! : ' .; St. Louts, Oct. 6. The correspondence of lbs Democrat jiiv- tb followinjj i Roli.a, Mo., Oct. fi From Information gathered by ecoutg, there ate shout 11,001) lined Kohpls fcntlcrcil over tlv Southwest a'rn part of the State, inclmiinn COOO to 7000 tit Coii'p Walker, Arkansas, ellit miles below the Missouri Hue, oDdef commaod of young lien McCnlloch. Major Wright, of the Nome Gunrds fur nishes the followirip ststBtnent : A physician well known tn the M njor, whose noni 1 am nut permitted to . arrived from the Smithwent on Tuesday evening. 'Phis physician whs formerly a partner of L)r. tinell, Gn. McC'ullot-b's army turgeon. Tha former very recently had nil Interview witb hit old purtner, und was told liy him, that in the btittl of Springfield McC.nllnrh was slid through the hips, und. a glance bull uIho el ruck him in the forehead. Soon after nmkinfr his report of the buttle MeCulloch, with tbe Texas force?, was ordered back to Tcxog, but after reacbiiie Camp Chesapeake, near Mount Vernon, be ilied from bis wound. l!i fur he expired bo fpolte freely of the manner of big treatment by the M ifsourionp, nn. I declared th.it if be hud known tha true position of affairs, ha never would have entered the State. Ilisbody was placed in u nietnllic cuflin and conveyed to Texas. Ilia doatb was concealed even from his own men for a time, it being tb.) policy of the surviving lenders to operate on tho prestige of bis name. 1 1 is poo, lien McCullucli, Jr, wus therefore placed in nmninnl command in order to keep up tho deception. M .jnr Writ lit. who is un old acquaintance, of Mel.'ulloeh, hii vinir, us lute us the winter HeTurH t In lost ranged with liim up the Colorado, is convinced that the latter is dead. Letters have been received by Mrs. Craw ford, Irom her husband, (.'ol. Crawford, of Price's urmy, stating that the latter was hemmed in, and occupying a critical position, i. ml urging the immediate reinovul of bis properly to the rfout b. St. Lorn, Oct. G. The Leavenworth correspondent of the SI. Louis llrpnblicni, under dule of tho 2d, gives the lolloping information : A full battery of iron six pounders lies been presented to tliu Home Guards uf Lenv, n worth. They were cast in this city, being the first attempt ut casting ordnance. A Tier tbij bill of Lrzingtoii, General Sturuis made n reu,u isit .iou opon Major Uenc. TjI titone, of t l.o K imsns nuliliii, in call out the- militia of t.lm eastern counties of Kansas. The people responded w .irmly to the call and p. Hired inlo Wjnudo'.te ill large liuinhera. ! lu-y woru immediately sworn into the L tilted Slates service, und now compose part ol (j.-ticTrtl 'St'iruis' command at Kansas City. '.''.'ih Second Kansas Jlegimeul, under Major Cioud, is alno ut Kansas City. Colonel M ilchell, its commander, is rapidly recovering Imiii h.s wounds rtcc.vud at the baltlu of riprincSeld. Nine regiments, 'oost of which are full, and the rest rapidly tilling up, have been furnished by Kansas for llit? war. Jo addition to this we have twice responded to Hie call of the iiuthnrities and furnished thiilyday men, when danger threatened. livery man in Kansas is now well dtiiltd, und ready to light if occasion require.? it. M.jVr Prince is still the commander of the po.-t ut. Tort Leavenworth, and is prosecuting, With vigor, the woil; of strengthening and fortifying bis position. A lung hue of t'urlbwoi ks and entrenchments have been thrown up on the west ot Port Le.ivr nworth The r.ver is protected l.y pickets and marked batteries, fciiicli a thing as taking tho Putt by surprise is now out of the question. St. Loup, Oct, C. One l-ninirul ol the soldiers wounded ut Lexington, arrived to-nipnt. Tiie J)cmcrat will to-morrow morning exonna'e (Jen. Premont from uny knowledge of, or consent to tile publical ion of the charges aud specifications uguinst Colonel Blair. Sr. Lous, Oct. C Captain Milveever, Assistant Adjutant O' nenl of this Depart ment, baa received a despatch from General Fremont, stating that the charges and Fp. ci 13eati.."s against Colonel JUair, published in tho Democrat yesterday morning, received publicity without, his knowledge or smcllon ; t i tt hf has telegraphed to tho President and Ceneiul Scott tir.il the act meets bis uoipial ilied disapproval, and requests Captain McKeever to investigate this violation of his confidence and intei feren'JH v.itb his papers, . iiat the per etrutois ine) be tiiBlautly pro ceeiL'd against and punish.; J. .1 kfh:kso.v Citv, Oct. (Jenerals Fremont and MiKinstry left fur tho West tliis iil'lti noon. It is staled here that General Wool is now on bit way to Si. Louis, und is to be followed by lilty thousand (loops, half of w hoin are to stop at Cincinnati and go into Kentucky, while tuu other half are tu enter into active operations in Missouri, and supply the placu of General Fremont's army. lufoimution loiB been, recuivt-a beie that ubont three weeks ago a slave insurrection was attempted in Jasper county, that, about thirty live of the negroes were killed uud a number of others were to be hanged. The discovery of the plot proved tlut tho insur rection was wide spread, aod that the slaves intended to murder their .masters' and perpo trute u number of barbarities. A repoit is also current hers that two thous'itid llebels are twenty six miles from llermunn, marching towuids the Gascuuadu river, with the tuteotina of burning the railroad bridge across the stream. These llebels are suid to bo beaded by Mlskel J oliiiscn. It is Gen. Fremont's intention to follow Gen I rice rapidly nod conl inuouely. Alter leaving S olalia be will march Irom twenty live to forty miles a day, according to the condition of the loud, and, if necessary, be w ll enter AikuDsae. 11 says he does not want any more men ; that he has a sullici. nl force to go anywhere through the isoulh, He teems to hivu entire contideuce in bis army and officers, and bis soldiers repesa great trust in b in. lul'ormulioD having been received here thut McCc . lech's forces were on the south bank of the Osagu river, s few days siuce, witb the design of cutting oil General Premont's coin tnunicutiou with St. Louis, and then inarching on that city, strong aud expei ienceed scout' lug parlies have been eeut out to scour the v. hole Osugo country, Kt. Lous, Oct. 8. General Fremont moved forward last night from JtfTerson City. The army is in ibe bin lies t slate of enthusiasm and in perfect Condition. The General iees to ever) thing, visits every regiment und infuses bis own i-pint into each o! bis men. The rebel Price is retieuting southward us rapidly as possible McCulloch is d.