PROCEEDINGS OP CONGRESS. Waphinoton, Djc. 2. Houpc Th Hoti opened at noon with irnyer by the lint. Mr Stockton. The roll r.f members wag then Culled b)' the elerki One hundred and fourteen member answer d to their Dtmni, including Mesr. SarReant and Phelps cr California, Mr. Hooper of MaHdclinBelts, Mr. Wilson of Iowa, and Mr. Ueroeieel, delegate from Utah, and Mr. Cra' llwbaiirri, delegate from Nevada. -Mr. Dawe.(Ma..) moved that Mr. May nard, nf Tennemee, be sworn in as tho mem" tier from the second district of Tennessee. On motion of Mr. Finton, (N. V.) a reno. latum ss adopted appointing a committee t n jin toch an may be appointed by the Sen ale to it on the President and ii:form him tlint a quorum of both houses assembled and ware ready tt) proceed to business Mr. Hickman. (Pu..) presented the certi C -Bte of iho Provisional Government of North Carolina, dated at latteras. Certifying ri the i lection of Mr. Foster us member of Congress from Unit State. Mr. Walts, delegate from New Mexico, was sworn in. Mr. ISIuir, of Virginia, tlie successor ol Mr. Carlisle, was alo qualified. Mr. Richardson, (111 ) moved that Mr. Se gal1, of Yirginln, be also sworo in. The. subject was then referred to ths Cora tTiittee on Kleclions. Sknatk Mr. Trumbull, (III ,) gave notice that, he would introduce to-morrow a bill to p-uiSsCHte the property of rebels arjainst the authority of the United Stales government hmcI give frecdcni to persons held to lubor in lh sl ue states. Mr. Wilkinson, Minn., gave notice of his inlentii n to introduce a bill to abolish the 0 iHliitCl icm at present existing between Hie regular and volunteer forces of the Uuited Siati'S army. Washing-tow, Dee. 2. HorsK. Mr. Love-joy (III.) ofJered a joint resolution rendering the Ihunks of Congress to Cupt. Wilkes for bis arrest of the traitors Messrs. Hlidell add Mason which was bdopler!. Mr. Kdfjerton (Ohio) moved as a subptilnle tint the President be requested to present Captain Willies with a gold medal, with suitable emblems and devices exprea.-l've of the high sense entertained for liim by Con jrress, in his prompt arrest of the Rebels Mason and Sltdell. The substitute was rejected, the original resolution Bdopted. 1 Mr. Dlair offered the following ne a ques tion of privilege Resolved, That John W. Reid member r.f the) House from the Firth Congreseional 1 jt rift of M issnttri. having taken up arms X'i"-t the (jorernment of the United States, Ii is hereby espelled from the Hotine, and iVit tie Speaker notify the Governor oT Ki"ouri of this fae. This resolution was adopter!. M r. Colfax (lnd ) offered the following : U7.ii ecu, Colonel Michael Corcoran, who nss tukeil prisoner on the b it lie lii'kl of Mantissas, has, after suHering other indtgnl t,es, been confined by the Kt-lnl authorities in the cell of a convicted felon ; theu'lore, to it Resolved, That the Prtfeident of the United Slates be requested to similarly confine James M.Mason, late or Virginia, ivw in custody at Fort Warren, until Col. Corcoran phull be treated as the United States have treated all prisoners taken by them in biittla. Ap pl.iuse In the galleries. The resolution was UDBiiimon3ly adopted. Mr. Kliul (Mass ) offered the following : Resolved, Hy the House of Representatives t.f the United States of America. Fi-rt, Tfcnt in heha'f ot'the people of thepe States wo do solemnly declare thai the war in v.hiib we nre now ennged against the irsorftent bodies now in urtns agaiti'l the Government, has for its ohjuct the suppression i f such rebellion and the re establishment of the rightful authority of the National Con stitution und laws over the untire extent of o ir coinmoo country. ,9;cond. That while wa disclaim nil power under the Constitution to iuterfero by ordi nary legislation with the institutions of the several States, yet the war now existing must he c. inducted according to the usages and rights of military service, and that during its continuance the recognize.) autbot iiy of the maxim that the safety of the State is the h'ghest law, subordinates the light of prop erty and dominates over civil relations. Third. That, therefore, we do hereby declare that, in our judgment, the President ijt the United States, os the Commander in chief i f our Army, and tho officers in com id .url under him, have the right to emanci pate, ail persons held os slaves in any military iiiHirti t in a slate of insurrection against lh N i'- onnl Government, and that we respect fully hdvi6e that such order of emancipation lie issued wherever the same will avail to weaken the power of the rrbels iii arms, or 1 1 nirenglheu the military power of the loyal forces. Mr. (M.I) moved to lay t!:e resolu tion on the tulile, but the motion was d:sa greed to ; ye, o 7 , ag iii.Bl 70, as follows : Yk. Messts. Allen. Ancona, Umley (P., ) lt ddle, Ulair (Mo ) Blair (Va.) Hum bun, Caivert, Campbell, Cobb, Conway, Corning, Cox, Cravens, Delano, Dunlap, li.inii, Fouke, Iluisiht, Harding, Harrison, ll.jliiiiu, H or ton, Kellogg ( ill ) Law, Lazzar, I.eary, Lebman, MePberson. Maynurd, May, Mer.i 'S, Morris, Noble, Noell, Norton, Udell, Priiiil. ton, Perry, Rice (Mats), Richardson, Kobuison. Speff, Shiel, Smith, Stet l (N. Y ) Steele (N. J ) Thomas, Train, Tiiiiibell, X'ulon. Vrtllandigham, Vermes, Ward, White, (Unio) Woodrull. N v MeBsrs. Aldrich, Alley, Arnold, Ashly, UahUitt, Buily (Mass ), Maker, Master, Iranian, Mrigham, Bl.u'r (Pa ), Ulake, M ifiiu Ion, CUrke, Colfax, Frederick A. Conklittg. t..fcoa Uonkling, l).ivis, Oawes, Uuell, Ivlgerton, Kdwards, Kliot, Fessenden, I' ran ihot, Frank, Gooiwin, Gsanger, (Jueily, Hickman, Hooper. Hutchins, Julian, Kelley, I, -lining, I.oomis, Lovejnv, McKean, M itchell, Morrill (Me.). Morrill (Vt), Patton. Phelps, (l!dl ), Pomeroy, Porter, Potter, Rice (Me), Riddle, Holms (N. 11 ), Sergeant, Sedgwick. Shanks, Shellaharger. Sherman, Hoan, Spaulding, Stevens, Trowbridge, Vauhoro, Naovalkenburg, Van Wvck, Wall, Wallace, Walton (Me ), Walton (Vt.), Wash turne, Wheeler, Wilnon and Worcester. Tna question recurred on Mr. Eliot's reeo Ulio'j. Mr. Roseoe A. Conkling (N. Y.) proposed an au.endruent, which Mr. Kliot accepted, so us to make the resolution apply to the slaves ield by disloyal citixens. On motion of Mr Stevens the further con sldeiution of the resolution wris postponed until to-morrow week, in order that it may be discussed and amendments submitted. He was in favor of the proposition but desired Ci'id.lic ition. Mr. Cumpbell (Pa ) gave notice that he would call up the following resolution next Tuesday week : Resolved, That. In legislating to meet the exigencies of the present Rebellion, Congress sb mid confiscate the property, slaves inclu ded, of all Rebels, and protect the property and riiihis. onder tbe Constitution and laws, df all loyal citireoa. Mr. Stevens (Pa.) submitted Ibe following fur future consideration : . Wi.erem, SUvrry has cansed tbe present rebellion in the United iitales : aud whereas there can be no solid and permanent peace and onion in this Republic so long as that i.ialiluiioo exisls witbio it j and whereas 'tlit'i are now used by the Rebels aa an ulial rnnans of supporting and protracting tut war; and whereas, by the law of nations, ,'. I.