Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, November 23, 1861, Image 1

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    ' - ., -: y- '
Cy ,K
NEW SEMES, ;VOL. -14, NO. 35.
The Sunbury American.
Market Square, Sunbury, Vnna.
. . n r annum to be half year-
Thre. Copie. to oil. address
rven i. ;'. -
r,r:un.r.T;;-..w. r-
sc. iptinu l the A""""- , our A-eiits, and frsnk
tad to do ikiia under ths Post Office lw.
One Square of IS line.1 timet,
F.vcry .ulwequeMt insertion,
1 ino Square, 3 month.,
tox month., .".".
Hnsin'eMCard. o'r Five line., per annum, '
Merchant, and other., advetliwnf hy jear,
with the privilege of inciting differ.ntsdvor-
tr lrg AdertiMmet., a. per agTeromtt.
We have connected with our elatlihment a well se
lected JOB OFFICE, which will enable n. U axeeota
in the ncale.t .tyle, every vaiimv of etinuiig
f 6 00
10 00
1 00
3 00
e oo
3 oo
10 00
H. B. JUEA33EB., .
Business attended to in the Countiea of Nor
itimberland, Union, Lycoming Montour and
References in Philadelphia:
Hon. Jol. t . Tvaon. Chas. oiw.or.., r
f omer. It Sn Nigra..,
Linn BmWi k Co
QV 1 1 o r n c ij a t a w ,
TSo. 12S nronrlwar, New TorU.
Will cnrrfullv attend to Collection, and all other matter
intrusted tn Ins care.
May 41. leSf .
Cor of Howard and Franllin Street, a few
Suuures West of the N. C. R. R. Depot,
rnis, tl rKH Dv
ft. IXISENWNO. Proprietor,
July 1, IW!.-tf F"n Se,ll, '"v'' Vm-
Importers and Dealer, in
Cloths. Cassimeres. Vestings. Taylors
Trimmings, &c,
No 3 South Fourth Street, between Market and
Chesrfut Streets, Philadelphia.
Merchants others visiting the city would find
it to their advmtnge to giv them a call and ex
inine their stork.
March 10, I860
(From the New York "Trilmne "J
Attorney & Counsellor at Iaw
PA .
WH.T. attend faithfully to the collection of claims
xnd ... profes.ion.lbu.ines. in -f
Northumberland, Montour, Union and Snyder,
ounsel eiveu in the (ierman language.
BT Office one door east of th. Prothonot.ry'a
'"sunbury, May 36, 18C0.-W
NEW yOKii. UAJ- in Hie Metformin
I .-. - aarhloh ll ft
rill TO .,.; i f hiu
Oh, fallen hero, noble friend,
Tis not the friend I mourn in thee,
Though called, hi mid-career, to end
- Thy shining course of victory.
t dare not grieve, for friendship's aake.
To know thy soldier's knell is rung
That shame nor glory ne'er shall wake
. The silver trumpet of Ihy tongue t
That dim the eye whose lightning seared
The traitor, through his braxen mail :
Those lijs, whoae smilo of sweetness cheered
Our darkest day, are cold and palo. ,
No set Gob. sorrow Ills thee now,
And we who loved thee stand aside,
While .he, ovir Mother, veils her brow,
And in her grief forgets her pride.
When half the Mars of honor fade
That gemmed her banner's morning sky,
She sees them triumph, who betrayed,
Ayid he, her truest chieftain die !
When low ambition rules the land,
And patriots play the Irsder's part,
We ill ran spare his open hsnd,
We ill csn spare his honest heart.
When timid lips proclaim their doubt,
To chill Ihe ardor of the brave.
We mis. bis dauntless battle shout.
That never truce to treason gave.
When Freedom's base aportates preach
Dishonor in the sacred name
Of Peace, his grand, indignant speech
No more shall smite the cowering shame!
God ! thou haat ehealhed the sword he drew ;
We bow before Thy dark decree
But give (lie aims that build anew
Our Nation's temple, strength for Thee !
Washington Correspondence of the '-I'les.."
In mv comments upon the lamented Col. Baket.
I staled that, in addition tVhis many other intel
lectual gifts, he was a line poet a remark that
was received bv many with surprise. I am per
mitted to puhliah one of his fiirjitive pieces, writ
ten by him twelve years ago, and now in the pns-
) session of sn intimate friend in this city. Observe
bow the last verse applies to his fate :
D'"t thou seek a Our, with thy .welling cret,
Oh 1 wnve that lenveit thy mother. Iireakt ?
lot thou leap from the prison depth, below
In .com of their calm and constant flow ?
Or art thou seeking some diauint land
To die in murmur, upon the .trend ?
H n.t thou tale, to tell of the pearl-lit deep,
Where the wave-wlielmed muriner rock, in sleep ?
Canst thnu .peak of nuvie. that sunkjn prida
Ere the roll of their thunder in echo died?
VIf trrl.. 'W 'v,.,,,- - -- '
lnjhe .hadowy depth, of that silent tea !
It were vain to ask, a. thou roller afar,
Of banner, or mariner, ship or star :
It were vain to eek iu thy .toriny face
tonie tail of the soirowful past to Mice.
Thou art .welling hiijh, thou art finning free,
How vain are the question, we a.k of thee !
I too .in a wave on a .toriny seu ;
i too am a wanderer, driven like thee ;
I too am veekiug a distant kind
To Ih: lost anil gone eie 1 reach Ihe stand,
For the land I seek i. a wavrle.. ulioie,
And they who once leach it shall wander no more.
:...i..m,,ui to Merchant, and Tourim. vi.iiing
"V.V. u ,T rnaued hv sny Hotel in the Metrop
.7 . ,,.".!." .... the advantage, which It pol
lie loiitnviiiK ----- - .... . ..ii .
