Sarsaparilla roa PuTviFYiua the elcod. Ani th speedy enr. of tin following coniplalnlsi fctrofuln and Kcrornlmis nittlnn,iill 'fmndli. Ulcers, Knrce, 1., Ui tlnna, 1MIi, rnntulM, IMotihti, Uaili, Hiatus, and all Kklsi U. 0M. linl., 0th June, lSr!t. J. T. A via A Co. Ouhui 1 f ol II my duiy to se ll no leils almt ynnr Pari"!'!'!!!. hu-1 don fur Wis Hatiuc a l-icrofuloiii IhfiictliiD, I hnva siinVixl from It In vsi-tous wa.t fir yain. rVinutlciea II hurst nut In L leers c-a my li',W and arniet eoinettim, It tumml toward end JMieed ue al lb stomach. Two yitm aeo If btcke iM oh mt 1m-.hI awl my ecutp ami rs Willi ens sore, ahicli vn painful mill lnft.llewin .yoiid description. 1 tih'd tunny UM-ritdiii'S ami ntvi-ntl Ithjnk-lMn, but nrltliwiil much relief fiion stiy tliti,. lu tact, tbe disoidwl scow hoc. At h-ualh 1 n cjutotil. to lead lu tho llc:ipcl M'wiiif:r you had prepuccd mi alleiallve (fStrstiparlllii I. f, r I Uittm limn r,iii' reptita Ilia, that miy tiling "ii ni.d,i iniit bo xrid. J Aeni to C'ill'JllHmllllUl(t"t it, lltl.l IIDvll It till It filled in. 1 1U H, A n'Mie. Ill small d'lftwi ut ft t,-i,ton:iil over a mouth, nml used allowl llnee l:n;e.. N-i hii, h,Miy akin soon Imwh to tiimmiuur lb mtI, alilih idlers while f-11 "IT. Mi nifiu tx l,cn rbai, mid I knew ly niy ablins that thu itni'im" li:9 (Kil o fi-oui my )-3m. V,-.ii c.ui nail bi-n.- 1 1 ill what I mil m.,Iiik l' li ;i 1 1,l y.ul, Unit I I't.lil vu lu 1m- tiuu uf Mi tiinttW t'f die ti, and isuiuia evor , awfully, Ynitu, AI.m;i.I) B. T.W.I.i Y. M. Anthony'. Flee. Tose or F,i-;-s!r)lia, 'I'rttrr ami Kult triaiim, ftcmu ticau, hliiiniicia, Sot .., lrui)' tlr. rt !. I'm wrltM frnm Piilnt. N. Y ftitX., 1-611. Hint lm cui'td an lin IMPOHTANT TO LOVERS OF C3 CD LJ tQ? GU v 11RIGUT& BON, IuYite attention to cthe!r Stock of Trime Green and Black Tea. inn in, i net . SUMMER GOODS! AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. K'lli rpM. of inrrvoi mi nun ot our rHni.wmn, nun i - .Vyilitjnant ifryiijvlat ly Urs nf tit miik?) my ltd oiir Hi ctiinn'ti AVfg-fiwnt U cmtPtttntiy. I.roniliorilfl. Ooltr or BvrrUril Ntclc. rfittnlou Hl-cm of l'r-trrr, Tiv.iw. wvifp- ! ' '1 Ui h-t-thM cr Tour Fircwj'-trtlU nnd in f'ti ' i.rr -ihuiji KWellinit 011 th uuvk. wukIi 1 lini DUitviiil eiT two yeurp.1 l,ttrorr1icrn or WMIc. Ovurlnn Tumor, I tcriii I lt Fritmlo DUcuKtu. Tfr. J. 1. 8 rimnnhijc. rf Nw York ( tty. r rtt. J " t DiwBt clHiliulj nmifly tli irat.o: rr (." ' n Hirlm; I Lave f nin:1 your .anr,trtiiM n niimt cxn-lleiit pK,T)at In llio intinwouji rnnilhiU for wlil'h v ntj.ioy unrli a rvinwW. bill o-Hnc lnliy hi frmot iHtuu$ of tlio ircrofuMw i1tiilnlu 1 hro vwvrA umn? IiivMt. nt cnms of Inonliop ly (t. wnl "'' wli 1 1 ("in lMHiut wi cnuiwl lijf r.fiMi or the tifrntx. Tli nl t-r-rlnn ItMf Wis noon cmwl. lNntlitni? whhin my kntwl l 'o tin1i It fnr tlnitp fenift." ilcrftmrinn-rHB." k J ward f. Jinrrcw, of cwlmrv. Aln., writes, 41 A dnn imiittii Ar'iri'in fnor on no nf the feni;Jin In my fiunliy, wlil-hhaj di'Hvil H tli rpiiwrtlw weowilii fiii'.'v. I At lotiKth Ihwii compIMfly rttrwl l.y your l.xliwt of hr MirlUK Oit hvslcHn tlirliplit nftliliij: lnt tiun couM alTonl iv id f, but li atlvisud tli it -in I l your fins:i.aiilla n tin lst it-nott ti-roro cutMnK. finri tt vfteclunl. AflM ttiltlntf your voi.ivtlj t-iht ttviikJ imptotn r i th tliji'aw tfi.tniiii." fiypliUU Aiitl JPIcrrurlftl Iicrme. r.'r.T OriJANfl, ?Mh A np'-t. IhftO. T1. J. C. Atcn ! fir, T rlfirnlly c hiim'.v wi-li tlr n--CU'-Jt of yur narrtt, itn4 pr-rt to y-ti nijiafl ui tli i-Otula Ij.' rmill'.M v-Iih yiur fc?;u'iiimi (Va. I bhvcurt!l ltl It, iu mv tiurtire, nrwl rf tTm rm !ftlnlK fur wlilrli U In irromiiM ii'ltti. flii l Imvc f iiti l lis fifocUi truly wouui'i'i'ul in fho run of irt-nrdJ tmtl Jlrr ttm.rt IHti'titt Otir of mv pnlin(8 Itml Hvpl-iiUic ul-ri In liia thruAt, nhk'b htw CtMinimiiK nia. nml ths tip of hi mouth. Your Huvsni'itrilla, mt-mitl; taken, ruruil him lu live wrckfl. Anutltur wim fitlnckt 1 l-y twe tJary yinptoin in l.ii im,f, hu1 ttie u!cei:ili(i htitl fntcu any a coiiiJrnMe pn.rt of iL t) At 1 In-lii v tlio ItVOlikT HUU Id KOOIl It'Wtl Lltf ulitl kill li i iu. it vtoMcil to my aiHninitialiott of "nrMfiuillit; Mto kiU-irs liottlud, and lit in w U Hgnin. not jf omce wiili.vut fotnu tllstirtumtiju to hU liicc. A ttuuiuu wiio limi lt iu tifHtrit tor the Aame diw-idcr Ijv mon'urv wiw ni(T.:rlnij litiiti this pGMoii iu hr boiica. l liey 1m l bvci-mo cv fu-iiilu- to tlid Heather tint on a d-uiM duy bh RUi'ft-reU -x- fmchittnjc ytiu iu her .Mills anu LitTien. fcbt. , m ruvtil frtiliit-Ty l.y your t'wiwqmriUii in H few 1 kuuw frotn Ittt formula which youv ticvit tnv ui ilutt ti'ifl I'lepunttion iioni your lnoutttlory imut be a tt-iit lenmdy; coniiientlyr tlnne truly ivuiuikublfl ii'iulta Mttli it lifiv nut rui-puttcd uic. PiaLtiuuily uura, O. V. I,Al:liL'.t, M. I. Il.iennintlknii Cout, Ilvtr CuntplAlnt. lnvErcMcB, IN ti h C ., Viu. ith July. Wf. PH. J. 0. A viu: Sir, 1 liuw I en ullli. ttd with a itln ful chronic liheumatism f-T a long iimo, vhl i l iitli-'t Uo kiI1 of plik-lnna. and slu- k to ni In npii i-i uH rcmi du'sl could find. Unlit J tiiuj yom'!?aiiRtiiiillu. Oro little curod ma in two weeks, and rcitoicd mv ei'tml tfilth flu unuii thnt I am t'ttr betl' i- Ibau b--t i 1 wut AUatkttd. 