Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, November 23, 1861, Image 3

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    (Prom the rhlMelphi Inquirer, ISIb In J
Interfiling heident$ of the Attack on Port
Royal, Etc. Brilliant and Daring Action
of our MenDamagt Done our Vetteli.
UlLTOH IllAD IsLAKD, B. C, Not. 8.
The Bag of Ibe UoioB flottl id triumph
rivet the toil of tbe Palmetto State end
Port Royal, the finest harbor South of the
Chesapeake, It In fall possession of the United
States forces. The credit of the eebieeaeol
wholly belongs to the Navy, and the victory
for the molt was sot accomplished without
well contested fight is the roost brilliant
aod Important which has occurred since the
war commenced. ..)-
Learning that the gunboat Bienville Is to
leave this afternoon with despatches, 1 shall
attempt to give yon a hurried accoont of
what has happened since the arrival of the
fleet off the coast of Sooth Carolina. i
Moat of the squadron came to anchor We
on Monday last, bat the espeditirn had been
disintegrated by theietorm, and many of the
vessels which were most necessary to our
soccest were missing j among these were the
Ocesn Express, opoo which some short
sighted official bad placed all the ordinance
of the expedition, instead of dividing it
among the other transports. The ferry boats
also, opoo which rested all onr hopes for a
speedy disembarkation,' and the Osceola,
Union, lieividere, (transports,) wito cargoes
of commissary stores, and deck loads o'
beeves and horses, and the Ericsson, wit J
Himilton's light battery, did not arrive.
Added to the uncertainty and anxiety re
specting the safety of these vessels was the
full knowledge of the loss of the Governor
and Peerless ; end out mishaps and despond'
eocy on these accounts were made heavier to
bear because no attempt was made to land ;
nod while we were missing the fine weather,
the Rebels were improving onr delay by
strengthening their means of defence in sight
of 08.
Three gno-boats belonging to the Confede
rates, nnder the command of Captain Tatoall,
formerly of the United States Navy, opened
fire at long range upon onr war vessels, which
approached Port Royal Inlet for the purpose
of recoonoitering, on Monday evening, and
about fifty shots were exchanged ; bat do
harm resulted to either side, for the Rebels
steamed away with their high 'pressure craft
before our vessels could get near enough to
injure them. Our gun boats then returned,
and took position around a portion of the
transports which had anchored within the
bar about five miles from shore, in order to
protect them from any insolence on the part
of those ashore ; but the night passed without
On Tuesday, everybody thought an attempt
would be made to land troops upon either
one or other of tbe headlands at the entrance
of Port Royal harbor. These beadlaoda are
nearly three miles apart, and are respectively
known as Hilton's Head aod Bay Point tbe
former being tbe northeast extremity of
Hilton's Head Island, and tbe other the
southeast point of St. Phillip's Island.
Before attempting to disembark, however,
General Sherman, with the prudence aod
caution of a military leader, determined opoo
making a, to find out whether
the proposed point of landing had been forti'
tied by tbe enemy or not. Be started on
this mission at daybreak, accompanied by
Captain Giltnoor, Chief of the Engineers, and
other members of tbe staff; but before tbe
little 8 tea 01 tug Mercury, opoo which tbe
recoonoitering party had taken position, had
gone half a mile in tbe direction oi tbe shore,
tbrue Rebel guo'boats, nnder Tatnall, came
outside of tbe bay, aod burled defiance, with
10 inch shell, to the Ottawa, Uoadilla, Paw
Dee, Seminole, Curlew and Isaac P. Smith.
Neither of Tatnall's vessels was able to
send a shell within a mile of any of our boats
where he made this demonstration, aod as
oar gaos were powerless to hurt him at that
distance, a movement was made towards him.
He retreated, however, for the purpose of
petting our boats to follow him aod thus
expose themselves to the fire of two powerful
Bbnre batteries, which were erected, one oo
each side of tbe entrance to the bay, and tbe
guns of which were plainly to be seen. Tbe
Mercury, with General Sherman, steamed
after tbe gun'boats, wbich bad by this time
entered opon a sbarp action with both bat'
teries, white Tatnall remained uoder cover
behind the point. Tbe engagement lasted
about half an hour and lully demonstrated tbe
immense streugth of tbe Rebel fortifications.
Their gunnery was excellent, but fortunately
oo greater damage resulted to our side than
u trifling injury to the rigging of tbe Ottawa.
Several of the shells throwo by the Pawnee
exploded within tbe battery at Hay Point,
among tbe tents of ao encampment in tbe
rear, doubtless destroying many lives. Tbe
object of the recoonoissance having been
attained, the gun boats were ordered to rejoin
the Meat, and General Sherman, accompanied
by Generals Wright and Stephens, afterwards
mat in consultation with Commodore Dupont,
00 board the VV abash.
Their deliberations terminated with a
decision tuat tbe battery at Milton Head
must first be silecced before an attempt could
be made to land the troops ; for, with the
limited means of debarkation to which the
expedition had beeo reduced by the storm,
there was no other point at which this could
be accomplished.
Tbe navy, under these circumstances, could
alone be looked to for relief, aod tbe military
bad to retire impoteotly before tbe obstacles
wbich presented themselves ; but bluejackets
have a reputation for being equal to emer
gencies, and in this instance tbey nobly
sustained it.
It was intended that the attack should
commence on that afternoon, aod active
preparations were made for it. The Wabash
aod smaller frigates ware cleared for action ;
boats taken in, topmasts housed, and rigging
secured from falling, should a shot chance to
cot it ; while the little gnn boats, whose motto
is "always ready," flitted about impatient for
their cumbrous Jomrades to finish their bel
ligerent toilettes.
At three o'clock, therefore, tbe vessels
commenced moving toward the shore, to wbich
tba Rebel navy lay io close proximity, defr
actly Bauotiog tbair insoleat Aags. I bad
forgotten to staia (bat, earlier ia the day, tbe
Wabash aod larger transports crossed the
bar and came to anchor near the remainder
of lbs fleet. Tbe vessels cautiously went
along, a man stationed io tbe obains heaving
the lead aod calling out lae depltt of water,
Notwithstanding this precaution, the flag1
ship, some distaoee io tbe van, groooded oo
the end of tbe Fishing Rip Shoal, a shifting
eand bar, which bad changed since the last
survey of tbe harbor. This casualty detained
her ao hour and a half, aod meantime tbe sun
had declined too far to render tba attack
feasible that day,
Tba disappointment io consequence was
vory great, and next morning it was almost
unbearable when tbe wind was found to be
blowing so strongly that another day would
pass inactively. Bat all things have an
ending, and yesterday (Thursday) morning everything propitious for an attack.