The man drew his ehslr to the table, keeping
his hst on bis head as though he belonged lo the
society bf Friends, but that could no be, foi the
Friends" do not go to the wars. He ate heartily
of the bread and butter and cold meat and Dow
long he was about it 1
Mrs Tompkins fidgeted. "Uear me," sne asm
to herseif, if he only knew, he wouldn t e so
cruet as tn let Tompkins come and catch him
here." She went and lookod from tue window
uneasily ; but Ihe soldier gave no token of hie
meal coming to an end. "Now he' pouring
vinegar ou the cold cabbage and potatoea. I can't
ank him to take lliose away m nis nanu. v-n
dear, how slow he ia ! hasn't tho man anv teeth.
At last ahe said mildly, "I am very sorry to hurry
you, sir, but couldn't you let me spread some
bread and butter, end cut you some slices oi meat
to take away with you. My husband will use
abusive language to you if he finds you here."
Before the soldier could reply, footsteps were
heard on the door-slone at the back door, and a
man entered. He stopped short, and looked at
Ihe soldier ss a savage dog might look. Then he
broke out in a tone between a growl and a roar.
"Hey day, Molly, a pretty piece of business!
What have I told you time and again, madam 1
You'll find jouhad letter mind your master.
And you, you luxy, thieving vagabond, let, me see
you clear out ol my houe and off of my land a
good den! quicker than you came on the primises!"
"Your bouse ! and your land!" exclaimed the
soldier, starting suddenly up, erect and tall, and
dashing off his hat with a quick, fiery gesture.
His eyes flashrd like lightning, and his lips
quivered with indignation as ho confronted the
astonished Tompkins, The latter waa afraid of
him, and his wife had given a sudden, nervous
shriek when the soldier first stsrted to his feet
and flung oil his hat, and had sunk trembling and
half-fainting in 1 chair, for she recognized him.
"You hain't any business to interfere between
me and my wife," said Tompkins, sulkily, cowed
by Ihe attitude of Ihe soldier
' Your wife !" exclaimed the soldier, with the
very concentration of contempt expressed in his
voice, and pointing to him with an indignant
"Who are you!" asked Tompkins, with an
air of effrontery.
M am Harry Jones, since you ask," replied
the soldier, "the owner of this house, and this land,
which you will leave this very hour! As for
Mollv." softeiiine his tone as be turned to the
women, now soldiirg hysterically, "she shall
choline between us."
"O Harry I" sobbed she, while Tompkins stood
dumb with astonishmeut, "take me, save me!"
With one step he was at her aide, holding her
in his arms. "What did you mean, treating this
poor child sol Did you think because she had no
earthly protector that there waa nut a (rod in
heaven against you 1"
No man Mio is cruel to a women is ever truly
brave, and Tompkins slung away like a beaten
The next day had not passed away before
everybody in the town knew that Harry Jones
had come home alive and well to rescue his much
enduring, patient wife from a worse constraint
than that of a British prison ; but what they all
said, and what Harry said, and what Molly felt,
I must leave you lo itnauine, for hero the legend
resuming hit knife'' and Oolabing hit repast
jib a few choice morsels, i
"Yes. job ihall p foBll oo hat de
stroyed," eaid the landlord, almost choking
with rage, as hit visitor cooly poured out a
glass ol win from a decanter, end nodding to
bun drank it off.
"Agreed," laid the other, at te wiped bis
mouth and Angers upon a napkin Bod drew a
long breath of satisfaction; "landlord, yon
tay I shall pay for oil I destroy ?i'
"That 1 do, a roundly too," said Bool
face. - "Well, then, lets have the bill foi the sum
total," euia the old man as he rose, bringing
up one side or the table with him at tbe same
time precipitating with a crash, the whole
contents iu one common pile upon the floor.
Tbe landlord started back with horror end
dismay at tbe sight, while his customer cooly
drawing a tooth pick from bis Vest pocket
exclaimed :
"Lot's bave tbe bill, landlord 1 Don't be
frightened at a little bit of crockery. Let's
know the price of the supper."
Tbe landlord giving tie wink to his clerk
to keep an eye on tbe old fellow, and see that
be did not escape, proceeded lo tbe office,
followed by his customer. The score was
soon figured op and pussed over to tbe old
man, who stood qmellv waiting for it, with the
clerk and two waiters behind him ready to
Beize him at signal from their employer.
"There's tbe amount, sir," eaid the landlord,
with a grin of triumph. "rievuty-6e dollars 1
JNow where is your money 7
"Cheap enough," said the expensive dinner
eater, as be drew a portentous calfskin wal
let from bis pocket, and on opening it com
tnenced turning over tbe bank notes therein,
wbeu be ascertained theV'thsy were of snch
large denominations therein, that the landlord
bad not money enough in the house to make
change with bis customer,
Tbe clerk, who had been gaping over the
old mau t shoulders during tbe operation
slipped round to tbe landlord aud whispered :
"It must be tbe 1 resident ol a Dunn, lor lie
has ten thousand dollars in his wallet."
Finally tbe stranger managed to find a one
hundred dollar note among the pile in bis
wallet, which he passed over to the astonished
landlord, received the change, carefuly count
ed it, placed it in his wallet, and walked away,
saying as be did bo :
'Uoocl day, landlord, I always pay for what
1 bove."
like madmen, and failing to recognize their
nearest and dearest mends, borne were
borne past, upon whose livid features death
had already set bis seal, the pitiful appealing
glance of tbe fast glazing eye being the only
sign that life still lingered. The features of
many were so distorted by pain that they
scarcely appeared to be hnmttn ; and, most
horrible of all, 1 witnessed at least a dozen
poor creatures brought la who had either lost
a limb by a cannon ball or hud suffered tbe
amputation of a leg or an arm. It is bard to
decide which of these two classes of victims
bad suffered the greater agntiy those who
bad lain uncared for, save by some friendly
comrade wbo hsd bound his 'ki-rcbief over the
limb lo stop the effusion of blood, and thus
preserve the vital spark or those wbo bad
endured the pain of amputation, either too
hurriedly, or else noskillfully performed.
