a r 1 c fo's. TlieMTAR KKHTKKr, Important Battle near Colnndmt Ky.A Brilliant Victory. , Cairo, Nor. 7. An expedition left here lust night nnder cin'nt(l of (lenerali Uraut and MeClernand, ami lamlcd at Meltnont, threo tnllvs above Coin mhao. at 8 o'clock tilts tnorninir. Tbe Federal troopi, numbering three thousand five hundred, engaged Ihe rebels, whose forc amounted to seven thousand, at i-leven o'clock. I'be batjl lasted till sun down. Tha rebel wem driven rtotn their entrenchments across the river with ureal lots. Their camp was burned, with all their etorei and baggn. Their cannon, horses and mules, with one hondred prisoner, were captured. The Federal troops then rotired, the rebels having received reinforcements Trow Columbus. llolb of our Generals bad their horse shot from under Ihtim. Col Dougherty, of Illinois, was weumled end taken prisoner by Ihe rebels. The. rebel loss is Dot known. The Federal Ions is believed to be from three to live l.undred. AFFAIRS I!f TI1R MOL-ITAI.VS. The following is an extract from a letter from Camp Culvert, near Camp Wild Cat : I ws j'ist about proceeding to tell you how Old ili'lly, a the mountaineer; call Felix V. illicofler. the redoubted, destroyed the land be passed through. Mud the seven plngoen of Kjjypt passed over tho Cumberland dis trict, it would not have been more desolate. The poor farmers who, in a season of plenty, lure not more than enough to see them sui'e into the eprioj:, were robbed of every sack of II ur and pound of potk ; their fences burned, t heir con-, i-heep, and geese shot dead in t heir trnc!;. 1 counted on one farm that of it noted Union man, thirty head of cattle shot H iid left in the fields to poison the air with their pestilential odors. From not me of tlieni hml a simile steak beeo cut. As the Federal army matched along, the (frighted inhabitants came pknlking from the woods to i . i. . .1 ....... a -i It: I iocs at llien ui msiuiuu u-reiiiiir. Th niii'Biheicd corn served to feed the rebel h a und its planters now go mourn iid op and down the land without food for their alanine; families. To the credit of ..I'.ie.'ller lie it said, that all the inhabitants represent. I ini as endeavoring to stay the di-Mriiction. Imj his forces ere a lawless bund of ii a uudors, acknowledging no control, and idieying no sopeiior. It would sicken tbe iienit of I haroah s lean kine to see this lilwhiing curse, lie retreated like n whirl win., wiiheiiuit and destroying everything he t.iuriied. Great diversity of opinion prevails n- to the rebel loss at VV lid Lai, It was very h-nvy, how heavy we Cannot gueeg. Zo!li cufl' r snid, in the presence or some ol' his l rMiurs. ho have since escaped, "'Phut his Lost ri'oitoenl was cut to pieces." TIIIJ CMOS (IKM:KAI.S IN KKNTIVKV. 'i'he N'nlii: vorrespondeiit nT the Cincinnati (,'ii; !tn iiives Ih i following (leecnplion of some ol the Uumii uenerols in Kentucky : ivetilucl:y is well supplied with neiieruls. hilie has liow eri'c'i '( them in UCtive opera lion within tier limits, beside a tin in her of n itive nHplrauU, who are already rejoicing in I ho titles, but whose commissions ate depend ileut on their raising their brigades, 'ihe tienerals in command all brin.uijiers are .She i nun, McCook, Wood, Johnson, lions e-au, Nuiilee, 'I'hntnas, SchoeplT, Nelson, cviiith, mid Wullacu. Ohio has the honor ol haviiig b"lli the commander or the depart ment and iht' eominaniler or the most Jmpor tant column. Kentucky has three out or tbe eleven, and three rf the ablest (jcnerals Wo id, Johnson, and Rousseau, i'eiinsylva nut one, (ieiiornl Niiglee; Indiana ono, lien. Lewis Wallace ; one is a Iluimuriuti, Ueueml Schoepd'; ono is from the United Slates Navy, General Nelson; and two. Ceournls 'I'lu. m is and Smith, have been so loni in the regtiUr army that one would hardly think ! them uow us uttuched to any utrliculur Mule. MILITARY KDfCATIOS. Six of the eleven are grnduatos at West Point, and have served in the regular army leii-rula Sherman, McCook, Wood. Johnson, 'I'mniian, uud .Smith. General Nelson is a yrailuute ol the Navul Academy, and tji'nerul SclioeplV of some of the Kuropean itiilitury rchools. Of tbe eleven, eitiht, therefore, are men who have been educated to war OS a profession, and eneli of whom has hail more or less experience in the cuuduct ot militury affairs. IMI'UKTAVr KIIOI TIIR FLEET. L'J-VRTluRoTilbCAPTURED. Fortkkss Monrok, Nov. 10, via Baltimore 11th. The steamer S. It. Spauldiog, which, arrived from llatteras Inlet this inormug, reports that early ou Suturduy a spy reached llatteras with intelligence from the enemy The spy cuinu iu a small sail boat from tbe initio land, und rporta that the Union forces had etrected a lutidiiig at liettufurt, and that a portion of them had proceeded to throw up euirenchmeuts. ' lleuufurt hud been taken with a loss to the Federal Heel of three steamers disabled by ihe lire of the enemy. 'I he spy was unable to give much additional information, but the May Flower was nieutiobetl os one of tbe attjumers. Passengers from llatteras by tbe Spaoldiii express confidence in bis stute' to out. The wreck of the Union has been confirmed by the arrival or the Albalrnsg this moruing. The Union was seen on Kill levil beech, broken in twain, the sea making almost a complete sweep over bcr. The cuptuiu or the AllMlrosH being anxious to learn the i r t ii ulu t of the disaster, put to shore with it il ig nf truce ; he wua informed that all the crew bud escaped aud been conveyed to Kaltiitih. The horses were all lost except evcnleen. This is eubst jiuiolly the same report tli At bus already reached us through Kibi-I anuices. I.YIHOHTANT HI IMI Wnarni YIHCIM.t. Siliuck of the JlcbeU at O'uyuwlotte, Iu. Oie Jluutlrtil I'tdtral SnlJier Kilted or 'J'uktn J'rinuntmThe JUbtl RetidenU J'iit from their llau.it Oai.i.H'o.is. Ohio, Nov. 11. The towu of Ciuyaudotte, Va., on the O.hio Uiver, thirty eix tnilea liolow here, was allacked.lasl night tiy six hundred Kubels. Out or tha one hundred and fifty Federal troops stitiorwd there, only about fifty caped ; the rest were killed or taken pris oners. The Uehel residents of the town, tioth mule aud leinale, tired liotu their bouses on our men. 