Tbe wind blew gently from tba northeast.
and scarcely a ripple disturbed the surface of
the water. Early io the morning the Rebel
gun-boats took up their former position at
the entrance of tbe bay, and six large river
steamers, supposed to contain troops, passed
backward and forward Ia tbe offins?. fcCAaaioo
ally approacbiog tbe fortifications 00 eitber
side. At nine o'clock tbe siirnal was virao
by tbe Wabash to raise anchor, aod Io balf
an hour aJtarsrardi all tbe vessels were under
way, tbe Oag-sbip leading, and tba tJasqoe-
banaa, Mohioao, Seminole, Pawnee, aod
Oiners, luiiowing aesordlpg to tbeu sis,
Tbe lust bad scarcely got witbio range
the batteries when that oo Hay Point opeoed
tire, and oot oiore tbaa n snionU elapsed
before tbe Hilton Uead fortifitiaUou rained
(jilli terrible eipwer. For lew nomeots,
it pursuance of a previously formed deter
minatios not to waste a shot, the Wabash
and the rest steamed silently oo, receiving
tbefr Ore, regardless alike of borsting sbelle,
bumming projectiles aod whirring round shot,
which plunged Into tbe water from a quarter
to nail a mils away. Tba distance between
the two fortifications is two miles and six
tenths, and tbe water makes e.jjrtft passage
through tbe straits between them.
Tba current wss setting in when the
engagement commenced, and as Done of tbe
vessels eould remain stationary before either
battery, ooless they had anchors out, it was
determined tbat tbe forts should be passed
aod fired into alternately. Accordingly the
vessels entered the bay oo tbe northern side,
oot more than eight hundred yards from Bay
Point battery, into which each delivered fire
from its starboard guns. Then they swept
around in a circuit oi a mile or a mile aod
bait, . and bore down towards Hilton Head.
opoo wbicb tbe cootenls of tbe port broad
sides were thrown. Tbe four larger vessels
alone performed this manoeuvre, while tbe
remaining eight gun-boats participating in
tbe battle took positions about a mile north
oi tbe fortifications, into wbicb tbey threw
unceasingly a destructive enfilading fire,
From my point of observatioo, on tbe
Atlaotic, about three miles from tbe com
bataots, the operations, both afloat aod
ashore, were very well seen by tbe aid of a
poweifol telescope belonging to tbe Engineer
corps oi tee expedition.
After tbe first attack opoo Bay Point,
during which several ricocheting shells burst
plumply witbm tbe battery, and others in
tree tops far beyond it, scattering destruction
amid the soldiers who were concealed in tbe
vicinity, tbe vessels comparatively neglected
it, allowing it to blaze away witb only an
occasional rejoinder, while tbey devoted
themselves to extinguishing tbe fire at Hilton
Jo describing their circuit and delivering
tbe fire, tbe steamers, each time, consumed
about an hour. - As the Wabash came down
on tbe second round, she thundered forth ber
salutations at a distance of not more than
six hundred yards from tbe battery, aod, as
ber shells exploded, large columns of dust
would rise, indicating tbe point where tbe
fragments struck aod ploughed the ground.
On the third round, I am told tbat she ap
proached two hundred yards nearer than
before, and made awfol havoc, sending shells
in various parts of tbe woods within a range
of three miles, io order tbat tbe Rebels,
supposed to be concealed there, might be
driven from their biding places.
What is true respecting tbe firing of the
Wabash, is also tbe fact regarding tbat of the
Satqaebaona, Mohican, Vaodalia, and others.
Kacb vessel discharged ber broadside at tbe
shortest possible range.
But tbe enemy was by no means inactive.
Some of his guns were rifled, and not one of
them was poorly served. Tbe red shirts of
their gunners were seen above tbe parapets
of their works during tbe hottest part of tbe
fight, and tbe bravery aod pluck displayed
excited tbe involuotary encomiums of tbe
spectators. Tbat their markmaosbip was
good, the torn bulls and cut riggings of our
vessels, ratber tbao tbe number of killed and
wounded oo board of them furnish full evi
dence. Three of their guns seemed to have
been dismounted almost simultaneously when
the firing had beeo in progress three hours;
aod theo, for the first time, was there any
wavering on their part, it subsequently was
ascertained tbat tbe shells wbich threw over
tbe - guns did fearful executioo opoo tbe
artillerists, aod caused tbe partial silence of
tbe battery.
The Wabash aod other vessels again, for
the fourth time, made a detour, while tbe
gun boats contioued to tbrow io tbeir fierce
euGlading fire, wbicb now received but a
feeble reply from the fort. By tbe time tbat
tbe fleet was again in front of tbe enemy, he
was obaorwoel i We vMilug Ulm j
Men were hastening across a meadow to the
shelter of a piece o( woods, about balf a mile
io tbe rear, carrying witb them their wounded,
baggage, Ac. This was precisely a quarter
before three o'clock, and io a few moments
afterwards tbe Rebels struck tbeir flag,
raising a white one npoo tbe staff.
The signal to ceaBe firing was at once given
by the flag ebip wbicb lowered a boat and
sent it ashore, carrying a flag of truce at the
bow, and oor owo proud banner at the stem.
Captaio Joho Rogers, a passenger on tbe
W abash, who had come down to join bis
vessel, tbe Flag, now blockading off Charles
ton, volunteered to take the boat asbore,
wbicb be did, himself and crew being nnarm
ed ; but there was oo one there to receive
tbem. No time was lost by tbe sailors io
planting tbe United States ensign upon tbe
extreme outer parapet of the fortification,
while Captaio Rogers displayed tbe beloved
emblem of our oationality opon tbe flag
staff of a building a few rods to the right,
from wbicb tbe rebel standard bad just been
lauea down.
Who ahull describe the enthusiasm with
which tbis glorious' victory was received ?
Tbe minds of the eager spectators of tbe
fight bad been in a measure prepared for it
by seeing the boat go asbore with a Sag of
truce, aod as sooo as our flag was planted
upon tbe parapet, cbeer followed cheer from
the vessels. Tears of joy filled many eyes,
and bands were cordiully shaken end congrat
ulations freely expressed. Some, in the
exuberance of tbeir exultatiog, danced wildly
and clappek their bands, until it became a
matter of doubt that tbey would ever cease
tbeir antics. The ebullition of patriotic ferver
was not decreased io tbe least when tbe
regimental bands played, witb hearty feeling
tbe "Star Spangled Bauner," whose majesty
bad been so signally vindicated.
1 be transports bad beeo lying, during the
actioo witb tbeir anchors "hove abort," ready
to run np witb tbe troops at the first sign of
victory. I bey immediately sleamec toward
the fort, awakeoiog echoes by tbe cbeers
which burst spontaneously from tbe soldiers,
io acknowledgment of tbe prowess of the
N avy, as eacb ship tbat bad beeo in tbe battle
was passed.
