.Ill.il1. iWli 3 NEW SERIES, VOL. 11, NO. 34. SUNBURY, iy ORTII UMBERLAN D COUNTY, PA.-SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1G, 18GI. OLD SERIES, VOL.22, NO 8 The Sunbury American. IfUBLIBlIKD EVKKY SATURDAY BY H. D. MASSEH. Ufaiiet Sijxtare, Sunbury, Vtnna. T K II MS OF 8VU8 CRIPTION. nvd UtlMMIt per annum In tie paid half yanr- y ut a.lvauee. ate pant. NuPAritR Uitcniilinued until all arrearagci TO OLXJIIS Three Copies lo an addles 5 TO Hrtvil do. J"- . 10 Oil Fifteen d.i. d-. ... no Ou Five dollars in advance will pay fol three year's talr ecitpitim tH th American. i (iinu.lrr will pleateact hi our Agenli, ami frank I -ttertruiitiiiniiu; iuti.eritiiu money. They are peiimt U-J to do lUit under Hit t'net Office laiw. T K a M OF A n V KBIMIflO. One Snnsre of 13 tuiei' 3 timet, tl 00 Fvery tiihtequent insertion, .... tftl fineSpnue, 3 iiuuithe, - 3 0C Via months, "0 Jne yeur, - - 00 Ha.iuett Cardt or Five linet, per anniiiM, IK) lleichantt and othert, ii.lvcliting hv Ilia year, with the pnviVeeot inteilingdiaVreiitadvei. tttini'iitt weekly. 1 Ul I i lairger A.tveitisemmle, a per agreement. JO 3 rUIMTIHO. We line cnnis'-ted with our establishment a well ee-l-,.iitl JlHt t'K KICI'., which will enable to execute lu l!. lit-ateal style, eveiy twii-lv i f (,niitiii s. JLrlASSER, A T T U U NEV A T I. A W , Dosing. attended to in that Comities of Nor iimhcrla:i.l, Fni.tn, Lycoming Montour anil J ibiuihia. llfferrncc in Philadelphia ! Il.n to). il.Tvwm, rh"...'.flhlui, F.sn... -nnrs ft Sin MvTass, Utin Phnith A Co CHASLESKATTHEWa 3 1 1 o v n c n a t a tu . Wo. ViS Itroatlwny, Sew Yorlt. Will eari-fully Attend to Cnlleclinnt aud all other matter' nnitl to his ture. Mav SI. IB5S. FRANKLIN nOUSE, IIKDL'II.T AND H E P t' R N I 9 II K P , Cur of Howard cintl J'ronldin Sh eets, a few S.uarei West if the X. C. 11. P. )eof, DAITIMOBE- I'm ws, 1 1 ri: I) it (t. I.KISENixIXO, Proprietor. Ji !v Id, 1 5- f From Selnu drove, I'a. Willi am n. aovt una mil lit! ovnnn. - G.SOMERS& SON, Importer and Dealer in Cloths. Ca?B-;mores. Vestings, Taylors Trimmings, &c, No 3S Scmrli r.milli Sireel, lielween Market and t'hffiiut Street, Philadelphia. Merchant, other visiting rily mould find it I'i llieir Hilvii tngo to gU1 lliriii a call and ex siiiiut their itck. .Mnrrli 10, 18ta J. P. SHINDEL GOBIN, A tlorncv Counsellor sit Law SUNBUBY, PA 1.1, otieml Utihfnlly to the eollerliuii of rlaima and all profeaiinnal lminena in tho countlfa of .Norlhnnilierland, Montour, 1'nioii and 8nyder. oiuiKrl civiMi in the (ie'inan lanfruagp. IV Olii.'u Lue duor cat of the l'rutlioiiotar'a DlliiC. . Sui,tury, Mny So, lKfill. lr THE IUTEHNATIONAL HOTEL, I rtOAHW.AV, rOHNV.ROK I UANK1.IN STUKET NEW YORK CITY, ItV iii'liireuinila to Mrreliants ami T"Urini viniting Yiiik. unauiimneil ty imy llulel ill tne MelfpiMli I'I.e h.li.nviiiiraie mn-tn the Htunti;e whirli it po.w;- i-a. ae.il w-lneli will hu uirii-iaied ny an uaveiera. I-:. A r-i.inil U'uiiim. nuiiriiieiit M plucea uf bnainen, IK it. pl;(-r nf uuiinrtnei.t. '.' I. Sr.ipal.ai!y elenu, wi ll farni.hed .it ine reenn, , e.n i in n:.iitic, iil l.-liiic. I'allur, CJlnuiuiviing ail exleil uri V'W .f lr-:i.!,VKV :M. l.-ire ami mpi-ibly fnriiUI.e'l lllinr tomoa. with a lu-nMiili-nit 1'uiior, c aiiiuuaitnig aa exlciiute view of ll.i:elwnv. . ... i!, I'.-ner e.inilucteit on the. t ar ipenn plnu, vmtort nm in e in ihe U. H '- le, with the trmaeiu ec'iinui.y Oiti. Il i cimiicttd wus '! "tolor'H !'lrntel Pnloonx, w-'-ere vi lor er.n tome tlie:r men1., r, if they de.ira tiirv wii '. fnriiii.h.1 in their own riH.ma. fit, Ti.ff fM:e eive.l in lite Hnlifiii ail tlnta) ie ae- kii iwlnl-.-.-' I ei.ieau-a. to uu va.ll) najH tier i i that of i.O.er lliilel ill the eev. 1 ill. nil tlirke ' . ,i.. ,.r iivin. u ti.. l.iirr.uiiini,:.!. ii.iu-h ticl.'W llmt ( any other first elusa H ,1,1. Bltj?)N & CU., 1'roprictori, Auut K. I'-W. 1v A Good Chance for an Enterprising Man. "MIE miliacribef wanls a partner in the Mar ine lmiiies, a aotier neraervering man alia ctn v.eak both the Kni;liali and (icrnian langLa' r'a, tj one that wilt uil, no cutb capital required. 1-Vr i siliculara ioquiio of JtlHN A. TAYI.Oi;. Northumberland, Aug- 3, lMtil 3.u "the '"unTon." Arch Sirert. abnvx Third, Philadelphia, rpro.v . .kwc)mi:h, i'r.iit.r. I 'Ills ItOTI.I. i eeulrnl, '.-"rvenienl by Pam-naer Tara X t i ail io. li e i lly, and in every purtieular adapted L . e-'i.l ti. an.l hiiic.I the uuunrn pulilio. IW 'IVrin. M per day. tM'.trii. t'er !il. 1:01. ly L I'AI.DlMi'S rrire.l Glue, anil BaellejaMiu-ilage O I'ru-e l"-r twitll ami t.m-h eenu. t:..MitU l.!iir of CuiiBuva liaiU Jt Ueutiue, for remnvinj 1""' rnri Rtl.v. AT THIS OFFtCK. :inli.ir-, Mareli I? leW. A Ml'.V LOT OF HAKDWARE & HAD- d- OI.l'.liV. Alan, the bent aaaorlmeni of Irorv NaiU and (Steel to be found in the county. al Ihe Mammoth store of FKILI.NU V GR ANT. Hunhiirv, Juwe '2, IKOO. CliiAtKIiltS! CliACKF.HS, juat received I mid for tale by the barrel or pound, al the Confectionery store of M. C GUAHHAHT. Smilmry. (Irtolier 13, ISL'lh JKerofcene l.umpH. A i YklliV I. A KGB and cheap assortment will he found at the Mammoth Store of Dec. IS. IHU'b FRILING 64 GRANT. II O! VK I.OVEBS OF KOUP! Afresh aupi'ly of Macaroni and Confectionery al LUII IV'l M. l!DI"rtf hinil'i.ry, June 2, IHtiO. Wi6TKNT UR1TTANIA HT0PPEH8 fo Q bar bottle lor aale by H. B MAKHER A KKKslI SI.Pl'I.Y OF DRUGS at the iX Maimnoih Ktore. AUo, anew lot of per fuuiory, H.taps and Fanrv Article. Very