appointed local 1. Agent Tor the ante of rruit trees, plants, vines, &c, of one nf the most reliable Nurseries, culls the attention of all who want choice fruit to this method, as more cettain than by obtaining them through traveling; agents. Anions; those ovecriueil in the I. dialogue are, Llwart I' lr Trees, of the age for transplanting, remarkably Hue. t Warf A uiil Trees, on Paradise Storks, ma. king beautiful little trees for the garden, and pro- uucmir remarkattly une specimens or fruit In very short time. Dtvaif Cherry Trees, budded on Mahaleb Stocks, handsome trees. Standard Apple, Pear and Cherry Tree, very Mine, with a largo list ot varieties. 1 each, J'lum, JNectarinc and Apricot Trees. Goosclierry, Ulackburry and Strawberry Plant all 01 the iiueH Hinds. Cumin's, many new and improved varieties, such as Cherry, White Crape, While Uonduuin KM Orope, Victoria, cic. htrawherry Plants, in great variety, inrlutlin llio Hooker, Wilsons Alliany, J riomphtr (iantl, (iliemost opproved old varieties,) aa well as all the novelties. Grape Vine, including those fine, new, yet well trted kinds, whieh no planter should be without, such is Delaware, Concord, and II ford Prolific. These we have propagated so ex tensivcly as to able lo oilier them at reduced and sulittniclory prices. Plants, ltui.es, Evergreens and every vsricty of ornainentiil trees and shrubbery, securely packed JOHN XV. UUC11EK. Agent, Sunbury Pa fciiinliury, Febuaiy, U, 1801. ILi'pUj or Uealll The subscribers take asuro in ainiuuiiciiia that they are now predated lo mail (tree) tu those who wish It copy of an important lillla work, by the late Pr Hraniiton, entitled "1 lie Invalid a Medical Con lulont," putilieiied fur tlio benefit, ands a warn1 inn to ycung men and pcrstins who sull'er from INervous Uilil ty, J'remsture Lecsy, ic, & Supphing the means of self cure. The reader is irres:tiluy led to compare a useful life with an ignoble death. Reader, lose not a moment, but send your sd dre f ir a copy of this littles work. Address the Pubiiehtrs DU JOHN B OfiDEN & CO, t 4 & CO John St., N ew York: May 18, 1SSI .3mos MANHOOD. IIOV LOST, IIOV rtESTOKKD, JUST PUBLISHED IN A 8EALKD ENVELOPE : A l.TCTUitr. nn the Nutttrr, trentmrnt, snd Ractlcnl Cnrenl iietinuUirrlin!,, nr Hrthiniil Wstikiieve.Srxutil lie. 1 i!ity, Nervnu.nr.s atHl iuvn'iintury einiamiine, prnduriiig ' ip 'teney, Cni.ruii:iiiuit nnd V. ntiiloiiil I'liyiienl Debility. ByKOBT.J. CTI.VEKWELI, M P., The impiirhtitt f trt that ilia awful e- ittequenrra nf self, nliuft- in i) lie t l!eelu.illy retiinved without internal nirilt. cine nr lite ilit.ettiiis oppiientmna uf caustiea, insiru. itirnlii. in.:;i-nted iNtitttirK, hn.t til her enipiiieal devivra, is here clmrly teiiiiiittnlrd. anil the etillrrly new and hiehly iii ii-lllul Hi-. .in. nl, us d..p!rd by Hie eeletiralrd aulluir fully explatnrii hy melius nf which every una la rnuuird Incurs liim.i-T prrleelly, and at the leaal pi.ilile coat, Ihrrcl y BVnitllt'S all the silverltiril iioanuma tf Itieduy. 'i'lt'S teelure w t tl prove a Iknmi ti. thouaniidaaiid thousands Kent under stid, in a pluiu ettvitlnpe, tn any addteee. post paid, tin the lerrtiil of two poatnse .Umin, by addieaatns. Iir. CH.J. n.KU.XK, ia Bowery, New Yoik. Puai Oftirebnxt.sm. April Wl trwil.ly J ST- NICIIOLAQ HOTEL, lironilivny, AVui York. Hoanl iieduced lo $'2 a Day. Since the opening uf this vsstand commodious Hotel, in lt-54, il has been the single endeavor of the proprietors to make it Ihe most sumptuous, convenient and comfortable home for the citizen and stranaer on Ihis side the Atlsnsic And whatever has seemed likely lo administer to the comfort of its guesls lliey endeavored, without regard to cost, lo provide, and to combine all Ihe elements of individual and social enjoyment which modern arlhaa invented, and modern last