Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, November 09, 1861, Image 3

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WAmimoToii, Nov. 3,
' Oc Friday-, General Stone sent (It ft of
rnca to HaH't Bluff, with k letter to Geo.
Kvens, asking for Information relative to the
disposition be bad mada of lb (land ud
prisoner of oor arnjr. ' Gen. Evans returned
m very polite Dot, Hating thtt the dead hud
It hero properly interred, end tbat tbe
prisoners bad been ceot to tbe tobacco
warehouse, lo Richmond,
Last evening, the ceremony of presenting
, iorJ voted by the City Council, of Phil
adelphia, to Major-General McClellan, took
place at the bead quarters of that gentleman,
coroer of U and Fifteeotb streets'.
At balf paat seven o'clock, Oen. McClellan,
accompanied by bit brother, Dr. Jno Me.
Clellon, eotered tbe front parlor, where the
presentation took place, and by that gentle
man was iotrodnced to Mr. Benton, and
subsequently to tbe Committee and tbe other
pnests present. On. McClellan wan atten
ded by reveral of the member of his staff
Among those ptesent we noticed Generals
McDowell, Porter, and Williams, Prince de
Joinville, and Doc de Cbartres) beiidea
there were a Dumber of other military gen
tlemen, occupying various poiitiooi in tbe
At tbe conclusion of tbe speech of Mr
Reoton, Geo. McClellan with tbe sword in
his baud, and restiug upoo it, replied as
lullows :
n-tri.r or arts.
"I auk yiio, sir, to give my warmest and
deepest thanks to tbe honorable body you
represent, for tbe entirely unmerited compli
ment. I could thank you better if I thought
I bat I deserved it, bat 1 feel tbat I do nut.
Nothing thut I have yet accomplished would
warrant this high compliment. It is for the
future to decide whether 1 shall realize the
expectations and bopes tbat have been
ceoiared in me.
"I trust and feel tbat the day it not far
distant wheu 1 shall return to tbe place
dearest or all others to me, there to spend the
balance of my life among the people from
whom I received this beautiful gift. Tbe war
canuot be long. It may be desperate. I ask
in tbe filure lorbnaraoce, patience and con
fIJeoce. With these we can accomplish all j
and wbilo 1 know that in the great dram ma
which may have our hearts blood, tbat Penn
sylvania will nut play tbe least part, 1 trust
that, on the other band, she will play tbe
behest and noblest part.
"I again thank yon, and ask yon to convey
to (he Council my most sincere thanks fur
t!ie sword. Say to them tbat it will be my
umbition to deserve it hereafter; I know I
Uo nut now."
Tbe correspondence between General Scott
end tbe Secretary of War. on the retirement
nt tbe former from uctive military service, and
the incidents connected with this fact, jou
have already been made acq-) en ted with.
This, together witb tbe order from General
McClellau on bis assuming command of the
armies of tbe United Stales, bave been one
f the principal topics of conversation during
tbe paat day or two. Contrast between Scott
n the hero of the Montezumas, Gred by all
the impulses of bis nature, and as he onw
Says of himself, as once did H chelien in his
ou case, " weak old man," und the feelings
uf the heart move out in reverence to the
gallant hero of a nation's glory.
At tbe conclusion of his letter to Secretary
Cameron, when he says : "And to you Mr.
Hecrelary, whom I now officially address for
the last time," there eeeais to be conveyed
hii expression fearfully ominous. Those
words, "for tbe last time," when taken in
connection with tbe fact of the advanced age
if General Scott, and his many physical
infirmities, are calculated to fill tbe mind with
tears of bit death at so late period, and thus
deprive a nation of "the benefits of hiB wise
cuuneels and sage experience," which Secre
tary Cucneron, in his reply, trusts may yet bo
received from him-
Let us all indulge in the hope that the lire
df General Scott may long be spared bim,
and tbat be shall yet live to see the day
when the auioo of tbfse States may agaiu
he coosuinated upon a firm and euduring
The epartureof Lieolentnt General Scott
tnnk place yesterday morning, at four o'clock.
He proceeded io bis carriage to the depot,
accompanied by all the members of hi late
stall, except Colonel llamiltoo, who preceded
him to New York yesterday. At the depot
he was joined by his civil escort for the trip,
Secretaries Cameron and Chase. Shortly
uftt-r ulijjhting from hit can isge, M jor Gen
t-ral McClellan, accompanied by his entire
a LIT and escort of cavalry, reached tbe depot
uud proceeded to tuke leave of the hero
veteran, whose parting with General McCfel
ian wuh a Vury affecting one indeed. They
hook bunds, and tears were visible on their
cheeks. General Scott said : "1 have never
fully known you until now, and I part from
yon us from u son."
Colonels Van Kenselleor, Cullnm and
Wright, of his late staff, accompanied bim on
h i journey, leavicg. Colonel Townsend, bis
late Adjutant General, only, in Washington,
to close up tbe business at bit lata head-
The newt from Eoropa by the last steamer
shows that tbe Mabel emissaries in London
and Paris am very and confident noisy in
their belief that the necessities of tbe menu
lacturiiig interest will lead to ao interference
in the American struggle, for the purpose of
breaking op '.be blockade, io order to procure
a supply uf cotton; but it is evident that
their cause, Instead of gaining ground, is
losB it, bolb with tbe people and the press.
Jc addition to this information, much gratifi
cation is ufiordeil by tbe Londou I'ost, the
oriiuu of L'ird Palmerston, wbicb be a strong
article against any interference, and exposing
the fallacy or the notion that the recognition
of tbe Confederate States would re open the
cotton trade. On tbe contrary, it argues that
such a recognition would only iocrease tbe
rigor of the blockade, aod that aoy interfe
rence with the blockade would be ao act of
war, embroiling England at once witb tbe
United State.
Tbe Conut de Sayre, a lineal descendant
of Count Rocbambesu, of American Revolu
tionary fame, bat tendered hi melilery ser
vices to the President, and has been assured
that they will be aceepted. Tbe same
answer has been given to the Baron da
Kchoneo, a descendant of General Lafayette,
It ia expected that tbey will soon reach the
United States.
Ths Kixivcis or Ts Wi.-Tha Hon. Jas.
IHxon, in an eloquent and patriotic speech, de
livered At the L'uiou meeting in UartUrd, dwtlt
upon ihe ability of lha country lo aualain the ex.
peiifes of iba war, and upon lha security which
ihe national loan ofleied ss an investment. On
thia point he at id: 'Look at England. You
' aay our expeuace are large, and so Ihey are.
fciouie estimate, tbem at one million of dollars a
day. But what svere the ext-eiises of England
during ber war with Napoleon ! From If 03 lo
1816, w ith less than eighteen million inhabitants,
her expenses were one million, three hundred
thousand dollars a day for a period of thirieeo
jeara. For one hundred data previous lo the
aula of Waterloo her esiatnace were five mil
lions of dollars a day. Of thia east aura a large
rireporlten was expended on tha coutinaut of bu
tone while our entire expenditure la at home.
Jf for thirteen years England could expend one
million, three hundred thousand dollars a day
abroad, ran not we do it for on or two yeaaa if
licwsssry every dollar meanwhile icin
insininz st
.1 home I Interest, therefor, no lata than Ptirl.
ulinu, rruiaet us to suWiib fo lbs loan.
