Sat nx t rlu s. T11E REBELLION. tlWPOttTAWT mow WAaimoroiv. ANOTHER ADVANCH OF TUB GRAND ARMY. Tha Stars and Stripes Flanted on Munnon's Hill- A Mtlancholf Ulunder. riRiwa croif bach OTHKR, Washington, Sept. 29, 1861. General McClelUn weot over tbs river yesterday afternoon, sccompanied by bis slaO. Immediately oo arriving, at Fort Corcoran tbs centra od right wing of the army fa put in motion, tod marched forward toward Munsno's Hill, with butteries cavalry, See. ltrigadier General Wadgworlh's division was in advance, sopported by General Keyes' command. The main body of the army advanced on the road to Ball's Cross Roads All the aveunes were filled with solid col umns of cavalry and infuntry. The men were in a joyful mood, end those who had been left as invalids in camp, were op, and with tbeir rifles followinij the army Upton's Hill, where fortifications bad been commenced by the Rebels, bad been evacu ated. The army passed oo and took posses sion of Munsou's Hill, the enemy having beat a retreat. Our men took possession of the bill, and will hold it, together with all the advanced positions of the Rebels. C detachment of the Fourteenth New York Volunteers, Colonel McQuade, by a flunk movement in too rear ol Monanti's II ill, cut off and captured a mounted officer, a lieutenant and two privates. The officers and men were brought in to Fort Corcoran, and one of them, being wounded, was brought over to the Georgetown hospital. There has been a great retreat of the Rebels from Muneon's Hill to Fairfax Court House. Muusoo's Hill, Upton's Hill, Ma son's Hill, Perkins' llill.aud Falls Church are all now in the possession of the Federal troops, and the American Bans are flying from Munson's 11 ill, MasoD's Hill and Foit Perkins. Upton's Hill is occupied by Gen. McDowell'a Division; a part of Keyes' lirigado occupy Mason's Hill; Gen. Smith's Division is within a mile and a half of Falls Church ; the New York Thirty filth Regi meut is picketing at Fulls Church, and Gen. Porter's Division has been thrown lor ward as far as the Louden and Hampshire 11 iil road. 1 wits up on Munson's Hill to day. There were no cannon upon it, nor any signs of them having been there. The hill, ou the inside is encircled by a rifle pit. This is the oly fortification there. From the hill nolu ir.g can be seen of the Cupitol but the dome. U-neril Wadsvrorth and Major Judd of the New York Thirty-ninth Regiment, were the first to stand upon Firkins' Hill. Previous to '.hair arriving there, six rebels were seen within tho fort. They left a our officers advanced. General Widswortb riding up to the fort and placing the feet of bis horse against its sides, said, as he rose, "charge on them boys." as though calling to the men behind him to advance. Not a Rebel, how ever, was to be seen. In the stable unjoining the fort, a lot of corn wag discovered. The houses in the vicinity of the Rebel f rtifiea tions hud the appearance of having been vacated in a horry. Null's Hill is also occupied by our troops. McDowell's Division, which udvanced from Arlington Heights on to Upton 11 ill. is now strengthened by Captain Plutt's Buttery, Second Artillery, regulars, and also by Capl. Knniuuda' Battery. A strong fort will be erected on the bill It is the opinion of tiulilury men thut the Rebel retreat from Munsou's Hill commimced oo Friday after noon. Oo uuueof the bills were any ordnauce lound. During the dirknuss and confusion which covered the