Si!5lL.J.i'.."J... 1 .!'.J. . AYEBB Sarsaparilla FOE PURIFYING THE BLOOD. ' And fit Hit iH'i' ljr tuit of tlitt Mluwhig CompUlHtm rroftilA nnff rrrtifnlona Aft'ertloiftB.tMrli mm Tumor, ilri-r(, Nirrt Kr nptlonav I'lmplr. I'B- tnU, lllolt Uolla, kilulikd, una nit JSHIn tJUfeanvs., 0Ki.7f), I iid., 6th Inn, lP5fc f . (. Am A Cf. 0Mit i I fwl It my duty to ( tmuMrhlc tttnt jMir hnrfHturlUit liua done ft nt, lUvitiY liiliMrifitl it HctoltiluiM ii,fttlii.i, I Imva ulleivd In mi It In miMi wny fir jviiih tmiirthiH It burnt mrt In I o ttty IihuIm mid nrint W'tiietiuitHi ft tiiritfd litWHid and dUrrp.M i im id Mtw e-tonmrh. 't wo y nur Hfco II Lwukv vnt vn In n-l ifuil rauicil my wnlp Hitd iwi Willi on nr.. hlrli wn Minit. ttml sWtli'otue tjro(id d.Tlft("n. J IrU d ninn.v nuiUi incn a tut fY-rnl jriiiicliiiiA, but UtisHit hum li itrlti-f fnm nnjr tlilu. In fin, the dlonter fcrow ui-c. At h hjjlli 1 un itJMomI to rend hi tlm i.onj MVh-wiirit Hint ynii ImiiI 'iv)mrvil nn iiUfi-HlUtt($fliiiuniiln). f.-r I kh-.w dum your ivntft tvn Hint miy Uiiit;; you mud.' tnunl I tmrfl. I ntif In rinrimmtliindK'd It, nml It till it rtii-cd nut, 1 tjt!i It, mi you nilvlf-u, In mii'ilr tinnenvt n ttfn!xHwnfii1 vir a nvfiith, wild uhI hIiiuM Hutu b.iHltn. jww mul hfthLy rutin fHiuii to tniui mi' ti t (tin pvrb. wllt nth r wliiti 'H fIT. My cliiu Ihih i-tVir. nimI I kiM-w l.y my ft-lnitr (lint I ln iliH-HH' hint K'Mio Irwin my Mttt-ui. Von ntu fll Ixdittve Hint I nluit I nut mmvImm; wlnn I t ll you, Hint I liuld y'U t nj ono uf Uiu tlwj ut tliv Hgt, mud ioiuaiu ovur Ki ntwfull;'. Yvitni, ALHiKi) n.TAM.I.Y. AntliOHy' Flrr, Mona or Kryi ltInif Trftvr aiid Vnlt lilit-uiii Hcald Iluail, lling orm, bur Kyci, lUo)' Dr. Ilolwrt M. Pu-Mfl w.iti from P-tiVm, N. V.. l-fift P ft.( Ihnt lio linn rurrd nn hivtirrntc cniio r IrjM)t, trukli tlirenlt'tifil to tPinilnntu falidly, ly the fn'rTrrltiK um of owr Jr-nt'MtiMilMn. nnl tUntfVrimi Malignant t'tyifvlts It Inrito dM of lli miii flnyi kit euro the cointnon AVw;rfo't ty It conMHiilly. llronrliortle, Goltr r SwfHod Nck. Zohnloti Slonu of l'nourt. Toscnv rf tv t Tlirw lt-llt-a of your fiflrwtjHirllla cuird hip iiom n t-i'r hid viiifl Bwellini( on Itio imk, hhili J had nutlvied IVuui -r two yua." Irrorrlirrft or VIile.Tvi'Hn Tumor, I'lvrtiM UK'rHiloiif Foiimlv Olnewnfl. Ih. J. TV 8. rhnnnliifr, of New York City, mite ' I r.imi cheei hilly coniply with Die iimmtof your iifrnt In ii4iiiKl have fiund your Fiirwipmilln ft niim; fxt'elloitt Hliftnltva hi tlitt in line run coitiiluin(n for wlilrh w in ploy i" licit m ronn'tlv. but CK)Kil;illy In tumult Dittuttt t tlio tfrmfukui (llnthvls. 1 tuitd nmiy linetr tm eoen of L' ucorrliorn by if, mirt wmie where tlw com plaint vrnn rniiMHl by Hlctrati'M of the ntmit. the nl.-fr-B'ioo ltfir WftH eon cured. Nolhhitt ithm my kuowl-( eds'fi eiin1ft It for (lieao f-nmle ik-rntiffenivnt-." fcdnnid S. Slanow, of Newbury, Ala., "Rilte, "A dan peri'iu otfiroin tumor on one of thv k'tnitlin in my fttniily, kkk hnd ikftnl all tbo remeillpt m t-ould employ, line at length been coni('Mw1y currd by your Kxlrart of Har rnQi'illa. Our i-hysirluii thought nothing- but cxtiipn tion could allord relief, but he udvlscd the triul of your harmoni ilia H9 the Innt rewut bctoio cuttliiK. and it .mvod eflectunl. Alter lukltnryoiir itiuoly igbt ttvuki no PvwftutR of (hu Uiseiwo rt-iiiiilua." , i 9-fHHU mi1 Plerrnrlnl ninraao, Nrw Ont.rws, 'ifith Auutt, Dr. J. C. Axr.n t ?ir, I chwrt'ully coniJv vith the ie- Suffct of ynnr fpnt, nnd report to yon eouiu of Ihe cflvctt Irive runltzed with your H.iriip'i Hln. 1 huvocuiixl with it, In iny pmrtir, mnpi of tliocotn l:iliil fortvhlcli It ii tecontmeioled, nnd bnve lund lis efftHite truly wonduilul in Hie nut) of Vfutirat awl Arr eurial bitca Cue of my wtiiiit lind Hyi'liilillc nlcors tu liia throat, which were roivmudng hit juitnte nixl the t'jp of hla month. Your FuKWiivuilla, teitdlly taken, cin-d him in flvo wctkn. Another wan at tack td by bcc iiidnry eymptouiB in bin uohu, uud the uk-etntku kud ftu-u away a couMdurahla mrt of it, o Hurt I belirvo tho uiftotdrtr would vooii lib btain und kill him. lint it ,i'td d to my adnihiistiutiuu of your &iranrilla; the tila m healed, and he in well iigcin, not of court without fruine dihlluration to his f.ico. A wouiau who had Imvii tre dwl for tUe snmu disorder by inciniry wo nufTeriii tr.iin tbifi poison in Iter lonee. 'J buy liud bveome o u Hiive to the weuthur Hint on a dump dy bho nutleied ex ci uii-itiutf pniii in her joint and lMin, fche, tro, wns tuii-d eittiifcly by your hMMi-itiillii in a few weekH. 1 know front rts foruiuln, which your iient (juve uu, tlutt Hum i'luiiaiation fioiu jour Inboniloiy imod le a tieitt leuiedy ; consequently, thono duly icuiuikuble lefulti witii it hnvo uut mirpi iMi'd mo iiuluiually yuura, 0. V. LARIMKrt, 31. D. RUeiimailiiity Clout, filvvr Complnlnt. Independencr, Proton Co., Vn.. tlh July, lS6I. TlB. J. C. Avu;: .Sir, 1 buve hmn ulllicted wiih a p'llti ful rhri'iiic A'o-umafutii for a long time, whl h hnlll' d the Bkill of phyNicfftna, and nhn k to mo In cpite of all the reuifdiee 1 could lind, until I tried your Sai.