approv ed i snd the patronage which it has commanded during the past six years is a gratifying proof that their effort ha been appreciated. To meet tne exigencies of Ihe limes, when all are required lo practice the most rigid economy, ihe undersigned HAVE REDUCED THE PRICE OF BOARD TO TWO DOLLA R PER DAY. at the s.m. lime .bating none of the luxuries with which their tabl.ha hitherto I teen supplied. TREA DWELL, WHITCOMB it CO. OcL 1, M8I 1 mo. .. . . STOVES' POH SALE an exoelleut eecond-hand Cook- lug Stove, also tevarsJ Cylinder Coal rkw. CneTiirs at ttiU effioa. ' , ' IMPORTANT TO LOVERS Of (23 QD QD rr ijp yrF je BRIGHT A 80N, . nvite attention to their Stock of Prime Green and Black Tea. June 15, l .(?!. SUMMER GOODS ! AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES U. V. BRIGHT & SON, IIAVE RECEIVED A LARGE STCCZ OF ALL KINDS OF GOODS, HANDSOME, DURABLE AND 33EH US k. E3J GREAT BARGAINS AND Splendid Inducements TO PU3.CEASEP.S. AT THE OiNE HUGE STORE, OP E. Y. BRIGHT k SON. Sunbury, June IS, 1S6i. U O O T AND SHOE MANUFACTORY. Comer of Marlftt Square and Hirer Street 'BHE subecriber respectfully informs the citi' ten. ol Siiiilniry and vicinity, that he his opened a limit and Shoe Shop on Ihe corner of .Market Nquute and River street, opposite the Court House, where he can befound at all times ready to wail upon customers. Il-ving considerable experience, he is prepared to mane up customer work ol all kinds, at she' notice, In Ihe latest style and workmaindiiii. He keeps ron&taiitly on hand a large assort mcnt ol Leather, of the ItesJ quality, whicli ena' bles turn to make up good and duriiblri work. Cull and examine fur yourselves before pur chasing elsewhere, and you will save mmiev. JOHN WILVER. 8unbury, Nov. 10, I860. ly SAVE YOUR FRUIT BY LSlNti MASON'S P.tei.t Sheet Metal Screw Top PRESERVE JAR. MASON'S PATENT SHEET METAL SCREW TOP ! illl that is necessary being to screw the Cap down upon Ihe Rubber Gasket, which ia placed outeide upon the shoulder of Iho Jar, 3 4 of an inch dis tant from Ihe lop ; prevent the possibility f the flavor of the fruit being injured by coming in 'iitacl with Ihe Rubber. Peraoiisi!esiring these Jars, ran be supplied by aviug their orders with H. U. M ASSER, Sunbury, June 3, I860. Agent. TREES! TREES! HHHE undersigned invite attention lo their A large and well grown slock of FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, Shrubs, Ac, embracing a large and complete as sortment of Apples, Pears, Peaches, Plums, Cherries, Apri. cols, and Nectarines, Standard fur the Orchard, and Dwarl for the gsrden. English Walnuts, Spsniari Chssnuls, Hsxle null, 4c. Rssberries, Strswberries, Curante aud Gooaeberries, in great variety. , GRAPES OF CHOICEST KINDS. Asparagus, Rhubarb, Ac, Ae. Also a fine stock of well formed, bushy EVERGREENS, suited!, for Ihe Cemelrv and Lawn. Deciduous Tree, for street planting and a gen er al assortment of Ornamental Trees and Mow. .ring Shrubs. Ruses of choice varieties. Camellias, Bedding Plants, Ae. Our stock ia remarkably thrifty and fine, and we oiler it at price, lo euit the limes. tW Catalogue, mailed lo all applicants. Addrese. . EDWARD J. EVANS A CO., .... .Central Nurseriee. YORK, Pa. ' aVpvraUf 14. lltl.p-Bra .v' ; SENT BY EXPRESS EVEBTWHKRE . tern RetaUsd at Wholesale Prices, Mado to Measure at $18 per doz. OR BIX POIl NINE DOLLAR!, WltboutOollars on,!tlt Collars on per 4os. txtrs. MADE 0? KCT-TOnil MILLS MVSLW, TTlth fins Linen Bosoaii, am! arrantt1 as pood a SUrt as sold In the retail stores at t-V" eaeh. ALSO. THE VEIIT BEST PIITTtTfl THAT CAS EK ' MASK AT 1 KACH. P 's ThoM who think I cannot make a good Shirt for 1S per dotcn sr. ndalakta. Uers's Uta eat of on. doien (18 So. skirts. t0 yards of New-Tork MUlu ranilln at UXc per yd. 14 83 1 vartls of fine Linen, at 60c per yard, 10 llaklnt and cutnny, Laundry, (1 1 buttons and coUcn.COc..... Prott .. to .1 19 .3 Total - Self Measurement for Shirts. Printed directions sent free rveryher., an so .air to understand, that any on. can tak. their own meamre for shirts. 