I AYER'S Sarsaparilla FOR PURIFYING TIIE BLOOD. And for tli jec fly turo of ths following fomidalntu VerAfnln ami Hrrof iilottn After (fnni.nnrh a l innuis. 1 1 ti n, fcorrs, Ki uptl ons, 'liiU, rnlnlr, Klotrhm, Uollt, Ululns, and all fifclit li.cu- OtiCMNn, liiil., fllh Jimp, fRffft J. O. Arm A Co. f!imi I tvd It my duty to rv ItmiwirtlB hi jf-iir NtiMtpniilin bus iluiin f r tut. IlK'ing inhpi.ted A Frtorul'lM Infection, I hiv Purtontl fnm it In various y f"r vr HomfliutfS It Innni rut in l item i my hamfs und aim; im-tiinti it ttiitui hnvitiil Ril l uVtvi'ffft mm nt (lie rlu"-be Two j-ms n i( lii'oltrt out on tm hcii-l niul rm civil my sculp jitM fnm with nn suit, which wf uliif'ii1 ami lonthnotiie l yoitii tcriptf'n. 1 lii'd ninny hiuUicin-n it ml aovvrnt .nl-tini, but without imHi mil') fi'.m niy tliinjt. lu lint, litf uM (ndir gn'W wot-. At I.mikIIi 1 wm ivjtpcd t.i tti lite tV-p I 3,U'fiii,-r tlmt ju lia) iifjvi:v J 011 itlt'-mtlV" ('lMritiiiiHn), ft 1 lttv rutin v-mr ieilhl tioii tlmt miy IliiniX jolt in:i(K mint In phi it to Cim-tnufttiiinJMt it, mm. I ihvI It till it ouritl iiu. 1 Unite It, hh yr.ui mlvi.-t.., ht -imi'.II n tt'iihiiiiriil over R ui"iitb, and iit-t nlh.t lhif lt t ,v nnl licit thy PKta P'Hit Wg-ui in l"tin iiii.lr tii wj:tt. v. Iiii li fi'r v In It till oil. My A in is in m il'Mt. ttii-l I Knw ty my fceilrn tl.nt (! ilit'ice Inn ;:ui-' in;. Mt-m. Ym run Well b.'li.'Vtt thtu I l.-rl wlmt I run miun-; wli"ti I toll yon, tli:it 1 lioltt ym I ) viiy of tli u-urilm ol tho ngw, ami rtuniUii j.oi- eruU-luiije Y"iir, AM-'KbU 11. TAf.f.KY. St. A ntfiony T1lre. Hour or lry IpHa. Teltrr nit hwit Ittinuu, St Hid llmd lting worm f" (; H.j ch, lrtij IV. ttoluTt 1. I'nl.U wiit-ii ftvm fill, -tii. . V.. 1Mb ('jit.. Hint bo 1i:if ntrc't hp tnvfti-rntt into 'f i'0.ti. uhi h tircntt nt J t ti iuiinato l'itlU. Iv Ihu jifrsovvrliijx uo of our Swrsiii'-irillii itti-l '- a ilttnfnitm MiU-jntvt :rvrw-i.f iy l.tiL," 'H i - 'iufi i'lyt ciii-p tlie riinntn frt-piovg 1-t M Poif-ttiHy. IU out lioif If , (ol(rfl or Htvrllvtl Sk. .. liTilim U-in of rni'i-i't. Tr;is wrltw I " I'liw t llu of ynnr fitrfitpfirilli rnr ni Ihmii h i re 1m1 euin S'ti'llii'it thu 116-1, lii(li I bull ;rt.:i''tl fn in cver ti.o jMirs," I.t urovrhfyn or AVSi II r, Ovnrlnn Tumor, Vterluc I IttTHtioii, iMl' ll?4cnH, !r. J. H. P. rhaTiiilim. '.f -w VcrU i'i;y. wrltt ; I nii't-t plipcrfullv ri imply v lili tin n- jm-t ol ,vji r tt.-nt In Mvltia 1 have' f'ttiml vonr Sur-Himt il n nnwt pv-vH'-nt lt'i;iiive in tin imiiM'if.iiw cniit plni nls (nr wlii-h wtiploy fiirh h MtMlv, but tiKr:cliUy til r'i-'It tHraf tf tlm fcmrnloiH d:iilii.i.. I lifv.puuil many iinotrr oip cnn i.f l"iii'trilirtr:i by i'. nu' i no Wivrn iImi pfiii I'liiint pniiKpil ly ut'i-r Ui- n at Hit ntru. Th nl. tT Hi'Mi tn-if wiiBinu niroil, .VntiiiiM wlihiti my knvwt lno cjiiuU it for iheoo T- ni.it- ib-rnnccnM'iitH." Jiilwnnl 9. M fir row. i-f J.ewlmiy. Aln.. wiilt-H, A clnn Ptiiii ornian tuni'-r (u one of tin ft nmlpn in my tfimily, birli I VIkm it 1 1 Mm i-pni?liw Pi.til'l cniplov. b;i nt b uiitli l'in pmi'l-t tv corwl by your i:xtr;ut oT Air Mijiui illR. Our i-Smii-iun tlmunlit' iitblttir but pxtirpn titn oonbl aiYt.r.l r li-r. but 1 nJvla:il ttif Irirtl of your Vnrsiipiirllla cm the- lust ifwt lror tutiinp. mil it fimvod cn'tictunl. Atlpr tnliliu' ytmr tvumily vlbt wmkt In) symptom ol llio Uirfwisc remain-V fcij phllla and Merrurlnl Dbirns?. New Oitf.rN, 2."iili AntriiFt I .10. T)v. J. C. Atrtt 5ir, I rliwifully coniiJ.v lli the re ewt ofynnr nifrnt, nnd report to you iixutf of Hip ellwli J luive reulizfrd with your fctiiipaTillii. 1 htivo cni'd with it, in my pmctir.i, ml of tlo m frininU for whioli it if vnpmunn tido-l. and linve f mini tin tfWn truly womb'rfiil in tb" rwrc t-f V net '.! nid .Wrr eurii't Dig'itt. Onpof my patient ypbilitir ulrprt In bi throat, whkh wero iMiiKUinimr bis palate uml th top of liiit momb. Your tMir-apnrilln., Mondlly taken, cured him In live weeks. AiiotiiM- wim itttuckvd by leo cmlary symptouifi in bW niso. nml the ulceration bad t;iti'ii awtiy a coimldcrtiblo p trt t( it, so that 1 bi-lit-vo the ttiwrdt-r would foon r( U bin brain and kill him. But It ju'hl'd to my admhiUtraiiou vf your Pitr'apartl!; b ukf m hoaled, And be la well again, nut of curne without .mo Uiii juration to bio faro. A wiuun who bail bi rn lieatcd tor tlio pame disorder ly uturtury wiw suiTeiinj fiont lliia poihoo lu ber bum's They bad become o nen fitlve to the weather that on a damp day she auHt-rcd ex prtuiatinic pain lu Ikt jointi and buiita, Kbe, too, was Ciired entirely by your r'aiKapurilla in a fcw wt-vkn. I know from it.