W have heard that John O. Breckinridge
hat published manifesto to the people of
Kentucky, dated at Bowling Greeo, th Rebel
beadqoarter, bot wa bav been on able to get
light or it, Tb St. 1 ,00 is Republican
appear to bav been more fortunate, aod
give nt soma iosigbt Into it content. Mr
Breckinridge says it i wrilteo at tba first
momiDt since bis eipalaion from born tbat
ha could place bit feet on th toil of Keo'
tucky. This is a most impudent perversion
of tbe troth, for b never was expelled from
boma; ba loft Lexington Impelled by bis
guilty fear of arrest, and bit retreat was
lighted by the burning self consciousness of
bis complicity with treason.
Wben the mock "Duke" of Tobto't Comedy
it compelled to lay aside tbe borrowed robes
of authority, he duet it with a conttrained
grace "as a well bred dog walks dowo stairs
when be teet preparation! miking for kicking
him down," and io the same spirit Breckio
ridge resign hit seat a n. ember or tbe
Senate of the United States, saying, "I
exchange with proud satisfaction a term of
six years in the United States Senate for the
musket of a soldier." This it tbe blaster of
the "Aucient PiBtuI," for we all know that
tbe service of tbe ex Senator, if he serve at
all, will be Io some honorary position, witb a
sword and on a cbarger. Our St. Louis
cotemporary says tbe address would fill two
of its columns, and is made op of mierep'r'
Dentations. Breckinridge says there it no
longer a Senate or tbe United Statet within
tbe meaning aod spirit of the Constitution
"tJio United Statet no longer exists tbe
Union is dissolved."
But Kentucky it still one of tbe United
States; his deceived and betrayed constitu
ents are ttill loyal ; they recngnite proudly
lue exitteiice ol tbe government or the r
fathers, and they, deny that the Union is
dissolved. By what argument can M r. Breck
inridge assert tbat tbe Union it dh-tnlved
now more tbao it was in August last, or that
the existence of tbe United Statet baa been
imperilled since the session or Congress,
when he ocenpied his seat as a Senator ol tbe
United States from tbe Slate of Kentucky,
and drew bis pay from the Federal Treasury
lor bis services? If Air. Breckinridge be.
lieved, when be took tbe Government's sold,
that the Uoited Statet no longer existed, and
that tbe Unioo was dissolved, he acted like a
petty larceny thief and a swindler. He
knows that bit course is Indefensible; he is
self convicted or the vilest treachery to the
State which ba honored him ; and, being
unwilling to face tbe indignant people of
Kentucky, he bat toraked away from their
presence, and, surrounded by cut throats and 1
thieves, iuceudiarieg and felons, as a body
guard, bus issued this impudent manifesto.
We do not care particularly about teeing
the text of this last dying speech and confes
sion of John C. Breckinridge. We know
that he cannot justify bis conduct, but that
be Las tbe lusidious talent to conceal his real
purposes beneath glittering sentence and
honeyed words. The Republican calls them
"frivolous and unjustifiable excuses for a bud
act." But the trial and condemnation of
Mr. Ureckiuridge were held and pronounced
before the jury uf popular opinion months and
mnutlis ago. W hue ba was holding tbe
second office io the girt of lb 8 people, end
presiding over the S oate of the United
Slates ; while be wat afterwards a candidate
for the Presidency, and ahile he was exerci'
sing the duties of a United States Senator,
he was plotting to betray bis country, and
was in league with the infamous traitors who
conspired to break up the Government.
Uf all the persons eogaged in this nefarious
work, be achieved the lowest depth of
degradation, fur be allowed himsulf to be used
as a fourth candidate to distract and divide
tbe vote of the country, witb the full conli'
dence tbat it would lead to tho election of
Mr. Lincoln, and thus pres?nt to the Southern
malcontents a pretext for their acts of seces
siou. While those who were his followers in
this treachery left their seats iu Congress, he
remained there, and gave aid to tbem in
opposing every appropriation of men end
means to resist the rebellion, although it wus
menacing, within five or six miles, the very
Federal Capital where be was tilting. No
man is more deeply end terribly responsible
for tbe blood and pillage and crime and borror
of tbe last six months. He knowt it, ton ;
be koowt that he it us guilty as Cain after
the first fratricide, and he flies from the
vengeance that awaits him. He is a refugee
from his native State, with tbe brand' upon
his brow and the gnawing vulture of i-emorso
at bis heart. Hit fate will be tbat or a
In the bit! hattla,
B-irnedown by the flying,
Where miiujira wnr'a rattle
With glioma of the dying,
Thera alinll ha he Iriiig-
Monsterof perfidy, ingrate and fiend, bit
name will be eternally linked with those of
Judas ami Arnold, and when history seeks to
recount the damning deeds of those who bave
entitled themselves to the execration of man
kind, that name will be foremost in the scroM,
which was borne by one, who, in the veiy
spirit of the arch-demon, thought It '-better
to reign in hell than serve in heaven."
Louitvitle Journal. Oct. 294
The good poople of Chicago never look for goa
sip for home consumption. The latest ecundal
hiils fair to rival the celebrated Burch case, and
in limes of peace would be the absorbing topic at
all Ihe tea tables in Ihe lake metropolis. The
circumstances are in brief, that on a recent eve
ning Captain Burns, I'. S. A., was found under
a bed in one uf Ihe chamliers of Ihe residence of
Mr. Cbatlea A ringers, a commission merchant.
Mr. Rogers discovered his boots protruding from
under a low collage bed, and gave the alarm.
Mr. Rogers with a Mr. Dickinson, the former
having a revolver and the latter a cane, went into
ihe chamber, and disruveted Burna in his uni
form lying oil hit tuck, close to the wall. They
demanded of bim to come out, wbicb he did, and
while reeling upon hie knee, drew a iiitol from
his side pocket Mr. Rogers at that Gred, tbe
ball entering Burna' cheek, paating out bis mouth,
and carrying with it one or two teeth and a portion
of the j-tw. Burns instantly teluri.ed Ihe tire,
the hall taking eflect in Hogeta tboulder and in
flicted a flesh wound.
Three or four more ahota were interchanged
without effect, after which Burnt rushed from
the room. Rocete fired a parting shot iuat as
Burns reached the top of the stairs, and immedi
ately upon tbe report of the piatol, Burns fill head
long down tbe stairs, huppiaing that he was
killed or mortally wounded, Rogers and Dickiu.
son hastened down ataits, aud found bim uninjur
ed except by the first shot.
Un the legal examination it was shown that
Burnt bad always borne the reputation of being a
quiet, peaceable and honest man. Uulil lauuury
last he bad been in Ibe employ of the American
Express Company, having charge of tbe Penn
sylvania Central freight. Before tbe marriage
ef Mrs. Rogers, then Mite. Woodwoilh, an inti
macy existed between the lady and Captain Burna,
amounting in the estimation of the public to an
engagement. Home lime in 180 thia intimacy
was broken oft, and in December of the aame
year Miss Woodwor'b married Mr. Cberlee A
Rogers. '
The prosecutor contended that Burns bad in
troduced bimaalf in this unusual manner, actuated
by feelings of jealousy and revenge, for Ibe com
mission of some felcny. The defence urged in
extenuation that an extensive correspondence had
pasted between the lady and the defendant ; that
the latter bad these epistles in his poaaasaioo at
the time, and was present to deliver tbem lo the
lady alone. 1 heae are Ihe .facts in Ihts luystart
cue affair aa established by lha evidence. The
street and lea labia goseip has all aorta of rumors
and aheurd stories in relation to it. The publie
should withhold any decision until such time as
full trial shall disclose all lbs facta IB the case.