Meantime, Lient. Barnes of tbe Wabash,
bad made a landing with bis battalion of
sailors, whom be stationed as sentinels about
tbe fort, placing bis pickets about 200 feet
from tbe water limit of the work. Everything
about tbe batteiy aod tbe encampment to
the right of it indicated tbat its late occupants
bad decamped in a hurry, probably ooder tbe
influence of a paoic. Not ooe of tbe twenty-
tbree guoa forming tbe battery was spiked,
and they were ail in complete order for
defending the place by our troops in case of
aland attack, several Doing loaded, is one
of tbe ammunition bad beea removed or
destroyed, and every conceivable tbiog con
nected witb a military camp could oe louna
lying loosely around. Tbe officers bad not
taken away tbeir camp furniture, clothing,
dress swords, stores, or baggage of any kind
although a glance at a few of the tents
showed tbem to be Io a stale of eoofusion, as
If tbair coateuts had beeo overhauled. These
tents, both for the officers and men, about
eighty io number, were well furnished, floored
and mora comfortabla in all respects, tbao
those generally used by oor owo men, aod
there were aboodaot evidences that tba com
misriat was well supplied
Tbe work of landing tbe troops was com
menced immediately, but it was slow eod
tedious operation. Tbe surf aod other small
boats, wbicb were tbe ooly means of debark
atioo, eould ooly approach to about one
baodrod yards from tbe beach, because a sand
bar intervened between tbem. Tbe soldiers,
therefor bad to jump overboad io water up
to tbeir knees and wade asbore. Ueoeral
Wrisbt's Brigade was Drst to land, ood after
wards Ueoeral Stevens'; tot it was oot until
of Use naat davliaht that tha latter troona were
installed in tbe q oar tars vaeated by tbe Sooth
Carolinians. I went anhore bafor dark
myeelf, aud Vies r t-mm.ony lathe wa ...
which the soldier pluudtied tbe pmpe'i'i
i .
I have not time however to describe tbe
disgraceful scenes. . .
Tbe fort itself is a very fine defensive work,
and was nearly completed. It was ao sign
Jar structure covering four acres of ground.
The deep ditch rans around the exterior,
where pickets are planted on the land side
and two palisades of palmetto logs, with
oop notes lor musketry defended tbe ap
proacbes to the work on tbe sea coasts from
mlantry assaults. The enemy had twenty,
two guos in position, but three were dis
mounted by oor fire. Tbe remainder are all
in serviceable conditioo, with good carriages
Ac. Following Is a list of tbe pieces :
Thirteen 32 pound smooth sea coast guns ;
two heavy siege guos ; two rifled 8 Inch guns;
one 10 inch columbaid j two carronades i one
8 inch gnn, and an abundant supply of
ammunition, consisting of friction tubes,
shells, cartridges, shrapnel, grape and roand
shot. A large quantity of small arms were
also seised. The interior of the fort was
supplied with numerous traverses, and tbe
magsxines, sally-ports, and in fact everything
about tbe fortification, bears evidence of skill
and careful construction.
Six dead bodies were found within the
battery onburied, and at least twenty more
were slightly covered with earth at tbe foot
of ooe of tbe traverses. Jt is known that tbe
Rebels carried away some of tbeir dead, and
It is thought from the data obtained, that
their loss In killed alone was fully one hun
dred. Our killed throughout tbe fleet is only
eigbt, and wounded twenty.
From letters found in tbe Rebel esmp, and
information obtained from two prisoners, ft is
ascertained tbat, during tbe action, there
were only fifteen hundred troops at Hiltoo
Head, end about eigbt hundred at Bay
Point. Tbey were commanded bv Brieadier-
General Thomas L. Drayton, a wealthy
planter residing oo the island. The trooDS
consisted of the Ninth and Twelfth Regi
ments of South Carolina Volunteers, com
manded respectively by Colonels William C.
ueywaroand JMIiott. The camp at Hilton
Head was called Camp Campbell, and the
battery Fort Walker. The fort at Bay
Coin I was named in booor or Beauregard.
The oames of tbe killed on our side, as far
as 1 have been able to ascertain, are
On the Wabash Thomas J ackson. cantain
of forecastle gun, thigh shot off by a 42 pound
sbot, and four other men were wouuded at
tbe same gun.
On the Mohican Third Assistant Engi
neer Wbiltemore, wbo was struck by a splin
ter wbich was caused by a shot coming
through the hammock nettings. He was
standing at tbe bell pull at tbe time. At the
same moment, Quartermaster Wm. Thomp
son, one of the bet pf sailors, who was at tbe
wbeel, received a mortal wound from a frag,
ment of shell. M r. Cuthbert. another of the
Third Assistant Engineers, was hadlv
wounded. Messts. Loyburo and Clinton.
Master mates, were also hurt, the former
having his leg broken. Four others were
slightly iojured. Eight shots struck the
vessel, seven of which were io tbe hull.
On tbe Bienville Thomas Gurcon and
Alexander Chambers, wbo were struck while
orking a gnn ; three others were wounded
slightly at the same time. .
lbere were two men killed on the Snsoua.
banns. 1 do not know tbeir names.
The Uoadilla received seven shots io her
bull. No ooe wss hurt oo board.
Tbe Webasb was struck thirty four times.
Ooe shot lodged in her conoter, causing her
to leak badly; rigging badly cut; mainmast
njureo beyond Dope of repair, although she
will endeavor to get to New York witb it ;
the ports, spare spars, channels cut. and
spanker boom shattered. Not aoy of tbe
vessels engaged escaped more or less injury.
Tbe fortifications at Bay Point were aban.
doned by the enemy at the time of the
evacuatioo of Hiltoo Head. Tbe works
there are scarcely inferior to those opposite.
Stevens' brigade, consisting of tbe New York
Seventy. nintb and Eighth Michigan, occupy
toe place. 1 here were lourteeo guns aban
doned, only one of wbicb was spiked. 32
pound guns were mounted oo the water front
and also columbaids. One rifled guc burst
into fragments wbile the Rebels were using
it, and killed several without a doubt. To
tbe right of the principal redoubt, or main
battery, is another of three guns As at
Hiltoo Head, the Rebels were well supplied
witb all kinds of ammunition, which has fallen
into oar bands. Vast quantities of stores,
rice, &c, were left behind. When tbeaimy
took possession of the place, a letter was
foond from Colonel Elliot, addressed to tbe
Commander of the United States forces, to
tbe eflect tbat, finding the place untenable
agniupt the force brought before it, aod in
view of the evacuatioo of Hilton Head, be
had determined to abandon bis position,
adding, that it would be better to fight tbe
cause of the Southern Confederacy elsewhere,
tbao to be taken prisoners and confined at
Fort Lafayette.
Yesterday, several successful reronnoisan.
ces were made by the Engineer corps. Tbe
country was explored six or seven miles from
camp on the eastern and western shores of
Hilton Head Island. 1 have not time to
giveyou particulars. Not a white man was
seen, however, about tbe pliiotutinos, and but
few negroes. About two dozen bsve come
into our camps. They say tbat the troops
all left tbe island on Thursday oigbt. The
reconnoitering parties brought io severe
cart-loads of amis, blankets, cartridge boxes.
stores and otber things, wbich tbe enemy
bad tbrowo away in bis burried flight. There
is plenty of forage to be obtained, and on
Colonel Drayton's plantation, quantities of
commissary stores were fouod in a warehouse,
A few dead men and several wounded were
found by tbe roadsides.