- foruiulu, nhUh your tigeut gato dun ibitt this ripantti'ii fiom your liiUnatoiy must Im a Ki'fut r.imcdy: conseiiuentty, Hiohb truly loiuarknhlo m-ull Willi U bare nut mirptiac-d me. Fiatciuully jours, 0. V. LARIMKR, f. D. UHenmalUnif Gout, Liver Complnlnt IxrjpENiu:ME, rrpAtnu Co., Va.. tli July. In'. Vk. J.C. Avcr: hir, I Luve 1 n nillicbd wiib a p-'in-fnl chronic IthKunuilitM for n long time, wbi'-li Imitl d tb kill of phyficiiuis, and sluk to Die In apitu ot ail the romrdies 1 could limb until I tiiud your FurnnpurilUL One tottle cured mo in two weeka, and rentured my rener;il lientih eoniiKh that 1 aw fur btttor than Infim I was attnekud. ltUiiikitaHoiiUoifuluieUiiiuo. J. 1-HKAM. Jutes Y. Getrnell, of St. Louis, writep: " 1 Iiuto b"'n Btllktcd for years with an aii'ttfim of the Liter, vbii-h tlestroyedniy health, I tried every tlilnfr. nnd every lhiii JMUd to relicvu me; nnd i !iao been a broki-U'down man for fnino yepiF IVoiu no other panne than tl'-rtinyr-nimt i f tlie i.iixr. My Itciovt'U pastor, the Itov. Mr. Kupy, advb.ed we to try your fawvparillu, Iteraiide be raid In' knew joii, nnd anv lhiiiT vcu m:ti wan worth trvintr. Hv the bb-t iup: ot tr l it hi.R pured me, and had m piinlkd my blood il to make a new man oi ne. J irei younq nnuu. juo b.-at tlmt cuti lu sitld of you is not half good . uouglt.' fcfrlilrrnH.Cniiccr Tumors, TCninrgrnient. I:lrerat ion, Curies uud Kifoiiutioii of the ifuiicu. A gip;;t rai leiy ofentes narebren reporti-fl to wliere cures of tlno turn. blnble complaiuta bao reulttd fp-m tlm iiho of thin remedy, but our fpace liere will not admit thnu. Some of them may b found in our Ameiinu Alumnar. whi li tho otita bolow named niu pleuai-d to futuisU giaiit. to all lu cull fur tin m. PylirpHln. TJonrt Dlrivtif, Plh, Fpllep y, 3It-liim-ltolyt Aearallu Minv renin! kabl" t-nre of lheo nflVclioiis hare been Tuadt by thy hliereiie power td thin mediriurt. It Mimu li.it a thi vital I'uuciiohR into vlftoroim action, and tbu t'wn omt. dH-.r.l.-rH whi-h would he supposed lyond iti r-.U'h. Htich a remedy has long been it unired by the ne po'.sitie ol tlie r oilMuid we are coiitidcut thtil ibis will U It Ho ui all ihuL mi-aiviue cu Uo. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, rop. the rapid crnn nr oiicttr C'nlfla, liiflueiizn. IIorut., t i'uii, llniii lii l. Iiii ipU'iit ou kiuiii Ion, nnl for the Ilrlicf oi' ( (iiiKiimptivc Vntirnt in it. I vnnrt'fl hinges of the Ulu'U6c. ThU le reviily n nniverwiUy ktirvn to urpas nny cUkt I'T Tlie r-uv of (IniMit uud lufi cntplui ills', lltnt it I it!i,U'' lfitf f pitMi'-ti tlie irMvucp cf id vitrtn.. Its I'lirivuIL-1 xci'U. nco r.ir roughs nntl ccliis. nrni ito truly .-tnlrrTu! cuiTii of i.tiliQuiinry d-sc, linvo intule it Kimwn tlir:ulint t lie civiliE.il nntii'iH cf Hie viirth. K'v uro iKo i"imniniiti3, or wen ftmiiliM, nmoiiu litem vlio Imvc lint s.jsiit! I'fiHouitl exiu'riinco of itii cl!uft Miie lilii' lii'i liy in their miai-t of ll victory ovvr 111. .ulillf nti'l (uHi.t'ioiis ilisonlem of lli throat and Iud.. A all Itiinvr tlm iln nilful fiilnlily of tlie diwrdir, and 4 !hv J;ii'w, l.-o, tlie effWi-uof tliis ri-int'dy, we rued not do inure tliun to nssurs tlifin lint it liua now oil tlio vir , liii tlmt It did Imvn wli. n imkiiiR Hie cures wlik-U kuv wou ho itnut;)y up'a tliu coulidt-uce of iiiuukiiid. Prepared by Sr. J. C. A?E3 tt CO., Lowell, Hast. S ilrtliy Frilinr Grant, d A. W. Fichr, Pniil.njy J K. Ciislow nnd U. Urowft, Mil'on; Ur eni-k. Mr-. Kweiisvilie ; Hi itHiiydiT &. t lirininun, Turbntville; K. U McCoy, mlhumlierlaud and by Uculcra evcrywhci.. AptllW, ly rillXIDF.LIMIIA VMAXUV.. S. K. corner of Stventh and Chesnul Slrteli. Titii is one of r.iiiii r coli.i'.gi:s, constitutinu the s 'J'lONAL CHAIN." LOCATED IN P'.iiin.Wpliin, N'f Y.irk City, AlUny, rtu.Tul", Cleve. Uud, Citic-Hi!o, and t. l,oiii., hi-liol!irbliiia can be pur. cliaicd Htutlicr (Hum, good at all Hie Colk-tc Till: COI.I.EOIATK COl ltsU enilirncrs Douhle and Single Kntry Uo.ik-Krrtiiny, Coin inrrctul Cillputiitiiiiii, Ciiinilirrciul liw, liiitii:intlnp, liu.:nt.bs Coirt'SiiifciK'e, 1'urliiei ship t'euleiiieiiL, cU;, 1'RACTICAL TKXT-HOOKS. T!iTe(icl liter ' tlie Hiis.Keciiiifr Deport ment is most ly Iron, wmiuii nunniM:iiit lorins, Willi oial iiistnirlinns b-cture., and liliuk-lMiurd elucidalioits ; iu addition to wliH-h, in order to iniike the Colliniaid Courae ua llioroucb and cCTrviiuilus pouible( the following Tvst-Uook have bern prerel : Hiyimt & Mtiutt.in'a nnnk.Keeping, in llirce editions Cominoii WchiKil, Hich Sohoiil, nnd Cnuntinir llonar : Bry. ant At miration's Cuminerciiil Arillnoelli-; Hruinl A Clrutlon'i Comincrnul ijaw, by Amoa Ucua, I,. 1.1). si'i.Nci-.rtiAN svsti:m of i'knma.xsiup, in a series of nine lm.tks, by I. K. HPI'.SCKU, P. It . PI'KNCKB, Jr., Teaeher of IVanv.ii.liin. Fn.'i. Viclunl ln.iriu-ti.il,. Students eut-.-l at any tune. Liulo- mil. auanled. r" For Calalocnri and Ciirulara. rull nt Ihr rlp" oraddiMs IHIVANT, M'RAT J'OX KAIHIIANKS ' t ehruary M, 111. ly Phila.lrlph.a. J A M E S R A R B E R ' fi WllOI.KSAI.R AND RKTAIU CLOCK ESTABLISHMENT, S. E. Curner Secnml and Cluitnul IMilIadelplila. AC,K.Nv?X.fnr ,he PATENT E(fAI.IZINO TIIIHTY u , fr''OCK!. a very deaiod.le aili.-l. l,,r Cliurcu as, Hotels, Banks, CouiitliHI ll.iuara, 1'urli.r.. u Also, Manufacturer nf PINK OOLD l'L.S Clocks remiial and wai ranted. Clock 'rniiiiiii.it;, of avery dcacriptioH. l'liiladel:iliia, Juuuary lu, ledl .