OgaT.Dirs: WiUJiMt.lele of Texas, tayt thst
sine- Ibe cinmencemenl of ihe rehellion, a ihmt
j sand Union rum have teen bimj in Teios, AiWao
' tat and lenuetsrr, lr a ount ciime Idas ' -
I thev wtis lo. el to the ti j ei ui- Sal M ihrir lit'..
It Ati.aoAO A ooidht. Last Fi May tb cot
doctor of a freight train on tba Northern Ceo
tral Railroad, going sooth, when about to run
tbe oart on a awitcb below "fork, he fell on lb
track, losing one of hit legt. Ha it a Bait),
moreen bis name we bave oot learned, la
consequence of tbls accident the twitch bad
oot been changed, and the passenger train
coming along shortly thereafter, we rso off
the track and detained for several hours.
Harritbytrg Ttlegraph. ' "
A Com rot. Swearing Ao inllligent lady
whnte little boy wat beginning to swear, anx
ious to express to her cbild tbe horror of pro
fanity, bit upon a novel plaa of waahiog out
his month with totp suds whenever be swore.
It was ao effectual on re. The b ly understood
bis mother's sense of the cnrrnplion of an oalh,
which with the latte of tbe suds, produced the
desired result. Tbe practice if universally
adopted, would raise the pr ce of soap.
It is stated that the combined fleet which Eng
land, and France, and Spain propose to aend
againat Mexico will carry S.OOU guns, of which
Spain will furniah 600.
New Advertisement.
From Philadelphia to Ifeio I'ork und Way
From Walnut Street Wharf ami Kensington Depot.
Fhiladrlphia, will leave as fiUowa, vis raaa,
At t A M, via Camden and Amour C ft A Accom
modation, ft 85
At 0 A M, via Camden and Jeraey City New Jer
sey acr.ornmudatl"n, 9 93
At W A M, via Camden and Jeraey eily Morning
Mail, J no
At 12 H M, via Kanaington and Jeraey city, Wee
tern Kxpreas, 9 00
At 121 P M via Camden and Amhoy, accommodation t US
At P M, via Cumden and Ambuy C aud A. Kx
preas, 3 00
A( 8 P M, via Kensington, and Jeraey city, Eve
ning K.xpress, . -3 or,
At 4 P M, via Keniingtoa and Jettey city, td
Clan Ticket, J j
At P M, via Canidwl A Jeraey city Evening Mail 3 to
At It P M. via Cumden and Jeraev citv South. Mail 5
At 5 P M. via Camden ami Amboy -AccomimaJa-
tiiiii, (Freight aiiu raiaiier,) lit clara ticket, S 35
d " 1 SO
The P. M. Mail Lino ruua daily. Tha 11 Southern
Mail Snlurduva excepted.
For Helviilere, Kunfn, Fletninatnn, Ac, at 7 10 A. A!.,
from Walnut atreet wharf and 9 P. M , from Keniiitoti,
r or m mien ununa, Aiirmown aim uetnienem, at o, A Al.
via Lehlph Valley Railroad
For Witrer Gnn, Stroudsbnnr, Scranton. . Witkeahnrra.
Monlroae, Oieat Bend, Ac., ai 7 10 A M, via Delaware,
Ljai-KBwauua aim tveaiertl naiironn
For Freehold, at t A. M. and t P. M.
For Mount Holly, al 6 A M., and 1, P. M.
Kor ririproi, irenTon, arc, at 7 10 ann A.m., of,
6 30 and 1 1 P M irom Keuaingtoii and 'J P M front Wal
nut a' lent Whnrf.
ForPalmyra. Rivertnn. Ddaneo, Beverly, Burhrurton,
Florenee, Uonh-niown, Ac, at 17 J, I, S and 5) P. M.
trairibimt Trenlon. fir Hordentnwn, and intermediate
placet, nt 2 P M. from Wnlnnt atreet Wharf,
ror.ew Tora, ana vav i.inea leaving nenainv
ton Depot, take the caia on Fiith atreet, above Walnut,
half an hour before depurture. The care ran into the-De-
pi't. and on arrival of ench Train, run from the depot,
t Fifty pounds of Bafafta only, allowed each puvaenger,
l'aaaenfera are pinnunteu rrom taking! anytlniis; aa ifnv
gage but their wmrinjr apparel. All Bnecage over fifty
pounda to he paid for extra. Tha Company limit their
reaponaibility for UugKHge to One Dollar per pound, and
will not lie liable foi nuv amount beviaid 100 DulUta, ex
cept by peeinlcontm-t
t 11. OA TZ.Hr.ll Agent u. a A. K. K M
Nov. , n.
IVfOTICB ia heretiy that a number tf logs wera
taken up on Ihe 29th of rjeijt. ISC1, while
floating in the river Pu'quuhanna in Lower Mnh
onoy, Nottliumlwrlaiid county, Pa., h) Abraham
Blaster & Co., m-uring the following marks upon
them s -
III.VV, 8; 3H. S; 200 I: (0)S, I; UFAC, 2t
I.HH. 2; At'F, OH I. 5. 2; WH, AH;
, DWH Sj U.", P. J Mil 3; 81I) S; Cli 3.
OH 10, 114 Uj ,!) 2. JCU3. IK, PUP 2. (-),
THfi2,!)9. T. 1I&P2. C 2, (000V bC3,
A H. Jt- b- KP 8- slJ . 2- 3, CANS.
JFrt, (ill 2. .V. rj. P, 2. g. CW. A. C I B 3.
TO, JXM 2. JA3R 2, I,W 2, JSW S, CKS 2,
HM, (o).JKs. 2VV. 3S. r.Rt, LH, JS, SN.
8ticlf. JJM 2; MxV I.
A statement and desctintion waa filed in my
office on the 25th of October, 1861, at George,
town, Northumberland oounty. Pa , for the in
spection of all concerned. The owner or ownera
thereof are requested to prove property, pay all
legal charges and take them away, er otherwise
the aiiine will be forfeited. ,
I H KE3S1.ER, J. P.
fieorgstown, Nov. 2, 1HRI.
IS hereby given that tbe following loga were
tnkon up on ihe 20 of Sept., lhfil, by Philip
Buhh. while floating in the river Sunqnehanua,
in Northumberland county. Pa.:
I stick square timber 40 feet long, mark B.
1 ' " 40 " " EAI;
A atateineiil and dearritin was filed in my
trice on the Will Oct, INK I at Georgetown, Nor
thumberland county, Pa., for the inspection f
all concerned 4 n owner or ownera are requeat
ed to prove properly, pav all legal chargte and
take them away or olherwire the sama will be
forfeited. I. II, RUSTLE K.
Georgetown, Nov. 2, !8rt.
ItKV. J. F. YVAMPOLE, A. M , Principal and Teach
er of Lsngu.igcs.
M. L KoTiiRAcrr, A. B , Teacher of .Mathematics and
English Blanches.
Miss JnsKPHiaa RiTHSAtirr, Tuaoliat of Music on Pia
no aud Melodeou.
The Wiulet Term will commence on MoaDav, tha 11th
Gotal btairdmg can be had cheap in the village and vicin
ity. Tkhms caa QnsiTxa or Klsvxs Waaxs.
Common Huglish Branches, V3 00
Higher " 6.UU
Languages, 7 00
Music ar lessons,) 8.00
REV J P. WAMPOLE, Principal.
