Wl it r B t to s BRILLIANT VICTORY AT ROMNEY. UtN. . F.KKLLfcY ROUTS TUB RFOKLS 'I'hre Cunnnn anil many Priwncn Capture'!. Jitbel )Vagon$ anii Camp Equipage lalen Htti rat loivartli Wiitihixttr. Nkw CBKKK.V.Oct.aT. Urij-adiVr Gen tal Kellej inercbid from thin piiwl n I ri.y night, and attacked Hi Uehel. eiiUeni-li ed at KuBinry. Mtert! afternoon, lie roolrd Ihuauemy, capturing many pr omr, threa piece of cannon, and all their wagons camp equipage. The rebel retreated toward Winchester. Our los i trifling I that of thfl Il-bel ha not been ascertained, boV ii believed to be large. OrnciAi. Drspatcii of Urn. Krm.v. Washi-iotoN, Oct. 27. Lieut. General Scett. today, received the following denpistcb. dated Komney, Va. Oct. 20. I M. . ; lu obedience to junr order, 1 moved nn this place, at twelve o clock Insl tigni, uaK A the enemy at three o'clock this afternoon, and drove) in their outpost, ami after a liril liant action of two boms, completely routed them, taking all their coonon and much of their camp eqnipnise, and many i.risoner Our loss is but trilling, but 1 cauuot sy to what extent. ' (Signed) B. ! Kki.i.ky, Tun force under General Kelley are be lieved to have comprised, amnnif others, ihe Third and Seventh Virginia Uegi.i.eutf", one Ohio regiment, and the regiments command ..I by Colonel Moss, Thorburn and Ziegler. The Third Virginia regiment is commanded by Colonel Hughes. O. K. SwearmgeD is the Major The above six regiments huve, lor ioine time past, been performing guard duty between Grafton and Cumberland. TIIK WAR I MISSOURI. THE FIGHT AT FKHDKBICKTOWX. 1'ii.ot Knoh, October 25. Col. l'luaimer has rolurued with his coiumund to Cape Gi rardeau. . Col. Carlin now occupies ! re.de ricklown with a regiment of iuUtitry, u na droll Of cavalry and two pieces ol artillery Thompson ami his Uehel band were pursued twenty two miles beyond Fredericktowu, ou the Ureenv.lle road, wl.eu the chase was ). 0 ,e . They are probably at Ureenv.lle now, but uiey are completely demorlivd, and will. doubtle, coutiuue their retreat The det.il lent out to bury the- dead alter I he battle reported nearly 200 of the lt-bels hilled and lell on the twld. Our loss was six killed aiid about rorty w a .ded-oue un.r 4l,r'FUKTIIKU PARTICULARS. October 26 -Tlier are but few additional particular of the Fredericktowu light. - It wua a glorious victory on our purl, and a dis anlroua detest to Ihe enemy. The hutlle took place one mile south of Fredericks n. where lue ruad to lireeuville ciosses a kind uf . ra vine. The enemy were well posted iif the luiti fields aiid brush on both s.des or the load bejoul the ravine. Their caution were well planted, too. lor the putposo ol deleiidwg the roud against our approuch. Whilst uli Hie troops were eager for the fray, most of the lighting Ml to the share or the ludioua Cavalry and Cul. Ross' Seventeenth llliuuis. Oilier legimeul Could ouly participate to the vimee. which commenced in less thau an hour u.ler the first guu was fired. The euemj wu pursued eight or leu miles they scat L iingolV to the riKhl uud J. lt by every p uclicnule route. The retreat was oa the i,ue of the Greenville road, and the remuanl ol Th'impsou's armj is tnukiiijr. foe Aikausas in duulile quick time. Our loss in killed does not exceed six, and there re not more than twenty who ure eeiioti.-ly' wounded. Tilu.los of the enemy is not ln than two huudred in killed and wounded. Tweuty five dead bodies were buried Irom a single Bold yesterday, and others wero found upon the line of the retreat U.r miles beyond thue battle field. We cap tmed tweuty. seven prisoners, together with u lot of guns, C Most of the ituu are of the moyt or.linatiy description ol squirrel nfl-s or shot guns, some or them with the old Hun lock. Our wounded, together with the leitmins of M jor Gavitt aud Captain llymun. . ra brought to lrontou lest night. A few ol the wouuded with these two gallaul ofDct rs, have ueeu sunt op to St. Louis by to day's train. Also, the body of private McCluin, of the siiine regiment. Our whele force left Fredericktown yester day noun, in pursuit of the fugitives. 1; is very questionable whether they will be able to overhaul them this Side of the Alkaiieae Ihih. The people of Fredericktown seeyi to have uuited in an attempt to deceive the U. H. troops us to the whereabout of Thompson mid his uruiy. They stated to the oflicers that Thompson had left the town on Sunday, and was by that time (Monday noon) thirty miles aw.y. They were at the same lime itwxe Unit this swamp fox aod his followers Imd arranged very pretty umbuscede within mile of the town, where they fxpected to annihilate, their foes. The troops w.re ureal ly exasperated by this attempt at dec p-ion, and, atler the buttle, several houses were liied before the soldiers Could be restrained by their officers. OFFICIAL KKS'OttT OF MAJOR ZAGON1. St. I. or is, Oct. 27. Special to St. Louis i Hepuhlican litU (O'AKTKIM WbSTKRN DkI'ARTMKNT, ) ' V kki. Station, Mo-, Oct. 20. ) The following despatch ha been received nuouiicing ft brilliaut victory at Sprioheld. by General Fremont' Uody Guard, number jug pue hundred and fifty men : Fivk Milk Oct Uoi.ivak, ) 10 o'clock A. M., Oct. 25- j Gknfral: 1 report respectfully that yes terday. ut four o lock 1. M.. 1 met m Spring lield, about two thousand Kebeli, fotmed III tine of battle. They gave us a very wann reception, but your guard, with one feeling, made a charge, and in less than three niiuu I,' tbo enemy was completely rout- d by one hundred and CTly men. VVe clea.-ed the city of every Kebel, and retired, it being near night, aud not feeliug able to keep the place wilb so small a force. Major While' com nnd did not participate in the charge. I have seen charges, but such brilliaut uimni mity and bravery I bate oever een. and did not expect. Their war cry, Freiuoul Uud the Union," broke forlb like ihunder. (Sigued.) CllABI.KS ZltlOM. Major Commanding liody Guard. Major Zagoni wis advised of the force of the Uebel, but he u determined to have a tiihi. - . Col. Pearce. said to be from Arkansas, coaunauded one of the Uebel Regiments t port i of tiik turret: itLirr. Of BALL' Ualtimurk, October 23 The following statement has been derived from highly respectable lefugeo from Leesborg : When the intention nf throwing the Fede ral troops scron ths 'otouiac first became app irenl. the Rebel force in the neighbor hood of Leeshurg were so small that it was almost decided not to oiler any resistance. Home reinforcements were, however, brought up from back of Leesbuig, aud, with Ibe force thus gathered, nut altogether