-itpnrilltt. One ImttU cured me in two wooks, anil iiMoiud my funeral bfftlth romiK'h thut I am for K-tt-r Hum betore I was ALtnckvd. 1 think it a wondiilul uifcdMii'j. J. IIIUAM. Jules Y. Getchell, of St. Loiii. wiiib! 'I Imve h e it a!llicled for years with uu ojfivtitti of the Liver, whk'h lstroyed my health. 1 tried every tlihijr. and every thing ttilh-d to relieve me ; nnd I hnu b'-eti ti lnokeu-down dihii I- KTuie yeura fioni no other t-HUfe limn dtrnttyrmntt f the Liar. My lielured pnntor, the ltv. Mr. Kepy. advised mo to try your auiparilla, hetiunm hu naid be k r.ew joii, and any thine you mmlewnn wonh trying. Ity the bU-ns-niK of (J od it has cured me, uud Iihu hi pnrifle.d my blond a to miiko u n-w man of too. 1 fet voho hkhIu. 'i ho bobt that cnu be said of you is not hnlf fcood euoitgh." bf1ili'riis,Cniic,er Tumor, Kitlnivamciit leerntfoii, Curic and J&Afolifttiou of the Jiuucni. A ytTftt vnii-ty tofc$wt h.irch.'Pn reported to on vihere fines of tlo'Hft foriuitlHl-l compUiiitN have reunited from the iimi ol this tvmoily, but our yuw here will ut admit theui. tiomo " t hem limy ho lmmd in our Ameiiciin Almauno, whk-h tho u-eiitH htlow named aio pleased to Im iiiU gmtis to nil who cull for than. 1 ape pain, Ilenvt DUetinf, Fits, Ktllri myt ?It-Iuii'lioly9 Mvurnlgla !tiity r-ni;iikiilU-1 iiit! of ilt' fK nlfertions hnre lxen iiiiidv by the alteriiHe cvir of ihiu niediriuu. Jt Mlmii-l:it-M the vital fitiii'iioiiM into action, and tlun iiverinnie diMrdfin which would le Mippoed bvyond its li-arb. ik h a iiiiiii'ily hm I'li l etl r-i'oired by the in i i -.-ItifK of the ie'p,'and we me roiitidvlil thul thl Will d t fur ilit-iu all thut uieditinc tau Uo. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, ron THE ItAlMD Ct HK OP Coiifffin, Cilla, luflueuKn, Ilonrwrnren, Cioup, Ilioncliitia, Iii ilent ou- uiiii(ioiit mid for tlio K1ti-f of 'ouiuitiiitlve l'ntlcitlii in ndvnnrcd Mtiif;caj Tl.U fcmedy m nnlvemilly known to FtirpttKii (try Other tor the cure of throat ntul hiufi coniplaiiiti, that it in uiM'li'M hi t 9 to puhli-h Hie v idence of its iiiues, lu nuriviillixl vxcellenro f.r coughs nnd iold, uud it truly wonderful curut of pulmounry Uiwase, have maile it known throughout the civilited imtioiia of the vartli. K'-w are tho rouimiinitiea, or cveu families, unions thiui w ho hnvo not aomo feimuial expei ienco of itnelfccU oinc livluir tmpliy hi Hieir midst of Hu victory over the tiihilennd daneiimc disorders of tho throat and lung's. till know tlit drendful fatality of these diwmh rp, and its i hey know, ho, tbe effects of thin remeily, wo io-ed hot do more than to unsure litem that it ban now nil the vir lues that ft did have vtheu making Hie cures which have won so tttioiigly uhhi tho confidence ol mankind Prepared by Dr. JT. C. AYEH ov CO., Lowell, Mass. S.pM by Frilit n At Grant, and A. W. Fischer, t-uubujy J K. Ciislow nnd C. Brown, MilUm; l'r Wenck, Mu Kweusvilte ; Keifauydrr & Chrismnn, Turhtitville j 11. B McCoy, Nnithumherluiid and by Dealers rverj-vvhcie. Amil , l-ti. y 1'IIII,.4UEI.PI1I4 (OLMT.K. S. 7i. earner of & tenth and Chesnut HI reels. T'lii ii one of I1UIIT CUI.l.KGKS, CONSTITUTING TIIK "NA 'NONA I. CHAIN." t.flCATKI) IN IMiiliiitelphin, Nrw Vnrk C'iiy, AlUny, HiuTl.i, Clcve Itiiiit, Cliir:itfnt nml 8t. Ijoum. Ht-hiiirr.;tip. run be ur i'liultud uleitliir point, good tit nil tliu Uotlt-tft.. TIIK COI.I.I'.GIATK rOI'RSK t-iiilirucea Uoulilv Hitd Pinkie Knliy It'Nik-Kt'opine, Coin. nit'tal C-o'llpulMloue, Coiiuitciri:il liw, I'ciiiiwinitliip, iiumncklt CoirespoiHtfiK'e, rHrtnei.tnp tt'ltlfiiiriitt etv. I'll ACT1CAL TtXT-UOOKS. TlieTa.'-c) nipt in the llook-Keeiing I)rHrtnifnt i.jn.t- IV IfiHU Wlltlrll InttltUKIMtt loniia, with Olltl lllktiurllili Ici'lurr., intd li'ack'boaril 4-liiL-nttilinii. ; In udttition to H'tiH'h, In ordef u liuikc llie iNlli4,MHte IN.urnr Itiorouuh u;h! rlTti'lutilu, pcMiUe, Uiu follownig Tut llnuk. have b'n prt jmrfd : hiyunt & CliHtton'. H'k-Krtpirg, in Ihrre edition ' Co ion School, lih fe'liiHtl, nnd Counlmij Hoiim: ; Mry. lint hlmtloii'ii Coinmrri iMl Arillimetu' ; llryunl & bUdUon's Colliilierflnl Uw, hy Amos Demi, L 1. 1. HI'KNCKKIAN 8VSTKM OK I'KNMANrtlllK, in a MririioriiinetKiok., Iiy Y. II. H'KNCI'.ll. IV R ei'i:NUKR,Jl.,Tuicller of l,ellln..iiliip. Ini'i. Vlilllill liialinc'tlon. htudrnU enUI tit uny lime. DipUi nun uvvnrtli'd. ifT Knr Ciitnlopni! and Cirrnlnm, mil nl the C'dlee. ru.l,lnj ItltVANT. STUATTON 4 KAIKIIANK Kehruar)' -U, I Mil y Khiladelplila. JAMES EARliEIt'S V1I0I.KS4I.K AKD HKTAII. CLOCK EST JUL IS II ME NT, S. ii. Corner Set-nntl ami Clieitnut tU., l'ltlladelplila. AGKNCV for the PATKMT K(l'AI.I.OTIIlRTV UAV CLOCKS, a very ilr.iriilite arlu-l. lor Cliureh es, Hotels, Htinks, Countms House, r.rlors, Ae. AImi, Munulucturtr of KINK OU1.U CIAS, flocks ri'iHiied aisl wainntied. Clock 'ruiiiiniiin. of every ileM'ription, Khiladel:ihm, Junuury In, le4ll..'ly BCKILK COATS. Cored Mantles, Poplin Dusters,'' French