Elysbutg, Pa., Oct. 20 4t jhL
rpHE FA1X TERM of this institution wil1
A commence on Monday, October 28lh, 1 86 1
For particulate address tbe Principal
Berryaburg, Dauubin county, Pa.
October W, I fi 1 4l
7Vf)TI(.T is hereby given, that a number of Loga have
it been taken up while IIimiiiuk m the river usnuehaiuta
Northumberland coauty, by Coiualiua K. Vargca, bearing
the following maixa upou Ihtrn t
JOB; CB.4 ; C M ; BE;JHC: 1 D ; O R; J A K;
siUn;u; II B i II, C ; D .M H j V, W J IM O ; B; 8
j (u).
A tlalemenl and dea-riutlon was filed in mv efhee on the
Mh of Hepicniber, lBI,at Goigetown. Nollliunrberaoid
county, Pa., lot tha inaptc-lion of all coi.eerued. Th
owner or owners thereof are requested to prove property,
pav all legal ctiaigcs and lata them away or olherw-itt
the same will ba loifeited.
Georgetown, Oct. 13, HH. .
s oticb"
fVOTICK is hereby given tbul a number uf Logs bev-a
.t been tukeu up while floating iu Ihe river dusqushimua
in Northumberland county, by Philip Masaner and John
Uudercubler, bearing the following aiaika Ukh tbem i
J A Kj Jtj C B, 7; J Gi B Sj xx, l(SxD.5; (, S;h, t;
P U 8 t. I ! J F 8,3; BH P. 4; K, l;oi B, I; M M M, I:
v H K P; V x x; SI W. J; G M D; J M H; O It; C 6 , 5;
C K 8,3; EP, ;(, 3; 8 R. 0; CAN;h; IF; 4,3; Lit
B, l;C, H. 0; O, 6; p; S. 6; Ej (( ; ,; THO;()
(..); H 8 1; A P O, ; A 9 y, 4; B A C; R K c; J 8; C A 8;
o; n ;
J H O; T B; () I; J A II; HIM; J A K ;
w il w; i ur: nt K uo; vu , h w: J iltl!
D W II; j 8 M; (I); B A K.
A statement and dcsei iptton was filed in mv nSJee In tha
89lh of September, Genigetown, Northuinberland
co.. Pa., for Ihe ins;ection of sll concerned. The uwner or
owuers thereof are requested lo prova property, pay all
legal charges and take Ihero away or other wi to lha same
will ba forititcd
Georgetown, Oct SS, ISCI. .
NOTION ' . '
"fOTICE il hereby given, that a number of I.nga hava
i been laktll up while Healing iu lha river Pusquehanna
in Northumberland eouuiy, Adam AUaian, bearing lha fol
lowing uuika upoa Utem, via :
00, ; , I; B B O, 1; . 1; J F 8; 0 M D; B; O; J
4K;CR8;OIi; P.F-O; . F; B fc E, 6.i;J AS H,
t; c A 8. B P. U p, D M H, o H I a, W, n, a R 8,
M H O, C M, 81-8. BHp,cx, JMC.JW, ALE, A, H. CIB,
8H.CA8. (o. eH8, J AR.JH1I.O. eR.eoll. cP.F.
Timhef JJAI 30 feel h,ng ; do Sll feel long I JM SO ft
long I WM 34 feat long, LA 60 feet lnc.
Aeleteeaanl aod deseriplioH was tied mmyomcsoa lha
S9th f le(eaibaf, I Mil, al Oaorgetowa, Nnrthiuabetsaud
r -Willi . Pa., for the inspection of sUetuieeruad. Tha nwupff
,v-w-ers inaroa ara requeatrd to prove propartv, pay all
taarfpharasa aod uketheia away, at othetwitt tha sama
,. '.'
I r. .ivivueo. , i
f II Iit f-8l.hR. I . '
i to :z, i ss 1
New Millinery Goods. .
BUMS M. l etSL,EU,
Fawn Street, faro aVors unullk nf th Shamokin
Valley jr Pnttivill Rait Rnad.
UEBPECTFULI.Y informs- the titiiens of
8UNDUKY and vicinity, that aba baa Just
received from Philadelphia a large and ai lendid
assortment of the most iaebionebte style of
comprising of
CD CD E S B 133 ,
which ahe is selling at the most reasonable prices
'1 o which she directs the attention of the ladiea
and invites all to call and aee thaw.
'J'hankful for past patronage, she hopes by
keeping to beat assortment at reasonable prices
to continue the same.
Wunbury, October 19, 1881 3m '
M ill ine r y 0 b o d s
at the Store of '
RllHses n. & l, 6llls.rcn,
Simpmi's BuHding, Market Square, 8UNBUKY, Pa
ri'HE publia are invited to call and examine .licir .Villi
J. aeiv Uoodajuatopeuvd aoch aa Ijuiies' Dress U-ii.ds,
Silks, and tha latest New Yark and ruiladeluiiia styles
FURS, Ladles' Gloves, Hosiery, llandkerchlefe, Notions,
Floweis. and Millinery goods. if every variety.
. MANTUA MAKING Dresses made ia tha beat man
ner and in any atyle.
Wa intend lo aell low, eaH and examine nar atnek.
II. . L. mil&vLER.
Sonbnry, October 19, (Ml. . ....
BI.K bod'rd, reliable young men, between
Ihe agea sf 18 and Sft. are wanted to (ill up
a company of 'nfontry, auihorized by Oovernnr
Curtin. lo be raired by EDWIN A. EVANS, of
Northumberland Borough.
Persons collating may be ensured that no
efTorla will be spared on the part of tbrir Uficera
lo prov de for their comfort, by the selection of
adequate clothing, blankets, Ac Promptness in
the pay of the soldier will also be Insured by the
practical buaineas experience of Ihe Captain.
It ia tha design oi Ihe officers, as far as poaaible,
to receive young men ol good social and moral
character, and to pay especial regard to Ihe moral
condition of Ihe Company.
Tbe pay of non-cnmmisaionrd officers and
privates ranges from 13 to 29 dollars per month,
with a bounty of $100 to those who serve out
their time of enlistment. Ample provisions have
been made for .the support .of the families of
married men who enlist.
Persons wiabing to serve their country in this
its hour of peril, can do so by calling on
EDWIN A. EVANS, Captain.
Northumberland. Ps.
CH AS. R. EVANM, 1st Lieutenant,
T1I03. 8. LOTZ, 2d Lieutenant,
New Berlin.
October 19, 1881.
Widows' Election under the (300 Law.
VJI.i'i'ICE ia hereby givon that appraisements
of real and personal properly have la?cn
made lo the widows, respectively, of the follow ng
named decedents, agreeably to Ihe acta of
A.asemtily, in such cusea made and provided :
1 Frederick G. Fiedler, deceased.
2 Frederick Haas,
3 William Hayes, "
4 Philip Focal, -6
James Cameron, '
And that Ihe aaine will be presented to Ihr.
Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, for
approval, on Tuesday, tbe 12th day of November
licit, unless exceptions be filed thereto before
said day. J. B. MASSE R, Clk. O. C.
Hunlitiry, October 19, IS6I.
Assessors- '
nPHE Assessors of Northumberland county are
requested to make return of their triennial
asseesmeula to the Commiaidmier'a I Mica, on the
27th day of December, INfJI, al which time there
will be a meeting of Ihe Board of Coiuiuiaaionera.