'I he steamers which passed down last night waie cwuipoiiei) to put rTnck. These steamers went back to Gityaudotle at ten o'clock. Ibis inoruinif, with lour hundred Federal troops fi oiii I'oict 1'ieaiuut, but nothing baa beeu beard from tbeoi since. Three steamers have passed up since tbe akiriiiisb, and report that not person could be seeu io the to n. Uii.t.ii'OLis, Nov. 11. The steamer Empira ' C ty bus just arrived from Ouyandotte, Tbe Secession portion of tbe inhabitants, it appears, were looking for the attack, and had supper prepared for the Uebel aasalry, who warn beaded by thn notorious Jenkins, and iiumtierej rjOit. Kigbt or our men were killed, and a considerable nutrber lakeu prisoners. The Uebel loss is net known, . Col Zdigler's Fil'tb Virniiiia (Federal) Jlegimeol, on hit arrival at Uuyaodotte, fired 'the town, and tbe principal part of it is now in ashes. The U-bel, left about an Lour 1 ilofj tha airival of Zegltr. FROM WASIIIKaTO. Wash mo to, No. 10. Advices fron St. Louis state that Major Fin no, who left Springfield with General Fremont, nroinihtawsy tha aimy chest, containing about $3ltt),0U0, having foiled to pay off the troops. no miiney na ueen secured and returned to Springfield under a strong escorU Tha Major has been arrested. The Court of Inquiry In the case of Colonel Miles, who waa reported to have ,een intoxica ted at the battle of Dull Run. his. it ia umler. stood, reported that he was under the care of the e-urpeon at the time. He has assumed his com mand, and no former proceedings will be had. Pennsylvania has in the field to'day. 101,070 men ; Kern York 85,(1(10. The Keystone Slate lead the Empire by 16,000. It is reported that President Lincoln and Se. cretaries Beward and Welles are in favor of an exchange of prisoners with the Uebel, and that propor orders for that purpose will ha iued in a few da s. Col. John Cochrane, of New York, Is here. He says the emancipation ol the slaves haa now become a military necessity. He will make a speech Ic morrow la his regiment, advocating it. Wasuinuton, Nov. 1 1. A deputation from each regiment of Gen. Hleiiker'a Division kud a torchlitht procession this evening. ICuch man had a torch. Most of tbe o (lice rs were mounted. They passed around to the house of General McClellan, where the ollicers went io and imbibed. When the rear reached Fifteenth and II streets, tbo crowd called for Gen. McClellan, but he would ont make any speech, merely uuwiujr, anu crira were men mude lor iVu. Cameron, who came forward and said : Soldiers I 1 am glud to see yon, eapeciolly because you come to do honor to yonr young and gallant General. It is an evideuce to my mind that, every man is determinad to do bis duty. (Cheering ) The greatest portion of the men I see around me I believe are Germans. Coming as 1 do from 1'ennsylva tno, whoso population is composed for thu part of Guruinns or their descendants, it most makes me still more happy to see you, fur the Germans have fought in every battle field tbut has giveu glory to our country. (Cheers.) 1 know that wben the next battle comes it will be a victory, and you will do as nobly as they did wben yonr ancestors foil eh I for our common liberty." (Cheers) Load calls were then made for Gen M.-CI..II,.n ),.. appeared at the window uud merely bowed v " ., . No cull that was mude for a epiech vt9 I heeded j Secretary Seward was then called for, nnd ; said : "Fellow cilizens und soldiers : I see j befoiB me the oUe twentieth purl nf our urmy gathered for the defence id ihe Union, nud j an army as larjte as any monarch on the nice oi tue eartn itM ever called Into the field, end us brave us " n v ; ami l et ii ia , i,..i does not contain a ringle conscript (Cheer- ing.) Kvery soldier is a volunteer (cheering.) I and every volunteer is u citizen. (Ltiudi volunteer is a citizen. iT.uiui cheering)' It may well huso, for you have come up to defend ,0 fi,Kt tjovernmeiit on the eurlh that has ex sti d Tor eighty years. Fellow citizens .- 1 know when this trouble begun that we should have noldiers and seamen, and everything we wanted, and, except one thioir, w lave found them, and Ihe guthering here tonight shows you huvu louml it. It wusu Gecerel, and he is here to-night. Fellow citiz-nn. who shnll be king ? Shall the (i-jil.less of Liberty walk uhroud with her nzuro robes thrown iiround her, or shall it be plunder? Who shill reier, ? Who speaks lor King Cotton ? What J Not n voice Tor King Cotton T Who, then, is Tor the Ondiles of Liberty ? (Cheers ) Well, it shall be ns you will il. ( A ppluuse.) Jen. JJIenker was then .-ailed for and said : ' Ciliziis and soldiers : ! will only say a few words, aud I swear to you that if wo ever find the enemy 1 will tight a thousand times bet ler than I speak this noble Fnglish." After some cheering the lurge crowd slowly Kri ut a late hour. ' Mrs. Oen. McClellan and baby came bn to day, and were in the parlor during the exciting scenes. Major Could, of the" Massachusetts 13lh, arrived this morning with fifteen thoutunl bhthels nf wheat, which he captured on the Ibth or October, near Harper'e Ferry, in Virgitiia. H wus brought down on the canal. I bis wheat was ihe rean4i of SVflfll I weeks foruping or the liebel cavalry, and had been brouuht to the mill to be irrnimrf nod sent to Manassas. Mjnr Oould has beeu complimeuled by (jenera'l Banks iu n general order, for the maune: in which he conducted the capture. We do not hear of anv mention of thu contraband, however. kIio nt il.o iiiformution us to its Inculity, THE NAVAL EXPEDITION. .1 lUary JUhel h A tic Vihuu Threaten tdAn Immense Fleit off Ship Island. Cairo, Iu... Nov. II. The Memphis papers received here to day contain atlspalch from Snvuunnh, fully eor.firniiiiir the lundiou of the Naval Fxpedilion at lieoufort. and tbe capture ol the line Uebel forts ut Furl IJoval. o.i... it i . i ii union iietiotitiii nny i niiil. The I'Vtleral forces had possession (if the town ol Beaufort. The llehi Is acknowledge t1Hir loss lo'hive been Very l irge. The Soulheru papers, also e eited tn day, speuk of en immense fleet off hh;p lsl.,od. A TEERIBLE STUGQLE AT BEAU FORT. IXTKKSIllC ITr-.YlKS'r AT Milt HOI.K. BU II NINO OF Till-; NORFOLK CUSTOM IlOUSF. Immense Amaant nf Stores Contained. Uai.timork, Nov, 12. Passengers hy Ihe Old Point boat report thai the flag ol truce which arrived yesterday rroin Norfolk brought a uuuiber ol reports, one was that ufu r ihe capture or tbe Liulle ries by thu United States troo;s, liie rebels fell back to lieauTori, where a terrible strug glu took pluce. Tbey ulso represent thai the peopia of NorTolk iu u terr.blu sluto ol excitement. A report has heen received by tbe Old Point bout that the Custom House at Nor folk was homed on Sunday nigbt with a large amouut of stores. Tbe bark Serupbain, of Baltimore, fioui Rio with a cargo ol coffee is wrecked on Cape Henry. All hands were saved. ' Her cargo fell into tbo bauds of tbe rebels. LAfttU A.U IMI'ORTAKr. I'UKII.AMJ, Nov. 12. The bark O. B. Hatiiiltou reports that oil Cbarleetuu she passed eight war and trans port steamers aud eight sailing vessels, including the great Republic. The steamers were heading wesi ward and the sailing ves sels were lying to, heading soulhwurd. - Tbe same day she passed a disabled steamer with a frigate lyiog by tiriug at her, it is supposed for the purpose of slukiug the wreck, il being ic lha track of boincwurd bound vessels. 