cheap. r KlLl.Nu ex UK.A i . tSiinliury, May St, IHttll. SKELETON r3ICIl-CTS- VT the Maminnlb 8toro will he found very large assortment of Skeletou SkirU from seven hoops up In thirty. Oct. , IteGO. FRILING t GRANT. Jt VK Iran. Hieel. Nail. I'uL, Gruh-ltoea and Ma.oii Hammers, at low prieea. BIIJi.ll (' ii feON. Puutmry, luna J, !8S(t, 3tht )0Ctrg. From tha Atlantic Monthly f 'NoremlMr. THE FLOWEll OF LIBERTY. T OLIVE WaNBIXt HOLXr.3. What (lower is thin (bat greptd tb morn, Its hue, from heaven no freshly boro t With bnr&ing itr and flaming band It kindles all the sunset land U, tell in what its tin me r.my be ! U this the Flower of Liberty t It is tha hmiiier uf the free, The starry Flower of Liberty ! In avng9 Nature's f t aodu Its tender Peed nur falbcrii sowed ; The storm windo rocked ilb ewellir.g burl, 1 ta titjening leaves were etrenked with Liood, Till, lo I eartb'H tyruut's r1ioIc to aee Tha full-blown Flower df Liberty ! Then bait thn hinmer of the free, Tbu stitrry Fiuwer of Liberty! Behold its streai::irjg rjs uuit't One mingling O ioJ of i.-rnider! liI.t, The red that fires the tiouiheru ro?e, With pollers whito from Northern tnows, And, spangled oVr itn uKuro, hc) Tbu filter Stuid of Liberty I Then hail '.i.e bai;ner of the free, '1 he k-Wrry Lljwi r tf Liberty ! The blades of borotis fencn it roiin.! j Wht re'er it springs is holy grouuil ; From tower and dome its gluriiM spread j It waves where lonely srutr;ea lna't ; It mnkes the land as ocean Iree, A ud plnnls an empire on the sen 1 Then hnil tin? b toner of thn freo, The slurry- Flower of Liberty ! Thy sarred learei", ftir Freedoui', (liiwer, Khali ever (1 ntt on dome and tower. To all their heavenly colors true, In blur-belling frost or vri;nJon ilenr, And Joil lovir US ai we l ive t:iee, Thrice Inly Flower of Liberij ! Tlieu btil th h inner uf the free, Tho Bt trrv Flower of L birt) '. 0, ititstfllancou farson Brcwnlow Ctill for tlio Ution- His lau'icUiiciit mid A)hrjitl:.g Ji,pri.-fn-men lit males his i'urrViU A'ldrtti. lrwiil i's ( ii m:ville) llVit'; ul S it iinlr.y October 'iC. has In . ii received iu 1'itjcir.m.ti Jt was the last number of I 'in I paper to Ubuerl, tba editor luving beer. iuJ cl-.'il tbe Gruud Jury, tu, i liij impri.sorni he ; .,vi t.l i determined ou. Thn fuKon.rg is farewell aibiresi : Tbi iss.ie of the Wiiij nnjst nee. punrily be the luet for Reiuo time to ern e 1 inn utiu'ilu tossy how loiid. The Coufe dvrute untlio'ities have determine,) upon iny uirest, and I ,itn to ba indicted before -l tie Ij.-und Jery the Ootifedtruta Court, which ooimiieiieed iti sefsion ij N.s'.'VilK-, : J.3 -iiit.'ey lut. 1 Woul.l hive awaited tin luJictment and nrr. i, belore aimouuctng the reuinrkuliie evei I to tba world, but, as 1 only publish a tvu lry paper, toy hurried reim val to Nitslivillu wou d deprive rue of tbe privilege ol trnjing to my subscribers what IB bI.Uj due to tnyt-eif mid them. 1 have the fact of mv indictment and I consequent arreel bjvmc been usreed unco, lor this wee etk Irum iiiiitinjisheil c.t z -i, legislators. and lawyers, at Nashville, cl botti pat tied. Uelitlemea uf tl i ii tl pi,tioi.s, inn) ( in e-ji hers ol the Ctrcesstou party say lliat the indictment will bo made ecaiiKe . f "some j tressuduble art.clrs lu Iuto iintnliers of the i Whig" I Imve reproduceij thoo two i "treasonable i.ttiihs' (n tin: ftri-t page of this issue, th'.l Ine imbias.-eii p.-oplu ot the j country muy "read, uiaik. Ie.nn, inui :n.tar'ly Oigesi" lhi tr.'ae.oi. Tiny nlei. to ti.u : culpable rem s.-.iivcs of "t I eb-.- K n.'Xvi-lo lo d j era lu faihny lu voiuuteir il the Ciupe uf the , Confederary. i A' cording to the usage of the court, as heretofore eol ihiinhe.i, I pretiumo 1 could go tree, by taking the Oath thn authorities ore j adiiiiiiii-lernig tu ether Union men, but my settled purpose ia uol tu do any euch thing, i I can uuulitiera b allowed my pt-rsitial liberty .uu..u by euleritig intu bonds to keep the peace, ami lo Ueiueun my sell lo.vanl the leaders of SeCcBiiuD iu K uuiMlle, wlio have been seeking Hi have me us.sssinated a. I summer ami full, they det,ito 11.0 to ii., h , th e 13 really liie i-i.pxi l uftiie Ihi.'.g, i-.o.i one of tbe leading o' j.-cla eoi.l.t I o I o ull.iit.e 1. Although 1 co'iii give a b ind i'or my i. o l behavior, for but- uuiuhed thotisan.) Oil a.-, siiiiied by City ai good meu us the c uuty utlords, I bj!i oOa':'iul-ly relu-e tu uo ev. ii tbat; and if sue!) a bond be drawn ij' not signed by o'.Lri-1, 1 will render it im.i and void by irfiising to mgu it. In default u! both, 1 expect lo go to j.l, Dim I am read) ! 10 Start upon one miuneta's warning. Not! only SO, bul tin ro 1 am pi -pared o lie, ill ! solilaiy eoiibteiiieul, i t o n from old ngo. ' tjtimulated by ivusciousuca of n.iu.e. t l I uprightness, 1 wi.l submit 10 in pris.tumienl I lor life, or din at the end if a rop, before I ; will make any humiliating coucerait-n t.i any power ou earth '. 1 have coin united 110 nuVnce 1 luve not shouldered urma nganl the Confederate Governmeiit, or the iState, or encouraged others to do so I huve discouraged rebellion publicly and privately 1 have m.t assumeU u hostile altitude) toward tiie civ. I or military utboritiel of this new government, liul 1 bave committed grave, and 1 really tear unpardonable olTences. 