PisccIIancotfs Frenrths Baltimors Dsilj CUpper. 1NXCHTICB TO H BL1C ME. Every obaorrer of tbe cbarectirl.ticl or the pretral oubappy cootest mini Dive o.eo track with Ibe unusual acerbity end bitter eeii with which pnblic men tre assailnd, by tbo.e professing tbe Die general political principle!. Itppublicao joorDaliet do not hesitate to .sail, in language of vulgar vitu peration, tbe President tb were actively fnttroneotal Id eleolinff. Tbe ligbteet di' verareoce (o political view is visited with chargei, little abort o( treaaoo, egaioat tbe highest officer, or the Uoverooientl and atateameo and geoerali abare alike io the tor rent or abuse aod calooioy which ia poored upon their beada. Ad especial nark for the shafts or envy aod who la charged at one time with grosa favor itism, at another with dowbrigbt corrnptiooa, and incapacity For the discharge of tbe duties of bis oilice. Some of these chargei are made In Ignor ance of tbe nature and extent of the duties devolved by ILe war on this distinguished public functionary, whilst othera are tbe off spring of sheer malice, resulting from disap pointed expectations. So far from having proved coequal to tbe discbarge of bis duties, tino. Cameron, In tbe estimation of intelli gent and and honest men, ban merited tbe highest encomiums for the able manner in which be baa conducted tbe vast and compli cated machinery of the War Department du ring tbe present contest. When tbe portfolio of this Department was committed to bis charge, its organization involved tbe conduct and management of an army scarcely exceed ing 20.000 meo of regular troops, recruited and officered uoder laws and regalations long eystematixed and perfectly understood. Since be came into office the 'army has awolleo to more than half a million of men I A new organization, with now rules and reg ulations for its government, has been success fully adopted. Under this organization, sub ject to these rules and regulations, this vast body of men has been brought into the Geld, fud, clothed, armed, and reduced effective, with a machinery, designed in the beginning to provide for an army hardly equal io num bers to the present contingent of one of tbe smaller States. A commissariat and quartermaster's de partment was improvised, and rendered in stantly eqnnl to the exigencies of tbe alarm, iug crisis, inaugnratvd almost at the moment he assumed tke direction of our military af fairs. The capacity that organized and admicis. lured the War Department in such a manner us to enable it to provide, as it has done, for tbe pressing exigencies following each other ia such tupid succession, during the last eight months, caonot be other than of tbe highest urder. When it is recollected tbattbe North aud West had been designedly stripped of arms, and of almost even means, both of of fence and defence, by tbe traitor Floyd and coadjutors, it becomes a subject of admiration with candid men, how the present Secrnlury wis able too timet tbe almost awful emergen cy of our situatinn, which met him at the threshold of his office, with the promptitude and eoccefs which have crowoed his tff rts. Siuce tbe days nf Louis XIV., and bis great ministers of finance and war, Colbert and Lonvois, the resources and energy dis played by Secretary Cameron, in creating, fuedicg, clothing, and equipping such a host as is now io arms to uphold tbe Uuioo, have bad no paratM. It 13 trie that Secretary Chase bora a full bare of the responsibility, and has been ldrguly instrumental in developing tbe finan cial resources of tbe country, and providing for the emergency cast npon tbe nation by the treason of Jefferson Davis and bis uo con spirators. But, conceding to Mr. Cbasa all that is dun to Li in for purity of purpose, in tegrity, and tba transcendatit ability with which he has administered the finances, it is to Simon Cameron ajid (Jen. Scott that we owe it, that tbe Cnpitol was saved from the degradation of falling into the bands of the Confederated traitors, who had contrived its seizure. It it) to Uen. Cameron, also, it is Jje that we now have an army on foot able to hold treason in check in every part of tbe country, aud assail it ia the very seat of its origiu uud power. Tbe chroniclers of the future, when they come to speak of tbe treasoo of Cobb, b loyd, Thompson and Toombs, and the aid uud comfort tbey received ut the bands of James Buchanan, through either weakness or wick tdoess, or both, and tbe destitute condition of the North io troops, munitions aud arms. If truthful, must over award to tbe Secretary jf War the credit doe to bis great energy, (treat ability aod uncommon devotion to the cause of tbe Luion. Mill tiia liul ruf-t nrt allurva ttiat hia itmim'a. traliun of the Department was characterized by overwbeloiiug extravagance, improvident ci, f ivoritimn, aod, particularly in awarding contracts. None of these charges, involving criminality, have ever been established. On tbe contrary, wherever they have been specific, the charges bave been traced to disappointed bidder, for contracts, or to persounl hostility, and have been wholly disproved. This has been tbe case in every instance. Uut tbe charges of extravagance and im providence, failing those of fraud and favorit ism, bave beeu tbe more loudly insisted opon. Were we to admit those charges, it would hardly detract from the well earned character for ability and patriotism achieved by tbe Secretary of War. We bave seeo that when the administration of the War Department was committed to his band?, treason was already iutrenched in ita strougboldi), bad orgauized a large military force in advance, bad removed tbe army and navy from the points where tbe conflict was to begin, and bad stripped tbe North and Weal of arms and munitions, whilst it bad stored the forts and garrisons of the South with every kind of military stores and warlike materials. A scheme to seize the Capital bad been likewise projected and orgauized. To meet the preparations of tbe conspira tors, Hie Federal Government was virtually without an army, navy or military stores. - Scarcely eigbt hundred regular troops could be got together to save tbe city of Washing ton from a coup de main, on tbe part of tbe Confederate traitora. Kveryting had to be, as it were, created for everything which could bave oiinietered to tbe salvation of the Government bad been removed. Tbe treas- urv was almost aa void of money, through the frauds of Cobb, Thompson aod Floyd, as tbe public depots were of arms aod munitions. The laws made for country at peace were illy adapted to state of war of such magni tude as tbe one wbicb treason bad been long providing for, and which it bad