By order of the Board,
H. D. JORDAN, Clerk.
Comrr iioner' Office,
aunbury, October 1, I8BI.J
IJKSI'ECTFULI.Y mforme lha cilixena of Hunt ry
1 and vicinity, tliawne baa opened a Houm at Ilia Wash
ington House, where he oflera for aale
Of every varitv, tiz and uuulitf. Anew invention
t?l lncli, for ditttmil ur ciM rrndiiifr, with guM, lilver,
lerl. mid Wftone-iiett fiaiiifv. mtd m w and npitrAvi-d n-
rlineiit f penlt-ctit anUpral"lH vruund flint Ulnuea of
hia own mnnulacturft. He vv-'UhJ mrlirutuily call altfii
turn ul the uubhc t hia tiueciaolwi un Neur Hitrhted kvr
una, and ,nrj ina who linvu IweH opt-ntted uprni tho eata
ruct ol the ea, and tn hn new kind GlitMiea and Cmi-'
erveii of tiie aiglit, niitdaol the beat flint and azure din.
ei, OotHl UIhh may be known by then ah,e. ttxtict cen
tra, aliurp and highly ixiliahrd aiirlace. Tha qualiliai are
to be found in a high drgree in hia glueeet.
The very best lirezillinn Pebble I so univer
sally proved to ba far Superior to any
other Qlass.
Also, Microscopes, 8py and Quizzing -Glees of every aire
and quality, telescopes, ftiHguiiing and upera uiassm,
w lib didrreiil powers, togetiiet with every variety ul ar
ticles in the Unlical line not mentioned.
IV Outicalaim other Instruments and Olasaea carefully
repaired uishortu4icc. tlacuu alwuys select fjlasnes tj
suit the vision uf the person, as he seeslhem, upon thehrsl
trial. He will reuiamiii thia place duiiug November Cuurl
and those in want uf Uie ubuva arliclca will please give
nun a call.
Cx?" tie will, if requijed. go la any reapectable house
Where hit services may De wauled.
17 The veiy beat Lie Waits aud tha beat Hunting
Ulasses aiwayaior suit.
October IV, ieol.
JOHN W. UUCHER, Local Agent, buubury
fTtlbe aubscrilier, having been appointed local
JL Agent for tbe sale of Fruit trees, plants,
vines, &c, of one of the most reliable Nurseries,
calls the attention of all who want choice fruit to
this method, as more reitain than by obtaining
them through traveling agenla. Among those
described in the Catalogue are, Dwail t ear
Trees, uf ibe age fur transplanting, rumaikshly
warf A Pi'la Trees, on Paradise fttocks, ma
king beautiful little trees for the garden, and pro
ducitig remarkably fine specimens of fruit in a
very abort tune.
JJwaif Cherry 1 rees, budded on Muhaleu
Stocks, handsome trees.
Htandaul Apple, Pear and Cherry Trees, verv
fine, with a large list ul varieties.
Peach, Plum, Nectarine and Apricot Trees.
tiooeeherry, Dlac.kberry and Hliawberry Plant
all of the finest kinds.
CurruiH!, many new and improved varieliea.
aurh as Cherry, White Urape, While Uuiidouui,
Ked Grane. Victoria. Vc.
rilrawherry I'lanla. in great variety, including
the Hooker, Wilson't Albany, Triuinpbie de
Uand, (the moat approved old varieties,) as well
aa all the noveltiea.
Grape Vines, incloding those fine, new, yet
well leated kinda, which no plainer should be
without, such is Delaware, Concord, end Hart-
ford Prolific 'I'bete we have propagated so ex
lenaively as to able to offer theut at reduced and
oaliefaclory pnoea.
Plants, Rosea, Evergreens and every variety of
ornamental Ireea aad Hhrubtiery, securely packed'
JOHN W. Ill CHKIt. Agent, Uunbury Pa.
Sunbuiy, r'ebuary, W, 1861.
It IT IM FACTL'R F.D and fer Hale by M . reinar A Co;
It i. librsialt and JUclMwcll'a BuikliiHt, Nivlh East
cntnar,8cuud aad Race streets Philadelphia. -, ,
GOODS C(,'AllA.TEi:p.
Oct bar It, I HO
IV OICK is hereby gtven'thnl the eeial
' Court of Common Pleas, General (Quarter
Seaeions of the peace, and Orphans' Court. Court
of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery,
in and for the couhty of Northumberland, to
commence at the Court Htuae, in Die borough ot
8unbury, at 10 o'clock, A. Nf. on Monday, tbe
4ih day of NOVEMBER next, and will continue
The coroner, Justices of tbe Peace and consta
bles in and for the county of Northumberland, are
requested to be then and there in their proppt per
sona, with their rolls, records, inqtiieitiona, and
other remembranors, to do those tliinga to their
several offices appertaining to hwdotie. And all
witnesses prosecuting ill behalf of the Common'
wealth against any prisoner are also requested and
commanded to be then and there attending in their
proper persons to prosecute again! him, aa shall
be just and not to depart without leave at their
peril. Jurors are requestod to lie punctual in their
attendance, at the time appointed agreeable to
their noticea ; ' '
Given under my hand at ftunbury, the 1st day
uf Oct , in the yeur of our Lord one lliotia.
and eigh' hundred and sixty-one and the
independence of the United Mtatea of America
the M5th.
God save the CommonwuaUh.
SheriiTe Office, riutibury, I
Oct. 6, IW6I. J
Ihe modern styles of Pictures, executed in a
superior manner.
(W Rooms in bis CAR, Market Square,
Sunbury. Pa.
Augnat 10, 1861.
For tha care of dcnri'ula, lnciuenl Conaumplion, Ouuend
Debility, White wellma, Itheuinalism, Uise-;it-a of
the Liver ami kin, and all Diseases Arising from
Impurities of the Wood and taa EH'eou ol
Swaimfs Panacea baa been lor more than fori) yenrs
cilebrated in this country aud in Europe for ita extra
ordinary cures, for the certiliuates of which reference is
made to the diiectiona and books (which may Im hnd
gratis; aceoninnuying lha I'auaceat ame of which give
the purticalnra uf caa-e leu fiightrul lor general publica
li-n, wliera the paiieuta have been almost eaten up with
Scrofula, and weie deemed Incurable by Physiciane.
It hue been used iu hospitals and private practice, and has
been recommended by Ihe most celebrated physicians and
other eminent persons. Amn others, by W. Uibsou, M.
D., Prof, of Surgery, Penn. l Diversity ; Valentine Molt,
M.D., Prof of aurncry, N. Y. L'liivuisitv ; V. P. De
wees, M D.t Prof. Mid . Penn. University; N. Chapman,
M. D Piof. ol Physic, Penn. University ; T. Pnrke, M. U.,
Piesident College Physicians, Philadelphia ;-Dr. Del Vullo,
Plof. of Medicine, Huvana j Jose Fouieneo de Lux, Prof,
of Suigery, Lisbon j J. Clilpninn, Membi-r Koyal College .
Hurgeons, Ixnidon ; ti. W. Jiving, late Minister to ftpain ;
8ir Thomas Pearson, Mnj ir Ueucral Btitisb Army j Gil
bert Robeitson, British Consul. Ac.
The wonderful cures effected bySSVALVPS PANACKA
have for many ye:ira made it an invaluable remedy. The
Panacea docs not contain mercury in nay foim. and, being
an innocent piepurati n, it may ba giveu to the most ten
der infant.
The retail price his been taluced to St. 50 per bottle,
(coulailiiiiK three half pints,) or three bottles for 84.