In several of the latter cases tbe ligatures
had slipped or beoonie so loosened, tbe band
ages had fallen off and the bones protruded
beyond the mangled flesh, while In bothalike,
the bones and flesh were black and festering,
and swarming with maggots. People shud
dered and sickened as tbey turned away from
tbe horrid spectacle ; women fainted in tbe
streets and yet there were some brave
women mothers, wives and sisters wbo
dared to dresss these frightful wounds, wben
men, used to witness blood end eufleriog,
Bbruuk appalled from tbe ghastly scene.
Striving to cooceol tbeir own acute mental
eufleriog, these angels of mercy lingered to
tbe last over tbe dying husbend or brother
and iu more than one case to my knowledge,
over tbe bed of those who were strangers and
friondluss striving to impart that comfort
to the departing souls, which, Heaven help
tbenV, they sorely needed tbnmselves.
It was a happy thing for those poor victims
that in most instances tbey bad ceased to
feel pain, while consciousness generally
returned an hour or two beforii?atb ; but it
is alinoBt need less to add that recovery,
amongst Iuobo who had sutlereil in the man
ner we have described, was rare indeed. We
know or but one instance of the recovery of a
man who hud soQered the amputation of a
limb on the battle-field. Jlorrida Leila!
who a year or two ago, would have dared to
prophesy that such scenes would be witnessed
in tbe hears of tbe model r-pndlic, in the
State which Washington believed to be
destined lo hold tbe brightest rank in tbe
Union; wuicn he lived to see progressing
"Do yon know who that old chsp is, that 1 favorably, and in whicb, in little more tbun
just went out! asked tbe laudloru ol one ol
the selectmen wbo came in at that moment.
"That man? why yon, that's old Hilly
Gibbons, the richest roan in tbe State. We
bought five thousand dollars' worth of real
estate from him to-day and paid hiu the cash
for it."
"Five thousand dollars" said the bost ;
"why how much is he worth ?"
"Ob, a million or so," was the reply.
Wbe e w," laid tbe landlord; "no
wonder be can afford a seventy-five dollar
,tk. m'.."l."e..t l-dici l'a.lo,,co.n.,md,K ... estot
"Z .ndSy furni.hed ..King wmul with .
U IM.'1 7.'. conducted on th. Fnropean phn. vi.iu
sill. It i. connected with
Tailor'H Celebrated PalooiiM,
where vi.lto.. -Jk their meal., , if they desire
fei::', Doteli. -ledUS
ft "U vl, superior to thatof
uy other H.Mel in uic "y
Jus at the closa ol the Revolutionary war, there
was seen somewhere in one ol the sni.ll towns ol
Among tbe many anecdotet told of "Billy
Gibbons," the New Jersey niillionare, is one
of his high priced dinner in the country. It
see in a bo was on a visit to a country viuago ,
in wbicb be owned some real estate, and after
transacting bis business be came to the vil- i
luge hotel about 2 P. M., tired, hungry and
dusty, and applied for a hot dinner. A smart J
clerk in sllendBnce, glancing at his rather I
rusty habiliinunls, told biin.'Mhey didn't have
hot dinners lor iravellurs at tht time of day, :
but to wait till tho committee on the new
Town House were attended to, and if there
was anv chance then be wonld soe."
Hut," remarked the old gentleman, whose
olfactories were saluted with a grateful in
cense of certain roasts end broils, "there
seems to be something ready now."
'Oh, yes." said the clerk, "the committee
of selection for purchasing a new Town House
lot, a dinner here today," and he bus
tled off in one direction, the landlord in ano
ther, and two white jacketed waiters flow
hiilr and thither, imnressea wun tue vast,
A Man Killed bv a Shark. On Sonday
last three seaman belonging to the American
ship T, W. Heart were batbing alongside tbe
vsselr wban one of them Sensed by a
shark. Tbe monster first seized bim by tbe
shoolder, bnl the force with which he rushed
on bis victim caused blm to loose bit bold,
driving the unfortunate man several feet oat
of tbe water. Tbe shark again seized bim by
tbe back, and finally by the neck, and disap
peared with bis prey. All this happened
within plain view of bis shipmates, who
immediately lowered a boat, and after taking
on board tbe two other men proceeded to
drag for the body, l'bey bad been occupied
in Ibis way for tome time, when the shark
was observed to rise some distance from them,
still with the body nf Ihe helpless man in bis
month, ehtking it, as is described, as a dog
would a rat. The mate of the vessel armed
himself wWh a boarding pike, rowed toward
the spot, and the shark was ,o much occupied
with bis victim that he allowed bimself to be
stabbed several times before disappearing.
Thinking the animal bad received his death
; wound, tbe boat returned to the thin, but
scarcely had she arrived alongside, when tbe
soars, reappeared as belore. A harpoon was
now taken into tbe bout, and the shark again
allowed himself to be approached sufficiently
near to be struck, when he ft train dinannpArnrl.
Was now Deid 'out. and thA nriAt wna
towed tome distance, till, assistance arriving
the monster was killed by repeated stabs of
tbe lance. Most of tbe contents of his maw
were disgorged while being bauled on board,
and on being opened tome fragments whicb
were unrecognizable, an eight pound tin of
preserved meat, were all that was found.
Che shark was of the species known at the
ground shark, and about teo feet in length.
The girth of the body was immense, and ia
stated to have been eight or nine feet.
Straits Timet Singapore, August 24.