1 warrant a eood fit. Th. caih to be paid t. tha Express Company on receipt of goods. The Kxprets charres on on. doses Shirts from New. Tors- to New Orleans Is 1. P. 8. -PARTIES WISHING SmtlTS IS nA9TR,not having time to send for Rules of Measurement, should send per mall, prepaid, one of the best fitting ahlrts they bar. got, stating any alterations that may bs required. f S. W. H. WARD, from London, 387 Broadway, up stairs, .Between White A Walker Streets "KW-T0RK-March 16, 1861.-If CENTRAL IWTEL, SUNBURY, Northumberland County, Pa.. THIS large and commodious Hotel, novr - managed hy JAMES VAN DYKE. It is situate at the Railroad Depot North East corner of Market Square. Bunbury, and .at the terminus of the Sunbury iy Erie and North cm Central Railroads, and is open for the accom modntion of Travelers and the public in general J he prinrietor will give his exclusive atten tion, totbe comfort and convenience of his guests and is de'crmined lo make Ihis establishment rank among the fir a in the State. His table will be .supplied with the best the market can produce having the advantage of daily communiualion by cars direct from Haiti more, and also from those bringing; produce from the surrounding country. His bar will he supplied with the purest liquors the market can produce Ua-elul and obliging servants always in at tendance. New and commodious stabling has just been added to the premises. A share ol Ihe local and traveling community most respectfully solicited. H'jnbury, January 13, 1861. WIJSTTJEJl GOODS, FOR MENS WEAR. Black and Blue Hair Cloth, Beaver Overcoating, Dlauk Doeskins, New Style Caaslmeree, All Wool Tweeds, - Heavy Kentucky Jeans, Real liood l.asstnetta, Silz Mixed Coalings, Super Velvet Cords. Black Grenadine Vesting, Black Satin Vesting Fancy Silk Velvet Vesttnga. Plain Silk Velvet Vesting., Nice Caasimere Vesting In fact all kinds of goods fur Men's and Boys' wear, can he found at the People's One Price Store of E. Y. fright & Son, . who have just eceived by Ruilrnad a splendid stock cf all kinds f of goods, suitable for cold weather. Please call and be convinced. E. Y. HKIU1IT k RON Sunbury, October 57. 1SC0. REVERE HOUSE, (LATE EAGLE HOTEL.) Third Slrerl, abnre 7.'nre, Philadelphia, RIIOADS A SAILOR, Propnett.rs. TMmOVKMI NTS imve been made, aud Ihe House has X tieeu rrnitrn inroucnour Tu.oiimax V. ItnoAn., ftirmetly of the National Ilutel CiiAKi.Ka S.iLon, fnrttterlv of tk'huylkill Co., Pa. Philadelphia, Jan. J, IbCl ly J. A. CRAND ALL'S PATENT SPRING HORSES 478 SROASWAY) HEW TTOH.K. Should be in every family. School, Gymnssi- um. Asvlum. and Hnrpital in Ihe land. Are not DANGEROUS, like the common Rocking Horse. Stands firm on its Pedestal, will not wear CARPETS, and has no Rockers to injurs the feet. 'Health and happiness Iu the same saddl.." N. P. Willis FROM THE "HOME JOURNAL." 'in ail ihe clitld-lurnilure we have ever seen no article combines so much of those two itnpor lant tliinga health and happiness as Ihe Ad' justatile Patent Steel Spring Saddle Horse, in vented Ity lease A. Urumlnll, It is not danuer. ous, like a common rocking-horse, to chiltlren'a feet, csnnol be upset, does not wear csrpeta, hut stands firm on Us base, aud its action is so like Ihe gallop of a live horse that the child never wearies of it. 1 his .atesl of child novelties is ex ceedingly elegsnt and artistic in design ; and so atljuKlattle. substantial, and durable, that it will last a lifetime. It is indispensable in every family where there are children. Il should be in every primary school and gymnaaiuni in the country, as it can be made