1 tUtuk ita woiidvrlttl tutOitltu. J. I'M I. A M. Juk'S Y. OutclivH, of Pt. frf.ubt, wiitfHt "I have b.n .11 H: I isl for yctu witb an f 'hdunt of lut A.rrr, which tvHfTny'J niy'hclih. I tiii-dcwry thhti;. and tvj-y thing tiulttil to rvlivve iiip 1 and I imv Ihii bioUuuHi'.'kvn inan f. yi-fiiit fiui no otin-v cuukb Ihin dtranfftunvt of the Linr. My beloved pastor. lli liv. Mr. IVpy.mlvlMd mo to try youi Fiusnpai illii. ht nuifctt Uu juild bt; ki.v j.-u, auJ aiiv" ibin;; you ii.titlowna worth tryinfr I y lb hlft it.iiofOofl it luift cuitd iiip, ami hit to pi.iified tn Mor-d it id iu-ke a now man of mo. I f ymi) flguin. ihe tht tLst cull bo sn:d ol you m not ball' imd cnouli." fc Si1'rua,('iirrr Tiimom, i:nTri;rir nt, l lcrt ation, Curic untl iutoJiHlion of tao liuuei. A great rarlrty ofcfiwi liarr t-an rcpnrtii. to lit wheaa fmt of tlunH toiitil'Jal I. cniluhil tiuvt iitsnlMd frem tho use ol tliia .fiiiiily,biitTir upm lurowill not t'urii. Soim- nf ttieiu may Iih f-iiii'l in our miikt'n Almnt i which tha ft-?itfi l-nl-.w ii:iuivd ai o plcaiteU lo ftirtittfh rut is to nil wha vhII lor tlicin. I-ap4'paln, 1Iiii't nSfiPiise, Fi, epilep sy, Jlitlam lioiy , A4-ti.nlla , Tinny loiimrltublo unn of thw-e BlUriit n lmvo beeu tiij'h-1 iv tin nlii-nitivb po.r nf thiw unli( Ine. Jt minni ItUo tlio vit il tiuictii dm into viftoiMiiK juiU n, and ivi'rroim-i (iiMiiidtri uhii-h wottbl bv Mtppost-d. U-yonU lUi l a. t'. hn.-li a n-nn-ly has loux lri rt'tpiirid by tlio nt t, ttttirn of (bf pi'i'i-le, ami we two -itdct tUut thin mil til tor itiiut .ill that intukiito can d?. Ayer's Glierry Pectoralj rott THE RAPID fll'B OP I ortit. C'nltlii, litfldtirn, ICoaravneat, Crutii), itj-oiichlt Is, Iiitlplfiit fou aumptlu.1, tint for (Ue lUllcf bl t Gllt-'UIUpt .V l'Ull?Ull tt tiie lii)CKac- Ihir Uk remedy mo ni:ivfitn!!y known In furpniw tny o'.fnt r lV ' 'iv.- of thritui Mid "long ci'inpluirns, thut tt h) I.;-! -' I iu to pultluh the evideiH-ti of iu virtue-. Jta nmnu'Vd fi-r itui.;lt itid rni.da. and itt truly "fii fr! rniH of" pulniotihry dwr'1", have mada H fuown tlinnlM lit 1ho civiliai-d i.atlona of the earth. iu tut llif c uiiuuuilipfl, or uvcii funiidpa, among thtia I;u o not K'l.'iie piioiiNl fxpeiionco of h eiU'i tc f. li'.inir tropin in their u.l-M of its vittoiy orrr tb ri.Mh- n!td diiiiL-M-iij ilisord'.-i'M of the throat and lunjra. nil kiir iliti ilmi'.inl lit'.ili:y of ihcsn iliordtt!, and t. Ui. y l.ji"v, t".). ih(fi:W-tnof this mnedy. w uied iiot tL'i'n, tliiai lu a:ur-i tli-m thnt it h:u all ilie ir tiiat It did havo w)u u ni iliinK the ru-e whicb bavt v- iii fl-i tioiib;iy I'l'-n tho Cuiifid uco of muiikiud r rr ; nrod by Dr. J. C. AYES &u CO., lowelKaat. P ild ty Frilbn k Grant, And A. W Fisclitr, PituUuy J P. raalow and U. lirown, Milton j Dr Wenck, Mo Fwnivii!e ; Heifmiyder lluiainan, Tiirbutvilie ; R. B" At?Ciy, NotthurnlierUmd and by U tale ia evtrywUctor Av'HCO. 1M1I ly GREATEST EXCITEMENT OF 8EAS0N 1 THE F1ULING & Gil A 1ST tt tha MAMMOTH STORE, uit roceired E. V. 33RIGIIT Sc SON, HAVli KECEIVED 1. 3T033S OF ALL 2SXN33S OP GOODS, H A H D S 0 M E, DURABLE A X D NEW AND LE6IRABLE Blork of FALL f5 V1NTK11 CiOODS! A vrrjr eitenfive tortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Cntisifting in I'firt of inJ r.nry f ilk. of very clioio. pnttiTii.. IlFnKOES, Durala, (.'a.limrrt's Prrnch nd English Meiino, Plain and KigureJ Wool D.litinoa. Ma.lin Uiluin of (II tylr. .nil iricea, FuulnrJ., Thibrt Cloth, Puil Ue Cliivria. Sjonanil Wool PlaiJ. I ..lies' runs, UROCHE. DENT BY EXPRESS Retailed at Wholesale Prices, Made to Measure at $18 per doz. OR BIX FOR NIMH DOLLAIMt "TnthootOollara on, lth Collar, on $ per dot. iro. MADE 07 KEW-rOItK MILLS MCSUtf, TTlth flu. tlncn Donoma, Mid warranted a. rood SMr aa .old In tb. retail itorci at ii,fO each. ALSO. THE VIRT M5T mRT THAT CAN Bit MADB AT i EACH, P S. Thoa. who Oil I eannot mak. a Rood Shirt for 18 per down ar. miatakao, Uora1. tta. eoat l on. dotcntlSfinailiirU. 89 yard, of New-Tork MU1 nreiitln at 100. p ji. t M 1 yard, of fine Linen, at 600. par yard, 8 6 Maklnand cutilnfr, J TO Laondrr.llt button, and cotton, 60c 1 M XTofit 68 Total 19 0 Self Ileasuroment for Shirts. Printed direction, aent free everywhere, and M ay to undcratand, that any one can UV thrlr ownmeaaura fomhlrla. I warrant a Rood fit. The erwh to b. paid to lh txtireaj ConmanT on reoalpt of gooda. The IfTnre. charge, on on. down Ehlrt. from I7w Tork to New Orleana 1. IX P. 8. PARTIES WISHINO PmilTS IS nASTK.not b.Tlng time to .end for Bule of Measurement, aliould ond per mall, prepaid, on. of the best fitting .hlrt. they fiaT. got, aiaiing any aiicruuu. ujm -i- T S. W. H. WARD, from London, 387 Broadway, up stairs, Between White A Valkcr Street. KT-10EK" March 16, 1861.