-ad, having beeo mortully wounded at Spriotlield. Kverjlbing in Missouri is being dona witb tha greatest energy ami activity uu tha part of tba Cuiouists. Ti e l.ouisvilU Jniirnul, of 8tiiriUy, s.iysi "i l.e II. in. Ji.liil j. ( i ill t-ii .1. ii imiliril tlila city ut ev. nine, tur lb )iuriioscf bsviiig sai inter- vn w will) (ii i erul Antli-rsori ltd intrnds to atari nixt wrrk fur thu uitniii'iiiiis. and fnjeivor la 'urtiuse tho burtly suns i.f ibe bills tn luke ssrvice I'.r thu Uuvciniiieiit anil r j il the invsilrrsfrum uur .Stole. The B)ieumiii e of tbe veiu-raLle smti sinsn in Hint iiiiurtr will ncrsrinn Ihe irrt-at1 est enlbususw, uJ i.ruJuce lit must cucouisginy THE WAR k.l MISSOURI. JFrncRBrtw Cnr, Oct. 7.-Sppcial to the 8t. Lrnii Drmncrnt.-Little doubt is enter tained" here trial General Price is on hit way South with the main 'body of his army. .The force reported lo be making demonstrations hear Georgetown ami Sdulia, being men ly a detachment for the purpose. . When last heard Irom, General Trice's advance guard was. at Clinton, in Henry cuanty. It is supposed Price will push tu the Arkansas line. ' Ueneral Fremont will follow him closely, and give him battle wherever he Can find him, Col. Coffee, of Bonneville, passed through here the other day for St. Louis, but ft has been ascertained that he is on his wny Souih witb important documents, containing the nfiicial record of the proceedings of the Mock Legislature, held at Lexington recently. J CKruKf on City, October 7.-Spuial to the St.- Louis Hepulliuan it Seems to be the belief in military circles here, thut Gen. Price w til avoid a battle with Fremont if possible; but others entertain the opinion that he intends a surprise upon Some point the least protected, uud that we shall have a fight in a lew days. Geueral Frejpont intends tn follow the Rebel army into Arkansas, and force them to fight wherever he can encounter them. The paymasters, who hronuM 1.200,000 to pay oil the troops to the 3lst of August, have discharged their duty, and returned to St. Louis. Cluih Juelisun is rrporteJ to be on the way to Texas. Thu farmers of Pettis, county recently offered to furnish Generul Fremont, gratis, with $'J.")U,000 worth uf grain for bis army. Cupluiu Champion, the Kebel who was here lust week, bus been arrested as a spy at Georgetown, aud is now n prisoner. TIIK I.ATKST FUPU MISSOfKI. Pt. Lous, Oct. 7, Gen. llurney and two or three other distinguished military officers left this evening ut 7 o'clock, on a special train on the Ohio and Mississippi Uailroad, Their destination is unknown. iiviw I r miM'KMi!) tii.it tiik s:fi i:. nuMim uiu iit Take loi imi.i.k. Th-i fact that Gen. lluckner did not take the city of Louisville instead of stopping ut Green river, where he invaded Kentucky on (be l.nu of ill:' Louisville and Nashville r . I roat, is due not to uny foresight or force - of the Uuited States iiutiurilies or of the L nioti men ol Kentucky, but to thelosulty, courage and tact I one obscure imuviuuil. '1 lie fiecessiooists UuO laiii Ilieir plans Li sppeur i suddenly in Loiimviile wjih u powerlul l uce. ! Tliey had piovided for lral:.-portat!ou lour j hundred Curs und liiteen locouiot iv s, aud ' li.i.J eight tlii'iisaml men, with uit.lleiy Bll.l camp ujuipage, on board. They bud secured tho service U the telegraph operators, one , of whom forwarded tu Louisville H dc-pilch ! explaining the detention ol t rains on Ihe rou l, ! uu.l were moving fuiwanl at a grand rate, j Lverything was going well with them, audi louisvilie, With perhaps the exception of u lew Secessionist-, wis unsuspecting and unguarded, Geo Anderson being innocent of any knortieiigo ol the movement. Janus Gulhinv Piesuis'iit ot l tie road, totally in the duili, uud tjen. Uuusseau ling-nug in camp ot) Inn luduim chore, lliit ut u slut ion iu.-.l beyond Green river, theru wus u young man j in the service of tho roud, w ho was a warm! Irieiid ul the Union, mid wiio comprehending the meuiiing of the mouter '.lain, win u it came up, seiz-d u crow bar used lor taking up j ra.is to m ike repairs, and while I he locomotive j was being wooded and watered, r.iu ucross u i curve, aud in a deep narrow cut, wrenched the spikes irom lour rails. Tho train t ime l along ut good speed, tk rails spread, tbrf ' the locomutive pl jnged into the ground, the i c-irs crashed on top of it, uud It was lA'cntv fonr hours before the train could go ahead."; la Ilia uieuu lime Louisville wus sued. Tiie j Hero ol the occasion hud not limo toget out of the cut before the crush came, aud was taken, but in the coufuslou uud excitemeul got away, and is Safe. These I'ucts are related by l!r. Ii fa. New. tois, who wus in Nashville when the secession army ud.vunced, was detained there several duys subsequently, beard the circumstances narrated there and wus told of them after ward by tieo. Buck ue r und other oGicers of the Confederate army. Cincinnati Vvtuutcr viul. tLiGiiT oi' mti:t KiMiinnii.v imTomc I' Ul .tl.l.l L John C. HreckiuridgB suddenly disappear ed from Lexington. It was only knowu that be traveled on the Winchester )ik", leading to Ml. Sterling. Friday morning at daylight be was eoeo beyuo-l Mt. tiierl.ug, Mau'tgoin cry county, on the direct road through Pies toosbui g Ky., to thu Confederate lints in Western Virginia. Mo was going at a rapid rate, in tt buggy drawn by two fast trotters, with u white man for lir'ver, and a suiali iiejiro seivju.: hoy. Hie ibis thu iron horse of the rutin a ) is beurtng him ew;f;iy into the srms of. his beloved Jill'. Whal a commentary upon public life ! It seems but yesterday be wus Ihe idol of ,his party in Kentucky, with the presi de of a riiu in t.une unparalleled as to rapidity iti the annals ol American uisiory. n.s worshipers ihooght I no position too good for htm. Fondly and I conujeutiy tin y tooKeii m nn elevation lo the highest office in the gift of his country men. Now we hear of bun as a fugitive from justice fleeing by night und in the morning fog, through the 0,-iiles of a u'onnlninous couutry, to throw himself into the protecting arms ol Inie euumiis of thu Cunstilutiou and the Uuiou. The remarkable parallel between Aaron Hurr and John C lireckinritlge la worthy of. 