exceeding 3000 it was resolved to make stand. Both par i,a. :l was adinilteil at Leesburg, fought desperately. The. Uebel feared thai I hey would be s iriiiiiiHl' il by large lorce, winch, II waJ aulicipated, (jell. Bank would throw ii. iu.. at the (til? above wbr the bailie fought, dJ lb must despera'.i tBoiU wer mad to. defeat Gen. Bnkr bsfor the expected reinforce meot could com to hi relir. The United Stafs troops, thoneb over matched io numbers, Slood out against the attack manfully aod bravely. Doth parties differed severely in killed and wounded. Oar informant aaw over one hundred dead Rebels, wbilo their wounded wer io numerous that all Ihe farmhouse in the neighborhood wer O.'cupled a temporary hospitals. I he nam b r of United States soldiers captured our informant did nut ascertain, lie saw one party or one hundred taken off, but it is understood that two other (quads had preT . ously been sent away. The expectation which at first prevailed, that the United Stale trocps would he able to advunc io over whelming numbers to Leesbarg. occasioned the utmost excitement. The Unionists, of whom there was large number, were prepar ed to receive and welcome the army, while many Secessionists' had made preparation Io leave. The repulse of the Uuited State troopa, of conrs, caused a corresponding depression with one clas, and most exlraor dinary exultation with the other. After the bailie, the Rebels rapidly harried op their reinforcements, and at the lime to which our information extends, it was estimated that thee had from ten thousand to fifteen thou sand men at Lnesharg and Waterford. I.KTTCn FROM GARIBALDI. Washington, Oct 28. The following letter from Garibaldi has been received by the U. S. Consul at Antwerp : translation J ' Capmkka, lOib September, 18G1. "My Dear Sir: 1 saw Mr. Sanford, and regret to be obliged to aucouuee to yuu that I shall not be able to go to the Uuited Status at present. "1 do not doubt of (ho triumph of Ihe cause of the Uoion, and that shortly; but if this war should nulortunately coutiuue iu your beautiful country, 1 shall overcome all obsta cles which detuiu uie, to busteu to the defence of a people wuo ure so deur to me. Yours. Signed, "G. Gamiualdi " "To ilr. ti'iiggle, U. S. Consul at Antwerp." tltU.M KIM U KY. 1'adicau, Oct. 23. Three conianies of the Ninth Illinois Rei-iieul weul to Saruloga, forty-eight mile up the Cumberland river, ou S.ttuiday, aud attacked a company of Rebel cavalry, one hundred strong completely routing theu. The Rebel lost thirlet-u killed and Iweiit) lour prisuuers ; fifty two burse and ull lliuir Camp t quipnge were captured. The Federal luss wua uuiy IWO Wouuded. Tiik TiiKAai'HT lbiriin mkx1 is su;pliog the iiiimeiice demand lor Treasury untes aa rapiiflv us it can. Due hundred ticks are constantly cm plowed in signing the notes and preparing them lor delivery. I hiny millions ol dollais worth of the notes have already heeii issued, in addition to eleven miliums ul the demand notes. New Advertisements. JURY LIST. I'tir Xurlltumhcrluittl County. Xuveinber 'lam 1801. CRAXD JLIKIRS. 1 K'lwardW Cbupn, Milton 2 I'eter Campbell, Turhut illieorgeGeise, Jr, Junliin 4 lletieville Linebach, Delaware. 5 John J R-imeusiiyder, Turbut ti Charles Alex itider, Shamokin 7 James Fiugboiie, Loner Mahanoy 8 David Fiher, Upper Auirusiit 'J lleury liohner. Lower Augusta, 10 Wui II Delltler, Turliul II Henry 1 llidfuiiiii, Wnhhington 12 George Harris, Lower Mahanoy 11) Samuel Wise, Mi! to II 14 John Campbell, IMawnre If) Joseph Frederick, Chillsquaqiio 10 I'avid Uutingiir, Lower Augusta 17 Henry S Reuu, Zxibe 18 Samuel Reefer, Lower Augusta Ii) John Fisher, Shamokin c0 ChailfH Bellman, Turbut 31 Mo-is Ren.. Lower Augusta 22 Win K F. izer, Chilieqnaqne 23 I'eier Fersier, Jr, Washington 24 Solomou Murlz, Shamokin TKAVKHSK Jl HOH3. 1 David leaver, Chilit-quaque 2 Win L Silverwood. Lower August g Daniel F Geist, Upper Mubauoy 4 Isacc Rebock, Wusliingtou 5 Win T Fori") Hi, Northiinibniluiid ti Kelijituilll McClonr, Coal 7 .louulhan lit-i i z Washington 8 Harmon lleiu, Zerbe II 'I'Ihmii..s J M ackey, M iltnn 10 George M R' uu, Suiiliiiiy 11 George Hurri-tou, Sunbury 12 K S trgo, Milton 13 Amos Maul, Delaware 14 Jeremiah i'ergy, Milton 15 Jacoh 11. tl'ii i h n . Jordan 10 John S Haas, Upper Auitusla 17 John Uohuer, Lower .Mahanoy 18 Simon Buhner, Shamokin r) Daniel Keller, Turbulvillo 20 George Kulz. Turbut J I George C Welker, Sunbury 22 Julm Wall ., Sen., Lea is 23 Jacob II Bissel. Upper Mahanoy 24 Win Farrow, Shamokin 23 Win 1'iM, Turhutville 2fi Michael Leuk-r. Lower Mubunny ... ,n. .i . H l-uiu I reon, asuingioo 'lH McClay Geaihnit Sunbury 2J Michael Reader, Turhutville 30 Henry Malich, Upper Mahanoy 31 John Lulvha, WushiiiKtnn 32 Lemuel Campbell Ruth 33 John D Davis, Zerbe 31 Rohoil A Grifliu. Chilisquiiqua 35 Henry Derr, Turbut 30 David Heiser. Mount Carmel 37 Kline Uyrely, Lower Mahauoy 38 Jacob Fullmer, Milton 3'J SebaBliun 1 1. ui pi. Sunbury 40 Kdward Bright, Jr., Sunbury 41 Churles G Culick, i'oitit 42 Louis li.illiet, Turbut, 43 Daniel llolshni, Jackson, 44 Gilbert Betleu, Zerbe, 45 Daniel Gnt-sler, N urlhuiiiberland, 46 Weneill Latsha, Cameron, 47 David lvigle, Turbut, 48 Juuas Koch, CbilliBquaqne, 1'KTITJUROHS. 1 John Metlorniick. Turbut, 2 George HerU, I'hillisquaque, 3 Lulher Basset, Rush, 4 John Zartitfao, Jackson, 5 George Bright, Sunbury, 6 William Spatz, Jr., Lower Mahanoy, 7 Samuel A Beriislresser, Shatuokiu, 8 John Dreher, Mount Caruiel, 9 lleury (ieist. Point, 10 Jarne Diefieubacher, Nortbuuibcilaud, 11 George Buker, Milton, ... 12 David Folliner, Turbut, 13 Joseph Ueruiao. Milton, 14 I'eier I) Dent ler. Delaware, 15 John Oysler, Delaware, 16 Wm. K Manx, Suubury, 17 Henry S Raits. Washington, 18 John A Mnyder, Coal, 19 Samuel Thatcher, l'oint, 20 David Davis, Mount Carinel, 21 William Sharer, Lower Mahanoy, 22 Robert McK.ee, Sr., Delaware, 23 Michael Grimm, Lower Mahanoy, 24 Joseph Bly. Delaware, 23 Michael Bobb, Khamokin, 20 I'hilip llcckert, Lower Mahanoy, 27 David Llewellyn, Mount Carmel, 28 Jacob Harttnan, Turbut, 29 Abraham Deppin, Jackson, 30 Jacob Berrer, Rush, Ml Pelor Shaler. Delaware. 