A Fioiitino Negro. A correspondent of
the Chicago Tribune, describing the battle of
Uelmoot, says :
"During tbe thickest of the fight tbe troriy
servant of General McClernaud, a mulatto
named William'Stains, of Decatur, exhibited
conspicuous coursge. He was close by the
General during tbe whole engagement, cbeer
mg tbe soldiers and swearing tbat be would
shoot tbe first man tbat showed tbe white
feather. Many of us laughed heartily at the
fighting darkey, wbile tbe bullets flew like
bail about us.
"Jo the course of tbe fight, a Captain of
ooe oi tbe companies was struck by a spent
ball, wbich disabled him from walking. Tbe
mulatto boy, wbo was mouoted, rode np to
bim and shouted out, 'Captain, if you can
Gght any longer for tbe old Stars aud Stripes,
take my borse and lead your men.' He then
dismounted and helped tbe wounded officer
into bis saddle. When he was walking away,
a rebel dragoon rushed forward at tbe officer
to take bim prisoner. Tbe darkey drew bis
revolver aod pat a ball through tbe rebel's
bead, scattering bis brains all over the horse's
"1 relate these little circumstances so tbat
merit may be justly dealt witb, even if tbe
hero is a 'nigger,' as some people would call
ibit orate tallow."
A Milkman was awakened by a wag Io the
oigbt witb tbe announcement tbat bis best cow
wascbokiog. He forthwith jumped op to save
tbe life of Urnmmie, wbeo, Io I be foond a
toroip stock io the month of tbe pomp.
' Tbc potato crop of Ireland this season, is a
failure, and famine stares ber inhabitants in
the face. Bat Ireland will oot start. Once
tbis country, by ber liberal contributions,
saved tbe "Ureen Isle" from such a fate, and
sbe will do it again if oeoeasary.
The busybody labors withoot thanks talks
Without credit live! Without lovt nod diet
without taara
WllDOUt tears, ,
It Is oo more possible to bring meo's minds
to tbiuk alike than to make tbeir faces look
alike, '
V a ara ant to be partial to oer owo
yUervalion piobably for tbe obsrver'i saka
Kew Advertisements.
. Important Notice.
A LL PERSONS indented to the subscriber on
Book account or etherwiae, are requested to
make payment on or before tbe first day of De
cember neit Coita will be eared by complying
with the above request. JOHN WILVER.
Sunbury, Nov. It. ,
State of the Bank of Nortfranberland,
November 7th, 1861.
Loans and Bills discounted.
Do. toSlnta Pemisylvaois,
NorthambertaiMl Barik Block,
Other stocks, 1 '
Ril F.state,
line by other Ranks,
Ntra and Cheek ofolber Banks,
Spool in Vault,
ean.iMs u
2 .61 f
7,19 Oi
.WW Oi
7S..159 49
Notes In Circntation,
LIU inner HSnKS,
Due Commonwealth,
J Sci7,(h!7 SO
I certify the iWt statement tn be just and true to the
ben of my knowledge atid bctiei t
J. R. HRIK8TI.BY, Cashier,
Sworn and euhsrrilicd Define me. I
ioiin Csaa, J. P: t
Nov. 9, tMI.
Admlulatrator's Notice.
"VTOTIOE ia heiebr eiventhut letters of administration
X having been grouted to the subscriber on the estslaof
jitrob rry, jr., me oi me norougn nt sunnury, rforthum
berland county, Fa., derailed. All persona indebted are
requested to make payment, and those having claims to
present them for settlement, at the residence of tbe under
signed on Saturday the 4th dnrof Jnimnrr, 1PW
Bunhnry, November 9, 1SI St
IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court
of Snyder county, to Isaac Shaffer and Wil
liam A. Shaffer, directed will be sold at public
sale, on the premises, in Jordan township, Nor
thumberland county, on HA TUKHA X, the olttn
day of November. 1881. the following described
A certain Tract of Land, situate in Jordan
township, Northumberland county, Pa- adjoining
landa of Michael Hhafter, dec d.. on the north.
Daniel 8warU on the Isaac Drppiti on the south.
and lands of Jacob Philip on the went, cor tain
inR seventy-five acres and one hundred and site
teen perches, atrict measure, having thereon
creeled a two story farm House, bank barn and
other out building. Choice fruit trees anJ ex
cellent water. The laud is in a high stale of
cultivation. . s
Condition will be made known on the day of
Not. S, 1861. Administrator.
t - : NOTICE
IS hereby given that I have purchased at conatanir-s
Sale, on the -iWh of October, IfcOl, st the saleof Elisha
Bnrnhart's personal propertv, in Point township, Nor
thumberUtnd county, the following aiticles viz : One
Hone, one two horse Waeon. and three head of cattle.
aud that I haveloaurd the some to said Klisha Bainhart,
during my will slid pleasure.
r . . . -.. . .. . . I'lii 1 1 I'll
ftovemnei Tit Jt " 1J
Estate of GEORGE Irl.tRTIlV, Esq.,
NOTICE! hereby given that letters of ad
ministration having been granted to the
subscriber on the estate of George Martin, Esq ,
late of the borough of Sunbury, Northumberland
county, Pa., deceased. All persona indebted to
said estate are requested to make immediate pay
ment, and those having claims to present them
duly authenticated for settlement.
Mrs. ISA K Art Ul.UUIU, AUm trix.
8unbury, Nov. 8, 1861. 6t
From Philadelphia to Kew Ywk and Way
From Walnut Street Wharf and Kensington Depot.
Inhia, will leave as Follows, vn a
"""""" " ' 111!
At A M, via Camden and Jersey City New Jer
sey accommodation, ...
At t A M, via Camden and Jersey city Morning
At 1SJ h'm, vis Kensington and Jersey city, Wea-
At 1-2J P M via Camden and Ambny, nccomrmidation. tu
At V M, via Cuinden snil Ainooy v aim a..
At Bl'lMtf , vis Kensington, and Jersey city, Eve-
0 00
3 00
At 4 P M, via Kensington and Jersey eity.xd
riaM 'I'll-If t
9 is
At S P M, viu Camden A Jersey city-Evening M ail 3 IK)
At 1 1 P M, via Camden and Jersey city South. Mail i
At P M . vis Camden and Amboy Accommoda
tion, (Freigut and rnssenger,) on ci iimu,
The S P. M. Mail Line runs daily. Tba 11 Southern
Mail Saturdays excepted. ,.,'
For Helvulere, Kasum, Flemincton, e.,al 7 10 A. ni.,
from Walnut street wiiurf and D P. M , from Kensington.
For Munch Chunk, Allentowu ojul Bethlehem, at S, A.M.
via lhigh Valley Railroad
For Wuter Gap, Stroudsliurg. Soranton, W ilkesbarre,
Montrose, Great llend, Ac, at 7 10 A M, via Delaware,.