- If SUKBURY STEAM FLOUIU NO Til E .ubtcriber. havinR taken tmaaf if this fint data FLOIJRI.NO Mil, I.. ir (. pared to receive Brain of kll kinds, and In do cu' torn work tt tha eJhorteat Notice. Cuatonier will h.. their giiota ground immediately upin their being left at the Mill. Aa it U tha inten. tion of tha firm to .lock tha Mill a lae Sup ply ot Orain, will ba con.tantly kept on hand, and flour by tha quantity can alwny. be obtained, The greatest care will lie taken to turn out a ail perior quality of flour, for which the mill 1 ad' miralily adapted. Htrict attention will be paid to the wanta of customer., and tha patronage ol the public generally la reapectfully requenlfd. ' MUrtj.M ox tu., Punbury, June S3, I80. ANOTHER ARRIVAL OF N E W GOODS, .1. II. IU(jt.I. ol' Suabury. Pa., UA8jnt arrived with aplendid STOCK of SPKINO AND SUMMRR GOODS, from Philadelphia, to which ha rcaiwctfully invite hia friend, and the Public to call and in.pect, ha will .par. no time in ahnwing them. Among hi. .tuck of good, will befouod, FINE BLUE AND B LACK FREXTCa CLOTH. Fine Black and Fancy t'aiiimeree Tweede, Bat- inetla, Jcana, Black Italian 1'lnth, Laahmerette, Cottonade. I.inena, Linen Drill, Linen Check, and Farcy Veating, alao a large aaaortment of Keady-mado CLOIHIINU Tor men ana boy. LUMBER! LUMBER P II I L I P 8 11 AY, If NFORMK hie friend, and the Dublic in gene B ral, that he conetantl keep, on hand, Boardn, Hhingle., Lalh, Joists ai.d all kind, of Lumber and building materials, which he will sell at the loncut prices. March SO, 1861. 8HAM0K.IN VALLEY POTTERY. rpHE aubacriber reapectfully iiifurm. the public. that he ia now manufacturing at hi. Pottery, 4 mile, eaat of funhury, all kinda of Earthen Ware, made out of Itcil Cement Clay. Thi. clay produce, the beat and moat dc.irahlc kind nf ware, equal, in many re.pecta, to atone warn, and I. le.a liable to crack by Hidden heat and cold. 'I'ho .ubtcriber refer, to Friling Sc Grant, Huubury. Addre., J ust, i' n sAiuiii;. Oct J3, 1P60. ly Bunbury, Pa, Buy Ktala and tiety, dtd &c. GREAT 15ARGALXS ANU Splendid Inducements Wool bllAWLS of every v. Gentlemen's Dress Quods, of every sty lu, coii.Uling of Cloth., Ca.inere., ctatlinett. Kentucky Jean.. Yvteeda, Velvet Cord, VelMUni, Voriinga. of every variety. Our .lock of Silk and bilk Velvet YeMing., cannot be aurpniwed in the country. Pieu.e call ami exaaiine tticui. CLOTIiING TO FUP.CEAS AT THE EES. ONE MICE STORE, OF E. Y. BRIGHT ii SON. Hui.bury, June 15, IPC i. J. A. CRANDALL'S PATENT SPRING HORSES 470 BROADWAY, N I3W TTORK. 8houU be in every family, Hchool, Gymnasi um. A.vlum, and Hoepitul in tha land. Ar. not TJANUEROUS, like the common Rocking ilcrne. 8tand. lirm on ite Pedektal, will' not wear C ARPET3, and lias no Kotker. to injure the Ftet. 'Ilsaltb i.J happlnei. in tb. aaro.anddl.." N. P. Willi, Our .lock of READY MADE CLOTIMNG, ha. been replcnivhed, and wo have a full avdoil uienl of OVERCOATS DKEfeS COATH. Pant, and Veat., Oveicuat and lire. Coat, for Bov. of ail age. ALSO, a very hand.ome auortment of HATS CAPS of every lyle and variety at tha lowe.t price.. Our slock of HAHDWHRE has been renew ed and we have now a larger aaaortment than ever before ollerej to our cti.tumers, consisting in pari of Sausage Cutlers, Pocket Cutlery, Butcher Knive. Mayer Hinge., Bolt, and Pad Locks, X Cut eiwi, Mill Haw., Scoop buovela. cVc, Ac, dec, 4c, Ac, Sc flueenxuai e and Calinnre, of every variety at the VERY LOWEST PKICE. Our stock ol C-P.OCIP.ISS i. very fine. We have the best quality of Syrup Molasses ever before olfcre to the citizens ol Sunhurv and vicinity. CEDAK AND WILLOW-WARE of .cvory vanity. CENTRAL HOTEL, SUUBURY, Northtimberland County, Pa. flHM large and commodious Hotel, now A managed by JAMES VAN DYKE. It ia situate at the Railroad Depot North East comer of Miirket Hquare. Huubury, and nl the terminus nf the Sunhtiry V Eiie and North ern Central Kuiiro.ds, and is open for tlieaccoin- rnodalion of 1 ravrlrrs and the pul.lic in general The prprietor will give his exclusive atten tion, to li e comfort and convenience of his guests and is de-crmined to make this establishment rank among the first in the Stiito. Hij tabic will bo supplied with the best the ma'ket can produee having the advantage nl daily cimimuninalion by cars direct from Balti more, and also from those bringing produce from the surrounding country. His bar will be supplied with the purest liquorn the market cull produce Ca-eful and obliuimz servants always in al tendance. New and commodious stabling has just been added to the premises. A share ol the locnl and traveling community most respectfully solicited. S-inburv. Jnniinry 18, 1861. WINTER GOODS, FOR M U N ' S WE A R . Black and Blue Hair Cloth, Beaver Overcoating, Blimk Docsliiim, New Ktyle. Cassimeres, All Wool Tweeds, Heavy Kentucky Jeunr, Real Good farititielta, SiU Milted ('oa'.iuurf, Super VeKet Cords, EUck Grepailine Vesting, Blnc.k Satin Vesting. Fanry Silk Velvet Vesting., 1'lnin bilk Velvet Vesting!, Nice Cassimere Ve.tings, In fact all kinds of good, for Men's and Boys' weur, ran be found nt the Peorla'a One Price Store of E. Y. Aright ik Son, who have iukt eceived by Railroad a splendid stock of all kinds of good., suitable for cold weather. Please call and be convinced. E. Y. BRIGHT & SON. Smibiiry, October 27, I860. HEVERB MOUSE, (LATH KA01.E HOTEL.) 