--jy S. L. BERGSTRESSER, pnoTooaApnio autist TJUOTOGKAPHS, AMBR0TYPE8. and all the modern stylos of Picture, eiecuted ia superior manner. Room in hi CAR, Market Sjusre, Sunbury, Pa. August 10, 1881. wm. - Citt A v & lit wwir' T A R) ' The Great Cnre for Coniumption. If job fiate t eoIJ, oe W ishart'a Pin Tf e Taf CorJial t If you bava a cough, ue Wiiliarl'a Pine Tree Tar CorJial ! If you have Asthma, dm Wifhart". Pine Tree Tar Cordial f If you have Sore Throat, tine Wifhart'a Pine Tree Tar Coattial 1 Ifyou have Bronchitis, uao Winliarl'a Pine Tree Tar CorJial ! If you have Consumption, use Wishan's Pine Tree Tar CorJial Wieliatt's Pine Tree Tar Cordial ia an unfail ing remedy for disease of the Kidneva, Urinary Complaints, Blind and Bleeding Piles, Nrivous Drhility, and for Female weakness and Irregu Inrilirs. The well known efficacy of Pine Tree Tar in the cure of external affections or Mores, pointed it out as the Natural llemedy for what Physicians call Tubercular affections (that ia to say, Sores,) upon the Lungs. It remained to discover the beet means of application, which discovery has been made, ns a thousand testimonials prove, by the Proprietor of Wiblinrt s 1'ine I ree lar Uor.Mui : If you have DYSPEPSIA, use Wisliart a Ureal American Uyspepsia t ill : A earn cure Warranted for one dollar, or the Money Itefundcd ! Buy a box and tuke them according to direc tions, and it they do notcureyou, the money will he returned. Auisri-V'm. Weiiner, Northumberland. A. VV. Fischer, Sunbury. Call at either place, and get a descriptive Cir cular. I.. Q. C. Wishart, proprietor, 7so. 10, TWth Second, Philadelphia. August 10, 1861. ly AAOTIIUK A It It I VA I, OF SEASONABLE GOODS, AT TU a MAMMOTH STORE OF FRILING & GRANT. Sunbory, September 7, 1861. COMMERCIAL NURSERIES, II. E. HOOKER &c CO., IvOrUESTEB, N. Y JOHN W. DL'CHER, Local Agent, Sunbury, Pa. The subscriber, having been appointed local Agent for the sale of Fruit trees, plants, vines, &c., of one ofthe most reliable Nurseries, calls the attention of all who want choice fruit to this method, as more ceilrin than by obtaining them through traveling agents. Among those described in the Catalogue are, Dwarf Pear Trees, of the age for transplanting, remarkably fine. warf Apple Trees, on Paradise Stocks, ma king beautiful little trees for the garden, and pro ducing remarkably fine specimens of fruit in a very Bliort time. Unuif Cherry Trees, budded on Muhalcb Stocks, handsome trees. Standard Apple, Pear and Cherry Trees, very One, with a large list of varieties. Peach, Plum, Nectarine and Apricot Trees. (iooseherry, Blackberry and Strawberry Plants all of the finest kinds. Currants, many now and improved varieties, such ns Cherry, While Grape, hito Gondouin, Ked Grape, Victoria, Ac. Strawberry Plants, in great variety, including the Hooker, Wilson' Albany, Triomphie de lianil, (the most approved old varieties,) as well as all tlie novelties. Grape Vines, including those fine, new, yet well tested kinds, which no plainer should be without, sucu is lli'lmvaro, uoncord, and Hart, ford Prolific. These we havo propagated so ex tensively as to able to offer thein at (educed and satisfactory prices. Plants, Hoses, Evergreen and every variety of ornamental tree and Shrubbery, securely packed JOHN W. BL'CHEK, Agent, Sunbury Pa. Sunbury, Pebuaty, 9, 1861, If Ife or Death The subscriber take pleasure in announcing that they are now prepared to mail (free) to those who wish it, a entiv of an ininnrtiiiit littlA work, liv thr Inla llr. ! II... . ,:,u.l ui'L. I i: ,, w- i:- i jiniiiif.uii, ciitmi-u -ne iiivuiiu nieuicui on- .,uw(, luirI.U.U .1,9 UTIiril,, BI1U WUIll ing to young men end persons who sutler from .iu. 1 K.Kil.l.r l..w.. li . Ji. V- - . v . . u u vv...,, m iiiubiuio vein, we, ui;, supplying tno means ol sell cure, i he reader is irresi.tibly led to compare a useful life with an ignoble death. Kuader, lose not a moment, but send your ad dress for a copy of this little work. Addresa the Publishers DIt JOHN 15 On DEN A CO. 64 &. 66 John Su, New York. May 18, 1SS1 .amo MANHOOD. now lost, now hkstored, just pujlished IN A SEALED ENVELOPE : A l.F.CTt REon the Nature, trentioent, and Radical Curenf Spernutlonlioa. or Seminal Wjnkuem.Seiuul De bility, Nervouaners and involuntary cuiit.iona, producing iiupoteuey, Consuinptiuii and Menlaland Pbysieul Debility, By ROUT. J. CTI.VEIIWELL, M D., The important fart that the wful tisequeuccs of self, ahum: may las etfertuutly removed without internal medi cines or the dioiireious applications of cau.iici, uniia menls, medicnted Itoupies, and other empii ual devises, is here clearly deinonatruied, nnd the entirely new and highly buccemiul treutiueiil, u ailnpli d by the relehiuled auihur fully esplaiueil, by ineiiua of winch every one is enubled to core hiiuscir pcrl'ecll) , and at the lentt poumle coat, thereby avoiding all the adverlned in-struius of the day. Thia lecture will provea Ihioii to thoumuiUnud thoumoida Kent under seal, in a plain rnvnlnpe, to any uddteu. poat paid, on IhS recrli!' of two ii;if e atuinpt, by niidiei.flnt' Dr. CII.J. O.KI.ISi:. )1 Bowery, New Vurk. p,i( Otlice Ivix t,.0. April ItrUI. ly 1 TREES! TREES ! 