Mt'kswaiiiia aim western """
For FiettlioKi, at o A. ni.
Foi Mount Holly, at A M and 9, P. M.
n. T,.nlAn Jt . at 7 10 and 01 A.M.. 51.
S 30 sud 1 1 I'M from Kensington and if J P M from Wal
nut s'jeet Wharf. n...ii.
ForPatinvra, Kivenon, ut 'i ' 7" ?' '
Florenee, Uordeutown, Ac.,nl 17, t, 6 snd 5J P. At.
Steamboat Trenton, for Bordentown. and intermediate
places, nl 81PM, from Walnut street Wharf.
CT For New York, and Way Lines leaving K'"""1;
ton Depot., take the cars on Fifth street, above Walnut,
hah an hour before departure. The ears run into the De-
nt. snd on arrivul iH each 1 rain, run u
m Fifty pounds of Barrage only, allowed earn pnssawer,
nsseiigers are pioninueu iran -- r.
gave hut their apparel. AU Baggage over fifty
pounds tn In paid for extra. The Company limit their
esponsihlllty lor Burgage io V, 1 V ,1? ,V iij . ...
will not be liuble toi uuy amount i)"iiu , .....-, --.
cep, by spele-inlimei
Nov- 9, '!.
AA V a ---- n
S hereby given the following lor; were
1 taken up on the 29lh of Sept., 1861, by Philip
Bubb. while floating in the river Susipiehanna,
in Northumberland county, I a.:
1 slick aauare timber 40 feet long, mark D.
1 . 4U ' x.nt.
..... .. V A T.
A atatenient and description wa filed in my
office on the Slh Oct. lol at Georgetown. Nor-
Ihuinlierland caunty, Pa., for the inspection of
all concerned. The owner or ownera are request.
ed to prove property, pay ell legal chargts anil
take them awy or otherwise tne same win db
forfeited. I. il. KCSCSLUK.
Georgetown, Nov. 2, lsfil.
XT0T1CE ' hereby given, that a number of I.ogs have
1 been taken ii n while floating in Ihe liver Susquehanna
III Northumberland county, Aclmu Allmau, tearing mc ioc
lowing marks upon them, via :
. . - . .in,, . .. w a. f r. O. II f. I
A K: C R S; 6 B; P e F: O; L Fj B A K. S.UiJASR,
a e; c A S, B S P, K P, D M H; o H I e, X vv, o, e k b,
M R U, C M, SF8, BP, ex, JBC.JW, ALE, A, CIB,
in i .ha J blH.IJ. ell. cull. cP. E.
I imtier jjai an tee long j no oif icci King. , v
lr.,,0 iWMai iWt Ion. l.A AO feet tons.
A statement and description was filed inmynAiceon Ihe
9lh iT September, leol, at Georgetown, Northumberland
county, Pa., for ihe inspection of all coiioerned. Tlieowuer
nrnwners thereot are reaueslea to prove nnnicnr,!"1) "
legal charges and lake them away, of otherwise lbs same
wiU be forlciled. . .
I. It. tir.9&L.fA, 4 r
October Wl, IfOI.
mHE FALL TERM of thi institution wil
commence on Monday, October 38th, 1861
For parliculais address the Principal
Berryaburg, Daupbin county, Pa,
October 28, 1861 41
NOTICE ia hereby given, that a number of Log have
beea taken up while flosling III ihe river Susquehanna
NorlhumucrkUHl eouiiiy, ly uuueuus . large, uewu
tha following inarka upon tbara :
' OB:CB,4CMiBKiJHC:iinnR;Jli
;l)HIPj U 1 j s, I i v M n ) a, ,
it H).
A statemeat and deseriptwa was Slsd In ssy office on in
Seth of September, leal, at Usuigstowa. Northumberland
county, Pa., Ia lha inantcuun of all
owner of owners i hereof ara reooested
, legal en. tmka Uasa a
tn prove property
pay all legal soar gaa ana M laasa away ur otaerwiae
the same WIS be foi felted,
Georgetown, Oct. 11, 1SI.
OY'8 BOOTS snd BHOK.8, cheap for ca
Sun' ury, August 11 1803.
tm.rm st
4 1,71 A IS
B.H70 Oil
4,I0 0(1
74.00 M
10.310 M
311,7114 1
Millinery Goods!
at the Btorenf
IrllftfteS n. At, J. SIIISSLER,
Simpson's BnikUng, Market Square, BUNBrRY, Pa
rpHE pnWie are Invited tn cat! and examine .heir MH1I
1 nerv Uooris just opened such as Ladles' Dress Goods1
Silks, and the latest New Yarli and Philadelphia styles
FURS, Indies1 Oloves, Hosiery, Hsnrikerehiefs, Notions,
Flowers, and Millinery goods of every variety.
MANTUAMAKINO.Dressesinsdainthe beat man
ner and In any style.
Wa intend to sell low, eaNafia examine onr stork.
. B. ft L.8HILI,R.
Snnhdry, October IJ, 1601.
New Millinery Goods.
Mian M. U UfSSLEK,
i-'atrn Street, two ilonrn tnuth of the Skamoiin
Vallef j- PoUtville Rail Road.
OE8PE0TFULLY inform the citizens of
SUNBURY and vicinity, that she has juat
received from Philadelphia large and splendid
assortment of the most fashionable style of
comprising of
which she is selling at the most reasonable price
'I o which she direct the attention of the ladies
and invites all to call and see them.
Thankful for past patronage, she hope by
keeping In best assortment at reaaonable pricea
to continue the same.
Sunbury, October 19, 1861. 3m
- the modern styles of Picture, executed i
d all
in a
atipertor manner.
CF" Rooms in hi CAR, Market Square,
Sunbury, Pa.
August 10, 1861.
-VJOTICK is hereby given that a number of w have
j.1 lieen taken up while Hunting in the river Susquehanna
in Northumberland county, by Philip Massner and John
Undereobler, bearing the following marks upon tbem :
J AKiJtjCB. 7;JGj B, 3; , I; 9 x D,S; (, ; h, :
P U S 1. 1 1 J F S. 3; B8 P, 4; K, I; ei B, I; M M M, 1
vH RP Wii;W,tG M D; J M H; O R; CS,5
CRS,3j EP,S;,3;8R.O; CAN; hi IF; ft, 3; L H
II, 1; C, H, 6; O, S; qp; S. ; Kj (( j T II O; fico) ;
(..); S H 7; A P C, ; A 0 y, 4; B ft C; R K ft c: J 8; O ft S;
T o; N; L W; J 11 C; T B; () I; JAM; H L M; J ft K :
O HO; TnS; M R Co; vo Rj IM 11; L W; J a g R
D W H; J 9 M; (t); B ft K.
A statement and deeci iption was filed in mv office in the
9(Hh of September, 181, at Georgetown, Northumberland
Co., l a., for the inspection of sll concerned. The owner or
owners thereof ere requested tn prove property, pay all
irgai ennnres aim uote mem sway or otherwise the same
will be forfeited
Georgetown, Oct 86, 1881.