large and strong enough to sustain grown persons- As a pedeslul lor photographic picture., nothing Is more bcauti ful. "Every Oiphan Asylum and Institution where children are congregated, should be furnished with a number of theae beautiful articlea. Thev arc miru Wliu siue-ssuuin. wueil required. DIRECTIONS FOR A D J UST I N G . O nen Ihe after part of the base suflicieutly to allow ihe sxle to go in its place i then raise or lower Ihe Horse to suit you. Screw Ihe bolts in the side very light. Ci" These Horse, are WARRAFTED c yesr. March 16, If 61 tf SOLOMON 71 A LICK, AAA . w atiorney ar Law, BUNBUBY, Northumberland Co., Pa (Formerly Freebum. bnvder counts OFFICE, Maiket fc'lieet. a few door. e.s of the INoithern Central Railroad DKt and two doors west of Iho Post Office. All Professions! Business, Collections, Ac. will receive prompt alientiou. March 30, 191. BOOTS A SHOES, can be purchased al Ihe Mammoth Store of Friling A Grant, eery cheap, ae we are determined not to be undersold by any body. Call and learn th. lint of prices for yeurselvee. : -FAILING A GRANT- eHinbtiry, January It, 1881 ',- i SUNBURY STEAM FL0UR1KO fTHE subscribers having taken prwewaalm rf "-"this Brst clats FI.OtKI.NO MII-T,, are m" pared to receive grain of UI kinds, and to do ri tom work at the (Shortest Notice. Customers will hsve their grists ground Immedietely upon their being left at the Mill. Ae it la the inten tion of tha firm to stock the Mill a large Sup, ply nl Grain, will be constantly kept on band, and flour by the quantity can alwaya be obtained, The greatest care will be taken to turn out au peri'-r quality nf flour, for which the mill is ad mirably adapted. Strict attention will be paid to Ihe wants of customers, and the patronsge of (he public generally is respectfully requested. MURCiAN St CO., Sunbury, June S3, 18K0. LUMBER! LUMBER PHILIP SHAY, TviuisraY, pa. NF0RM9 his friends end the public in gene H ral, that heconatsiitly keeps on hand. Hoards, bhingles, I.alli, Joists and all kinds of Lumber and building materials, which ha will sell at the lowest prices. Man n 30. I SCI. ' SHAM0KW VALLEY POTTERY. riHE subsi,iler respectfully informs the public A that he ia now manufacturing at his Pottery, 4 miles esst of Sunbury, all kinds of Earthen Ware, made out of Rcil Onicnt Clay. This clay produces the best and moat desirable kind of ware, equal, in many respects, to stone ware, and is less liable to crack by audden heat and cold. The subscriber refers to Friling Si Grant, Sunbury. Address, JOSEPH SAVIDGE, Oct. 13. 1 P60. ly Sunbury, Pa. WALL PAPER I FRILING & GRANT, at the MAMMOTH STOKE, have this day (January 17lh, 1861 received a CUOICE ASSORTMENT OP TUB NEWEST STYLES AND PATTERNS or WA I. Xj PAPER, hich tl.ey are selling at prices that defy competition. Sunbury, January 19, 1861 NOW WITHIN REACH OF ALL G HOVER f BAKER'S CELEBRATED NOISELESS Sewing" Machines 495 Dkuadwat, New Yuuk. The public attention is respectfully lequcstcd tn the following cards of Elias Howx, Jr., and the Grover & Baker S. M. Co A Card from the GROVER & BAKER S. M. Co. Our Patent being now established by t Courts, we are enabled to furnish the Grover &. Baker Machine, with important improvements at greatly I.cdiiccd Price. The moderate price at which Machines mak ing the Grover & Baker stitch, can now be had. brings them within the reach of all, and renders Ihe use of Ma -hines making inferior stitches unnecessary ss it is unwise. Persons desiring Ihe best Machines, and the right'tn use them, must nut only be sure to buy Machines mxkitig the firmer A Baker stitch, but also that such Machine are made and ataniped under our patents and those of Elias Hower, Jr. GROVER A BAKER S. M. CO., 493 Broadway, New York. A CARD I ROM KI.IAS HOWE, JR. All persons are cautioned nut to make, deal in, or use any Sewing