Saques, Sift Uasquines, Newest Designs, ftead) Made, nr Made lo O der. COOPER & I ON ARD. . E. Comer Ninth sn J Markrt, Pliiladi 'pkia. May If, Iflil. IMP0RT.AMT T0L0VER8 OF CO CD CD CD LB BKIOHT &. SON, Invite attention to , their Stock of Prime Green and Black Tea. Jima IB, 1861. SU3131ER GOODS AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. XL IT. BRIGHT & SON, UAVK HECEIVKU A LARGE OfCCZ OF ALL KINDS OF GOOD?, HANDSOME DURABLE A A' D C3 JWM GREAT BARGAIlXS ANU Splendid Inducements TO AT TH E ONE 1TJCE STORE, OF E. Y. BRIGHT & SON. Suttliury, June 15, ISCi. J . A . .CRAND ALL'S PATENT SPRliNO IIOKsRS 478 BROADWAY, M BW TTORK. SShouM bu in every family, ISchnnl, (lymnnni um, AHvlutn, anil Hniitl in the Intnl. Are not DANGEROUS, like the common Hocking Hurw. eStnnil firm on ha Peilertitt, will not wear CARPETS, anil haa no Rockeri to injure the Fuel. Ilenltli and linppineu in the name Kiddle." X. P. Willi FROM THE -HOME JOCKXaL." "Of nil the i-1 1 1 1 I fiimituie we have ever seen no article combine ,i iiuu h of those two iinpor Inlit tliii as - .eltl nn. I hsppiness as the Ad juslnble I'Blent Sti-el Spriin; Smlille Horse, in- ven'fd Iiy tesm A. t.rainliill. It is not danger- oun, lil.e u r,-iiiinii roek'ng-borse, lo cbililren's ! feel, CHiuiot be upet, dues not vienr i'tirpits, but j stand In in on its base, and its action is so like I the gnllop of a live hor.-e that Iho child never wearies ol i. This ,aU'st of child novelties is ex ceediuuly I'legsiil and srtilic in design ; and so adjustable, PuUlillitinl, and durable, thai it will last a lifetime It is imlispensahld in every I u i 1 1 1 v where theiu am chililnn. It should be in every piiinary si hool and g) itiuai-iuui in the com. try, as it oin be made large und strung Jiiough In sustain grown ieroiis- As a pedestal for photographic K luiex, nothing is more bcaiili ful. Every Oiphan Asylum and Institution where children are couareuiiii d, should be furnished with a iiuuibi'r of Ituse bi'autiful articles. They are illicit v. till sine sanities wuel! reijiiireil. IURKCTIO.NW FOR AlJi:STINtl Open the after pari ol the u.i.e sullic iently to allow Ihe sxle In go in ils place; then raue or lower the 11 or i to suit you. Screw the bolls ii the side very tight, IT" These Horses are WARRAFTED one year. March 10. U61 if STOVES- IOIt SALE an excellent second hand Cttok-- ing Stove, sl.n several Cylinder Con I eVii'i!..-- Einpiirc al tins ollic. GBEATEST EXCITEMENT OP ; THE SEASON F1UL1NG & GRANT at the MAMMOTH STORE, ate jU9t received a NEW ANU DEtsIRAOLE Stork of FALL 6; WINTER GOODS! A very ex lenitive a-unirtrnenl of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Cnni-ting in mrt of lilntk and Fancy Silks of very choice jialtcrna. DPBECiES, Duialn, Caclimcrca. French t nJ EngHth Meiinoa, Plain and Figured Wool Delaines. Mufltn Delaine, of all ly'e and price.. FoulurJa, Thibtt Cloth, Poil De C'hcvrcj. Saxon'mid Wool Plaida. I .DIES' i VRS, BROUHK. Bay ttala and Wool SHAWLS uf every va ricty, Ac, 4c. (ientleincn's Dress Guods, of every con.uting of Cloths, (Ja.iinrres, KattiiietlK, Kuiituiky Jeans. TwcciIk, Vlvel Cord, Velvelet n, Vesting". of every variety. lur slock of fcilk ami Mlk Velvet VeKtings, cuiiiml l burpaed in the country. Please calli and etaniiuu thcui. CLOTHING ! Our slock of READY MADE Cl.OTlMNti, has been replei:islieil, olid wo have a lull assort ment of OVERCOATS DKKSS COATS. . Pants and Vests, Overcoats and Dress Coals for Boys of all ages. ALSO, a very handsome assortment of HATS -AJCTID CAPS of every Myle and variety at the lowest price. Our stock of HARDW1IRE has been renew ed andVwe have now a larger assortment than ever before clltreJ to our customers, consisting in par! of Sausage Cutlers, Pocket Cutlery, Butcher Knives Mayer Hinges, Bolts and Pad Locks, X Cut t'ows, Mill Saws, Scoop hovels, &c, &c, &c, 4 c, &c, Ac 1tiii'CKtv;rc and .!tw.-m', of every variety ut ihe V E It V LOWEST PRICES, Our stock ol C-P.OCEP.IES is very fine. We have the bent ij un lit y of Syrup Muluiwa ever before ollere lo the citizens of Sutibtirv and vicinity. CEDAR AND WILLOW.WAHE of every variety. Hosiery, Gloves Notions, SADLER Y. BOOTS AND SHOES, Ac, &c Also a fresh supply of Drugs, Oils. Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, Puiuls, Dye St iffs. Class, Brushes, ie. Purticulur care having been tnki n in the se lection ol our goods in regard lo quality, style and rice, we call the attention of the public to our Inrgc stuck to which additions will be made. Thankful for past favors, we hope to merit a continuance ol llie patronage of ihe public by selling chesper than ever. Cive us a call before purchasing elsewhere. Fltlf.IXIJ & CRAXT. Sunbury, Nolleuil-er 17, leitiO. lie or Oialll-'Ihe subscribers tk A plesaure in announcing that they are now prepared lo mail (free) to those who wih i'. a copy of an iinpoitnnt I ule work, by the lute lr. Ilrniiipton, entitled "The Invalid's Medical Con fidant," published for the benefit, and as a warn' ing to jotitig men and persons who suller from Nervous