'J'hird Strttt, o).ot' lluce, l'hlludtlvhiti. RIIOADS & 8AII.03, I MPUOVEMKN'l'S nave been made, and the House has X been refitted throughout Tii.oiima.nV. Unci am, fornieily of the Nnti, mill Hotel Cluai.M tAlLoa, I'olHierly of tSeliu) Iklll Co., I'u. Philadelphia, Jnn. 19, It-til. ly W-A.3L.Xj PAPER 1 FRILING it GRANT, at the MAMMOTH STORE, have this day (January 17th, 18b I received a CHOICE ASSORTMENT or TUB NEWEST STYLES AND PATTERNS or WALX, 3? A. FEB, which they are selling at price, that defy competition. Suuhury, January 19, lfifil- HOW WITHIN REACH OF ALL GKOVEli t$ UAKKK'S VR LADIES WEAR, (cheap.) Black and Fancy Dre.a Silk very cheap, Silk Tissue, Beregea, IJhali and Chali Robes, Berege Delaine, Berege Holies, Figured Brilliant and a variety of o her Dress Goods, Spring and Sum mer Shawls, Mantillas, Parasols, a good assort ment of white goods, Collars, Sleeves, Irish Linen, Shirt fronts, Marseilles, Brilliant Ac. A general assortment of domestic Dry Go ds. Also a la rae slock of Hats and (apa, Uoots and shoes, Hardware, Queens and Glassware, Groceries, Odarwarn, Stone and Earthenware, Drugs and Paint, Salt, rish, Cheese, Ham, Oil, Tar Ae. &c. N. B. Wall and Window Paper, Floor and Table Oil Cloth, Carpels, all the above will be sold at low prices for raah or country produce ta en in exchange for Goods. i. H. EN GEL. Sunliury, May. 19, 1800. tf. II 4 It It I ,S V A I N X K U , 51 1 1 o r n r e at 3L a to , MARKET SQUARE, BTJWB UR "5T, 3? -A. . June 23. 1B0O NEW CrOODS Atthe Mammoth Store of IRA T. CLEMENT, NO. I MARKKT 8TRKKT, SUMsmV, I A 'IHE subscriber ha. just opened st his .1 known establishment in iSunburv, one of the bc pest and most desirable slocks of Fall and Winter Goods, that has ever been offered in llio pluco.aud whim no will aeil for CASH or exchange for Country Produee. Those desiring to purchase goods will do well to call and examine his stock. 13LACK AMI FANCY SILK. All Wool Delaine, Figured, Striped and Plain, rrencli Merino, all colors, lieantilnl Dress Rnbes, Caahmeies, Shaded, Jlairi and Ktriped must be seen to furrr an idea of the extent and variety. Mantle, Stella, Chenille, French Wool Shawls Thibet and B roc he Shawls. Cloths Cassiraercs end Satinet For Men and Dove' Wear, Black Casuimerf s, Fancy Caasimcrre, aide stripes heavv, t)n. Skin Cassimeres. Satinet, nil kinds. FLA.ITIMEr.iB, Vv btte.and Red Flannels, all grades and prices. Bay State Sack Flannels, colors finest ijnalii.. READY-MADE CLOTHING Boot, and Shoes, Hat and Caps, Ac., ,$e..f alt of which were selected with great care, ami will compare favorably, as regards quality, sij le end price, with any in the country. HARDWARE, a rulUsgortuunt. Wood and Willow Ware, ljucenswnre, of all descriptions, Groceries, a full stock in atorc, Carpel Chain., Ac, Paints, Oils. Glnss, Dye Stuffs. Thankful for the pntronnge heretofore received he will .pare no paint to picas, all ho may favor bim wilh their custom in the futuro. Sunbury.Oct. 2 2, 1810. IN New Air Line Route TONE "W O iR, X2 BHOKTEST IS DISTANCK AND QUICKEST TIMK between the two Cities of HEWYOHK ANDHABHISBUItO. via RliADIN'G, AI.l.KXTOWN AND EASTOX. Morning Kx,ress West leaves Nt-W V'ork nt 6 a. M . and Philiiilelnhiu iu 8 A M , arrives ut llarririuirg at 111 45 e. M. eonnet-uiig ut IliirrisUiig with tmiti on Norihern Central ttooo lor blllHlyl iinuiiiBuort, ioca liaveii and inter' nieiliute stulioiiA. Mini Tr;iiii West leaves New Yerk nt 12 noon, and t'liilnrleli hia nt S.ilO r. eounectiiiv Willi tinin on North criiCeiiliul Komi lor slalious ns niiove, and also uu ull oil inc iimuiiiii(,ii uiiii r.innra. Mnil Tihiii -3iut leiivee lltirriihuig ut P, a M , and ar rives lit I'liilmli IphiM ut I f. M , and New Vi,ik nl 3 30 PmLtBELPICIt COIsLF.Ct:. E. corner of Seventh and Chesnut Streiis. T'ii It one of U'liT COLLKGr.S, CONSTITUTING THE "NA TION Aid CI1AIN. T.OCiTKDIN riiilmU-lphia, .ttnv VoU Ciiy, Alhsny, PufTilo, Cleve LinU, Chii'ucH, nnd f?t. lsouitt. trcriliiifiiiips rau b pur ct.bsj&J aleiilier point, gotii! ut nil the Coiueii. THE COLLKGIATE COURSE B'Mirnecs D'.mMf m .l Pintle Entry Ji'vA-Kcpiiig, Cnm irercnl ("''fiii.utitli'.'iis, Linnieteul Law, I pnnniit-hip. liu"uehi( Cnricri 'iitleiite, I'artiicitOnn tiieinei.iii, tto. I'KACTICALTEXT-bUOKiJ. The Tt'sct my in the Boik-Ket-pnip Pe ,rimevt fi m l ly frtui. writ Un iitiumBfiipt l -ni.f, wai atu ..KvinK-ti.n.i U'i laret. mui h'u k-hour.l f !u(-H(ulhlj : ill uiUlni n j wI.ich, in T(.ct to iiiitke Ve CU. tute (Jturjt us tl oit.uh am tiUtMiiul ptmhitle. Uic following 'l;it-I.;uk iuva tin itrvitiirfil : liiymit & birutton' Bonk .Kreptng, in il,re eJiliomv Common hi'hool. llik.'ti Hehntil, hhiI Cinttiting lluur-e ; lirv 'fiul x SirnU.iit' C"MiineTfniI AritlituHii-; lr vitut t Ituatum'i Cunaneiciui Luw, by Au-un limn, L l. JJ, SPENCER I AN SYSTEM Of I' EN MAN HIP, In vciiei.