A Good Stort about Ma. The
Philadelphia A'orM American tells this Btory
of Secretary Seward :
" Hon. William II. Seward, Secretary of
State, passed through tbe city yesterday
morning, at 11 o'clock, oo bis way from New
York to Washington. Mr. Seward bas a
weakness whenever possible for traveling
incog. He is an Inveterate smoker. Wben
he enters a passenger train be seeks out tbe
smoking car, and finds beatitude iu puffing
La Kormas until the end of bis ride.
Between New York and this cily be occupied
a seat with a pleasant looking genias, wbo
talked about 'tbat d d fool Seward' during
the whole trip. The stranger supposed bis
follow traveller to be a sutler's bnnkknener.
Mr. Seward pitched into himself in a most
Rathkr Low N'rcrko The following ont
side touch is related hy Mrs.Tiozzi, lo a
letter from Utb. in 1818: . . ...
A genteel yoong clergyman in cor upper
crescent, told his mamma, about ten days
ago, that he bad lost hit heart to pretty Mist
Prideanf, and tbat he most absolutely marry
her or die. The mother gravely replied t
"My dear, you have not been acquainted
with the lady above a fortnight; let me re.
commend yon to see more of her."
"More of her I" exclaimed tbe lad, "why
I have seen down to the fifth rib oa? each
side already 1"
The letter writer adds a jnke of her own,
thpt our British belles outstrip those of an
other nation.
Tut I,onisville"Journsl" truly says, that the
dischsrge of our duty at the prexent time involves
the discharge of canr.on and snail arms
Thb charr-e for a telegraphic despatch of fifteen
words, from 8l Louis lo San Francisco, ia f 5 95,
4H cents for each additional word.
Jfavnurs' department.
Horrors of Bull Run Feeling
Richmond, Virginia.
Written for the Montreal ll'ifneij hy an
tx-Montreal editor, uhn. has spent sevtral j eVl(ry p0p8.
years tn the Southern Atatrt tn lite same
The battle of Mauaseae, or Hull Uun, as it
ii. i J I . I XT--.I.
Itaumewnal poiuteuiy y u ..- - . ...i. cre8t evil
oi ' . ; , .u..;
but even me tnosi uopetui musi sumii iuv
more citizens of Richmond present
battle-held than of any other city of
fourscore years, the lust of his descendants,
wbo bore bis nume and inherited his estates,
was uhol from his horse and killed a Rebel
spy I
We have beard it said that reports bave
prevailed at the North to tbe effect that scandulous manner, seconding every objurga- i
Northern prisoners of war were badly trealed. lion of tho stranger with hea'tv emnbusis
'I'l:- .... r..- .. I i i i - t,,i .Lt . . . ..." I
i um, iu mr a j uut! aceu or ursru, i von v ueu tue laiter ooserved Mr. pewurd identi-
resolutely deuy. Tbat thoy suffer nuder fied and saluted by gentlemen upoo tbe boat,
mooy privations is true ; but so do tbe his feelings can be better imagined than
Southerners themselves. In no place is there described. Tbe last seen of him hv one
a greater prejudice against the "Yankees" informant he was biding behind tbe steamer's
tuau iu ivicuiuuuu ; yet iu very lew inaiaucea i smoae-SiaCK
have 1 beard them insulted, and in those
instances only by, urchins who stipmntired
reproved by their elders, while the sick and
wounded Northerners received tbe like
treatment as tbe suflerert among themselves.
Doubtless instances of cruelty bave occurred
in the excitement of battle, or iu the flush of
victory, or anirer and sbame of uuieat ; but
such instances occur everywhere and amongst
War, for the time being, turns
men iulu demons.
Dark, dark, and etiddeuing is tbe prospect.
We cau sue no gleam of light through the
sombre vista. The lieht is there. Even
erners. was a uad victory to me peopte
iii.iiiiii.nii in spnnnn uin , iith with iiiniiv
! ""-""""" i r. . . -'i .1.1 1 can tmlv be arrived at through years 0! trou
Ull n.n - - - .!,.;. t,.k . ,
in, ' ole. I ue counvrv uas ubu iiuu .
tUB I . .. .. I ., .:-;li-J
least, null a ceuiury. murs ut i vii,i.u
mourning. It seemeo as ll mere was scarcely
family that bud nut lost a inena or relative ;
central Mu.-achu-elts, a ragged and follow look- importance of providing for the magnates who - J domestic circle,
ing ronimg up the dusty Mreet. He Wl.r(1 l0 hoor the bouse by dinner there. . h.P((ir allA iPt,.rv. though
for lna .. w I, v oan't 1 have dinner with the commit- . ..'
.. . .u. ' its mural etiects were ureal; uun o. "i
. , .. 1 1. nun i lum A n nrrvKi iiiu,,ih.--
tee I (.aiii luo vim 1,-mhwi..-.. ----
South : aua tue loss Ol tne oouiueru urinjr - . ,r . ,.,, i r
was very much greater than was supposed at - "icb eU." cIviHl
the North have beard Beauregard declare nViJnrtTa?uith.- been able to over
his beher thai three or four booth.rneri fell of
to every Northern soldier. Be this as t may. f individual or a nation,
Richmond, after tbe battle, was veiled in ; ""I"' " r. (VBr hiin.
looked ahoul on tiio corn.tields luesilii.e
harvest, ou tljji rich, bright patches of wheat for
th eost
. .i ..1 ..liii'M
. was ,'t-',. r.v
International, .. . ,(orj0t,,rl.
the tickle, ' and on the green potato field, with
t-umu. e es, so at least thought Mr. Towne,
i who wus wa!U.:g U-Uurely behind bim
r lirio iii the home from the reaping to his supper. The
nther Brst class I was a stout former, dressed in homo mutle
linen Wowsers, without suspeude's, vest or coat. IV --1..II .. I I -
- . f ou BKKCU uuii, siwi'L'ci, umai nutiv a i , .
. . .1 . , ; l.l"J - - -
rfirmd Chance for an Enterprising man. great sugar mapie, ana Jiir. mown, overtaking , hB
, . I ,
11 'If 1.