- ou r j-M X liberals the slava cf so ensmy, to weaken his powers j therefore be It enacted by the Senate and House of Repre sentative of the United States of America in Congress assembled, that the President be requested to declare free, and direct all ou. geuerals and officers in command to order freedom to all slaves who shall leave their musters, or shall aid in quelling the rebellionr Second. And bt it f urther retnlved. That the United ."Hates pledge the failb of the nation to make full and fair compensation to all loyal citixena who are and shall remain active in supporting tbe Union, for all the loss they may sustain by virtue of tbe reso lution, Mr. Fenton (N. Y.), from the Joint Com. mltiee, reported that they had waited on tbe President, and that he desired them to state that be would send his Message to the House to-morrow, at 12 o'clock. Mr. Stevens (Pa.) gave notice of his inten tion to introduce a bill to repeel certain laws creating pnrts of entry. ' Mr, McPherson (Pu.)odered a resolution which lies over, selling forth the want of a more complete railroad, and instructing the Committee on Military Affairs to inquire into tbe expediency nf constructing en nir line railroad from Gettysburg to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Mr. Roecoe A. Conklin submitted tbe fol lowing, which wos adopted : Resolced, That, the Secretary of Wnr be requested, if not incompatible with the pub lic interest, to report to this House whether, any, and if any, what measures have been tnken to ascertain who is responsible for the disastrous movement of our troops at Mull's Mlnff. On motion of Mr. McPhereon it was Resoled, That the Secretary of Wnr be requested to furnish to this House copies of nil rontmcls made by the Ouurtermaster's Department for feeling disabled horses during the whiter ; to state the terms uf these con tracts, the names of the contractors uttd the number if hordes given out, and whether these contracts were made upon public notice, Mr. Gdell (N. Y ) eubniiited the following which was adopted : IIViitcos, Colonel Alfred M. Wood, of the Fourteenth Regiment New Yolk State Mil- tia, who was wounded and taken prisoner nt tbe battle of Mull Run, h"S iluw, bv the Re bel authorities, been ordered to confinement iu a felou's prison, und by the same order is' to t.u treated us prisoners convicted of iufa. nanus crimes: Thenore, rcsnlccd, That tt.e President of the Uuited Slutes b respectfully requested to order John Slidell to the same character of prison end to the same treatment until Coluuil Wood shall be treated as the United Stales have used all prisoners tuken iu battle. The following polices of bills giVi-n under tiie rule : My Mr. Washburn, 111 , to establish a post road from the city ol Ts'ew Y'ork to tLn city of Washington. Mr. Van Wjck presented n bill to estab lit-h an.) construct u military und postal rail road from Washington city, in the I'tstriel of Columbia, to the city of New Yolk, in the Stale of New York. Mr. Mernheisel presented the Constitution which wag Tunned lira Convention of dele gates assembled in Grand SMl l.'ike City, Utah, in Murch last accompanied by u mem onul asking Congress to admit thai Territory into the Union us a State, on an equal tool' jug wilh theoriginul States. Adjourned. Mcchanan's Foui ucoMiN'd Rook. The an nounu.emenl ibul James Rnchunan was pn-pn ring a woik designed to be a delence of Ins administration, lius elicited tho expression of various opinious by the press throughout the loyul States. ll is predicted lhat he will have u wide bearing, lor it will be refreshing to everybody to know what he cut) say in mit igation of the sentence which has heeu record ed iigamst him. For instuuee, one might witli to know wilh what excuse or extenuation he nil! nel Ih't singlti fact stated below, or how express his gross, willful, traitorous neglect of u outy so plum, imperulive, utid easy of per form. H, ce. Un the 2th of October, 18C0, Lietenaut Getierul Scott addressed a letter to President Muchanan, in which he referred to the seces sion excitement-, which the conspirators were then actively fanning it the south, and re marked thai if this glorious Union were bro ken by whatever line madmen might contrive, there would be no hope of le-uiiiling Ihe frug men's, except by thrf laceration aud despotism of the sword. Pointing out the danger, he proceeded to point out the prevention : "From a knowledge of our Southern popu lation," he said, "it is my solemn conviction that thjre i some danger of uu early act of rushness, preliminary to secession, Vi. : the seizure of some or all of the following forts : Forts Jackson utid St. Philip, on the Missis sippi, below New UrL-uus, both without gar risons ; Fort Mori! in, below Mo'iilf, without a garrison ; Forts Pickecs and McRne.'witli un iiisollicient garrison for one; Full Pulaski, below Savannah, without a garrison j Forts Mnullrie und Suuiier, Charleston harbor, lii- former wi'h an ntutTicient garrison, the latter without any ; and Fortress Monroe, Hump ton Rmids, without a sufficient giurison. hi my 'pinion, all these works should immediate ly be so g irrisoued ns to make anv attempt to take any of luem, by surprise or covj (Ik mam, ridiculous." General Scott then expressed the belief that "w ith firmness aud moderation, there was good reason to hope that the danger of seces sion might be made to pass awuy without one conflict of urn.s, one execution, or oue urrest for treason." Seven of the nine forts named are now in the hands of the rebels, uu fort seen by Gene ral Scott, Mr. Muchanan may possibly ob tain an explanation from John M. Floyd, then his Secre ury of Wur, if indeed he thinks his inaction In circumstances so urgent, with ad vice so plain before him, requires excuse.