'j ullentluu. 1 hey are kinsmen. Jioth were of I courtly manners und scbolurly appearance, liolb received a collegiate education, practi sed law, uud became politicluus, und weie officers iu the army. Thu immediate relatives of both acquired much fame in theological pursuits, aud were intimately connected with Colleges. The rise of both was eui ly,' and with rapidity alinust unr.uratb.lied in Ameri can birloiy. Both were invariably nuccessful before lh people, not knowing what it was to uller deleal. Uuth became Vice Presi dents of the United States, and their friends predicted that nothing could prevent them from becoming Presidents The fame and character of both culminated at their attain ing the Vice Presidoocy. A t that p -int, the iulluence and character of both began to decline, aud then weul down at a fearful rate. One inaugurated tbe secret caucus evstuui with wheels within wheels. Tho other inaugurated aud reduced to a system in Kentucky the invariable use i.f money to carry elections, the philosopher's stoue that was to turn all doubts luto verlaintv. Jioth seeing they could not become Presideuta of the united Slalea, endeavored to dismember tbe Republic aud rise ou its ruins, lioth were charged with treason. Both fled by night'. One v?as caught and tried. The other was puisued, and has not yet been caught. DTPsAlfZD. 4 young cow, datk brown, white fare and hack. Any person returning her or (iing iulorniatiun of her wberesbouta will he suitably rt-nurjtd ty the suberibt-r, Win. I, cnEUNOUCU. October S, I SKI. Auditor's Notice. JVO'I'ICE la hereby given that Ibe undersigned ' Auditor sppoiiited by Ihe Orphans' Couit ot Noithuiliherlaiid county, ti distribute the amount of moneys in Ihe hands of Ihe executors of lien. Ireik, late of Cameron township, Northumberland t.'onnty, ilereased, will attend to tbe duties ol bis sj.id appointment, ut bis ullice, in Bunbury, on Tuesluy, tbe itd day ol tJcloher, I8l, at l. ti o'clock A. M- uf rani day. at which tune and place all pernors inii-re.icjl mav alleud. WM. M. Kill J( I'.r 1. 1 I, til, AuOi'.. Pufiburs, 8.V.Vr, '. -i,. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. In pursuance of an orJcf of the Orphans' Court of Moithumberlind County, will be exposed tn ale, on the itemises, an Tutvday, the SUtl) day of Octehrr Instant, ""' All thai reittin tract or pi-re uf land, situate partly in Mhamukin township and partly in Coal township, riorlliumhs rtand county, Pennsylvania, bounded and desnihrd as lolluns, to wilt Begin t stmes; thrnoe by laud sniveled to Mnrtin Cans, Hubert TsBgart, John Miller, Ohrdiah Campbell, John Titiwerth, arid Vhnmaa Hamil ton t containing four hundred and lienl j.eight acres and fifty one peiches and allowance, more or less, A I so, all lh.it certain other tract or piece of land. stluRle in Sliamokin township as afore said, adjoining; lauds of Clinics W. Hnyiler, Koiarujel Caribll, Jacob S, hall, and olbers: con' tail ing siitv.five acres, more or less, forty acres of which are cleared end in a good stale nl culti vation, and, to which are ciccted a two-story frame tavern stand, wngnirhoiisn, stable and other not buildings. Late Ilia properly of Christian Kabel, deceased. Hula to commence at 10 o'clock A. M, of said day, w hen lira terms and Cudilitiuns of sale will t o made known bv ISAAC IV. HALVE, Adm'r. I'V order of the CotirT, J. 11. Massir, Cl'k. t). C Noiiliurv, Oc . fi , PROCLAMATION. IV OlCl'j is hereby given that the several Courts of Coiumoii I'leas, General Quarter Sessions of Ibe peace, and Orphans' ( -oort. Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, in and for the county of Northumberland, to commence at the Court Hi use, in the borough ol Sunbury, at lit o'clock, A. M. on Monday, tha 4th d;iv of NOVKMIHIR next, ami will continue TWO W P.EK8. Tha coroner, Justices uf the Peace and consta hies in and for the county of Northumberland, uru requested to be thru antf there in their proper per sons, with their rolls, records, impositions, and other remembrances, to do those things to their severul olficcs appertaining to he done And all witnesses prosecuting in behalf of the Common wealth against any prisoner ure also requested and commanded to be then and there attending in their proper persons to prosecute against him, as shall be just and not to depart without ieuve at their peril. Jurors arc requested to be punctual in their attendance, at Ihe time appointed Brceablc lo t'leir notices Given under my band at Sunbury. the !st day of Oct , in the year of our Lord ono Ihous. and eigh' hundred nr.d sixty'one and Ihe Independence of the I'uilid Ibtatcs of America the w.'hIi. God ain the Onuimotiwenllh. I) V11J WAl.bKO.N, Sheriff. vShrnlT s Olnce, tSuithiuy " Oct. fi, I mil. I SW AIT.? S CEL1BK4TED rjlKiCEA- l-'t.r tltc cure r' rueaula, lui-tpirnt t'laisutnl.le.n, General Dcnilily. W nee Vi-lllee, l l,, uinai lisevhi-a ot llm l.iver and kui. mh :i.I l).He,leH Wising I'rem Jiinjurilu-ii ot lit- l.'.sJ uiiil il.e I'.ltt-cts of .Mi.iculy. Swaini's Panacea ti.id been f..r ni Mi- tfiaa f -itj ynns e.-Ulaale.l u, tills eounliv mid lu tarrepe fir Its txir.i "iiiituuy cures, l'..r ll.c i-eiolie:.i,.s .1 , inch relcreuce is lllii.le lu Hie diuelltn.s ami li Ks ( Willi II may h-j l(,;d frnilis; il'.-i. .iii.;,iiy mr the Camera ; s.-nic ol winch i.va Hie i-ailK-aiaJS ut e.ia-M Ixo Ii i;j III fill n-r irt-nelal n,ii.i.u ti.-a, vvlieru tl.e palK'nis Ic.ve lt,:ii alm.t tao.-a up vvuli ScuM ula, uud Wei t Oeriln-il e.eurai.la liy 1'Uyriela.i,,. it litis llei-ll une.l n, Ii h,.! tain and privule i .-(-! u-, ami leis been rut-iiioiio-iel- it by Hie ni. tt ce L-tilntiul t.liyMeiiins und 1 otuir eiiim.-iii pen .its An."l ..tilers, by V. tiilisnii. M. j IJ., l'r... i.l :Miree.ry, J-i,-i . I'niveiit ; 'Yak-iinne. M..tt, I U.I), I'r. I 1. 1 siir:jt-ry, .. "l . I'niveiailv ; V. I'. Ue- wei-s, .l Ii. , l'r... ,M i.l . l eini t iio-t-rsllt ; .. t'liapntan, M. L., I'l.'l. of I'll e e, I'eiui. I'm verm y ; 1'. I'lirke, i . i),, I'li siiU-iil t'oliee i'lc, fcieian:-. I'ullaileU.lila ; Dr. liel nlln, l'i..f. i.l' Altfilleii.e, tj.ic-jtia ; J .e l'oui ei.i.