For the cure of Scrofula, Incipient Consumption, Geueral
Debility, White Swelling, Rheumatism, Diseases of
the Liver aud Skin, and all Diseases Arising from
Impurities of the 1)1, kkI and the Kflecls of
Swaim'a Panacea hns been for more than forty vears
oelebtated in this country and in Kurone for its extra.
ordinary cures, for the certificates of which reference is
muue to the diiections and books (which may he had
gratis) accompanying the Panacea; some of which give
the particulars of cases tio fhghtful for general publicu
tin, where the patient have been almost eaten up with
Scrofula, and were deemed incurable by Physicians.
It bus been used in hospitals sud private practice, and has
been recommended by Ihe most celebrated physicians aud
other eminent persons. Among others, by W. Gibson, M.
D., Prof, of Surgery, Penn. University ; Valentine Molt,
M. D., Prof of Surgery, N. V. Unive'sity ; W. P. De
wees, M D., Prof. Mid.. Penn. University; N. Chapman,
M. D., Prof, of Physic, Penn. University ; T. Psrke, M. D.,
President College Physicians, Philadelphia; Dr. Del Vallo,
Prof, of Medicine, Havana ; Jose Fouieuco de Luz. Prof,
of Surgery, Lisbon; J. Chinmau, Member Hoyal College
Surgeons. Loudon ; G. W. Irving, late Minister to Spam ;
Sir Thomas Pearson, Major General British Army j Gil
bert Robeitson, British Consul, fte.
The wonderful cures effected bySWAIM'S PANACKA
have for niaiiv venrs nuui,f..fui -nrhwf torm-,"i(
en innocent preparation, it may ba givea to lha most ten
der infant.
The retsil price has been reduced to $1.50 per bottle,
(containing three half pints,) or ihiag bottles for S4.
Bwaimfs Panacea is in tpuud bottles, fluted longitudinally,
with the fntlowii.g letters blownim the glass:
Having the name of JA9. SWA1M stamped on the sealing J
sp endid engraving,' on the side of the buttle, by Draper ft
Co., bank note eugmvers, in the centre of which ia a por
trait l the late Win Swaim, (co.nnght secures.)
If persons purchsslug Ihe Punacea will be careful to ob
serve that the word SWAIM ia coriectly spelled, they need
not be imposed on.
A valuable family medicine, being a highly approved reme
edy for all diseases arising firm debility of the digestivs ore-ana.
inch us. Aeiditv of the Stomach. Worms, Cholora
Morbus, DyscnUiry, Fever and Ague, Bieedini; Piles, Kick
Headuehe, io. Sea the pamhlet (which may ba Bad gra
tis,) sci-ompariying die Vermifuge.
Prepared only at SWAIM'S LABORATORY, THF.
CHKSTMJT, Philadelphia, and sold by all druggists in the
niteti Males
General Agents for the United Slates.
170 WillnUn Street, New York.
Phil's, Oct. J. 3ra p.
TOTtPE is hereby given thit the partnership heretofore
i existing between George Kmerich and Dsniel Seal, in
the Tanning business, in 1-ower Mshauoy township.
Northumberland county, was dissolved by mutual consent
on the 1st instant. Ttieaccouuts will lie settled by either
f the nariies. The busisess will lie, hereafter, carried on
by the subscriber, at the same piece
Ucl 1st ICtt I. at ui'Unun r.ur-.ivi,i
Broadway, New York.
noard Reduced to $4 a Day.
Since Ihe opening of this vaatand commodious
Hotel, in 18S4, it ha been theingle endeavor of
the proprietors to make H Ihe most aumptuous,
convenient and comfortable home for the citizen
id siranser on this aide the Alienate. And
whatever ha aecined likely to administer to Ibe
comfort of it guest they endeavored, without
regard to cost, to provide, and to combine all the
element of individual and social enjoyment which
modern arlhaa invented, and modern last approv
ed; and the patronage which it ha commanded
uring the past si I years is a gralilymg prool mat
their effort haa been appreciated. To meet tne
exigencies of the times, when all are required to
practice the most rigid economy, the undersigned
time abating none of theluxuriea with which their
table has hitherto been supplied.
Oct IS, 1861. 1 mo.
IHE SUMMER TERM of tha Sunbury Academy will
commence on theeih of April.
The eouise of instruction embraces every depail
ment of education taught ill our best Academies, prenriug
stadeut oue either for a profession or to auiei auy class ui
i rr.n tu An l r.r:
Common School Brunches, , W 00
Higher English Branches, , o no
Latiiiaud Oieck Langaagua, 7 00
Tuitinn to benaid before the middle of the term.
Board can lie had in private families at from 1 7S to
OS )U par wees.
1 an ...... . ' 1 , I , VI O I
e. r. nviiiniiivojiuiior-1
Sunbury, March 30, 1660.
VfOTICE is hereby that a number of log were
1 taken up on the 29th of Kept. 1861, while
floating in the river Susquehanna in Lower Mah
onoy, Northumberland county. Pa., bv Abraham
Hlaaaer Co., bearing tne toiiowiiig mans upuu
tbem I
HLW.Si 3B. 5: 200 I: (0)5.1: RF &C, 2:
I.HB. 2: J4K.6: ACF. OH1.6. 2; WM, AH
. DWH 2: B.. F. JMH 8: BiD 8; CB 3
OHI0.R4Di) . JCB3. IR. PCK 2. (-),
THU 2, a, 1 . Bar x t I000'' "tu i
AHS, b. EP 2. 20 4, 0 2, S. CANS,
JF8. B 2. X, r,. P. 2. H. CW, cV, CIB 8,
TO. X.VM 2, JA3R 2, LW 2. J8W 5, CRS 2,
HM, (o).jm. 2W, 38, USi, LM, ia, e.
Stick. JJM2;MxV I.
A statement snd deaciiptioo was filed in my
office on the 2Mb of October, 1861, st tieorge,
town. Northumberland county. Pa , for tbe in
BDeclion of all concerned. Tbe owner or ownera
I hereof are requested to prove property, pay all
legsl charges snd take lham away, er otherwise
tbe same will be forfeited.
Georgetown, Nov, 2, 1861.
Entirely Vegetable. No Alcoholio Prepa
ration. ..SR. HOOFL.XTD'O
Cfc.Lh.bUA l KL
J'reparrtl by
DR. JACKSON At I O., Philadelphia, Pena'a.
Will eliectually cure Liver Comjilaini, Uyspep.
sia, Jagndioe, Chronic or Nervous Debility,
llisease of the Kidneys, and all diseases arising
from a disordered Liver or Stomach.