advance of the Division from the Chuin Bridge, under command of General Smith, cue of those uulortunute tnisukes occurred which almost seem inseparable from a night attack. The particulars, as far as they can tie gathered amidst conflicting runiirla Deem to be US follows; A Imlll. tell o' clock laHt niiiht. Baker's Iirigirie was thrown forward in the direction of Falls Church. Previous to Ibis time sev crui companies of Berdau's Sharp-shooters, and the Fourth Michigan Regiment were thrown forward a skirmishers. I he Ungarte, with Moll's Artillery, and three companies from Col. Frieiidmaii'a Philadelphia Cavalry iominr tinufl tlies- t-kinnUhers. a vofli-y of shuts, it i reoorted. was fired, by either th Dartv of Sti-trp-shuoters or one of the regi ' . .....i. ii i, ii.,.,i .., IllelllS C'Mllit'CleU Willi Mtfn- a li .c.., eating of Companies D, I, and K, Colouel Frieudmanu'a Cavalry Regimen'. ; First Cal- iIuiiiih R.-uiineiit: Hauler's lire 6 OtV s, mi '. Col Owen's lteiMtneut. The p trlies were within fifty yards of each other. Some twelve or fifteen, were killed. S.x belonged to Col. B liter's First Regimeul wero killed. and some liHet-o wouuded. Twelve of Col. Baxter's Regiment were iniii.ed and one was killed One muu to Ci'l Owen's Regiment was kiil--: mid Ii.ii- were wounded. The injuries ,il til., wi-muled are not serums, and Were in. wll it.-i'.mli.liK'. I l,v the horses of Colonel Kn-ii'liii.iiii'a Cavalry becoming unmauugea tow and iruiniiliiiii uuon them. Three of M . x Kiiviiiliiiaiiu's Cavalry were killed. I lua inuriiiuir Col. Burke, of the New York Tliuiv aevemb U-iMiuenl. shot one of Ins nr.vuiea 3ii Muusuu'e Hill, for insubordina l .tut. Toe fellow wouldn't fall into the rauks brcau.-e bo liadu't his breakfast. FIIUM KtStt'tKll. LOIISVII.I.K, Sept. 28. The Hon. Horace Mayoard, of Teuoe.oee, in nt Kruiikloi t. Agents are uow ttatiooed ulong the Ohio river 10 pievuDl the suiuj-gliog of arms iulo Kentucky. The Jiuilelin says that five hundred troops from 'IVrre Haute have gone up tbe Urveo river, Kentucky, and takeo possesion of locks Nos. i uuJ 3. A shot wus tired at I lie 111, liut the assailant was kilted by tbe return tir. Manv Uuioo families bave Bed to Evaos ville from the Green river country. A reguneul ofcuvulry from Ohio baa none iuto camp near Coviogloo, oo tbe Lexiugtoo Cynthiana, Keutucky, is occupied by Fed eral troops. 8k were thrown to tbe breeie from tbe Louisville Hotel aud Uall llouae, today. Seveoteeo Rebels, iocluding Junie B. Clay ainl Col. 11. C. Harris, of Madison, Keutucky. were brought bere this afleruo.iu, mi coiiuiiilted. A iwnt of habeat corpui IQ Claj's case bus beeu laaued, returnable before Judge Cutrou oo Mou'Uy. lleuson Orumby, a Uwyer of tbis city, wbs rreated, out diacliartied OU taking tbe oatb ttt allMif i.nrii. ll is reported that snras of BocUner's rebel force attacked tbe Uuioncamp at Mud river, fort miles fiooi Itowliuir Ureen, uuder Col. llawkius. and tbal the taailaols were badly hipped, Tbe Uuioo wen ars flocking to Col. Hawkins from all directious, witli abol guns aud Kentucky riflea. . W iSHINOTOK, Sept. 30. A contraband, who cams over tbis after noon, nvs that eight regiments of iufauuv and one of cavalry left Vienna for Ure.l Fells tbis niorping. ICvery point tbal bas beeo vacated shows unmialakeable sfideoce cf llieir great deiUtalioo. . Lirgs oaisbsrt are barefooted, and they had but few or tie tents straw and bushes being their only