A.Y32IVS Sarsaparilla rea purifying the blood. And ft (! ih-n'y ram ul ll Mltmlng coin'hiint: am 'I'ltmnrf I i vk'xt horvit l''rntlfttiM9 tliti)li H tn 1 1 j 1 1 IWot lira. JUollsj liluiua, mitl ull NU.it Itiseftaes 0Ki.,tii, Itnl., C:h .Innr, ll. J. f. Arm A Crv t.nt!.r I fi-cl- Ir my duty to ne IliiMttdtiln nh:tl ynnr rSirr-nprn Hid hit done l--r tn- IhufnH tnlit'iltfil rt CciuHilMtit inlet-lion, J linve Urt'tf.nJ limn It In iiirMi way lor xt-.trn. fi-tiici Intra h tuirst ut III Ulfelu rat tny Itiinifx ami hi him; inilitiir It turned lnwwr-1 ittid ilMni-Ml me nt iho rtniiitH-h. Two jMtnw fir H I Ite MW i-n m hemi and em i red my sculp and tm with t-tMf sure. hielt Mitnil tihtl iMtttnome toytiitd ihwtlptMt. J tried tunny Medicine Mini miu liliVtlt'ttutR, tjirt wlilror mmli lullvl Frritu any tliltiii. In fin-t, lliu illdorilcr ruw voire. At IVhiVJi I Ahi rvjotectl it rend In llio tJimpel IteawMiger flint ymt I mil pruiiiMl mi nitvintlve (Pnmipnrtiln;. ft I knew 'fvuui your n utn lidii tltrtt uuy lltlii'4 you in, d. tmi-d Ihj kcihI. 1 mitt in tinfintmlliiHilg it It, Hit I in-. I it till It run d mt. 1 rente M. OH- JM H'lvtft. lit MKlill lWMtt r k'.lfHXillful VT itioiiih. am) nut'il tthno-t tin an IntUlt), iWw nnd liwnlihy (klu Mf"ii t'wgMti to i in iiikIvt I 'jo w.iIi. . till It niter while ll uir. .My nk'm ihw e.m met I know l.y my f.-vliuPrt' Unit lUf ili.t-Hsr hits uiit Iidiii my fVfl ui. Ymt din ni'll Im'I'Vi llml I l'.-;l it hut I am wu ini( alien t-i 3 on, tlmt I hulil ) mi tu l t'Uv of lliu npiKtUu4 ul thu n&"t and t-uiuuiu arcr hilvi'uity. Yotin, ai.h.i.u r. TAr.r.r.v. Hf. Anthony' Fir. Utasc or I'.r vfilix Ini, Teller nml V 1 1 U h tMitif Nt-nhl Head, lliiig ot-iiir hurv itiynu, 1)ioim) Pr, l(htrt M. I'nMrt Hlr from Putrui. V.. I'-'lh ItAit, Hint hnrt nin-il uu lintsm itp rnw f JJi-ojxV, Hlitch tlilVilhiit'il In Inuiiiiiilit rl:illy. l.y llio f-f-rvvrlrtj; iwo of imr !iirs;iig ill :tf ttii'l ni .i lutit;ri fT-tlitfttivf !; wji Ity Irirify fiif( nf Mtit wmoj wis to cui-oi tlio pHiiinnii AVrf'-i !' It roitftiintly. Kronclioorl, -olti or Eivt-llrd Neck, vhiilon Slonii of l'ii'f-M t. IVknH, ni lli'i t '"Tlinv tint nf ymw fmipiu iTlii nm-il inn fumi f i'tv tt hi U f-cim mvillim mt tin ! k, nhkli 1 Lad ttuirciod fiuui vcr two ycurrit" I.rur orrlirrn or V"?t!l-. Ovnrlmi Tumor, Itcrliic l ltetnt Ion, lVnnl Ulirmco. Pn .T. It. R. riinimlir, of Nrw Vrk rity. irilti-s j 41 1 riost rfitfi I'tilly fmijOy wl'U I lie itmHtof ynr.r np'itt In Mvhii? I Inivo' Fnnl ynnr f-"iir-iimiill;i n imt!'. i'scfll"tit itltriTillvo In lln initinrniKi C'liiiiLiirt for vliMi V iMjildv sik-Ii ft rcnii'ttv. Imt cnM-t:illy in hmnlti Pimttcn cf the 'Hi-mriilniis dlii ih. !(. I liiveciiiM tr.iiuy Invetrr Mtn ftxsvn of lt'U(frili(rpi y It. nml bmiiio hi-ro tin1 cum plrvttit w.m enit.inl t-y phfi'ttthm of Itio Htmi. 'IU nlci-r. t(n Itih4f WHRHomi cnicil. Nrllilnj; within my kiiuvl-mO-An efimlii It f.r llnw f'-nmln dfmiigtMictiin." iMunid S. Mnrrow, of Newbury. Aln wiilt ny " A ?.n frti'Mift nvrion tnmnr on one- nf lla fi iiial'f In my ruuilv, vliHi liml dt flctl nil tlto n nnilin wo conl-1 tnl-iv. has KL b-ntli born comi l-tfly cnnil ly your Kstiurt of Fnr nnnrlllft. Oitr Hiyilrl'in ttintilit imthlnt: but -liirt-ti-tii cniiM afford r;li-r. hut ln inlviFcd tlm trml i.f ymir K:irsiifi;iiill tin tlio l:nt n-Noit, bcrurn cutting. anl it snivel efffctnnl. After tiiUlnjyonr ii'iiit'ily viUt nvuka by fiyniitum of the tlhuato ri-uiiiiiis.'' , flj'xiUUls ami Jllercni-lul DKrnee, Kr.w Oni.nNs, 2f.tli Auj,"ttt, Tin. 3. C. AttTf i fir, I cIipoi fully cnnitly wlili tlio r ,wl of your nacnt. nml reurrt to ynn aouie of the eftctta 1 buve iwilixi'd witb your 8.tiu) in illn. 1 linvn cured with it, iti my jimctiro, nnt or tbo com pluiiitn fur which It Is ioiotiiiik tided, mid Imve. f iimd lis dVeti truly wonderful In tlio ruro of Vsverrttt ttwl Mrr wrial ViKratft Due i fnty pulientft bad Syphilitic nl rets In his throat, which wcru roiiNiiuiln? bix piil.-ite iiud the t ip of bin nionlh, Ynur r'nrwipiiiilln, atendity tnkm, cured hiiBi in five wevlm. Anutliwi mm uttnrked by are on 'tut y synipttinis hi hlf iiosu, nnd the uhfintioii bud iteti away a comddvnibtt .irt of It, mi tlmt 1 bvlievc the U:.-ordfr would Peon iruth bin bin hi nnd kill him. Uttt it jii-Ided to my admluislinliuii of ynnr tiiVMiptirillu; tlio wlci'is banted, and he in wt 11 ngnin, not of cruise without miikj dillgurtiUoti to bin ftiCi-. A wuumti who Inn I Ikiu ttwited for the fmo diKoidir ly luurciiry wa Hiilfutiti from into pohou in her bones. 'J hey hud Ikjcouh1 m n n Kitive to the Wenther tint im a dump dny olie sn fit-red ex-(Tit-in(lit piiin In her joints mid Loues. blie, tio, was rined enliii-ly by your iiTftiiuii'illii In u fuw wei-kn. I know fnuii ltn foiinuU, w hirh your ncul nuvo tne, tlmt ttog I'ltfpuintiun from ynnr Itibomtoiy miiMt lie a firei't inut'dy; coiiBoqueutly, (Into liuly tcuittikublo itulli witli it hive not turpi Ned me. rratornally yotua, 0. V. f. A RIM FIT, 31. D. RhenmntUm, Gont, I.M er Complaint iNnEprwrnmcK, Prenton Co,t Vn.. Clh July, ls.19. T)ft. J. C. Avui: Sir, litivo bet ri utllicled with a pn In fill rhroiiio Khevmatism for a lung liino, whit h hntlled fho kill of pbyniiri nun, and itn k to me In tpite of all UiS muedfeal could lind, until I tried your .uari4inirillA. One bottle curvd me in two weeks, and restored my gouernt Ifaltli eo much Ihitt I nni fur lttr than Iftot i I was attacked. 1 think it a wotidutlul liadb inc. J. tltbAM. Jnlea Y. GeUbell. or Pt. IutK wHteat "I have lnen ft fl lie ted fur yearn wild an ajcti'nvf the Zirfr, whnU letroyed my beultb. I tried evry thlnp, and every thing filled to relieve me; and I bare leen-a biukeiwlown mnn f -r sntiw yenra from no other eiuitte than dtriwgtnmth of Wtf J.inr. My beloved ptwtor, the He v. Mr. l'!py, advlwd mn to try your Barrfipni-illtt, beniiiHe be mid he knew out atul any llilna ynn matin was worth trying. Ity the blew toe ot (J oil It IniHrni t-tl me, ami bus co purified my blood n to make n new ntnu of me. 1 feel youui ni;iiiii. 