1 have refused to raakd war upon the Government ol the dulcet Stales ; I have refused to puhlidh to the world false Bt.d exaggerated accounts uf the several engagement bad between the con tending eruues ; 1 h.ve refused to write out and poblikh lulau versions ol tbu origin of this war, anil or lliu breaking up ot the best Governmeut the world ever knew; and all this ! will continue to uo, il it coets me 11. y life. Nay, when I agree lo do such things, uiuy a r.ghleous Cud puUy my rhl arm, un.i may the eurth upcu and close 111 upon uie forever. The real otj.tr t of my arrest, and contem plated Imprisoumeiit, is to dry up, break dowu, silence, and destroy I'e-t l.sl ut.J only Union paper left in the eleven seceded .Slates, and thereby 10 keep Irion the people uf L ist Tennessee the fuels which are daily transpir ing in the country. After tbu ilou. Jetf. Uivis bad stated iu Richmond, iu a conver sation n l itive to my piper, that be would not live ia Government that did not tolerate freedom of Ihe ;nross; ufler the judges, attorneys, jurors, and all others filling posi lions ol honor and ft-nst under the "permanent Constitution," which guarantees freedom if Ihtprfst; an J alter the eutire pr, ts ol tlie South bad couio down in tbeir thunder tones upou tbe Federal GoveromcDt for suppressing the Louisville Courier, aud tbe New Yuik Dou Bunk, and other Heression jouronls, I dldexpicl ihe ututosl liberty to be alio1 I lu Due suiail Slo e', ii e triors coulu t t rombatted by the entire Soothers press I It is not euough that my paper has been denier) a circulation through the ordinary channels of conveyance In the country, bnt it must be disermtinnpiT altogether, or its ditor mnst write and select only snrh articles as meet the approval of a pick of scoundrels in Knnxville, when their snperiors in all tha qualities that udorn human nature are in the penilentiiiry nf our State I And this is thn boasted liberty of tbe press in the Southern Cunfcdprrtcy 1 I shiill in no rJepre foel humbled by being tMdt iuto prinnn, nhttiever it is tho will and pleapuro of this rtngu.t Ooveinment tu put inn there; but, on the contrary, I shall feel ptond of my confinement. I shall go to jail, a John Uct'er went to the sihhe for my principles. I shnll go, because I bnve failed to recognize the hand of Ood in the work of breaking op tLe American Oovernmnr.t, and the inangarntion of the meet wicked, cruel nnnatnritl, and uncalled for war, ever recorded in hii hiiy. 1 go, Ik-ca'ism I have t fused tu laud to tho eliies the acta of tyranny, usurpa tion, aivl oppreRsion. inllirtvd upon the people of Kast 'I'e.ntieaeef, bc.tufe of thir devotion to the Constitution end laws nf the Oo"eti. meat, hinded doivn to them by their f ithers. Cithers, and tho liberties aerarerl to them by a war of seven long years of gloom, poverty, and trial I I repeat, I am proud nf my posi (ton, end of n-y principles, nod shall leave the n to rr.y children ns a legncy, fur morn vu!"liln ViiHti a priottly fortune, had 1 the Uttpr to bestow I With me l.fd hna Inst soma of it energy j having passed six annnnl posts on the woetern p.ip ot half a century, something of the lire of youth is exhausted j hut i atund forthwith tiie eloquence and energy nf right to sustain and stimulate tee in the mnintenir.ee of my principles. 1 am eiirouragetl to iirmnens when I look h.irk to the bite of Him "whoso power was righteousness," while the inTuri nt.'il mob riinl out, 'Ciucify hiui ! crucify him 1" I u .ve to my nuin-r.Mis lint r.f subscribers ti e liil t.ir out ol Ine re?iective terms for which they have m-iile u'lvaitce paymeiils, aprl, il ' eircuttietanct'S evr pLiv it in my power ti Jis'-'hnriio these h!gtitiori!i, I will do it most certainly. H it. if I am dmied the liberty of .lo:ng so, they must refard Iheirsmr.ll losse? mi so :n iy imiii riimt ier:a to the canse in which I hjvo Irtii. n. I feel that I cen, with conti.iei.ee, r-! upon the inuiMHi.imity and f.H neiir:-.ti' " of ii y .:lr..RS i.n.ier this ftnte nf tV,iii;'P. 'I'hty will rienr me witness thnt I h v e ii. M oul i. hji'i; in I um ullowed to, ulld lli-t I h.ive yieidid to u i.nlitniv ilespotinm ill t I c -i;!J in t av-tt ibH huirois of or M.tve.-f tally op;.o?-!. I n;il n; 'y cy in Ciiuclusiun for I am not nlioe.ii) ihe privilege to write tht the peri 1 of this i-oiinny have been unaccus lonieii to t.ueh wi-ongk ; they can yet scarcely realv. tl.i m. They" 'e anouti ted for the Imoh being with the q iiivk nu'cssion of outrages that have cou.e upon them, and they si mid horror st rickeu, like men expecting ruic uti.i utrjihilutien. I may tint live to See the liny, hut th.iuan.ls of my readers will, v. b'ti tbe pecplo of this onee prosperous 1 coiiptf y !! - th it tt.cy tr -trrchrt'r by ( "double (puck timti" from freedom to bondage. I Tin y will then look these wanton outrages I upon rilit tind liberty I in the foeo, nrd my pie.tic.l ion 16 that they will "stir the s'oneg of Koine to rise am! mutiny.'1 Wrings less wanton Mid outrageous precipitated the r rutiCli revolution. l.it.Z' lis Cast inn uuu- gfons without charues of crime ugainsl them "'"l without the formalities of a trial by jury ; , privato property confiscated at the beck ol VIIOSO 111 pomer; loe press nuino.eo, lllll2i.ieo, ; ar.d suppiessed, or pro-minted to serve the J ends of tyranny ! The crime of Louis XVI f ll short of all tl'K and yel he lost his bead ! The people r.f I his count ry, dow n trodden and 0ipreiseil, stiil have tli resolutions of iheir llitit rhitis Tot el it hers, who ai-se;ted their righta ul Lexington mi.) Hunker 11.11! Kxchur.ijii'.g with proud .ttif.ii'tion, the ed.lorial chair