Such as Constipation, Inward Piles, Fulness or Blood to
the Head, Acidity of the Hloniaeh, Nausea, Heartburn,
Disgust for Food, Fulness or Weight in the Stomach,
Vur Kiuetatbais, Sinking or Flattering at the Pit of the
St'imach, Swimming of the Head, Hurriod and Ihlhcult
Bieathiog, Fluttering at theHesrt, Choking or SatToctiting
sensations whea in a lying postute, Dimiioa of Vision,
l)ots of webs before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain in the
Head, Deficiency ef Perspiration, Vellowneas of the Skin
snd Byes, Psin in the Side, lines, Chest, l.iadw, fte,Snd
denTlnshes of Heal, Binning in the Flesh, Constant Ima
ginings of evil and great Depression of Spirits, and will
positively prevent YtLLOW FKVKR, IJIUOIS FK
V KK, Ac.
The Proprietor in calling the attention of lha public to
this pre arntlni, does so with a feting of the mniost car
fideiice in its virtuea and adaptation to the discuses for
which it is recommended.
It is no new aud untried article, hut on that has stood
the test of a twelve years' trial before the American peo
ple, and its reputation snd snle are unrivalled by any similar
preparation extant. The testimony in its fnvof given by
the most prominent and well-known Phvsirians and indi
viduals in all putts of Hie country Is immense, and a care
ful perusal of the Almanse, published niiuniilly by the pro
pi iebtrs, and to be hstl gratis of any of their Agents, can
not bet satisfy the most skeptical that this remedy is roully
deseiving the great celebiitvit has ohini'ied
From J. Newton Brown, D. D., Kditor of the Encyclope
dia of Religious Knowledge.
Although not disposed to favor or recommend Patent
Mediomes In general, throngh distrust of tbefr ingredients
ami effects, I yet knowof no sntneicnt reason why a man
may not test y to the lirnelil he believes himself to have
received from sny simple preparation, in the hope that he
may thaa contribute to4he benefit of others
I do this tbe more readily in regnid to "llooflniid's Oer
man Bi)lers," prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson, of thisofcy,
because I was prcjuctced aguinst them for yenrs, under the
impression that they were chiefly an alcoholic mixture. I
am indebted to my friend Rolieit Slioemalier, l'.sq., for tbe
removal of this prejudice by proper tests, nnd for encnur
agementtn trv them, when sum-ring fromgreat nnd long
continued debility. The ose of three bottles of these Hit,
ters. st the beginning of the present year, was followed
by evident relief, and restoration to a degree of Ipodily and
mental vigor which I had not felt for six months before
and had almost despaired of regaining. 1 therefore thank
Ood and my friend for directing me to the use of ibem.
Philad'a., Juiiega, IMH). J. NEWTON BROWN.
August 31, y
John Fare Ira.
713 Arch Street, between
7th., and ath., Sts.,
Late 818 Market,)
Importer ft Mnnufnctnrer
Df, and Dealer in all kinds
of FANCY FURS, for
Indies.' Misses,' and Chil
5:dreii's Wear.
.. Having now rranuTnciur-.-ed
and in store my nsual
Aiifti"re ne"ul'ful assort.
Vment of all Ihe various
jtJ stylos and qualities of Furs,
tartnnted to Ihe Fall nnd
Winter Sensons, I would
respectfnlly inulte an examination of my stock nnd prices
from those intending to purchase, as 1 urn enabled to offer
tbem very desirable inducements.
All my Furs hnve been purchased for Cash, and made
by experienced hands, and as Ihe present monetary troubles
render it necessary that I should dispose of my goods at a
very small advance on cost.
I am sntisfied that it would be to the interest of those who
design purchnsng, to give me a call.
LIT- Recollect the name, numlier and slreel J
(New Fur Store,) 718 Arch Street, Philadelphia.
Sept. 7, 1B01 5m.
REV. J. F. W AM POLE, A. M , Principal and Teach-
er of Languages.
M. L RcTHBicrr. A. B . Teacher of Mathematics and
English Blanches.
Miss Joskphins RcTuXAcrr. Teacher of M one m. Pis.
no and Meliajeon.
The Wintet Term will commence on Moamv. the nth
uoou hoarding can be had cheap in the village and vicin
Txrms ran OnAiTia or Elsvks Wish
Common English Branches, SHOO
Higher "
languages, 7 (HI
Music lessons,) S.U0
r.iysourg, rs., un. nu. i pu.
The Great Cure for Consumption.
If you have a cold, use
.yv istiart s 1 ino i ree I ar uoruiai :
If yoa have a cough, use
Woman s I'ine l ree J ar 1oruiai !
If you have Aflhms, usn
... . . n. rr. n. r , ' l .
w ishart a 1 me i reo i ar Loruiai :
If you have Sore Throat, uso
VV ishart s l ino 1 ree l ar c ordial ;
Ifyou have Bronchitis, use
VV ishart - i'ine l ree l ar uonlini :
Ifyou have Consumption, uso
Wiahaxl rine I ree l ar Uordml
Wiabart's Tine Tree Tar Cordial ia an uufail
ing remedy for diseaae of the Kidneys, Urinary
Complaints, Blind snd Bleeding Piles, Nervous
Debility, and for female weakness ami Irregu
Tbe well known efficacy of Fine Tree Tar in
the cure of external alTcctlona or Sores, pointed it
out a the Natural Remedy for what Phyairiana
call Tubercular .directions (that ia to say, Sores.)
upon the Lunga. It remained to discover the
beat mean of application, which discovery has
been made, a a thousand testimonials prove, by
the Proprietor of
vv .snort s l ine I ree i ar uoruiai :
If you have DYSPEPSIA, use
- . r. . -r. . . -Tl.l,
Wiahart a Ureal American uyspepsi rni ;
A sure cure Warranted fur one dollar, or the
Money Refunded !
Buy a box and take them according to direc
tion, and if they do not cure you, the money will
he returned.
Assists Wm. Weimer, Northumberland.
A. W. Fischer, Sunbury.
Call at either place, and get a descriptive Cir
L. Q. C. Wishart. proprietor, No. 10, North
Second, Philadelphia
Auguat 10, 1861. ly
A o Till. It A It It I VA Is OF
tSuobory, September 7, 1861.
Bank of Northumberland.
THE annual election lor directors will he hHd at the
Hanking House, on Monday, the 16th dty of Novem
ber, betwesa in aouis of 10 o'clock, AM., uud S o'clock
p m.
The anncalrrieetiiif of Ibe atockholdeis, in sccordance
with lha charter, will be held ou Taeadiiy, the Sih day of
November, al IU o'ekwk, A M.
J.R. pniBSTlY, Caahicr.
Noftauialterlan d, October 14, lb6t 3t
THE Assessors of Northumberland county are
rrqueated lo make return of their triennial
assessments to tbe Commissioner's Olliee, on the
S7th day of December, 161, at which lime there
will be meeting of ibe Board of Commissioners.
By order of the Board,
H. D. JORDAN, Clcik.
, Come-isaionar's t)mi, )
Sunbuif, OiAober I", 1861.)
at the
Fashionable Tailoring1 Establishment
Market Mtrvet,Sl'NDlRY. Pa.