Asfrust 4
sam tue HIU genviemau arresting ... , , ,-. Bnd l)(,80lation
oce more as be passed by h, m ' I u, j . B th- m()n
going -W W &:Wl it cool." ! oeioved and cherished amongst the youth of
,JZ clork tf i. do you suppose that the j b. Ih f on ,h. I ft
cos". 8ele:tl,,Bn W0" J -l1 " 1 , . deur. It SJm hope ...d ......ken patriot-
flTHB subscriber wants a partner m mo i"
I ,!e business, a solier perservering man wbo
can snesk both the English and Oerman langua
ge to one that will suit, no cs.h capital required.
For pa.ticular. inquire of fAY'LOR.
Northumberland. Aug. 3. l6t 3in
"Sirmiuer thinus have bappeued," was tbe
ny rati I should like to try.
1" Utiglied tbe clerk, "couldu't
Arch Street, above Third, Philadelphia,
I I'TON 8. NKWCOMKR, Proprietor,
null HOTKL is central, convenient by Passenger Csrs
I .. a "pa." f tl.s city, and in ever, psritealar adapt
U7ll vomlori. and wanl.of th. buMlies. public.
rv Terms, tl.S0 per day.
f pteinlier 81, lo8l ly
"c'PALDING'B Prepared Gln, and BhellejaMtteilags
Pcii-e per bottle .nd brmh centa.
Cordial Eliir of Calisay. Uark Beniii.e, for ..moving
anbury, March 17 1W-
him. .lofpeJ also,
"Home Irom Ihe wars!" he asked.
"Just out of Ihe British clutches 1" replied the
man; I ve been a prisoner lor years. ne rejoin
ed suddenly. "Can you tell nie who lives in the
next house! Is it yours!"
No." reolied Tow no. "TomukiiiS lives there.
' . - . . . ,i anon
Thut bouse and Una used to belong lo a coruraue , - L-in no tl, hoard
.nil., I .niiriiLd , ma ,,u,na nfnti .iiiiirk. u.
. , , .. ....... - 7.
and bis widow
Til.F.RY. Also, the best assortment of Iror
Nails and Bleel to be found in the county, at th
Mammoth store or t niutw
Sunbury, une 8. 1860.
-urirFHS! CRAGKEK8, iust received
and for sal. b, the barrel or pound, at) the
Confectionery alore oi in. -
Sunbury, October 13, I860.
Kerosene nip,
4 VERY LARGE and cheap assortment will
be found at the Mammotn eitore oi
Dec. 15. 1800. FRILINO-GRANT,
ni VF. LOVERS OF BOUri A,lrsn
supply of Macaroni ana oniecunrrv .
rP.y FRH.1NO tt GRANT'S.
Hunbury. June . 860. - - .
phFsh HiTPPLY OF DRUGS at tli
in U.mmnlhHtnrs. Also. B Dw inn r1
ftmerv. Soaus and Fanev Article. Very cheap,
Sunbury , May , WO. . ' " ,
AT tbe Mammoth Store will be found a
very large assortment of Skeleton Skirt
from seven hoopt np te thirty. '
Oct 6. 1860. FRILINO h GRANT.
T R Iron. Steel, Nails, Pkks. Grub-Hoes anJ
M-9 Mason Hammers, at low prirea.
e was shot at Bunker Hill,
irried acain,"
'I he soldier leancj against the tree. "What i
kind of a man is he! I mean what kind rf
people are they there! Would they be likely to
let a poor soldier have something to eat !"
"It Tompkins is out, you d he trested lirsl rate
there. Mrs. Tompkins is a nice woman, hut he
is the snarliest cur that ever gnawed a hone. He
is a terrible surly neighbor, and he leads her a
og s life. .She missed it marrying the tellow,
but you see she had hard time of it with the
farm. Jones went nil soldiering, and wnen my
son came btck he said he was dead he saw bim
bleeding to death on the battle field she broke
right dvwn, and this Tompkins time along and
got into work for her, and he lam niin.eir out 10
do first r.te. He somehow got on the blind side
ol all of us, and when be offered himself to her, 1
advised her lo have him, and I am sorry 1 did it.
You had better come home with me. I always
have a bite for any poor fellow that bas fought fur
his eouuirv.
"Thank you," kindly returned tne soiuier, nut
Mrs. Tompkins is a distant a sort of old ac
quaintance. Tbe fact is, I used to know her first
husband, and I auess I will call mere. '
Mr. Towne watched him a. he went up to the
door and knocked, and saw that he waa admitted
by Mrs. Tompkins. I
"rionit old sweetneart oi ners, may ne, aatu
Mr. Towne, nodding to himself. "He conies too
'eta ; poor woman, she baa a hard road to hoe
now." Then Mr. Towne went down home to
supper and we will go in with the aoldier.
"tyould you give a poor soldier a mouthful to
eat !" he asked of the pile, nervous woman who
epened tbe door. .
"Mv husband does not allow me to give any
thing to travelers," she ssid, "but I alwaya feel
f.., tha soldiers coming back, and I II give you
earns supper if you won't be long eating it, aud
.1,. w Mil bar sves Wltn ner wnue ami uiub
),.. k.,1 anrtin. and set with alacriiy about provi.