'juir. undersigned invite attention at- larire an.) ui.ll ..nufn . ,,., ..r to their FRlIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, riluubs, &e., embracing a large and complete as sortment of Apples, Pears, Peaches, Plums, Cherries, Anri. cols, and Nectarines, Standard for the Orcliaid, and Dwarl lor the garden. English Walnuts, Spanish Chssnuts, Haile nuts, 4 e., Kusbernes, StrswU-rries, Uuirauts and Gooseberries, iu great variety, GRAPKS OK CHOICKST KINDS. Asparagus. Rhubarb, Ac., Ac. Also a fine stock of well formed, bushy EVERGREENS, suitable for the Camelry and Lawn. Deciduous Trees for street planting and a gen. er el assortment of Ornamental Trees and Mow er'ng Shrub. Rose of choice varielic. Camellia, Bedding Plants, &c. " Our stock ia remarkably thrifty and fin, and w offer it at price to suit the times. ty Catalogue niailes) to all applicant. Address EDWARD J. EVANi A CO., Cenlial Nurseries, YORK, P. Espluiuber II, IrKi y,u IMPORTANT TO LOVERS OF 23 CD CE CE tP E23 BRIGHT A 80N, Invite attention to ttheir Stock of Prime Green and Blaok Tea. June IA, 1861. SU3IMER GOODS! AT PRICES TO SUIT TIIE TIMES E. V. BRIGHT & SON, II AYE RECEIVED A LAP.GE STOCK OF ALL HINDS OF GOODS, HANDSOME. DUB ABLE A X O GREAT BARGAINS AND Splendid Inducements TO AT THE 03E PJUCE STOKE, OF E. Y. BRIGHT k SON. Sunbury, June 15, 186 1. J. A. C RAND ALL'S PATENT SPRING HORSES 478 BROADWAY, MEW YORK. Should be iu every family, School, Gymnast i tlin Asylum, and Hospital in the land. Are ' n x'il.-l,i'il"tai like the common Hocking Horse. Stands firm on its Pedestal, will not wear CARPETS, and has no Rockers to injure the hoet. 'ilaaltb and happiness iu the same saddle." N. P. Willis FROM TIIE "HOME JOURNAL." "Of all the child-furniture we have ever seen no article combines so much of those two impor taut things health and happiness a the Ad justable Patent Steel Spring Saddle-Horse, in vented hy Jesse A. L'raud!!, It is 'not 'Jlnger nus, like a common rocking-horse, to children' feet, cannot be upset, doe not wear carpet, hut stands firm on its base, and its action is so like the gallop of live horse that the child never wearies of it. Thi .atcstof rliild-noveltiea i ex ceedingly elegant and artistic in design j and ao adjustable, substantial, and durable, that it will last a lifetime. It ia indispensable in every family where there are children. It should be in every primary school and gymnasium in the country, a it can he made large and atrong Jiiough to austain grown persona. Asa pejestal for photographic pictures, nothing ia'niore beauti ful. "Every Oiphan Asylum and Institution where children are congregated, should be furnished with number of these beautiful article. They re fitted with side-saddles when required." PIRKCTION8 FOR A DJL'STING. Open the after part ofthe base sufficiently to allow the axle to go in iu place ; then raise or lower the Horse to suit you. Screw the bolt in the side very tight. llr 'Ibese Horses are WARRAFTED year. March 16, 1S61 tf one STOVES- ipOR SALE au excellent second-hand Cook i" Ktove, alio several Cylinder Coal fcto. Enquire at thia office. DENT BY EXPRESS EVEBTTWIiERE. IfUlMHI fi l:iiTMni8l Retailed at Wholesale Prices, Made to Measure at $18 per dozi OR BIX FOR HUB DOLLARS, 'Without Collars on, with Collars oa t per do, extra, MADE OF KEW-Y0UK MILLS MCSL1X, TOth fins Linen Bosoms, and srrantc4 as good a Shirt as soM In tb retail stores at $2,U each. ALSO. TOE VEST BKST unitTS THAT CAN HE ' MAD AT Is EACH. . t ' , rhA Oilnk I essDot make a (rood Shirt for its' iht doien ars mistaken. Here' tb cost of on dosan SIS fine ablrls. - 80 vards of New-Tork Mills tminltn at Utfe. per yd. It 83 1 yards of fine Linen, at ouc, per yaru, Making and cutting, Laundry, (1 1 buttons and cotton, doc Profit 8 f.fl 00 1 N 9 ti Total 18 0 Self Measurement for Shirts. Printed directions sent free everywhere, and so easy to understand, that sny one can take their on mesiurs for shirts. I warrant a good fit. The cash to be paid to th Express Company on receipt of goods, Th Express charges on one dozen Shirt from Kc Tork to New Orleans is f 1. P. a PARTIES WIStllNG SmitTS IN nASTE.not having time to send for Rules of Measurement, should send per mall, prepaid, one of the best Dttlngshlrts they have got, stating any alterations that may be required. 9 S. W. H. WARD, from London, 387 Broadway, up stairs, . Between 'ViTdts Walker Streets "KW-YORBV March 16, 1861. tf CENTlULlfOTEIsr" SUNBURY, Northumberland County, Pa. J '''HIS lane and commodious Hotel, now" -- managed by JAMES VAN DYKE. It is situate at the Railroad Depot North East corner of Market Square, Sunbury, and at the terminus of the Sunbury 4 Erie and North cm Central Railroads, and is open forthe accom modation of Travelers and the public in general Tho proprietor will give his exclusive atten tion, totbe comfort and convenience of his guests and is determined to make thi establishment rank among the first in the .State. Hu table will be supplied with the best the market can produce having the advantage of daily enmmunination by cars direct from llalti- more, and also from thoso bringing produce irom the surrounding country. Ilia bar will he supplied with the purest lliiunra the market can produce Ca-elul and obliging servants always in at tendance. New and commodious stabling ha just been added (o the premises. A ahare ol the local and traveling community most respectfully solicited. Sunbury, January Is, INbl. WINTER GOODS, FOR MEN'S WEAR. Dlack and 1)1 ue Hair Cloth, Ileaver Overcootmg, Dlnnk Doeskins, New Style Cassimcres, All Wool Tweeds, Heavy Kentucky Jeans, Real Good Cassinetls, SiU Mixed Coatings, Super Velvet Cords, Black Grenadine Vesting, Black Satin Vesting, Fancy Silk Velvet Vestings, I'lam Silk Velvet Vestings, Nice