'lite b at that can te mid of you i not halt good enough." Srlftlrins,t'tif er Titmorn, Kiiinrpement, I It ct ut Ion, CarR'8 nutl Kxluliutlun of the Itoiics A prent milety of eea Imro If-en renortml fo mi where cui'tm of tbene lorinidiiblM coiuplidula biivo reunited fumt tlio iiu of tliiri lviuedy, but our ftpiu o btio will not admit them. Houia nf tin in may Im tbtind in our Amei i'-mi Atmnnne, wliHi the a net its below D;imod are idctuvd to luruibb gratia to all who call for thorn. Dyxpfipila, Heart DWeaae, Fit, Epllep yt Mdnm-lol) Ni'iirnlgla. Mny leuiiirkiible niiva of iheo aflV-ctlons Imve been in n te by the alteifille mwt ol this itteduhie. Jt ftiinu 1 itefi the vital fnndli h into viiroimui aetioti, and thus ovcrctiines Uiordeitt wbleh would bu Biippweil U'yond its !"iieb. fc'neh a remedy ha lonn been n unlred by the n-cen-lttt H ot the people, uimI we are ronflduul tliat this will tio for t ht in nil tlmt luediciite can do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, ron tiik iiai'M) erne op C'finfflifl, Coldlw, Inflnrnxn IIoorcncait 'roiii, HrniirliitU, Inrlpli'iit. u Biuittioiit nutl lor tliv ltt'lti-f lit CflllN lltllt 1 VO It IClllH ill nlvniifl Stntjctt Gf Ue UiHCllKC. Tl ii Is a retfi1y an univeiFidly known to rnrpa any other for the euro of throat nud limp coinplnlntti. that it w us v h 'km here to puMi-di the ei-t( rjeo of im ii tu- If iiuriviiib'd exeellt nro for roughs nnd roldn. and rti truly wonderful ittrea of pulmomiry diie, have tmnle it I, now ii throughout tlio civifind ualkiia of the eurtb. l ew are tho comniutiltiea, or even luuiiliea, nnion theui who have not aotnc personal experience of its eireUt BtMne living tmphy in their midst of itt victory over the Mibile nnd ''angerotin dlsordera of Iho throat and lull?. Ah it 1 1 kuow tho dreadful futality of tln-no dittoideiH, nnd un they kuow, ton, the efTertncf thia remedy, We need Dot do more than to tuMirt Iheui tint It has nuw all the vii iiien that It did have when making ihe turea which liuve won stnmly upon the conlidi iu-e of muukind. ri epared by Sr. J. C AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass. S'dd by Fiihi't; h. Grant, and A. XV Kiwlier, Puntnuy J IM'iihlow and C. Jirown, Milton; Vr Weuek, Mt? I'.wensvjlle ; KeilVnytlcr &. Chncinun, Turbulville ; It. li McCoy, Niiiilintnberliiud unit by iJeuku everywhcie. Apnlyi, Ml ly 6). P, Piiiianci.riiii c oi.Lrci:, S. K. corner of Stventh and Clitsnul Slretls T'ii it one of EIUIT COI.LKGF.S, CONSTITUTING THE ' NA TIONAL CHAIN." LOCATRU IN riiilni1rlhia, New York Cuy, Allumy, llii.Tilo, Cleve liiiii, t'tiicuxo. ami lt. Ixiuts. 4cli..biiiiliiia can b jmr. cuasvtiut either poinl, good at oil tlie Colleges. THE COLLEGIATE CUl'RSK eiutrn(ea Double and Singls Kntiy lltNtk-Keepinr, Coin ii-erfMul Coaiiutulton., Coiiiiuerciiil l.aw, l,ciiiii.'iiiiiliiit XJusniviia C'oirew'inteiice, railiicinUip tclUeineuL, cto. I'RACTICAL TKXT-UOUK9. Tlic Te4f t mg in llic Book-Keeiliig Detriment ia nvt ly Irom written liuuiuscllnt I'omia, witli iifal iMslim-tlMiia le.iirva, anil l.!ack-lMwrd elueulalim ; in aialilioii to wlneh, in older tu nmke Uie CnllnMnlr CourMnalhoroui;li uimI elfucluulua (Kluublef the following Tvxt'lioola iuivc li., n pieiared : liryant blrattnii'a Ho'k-Krepin(, in three nlitimn Cotuinoii rN'hiKtl, Hifli tk-lmol, mid Couiillna Hoiiht Ury. nut At hlrntuui'e Ci.iniueieinl Arilliinetir ; liiymit ic tflratloii'a Cliinereinl Uiw, by Amoa Uvan, L.L i). BI'ENCEKIAN SYSTEM OF I'ENM ANf HIP, in aerieanfiiinelioukt, tiy I'. II. M'ENCEK. P. It FI'ENCKB, Ji., Teacher of Prinn-iuhip. In.'i. vidual nmruction. bludclila uitel at any lime. Uij1o. lima nwiinletl. 17 Kor Catxlif net and Cireulura. eall nt the C. lteee, llr ull.ua llUVAV'e WI'D K 'P'l'i .V .. I , I l II t K'L'd Eehriinry2J, IHU. ty I'iulaitelplnu. W lie or IK nth The rul.seriher tak JUlJ pleasure in announcing that they are now prered to mail (fief) to llioso who wish i'. a copy of an important little work, by the bile Dr. Ilrampton, entitled "Ihe Invalid's Medical Coil, fidarit," published for Ihe Uuefit. and as a v. am ing to young men and persons who sutler from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, &e, 4c, supplying the mean of self cure. The reader is Irresistibly led to compare a useful life with an g noble death. Reader, lose no) a moment, but send your ad Jress for a copy of Ibis little work. Address the Publisher DR JOHN n 00 DEN 4 CO, 64 4 60 John St., New York. Msy 18. ltl ,3mos j j I. A INK I'archiueui Paper Uuoda aud bank - Mortgages, Bouds, Executions, Summons, it.., for sale b H. B. MAssEK. II' is important tu Ihe UAD1E8 to know that Friling 4 Grant, have the best and Urged -trtinent of Dress Goods iu the unty. Munbury, Juu 3, UkO. GREATEST EXCITEMENT OF THE SEASON I RILING & GRANT at the MAMMOTH STORE, liftvo just received KEW AN 1) LKSIRADLE tlo.ko FALL t$ H INTKIt GOODS! A vrry extenuive Dssortincnt of 1ADIES DRESS GOODS, ( in sixt ii k in nrt cf Dtui k untl Fanry Silks of xry ilioicc palli'Mis L)ucii!, ('imliincre. French ninl nng'ih Mriiritix, I la ii nntl Figuri'd Wool Uclaii.os. M 'ii-lin lH.'1-iiitic of ull nty'iRs -and priicn. 