now declared, or. at least, commenced. In addition to this. the machinery of tbe various Departments of tbe Government long accustomed to run in tbe same track, bad become fixed and almost Indexible. It was under such circoaof taoce. that Gen Cameron was called on to organize, equip and place aa army iu the field tea timet greater thin bad ever been called to arms before. Tbere were do magazines or provisions : the great armories aod depots from which tempo- rary supplies might bave been drawo were cither in tbe immediate possession of the nemy, or within bis easy reach. Yet not withstanding this unfavorable and dishearten log state of tbiogs, an army tqnal to the xigenuy was raised, armed, clothed aod fed, aud Is now so pell disciplined, and ia a Hate of such efficiency, aa to promise apeady rictory to tbe Union cause. Under tucb slate of things, who that Is Cnt either ignorant or unjnet, could expect . rt at th tbva.sfld CcUucl. for .td'.te, tML. Ing, arming end transporting such afore could bo mad io a moment on terme at favorable and with the tarns providence aod caution, aa if It bad been dooa Id pursuance of a system long Io use, and adequate to tbe magnitude of tba Dew and pressing exigency rf tbe impending crisis f Not only was the old system inadequate to the new state of thing., but wat on the contrary a hindrance and a drawback In the performance of tba vastly extended duties of th Deppartment. Tba jjecietary, therefore, instead of tnoviog onward in th beaten track, with agentt trained to pace a given roond, was compelled io the midst of a widely extended, growing and formidable revolutino. to change en old system and introduce a now one. capable of providing for th exigencies or in times. With aril these new and complicated duties on bit bands, It it wonderful if tome of the agentt entrusted with management of th vast machinery of the department were im provident, or even corrnpt T It is qnite pos sible that tbere have been nnfaithful and incompetent agents, and that th Govern. ment hat been wronged by them. In lik circumstances, wat it ever otherwise, io this coantry or any other t No honest or candid man will assert that it was. And every intelligent man will wonder bow so mnch was accomplished, with means so inadequate, and with to tew just cense or complaint. Looking In a spirit of candor at the magni tude of the transactions of the War Depart ment and tbe results that have been achieved, the friends of Gen. Cameron may point with priJe and admiration to tbe success of bis administration of the Department over which be has presided. II is integrity Is unsullied and his ability will be sooner or later acknow ledged by all men. C. THE AFFAIR OF THK NAillVILLK ASD 1HK IIAtlVtY BIRCH. The affair of the Rebel steamer Nashville, and the ship Harvey Birch, of which we received tome particulars per last steamer, created considerable sensation in England. Tbe details of the afJuir are thus given by tba Sontbampton correspondent of the Lod don Timts ; About eight o'clock last Tnesday morning, (19th October,) wben in latitude "id dec. C mm. XNortn, longitude U deg. Di mm. West tbe Nashville fell.io with the American ship Harvey Kirch, Uuptain JNeison, bound Iroin Havre to New York, in ballast, with the American flag fjying. She ran alongside of hor, and, as was stated to os, opened her ports and ordered tbe ship to heavo to, the flag to be hauled down, aud tbo captain to come on board immediately. t bis was done, and Captain Nelson soon returned to bis ship with orders front the captain of tbe Nashville fur all the crew to get their things ready as soon as possible, and go on board tho Nashville, as they intended to destroy the Harvey Iiirch. Tbey were allowed an hour or an hour and a hull for this purpose, and got part of their things out. J be men from tbe steamer took niost of tbe provisions, with the ship's chronometer, barometer and some of the charts, permitting Captain Nelson to retain bis own chronome ter, but be bus lost $1200 or $1400 worth of persoaul efjocts, books, chart?, kc. They then set fire to tbe ship fore and aft, apparently in tbe deck bouses, end the vessel was soon io Games from stem to stern. The three masts were seen to go over the side, and the bull was etiil burning when the steamer left her. Thn Harvey Iiirch was a fine full rigged ship, of 1,487 tons Americun measurement, and cost about $125,000 in her construction. She bad a total of twenty nine souls on board, including .Mr. Blydenburg, (a eon of her owner,) who was a passenger, Captain Nelson, two mates, two boatswains, cok, steward, carpenter, aod twenty seamen. The men were put iu iron.i on board the steamer, with the txceplinn of the captain and mate, wbo Were treated with great politeness, and kept as prisoners until tbe ui rival of the vessel here this morning when tbey were immediately landed in the docks, and set at liberty, with all tbe personal effects belonging to them. It is Elated th.it before they were put io irons the Confederate oath was tendered to tbe men, which they refused to tako, hut Captain Nelson tells us that be is not aware of the (act although it may bu correct. Ou leaving the Nashville, Captain Pegatm told Captain Nelson that he honed thev would not part bad friends, for what bad been done was a simple act of retaliation on the Northern States for invading their territories, burning their bouses, ill treating tbeir women, and stealing their negroes, and they were hound to retaliate on the properly of the North in every way they could. A Nkw Tkkt. Mr. Win. II. Richardson has invented a very beautiful and complete tent, which approaches nearer to furnishing the comforts end conveniences nf a bouse than anything we have seen. It is made somewhat after the style of the Government tent, (the Sibley), hut bus greater cupacity and bead room. Just overhead is a larse canvas shelf, on which all the baggage way oe couveuienny arranged, entirely out or the way. On the pole is a very ingenious Con trivance, which readily expands into a table of five feet diameter, although when closed it occupies abont as many inches. Against the wan oi tue tent are shelves lor books, iokstnnd, pitcher, io. A curious coutrivance on the top of tbe tent enables the occupant io cuange me air lustanlly at discretion. Ventilation is further increased by wiudows, wbicb answer for look outs. A very neat and compact cot, which is adupted also lor a table or shelf, furnishes a comfortable and conveni ent couub. The plan of beating is new aud curious. Tbe pole wbicb euDnorta the lent ia ft hollow tube, and answers admirably for a i-mumey io iue small wood stove at its foot. Tbe base of the tent is fifteen feet iu diame- ler and it will accommodate from sixteen to twenty men, nltboogb it has been prepared expressly for oCiceers. It may be pitched or struck in five minutes, occur.iea !.. inr than tbe Sibley and weighs about ninety. five pOOnde. It is Water-Droof and milden nrnnf and would be a most ncret.tul.U The plan could be extended to provide large tents for sutlers' stores, churches, 4c. A Rebel GnataiL Dkad. A letter from Port Royal announces the death of (leneral DraUoii. wbo had command of the rebel forcei at Port Royal. It is said he was wounded in the furl. and died on the retreat. He was a man of erent wealth and large military experience. Kentucky has now thirty full regiments of loyal troopa in 'lie field, ready to fight, besides a good many fractions of regiments forming. m New Advertisements. Eule oil the Heirs of HENRY WEAVES, deceased. NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY, SS. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania lo heirs and legal representatives of Henry Weaver, late of Rush township, in said couuiy, deceated GREETING i WHEREAS by an inquest duly awarded by the Orphai.a' Court of the county aforesaid, the real estate ol the said lienrv Weaver, was ap praised at and for the turn of Aud whereas, none of 111 heirs of th aaid deceased, appeared in Court, on the return of the aaid inquisition, to take th premises therein mentioned at tne appraisement. Vou and eveiy of you are therefore hereby cited to be and ap pear on the first day of licit term at 10 o'clock. A, M-, and refuse or accept th aaid estate at lb valuation and appraisement thereof or abow caua wbv lua asm abnuld not be suld Wiiaesstbe Hon. A. JORDAN, President of said Court, at Suuburv. ibis ISih November. A. D. IHflt. ) h MS-i:(, n,.kO. C. fitUurj, Die. 7, leCi--. LIST OF JURORS FOR JANUARY TERM, 1862. GRAND JURORS. Daniel 8 Kraner, Delaware Kdward Hoy, Tnrhut Peter Oorge, Lewis 4 Robert Campbell, Upper Augujla 6 Henry P. Fullmer, Turbut 0 William Brindht Sunbury 7 Michael Feratcrmacher, Lower Mahonoy R Charles V Helfenatein, Coal 9 Jacob T Hill, McEwensville 10 Jonathan Klinger, Mt. Carmel 11 William Keehaeh, Lower Mahunoy 13 Freeman W Sober. Shamokin 13 John W Young, Milton 14 Henry Sharp, Mount Carmol 15 Jacob O Deck, Sunbury 16 Peter Herman, Lewis IT Henry Haas, Upper Mahonoy 15 George Krlck, 6'hamokin 19 Andrew A Heim, Zerbe 50 Jacob HolTa, Turbut 51 David Sterrick, Northumberland S3 Philip Hoff, Rurh 24 John B Snyder, Milton 24 Robert McCormirk, Turbut. TRAVERSE JURORS. 1 Peter Keefer, Northumberland 2 Nathaniel l.ytel, Ken., Lower Augusta 3 Emanuel Arlman, Turbulville 4 Jacob Mnury, Coal A Henry Gillinger, Shamokin 6 Bemjamin Stepp, Jackson 7 Cephas P Girtin, Turbut R Jacob Leiseiirlng, Shamokin 9 George Whinner, Lower Mahonoy 10 Oliver B Hoffman, Coal 1 1 William Startwl, Upper Augusta 12 John Snyder, Lower Augusta 13 Abraham Kurvis, Lower August I t George 11 Troutman, Jord.iii I ft John B Snyder, Lower Auguata 16 (ieorge Shall, Mount Carmul 17 Samuel Uennage, Cliillisquaque 18 Daniel Bloom. Lower Auguata 19 Charles Hoy, Milton SO Henry 11 LaUha, Jackson 21 George Forrester, Upper Auguata 22 Henry J Gnvkins, Northumberland 23 William Wilson, " 21 William Clicrrington, Coal 25 Casper Ailnm, Sen., Sliamnkin 2fi Samuel Mi . inch, Chillinquaiiue 27 Silns Ruinbach, Delaware 2H Tohiaa R Cauley, Milton 29 Jucob Leisenriug, Northumberland 30 Samuel Wagner, Little Mahonoy 31 Samuel Linebach, Lenia f!2 Hunter N'ewberry, Sunbury 33 John H Adams. Upper Mahonoy 34 David Everett, Mount Carrn.1 35 fclias Pnierich, Lower Auguata 36 WillUm Clark, Rush 37 Daniel M Schwartz, Jordan 3t George iaker. Lower Auguata 39 Isaac Frederick, CliillUqunque 40 Doviil N Lake, Coal 41 Solomon Falck, Upper Mahonoy 42 John W Dassler. Sunbury 43 Samuel Blain, Turbut 44 John Houtz, Milton 45 I'arnsworth Reed. Shamokin 46 Robert C Campbell, Runh 47 Nathan Haas, Upper Mahonoy 4H Andrew Lalicrty, Lewis. PETIT JURORS. 1 Charles TCramm. Milton 2 John W Bucher. Sunbury 3 Andrew Overpeck, Turbul 4 John C Lytel, Lower Auguata 5 Henry Treoti, Washington 6 Benjamin Gearhait. Rush 7 Joseph Hollnpetcr, Delaware N Isaac Drumhelli-r, Lower Augusta 9 William Giwler, Lower Augusta 10 Christopher C Ryan, RuaU 1 1 John Runkel, Shamokin 12 David Kshbnch, Lewis 13 Benjamin F Vosiine, RuU 14 Alexander Gufly, Delaware 15 Chailes Horn, Milton 16 W'illium Muenrh, Shamokin 17 John Kiehl, Lower Mahonoy IB Knoch D Raker, Little Mahonoy 19 Thompson Drr, I'pper Augusta 20 John F Klir.e, 21 Jonathan Vount, Milton 3 George Fasliolt, Lower Auguata 23 William HolT, Rush 21 Anthonv Buttineer, Mount Carmel 2-'i Isaac Philip', Jordan 2fi Hiram Shearer, Turbul 27 Daniel D Hileman, Lower Auguata SK Samuel Lnrch. Lewis 29 Josiah Bird, Coal 30 Paul Dewitt. Lower Ancujta 31 Samuel Barrel, l.owe. Mahonoy 32 John Buyers. Sunbury 33 Andrew Haurk, Lower Auguata 31 William C Kennedy, Coal 35 Sniiiuel Snyder, Sunbury 30 William (i liubina. Point. Eegister's Notice- "jVOTICE is hereby given to all Legateea, Cre ' ditora and other persona interested in the following estutce. that the Exerulors, Administra tors and Guardian of the tame, have filed their accounts with the KegUter of Northumberland county and that thev will be presented to the Orphans' Court uf ,M county on Tuesday the Till of January next, in the forenoon ol thai day fur confirmation, to wit : 1. Jones Alfred J., settled by bis Guardian. lohn Haughawout. 2. Fox Frederick, deceased, settled hy bis Ex ecutors, Charles and Willum Fox. 3. Ecklcnian Francia, dee'd, settled by bis AdntiniKirator, Win Roahang. 4. Fullmer Eve Barbara, dee'd, aellltd by her Administrator, John Porter, Esq. 5. Harwick Hannah, dee'd, settled hy her Administrator. Andrew Polluter. 6. Haas Elizabeth, settled" by her Guardian, Wm. Deppin. 7. I'.lias Woodruff, Jec'J, settled by his Ex ecutor, Jesse eygcl, H. Snyder Jarot, dee'd settled by Jos. Snyder, one of the Administrators. 9. Smith John, sr., (partial account,) settled by hia Administrator. Daniel Smith. 10. Malitk David, settled by his Guardian, David Malick, 11. Masse r Henry, dee'd, (partial account,) settled by H. B. Masser, one of the Executors. 12. Samuel Keyaer, settled by hia Administra tor, Michael Mi-Ghee. 13. Silas S. Farrow, dee'd. (partial account) settled by his Executor, Amandus S. Miller. 14. William Cornell, dee'd, settled bv his Ex ecutory John Cornell and Abraham Shipman. J. B. MASSEtt, Reg'r. Sunbury, December 7, 1861. PROCLAMATION. IVOICK is hereby given that tho aeveral ' Courts of Common Pleas, General Quarter Sessions ef the peace, and Orphans' Court, Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, in anu lor me county ol rkorlliumherlKiid, lo commence at the Court Hiuus, in the borough ol Sunbury, at 10 o clock, A. M. on Monday, the Ctb day of J A N U.