Debility, Prematura Decay, Ac. Ac, supplying Ihe means of self cure. The reader is irrcsixlihly led to compare a uselul lilo with an igiioblo death. Reader, lose not a moment, but send your ad dress for a copy of Ibis little work. Address the Pul'liiOn rs DR JOHN II ONDEX A CO, 61 A t; John St., New York. May 18. l.l .3iuus MANHOOD. HOW LOST, HOW BI'.STOHK.l), Jl 8T PL'JLISUKD IN A fUAI.KI) K.NVKI.OPK i A I.KCTL'HK nil tli. Nature, treatment, and Radical Cureof perinsn,rfliu!a, or tclHlnal W'sHknsia.riexiii,l Ue. Inlity, Nui voutues and involuntary emissions, proiliicing iinpoteuey, Consumption and Meiittilmid Physical Detillly. Iiy HOIST. J. CTI.VKBWKM, Al P., Tim iinporUiil faet that tha awful c 'liaeiueuees nf si lf sliusc limy lie cil eluull)- removed witlioul inleruul meili. emr. or the diiiigeious sppliaitlon. of' eNiidies, instiu iiienls, mislieated Liukics, sisl other eniiineal devises, is here clearly demonstrated, umlllie entirely new and highly snceenstul treatment, as a. .pled hy llie eeleliraled autlior fully explained, Iiy means of winch every on. i. Muthled lo euro himself iierfeelly, iuhI at ihe Uwsl p.ailki can, Iherrhy nvoidms all llie sirlerliard uostrunis of lbs day. Tins lecture will proves lo IbousaialsaiMl irauiaiuls hrut uinler seal. l,i s plain eiivi0.iM:, lo Uiiy atidieas. p.w4 paid, mi Ihe leeeiia a iwn iJUnee .lauiMi. hv aMii-4.iit. Ir I'll J V KI.1NK, l.'7 lioviery, New Vik. IW lhlKr lea I...-41. Apill-.1i. I'el.-I) pi BENT BY EXPRESS BVEBYWIIEIIB. HiifiFirniJw Retailed at Wholesale Prices, Made to Measure at $18 per doz. OR BIX FOR NINE DOLLARS, ' Without Collars en, with Collars ea 1 per doa, extra. MADE OF KEW-TORH MILLS MVSLIH, TVlthflns Llnfn Bosoms, and warranted as cooi a Shirt as sold In the retail stores st 2,&0 esch. Ai0 TUB VERT HEST pniRTS THAT CAl UK HADE AT ti EACH. P 'g. Those who think I esnnol make good Shlrl for 13 per dosen sr. mistaken. Here's ths coat of on tloscn 18 fins shirt. 80 yards of New-Tork Mills nmriln st Uc. per ji. 4 8.1 T ynrd of fin Mnra, at Cue. per yard, 8 60 Making and cuttlns t 00 Laundry, 1 ; buttons and cotton, COc 1 M Profit W Total ......IISOO Self Measurement for Shirts. Printed directions sent free everywhere, and so essy to understand, Ihnt any one can tak own measur for shirts. I warrant a food fit, Th. cash to b pal4 la the Express Complujr on receipt of goods. The Express charges nn one dozen Shirts from New York to New Orleans Is (1. P. a-PARTIES WISIIINO BrtlTtTS IH II ARTE, not having time to send for Kules of Measurement, should send per mall, prepaid, on. of the best lltllnirshlris they hare got, stating any alterations that may bs required. S. "W. H. WARD, from London, 387 Broadway, up stairs, Between White A Wnlkcr Streets March 16, 1861.- tf "KW-YORSV CENTRAL HOTEL, SUNBURY, Northumberland County, Pa. r'-PHIS large and commodious Hotel, now A managed by JAMES VAN DYKE. It is situate at the Railroad Depot North East corner of Market Sijuare, Sunbury, and at the terminus of the Sunbury J Erie and North ern Central Railroads, and is open forthe accom modation of Travelers and the public in general The prprictor will give his exclusive atten tion, tolbe comfort and convenience of his guests and is de'rrmincd to mnke this establishment rank among the first in the Slate. Hi'j tabic will be supplied with the best the market can produce having the advantage of daily communiiiKtion hy cara direct from Ualti inoto, und also from those bringing produce from tne surrounding country. His lor will I supplied with the purest liquors the market can produce Ca-eful and obliging servants always in at tendance. New and commodious stabling haa just been addrd to the premises. A share of the local and traveling community' s most respectfully Bulicited. S'jnbury, January 12, 1861. WilTT.EIR, GOODS, F 0 It MEN'S AV EAR. I! luck and Blue Hair Cloth, Heaver Overcoating, Bh.ok Doeskins, New Style Cassimerea, All Wool Tweeds, Heavy Kentucky Jeans, Real (inod Caskinetts, Sib; Mixed Coatings, Super Velvet Cords, Black Grenadine Vesting, Black Satin Vesting. Fancy Silk Velvet Veetings, Plain Silk Velvet Vesting., Nice Cassiniere Veslings In fact all kinds of goods for Men's and Boys' wear, can be found at the People's Ono Price Store of E. Y. Jfrtght & Son, who have just eccived by Railroad a splendid stock of all kinds of goods, suitable for cold weather. Please call and be convince!. E. Y. BRIGHT & RON. Sunbury, October 27, IS60. KEVERE HOUSE, (LATK KAOI.K HOTEL,) Thud Sheet, ahore Jlace, Philadelphia, IlllOADS It SAILOR, Pmpnelors. T MPIIOVKMKNTS nave been made, and Hie House has X oeeu reniTfii llirougnolll Tilghmas V. Kiioaus, funnel ly of the National Hotel ClUKI.RS fi.ll.oii, formerly nf Schuylkill CO., I'a. Philadelphia, Jan. 10, ISCI. ly 15 O O T A N J) S 11 O E MANUFACTORY. Corner of Market Square and ltiver Street '1 HE subscriber respectfully informs the citi' zens of Nonhury and vicinity, that he hts opened a Hoot and Shoe Shop on the corner of .Market Niuaro and River street, onnosite llie Court House, where