'I bis wreck was probably the steamer Governor before reported disabled. The Captain thinks that the Heet hud Cue weather for lauding on Monduy of lust week. THU CAFTIHIC or rilK riHATE tU.MTfcH lOSKIHM to. WasuihOTOH, Nov, 12. A family letter received bare, datd on the 25tb of Oatrjher onboard tbe U. 8. frigate Suutee, off Galveston, confirms the report of the capture of tbe pirate Suuiler. The writer says she was caught in her own trap. It seems that she mistook one of IheL.S. gun-boats for a roercbaul vessdl and started io pursuit. When tba son boat had drawn ber out far euounh she turned and chased bur ashore, Her oRicvrt ami ire are prlaouers ! bourd the L'uited S.-.n slcamoi Niagara the war i si rksjtmkv Paris, Kj, Not. 12. General Nelson met tbe rebels under Geo. Williams, st Pikesvilla, l',ke county, Kt. lucky, on Friday last and gamed a glorious victory. " fKROND DIFPATcn 1 Col. Laha Moore attocked the rebels rn the rear with 3.800 men, Col. Harris, or the Ohio second regiment, in front with 600 men. Col. Harris fairing bark and Col. Moore pressing forward till the enemy were brought into the midst of Nelann'a hritrnria Milan rui r forces pressed them upon ell sides, killfntt 400 and taking 2 0(0 prisoners the balance scattered io all directions. The Federal loss is smull. THE OFFICIAL RETORT. Lkxtnoton, Nov. 12. A oorcer from General Nelson's brigade with despatches to Adjutant General Thomas, reports fighting at I'ikesville Tor two days The rebels lost four hundred killed and cue thousand prisoners. F.IU.H Tr. SI K K K PlIlLAPKI.l'llIA, NOV. 12 The Union men of F.ast Teunessea have burned numbers of It.iilrnud bridges and telegraph wires to present the transportation of troops. One bridge of two hundred feet spans was destroyed oo Saturday morning last. It was on the Fast Tennessee Railroad. Four structures on the line north or Iv nos villa was entirely destroyed. A very heavy wooden bridge at Charleston, Bradley county, Tennessee, was destroyed on the evening or Inday last. Charleston is seventy five miles southwest of Knoxville and contains two hundred inhabitants. This action of the Union men will convince the government that Fast Tennessee will redeem herself if an opportunity offers. THE BAITI.F. ATBl LltlOST, MO. St. Louis. Nov. 0. (ien. Grant tele araiihi from Cairo to the head quarters here, that our vicloiy i at lie linont was complete. We ctpturcd one huo- j lire; nnd thirty priaoncis, and all the Kebel art il j Icry, hut were obliged to leave part of the guns i behind, for the want of homes lo haul them awny. j Some of the prisoners report that a hirge force ! waa preparing u start to reinforce General Price i hut thi attack will no doubt prevent it. Our loss is about two hundred and iifiy, and of this number f about ot e half were killed oi mortally woum ed. ' Wahiiinoto. Nov. 8 The Wor Department : nns i b.itll firms loughl all the way into the enemy's eamn. iminn. t di lely tinder the gnu. ol Columbus, spiked two j guns, anu nruiiRiii away two. together uilb two liumlr,'d l'"-"'ners" 'J'bo I cdorol loss ia stated ?' tlir,'e liu'",tcj- ,I"lt 1,1 enemy hcinif much . . , ... . y mi Aoo, .ov. -.i. ; sjarciul nespntcli to the "Times," from Cairo, .uys it i impostlile to obtain an) initio, like an accurate report ol the killed, w.iun ded and nilme in Ihe eiigagcinenl at Uelmoiil on ilia Till. L is estimated Unit of ihe Twenty second Iliinoia are luominr. 'I he lo,l .,.;;.; ure reporteu ill ,l.)tl. ui I lie eievenlh iowu. Gol l.aumuti was wounded, but not dmiiferooslv. LieuU Colonel Wemleli killid j the Major ami .ojinniii nre niKiKiiiR. una me reported killed io Lotto's legiioenl is 3S, and tl wo :inled. All but 44 nf Col, Koulke's reciim nt answered at the roll call veaterduy ufieniiion. The o in Itiilord'a ltegiment has not been ascertained, hut it ia supposed not lo- bo heavy. One hundred and tucnly prisoners were taken. IJeluioiitbaeheeii abandoned by ihe KeMa. They leave lotl prisoners, and acknowledge 3oU killed, but woold not permit the Federal oflic-r who went lenjoitinilniH with a flag ol truce, yesterday, to viail the place to which they conveyed their dead. Ka reliul le newa has been received from Colonel Oglehy 'a command, which started on an expedition against Jeff. Thompson's command, ut Minoinlield. a few d)s since A report prevails, however, that he I ad encountered Jelf. Thoinaon'a forces, killing three hundred, aud losing lifty ol his own command Lath Waii Nkws. We have a rumor that the railroad above Beaufort, S. C, had lallun into the hands or our troops, wjh an immense, ipiauiuy oi stores. Aoollier rumor was that the truops hBd advanced along the railroad to Charleston. The news bus created a great excitement at Norfolk. At 8 o'co-k hit evening there were no signs of ihe expected steamer Vauderbilt at Annapolis, The French war steamer Cuntilabria bud been wrecked in the pule off BeauToit. All hands got ashore, and after Ihe weather bad calmed a little blew her up. No reason was given for the proceeding. The U. S. traiispott steamer Union bae been wrecked nea; Bogue's inlet N. C, and her captain aud 80 men taken prisonere to Fort Macon and Raleigh. When the steamer struck she was badly stove, with lour feet of water in her bold, aud being run square on shore she broke in two. Shu wus loaded with horses and provisions. OfthuC7 horses all but 15 were killed before going ashore, anJ the cargo was strewn along the shore. The steamer WinGeld Scott is reported to bave foundered with two regimeuts on board. A ft LULL SlIMSTtrt ARKGITEO. Elktok, Nov. 10, 1861. The Kev. Mr. Mitchell, pastor of tbe Episco pal Church in this town, war arresled this morn ing by Captain