1HE (uliarrilier has just received and opened
-- a lareti BPKIM) AND HUM
MER 000 D. such as
Plain and Fancy Cassimeres, Vesting &c.
of the latest atylca. In arlditinn to hie stock he
i constantly receiving iirw supplies from Ihe cits
keeping a full assortment of the most substantial
and latest style of Uonda in the city markets.
He ia prepared lo make to order all kinda of
Genllcmen'a and Joy's wear, such as
LOONS. cVc..c.
of Ihe very latest ty he, and in the most sabstan
tial manner, at lort notice.
Any Ooods not on hand, will he furnished
from Philadelphia, by giving two day's notice.
r Call and examine my stock; no charges
made for showing.
Runlitiry, May II, ISGI.
The chenpest and roost rtnrsble Roofing in use. ll is Fire
arm iTmer J rnol.
Ttcnn be snnliol o new nnrl old Roofs of sll kinita. s,l
lo Shingle Roofs without removing tha shingles.
Tho Cost is onlj about One-Third that
01 lin, anu it is twice as Durable.
For presevins and renuirina Tin and other Mrinl Hoofs nr
cvrry dcsnriiiion, froiri its great clnsticity, is not injured
! tne oJnirBcllon slid upmision of meltils, and will not
mrs com or run m wnim wenmcr.
These materials have been thoroucblv tested in Netv
York aud all narls of the rtoulhetn and' Western Htniei.
and we can give abuiidnutjitoof of all we cluim ui their
Thevare rcadilv annlicd bv or innrv Inlmrcrs. st a in.
fliiiK expense
"BU llf.A I' 1 KKI I IllKU."
These mnterinls are tmt up ready for ose. and for shin.
ping to all parts of the country, with full printed direct ons
or sppucaiion.
Full descriotive circulnrs will be furnished on snrlirs-
lion by rnnil -r in person st ,ur Principal Office and VVsre
house, 78 WII.I.IaM (STREET, (Corner of Llbcily
Street,) New York.
Akts VVstkb I Terms Cnsh ! !
June l,lc6l ly
A R E E r3
Rich Kieured Darceea, 10, 2 .la nil 31 cents.
JJarege llobes. Wi oO, Ki 00 end 00,
Mozambique RoIich at -5 00,
Traveling Dress (Jonds,
rHhephard's Plaids, Mohair Plaid.
Oinghnm's, Lawna. Prints, Challies,
tJrey Figured Goods,
8 E corner Ninth and Market, Philadelphia.
N B. Best duality Hood Kkirts. 94 cents t.i
2 25.
May 18, 1861.
fpRAVEI.I.EKS and others ere respectfully
informed that ihe subscriber, in order to ac
commodate Ihe public and facilitate travel, haa
reduced the rates of ferriage at hie STEAM
1-hKKY, over the Susquehanna, at .Sunliury, ami
will carry Passenger, Horace, Carriages, and
other vehicle, at the following rates, viz :
Fool Passengers, each fi cents.
Horse and Hider, 15
Horse and 7?iiRcy, 25 "
Two-Horse Conveyance, 40 "
I 'bars. wiMhintt 1 iMMM-ilml
lower rates.
A large, safe and commodious Steamboat will
ran regularly and promptly at all hours of tha
day, and to accommodate those who desire to at
tend the Churches at Sunbury and Kelinsqrove,
Ihe Boat will run on Sunday.
The Steam W. will run from Market Street
Warf, and pmmplly convey Passengers from
both sides of the River, without delay.
The Steam Kerry now aliords not only a safe
and convenient transit over the Hucquehanna,
but also a pleasant and agreeable ride.
1 KA 1. CI. EM KIN 1 , Lessee anil Proprietor.
Sunbury, May 25, 1861,
THE undersigned invite attention to their
larrre and well crown tock of
Shrubs, &.C., embracing s large snd complete as
sortment of
Apple, Tear, Peaches, Plums, Cherries, Apri.
cots, ana rvectarine, oianuarn tor tne
Orchard, and Uwarl for the
English Walnuts, Spanish Clissnuts, Hoile-
nuts, oc, Kasbernefi, StrawDerries, CuirauU and
(iOoseberrit-8, in great variety.
Asparagua, Rhubarh, &c, &e. Also a fine
gtockofwell formed, bushy EVERGREENS,
suitable for the Cemeiry and Lawn.
llecidunua 'I ree for street planting snd a een
er al assortment of Ornamental Trees and flow
er' ng Shrubs.
Koses of choice vani ties. Camellias, Ueddirg
Plants, Ac.
Our slock ia remarkably thrifty snd fine, and
we olfer it at price to suit the times.
Ctr Catalogue mailed lo all applicants
Address EDWARD J. EVANS & CO.,
Central Nurseries, YORK, Pa.
September, 14, 1H61. 3m
ir. E. HOOKER rfcCO.,
J0H5I W. BI'CHER, Local A gem, Sunbury
rilhe u:iscritier, having been appointed local
L Agent for the ale of Fruit trees, plants,
vitip. Ac, of one of the moat reliable Nurseries,
calls the attention of all who wanl choice fruit tu
thia method, a more cei tain than by obtaining
them through traveling agent. Among those
Icacribed in the Catalogue are. Dwarf Pear
Trees, of tbe age for transplanting, rumaikably
warf A pple Tree, on Paradise Stork, ma
king beautiful little trees for ihe garden, end pro
ducing remarkably tine specimen of fruit in a
very short time.
Dwaif Cherry Trees, buddej on Muhaleb
Stock, handsome tree.
Standard Apple, Pear and Cherry Tree very
fine, with a large list of varieties.
Peach, Plum, Nectarine and Trees.
(iooaelierry, Blackberry and Strawberry Plant
all of the liuesl kinds.
Currants, many new and improved varieties,
such aa Cherry, White drape, White (iondouin.
Red Crape, Victoria, &c.
Strawberry Plants, in great variety, including
the Hooker, W ilson' Albany, Trioinphie tie
(iand, (the most approved old varieties,) a well
aa all the novelties.
Grape Vines, including those 6ne, new, yet
well tested kinds, which no planter should he
without, such i Delaware, Concord, snd Hart,
ford Proline. These we have propagated ao ex
tenaively aa to able to oiler tLe.u al reductd and
satisfactory prices.
Plants, Kuaes, Evergreen anJ every Tarn y of
ornamental trees and Shrubbery, securely parked-
JOHN W. BUCHER, Agent, 8unbury Ps. .
Sunbury, Febuary, , 1861
No. 33 North Sod Hlrert, i'sltodclphw. ..(..ile rhrlsi's
Church, ihe uuial i'k-tfMlcd tiss emisumiite: C.wiliitr mhI
heiiliiK 8loves ,4 the day. l.r.1111,11. VIC I OH t llM.
fLriTK, sii siloiUer Cooking hikI ll.vlins )H. vrs. Ail
of which are CiusrHiiteed to tv callra Ii(hciioii
risu (ivc uic a rsli.
tkt ibar 11, U61.-3ia jec.