und SAeel eiolearu'enls ol home for a ceil iti prison, or the lot of tin exile, I luvo the honor to tie, .to. , Wll.l.liMlJ lilloiVKt.rtW, VMiior ol tho Kiioxtille Whig. 0'loh. r 21, 1SCI. An Iaoident of the Var. Wheu the army nf the Fotomuc mode its advance, a few riavs since, a member of the Twenty First New York Regiment picked I up, io a pi ce just vacated by the Confede- I Jr. '.is, a t-ti'v of the Richmoiid 'Examiner, of j !tlie previous week, from which Wa clip tho ' I f, llo.i itiij touching incident : i One i f those iitTei'tina incidents occurred j 1,'. ihe departure tl Ihe Yankee prisonets fur , .Ww- Uri-an t hat, w he tlier concerning friemis or t -s, 11 J't move I tin stoiili sl Lean. A vouni lajy, of Northern birth, who has bnt u s mieiime a residen! ( f this State, oud, having al'ier.tivn oecupit ion, preferred to remain h- re ufi r tha war broke nut, discoveied, by bo. nu nieuns, th it her brother was among 'he prisoners 111 tt e c:tr, 81, e bail made stteial j iiiellii'tnul il piicali l s und utteinnts to see 1 him. U vii g lo the necessity of military law I in such 1 cse, her timet uigenl iiiiuesl l.n.i . hei n relumed. For some weeks tho poor girl had bt-eu too unwell to leave -hi r home, but w is ivc-jvering. and sitting ul her -jviiiH... j isl as tiie prisoners passed by, oti tbe. lo the depot. An iinpressioti seized her that her b was anion.' them, though a spnrati Severn! yeun and the ilit'Vrence of dresi circiimst ances r-ndered rec3nitino ui.t A inisuiviiig, however one of those imp of th-i hfai t that tirrf not to be stifled en her to atari to her feet, and hastily throt on her shawl und bonnet, she sumuioue liiend and hurried to the depot. There guard wus so watchful bud the line so stri tliatsho wus unable to approach wit bin te yuids: but, wilh straining eyes and uiixiou; love did Uie poor girl endeavor to scrutinize each probalile form, until a mutual gaze met hers und revealed the object of her search ller brother recognized her. lurliug for waid, but repulred by the guard, each precious moment thieatening to aever them, perhaps, forever, who can j'idga of I ha agony of tho poor stricken sister t Some uf tbe bystander, becoming interested in tbe scene, used their influence to permit a messaiie to be conveyed to the pnsuner. "Oh! ia there aiivtiiuiK I can do for bim; anything be wauls?" rhe exclaimed. Hut the wants of the prisoner were few. Wilh loss of liberty, whul else could avail him T "Take bim this,'-' said iihe, "it is all I have in the world." And ehe Imn.led hiui a small, a very small packet. So they pasaud to tbe prisoner tt few dollar bills, w ilh some small chance, not knowing whether the poor boy wonld ever find any need for it. or an opportunity nf spending it. Hiiou the cars were ready. Open curs, with seats arrauged upon ibsin, end board ing round the edge for security, lie took bis Beat with the rest, in fual view of bis sobbing sls'.-r, and the cars began tt move slowly. Witt an irrepressible impulse ehe daited i : svid. Bjmpatly governed stronger than la t thn crowd who were watching the depar ture; to opening was marie through the guard, sod she reached his band, One grasp, so firm, so tight, wflened upon the band that sbe was drawn awog tbe track, s tbe qnickeniog motion of the engine was bearing ber long absent brother yet further from her presence, and not oolS bar arm was well nigh strained from her body, and the poor prisoner, as be leaned himself toward ber, was in danger of beiog dragged from the car, could thul (org loving erusp be loosened. How Gen. Baiter Fought and Ueorga V illtrs ays in a Utter Died, tu bis pnper : General Baker, calm as when speaking in the Senate, walked coolly np and down the lines, auiid the fiercest fire, , and, with a cheerful, plac:d voice, kept encouraging bis men. 1 1 was a matter inconstant wonder to all engaged, that uo shot brought him down. Thug the tight raged, the euemy only occa siooally leaving his covert, auil our troops fighting mainly in 'the i.pen.' Tired of this, the General determined to make one whole p.tlu elifit to drive them from the woods, and charging up to them, forced them to give ground in Ibeir whole front ; but the retiiing ebb was checked by a bank of uuuibeis in the rear, eud u double row of r rl i e, serried und iuttrln.'ked troiti fires of kneeling and standing troeps, poured a deudlt Volley into our auiiucioua 1 1 u e a , bringing us not only lo u pitise, but to a temporary tailing back. The in 11 uvv of the panguioary wave lell liaker tell J arils in front, bat Calm and as cool ai ever. Theu turuitig, as if lor a new example, he pointed out a rule! ollicer who al ibis iiiomriit rode near ou a w(fiul.-ore!, named him as Ueueral Johnston, uod -uddeuly ntkc d some one lo hand Lini a pixiol. As he reached forward to receive the weapon, u tall in. in stepped out from umij tiie prevailing smoke, and walking up to within five feet ol him, levelled his revolver and shut him in the head. Me kept bring, delivering the loiee or tour shots rapidly into the body us il fell, and theu slopped, as if to lift, and bear it off. At this moment Cnptuin Heirel mailed hr wurd, anJ placing his revolver lo Hi" ear uf tho bending fiuio, thot bun through tho brain. ' Tho Cobb of Gcu. Fremont- j in large quauti'.ii ." The report of Aljutnnt-jeiirul I luxnas, i II, m. Wm. C. I'reston, late Minister or the who rei-entiy Accompanied .Seerelary Came I United States to tpain, is uow euuiiged in rim on h'S tour through the West, has been (be rebellion against the tiovernment he go published. It t'oes far to cotifii.il uearly ull j lately represented at a foreign court. Meve the charges of extraveginee. inifiatiauenietil , r reH rases, containing valuable efl'-cls incompetji.ee, nn.l neglect ol'iliity wlncli have ' l...oniiug lo him. have just arrived at New been made sgainst Ijeneral Fremont, nl ; yl)rk from Europe, and bave been seized for presents a Veiy strong array ot fuels to prove 'confiscation. that he has been guilty of mny inegularities ; that he fuiled to adopt proper uieusnres to reinforce Lyon and .Mulligan, or' to capture Price; that hi expenses have b-en eiior llious, aud thit he is totally unfit lor his present command. 