Cussimere Vestingsi In fact all kinds of goods for Men's and Boys' wear, can be found at the People's One Price Store of E. Y. .Bright Sc. Son, who have just cceived by Railroad a splendid stock of all kinds of goods, suitable for cold weather. Please call and be convinced. E. Y. I1RIGHT & SON. Sunhury, October 27. ISfiO. REVERE HOUSE, (LATH KAOLK HOTKL,) Third Street, above liace, Philadelphia, It II OA DS & SAILOR, Prnpnetors. IMPHOVr.MKNTS linve been muJe, and the House has been refitted IhrnuKhnut Tilohman V. HlioAtiR, formeilyof the National Hotel Chahlks Sailor, formerly oi Schuylkill co., Pa. Philadelphia. Jul!. Ill, I Mil. ly BO O TAN J) S UOE MANUFACTORY. Corner of Market Square and Jliver Street STjrisri3Xjn?i"Y3 hp. riMlE subscriber respectfully informs the cili' - zens of Sunbury and vicinity, that he has opened a Hoot and Shoe Shop on the corner of Market Square ami Kiver street, opposite the Court House, where he can he found at all times ready to wait upon customers. Having considerable experience, he is prepared to make up customer work of all kinds, at short notice, in the latest style and workmanship. He keepa constantly on hand a large assort ment of Leather, of the best quality, which ena bles him to make up good and durable work. Call and examine for yourselves before pur chasing elsewhere, and yon will save money. JOHN WILVER. Sunbury, Nov. 10, I860. ly SAVE YOUR FRUIT f Y USING MASON'S Patent Sheet Metal Screw Top PRESERVE JAR. MASON'S PATENT SHEET METAL SCREW TOP! II that is necessary being to screw the Cap down upon the Rubber Gasket, which is placed outside upon the shoulder of the Jar, 3-4 of an inch dis tant from the top ; prevent the possibility of the flavor of the fruit being injured by coming in n I act with the Rubber. Persons desiring these Jars, can be supplied by aving their ordera with H. 11. MASSER, Sunbury, June 2, I860. Agent. TO AIML THOSE IIAVIXO Farms, Parks or Gardens. IN CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA. A rare cliance is isW afforded to select and order FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL ISIS Vines, Shrubbery, A e.. from the celebrated Clover Street Nur.enes Located at Kocueater, New York. iiieNhTsj, mooiti:, uuotiiehs, PROPRIETORS Who beg leave to sink. unco that they ars prepared through their qunlitied and RKSPON8IULK AGENTS, To distribute liicu lupviiot stock vu tlie inost rcusuuubi loiius. PROPLE Of THE EEY3T01TE STATE. Loveis of Nature and the beautiful, und justly celebrate l-ir your intelligence, wealth, lilieralily and tuste, now is the tune to umke your selections fioiu our DI-'SCR I PTI V E C AT A LOG U K AND PLATE BOOKS, Which will be furnished you, through our ktcal ageuls: and you on.)- rest aasuiul thai your orders will be honors, biy tilled. J-'oi further partkulars apply to r'ULDEMCK A. HOWE, Or JOHN B- JONES, -"uvuxa, ,4. Agent lor Northumberland enuoty, REFERENCES: Hob. KHENKZf. t I.KII-K1N, Kochcater, N. V. Hon. JOHN GAi.HHAITH, Kris, Pa. I'ol. J. K JOHNSON, Alcadnlle, Pa. pebruai) H, IMJI -in SOLOJIOX MA LICK, Attorney a Law, BUN BUHY, Northumberland Co., Pa (Formerly Froeburg, Snyder county.) OFFICE, Market Street, few door east of the Northern Central Railroad Depot and two doors west of the Post Ollice. All Professional Business, Collection, fcc, will receive prompt atleution. March 30, 1881. irOnrim, OY'S HOOTS and SHOES, cheap for easb " WM. MILLER'S. tW-ury, August IT lli. SUNBURY STEAM FLOURING: mhjlb.. ; tfiii first clltl FJUOLKOU M1M, ir li pared to receive grnin of all kinds, and to do cus tom work at the Shortest Notice. Customers will have thelt grist prrmnd Immediately upon their being left at the Mill. A it i the inten tion of the firm to dock the Mill a largo Sup. ply nt Grain, will be Constantly kept on hand, and flour by the quantity can always be obtained, The greatest care will be taken to turn out a au perlnr quality of flour, for which the mill la ad' mirahly adapted. Strict attention will he paid to the wants of customers, and the patronage of the public generally is respectfully requested. MORGAN & CO., Sunbury, June S3, 18"0. LUMBER! PHILIP LUMBER SHAY, iviTj3sra"5r, fa.. NFORMS his friends and the public in gene rat, that he constantly keeps on hand, Hoards. Shingles, Lath, Joist and all kinds of Lumber and building materials, which he will sell at the lowest prices. March 30, 1861. SHAM0KIN VALLEY POTTERY. TIM! E subscriber respectfully inform the public that he ia now manufacturing at hi Pottery, 4 mile east of Sunbury, all kind of Earthen Ware, made out of Red Cement Clay. This clay produce the best and most desirable kind of ware, equal, in many respect, to stone ware, and ia less liable to crack oy sudden heat and cold. The aubscriber rcfera to Friling & Grant, Hunbury. Address, JOSEPH SAVIDGE, Oct. !3, I860. ly Sunbury, Pa. "WALL DEX5PEirr FRILING & GRANT, at the MAMMOTH STORE, have this day (January 17th, 18G1 received a CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF THE NEWEST STYLES AND PATTERNS OP WALIj E -A. E E R , which they are selling at prices that defy competition. Sunhury, January 19, 1 80 1- NOW WITHIN REACH OF ALL Git OVER f$ HAKEirs CELEBRATED NOISELESS Sewing Machines, 495 Broaowat, New Yobk. The public attention