Machines which sew from two spools and make the stitch known as the (inner & Sliaker stitch, unless the same are purchased from the (trover V Baker Sewing Machine Company, .or their Agents, or Licenses, and stamped under my pilentof September 10, 1846. Said Company, aud their Licences, alone, art legally authorized under their own patents, am my said patent, during Ihe extended term there of, to make and sell this kind of Sewing Machine and all others are piracies upon my said patent, and will be dealt with accordingly, wherever found. ELIAS HOWE, JR. New York. Dec. 59. 18H0. tf TO ALL, THOSE IIAYI.Xj Farms, Parks or Gardens, IN CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA. A lure chance is now afforded to select and order FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES Vines. Shrultiiery, Ae.. from the celebrated Clover Street INur.enes lAicated at Hta-hesier, New y oik. Mcssi'e, ItlOOItlv, ItKO I IIKIl, PROPRIETORS Who lieg leave tn iiutiuuuea that they are pi spared itoiiun iitetr (uioiitru nnu II K 8 1 O N 8 I II I. E AGENTS, To distribute their supeiiur slock on the most reasonsbl tuiins. PEOPLE OK THE KETSTOITE STATE. levels of Nature and Iho henutiful. mul in.ilv rrlrlin,la fur your inlrl irnre, wealth, Itlarulily and ta.le, now is .iiiiv . inniG jiiu, Kieeiiiiu. truin our DESCRIPTIVE CATA LOG L' E AND PLATE ROOKS, Which will lie furni.ltrd you, through our keitl amenta ; i y..u may ,c ae.uieu mat your orucra win be liuuura. bly tilled, put further particulars applv tn FREDERICK A. HOWE, Or JOHN B. JONES., ra. Agent lor NorthumlterlaiKl eounly. REFERENCES: lion. rrlENEZKK liKIFFIN, Rorhvaler, N. V. Hon. JOHN UAI.HKA1TII. Erie, Pa. Col. J. II. JOHNMl.N, Meadvills, Pa. Februalyo, lt01 , War ! War! War ! COME FROM THE KOUTII, COME FJIOM THE SOUTH, COME EJIOM THE EAST, COMEI UOM 'J HE WEST, Save the country and build yourselves homes. or now ia the lime to get your Lumber cheap. s es, LUMBER ! LUM BER I ! LUMBER I ! ! can lie purchased at low rates al the STEAM HAW-MILL of IRA T. CLEXVXENT, SXJJMBTJI4.Y. PA.. Such as Panel Lumber, Frame Lumber. Boards, Siding. Shingles from tj4 lo $8 per thousand, naaiering l.ath. Paling, Kooiing Lath, Ac., Ae. All bill, ordered, for any kind of Lumber, will be furmhd at the shortest notice. IRA T. CLEME1IT. Sunbury. March 9, 1881. COTTAGE BIBLES. 10 R SALK. cheap, three copies of lb Cottage Bible, In two volume., with com. menter.'ea. II. 11. MASSKR. BOY'S 1300T8 and SHOES, cheap for eaah - WM. MILLER' un' ur. Aamat IV. laASJ: . . . ANOTHER ARRIVAL OF N E W GOODS, J. II. EXGEl of feunhtirr, Pa., Jf AS just arrived with aplertdid STOCK of APKIMU AND SlIMMKltOfyoDar, frow Philadelphia, to which be respectfully .invite, hie friende and the Public to call and inspect, he wilt spare no time in showing them. Among his slick of good, will befound, FINE BLUE AND BLACK FB.E1TC2 CLOTH. Fine Black and Fancy Caiimeres Tweeds, 8at ! Inetts, Jeans, Black Italian I 'loth, Cashmerette, Cottonade, Linens, Linen Drill, Linen Check, and Farcy Vesting, also a large assortment of Ready-made CLUilUINU for men and boys (ch"r) t UK LAD IK H WEAK, Black and Fancy Dress Silk very cheap, Bilk Tissue, Bereges, Chali and Chali Robes, Uerege Delaine, Uerege Robes, Figured Urillisnl and a variety of o her Drea Goods, Spring and Sum mer Shawls, Mantillas, Parasols, a good asort merit of white goods. Collars, Sleeves, Irish Linen, Shirt fronts, Marseilles, Brilliant eVc. A general assortment of domestic Dry Co ds. Also large stock of Hats and I., a pa, Hoots and shoes. Hardware;, Queens and Glassware, Groceries, Cedarware, Stone and Earthenware, Drugs and Paints, Salt, Fish, Cheese, Ham, Oil, Tar oVc. &c. N B. Wall and Window Paper, Floor and Table Oil Cloth, Carpets, all the above will be sold at low prices for cash or country produce te en in