-., ile l,uz. I'ret'. ; of-s.nge.y. Ij-Iioii ; .1 riii;iiii.'iii, .Mi-inli. r biul Oi.lleea 1 sutytt.ilii. I... nil. mi ; Ii. V. Iu n.fr, tine .Iii.iler to rsilii ; j -sir I'ti'suiB t'orit. n. ,M:ij .r (l.-iierid U.uihli Aruiy; Oil- hert t..b..-iti..n. JJrnli C-'ia-ul. fit:. I Tie- womlf i lul enies ellVrlnl I ySWAl.M'.-s PA N Al'K j tuive for tu iny yearn mailt- it mi mvalu'dtie retru-ily, 'j'ln: I'aaucea does not eiiniiiln iiiereurv in any r.nm, aii'l, benit; an innnce. it piep fallen, it may be ivt a tu llic in. it ten- i der itil'inl. The retail (nci Iris been ledneed In $-l..j!l ter b.-llle, ,' coiiniiiiing linfe liall'itiiej.) or ihter h -Wt-p t..r S1. : UK V A II I. ( I !' I M I't )SJ I I i IN. I Swniai' I'dinieea is ni r.allid In t'lt-s. Uutrd l.tniilttdiiudly, j Willi nn' I'tl.uwn ir leiieraiii.iwiii.it Iff cuififi: 'S W AIM A.N All; A-I'll 1 1, ADA " . I Havinjl tiie tiaiiie I' JAS. .WAI.M K'aninn! on tiie sialiurr I wax and written on the label envetiiiu llie i-ork. and u ! i ciidid enRi'uvtii)! on tiie side 01' the b .tile, by linit i & ! On., hank li"te enur ivi-is, in tile eentic.f which laaii.ir I toiit a the hue V. iu r-vvu'ln, (c.i,n rijtl.l ecnred.) ! If ,ei stmti nnrr-hnsit-jr the I'tiiuicen will oe eniefidt.. eb j sci ve that thu wad I?VA1.M 18 eericclly sjttllclt, they i.eed ! lint be. iinneht d oil. I Ai.sc. (vaim;s vr.HMiiTiin, A vninnhle family medicine, limine a tni-tiiy appruved retne. I edy for ull dikenses iir.Kiiar fit in lU-hdtty i.l' the di);,'Kti'e ut ! fratis. sueli as, Aehttty of the S-nma.-h, W'.-rniH. ch. .1 ra t Morbus. Uyicutnrv, fever and Ajrne, Itieedini! t'lh-i, "Sick ! Heiidaelie, ,Vc. i-ee the pauiplili-l (Which uny be had gru ! tis.) acciauiialiciuir t.ie Verimt'nt;e. rrrpareil only lit StVAIMS J, HUH A TOi! V . Till-. I Ol.l) IsiMl, sot; I'll MiVKNTII STII KKT, IICI.OW ( lll'.S I ,! T, l'liib.li-:..liiii, anJi.KI hy nil tlruusiatj in ihe Unitrnl Stales Generul Ac-ntu fi.T tlii ttintril St-itrf . " sciiii:kki-.i.i iiuo tiiiiis a en.. 170 Wiliirun Mit-el, ew Vnik. rtni's, on. s 6t r1!- O II lJ HANS' COURT SALE. t N iMirHUnce of sn nrili-r itf th Ornliiin..1 Cotirl : of Noribuiiilit-rliinil rounty. tlia niiileri-iiH A I ho was t)pMiiitril l.y tbo t-ai.l ('otirt TliriSTKK i f.ir tbl.l IMJrli)r!0. will PVpn-H to put-lie s:i It. ut lllti j iuhlk-butist i.f 1 T. Irumhe 11,-r, known as-the I "Siipniitlmmia llni'n." in the l.i r.iiigli of fcl';. i lil'KV. !'.. km Si.tiir.liv. the li'tli day nf OC- I TitUEIl. HOI. t lli.Mok A.M.. ll that ' certain ITU .VI"!' iF J, N I.l, situate in Ci.rr.er,in to viinbiji, N iiribiiniherUriil tounty, Pitns Ivniiia, ami marked rn tKe ilral't iiiinexeil lo tie ii if nisi, tinti bs-1 tip. m t!ie f tnte nl I'hiiin Dtitikb't.ertrer, ,!(.l-aased tn as 1 , iiiiintiled and t't iti-rihed as lor wit : Itritihing at ,ton.,, Ihenro I'.y Inn. I t'l (ieore Ki rslelter, iiortb lij degrees eat 1(11 perches lo a ..it ; Ihenie hy binds of John (J lleylman. beirs of John tioltihall, dee'd . and Daniel Mmrltz, south H:ii desrees, mst l?S rwebes In stones : them e liy lund of tbe beirs of j tbe said .lobtl tiiiltschnll dee'd., south degrees I west tot i-rrbes to stones ; and thence by Ibe .l.iue Mountain, north K"J dettrees weft 17)1 ! perches to tbe place of heginnire, routainiiic tine Hundred and nine A cres and twenty-four percbas strict measure viiii-i ,..,'nBum. im ... rn, villi, t unri.-l .'I n good tw. story frame llwellini; 11 mm Diirn. VVaBOiiKbed, &r, 4 c I. ate the propeily of I'hilip Duiiliit'l.i-rK. r, dere iked. A. J. IIOCKEriiM.UK, Trustee. Hy order ol the totitt, J J. I). MASSKIi, t'lk.O C. Kuiibury, .Sept. VI, 1SC1 ) T i. n .us or Sale nxm u lat ('orm : Ten per cent of t lie purr-hate money to bo C,'tuil, ami tbe balance to be paid nn the firnt day of Ap'il' liSlii, when a deed will be de'ivered. A. I HOCKKKEU.V.K- S. L. 15EHGSTUKSSEK, Pn OTOOK APIIIC AllTIST IJIIOTOliBAPHS, AMUKOTYPi:. and all Ibe inmlern sly ks of Pictures, enccuti'd iu a superior manner. tf llooms in bis CAR, Market Square, Sunl.ury, Pa. August 10, 1861. irvo i nn:i: a it kb val or SEASONABLE GOODS, AT THE M A M M 0 T II S T 0 R E ! or rillLING & Gil AWT. Kutibtiry, September 7, 1861. UO'1'8 & P-IIOES, can be purchased al ihe Maiiimoth Store of Prilintr & Cirant. very er.t a i, as we are determined not to he umleraoJJ b niiyluuly. Call and leiru the list of prices for ...... Wvea. FKIMXO A.liKA.NT. '-Dit.ti.y, January li, -IK41 Entirely Vegetable. Ko Alcoholic Prepa ration . cn. uccfijAitcci ClCI.Kblt.A 1 Kl GKRMAN JUTTKHS, t'rnitirett Ay OH. JUKIO tc n I'liil.d.-iphla, Penn'.. Will elleclually cure l.iver Cumpluiut, llyspep. eia, Jaundije, Chronic or ieroua Debility, Disease of lite Kidneys, ninl all diseases arising from a disordered l.ivei or Stomach. Saelms Ceiisiipntl.tti, ImvarJ I'll.s, Vidnrss i.r H.l .i the Head, Aenlilv ol lliu ftmiiaelt, Nausea, tleartlinrn, lll.lai fur Kisul, l-'uliieu or M.-ht la the Stianurli, Sour Kiuetatiiais, Sinkitift or Kiuiitriiia; in tha Pit of ti.a Si aimeli, Hwiiutriini; nf the le,,il, Uurrii-d an. I IlidVult llii-Hiliinc, Khitleriug at Ihe lliiatl, Ch.'kttte or ?u!l. .rating ettsnltiins wlieti in a kins; p.islure, lliuaiesa of Vision, U na of welu if fore the tiiilit, KeVel und Dull I'nln in IIm Head, Ixdieiency orlV-rspiintinn. Yel'iwees i.l the -uti Hint Kyes, I'nlll inlheMde. Hark, t'hei l. Limits. A ,. s. a. I lien l'luhr of Heal, llnlnn. in the Mesh. Cennni.t mn. 'S'"i vii low I'l-ai uepressl.-n el ;lll. anil w ill ...itiiel- prevent VJI.LLOW 1-iiVK.K, III blobs If, VKK.Aft. 'i he I'Murletta in ualllng Hie attention ro the iihlii io tins pie atatiun,d..e so wnh a fir ling ot ilia tiiiii..t en. Ilde.ies in its virtues nml udaptalitai to Ihe discuses for wdih-ti it is revtiimnct.ded. It Is no new m untried anh le. tail t-ne tlmt hn sto sl Ihe test of a twelvn yeurs' Iriul licf-ve tlii Amerinin te ... l-le, and its reputation and side are unrivalled by any ntniler trearatiiuicxtuiit. The testimony in its fnvor arivin 1-y the most prominent and well-known rhysieinu and null. viilual in all p.itts ..f tha c-.tunlry is imilVus. and n e ire fill pernanl .if the All.M.il.., published nuii.t illy liv Ihe pro pi.el -r, I lu in- h.ul gratis of any of their Aeeilts. Clni- li-tl but nlisly the m st sltriptit-nl tiia! tin? leul.Alv is roie.y desei ving tiie ijrenl ee'tlit It v it him ihni--ed id'.At) I hi; i:viiii:ni i; Fltan J. Newton Hiown. l. II . I'sblor of ),e Knejii.j.