is respectfully leqtiested to the following cards of Eli as Howe, Jr., and the Grover & Baker S. M. Co A Card from the GROVER & BAKER S. M. Co. Our Patent being now established by tj Courts, wo are enabled to furnish the Grovor & Baker Machine, with important improvements at greatly Jtcduced Prices. The moderate price at which Machine mak ing the Grover & Baker stitch, can now he had, brings them wilhin the reach of all, and renders the use of Ms 'bines making inferior stitches as unnecessary as it is unwise. Persons desiring the best Machines, and the right to use them, must not only le sure to buy Machines making the Grover & Baker stitch, but also that such Muchines ere made and stamped under our patents and those of Ellas Hower, Jr. GROVER & BAKER S. M. CO., 495 Broadway, New York. A CARD FROM Kl.IAS HOWE, JR. All person are cautioned not to make, deul in, or use any Sewing Machines which sew from two spools and make the stitch known as the Grover & (S Baker stitch, unless the same are purchased from the Grover & Baker Sewing Machine Company, or their Agents, or Licenses, and stamied under my patcntof September 10, 1846. Said Company, and their Licenses, alone, art legally authorized under their own patents, am my said patent, during the extended term there of, to make and sell this kind of Sewing Machine and all others are piracies upon my said patent, and will be dealt with accordingly, wherever found. ELIA8 HOWE, JR. New Y'ork, Dec. 29. 18li0. tf New Arrival of Clothing. r'r'H E largest and best Stork of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING ever Lrought to thia place, arrived at tho Mammoth Clothing Store of SCHWEITZER, HEILBRONNER &. CO., in Market street, nearly opposite Wea ver'a Hotel. Their Stock comprises of FINE CLOTH COATS, Dress Coats, Over Coats, Business Coata, Ac. VESTS OF ALL KINDS. UnderShirts, Drawers, &c. HATS .A-TsTID CAPS. BOOTS AND SHOES, of the latest style of every description and quality, cheaper than ever. Their assortment of gentlemen' furnishing Vluthing i tlie most complete ! Their variety and. sty lea most attractive. Auu th price defy all competition. ttT Call anil examinC o' yourselves. SCWEITZER, HEILBRONNER CO. Sunbury, Oct. 6, I860, War! War! War! COME l'ROM THE NORTH, COME HWM THE SOUTH, COME FROM THE EAST, COME FROM '1UE WEST, Save the country and build yourselves homes, or now ia the time to get your Lumber cheap. Yes, LUMBER ! LUMBER ! ! LUMBER ! ! ! can be purchased at low rales at the STEAM SAW-MILL of IRA T. CLEMENT SUNBUHY, PA.., Such a Panel Lumber, Frame Lumber, Board, Siding. Shingle from $3 to $8 per thousand, Plastering Lath, Paling, Hoofing Lath, Vc., &c All hill ordered, for any kind of Lumber, will be fumuhed at the shortest notice. IRA T. CLEME1VT. Sunhury. March 9, 1861. COTTAGE BIBLES, TCOR BALE, cheap, three copies of tbe "- cottage mule, to two volumes, with coat. meatuses. II. li. MASS Eli. BOOTS & SHOES, ran be purchased at the Mammoth Store of Friling ic Grant, very cheap, aa w are determined not to be undersold by anybody. Call and learn Ihe list of prices for yourselvee. FRILING & GIANT. Punbnry, January II, 186) ANOTHER ARRIVAL OF a! E W GOODS, J. Hi ot Hunbury, Pa-. HAH just arrived With splendid STOCK or 8PRINO AND SUMMK.R GOODS, from Philadelphia, to which he respectfully Invites hi friend and the Public to call and inspect, he will spare no time in showing them. Among his stock of goods will befound, FINE BLUE AND DLACK FRE1TCH CLOTH. Fine Dlack and Fancy Caslmere TwecJa, Sat Inetts, Jeans, Black Italian Cloth, Cashmerelte, Cottonade. Linens, Linen Drill, Linen Check, and Fancv Vesting, also a large assortment of Ready-made CLOTHING for men and boy (cheap.) LADIES WEAR, Black and Fancy Dreas Bilk very cheap, Silk Tissue, Bereges, Chali and Chall Robe, Berege Delaine, Berege Robes, Figured Brilliant and a variety of other Dresa Goods, Spring and Sum mer Shawl, Mantillas, Parasols, a good assort ment of white goods, Collars, Sleeves, Iris! Linen, Shirt fronts, Marseilles, Brilliant Ate. A seneral assortment of domestic Dry Go-ids. Also a large stock of Hat and Caps, Boots and shoes, Hardware, Uueena and Glassware, Groceries, Cedarware, Stone and Earthenware, Drug and Paint, Salt, Fish, Cheese, Ham, Oil Tar dec. &c. N. B. Wall and Window Paper, Floor and Table Oil Cloth. Carpet, all the above will be aold at low price for cash or country produce ta en in exchange for Goods. J. H. ENGEL 8unbury, May. 19, I860. tf. HARRIS PAINTER, SU t o r n t j) at 3L a to , MARKET SQUARE, SUNBURY, E -A. . June 23. 1860. New Air Line Route T O 3STE"W YORK. 8HORTK9T IN DISTANCE AND QUICKEST IN TIMK between the twr c-nwi of NEW YORK AND HAHHIb ORG. VIA. READING, AMsKNTOWN AND E ASTON. Morning Expreu Weit leaves New York at 6 a. M . and Piiilmklpfiiu nt 8 a M.t arrivrs nt Hurrisburp ut 1! 