Swaim's Pinacea i in round liollles, Huted longitudinally,
witb the fili-iwii.g tetteia blown on the vtaes:
Having the nnma of JAS. 8WAIM slsuiped on the sealing
wax and written on the label envenng the cork, anl a
sp endid enamviog on the side of the botlle, by Drapci A
Co., bank note engmvera, in the centre of .which iaapor
Halt il the late Wiu Swaim, (eopyriaht secured.)
II persons purchasing the t'anaceu will lie cnrelnl u oi-
teive that the wotd SVVAl.M is conecily spelled, Ihey need
nut ba imposed on.
Aletl., rvAim;' i r.n.tiu- Lur.,
A valuable fnmilv medicine, being a hi'shly approved reme-
edy fia all diseases nrismg In in debility of the digestive oi-
miis, such as, Acidly ol ine rnoniat-ii, itornis, likh ru
Torbua, Dyseutary, Fever and Agne, Bleeding Piles, Sick
lleud:iehc, Ac. fee the pamphlet (which may be had gra
tis,) accompanying Verunfuiie.
Prepared only at SWAIM'S LA DORA TORY. TIIK
l It l-.r I s u I , I'nuaueipnid, anuajiu uy au uruggiska in oie
United Hnlee
Oenaral Aaents rnr the Lulled tatca.
17U Wiliiani Aael, New York.
Phil'a, Oct. f 3m p.
For trinl In the Court of Co-ninon Pleaa of Nor
iRumberla-td county, ISoveuibcr I erm 1 86 1
Plabitifla. Defendants.
John Wilier, dec J. beirs vs Wm I.evan, with no
tice to Mahonoy aud
bhamokio Imp l.'o.
Win 1. Dewart, vs Simhury Canal and Water
Power Co.
Samuel H Barton, Wm McKiaeirk,
Maria Uougcr vs Jacob Doiueiider auu
David Miller, dtx'd. adni'r vs Dtuckemillsr and
1 oung.
Peter Bably vs Joseiib P Kcunedy.
Geo W Fleming, dec. adiu. y VT 1, Huifenetein.
Oalen ti Robtns, dec. sdm. ra Mary Keese,
Same, va Mpeucer M A W m 11 Kane.
Lawrence Tierney
vt Win Harr,
Win P ISngle
Hats and iiowen,
vaJohn U McMicksr,
v Betij Hcbock
vs John 8hiselar,
John Keiler,
Krcilzer 4 Cts for J v
va Kalph llogle, deceased,
adiu r.
John for Mary vs
M A Kaeler and John
Jotiah Keiler va Sanaa
K Tbacker and Saruh his wrie va Martin Kissel.
J I) Matter for Win L Eluaheth and M Mui
E Y bright
Henry Tharp,
vs JouaJJichael and A
va ISortherif Central 11 U Co
Jesae C H or ton
va llewart and Uescbaui,
Daniel Miller & Co vs James -Smith.
IJ1HA Abbott eudsarturs vs S ti W7ieeier &
ol K Wood i V L Dev. ill.
Thos Craig for the use of
Wm H Miller vg Miller dt Bower.
Wm Weidenhainuier vs John McMatbaw,
John Wagner vs Jacob Dressier,
Jonat. Dunklcberger vs John Ituiul'oid,
Mary H Greenland beirt va Norlheru Cen 1! It Co
ehatnokin Uank vs Al'jeit Worrell
Same vs David Longnecker,
Klaxe and Ducbner vs Wm L Duuurlet al
Francis Klaxe, vs Same
Mary C Vincent vs John L Walton.
Hiram Young vs Ira T Clement
Daniel Weidtmr dec sdm'r va Ulair and Used.
Robert Saxton dec adm'r vs lleueville K iiug
Peter Haiiaeluian. va itobvrt 11 McCov ,
Decatur Herb, va John A bnyder dec. adm'r.
Wm T Carter vs W m H h. ise
Jamca P Arnitlronx vt James Euunant dec aJm'r.
(Jabreil Kline lor Auiot liieber vs Ceo C McKue
Zueru aud lievaii va Joseph W Anthony.
Wm I. Dewart va Chariea W Higgins
haiiiuel Hendricks vs Nuilhern Centiul li R Co,
Wm L Dewart va Same.
Tbe first 20 of the above casea will be for trial
tha first week and Ihe balance for ibo second
XTOTICK it hereby given tbnl the nailinfship heretofore
i exitling between lieorge Kmernh aial llauiel lal, iu
lha Tauuing butiucss, in liwer Muhanoy township,
Noithuinberland county, Wat disaolvid by mutunl consent
on tha 1st iusiaot. Thaaeeounls will lie sctiled by either
of the partiea. Tha busiucas will be, hereul'ler, carried ou
by tha euuscribor, al ins same place
OcU-.l, le!.-4l jbKOUOK KMKRICU.
Broadway, Xrw i'urk:
Itourd Heduced Iu $i a Day.
Since the opening uf thia vast and coiniundiout
Hotel, in 1854, it baa been the single i-inleavor of
the proprietora to make il the moat emupliioua,
convenient and comfortable home for the utixeu
and alranger un tbittido the Atlantic. And
wbsteter hss seemed likely to sdininiater lo the
com'ort of its guttata they endeavored, without
regard to out, lo provide, and lo combine all lbs
elemenlsof individual and social enjoy uienl which
modem arl has invented, and modern last approv
ed! and the patronage which il boa commanded
during the paat sis years ita gratifying proof that
their effort baa been appreciated. To meet Ine
exigenciea of Ihe limes, when all ara required lo
practice the moat rigid economy, the undersigned
time abating none of Iheloxuiiee with wbicb their
table bat hitherto been tupplied.
OtL 12. I86L I uio.
BOOTS Jk BH OES, can bt) purchased at the
Mammoth Wore of K riling cV Grant, very
! cheap, as we are determined oot to be undersold
i . " . . .... i , . i t , ,
by anyoooy. L-au sua traru tna nsaui puces rut
jourseliea. FIUI.I.MJ UK AM',
eutihtiijf, Janusary 14, Intil
Entirely Veg;etbl8. Ho Alooholio Prei)a
I'rrpnrerf by
Dn. JACKSON fc to , I'bllndelpbln, Peaa'a.
Will effectually cure Liver Complaint, Dvspcp.
eia, Jaunduo. Chronic or Nervous Debility,
Diaesse of the Kidneys, and all diecases arising
Irom a drtordered Idver or cilnmarh.
Such as Constipation, Inward Piles, Fillnees or Dl-iod to
the Head, Anidily of tha Hlouiath, Nauaea, llennLurn,
Disgust for FimI, Fulness or U'aipa in the cHotnach,
Hour biaeutions, Sinking nr Plultering St the I'll ol the
rtt-imoch, Aurimmliig of me Head, Hurried and Difla-ult
,oeinoig, r lutiaring at the lleatt, Choking or nulh-nng
sensations wheu iu a lying posluie, Dlmm-es of Vision,
Dis of webs before the Sight, Firvei hnd Dull Pain iu the
Head, Deficiency ot PeMpnation, Yellowness ol the Hk u
sial Kyea, Psm In the Hide, Hack, Chest, l.imha, Ae , Hurt
den Hushes uf Heat, Huining In the Flt sh, Consiant lina
giuiiiga of irt'll and grant Depressam i f Ftpirita.aud will
positively prevent VKLLOW FEVICK, lill.loUrt FK
Vs.R, Aa.