b-lter. . . . ft is believed hern that Maryland regiments have .). from Beauregard's army within a few days. ' From facts ascertained here, it appears that oo Wednesday last Ueneral Fremont released Col. Blair from arrest, using lan guage in tbe order tantamount to a defiance of the Colonel to present his charges formally. Oo Thursday Colonel Blair presented charges formally agaiust Gen. Fremont, in response to tbe defiance. Thereupon Ueneral Fremont Immediately arrested Colonel Blair and sent bim to Jefferson Barracks. Oo Friday night tbe telegraph was allowed to communicate tbe fact that Blair bad been freed from arrest tbe previous Wednesday, but the offensive paragraph in tbe order of release was sup pressed, and tbe fact of Col. Blair's secoud arrest withheld. Tbe army regulations allow no officer to be arrested for a longer period than eight days, without chatges being preferred. General Fremont disregarded the regulations in tbe case of Colonel Blair. After this violation of tbe regulations, a secood arrest for the same cause, and without charges, has attracted attention and caused much remark. The (treat fact io relation to this case is that General Scott to day ordered tbe uncondi tional release or Colonel lilair. Commissary General Gibson who died here to day, whs aged about eighty-five years, and loog held that position. He entered tbe army in 1808 as a Captain of Infantry from Pennsylvania. A contraband was brought to headquarter s at Upton's Hill yesterday. He was the groom of Ueo. ueuuregnrd at toe lime tbe latter occupied Falls Church as his head quarters. The contraband states that be overheard several conversations between Gen. Beauregard and bis officers, and in one instance tbe General remarked that he was fearful of uttucking the Federal troops oppo site Washington, owing to tbe fact that by so doing he would ooneo ssanly sacrifice so many lives ; hut would full back, and within six miles of Full's Church he would be happy to welcome the United States forces "with bloody bands to hospitable graves." It appears that a female Kebel or bigh social standing at Lexington, obtained admission to Col. Mniligtin's fortifications, disguised as a mulatto washerwoman, and took a complete sketch and plan of tbe works, and reported to tbe Rehels. It is believed the Uebels have from 4U,()UU to 50,000 men at Lexington, and ere daily receiving reinforcements. Tbey will stand their ground if attacked. It is supposed that Geo. Price will, in two or three weeks, bave from 70.000 to 80,000 there, and will meet us with that number. New Advertisements. Supreme Court ol l'cuiiy- NORTHERN DISTRICT. NOTICE i hereby Riven that the Supreme Court for tho Northern llistrict of Pennsyl vania, will commence ils annual tension no the first Monday of October next, at 10 o'clock A.M. at the Court 11 us-e in the Uoronah of Sunbury CHAHI.rS PLEASANTS, Prolh'y. Prothoniitary's oilier, Bunhurv.Sept. Kllll. I mil. j LIST OF CA1SES OK ARGUMENT. 