Aim lefra.hmenta lot the poor mau. wno u.u
thcown bimself in the nearest chair, and with his
head leaning on but lireaat, seemeo wo ureu o
mo.a Ins hat Irom bis lace,
.1 .m al.d to have sou eat. and I wettld not
hurrv vou un for anything," aha aeiJ in a fright
ancdwsy, but jou will est qniek. won't jui
(oi I expect ry moutt tit U will be iu I
I . . , . r , ' ,
; , . . . , :
think of such a thing
I The old man at this moment, however, as
! the cUrk turned awsy, caught sight, through
' a half-opened door, of a well spread table, ev
I ideully ull in reodiness for the committee, who
were assembled in a room aoove, ana woaiu
be summoned to discuss tbe viands thai
i any more ado, therefore, he passed in, took a
I seat and commenced a vigorous attack upon
the dish nearest bim. which chanced to be an
limit nair of roust chickens. It happened
' , ....
tbot there was no one in me room wueu iu.
ouiuviled guest took bit seat, ana two or
three servants who came in within the next
few minutes to place upon tbe table the re.
maiuing articles which were oecessary, oniy
bouored bim with a curious stare aa iney per
formed their duties, while be plied bis knife
and fork with a vigor tbat betokened a sharp
ened appetite and a proper appreciation of tbe
fare belore bim.
Th clerk, who entered a short lime auei
to take a float glance and tee tbat all wal
rinht wa. horrified at the spectacle, "noj
.n old cir.ner" said be. rusbing np to tbe
ihiect of his wratb. wbo was enjoying tbe ta
- .... :.u
vory vianus oeiore uun win gr
rii.L.'t I tell vou tbat this dinner was for
tbe committee I What are you aoing nere i
"Can't you see for yourself I" said tbe old
man. cuttiog into a huge decorated bam, "I'm
having a good dinner."
"Having a good dinner! Why, you
spoiling everything," taid tbe c
ism, and cau we wonder that uj sounds ol
rejoicing were heard, such es are usual after
a victory, however onexnecteoiy or uuruij
Chinese Fish in France.
Among the curiosities brought from China
to Toulon by the steam frigate Labrador, the
most remarkable is a Chinese who succeeded
in bringing to France, in peifect beultb. four
or live thousand young fish, selected among
tbe scarcest and most delicate of those bred
in the imperial fish pouds of China. This
learned Chinesd has traveled 6000 leagues
with bis precious cargo, coutained in three
large jars, of which be changed the water on
arriving at each port. Wbeu the voyage
was loiiir betweon each port, be broke the
UaXvirt otbkbt akpot. ve were called
upoo tbit morning by Mr. Wm. H. Siuclair,
the gentleman wbo received tbe severe beat,
ing last Sonday morning at tbe Calvert street
station of tbe Northern Central Railroad io
Baltimore, by the conductor of one of tbe
trains, Mr. Vandanicker, an account of wbicb
appeared io Monday evening's Telegrvph.
Mr. Sinclair informs ns that tbe particnlart
of the affair, as given in tbe Baltimore press,
aud io our paper were incorrect. In tbe first
place he has no connection with tbe London
Junes; ana the next, mere was do sucn lan
guage used as is attributed to bim. He adda
in relation to the affair that "observing a per
son (whom I had previously seen conversing
with a lady in the same car with me,) walking
aloug the platform with a lamp in bis band, 1
asked bim if be was tbe conductor. He gave
a very sulky affirmative and walked on.
Anxious to know whether it would be better i
lor me to re-engage my room at the hotel, I
followed and asked whether at knew if we
would start that morning. Turning sharply
round, be threatened to knock me dowu if
annoyed agaiu. Doubtless be bad been ask
od tbe tame question by many others, but un
der the circumstances should bave shown
more forbearance. Accordingly I told bim
that if he was conductor, be ought to answer
a civil question and wear some badge to de
note bis position, open wbicb be called me a
fool. 1 then called bim a great fool, when be
struck me with the lamp io bis band, and be
fore there was time lor me to joy down tbe
baggage carried in my hands, struck again
with bis hst. Although there was a revolver
in my pocket 1 refrained from firing because
Storing Celery.
We pursue two modes and find both to
aDswer completely The first is, as we bave
ouen stated, to remove tbe celery to bigh
and dry ground, dig a trecch spade deep,
stand np a thin row of tbe plants, then three
luchus of toil, and so on until about half a
dozen rows are finished, then commence
another bed and to on. Tbe toil should be
packed firmly, and banked np to that tbe
tope of the celery are just covered, then
spank off roof fashion to turn tbe rain. Over
tbit boards should be placed, ag a security
against moisture. For remember, it is water,
not frost, as some sag, that rots celery. Frost
adds to its tenderness.
Another plan is to sink barrels into the
earth, so that tbe tops ore an inch or two
below the surface, stand them compactly full
of celery, put close or tight covert upon
tbem, and then a couple of inches of soil. By
this mode, somewhut mora trnnhlu.nm
tbe other, ours kept perfectly last year until
all was consumed, which was about tbe first
of May.
As tbe successful cultivation of this very
desirable esculent is attended with oonside.
rable labor and care, the best meant should
be adopted to preserve it io perfection.
Germantoicn Telegraph.
Prxxstcvahia MoLASHEs.-ThoChester County
"Pheonix" says that the Chinese Bugor Catie
lias ueen succesalulty cultivated this year by many
;, in ius western part oi Chester county.
The crops is quite ahundent and Mr. Cloud, near
Cochranville, has a mill that is running day and
night in the manufacture of malasses by steam
power. The apprehension that sugar would he
dear induced the farmers lo go extensively into
the cultivation of the Sorghum. The same paper
is also informed in Upper Oxford township,
Chester countv . will K.. i -
o-riioing sullicierit cane to make from seventy.
five to one hundred gallons per day. Tho charge
for grinding the cane and making molasses are,
under fifty gallons, fifteen cents per gallon ; for
fifty gallons or over, twelve and a half conts per
gallon. Thus it appears that molasses may in
time become one of the staple products of tha
cystous stale.
.. - ' . . . ,. I .. ... A -Sit. th,a 1 r ' . " 7 . .