he can be found al all time teady to wait upon customers. Having considerable extntrience, he is prepared to make up customer work of all kinds, at short notice, in the latest style and workmanship. He keepe constantly on hand a large assort ment of Leather, of Ihe best quality, which ena bles him to make up good and durable work. ('all and examine for yourselves before pur chasing elsewhere, and you will save money. JOHN W1LVER. Sunbury, Nov. 10, I860. ly SAVE YOUR FRUIT "" BY USING MASON'S Patent Sheet Metal Screw Top PRESERVE JAR. MASON'S PATENT SHEET METAL ' SCREW STOP ! XII that is necessary being to screw the Cspdowu upon the Rubber Gusket, which i placed outside upon the shoulder of the Jar, 3-4 of an inch dis tant from tho top ; prevent the possibility of the flavor of the fruit being injured by coming in -ntact with Ihe Rubber. Persunsdesiring these Jars, ran be supplied by aving their orders with H. U. MASSER, Hunbury, June 2, 1800. Agent. TO MIA THOSE II O IXG Farms, Parks or Gardens, IN CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA. A rare chance is now ntlorded to select and order FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES Vines, Shruhheiy, Ae., from the celebrated Clover Street Nureiies Lia-ntcd at Knchester, New Yolk. Alegar, MOOUF, UUO I IIBK3, PROPHIETOR8 Who beg leave lo announce Dial they arc piej aied through their quulifiod and . II li V O N S I 11 L K A 0 K T 8, To di.trihuie Uieir sapeiior slock on the uiosl rcssoiiubl luiins. rr.Ol'I.K K TIIK ZET3T01TE STATE. I,nveii nl Nntiireiind the heaulifiil.and justly celgtirale lor your intelligence, wealth, lila-rallly and tuate, now is the lime to uuike youi seleetious fmiu our I K!l'R 1 PTI V K C TA I .Oti V K AN D PI.ATK IIO IKS, Which will hefurni.lied you, lhrouiti our locul aiienls : and you may rest sssuied Ihul yiair orders will bs huiiura bly hlled. t nl lurlher particulars apply in FKKUKltlCK A. HOWK, Oi JOHN B. JOKS, ' Agent lor NorthuinlMTilaml county. HEFEHENOES: Itoll. 1'HKNKZKK liRIKKIN, lloehesler, N. V. lion. JOHN GAI.HH Al I'll, Knr, pa. Col. J. It . JOHNSON Meadville, Pa. Kehruai y , tu eni KOLO.nO.ll 31 A LICK, Attorney af Law, SUWBURY, Northumberland Co , Pa (Formerly Freeburg. enyder county ) OFFICE, Market Slreet, a few doors east of Ihe Northern Central Railroad Depot and two door west of the Post Ollice. All Professional Businesa, Collections, Ac., will receive prompt attention. March 30, 1KB . I OV'S DOUTS aud HHOES, cheapTfoTcaijj " WM. MILLLR Sun ury, Augu.t 87 IH69, SUNBITRY STEAM FLOURING THE subscribers having taken prmsesslrm of this, first clssj FLOURLNU MII.U are pre. pared to receive grain of nil kinds, and lo do cus tom work at tha Shortest Notice. Customers will hava their grists ground immediately upon their being left st the Mill. As It is tha inten. lion of tho firm to stock Ihe Mill a large Sup ply ol Grain, will be constantly kept o i hand, and flour by the quantity can always be obtained, The greatest care will be taken to turn out a u perior quality of flour, for which the mill is ad mirably adapted. Strict attention will lie paid to the wants of customers, and the patronage of the public generally la respectfully requested. MORUAX & CO., Sunbury, June S3, I860. LUMBER! PHILIP LUMBER 8 H A Y, MUNOY. PA. NFORM3 his friends and the public in gene ral, that he constantly keens on hand. Boards. Shingles, Lath, Joists i.d all kinds of Lumber and building materials, which be will sell at the lowest prices. March 30, 1861. DR. A. W. FISCHER, ffcFFERS his professional service to the citi-- lena of Sunbury and vicinity. Olhre at tha Drug Store. Sunbury, June 3b, 1830. SH AMOKIN-VALLE Y POTTERyT" flHE subscriber respectfully informs the public that he is now manufacturing at his Pottery, 4 miles east of Sunbury, all kind of Earthen Ware, made out of lU-cI Cement Clay. This clay produces the best and most desirable kind of ware, equal, in many respects, lo alone ware, and is lesa liable to crack by sudden heat and cold. Tho subscriber refers to Friling & Grant, Sunbury. Addrcsi, JOSEPH 8AVIDGE, Oct !3, I860. ly Sunbury, Pa. WALL PAPEBl" FRILING & GRANT, at the MAMMOTH STORE, have this day (January 17th, 1861 received a CHOICE ASSORTMENT OK TUB NEWEST STYLES AND PATTERNS Of WAT-r. 3P -A. 3P E rt , wbich tl.ey are selling at jiricea that defy competition. Sunbury, January 19, 1861- NOW WITHIN REACH OF ALL C. li O VKttjli A K E 11 S C E L E B R A TE D NOISELESS Sewing Machines, 495 DitoiiiwAT, Ntw YniiK. The public attention is respectfully jequestcd to the following cards of Eli as Hows, Jr., and tho (trover c Baker S. M. Co A Card from the G ROVER & BAKER S. M. Co. Our Patent being now established by tJH Courts, we are enabled lo furnish the Grover &. Baker Machine, with important improvements al greatly ICrdiicrd Prices. The moderate price at which Machines mak ing Ihe Grover At Baker stitch, can now be had, brings them within Ihe reach of all, and renders Ihe use of Mj -Jiincs making inferior stitches as unnecessary os it is unwise. Persons desiring the