-i'iiine WU, by V. R. PIACEU. P. II t?PUAOKR, Ji., ?uvlt uf lViitn..iw!.ip. u. Vld;utl inmrncttuii HtuiluuU cnle! ul miy lii'itr. tylv mm AwitriJtffi. Cy Fr Catul-if ut n unit Circolurt, call nt lh O-Wi'ire, i-r aJJiei lilt VANT, 8'IKAT'iON i EAlliHAM-.t Eclnunryfia, 1-61. ly 1'iniuJrliiiii. JAMES Ji A 11 li E U ' S W il li KiiAlX NO KK'I AIU CLOCK ESTABLISHMENT, S, K, Corner Stcond and Clietlnut (., l'Ikliatlelptiitt. AOI'.NCY f.irtliel'ATnNT K'ifAl.lZIN'OTHlRTY LlAV t'l.OI 'Kft. a very draimble arm-Is Itir CuulcU s, Hi'leiM. Uuukis Cltiti' llousev, Purinrtf, Av. Alan, MMnufa'ciursi nf ITNK. OOl.D I'l'.Ntl. Clocks i'eu,ireii snd warranted. Oicit Tiimmnisa or every deiKiription. Vnilttdcbhia, January lo U01.-3y . cm m Notions, Hosiiry, Gloves, SADLER Y. BOOTS AND SHOES, Ac., Stc Also a fresh supply of Diugs, Paints, Oil., 1'crfumery, Fancy Soaps, Dye SltlTs, Glass, Brushes, Ac BLACK SILK COATS. Gored Munlles, Poplin Dnslcrs. French Saques, Silk Uasquiues, Naet Designs. AealT Made, or M.,)e to O der. COOPF.U & CONARU. N F. C'ninef Ninth and Maikel, PtnUdnlplua. May 18. lad. FROM THE "HOME JOURNAL." "Of sll the child-furniture we have ever seen no article combines so much of those two iinpor tunt tilings heslib snd happiness s. Ihe Ad' juuUlile Patent Steel Spring Saddle Horse, in vented by Icin-e A. Crundull, It is not danger una, liktf a r unmnn rocking-horse, to children a felt, cannot be tig,it, docs not wear carpets, but kt&uiU Hun on its, and its action is so like t!ie i".lim of a live horse that the child never wiuties of it. This .steal of child novellios is ex ceejiiii,ly elegant and artistic in design j and so adjustable, mil'-lunllal, and duruhle, l!iul it will b.xt a lilr-tiu.e. It is indispeusable in every tuntily v.!ieiM there are children. It should lie iu ery primary s, liool and gjmnaiiuin in Ihe C'liinl'v, as it can be made lurge and strong juoiiph lo SUI.UUI grown er-ons. Aa a pedestul for photographic pictures, nothing 1. more beauti ful. -Every Oiphau Asylum and Institution where children are coniiregnled, should be furnished with a number of these beautiful artirle.. They are fated v-ith side saddles vthec required." MHF.CTIONS FOR A D JUSTING. Opto the alier pari of Ihe base .ullicienlly lo allow Ihe axle to go in it place j then raise or lower Ilia Hone lo suit tou. Screw ihe bolts in the side very liiilit- tV These Horse ar WARRAFTED. one yesr. March IB, 161 tf OR SALE aa excellent second band Caok ing ntuve, al- . vetl I yiuniui Mire... Enquire al this ollli. Particular care having been token iu ihe se lection of our goods in rrgurd to qualily, .tyle and price, we call the aitennon of the public In our Urge slock to which constant addition, will be made. Thankful for past favors, we hop to merit a continuance of Ihe patronage of the public by aching cheaper than ever. Give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. FIHI.ING & C It A NT. Bunbury, Nollenibcr 17, IN60. ff Ife Ol' llcalll The subscribers tuke j2 pleasure lit annouiiriiig thai Ihey are now prepared to mail (liec) to llms who wish H copy of an imporlaiit little work, by the bile Dr. lirumpton, entitled "Ihe Invalid' Medical Con fidunl," published fur Ihe benefit, and as a warn iug to young men and person who suffer from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, Ac, &c, supply iug ihe mean, of self cure. The reader is irresistibly led to compare a uselul lite with an Igiiohle death. Reader, lose not a moment, but send your ad dress lor a copy of this 111 tie Work. Address th Publishers DR JOHN U 00 DEN & CO, 6t A U6 John St., New York. May 18, 1H1 3iuo. BOO T A N 1) S 11 O K MANUFACTORY. Corner of Market Square and J2iver Street sxj3srBXJi"5ra fa. 'I'HE subscriber respectfully inform the citi zens of Sunhurv and vicinity, that be his opened a Boot und Shoe ."Shop on the corner of Murkcl bquaro and l,iver street, opposite Ihe Court House, where he can be found al all times ready lo wait upon customers. Having considerable experience, he is prepared to make up customer work of all kinds, al shoil notice, in ihe latest style and workmanship. He keeps constantly on hand a lurgu assort ment of Leather, nf the best quality, which ena bles him to make up good and durable work. Cull and examine for yourselves before pur' chasing elsewhere, and you will save money. JOHN ILVElt. 