1'uulnrils, Tuibtt Uh tli, l'oil Uc Cticvren. y.ixnnHiiJ W ool ('fouls. I .UI' IXKi, UKOU11E, Ulfy fc'tBte nml Wiol SHAWLS of every v ricty, &LC, iic. Genllemcn's Dress Goods, of every slylc, cornitling of Cloths, Caimere, baUinelt., K.iiturky Jprtns. Velvet CorJ, Vclvetei n, V rulings. of every variety. Our slock of fcilk uil Silk Velvet Vetingti, cannot lie Kiiriiaisej in the couu'ry. J'lease call, and examine, them. CLOTHING Our stork of KKADV MADE Cl.OTlTMJ, linn lieen rciilciiiihi-il, ami we have a lull assort ment of OVERCOATS DRKSS COATS. Pants nml A'estn, Overcoats nnd Dress Coats for Uoy of all ages. AI,SO( a very handrome assortment of HATS -A-ISTID CAPS of every ftyle and variety at the lowest jiriccs. Our stock nf ilARDWHRE has decn renew ed and we have now a larger assortment than ever tn'fore offered to our customers, consisting in part of SSausage Cutler., Tocket Cutlery, liukher Knives Mayer Hinges, Dolts and Pad Locks, X Cut taws, Mill Saws, Bcoop felioveln. Sec, Sic, &c, 4 c., &.C, Ac tiieciiivare and (lamstiare, of every variety at the VU1IV LOWES T P I C K 8 . Our stock of i very fine. We have the In st ijunlity of Hyrup Mulaxse ever hclnru olliro to Ihe citizens of &uulury and vicinity. CEDUt AKU W1LLOW-WAKE of every varieiy. Hosiery, Cloves, Notions, SADLEKY. LOflTSAND BH0E8, 4c, &c Also a Ircsu supnty of JfoS", Oils. Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, Paints, l)ya SUIT, tjlaas, Urushes. Particular care having heen taken in the se lection of our goods in regard to quality, stylo and rice, we cull the a Iter 'ion of Ihe pulilic to our large stock to which constant additions will be made. Thankful fur past favors, we hope to merit a continuance of the patronage of Ihe public by selling cheaper than ever. Uive us a cali before purchusiug elsewhere. FlilLINO 4 GRANT. Kunliury, Nollemher 17, I WOO. TO ALL THOSE 1I4T1., Farms, Parks or Gardens. IN CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA. A lure cliunee is uow sfl'orik-d to select Slid order FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES Vines, fliiuhlieiy, Ac. from Ihe rrlrlsulcd Clover Slreel Nur.eilcs luated ill llisdiesler. New Volk. JlfNSIH, IllOOUK, IIUOI IIKH4, PBOPRIETORS Who lHk9 leave to uniiouue lluit lucy ore pisjauvd through their iunlilied and It K f O N 8 I U I. K A O K N T 8, To disiiihulc their au eiior stock on the woat rcataiubl Ui ins. I'KOriJ-: OF TUB KE73TC1T3E STATE. Isiiveif of Naturr mud the tbMiunrul.aiKl iusilv reivlkri.iM for yur iiittrltiiteiiev, w t-ulih, li.rruUty m4 Utile, ituw ui nr mm innv )injl Clt'CllHIW I ftJIU tllK DKKCIt IPTI VK C TA I .t)G 1 K AND I'l.ATK BOOKS, , ini-ii .., iHiiiiwim j-.ni, iuiou(:u our Hrni agenu ; and you may rest ussuied thul your mders will be bouora tsy fcl-t. t'ui furlhei particukirsapidy to FltHiitRlCK A. HOWK, MSAUVILLK, rA. Oi JOHN II. JON KS, Ajteutfia- Nortbuntberlaisl eouuly. HEFERENOE8: lloa. K.DKNK'.KH liKIKKIN, Hoebester, N. Y. IIihi. JOHN liAI.HItAITII.K.rie, P. Cd. J. It. JOHNHliN, AleudviUs, fa. Kebruurytt, H-01 Siu STOVES- lOR 8ALE an eicelleul second hand Cook - ing 8loe, also several Cylinder Cos I ajte-a. Enutiv at tki oflita. BENT BY EXPRESS HVEBYWIIERE. RetaUed at Wholesale Prices, Hado to Measure at $18 per doz.- OR BIX FOR NltfE. DOLLARS, Wthout Collars on, with Collars on (1 per dot. extra. MADE OF KEW-YORK MILLS MUSLIN, ITlth Dns Linen Boaotna, and warrnnted as pood a Shirt as sold In the retail stores at t'i.M each. ALSO. THE VERT PKST PniRTS THAT CAN SK ' MADE AT tl KAC1L P. S. Those irho think I cannot make a good Fhlrt for f IS per dntca are miitaken. Uere's the cost sf so dolcn (18 line shirts. f 0 yards of New-York MlVt mu.lln at HJte. rwr j-d. ft 83 7 j-.nv.a or line i.inen, at ova. per rani, Making and cutllnr. I,nnndrr, fl buttons and cotton, tWo I-ro&t .. f.o . 00 .1 M .a cr, Total US 00 Self Measurement for Shirts. rrlnted directions sent free everywhere, and eo easy to understand, that ar.y one can take their mrirnicBMire for iMrta. I warrant a (rood lit. The ensa to be paid to the Kxtircsa Company on receipt of goods. The 1'xpreM charires on oca dosen Ehlrts from New York to New Orleans is tl. p. . -parties wisniNa srnr.TS irt nASTE,noi having time to send for Rules of Me.iFurcnieiitrehould send ht mail, prepaid, ono of the best fitting shirts they Lave i ot, stating any alterations that nay be required. r S. W. H. WARD, from London, 387 Broadway, up stairs, Between W.ite A Walker Etreets "KTV-TOntV Maifll Iti, IH61.- If CEOTlUllToTELr SUNBURY, Northumberland Comity, Pa. rIlll!S large nnd commodious Hotel, now A mnniged by JAMES VAN DYKE. It is situate at the Railroad Hepot North East corner of Market rSquare, Kunliury, nud at tho terminus of the Sunhury Erie and North ern Central Railroads, and is open for the accom modation of Travelers and the public in general 'J he priprielor will give his exclusive atten tion, to the comfort and convenience of hia guests and is de'ermiued to ninkn this establishment rank among the first in the State. Hitt labia will be supplied with the best the market can produce having the advantage, ol daily cixnmuniiiHlinii by curs direct from Halli inoie, and also from those bringing produce from the surrounding country. His bar will be supplied with the purest liijuors Ihe market can produce Ca-eful and obliging servants n I ways in nt tendance. Nt w and commodious stubling has just been added to the premises. ej A share ol the local nnd traveling community m roost respectfully solicited, f-jnbury, January 12, I8CI. WINTER GOODS, F 0 R M EN'S WE A R . II lack nnd Uluo Hair Cloth, licaver Overcoating, Hlnok DcM'skins. New SI) le Cassimeres, All Wool Tweeds, Heavy Kentucky Jeans, Real Good Cossinetts, Kilx Mixed Coatings, Super Velvet Cords. Black Creiradine Yesling, Black Matin Vesting. Fancy Rjlk Velvet Vestings, l'lain Silk Velvet Vestings, Nice Cassiinero Vestings In fact nil kinds of goods for Men1 and Boys' wear, can lie found nt the People's One Price Store of E. Y. fright A Son, who have just eceived by Railroad a splendid stuck of all kinds of goods, suitable fur cold weather. Please call and bo convinced. E. Y. UKIUIIT & HON. Sunbury, October 27, ISG0. REVERB HOUSE, (I .ATE KAOI.K imTKI.,) Third Street, almre J.'tice, JiiiluiMjihia, KIIUAUS & SAILOR, I'ropuetors. IMI'ROVKMKNTS Imve Iweu uiade, and the House has been refilteil lhnii;hout TiLGllMi V. ItuoADS, formeilyof Ihn Nnlioual Hotel Clitm.Ks S.II...H, iMiinerly ol rVhuj Iklll eo., I'a. rillbdelphili, Juu. 11), Iblil. ly li O O T AN.) S HO K MANUFACTORY. Corner of Mat lit Square and Hirer Street STjnsrzBTJiRrsr, tj. 