1 Bredinger va liice. North'd county. lion va Malcolm, Cmon " 3 Quinn va Jenkins, North d ' Aurand vs Scheflley, ' " Ly. co. M I Co vs Fultncr cfc Co., Lycorri. " 6 Lcwisburg Cniveraity vs Rebcr nd Musser, I. nion county. Biltcnbendcr vtSAERRCo North'd " Dewa.t vs II li Masser. " " Clement & Masser vs Taegnrt et al. Union 10 Jacob W Smiih. deed, Appeal, Snyder co. 1 1 Nor Cen K li Co. vs Hendricks, North'd co i McGargle vs Authur et al, Lycoming co. 13 Hank vs Orwig, Union co, 14 Public road near Aliens, Lycoming co 15 Child vs Brown township, " " 16 Kepler v Kililing. Rnvder 17 Kx'rs. of H Hilbish. dee'd vg Means, ' 18 Weilzel vs Mrr & Gritty, Norlh'd 19 Clement vs W light, " ' ao Sechler vs Unstian. Lycoming " 21 l)aumi;ardner vs Clement, North'd " 22 Aminerman vs Wyoming Can C Montour 2:) Ulman vs Dunham, Lycoming ' 24 West Br. Bk vs Armstrong, " 25 Fessler vs Fields, " " 26 Uhamokin V & P It. R Co vs Livermore and Malnne, IWth d " 27 Cameron & Billineer va Kreehtircer, Union 2S Vincent's adm'r vs Watsnn'i ex'r, Norlh'd 29 nine va same " ' 30 West Br Ina Ce va llclfcnstein, 3! Hotlenslein va Auten, Montour" 32 Miller vs t'asselherrv. I.) coming " 3:1 Kerrhner va Siuik, Field ic Co et al. Snvder 3t Caul's adm'r va Bavin, North'd co 35 Clement vs VounKinao et al, Union co 36 l.ewia tp vs Delaware tp, North'd co. 37 Uellaa vs Clenon, " US Werliuti's ailin'rs va Smith, Lycoming co 39 T)ler vs Phelps, Sullivan c" 411 1!.. ml in Milton, North'd co 41 Miller vs Pranciscoa A. Erwine, " 4 t Pontius va Nelit, Hayes, rtal, Union co 43 Hurth vs North. Chase &, Aorlh, ' 44 llillmyer vs Evans tt al, ' " 45 Kurguson &. Belts vs blaern, Clinton co ORPHANS' COURT SALE. I N pumuanre of an order of tho Orphan' Court ' of IS'orihunil'f rluiid county, ihe tiniteraiemd who waa appointed lv the did Court TltL'STEE for that purpoae. will expose to puldic sale at Ihe puhlic boune of E T- Ilruniheller, known aa Ihe "Sunqui hanna llouae" in the borough of SUN IH'liV. Pa . on Saturday, Ihe I'Jlh day of UC TlUKR. H6I, at 1 1 o'clock A. M.. All that certain Tit ACT of I, AN I), situate in Cameron township, Northumlierland county, l'eonsj Ivanin, and inaiked cn ihe draft annexed to the inquiai. tion had upon the eatnle of I'liilip Uunkleberger, decaaaed, aa No. 1, bounded and deacrihed as fol' Iowa, to wit t Beginning at atonea, thence by land of George Krrstetler, north t j degreea east 101 perchea to a post ; thence by'landa of John C Heylman. heira of John Collachall, dee'd., and Daniel 8meliz, south 8:1 J degreea, raat 173 perchea to atonea ; thence by land of the heira of the aaid Jubn (ioltachall dee'd., south fiJ degrees weal J0I perches to atonea ; and thence by the Line Mountain, north H3J degreea west 173 lurches to tbe place of begin nil g, containing One Hundred and nine Acrea and twenty 'four perches strict meaaure. The improvement, ronit of a good two story frame Dwelling Houes Barn, Wagonahed, Ac, 4c. Late the property of rhllip Uunkleberger, oereaaeil. A.J. iun; r-i.i.fcu, i ruiiee Dy order of the Court, B. MAS Kit, Clk.O.C. Hunbury, Sept. 81, IR6I Tssms or Hale fix hi hi the Cocst : Ten per cent of the pun baae money to be Caab, slid the balance to be panl on llie hrrt day or April, IHdl, wuen S Oeetl will be delivered. A. 1. FOCKKPKLT.F.R ASSEMBLY. E. Y. nitlfiHT, haling heen tendered the nomination for AemMy y ilia laie liuinn (Jonveuuon, can only pjoiiiue to his fellow all sens without reaped Io psriy, fhal hs will, if elected, faithtully diacharga tbs duiies of tbe oflice, etunliurv. Hept l. 1861. ASSOCIATE JUDGES. TOSEPH N I CKLY of Delaware townahip, snd WM. DEPPIN, of Trevorton, bsing been selected by the late Umou Oonverilion ss candi dstes fur the offices of ytaaociats Judges, without solicitation on their part, having conaented to lbs nouiioaiion, and now aak their fellow ciliaens without diatinction nf party fol tbeir aupport. Heptemher 81. 