-. rini ol ileltgitms Ka w le.'ee. , A II linneti not disi.wrd to favor or rt'e .-niinciul IV. lent Meilleiurn In pen, -ml thru g1) dislinst of their ii.gtiarifnia sad ell'ertt. I Jet ktioM-of li . sullii-ieut reason whv a mna may iiottiatilv tu the liellefil lie believes limcell V. h.ttn reeeived Iron, any simple preparation, nt the li. tte ll V. lie may thin eontrihntetnlhe ben, fit ol mhers I do this lie- muru teaitlly in reiiid-ttt "Ifooflriinrs (er mini HiiKis, prepared by Dr. (". ,M. JifkM.-n.oi' tlnsedy, lieeanse 1 was prejnuiced atralnitl tiietn for years, eniler the impresiiiii that they were ehietly nit iileoh.'the mixture. I inn indebieil lu my friend ilohei l Plioeinniier, Kstp, lur the removal uf lliij pujiuliee l.y proper teuls, mid lor eneuur lipelnciit l.i Irv th.-in, when m.tl. riiii; fioin Kreat und loiig e- at ed debility. The use of Ihiee liotlles oflhese lilt. lers, al tiie heuiiinhar uf the present year, win followed by evident leliel', and restoration to a deen-e uf buddy nml lllentnl vip.or Whiell I had Hot. fell fur six III h before and laid almost despaired of reguinjuir. I therefore liak bod and my fiieml fur iltrecliitiE me lu ttie use of llu-in. l-hllud'a , .liineM. l-liu. J M'W I'UN HI(()V, .. Antoist HI, l-iil ly Tstate of Henry Weaver, Deceased. Michael Weaver, 1 Writ of Partition or vs. ( Valuation issued nut ol Tha heirs of Henry 'die Oipbsiis' t'ourt of W eaver, dee'd. J Aorthutiiiii ilund county. I.'tlurnu'ole tu November Term, A. D. 1SGI. 1st, Christopher Weaver; Vd, Jesse Weaver, who died belore said intestntp. Icniini! a widow, VAm Weaver, and the follinvinji naincl chiidteo, being grand rhihlrir) of said inlei-laie, to wit : Ann I'd jm Weaver, Charles Weaver, (ieorge Weaver, Juriutta Weaver, William Ouiim W eaver, John eaver, linth rav. r und : Luther Weaver, the lust styen of whom are ! minois; 3d, Miiuuel Weaver; 4:h, Josej h i Weaver, who is iiovi deieusid, leaving issue one i child lo wit : Minerva Weaver, u minor j ftth, ' Kli.sbelh Uonllon, ("orrnerlv V caver, being now ' interninriii'd with Wiliiuni li. Itotihon ; (ith, j lieorge Wesct ; 7th, Sur.ih, iuterniariied iv:lh : John (.'iilhbert. I I Vu'i uud each of yon are hereby notified that by viituo of ihe above writ, lo me d reeled, an ' j inijuesl ill be held at the late resilience ol sai.l ! i Henry Weaver, deceased, in Miirlbiiinberlan.l i county, l'eiiiisvlvniiia, on Thursday, October ' ioih, islil. al 1 1 o'clock. A. M., lor ihe puipoee ; of making partition of, er to value und appraise j the real estate of said dct-ed nt, tiin.it: Two' I certaintOM'ssuages and tracts of land, sitt.ut,; m I I "oh lowoship, iNorihiiniber'utnl county, I'cnna., I ; one thereof unjoining lurid of Ontharine llaugba- j vvoul on the I orth, olid of I'hilip 'i i nvcr on the I j Hast, land of llanraii Jline, I) I', r.uion and ! Martin Weaier, and the Cattu'i issi road on the i , iSouth, and hind iu pos't-ssioti uf Peter llaugha- ' I wont on the Wot, containing cm hundred acres I Willi nljuwance. more or less. hereon are erected j two Iwo-sb.iry frame dwelling houi-es, a large ' frame burn, wagon house, u rood spring of ' j water, uu orchard, Ac., the whole of which is I ileareu and in a good slat-ol cultivation. The oilier Ihereoi bounded on lh IS'oilh by land of ; Chrtotian and William l!hiaii and iand ol Philip i Weaver, on the S.niih by land of suid I'hilip ' Weaver, und ou the et by hind of Catharine Haughaivout, ronthining twenty ioris, Uriel! measure, more or less, with Ihe uppunenanrc-4. ! At which time u;.d plate ou may ulicud ii you 1 see proper. , DWII) WALDKOiV, hhciilT. fheriira ('In. e. Siinhurv, ) S, pt 1 1, Mii. ' 'BlUi; i miterit:iied invite Btteiilion to ih, ir ift'nn and well grown tock of ria.lT AM) OliXAMEXTAI, TUEKet, SSlirul . Ac , embracing a largo und complete uj eorttneiit uf A p. lea, -Pen rs. Peaches, Plums, Cherries, A i.r ota. and iN'.eulariiies, Standard for tilt) Uicbuid, and llwarl lor Ihe garden, Kui;lisli Walnuts, fpanWi Chssmits, liable nuts, V''-, Kaabernes, fctrawberries, Cu'ralits and (jooioiairrii s, in great variety. GKAPK8 OF CHOICEST KIN lis Asparagus, llliuhnrli. Ac, Ae. Aim a fin" (tuck of well .formed, busby EVllKGKKKN.s, suitable for tlm Cemeliy and I.awti. Deciduous Trees lor (.trcel planlii.q and a uen- era I assortment ol Oruamiiital Trees sill lUow- ering shrubs. Kiim's nl choice varieties. Camellias, Ueddirg Plaiila, &c. Our slock is remarkably thrifty and fine, and we idler it at prices to suit the times. IT?" Catalogues mailed to all applicant Address lllJV.'AUl) J. LlVA's .V C!)., Central N urserics. YORK, Pa. September M, S(i. Itiii A Good Chance for an Enterprising Kan TITHE subscriber wants a partner in ibe Mar j! hie buainers, a sober perserverini; man who I can speak both llm hnglish and t.ermun lanyua' ir.es, to one that will suit, no cah capital lequirtd. For paiticulats in.juirti of JOHN A. TAVI.Oi:. Xnrlliumlierlanil. Am;, it. I Kill :toi BlACirsilXCOATS ('ored Mantles, Poplin Lluslers, ' Kieilrb Saque.s, hilk lUyit.ineif ewest Dtaitjus. 7ieadv Made, or Made tu Older. t.'OOPKIt A CON A HI., N V.. Comer Ninth and Market, Pliilii.l; lp!iia. Mav IS, IMil. 'lOTlIK VOTEKs OP MOUTlll.'MUEIi l.AND CiHgl'Y. fellow Citizens ! I ulT.-r myfelf.to you lis an Independent linioii Candidate for I!E(ilSTE,a AND ISECORUDK. Should my ellow cilizeue.see proper to pive me a liinj inty nf their voles, I pledge Inj.ilf to a faithful pi rlorinance of their duties ot the ollicj PETEH W.tiKAY. Suiibury, Augitat 17, I Mi I, FANCY IUKSJ! FAHCY FTJRS ! ! Jolau )ilra, 7iH Avcn sint t hciwtcti 7lll., 1111(1 flit., fcMB., (ImI t?!H Mtirttt,) Philtutel) k'wt in; rit r h Minmuchir, r iti, Uinl Drnli-r iii ; l,.;,!' t.l KAM'V VUUH, f i Isuditti. MiMtfiP,' unii Chil- .dreii'n Wi'Uf. iiuviiijf ""w innnufiu'tur--71 hikI in ituiii rny ustril Jta- 'lurjfti una iteuuritul nniit. I tim VHiitu i!iiit'ii'ur, llltl Kllll Hli.l -r f jx. i-ij. -f- vnurr etnuhiim, would rtupei'lt'uHy iniiitM uu fxniiiiiiulitu. t'l inytlfM k ami prif- front ilmm iiiimiilnijf In iiitrcliaiti:, oh I urn tiitublvti to t jlV-r them vry tiiirnltle ituliu- ii.cnu. All mv Kura hnvt b'ii nurchiiacd fr Cuih. and rnnilo )y rxpt rieticiil hmtria, nml us lite present iix iK taty Mouklca rnult-r it lUTc-funry llial I iiuiuiu ui ot my gtioiU ut a Vfy imall aiU'Tiice onr-'tt. I am BHiihfieil ttnit 1 wmltl Itp.tn thuinUeieat of those whit it-fiiun puitmiiiig. ti jiiva uwf a r.