45 p. m. cntneciiiig at Huineliurg with trniii on Northern Crntral Kuad fur Sunhury, V liliainiport, luck Haven and inter metiiHie Rttuion. Mail Tniin West leave New York nt !9 noon, and Pliiiudelphm nt ii '.Mi p. m., conuertitia- with tinin on North em Centiul l(md !r itiitionfl na a I Hive, and also on all trains on the Wilharnnport and Klmira. Mail Train Kfist leaves Ilttrr iabiiitz nt 8. A. M . and nr rives nt Philadelphia at 1 P. M-, and New Ymk al 3 30 r. x.. in time to take bunt ur can for Boiton, Ac. Kqst Kxprest Kust leaves Iliirrnriue; at LIA, uii atnvnl of Northern Central Tinui, nnd nrrivua at Philadelphia at 6.1a P. m and New Yuik atitr. m. No ehunjiH of cursor baggage between New York or riiiiHtieipniH nun Hamming. Vtir beauty of seeitery and speed, enmfirt and accommo dation, this route presents superior inducements tu the traveling puouc Olfire ih New York, fiwttof Coiirtland, street. Phltadel- phia, Urond and Cullnwhill streets. Fare between New Vork and Ilurrisburg FIVE VOh LARS. For Tickets; Freight or other Information, apply to J. J. CLYDE, iienerul Agent. Hnrrislmry, June 30, 1H60 y lrfiiO. THE BEST ROUTE 1860 FnoM Wyoming Valley to Philadelphia, AIcv York, lialtliuore, AND ALL VOIXTS XORTII, SOUTH .J- WEST. LACKAWANNA k BLOOMSBURG RAILROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Two Daily Passenger Trains will be run between Scranlon ana iortnumieiiuiii, as ioiiows: MOVING Ienve Scrnton, Arrive at Pittiioji, Knmston. Mockslimny, Berwick, Uloonifbuig. Kupert. Danville, Nurthuuilterlsud. MOVINO Lenve NoTil-umberlsnd, . Arrive at SOtTH : I'hil'a Mail. N. Y Ex. e io a. m. 95 r. m 6 OT 4 S3 7 OS JOT 7 SO a t VK) S 55 K 50 7 30 00 7 40 V i5 f 10 tu ue 8 a NORTH : N. V. Kz. Phil's Mail C 3U A. M. 4-15 P..M (I 05 6 SO AS 6 50 e is r mi 7 IS 8 35 7 4S ' OS 8 30 7 45 fc 57 6 IS U 25 8 45 Danville, Rupert, tiloouiKliurg, Jterwiek, Piiirkuhinuy, HlllpMttMl, I'lHlilOII, Sfnmton. The IsHCKnwanna and jiior.imbure ifnuniaa connerp with I he Delaware, jickawmm una Western Railroad, nt !N.Tuiittn, (nr New York and Philudelph.n, and interme diate points Kant ; ulso for Great Bend, Binghuntton, Syracuse, HalTalo. Nm:ira l-alli, and all important points W est. At Rupfit it coiiiiecis with the Ouiuwma Rail rouil, for pitiiiisboih Kust and West. At Northuinbeilnnd it eonnects with tlie Sunhury and Krie Uuilroud. lor ptunls West and South. M. W. JACKSON, bup't. Kingston, Augutt 85, 1P6. . HEGEIVIAN & COS COKD1AL KL1X1H OF CALISAYA BARK Pietwred only by IIKGKMAN fc CO., Wholesale and Retail Chemists and Uru;giits, 161, 390, Sit and 75S Broadway, New York. rpHK virtues ofl'KRL'VIAN BARK as a Tonic have JL been t.M long known to need comment. The CALISAYA ('-or King's Hark,") is the most vain, able of Ihe nuinerius vanelio of the Peruvian Mark, sod in the L1JX1K is continued with other ingredients that incren.e its efficacy uud at the same time overcome the intensity oi its Uittei, rendering it a mint Agreeable cor dial. For persons living in FF.VKR and AOl'K districts, it will he found invaluulite aa a preventive, Hulf ol" a wine glass full token night and morning, rendering the system much less auhject to the uuhealiay influence ot the atinoa phere. mitECTlONR Dose for an adult, half a wineelaai full before hreaklast and dinner : children from one to two teaooiis full j it may be tukeu with or without a little waier For sale at this olfice. March 17, 1.-00 A Fi eali Supply or Dry Good. pONSISTING in part of Prints, Delaines bleached and oablearhed Mnslins, Checks Stripe Denims, & Drills, Ac, just received by It. It. al toe Mammoth store or FRILING & GRANT. LOOK HERE, IF YOU WANT TO BUY CHEAP FOR CASH. GO TO WM. H. MILLER, he ha received from Philadelphia a large atock of BOOTS & SHOES. H ia stock consists of Gen'ta Kip" Hoots, Youths' Kipp Bouts. Childreu' Ca.'.f Boot. Also t variety of WomenVCuifLace Boot, Women' Morocco Lace Boot, Children'! Morocco and Calf Lac Boot, all of which he will set'! cheap for CASH. Culland examine foryourselve. ALSO, first quality of Teiupero Morpco (' sale fur cash. WM. H.MILLER. Sunbury, January 7, I860. GENESEE SALT. WHOLESALE Sa HETAIL, (LA'ILING & GRANT (at tbe Mammoth - Store,) have just received 600 fts. of Solar Ground, Solar and Fine Salt, 700 Sacks of Ground Solar Salt every aark warranted to contain i?25 pound of Salt and 200 bags of Sail containing op Buahel eaeh. Zlii alt is the best and strongaat now manufactured and in marki Call and see for youraelvea. Sunbu.ry Sept., 8, I8C0. W" NDOW SHADES A ry fine and cheap tjortment, just lecelved by Rail, road from New Yk, at the Mammota atore of Friling Craj.1. W have also loraale 8.8. Pntnain & Cp ceLbt-'ed rndulu Curtain Fixture. . , LANK Parchment Paper .Deed and blank Mortgagee, Bowl, Hiecutwne, 8'''""-rJ., Ire., for aaleb H. B- MAfcrca. TI IN WARE A very cheap anu ueairaoi assortment just received Hit ,, si me Mammoth Store of V RILl-U KAJ I . f unbuty, Japmry !, 1 88 1 . NEW GOODS At the Mammoth Store Of IRA T. CLEMENT, NO. I MARKKT 8TREKT, 8C.NBURT, PA. npHE ubcriber ha just opened at hi well Y known establishment in Sunburv, ons of the nea pest anu most desirable stocks of , Fall and Winter GoodsTV that ha ever been offered in the place.and which ne will aell for CASH or exchange for Country Produce. Those desiring to purchase good will do well to call and examine his stock. BLACK AND FANCY filLTT. All Wool Delaina, Figured, Striped and Plain, French Merino, all colors. Beautiful Dreee Robes, Cashmeres, Shaded, i'lam and Striped must be seen to form an idea of the extent anil variety. Mantle, 8tella, Chenille. French Wool Shawls ' Thibet and Broche Shawls. Cloths Cassimerei and Satinnt, For Men and Boye' Wear, Black