- Mut it must require uncommon ussuraiice on his pnrt to recall to the minds ol the people niuny other chapters in thu history of his u.ii morahie four years of power. llurr'ulunj Ttlfrriijjh. Rkmakraiilr St nniCAi, Oer.RATiov. On I list Wednesday a remarkable snrcical opera linn was performed by Dr. W, I.. Allee, of Philadelphia, in the presence of ubout twenty other physiciuns, for the removal of un encyst ed ovarian tumor from Mrs. Snyder, of Mon toura villu. The solid part of the tumor, hen tuken out, weighed ten pounds, and n semi fluid suhftunce was removed with it which hull' tilled a large wash tub. The tumor and other subntance together would probably have weighed sixty pounds. Mrs. Snyder lived a fiw days after this operation hod been per. formed. Mr Atlee, before commencing, gave il as his opinion that the patient could not re. cover from such an operation, but as death was inevitable without it, she and her friends expressed a willingness to assume the risk and a desire to have him proceed. During the operatien the floor of the room in which it was being performed gave way, but fortunately no injury resulted to any cud from the accident. .yenning Gazette, Fi.owkr Skkps The new and valuable ' flower seeds, collected I'rnm various pails of Ilia world, by the agenta of tbe i'utent OOlce, are now read; for ilislritiution. They com prise niiieU-iiine rlifl'ereiit varieties, and nuiy be obtained by applying to the Itepresentative of your Congressional Dibtrict. Hew Advertisementa. LIST OF JURORS FOR JANUARY TERM, 1862. OIIAND JURORS. 1 Paniel S Kramer, Delaware 1 Kdwarrl Hoy, 'I'urbut 8 Peter Georr-e, T ewa 4 Hubert Camp' "II. I'pjrr A'it'l4 t Henry P. rvlUn'i, 1 i.ii.l fl Wll'lam Brlmllrv finntuiry 7 Michael f'erstcrmsrher, I-ower Mabonny fl Chailes V Hrllrnstein, Coal Jacob T H. MrKwe nille 10 .Innslinn Klincer, Ml. Carmet ! I William Keehnrb, Lower Mnhnnoy IS freeman W Sober. Nhnmokin 13 John W Younr. Milton M ffenrr Rhnrp, Mount Carmol 15 Trol O Heck, tMinlmry Ifi Peter Hsrmnn, t.ewi 17 Henry Haas. Upper Mahnnoy IS Denrge Krlrk, Shamokin It) Andrew A Helm, Zerbe 80 Jacob HolTn, Torliut 2 1 Pavid fcterrirk, Northumberland S3 rhilip HnlT, Itush S3 John B Snvder, Milton 84 Hubert McCormick. Turbut. TR AVERS K JURORS. 1 Peter Keefer, Northumberland S Nathaniel l.ytel, Srn l.ntver Augusta 8 Emanuel Aittnan, Tutbutville 4 Jnroh M.Miry, Coal fi Henry Cillinger, Hhnmokiii fi llemjsmtn Htcpp, .lackaen 7 (.'eihe V (iirlin, Turbut 8 Jacob Leiaemlng, ShnmnMn ft George Whiimer, Lower Mahunoy 10 Oliver B llollinan. Coal It William Starlzrl, Upper Auguta 13 John Snyder, Lower Augusta 1H Abraham S.irvis. Lower Aucusta 14 Georrje It Troutmon, Jordan 15 John 11 Snyder, Lower Augusta 111 (iporgo Shall, Mount Csrmel 17 Samuel Uenn.ige, Chil!iqtiqtis 18 Pnniel Tlloom. Lower Auguala 19 Charles Hoy, Milton SO Henry I) Latshn, Jnrksnn Cl George Forrester, Upper Augusta 24 Henry J f!aliina, NorlhumheihiiJ 23 William Wilson, " 2t William Cherriniiton, (?osl 2ft Cnsper Adam. Sen., Shamokin 2fi Snmuel McMinrh, Chillii-quaque 27 Silas Uomhaeh, MelnMvnro 2H Tobias H Cnulev, Millon 2!) .lacoli Leif-enrinir. Nonlnimherland 8(1 Samuel Wagner, Little Mahonoy 31 Samuel Linel.ach, Lewis fl2 Hunter Newberry, Sniihury 33 John II Adams, Upper Mahnnny 3t David Everett, Mount Carrnel 3,r) Elias Vioerith, Lower Auijut-la 30 William Clark, Hindi "7 I'tiniel M Sehwnrtx, Jordan 3H (ieorge inker. Lower Aiicustl 3!) I"nac I reilerick, ChiilUqunqoa At) Havid N Lake, Coal 41 Soloinon Falek, Upper Mahonoy 42 John W Hustler, Sunbury 43 Sanu'.el IJiin. Turbut 4 t John Hout7.. Milton 5 I'amswort'i KecJ, Shamokin Ifi l!ohert V I.' onifibell. Jlosh 47 Nathan linns, L'pper Mahoncy 48 Al-dicw Laflerty, Leivi. PETIT JURORS. I Charles Kraiiim, Miltin " John V llurher Suobory 3 Andrew Overprrk, Turbut 4 J.din C Lxtel, Lower Augusta .r Henry Treon, Washington fi Petjiiinin (.'eaiLul. Koch 7 Hollopeter. Di lavvsrn R Issue Diumheller, Lower Ufmstn 0 William (iusi-ler. Lower i-gusta, 10 Christopher C Evan, Eueh I 1 John Eunkel, Sli'amd.iri '2 llavid F.thhach, Lewi 13 lif t jiuiiii I' Vasiifie. Eush 11 Alexander CuflV, Delaware If, Chnilos Horn, Mihon Ifi W illnim Moenrh, Shamokin 17 John Kiehl, Lower .Maliouoy 13 Enoch I) Kaker, Little Mahonoy !) Thompson lrr. Upper AiiRtila 20 John E Kiire, " 21 loiiatllin Vonnt. Mtllnn J2 (prge FashoM. Lower Augusta 23 William Roll'. Eimh 2t Anlhonv ltiitiinrror. Mount Carmel 2-" Uaac Ebilips, Jordan 80 Hiram Shearer, Turbut V7 lUnn I D ! I ilv-ir-ari. Lower August I Sinnel Lan-li. Lewis 20 Joeiah llird. Coal 0(1 Paul Hewitt. Lower Ancusta 31 Samuel liarrel, Lnwe. Mahonoy 32 J.ihn liuyers, Snnbu'y 33 Andrew Hanoi:. Lower Augusta 31 William C Kennedy. Coal 35 Samuel Snyder, Suobury 3(1 William G Robins, Point. niOCLAMATIOX- JV OICI'j is bert'by given ilml tli sclera! ' Courts of Coiiuaoii I'lous General (Quarter essionii tf tl. iciui1, and O rjJimi Cnurt. Court of Oyornml Tcriiiinir uuti (i.ner;t Jail Unlivery, in and for the county of Nortliuinlnrlnnil, to coiniiKMicc fit lli: Court lit us', in tlit tiorouyh ol Sunlmry, t HI o'clock, A. M. on Momluy, tlie (ith linv of J A N h. it V, next, ami- will continue two w ki:ks. T!ia, Ju&ticus of the Pcarc anJ conaia1 blcM in and for the counU of NortiiumLcrluiul, are requested to lie llit'ii aud there in their jtroper er Hons, wilh their rutin, record, inquii-Uioni, ami other remembrances to do those things to thoir ocveiiil oiiiies to lie done. And all witiictises proseciitiityr in l ehnif of tiie Comtnotr wealth against any pnsom r are uUo rejucs'ted and eoinnianded to be then and there attending in their proper person to prosecute awmsi nun, us hiuiii be ju-'t and not to lepart without haie at their peril. Jurors are repieMed t bejiuuclual in lb ir attendance, at the time appointed agreeable to their iiotiitoa l.iven umh'r my hand nt tunbury, the oOth day of iNnv , in tiie year of our Lord one thou and eiitr hundred nr.J ixtyone and tbe Independence of the United Status of America the r.filh. (JoJ ttave the ('ornmonwealtli. DAVID WAUDKON, Sheriff. ShfriiT Oirne. Suubury "1 ORPHANS' COURT SALE. I.N pursuance of on ord. r of lite Orphans' Court 1 nl Xoilhinnlieilaiid county, will bo exposed lo public sale, on the premises, on Snlurd.iv, 1 1 le Mill day ol Derenibtr next, all lhat the undivided half of a limestone lot, situate in Joulaii town ship, Northumberland, county, hounded on the North by land i f Mnsea Wert, on tbe Weal by I mils uf Uliaa He' kert nud CSiin.m l!epner,ioittl by lands of Mime Weil, and East by hin.!of (Stimuli Hiall'er and raid minors, roiitaiiiiiii; allog.tlier twenty perches, on which is ereele.1 a Mine lylu. Also, an undivided interest iu another limestone lot, situate in same lownship. hounded on Ihe lias! by laud f ISnmuil liusb, Ncrih by hinds of Mosea Writ, West by