-Wt V, next, and will continue TV O WEEKS. The coroner, Justices of the Peace and const a bles in and for the county of Northumberland, are requested to be then and there in their proper per sons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, and other remembrances, to do those things to their several oilices appertaining to he done. And all witnesses prosecuting in behalf of the Common1 wealth against any prisoner are also requested and commanded to be then and there attending in their proper persons to prosecute against hiin, as shall be just aim not to depart without leave at their peril. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their attendance, at the time appointed agreeable to their noticea Given under my band at Sunbury, th 30lh ilav uf Nov., in tbe year of uur Lord one thous. and eigh hundred and aixty-one and th Independence of th Coiled States of America tbe 85tb. God save th Commonwealth. DAVID WALDRO.N, Sheriff. - irifT OflSr. Punburv, 1 .vc. :-r, 11. ) THE HEW YORK WEEKLY TIMES. SINGLE COPIES fi-TVVO COPIES FOR TIVK . copiks for aa. Tk Cheapen and lift Family and General Xtwspaptr in the United SlaU$. The New York WEEKLY TIMES la a largs ana . foully printed quarto stitet. of eight psjes, or lortfiaM oiilunins, deulod to Politics, l.iteratuis aiid baneta! ISawa, and intended to be Ilia beat aa well 111 Caipat Family ISawapaper ui Un Hulled Stairs. The first aiinortba 1I.MB.1 ia, aud wilt always be, to . keep in iead-ra tb-Tcgthly aud roliubly pneboi up.aa everything which may happen, of general iutereet, ia any part ufthe Wutld. It summenUi lull) and Ireely aptm all topics ! importance in every depaiinwnl uf public action, and alwaya in the interest of freedom, Older, and th I'ublic Uuod While iu Influence will In unifuimly conser vative, itedvocatesevery uieuauia of Just aud beneficent Progress, and resist the increase, extension, or perpetun tiou ol Siuvwy, as of everything else incompatible with the hiikrit welfare ol the whole community. While 1 1 reports promptly and accurutely all inlelligenceuf general interest iiieverydeparlmrutolliuinutiactivity.it never pandereto viciutislit.lea,Hiid exclude from ita Columns everything that might render it unife or improper for general Family perusul. it seeks lo promote the general welfare by urging the claims of t- ducaiion, Morality and Religion upon the masses of the people ; and iu all its discussions, it eHdeavnrs coluiuint ly l be guided and controlled hy Uie spirit of moderatiuti, patriotism and common sense. In its Uorrespnitdenct-, both foreign 'and Pomeitie, the Timi-s ia contested to be superior to ahy other American Journal Its Kepmta nf CongrcssiiamlaiHl Legitiauve pro ceedings, ol Fnuuicial, Cummcicial and . . General Intelligence of important LkI and Criminal Trie's, and of winters timy have spccml intciest for the great body uf tiiu uom rnuiiity, areiuil, prompt and reliable. Fltpecial attention it devoted lufull, accural and Uuat Worthy reports ol tbe Live Slock anil Product Afarlett, for which a tpf-cial corpa of Reporters is maintained A L1TKUARV DEPARTMENT. wiH lno bo kept up, embracing Standard Nove a and Talea, and niiacetluneuua adeliuna U the liight-at intereit. The Agrirulturnl Department I compiled iVoinovurie ty ol B'uie-. iBMiiyof them iimc'etKiliie to tho Ameucnn lea tier, and luruiuhea valuuble uilurniutiuii to tti l-'ariucr aiK -i:if(U'iitr. The Wei-kly Timet will lie tent to iubac libera iu any part the country uu tiic foliuwuig leinia: Hingle Capita 92 a year. Two ff:j a year, V ive u S5 a year Anv perami who will aendua a club of TEN iubucnbcri, at SI each, ihull receive an extra copy fur hunauif or may return One Dollar aahn cuiiipeitftution. THE NEVV-yoUK DAILY TI.MKS, I pubhihed Every day except Purmay, anil ia aent to aut cntirra by mailut Si Oollaia & year including Sunday edit luu 87. THE SEMI-WEEKLY TIMES, Puhiinhcd i n Tuesday and Kridnya, and cmtHining eight pHgani rinding mutter in uvci y uumlici , ia aunt urub luiibrriat the following rulea : Fitigle enpica t3 Twu copiea -83 Anv per ii who will aand na a clab uf Five aubtcribera muv receive tin extra copy tor hnnaeii, or rttutiii Two Dollnit and a Hull tin his cun.peiiKUi".!. Tfm Cash iiiVHrmhly iu h1vhuco. All k-uura t he addressed to It. J. RAYMOND k Co., liti,,ueiors oi Uie Aew-Vuik Tiuus," iNew Voik Ciy. Nov. 30, Ibtil. THE .NEW YOKK TIUIiU-NE. KW V0LUMK. On the seventh of September. 1S01. The New York WKICKLY TlUUUNEc jnineiiced the tweuty.fi at year ul ila existence; TheUuily Tribune being aomu months older and Lhu Semi- Weekly Tnbui.e aoinewhal younger. r or more limn twenty je;tia, mis jnurmti iiha Liooreu in whut ilsconduotors have IV It ti be the cURe of litiniiJiiits'. Justiceuiiii Krueduin, endeuvoriig to iiieiiirute the C'mUt tion ol the oppressed and unh'Ttunttlr, i bonr and en cnuruL'e nifeiul exeition in wiuitevei sphere, and, to pro- mute bv ull nieuns the moral, intellectuul and imucritil art- Vsiiicuinentol ourcimutry. It Uaa aimed to be nglitrulher I hun ptpul4r,uiid to c-pouaeui.d (."'inmc.io to un tne u itili that oiiierH inttv not be williinc lo ui't'ept till to-mutrow. li(purt.uniK Uiibccutse, iniMt.ikt-a have dujt'ets been made and Itinl.a coiiuiutled ; but, having in ull titiiwsi'H.-ited our lenders to think und judge lor themaeives rMher than ndnpi blindly our own or otht-ia' coucluii jiih, we b'lieve we may uirly c.uim for Una journal Lhu credit of h:v"3 qualified its readers to detect und expose even ita ov eiioia toueveiop iue inntua 01 me younq uy Ua most geuerut, lliorougli und piucticul Kdueatnin, and m cnour. ut(e and stimulute Tioductive indu.4trt', through free i;riits of Public hands to nctunl sui llera and cullivutors, na uls i ihrouuh the protection ot nmmiture or peculturly exp tsed bruitfiit'S I'roui tN powerful loieign competition, ureuiuoug theanus to which this j rnal h s udhered through gJKt and evil rrjtorL, and wlii- h it steudfusiiy commend to Allien din (Nitriotisni and phibiiiiliropy. Aa to tiie Civil War now deunstutinir nur country, we hold it to have uripiuatetl in a Hebelliun m-ro wunlon, wicked, inexcusable, limn whs ever before krirtwn a He beUion in tho interest of the few agiiinst the- numy a He. bellioii designed to raise high the wuilnof custe uud lighten the ch-Jinaol oppression, l.tiving done nil we could wiih out a auirendei of vi till piinripleto avoid thia Wasand witnessed the forlienrance, tneeknetB. and l-iig aufTering with which the Kederid Governineut sought to avert its horrors, we hold it our dear duty, with that uf every other citizen, to stand by the tintum und its fuirly chosen rulers, and to secondwith till our energies their ctTnls to uphold the f nioit, the Constitution, und tho aupretuucv of the 1.UWR. Aud, though tiie Kebeniou li'is becotut, litr usurpation, deception, lerionstn in id sp"tl;tti"ii, feurfully stroiiR. we believe the Aiiirii.