beet Machines, and the right to use them, must not only In sure to buv M'lchines making the Grover A Baker stitch, but a'so that such Machines are made and stamped under our patents and those of Elias 1 lower, Jr. GROVER A BAKER 8. M. CO , 4 US Broadway, New York. A CARD f ROM ELIAS HOWE, JR. All persons are cautioned not to make, deal in, or use any Sewing Mschines which sew from Iwo spools and make Ihe stitch known as the Grover A Sliaker stitch, unless the same are purchased from the Grover At Baker Sewing Machine Company, or their Agents, or Licenses, and stamped under my pa lent of Ncpteu.her 10, I84H Said Company, and their Licenses, alone, an legally authorized under their own patents, am my said patent, during the extended term there- of, lo make and sell this kind of Sewing Machine and all others are piracies upon my said patent, and will be dealt with accordingly, wherever found. ELIAS HOWE, JR. New York, Dec. 29. I860. if New Arrival of Clothing. rilHr. largest and best Stock of FALL AND A W I.MEK CLOTHING ever brought to this place, arrived at Ihe Mammoth Clothing Store of SCHWF1TZER, HEILBRONNEK A CO.. in Market street, nearly opposite Wca ver's Hotel. Their Stock comprises of FINE CLOTH COATS, Dress (.oats, Over Coats, Business Coats, Ac. VESTS OF ALL KINDS. UnderShirts, Drawers, Ac. H-ATS CAPS. BOOTS AND SHOES, of the latest styles oi every description and quality, cheaper than ever. 1 heir assnrttntnt of gentlemen's furnishing 1,-ioining is ine most complete ! Their variety and style most attractive. And the pricea defy all competition. Call snu examine for yourselves. SCWEITZER.HEILHKONNEH (r CO, Sunbury, Oct. 6, I860. War! War! War! COME FJtOM THE KOliTf, COME FJiOM THE SOL'TIf, COME FllOM TUE EAST. COMEFUOM HIE WEST, Save Ilia country and build yourselves homes. or now is Ihe lime lo get vour Lumber cheap. Yea,. LUMBER ! LUMBER I ! LUMBER ! ! can he purchased at low rates al the STEAM SAW-MILL of IRA T. CLEIV1ENT, 8UNBURY, PA., Such aa Panel Lumber, Frame Lumber, Boards, Hiding, Shingle from $4 to fc8 per thousand, Plastering Lath, Paling, Roofing Lath, Ac, Ac All bills ordered, for any kind of Lumber, will be furnished at Ihe shorlesi untie. IRA T. CLEME.VT. Sunbury. March 9, 86l. COTTAGE BIBLES. POU 8ALK, cheap, turn copiei e-f the - . Cottag Bible, iu two fclumes, with com. dutl.. li. li. MASisLH ANOTHER ARRIVAL OP IV E W G O O D S, J. II. (:U'.t. or Muiibtiry, Pn., n AS just arrived with splendid STOtJK of SPRING AND SUMM F.R GOODiJ, from Philadelphia, to which he respectfully .invites his friend and the Public to call and inspect, he will spare no time in showing them. Among his stock of good will befound, FINE BLUE AND BLACK FFJEITCE CLCTE. Fine Black and Fancy Casimerea Tweeds, Sat Inetta, Jeans, Black Italian Cloth, Cashmerette, Cottonade, Linens, Linen Drill, Linen Check, and raecy Vesting, also a large assortment of Ready-made CLOTHING for men and boy (cheap VR LADIES WEAR, Black and Fancy Dresa Silk very cheap, Silk Tissue, Beregea, Chali and Chali Rohcs, Berege Delaine, Berege Robes, Figured Brilliant and a variety of olher Dress Goods, Spring and Sum mer Shawla, Mantillas, Parasols, a good assort ment of white goods, Collars, Sleeves, Irish Linen, Shirt fronts, Marseilles, Brilliant Ac A general assjrtment of domestic Dry Go da. Also a large stock of Hats and Caps, Boots and shoes, Hardware, tjueena and Glassware, Groceries, Cedarware, Stone and Earthenware Drugs and Paints, Salt, Fish, Cheese, Ham, Oil, J ar Ac. Sic. N. B. Wall and Window Paper, Floor nnd Table Oil Cloth, Carpets, all the above will lie sold at low prices for cash or country produce ta en in exchange for Good. J. H. ENGEL. Sunbury, May. 19, 1860. If. HARRIS ft 1 1 p v nr u I'AIXTEII, at & a to , MARKET SQUARE, SUNBUBY, IA June 23. I860. New Air Line Route TONE "W ORK FHOKTKST IN DISTANCE AND uriCKKST IN TI.MF. between the two Cities of NEW YORK AND HARRZSBUBO. VI K READING, A 1. 1 .KN TOWN AND F.ASTON. niorntna i-.xnress Went leave. v..w Vorkn, a . . n..A Philadelphia ut tf a m . arrives ut llnrri.lmrir nt iti jr. u eetingat Ilumehuig with train nil Northern Central iiouu ior r-nnuury, v ll.iainsiorl, Lock lluveli and inter me time stations. Mail 1 ruin West leaves New V..rW n, t. ...! I iiomicmmu ill U.-UI P. M.. COIIIieCtlllff With limn ., N.trll. nn lciiiiih limn lor stations as alwve, and also nn all irB.usnn ine iv iiiuiui.port null Klmira. .mill i lain hast lenves llurr mhtir o nt p. a M . nml nr. rives al I'liitailelplnn nt 1 e. and New Yuk at 3 3U r. M., in lime to take lnit or ears for Ihiston. Ae. Ky.l Kxpress Kast leave. Il,irrn.htiv n I in .... -..-..! of Northern Central Timu, suit arrives at I'liikidelphin at ... m . ..i n n, U 1. Ml. No ehilliue of cursor hiik-saira l..tM-i.ii N..u V..rk ... Philadelphia and ll.-irri.hniir. For httiutv of aeenerviunl sued, ami n...H d.ition. II, i. rlllc presents luilueelnenls lo the traveling public tllliee in New York, font of Coitrllnnd street Plilliiitel phin. Hi.'iiil and Callow lull tlreels. Fare liolwecn New York und ll.ininliuig FIVKDOI, l''oi Tickets; Freight or other Information, apple In ., . J. J. CI.YDK, Ueuciul Agent. 