'piIE subscriber respectfully informs the citi- ens oi nununry anil vicinity, mat lie Ins iqicticd a Hoot and Shoe Shop on the corner of Market Square and River street, opposite the Court House, where he can be found at all times ready to wuit upon customers. lUving considerable experience, he is prepared to mukejjp customer work ut all kinds, tit short notice, in Ihe latest style and workmanship. He keep roustatilly on hand a large ai .ort meiit of Leather, of the best quality, which ena ble him to make up good and durable work. Cull and examine for yourselves before pur chasing elsewhere, and yon will save money. JOHN WILVEIf. Sunhury, Nov. 0, I860. ly War! War!. War! COME FHOM TIIK KOHTII, COME J L'OM Till: SOVTII, COME l-HO.M THE EAST, COME FHOM 'HIE WEST, Save the country and build yourselves homes, or now is the time to get vour Lumber ehean. Yes, LUMBER ! LUMBER ! ! LUMBER ! ! ! can l purchased at low rates at ihe STEAM SAWMILL of IRA T. CLEIYIENT, fcSXJJSJ 13TJIH.Y. FA... uch as Panel Lumber, Frame Lumber. Boards, Siding. Shingles from $: to $H per thousand, Plastering Lath, Paling, Roofing Lath, Ac, 4c. All bills ordered, for any kind of Lumber, will lie lurnished at Ihe shoitest nonce IRA T. CLEME1VT. Sunhury, March 0, l6l. OM.lIO. 91 A LICK, Attorney a Law, SUNBURY. Northumberland Co., Tix (rornieily Frceburu.nder countv "V llFHi;l.. Maikel Street, a lew doors east of lbs Northern Central Kailrosd DchiI and two door west of the Post OHice. All Professional Business, Collections, 4c. will receive prompt atteutkm. March 30, lH6l. SAVE YOUR FRUIT IY UMNG MASIIN'S Patei.l Sheet Metal Screw Top PRESERVE JAR. MASONS PATENT SHEET METAL screw run A that is necessary being to screw the Caodown upon Ihe Rubber Gasket, w hich is placed outside upon the shoulder of the Jur, 3-4 of an inch dis tant from Ihe top ; prevent the possibility of the Osvor of Ihe fruit being injured by coming iu Mitact with the Rubber. Person desiring these Jars, ran be supplied by avma iiieir urucrs wim ji. u. .YIAoorin, Sunbury, June 8, I860. Agent. COTTAGE BIBLES. 10 U BALK, cheap, three copiei ef the - Cottage Hiblo, iu two volume, wilb coui- DtllUbtsl. 11. li. MASSEU. SUNBURY STEAM FLOURING W.ff 3t Jatsl ULsts vTIHR subscriliers having taken possession of this first claw P,()i;HlNO MILL, are pr. tinted tj receive irrnln uf kinds, and to do cue tom work st the Shortest Notice. Customers! will have their grists ground IrmneiKntely tipon their being left at the Mill. A it ia Ihe Inten. tion of Ihe firm to stock the Mill a largo Sup ply ot Or.iin, will be constantly kept o i hand, nnd flour by Ihe quantity can always be obtained, The greatest earn will bo taken to turn out a su peri-r ipiality of flour, for which the mill is ad mirably adapted. Utrict attention will be paid to the wants of customers, and tho patronage of tho public generally is respectfully requested. MORUAN 4, CO., Sunbury, June S3, 180. LUMBER.! LUIVIDEIl PHILIP 8 11 A Y. MUNOY, PA. INFORMS Ids friends and the public in gene nil, that he constantly keeps on hand. Hoards, Shingles, Lath, Joists ai.U all kinds of Lumber and building materials, which Iro will sell at the lowest prices. March 30, 1861. DR. A. W. FISCHER, iFFERS his professional services to the cili .ens of Munbury and vicinity. OHice at the Drug Mlore. Munbury, June Ul, 18:10. SHAM0KIN VALLEY POTTERY. 'IMIE subscriber respectfully informs the public that he is now manufacturing at hi Pottery, 4 miles east of Sunbury, all kind of Earthen Ware, made, out of Itctl Cement Clay. This clay produces the best and most dcsirahlo kind of wure, equal, in many respects, to stone ware, and is less liuhlo to crack by sudden heat and cold. The subscriber refers to Friling 4 Grant, Sunbury. Address, JLfeEPH SAVIDGE, Oct 3, lfC0 ly Sunbury, Pa. "WXiXi PAPER 1 FRILING & GRANT, ol the MAMMOTH STORE, have this duy (January 17th, I8C1 received a C'LIOICK ASSORTMENT IK TtIK NEWEST STYLES AND PATTERNS o- WALL PAPER, ' which tl.cy are selling at prices that defy competition. Sunbury, January 19, 1801- LOOK HERE, IF YOU WANT TO BUY CHEAP FOR CASH. O TO WM. H. MILLER, he has received .JaJ from Philadelphia a large stork of BOOTS & SHOES. His stock consists of Geii'ts Kipp Hoots, Youths' Kipp Boot. Children's Culf Boots. A Iso a variety of Women's Calf Lace Boots, Women's Morocco Lace Roots, Children's Morocco and Cnlf Lace Boots, all of which he will sell cheap for CASH. ' nil and examine lor yourselves. ALSO, first quality of Tampcro Moroco for saie lor cash. WM. H.MILLER Sunbury, January 7, IRS0. NOW WITHIN REACH OF ALL GlaOVEIt $ 13AK Eli'S CELEBRATED NOISELESS . Sewing Machines, 495 BiniAiiwxT, New Yohk. The public attention is respectfully jequeslcd I the following cards of Ems Howe, Jr., and the (irover & Baker S. M. Co A Card from the G ROVER & BAKER S. M. Co. rtn lui.hi. 1,..: ...i.i:..i..i i. -v. nw. ... iiviiiij nun vB,uotiiiieii iy I o Lourts, we are enabled to furnish the Grover 4 Baker Machine, with important improvement at greatly Itrduccd lrict's. I he moderate price at which Machines mak ing the Grover 4 Baker stitch, can now be had, brings them within the reach of all, and renders the use of Ma -nine making inferior stitches as unnecessary as it is unwise. Persons desiring ihe best