-itn Hepubhc fur stronger, and tliut the un;iniiuus, eurnest eiT 'rts of lnt henrls and hands will insure its overthrow. Jiut nu all questi-iis uf fectinic the objects, tlieseopt;, nud durution of the most ex iruordtnury contest we refer to those whom the Aiiieucaii people Ktivecl. tlnd with nath'-rity, h 'l.Urg Buity of pur pose and of act ion uioitpei: ibl in s,ruve an rimMiieuey. In a crisoi like the present, out columns must Ihj intgety engrossed with Itie current histoiy of the Vr for the 1'iiion. nud woh eliicidiUious i.f us urre aliiklnu incidents. We- sinill not, however, remit tlmt attention to Literature, to Foreign AfTnrs, the Acnctiltunil I'r.tgneB, to Crops, Markets, Jtc, Ac , which has atiemly, we- trust, won lor The Tribune an h-noiuble position tm,ntr its co tempora ries. Our main object is and shall la to produce a com prehensive n wsi aper, from which a careful render rr.ny gie.in a vlvd and fnithrul history of tint times, not merely in the domain of Action but in tint of Opinion aUo. As our luciliitrs fof uctjuiring iufonnutioii ii if reuse with years, we trust ihnt nu imaiuveinent in the content h of nur journal is perceptible, and Unit, in (lie vnriely uud fuliueas ttf iu telbifence hfTotdcd. we m?iv still hope to make each d.iy a critic on the lust. 11 In this hope, we solicit a continuance ufthe generous meusuieof putron;.ge hitherto accorded to our journal, TERM 3 Puily Tribune (31 1 issues per annum) f 4 Setnt-Weekly (Mi 4 " tai Weekly d'i " " To Clubs Semi Weekly : Two copies fr (A, Five fortflli!5. Ten copios to one uddrcss lor 80, nud any lurcei numUf ut the Inner rate. For a club of Twentv. an extra c pv will be sent. For a club of Forty, we send I the Ihtily Ti mune grutiaone yenr. Weekly: Three copies Air 5. V.'fUt copies for SlO, and any larger number ut the rate of ft) A) eneh per annum, the paper to be addressed to earh sunscriber. To clubs of Twenty we send nu extra copy. twenty copies to one undrew for SW, with one extrv to bun who sends us the club For each club One tluu drec, Tiie Uuily Tribune wilt be sent grulis for one yean " neu iiimiii vim ut procure" n is inucit surer ttiau to re mit Ihiiik IJihs The iiHinat of ihe Tost Oilice and State should in ull cnt-e be p'uinly written. I'aymrutaiwiiva in nnvHiiet. Addren, TH fa: l l 1 U UN No. to4 Nuasnu Street, New York. ORPHANS'' COURT SALE. IN pursuance uf an order of the Orphans' Court ol Nmlliunibcrlaiiil cuunly, will be fxiioseil to public sale, on the premisea, on Saturday, the I I 111 day ot Uerrmlwr next, all (hat the undivided half of a liini-stone lot, situate iu Jordan town- hip, Northumberland county, loundrd on the North hy land nf Mows W ert, on the West by linds of Ellas Herbert and tMmon lieimer, Moulh by lands uf Moses Weil, and lust by lamia of Samuel 1 1 1 a I J i- r and raid minora, conlainiiig altogether twenty perches, on which is erected a I. line Kiln. Also, an undivided interest in another limestone lot, siiuatn in anine township, hounded on the Kasl hy lands f (Samuel Hush, Aorlhby landa of .Moses Wert, West hy lauds of Sumtit'l Shatter and lot ah.ive described, and ojuID by lauds of Mosrs Wert, containing ten perches, altogether, more or less, on which is erected a Lime Kiln being the estate of minor children of William llohurr. Sale lo coin mr nee at 10 o'clock, A. M-, of sui J day, when the terms and conditions of sale will be made known by WILLIAM HOFFMAN, Guardian, By order of the Court, Court, ) erk O. C-, 3, 1H6I. J U. MAKSKK, Clerk Sunbury, ov. S3, Widows' Election under the $300 Law. XTOTICE is herehy given ihst apjiruifetnents ' of real and uersonal rroiertv have heen made to the widows, respectively, of the followiiig named decedunts, atjreealdy to the acta of Aaseui' bly, in such cases made and provided 1. (julschall John, deed. 3. Knanp Michael, dee'd. 3. Cameron James, dee'd. 4. Kverelt Jair.es, dee'd. -6. Kline Isaac 1), due'd. And that tha sains will be presented to tha Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, for approval, on Tuesday, tha V4lh day of January next, unless exceptions be tiled thereto before aaid day. J. Ii. MAhSlOh, C'l'k- O. C. bunhury, December T, lbOI. Eafale cfVm- BUC'iii ly, dec-cHited. "jVOTICE is hereby given that letters testa mentsry, bsve len issued to the subscriber, on the estate of illiam McCsrly lata of tha borough of Sunbury, Northumberland county, deceased. All persons indebted to said eslaie or having claims on tha sama, will present them for settlement to tha undersigned. KACHEL McCAKTir. A lminislratni! funhury, I'ettrober 7, 1861. Suitable for the Times ! T IJ Li U3E1VALLED AfeSO&TMEST O P FALL WINTER GOODS SOLD AT THE MAHM0TH ST0EE O F FRILING & GllANT- W B 8KLI, Ladies' llresa Goods, Csaaimeras, Cloths, tialtiuetts, Hat and Caps, Uoots snd Shoes, Clothing, Hosiery, Glutei Hardware, Quennsware, Saddlery! A.C., lc, (Vc- . G?.CC2?sI2S Fish, Salt and Piaster, Iron and Nails, DRUGS AND MEDICINES, Paints, Oils, Glass, 'Tobacco. Segara, A.eH Ac, Ac, At Prices that UcTy CompctKlon, lor Cash or Country Produce. Wo have selected these Goods with great care, and feel assured that they ara the BEST AND CHEAPEW STOCK OF GOODS ever Ufore cfTtrVd to the public. Examine for j ourselves. Plill.INO &. GRANT. Sunbury, Xovetnlri 83. I . BLACKWOOD'S IIAGAZ1NE l.ltl THK BRITISH REVIEWS. GREAT INDUCEMENTS TO SUBsCIw'BE. PREMIUMS ASD REDUCTIONS. L. fCOTT A. CO, Niw York, ronlinue to publish the following leading Urilisu Periodicals ; 1. The London Quarterly Constrvatiit. 2. The Edinburgh Review HVif.j The North Britith Review Free Church. 4. The Westminster Review Liberal. 