lands of Samuel tibalfer and lot above described, and 5, mil by land of Moaea Wert, containiiiB ten perches, altogether, more or lea, on which is erected a l.ime Kiln being the estate of minor children of Wi'diuin lb, liner. Hale to comtni iice at In o'clock, A M.. of said day, when llie terms and conditions of sain will he made known by v, iijl.l.nju lit,. . mi., I!y order of Ihe Court, 1 II. MASSLTi. Clerk O. C, tsunhory, Nov. :), I8il. ) WILLIAM HOFFMAN, Ouardiait. J. S'acii.r rY'virliia of a certain writ of Ven Kxponas, isHiie.l out of llie Court of Common Pleas of Northumberland counly, lo me ilirecled, will be eiposed lo Public Male, at the Court House, iu Suubury, Northumberland counly, Peni a., on Saturday, December ? ill. ItfGl, al 8 o'clock, P. M , the following described real estate, to w it : A certain lot of ground, situate in McEvvem. ville, r.'orihiinibcrlend county. Pa., bounded and described aa follows, lo tit: On the Noith by a lot of Mis. Maria Vincent, on the tSuutli ,v an alley, on the l.asll v an alley, and on the West by Front street ; said lot containing CO feet iu width and ISO feel deep, on which i erected a two story brick dwelling house, a frame liable, and other outbuildings, a well of water at llie door, Ac. r-eiied, taken in execution, and tu he mdj ae the properly ef If. H. MrCormilk. DAVID WALDKON. Sheriff. y'',.jr Office. ) fcv-f ,.N" 1"' i THE HEW YOItK WEEKLY TIKES. SINGLE COPIKS 82 TWO COriRS FOR $3 FIVE cuni;s FOll 6, Tht Cheapest and Best Family and General Newspaper in the United Stated Th New York WHF.KLY TIM 159 It large n elft- gntiitr pi uitrd qunrtti lieu(, if tight pR((rf tut ty-eini u hiiui, dcvwitui til I'oliltcn, i.itrniufti and Oeneial iNttws, Bint iiiLdiiilucI lo be Urn licMU Wollm tiio Choupet Fnmiiy iSawapuper iu tU) Unuad tttuu. 'I'liuOtM Jtnui Una iliifc;s iif uhU will alwoyib,lo keep iti lend ri llmrnuhly ul telibty itthte up, tit vciytttnig which amy liuppen, f general iiitQiect, in muy part ol tli woiltl, it omiimeiitB luily and (rty upim lt topics oi'iiiiporLniiCo In veiy dupuftintnt of public action, und nlvyi in Uio Intrrpitl ol rivmltnii, tdir, mid iha Hullit Oood VVlule iu .ullueiu'e willUe uniformly ouiiHer vutive, itudvocHteievery muinuie of jiiftt and betieticflnt Frogrrnand riiitt Uiv iiurrMfce, tututiaimi, or pvrpttua tionul biavery, ouf everj lhing tlae inciinpat)h!e Willi Hie higtit-st wullAreol the whole C 'immimiy. While it rejxitli pr fiijttlyumJ uccurrttly oil niielligttceof gfiitral interest in every ilepuitnif nioi iiutnuii activity, it never pnnders tu vicinuBtii lfS, tihd excltidus front lis coliiitins everything thul intght rmder It uiiftin'uor nnpfpi (r rmfnl h umily prniikii itsveki Wpr.miJte ttiegfiierul well u re by uigiiig tle rluimsof t dui-Miioii, M'iriility mtd Keligimi upon the muses r if the people j nud in uli us ihtauitiis, (I eHUeavms coitLoiit I I " hu guided und ci mt lulled hy tliekpihiol iniHleruiwu, puliiotinoi uod uu.iinHii bhho In iis CorreH(iii(leiife b th Foreign find Potnestie, ihe Tnni iiCiintometl tit in: superiot tu uhy olhct American Journal li Ifep ntsul CoiKrttiiviiulund Li-gicuitve piv Oeeditigi,ui Fiimticitel, Cwuimtnenri nnd General IntdUgtnce. of imp irtnut Leg-il ami Criminul Trm's, and of whitevM tnuy Itiivc npi.-ciiii oii-itfnt t t thrt g tut bott) of liiu coin muinty, iiri uil, I'Toinpt nd rrliuOti. )pcnd atieiition m duVJled lulull, accurate aud truH Worthy reports i-t thu Live Stfck and Produce Markets fur which a p..ti:.i corps of Hi'jvtrtfia is iriiiiiiioiiitd will nlaohe kept up, eiiiUrQciiigtuiiiliird Nove's ind Tulet, itnd mmctfiluiiei'Us fcck'.-ti nia 1 1 the hiltesi inteical. The AgricuMurnl Deparimf htifi cmnpilctl frmn n vnrif ty ol g uic R, niiiii) of litem iiiMtcepititlile tu thu Aint-i icnu lender, nnd lutnialies valunUle iidormution to the i Hruicr uni (jiodcm-r, 'i'hc Weekly Timef will he sent to pul m-nlieis iu any pnrt tt the fyunlry uu the Iwhuwoig leiius ; Sincle Copies 'i n yrnr, Tiv.) yi'.r. I- ufe " j m cur Anv irt nt who will send ut aclab of Tl'.S subisf nltrirn, nl M eu'-li, shrill receive nn rami copy fur limif a or tuay rciuin One Uoilur us lus cooipeiinuiion. TUB M;w.VOKi l)L Y TIMK-. N published Kvery day t-xcepl f um;ny, nnri is sent lo anb ici ii it-is hy inuiha bit ijliuia a year inciudnig unJuy edition 7. (. THE SF.MI-WLEKLY TIMES, I'oliiiiihcd i ii Tji'fidiiys tonl FritiMju, und fonliiniii-g e glit pnip'sof rtinlmg ni'itter in every iiuiuUuit is seittiufcub bCllli'.TKul the l'ill'Vlng rnles : i!Hp!e copjfs S3 Two tMJHCS ..... fej Any p'r'm who will send us n club nf Fvc subscribers ii in v receive uu extm copy lor limincl, ur reiuui I wo Uoiliiiti untl ii Huh n h lius eoiuit:nB;m"ii. Ti.t.i Ciifli iiiviiiinblv in iKlviinco Ail .titers to he tWd to II J. H AVMO.V'D V Vn , lb",. iRiorti ol' t tie "icw-Vuik 'iuiiea," tev uiK City. uv. UO, IStil, TilLxNEW iUKK TKlliUiSE. KUV VOLt'Mi;. On tb" acventh nf Peptunhcf, ISfil, The. New York Wt-.I'.KI-V Tltl Ll'. K v inirifiicd the twrnty-li nt yenr ul un (.iiHeiiee; Tun Laily 'i'i iuuiio bein a ine inomh older nud Hie Seiin-Weehiy 'l iii'itt.e Kin-jwl. tl jouner. l'or ni- Mi Mi:in L went y yc:ns. Una j unnal li;a i:iiorrO in vti;it its L'tnuni:tiru h.-ivc tell to be ihe imuhh o Hniiuoiity, JuRlieviiiid l''ie d.'in, mitlenvoi tn( to liiehoruir the toi.ili tioii l the ojipi ecHt d : 1 1 it I tiiit', to Ii Jii't kind en crci ui t: i.M-iul i ,:i lion in wlnitcvi i aj lu ie, and, to pro. m ttj by nil ihcjois .? mor tl, ii.tclU'ctiini inut ninit-nul Vniirt-'inent ol nurt'- ititry. i ):if tinned lo In i ilit r.uin-i' Itiun p tjoil it . ami to cFp- 'iist-ni.u cuiiUH'iid lo ('.n) ll.e iMUn . tli;it nth1 rs winy nut (to v. tiling t nco- jit till ti'-inoimw. In i-urftiini' I nis c m i be, iiikfk 4 h.ive d -uif liL'i n ni;it!e , Mm i i:: ni-.s eoiinioio u ; Lul, liuxnip! in, tli ihih-s tiiciieii our i cm i.l er." to tlnrk nnd jntke i r tiietiifi-vca rnlttr liini 1 ndopi lilniiiiy ur own ur aie'ik' c n-lui im. sve Itbeve we ni iy mi ly eiiiini for tins j')umnl the eiedit nflmvinff qunl tied it re AiU iH lo duteut uml rZn 60 t-vcu il ovmi tfiroia To dt velop ifii; miiida nt 1 he? oa.g hy ih.t ni'rkt genernl, Ui"foniili ini'l jTiiclici' l-.'dui-ieiti. , nnd tot-ncotii nar imil atinnhtit Trodix-iive nn'iutr , thr'iilt fice rona oi I'ulitic liiiiitf lo:ielU!iiaellkta mill cunivitloi n, iih ;na through i lit prlfcitun ni Miiiiiiinit? (ir peeuhnriy e.xp"ed brnhi-hea liom p ierlitlMtei)'ii('i'mH,titi,ui,Hri':uii H tlii'iintis 1 1 u liicli lhl j 'iinul hai iK'lieird tliroui'li po- ii mid rv.l r-pctrt. and ji"li u Mt'inlUBtly i-uiiiiiicnO to Aim-rii un pnlin-tisoi nnd phiinnthiopy. As to thu Civil War now dejiiaintnitr nur country, we h Id it l1 have nnniit'iteit inn lirbt-llioii m-rc wunt'tn, vi(lt:dt iin-xriiF d'le, ijinii w na rvr heiotc knovvn a Ite lie le-a m the interest f iht frv iininbt ih nuni n te. hellion dtnriieHo rniae liiit the wio.ei.I ciie nud n.lni ii ihcf'h'iina ol upptrpii-il. 1 lu v lug doiiu ul) v ci ii'd Willi out fiiiirrndei ti vitl pnnnplrto aindlh a 'm nnd witm 8ril ih'. i'oriie:ir.ince, incknfBrf, unil l -u$ ai.tlennt; Willi winch t. ie r'rthml tivuniinenl i-j;ht to uv:il n h 'irorfi, v.'e h":i it cur c: m iiu, vivi I't "f every othercilizpil, t.