lien Kicked., Company C, Dig Llk Hangers, a few minutes before commencing service in his church. The most intense excite, ment was produced among the femnle portion of the congregation, the majority of whom evidently ay-mpatliized with him ; and while some of them wrung their hands in great agony for the loss or their ' dear paalor," sa Ihuy termed him, ethers called on their male ftiends to gel their tuns and hoot the Captain for interfering with bun while in the discharge or his religious duly. A promt , nciil cceiuiuiiii.t, and one or the wealthiest men in our town, ollcred to go hie security if ihe Captain would release bun, but it waa or no avail, and ulter giving him time to arrange some of bis domemic all'uirs, he was provided with con veyance and taken to Cambridge, where the Captain haa been encamped for some time, to await luithcr instructions i'ruin the Government. Govkiikmk.vt HoKeKS About one thon, sand Government horses ure to be distributed throughout Cumberland and Dauphin coun ties, to be led aud taken cure of. They are to be held as a reserve, to be culled for just as they are needed. Noktmkrn Cotton Cui.Tt'KR Allusion wus made about two months since in tbe Impiirer to experiments iu cotton culture, made during the present year by the Messrs. Garsed, at Frauklord, and Mr. IL II. Jenks, at Bridesburg, each or whom planted last spring an acre of short cotton, after having first grown tbe clips in hot houses. Both crops progressed well until ubout tbe 20tb of October. Tbe plauts averaged four feet is height ; tbe bolls were tbe sine of duck's eggs, and bad commenced bursting, wheo a frost, wbicb occurred at that lime, paralyzed them, uud they all now stand withered and blighted. Philadelphia Imjuirer. Bbkckikridok. Tbe Baltimore American says ; We have been reminded id tbe won drous transformation of Mr. Breckinridge by a casual glance at a seutiinent of bis recording his assumed loyally to the Government wben, as Vice Fresideut of tbe United Htatea, be bad occasion to make a speech on moving from the old tieoate Chamber to tbe new Io il he bas pronounced a curse upon bit own treason ; be bas recorded, io advance, tbe verdict tbat posterity will render opoo bis conduct. He asked : "It tbera an American who retrrnla lha oast 1 It there one who will dMriita hia country's laws, pervert ber Constitution, or .ii-iiate be people t If there be such a man, I lii niwmory descend to poateritv Isdvo w.tu I be i Iteration of all uiaiikind." rcrciveu an oinclat ileaputcli concrrnina the i """ 1 "nve loaned tlH-aione u uid Klish-i I nudurl, ! ;. i V "'aV'i' i . ' ,' , L- 7''.'; n a: Uelmont, MiesourL which aenorallvcn. i "'"TlP'''" i ' 1 . "ur'lvi ?.; : V'A-VAV-! the newsoiiocr statement.. U ,h.. W' " " ' .' ' I.J'. ,;, . A V V.'i; V. , J bK aptain Uie.ll.wki, uflli'ii. McCh rnand'a atuli; TWlT-fTr VfMH "" T 1YVU Ml Ta'vc.l'V ii AVJi'l v: a. killed, and. ..mooir other Particulars. V, I IN & VV VOJiK LliMS- v i: ja'af. m "tP . " ' M "' Lwi JKj Mrmmrrs or Cokoruss m mn Was Among tbe member of the present Congress now io the active service of the United States, gainst trie rebels, are Hon. John II. McCler nand and Hon. Owen Lovejny, of Illinois j Kellog, of Micbigsni Seyator Wilson, of Massachusetts; Henalor Sherman, of Ohio) non. John a. Phelps, of Missouri) lion James 8. Jackson, of Kenlacky t Hon M Kea Dono, of Indiana) .Senator Lane, of Kansas. Col. Curtis, of Iowa, resinned his seal io accept tba appointment of brigadier general. New Advertisement. L'Stato of CIEORUR M itlTIW, Esq. NJOTICK hereby Rivon that letters of ad " miiiisiraiion having heen mot. in, I to il,n sutwcritier on the ealatu of Ueorn Martin, Ksq . late of the boroiiRh of Hunluirv, Northuniherland' county. Pa., deceased. ;j All peraona indebted to aaid estate are requested 1o make immetliale pay ment, and those bavin cUims to prevent them duly authentic-tied fnt aetilement, Mrs. 8ARH Bi.DOM, Adm'lrix. Suuhury, Nov. 2, 18BI, Ct ORPHANS' COURT SALE. IN pursuance of an order or the Orphans' 4 'nurt of Snder county, tu Unnr ShnlTur nnd il -Ham A. Nholier, directed will be S"ld st pobic sale, on the prcmisis, in Jordan township. Nor thomberhiod counly.nn SATl"RIA Y, the 3l)lh day of November, I Mi I, the. following described VALUABLE KKAL IWTATK, vii i A certain Tract or Land, silus'e in Jordan township, Northumberland county, Pa. ailHninii I l e . .e t in una ui micuaci oiianer, uer tl.. on the nortli. Dnr.iel Swartz on the Isaac Deppin on the south and lands of Jacob Philips on the west, cor tain ing seventy-five acres and ono huiulred nnd six teen perches, irict measure, Imviii the:enn erected a two story farm liooi-e, bank l-arn anJ other out biiihliiiDs. Chore fruit trees unj ex. cellent water. T.io laud ia in a i igll ctate ui colli ai ion. Condilions will he made known on (ho day of sale by IMA AC MiAU'Elt, WILLIAM SHAKFKR, Nov. 2, 1R6I. Adminiairutnrs. N0TICD -d i. i... .i.... , t . flaridmrfs nrraoml nrooertv.' i f ,lt ...... ... . v?.,. I tliuuiberliiud coniily, tlie liiloWiu. niticl.-s viz: due TUK CAMUF.M AM BOY AN'!) rnil.A'DI'.U'UU AND TltKNTON ItAIUJOAU CD.'S I.IM-:, I J iom I'lttlailtllilita to .tw 1 ork und ll'dv i"t4. From Walnut Pt-eet AVI.ntf and Kensington Deivt I IMiiludelpbiu, will leave us ."olhiwn, vis k'AitK i At 8 A M, via Camden mid Auiluy-lW A Accoin- I lllodtlllt.it, ; At 0 A M, via Onniiteii anil Jersey City-New Jer- ! At !'J A M, via Cuiiidui and Jeiaey city M,,rnii.( ',,il At '"J ' ?J' v'" K'"glon aist Jertiey city, Wei- '-' j n ...) 3 ''" i tern l.xpri'ia. .1 in) At i'ii V .M vnl i'litnden nnd AmtMiy, nreommodttliou il At It V M, via Cullideu and Amboy C and A. i.x- pre, . 3 on At 8J I' M, vi.l KeiKington, and Jeraey city, Kva. nu.e l':xireas. 3 OCi At 4 I" .M, mi Keiiiinelon uud Jelley city, ad I'lnfa Ticket, o At 6 1' .M. vhil'uuiileu A Jermyeily Kveiiiiir Mnfl 7 10 At II P M, via Ciunilcu iuid Jeraey city ISoutii Mml a o-j At 5 I1 M. via I'ainilen and Amboy 'Aeoouunmiu- lion. (Fieigld and Passenger lt clars tietiel, 4 o.i Sd " 1 in The 8 P. M. Mail l.ina runs daily. Tlie II SOutherii .nun aiuiuuya exeepleu. For Helviilere. FiMton, Flelnilislon, ore.,iit 7 10 A. M., I from Wiilnut ftreet wharf and 'li P. M , from KeiiRiiiuion M....l. .L- llu..... n.T.I 11... 1. 