8unbury, Nov. 10, 1800. ly CELEBRATED NOISELESS Sewing Machines, 495 Bhoaiiwit, Ntw Youk. The public attention is respectfully ifquestcd lo the following card of Ei.ns Howk, Ju., and ihe Grover ct Baker S. M. Co A Card from tho GROVEll & BAKER S- JI. Co- Our Patent being now established by ij: Courts, we are enabled to furnish the Grover & Baker Machine, with important improvements at greatly Elcduced I'ricei. The modem te price at which Machine, malt ing Ihe Grover & Baker stitch, can now lie had, brings them within Ihe reach of all, and renders the use of Ms -Sines milking inferior Hitches as unnecessary as it is unwise. Perron desiring the best Machines, and the right to use Ihem, must not only be sure to buy M idlines making Ihe Grover 5t Baker stitch, but also that such Machine, are made and .tamped under our patents and those of Elia. Hower, Jr. GROVER & BAKER S. M. CO., 4'J.S ki roadway. New York. HIGHLY IK PORTA NT MEWS M. C. GEAR HART, Ha. returned wilh a new tttock or Confectionaries, Fruit and Toya. I Tseems as ira new ace, a new lire was open ing upon us, animating every hert lo noblor deeds and higher aims! Art, Literature end Sci ence will glow anew and seek to .level, .p ml,. liiner beauties and grander conception. 'iTie bunincsi world too must leel the new in. fluencoand evory pari be quickened ami lrenuUi' ened by an increased vitality, which .hall urpe u on with electric speed to' tho consunimnliou of greater things than was ever drenmrd of in t,a Philosophy of the pnn. Animated by the enlhusbnrtn which prevides nil rl,i.Afl mil I .!......... . i , - r. M., in lone tu Hike hunt orenrs for llostnn, Ac. -.. ..... ua , uuing ills snare to- K.r.xpress Kasi leaves llnrrisliu nt I IS, on sirivnl, wards " I he grnnl evenls nf llm .jic,"tlin suli of Noriliern Central Tism, and nrrives nt Philiide Iphin nt scribcr would repeclfullv inforin tha i nod r,r,i. t I j . and New oik atl-r. M. i f yi t- hi-ij v , .1 ,,. ' .. '. No elmncc of cursor linciriise liilwwn New York or ! nun ine piinuc penernllv. Hint rinliidrlimn and I Jiirrlsiiiii . l-'or licauly of seenerv mid snenl, comfort and necommo- ihition, tlii. route picseuls sn)etior IndueeiiM-nls to the lrsvrllii .io,:ic tlifit-e in New York, foot of tronrtlniid street rttlludel ihni, llmfld mid Ctnl'iwliill llreels. Fare between New York i.nd Unriikbuig TIVKDOI. t.AHS I or Tiekrte ; Freight or otlier inforinntion, iiiilv to J. J. r l.Vlli:, Uenelal Agent. Ilarriihinir. Jin,e 3o, IMiti ly lbuo. jl-H3 18S0 BEST LOUIE FROM .Yjoititita; VulSej to riillatUIpltla, Kctv VoiU. Etalilmore, AND A LL l'OIXTS SOUTH, SOUTH WEST. LACKAWANNA & BLOOMSBURG RAILROAD. STjniMEa ARRANGEMENT. Two Daily Pssnencer Tniins will he run between Scianioti and ."orinumherisiin, ns loituws A CARD I ROM EI.IAS HOWE, JR. All persons are cautioned not lo make, deal iu, or use any Sewing Machines which sew from two spool and make the stitch known as the Grover 6t SHaker stilch, unless the same are purchased from the Grover A Baker Sewing Machine Company, or their Agents, or l.iceusts, and stnniied under my patent of September 10, IMU. Kn id Company, and their Licenses, alone, an legally aulhoiizcd under their own patents, uiu my said patent, during the extended term there of, to make and sell this kind of Sewing Machine and all other are piracies upon my said palent, and will be dealt with accordingly, wherever found. ELI AS HOWE, JR. New York. Dec. 29. IdiiO. if -MOVING HOL'TH : Isva rtnl'a Mnil. N. Y Kx. Scranton, 10 A. M. 4 J l M Airivest I'lll.ten, 0 4 53 Kinysioii, 1 US -JO hiekftiiuin-, 7 50 6 Berwick, VO 0 i.5 ttl,n,lilsLnlg, h ftO 7 30 liujn-it, y i,o " 40 Usui ille, It V!1 t III Noniiuiiibeilaiid. lo uu B 4$ MOVINO NORTH : live N. V. Ks. Plnl'a Mail. Noitl'uniUrlaiid, A 3D A.M. 4 lo 1. M. Arrive ut Danvillo, A (IS 6 40 lipelt, JI fl 611 lilKimsliing, 0 45 f oil Berwick, 7 1 35 Wiickslimny, 7 IS 7 US Kinsston, a 3U 7 45 I'lll.ton, 6 57 8 IS Senoiton, V ao b 45 MANHOOD. HOW U)ST, HOW RF.STORKD, JL'BT PUJL1SI1ED IN A SKAI.LD KN VtLOl'E : A LECTURE on (lis Nutare, treatment, and Radical Cursuf Mprinatiritia:a, or rWiHinal Wsxkness.eWxunl li. Inlity, Nsrvousness snd involuiilarv sniissiuns, uiMlucinf liuputsney, Coiiiuuiptiou and Menlaland Physical tltbllity. Ry ROUT. J. CTLVER WKLL, M D., Tlis irnporiant fscl that lbs awful cuseriuences of eelf atnis may lis efloclually removed without lutcrisil metli. eiiios of lh dannaious apuliestnais ol eauslies, inauu rosuis, niedicsted UHiai, aiul ntiier suinifical devises i. Iivre clearly dcmuiialruied, andltie eulirely new aiidrjiatily suseessiul liuiuiieiil, as ad.ipuid by l lie celebrated author fuily Miilsmed, by means of winch .very on ie auanled I,, euro bnnself perlecily, and at tb leust possibls cost, thereby svoiduia all the sdvortnied nrnminu of ihs day. ThiBleclur will orovss boon lo tluidia,uu.t.rf ik..., !eal sik! seal, ia ulsiii rnvolop,t, any address noes paid, un His leceipl of I wo pox. .lMim., by addieaslii "' ni" L" f.CKUNK'1-' H "' K Yo,.r?iIi A i H 'JU H,-l) )ii SAVE YOUR FRUIT BY USING MASON'S Paler.t Sheet Metal Screw Top PRESERVE JAR. MASON'S PATENT SHEET METAL SCREW 2JP ! .411 that is uecesury being lo screw the Cupdnnn upon the Rubber Gasket, which is placed outside upon tho shoulder uf the Jar, 3 4 uf an inch dis tant from the top; prevent the possibility of ihe flavor of the fruit being injured by coming iu intact withallie Kubbt-r. Personsi'esiiing these Jars, can ba supplied by aviug their orders wilh JI. B. M Afv-KU, Sunbury, June 2, Ibbtl. Agent. TO ALL, THOSE IIAVIXU Farms, Parks