32 William It asler. Urp-r Mahanoy, 33 Isaac Riiharmel. Jordan, 31 William lil.ii, riir.li-i'ieiie, 3.1 Daniel lloae. m-IhiicIoii, ' i8 Samuel 11. Ui'ijei, a'jadiuinu, New Millinery Goods. NiMH 31. I CallsSLfcll, I'atrn Street, two tlnort surf tht Shamokin Vellef J- I'otlnvitle Hail Itnad, 8TJN BUR Y, PEMM'A., KKI'BCTFUI.I,Y inrorms the citizens of 8LNDCKVnd vicinity, that she has just received from I'hiladclphia a large and leudid assortment of the most fashionable style of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, comprising of H3 CE S3" JC3T 53 Q S3 , HATS, FEATHERS, FLOWERS, TRIM- MI.NGS eVc which she Is selling at the mod reasonable prices 'Io which she directs Ihe attention of ihe ladies and invites all Io call and see them. Thankful for past patronage, she hopes by keeping Id beat assortment at reasonable price to continue Ihe same. Bunhury, October 19, 1881. 3m J ATTENTION VOLUNTEERS ! 4 111,1 bodied, reliable vounir men. between Ihe age of 18 and 35. are wanted Io till up j a enmpattv of 'nfmilry, am honied hy Hovernor Curlin, Io I raised hv EDWIN A. HVAftS, ol , Northumberland ISorough. Persons enlisting; mar he assured that no efforts will he spared on Ihe part of their i.lticera to provde lor their comfort, hy Ihe selection ol sdeiiiiste cloihintr, l-laiikrls, Ac. Promptness in the pay of the soldier will also he Insured hy the practical business exerietice of the Captain. It is the design ol the olJicers. far as possible, to receive youinj men nl good social sud moral character, and In pay eapecial regard to Ihe mortal condiiion of Ihe Company. Tho pay of nnn-conimissicned officer and privates ranges from 13 lu S3 dollars per uo'inli. with a bouuiv of -iilui) to Ihose who serve out their lime of enlixttDeut- Ample provi-inn have been made for Ihe support of the families of married men who enlist. Persons wishing to servo their country in this its hour of peril, can do so hy calling on EDWIN A.EVAN, Captain, Norlhumlierliiud, Pa. CHAS. R. EVAN ft, 1st Lieutenant, Lewisb'irg, THOS. 8. LOTZ, Sd Lieutenant, New Merlin. October 19, 1801. Widows' Election under the S300 Law. IOi'H'E is hereby civcti that appraiaements of real and personal properly have been made Io the widows, icspectively, of the follow nil named decedenta, agreeably Io the acta of Assembly, in such casus made and provided : I Frederick It. Kiadler, deceased. ' 5 Frederick Haas, " 3 William Haves, " 4 I'hilip Fot st, ft James Cumeruii, " - And that Ihe same will ha presented In the Orphans' Court ol Northumberland county, for approval, on Tuesday, Ihe l Jlh day nf November nckt, unless exceptions ha liled theret) before said day. J. II. MANSER, Clk. O. C. Sunbury, October III. (NCI. Assessors. 'IIIF. Assessors of Northumberland county are -- requested to make return of their triennial assessments to the Comiiusiouer'e I Iflice, on the grill day of December, I "01, at which time there will be a meeting of the Uoard or Commissioners, liy urder ol the Hoard, S. D. JORDAN, Clerk. Comrrissioner's Office. ) Sunbury, October l, I8CI. : J. WEICHSELBAUM, OPTICIAN AND OCULIST; nto.w PHILADELPHIA, KSrilCTI'U'ld.V inrorms tlia ciluons if Saidairr auJ vicinity. Ilini li.-ts mm-iimIi, Ituum at ttia YYiiih. iiifjtou ilouks, where liettferi t'ur sulo SPECTACLES 1 Of every variety, aizeaud qunlity. Anew invention of lpti t:irlrs, lor duiHiit r v-o nitdinp, with ii'ihl, sitvei, ftert.and toitoise-sheH fiainetr, and a n w and MpprovrU as viitineiit of peiitW'iil and pHrnlslii ground Hint lufaes of hia own manuiaeluie. He wtikl purtirulatly cnll atteu. tion ol Hie putMe In his Sveilueles lor Near lighted tei situMtaud pejs mi who huve bem opcnitml upon the rata net ol Hire) , and In Ins new kind of (ilituars aud Con aui vvts oi the sight, iiiudeol the twfct Hint and azura fllas ars, It in nl UIhs tuny be ktiwn hy thru slmpe, rxnel cen-tti-, sliatp and lnthiy olihrd surlMeo. 'J'lie qualities are la be found in a high dig rue in his glasses. 1IJU1ILY 1M TOUT A NT : Tbtf v.-ry buat Krazilliun rtible ! so univer sally proved lu be far Superior to Boy other Ulattrf. Also, Mieroseopfs, Spy and (Juizing Glass of every size and quality, Trlrsoi pus, iMugiill) ilig Ulidt)p-ru tilnM. With tin.' rent poert,togt-t.iri with every variety of ar ticles in ihe Optical hue in it inrutmiit'd. IV OptuMluuo other liintnnnciit imd tilntnes cttrefully repaired at shiiil utu'v. He rail ulwnys select lilassr t i mil tin vn i "i i ol thv prrs-ii. us he rcsiln m, uiwrt thliist lri.il. He will remain in I hi pliu-u duiintr veiiiler Court j ii i id llx se in wuut t the ahwV artieUs will plcuic ive nun a call. ( v" He will, if rt-quijtnl. g-i In any respectable house wiirrn his services limy he wuntt-d. 1 l7Tlievny Ik-ii Kik Watsb ami the bet Uuiitiuj; I Glusr uiwaoi stile. I (M4er lit,' tUI. AXO'UIEn Mi RIVAL OF Millinery Goods- at Ilia More of ItllXXOH It. & It. SIIISSI.KJl, Siiimkiii's HuiMiMg, MiiiWtl H-iUure, M'.NUI HY, IV ri-UK pnblle arfl iuviled lociill anil esatniiie Jieir Milll J ncrv t-iissls jtistn-lleil sm-li as Ijlillss' Dress U.n ill, Silks, ami tbo latest New Vsrk autl l'hilsilt-lpl.i i styles UoN.NKI'-j. A l.ADIK.S' 1IUKSS CAPS. KI'RH, IjuIo-s' liluves, ll.wiery, ll.niib.i-i.-l.ielS, Nolbuit, t'l"Wns. anil Millinery g.aslsnl evsry variety. M A I' I A .l A k I N U . Urnses muds m tbe best man ner ai.it in any style. Wc lnli-l.il to sell low, cnll and esamine our sloek. U. ol t. WlltarLKK. ajunbury, Detnlier 13, IrOI. SHERIFF SALES. v virtim of Suotlry writs of Ven. Kxponns anil alias Vea. l'xpouas and I-'i. l'a. issued out of Ihe Court of C nuinion I lea of Noitliuin berland County, Pa and lo ma directed, will bun posed to Public Sole al tbe Court Mouse In t lie boroiiub of fc'nubury, on Monday, lliu 4th day of November, A I). 1801, at 1 o i-lock 1. M-, tbu following described property, lo wit : All that certain tract of land situote in Coal township, Noithuniberlaud souuly, Penufjl- vania, surveyed iu pursuauca ol a warrant dated Hie. 27th or llecember, A. V. 1 (92 emitted to Ksther Kruiner, coiitainini' urcord lutr to a re survey tour hundred and twenty- eiubt acre twenlvuine perche and allowance and hounded by laud surveyed ID the name of John Carson, I hnana llamillou, William 1 , liraily, Mat;ilaleoa h. l.everson, bam I hcolt aod James llepboru ; on which auid trui-l of land re erected, on the eastern ride of Mow ery' Uun, eiglit blocks of miner' bousos, frame aod two stone nigh, eacu block beine lliirtj -two feet squuie, ouu frame stable on the west side of said run; one ether block ol an nera' bouses, about one hundred rods east of Mowery's Uun, and four block of miners' bouses about lea rods south of Carbon Hun; aUo oue lurue Coal ltreuker, with screens, scliute, inclined plane, eti(;ine -house, station ary engine of lbirl)-lwu boree power, with boilers, belling, aud all other necessary fix tures: Also au old loir bouse, sawmill aud blacksmith shop. Said Tract contain Seve ral valuable veius of anthracite coal, three of which bave been opeued and worked, aud