1.1 ., . . k,ion. ' viiuiib, niioiu'wii uiiu uciillcilOII, HI II, ft.JU, via Lebmli Valley llailrond . For Water liup, SlroudHbarff. tferanton, WilkesUirre, Moulrime, liieut Mend. Ac, nt " III A M, via Delu utile, l,nckiiWTimin nnd Weateru Itnilroutl Km Fieebold. nt A A. M. und K P. M. Fol .M.uiut Holly, ut A M., nud i, P II For RriM, Trenton, Ac., at J 10 nnd CJ A.M., 8 3U and 1 1 P M from Kenniiigloti uh J s I M from WmI. llorne. one two h iraa X ua.nt. hh.i i ,ru.. I I ..." i ' ' 1 ' 1 ' " ' "i . r., I, e I nut S'jeel Wliarf. I JlhWAKK OF IMPOSITION. ForPnuiiym.Itiverton, Dehiie.!, Beverlv, Hurlintoq wniiu'i l'ii-ieej ir iu round lnaMe. liuted longiiudinnlly, Florence, IJordaitowii, Ac , at 171. 1, S and 51 P.M. t tbf,f'l'"wii qleoeia I.I iw 11 laillie gle.s: ftrmlit TreiiBin, for Hordcnvnvil, nnd luieruiediule 1 r'rW AIM'S PAN.M'I'.A IMIILAOA." pheea, nlij P SI. from Wnlnul atinttt Wlnrf. ' H'O'hiS Hie inftiic ol JAS. SWAIM dumped on the aealing iy For .New York, and Wtiv l.i.iea letivimr Kenainf. 1 wox 1 wwlien on Ihe Inia-J cnvem ir the cork, uud a ton Depor, Uikf tlie ran oilM-'ii'lh alreet, nliovo W11I11111, "I" tll!l11 ouirraviug 011 tha mile nf the u-.ttle. by Uinpei A h.ill'nn hour before dejuirlijS; Thecal a lun into the Ue- t?,i., Uuik eiajr ivers. in the cautreof which is a pur rs a. and on nrnvul nl eneli fntn, run ftnni the depot. . l 'he lule Win Mvaiin, (eo.iynslit secuiedj l Fifty pounds of Hiihcskc oiil.nl.r,ved eneli laiaaeuger, ' It" pernma eneliaiii the I'.mneeii wlil lis emelnl to ob I'nsseiibeia lire piihiieled frmn nkinf nuvthist na Hh- seive l,btit Ihe word SWAI.M is cirieelly spelled, tbey Head enee Imi their wenr.nf: appnrei. A'l llnpei'ire over tifly . noiiiifiH to oe iKllil rin extrtai I ha I oiiiimhiv iiina lieu ! reMiiitility fur lliintftin tit One Dollar per poiintl, myl iviJi not In; Itublc ff iiy aunmiii Im;'ohJ KKi x i rcpl li "i,ilciMitrnit 1 W'M H. ilATZMKR A feat C. & A. R. R Co XTOTics " VTO'I'ICR is hereby thai a number of Iocs were I taken up on the 29lti ir Sept. t.xfil, while QoalinK in the river uquehaiina in Lower Mnk onoy, tVorthumberlund county, I'a., b Ahrabani Blasser i Co., ueaiiuu, the following murks upon them : HI.W.S; flP, r.j 50( t: (0)5.1; rtFAC, 2; !,HB. 2; S&K. fi: AC F, Oil I, S. 'I; VM, AH; , UU H ; H., K, JM1I M; BxD:); C It 3. Olfll). I!4U; ) . JCU3. lit, PCK 2. (-), 'IMII2 o Oil 'I' ll.cn .1 o .,.... II A.M . , .' ' ' ,',. .,.. C ' - . K. 1 A HS, , h. FI' 2. SU 4..0 a. 3. C ANS. irs, on a. x, n. p, a, y ow. &., ciu:t. I O, "XM 2. JAUIt 2. l.W 2. J.SW ft. CHS 'i, H.M. (o).JF.S, JW, 3.S. CSi, I.H, iS, SN. Stick-, M 2; Mic'.V I. A statemrnl and descu'ption waa. filed in )ny aoHice on the 2fttb ol October, IH6I, at (reorgje. lown.-Ja'orihumberland Bounty. I'a , for the in spection or all concerned. The owner or owners 1 I hereof are requested to prove property, puy all legal charges and lake them away, or otherwise tbe name will be forfeited. I H. RESSI.EH, 1. P. Georgetown, Nov. 9, 1861. NOTICE. IS hereby given that the follotviiio; logs were, taken up on the 2flth ol tSrpt., I Mil, by Philip Bubb, while floating in tbe river Susipehanna, in Morlhumherlaud county, IV: I slick square timber 40 feel long, mark B. I " " " 40 11 " KAI; A statement and ilccctiption waa filed in niy office on the 8Mb Oct, I mil at (ieorgutowii, Aor thumberlaud caunty, Pa., for Ihe inspection cf all concerned. The owner or ownera are rctjueat ed lo prove properly, pay ail leal chargia and take them away or othetwire ihe sumo will be surfeited. I. H. KUSSLEI!. Georgetown, Nov. 2, lUfil. NOTICE. N'OTICK is hereby given, llial a number of l-'qii lniye been ukell up while U.aitiiig iullie liver SuMjUchuiuia in Nortliuuilierlaud county, Aduiu Alliiian, Itainig ihe lot lowing mai ks uimhi tiiein, via : (x),5; ,!; BHC,I;.I J F ; O M D; 11:11 O: J Kj C K l; O H; P t F- O; I. F; B 4: li, A. i, J A b K, K i ; e A K, U s P. K P, f) M H: o II i c, 4 V, o, o It S, M K ti, C M, XKS, Hee, cx, JbC.JW, ALB, , -J. tlli, UH.CAr. (o. cltri, J i, J.dH, t,. ell. cpll.itP.K. Tllllhel JJ M 3U feullong J do Ol i feet limg j J.M CO ft lung j WM III feel king, LA, 40 feel long. A st'itcmeul and deaeriprioii was tiled in mv olHce on lha SlUtll of tSeiileintmr, lodl, at iieorgelowil, Nortbunilierluiid county, Pa., no- lha lusrnaHinaoa' aUe.nicerued. Tlie ow ner k of owners thereof are rtouealaS m muve itfonane. im- nil r legal charges ami uikclueui asvuyiir-oilieiwiaa tba same will be fnrieilrd. ' ' l,U, RF.SSI.I-R.J.P. Oetobei td BEEHYSBURG MALE AND FEMALE rpHE FAI.I. TKUM or this institution will commence oo Mondr, October UHih, IGl For particulais addreas the Principal VETEU 8. BEUOSTKEBSER. llcrryahurg, Dauphin county,, Pa. October 26, I ah I 41 "V OTICK ia hereby given, that a nuiulwi of Lots bave ll been taken up while aaHiiuj In lha river Cuaquelumidi NotthuinlMTluud turnuty, by Coiuehus K, Varges, beariuy the fouwwiug uiarka uiioa uui t OB: CB,4i CM B K; J H Ct ; 1 0; OR; JfcK: i U H : t j X B i , C j I) SI H , W N U ; U, A sOitenieiit and deaenplKai wo tied ia my Tieeiui ih Sbtb of Heplendier, IHII,Ht UeoiueUiwn. NoilbuttdierlMud iiunty, Pa., fia lha iitfitciiiot of all VH.cerned. Tba uwuer or owners ihefauf are requested tiifrova pnoierty, lv all bjal ehaiaes a.ul (a meia away ur nihciwias Lbe aatiia will be loifciied. . . I It RKefM tH.J r Ct'HelowiijOvi. H, Kfl. - Aorm:n armval of Hillinery Goods , at the Store of ltiiMftra n. & t,. Miissi.nn, Stimrwai's IJartclIng, Markei taort, BUN BURT, Pa rpHK public are Invited to cull and exsmliii- ihrir Milli' 1 littl(l...lljMMrt niehm tjulirn' llia.t Q. .! I'ADIKS' DRKSS CAPS. FURS, Ijtie;ni.et,l.,r, Handkeiebiem. Notions, Mllll""y ris"revervvrieiv. IAN llJAMAKI.Nu Urcwes made in tha lint man ner and in any aiyle. Wa inland lo aelllow, call and exnmin nnr atnrk. , . II. L.BUIS1.I;R. Runlniry, Octuber 14, Iffll. New Millinery Goods. MlN4 fl. I. Gt'Kl.l It, Fawn Street, two ilnnm nmifli of tha Shamnkin Yullry I'otlsvilti! l!,'iil Rniul. ' 8TJNBUBY, PEN 1ST J.., IJKMPKCTFIiLLY i,,, ,,e citizen, of " I;NUUY and vicinity, that .he ha. iuM received from Philadelphia a In run and arlendid assortiueiit or the most fashionable si le r FALL AND WINTER GOODS, coinprimhtf of LLJ OD iiT LiU "P 3 , II A 'I' fc, FKAi'HKKS. FLOW Kits. TUIM- MING Ac. which she la wiling at llicniutt reasonable prices lit which ahn dtrecta ihe aiteiilion ol the iuihes and invite nil to call at.d .ee them. Thankful for mist iiatronaee. she hones bv keepinii to LckI assortment at reasonable uriceaj to ciiiitinoe the same. tSonbury, October 19, IRSL 3i S. L. UEIUJSTHESSEK. PHOTOOIUPniO