1861. KEGISTEH &. RECORDER, 4c J. B. Maaser. having been nominated by th Union Convention for Hegiaier and Recorder, Ve leaneolfullv solicits tbs support of all. good aa union loving cilisena of Northumberland county wiibout reaped la party K.r IB.U vmsi, 8unfury,6 ll, ISti. COMMISSIONER. !" PrflllOTMfitt, l.l.a V raaa. II led fix County CotnmlskKitier, at the late Union Convention, nOers himself as a candidal to bis H1n ciiiv.'pa witheut tliatinctioa of party and if elected will faithfully tlinchargs bis duty, l.ewia twp Sept. tl, 1661. - To the Union Men nf Korthumhet lunJ Couidy A VINO received the Union nominatioa lot County Tresanrer, I raanecltullv aolicit Uia volea of Ihe hiemla of the Union, and upporten of the Government in Ihe County. If elected, I will diacharge theduifea of the office faithfully. 1 JO.?EPH VANKIRK. Point tp., Sept.- 1, !80"1. . AUDITOR T8AAC H. REH8l,ER,of Lewer Mahonoyha. ing been nomlnotrd for County Auditor by the tale Union Convention, respectfully solicits the support of his fellow citizens without respect to party, for that olTire. September SI, 1H6L ' THE UNION," Arch Striet, above Thinl, Philadelphia, UPTON 8. NEWCOMER, Pfprletor. THIS IIOTF.L la central, convenient hr Psraeiifrer Csra to all pana of tl.e city, and In every particular adapted to the cmfurta and wsntaof the business publia W Terms, 8)1,9(1 per day. tteKetnler SI, IS18I. ly Entirely Vegetable. No Alcoholio Prepa ration DR. ECCFLAITD'S C C. L. hi li It A I GERMAN BITTERS, I'repartd by DR. JACKSON fc to,, Philadelphia. Prnn'a. Will ellectUHlly cure Liver Complaint, Uynpep. nil, Joumlioe, Chronic or Nervoui pebility. Disease of the Kulni'js, and all diseases arising from a disordered Liver or Stomach. Suchm OotiBiinatitm, Inward l'iln, Futuesa or Bliwd to the Hend, Afiditv " Um lnnnrh, Nausea, Ilenrthurn, Uifguttt (vt KokJ, Filings vr Weipht in the Hiinnnch, S-tur Ktuctiitioiis, Sinking or F.utteriiiR at the Tit of the lMtnaeh, Swimming nf the HwiU, Hurried and Diffirult isieniningf r inueriug at me iienii, wntiKing nr pumicming cnsHiitiiis when in iMnit iHtpiuie, unniifM m vision. 'w:..i.a a?. 1 it.. 11 r..;.. :.. .1. ' Dots of wHm In-hirr Die riulit, Fevr and Dull Pm Hi in the Ilend, Defii'icnc-y of PenttiiMtiont YrKownrss of the Skin find Kyes, I'd in 111 Hie Suit-, Muck, Chct, l.nnha, .Vr , ud dm FinfltPi of Hent, limning in the Flesh. Consimit Imn ginittcsof evil and grftit Ueprt-afl'Mi of Ppirits. and will nsitivriy prevent ubuw i-tv.ft,uiLiutg rr KK.Atfi. The Pronrietor incnllinff the attention of the nuUicto this pie arnti'm,dea sowith'a feeling of the utmost con fide.ire in its virtues and aduitutioii to the diseases for Which it is recommended. It is no new and untried article, nut one tnnt tins stood the test of a twelve yeurs trial before the American peo ple, yd its reputation and snie are unrivalled by any similar preparation extunt. The testimony in its favor given by the most prominent and welUknown Physicians and indi vidunls in all paitsof the country is immense, and a care ful perusiil of the Almnnac, published numiiilly by the pro pi ietnrs, and to he hud gratis of ntiy of their A petit s, wn not hat Mtisfy Urn most skeptical that this remedy is really desei ving the great relet" it y it Iihs oh'aried nhnu i ti hi hviurtr,, From J. Newton Hrown. U. D .KdiMr of the Encyclope dia ufUdigious Knowledge. AHlionpli not disposed to lavor or recommend Patent Medicines In eeuerul. through dmtfust of their incredienta and eflects, I yet know of no fliitfiriMit reason why n mun limy not testify to the benefit he believes himself to have received from any simple preparation, in the hope that he may thus mntnhutetothe henehtoi others. I do this the mote readily iu repaid to "Hoofland's Ger man Hiileis," prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson. of tlnscity, because 1 was prejnciced against them for years, under the iinpressiiin that they were chietly nn alcoholic mixture. 