The Proprietor in calling tha attenllon of Ihe puhllclo
Una pie aialiun.does so wuh a feeling of Hie uliuoat con.
fediMce in its virtues and adaptation to lha diseases lor'
which it is rewiimneiKled.
It is no new and untried article, tint one that has stood
the lest of a twelve years' trial before the American peo
ple, and ita reputation and atile are unrivalled by nny similar
preparation extant. The testlinony in its favor given l.y
the most prominent and well-kfeSwu Physicians und indi
viduals in all pal Is of the country is immense, and a care
ful pnrusnl of the Almanac, published aunuully llhe pro.
piietors, and to be hud gratis of nny of llieir ASvTWi, can
not hat satisfy the most skeptical that this temtdy is really
deseiviug Ihe great cclL-bnly it hus otiiuHed
Fiom J. Nowion lliown, D. D , Kditor of the Encyclope
dia of rteliginus Knowledge.
Although not disposed t latter or recommend Palenl
Mudioeiies In giaurnl. throi gh dixtrust of their ingredieius
and eflccts, lyctkuowrf iiosutfifieal rensou why a man
may not l-sloy m the beneit he believes hunwlf lo have
received fron, nny simple prepumtion. in Hie h",-e ho
may thus contribute lo ihe benefit of olhers
I do this the mole lendilv in n-oioH i. -u.,a.,ja fit.
man Biileia," prendre! l.y Dr. C. M. Jnckaw.of tlnscity,
lieeauae I waa prejuciced against them for veers, under the
impression that thev weie chiefly mi uii-okolie uiiKinrf. I
am indebted loiny friend Eola-it bhoemaher. Ia.. for the
rcniovsl of tills pieiudiee bv primer tests, nud for eneoar.
sgeineig to try Ihotu, when suffering from grenl and lougH
continued debildy. The ue. IW botlle. of these M'XiErJSZZ'J"
urn arrnii miki innir.i.
im. HE III ItMfll n tt (hi. Kr..u.. . r ...... , . .1 1. .u.k.I 1
by evident relief, ind restornlion to a degiee of bodily and
menbil viror which I hnd not felt for six months beforu
anil hnd almost despaired of regaining. 1 therefore thank
uoa mm my menu lor nirectmg me to tlie use of Ihin.
l-niian a., June'l, 100. J.WiWTOJi BHOWN.
August 31, 181 ly
John I'arcJra,
7ib Arch Strcft, between
7th., and bill., t5a.,
Lute 818 Markit,)
Im)jrtcr A Mniuifuctiirt-r
!', HndltiNiler in nil k'nda
of FANCY" KUIIM, fnt
laodtt-s,' Missel,' unit Cliil-
iii.dreii'B Went.
'iCC Iliivfnit ihw mniiufnctiir-
:;mi and in note my usual
Mnruo hiiq nnutilul anHott
-mFiit nf alt tho Viinous
adopted to tlie Full ntrl
H..s?gV!.; Winter hen-mns, 1 would
reapertfully tnuite mi examf nation nf myatnek and prirf
from ) iiitpnrtitig tit purrli-iFe, as 1 am enubM to oiler
them very dasirabte inducement .
Alt my Fura have been purchased fur Cnah, and mnda
by experienced hatuli, and as the prenent niunrtury trtiuWIea
render it nerensnry thnt 1 thuuld Qipua ol my gtHnli at a
very siiinll ndvnnee on coat.
I am Biitirrled tlmtit would lie to the inteirituf th.c who
deiitrn purt-liHttifr, w ftive me a cull.
KcMft?tUie name, numier ami aircet : J. 1-antra.
(New Fur Store,) 718 Arch Street, rhiiitdelphia.
r-epi. t y isui. am.
EegisterH Notice.
N'OTICE ia hereby given to all Leiriteea Creditora and
other peraoiiA inttTentrd in Ihe fi)lovine etitatea. th-it
theexeeulMis, administratii( and Ounrdiuim f the name
have tiled their aurouuti with the liecintfr of iNurthnndier-
nd eounty, and thut the aiiid at-ct'unit will be nreentvd
to the Orphans' Court for eonfirmnti"n and atlnwiii-. tii
Tueiilny ihr day of N" vein her nct, ut lOuVI'Jik m lha
foreiKHm of that day, to wit :
1 Hird Zihe. deceiiaed, aeltled bv hia exocutori Joseph
Bird and tjanmel Keetler.
ii I owinun lleiirv. dee'd.. aettled bv hia ndm'r ilenrv
3 Hryion Jamei. deccniul,by hia adm'r Win B. Bryaon.
4 LMmit William, J Wotnli Hmwii
Follmer Iniinel, 41 ex'f JonatliHii Fnilm i.
ft Oietlick JfiCtib, " Dtlin'r Uavid Haurk,
7 flfiriiaon Atnaudn, her atlin'r Airio Vfiatine.
8 Kay Jainei, one of the childicn ot Jamca U Kay, dec'O,
by hia Guardian, Cbartea W teniti.
V itKtilei r reuern:, flrc a, by tna executor J"nn thler.
10 Kriesthbnum Wm , decea-ted, b hit exeuulura unial
Kreirhhanni and Aaron Uttrrcl.
11 Lemon Rebecca, by her tinardiHii M, II, Fricfltf-y.
VI L'pilefiniir Th'imaa, deceaaed. by hia ndm'r Win Omnan
13 Y ettz CHthiirme, by her (inanti.m John A. Snyder.
H Wenrich John, dtceaved, by hia adm'r Abiuhma
CO laaaer and William Weiirick
J. U. tM A!3fc.K, KCKUtcr.
Krgittrr'a fince,
Sunbury, Oct. 12, lb61
t a m
The Great Cnre for Consumption.
If you liato a col., use
Wishan's Pino Tree Tar Cordiul !
If you liare acnucb, uas
Wiahart'a Tine Tree Tar Cordiul !
If you bavo Attlima, usn
Wialiarl's Tina Tree Tar Cordial !
If you have Sore 1'liroat, us
W lahart s 1 uio 1 reo Jar Cordial !
Ifjou have Bronchitis, use
Wish art's I'ine Tr Tar Cordiul !
If you bave Consfinjition, uio
Withttrl'a Pine Tree Tar Cordial
Wiahart's Pine Tree Tar Cordiul ia sn unfail
ing remedy for disrate of the Kidneys, Urinary
( omulainla, blind and Bleeding Pilet, Nervous
Delnlity, and for Female weakness mid Irregu
Tbe well known efficacy of Pine Tree Tar in
the cure of external aflectlontor Korea, pointed it
out at the Natural Itemed) for what Phytieiana
call Tubercular i4tfectiniia(that ia to say, Sores.)
upon the Lunga. It remained to discover the
heal means of application, which discovery has
been made, as a thousand testimonial prove, by
the Proprietor of
Wishan's Pine Tree Tar Cordial !
If you have DYSPEPSIA, use
Wishan's jreat.AmericBii Dyspepsia Till!
A aura cure Warranted for une Uollur, or the
Money Kefuuded !
buy a bnx and take their) according to direc
tions, and if they do uolcurPyou, the money will
be returned.
Agssts Wm. Weimer, Northumberland.
A. W. T'iachvr, ttunbury.
Call at either place, and get a descriptive Cir
cular. I.. Q C. Wishart. proprietor, No. 10, North
Second, Philadelphia
August 10, 1661. ly
.oriii:it AKisiv.tfj cir
buubury, September 7, Itftil.