about nineteen hundred feet of drift railroad bave been laid leading from tba breaker to the sev. tal drift. The Carbou Kuo lateral raikroad also run through tbi tract. ALSO: All I hat certain tract or laud situate la lb inaiishin uf Cosl aforessid surveyed upou arrant granted to A nrtrem Humel, bounded - ilia north hy laud lurveyeo lu lb nam nl Sait Cat son. tin Ihe east If tbe William Uivrpuivey, on the uuii tjf tht Luk Hag tin sad on the west by the Kalber Kramer sur rey, containing sevenl j three acre and (even' lyone perches of laud moTa or less, wberon is eroded on frame home, two stories high with kitchen. Said tract is well timbered and con' Wins several veins of anthracite coal. m ALSO t . All that certain tract of land'aitante in Coul township aforesaid, surveyed iu pursa' ance or warrant dated the 2lb day or De cember, A. D. 1792, granted to Frederick Kramer, enntuining -three hundred and forty three acres, twenty four petvhes and allow ance, bounded hy land surveyed in the name of I'eier Maorer, John Kerstetter, Michael Croll find Boyd .t Zimmerman : abpul Efty acre of (aid tract, on which ! creeled a log farm home, are n fared, and the remamg part is well timbered. Said tract contain several valuable veins or anthracite cuul which have not been . worked. r ,. ,. A LSO : All (hat Ir.rt of land situate in Coal town ship aforesaid, begipning t a Tullen black oak (now pjost ajid siuh,-.) orner f land sorve ed in the n ue of James Hepburn,' of Luke lloglin aod of John llogliu j thence by the ""'nee liepuoru inrvey weai.-iuii o ill percn es Io a pit,..thiiPM. north 15 stain. West 100 9 10 perches to a Stone, corner of land survey ea in aamiuii ?cotl, tnencey sa'd last men tinned land snuulli rj9 de. 4il min. west l.j5 ' 3 10 perches to a stone, thence south min West 43 perches to a stone, I hence south t'J j neg. na mln. west !.- 610 perches to a pout. comer orinnd surveyed iu the name of Thus. Crant, thence by tho same south 13 mill, east I(i8 810 nerches to a bluck ouk. theneu anlitb I 83 iifg. 45 rnio. east l'Jti perches In stone?, thence north 82Jeg. .r2inio east OC .'110 pen li es to a black oak, thence norlh tj'Jdeir.5 min. east 117 4-10 perches, to u hickory, corner ol laud surveyed to John Hoglir, I hence by the Same north 40 dep. H5 min. east 157 C IO peich e to the plucit ol beginning, contuiisui three bundled aud nineteen and olio hulf acre mote or less, aud being the same tract of land w Irch was surveyed oo tho 'Tih day of October, A. O. 17'Jl, in puriunce of a wui rant iisued lo Alexander liunler. huid tract oMutid ig well timbered and coutuias several veius of aulhru cite coal. . : . ALSO : All thai errluin Irnrt , r piece ol" laial aitu.it! i,a Coal towusliifi at-iresHiil lirgiiuiiiin m wlolo iik, crner ,if hiulm tlie i.anm nl Mugilalrna V. rbrrs-'n niul Fu-Uerii-k Kramer, lliciK-sliy i1ismiI Kreilrriek hr.iinrr laaet, s .ulli .ti'arg. Ju lion wnt -J-ll 6-10 pcrclit-n Ma while ink, nifi.ce lentil -11 uejr. Ij mm. n,-n, 15 t-lli icichrs ton fallen iiue (miW p l and st.Hi, -s) cornir i.f Inml aurvryed In the lutitic iif llenuird llubk-y tht-iice l,y the sunl I si Itieiill.iiieil land aurveyed iu tho fuine .f riainiiis Grant ' -n'li 419 4-IU iieivhfs t- a itui'iti. Hit-iire piiriiv Uv riirllv by the Hidliivt iiKntit'iHil laHiai.d IjihI eurveyetl in llif'nume tf Aui4iHiti iiumnr, MJif ur nun w.i' V-l' ht ciinhtuBt"!!, thrirt-tj jiurtli ;tii initiutt nt 4-ri pr-rrhei to ttoiip, UwiH-u ii-Tlh .dei; IU min. v,t 3 Id iL-ichc t a atone hi the linritf hh1 turvryrd tn Jiurics llfpliorti, Ihrncc by the mmi north l iniii.wnl l'J. perrht a Hi u h(, thence iMirihUi'dcg 15 iiiiu. tnitlKj perrlita t- a Inllen ! fiifittui (mwi'miiita iuui) earner it uml Kurvcvnl in the Hiiine n' KnilttT. Kruintr, theii'e Itv the mud l';it iiienlinned Itmd ntuib Iv! nun. erst On urrchea tn post, lionet and them-tt av-mli 73 di-t;. It nun. wet IfJ'i fj-IU pereiirs iu a aHoitr, Ihenee iMirll( Wn'.rp, o.1 nun. vtat(il 4-10 perehes ti a vhiteik, corner i"lmnl kiireeyed in the iiuiiic m AlnilHlvtin K. I severmni, Uieme l te itt lnt inrntKuiid litnd it'-rtli -Jj dtp l-r)ii in. wrsltjj 4;in p. rchea to the ptureol U iliiiii!, Lurrtoii i ,g Mur hundrctl ti enty thrre ii ml onr'loui tli a.iecf luml, more or ivs, hemif i he mine ttrtct oi Irtii.l M-hich wai aurveyed 'titlie USflMlny ol Det'hvr A. l. 1 7i4 m purmi:iiife ul' a wiirmnt gr.inti-d itinniniit'i penn , saidllii.-t .f hind is well ll.nbciml m.d I l"''"ni" p'lii-liiiH..i( Ibe I'.inari -n will be ciili-fnl t i i.b I veins i.f ntithrai'itc cml ; a tiinnul Ims ''' ,!'-il Ihe w-nd VAl.M is con t-lly tiullcil, lliuy need ! r Mi'udit beverul veins ol toithrncite cMiI ; a tiinnul hns Ikh.ii driven in the vunie a distance f nluut una hundreil and ttiiity turds. Three full, etjunl ui divhUd I'nurlh purls i.f imd in till Uv t en tain tract ImH i unted in lYnl township utnHn d snrvcy in pummiireW a n-arntnt d:itit l-tli diy f ,N.iv einlier A. 1. I7UJ (fmiite l li licniurd IhiMr-v, coniHiiiii'i; iieirdinittii a rejnrve) iiuide in Noveinlici s,'v, iur hn - 1 1 nl aevenly-six acrt-suml sixtv three itetrhes stnri inti sure, aud bounded Itv kinds nurvryed in the iimnc uf This. O i nut, Siimifil ctt, .Miehnfl Croll. IVtrr Siiwrm.m. mid John Ciiwdfii, wild ir.ict ( land is w'rll liiuheieil and tun- ' tains several vci:is uf Anthracite Coal. ALSO : All tbatei-iniin litteri-it railroad witli its annurtrnnnps begiiniinit on tbelrart ot' Imi.l warrnuted m the name nf Kstlier Kramer anil Irailiuv to and eiiiici'tiuir with tin. ShHitiiikiti ViilU-y anil 1'i.ttsville Kailroiul (hiit-lj the. Pinifi. delphiu and Siiiibniy unit I'ortrier ly the Danville and I'nlts- Vllle rtailreint) in the towitol hui,i.iklu, .Nouhuilllerland County, Pennsylvania, which said luteiiul ItiiilniuU vviis contillllrd by thai Courr uf Cnillllioll I'Ii-jis i.f the said ctiBnty nf NiiilliiiiiiUff kind, at Annual 'IVna . I) eighteen imii.iicii nun mi)-. .