1 am indebted to my friend Kobett Jhoemnfier, K.nq., fnr the removal of this piejudice by proper tents, and for encour agement to trv them, when sufTV-rmg frm great and long continued debilil The use of tbiee Imtltes if these Hit, ters, at the hesmning ot the present year, was loiioweti by evident tehef, and restoration to a detrtee of bodily and mental vifror which I had not felt for six months before and had almost despaired of regaining. I therefore tbuiik God and my fiiend for directing me to the nscof ihem. Philod'a.luneW, IM10. J NKWTUN UROWN. August 31, leOt. ly Estate of Henry Weaver, Deceased. Michael Weaver, " Writ of Partition or vs. I Valuation iaaucd out of The heirs of Henry fihe Utphsns' Court of Weaver, dee'd. J Northumberland county. Returnable to November Term, A. D. 1R61. let, Chriatopher Weaver; 2d, Jcsaa Weaver, who died before aeid inteatiite. leavtuv a widow, Eliza Weaver, and the following named children, being grand children of aaid inteatale, to wit : Ann r.liza Weaver, Charles Weaver, George Weaver, Marietta Weaver, William Guinn Weaver, John Weaver, Ruth Weaver and Luther Weaver, the last seven of whom are minois; Sid, Michael Weaver; 4ih, Jcsepli Weaver, who ia now deceasrd, leaving iaaue one child to wit: Minerva Weaver, a minor; full, Elizabeth Boultoii, formerly Weuver, being now intermarried with B. Iloulton; Gth. George Weaver; 7th, Surah, intermarried with John Cuthbert. Yoi and each nf you are hereby notified that by viitue of the above writ, to me d reeled, an inquest will be held al ihe late residence of aaid Henry Weaver,"" deceased, in Northumberland county. I'ennajlvania, on Thursday, October 10th, 1"GI, at 1 1 o'clock, A. M.. for the purpoae of making partition of, or to value and appraiae Ihe renl estate of aaid decedent, to wit I Two certain masuagea and tracta of land, situate in Kuah townahip, Northumberland county, Pcnna., one thereof adjoining land of Catharine Haugha wout on the North, and of Philip Weaver on the East, land of Hainan Kline, ( P. Patton and Martin Weaver, aud the Cattawixaa road on the South, and land in iosesion of Peter Haugha' wont on the West, containing one hundred acrea wuh allowance, more or lava, whereon are erected Iwo Iwo'story frame dwelling, a Urge frame .barn, wagon house, a good spring of water, an orchnrd, ic, the whole of winch ia cleared and iu a good atate of cultivation. The niher thereof bounded on the North by land of t.hrutian and V illiam Khiatia and land of Philip Weaver, on the' Mouth by land of aaid Philip Weaver, and on the Went by land of Catharine naughawnut, containing twenty arres, strict meaaure, more or leas, with the appurtenances. A I which tune snd place you may attend if you ee proper. DAVID W ALU RON, Sheriff. bherill a Office, Sunbury, Hept. 14, lf6l. TREES! TREES! rHE iinderaigoed invite sllention to llieir large and well grown stock of FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, Khruha. Ac., embracing a large and complete aa. Bortment of Apples, rears. Teaches, Plums, Cherries, Apii cuts, sua .eciannea, Blandard lor tbs Orchard, and Uwarl for the garden. English Walnuta, SusiiUh Chaanuta, Haile1 nifta. 