-UJ. IV- Id'fitllr'ctihi' n'Hii, iinnihff nrtnirert: J. Falitra, (New Kur Atnr,) "18 AikIi fclfwit, Ihiludt-I tiia. &V-Ji lH)l.--5n,. BOY'S B00T8 ad ftl.OKS, iheij for cii WM. MITiK. fun urr( Ali(Ul IM, Mm AYEIt'S CATHARTIC V.iV' - -.vr. PITj-LS. p '.it it.w, .. --I ' ' " lv.tfl Cntli) luliilnj;? Al' VOW UHt bt J . 1 J ii"r, villi yfmr tytcin titc t " I ir--' '" ft"' A ' '" f '! nml yu.ir UaAUin uu- ( .iMit., : h'- S Tln-w fillip- Ll.'j y.,' p. . TinH iVin'rn, S.tiitt .it rf I ful.n-w in fiv.'.liifj iii.iu you, - '.. j".' "ml fiiiiul-l 10 intllt'tl l)V h UWWiV l lit,- , d..-ii(.. A t11 n.tMM 'tni'''ifi j i i lh liiidy, rm uU-n'triict-i i't huhttnl liitii il'-w, 'i'lt , if 11 ,t Ivli'jvi''.!, rm(l. tiftiMt tli-inMnhp.'i tunt Out 'i:jt'tit:Ht ,rri'1-1". !' ii-i-.t-nit n-.rrViUi,:i'.ii, ttU.-ri'i';, mil i:f:.i. W f lilt- III T'-fi lili i'i. ni'jti .-r.,-.! (litl Hut l.lls'lllPMtf , tk Am l iil-t. Hil l li'tw iliiHtiltjr Itmy li'.lort t In h:iltn:tf iit'tioii f !' N;'Ml mm. ftinl vilfi It lio lititHlHit f"ltii-( tl lionlilt ji.i ili.. It tl ii It iinaiiil mi nppnrnnt i t tlii- I i i v -j I iiifl ciiiniii tit rr.tn;il't'4it t n Itnt tri ill Mmtiy of I In .. ul" 1 hii'I t't tiwiiH ili'l"tni'rn, Tim hhim jj'iik' if!.-- i it . f.i -In t!.--'i. t'iiit'.l lttv Miiiiitiii' itli-li'tid-t'"-':is .Iti 1 i t':t-.Vrt:.'lt! i "i (!)" ll tllli,'i lu ' t ii s h t.f tll9 lj-i.lv, lii-y f-r.t i ..ft.lt , tni t . t t r . y iU' ili.m hti'i'ij', 'iirt.-l lv tti j ft.'HM i r:i-i"f . A'.n i !; n ' . I ii vit ; ti - in I infit will i.v' i in -ni bUil h.in-i iiij; Ii.tiu tilt! .!.!. Imvs M,. (('in 1m liti .'-., (ill'l fl.UU 1 t'liyi mi it i.i H..iint of tl-.u J.i', Wrii kiHtwi JtiliiiiJ (tijf m t f:7. r.rtl;t :.,. 4, tsr.ti. l (!h (.ii.u.vi.li i.f jii) lljul I'ti Mi.: I iltif lltl!'' tl uiultt' I' m !" .tn i . t Hint liai j1) Veil i It.H l;i"T f,ii, uiitv- tuiii iit.tl i & JI.I. ZV'.m ft l,u ft )?;','$ .('n e'e Ti'i. Avmi: Vi'itr I'ilfT ; jri'i'tii lit iiu-lii ino. Tlt-y Ii i !! nl.-f i'ti.M iip'-ii li"!1 ii i int IH lttl" '"' V.trtr-'. llii-' . Iv HUIi'l'it will. 1 1'iif'h'H in. I iii'iii-l iH 'Mi t.,M- n;iu ni:. t , i,f rtit fil, n!v Iriuii your fiiis, un4 tii iiiivti ciitvl (i A- MOirtlKUKiU. Ail r T'HialSy Fn.i.t V,. r. U tb, Vo:r ViV nva t!m )'iiit" f,f 'H' I lion ltci.Hi nt qnitim ' iuri:i.4 tiny rnrii uiif wm hks 'utv ;u-n Iitilil, but vwyothilii i'i) t if.-. (ti;il In I liir ii llni i n tn.i linffeln, whl- It mil-tlwnt Nitulii.tl.lt) to lit in tliu (i.ly ti'fUtiitcnt of tii.-'. us I'r.ni th ;",. i H-vU r.-'lim-t. Pe-n :n.. A v it : I .vnm-H hwv, ni whut CftrvMnN 1 luivn curt I with y.nr I'jils I.jIm-i- tlnu ri ,nv tilt tfatt tcs ' t't '''' " '' ''" t''"- I i i'l- .j ift d-i-h- il.'in-f. tut Hi) t-ff.'fiinii uillifi ti-; hi tnv tlmtv i-otitf.t ilh 'i .. Ff-.t, ihi'I iK'licviii!; i i .I., tb tt '.t,r I'iiu n.Wu us 11m b--il u lyvo, I ul L.m i .ill'? liit-iii lilt'.hly. !'.tsii-i f, ra., Mrtv 1, .T.J .y:: hh -. T (. .m- 1. n ivM. Kh'.llv cnp-iUf lhi tv.trvt h-uii.f, H!,V l.-.Jv l'!lll Ihim. hv 11 (Ins two l.f ymr I'ilK. U -'tti. tn iuimi fn.iii u ..ul fcl,.ii,.uli. Wlik ll Mi. y I 'ili-.j fit i Y'MHn vilh yiv;it n I, (7. H!llou 1!m -rr I,!vor om plaints. i'it Mily ii y. nr I'ill-t :t hntnii.lv inlitt.t-! tt tin ir pur l"if lit till ll'( rit'l't, l.iii I ilitfl ll.tji I -tn ll'.iiil flliU'l.s);).-.!! thy I.ivt-rvtMy nmi!( it (m I.-i-.I. 'J ii y Iihvm in mv in'iic tut i-ruvftl ini:m flU' -ttii'l I r tint umd of b-.ht.us c.i J).,li!iji tlmil IlltV oh.' rt'l.i.-ili v;in lil-i;;i..ii. li y ivj,.ilt. tliai Wii jinni In, 'in n .u,t.(il(e ullMit is wt-i-titj UiO cyiiliik'iii'u t-i tlii- t: ;tftji-.ii nml Uu; liUt'liJu, 1); I K'( l''..NT tP II f K iMiUliip, M u.-lii(li- ii. iiii fib, iMiti, j" Ftni I Iinvm it(t y.iu- i t, in y hh i.vI mi l li,. ,t ,l tf.ti'!i.Vf.vi'i' Min i) y.u ,na-ii llK i i.iu,'! tMUlit.t lu-siluif tj .- Ui-j al.' ln-fs( .Tiii.-nu- v.i i tni'li-.u liiLir nu linili,: iii'ti'-ii n;i il.ii IntT ! 'in.' k injU lii.-L-iitctl. runtfl t'i- i.Dy lii.-y ;i:t! ii-t a.Iniin.i i-ouif;;. l'-r ii.-niuiufltt v Hiat 'i.iti. i:..! -,, I h.i.,) H.-II..J.I f.tiiil u ty i t t: ,;it tit .' mo t.l.-;ii;,;iti ii u:.i n; i.'u.niy lii.Ui. i-lHU-;ii.i!:; ; n, ,M,ii,.t i ,,( . t i':;:.i.-f,ivn r't Jtit a g Hl.j ti. l. Dynvntvry, Plimjuir, Ililai, VVoiint. Y"nr IMN h.an ba-1 a ! nK lii;il in mv t.ni.-tlfft. fli"1 I Jlt l'l llti.IM in fpst.-.Mii ,.i-o t.- i),.. Inisl ii, n.'i:l-. 1 !(.o v i' i T)i-ir :t!:,-iiiiivi! tlh i u; .:i tlto livtT niyKcs tliiMii an "Juvll- iti n-iiM-ly. hIi-ii iy.ii-. it ii Mnuil t!. J.,p ' - " . . " "-t iii 1 1 .' r t. j imi m.l itt-.( It-ltt 1' I' titU lliJ It'.' W.rlllU.I i.l.il t.nlJillf'l. lj'fflriKK, liMpmii y of (he i;inotl. '.'ji.i' ..I.', y.niv I'yit - it ( Pit. M:i: I Iihvi- u fiH'i fi in my (ami- v i't in iiitw. Tt r.;,ii u;;it'y tlio I-l.-i 1, In -v vt r ItnoiMi, ui.ii I cui L.y fi.ttiui. '.ill exliu .i-tlinii: f utn c.Hi-J l n.( mi iliir.Ml.'.n mi. . Ii-.-i i,-uit- ;,v J l.uvo iL-;i.:i:iu. ii-! lb .-in t,i .1. V. llIMLo. ...i.i Vt:!S'f, Wyntnn.j; . V,, 0,1. '.'I, :'. lrit S; : 1 ;t'n ii-Jit; ,f.ii: t'.'-ih i' ' i i i;K in in jir.i?. t rtii'l lui'l tlifin mi fAt.i-:;.-i.i , iir; aiit. tn Lif-tic tliu h.vt'-m uii'J if.lt thf. '"rn Vi.-rt i I, ::.:!, lll., ti. .'i i, .CJ, AM, M, ). Con fit im 'on, fnsl I vi-ur - fu , v lont ):' . )tk (ij-sui, i.i ui aiiu, ii u:i' I'.'tn 1'i. JL i Witttr'at, j; ,-irr I. Ctu-.a'a. T . iim.-li fiiiiciir l- n;ii. ni' y.tnr (Mils f.j- rn ctir i f II . tn.'lH -( run ii tl.-niii v Icivu ti.inJ them .t -i Hl;c;i- i.niN tu I i:nt, th.-v -h-mlt. j-in int. in prn.-lt.it.'-it for t!i'i l.-!i ,it..f I'm MhUifuiioh whoMiiicr item tin. I roi:ipi.tinl, uli.- li. iittlinnj.li Iti; I fii.ti.Ii in itHt-ir, W l.ruf;.'i;li. i nlht'K (IntT iim v.. i-M'. l.-'li.-tu (' tismtxi tHii'ih'iinile in ttu hvur.biit i ..ir i'tib alkct tin:; OlilU lllld lll!l tilt! (li-i.-itStf. Vam iVT. ;. r, ,'. v-, I liinl on? r.r Im-o a u, jtrcp'T t'liH'.ine vxt.-ll. ii' !:.. ii'.n w In-'i wli'tllv tr j..i,ti'..li' t-ll-t -((Ml t.t vU'. t... ....,. ii iv inn. li ti,.! l,i t j-hy-i.; lio lilhfi- In my ;..iii i;Tf . ' 'ait fU:l .V.'.'r ;,;, I), f 1). 