6. LlaeLwood's Edinhvrg Mtigotine Tort. The present critical slate of European affairs will render theso publications unusually interest' inn during the furthcoming year- They will occupy a middle ground between the hastily written news items, crude speculations, and living rumors ot the daily lournal, and th ponderous Tonic of the future historian, written alter the living interest and excitement of the great political eveuts ot the lime fhnll have passed away. It is to these Periodicals that readere must look for the only really intelligible and reliable history of current events, and as such, in sihhtion to their well established literary, scieiililV', and theological character, we ure lliun upon the con sii!erution ufthe reading public. The receipt of Advance Micrts from the llrilifh publishers gives additional vulue to these lie prints, inasmuch as they can now he placed in Ihe hands of subscribers about as soon as the original editions. TERMS. (Regular Prices) Per annum. $4 UU 6 00 7 00 8 00 3 00 6 110 7 110 9 00 For any one of the four He-views, Tor any two of the lour Keviews, Kor any three of the four Uuvitws, For all four id the Keviews, Kor Ulaikwood'a Marisxine, For lilackwood and one iteview, For U luck wood uud two Keviews, For lilackwood and three IU' views. For lilackwood and the four lieview, 10 00 Money current in the State where issued will be received at par. The l'ottuge to any part of the 1'niled Sta'es will he but twenty-four cents a year for "Black wood," and but fourteen cents a year for each of the Kevieus. At the above prices the Periodicals will be furnished for 1 K ti "J , and as a PKEMIUM TO .NEW sCPSt'lUBEUS, the Nos. of Ihe same Periodicals for Iwfi0 will be furnii-hed coinpk-te, wih ut a'hlitonal charge. Lnlike the more ephemeral Magazines of the day, these Periodicals lose little by aye. Hence, a-full year of the INos. for leutl, may he regarded as nearly as valuable as lor IK62. .Subscribers wishing also Ihe .Via Tor I I . w ill he supplied at the following extremely low rates : Splendid Ojftrt for 1SC0, 'CI, and 'C2, To-jether. For Blackwood's Magazine, the 3 years, $- 00 For any one lieview, 6 00 For any two Keviews, " H Ull For lilackwood and one Review, H 00 For Riackwood aud two Keviews, " 13 1)0 For three reviews. " 1 1 00 For Blackwood and three Keviews,' 15 00 Foi the four Keviews. IS im For Blackwood and the 4 Keviews, " 17 00 Any uf the shove works will-also he furuishrd lo New friuhscriliers for the year I Noil-, and 9, at one half the regular suUcrii Hon prices. Thus new subscriber may obtain the Reprints of Ihe Four Keviews and lilsckuood iSmen Consecutive Years for 37 ! 1 ! Which ia but little more than the price of Ihe original works for one yea'. As we shell never again bo likely to oiler such inducements as those hire presented, bow is Ihe time lo subscribe ! ! ltrniiliances must, in all rasea, be made diree to the Puhlishera, for at these puces no cum mission can be allowed to snetits. LEONARD SCOTT A. CO.. Mo, 64 Gold street. New York. November S3. Itl. Administrator' .otlec, TsvOTlCE ia heitby pivetithut Irttera of admiidatratMm i having been ranted U tha aubaei ibef tm the eat ate 4 Jacob Fry, jr , Nt d the borough tiunbury. N 'it hum berland Miilv, Pa., doeeuaed. All ptMaiaia mdeMrd ara rrqueated lo muka payment, and thuaa haviua etaiuia tu piMaent thrm f r aetileinent, at the reaideucof the under aiM'ad) uo Haturday tha 4th dar if January, tr64 cmahi I'Sf.AHi.sdt n, a-ib'i. 8iubury, Nrv.hi a, J'l -at ANOTHER ARRIVAL Ot Millinery Goods! at the Htor of BIHaca D. & L, KIIISIiLGR, Btmpaon'a Building, Market qiiare, BUMIUKY, Pa rpilK public ara invited in call and exsmiim .hair MillU J. nv lionets ju.ip-nl such us Lanirs' Ureas Oin .Is' Bilks, and the 1st est ,Nee Yr and I'Suadcliihia styles ladies' rmr.sa caps. FlfltS. Ladies' Ol.irespHi,.ir, llamlkeiuliirla, NnUrnn FluwefS, and Millinery grinds ol every variety. MANTUAMAKl.NO. irui-sn.sd mill. kl msa. nar and in any atyle. wa iiitsiHI to sell low, call and emine rmr stni lt. it. St L. billd.-l.l;R. Sgnlinry, October l, IKI. Imitate triil-Olu;i! m ill 11. tail-, dccciiNeri. TOTICE Is hereby liven that letters nf ad niinistralion having been cranled to the subscriber on the eatsle nf Guorx Martin, Kn , ts'e ot ine uorougn o! nuiiburv, IN orlhurnberlarid cobnty, P., deceased. All persons indebted Id aaid estale are requested to make immediate pay ment, and those having claims lo urcsoiit them duly authentic ited for snitlemeiiL Mrs. 8AKAH Ul.t OM. Adm'lrii. Punhury, fiat. 5, I SHI. ht New Millinery Goods. min 3i. L.. ,i i.t:n, Faten Street, two drmrt unuth. of the filiamAin Valley J- Pottsvillt ll iil Rood, SUNBURY, PENN'A J bbl'r.U I I- .J,I, informs Ihe citirens ot NUN HUH V and vicinity, that she has just received from Philadelphia a larire and si hmlid assortment ot the movt Inshionablc style of FALL AND WXNTEB GOODS, comprising of 113 CD 2i 3" 5J SS3 . U ATS, PEATHEPsi, FLOWERS, TRIM MINGS Ac. which she is selling at the most reasonable prices 'lo which she directs the atli i.tiuii ot the ladies snd invites all to call and see them. Thankful for past patronage, she hnpea by keeping to best assortment at reasonublo pticcs to continue the asms. Suuburv, October 13, lS01.-3.ti NEW YOKK LINKS THE CAMDEN & AM BOY AND rHILADKU'UIA ANU TRENTON RAILROAD CO.'S LINES, From Philadelphia to New York and Way I laces. From Walnut Street Wharf and Keniiugtrrn Depot Philadelphia, will leave as nllows, v.s faks, At 8 A M. Via Camden aud Ainbuy Ctt A Accoin- modntinn, 82 85 At 0 A M, via Ciitnden and Jersey Lity ISew Jcr sey arcoininoilatioii, 2 125 At !H A -M. via Camden and Jrricy city Moriimi: Mail, 3 OH At I' M. via Keniinaton ami Jersey city. U es- tern Express, S 00 At I Ji V M via Camden and Anibny, nccomnn dulinn s to At II P M, via Cuinden and Alnuoy C and A. Ex press, 3 do At Ci F M, via Kensinirton. and Jersey city, Eva- nine Express, U 00 At 4 F M, via Kensinctou and Jciiey city, lid Clliss Ticket, S AtOP M , via Cumdi n A Jersey e it) Ev nine .Mail 3 W) At II I' M, via Cnuiilrn aiiilJeisry eiiy -.mtli .Msrl ii it' At 6 V M. via Criiiiilen anil Anilroy Accoimnr rl:i- tion. (Frciclit and l'assi-iigcr,) Ul clnss ticket, 3 M IIS ' 1 SU The 6 P. M Mnil Line runs dally. Tr.e 11 Soutliern MhiI Sntuntsys excepted. For Helvidere, Easton, Fleinincton. &e .t "! 10 A. M. from Wolnul street vvliurf and P. M , irmn Kniisiiis.tt-ii For .Munch Ctiuiik, Alientowii and Ilellilehiiii, at G, A M via Euliien Vnllev Ituilrond For Wiiter liup, S'.roudskarg, Pcmiitm, Wilkeslwrre Montrose. Great llend. Ac., in T 10 A M, via Deiaware. Eflckiiwiinnii nnd Western Railroad. For Freehold, at 6 A. M. mid 2 I. M. For Mount Holly, at 0 A M-, and 4, P M. WAY LINKS, For Bristol, Trenlnn, Ac., at 7 111 end f) A.M. fij 6 no and 1 1 V M trom Kensington aud 1' M from Wui nut B'jei't v Imrr. ForPalmyrn.Riverton, Delanfo, Beverly, Burlington, Florence, H inleiiiown, he. at 171, 1, 5 end SJ I". M. ISieiinihunt 'rreutou, for Itordeiitowti. nnrl inteiinediate plners, ut U Y M. from Wnlntit street Whnrf. For New York, and Whv Lines leaving Kenainr; tn;i pot, take the caia on Fifth street, nliovt- Walnut, IihII" an ht.'ur before departure. The cms run into the le. pot, and on h.r,ivl ol each Train, run from the depot. if- Fifty pounds ..'f Rin'ence only, allowed each Misreneer, Passengers ore piOh.'l'ileil from tukinir uuyilnni: as l;ac rse hut their wear.ng apparel. All buanm-e over t.tty pounds to lie paid for txtr.1. The Cnmnany limit th.