'J'nu judgment which a consideration ol all the facts involved bus produced, is briefly expressed Hi tbe follow ing paragraphs : t 'General Hunter expressed j to 'tlie Secre. i"-y of Wir-frfs JeciHn.l i.pinii.-i T.t G.'iii.-r.l Frnmoi.t was iitcompi-lunt, and wjit fur his ' extensive ami tmporiant ci'imnuud. I his opmioD he gave reluctantly, for the reason that I., i held the posiUou ol seuoud in com im.nd. "The opinion nitertaiiied by getiilemen of position and intelligence w ho have approached and observed Inui is, ki( ue isnmre fund i'J pomp than nf the utern nalilits nf tear thai his mm, I is xuenpulde nf Jixid attention ui nuvtiy e'".P'ili ituun .iliav uy ilia illiniliuil- sgemeM of ull iira since his arrival il) M issonri, I he State lia.i almost been lost and that if he is continued in command, the worst results may be anticipated. This is tbe coucurieot testimony of a l irgu Number of the must iuteliigei.t men in Missouri." Oil News- I he Titosville Gazette, Speaking of tbe oil busiuess iu thai locality, says : "TI.e price of oil is reduced So low that along the creek il is almost a worthless article. We hear of ten thousand barrels having been sold for twenty five cents a bar rel, the barrels furnished to baud. When well owners will, iu a strife aftei pennies, trample the dollars out of reach, it IB their own business, and no one may enter complaint ' against them 1" rom thn opening of the brsl (lowing well an energy, new even iu tbe oil lius iu r s, has been put forth to develops in the shortest possible) time the gr.utesl number of (lowing wells Oil hue rushed out of tho ground iu amazing torrents, the market has been overstocked, and the price reduced until it will barely pay for putting into casks for murket. Had the flowing wells heen controlled in their discharges, and consequently a regulated quantity thrown into market, the prion riimht liavo oeen hepi ot paying inures. discharges Irom those wet.s were not cnecKeii, the price is down. The consolation in the easy is tbat thn price beiiiii so low, sales refined ml are extended uv.-r a wider field multitudes of relmeries are erecte.i. and tue demand will hereafter be so greatly increased ttiai uie price o: oil wim "'n'""J l" living rules lor even tbuse Hiding pumping i WfclH of nothing marvelous or creek the past week." - A mysterious murder look (iteul Trunk Railway, be eway, on the nijlit "f the irs were under lull head, uring individual came up viug a word, drew a re tea at a stranger, sitting eod. Of course he was rderer then inquired of ieiid of the victim, to s always the friend of was theu laid down, , usb w hat he did ny revolver with d do what you ll'you know td man ai.d :ll find oul self Mc n that -d i t id all Don he hi take t li(:litin( doctor a wards, Wl in the end . KsKTrcKst nftl" save that Ke. of the half a uiillio. 25,000. Tbe "Jouri. tela in, Kenlui key will , battle for the Union. SitTKaat New Orleans Is qv and gold at 85 per cent, preuui. notes, issued by the bauks, supplies , coin, aud these, with the confederate uou princi.al currency used. See 2.400 woikmen are employed al Philadelphia Nay ValJ. thi Most IIiilp Unci. Sam First. A farmer Id Wisconsin had a son who joined the tilghlh regiment of that State without his father's consent. Several loiters were written by the father to tbe son while the regiment were in quarter, at Camp Htndall, for the purpose of persuading him to return. - At last he wrote lo bin) that he must come that be bad a large amount of threshing to do ; tbat be could not afford to hire help, if it were to he had which was hardly os-itile, owing to tho uuuiber of enlistments; end thnt he must return home and help him, even if he enlialed agulu after ward. The young man replied : "Dear Fath.tr: I can't go home at pre sent: I should be very glad to help you. but Uncle Kain has a miiihty sivht bigger job of threshing on hand than you have, und I'm bound to see bim out of the woods first " A Novki.tt in tiik Oil. Tradk A few dm an so, a tl it-boat of oil was landed at the Allegheny wharf, not in barrels, but "in bulk." The Hit wus blled by Mr. Cilydeat tha celebrated limning Well, on Oil Creek, und it. was supposed lo contain one hundred and fitly barrels. It was purchased at a Very low figure, as the oil from thnt well is running into the creek (or was at last accounts) at I tie rate of 1.200 or l.fiOtl barrels daily. The flat Contained twenty inches uf oil, but a heavy per cenlago of ii absorbed by the wood. The scarcity of b.irr-ls, and the low price at which tie oil could be obtained, induced Mr. (jlydu lo try Ibis experiment. -' Im.vknss Wastk op Oil Tho Alleghany river, for several days past, has exhibited oil upon Ms surface, in some instances extending foin