or Gardens, IN CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA. A lure chance is now srTordcd lu select and order FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES Vines. Shrubbery, Ac.. from the celebrated Clover Htruet INur.eries lnentMlal ituehesler, .New luik. Blfssrs, 3100HK, URUTIItRH, PROPRIETORS Who beg leave to announce that tuny ar pieued through liieir qualified and RESt'ONSIULE AGENTS, To distribute their superior su,ck on lh. mo. lessciisbl lei ms. PEOPLE i THE ZETSTC1TE STATE. Iveis of Nature sad lh. beauliful.aiid iu.llv eelebrala f,,r yiKir liilellleiice, veaUH, lltierallty and tsale, now IS the lime tu oiake your selections from our DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE AND PLATE BOOKS, Which will lie luriiished you, through our kal asenls; .u .j ,m Naiiira uiai jour oiucis win u uonoru bly hlleil. Km further particulars apply to 1(EDEUICK A. HOWK, w.x, msaovii-l., ra. v., ,vni, n. i, i.n, Agent for Northumberland eounly, REFERENOES: Hoa. F.BENE'ER ORIFKIN, Roehosler. N. Y. Hon. JOHN (JALURMTII. Erie, Pa. -Col. J. It.JOHNhON, Meadviila, i'a. February, 1KI fim feUL.OMU.ll 91AL.ICH, Attorney af Law. BUNBURY, Northumberland Co., Pa (Formerly Fresbur. cyder county OFFICE, Market Street, a lew door, aa.l of tha N oi liter o Central Railroad Depot auj two doors west of tha Post OHice. All ProfussionaJ Buaiues, Collection., Ac will receive prompt atleution. March 30, 1H81. New Arrival of Clothing. rM!E largest and best Stock of FALL AND -- WINTER CLOTHING eer brought to this place, arrived al Ihe Mammoth Clothing Hloro of SCHWF1TZER, HEILIIRONNER dt CO.. in Market alreet, neaily opposite Wea ver Hotel. Their Slock comprises nf FINE CLOTH COATS, Dres Coats, Over ('oats, Husiuess Coats, Ac. VESTS OF ALL KINDS. Under'Shirls, Drawers, Ac. HATS JISTID CAPS BOUTS AND SHOES, of Ihe latest style or every description and quality, cheaper than ever. Their assortment of gentlemen's furnishing: doming is the most complete I Their variety and stjlcsmosl attractive. And the prices defy all competition, tli Call and examine for yoursolves. SC WEITZER, HEILBRONNER 4 CO Suubury, Oct. 6, 1860. "War TWar! " WarT COME lltOM THE NORTH, COME MOM THE SOUTH. COME FliOM THE EAST. COMElTiOM 'I HE WEST, Save the country and build yourselves homes. or now is tha lime lo get your Lumber cheap. rs, LUMBER ! LUMBER ! ! LUMBER ! ! I can be purchased at low tales at tha STEAM SAW-MILL of IUA T. CLEIVXENT, BUNBURY, 2? -A.., Such aa Panel Lumber, Frame Lumber, Boards, Siding. Shingle from $3 to 8 per thousand, Plastering Lalh, Paling, Roofing Lath, Ac, Ac. All bills ordered, for any kind of Lumber, will ba furnished at the .borlest notice IRA T. CLEMENT. Suuhury, March 0, 1801. HOY' BOOTS and SHOES, cheap for cash ,J WM. MILLER' Pun my, August 27 I KM. French Sin-rets, Burned Almonds, ('ream blla, " Lein, ii Rose. " Va-illn. Common &ccicfa Liuuwice, Tiie l.arkniVAiiia snd U,n msliurs Itnilroad connects with tho lel,twiie. 1 jirkiiwsuiiB ami Western Railroad, al Scmntoii, fur New York and Phibtdelplna, and iuteriits dints points )-'.imt , ulso for (Irest Uehd, Ulliglinmloll, Syrtieusc, Jlulliilo, Niiiirnru FbIIs, and all uiiHirtiiut points West. Al t(upe,i it coiiuarts with tne e.HiniwiRsa itini- rontl, for ,iiils both Mat and West. At Nortliuililieilnnd it e niiecls with the Sunbury und F.rie KuilroHd. fur points Went anilMolllh. Al. '.V. JACUr-U.N, Sup l. Kiiibh,,ii, Augutl i't, 11. HEGEIMATJ & CO S ctitniAi. i:lixik or CALISAYA BA 11 K Prepared only by UF.GK.M AN 4 CO., WholrMla slid H'etiill Cliemials uml Drupgists, 161, 3'i9, 611 snd 7Sd liroudway, New York. rrUH virtues ol PERUVIAN 1IAHK as a Tonic have A. been too lollr k.iovvn bi need continent. The t'AI.ISAl (' oi Kiiih's Ihirs,") is lhem,,sl vulu able of the iiuiiier ,un vnrieties of the Peruvun Hiirk, and in tbe KI lllt Is C'Sllbiiietl With other ingredients Ihut iltcreime lie etlieney und al the snina lime iivreorne the iuteusily of its biUei, rendering it a most Agreeable Cor nell. For persons living in and AGl'E will be loiind invaluable ns a pievetitive. Hull oi u wine glitns full ttiken iot,'lit mid nininiii):, renderina tbe syitein much less subject to tbe uuhuulthy inltaenee ol the atmoB' pllere. lilKLCTIONS Hose for an adult, half a wiiiefliiM full lie! ore hrcakiind and diiuiei ; cloklreu fn,ui our to two leaapouu. lull; il uiay b. lakcu vyth or without, little wuier For sn!e at this otTice. March 17, Ibttli-. A K it-nil Siilly ul Ol y .ods. pONSlSTINO in port nf Prints, Deluioe. bleached and unbleached Mnt-linn, Check Stripe Denim, A Drills. Ac, just received by It. tl. al toe aiuminnth ptoro of FJtlLING & tj It A NT. ne na. just returned rrorn the city of Philadel phia wilh the largest and choieeM slock of Con fectionaries, Fruit and Toys that has ever been brought to this section of country, lie is manufacturing ail kinds ol (.'iiiilWtioi.Tie A to fill up orders, wholesale or retail, at short notice. Among his slock of Coulee titularies. iite n. found : Cum Drops, all kind, ol ncem, l.,,ve Dioi.p, Moil Drop., red and while, Jebe Cakes, Flint Uro) Mick t'uiu.icvol all s-.'