Bank of Northumberland
M1K annual alrcAiou fnr dircelura will ha held at the
. Manama Mnusa. on Mmdav. tlie. Itiih di uf Nutam-
her. batweva Uit Soaia uf IUo'tkx, A M.. and 3 u'eiock
'I na anuLahnaetlia- of tba atutiVholdua, in arvordanra
with tha caaiicr, will ha hekl ou Tuesday, Uta SiU day of
Nuvcuihw, al IU u'clueli, A M .
J K HltlEriTIY, I'asluer.
N alhu.a'wrlaii d, October I, lui I 3t
riMS WAKE V very cheap and durable
-a- atsortinant jut received thia week, al ihe
Mainmnth Store of ' FRlMNli eV tiRANT.
fcunbuiy, Jsiuiaiy I'i, lUl. '
V 2t".
at the
Fashionable Tailoring Establishment
J-A.aO3 O. BECK,
market Mtrcct, MTkltlHY, Pa.
'IHE subscriber baa just rerftived and oa-ned
-- a laron nuornoeot Nl'Kl.VC A Nil MiiAi-
Plain and Fancy Casnmeres. Vestinf-i, rXco.
of tho lale.t at) lea. In s.l.litMin to bis atm k be
ia conatanlly rctiiMng i,,v. supplies from the citv
keeping a foil aaenrlineui of She most subatantial
and laleM atyle of Cooda in the eily inavkela.
He ia prepared to make to order ell kinds of
G'eiitlemcn't R,d Jioy'a wear, such at
Ac. Ac.
of the vnry luteal ttylo, and in the wott substan
tial manner, at abort notiee.
Any Goods not on bund, will be furnished
from riiiladelphui, by giving two day's notice.
tV Cnll and i xitniiue my stock, no charge
made for showing.
Sonbnry, May II, Ifil.
Tha cljtrptftt ntid nt(t tlumltV Rmfmg in uao. lilt Kira
, . ,. . .
aim winer rrotn.
O- 3 - ---.B
igl-eRoola vviihoiit removing tha ahmglei
Cost is only about One-Third tbat
Tin, and it is twice as Durable.
For preaevtntj ami repairing Tin and other Mt-Igl Roofa of
every deaeiiytion, from lla great elasticity, ta Tiot injured
Uy the coai ruction and expansion "f tiietaia, aud will not
dick in cold tr run in warm weather.
Theae materia In have hten thtmiuhly teited In New
York and all paru of tha tAouthem and W-atern Stntta,
and we can give abuiidautjiruuf ol iill we cloirn ut thuu
Thryara raadily npplicd by or inary laborers, at a tri
fling expense
Thcaa mnterinlvnre put up ready for une, and for ihip
pinR to nil pnrtaof the euunlry, with full printuE t'lrect una
for application.
Futl descriptive circuhira will be .furnished on a prli ra
tion by mml -r in person at our Principal Oilice aNid Wart
h.-uiie. 78 WIUJAU bTKEET, (Comer uf JLibeiiy
Street, New York.
Aountm Want eb ! Terms Cah ! !
Ji e I, I Mil ly
Rich Figured Bareges, 19, 25 and 31 cents,
Harege Holies. 3 50, S4 1)0 and 5 00,
Mozambique Holies at $5 00,
Traveling Dress Cooda,
bhepbard'a Plaid, Mohair Plai.U,
(iiigham's, Lawns. Prints, Challies,
(irey Figured Goods,
8 E corner Ninth and Market, Philadelphia.
ft 13 Liest quality Hoop Skirts, 91 cents to
$i 25.
May 18. IHGI.
live alarnI
than can be purchased cUehere.
Jutl received by Itsilroad this week.
Sunbury, December 15, I860.
rpHESL'MMERTKItM or tlie Sunbuiy AcaJeruy will
J. cumiieiice on the till til' April.
The cuuisn of insiruetiuit cinbmres everv depail
iukiiI nf education taught Inoui bst Annleiniea, preparing
students ejitt either foi a pruu-sdiuii or to eutei any clasa in
Common School llrittiehes, "M 00
Higher KiikIioIi llrauehes, i tXI
litin and Oieek LAiiungua. 7 00
Tuition to he iaid hefire the middle of the tfini.
K'Hird can te tiud 111 private families at fH'iii cl 75 I'
Si via pet week.
P. P. WOLVEltTON, Principal.
Sunbury, March 30, Mk.
rM(A F.I.I.KKa and others are reajiectfully
infrirnied that the aubtcriber, in order io ac
commodaie tho public and facilitate travel, haa
reduced tho rates of ferriage at his VI'EAM
FEKKV, over the HusquebanHa, at Hunhurv, and
will carry Paasengert), Horses, Carriages, and
other vehicle, at the following rates, viz :
Foot Passengers, each fi cents,
llnrso and itider, 1.1 '
Horse and iiuggy, 85
Two-Horte l.'cnveyane, 40 "
Farmers and olhers, wishing to transport Coal
and Produce, cau make arrangements at still
lower rates.
A large, tafe and commodious Steamboat will
rnn regularly and promptly at all hours of tha
day, and to accommodate those who desire ta at
lend the Churches at Hurhury and Selintgrovr,
lite boat will run on Sunday.
The tStpam'MV. will run from Market Street
Warf, and piomplly convey Passengera from
both sidea ol the Kiver, without delay.
The Steam Kerry now alTorda not only a safe
and convenient trenail over the Susquehanna,
but alno a p!eaiai:t end anreeahle ride.
K A T. t 'l.K.M ENT, l essee aud Proprietor.
8unbury, May SS, 1S6I,
'1111; un lersiizned invite alientiou lu their
-- large and wed Krown stork nf
Shru. J f , rinbracing a brjie and corrpleie us
soittotnt of
Apilea, Pears, Peaches. Plums, Cheriies. Apij
cols, and NvciHrines. JSlacdjr.l l-'l l!'U
Or.'hsrd, h;u i'v.,rl lor the
Fiit;!ih Waliuiia. Spni,th Ch aniitt, Il-ixlt'
nuts, 4'C, Knahemea, Nirnwberrit-s, Cu'raula aiid
(iaosebcrrbs, io great variety.
Asparagus, Uhuhsrh, Ac, A-e. AUo a lii
aiik'k f well I'onueJ, bushy EVEKGKEENi,
suitulila lor the Cciueirv and Lawn.
Deciduous Trees fur slreet planling and s gen
eral asaorimeiii ot Ornamental Tres and Flow
eiing Shrubs.
rinse of choice vaiieliea. Camellias, licdilii R
Planta, cVe.
Our stock ia remarkaidy lliri'ly and fine, and
we otter it at price to suit ihe limes.
lit" Catalogues mailed lo all applicants
Addie.s ED WA KU J EVA-r eV CO.
Central Nurteiies. VOIilv, 1'a.
Seplemlier J (. 101. Urn
stov ksT sri Tvks m
Mil. 31.N01U1 tiud lit, lhilad. lphia, .-pposiK rhrisi
Church, lha niwrt ratehfalcd Oaa e-n-uiii'iif C-kii.r s
aualina Ht.ivos "i thdy. MC I Oil
t'l.LTI-i. and a-l lber Corkina and lleailna Hl-evs. A
-I which ara Unaitauvd to gitt cuius saitiseii" -fkaa
f ivt a. a a rah.
W M C. Nr..M4
Cal'Cl I.' Ittil. -"m III,