shore Inshore. This is rausml, in the loniii, by the flow of oil from the well cu tbe lSlood farm, on OtV creek, which has been emptying into the creek ever since the fire was extinguished. The Titusvtlle (jusrtle, speaking of this well, says : "'I lit! horning well of which we spoke last week continued to bum for two or three days, when the tire was, with great ditlirolty, extin guished. A tube was then inserted, and the proprietors failing in I heir efforts to plug tbe pipe so as to slop the Qjw of oil, and not hav ing vessels to hold it, turned the t-tream nf nil into tlie creek. The- flow is large and the force of the l'hs very great. The last accounts ttultt that the oil was nouiiiii! iuto lb!) creek A letter from Mastillun reports that ex Post master Fowler, of New York, is superin tending a cotton mill at Tepie, Mexico, at a 6alary of twenty five hundred dollars. Tiinar-M.it miimM of the 7 3D Treasury notes hina hero ii-eued. a t f r ii iz TIT FOU TAT. "G.tnil mnniing, Mibs Katie," criml younp Mickie Foe; "tiKd uioriiiitR, airuin it's your.elf, rure 1 .ee, Looking hl'tominc, as ever." Hat Kate turned away, A. he a-tiil, "Mi.ler Alickie, I wish you good day ; You're a henrilesi desaiver ; now .1 jii'i .pake a word j Pretty tale, about yea and that Nornh 1 have heard. Von know nu danced willi te-r llm duy of the fair, And praised her Krayuyen and her very led hair You called her an ancet, said in love 3'ou had fell, And at niptil ivlien y.'U parted, yoa kisiedher a. well ;') t Thui yt'iiig Mit-kie g:ive a .'y wink, a. lie Mid, . "JuhI whiiiier, dtnr Katlle ; tht way turn vnurtiead, 1 deiiaivt-d her, my ilailin'." '.Sir, yua kuigrd her I "Thai'Btitie, But I .hut bnih iny eyes, Kate, and fancied 'twu.ynu.' 1 "Well, I've 11 ) lime l. lay ; an hm. I .y., Mickie Fee, Yea niuy devaive her, bul you eaii'l tteaaive me Fie nott-1 Ik barneyed, Mictie, a word in your ear ; j You had heller be off, lor my Oad'a coining here 11 t'O, )our Oad'a coming, i. he? Inthtit hiui I tee, Ju.t bobbing behind luat old bluekthorn tree? Why, that'. Faddy Maguire." "Oh," aaid Kate, with I aneer, "Yau've (.it your eyea 0tii at la.l, .Miektc d-ar, VVell, he'. c)niiiii( to meet me ; iinw litten, my lad ; 1 If i'aildy eliould kies me, sure, won't you be glad ? ! For when hit lip. inentmlue, why, what will 1 da, ; but that both my ryes. Mirk, and fancy ttitynut 1 Yea, when Pat kitaea me, tliat't ju.t whut I'll do, Phut both iny eyes, .Mickie, ai.d faney 'tit you !" ! farmers' cgarimmt. Tho Crops. Tint two such years of good crops at horn aud high prices ubroud its this and last should aVe colllB l0 us jusl t t,ii ,,ruut Nalioual crisis must be regarded as ptculiurly fortunate, , 1 asl lu 101g ,,, ur lou, ex)rIg uire .-l.'l .n. ... .1 le'illliHl S l.t ' .s m in ISM ' till IIim vvr.oila i.f ISI'.II ilia Imlk- of vntiid u-Ha 1 in coltou, until later in the season, when Ihu lail crM., u( crett4 in.jjun lo find Us way to , lUB stHOOttrJ( ftfier which the proportion of i grain III Ibe Ualluuol export maiulesl rup'dly ,ni;reugecl. Altogether we were paid not less than tilty millions of doilats 111 ijol.i ,.r the breadsiutis sold by us to our Kurupeun ditto mers. II. is year we have beeu exporting eiuce the lirsl ol January al the rate of inoie than two mil. ions of dollars per week, or, in iu exact fig urns, the euoriuuus emu uf 'JG, 097,2-11, fully oue ball il which wis io cereals. Lieller that) tli's for uur finances, there is small probability of au ahateu.eul iu Ilia for eign riemaud, the last accounts from Franco aud Lugldud representing the crops al least a third below an average. In lviglaud tbe detlcieLiCy has been estimated ic some distticts ut two thirds, aud a like unfu tuoatu state of things is reported iu parts of Fruuce. VV heat is nowhere plentiful on Ihe Continent ; rye is shoit iu Germany ; ludiun corn serioulsy so in Italy ; and potatoes aie geueially doubtful. The harvest nut being salisluclory in Porta gal, all gram except ludiuu corn is admitted Itee ul duty until April oil of next year. Itseeius generally acknowledged that our com Clop is large beyond precedent, not so much from an increased yield as from tbe latge area pluuled. Prices in Ihe north west ern districts, removed from water comuinui tlion, reuiam very low, and may remain so if Southern market remains bermelricaily against ibe enormous North Western " of It 00. Wbeal we bear, gives a 'd then last year, on account of 'en?, orouth, wiuter kdbug, sniiy.worm and Other ood other causes. destroy- Curative Effeota of Grapes. Dr. Merpio, of Mentz, bas published an interesting account of tbe curative rfl'ecti of grapes, Id various disorder of the body They act, firstly, by introducing large qunn titius oT fluids into tbe system, which, passing through tbe blood, carry by perspiration and other excretions, tbe effete and injurious materials of tbe body ; secondly, as a vege table nutritive ageut, through the nlbmneroid of nitrogenous and respiratory substance, which the juice of ibe grape contains ; thirdly, as a medicine, at the same time soothing, laxative, alterative and ilefurative ; fourthly, by the nlkulies, which diminish the plasticity of the blood, and render all more fluid ; fifthly, by tho various mineral elements, stieb as sulphates, chlorides, phosphuleg, Ac, which are an analogous and valuable substi tute for many mineral waters. Employed rationally and methodically, aided by suitable diet and regimen, the grape produces must important