ARTIST 3IIOT(t(i!APIIs, AMHHOTVPEs. and all the inoiliro slyles of Picturea, executed in a superior maimer. t'i Kooins in bU CAR, Market Square, Sunbtirv. Pa. Au-i'i-t 10, tSfil. i. ?V f'""1' hereby (fiven that a nnmlirr of I.oea hnvo J. been lukeii up Willie tloltliptf in ihn river llnqilehmi.ia a. ort-,i uF.eii ii , , ,ine uoiiinitf ii inn river ru(lilehi ,w?.."Kr m '""(! a.arka Uin lUtrn .. V- ' . ..' ' ' 1 ;,'J; ,; S "S a D.6; S(, S; h, i it, I; M At M, 1 A uliilemerll nnd di'"l intloii wna filed iu mv nffiee In the S'.Uii of September, lull, ut l.eotuetown, Nortluiuilierland en.. IV, f-r the uispeetiou of ult c 'iieerned. The owner or ownerr theiei f nre reipietited to prwvu properly, pny nil l-iiul eh:iri:ea unit take litem uwnyor otherwise tiie eiiuie wit: be lorlellei i. ii. Risi.Kn, j.i. (ieoriretou n, (lul OH. ISot. SwilM'S' CELEBKATsTd rAPJACSi, . . " '' 'J' . T .''"'w'f .fe'"l"'' ''leijiieiit l-ou li jeuernl lii'Hl.ivcr iiiel Uin, tind ul i)ineuea Arising front Iiuiiurilica of the Blood und tlie i'UUci i.f Mercury. JVfiiiti'a P;i ;ieea litis h-jeu for luoie limn f nil venia C"lelilnli-(l III llua ooiiii.ii y cure, lor innili- lo the dnee eoiinti) und in f.ur'im lor na exira tllc eeinlieutas f wlileii refeicnee ia llohi und booka (which uiuy bo luid iri'ollal ..ee.'iiiptlut lint lie." I'iili'tcelt; uouie of whieli cive the ptitlteulura ol e;:?n s too llilitllll l.ir i;enerul pitblieii tin. wliere me puiiuuis ii.te le-eu uiuioit etnen up wl!h N'oiiitlu. und weiutleeuiH inctinible by I'liyaieiui a. It liiia been until ui IiokjiiIjiIk null plicate priu'tlee, and litis been reeoii.uieuiled iiy Ihe iili Bt celebinted phjmcimia und oilier eitiiuent (iem ha. Am ttiij others, by . Uiltgou, M. D., I'rof. of Wir'.;erv, IVnu. I' uiemity ; Yuleinine M.-lt, iM.D., I'rof ol E-urteiy. ,. , l uivenily ; W. I. Dt iveea, M 1)., I'roi. .MM . IVnu. Luivemitv i N. Chtmnitni. M. D., I'lof. nf I'hyiic. I'eiiu. i;nivert.itv : 'I'. Purke. .M. It.. President Colai;e rlr.sieniiiN, I'mLideltiloti ; 4)r. Ilel ':illti, WL nl 'Uc0,,-O'e. Iluvunii ; J'tue r ouieuco tie l.uz. Prof. finitely, Llnbon: J. i:iiiiiiutiii. .MetuleT Itovul Colh'.M f-urijeoiis, leuidon ; Ii. W. I r villi?, lule M inialer to Spniii ; iir llnuiim Petirii Mujor limieml Jli tlisli Army ; Oil- L-rl Ifoteitaon. I!ntir.h C nl. ,Vc. The ww dorful cutea eileiltd LySW AIM'S PAN ACK.V Ivive lor niatiy je.ira mtide it tin iiietilutible. reineilv. The I r.nruceu d -ea not eieitiiiu inerenrv in a.iy form. mid. bema 111 iiuioeenl prepurutiau, it inuy be giveu Ui 1 be mori lan der iid.-inr. HI ' Tim relMtl price Ims lieen ledaerd to 1.5') per bottle, lo.iulalnlliK llirne taill plula.) or Itirea b .lllei tor !. . noi uu oupi'ieti on --i..- , c-n.i.tiaj. A VlllUubli ninny iiettoeine, n. illK H II iiTIi!,; pi eiiy fol till ditieuavs aneuiu fu in debility of thv ibuealivn or tui8. such us, Acidity of tile Slouitieh, W.iriwn, Choi 'la Morbus, Uaiudtjiv, a'ev,Tanl1 Afi'c. Miei.ding Piles, tiek H.ndttehe, Ae, See the pamphlet (wbicb luuy be lhtd grit lis.) aceoinpimvie Lie VeimiliiKe. Preptircd oi- tit SHIM'S I. MIGRATORY, TUK old rs n i, st: I'irsKVF.NTii htkkkt, hi:i.ow t:iitTl)T, PhiLidelpbiu, uud sold by uS druggikts in tbe I oiled ytulea Gclierul Agenta for the Tinted Suites, !OilIKFFF.I.IN IIKOTHKRst li CO., I7U Will, Liu SO eel, New oik. rtid'a, On. S.-i3ni p. NOTICE. "VJOTICK is hereby Riven thai, tbe aititerliip heretofore i 1 cxiaiiug lielwcen Ueiirge Kuierieh nnd Daniel Senl, In the Tannins; bufiuess, in Lower Mnliauoy towutliip, N'oithainberlniid ciuiily, wna ibsaiSvtd 4jV mutual eonfeut on tlni 1st iusmiil Tlieuceonotn will he tvtllcd by either of the parlies. The humHeas cilt be, hercafbir.carrieiloll by Ihe aiihkeriber. nl Ihe auiue pluce Oct ia, iftii 5t UKORflK F..MEP.ICII. ST- NICHOLAS HOTEL, lirondway, jWip Yuri; Ilonrd ltcflucetl lo $ n Oay. hince the opening of tbia vantun.t roniniodioiia Hotel, iu 15-1, it baa been Ihe single endeavor j)f the proprietors to make il the most sumptuous, convenient and comfortable home for tbe citizen and strancrr on this sido Ihe Allanaic. And whatever has seemed likely lo administer lo the conirort of ita gueats tbey endeavored, without regard tocont, to provide, and In combine all the elements or individuul and social ei joytnriit which modern art lias invented, and modern last approv ed ; and the patronage which il has commanded during; tbe past six years i a gratifying proof that their ctViirt ha been appreciated. To meet toe exigencies of tbe fnies, when all are required to practice the must rigid economy, tbn umleraiitned IIAVU KKUUCED TIIE PUK.'E OK HOARD TO TWO DOLI.A US PEH 1A V. at tlie same time iihulin". none of I'm luxuries with which their table hue hitherto leeii suppln d. TUK All W KM., WJUTCOMDA CO. Oct. 12, IHIil 1 mo. COMMERCIAL NURSE1UES, H. E. HOOIIER Se CO., Uot'HKSTKH, N. Y JOHN W. JJLCHEH. Local Agent, fcunhury Pa. ribe subacriber, bavjtiif Leen n pointeJ local X. Agent for ihe ulc. of Fruit trcra, plants, vines, ic, of one of the moti reliable Numerieii, calls tbe atleiilion of all who waul choice fruit Iu this method, as more ce.i tain than bv obtaining them through traveling ugentd. Aiiong thoue described in the C'aislogoe are. Dwarf Pear Trees, of the age f.r transplanting, remarkably fine. warf Apple Trees, on Para, line Bloikf. ma king beautiful little trees lor the garden, and pro. ducing remaikably tine specimens of fruit in a very abort time. Dwarf Cherry Trees, budded on Muhalib fStocka, haiiiUouie trees. Stunduid Apple, Pear and Cherry Trees very fine, with a lurge li-t of varieiiea. Peach, Plum, Nectarine and Apricot Trees. Gooseberry, Blackberry aud citrawberry Pluut all of the iiocat kinds. Currants, many new and improved varieties, such as Cherry, While Crape, V hits Gondouin, Ked Crape, Victoria, &c. feilrawlierry Planta. in great variety, including Ihe Hooker, Wilson's Albany, Triompbie ile Uand, (the moat approved old varieties,) as well as all the novelties. Grape Vines, including those fine, new, yet well leaied kiude, wbicb no planter should be without, such a Helaware, Concord, and Hart ford Proline These we hava propagated ao ex ten.ively aa to able lo oiler tbeui at reduced and satisfactory prices. Plants, Itoaea, Evergreens and every variety nf ornamental trees nd bhruhbery, securely packed' JOHN W. BLl'HER. Agent, Suuhury Pa. funtiui, rbuaiy, V, I8bl, Entirely Vegetable. No Alooholio Trepa- ration DP. HOCFLAITD'3 GERMAN JUTTEItS, t'rrpnml In lCKOM tc iu., Philadelphia, rn'a. V Hi elleclually cure Liver Complaint, Dvapep. . eia, JaiindMe, Chronic or Nervous l)ebilily, Disease of the Kidneya, and all discuses anting from a diaordered Liver or Mloinach. p"chs Oiiintlpailim, Inward IMI.