1 1 nrriKloli c, June .10, IMKI ly lisl.0. THE BEST ROUTE 1860 FROM Wyoming Vallcj lu riiliatlclpiitn, 5cv loili, llalllmurc, AND ALL 1'0XTS X011TII, SOUTH .j- WEST. LACKAWANNA k RL00MSBURG RAILROAD. SUMMER AKHANOJIiIENT. Two Daily PnMienger Trains will la; rnula-tweeiiikrautuii aiul Northuiulieilnnd, as follows: IMOYIN0 MII.'TH : Leave Plnl'a .Mail. N. V l-'.s. Si-ranton, 0 10 A. Al. 4 45 V. Al Ainveul Pit tu. hi, 0 .TH 4 A3 Kingston, ? n3 A ftl fhickaliiiiuy, 7 no H Herwick, I) ill 0 45 ltliHiiii.buig, h .10 7 uo Unpen, - 9 no 7 40 Danville, 9 p III Nnrihuiulrt.'rutnd, lu no & j .MOVING MIRTH : lnve S. Y. Kx. I'lul'a Mail. Norihauihtrliuid, a :lu A.M. 4 la I'.AI Arrive ut Danville, 6 (I.) 5 Hi ltiiait, II .D 6 AO ItliNiiuKbnig, 0 4.1 r no Her wick, 7 15 t! :ir, Sliarknliiiiny, 7 15 7 05 Kinuiitoii, H .'lit 7 45, (, 57 fl 15 eitinton, II h 45 The IH'kiiwiiiiiia and lllih.iiiHliurg Railroad connects Willi the Uetaw-ne, Ijickawaunn nml Western Railroad, nt cuiiiloii, for New York ami riiiladlpliiit, and intcrine iliate poiiita Kast ; also for lireat Rend, Bingliaiiitou, Syracuse, lhifhilo, Niagaln Fall., and all Important fmiuls Yest. At Rupeit it connects with Ihe Cattawissa Itinl rou.l, for viiuts laith FjihI and YeHt. At Norlhiuritieilaud it c nuet-ls with the Suuhury and Krie Railroad, foi M.ims West iindSiulll. Al. Y. JAClis-ON, Sup't. Kingston. Auitiot ', lwfi. HEGEIVIAN & COS CtlUMAL KLlXlIt OF C A L IS A Y A B A U K Prepnicd only by IIFUKMAN & CO., Wholesale aud Retail Cheiuisia and Druggists, nil, 3119, 511 and 740 llroadway, New Yotk. TIIK Virtues of I'Kltl VIAN HARK as a Tonic have heen ha, long k.iowu to need coinineut. The CAt.IS.VVA ('-or King's Bark,") is Hie most vnhi alileuf Ihe iiumer tus vuuetles of the Peruvian Hark, uud in the F.1.1X1H is couiliiued with other ingredients llint iucreuse Ils elliency and at Ihe s:uue time overcome the intensity of its bittel, rendering It u molt Agieealile Cur dial. For persons living in FEVER and AGI'K districts, il will be found invnluahle as a preventive. Half of a wine alass full taken uiiflil and molning, rendering tlie system inaeh less subject to the uiiheall hy iuUueuce of the utinos phere. DIRF.CTIONS Dose for sn adult, half a wineglasi full before hreakfaslsud dinner; children fioin one hi Iwo leasiuiis lull; it maybe, taken with or without s hule water For sale st this oflice. Inreh 17, It-Oil A Fi citli Supply ol' Dry Good;. PJ0N8ISTINO in part of Prints, Deluinea bleached und unbleached Muslins, Check" Stripe Denims, & Drills, A'c, just received by It. H. at tbo Mammoth store of FRILINU & URAN'I LOOK HERE, IF YOU WANT TO BUY CHEAP FOR CASH. GO TO WM. II. MILLER, he has received from Philadelphia a large stock of BOOTS & SHOES. His stock consists of (ien'ta Kipp Hoots, Youths' Kipp Boot. Children's Calf Boots. A Uo a variety of Women's Calf Lace Boots, Women' Morocco Lace Boots, Children's Morocco and Calf Lace Boots, all of which he will sell cheap for CASH. Calland examine for yourselves. ALSO, lirst quality of Tampero Moroco for sale for cash. WM.H. MILLER. Sunbury, January 7, lHfiO. GENESEE SALT. WHOLE8ALB Ss HETAIL, Jc'ILlNG A GRANT (at tha Mammoth - Htore,) have just received 600 lbs. of Kolar Ground, KoUr and Fine Salt, 71)0 Macks of Ground Solar Salt every sack warranted lo contain 225 pounds of Salt and 200 bagaofSalt containing one Bushel each. Tbi sail is the best and slrongast now manufactured and in market. Call and sea for yourselves. Sunbury Sept., 8, I Slit). WNDOW SHADES A irty YnZ wil cheap assortment, just leceived by Rail, road from New York, at Ihe Mammoth store nf Friling 4 Grant. We bsve also for sale S. B. Putnam A Co' celebrated Patent Pendulum Curtain Fixtures. - BOO TS A; SHOES, ran b purchased al the Mammoth Stnra of Friling A Grant, werv cheao, as w ra determined Out to be undersold by anybody. Call and lesm lbs li-loi prues (ut yourselves. J Mil. ING 4 GRANT. runbiiiy, lanusiy li, 1 hfil " NEW GOODS At the Mammoth Store of III A T. CLEMENT, NO. I MARKtT 8TRF.F.T, 8UN0URY, I'A. rlHE"euhscriber has just opened at Ji is well I known establishment In Sunburv. ana of tha lies pest snd most desirable slock of Fall and Winter Goods, that lias over been nflered in the place. and which no will sell for CASH or oichmtrc for Country Produce. Those desiring to purchase goods will do well to call and examine hi stock. A BLACK AND FANCY SILK. AH Wool Delaine, Figured, 8triped and Plain, French Merino, all colors. Beautiful Dress Robes, Cashmeres, Shaded, ilain and Striped must be seen to form an idea of the extent and variety. Mantle, Stella, Chenille, French Wool Shawl 1 nihet and llroche Whs wis. Cloths Cassimerea and Satinfit For Men and Boya' Wear, Cassimerea, Fancy Cassimeres, side stripes heavy, Viye Skin Cassimerea, Satinet all kinds FLANNELS, W lute and Red Flannels, all grades and prices, Bay State Sack Flannels, colors finest ;nsltios READY-MADE CLOTHING Boots and Shoes, Hat