1 l l' V'tllr TilS. til!,.!! !t lll.l m.l :cs t.f i In ittthu-o! y ;y.. -!!.!!! 1, .ill. iiHn ..-y i tt-i 1 tt u.s. 'J'iu-y yihin t.'.e i'. I'r. Ii M-'t j.i ih. l'( '! K T I'1VF. S:HUtil:i H' Nv.'" n 'iv ; I t-li.ni!., i, uu ii. tot.. .Ti.n. fi. ::U-Cnl I'T lln; ivli. f joiir hii'.;; inn iT..ti;;:it it I ti.,1 n..t n-i, V'M. A t't'l'l H'tf It'll ill HI V III. .1.1 t!. liPi.l 1 1 my ( Hit- I j -III v fi'n.. VtilWT II "fir f ;'.,.('.' I'., ,'w l.ji.t. ,N1 ir'li;;ih, iii, , i ii A lilMMMi Hl'ftW Miir-,. iUI'.J Pt lliMit ; -er: n ,.:: Int. -t . . VilU. -iLi-ir.'..-. I- VM-.va 'I v in tlu il.ic i'f (In in, I lull iit-w t I i:i t ,'.'...,, i ti.t l e-r nt (,nvsi.-i;i)tf, l!io ii. t;l l.y Ihe :t-"t'.L'L".;"y mi l'i Mit"lfiiiif, I i ri .1 .-nr . t'!tr .nr.., '.ty ,i.ii'vnh-s Liiiiu'v A. ;u:.'HKH, Fil?"ll it.v, I.L. T)'-. V'A. ru,:-i. I .!ir l'i.l..nf h tl'.-.r liinl .ijr.k-t. ii mo INt liSV fcl.lDl-.l.l.. . A l l't! ; I 77. f.-r; fi fV.'l t t tli-i I'i'!n In imirlo-t r-'i.ti.in M -trui'V, uln, ii. nl'ii.,11; h ;i v .onii.le i. ini-.iv in bkillul him. l-i. i di.nt-er.iiiK in it puMi.. p. . tii.m'th... itn-iulnil ....- ijil.-u.;,: tl..u. Ii...i 1 1 v l-.ll.i., its ilii-:,iil i. -is un-. Tliena c.-liliiin no ineicnry ol- mineriil Hi.lislioien v.liati er. Price, 25 cents per Box, or 5 Hoxcs for $1, Prepared by Er. J. C. AYEK &, CO., Lovell, Mass. S.d.1 l.y Fri'ief Onmt , in d A. W Fln-la r. Smil.u iy J F. Cnl..v end C. Hrimii. M.lli.n; llr Wem-k, Me F. enviln ; liMi'nmler Si i hr.ni nn, Turl-elville ; It. U Alei'ov. N.iilliiiii.lai.and und ty liak it en I v l.eie. Apnl -jn, lt- 1 ly Hie Grtat Cure i'cr C'cr,sunii.'ticn. If you bavo a colJ, um V i-bu'l's Pine Trcu 'Par Cor.lial ! Il you bae a emit1', i:e W ii-iuri's Pin Tiie Tar Cordial ! If you have Auburn, u Wisliart'a Pina Trto 'I'nr Cordial ! If you have. Sore Throat, use. WUhiirt'is Pine Tree 'Par Cordial ! If you lui.c I'.r. mil. ills, t.itf Vibun' Pint Tree 'I'nr Cordiul ! If you have Couc.uir.iiti.iti. nt. V. i.-bart's Piiw T(re Tsr Cuidi il Wtsbail's Pine Trto 'Pur Conli.il is an unf..il ing remedy for ilist use of the Kiuio-vs, 1'iinarv I iniijliiii.l, Ulii:,l ami UirriliiiK Piles, Nervous Dvbiliiy, and lor Female iveukuets and Iucjj'i latities. The well known efiicacy uf Pino Tiee 'Par in the cure of external alli tttoiu' or More, ...inliil it out as Ihe .itturnl Kcrutdy I .r wlint Pbj siciiins all Tubf rcijlar tH'.-clioi,ii (ih.it is in nay, tforis.) o;oil the l.tina. It remained to diacuvir tiie Ki-t n.euns ol n !n ;ilniu, which dikcotcry has heeu made, as a thousand leaiiin j.iin.'s nroie, by Ibe Proj.rictor i f Wi.hnrl's Pine Tree Tar CorJlal ! If you have 1) YsPK Pl A . una WUhait's Oret A ni.-rit-ui. Py;eiain Pill! A .mm ruts Wiirrai.tiJ lor one JoKur, or the Money Hi funded ! lluy a Inx and lake them according In direc lions, and if they do oolcurejou, tha money will be returned. Asiimts Wni. Weiiner, Nortbiiinberlau J. A. VV, Kisrhrr, Hunhury. ('all at either jiluee, and get a iletcii.iivo Cir cular. I,. IJ..C. Winbirt, (irnprietor, No. 10, North Second. Philadelphia A.niust lo, IMil. ly "THE UNION' Arch Street, orWe Thir.l, I'hitatMphia, I'FTUX 8. NKWCti.MKH, lr..irin.ir. fpllltj 1IIITKF. is ceiilnil, eoiiveiiient by I'liMtei.g-er Cars 1. lo all palla of Il.e clly, aitJ lu avary Mrticu.al aduplcd V the clitoris aiai wautvol Uts lt;u,ir -aOlli-. C" Tcrina, $1 ,tsi per di . t-c, icrnbar l, tt-51 ly THE IATIST STYLE OF SPRING AND SUMMER GARMENTS, Ana ccrcsTAriTi-v jczacc M Iba rasWcnatla Tailoring Etftatlislimert JACOI3 O. X5Z3CI, Rsnrkct hltx-cf, t-JMtl jil , Va. FlHlli; subscriber liasjuM rfepjvrJ an.l ,o ". t j Inrn Btiortmeut KPl'I.NO AND t-fi w Vr.l! COOLlf, such as CLOTHS, OP KVE1JY I.F.SCIUPTION A .i;.MTV. Plain end Fancy Castimeres, Vettinja, &c. of the liileel styli . In aihlition to Lis sloe's be is curstcilly r.ceiii!,R I(h si r plies from ibe. it. kn-pii.ft a lull ssyorin ei.t f ,1, ,l)fX HliiH, anil latest style ( f (Jumla in the cily li.ati.vl. Hi. is prepare,! ., mMl.0 , il r Bi, dj u (li 'It men' ami i'oy'a wigr, at.0ii na DKKss titVM's, I-l'OCK.iru T.-i lil.SI. M:ss(;n.Ts. vnsis p.nta- 1.00. A.-. A.?, of llic erv lull st stylo, n, ji, t!10 t();,i SLHlaii lial mr.liner. M fl.nrt r.otiif. Any (iootjs not on in.il, v-i'l !, fori.ilir.tl from I'iiilinleljii.ia.l.v Ri.iriK f.-o ,Ihj e notici.. lif CnU ami .-mur.itie ,.ii-t.i.', i i(.r-.s made for thuvtu-i;. iAL'Oli O. li GCK. Iiitiloirv. May I I. I Kill. JOHNS Ct CKC6LEY. soi, : s,ai k.mti r.i.its ok tuk improved UUTTA fEGHA. C K M K N T 11.0 O i-' I N.G , Tl.o clieiijwi nml in.. n i'iir...ti!i-H.i .fing jnuse. Iti. Tire u.'i-l Wuii-r IVoiif. ll enit I..- npi.l..-l lo ik-vv ,i. ;,j ,.,-s nf j kill Bui ' i Miingieiii.... Willi-.ut leiiinvihi! the sliniRlea. Tin; Cot-t ia onir nhmt Ono-Tliinl tliat of Tiii.tirnl it i.s itvici) a:) Dnrahle. 0 V T T A I' r, I! c 71 A C V. Tit V. N T , For prrvpi-iiiL' nml ri mrmtr Tin mill other Metnl Ft oofs of every di-ci ipu. m, Ir.nn im tii'iit tlliKI ICH )-, II n.,t liii.ueil l.y the eoiitrni-tioii und eapiniHoii of inctiilH, nml u-iii not ciiu-k lo i-..!il .r pin in wioiu wi-ittlif-t. 'I'l.-fe iiitili ri.ilk hnve l. -n thoroi-li'v trstrd In t.w ork nml nil puns ol' lite S ull.ern and Wettrru hliiti ., in. I h c inn (jivo nl. uii-.l.-ntji... im . .1 ad we ciaini in their liu-.ir. 'I'h-y nro p-mlily oppliu.l hy or innry Ir.lwten, ut a tri. liii.i; ix;itii..i "o un vp is in:Quirti-:n." These iii'it.-ri.iiii.. ,nt up i.-mlv f..r iu,.. mi, I for ln'p. pii'.i; lout: piirtsof Hit .-..uutiy, with lull .tinted din-n i,. lor iipido-nliini. Full i. s 'ripllve eiri-tilnin will be fnniitiii d on apt liea tion l.y null r in p.-rN.innt our )'iinei,n (itice liti.l VN'nrt li.inn', 78 Wit. 1. 1 A M S fit i-'KT, 'Oiliier ol' Libeilv Street.) New York. K'II?.V CKCSLEY--Terinit Cuih ! 1 Ar.nsT. tVisirn : J o e I. IMM ly ! a i! r- i: i: t.- : ixJ? '.'"'b PiBiirt-il IJftre'-n. I'.l. 25 nn.l :i I renls. j Riregc Ii .l.es. S:J 60, 51 00 ai,J ft'Oti, Mo7!iiiibiqtiu Hohes at ij Ud, ' Ti'iive'iinir 1 ires ( JooJ-i, Sliej.lmr.'