exchange for Goods. J. II. KAULb. Sunbury, May. 19, 1860. tf. II A R II 1 8 PAINTERi attorn eg at ULato, MARKET SQUARE, BTJ'NBURY, PA. June S3. I860. New Air Line Route TO 3STE"W YORIl. SHORTEST IN DISTANCE AND QUICKEST IN TIME between Ihe twr ''iltea of NEW YORK AND KARntit t7RG. VI READING, AI.LKN TOWN AND F.ASTON. Moruiiie Exnreas West lenves New York at 6 a. M . and Philadelphia ut e a M , arrives at llarrialiiire at W 45 P M ciiiineeliiig at llurrithurg with truin tin Northern Central man tor i,titiurj-, v u.ninisport, Luck lluveu and Inter mediate stations. MhiI Train West leaves New York nt 1-2 norm, snd Philatlelnhia nt 3 Utl P. M.. enntieetiiK with liiini on North. erti teutrul Knnd for rtutitma ns niiove, and alau on all irtiiii. on me , iiiiunipiiit nnu r.untrn. ai.-iu I mm r,Q.t leuvea iiurrtthure nt e, a n. and rive.nl Philitdelphtii at I p. m., and New Yotk at 3 30 p. si-, in tune to inks tumt or raia fur Uoitnu, Ac. r utt LxpreKt Ka.t leuves HnrriMiue at 1 15. on nirtvnl nf Noriheru Central Tinin, and arrives at Philadelphia at 8 l'4 p M . aud New Yotk at Ur M No rhuitire of cursor httirnea between New Y'urk or riiiludelphtu nnd Iliirrnthuifr. Por beauty of sceuervaud soertl. comfort and accommo dation, line mule prescnta superior Inducement! to the traveling pun.ic Office in New York, fotitof Courtland street, ritluidel. phtn, Hrond and Cttlluwhill slrrets. Fare between New York and llarrishurg FIVE DOL rur Tickets; Freight or other information. npply to J J. Cl.YljK, Ueueial Agent. Harrinliutf, Jane !Ki, tMl'.it y 18G0. THE BEST ROUTE 1860 FROM Wyoming Tnllcy to rhlladclphla New Yorli, Ilaltliuore, AND all poists xonrir, south j- west. LACKAWANNA L BLOOMSBURG RAILROAD. STJMMEU AHnANOEMENT, Two Daily Pnaieitxer Trains will lie run between Scrsntnn aim noiitiuinrieriaua, as louows: MOVING SOUTH : lav. Phil'a Mail. N. V Ex. Scrituton, lo A. M. 4 45 P. M Arrive at Pitt.i 4 .18 4 54 Kingston, 7 OS S au rMiiekehinny, SO 6 2$ Hrrwiek, C -.'0 C 55 Illooni.liUlg, f) 50 7 3(1 Unpen, 9 "0 1 40 Uniiville, S M 8 10 Northumberland, Iu (w 8 45 MOVING NORTH: Leave N. Y. Ex. Phil'. Mail. Nortrumherlaud, a 30 A.M. 4 15 P.M. Arrive al Danville, 05 50 Hitnrrt, J5 5 10 lllt.nnitiurg, a 45 1 UO IWtvitk, 7 15 CM Slileklhinny, 45 7 US Kuipitoii, II 30 7 45 Vtllntt'it, 8 f7 8 IS SiTntiton, V -AS B 45 'J'he Irknwsnns snd RI.K.maburg Railroad conneets won the Delaware, l-aekawaniia nn. w esteru Itailroad. nl ertiuttiu, for iSew lorkatid PhiUturlphiH, and iiiteriui dmte ptuitis I-.IISI : ais.t for (treat lirml, liitichamti r-vrneuae, HutTiilo, Ninirttta Falls, and all important point Veet. At ttuoeit 11 connects with the CmuiwilRa Kail nmtl, for points Imih Eualaud Writ, At Noilhuiiitieilitnd ir c iiineris with the Sunhury and Krie Ituilnwd, for points WrstaiidKilitll. M. '.V. JAt KSLIN, Sup't. ivutgrion, Augutv--, i-". HEGE1UAN 8c COS CCr.DlAL liLlXI It OF C A L I S A Y A BARK Prepared only by IIEGEMAN It CO., Wholesale and Retail Chemists and Drugtrists, 161, 399, 511 and 718 Itroiidway, New Yotk. rpHE virtues of PERUVIAN HARK as a Tonie have X tieeu too long k.mwn in ueru eointnrnt. The CAI.ISAYA ("or Klus's llnra ') is the most vali able of lite iiumer sit. vtuiettea of tne Peruvi.iu Itttrk, and in the ELIXIR is cumliiut-,1 wnh oilier ingredients that itierettse it. etttt-nry and ut tl.e s-inie lime oveieume Ihe lutein, ly 1.1 11a biuei, rendering it a moat Agreeable Cur. UIBI. For peraoin hvinr in FF.VEH and ACl'E districts. Will lie found invuiunhle ns a preventive, Hull ol a win sleia lull taken malt! and morning, leuderuieie systi much lesaauhject to the unhealthy influence orttie alinos phere. DIRECTIONS Dose for a.i adult, half a wineelni full tH-fore lireukfiiKl anil dinner; ehtklren ftoni one tn two leniriouiis lull; it maybe uikcu with or without, little water For sale