-ri.m urnm HI CXCCillHUl Bllll III OC a.. I.I as the pn.pertj el tbe Carb.li Kim liiiproveinciit Company. At lh- saitie linie anJ olni-e a ci-rlniii trmt. ot tiic t.i land. Simula ie C1b11if1.11 lownsliip, iNorlliiiubtrli.iid conn ly, I'eimi) Ivrniia, (Hinndeit and dt-K-nlM-d hs follows , tin the west by Oeiirgs llornlieriier, on the north by moiiu. tain land, on the east, by 1 uiiiliiiu Ilycrly. anil on tbe soulh by fieorce lloinlier'er m.d Iteiijniulu llyetly. eon. taiuiua bll ucrs mora or less, als.iil 40 uctes nf which ai elcareil, Whercoa meieiieclrtl n.two story HI? house, log ! uani, ami outer on iinniiiiics ami apple ori-liani. i Also a S'thrrtrai-I ur inccciil Unsl, in same township, t ttounty slid itute, Ii nu,led oil Ibe a mill bvltncn Jloin. ! laripcr, on the west l.y kinu -l allcliiicl rhiv,un tbe j iHirth by Miihmioy I'teek. uml on the eust by (jin. Iloin- I berper. isiiiluiiiiiii; IDnercs mors in less, aU.ut 17 acres of 1 whli-b arcclrareO, Ae. Ieizeil tnken in execution niul In Ims sold as Ihe pMicrly of fellas Wehrv, ticorn Wchrv ! aim uiucoii ucis. ' Al.Sf): At llio same tllne and place, two certain lots of Kroiind, siliiate in llie lowu of 'J'rcvorton, Zerbe Township, NorlliuftiiHirlaiul County I'eiin.. ilescri- bed as rol'ows. lo wit : l.ols io's. I niul 2, ill block N.. tsstj'ii niiig Shnniokil) Mreet on Ihe north, an ally Wi Ihe smith ; lot iS'o 3 on tbe east, soil liflh street on llwi wesi, w hereon is erec ted a two story frame house, ei7.eil taken in ex ecution ami losolil aa the property of Harriet C. Uriltillt nliJ W llliani liritlilli. Al.SU : At the same time aud place, two re lain coir lit(uouj lots of ttroiaiul, situate in Ihe town ol 'Pro' vntoti, in Zerbe To vnship, Aorlhuiiilierlan.l County Pa., being lots No 5 and . in block 1 1 7, contsiiiiiiK toueiher tiO l.-el iu fionl arid fronting on Shamokin rilree, adjoining lols ' llarny Mur phy auJ C In islam -Kruiner, wlieieon is eiecleda two storv frame luilli-. rieiirj taken in execu' linn Slid to In) aotl as the iro(ifrty of Ccorge Holsltne, and Josish Jlolshoe, wilh oolite louruli Holshoe lerretcnant.r i .,-AI-O At thv same liufn btid iilnt-e. the undivided one half arl of a i-frtntn loi of grouinl, siloule in iSonbury, Nnrthumlierland Couuly, l'a., bounded and described as follows, to wit: On the north by laud of Jacob Yourii, on the aouili by an alley, nil the east ny land of Jesse M. &imisou, uml on Ihe west l y lulnl ol Catharine Uysttr, eoiilaiinng one acre, strict measure. Seized lakeii in execo, lion and to be sold as the propel ty uf John Voui'f, "ii ' ALSO: Al the same time and place, a rertaiu lot of crouinl situate in Ihe town of Trevorlou. in Zcrbu Townsliip, NorlbumlK'rl ,ud County, '.cum l"t No. 3, in block, No, 7 1, tuiuuded on ll.e noilh hy Uailruad slieel. on the soulh by Maikel street. eat hy No. 'i. amfwe.t by No 4 in same block, coiitainini: .3 leet III Iroirt, ami I Ml leel in depth, w hereon i erected a I wo stoiy Irame house, aod a frome aiithe, out buildings. Ac. ISeued, taken iu execution, and lo be sold us Ihe property of Jacob lteiner. .ALSO, Al Ihe same lima and place, a rertaiu lot and a half lot of yrouud situate in the Town of Tre vorlou, Zerlaa Township. Northumberland r.ounly l'a., hounded anil described as follows: On the north by Hl.amokin street, on Ihe soulh by au alley, ou the east by George Keiser, nn Ihe west hy Uenjamii; Knouae, in block N'u. 177 contain iii in widlh U7 feet, ud in depth l.rU leel, w hereon is erected a oue 'and a half story frame Store mom; also-two ulher Iota ill same town, county, township ml t'late honuded on the north by market strset nn ihe south hy au alley, am the west by Henry Hhrader.' on the east by eight street, No. IS aual 13, ill block 7, roiilaiuiiia ill width ilS tiel r b. and in deplh i'ift feel, whereon is net led . small frame house, rjt iicj taken in fiecoMon ud to he sold as the piopcr ty of Isaac Keiaer - AI.Oi At the Coort House in Huubury on raiurday the tid day uf November, A. D. 161, at I o'clock f , M-, two certain I "Is of uiound ailuutu iu Mhamokin town,' Norihumterlniid county IV, Nos. 07 aud 6, inWock IfiJ, coiuainiiig in width 88 l feel Mch. and iu depth I OU feel. I o in.led and described s follow, lo wit : On to. west by H.imoi, b,dsr..st by slreet. north by commerce alreel. aud south l.y Kuubu.y slreet. whereun are erected a Iwo story frame house ami stable and ulher uul liuildmgs. Keixetl taken tn a i stecution and lu ha sold as ihu properly ol lia j Uixmhait, indorsee ol Jacob Weiiuer. j DAVID WAl.L'liU.N, theuir I bbciitY's Office, unbuiy, ) - 1 Oct. Ill, PROCLAMATION !V OICK is hereby gien that Ilia aenral Courlaof Common Pleas, (jonrrsl (Quarter Sessions of tin ea-e,and Orphans' Coort. Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery,' in and for the county of Northumberland, to commence at Ihe Court lkuae, in the borough ol Sunbury, at II) o'clock, A. M. on Monday, the 4th, day of NOVKMUEU next, and will continue TWO WEEKS. The coroner, Justices of the Peace and consta bles in and lor the county of Northumberland, are' requested to he then and there in their proper per sons, with their rolls, records, impositions, and other remembrances, to do thoao thinire to their cverul office appertaining to be dune. And all witnesses pruaerutiug '.u la-half of the Common wealth against any prisoner arc also requested and commanded to he then and there attending in their pnqier persons to prosecutu against him, aa shall he just and not to depart without icavo at their peril. Jurors are n-iputcd to bepum-tunl in their ; attendance, at the lime appointed agrcuahlo lu ' their notices j liven unilnr my hand at Punlniry, the !t day ) of Oct , in the year of our Lord one ibom. mid eiulr hundred aud sixty-one and the j Independence of the United Slates of America the Moth. ; God snve ihe Commonwealth. ! 1IAVII) W'AI.DKOS, Shcriir. I HherifTs OH'ice, uuhur, ) Oct. ft, ISiil. S. L. UEUUSTUESSEK, PIIOTOGRAPII1C ARTIST JHOTOCKAP118, AM H ROTVPES. and a:i j - ll. superior manner. ijf Rooms 111 iSunbury, Pa. his CAR, Maikel Sipiare, August 10, I BT, I. SWAXni'S CEtEBHaTED PANACEA, j For the care nf urnlula, llli iplcnt CoimtunplKill, Oenei.il ; Dcl.il.ly, While twt limit, idnniimciiiin, ll.i--M ul Ilia Liter au.l flt in, inn) all Diirnies Arising from i lilipunlica ul' the IIi.mkI and die Klltcu .1 j .Mcicury. Swaiui'a Panacea bus been t'or ni'tie Ihnu f.iii) yeurt : C'liehi.tti-il in lliia coiuilry uml in Kiirupe for us extra- nlilliiitty cures, fur the c-iuihentes i.f whleh ret'eleiice is I miide to the Uiiei-linns uiul h.Hiks (which limy lie li.nl 1 pralisi tii-u:'iiirfin) nt$ lha 1'iiiiiicct j s,mm ul wlueli i;ive ', lie! iurtieulurs ul cass lo ni.'lillul lr eurral puhlleu ti.-li, where the p-jiieuls havu'u-eil nltiiut ealeu up vuh Sk-luhilii, uud wets ih-emeil ntcurtible'hy riiyniciaii. It Ins been usnl in h- S;nnils ami pi tvate prat-lice, uml hni been re'!oilillleililt-d by Ihe m..st eeivlnuU-U phymcuuia and I'lhrr etmie-iit pers-ini,. Atii'H'q Hl'ieis, by Ur. Utbe 'ii, A . J)., Iri.f. of ?iiriery, Penn. I'liiveiiMl) ; Valeunne M..U, AI.D., I'n.f ol Sarery, N. V. I nlveisitv i W. I. JJe weee. At 1)., I'rnl. AIhI . l-eilu. t niveimly ; ,. t.'linpuiun, M. U.. 1'iof. ot'l'hvsic, Penn. linverity ; J. Fork. v, M. Ii., I'resiilent Cfilece iMi'.sic'iinis. I'iiiludeliihia : -Dr. bel V'nllu. I'ri'f. uf .Meibenie, lliivium ; J.