.. i ....Mr . . , ,,n aiFD mm hhi-ii mr. auu wuu u,o i , . i . : .. . i. .
wou, even though tbe wail of Ihe wioow. tno j - -- -pr, --- - . - uy mis nu.c " "" " f
mother or the orphan child mingles w,th the slight nourishment be was (orm. and possibly some innocent passenger
boars, bra, V.he trumpet and the shouts of arrive ,n France without .t j of bit mi(jht b Buffered. Bleeding freely I
the victors No sone of triumph was sung I pensioners. 1 be Chinese and tbe hsb are rMelied the tt reel, but found it as difficult to
u lthmond or in the surrounding villages ; addressed to the Minister of Commerce at g, , noiicem80 68 . rsiroad conductor,
.n I oow for the fi st lime the peop eap- tri.. and. Iron, what bus transpired respect- Sgv , ;emen who Uind,y g8T9 m, their
P Sred'o :L S i me VoZ'e oi Z w'ar the'y ing hi. mission a K1 cards, .re willing to testily to'the correctness
bad entered udoo without seeming to bave be introduced in Ibe breeding aud P"- 0 tbU statement."
Mle-ate Those who bad cherished Hon of Csh. During bis short slay at 1 ou on M Bj , . , Englishman of pr,
hoS. aUed b, the, this inte.l igent Chinese .. .. ck with the lj8hcd , ,
K-e e not dead but only wounded, were, bad quality of fisb in that p t. J h.o he ,ttri;,ot of houorable gen. em.n -
.. .. a ....mnL hitte .nnniah was informed that the miserable n5n serveo .. () American correspondent of tbe
than that of tbeir fellow citizens wbo wept
over the bier of the slain. No pen cun
adequately describe the horror Of the scenes
wituessed by anxious crowds, as day by day
the wounded were brought in auc carriea to
the bbuset of their friends or to the St.
Charles Hotel, wbicb bad been fitted up as a
hospital. 1 question, indeed, whether many
ot the bat', e nelds ol r.urope nave neon me
arena of such horrible individual tuDrrtng.
I have read of oo campaign, except that of
Moscow, where the French soldiers perished
by tent or thousands, in every conceivnuie
auotiv. that can offer comparison io this
ra.nniM. It mav teem aosura 10 speas. oi
--r --. ' , ... V l .
Moscow aod liull IIUD 10 me same ureuiu ;
but I do not refer to tbe relative magnitude
of the cauinaiiTDS. Dor compare tbe numbers
engaged, tbe duration of the elrnggle, nor Ihe
lost or lire, ftly compsrisen reiers ouiy iu
the oeculiar sufferings of tbe wounded, at day
lerh, aghast at day tbey were brought into tbe city i
the ham
I "That's very true, yoong man
I e Mghifu. gab mid. b, the onslaught upon 1.
wat the re- i mortification bad not already tupervenea, or
Where the Stupor WU1CU geuarail prrvei.e.
death by violence, bad not seized upon the
hapless victim ol uit iravriciuai siu.o. iu
most battle-Deldt oi uiooeru nines sauuui
...roBon. and attentive norset bave been io
0 ......wln k
at th hotel cost 30 sous the pound weight,
he requested to see the l'resiueui ut toe
Society for tbe Kucouiagsmeut of tishenes.
and having been lntrouuceo iu mu. u,
plaiued to bim bit theory for tbe production
aud propaganoo oi usu. w..e,
svstem. wbicb wss reduced to writing under
his dictation, and was translated by the inter
preter attached to the scieolino missiou. me
spawn of fish it produced io prodigious
quantities; everyoooy uav...
land and fresh water, wbo will take the
trouble of making an excavation a few yards
square, may acquire a good income without
any farther additional expense than that or
a dozen eggs at the period aud during the
two months or tbe spawn arriving at maturity
The tociety, at tbe suggestion of their
president, voted that this little treatise should
be printed, and in order tbat it may be
distributed throughout the rural communes.
tbey have iu Pant adopted measures to uave
it inserted in the popular almauacs. I7it'
J'uris Correspondent.
vi... KIvm Tha fellow who licked the
I'm snnilinir mv enpetile also, aod if
In. r. nroceed in tbit manner, it will toon
u . nna Altnrrether."
The clerk, in ditmay, hurried off for the
landlord, while the clause or the trouble conun
. nrr.mnt attendance, and tbe wounded bave
ued to eat away at industriously auu ua,.v,, r".'" b,ibB attention compatible
..though nothing bad bppened I , a fe- P0, position; but w.tbth.
minute, tbe landlord rushed io boiling ilnr1'Vdedorib. Southern army, at least, this
iin A.. nn. airf exclaimed the wor
tby, "bow dare yon t" said be, advancing with
k rul lla llklMllt.
l,Kwp perfectly cool," i-td tbe old ro0,
lok in his eve. at be tut-
n.ndad oDeratioos. with a large carving koif
npon . roatt turkey be waa dismembering
,U, I'll n. for all I have."
"Far for' all vou bave 1" taid tbe landlord,
eyeing tbe carving-knife, "why, you'll bay to
... f,.r th whola saDDsr."
Very (lad to do tbat," Id tbe other,
d, not tha l-ase.
Pns.iblv a sufficient number of surgeons
could not be provided, and 1 koow that many
wbo were preseol were pooriy tuppueu wuu
.,.i.l inatruments. or with mediuiuet of a
a .... .9 i .. j . l. . . i. aia
nature alleviate suueriog, auu vu. tuns uiu
h heal thev could under the eircumstaocet ;
but I law men brought in wbo bad lain for
r,,r..nn.twenlf hours oa tbe field where tbey
bad fallen noaided, aod without even a drop
l aaw
uiea brought io dwlinoui vgtb
London AYics a journal whose sympathies
are decidedly enlisted on the side oi tbe Gov
ernment in its efforts to put down the rebel
lion. llarriiburg Tile graph.