and Caps, Ae., 4e., all of which were selected with great rare, ami will compare favorably, as regorda quality, style and price, with any in the country. I! AUD WAKE, a full assort merit. Wood and Willow Ware, Ijiieetisware, of all descriptions, Groceries, n full stock in store, Corpet Chains, Ac, Points, Oils. Glass, Dve SttilVs. Thanktil for Ihe patronage heretofore received he will spare no pains to please all who may f.ivuf him with their custom in the future. Sunbury, OcU 2', I8SI. HIGHLY IM P 0 RT AN T N E W S M. C. GEARJIART, Has returned with a new Stock of Confectionaries, Fruit and Toys. ITacetr aaira new age, a new life was open Itig upon us, animating every heart to nobler deeds and higher aims! Art, Literature and Sci enco will glow anew and seek to develope eub itmer beauties and grander conception. Tne business world too must feel the new in. fluence and evcry'part beouickened ami strength ened by an increased vitality, which shall urge uson will, electric speed lo the consummation of greater things than was ever dreamed of in tho Philosophy of the past. Animated by the enthusiasm which prevade all classes and desirous of doing his share to wards "I ho great events of the Age," the sub sc.nlieT would respectfully inform the , nod i.e.. pic of SI .N BURY and Ihe public generally, that be has just returned from llie city of Philn.lel phia with the largest and choicest stock of Con feclioiianes, Fruit and Toy, ,hl has ever been brought to this section of country. He is slo manufacturing all kinds of Cnnfcclionaries. A c lo till up orders, whulcsaV or retail, at short no tice. Among his slock found : French Secrets, llurneil Ahnonils, Cream While, " la-llioa ' R.aie, " Vanilla, Common Seeiels. LMnorhr, of Conteclionnries. may nn Gum Drops, all kinds ol went, l.ove Itiopa, Mint Drop.. r,, mvj Wliu, lll.. Ftllit Drops, Pitch l aialles lloek CsihIv. , of all scents Almond Candy, FRUIT. Rainuns, I'runes, Dales. Kic, Currants diied, Citrons, Almonds, Riiisous, Nuts of ,,t kind! 1.BM0X SYRUI of a superior iunlity, by th single or doien. A superior quality of ISegars and Tobacco, utul n variety uf Conlectiunarics, fruit. Toy, Ac, all of which isnllcred cheap at wholesale or retail. 13 Remember she name and place. ,ij , m. c.gearhartT Market si., 3 doors west of E. Y. Bright A Son's store. Sunburv, April I I, 180(1 ly 1AGSEP.'S P.TZ1TT FIVE -MINUTE FREEZER. As Improved for 1 M59 and 110, By E. KETCH M A CO., SHO IVarl-Htrcel, New-York. 1H E only Freezer constructed on scientific - principles, with a revolving can aud sptiug blade semper. The one haslens the (reciting of Ihe cream the oilier removes it as fast as frown. The most rapid in freezing, with Ihe least quantity of ice. The most economical in cost, as it is the tnont simple and durable in structure. For sale in all the principal cities and towi.s in the l.'i.ion. Each Fieezer accompanied with a book of rc cipes and full directions. PRICES. 3 quarts, 4 quarts, 6 quarts, 8 quarts, 14 quarts. Sit quarts. Apply to H. B. June 2, IHfill. :i on I mi S 11(1 ti 00 H thl l'i (HI M ASSKIt, Suubuiy. rockefeller; & boer, Attornies at Law, A. Jordan Iluckcfelie r and iioloinuii II. Uyer, respectfully announce tai. they entered into Copartnership in Ihe practice of their profession, and w ill continue to attend to all busi ness entrusted lo their charge in the counties of Northumberland, Ci.ion. Snyder ami Montour, promptly, faithfully and carefully. Kpccial at tenlion will be given lo the COLLECTIONS OF CLAIMS. Consultation can be had in the GERMAN language. , Ollice, - Market Street, opposite Weaver's Hotel. - Sunbury, February , 160. P. MELANCHT0N SHINLEL, " JlSTK'i; OF TIIK IE4CK STJjJ-BTJR-5rr, FA. Ojfice in Deer Street, immediately ojnwsite the Public School lluuse. All businesa promptly attended to. Monica ollected and all ordinary writing done. Sunbury, A nril 25. I57 tf HENRY D0NNEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ojjke opposite Ihe Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County Pa. ' Prompt bltenlion to business in adjojnjn vuuuiiva. WHOLESALE DEALER IN BRANDIES, WINES, GINS, AC- fpiIE auhscrilier having niened in Thninpson'a Brick Building, Mill slreet, Danville, a large and complete atock of FOREIGN AND DOM ESTIC LIQI'ORS, comprising the lusst brandsof Brandies, Gin, Old Rf e, ScoU-h and Irish Whiskey, Port, Sherry, M aderia. Champagne and other W ines of all grades, all of which will ha sold Wholesale at Ihe lowest cily price. Tavern-keepers by buy ing of ua can save at least the freight. Persons desirous of purchasing liquors fur FAMILY USE, may rely upon being furnished with a pure and unadulterated article, tif Being dclcrmiued to establish a reputation for selling cheap h rcsiecllully solicit the pa tronage uf tha public. All order promptly at tended to. , 1EI5EMIA1I 8. HALL. Danville, Jul III, I860. INGRAINED CARPETS,' MAfFAl'Tt Rl:D..ller R.lel.v V. Vi,. c.: lllsawasnd McDowell's Hmklh'g, Nona 11 MCf , Jsuaasi suI Kavf sllrcls Philadelphia. i.oot i;i'MiASTi:i:i. iai..l"-i it i-se.