-se 1'nuieiiL-., lie l.uz, Hri.f. (,t a'geiy. l.Mlnin ; J Chipni.tn, Alemh-r Koal (:nllet;e hUrge.iiiH, Iv'iitl'Mi ; li. V, Iiviii, lute Miiiinier toSjniiii Sir Ih'iirit tViirisnii, M.tj r (reucrttl JJ:itili Army; Gil bert RulKitBtHi, Untivh C 'umiI. Ati. The WMKleifni curea rirrcled I yrVAl M'S I'AN ACKA huve lur inuny e-ita nmtle tt mi ittvalufihle ronittH'. The I ntiacfH u c net rtintHin niercurv m nny fuiu, mid, heih Mli inrnt' eut prt-jnr;iti n, it m;i) begivtu li the imsi Lei. ucr inum. Tlie reliiil price has been leibireil to 1.3(1 per bottle. (coiitnlmiig tliree h.ilt pints,) or ilirt-e l-tll- for $t. IJfcWAKK OK I.MI'OSI -It).. wniin-s Psii-icea is in runtid Is.tlles. Ilnti-il loiieitmliniillv. Willi Un- I'oll'iwii B Itjtteia bl'.wn iii lb e i;Ihmk: -swai.m '! ia ai:i:a-'hii,s.ua " I Having the name nl' JAS. SWAI.M stainpitl nn tbe seiiling j wiix mid writlen on Ihe liiht-l ruvt-iiiiK theeork, and a : .. i..!l.l M.,......vl... .... O.m si.lu f .I l liu li.il.l. lit- llr.nu.. A. j i'-i., bulk not ei.r ivurs, in the centre "I wlili-h isopur. ! tout it tbu h.ltj Will rwroiu. (i-iivriKbt Si-cnrril.) 1 not ur. nn.i hii'u mi. i AUT, SWAl.M'J VKK.MII'TGK, ! A vtdu-ible fauii'y iiieibi'liif . bt-intf a tiiKbly HppriiVnl renie. ; eily f.tl all diseases arisiiit In ni tlelulity of tht digestive m ! S'.iiis, sui-b tia, Acidiiy ni tbe Stinniu-li, Wuruis, Chid aa .Morlius, Dysi-nl'irv, l-'ev,-r and Aue, llircd tn; IMtrs, Su-k ! lleiid.iclie, Ac, rce Ihe luiiiiphlcl (wbli'li luay be bad gra- ! Us.) m-eoiiiptiliyilif; Lie Vcrmitiitie. I'rqnred xiily nl SW.MM S t.MlOIt ATOH V, TIIK j Ol.l) 'PSA M), Sot; I'll f KVKNTII STKKKT. HKI.UU' i ('IIKHI'M' I', I'hibiklphiu, undsiltl by all druf-uts in tbe t'mtrri r-tnlca Uencral Acents lor tt. 1'nite.l Slides. ' SUIllLl'FI'.l.lN UKoTMKItSA :(.., IT0 William Street, Suva V t l'lul'a, tct 5. Hill p. LIST OP CAUSES For trial in I lie Coutt of Cooimon l'leaa of Nor' thuiiiberluiid couuly, ioember Term I H01 l'liinllll'.. lJclenduiita. I John Miller, dee'd heirs s Win l.evan, wiili no- lieu to Mahoui.y aiel Mutiiokin Imp Cii. ' Win 1. 1'evvuil, s .Sunbur) Canal and Water j I'ewvr Co. t Msmiiel M Uartoli, va Wm .McKi..aii k, Muila tioogcr va Jacob lie.ll'emlcr ami i Uelllle. i Duvtd Millet, dee'd. u.lin'r s Urui LeuiilU r uud ! Vouiii:. o i i vs Jorcph P Ki nindv. i"u iiuj lico W Fleming, dec. a.lul t W 1, Hull. n.t, in. tiulcli S Kol.itis, dec. utlin vs Mary liueae, han.e, s Ppencer M & Win Kase. I, u reine Tiertiey Win Hurr. Win V iNai-l) vsjolin U McMicker, s lienj Scluuk a John iSli.s.-lcr, J s liulph II...-lo, deceased, silin'r, Haas mil How. n, John Keil.-i, Kieiizi-r i Cuso lor Klnlilli.lv. John Kei.cr loi .Mary vs Keiiei M A Kiclcr and John tS'iitsler.' J.isiuli K iltr vs Sumo t'j 'i'hacker uiul Surah Ins wife vs Martin Kissel J li Masser for Win 1, Klualicih ui.d M Mul llewart f V U ii hi leu. vs Jonas, Michael aud A liohner. vs Northern Central K Co vs llewart and lie.tcli.iio, ! Henry Tliarp, ! Juu C li ortou Daniel Miller & Co vs James .Soldi. C 11 fc A Abbott euduiscra vs S lr Wheeler & ..f S K WooJ I VL Dee. iit Thus Craig lor the use of Win il Miller vs Miller & U.mer. Wm Wciilclillaliuiicr vs John McMiilliw, I John W agner vs Jacob Dressier, j Joiial. Uunklebervjer vs John Hamt'ord. Mary H (ireenlaiiJ heirs vs Northern Ceil K I! Co Shamokin UuuW vs At'ie-t Worrull hatne Kluic and Uuchuvr l-'rancis Kluzc, Mary C Vincent H ii u ill Vouiii; vs David l.ougnetker, vs WmaJ, Dcwurli'l al vs Saine vs John J, Watn. vs iia T Cleitient Llantcl Wen n r dec. a.liii'r vs lilair and Herd. Uolwrl haxtoniltc. udin'r vs Uoueville K lla ig. i'eier iiuiiselinun, vs .ilcberl U McCoy, Uecatur lluib, v Joliu A fiivdcr di e. uiim'r. Wm T Cuilir vs Win II K .u Jauics 1' Arinstioiig vs James I'iiiiuiausdrc inlni'r. liabreil Kline lor Amos lin b. r vs tico C .Mi Ivce '.uirn uud 111 van va Joseph W Anthony. Win 1. Hewui vs Charles W rlii;iii 1 Samuel llenjiltks vs iNortlieri Cculral li K Co. j in 1, llcwutl vs S.imo, fir.t a 0f ,lie all0ve C11H,4 lv (t ,tj;i j ,ie nrtl wcek ,llB bRlame for iho second v DAM EI, llKC'KI.EV, Troilv. NOTICE. N'dTllTK is lo-reby s-Ven lli il the mitin rliii bcrclot'ors exisliiis lietwveu Ueorgc Kinerictl uiul l'alilt-l si.at. Ill tbe Tuiiiiiiis business, in isiwt-r Miilusuoy towioh.p, ISoitliuiiilierluml count y, was Oissolvid l. iiiiiliial coiihcul nil the lstitistu.it. Ttienccolitils will lie a Oli-d by enln-l nt' tlie partlrs. The blislHt-ss will let licreuller.enriituoii by a Nc subscriber, al llie suine place i'ci pi, iriii.-st ijKimiju i:mi:uii'ii. ST- NICHOLAS HOTEL, ISi umlii-oij, Siw YiiiI;. noui'tl ltcilu-e1 lu ';'Jj a Say. hlnce the openilin "f this vast and omiiioili.itis i Hotel, in Isft4, il ha been the single einleavor ol j Ihe proprietors lo make il the most sumptuous, ! coin ulilenl and coinfortul.le home for the cilizeu ! and klrauver on this side. Ihe Allaiisic. And j w hate er has seemed likely to administer lo the ! com'ort of il guests I bey eudeuvored, w llloul i regard to cost, lo provide., and lo combine all the elements of indiviilual uud social ei j lymenl which ! modern art has invented, and modern last approv ed ; and the patronage w hich il has commanded . their ril'ort Iia been appreciated. To meet Ine l exigencies of the times, when all are required to j practice Ihe most ri( i I economy, Ihe undersigned j ,,AVK KKUt'CKU THE 1MUCE OK ISOAKD n ,wn . .f 1 W 0 UOI-'A .UA V. t Ihe same '"u 'l"' '""' of ihelu.uue with which their Ul,le ,:",!r. r.V" mrp, ,M t, , n ' "b V1" t tt Hl 1 LOMU 4 1 - ' . ... ' f OOI M ic isHOKV.ran he iurchaMd al li e HJI Mammolh More ol r riling & Crant. ,ery I cheap, a we ile'eriiiiucii not t.i he undersold ' hy snybody. Cull end lai ii I he I is-l l pi i as fui yoirsehes. KlIIIIMi A. URAA1'. t rJuuLiiiy, Jiuusiy l, 1 C I Etirely Vegetable.' No Alcoholio Prepa ration. IMl . II o o r I. 4 IV D ' a CEI.E11 HATED . GEPsMAlT BITTERS, I'repated hy Vlt. C. M. JACK-SDN & CO., Philadelphia. Pa will tffect jully cum LH EK COMPLAINT,' UV8PEPS1A, JALN. I TilCE, . Chronic Nervous Debility, Disease of the Kid-r.-ys, and alidiseaaes arising Iruin auiwnderej Liver or Utomach. - nucii as Coiittiii,ut, iiitvuul I'ilis, Fulmn or ni.ni to Hie llend, Acidll)i.r tha Suanaeh, Nauim, Mioerrii, , Mowusll'..! -,.d, Flllnes. or Wfichl in Urn sl.nnneli, I :"'l''m'''l'" M1ai.H-lfHJUerl,.atlli Til.