-lr respoiisiliilily for Bai((n(re to t,',.e Dollur ei pi.und.nnd will not be liable fin iiny amount lieJ'Oi.d 1UI llulUis, ex cept by sper-inl contract WM II. GATZ.MER Agent C. 4: A. it R C.) Nov- 0, Hi. Assessors. rfHE Assessors of NorihuinHertanil county nrc A requested to make return of their triennial assessments to the Commissioner's Oll'tce, on the 27h day of December, "Gl. at which lime there w ill he a meeting of the Hoard of Commissioners. Uy order of the Hoard, W. U. JUKUAi, Clerk-. Comnrissioner's Oilice, ) Sunbury, October 1, 1861. S FANCY FURS!! Joliri l'nrplrtt. 71 Auch S'rer-t, t.-!ween 7.1l., Had Mil., tils., (Late 818 Mart. ct,) Philadelphia. Importer A .!:iinifn?ttir-r of, ami liiilr r niiill kiln's of FANCY Ft'ltS, for Ladies.' Misses,' and Chil dren s e:ir. Iliivin now irmiinfrietnr eil and 1:1 strne. my ustiid istL'i,r'e Ull' btmlti.fi.l uf?.it '-neiit nt a:i tne viirii'iis MI,-L-S jiiH mini ,1 iM.if t' lira -r - .r 3-auimien lo - ii W. .... Wniicr ea i.s, would rcipecifully inuite un exomination of mynlfok nudprif' from those intftnrting to purchase, at I um OHtbltfl lo titer lliem very drsimble induceniriitH. All my" Fun huvv been purohawd for Cash, nnJ mflii uy rxpcriniccii huihi., mw w u c u..c... ........ y Vry small R. vn.u-e oil c.t. 4 . . . I Min wthvd Unit it wouhl be In he mteirat of th e wh.i d.ic puichiiwiF. u g.ve m a can. ...... ry Reci Mertihw name, n imhcr nud s'reet : J. rniiirra. (Nw Fur Store,) 716 Ateti Street, FlLilHjt-tjuiin. Sept7, lMil 5m. SWAIM'S CSLEBSAT3 fIJACA Vot tiie t-ure i-f Scrofuia, Incipient CtiiiKUinjtn-!i, (ienernl Deljihly, While tfivellHitf, Ithvun.Jliafii, Uiat-vi-i-a u( the Liver aud Skin, Hint all Oinentei Aiiaii; 1'mmu Juijuntica ot the Hi-tod und tuv LflcCsi uf Mercury. Pwaim'i ncea hat been fit nire than f 'rtj .ui p:lrt)iulfd in this t"'uuti ai'd i:i Furon t .-.vr-- uiiliiuuy cures, fur tiie cerl-iirMeii if which re:vi'.',u -t u ! iiiH'it l i Uie diiei'iiinia and toka ( wiiitli ncty Im h fil ; (.'tuttwj ucciinnii iug the t'auireu; s..ue f v iw'.i : vi j Die ii.tieuhm vi t-.uta to tMjt.ttlul l-r gi-iierul ..nii.'.M i li.m, where the ianciila have heen bi;nMt th en vuii . bviotulu, nud weie deeiuetJ Mt'Cftible uy 1'iiytn-ui . 11 iiui lieeii Uavcti in h"iuttlB hi., piivute prufir?. di: I !. ii been rccoiniiU'iiUtu by Uie unl c srUiitle.1 rujtur m ,u: (ttiicr t'tnineut je.iaviii Anu'iuj tjihem, tiy V. Ui. t m. M. D., Tn f. Surttry, Prim I liivs-f-i'.y j 'a!ruii,i' M'-'f, M l3 , I'r.'f nf erurcry. . V. I nneitiiv; V. V. wt'ti, iM i)., I'mf. Jtii.l , ':t t'lnvfimiv j N. Cli pi.i im, M. D., I'rt'f. rhyic, Pe.in. tnivi-iity ; T. Iut !.r, M. Hrrtijfiit C.'licgu i'lr. sitiuiii, lJlulu'.it.-t yUm ; Hi, Dei ..m. l'l'-r. ut Mi1ieiiir. Ilivitni j J'se F.'tiiencu oe Uu. I", ol Suigeiy, l.islxMi; J (Vi.nny.ii, .Mni.tr Knjal .'" !urge"U, L'iidt ii ; G. W. Iivmi:, iati M i.iiir lu S;"int ; bir l li.im.ia 1'eir.niti, M tj r oi'iietul h.iti-u Aiwjj ; 0.1 lHrr UuueitsiMi, uritikd l oi.tui. tc. The wondeiful cuiea eiftt-'td hy SVAI.Mi PAN ACT! have for many c:ira made it 'i ri.vaiuuoie ruiucdy. '1'iie PhtincfH dt'en n't eonlniu mercury in any f.titn, Hml, bfiim tin iniioeei.i f'ft-nuuu 11, u may oc givt-u w iae n.uai in,- i dcr iufuit j 'ihe lelail price h ia beeu ledaeed Id 5.. SO per Uu!e, (CJttUiinu.fcj llirt half itiniaj.) or fhty-v U'tiUti f. r 4. uc. Ati is tr tM rpi i iuh Pwnito'a Piuticea m in mund butttea. Uuied longiiu J ii.uLy. Wilt) the f nlli.wii tc leKeia hh.WU ntl lh' p-tu : sWAi.r.s pan eKA-rmi.MA." Iltviug the name of J AS. SUV AIM atatuiieEl mi ihf a-n!:ip wax uml wnitcii ou the label covering ttiecuTk, iumi n art end id engravnuj on tha aide of the b-itle. hy l-'i; i .V 0M bank ii"te eutrrtviva. in iue ccntie t ( whit.ii in a I'. r tiait the lute Wm twiiin, (cii,yiiR'' Ktnu't'h) If pel Hii purt-hacmr thr ranitcrn A ill ! i-niefn! 1 1 oh ii ,e that the wnd frWAl.Nl Ik conrctij apeikd, u.e uttv not be iiniM'ed t u. Alr, PWAIM'S VKnMirfGK. A va'UQbV (aiiHly inedieine, beiut a highly approved i m .' cny ('( an aiveaws urmii't! mi iu oroiiiiy ui tic p.;-!'... .Li c-tua. audi Acidity .f tiie bi'Uiiat-h, Wonui, C lu l-in Mnrhua), Uyaenturv, Fcvrr and Akuc, nieediiia Tilck, k H-idurhe, Ac. See the pamphlet (which uay be hud tH' tia.) aocinipanviup tne Vermifuge. Frrrnred only at SWAIM'S I..ROR ATORV, TIIK M.IHSAM), SOUTH SKVKNTU frTRKKT, HI I-OW t'liKSTMi'T. Philadelphia, ai.djld by mU drutiu in d.e L'mtvd Stalr-a General Ageuta for tha ITrdted Statrs. bCillEFFKIJN UKUTIIFR9 k CO.. ITU William Street, New Yoik. rhil'a, Oct- 8m p. BLACK SILK COATS. tiored Msntlrs, Pniilin Dusirrs, French Xaqnes, Hilk Ussijuinrs, Newest Designs. KsaiW Msds. or Ms.le to OiJtr. COOl'KK A CON ARl, N K. Cnrar Ninth and Msrl.l, l'bila.l lihia. yv is. tti FASCY URSV THE LATEST STYLE OF SPRING AND SUMMER a ARMEZSTTS,1 AHEI CONSTANTLY XyXASfl at tha Fashionable Tailoring Establishment of JACOB O. BEOK- Mnrkct direct, ht ni HV Pa, rHR atiliscrihrf has just received and opensdl A a large aasortnrent bPKI.Mi AiND fUM- MF.K OOOD, such as CLOTHS, op Evr.nv rir,s(ji!ir"iioN a quamtt. Plain and Fatcy CasLimeres. VeEtingg, &c. of Ihe latest styles. In adilitinn lo his stock ha i consiaittly receiving nrw -ii. lies Irnm th eil kef .'iiif a full assoriment nf Ihe most substantial and latest style ot (Jim.J, n t1P rity marketa. He is ure pared to tnalte to order all kino's of ('tulemeii's snd iov's wea-. such a DKErtS I OA J ft, FKOCK-COATH. DUSI-NESb-COATS. Vi:sr rANTA I.OONS. &e. Ae. of th ry latest style, and in the most su'wtan lial rnsiuier, al short notico. Any (iooila not on hand, will be furnished from l'hiladeljl.ia,bv (riving two day's notice. ty (-'nil and examine my siock, no charge made for showing. JACO0 O. BECK. P.inhnry, May II, IPKK - J0SS & CR0SLEY. SOLE MAM.FArri.UEns OF THE IMPROVED OUTTA PKEOHA. 0 E M E iN T HOOFING. The chfaipst bihI mo ri-unMt H fi3 itinna, IlisFIr mtrt VtHter I'ronf. Ii enn ht )Xtie T to lrw und nM K-mf- of nil kuiul, ttd iv ifriii-fjlr lUfoid witlmut toinoving Ui liingtti. Tha Cost is only about Onc-TLirJthat of Tin, nrnl ii in uico Durublc. O U T V A I'KBCHA C K M K N T , For preirvinr? iriil rftir!ta Tinnnd other Mrtnl Rnnft of pvpry d'scriptinn. ir.nn ii uiml iiiOEtU'ily, ia n t injure! by tho riMHPiriion aiw exf nf mcuilt, nud W ill ciiifk n c"lrt ir run in w.irtn ve;iihi. Ttirrt- mattri'tls lutve h-:ii tlntioi glity Imird in New Ymk und ail j-iHrtR of ihe i'Uihtin uml UV-Kferii titles, ai.d we t'Jti give uLuuJaiitjiioufuf all we cluiiu in tlitir They n re readily applied hv or tnnry Iftlnreri. ut Iri ninR ejtitciiss ' NO HK AT !H RnQVIRFD." Th'ne irtRterinUnie put up r;dy for use. and for tMjv ping tonll porta if tim euoittry, with full piiutetl direct on lor uptilicnlifii, Full iW"cri uve eirf-nbrn will he furr'nhrd on dpnlirn. tion by in nil -r in prro-Mmt .ntr Priucipx ('fr.ce mm Warn hmr. ?H WILLIAM tSTKFXT, (Cmuvr of Libty fctrtti,) New York. CRO&LEY. Arkst Washd ! Terms Cuih ! ! Jure 1. 