.'s I'lr.i,!.,, Molmir Plniil.t. j (JiiiKl-.nt.i's, Lawns. Ptints, ClrillicJ, j tin-'jr l'lytitL'.l liomls, cooi'r.n a. t.'o.N Aiiu. V. corner .intli an.) Murltet, l'bilaiJel.bi.i j r li llei-t .jualily Hnn Miiln, D-f cents l.. I S 2.r. .May I inn. ; J A M E8 1! A l 1J Lll'S WliPI.KSAi.R AMI I'.IMAlI. i ; CLOCK ESTABLISHMENT, is. Corner i'tcand aud Vhetn ut U. Af;i:;;cv f..r patent i'.ox a lining iiiK :'V . D.V V riiOCXS, u vt-ry iirsit.tt.:(' m licit tr Cj.t-ivh i i:, IJ.Ifi-f. Itinii,-', t'o'.niinc iI.'ck. lJi:i 'm-s, c MH-S MM.u.Vl.irrri.r MM-: OOJ.U I'M.NS. i'lt'i-'ks ifjiJiiifJ ;inJ unt r:.m. l j ( l.ti'ii i i niiirtiit'is "i t'vt-i y ilrrci iii i in. I n1iit l.-:.fii,i, .January Hi, ltOi.--Jy IvTINTII OOD. ! now l.oTI liuw ii!;ro!ii:n; .ii'sr i'uji.i.siiku in a ;am;d knvj, t.tnc : A I.IXTt'lir. mi tin; N;.lurc. tn .Un, Mt, inul Itmlicnl Curet'C ?Tittnt(tnlnj"t, t Sfinii:ul 'rt'ir,in'i.irAuiil Ie ; liihty. N'tTViiHnt'ii ti ul in v jm nt:f v c inu'.:luj.. ;r. aIhcj i'j , iiii'.ty.K'y, Cnnntiiptii'ii un..! MffiiiJ.'nui l ln -itnl In Linty. I Hy HO'.iT. J. C'l'lsVliliWi;!.!,, Al jj., I Tlis i!iip"f1;iit ("'let llitit tins awful r iist.'jiicmrfsi i.f ni-li". nt.nse inuy he cirfftuaiiy rrmnvcl with' ut iiiffnuil nui'i- cinci ur thti (Jaiiiicrou.H npiiKa;iniin ul' cniistics, iiistiu- liifiits. infii'cM'.c.l lii'U;;ti, ninl (ti.tr I'inpiricul ili-vi"!, is I In-rc cltnrly ilt-iiMnslniini, iin.liin sturdy nt-vv imJ lnt'hly j R:in:t'M.ii!l tn ritunvit. n.i ml. )!.-! !y ll.-: ct'ltfljn.it'd nutlmr i I'ully ex ;! a in"l. l.y infuns olWIneli every mie in etmlj.Vtl I t'iciiru Jiiin.ii-;r pcru'eliy, iiii't i.t tli Ir'Ht (i.'SJilile mst, j i'iiT.'i:y nv.'iilintf uil the ;i'iv'T!ist'f1 n. Rfriuns nf ttu il'iv. , This ifftum will proVftu l .m ti thnutsJiiiclsjn.ti ili..Uf:ui.lji SfMt u.itK-r st'til, in a pluin envnlnptf, tn uny luMifi-s, p. . I pti i;l, I'll tin n-ft-int i't" tWil ptictiipe Miitlipv. Lv tultllf Kall.(. 1 I'r i:il..I I'.KLIM;, -7 iJawcrv, Ncw'VviK. i'o'st Ot;.r: 4,rii. AND EiEARN 1 LET THE PEOPLE STZLE. - C'aXlI.M'E TO LEVI', AND TIllA" WILL fiOUN LEARN THAT raiLlIvG Si GIIAIST. AT THE HAEH0TH STORE, Alii: S ELLIS .a GOOES Ci-ilSIPlSZPv tbuu can bo purchascJ clsevvbuie. J nut received by llaHrond this w eek. HKMK.WU Ell THIS, AN!) PHOVTT 13 Y IT. Ntmliury, Pecember 13, lSfit), SUIiEURY ACADIIIY. SF.MMr.lt TF.IIM o-'t.iii rui.uiny Aiu.leiriyw.il .J e. 'in In.- nee o:i tnt-'-ili i I Aj i il Tli e.'tti.i.. ut' n ik! r;,il i--u e:i,.)ruers every (ti-p.ill ili.'nt .1 td;;erili..ii tHi.-Jil in . nr I...K1 Ai-ii.tenii. ii, .r-,i;n inu Uu l.-iili one t l.liei li.i ii j....it-v.iii.n or lo i-nlri nitj cLo-i il. Co.irc. T!:i;ms pit, .jfa UTKii: f'.iinnion Pc-li..oi lirmie'i.-n, llipier Ki:yli.-h loi.m-ne., SI t"l .', I II Iwitlil lili.l l.lei-l; l.',..i.-:l;itji n. 7 IJ'J 'I'uillon to he punt l.i-f.'ie the u.i. !.!:. of ti..- term. 11 inn', e.oi he hud Ul env.ito ta.i,..,i ul lloiu ti'l 7u tu 'i nel wucW. S ('. WOl-VlotTo;.', rrn.c.i-l. Funl.ury, M.ireb 3!', Ii6 ... UKrTJE.Y GTEAM FERKY A N II T . l W I N U II O A T C O M P A N Y. fJMJA VKM.EKS and others are lespcotfully informed that Ibe subscriher. in order to no comiiiodute ibe puhlic and laelllialo truv, 1. I; in lediucl llio rates if leniaue a bis .lliAM I'M U ll Y, over tho Muijichaiih:i, at Sunhurv, and will carry Pasen(ers, llorres, Carnages, tn.l oilier vtbiclus, ut the hillowin rules, tu i Foot Paa.eniiers, faih It cents. Unite and liidtr, l.", llorae and Vuey, V'i " 'I wo-ilursu Ci-iivcyance, 40 Partners and olbers, wishing lo trnii:- oi t Coal aud Produce, cull make arruugi-mcuu i.t stiil lower rales. A large., safe and commodious Stramhoat w ill rnu regularly and .ioiiiiily at nil iiums uf t!.e day, and to aecoimnodAte those wlm desire to at tend tho Churches at Sunbury ai.d belliisruvc, tbe Hunt will iuii on Sunday. '1'be Steaiubout w ill run from Matkel Mr, el Wart', ud ri.m.tly cuuvi-y Paeniji'rs from both sides of the ltivcr, nithout delay. The tiiain perry now all'ords not onlv a safe and convenient transit over the Susquehanna, hut aUu a pleasant and agreeahlu itde. 1 HA T. Cl.KM 11NT l essee and PropriUor. riunbury, May V."), IMil, 1 1 ' riXiS WAIIKA tcry cheap aud desirable attomueiit jut received tliis week, si llie animo.b r-t,.re ..I FKU.lNti i. GKAN l l-unbury, isiuia' !'!, Ifi'l. important Toi.tivi.iift or C3 CD CD J UU liKKill i' it SJON, IiiVilj ultciition to their Stock cf lViinc (iruon rui.l Jil.aL Ten.' .Iium ir., iNii. :ra5nj2.?.'TI335Ka? H.-iai SUJWpiEU GOODS'! 7 0 SUIT TEE I . I j ! o S. if. DRIGIIT & SON, HAVIi KLICLIVKU 0 b- ATjiT. tr1?Tt.TT t. ,f-a sfm, K A'NB SOME, i DUB ABLE A Gil EAT BARGAINS A N D splcnclid Inducemeut TO PTJPsCSASERS AT THE ONE PIUCK ST011ES OF E. Y. BRIGHT i SUN. Sunbuiy, June 10, ISGi. J . A . C II A NDALL'S P ATI' NT SPRING H0l:K.s 473 IJp Jill WAV, .MEW VOZir. fcjlmuN he in i.verv fntiiily, fScbool, Oyinnnsi. um, Asylum, mil Hospital ill tho biii.l. Aro not DANliL'lilU. S, lik the common Hocking Hor.-e. tumls firm on its Peiletul, will not wear t; AKPllTf, anj has no Kuckvrs to injurs the Feet. "Ileallii and In;; i-iness in the name t:id.)!c " , I'. Will;. W 7, '-r- -; -rii-. .1 I II MTlIi: "HOME JOt'UNilL." "Of nil ibe cbilJ furniture we I aie e' crscrri no aitiele eotnhiiies mi itiiit li of tboKe ttio iuinor j I ant li.iims I.i nitli and bappitu s-i as tho Ad ; jutul'b? I'ideiit Itet l hprintr addle-Horse, iu- vei.lej hy le-i-e A. I raiid.1, 1, Il is not darttifr. ous, l.ke a c iniii.-ti r .ckiiiR-horte, to cl.il.lten's li ct, cannot I t pu t, dots not wear carina, hi t litumU linn on its l.sse, and i's Bclion is mi .1 Ibe gnll.'i" of li'" hoi that the child never wearies of it. This .utest of rl.i'd novelties iu (1. oer.bimly e'.ejtuul Br.d silisric in dein ; and a.lj.iht jtue, eol-.--lui.lml, ai.d durulue, llmt it will hii-t a bfriiiiio. It is lnil..-:e;.i ui.i-j m cveiv family wlora there aie cliilditn. It shoiild I hi in tvery primary si lu.ol and gymnasium in thu : couutiy, aa it run bo nuile iara and a'roio; j Jiioub to sii.laiii (ir.,wn pvisuus. As a pedeii. lor .liulorBpb;u J iclures, nothing is iniro heatjll i I'tl. -hvery tlipliau Asylum ar:d Institution wbera cbihlreu ore r iiiRrenoti .1, hould h luinbe l with a iitiiiihil oi tluse heuulilul adult-. Tbty are tilted w itb s-.do aaildles wbt it reijuued." MliKl.Tin.Ns POU AIJI.'STIN(i.-llfen the alter part of the buse .ulluicntly in allow tl a axle lo jo in its iibue ; tLn raue or lower iba Horse to suit you. !citivv .he bolts iu tbe tide very light. l!T These Harsea ara WARnAr"CD sue )!. M.rch 16, Iff I If SK'.'Sl S Vl'.'tVH.