-a, Fiilnm the Hml, Aciilny of tlio lnmrh, .Niiuaen, llmnlinrrK iisgnai fur Kl, FnlnM or Weight in the Mmiiurh, ur Kiuelatmns, tiinking or Klullcrnig at tk I'll of Ilia rvmincb, KwnhniiiiK "f H'e Head, flurried ami Dininuit lilathiiig,Kliilleniij at the iienit, Choking or Sull.icnliea sniaiilh,!.. whi-iMd n Ivn. islme. Dininem nf Viamn, J"tso I wel.. befur,i,es,,,it, Kcvei and Dull I 'nil, in Urn lli-nil, Deliciemty il IVr.pinili.nl, Vellowiii'ss of Ilia Mini J"''!' ''"" mtliefide, Unek. Client, l.linl, ,Vr , inl Oen F l,W., f t,UMg M K,.,,, Oi iiMi.nl Imu- Bliillipi.( m il Hinlira.it II, pieavlon i'f Bilrlt.i, and will pii'imrly pravenl VIU.I.OW l liV KH, 111 ,loi . FK- 'J lia rn.prielnr inrnlliiie tli nitrnllon nf Hm pulilieto . .- ..... ...,,,..., u..,-n v, Wnn u i rnnnir 01 i lie III lie 'Ml ei'li. Hienen in its virlani and udii.lulion lo the dmratea tut whieli it ia rtin,iifiei,il,-,l. It is no new initl untried article, but one that hat U4 tll teat nf a twelve vrara' Iriul l...r..r tl. A ..... (ile, onil oa n iHii.He.n nnd .,!, mr iinnvnlied h ony iiintik i'...,-...,.....!,,:.,,,,. rue iesiiminy in na ln-or given TJy the iimm ir"n'iiiei't and well-knnn H I'liynienim nnd null velunls in nil intla.i Hie oountrv la iminensi;, unit n cure lul perusal ..f ihe Alnvniacpulillalird anuiliill) liy I lie upi pin inn, nnd tu he had gralif el nay of thr ,i;cltl, e hi. "" '"" ai my imi incut skepTieal thai tin ti-tnidyia really dvaelvingtlimrenl eelehmv it lie iih'iieied ,. , RK.tl) I'lli: f.Vlllf.Xt.l'.. I rnn . iNewKni Urivn. fi. U . i:,iinr ,,f the Kncjclnpe. hi nf llelialnlia Kii"U le.'ce. Alihonpn n it dispivrd m inenr nr rec rfimriut raient Mertimnes In (tein rul. Iljpmch ilniiunt ol ilieir initrecliciin and ttul, lrtkniuv..f un uili.-lei.t riiw. i n hv n iiuin limy ll"l ttntily l,i ir Uurlil he l elieyea hinell to Into received iron, any moiple pi, ennitnm. lu 1 l,e h.'ietlai lie nuiy llin. einilrilmtc u ,,,!,, ,.t ,,t1(. I d.. lln il,, m .ie reeililv in reannl lu -Ilo ,tl ind'l Oer mill Hileia," prepmert l,y Dr. C. .M. Jiiekanii.ol' tl.iscilv, le ennnil w in prejiie.eeil nf niiml them for lenrw. iimler the liilnll-8Ml,m tlral lliev were eliieilv mi n!r..r.ie ir.ixlnri! I ion nildecfl lomy rn.-ml I V. I.. 1 1 Hint-marl, r, I-Ihj., for the rrinoviil of linn piejudiee I y proper testa, olid for rm-air-nseii.ent tn try thm, when eiH . ring from Brtnt ui,d lonff c nliuueil dehilii). 'J'lieusenf ttoee hotllra of thiaa till, teia. nt the l.eiuninir of the pn'sent venr, wns folkiwed by evtclent leln l. ,l ,rt..oil..n t,, a deciee of bodily and inrnial vnror whleh I hud n t fell lor nx inomhs before mill hurt nlino.l iles.voreil of n-aainiiiir. I therefore tliank vo o nun my uienn lor ilireciinj me to the u.e of lliein rilllud'ti., June 'J . Mln. J.M.VJTON UitUWN. Aii.'ilt alkOI ly PAMCY runs 1 1 .IoIsh Fai-lrn. ?lsl Altctl Street, belween 7lil., mid eOl., fls., Late B1H .Vtiltf,) Philadelphia. Imp orler A .Miini.fufturer in, und Deilcr in till k'h.lj A 1 r A.N 1. 1 FliS, f.,i .Misses.' und Cbii- Weul. living now monufnetur-. in store my iiriih iri'ur:e and benutil'ul aiuioil. .ine.nt of ull lha vnrions Ipvi. st vlosnnd qualities of Furs, .ii.lnpted to the Full iiivl rr Winter Seisons, I would respoctltrily iuuile an exuinimilion ofnivalneli and prices from ihone tnleiidiitfr to ptirchtiie, os I inn enabled lo oilur them very deiunible iiuhiceineurK. All my Futs huvu been pureli-iKil for Cash, nnd lunde by experienced liiniils. nnd .is Hie prevent inoneuirv tiouklea einie. i iieecFteiry iiitii I suouiii utBpose ul my goods at a Very smtili mlvtoice on copt. I inn natwlie.1 tiitit it would be to the inteieal of those who dmuyn iiirchiisn(. to ive me u cull. it eeolleet tiie name, nunili...r and street : J. Faliera, (New Fur Store.) 7ll Aicli Street, i'liiladelnbia. ept. 7, leiil. 5m. ilYSEUEO ACAEEKY. F 0 It M A L K S A N D F K M A I, E S- KF.V J. K. WAMI'OLIi, A.M., Principal and Tiach er of Lniiguiices. M. I. Hctiiraiff, A. B, Teacher of Mutlienuilics and Kuellsh llittnehe. Mis Jiuki'iiixk ItVTiiEAivr, Teuchot of .Muaienn Pia no and Melodeon. Tbe Winlet Term will commence on ,Mosbv, tha lltb of NOVF.MHdi, MI. (iood liourdiug can be had ilienp iu Ihe villtipe and vicin ity. Tew rR QrsRTaa or KtlrM V.'xr.is. Common hngiibb Uraucliee, s3 no Ilicher " am) I.uin;uaces, 700 .Music (1(7 lessons,) , ti l:a Address BKV J F. IVAMPOI.E, Principal. F.lyi'iurjj, Pa Oct. 'JO 41 pd. atS IT-""' . The Ore at Cere for Consumption. If you have a cold, use Wibhu't's Pine Tree Tar Cordial ! If you have a cough, use Wisharl's Pine Tree Tar Cordial ! If you have Asthma, nsn Wiahsrl'e Pine Tree Tar Cordial ! If you have Sore Throat, use Vihart's Pine Tree Tar Cordial ! Ifyou have Uroncbitia, ui-e WUharl'a Pine Tree Tar Cordial ! Ifyou have Consumption, ueo VVisharl'a Pine 'free Tar Cordial Wiehart'e Pine 'I'ree Tar Cordial ia an nufail ing remedy for diaeane of the Kidoeva, Crinary v-'omplaiuts, lilind and bleeding Piles, Nervous Debility, and lor Female weakness and Irregu larities. Tlie well known efficacy or Pine Tree Tar in the cure or external affections or Mores, pointed it out us the Natural Kemedy for what Pliysiciana call Tubercular i4iicclioiis(tbat i lo nay, Korea.) upon tbe l.ungs. It remained lo discover the best means of application, which discovery has been made, as a thousand testimonials prove, by the Proprietor of Wishart's Pipe Tree Tar Cordial ! II you have UVbl'EI'SI.V. use WUharl'a (Jicat American Dyspepsia Pill T A sure Oure Warranted for one dollar, or tbo Money Itefunded ! liuy a b'-x and take them according to direc tions, and if tliey do not cure you, tha money will be returned. Auckts Win. Weimer, Northumberland. A. W. Fischer, Hunlmry. Call at either place, and get a dceciiptive Cir cular. I.. Q C. Wishart, proprietor, No. 10, Nerlh Sicco.J, Philadelphia August 10, lBtii. ly SEASONABLE GOOD AT TIJi .1 A M M OTH S T ORE! OF "PTE tT.7Tf p, rV. ft T iajH It-f CL Ua.l i i m. Sunbory, Beptember 7, 1SU1. Unnl- nf Wnrthr, Wlc J rrillE annual election for directoia will lp In lit l Ilia M. llaitl. uijr House, on Montliy, tlie IGiti di) of Novau). l"-r, beiwoeil liie liouis of luo'vkws, A.M., and 3 u'vlia-k V M. 