Cassimerei, Fancy Cassimeres, aide atripe heavy, Doe Skin Cassimerea, Satinets all kinds. , EX.A3STJNTEEB, n hite and Red Flannels, all grades and price, Bay State Sack Flannel, color finest qnaltioa. READY-MADE CLOTHING Boot and Shoe, Hat and Cape, Ac, rje., all of which were selected with great care, and will compare favorably, as regarda quality, style and price, with any in the country. ' II A UD VV A R K, a full asHortmunt. Wood and Willow Ware, vjueenswrxre, of all descriptions, Groceries, a full stock in store. Carpet Chains, tVc., Paints, Oils, Glass. Dve Stuffi. Thankful for the patronaae heretofore rc-i...l he will spare no paina to please all who taay favor him with their custom in the future. Sunbury, Oct. 23, 1859. HIGHLY IMPORTANT NEWS M. C. GEARIIART, Ha returned with a new Stock of Confectionaries, Fruit and Toy. T seem a if aVicw age, a new life waa open ing upon us, animating every heait to nobler deeda and higher aims! Art, Literature and Sci ence will glow anew and seek to develops sub iiiii.-i uonuues anu grander conception. 21ie business world too must feel the new in fluence and everypart be quickened and strength ened by an increased vitality, which shall urge usonwith electric speed to the consummation of greater things than was ever dreamed of in the 1'hilnsophy of the past. Animated by the enthusiasm which crevado all classes, and desirous of doing hi share to warda"The great events of the Age," the sub scriber would respectfully inform the cood pen- .r liI'v utriii. ... ... .. . pie mouiiouiu ami tne public generally, that he has just returned from the city of rti'iladel phia with the largest and choicest stock of Con fectioneries, Fruit and Toya that has ever been brought to this section of country. He is also manufacturing all kinds of Confectioneries. Ac. to fill up orders, wholesae or retail, at thort no tice. Among hie atock of Confectionaries, may be found : French Socreta, Burned A Imoruis, Crrnm White, I.cmou Rose, " Vanilla, Common Secrets, Liquorice, Oum Drops, all kinds of soent. Love Ilroita, Mint Props, red and while, Jell) Cakes, ' Fruit Dropa, Htick Canities, ot sll soits Rock Candy. Almond Caiutjr, FRUIT. Prunes, Citrons, Kaisnns, Nuts of aU kiads Bananas, Dates, Currauta dried, Almonds, LKMON SYULT of a superior quality, hy the single or doxen. A superior quality of Scgara and Tobacco, and a variety of Confectionaries. fruit, Toys, Ac, all of which is offered cheap at wholesale or retail. I? Remember the name and place, jgj . M. C.GEARHART, Market si., 3 doors west of E. Y. Bright & Son's store. Sunburv, April 14, 18C0 ly PATE1TT " FIVE-MINUTE FREEZER, A Improved for 1H.19 and 60, By E. KETCH AM & CO., 2HU Pearl-Street, New-i ork. only Freezer constructed on scientific THE urir principles, with a revolving ran and spring blade scraper. 1 he one hastens the freezing of the cream the other removes it as fast aa frozen. The most rapid in freezing, with the least quantity of ice. 1 he most economical in cost, as it is the most simple and durable inatructure. For sale hi all the principal ciliea and town in the Union. Eaeh Fteezer accompanied with a book of re cipes and full directions. PRICES. 3 quarts, $3 00 4 quarts, 4 00 6 quarts, 5 110 8 quarta, 6 00 14 quart, 8 00 20 quart. 12 00 Apply to H. B. MASSER, Funbury. June 2, 1800. ROCKEFELLER & B0YER Attornies at Law, SUNBURY, PA. A. Jordan Rockefeller and Solomon I II. lloycr, respectfully announce taai they entered into Copartnership in the practice of their profession, and will continue to attend to all busi ness entrusted to their charge in the countica of Northumberland, Union, Snyder and Montour, promptly, foithfully and carefully. Special a l. tention will be given to the COLLECTIONS OK CLAIMS. Consultations can be bad in the GERMAN language. Olfice, --Murket Street, opposite Weaver's Hotel. Sunbury, February 4, I860. pTmelanchton bhindel, ' J18TH K OP TIIE PEACE, SUNBURY, PA. Office in Deer Street, immediately opotite th Public School House. AU business promptly attended to. Monies ollected and all ordinary writinga dona. Sunburv. A uril 25. 1857. tf HENRY DOSKEl" " ATTORNEY AT LAW. UJJict opposite the Court Houst, 8 anbury, Northumberland County Fa. Prompt atleution to business in adjoinin Counties. wholesale" dealer" In BRANDIES, WINES, GINS, &C rph w subscriber having opened in Thompson 'a -t- Brick Budding;. Mill street, Danville, a large and complete stocii of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, comprising tlie bestbtamlsof Brandies, Gin, Old Rje.SvoUhand Dish Whiskey, Port, Sherry, Maderia, Champagne and other Winea of all grades, all of which will lie solj Wholesale at Ihe lowest city pricca. Tavern-keepers by buy ing of us can save at least th freight. Persons desirous of purchasing liquors for FAMILY USE. may rely upon being furnished with a pur and unadulterated article. (3F Being determined to establish a reputation, for selling cheap be resjieclfully solicit lite pa. trouage of the public. AU order promptly at. tended to. JEREMIAH S. HALL. Danville, Jura 18, 1860. INGRAINED CARPETS, MAN IT ACTl'RF.P an fat Boar ay ft. Psipsr CVn llkraiKll and McDowell's Building, Null, taut eoiusr, Second and Kscs attests Philadelphia. GOODS QUARASTEEP. October I', MO