Machines, and ihe right to use them, must nut only be sure to buv Machine making the Grover 4 Baker stitch, but also that such Machine are made an stamped under our patent and those of Elia i lower, jr. GROVER 4 BAKER 8. M. CO , 4!W Broadway, New York, A CARD FROM KI.IAM HOWE, JR. All pernon are cautioned not to make, deal or use any Sewing Machine which sew from two spool and make the stitch known as the Grove 4 S linker stitch, unless the same are purchased from the Grover 4. Baker Sewing Muchiue Company, or their Agents, or Lit ens, s, am slainiied under my patent of Senteii.ber III. 1846 Said Company, and their License, alone, art legally authorized under their own patent, ant my said paleul, during Ihe extended term there of. to make and sell this kind of Sewing M achine and oil other are piracies upon my said patent and will be dealt with accordingly, wherever tourid. CLIA8 HOWE, JR. New York, Dec. 29, I860. if New Arrival of Clothing;, r"1HE larirest and best Stock of FALL AN tr.irtir.it t i,t'i Jit.-Nii ever brought to tin place, arrived at the Mammoth Chuhing Store of SCHWKITZER, HEILBRONNER dt iti.. hi Market atrrel, nearly opHiuile Wea ver iioieu Their Slock comprises of PINE CLOTH COATS, Dress Coats, Over ('oats, Business Costs, 4c VESTS OF ALL KINDS. UnderShirts, Drawers, 4c HATS A 1ST TO CAPS BOOTS AND SHOES, of the latest tvl of every description and quality, cheaper than ever. 1 hvir assortment of gentlemen' furnuhing - loming is tu most complete I Their varieiy aud style most attractive. And Ihe price defy all competition. tW Call and examine tor yourselves. 8CWEITZER, HEILBRONNER CO. Sunbury, Ocl. 6, I860. rpiN WARE A very ihesp and desiral sUtUtaTllllMIll ml Mtv Vul I ll list faVAA.tr ail 1 the Mammoth store f D'RILINU V a RANT. Buubury, Jantur li, 1861. , ANOTHER ARRIVAL OP N E V GOOD S , J. II. EXCEL,, of Sunbury, IM., I AH just arrived with splendid STOCK of sriJINU AND SUMM KK OOOD8, from Philndelphia, to which he respectfully .invites is friend and the Public to call and inspect, he will spare no time in showing them. Among s stock of goods will befound, FINE ULuE AND BLACK FKEITCH CLOTH. Fine lilack and Fancy Casimeres 'J weeds, Sat- Inetts, Jeans, Dlnck Italian Cloth, Ciishmeretlc, ottonade, I. mens, I.inen Drill, Linen Check, nd Farcy Vesting, also a large assortment of Ready-made CLOTH I.N Ci for men and boys (clicsp.) FUH LADIES WEAR,. Ulack and Fancy Dress Silk very cheap. Silk ('issue, Uercges, Chali and Chali Robes, Uercge Delaine, Derege Robes,' Figured Brilliant and a variety of q her Dress Goods, Spring and Sum mer Shawls, Mantilla, 1'arasols, a good assort ment of white goods. Collars, Sleeves, Irish linen, Shirt fronts, Marseilles, Brilliant 4c. A general assortment of domestic Dry Go ds. Also a large, stock or Hat and Caps, Boots nd shoes, Hardware, Queens and Glnsswnrc, Groceries, Cedarware, Stone and Earlhenwnre. Drugs and Paints, Suit, Fish, Cheese, Ham, Oil, ar 4c. &c. N II. Wall and Window Paper, Floor and able Oil Cloth, Carpets, all the above will be sold at low prices for cash or country produco ta en in exchange for Goods, J. II. ENGEL. 8unbury, May. 19, I8fi0. If. HARRIS I'AISITER, attorney a t 31 a b MARKET SQUARE, SUNB tjry, FA.. June S:i. 1 8 tiO. New Air Line Route T O 3STE"W YORK BHOKTKST IN DISTANCE AND OL'ICKliST IN TI.MK between the two Cities of NEW YOHK AND HARHISBTJRG. VIA READING, A1.I.I-..NTOWN AND KASTON. aiormnff Kxnreaa Wesl liivea N..v V.L u, n . u .....i rilllndchihii! at S A M . arrives at llarnshnrir ul lil'i.t p eoiineetlni-nt lliiiriehuig with Irn i Niinherii Ccnltiil Itnai lor ruuiiury. I Hulusoort. ljiek I iivn mwl ...i..r. infinite stntions. . man ir West lenvea New York at H iumhi, and rniiiMHiiiiiii at j Jti p. m., eonneciiiii! Willi t.atn on North em l-eiilml II.miI for sinuous hs a,ul nl... ,.il ...i.iib on .uc iuiuiiiFMir, iiihi r.tnnra. Mail Tiain Kust leuves llarrishuiir nt 9, A M .and nr. rive at l'lnlmlel.hia at I r. m , ami New Vnk at 3Ui r. a., iu nine ui iiikc lil or ears for lloslou. . r est r.x Hess ejist luivn Hums l.ni- nt I I.'. .... n.r...,.l of Norlheru Cenlnil Tinin. and nrnves at Hliilmleliil.m Oljrs ..nud New Voik atlir. m. eiiniipe oi enrsnr wicpige lejlweeii New York or riiiintieiiuii! mis' rrnri'Mii.uiK. For heaulv of seeiiervuml soeeit efiinrmi mi.l iw....n.M. ihilion, this route presents superior iiiiliteeiiienls to the traveling, piionc tilliee im rsew York, roitnf CourllniHl street I'hlladel, uin. iironu ami t:ulhiwliill streets. Fare between New York mul ll:i,rii.l.f I.MVI." nrn I.AKS. For Tickets ; Freight or other inrormntion, apply to ., . J. J. CI.YDi:, liencilll AKent. Hnrrishntg, Jane fln, 1WMI ly ALFRED D. BRICK'S UXiTEl) STATES AS It i:U,'OPEA PATENT OFFICE, No. 323 WALNUT STREET, Philadelphia. jVT II. Communications by mull promptly " - atienued to. Sept 22, I860. lyft Cure Cough, Cold. Hoarseness. jnjiuenza, any irittati'tii or S iraitt.i of ihe Thrwit, He lieve the Hurling CaugS t i Consumption, Bron chitis, Asthma, and i it . . .... Catarrh, Clear and give strength to the voice of J'uMtc speaker una dingers. r ew are a ware oi me importance ol ekeekiiMr a Cotw or "Cohiiw Colo" in us best stage laul which in ta hciiiiiiiins; woouf yiear to a nnkl irinedv, u iieis.i'ted, s n-ki the l.units ''llltOWN'8 ItltONCIHAb THO- l llhfV' eoiiuniiiuv demulcent ingredieiiu, allay Pulmo nary aim uruiicuiai iriiuition. I "Tlmt Imnhle in my tlumt, (fiw whie! Drown' the TKOCIIK-i" aie a si.ee its.) bavin inude ineorteu a mere wlnspeier" TIlOCHb-S. N. I'. WILMS "I lecomineud their use to Public Speak lirown s crs." RF.V. K. H. CIIAP1N TROCHES. ' "Hnve proved extremely serviceable Hoarseness " Brown's i kKV HF.NRY WARD llEKCHKn tlAlinst liiBUsnt telle! in Ihe dislressini I KOCI1K9 labor ol bieaihuift peeuhsr to Aslhtna ' I l!KV A U Eljtil.KSTON. Drown s "t.oiiiaui no ommn or anyihiiiK injur! ous. UH.AAHA1KS TItOCHKS. I Chemist, lioston. "A simple nnd pleasant cotiiiniiutiou U itrowii otigus, ae." DR 0 F BICELOW. TROCHK.S Uostou. "Deueneinl in BroiH-h:hsn Drowu' DU J F W LANE, t H'tsion TROCH E8. 