'ilia ailncsluifietiiir of lha stock ho Met a, in oiTorrtonia Willi Ilia eiiailar, will b lirkl on i'ucsUu), tile ilk diiy ul .uvciuuer, ai iu o'ckic-K, A M J l Pnil HTI KV fasluur. V iithumharlaa d, OcUbr IJ, 1361 il Assessors. riHE Aaaesaora of IVorthuiiiberland county era -- rtipiefcted lo make return of their tiieniiial asaeaaineiita to the CommisfKhicr'a Otlice, on Ihe S7th day of Ueceoilasr, lCI, at which liuie there will b a iiioclniK of lha Uoard of Cuiuimuioiicia. Uy Older fi tb Uoard, K X). JORDAN, Clerk. Coma isMoiiei's Pfi'ue. iuiihuiy, (Iclobrr I", ISfil.j THE LATEST STYLE OF SPRING AND SUMMER ' GARMENTS, A&a tONSTANTLT XiXACS at Ihe Fashionable) Tailoring; Establishment JACOB 6.BECK, ninrltct tre'"t,SI-KIIl'ItYs Pn. 'TH h subscriber has just received and opened a larce aasortmenl Sl'UIO A.NO MJM MF.R tiOODr". such aa CLOTH3, OP KTP.Jty DEScniPTION rV lJUAMTY. Plain and Fancy Casmnercs, Vestinfs, &c. or the Uteat t)Ps. In addition to hia stock l a i constantly reeciving new aopplirs from the cilv keepinji a foil asanrliiirni of lha 4nort aubstanliul snd latest style nf Hoods in the ritv markets. lie is prepared in make lo order all kinds of Centlcjiien's end fov'a wear. m,rfi mi iik kkh.coatw. rnocKj.'OATH. nusi- ErJS-C)A'I'S, VKsi PAiTA J.tlON"!. Ste. A-c. of Ihe very lalenf aiyle. and in ihe most euoHtiiiT tiul manner, at e!;orl imtice. Any (iooils not on liaiul. wilt fio fnrnishr, rrnm Philadelphia, by giving twa day's notice. t" Call and examine my stock, no choru;c mude for uhowiiij;. JACOB O.HECK. Hiinhurv, May 1 1, 1GI.- JOHNS & CFv08LEY. SOLS MANlTACTl"HKH9 OF TI1K IMPHOVIil QTJTTA PREOHA C E M E N HOOFING. The chenpeat naid most durable nivifiiig lirase. Ilia Flra Bud W titer 1'roof. Ii enn he applied in new ami old Hoofs of all kinds, and to Shingle Hoofs without removing II. e th iov.es. The Cost is ony about One-'i'liinltLnt of Tin, nnd it is twice na Durable. OUTTA PUR C II A CUMKNT, For presevine and remirniR Tin nnd other Melal Hoofs oC every desctiption, from lis Rieul elrrticitv, n not injured li-Ihe com ruction nnd estunsion of inciuls, and will not cmek in cold or lun m wimn weather. These muleriais have b. en thoroitehlv rrsted In New York and nil pans ol ihe lonlbein and' VVestnra Slntea, nun we tun Jin ubundautjuotif of nil we cluim in Uieir tuvor. They are readily applied by or insry Itircrs, at a Ui- r.ii'K expenite no m:.vr ukqitrku." Theso mn'.criiiUiuc put up r,dy f.r life, and for slop. pinijtiwiM parlsof the counliy, w ith full pnuled diiecl una for npitiicalidn. Full desenptive eirrulnis will he furnished nil ipplira Ihiu by mill r in pers .iint ,mr 1'rincipul OlSne und Waru house. ?8 WILLIAM UTtttliT, (Comer of Libeiiv Street,) New ork. JOHNS ,V CROSLliY. AnFsTs W a 70 no ! Terms Cash ! 1 Jui:c I, ltOI ! PJ a it k t; m cj. Kich Fieured Hureeea, 19, Sonnd HI cenhi, Barege Robes. S3 f,l), 1 00 and $b 00, Monmhiiue Holies at 5 00, Traveling I Ires (tonds, Miephnrd'a Plaid, Mohair Plaid-. tiinc.hnm'B, Lawns. Prints, Challics, Crey Fiijnred (ioodi. CDOPER A CONAIU). S B corner Ninth and Market, Philadelphia. N it Urst quality Hoop Kkirts, Hi cent, to 2 2ft. May IS. IHfil. LET THE r-EOrLl STILL. CO!VII.l'E TO MVP, ANU THKY WILL SOON LEARN THAT RULING & GIlAiST, AT TIIE MAMMOTH STORE, ARli SELL1XG GOODS CHEAPER than can be purchased elsowhcrc -A. FRESH GUPPL V Jul received by Kailroad this week. UEMEMUElvTHlS, AND PKOP1T BY IT. Sunbury, December 15, 1860. SUKBURY ACADEMyT MMIR Sr.MMI-lt TKHM of the Sunbury AcuJtmy will 1 viiiiiuieiictf uii the Mil ol' April. TUe coniHb vi itm(riiciiiM fmlrnccs cvtry df.Miii nifttt t'f tiiui-ntion tn lift Ul iitour bvt Anuluuit -m, irt;pm"tii( tu'lrttu ono citbci tvi n prult-kntun or to emu any clus u TKRMS WM QVARTIilt: Cnmnmn S.-hHi Krant lirn, W () Hi slier Kn'p 1 1 kh tinmen en, ' A tm liiiti tttid tireek Ifttiiuuti. 7 ih TuiiMM. to he paid beft-ru tliu nmUlle if (He ft nn Hoard CHti bt? Iiucj in privuto fhiiulicg hi 110111 ?l 70 $2 20 per week. S P. WOLVKUTON, rriucr;!. Sunbury, MRrchOO, 60. SUNBUHY STEAM FERRY AM) TftWINU BOATCOMPAN V. rpUAVKI.I.ERat and other are respectfully iuforincd that the aubsciiher, in order to ac commodate the public and raciiitate travel, haa reduced tbo rate of ferriage at hi STtlAM FKKH V, over I lie riusqueliuima, ul Sunbury, ami will carry Pansengera, lioroe, Carriages, and other vehicle, at tbe billowing rales, viz ; Fool Passengers, each 6 cents, liorao and liider, I A " Horse and Jiugy, a 5 Two-Horse Ccnvcyanre, 40 ' Farmer and other, wisliing totranport Coal and Produce, can maka arrangemenu at still lower rale. A large, safe and eommoJiou Steamboat will rnn regularly and promptly ut all hour of tho day, and to accommodate those w ho Jenire lo ai teiid ti e Churcliea 1 Mm. bury and tiiliusrjxc, liie l oat will run on ISuiulny. The Sleaoi'"i'. wiil run from Market Street Warf, and pioinplly convey Passcngera i'roin both ion of the Kivcr, without delay. The Ri train t erry now eti'un! not only a tafo and ceiivviiicnt transit over tbe tSiiFijuehuinia, but also a pleasant and agreeable rii'o. 1 It A T. CI, KM K.N 'P. l.etiiee and Proprietor. Sunbury, May 25, JSBl, I npilK underaigned invito attention lo- ihcir -- lt.re nud well grown piock of ritrir aNu on nam e.wa i. i keb. trliruta, Ac , cmbracinj a large and cjrnplete ai- I (jrtmtht of AppUii. 1 ears, Peachca, Pluma, Chf nin, A , i col', un.l Nrcia rlnc. rrm-oijul f r the O.-.ba.'d, :td Uwarl for l;e (jllile'l. Fni;Uh Wulinila, HpuriUh Cheenul. H. tIo nuts. jc., KiuU'irnv, ttrawherriCs,Cuiiania aia (ijom lierri, . in gie it variety. ' CiKAPKi 'F CHOICKST KIND3. Afiiaragos, Hliu'iarh. ftc., Ac. Al.o fir J tok of well I'onunJ, busl.y li ViUaiHKUNf , ui,Mi Ut foe Ceme-ry and I. awn. lMiduuus Tree for street plaining and a cm I er.' "''rliueut ol Ornamental 1 rec ai.J t lo i cr ng t-hruhx. Koe nf choice varu tra, Planta, ic Camellia, lleddir Our stock is remarkably thrifty and fine, an we orfir il at piice to suit Ibe liinea. fV Catalogues mailed lo all applicaiii AdJreo liUV.'Alil) J. KVA'M A fh Cenlial Nuiseriea. VOliK, J'a. Septeaiber I I. 18bl. :j ,i " ST O rKsT sTo VKS!! FOR BALK ATTHK LNDl'tfTRUL BTOVK Wi.l Ni. U3 Niitth find jititet, rhiluiklfhin, pjh-fciie CJut I'liurrh, the imt Celetir;tt Ou c-tn-un ti-n ' -,.t,,p , kminiK tnvv 4 lti tiny. I.KM.IjII, li "Hu t f 4 wiiH-ii aif uuuritrcl t" five tniut uii Hti i Ocifhri 1-3. 10.. Jin f r.