- al.indjiy Ihrnn'iiw nnd irg f.iir-? ehofll r-ltra. nnd to wictrrdwitli nit our me mt their eil'jtM to nph -ht t lie Union, tl.e (..'otiFtiiniion. nnd ihe p n ; rt;n in y ol tint Ltiw. And, Itionpli the Kfln-h"ii lius ln-c'ini , I i r iKiirp Hi'in. rieerjitioii, icitoi nm ard atcil iii- n, ftMifntly aironj;. we htheve tlm Aiiifiienn llfj:uinic bu iioiij;er, and Unit the lin:iioiTin, fuirnf?t eft" in of I- . I heart e nnd hxinls will iiiRnr ith overthrow, lint on till ijneKnns nf iVelmp tlie object r, I he scope, nnd dur'nlmii if tlie nn-ai ex trnoni.ii'iiy eo:iten iveiifr lo ilmse whom il." At:n.iic;iu lu'oj.'.f I'iiveel.iilifd wi'h im'li -rity. h"t!inif un.'y ol jmh ki tint) of net ion iiit:ilrtMiSid)V in ho prnve nn ennMCfiicy. In u ertsib )ik' (li p-iHenf . oni eo.uiniiB nni-t he lart-ly entirovHed with the coirent Instoiy of Wnr nr fie L'ni"n. nnd with ctitfid.nion- ni'tw to rc Ktnkti' jncie:its. We i':nil nol . howevt-r, rt'init t!uo at lent ton ti I Jieriihite, to l''orei)fii Adnira, th Ai?ii?inuii:it I'n'ifi'i-, rfo Oropn, M.iikMfn, eM 4Vc , vh:eh Ilii n'reinly, we I'LSt, wn loi Tnu Trit-iine nn h 'tt-niiMe position iiiiii.iic it V cotenipora riea. bir nnm l eet i nnd shnll be lo pr due- a f'lii preheii-ie ii-wiimpcr, from winch n cm ei nl re;iJT n.ny jiienn n vivid nn ! boiii. nl lii-mrv of ihrt times, merely in the i .nriinof Acti in dill lit ol Upini-Ml Qiao. Aa our fneiliiir'K f-i accpiiriut! intrituttion inneaye wilh yeiitn. we I runt ih-it an im;i.ive!iient in the eontt-nt our jour nil is pt'rcfpi t''l .mid 'Int. in tin vnriety ni:d fnlliies of in. tell;yeiiee inToidfd. we nnv aldl hop- to "mnlie encli d iy a erine on ilit Init." In Hup hope, weaohcit a eoiiimnnnce a' ihe L'fnet,a,t untasuie.'f hittiL-rt.' mx tU.i! Ui our l"Ulnal. TI'.RMS. D.iilv Tribtineltl isrues per anr.irn) $1 S'lini-Wei-klv ( ml ' " " S- l Weekly ' in! " " " To Ct.vt Setni Weekly i Two cip es f ir tf i, rive Cor $11 !;. 'i'en e,iib s I i one tntiireas tor 'JO, aial any Inrpei iiiti.itwr nt ihe latter rair. I'r a cinb i." Tw.'uiy. nn extra.' py will tie sent. F u u t'lnli ol Forty, vv 4 tend III.' I Jaliy Ti trnne yitilis one ye.n. Weekly ; Tl.n-e mpiekf ,r !.',. l-j'pbt eupics f"i Sill, and nny l n tiler iiiin.liei at I'll' tate I l liO e.i'-li j 1 1 minion, tin' paper lo be aililri'fcsed t't eaell suastrilnr. 'Jn finbs "f Tw enty we send an extra etyy Tiveniy ci'pies It, one nit:refcs fir 8-0, wilh one extra I , lilul vv I', s.'i ids HP tlm I'i'.ili For s'aell rlnb lino Hii'i ilrri'. Hie Da ly Triluil.e will be u nl iruli OT nne ;,:i" I'. W Inn ill tins run be pnn'.ir.'d il is mueii s.,1", r I Ian. I,, re. nil Hank JliIs The liintis ol I he I'ull IJiUce Und felati; fcle nidoi nl! cues be plainly vvrtllen. Payiln-lil ulw.'iVS in ii'lennee. Aiiibl'M, Tni:'nilllLM:,N.i. lal N..MmSlr.-et, IlriV V ,au. feWAIM'S CEirrSKATED PANACSA' . 'I I'lC Ure "f Si'l'illllll, tllflplt ht (JtiltlftnilJlMlt, (Jr;r-r:tl lMniilv, W In in SvveiiiuK, KiitiiHuinifui, J.'.t- m a ui the l,ii'r und rktn. una ull iJii.uMt-i Aiinp (V.'in Jiiijiunlivs it i lie Ii: ".ti .in a ihe Like id ui Aleicuiy. Pwiiim's r;n!iea Im been i". r imrt llian fmty y:ir C':li limit'! Ill Itilk i-'tuill Uil 11 l.iirupu I " ILi i imluiiiry utiria, I' r tl(e ctTiilu-nlrB -t' wniclt relcn-ncr t lllitj I'i lli UMt-ftloi.N Unti ll'.k (Wllltll II.. I) I ui J..ft jiiiiti8 ;.cftii'i-;ii.y iu-.' the I'iinnce.t ; ifine !' wnu-li jji, Hit; jiinlifjuii nt v iHf im liiiiiillul Inr jfttriul pu'i.i,a Iti'ii, wliri tli-' pittit-.iHi Imve Imth aliii'i-t r;ilfn wu.i frcrnUiiii, uuti vvt'ic ilfcintMl tin-unililtr I I'iiVMfiinm. ll huH Iilm;ii tiM-il in It uuti niiv.iU' i-p. ttiid Ih. lirt'ii r:ct'iiMitfiiiltt I')' llie ini'Kl ve it-ti'iitfil ntij m'i;h,h tint) niln-r finiiifii' pel s 'H n Am it nl'icis, by V. -ni, M . I 1'., Vfi-i l ' Suti.'rrv, IVim l uiviaii ; VaU-tnimi Mull, ,M.l., i'r-.f tfuiVry N. V. I hivmsiIv; XV. I. lie- j vrrn. M IL, I'rui. Mill . IVim. I'liivriKi'v ; N. rtriiiiii.iii. M . I)., t'n'1" ni riivhif. l'fnii. l iiivt rtiy ; 'I', I'urkr, M . !., lrt-fcnlf nt C'tiilci: ilr, r.ic-i;iii. I'ltilinlelnlttn ; l;r. V I Vn.Ut, -l Mt'tlu-nit:, ll iv.ina ; J.'e F't'iictic m1j I n, IpI. ui Sni (. J 4'liiitiMn, Mrmlxr l!ut l'"li-je i, llrc"lt. li'inl ti ; (i. N . iivnijf, luie Mn.ini to hjo.ii. ; Hr l Ii in i rf.irwii. M O r G'.it.i1 liuiisli Ann) ; U.l- i I rrt U"lvil)ii, llnlifii O'iihiI. r. Tu w.'iiticiiul i'uui tltititil I.vSW'AIM'! PANAC1VV . h ive tt.r uumy )-u't iwuw u un nuMiuuute muc.iv. e ,,,, ioii.'eeiii,,.,., it .nay be aiv.u I e u,...i ten- der ii'f.ini. Tae retail priee has beni ledm-ed to l.5(i per Isilile, (c.aitilliing three hall inn's.) online I. 'tiles fur I. 1 lih V A ll K Ci K I :l I'I isri'H i. . Pwaim's Poineen is in r-'iind lillle-, fml' ,1 lonijitudilildly, Willi the luiliiwii c lelleis iii -vvn ,ni llie 'as.-: "SVV AIM'S lA AltK I'll 11. All A ." Hnvina Ihe name of JAM. S IV AIM sniuiied mi Ihe sealiiiR wax mill wnllen on llie i-inel cveime llie eoi if, anil 11 i-p endiil .'iinrnvina on the side of Ihe Ii 'tile. I.v llraiiei St I.,,., bank lane ei iriners. in ihe ernlie "I whlrli isupui Unit l llie Inle ill wainl, (eo,,v nilhl seemed.) ll pelxais pillel'llsnnr I he Panneea will be enlefnl t" db. seiv.'thal Ilia wind f W.AIM Ik oof l eel!)' tpelkd, tliey need not be unp'ired ,ai. Al.!:, SW AIM'S VI-'.RMH'TGF., A valuable I ilv ine.brine. iieiim a Inshlv iiprove,l reme. fdv fi,l all diseuses arinnfl ft. In uelnlliv ol lite diijeslive ol fruis, fcaeh as, Aeidny i'f Ihe loniaeh. W"fin.i. I'll.. I la Morbus, IKseiilnre, l-Vver ,l"d Asne, Uleeduie I'iles, Sn k lleiulaehe,'tVC See Ihe painplil, I (vvlu.'il be had gla lis.) aociinoalivinn Veriu'fiifie. Pr.'iiared i.nlv nr SWAIM'S IAIIOH ATOR V, Till? Ol I) TM). Sill! I'll SK.VI'.NTII II'KI'K I', IIKI.IMV I'lll'STM'T, Philadelphia, aiidaoul by ull drutsists in ihe I'nitcit Mates U.'lieiul Aef nt f' It" I'nlled Stales. rjCIIIKFr'i'UN IIHOTllKBS rr, ITU William Sueei, New