at this office. Mnreh 17, t-ll . A Freali Mipply ol' liry Uootlm. nONSISTINO in part of Prints, Delaineg bleached and tinbloHcJied M uslins. Checks Stripe Denims, & Drills, Ac, juct received by R. It at the Mammoth ptor of FRILINfi & GRANT. LOOK HERE, IF YOU WANT TO BUY CHEAP FOR CASH. GO TO WM. II. MILLER, he has received from Philadelphia a large slock of BOOTS & SHOES. His stock consists of Gen'te Kipp Boots, Youths' Kipp Boots. Children's Calf Bonis. A Uo a variety of Women'a Calf Lace Hoot, Women's Morocco Lace Boots, Children's Morocco and Calf Lace Boots, all of which he will sell cheap for CASH. Call and examine for yourselves. ALSO, first quality of Tampero Moroeo for ale for cash. WM.H. MILLER. Bunluirr, January 7, 18B0. GENESEE SALT. WHOLESALE Ac RETAIL, FAILING A GRANT (at ihe Mammoth Store,) have just received 600 His. of Solar Ground, Solar and Fine Salt, 700 Sack, of Ground Solar Salt every sack warranted to contain 335 pounds of Salt and 300 bags of Salt containing one Bushel each. This salt i. the best and atrongaa now manufactured and in market. Call and see for yourselves. Sunbury Sept., 8, I80. WNDOW SHAPES. A very Une end cheap assortment, just received by Rail. road from New York, al ibe Mammoth store of Friling e Grant. We have also fur sale S. 8. Pn tna in A Co'a celebrated Patent Pendulum Curtain Fixtures. BLANK Parchment Paper Deeda and blank Mortgagee, Bouda, Executions. Summons, Ac, foraaleb II. B. MASEEH. rpiN WAKE A very cheap and desirable - a. sMrtment just received thie week, at the Ma.amoik Store of FRI1-IN A CHANT. Dutibury, Jaary l, 1WI ' ' NEW GOODS Atth jX t m m o t h Store of IRA T. CLEMENT, NO. I MARKKT 8TREKT, fUNBURY, PA. riMlE subscriber bee just opened at hie well 1 known establishment in fiunbuiv, on ef lb hes pest and moat deeirabla stocks of Fall and Winter Goods. that hat ever been offered In Ihe place, and which no will sell for CA8H or exchange for Country Produce. Those desiring to purchase goods will uo wen to call and examine linstock. BLACK AND FANCY SILK, All Wool Delaine, Figured, Striped and Plain, French Merino, all colors. Beautiful Dress Robes, Cashmeres, Shaded, .Plain and Striped must be seen to form an idea of the extent And variety. Mantle, 8telle, Chenille, French Wool Hhawle Thibet and Broche Shawls. Cloths Cusimeres and Satinnt, For Men and Boys' Wear, Black C'assimerea, Fancy Caasimeres, aide stiipee heavy, Doe Skin Caasimeres, Satinets ell kinds. FLANNELS, ?"-' v hite and Red Flannels, all grades and prices. Uay atste Sack r Isnnels, colors finest onaltioa. READY-MADE CL0TI1IKG oote and Shoes, ' " Hate and Caps. Ac. it.. II of which were selected with treat cars, and will compare favorably, as regards quality, style anu liner, wtui any in me country. HARD WARE, a full BRiortm.ot. Wood and Willow Ware, Uueensware, of all descriptions. Groceries, a full stock in store, Carpet Chains, dec, Paints, Oils. Glass, Dye 8lufls. Thankful fur Ihe palronare heretofore rer.lv. J he will spare no pains to please all who may favof him with their custom in the future. Sunbury, Uct. S, 1809. HIGHLY IMPORTANT NEWS M. C. GEARHART, Has returned with a new Stock of Confectionaries, Fruit and Toys. TTseeres as If anew age, a new life was open ing upon us, animatinc ev.rv heart to rtobl. e deeds and higher aims! Art, Literature and Sci ence will glow anew and seek to develops -sub iimer ue.uues anu grander conception. rn , : , , . a us uusmess worm 100 must feel tha new in fluence snd evory;parl be quickened and strength ened by an increased vitality, which shall urge us on with electric speed to the consummation of greater things than Was ever dreamed of in the Philosophy of the past. Animated by the enthusiasm which prevad.a all classes, and desirous of doing hie share to wards "The grealevents of the Age," the sub scriber