1 "I have proved them exeellel.t for Wlion i mg Cough." Diowii's ! EE V II W WARREN. lloslou. TROCDK. oRenefieial when compelled to sjieu suiicrinif iron, v iuu. Brnvn' I REV 8 J P ANDERSON, 8t. liuis. ritOCHIi!1. 1 "Effectual ill removine; Ibsiisenes and lirnuilioii of the Thnsit, so coitiinuti with orowu s 7ieusers unu bluffers " I Prof Al STACY JOHNSON, TROCHES. lsiGraiiire.Ua Teacher of Alusie, Southern Brown's Female Colleee. "Oreat benefit when take i licfoie and I KULIli.S. arter preaehiuK, aslhev prrveul Hoarseness , From I In-1 r jmst elleet, I think iney will be of xiiowirs periiiuueiit auvuiuaee it, me." i REV K KOWI.EY, A M., TROCIIE3. President of Athens College. Teiin. I tW Sold by all Druggists ut ii cents a box. leccniuer o, lew. oiupi EVANS & WATSON Il-AiP. I'hiladelvhia Mam, fact I : ' . ; s k ' rM t SalanmiHlcr Safes terfaFA. 304 Chtmut Street rimADF.iniiA. ri'HKHK tSnfesttre now in uk oil over tUe Tiiitnt States, 1 mikI hnv lReii teldi m muiiy nrea; me foiiowi kliuws uaoiiier intunce tit lhir tHiubil ty in remiujig tu WlTMIK1! ItHlDGK, IjiiicaUr 'ruwiivhiii, July 30, 14M C ize I Kibinuiti(lrr tufe vtiMli J MircliatttJ frHn yur Kent, Mr. Attain It. Ilnrr, in lmiraiitrr LityiH Jily li-.VS ht Ikjcii luliiwiwl ttiavcry severe test, whirh wiUiai(d in a must sutisAirtiiry iiiuiinur. Thu ISufp. cnv tiuiiuiB all my tNks. tuct-tlier Willi vuliuUltruHrslM'linc ug U my sell and smse U my nt'ij-lilmm hihI Iririttl, ami rviHfSt'ittinfr a vulue u( over Tweuty 'I'IiuushihI Utilltirs, (Ji,(MU) uiit in iny Mill, which was (Irslruyetl on the iiiuht ftt Uie v7tlior July. 1MHL ami nnsvetl Ihinuuh the net onleul unstwtlittl, The Safe wus nu the SMitnd tittor, amJ ftslllti the Luist'iiieiit ih the Mill, ami was sulirvtrd for si tviMis tiiau Miteiisr heatuiiimig the ruius, which w smriiy iiitfrrastrd by the mwihusiimi of I Ian ks (juantitv f giutu tMiifiiiol within Ihe bvn-k w ills. Altfjj the Tire the f-n(e w;i tipeiieti untl the Urnks hihI uiM;rs Utkeu out in a statu vt rrtt'l tresr rvulhtii, the (uiftcr imh even urnuf disroHi rd. Thislut't wms, Imwevt-r, lt iii.my hyutaiiders, a Iwtt res-tmiiifiKtittinii m your sates than ctmlu be expressed uuy oiiitr wonts inun nie. Yours, respecuully, BAML'Kl RANCK Another Victory for Kvant and Wuhan Salamander Safe. Oswxno, N. V., March 7 ltVl Gentlemen It afT'tnls ine mut-h nleamire n lulWin y Uwt the Hife Nu A, (Urlu) winch I imrrluised tf U, bir uid, you i tnivettug sgeiit, luts niauod thnmh an ex vaviunyty wn nre in a inree artiry urieK buikiiiiK, wild healed the Hate to a while heat. llt.it the trunieis ttf upear uieltet); but it preserved my li-wU and vahmbte Dttpers in me ainuuut ul several luoussiid ditHnis, for wlut U ieei i'imiikiui. Ytiurs, resiwlfuMv. J N r.l.T)IMGK ir A mr to BMhirlint'iU I Iho alnv ft A .m alway it hanti. at Ckeanut street, (late tt4 ftmth fourta st. GENESEE SALT. WHOLESALE Sc HBTAIL fAKILlNU dt. CHANT (at the Mammoth - Store,) have just received 600 ih. of Sola tiround. Solar aud Fine Salt, 700 Sack of Ground Solar Salt every sack warranted to contain 845 pound of Salt and S00 bag of Sail containing on lluahel each. Tfaia salt ia the best aud lrong now manufactured and in market. Call aud ae for yourselves. Sunbury Sept., 8, I860, NDOW" 81! A DE8 A very Una aiTd cheap aanorloieot, jut received by Kail, road from Ktw Yoik, at the Alaaiatola elor of Filling V Grant, W have alau lor sale S. S. I X- ..I.I...I...I l.l..nl I'. ...I. I Curtain Fiitun. HIGHLY IMPORTANT NEWS. M. C. (jRAKIIART, Has irlurued with a new Slock of Confectioneries, Fruit and Toys. T seems a if a new age, a new life was open Ing upon u. animating every heart to nobler deeds and higher aims! Art, 1-iterature and Sci ence will glow anew and seek to develop sub- timer beauties and grander conception. llio business world too must feel the new in- uenceand evcry'pnrt be qttickencd and strcnirth- ened by an increased vitality , which shall urge son with electric speed to the consummation nf greater things than was ever dreamed of in the hilosnphy of the part. Animated by the enthusiasm which prevades II classes, and desirous of doing hi share to wards "The grenl events nf the Age," the sub scriber would respectfully inform tho food pen- le ol SUiNUUHY and the public generally, that he haa just returned from the city of Philadel- bia with the largest and choicest stock of Con fections ries, Fruit and Toys that has ever been ironght to this section of country. He is also manufacturing all kinds of Confectiouaries, 4c, to fill up orders, wholeso'e or retail, at abort no tice. Among bis stock ol Oonloctinnarics, may lie round t French loprela, Hunted AlmtHdflt ITresim White, lmin K.e, Vnmlla, CfNamtm Hccicta. I.rrramice, nttnnnnt, Dittes, Onm Drops, sll k hid of seenl , lVC lfOW, Mint Drops, red ami white, Jelly Cakes, Flint Drops, Hi irk CaiHlteS, of all sceilta Rock Cnndy, Almond Candy, FRUIT. Prunes, Fiira, Citrnna. (.'iirmitls dried, Aimuiius, Rnisous, Nuts nf all kinds LKMON SYUUP of a superior quality, by the single or dor.cn. A superior quality of Scgara and lohacco, and variety of Confcclionarics, fruit, Toys, 4c, all of which isollcred cheap at wholesale or retail. IJSr Kemembcr the nmne and place. a) M. C. GEA KH ART, Markot st., 3 doors west of E. Y. Bright 4 Sun's store. Sunbunr, April 14, 18(10. ly MASSEP.'S PATE1TT FIVE-MINUTE FREEZER, As Improved for IH5! and 60, Uy E. KETCH M 4 CO., SH3 Pearl-Btrcct, New-York. "THE only Frcerer constructed on scientific principles, with a revolving can and spring, blade scraper. I he one hastens the freezing ol the cream the oilier removes it os last as frozen Ihe moat rapid in freezing, with thu least quantity of ice. 1 he most economical in cost, as it is the most simple and durable in structure. ror sale tu all tho principal cities aud town iu the Union. Each Kiuezer accompanied with a book of rc i lpcs aud lull diroclions. I'lilUKS. 