York. I'riil'a, Oct I Sin p. BLACK SILK COATS. Gored Mantlet, Poplin Dnnirs, French Karpica, riilk ltasquines, Newest Dibijns. ?esdv Made, or fulle to Order. . COOPEH A CONAKIV N E. C"ir Ninth and Marlet, t'bilsjletphia. MT !, 1K1. . : Suitable for tho Times ! THE tnmVALLED ASSOETMEUT OF FALL WINTER GOODS BOLD AT THE MAMMOTH STORE O P FIUL1NG & GKAtfT. W33 SELL Ladies' lrra Goods, Caaiiuirret, Cloth, Salliriftta, Jlats arid C'aj'a, Boots arid Slioea. Clolliingr- Hu.lerv, Glovua, Hardware, Quci nswarc, SuildUtv, c., ' r, w w jii ft i o Fiah, Suit and Tlasier, Iron and Nail, a DRUGS ASD MEDICINES, Paints, Oil'. i!as, Tobacco. Srgars, &c, Ac, &.r At Pilot's tiVAt ttl C'omprlitiuii, For Cash or Country Produce. We have ttlccti'd lh (lood:. wiili rent rurn, ond It'll aasoirj ilmt llity are tho I3ST CIJQAT'jEG.' STOCK ODE1 GOODS nir l.t Tore ciTtred lo the public. Examine for yoursrlvts. Fiill.l.NO & fill A. NT. Sntibury, Novpinlirr 23. I Hill. litioi taut Siillco, A I.Tj PKKxuNS imlclittd to tin- auturritn'r on Uonk ncc.'iMil or ollu'rwii-p, ore r.Mjupnt.-.l lo iniike iiiviiicnt nn or li'lcnfi llie lii.-t 'day of l)c remlM'r lict Cinlo will be buvimI bv curiijiU iny tiilli llie above request. JOHN WHACK, bnnburv, IVuv. l(i BLACIIWOOD'S MAGAZ1HE AND TIIK BRITISH BEVIEWS. OKEAT INL'UCE.Mi;N 1s TO !UBCl:JL I'REUIUMS AS'U REDUCTJOyS SCOTT & tO, IN.w .ubliti llie l'lluwii. leidllig w lurk. rnntinno l i baiuu i liwdiculs : I. The London Quarterly Cunaercalict. 2. The Rdii.luvrjli Riviur Whiij. :i The Kvrlh JJritinh Reiieie Free Church. 4. The Westminster Reritw Liberal. 5. liltickictiod' Edinhurij Mtiyuzitie l'ory. Tlie present criiiral klatc of Enroin alTiira mil reni'rr ll.ic iiubliculioiiH uiiu.U'illy inlcre-l-ins iluiiii the birlliroining yenr. J'lu'y i'l occut y a middle ground tittwci'ii tho lisli!y w ; nit il nrviK iiciiip, spi' , and Ih ing run:or .1 the dully lo'jrnul, anil llio poiidi rous Tome t llie futtre bislorijn, millon alter the livii.lj interest and exiiuiiient of tlie pr.-ut i..i'iiial in l ol Ihe Imie flihll hlive I'asHrd avvuv. It i to tbi'ne Periodical Unit rraders iiiu'i loo! 'or ll.e only really inti lliihle and r.-h ible hit..ry of ci.irenl event, and a xUt'li. in addition In their Wfll iKt.iL-li-.liCil literary, arieniilb-, and llie ih'isii'ul etiaiaeler, we iirj;e Iheili ukiii llie ton ciilerulioti ol Ihe leadiiij: pu'.il i.-. Tiie receipt of Ail value tin els liom llxlliiiisli nublieliera Lives iiddiiinniil value l these lie- prima, inamnuili us tliey Cf.n iiuw he placid in ihe hands of f uhacriher about nn sunn a. liio oiiginal euitiona. T Eli MS. (R. (jular Price ) Per a n n u in. for nny one of ihe four Keviewa, for any two of the lour lfeviea, l'or any three of like four Ittvievvs, Tor all lour ol the Uevit ws, for lUaekwood'a Magazine, for lilackwu.ul and one Iteview, for UlacUwoml and two iievieiva, for Uliiikvvood and three Hevtiws, for bbickw.m.l and lire four Heviewa, Money coirent ill llie Mule where till ft 0(1 7 00 8 00 3 00 A IH) 7 co y on lo tio sued ill be received nt par. The I'oslage to any part of the United Sl.i'es wiil be but twetily four .cols a year lor "lliaik' wood." and bul lour!, in cenls a-yenr lor each of Ihe lleviews. At ihe above prices the IVi indicate will be furnished lor 'l hli'J, and as a Pit EMU" M TO NUW KIJHSCUIUKRH, lite Nos. of Ihe same Periodicals for lr.i vvpl be furnished coniplele, wilh oil addiloual charge. I '1. like the more ephemeral of tin' . fi e JVrioiiii-iiU l"e lltllo -v ni;f. I(t'.ift j a.loll ear of the .W l-r IM.II. may be leaded j m nearly a valuable as fur IMt'-J. i s h .' :,,. i-,in also ihe N os I". r 1 S 1 . Hurt. Ill'erl n"' ' !.v ill be supplied al the lolloiog extr. inely low t r:it.g ; . Si.ftmlid Offers f,r lSfiO, 'CI, and 'CI. Twether, I for Uhiclwoiid'a Magazine, the 3 years, i for any one Iteview, " for any two I'eviews, " for Hlickwoi.d and one Iteview, ' I for Iliackwood aud Iwo Hevi. ws, " j for lime reviews. " j for Hlackwo.ul and three Kcviews," f oi the four Krvi.-ws, " ij1! 00 S H UU H 00 IS Ut' I 1 IS I it I'll 17 l) for liU.kwood ati.1 ihe 4 Reviews, " Any of the above works will also be furnished to New Wubscribers for Ibe enr Itiftfi-n, and l, at one half ihe regular subscription prices. Thus a new subscriber may obtain Ihe IJepiiiits of ihe Tour Heviewa ami Iliackwood eieveii Oonseculive Yeara for S3? ! ! ! Which ia but little inote lhau the plica of liia originul works lot one year. As we khall never again In likely to ofTer siuh ii dui'emoius aa thnsa here pr.keiit.d, now is Ihe time to subscribe ! ! llemittsores most, in all rasea, be msde rluee lo the Publishers, f r at thesa pticea no torn mission can I allowed t-t autnta. l,EONAI!U SCO IT & CO., N. bi tiolj tr.t, N' York. N ! b r ISfll. ANOTHER ARRIVAL OI' Millinery Goods! Blthe fi'cof RIlHien M. & l.. smssr.i:??, 8impoii' BalMing, Market fwvc, SUiNHKnY, Tn 'pllK pnlilie rs inellru lo cnll nml exnmins .liifir Milli- I lierv U.snlii juoloprnod hn lm, l..iuie' llrrn ns ilv BOVNETS l't,t N"W V"rk l''l"1",l''t'l,m llB LADIES' nilF.SS ('A PS. FUllS, ljii)inii'Oli,rr,HonnFv, lli.,rlk.'rlirra. NoIIh., Flowrra, and Milliner)' g,Hxl of every vnrMv. MAM'UAMAKI.NlJ. Dr.i.t. made in tlie toil man nnr and in any myle. W intend to aell low, call aaJ emmine our pim lr. . , . H. It L.IU)lrt.-l.i:l. Hunlmry, October la, 61. " KOTICK IS hereliy fiven Hint 1 Imve jain -Imsrrl nt Cnn.'.ii ' ' Kiln, nn IheHfllhfif Oetnlier, IK)I, at llie mile ni liii'i. Di.rnhnrt'a pn j.ertv, in I'nmt lov.'lir liiit, Ii-r- thnmbertand ei'imty. tlie fnll'wi"? iiii"i' viz: On.' II'rf. one two ll"rse, enil llirw lu'nll of e .i'K and that I hn-elonnrrl themnna to laid Klisln llnniiiart. dnrinc my will nnd pleneiire. Ni,eli,ljei 4, lEIil 3t T. V IS J(iT.S t Ntaicor ni:(uu;F maiitix, i;n ittcrRR!. ftJOTH'E in liereby Riven Hint Irttera of nil minislralion having ln-en Rrai'trd to the fubrril-r on the estate of Cjo.irne Marlhi, Tsij , late of the boroi.cll of ISnnborv, Nnrtliinnberii'.riJ eo.mty. Pa.; eresed. A!! n?rnr. ii.di-t ieil to aa'ul estate arc re.)iirstiil to make immeilinle pny rnent, and those hnviiiR claiii.s lo preterit ibem duly authenlieileil hit seiili -merit. Rlrs. Siinll Hl.OO.M, Ailm'irix. Piinlniry. Jvov. 2. ISfil. r. New Ililiinsry Goods. 9Uhh X. I.. iV&l.m, Farm Slrctt. tna dnnrn smith of tlm Shwnnlin Yallry k l'oiti;ilU R'nl Road, STJNBURV, I? 13 3NT KT'JK., I J I'HI'El'TI'T. l.I.Y informs llio eiii.ens ol SliNDUIiV and vicinity, thnt fIk; bus jus! recciveil from Philadelphia a lame and i h-ndiil assortment of ihe most ln-l;i.iitiible njle of FALL AND WINTER GOOHS, coinprisirirt " II A T S, 1EATI1EK.S, fLOWEPS, TPI.M- MINGS 4, wliirli the is si ll inc at ihe must rensoniihle prices -f A T 7T9 " "f N T j t? i." 