would respectfully inform the (ood peo ple 01 01,1 dom 11 and the public generally, that he has just returned from the city of Philadel phia wilh the largest and choicest stock of Con fectioneries, Fruit and Toys trmt has ever been brought to this serf inn of country. He ia else manufacturing all kinds of Confectioneries. Ac. to fiil up orders, wholes.', or retail, at short no nce. Among his stock of Confectiorrariea. mav be found : Frenel; Secrets, Oum Drops, sll kinds of scent, Hurned A Imnnds, I. nee Drops, Cream Whits, Mini Dropa, red and white, " I.emoa jelly Cakea, 1 Rose, Fruit Drops, " Vamll., foiek Candles, of sll sseuls Common Seei.la. - Rock Cindy, Liquor ice, Almond Caudy, FRUIT. . Bansass, Prune.. Dale. Figs, Currants dried, Ciuoiis, Almonds, Itstsnns, Nuts of sll kinds LEMON 8YRLT of a superior quality, hy the single or dozen. A superior quality of Segara and Tobacco, and a variety of Confectioneries, fruit. Toys, Ac, all of which is offered chesp at wholesale or retail. Mr llemember tha name and place, M. C. GEARHART, Market st., 3 door west of E. Y. Bright A Son's store. 8unbur, April 14, 18B0 ly llASSEPa'S PATE1TT FIVE-MINUTE FREEZER, Aa Improved for 1859 and 80, By E. KETCH M A CO.. 889 Pe.rl-Street, New-York. "IIHE only Freezer constructed on scientific principles, with a revolving can snd spring blsde scraper. The one hastens the Ireezing of the cream the other removes it as fast as frnzrn. The most rspid in ftrezing. with Ihe least quantity of ire. The most economical in cost, esit is the most simple and durable in structure. For sale iu all the principal cities and towr.a in the Ui.ion. Each Ficezer accompanied with a book uf r ripes and full dirsclinns. PRICES. 5 quarts, $3 00 4 quarts, 4 00 6 qusrls, 6 uo 8 quarts, 6 00 14 qnarta, 8 01) 30 qusrts, J J 00 Applv to H. B. MASSER, Sunbury. June 3, Inf.!). ROCKEFELLER & BOYER. Attornies at Law, BUNBUKY, PA. A. Jordan lockc feller and Solomon II. HoytT, respectfully announce Ua. they entered into Copartnership in the practice of iheir profession, and will coniinue tosliend to all busi ness entrusted to their chsrge in the counties of Northumberland, Union, Snyder and Montour, promptly, faithfully and carefully. Special at tention will be given to the COLLECTIONS OK CLAIMS. Consultations cau be had in (he GERMAN langusge. Ollice, - Market Street, opposite Weaver's Hotel. Sunbury, February , 160. P. MELANCHT0N SHIN DEL, Jt'STH i: OF 1HK PEACE, eXJNBTJTRTr, PA. OJfict in Deer Street, immediately ojipotite the . Public School Jloute. A II business promptly attended to. Monisl ollecte d and all ordinary wining done. Sutib ury. Auril 85. 1H57 tf HENRY DONNEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ojfice opposite th Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County Pa. Prompt atteutioa to business in edjoinin Counties. WHOLESALE DEALER IN BRANDIES, WINES, GINS. &C f HE subscriber having opened in Thompson's A Brick Building, Mill street, Danville, a large and complete stock of FOREIGN AND DOM E8TIC LIQUORS, comprising the best brands of Brandies, Gin, Old Rye, Scotch aud Irish Whiskey, Port, Sherry, Madcria, Champagne and other Winee of all grades, all of which will be sold Wholesale a , Ihe lowest city prices. Tsvern-keepcrs by buy. ' ing of ua can save al least the freight. Fereone desirou. of purchasing liquore for FAMILY' USE, nay rely upon being furnished wilh pure and unadulterated article. . 7 Being determined to establish a reputation for celling cheap be resfieclfuliy solicits Ihe pa tronage of the public. All order, promptly at tended to, JEREMIAH 8. HALL. Danville, Jure 16, 1860. INGRAINED CARPETS, MAM'FACTCRKD snd f.r Sals by M. Priper It On ' tallica ndl and alclwwell's Iluildiog, Nona kul eutnsr,SsoHid and Race streets Philadelphia. . GOODS GUARANTEED. " Oaeobertv, leet . .