3 quarts, 4 qunrls, 6 quarts, 8 quarts, 14 quarts, 2(1 quarts. .f :i on 4 (Ml ft mi 6 oo M 0t) 12 00 Apply tu II. I). MASiSElt, Sunbury. June 2, I Mill. ltiUO. THE BEST ROUTE 18G0 FKuN Wyoming Vnlloj lo I'lilladelpltln, Aeiv lurk, llallimorv, AND ALL VOI STS KOHTll, SOUTH J- WEST. LACKAWANNA & BL00MSBURG 11AILR0AD. STjitHKER ahhanoement. Two Daily fassenger Trains will la! ran lietwecn Scrunbiu ana rvortiiiiiiineilauil, as lollows: MUVl.Nli iOCTH: lave I'hll'a Mail. IU A. Al. 38 ? IIS 30 t) -JU f 60 0 (Ml II IK III no MOVING NORTH : N. Y. Fx. a 30 A. M. fl ns e .) - ,1 is 1 li ( 311 e 97 N. Y 4 P 4 S3 l -Ji 0 AS ? 3U ? til 8 in b is Seruutoii, Ainve at Pillsbsi, Kingston, Shr.-kshiiuiyf llerwieb, UkKMiinhutg, ttuiell, Hauville, Northumberland, Ijsive Northumberland, Arrive at Dunville, ltueit, Itl'Simshurg, Itetwiek, Shleksliluny, Kliiitstou, I'm. Inn, I'hll'a Mail. 4 IS I'.M 5 90 S 50 r isi M 1 OS 1 ti 8 IS Semntoil, II b 4S The liekawnuniL ami lll.M.iiishitrir Rniboiut connect wilh the Delaware, I jickawaiuia and Western IIniiro.nl, al Serauloii, for New York and Philiul, Iplna, ami interme diale points IviM ; ills., for limit llend, llluhaluloii, Syracuse, lluaalo, Ninpna Falls, and ull ioi.. p.snis West. At l(liM-ll it eoniieers wit the t'sltawirsa Rail ml, for is'iuts Isilh Fjistaud West. Al Noilhumlielklnd it eoiuieets Willi the Sunhury anil Krle Rallnunl. I'm .iiuts .vest ami raiiun. ni, -,v, JACHM Si, Pup I, Kingnbill, Augutt'J.1,, IHi'i. NEW YOHK LINES CA.MDF..M AM HOY AfcD I'HII.ADKI.rtllA AND THKNTON RAILROAD CO.'SMNKS, 7'i'uui Fhdadclyhia to Acio l'ork and Way i luces, From AValnut Street Vharf and Kensington Depot, i iouiuriiiiiH, win leave ua .isiows, is vakk, At 6 A M , via Caiudi a awl Auiuoy C A A Aeeoiii. nssliitioa, f '2 At o A fll, via uainiren and Jersey City New Jer aey aecoiiillMHlullou, f Al v a ai, via caiiiucu aim Jeisey city Morniiic Mail, j isi At 1 1 1 A ni , via neiisiugtnii and Jersey city, Wes tern F.Xress, rs) At V2 PM via Camden aud Amlsiy, aceomnnslalbiii '4 sa At i P M, via Cuiudeu and Aiuboy 0 uud A. Kx- prcss, 3 uu Al 11 I' Ai, via iveiMiiigtoii, and Jersey city, Eve ning; F.xpreas, 3 OO AMI r ni, via neusiugbu and Jeitey city, 3d Class Ticket, a At 6 H M, via Cnauleii A Jersey eltyKvenin Mail 3 HI At It P M, via Cuiislea and Jersy cuy Bouth. Mail ll 2S A I a r ai. via caitiueu ami Amlsiy Accominodu. luai. (F leigbt a ad Passenger,) 1st class ticket, t 9.5 . l " I SO The 6 P. M. Mail Line runs Only. The II Sxwtliera ainll evililttlays exeenlMl. For Melvulere, F.uslou, Fleinin-tloa, Ac., al 6 A. M., ruin ..iiiuui sueei wuari aau it l . ai , iroin Iteiwiustoi,. For Miiacli Chunk. Alleiitown aial lieUilehelll, nl ti, A M. via lA.'hlh Valley Itallnwd. Fi Walef Uap, Stiouttslairg, Sennit. .n, Wilkeslarre, Miailrose, Ureal lleisl, Ae., ul6 A M, Via Deluwule, trfii-KHwsinu. muu . rsceru nHiirisiii F.a Kiechidtr. at OA. M. ami 4 l. M. For Moant Holly, at a and u A M , and 'J, and J WAYUNKS, Fr llrirtal, Trciibm, Ac, at 3 aud 4 P. M., fr-'io Kensiiittlou. Vw I'abuyra, Oelanr!, Ileverly, Durliiigtnu, BtvuVti town. Ac, m ami 4F. M. Fifty psiuntls td' ll:fVfKe only, elk' wed mh Ii passiiu!er, ruiiviigfis are nuihibitetl frtmi iitMif aiiythiiiif as gfaite twit their wear.ug arparel. AH Uirage nver fitly iHtuiKJs tn ite naui fur extra. he I tMiiiiuiiy limn ineif rt'S(Mnisilulity f.ir Hupni;e tu One Dollar ,-' i"uml, and will n 4 lie liatite fin uuy u mount iwyoud 11)0 PtdUis. ex- cej by s,'tfil (NHttrat't WM II UATMKR At-eal C. A A. it. R Co February IH. It-IMJ. HEGEMAN & COS t'OUDlAL ELIXIR OF CALISAYA 13 A II K Prepared wily by HF.jF..lAN A CO., Wholesale and Retail Chemists and Druggists, 161, 390, Sll and 7S6 Uruadway, New Vnk. rpllK virtue of PF.RUVIAN BARK a a Touie have X been tisi km k:Miwu to ueed connueiK. The CAUSA V A ("or Knis'e llurs,") is th mst valu able of the uuiiier sue vsf lelies of the Peruvian Hark, and in the F.I4XIH ia asiibined wilb other iugredieuia tliat increase iu etbeacy aisl ut th stilus lime uvereiaue lh intensity of its billet, rendering it most Agreeable Car dial. For pemna living la FKVF.R aud AUl'F. districts, it Will be fouiul invalualae at a pieveulive. Half iW a wiihh ,luaa full lukea ninbl aud nsMiimg, rendering liar syatem much leas subject to the unhealthy inuueuc . lb anutai pher. DIRF.CTION8 Doss for a a bill, half a wineglass full before breakfast and dilute j hiklrea fnuu ute to two leasisuu lull j it amy be takeu wua u Wituoaia bill water For sale at Ihla oAoe. Mareb 17, lbl. A Freth Supply of Dry Uoodsi. C0N8IST1NU io part of Print, Delaine bleached and aublearlied Maslini, Clwt'ks Klrip Duiiim. St Drill. Ao., jl recvived by U. H. ! ih Mainannlh atorw of FttlLlKU URANT. NEW G06DS Atthe Mamrpoth Store, of IRA T. CLEMENT, NO. I MARKET STREET, PUNItLRV, I'A. rllUE subicriler has Just opened nt his well I known establishment in Snnburv, ono of the no pest and most desirable stocks of Fall and Winter Goods, that has ever been offered in the plnce.and which no will tell for CASlI.or exchange for Country Produre. Those desiring to purchase good will do well to call and examine his stock. BLACK AND FANCY SILK. All Wool Delams, Figured, Striped and Plain, rrencrr Merino, all colors, Beautiful Dress Holies, Cashmeres, Shaded, 'lain and Ktriped must he seen lo form an idea of the extent and varieiy. Mantle, Klella, Chenille. French Wn.l Kh.lfl Thiliet nnd Itrmlie Hhawls. Cloths Cassimeres and Satinet For Men and Ho, s' Wear, black t'assime , Fancy Csssimeres, side stripe heavy, U.hs ISkin ('ansiineres, Hntinets all kinds FLANNELS, White nnd Red Flannels, all grade and prices Bay State Sack Flannels, colors finest qualliosl HEADY-MADE CLOTHING Uoois and Sl.oes, Hats and Caps, 4e., 4e., ' alt of which were selected with great care, and will compare favorably, as regards qemlrty stylo and price, with any in the country . IIAUDVVAKK, a full assortment. Wood and Willow Ware, . Queensware, of all descriptions, Croceries, a full stock in store, Carpet Chains, Ac, Paints, Oils, t.'lass, Dye Stuffs. 