changes in the system, in favoring organic transmutations, io contributing healthy materials to tho repair and reconstruction of tbe various tissues, and in determining tbe removal of vitiated mat ters which bave become useless and Injurious to the system. Oirected by a skillful pbysi ciun, this valuable agent can be made to produce tbe most varied effects on tbe con stitution. It also possesses the ndvantape of being acceptable to most iovalids. I he treatment lusts from three to sis weeks The quantity of grapes that may bo consumed varies from one to four pounds a dny, com mencing wilb small quantities, which are gradually increased. Tbe skins and seeds must out be swallowed. Kickiko Cows. I have a way to atop kick ing cowa, Or to keep them from stepping while milking. It iathia: I l egin quite inoderute, and w hen they hein to hiist a foot I give the teals a jerk ; by following this up it will stop any cow, for a cow very much dislikes teats jerked. If a cow gels into the habit of atarling off, I hold 011 tu tho leats as hard as I can. which soon cures her uf thnt enper Genesee Former. Clltivatb Fuiit. We feel impelled to repeat, as often as we have a spare iuch of room, the nu'i;est!ron to nil our readers, to cidtiinte fruit. TI1090 occupying rented 1 places should not hesitste to set out grape-I vines, raspberry canes, and strawberry plants. ! A two yvffi old Concord grapevine will ! produce fruit the Bucceediug year; and a good crop is usually secured from the rasp- j berry and strawberry, tbu season after plant- ' trig. Currants red and black as well as gooseberries, will yield fruit a year alter planting, if tbe bushes are two years old when set out. Remember to prune and lay down ull yoor raspberry canes, covering them with three inches of soil, spunked duwn roof shaped. With this care a crop never fails German town Telegraph, Hoo Failm.no. Mr.'l'aggert, of Wayne, Ohio, at the meeting ol the Ohio iState Agiicultural Society, taid hewaanot in favor of feeding bogs long, to make them weigh large weights, iic kept hia in the elov.-i fu-1,1 till lite beginning of September ; then when the corn begir.a to harden, cms it up, both ear andatalk, and feeds it lo them. "One bushel uf corn in September will fatten more than o'i,e and a half in December," Mr. T. re. commends killing by the 15th of November, as luting the most profitable time, for then there has heen hut li tilts expenditure of carbon for the pro. duciion of heat, when, left for another month, the cold, wintry storms make this necessary. PLA.MTi.tu Truth. A correspondent if the American. Agriculturist" gives tho following points to he kept in view in plaining oul treea of all kinds especially fruit trees. 1st. A portion ol Ihe roola should ho so r.rar the surface, and in so porous a soil, tbat they cau enjoy air and sun's warmth. 2.1. Part of the roots must go deep enough to secure abundant moisler or sap at all times par' cularly when llie surtace soil la temporally pracbed by drought. id. I he subsoil, so far down aa the roots pen etrate, should be of good character ; that is, it it should have heen so exposed to tha action of air aa to destroy the soluble protro tails of iron. magnesia, eic; and al'o o-gamc acids otherwise these substances will be aburhej and act aa poi son. To Phkskrve Pippiss 19 Slick. Ti.ka the faiieat pippins, pare them, and cut Ihem iu slices a quarter uf an inch thick, without taking out the cores ; boil two or three lemons, and slice them with tho apples ; take Ihe same weight of white 1 sugar, (or clarified brown sugar.) put half a gill i of water for each pound of sugar, iliseulvo it, and set it over the fire ; when it is toilini; hot put iu ( the slices ; let them boil very gei.tly until they i are clear, then take Item wilh a akimmer, and spread Ihem nut on flat di.ihes to cool- boil the sirup until it is qu'le thick and pour il over them. These may he done a day before lln-y are wauled, two hours will he sufficient to make a line dish for iluaert or supper. c c i p c $ Fvekypopy's Pi.iM Piimi.Mi Anecono l micully boiled plum pudding, thnt ia both wholesome and economical, can be made as lollows : Heat two eges with a Coffee cupful of sugar, bulf a pound ol beef suet, chapped fine. two heopeiitd tablespoonsful of mi.ed spice, and a little salt. Dissolve a U'j.-pwil"l ol soda in a cup of milk, also one and u-half lea spoonfuls io a cupful of milk ; pour ihe two together aud mix thoroughly with the above tngredii tits. Then mix iu two poui ds of silt ed flour, alternately, cupful aud a hull ol Inke wuiin water. Add a qtiutter uf a pound of seeded raisins, and d quarter of a pound of enrrunts. Keep covered ; boil steudily foi full three bouts. Allow as much room as pud ding in the bug. To be eaten with bard sauce. Tt) lsKKl" Hl'TTKR SlVMiT. Or. 1'lsnii Smith contributes to the Aimrirnn Ayricultu rift the following directions for preserving butter in good condition fur any leunth ul time, lu .May or June, wnen butter is plen tr, work it thoroughly two or three tun. . and udd to the last working nearly one grain uf saltpetre, and a teaspnouful of pulverized l inf sugar to each pound of butter. Park il t ght ly io stone jar to within two inches o' the top, uud fill tbe remaining space wilh strong tn ine. ('over tho jars tightly, and bury lliem in the cellar bottom, wbera ibe butter will be kept unhurt for long time. ProNGK Cinr. F.leveo eggs, one-poe-sugar, teu ounces of flour, the mid 111011 and part of tbe juice. Tbe be beaten 10 a still (nth. Lemon Pik. One ' n.