111 W A IS F. G V ej. Rich Figured Parcccp, 19. 25nd 31 cents. liarege Rubes. S3 60, SI 00 and 5 00, Mozambique Hi. bis at !$o Oil, Traveling Dress tioml, tshephartl's i'luids, Mnliuir Plaids. Uingham's, l.awns. Prints, Chullies, lrey Figured (iimils, COOIT.R A COXARD, S E corner Ninth and .Market, rhiladalphla, N li Lest quuliiy Hoop Skirts, 04 cents lo May 18. lrCI. UKBTJY STEAM FLJIRY A N D T ( W IN G II O A T C O M P A N Y. rj'RA VKl.I.EP.S and others ure rfspectfully iulnrmed that the subscriber, in order to ac cotniiind.ite ihe pnblic ar.d facilitate tt&vcl. ha reduce.) tho rates of f.iriuRO o' hia MTEAM I'tCHhy, over Ihe Usijuclitih.i, ot Siuiihutv, Bin! will carry Pajfengnrs, Horses, Carriages, and other vehicles, a, tne following rales, viz t Foot Passengers, each B cents, liorse and hhier, 15 Horse and JJuBgy, 25 ' Two-Horse Cvuveyanci1, ii " Farmers and others, niahing to transport Coal and Produce, can make arrangements, at atili lower rates. A lart(e, safe and commodious Steamboat will run regularly and pruntplly ut all hours of that d:iv, and to accommodate those who dctire to at tcnJ the Churches at ttunbury and Seliiigrovc, the Jioiit will run on ."Sunday, '1 he Stcain'-oj'. will run from Market Street Waif, and piomptly convey l'asengcrs from Lut'.i sides ui the itivcr, nithout delay. The fleam Ferry now oifori! not only a ssfa and cuiivenieiit Imnsit over the Musijuchaiinu, hut also a pleni-ai't and agreeable ride. 1 11A T. CLEM EAT, Lessee and Proprietor. riimbury. May 25, lstil, "TTOViiS ! STOVES !i FOR BALK AT THK INDL'dTitlAL STOVE WURKS Nn. 93 North find Street, IMtihiMiilitn, i-iijicsite Clir.sl's Cliareh, tiie :n-st eetobruted Has c-.iimiiiii.il' I'.H-liiiie and tie-iinis M..ws the !-iy. LLHIUH. Vli.KK COM. I't.KTl-l. ami nil olliel Cookii,u; and tlciitniC M.-V'ts. All nt' v.'tiich are iiutirautcea to give eulilo s itislauiou. Pieane eivu ine a cull. W.M. C. .NEMAN. Oct .ber 13, IHil. 3m j e. e. Entirely Vegotatle. I7o Alcoholic Prepa-xation- GERMAN IMTTERS, i'teparttt hy DIl. J ( KM Ac H , I iiliui.-lphia, IViin'a. Vv iil tiltciiuilly cure i.ner Crit.punni, Uki;ep. birj, J i ji.iie, ': ironic or .Nervous Debility, Dittfuo el tho Kuliii yj, v. ml ull Jt icau arising ficiU it tUoriltTcii Livf or tuincli. t'H'.-hns CwiiNi'i'utii.ii, IiuvarJ !iUa, i'u'nts it BI..J w t'ltflltutl. Aialuy -i U;u irtt'ii::i':li, NitUi't-u, ilitrtliuiii, Uihk.i'"' t'T Ft". U. FuL.er'a rr Vt-;u) I in !!;s ?-ti it'.ii.i'i. Ki-lM-.v.x. hkn-i? l FmitUil-jf at the Pit .-t ii-.vH'tnt f-M'.uu.t.i lhUc.j:l, Cu ,r Si;.rof.MUM ,., H 4vl.R r-b.ii.iKht ..f Vwm.h. ! i . , t u H i lu, r il.e jm:, l-x-i and iuU T in ti, 11 in-) I .V-jvjI-.I.. II, V trie 'Wilt Ml li 'l.O Snill I u'H, t'ui i iu the r-.il: . U.iLf. t. urpi, Liim-i, v , Sad. cI.mi 1' annua t i iJt'.:t, buiuni in the t-'hHti, I'-iiiM-tj.t tinn p.siiig3..t nu.! ifii t Ut; ifr.-'i'Mi tf Saints, .nui will i-..-miely nraviit KLUAV i- UVI-U, lilLloLb fl.- 'i ::e li'Vr!;,f"r 1,1 ,'u "t'e ili.m nf ihe j.uMictO ti." j p! i in a! j-1 i . i i-M'i i.illii I.'ci.i-K i 1 li:e ui.ii- il cu iid. .ii iu iiut j i' ii in!.; itilu u U tne uttfct fur wmrhil r'-f'Uiii'i ..cV'.l. It ii u i iiv v m il ui. riol srlii h. Tt't M' tl'nt I n itiH-d t'.tt-)t I m I V' -f '.'iri'1 ti lit !i':u the Anitr't"!! pfy lic, ..'"i iif" r-jiui.ttU'ii :inti fnh stfj u.n'svallcd hy miy tttuiiur j ri-( :ir.iti' , t-. 'i. 'I i c n-cunv-i-y in 't ( jvor givm hy t;,e UK-ct j.r ui isf t .-.ti w:u-i;i; wu l'h ;t iait and iiio.- in ; :i- ii L..e cmiv .iuiu.-i.f. um.I u r tre. Ii.l i.,-. ..(il' i n e .Viinnu.il! - in ( ;...iiL! ty the - . jillt .iiir(i L. j ; j( ,ut ..i ,s, i .v lu..l er-.o i I u:'V t Uitir Atrchia. t'it t'ie un m sctit'..! litat this mt tiy ia rea.iy U' SCI Vi' 1 l.ivT I r-'.t fi-l'l'l I! .t lii'K M'l-U t ' iiik h irFxcK.. , Ftan J. NV.t u n Kn un, 1 1j , wt ut tl.e Encyclic A'llK'iiril) ni't ii !--; -PfJ it (:iv-r T uc inuind Tateut Mcii x'lurk In ui liir.Mitii tli-tiunt of theii ii-p'?diiiva , unJ ui es, 1 vi tiii.tw iff h' u:ri''iii.i rtii -!! w ny uum I u. nj ii' itu.l..v I't tut-i-cr.vtu lit ir.ifve iiimxeli t iiisvj received i run ui.y hiiufh- pi-tj-urjui; n, :n ihe uoj e il-ai ha ' 1U.IV fnl!' H'illr I I tt.s Irjul' ! t'ti.ClK I 1 it" litlt lilf UK. IC IfiliUl) III tl-alHsd 11 'ftt0-ld' G'T I M.t... li i.ii.)I .... ).v l.r I M J.i.Uin.i.1 If.lli.'.'X. A 1 i..-ni'is.f I i it-'i:r.rt il "n il.vit. f- r rai, u..dei itie ( nui'it'Ku.n i,a' i. t wnf uitivilv a.'.'h"i.e ii.iAiurn. I I n.u tuil-h''l lo i.i fin-ml ft tc-i Sh'eini'iii.i, l'tt,.. In r 11 IrilloVil t In s iNllt-r I V HI I'rf Usts. Ull.l ! Sjcri.t' .1 -4r iheiii, wi. , -il bi.il. 'ti-s In-ill iriwt "d t.kf .- i. lull. ;l . Vti') l.u- aw !' !Juf 1..HII..S .-1 li.r irs. ui li. Iu jiii-iiii!. .'I tin- ir i.-.tl v-iir, wis . : Hit, by ri i.isiit leu. i, in.d I'ff. i 'ii I" a d-im W l'i.ily sn.1 ".iU i . r v 1 ( ii I i..J ii 4 Mi I .. iii.-nii.s 11'- r a. ul li.i 1 1,1114. -ti !. s, ;,ln 1 '( ircainmir. 1 ilinrf-rr t lunik Gi1 i "I ii. 1 fill nd . r lira-li.ia i" r use in iWm I in.jJ ii . Jiii:i--M. I ki. i Ni.W'l O.N BHUW.V. Ai'usl 111, I lil 1 ST" MIClIOLA-d HOTEL, Uroadwuy, Nrtc Yuik. I'o ir-.l IU':ccod lo Si a Day. biiire tii! 0)enins uf this vast slut r uniinnJious lluti'l. in lb."i4, il lias bctn the s.nglu imli-svr uf Hit) iiti;iiflor u n.ake it tiie most snmi'luuus, convenient anj ctimlortat.le hurtie for Ilia ciiin-n ai-J sliancor un lliissitio ilia Ailanaic And whalrvcr lius sfriin J liai'v Id u.linintrle r to ihe cuiu'uil of ils guests tlitty eiulcavuriul, wiili.tiit rtrj to cost, Iu rivit!e, anil tj combine all tl a cirmciitsol imliviiJiial und social enjoy un-i.t nhit li inndorn srthds iriVci.U'J, snil mui'i-iu lasi ai'tu'tv f J ; si! J tha imlronsse wl.ii'h it liss commanded during the past sit yrurs j i ii stilling ijiuvl lliai tlitir clfort ha been appreciati'd. Tu uu-l ma eiijjvnci.s of (lie times, when all ara reijuirrd It practice tha most nsid eionoinj, tha undrrsignrd HAVK RKDUL'EU THK PIUCE OF BOARD TO TWO DOLLARS PER DAY, at th aa. tims ahsliiii; nous of ih.luiuries IU svlilch tlieir labia has hitherto heon supplied. IRKIDWH L, WiUTCOMB A O. Oct. 17. Ian1 - I iui.