'Thankful for tho patronage heretofore received he will spare no pains to please nil who may favor him with their custom in the future. Sunhury, tlct. 8'J, ISoD. . ROCKEFELLER t& BOYER, Attornies at Law, SUNBURY, FA.. A. Jordan Ilockcfcllcr and Solomon II. Iloycr, respectfully announce Ur. they entered into Copartnership in the practice of their profession, and will continue to attend to all busi r.e entrusted to their charge in the countic or Northumberland, Union, Snyder and Montour, promptly, faithfully and carefully. Special at tentiou will be given to the COI.I.liCTIONH OF CLAIMS. Consultation can be had in tho ChHMAIV language. UHice,- Market Street, opposite Weaver's Hotel. Sunbury, February d, (nOo. C IHlS li li KT & fiti , MtM'FACTVaiiRS OF Fl N KST (J V A I. I TY O F BOOTS AND SHOES FUH fiU.NTliKMKM IP O L E S ,1 . E A A 1) ll E T A I L No 4 South Fouitli Street, Philadelphia. U I'.K.XSSKT. W. J. JjKAkKKr. Mareb i3, lcl-(iin. Vfalclien Jewe lry M,cr ni WK would respectfully inform our friends, pnip.ns ami Ihe public irenernllv. Ihi.t w- .,.. nud offer WHUI.FSAI.F. A.Sl KF.TAII. io ii.. i I toll I ru-es. a koue mid very eholee .t'K'k nt W A'I'imi i-v JKWKIJtY, Sll.VKit AND 1'1.AT! I. ti- m? !.' 'IA variety and style. '' ' -r, F.veiy ilescrinlion nf DIAM(ln u-rinir .... ... JVAVF.l.UY, nuule to order, nl short notice. f- All vroons t nrra.-stetl to be as represented. ..' ."'" R'ven to the repiirino f Watches and Jewelry of every ihn-ripilon. MAI Ft' Kit ,V HAltl.KV M:rre?'fc!u,StrC,:t' P. MELANCHTON SHIN DEL. JUSTICi: OF THE la STJ3SrBTJR-3r, pa. ' OJJice in Deer Street, immediately opposite the Vuhlic School House. All business promptly attended to. Monies ollected and all ordinary writings done. Siinburv. Anril 28. IHf)7. tf HENRY D0NNEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OJJice opposite the Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County Pa. Prompt Bitetiiitrn to business in adioiuin counties. ' WHOLESALE DEALER I. BRANDIES. WINES, GINS, &C 'I'HL subscrilwr having opened in 'Thompson Urick Iiuil.ling, Mill street, Danville, a lart rgo ami complete stiH k ol FOHKIUN AXU DOMESTIC Llyiroits, comprising the besl bratnlsof I! randies, (Jin, Old Kj e, Scotch and liish Whiskey, Port, Sherry, Madcria, l'hampagi,e nnd other Wine of ull Rraite. all of which will be sold Wholesale al Iho lowest city prices. Tavern-keeper by buy ing of u can sove at least the freight. Persons desirous of purchasing liquors for FAMILY' ITS E, may rely upon being furnished with a pure and unadulterated ailicle.. Li?"lJeing determined to establish a reputation lor selling cheap he respectfully solicit the pa tronage of the public. All orders promptly at tended, to. JEREMIAH S. HALL. Danville, Jul e Iti, IHfid. INGRAINED CARPETS, MAM FACTFI1KI) and fer Sale by M. I'm,,, Irf-ihrniHltaud .McDowell s UiiiIiIiiik, .ri er A C: lb ba.1 comer, Sec aid and Kuce slleets Philadelphia. noons a lahasteed. October 97, It 80. w "V J. S L 7s & CO 00 Save Ike Pieces ! As accidents will Iwppen, even in well-regulated faim hes, ll is very de,irulile to buve some cheap and convenient wuy fia- repsiuiig Fuiiiiture, Toys, Crockery, Ac. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE meets all such emergencies, and ihi liount'hold can nffonl to be willmut it. It ia ul ways ready and up to the stifkiitg point. There is no loiijter a iieceasity for limpiiif; chaire, bjitinlers venrers, lieadicss dtlUv and brokeH ciadlrs ll is jutvl the artiele fur eone, shell, and other iKiiauicnUil Wurk, Ppular with ladies f iffuieineiit lutd Liste. This adinirahlc piepumtii-n is ued tUi, leiiig rheiiiicalhf held in stttuth)U,aird iout-aiiig all the valunhle qiuilif ici ttf the heat rulHiiel-nuiker's Ulne. It inuy 1 u . I in Uisj pluct of ordinary iiiuriltice, being vuntly umre atthtstve. UtiKH I, IN KVKHV HOt'SK" N- B A llrusti aecinfiRiiies raru bottle. i'rice rents. WhoM'salc Depot, No it Crtlar slreet. New Yrk Addrcas, UKNH V C Ht'AM'IMi A Co.. U'X No. a,ouu. New VMk. Put upfv Dealers in rase roiituiinii Fo-ir Knrht, and Twelve l'ieii ImwiiIHuI Lithograpliiv Chtiw Curd ac sHiiiaiiyinj ent'h pat-kiie. 17 A single tMmlcol SiMltling's Presfiit d Glue willsuvt leu times its etst aiinualh- Iti every hHistrhld. tS4dtiyaU prtiutneiil Hniittnciis Uiuk latin, llitnlvfara ant Kuriiiiiire Dealer , finrtrn, and Fam-y htnit. Country Merchants should nuike a it ! o Smldinft'a pre) wred Glue, h bcji they nuke up tucii li. ll wtl Wand any eluuata. Kur sale at thisofiicf, Alarch lt, ItfHi. ty FOB, SALE. TWO LOTS situate in Market street, in tho town of Trevorton, Nu. It and la, iu block No. W0. Apply lo WM. OAI til.hlt. Seliiu. grove, or 11. II. MASSE It, Sunbury. TJ8EFLI. IN ALL FAMILIES-HEl.KMA.N dt CO'H lienziiie, which removes puiiit spoi grease, ic, 4c, and cleans gloves, silks, ribbons, Ac., equal to new, without ihe slihtd i'tjury In color or fabric. Sold by all DitgtjisU, also at tin ortice. S. cent ier Udile. BO' DOO l ti ud blh I KM, ib. ap lor UK W M. .MU.l.LL'a. Sun ury, August tl Uop.