An Old Bai hfixir was rather taken .back
a day or two since at follows :
Picking op the New York Ledger, be ex
claimed, npon seeing a wood rut representing
a man kneeling at tbe leet or a woman,
"Before I would ever kneel to a woman, I
would encircle my oeck with a rope and
stretch it."
And then turning to a young woman, whose
wit sometimes is sharp as a needle, he inquir
ed :
"Do yon not think it would be the best I
could do V
"I l would nndoobtedly be the best thing for
the woman," was tho reply.
IllMUJATlNO SpurTACl.g. The following
remark was made by a swell inspecting
throunh bis eve glass a very sm.ll Infant ex
hihited to bim at tbe instance of its father, by
Its nurse. "Welcome, little ttwangeus! Bahy.
.inonUw nueechaar Of ?aws. A was once a
baby myself. Ought to make a fella humhle
How Carrots Affect Hohsks. Tbe carrot
it the most esteemed of all roots for its feed
ing qualities.. When analyzed it gave little
more solid matter than any other root, 85 per
cent, being water; but its influence in the
stomach upon tbe other articles of food it most
favorable, conducing to tbe most perfect
digestion and assimilation. Tbit result, long
known to practical men is exnlained bv
! chemists as resulting from tbe preeeuce of a
substance called pectioe, which operates to
coagulate or gelatinize vegetable solutions
aod favors the digestion io all cattle. Horse,
are especially benefitted by tbe use of carrots.
They should be fed with them frequently with
their other lood. itlark Lane Lipress.
Va8h Your Pios. Pigs are not dirty
wben tbey have any encouragemeut to be
clean. Oars are washed every week In warm
water and soap, and well scrubbed behind tbe
ears and everywhere, to tbeir great ease and
comfort. A highly economical remark ot
my man aboat this part of bis work was, thet
be scrubbed bis pigs on washing days, because
the toap suds did just aa well for manure
after tbe pigs had done with tbem, "and that,"
taid bo, "makes tbe soap serve three timed
Fbkqukkt Fopdkrino. J. M. Connor, says
in the lioston luiiti-utor, lust wun poor
quality of hay, frequent foddering is the best
practice. 11 is way is lo "give nis cattle
small fodderings and often, aud keep tbem
constantly eating for about two hours in the
rooming, and the same at night, witb the
addition of a small foddering at noon. This
practice, be remarks, it in keeping witb Ibe
habits of animals.
Thk Bkt Layka. Experiments conduc
ted ia the Zoological Gardens of tbe Bois de
Boulogne, show tbat the Asiatic breeds of
fowls, Naukiu and Brahma Pootrus, are tbu
best layers. Two French breeds come oext,
and alter tbem the Dorkiugs.
M km. The fellow who licked
Masses from a blind nigger'l pancake is held
un at a tample of moral perversity. Bui he
' . i . . . .... .. ( n , K a
waa a ffOoa COriBllBU tuuius. w 1-
wbo twiodle tbe printer out of newspaper I tB- jja.w of having evaw been la match
for one. two, three or lour years, ana me ... ...
..u'thsnoh tha nostmastvr at "refuted
lUIUOM ...- ,13 . .
I f a man ia Inn DOor tO PSV. hB tOOUlU OB UU
nest enough to call and Hop bit paper like a
man. H he Incline! to mieviog, oe
never begin et tbe highest of crime by
cheating a printer. He tboold begin tmall
rob children or penoiet tieai coicaeu.
terve at an army contractor forge bond of
the Confederacy, and when he it
ready for a personal interview with tbe hang
man or tne oevn, us can sap u v,.. -
1'a.fafnl citizen (examining a rifled mus
ket) Tbat ia rather a fine weapon, is it not
m friend? Brave volunteer Wonderful !
v .im al a man two milea off you cannot
even tee bim it don't matter, fire tbe ball
will find bim out.
The Vicksborg Whig exhorti tbe pl.oter.
f tha Ronth ta nranars for the coming year,
by raising pork, beef, mutton, &c tucb things
at will lell ana enaoie pisui... yj
-:ii.t. t. anhaorihinsr for a n.wso.Per Budli, nan sea no prospect that tb
twiodliog tbe publisher. blockade will be opened, aod think there will
. . . u. v.. I ha nn oaare eotll tbe Boein susn wvaue to
- .. . , . , i .. i lr tha ranaiiion caunu. vw -j i r . , . , . .
Of water toalaxe ineir ouruiuB . . . dQn b, eul-;M , North, wDlcll Oiuti ue oou. ....
tever, raviuj j -'i " r--
genius, fccL
Ybast A baker in the army celebrated
for bit excellent bread, gives tue loiiuwiug
receipt for making yeast : lloil one pouna oi
Hour, one loortn pouua oi orowu sunar "
little salt iu two gallons of water for one
hour. Wben milk warm bottle aud cork it
lose, lt will be ready for nse in iweoij-iour
Makino Tba Water for making; tea
should be used the moment ll oou. i ue
reason assigned, is thai ll ll is oouea tor won
time, all tbe gas tbat is in il escape, witb
the steam, auu it, win ioeu uuv -
or the best flavor. Clear, pure, loft water it
Vkki ino Potatoks Tbe most farinaeeoot
part of the potato is found immediately euder
the skin, .0 inat in preparing
the table, it is oecessary lo be careful to cut
off thin a peel at possible.
Fbn( u Pahcakk Tak. .ix egg. lepe.
rate tbe yolkl from tbe wbitet j beat Hie
whites on a dinner piate io a toow i
yolkl with two table spoonfuls of sugar, two
or flour, aod one of cream ; add a little .alt,
and a viry liule carbonate hi sous ; mr u
lb. white, of tne egg., aod mix gently ; put
a.poonrolof buttsr in a frying pan. when
hot, pour in tbe pancake ; let it eot k
slowly for fiflo mineut, with tvtoderati
Hre ; pat any kJi'd nf preeerwd ftutl bVer It
terve but ; nice for tea.