-I Ihe r-iiiiiiiii-n, swiniiiiii.K ol llm Ilnnl, llmrietl ui.il llillici.lt oiraiiiiiin, c niiieniigsl Hie lleiirt, Ch.ikiiii! "r 4i-loi:it eiiali..ii when in a lyiliar wluir. llumiess i l Vi..m, ' Diitsnl webs Ik-I'dio tin. Pi;lir. Fsvel uml Dull li,n, in : tile SiJe Uai-k, Chest, l.imhs, Ike., iul.leu Klimh. s ol Hi-mi ! Huriung in the Klesh,' Ciaisiniit I sinniui nl uvil, and erw-t Depressions of Spii lis. niul will p ilue.y prevent y i lLnv I'ever. Bi!li.,us I'eier, Ac. . The prndneUir In uv lilim ihe slleirib'ii ol Ihe puhlic In this prt'inriii i..n, u.hs an wilh u ieehnu of 1 1 Urn si rnn- flilein e in lln virlms m.d ui1ii,lnll.)n l. lliu ibteunus fur Which il i: reeniiiiiii-iithil. It m no new niul uoti led nrliele. J.iit oi e Hint li;ia at.K-,1 Ihe Ksl. ul' ii Iwelvu jeais' Inul laliire Ihe American pro pie, anil Us reputation anil sale are unrivalled hy any kiiui jar preptirmions exinnt. The IcBtiinuliy ill On favui uiven by tho Mi -jsi pton in ml mid well himwii I'liyr.ioiaiiH uml lull viilu.ils In nil wlls nf ihe countrv is bnmeiim-. anil a caretnl peniKd the Alin.nitie, pnh'iahed iinmuillr by Ihe propriet.its, niul it. he l,e hail urai s o 'any ol llieo '.Xp.-nip, i.innol Ian xultry the inott m that Una renicJj Is teallr d.servnin Hie uieateehbiily it has obtained. iu:au tiik i.viuknci:. Read what I l.o etmiieiil ('biu M.iMtifi.. t.n.-r, JflllX JJ. WIUTAi.l., s.iyi, uf the IJ.U-..MIi; COKUlAl.. I Mr.C. M. Jin-ka,,!, Hespei-led friend: llavnis fur a Mar lime been ai'ipniiiitid will, u... viituetot il.y llliaiiiin (.'unliil in Coaelm. t.'old, li.lln.iiiii.,li.-ii ,,( the Limes, VP, I thus Irerly bear leaiiti y lo lis flkaey. for severnl yerlis I have never been wilhont il lanilly. Il als.i (lives me plenruietu state thai I have used It Willi enliie saecesa m the irealmeiil nf Uon el t"ompl..inia ''hy fin n.lly truly, JOHN ,M IIIT.M.I.. t Iflh M.i. 17, lsij. Itace street, alsite 4lh, I'hiiail'a. These medieinessie for sal hy all respectable Drnesints ftsTK I i.e. i.e snrcaiiil el Hie itenliuie. Willi Ihe ii.'ualuie i f I. I M. Jaektou on the wrapper of each buttle; all ulliers aia eniinlerleil. Principal tJlliec mid Manulaetury, 1 la Arch ' street, Philadelphia, 1'a. September 14, IW I y j FANCY FURS ! ! FANCY FURSM John laifliii. 7ld Ahch Streit, tetweeu Till., mul bill., iSis., (Lute ttlrt MarLtt,) PhUwMphitt. Jinp-irler M:itiul'iicttirT in, hikI Denlt-r hi nil klit's f KANV I'LltS, . Ullilrt.' Ml MCI,' H(l Llill- r'-dreu's Went. :J- It ii vine nmv mamifnrtur- nl iiutl in titoie my ushhI .-Vj' Y7 ,,,rKe ,,,,rt lie-.iutilul usrunt- M :-iNl oi nil I tie vntinus nl ml it.e tl nrlnrf iij;iiilel KtifB, mlnrilrtl In the K:ill flli'l 1 W'i.als.r Ms......... I i.l r-'si-ei'lfiiliv uiune mi exmniu)tioit rf my fct.n-k mul prt ; fmm ilmse inleiiiiiiu; In pur --Icift', ua 1 mil tnutkd to clter them very ilesinibli; imlueeitifiits. i All my Furs huve t;tii purcitnwil fr Cusli. mjhI in iile ! bv experietictfi tiuutls, Hint us lilt (rem tit niitiu-tary M mWU-fi remler it necrncry Uiul I iliuuttl iliBpwiie ol" m gtMids m a ytrv miiiiiII Hilvfuii-e on on. i I mti viin.firl that it W'uld W t (tie intrient oflhfe vhi ! dtfitii pun.-htni.jr. tn pive ine u r:ill.- Hf" Hei'Mllet-tilie iwiiit', numiier a-i'l Btrt-ft : J Pmiern, ! (New Fur Store,) ?lb Areii Street, I'lirlailt-lt-lmi. i Sept. 7, l0.5t. ! Ileisters Notice. 1 ()'l'ICK is liereliy ttiven to nil fntt-es Oreidiofs ihmI ; il other ieiii4 liilcresinl in the f.-ll-iwnn; t-nl.ttrs. thi.t I lie e.X'f.'iitiMB, iliiiiiiirtiuffT uml I iiiMirli:inK f the until li:ive fileil tiieir niiKHiiitN with tlie Kcpisier .-I NoMluttiihi-i Imifl iMtiitty.nml thut Ihr kikI ;ireitinis wi'l h: pts-si.-uu-ij , t' llie Oi pli.tiif' t'nurt I' ir cuntiiiti.ilion iiml nll-iwaiice, mi Tuesduy th .'nil ily of i'veinler next, ut 10 VehHrk in the fiireiiouii nl that duy, tn wit : j I Uiul ZiIki. ilreeust-i'., kcliled liv Ins executors JoseMii 1 Uirituud !Niuiuel Ket iltr, ' . a . tiwuuii Ilcjiry, dte'd., stttl.ti hy Ins iidm"r Hmrv ' H-iwmaii, i 3 l)rwu Jinm-M. dn cnnfil.hy hi udin'r Win U. ltiya.ni ! t Dehiirl Wilimin, J ,hh Hr''t ii ! 5 Toiliiicr l);mir!( vx'r .IkiiiiIIi m .thn. r . fl l.ieilu W Jueoli, H.lm'i- Duvid li.iticW. i 7 HariiH ii Amtnid.i. .hfr ndin'r An ten Vt.niii.iv Kuv J.ifiu'St iie n' tin- ehilihcM nf J;iiiiesli Kuy, dec d, , hy tith (iiiMtdiuit, Clctrlt's V Si'Hiett. ' i ti Kfhlet l'reilerifk. dt-e'd, by Ins ex;'-tit'tr Julm KuMer. ' 10 KrielilMiuiu Wtu , ilft;tn.eilI by htk cxeeutnrs Diiiiiei'j Kieiulihuuiu Hiid Aunni llarre). t II I . moil Hr-lisreii, hy her Uunrdiuu M, It IVu-hI tty . l i I pdenruir Tlioiuus. dtriTensril, h hi nlm'i V in ( iitmn IJ W cit Ciilluu iue, hy hrr Uuiinli.in -Inlin , Sndi i'. i 11 WVwieh .h'hu. ilt.feiiiid, hy his mliu'r AhriihuiH i q -user ;t i ul Williuin u eiirn k J. ii. .MAfM.K, ucgitlrr i(f;iier s nice, Siuthiity, Oct. I'J, If til The Great Cure for Consumption- If you have a rolJ, use Wishai-t's I'nie Tree Tar Cordial ! If you have acout-b, use Wisliuri's l'ine Tree Tur Cordial ! If you huvo Asthma, use W isliarl's l'ine Tree Xar Coidial ! If you have More Throat, use Wisharl's l'ine Tice Tar (Cordial ! if you have U rniichilis. ute isbart's l'ine Tree Tar Cordial ! Il'you have Consuir.piiou, use . Wisharl's l'lue Tree Ti r Coidial Wuhan's l'ine Tree Tar Cordial is an uufail iiiK remedy for disease of tho Kidneys, Urinary I oinplaiiils, Itlinil aud Uleediut; I 'lies, Netvous Debility, and for Female weakness uud Irregu larities. The well known rllicary of l'ine Tree Tar in the cure of external uti'cclious or Mores, pointed it out as the Natural licmedy for what l'hysicialis call Tubercular )li'cclioiis(tliat is to say, Sure.) upon the Lungs. It remained lo discover the best means ol application, which discovery has been made, as a thousand testimonials prove, by the 1'roprictor of Wisharl's l'ine True Tar Cordial ! II you have U VMI'KfMA. use Wisharl's lirent American Dyspepsia I'ill ! A sure cure Warranted for one dollar, or llie Money Kclun.b il ! II uy a !'x and take them accordtiiit lo direc tions, and it'they do tint cure j ou, the money will lie returned. Aul.NTs Win. Weimer, NorShumla'ilaiid. A. W. Kischer, Hunbuiy. Call at eilher place, and gel a dcniiptivc Cir cular. I.. Q C. Wishart, propricior, No. 10, North fcolnJ. 1'hilndelpliia Augiisl III, 1-bl. ly AAOISIliU A (C S? I 1 Is or ' SEASONABLE GOODS, AT Tin: M A M M O T 11 S T n II E OF I j rilXLING & (3 II ATS T. ' Sunhuiy, Kepleii.her 7, Irilil. ;fpiN WAKE A very cheap anl ties.in.ble assortment just teceived this week, al llie Mammoth More ol Flill.l.Ml A. liKANT. onb,irv. .Immarv tl. IMil Sauk of Northuiaborlaud- a-IIK mutual clrcltoii ..r Ulreelors Willie lirlil al Uis Iknihinx House, on MoihImv. Ills luo il- of Novriu. i-r. Ih;Iwcv a liiu k.