.ms Ki-L I, A!m,,u.l C.nuly, FRUIT. Bananas, Primes, Dnlts, n.0i Curriiiits dticrt, Citrons Abiionds, R.nsons, riu'is of ul; kuli LKMON syitUP of a superior quality, ley i!,c Uis- nt d, u n. A superior qnnlity of Segnrs and Tolmeco, and n variety of Cnnfectinnaries, fruit. Tola, &c, aii ol" which isoirered cheup at whilcsiilo'ur retail. tST Remember llm nuiue nnd place, a j M. cgearhauT; Market st., 3 door west of E. V. Bright A Son's store. Sunhurv, Apiil 1 1, 18C0. ly TfiSEPL'S PATE1TT ' FIVE -MINUTE FUEEZER, As Improvied for 1KS9 and t,0, By E. KETCH till A CO., 2,3 'e.rl-Hireel, TVew-York. IHE only Freeier constructed on Fcn-niiHc ,iim i(,u-, n un a revuivii-.g can ami blade scrupir. Tbe one hasten Ihe freeinj ,. the cream the oilier removes il as fuM sk fiozi t.. The most rapid ill fieciii.g, wnli I he leant quantity uf ire. The inn-d economical j Ph u4 t j8 ,lfl n,fl simple and durable iu Htructurc. t or sale in ull liiu iiriniii al cities nin) lnwi -i in the Union. Earh Ficeier accompanied with a book of ir- ripes and full direi tioi-a. J'RICES. IF LOOK HERE, YOU WANT TO BUY CHEAP FOR CASH. O TO WM. H. MILLER, he hi. received M ""! Philadelphia a large stock if BOOTS & SHOES. Hi. stock consist, of Gon't. Kipp limits, Youths' Kipp Boots. Children'. Culf Boots. Also a variety of Women' Calf Lace Bool, Women' Morocco Lace Bonis, Children' Morocco and Calf Lace Bool., all of which he will .ell cheap for CASH. Cull and examine for yourselves. ALSO, first quality of Tampero Moroco for salt) for cash. WM.H. MILLER. Kiinbtirv. January 7, IKfiO. 3 quarts, 4 qunrtK, 6 quarts, ft quarts, 14 quar'.s, SO quails. Apply lo II. P. June 3. Infill. ,t-:l V A ,ij S t'U Ut H HI IS 10 M ASSER, Km. bury. COTTAGE BIBLES. FOR SALE, cheap, three copies of th Cottage bible, iu two volume, with com ptentarea. II. B. MA Sis E R., BOOTS & SHOES, ran be purcbsiej at th. Msmmolb Store of Friling 4V Grant, very cllea D. as w. era determined not la bs un,lera,,M by an) body. Call and leara tha list of price for I youraclv., fr RILING V 0 RANT. Sunbnry, January IS, lr?l GENESEE SALT. WHOLE8ALB Se RETAIL, IYt'lLlNti & GRANT (at the Mammoth - Store,) hav ju.l received 600 lb, nf Solar Ground, Solar and Fine Salt, 700 Sack uf Ground Solar Salt every sack warranted lo contain 235 pound of Suit and 200 bags of Ssll containing one Bushel each. 7'ms aalt is the best and atrongas now manufactured and in market. Call and aes for yourselves. Sunbury Sept., 8, 18fi0. lyNDOW SHADES A very and " " cheap assortment, just received by Rail, road from New York, at Ihe Mammoth atora of Friling d) Grant. W have also for aals S. S. Putnam & Co'a celebrated Patent Pendulum Curtain Fixtures. BLANK. Parchiueus Par Deed aud blsn, MortuaaMS. Honda. RvaciitinnM. Miinimmi' Ac, Kir aula b H. B. M AeiHKK., 'piN WARE A very cheap snd desirable assoiUneut just rrccivej thi week, al lh Maotinnih S tors of FRILING A GRANT. Suubury, January it, 1861. LCCKEFELLEIl & EOYEFw. Attornies at Law, fcvcjrtfiJTjRY, ry. A. Jontiiu (iot Ucfottt r und Solotttou II. Iiojt-1', r. ceifullv aniiouiit-e t.n they entered into Coparlnersliip in lite piactiui of lhe,r profession, i.t.d w ill continue lo aiiciid louil buci r.ess fwiruaicd t i ttn-ir charge iu tLe counties of Norlhnmlierlaiid, on, Snyder and .Monlunr, promptly, faithfully and cairfullr. Mprcial at lenlioii will be given In ihe COLLECTION'S Oh' CLAIMS. Consultation ran be had in the GERMAN language. Office, - Market Strrrl, opposite Weaver's Hotel. Suuhury, February , i-0l), PrMELANClirONHIKjSiL Jl S I M til' tbiik 8TJJSTIiX7IY, 2TJV. Ojjia in Dter Stitft.imwnliaUli onyvitt tit Public Schmd House. " All business promptly ulteiuled to. Mni.iis ollected and all urdiiiitiy wiitings ilone. Sunbury. A nril i!5. 1857 tf HENRY JjONSEL, ATT0RIJE1? AT LAW. Ojfict opposite the Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County Fo. Piomjit slleiitiuu lo liiisitiusa in adjoini:i Counlir s. WHOLESALE DEALER IN BRANDIES. WINES, GINS. &C- r"MIE subscriber having opened iu Thompson's Brick Building, Mill street, Dauille. a large and complete stock of FOREIGN' AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, comprising Ihe bet brands of Brandies, Gin, Old Rj e, Scotch and Li.ll W hiskey, Port, 8'ierry, Madcria, t'hampaene and oilier Wine nf all grades, all of which will bo sold Wholesale st Ihe lowest cily prices. Tavern-I;ecit'r by buy ing of it. c.u sate at least Ihe freight. Persona desirous of purchasing liquor, for FAMILY USE. may rely upon hcing furnished with a pur and unadulteruled article. I'T Being determined lo eUl,lih a reputation for selling chesp he respectfully solicit the pa Irons, of the public. All order, promptly at tended 10. JEREMIAH S.HALL. Danville, Jurs 10, 18G0. jmRAINjfDCARPETSt " MAM'FACTt'H KD and fer Fle by M. Teiper t f Iibrsadt snd Meltowell's HinWn.f, Nitlh l'.l eoi uar, ssKOnd and Rac sussis Phtlade pbia. GOODS G VARA STEED. Oiaobr7, two