-t efineoKe - & C a Making Cam Without Better. A New F.oglaud lady, who Is quit a famous house keeper, recommend an economical plan for making cake without bolter, whirh may be oseful to some of our readers. Take a piece of sofl pork fat and melt it down, and ttraio tbroogb a piece uf course, thiu muslin. Set it asido until cool. It is then white and firm, and may be used like butter in any kind of cake. In pound cake she assure us it is de licious, blie soys that after one trial she nev er used butler again. Hon. Kit ImiIan I'lpoimi -Two eegs. one quart of sweet milk. one quarter of a tea spoonful ofsaleratus. Stir in Indian meal enough to make a thin batter ; put il into a beg mad of thick cloth, tie tigbt, but leave room for It to swell. Put into a pot of boil ing water, boil constantly six hour. If it should stop boiling, fit! op wilh boiling water. VtLoaaLK I.iaiMfcNT. A for liniment the beat I know of lor horses or human beings, for spraiua, awelliiigs, ('light consequent on blows, &c.) in horsra and sure throat and rheumatism in horse mailers, ia aa follows ; Equal part i f ef harlehurn, (aqua ammonia) oil origianuni, olive oil, gum ctmphnr, ladanum and spiiit tur pentine all best quality to which add three pari of good aoap. I bave used thia for several years. Country Gentleman. CkkTAIM CliRK FOR II KaDACIIK. Two spoonsful of finely powdered cbarconl, drank in half a glass of water, will io less than fifteen minute, give reliei to tbe sick headache, when caused, as in most cases it is by a super abundance of acid 00 tbe stomach. I'ni.r.vin Cut Flow tas -When cut flowers bave faded after having been placed in a boquet. or perhapa worn for a whole evening in a head, dress, they may he revived in the morning by cut tine; half an inch from the lower end of the stem and putting this end instantly into boiling Water. It lit 0 r 0 H 5 a) Epoons A Yankee Trick. Some year ago, before railrords were iu vented, a cute Massachusetts Yaukee ws oue day travelling in a stage in tbe State of Connecticut, Tbe passengers slopped for breakfast at a place where tbe landlord was tinted for Ins parsimucy ; and it was strongly suspected Hint he bad paid tbe driver to hurry off the stage before the passengers could ens half a meal, in order to Save his victuals. Tbe Yankee beard this talk, and he sat down to breakfast with tk,n determination to eat his niouey's worth whether tbe stage left him or not. While, therefore, Ibe rest of the passeu gers were bolting tbeir victuals ia Ibe great est possible baste, our Massachusetts man took bis time. The passengers bad scarcely finished a single cup of Coffee, ood ate but s few monthfuls, when tbey beard tbo unwel come sound of the born, and tbe driver ex claim, "Stage ready !'' Up rise the grumbling; passengers, pay tbeir fifty ceuts, and lake Ibeir seats. "All aboard, geulsf" iuquire the boat. "One missing," said tbey. Proceeding to tbe dining room, tbe host finds our Yuukee frieud very cooly helping himself to an iuimecse piece uf steak, the size of a horse's lip. "You'll he Left, sir ; atage ia going to start." "Wal, I hain't got notbiu' to Bay again It." "Cun't wait, sir; better take your seat." "I'll bo gaul darned ef 1 dew, nutber, till I've got my breukfuss! I've got tew pay half a dollar, and Pin goiu' to get tbe vslee oo'l 1 arid ef yew kalbal.tte 1 ain't, yew air miata keu." So tbe stage did start and left tbe hungry New Eoglander, who cootinued bis attack ou tbe edibles. Biscuits, coflee, steak,, ic., dis appeared rapidly before tbe eyes of tbe astou ished landlord. "Say, Squire, them there cakes is 'iouf East; fetch us 'uutber grist on 'em. You, (tn tbe waiter,) outlier cup uv that air conee. l ass them eggs. Raise yenre own pork. Squire T this is amszin' nice bam. Laud 'boot hem tolerable cbeap, Squire t Ilaiu't got much maple timber in Ibeso parts, bev ye I Dewin' right smart trade, Squire, 1 callale. Don't lay yewre own eggs, dew ye?" und tbu, tbe Yankee kept quizzing tbe landlord oourt bo bad made a hearty meal. " Say, Squire, tow I'm 'bout tew conclude payiu' my devowers tew this ere table, bul ef yew'd just give us a bowl of breal and milk lew sorter top off with, I'd be much obleeged tew ye." So out go tbe landlord and waiter for the bowl, mi'k and Oiead, and set them before tbe Yaukee. "Spewn, tew, ef ye please." Hut uo spoon could be found. Landlord wa9 sure be bad plenty of silver one, laying on the table when the stage stopped. "Say, yew ; dew yew think tbem passenger, is goiu' tew pay yew for a brenkfucs aud not git no compensashun t" "Ah I wbut ! Do you think any of the pas sengers took them ?" "Dew I think? No, I don't think, but I'm sartiu. P.I' Ihey are all as green as yew about here, I'm goiu' tuw lucate iuiuiediate'y and lew oust." The landlord rushes out to the aibl,t and starts annul oil uller thestsgi gone about tt-rue miles Tiie n ibe stage, and says something t a low toue. He immediately t ouurriviug al the hotel, our out to luke b'B seat, and says "lleow air jew, gents? I' jew back." "Can you point nut the m tbe sprou' ? ' asked the Ian "Pint bim tot? H'rlii Squire, 1 paid yew four li'eakl'uk, all l I dilute I Yew'll find them spoons "Go uhead, all aboard A Gt on Jokh ON TI1R Thai The Oswego nig story al tbe exper umong ihe "I oys" as "On the twu o'cl seuer train from . tidy and her son, the latter travell iiinumer.tblM etc ing freight, V pisseiuera 1 hey reac' appear past Ii