'I o whirh she duetts the atl.'iiiion ol the iuih. s and invites ail lo cull nnd see Ihnm. Thankful lor past patronage, o m hopes bv kcepini; In best ass u tinent nt rcasoiml lo prices toeiMitiniie tiie snniQ. Sunhury, October 10, lHC1.3m ; idir.IiiUti rtlor r4 XoOi p. N'OTICH is lieirbv alveiillmt le'l.-rV nf i : i n ; , ..-I nillon linvoij: I'een glMliU-il lo tl-e siji.-.'i il.rr i n Hi" in'iilt' ol .1 le.ih liy. ir . I"'e ol I l,s l 'roujili i.f .Liiiliare, .N.'it'ami InTlantl ci.ti'V. I'a., ili't'e.irt'il. All .iis .ns iiiiiel't, f! art' letjncileil I'i tuiik,' t" nit ul. aiii1 tli' ie i io ii'c riiinist'i prcseiit tli.'in f"r sett'eiir.'Hf, at tin' r, sideiii-e f llie. inmer-s-incij oil Saturday llie I'll d.iv of J .ni'-rv. Icfi'i ( IIAi.l .1 OAr.lNUKIl, Adin'r. S'.mljurv, Novejii'iji. r-lli --lit tiikcamii:n k amikiy and r!iii,ii!,i.!'iii.i AND TUKXTOS KA1LRUAI) l O.'.S 1,1 .Mi's, From l'hiladel) tu Nno Yuil und '.'ay Rtic(S. Fr.-m tVn'n'jt Pi-i-et l:a.(" B'al K, iisinrtnn Iter a riiilaf(eliliiu, vvlil ki,v'i; as rt.i.uvvs, viz fAiii-. At CAM. ,in Cam Jt ii und Amlny C A A Act; 'in.'lii.'i, 2 At 6 V M, via Canalci anil Jersey City New 'Jer sey npr.'Hlii!li"l.0l' n, ' 2 'J' At A M, via Cunidtn and Jeircy city .M-irinng .Mail. 3 nt' At I'iJ I' M, via Kuisinglnn and Jersey ciiy, Wes. lerii lixpress, Z fin At l'JJ I' M vih Camden ami Anihoy, nec 'nim vVilicii ii 4;-, At 'i I M, via Cainilcn and AinbLi C unti A. lix- tin's. 3 Ul' At 0l I' iM, via KeiniMgt'.n, and Jericy city, Kvo. iioij; l-.xpiess. D lit, At 4 1' M, via Kiiisiiajtnu mil Jericy city, S I l'lar 1 icK.'l, - 'J At 0 I' M. via Camden k .lers-y ity ICvei'in-r .'l ml :i 1 u At II I' M. via Camden anil Jersey eity Mntli.'Mnil '2 as At 5 1' il. via Cniniien a'ltl Alnlse Ae".'ii:ili' ila- liinl. (l-'ivialil und 1'aFaeuFer,) 1st cl.-s In ket, S a " J.I ' 1 '.! The 0 P. M. Mail Line rum daily. Tiie 1 1 f-aitheru .Mint Salurd'iv exeepted. Tor lielvidere, Cisi.'ii. l'leininirt'in. Ae. n! 7 111 A M., Wi.lnul siiei-t wliarf nnd '.'It. M , Ir.'tn K:if-'.ui'.l a,, for Maiml. Chunk. Aileutnwa and UvllilciKiu, at 0, A M. via LelilCtl Vullev llallroad For Wate. Ua;'i, Stroiidslmrir. Senmtini, Wilk'sV-irre, M 'lilroje, (ireiil fiend. Ae., nt 7 10 A M, Via Delaware, lait'knvcHinm and Western Hnilrond I',. I freehold, nt 0 A. M. und 'J H. .11. for Mount Holly, nt 0 A M.. und'.', P.M. WAY l.l.M, Pne Rri.t.,1 .Trenlon. lie . 1.1 7 10 ned PI A.M.. SI. D iltl nml II P M fona Ke.lli.isto.'l and tii 1 -M Ir an Wai utit s'jeot Whnrf. l''orlalUiVr'i.UiVRrt!!i, Di'tune .. IVieiiv. n.irl.mton, FI irenee, H' lnleuMwii, tVc . at ITt. t. 5 n.: 5J ,M . Sieninbnat Trent, m. fi r llno'ein .wn, ni.n i.itei e placed, nt 'J f M . from Wal.'iil s oeel W lu.n". IV Fi'r'.ew York', nnd Way Lines leav;i'.,r Ken'oui-l-i:i Oep .t, take the e.iis nn l-'ntil sliet-:. ab 'vc W .he'.t, half an Imur before dep irtnre Theeios run inlo the De pot . und on n. rival nl eaeli Train, run fr"in tin' liepol. Fifty pounds of ll'ii'7ie.: on'y. allowed eneh pa-.-k- irer, I'apseticets are pud, iln'ed ft oin takine uayt Inia: as lt 'J p:ie,e. but their wearoif: apparel. A l IJa?i(:ii:'i o.'er f.iiy poundii to he paid for rxlr.l. The I'onipany liulit th-it lesponsibilily for Hi:rr',re to (Hie P' I'ar er p, und. anil will not be liible I'm nny airiount beyond U'O Iiollais, t. cepl by special pontraet WM II. OATZMEU ApeiilC. A. It. R Co Nov. P, 'ill. . Assessors. rWHR Assessors of Northumbcrlfln. counly ore requested to ma'se return ol their tnenoiil assessments to the C'ommi'sioner's ( itl'ire, on ll.e 27ilt day of December, imil, at which 1:11.0 time will he a meeting of the Uoaid of Cuiiiiriiesioiicri, lly older of the Hoard, S. I). JORDAN, C'cili. Comrrisfioner'a Office, Sunburv. October lu, I ho 1 . i FANCY EUHS! FABCY rilliVi: 7ia Ai.ctl s-'lre.-t. Ii-' w;:' : 7ih.. a.:d . S (Late HA .l.nt'-f.) I'i.du.i, ,;!. Importer .V V:t'li'; '.r'ar.-; of, 00 I lb". 'ei 1.1 n't i.: '' nf I'AM'V I'l-b:, I'"i Lad,.'.-.' Miim,' l !ii .t urea's ar. A r ' 1 l-in. l. - ll.lVi:i!JII-.V 't i: - ii:i - - ..r L! III ?-1-V f-W ---rd.M.t ll) M 1. fi .V' M A&W H ml U,: "1 i .iL-A f''Ul fUl.-mi'iil .i H"i l''ii ." 7H'-T?7-;V . .. n.' M-....I l' I -I i l,lv l:l!T 11 rrpfrfiili iiuiiff mi t'xmiuiinl.oii cf iiivm-vk n'ii r itli.ik..' im intnii. lt iMiii'hiiM. Ui t lini ? ;'l"i.l Hli'lTl WIV il."iniTil i'i'l'.'tMifi:t All ti'V I urn hitVf iuvm jMii-'h ifM I ri :i-n. !-.' In- .'tHiienrtii 1' inn' is IM" nrrKt lit w-- '.'V u r'ii It il 1 : I MioimI tin i'i ii'.. g yrrv nill'tll ru'viiMi f I'll f-a. ( I mil n.titK'itl Ilmt "I W'lilil Hh Mllie iul t'Ut 1 'I tii -f Wi dtK -Mi Mii'iinKi'. t" ptve nit :t ';H. I "if li.-l- il.'fl tl' IIEIIM'. llUMllwl I' 'Hr.'.1 7i Au-li Sii.-t'i, I'liiWiU-i,'!! Sept. 7, l.-M rm. 6T- NICHOLAS IIoXIiL, Rrondieny, J-u' J l?o ti l t:'utel i !? VJ Kiep (be niienins of this vast and coinm Hli Hotel, ill 4eo4, il h is be. n Hie single ct.ih' ivor ol ihe proprietors to miiko it Hie most k"mj i io.ii, ' env. nieiit aud coinlorinbhi boii.e for ll.e .i i'.'ii i il struneer onlliissblu Ihe Athiiisic. Ai'i' I whatever hat seemed likely to lo Ihe ' com'orl of in Ruests llu-y endeavored. Bi'bniii ! r. KJrd lucit, I" provide, and to conini.e nil tot I fl.'.neiilsol'iiidividonl and social ei.j .ju.ei.t wbii l 1 modern art has invented, and modern tus.1 uppr.-v 0" led: and the paironaiio v lii.'h il cumit. il il I Olll IIIU 1.11 V Tain .- n ( Tv?!s 7 1 ftrj.. i, -v their fll'.iit Inn been sppici'i .'ml. To me. t t.y i exiueiicies ol the limes, when all nie r. .juired t " i I'd i practice the nmsl ri.;id economy. III under-nsu. o HI ; ii yk i:f.ui;ci: i) tiik I'laci: of i'maud TOTWOliOl.l.AK ITU UAV.a' tl..-sin e : time ahaii.i; none of the luvoiies with n !.i. h ti'.-ii tuhlc hiii-hitherto bren supplieil. thi:aiivi:i.i wihixomh & ro. Del. leifll. I mo. SUNBXJRY ACADEMY. rpllF. PL'MMLH TK11M of Ihe Cuiiliuiy ilcadi'iri) will I fououcnee on Ih. of April. The eouise of iiutructioi. e.nbraees every .lepnil menl ..f idiicutloa tH.iRlll ui "ur best A. dr.iue. prruarmc siuoenis one enlivi lo. a or lo cnui un) .i. u 1 -i'- 'I'crms pi:n uv a rn i-.n: Common rVhool Hrnneri, s, l W Higher Knhli,el.., -IjniiiaintOieekliiijaiitvl. " Tailiou to be pa'd before i'ie mid.tte of Ihe tuna. B rd run lie bad ia piivuio fumiiies al lion. St H m " "'"" fl I'. WOfcVtK I'uN, l-w, ,:. poiicry, Meh y , L-sVi TIIE LATEST E1TLS CP SPIIIAG AND SUMMER' G ARM33NTS, ARJ3 CCKET AN"! tV X-lAZtXi at the Tasliionatio Tailoring EstetlLhmtnt jacobo. a ic, irfnrltt t hitet t, SI 'SKl'SI V, Vn. niHK ai.listfiber Iiss jnsl reeuivr.) etui opeieil a Inrpe aaaorlnienl fl'P'nM") AND lytiM' Mlilv (.OOHfs null aa CLOTHS, ' OK r.VP.IlY M;s;i;ip'ilil?,- A, tilTAl.ITV. rinin aiid Trtcy CRreimr ros, Vctitir., &c. of the latest KM to. In a.!,!t!in lo his stin k l Is roiislBtiiiy nei ivirip new si,j plies fron. ihe tits lieiMii i;r n f "i j ! 