-ut ol lu o'vsvs, A -M , un.l oe.s.'k r m. 'I'uu aunt .iliac tin: of the koM. as, in a. IHSIIUI..-S w US Ibj ciciiic . wnl le lo-sl .Mi Tt,itU, His sih ill 1 1 V.iitu wa, al I" n'lloiS. A M J 11 I'hll l I r. I .i h.a I .VaCi'mit .I'sicl 'i..t fcc-r I I.'! - j! THE LATEST STYLE OF SPMXQ AND SUMMER GARMENTS, ARB CONSTANTLY MADE at the Fashionable Tailoring Establishment JACOB O. BE OKI, Market klieifllilRV, Ih. fJHE anbscrilier has just received and opened a Ifl'Ka assortinciil ePIUNfa AND bliM Mi; II iiOODt, such as v ,. .. i,,,r,Irl.,.,1,.t . ...... UF tLR llEsCItIP 1 ION A jlALII l. P1fti and Pnw HaaalmariMx VuKss. A J Wt.JBMUWa .M, UU,.U. M.V. of the latest styles. In addition lo his stock In is constantly aecciviwj ii supilies Irom Ihe rilv keepiiiR a full assortment or the most substantial and latest style uf On,. ,1s in the cily mnrbets. lie is prepared to oiiike to orlier all kinds of Ceiitlcineii's and oy's wear, sncb aa UKEsa COATS. FKIil K.COA'l's. MI. NESSCOATH. VDHj'ct PAMTA l.DONf. &c.&e. of Ihe very latest s'yle. and in the most auhstaii lial nintiuer, nt sl.crt notice. Any (ionds not on hand, will he furnitlicl fruin Philadelphia, by giving two day 'a liolicu. lT Call and t laminu my stock, no charges made for showing. JACOB o'. HECK. Sunbury, May 1 1, IStil. JOHNS & CB0SLEY. SOL'. MANCFACTLIttrtS OP TIIK IMPROVED GUTTA PftKOHA. C E iM J3 U T It OOI'IKG, The clmtpt'dt imd nut tlnirtMf K.t ifing in ute. Ii in Fire niul Water Primf. It nin he Applied tt new uml old Roofr nf nil UiiiUij, on tt t?hihete Utnia Willmut tat-fiiuvine the fthit-u ie. The Cost is only about One-Thinl tbat of Tin, uud it id twice as Durable. C U T T A P V R C II A C I', M K N T , For presevins; ami retuiirinir Tin and nll.rr Metal Kin. Is of every dcsijiliitiiili, Irmii its Kiest elasticity, is no miurefl by the contraction ami espHiisloii of tuctuli, nial will not cnick in eolil or inn in wai in weather. 'I'licse lunterials linva bt en thorouftlily IrsOtl bt New Yoik aiul all parts ot the houthetit nnd Wi-stern States, u..J we can give abaiulaiitjunuf uf all w claim la tl.eir Incur. 't'ticynre readily applied by or inary laborcfs, at alti floiK c-xpenae -NO IIKAT Iif Ri:C)LHti:D." These tnatcri. ils me put up reinly for asc, and for ship ping loiill pnrtsuf Ihe country, with full ptiulcd direct una for apt'lk-alinn. Full descriptive circalais will 1e fc.riiisli.-ri nn api-lica-tioii by innil r in person at .inr Priiiciil OlT.ce anil Wart, house. 79 Wll.l.iA.M blKDliT, (Coiner of CiU-ity tftreel.) New Voik. IOIIN3.V CROS1.LY Ac.snts IVisiEU : Terms Cash : ! Jut e I, IMJI ly , A It K ti K i. Kich I'ieured Pan nes, 19, SSaml 31 cents. Harecc Itobes. MJ, 31 HI) and -io 0U, Mn7atnhiiiie Hi il.es at 16 00, Traveling Dress (toods, Stiephnril's 1'laids, Mohair I'laids. (iini;haiii's, Lawns. Print, ( 'Ii.iIHcm, lirey l''igutfld (jonils, COOI'Ell A. CON' A li D. tt li corner Ninth lind Market, I'liiladttplii.i. N 15 Hel iruahty Hoop (Skirts, Ul cents t. S 'J5. May 18. I Mi I. AND 1 l.lujt Tllli rEOl'LK srii.i, c'o.vnxti; to i.ivj:, AND TI1KY WILL SOON LEARN THAT jVJULIKG & GliANT. MAMMOTH STORE, .1;; siiLiisa GOODS CHEAPER than can be purchaed else hute. J FRESH SUPPLY Just received by linilroad this week. KKMKMUICU THIS, AND rKOFIT UY IT. SSitnbury , December 15, IBU0. SUNBIJEY ACADEMY. I IIKSI-'MMKHTKHM o! ihe Sui.buiy Acjdcm wi-l coiiiiuciicc on llleMh of April. 1'l.e couisc nl nislructioii embraces every iit-pnn incut ol cilui-.it i. n lauitlil ill our best Aeoilemiea, ilepiiru.i( siu'leutM ouu cilliui lor u pioicssioii or lo unui any cluss in Collece. TKBMS 1'K.R QfAtl'I'i:!!: Conitnoii Sehiuil linmches, 11 "o II iiil.cr l'ni;lish Urauchcs. Alio litlu tiinUilecL la!!U.ius. 7 Ou Tuition to iMtpniil before the luliiillcof the Icllil. Ilonril can be had uiplivatu fam.lies Ut I'loln frl 7j 11 frl ih:i week. S P. WOLVUKiO.V, Hiolciiml. Sunbury, March 30, l-0o. SUKBURY STEAM FERllY A N l Ti" W I X (illO AT C O M 1 A X Y. rgMiAYEM.EKS and others ure respci tfully iolormed lliut lite subscriber, in oriler io ac coiuuioiUiie ihe public end facilitate, travel, has reduced tint rales of ferriage u' his MTU AM t'KUU V, ocr Ihe Suriiuehauna. at iSuuhuiv, ami will cunv I'asseiisers, Horsa-a, Carnanes, and oilier vehicles, ut llie tollowing rales, vi ; Foot I'asseiiiiers.tach f cents. Ilorsit and Kider, 15 Horse uud i'unny, !S " Two-llorse Ciiivryance, 40 ' I'.irniers niid ethers, wishing to transport Coil uud I'roducc, can make ariaiigemi'ula at sti 1 lower rates. A Iniitc, safe and commodious Steamboat will rim ri'Riilarly and promptly al all hour of the day, uud lo acconimodale lltoe who desire lo at. Jem) Ihe Churclics at Sunbury and Bclillsgrovc, the Uoal will run ou Sunday. Tbe isieam'Hu'. will lull from Market Street art, mid piompilv convey l'asen,jcr trout both si'.lcs ol the Ifivi-r, wuhout delay. Tbe ISteani l-'erry now ullords not only a safe mid coin inenl traueil over the Suniuel.aiina, bul also a plcns.ii.l slid sgrceuhlc ti.lc. 1 l!A T. CI. KM KM'. I.e.sec and 1'ioprit lor. fuiihuty, May lift, 1K6I, TREKS! TREES ! IT1;' I umlersiKiied iuviie aiicntioii lo thru Lllte nod ni'if gtouil slock of ! I HI IT AND 11,'NA M KXTAl, 'HUM'S, i Sluub. A c. etiibnicini; a larye and complute a. ! sniitiueiit of ! Appb., I'ears, Tenches, Plums, I'herrie-, Apii. cots. an. I Nt'i'iurincs. Maiidur.l f ir Ihu I liichuid, ami liwarl tor lliu ardell. ! lln'ish Waliinls. SpinMi ClisaniiU. ll iil' -' mils, d . I ' "ies, Mrawberiies, Cu'i juts and lioust'lvrii. in U'e il arielv. UKAI'Ksi t)F CHOICEST KIN US. i Asparagus, llhubarh, Ac, Ae. Also a liua MihI. i.l well formed, bushy KYKK'il.KKN-". . rniiabUi l.ir lb- I'en.cirv and l.awu. llccnliious Trees lor sirccl plai.ting and a ecn. em! a- iruin ail ol Oroameiilal 1 ic. s apd Mow e.iog Alirnbs, Itnses ol choice varieties. Camellias, llciljn n '. TIhiiu, Ac. Our slock is leuiarkably lliri'ty aud line, and ; vc oiler it 1 1 prices lo suit the limes. If Calulo)iUes maileil lo all applicants AJdu-s UDW AKU Jj BVANX CO., Cenir.il Nurseries. YOIIK, l'a. Seplemlair II. IStil. 3m " ST() KS ! STOVES ! ! ( Volt SALK AT TIIK XUITl!UI. PTOVK WuHK No. :i3 iHli 's!.il Hieet, f'liilu-,lr.iitii.'i, .nt.ilr i'l)tljl' CliU't'i, 'he niai t-kl'r HcJ U i-.humjiiiiiij; C-'kmg unit l.lln -Ma-vi loe tl-.v i.fr.tlU.H MCIUII Ci'.M-J'i-t. TK Muul'itKf C. kiiiy mi l tliil;i i- vb A t nl viriti-hic UtiuaitvitJ I j,Mk. tuuiv - u i -v ritaw v c i.l a tai . i U .M i. M M AN 1 re I'll I. 1'; . c.