1 ossoninrnl of t!,e most so! stsmial nnd l ili.M style of Oi.-nis in the i i'y It.irkets. lie is prepared in tPuI.e lo ,) t all kimU f ''en'.b men's aiol j'ov's ., fne-i r.n 1((Kmi:o.VI, ri;i;(.i;.:0AT3. ni'fll KEKH.UOATS. VKST PAMTA LOOX:'.. iVn. Ae. of the verv latest sty !e. and in iho most anlulsn tiul mi.niii r, nt short notice. Any lin-.ds ra; on hand, m ill he furiiisliej from Philadelphia, bv 2i iiii two ilny ' noieo. 1 1'" Call oi.. I emmnc my alucli, no cbargea mode fur show in j.f:oa o. deck. fnnhnrv. May 11. Rfi. JOHii S"& TiXIiLKY, SOL?-. MA.M I'ACH Ki:l;s !)!' TUB nimovu) OUTTA fiiECHA. C E iI E N T ll O u V 1 21 G , The cheapest nnd in f-t duo.lile I!" if uj iuttse. ItisFira nnd Wima l'r-i.iir. Il inn lie apt lied M new iu.,1 OKI t(,i,.rr.f all khuls, and lo SUi.,K!e ii'i'.ns vvillK.llt kmi.iv tl.e rlini(;its. The (.'i.'St is only about Onc-'J bird that or Tin, iiiul it is twice s Durable. G U T T A V )i It C 11 A C T: M Ji N T , Fur presevii'tt i.i! 'ei'imi.ii; Ti :' other Milid Koofs nf eve:;, ilei-ci : .e, I r. . . u iif al eliinieil , is i,.. injuu-d l,y 'I'e ;'in,:T.ii '.i n in , xpai ii..,i i.l invt.iis, and Will nut eiaeU fi cmI ( -t .en in waiin e ali.ei. i'' tniil-iiiia- teen I :i"..i..ii!v tinted in New V- :K lie..! aii p.nt ol ll.e ..tli.'iii iii.d est, in S:i,,, in. '! o.-l' e..a .v lav ,r. .tjirotifuf all we eli.nn m 'i'lie' nre readily i.pplim! bv or innry labaen, nt a tri- : ins e.itn a' ' NO UK T Il IMXifinlin." 7':ici,e n aleraiU-iie -ut i.p tee-.i I'.u uvt. nnd f r ship, "ipa i'i ..!! n n la i.l the euunti , wall Tji .: ii.teil di'eet on! (.,r ''I:'"i".. t nil ilesei ipi ive r'r"iit:ns will be fV.rnt.!""i nn tinr-liea. lion I.; tii 'i! in p. i'..ii ui .nir l'nnvl.:tl . li'.co anil Wart, h.n.-e. Wli.l.lA.M TI:i:i-.T, ('.' vr of Liuuiy Mrci i.) ,i vv Vol k. lOIINtf.v rnORJ.EY. Ar.nNTS VM :'.i 'letm Cai,li : ! .I'i, ,. 1 , l-l'.l I . Ji A k K t; j; jp i.iin rifjiui'O jiariRi's. 1 .1, o aroi o I renia, Harcge K'.lies. ,:! f.0, 4-1 CO and 5 Oil, Mi.;iim':.ii)iie Kohea nl Sij Oil, IV.ivclltij; liters 1,1,10... fciliepliiinlV I'laiJ-, M.dialr Plahls, (iineliaiuV, l-iuvns. 1 nnis, l.'haliies, tiiey t'lurtd Oo.iiis. ttOOPP.I? At t'ONAKil. S E corner Xinlli am!, Phihidelfliia. 1.1. Hesl .jojiuy U"op fckiits, Ul ccnn lo Sl..y18, lfi&M. X D t it w IX oiiD.i n.ij y. LIY i a : :KAVKI,I.EK3 ntul olinrs arc icsp. ctful'y inloiuicd thai ihe sul'M'tincr, in order 10 ac commodate li'.c public und f.iciiilale travel. Iina ii'dui.'C.l tho ralia ol ferr'aco at bis S'J'KAM I I:'. Ii Ii V, over the Wu .po hanaa. at Suiihiirv , 11 in) will carry I'assengeis, liorsis, CuiriiRcs, and iiar vehicle, a, the following ralea, viz : I' i 't I'lisscngers, each fi cents. 1 i 01 so and liui.r, IS " f iois.' r.n, I )'iu:ey, 25 " Tiv;)-Hotso l.cuveyhnc-1, 4'.l " f'ai no is ami others, wialiipg to transport Coal und I'n iluce, can make ariangemenla ut aiid lower rales. A l.irii, safe nnd coiiimodious Sieainbont will run regularly utidprcmplly ut nil hours of Ibe .lav, Hiid lo uc.'oniinodiite thosowho desne' t ) at t. u.l thu CI',Hi-cl.i ut H'jnbury and tinsrute., liie will run on Sumlny. The rStenin'''M'. will run from Market i-'liei't Warf, (.'id piotnplly convey I'asseng. 1a liuiti botli M.hs ol Ibe Hiver, ni:hout tli lay. 'i'l.e .Menu terry now aiVor.U not only a safu I and toiiv.'iiieiit 11:11, sit over toe cin-qut,pt)ia, but nha, a pleasant Htnl i,p,re."aiile tioe. ' J 11 A T. t;I,l',.I F.NT, l.eesce and 1'ioprieior. f-' 1 1 . vl ! r y . May i."., 1 -til. STOVES ! STOVES ! ! ron ha 1 Af. AT'iiu: indust.uat.. tcvi: wokks 'i.;j.."i!li Slicer, riiilHut'ljiiiin, ile Chrisi'n t't.tjU-li, iliu nint 1 eltrauil ft I'f' in-t.t. On iony iiiiii liL'itm.u M.-vt M I ll.e iluy. I,.nli!l. Vu- i wit lA.'Al- ri.l.Tr., ittnl :. C.h.Ui. .1 ;1 I J c.Hii .(I !iiVel Ail M wlticli uiv (Jiiitrantcfd W ivc n.itiiittciiuii, l'iiue ;i ti ii cu'l. W.M. C. NIliM AN. Out 'Ii.t 12, IrClm j r e. . eCntiitiy Vegetable. Ko A'ccLclic Prepa luthn. LIlI.LdIv a I i.i) GERMAN JHTTEIIS, I'rci ti, id ! 1)11. J tt KSOS i ., I'l'ila.blpltill, i'rnu'n. Will elUcti'iilly cu:c. l.'.vcr l.:i',p!.a..t, livspep. eia, .laun.lije, Chronic or Nervoti bebiluj, lji.caso ol the lki.ii:ri, an.l aii ui-vaccs aiising In 111 a tiioi I.i it St.": I I'l'es. I' la.i.'li. .Y. '. e . i I IT !'!'io.l tO Ik'ir'.huiil, t'11 He III c Pii . f ll.e II II. 1 r;c I tin.' Loli. Uil , I'i; . ,ir f, ll'. . ii.if ,...'. Li :a 01 V. ,,,.,,1, v." 1 1'u'l I' ,11 .11 tna 1' ' .; I,, :;.'V". I'S. i'i '.. ' i.'.., I'n : b 1.1111' ''', .V I' . ul- iii.,i in 'lie 1 " 1 '.. lVn...ii' i'i'..- ! 1 1. 'I i '. . ' . 1 : : . I Will .i.ovs i r. l.t:, i'ii. int.- n:- iC I t.' put.;. - . e ''.'"-''-' - ; t. l...:uw, ' ' '.' fi ( 1 I -i ' '. ,t .'s - .i. 1.. m f" ciifcvs r in Lit tu . M-h.-'c. l.:'l ere l) l:f'3 i h'd ire t;.i- An. cm ;iii i. . i.t l.y t.;;,ilur tii ii i ' ;'' i. I y fi- l.'.il t'H IMi'l 1 ut ll" it ; , :i'"l 1 I'dlB' il ii,. in ..!; tU ll.e .t'- l I IlL ,'.-. I... CiMl t. .in ii uv ly '.-iii-i-il i :ri-. i t ! tlie rticych;o : i v i v lid P 0. 'lll 1. -..H ri.ll, Il. 'i'll-il , rll II J: H I L l. . s l..iin. if I" b: ;.t I- II . m li.i: in ,.'.' li'Ui i.V i-i'i'pl' I '.III- I I ! I 'U" u I vv:,.. . " li:l. l ;:,'. I .i . . i' i . ' ., ' r ! .I it. '.W t,t 1 M ,1 I o.l :. In. !,.,.., i ro :.. li ll ' 1 I'"' I "rl'' ." i- u. J M.vVloX HiJN, -,: i -1 v iiVjm ACAIiEIdY." 1. I S A N I) F K M A l.E s WA.vii-'Ol.l'., A. M , Vii.H'iia! and Ta.-U nr. A.I!, 'I'i uli.-r of Al.uinniaiiis si il im. Li i ut .vi 1 " , Tcivhei of Jlant on Pia- F o i: M . i: i - i. r. r of L o .:.i. -' M I. l-.le To .- i :, lit .... .M.s. .In I im i I i, ii, ul V-l ..!. ' n il i Ti rir w I I e'nll:vrllt, Iumiay, Ibe 1 Iltl oi s.) i:vhi;;i;, tmi. . . 1 , u"':l nriiii'o c.oi be hJ-'. i.'iitnp in the .iinee and Vl. u- ' ' TliB" IKS (.I'VKTEH OS F.IEVSS WttKS Conn. i in 1,113. isti liiunei.c., f-l' 'S. H,.,..ei e.o.l 1 ..',, .1 t ie.. " .Mu..e ('J? iessir.',) t-" Ali-liLaS . , nrv 1 f. WAMroLE Piiucipni. F'vsl'.'rir Pi... ctl - 41 pd PHOTOG'UPUIO AKTIST fIHilTiUKAIMlr, XMIiRtlTYrS' and s'l Ibe modern sijles of Pietutes, e J to s kupei'.or manner. IV liooms i l lis r.KR, Va.kvl : kt tnburv I'a Au" tO. !"