4-c, Raatierriea, hlrawberriea, Cu rants aud tiooaetiernea, ill great variety. GRATES OF CHOICEST KIN-DS. Aaparacua, Rbubarh, cVc, Ac. Alao a fine atockofwell formed, huahy EVERGREENS, auitalda for tbe Cemelrv and Lawn. Deciduous Trees for street planting ami s gen eral sasortiurnt of Ornamental Treea anJ r'low ering bbiuba. Koaea of choice vsrii ties. Csinelliaa, Dedding f lants, Ac. Our stork is remarkably thrifty and fine, and ws oner it st pncea to auit tbe timce. I tr Catalogues mailed to all applicants Addreaa EDWARD J EVAN CO, Central N uraeriea. YORK, Pa September 14. 1 86 1. Sin IftOTIIUIl AKItlVAIs Ol SEASONABLE GOODS, AT THE MAMMOTH STORE! OF FIULING & GRANT. Suabory, 6ptiabr 1 1861. : I11. i . am- Ccncral Election 1?1. o o r & M A T.T (iir rpatirin lo election nf .hi. OuS ,v S" UJrit hmidreij and shirty-Mtv. t mI" " X VU """id Hiph BharWo tbe e4j,ty t' iVt.iumlienILA;J,'0(N. Vftuiiaf tu licreiiy make km sin and give notice to taij"e1i Itfanl Utoenunly aft r earn d, that a fcneml tek-dion vi!l o he.d iu said outuitr of NtrTumlrland on the BKIJON D TULtWaVtfMh .OCKaJhH, I Ml j, at hkh time MoT will vute be tjnlutfr the several ofnceis iisiiiud, vx l Oi person ft Prattdertt Jodge for Irie 6t. Judicial Dis Viett eumpnan) uC lbs coauttes 01 Nurtbundtertand. Mini avnrand l.yonniitkf. Two irarsona as Atsnoist Judges for NnrUmttitierlanJ Count jr. One person aa canto nf llie noma of Representative, to laiiresenl theetaaity f North umber Itind Oris per m fnr Register of Wills, Recorder of Deeds, and Cletlc of the Oipbans' Court, fur NorUtuinberuuid Cu One strranii for County Oommitsiener. One nmou for Count Treasurer. One person fur Count Auditor. I also beielry make known end (tire notice that the places of balding the sfufoMid geueral election in Urn sev eral horougtu and towtisliipa wuhin the county of Nor Ui umber land are as folluws t The ttunburv Uistricta oompoaed ef the borough of Puutmry, end Upper August, aft the Couiitv Court Bouse. The Augusta District, composed of the tnwnship ol Lower Augusta, et the house at Feier Dutiketuergur, iu aaid township. The Northumberland .District, com poind of the borough of Northumberland, at the house of C.8, Brown, of the borough of NortHiimberlaud. The I'oint District, al the house of Henry Haas, iu the borough of Northuiniieilaud. The Milton jjieuiclrat the house of Mrs. Sticker in said borough. Tim Turhut District, at the house occupied by Abraham Ktsninger. The Delaware District, et the Sinking Spring School House. McfcaweiiBville district, at the Stone Church School House iu the borotiifh of McKwensviJIe. The Chilisiiunrpje District at the htnaenf D. Knrdirman. The Turbutville District, at ttiu house of Hiram Uey holits, iu the borough of Turbatville. The Lewis District, at the house occupied by Hi rain Reynold, in ihe borough ol Turbutville. The Slminokln Distuct, tt the house of John Noshit. The Upper Multoiioy District, at the bouse of j. IT. Adam. The Little IMuliouoy Dist' ict, at the house of widow F, Raker. The Lower Mahonoy District, at the house of A. Rodu armel. The Rush District, at tha Uberty Pole School House. The Juckswi District, at the bouse occupied by J.Galui Smith. Tlie Ctial District, nt the house of William M. Weuver, In the town of KlKituokiu. Tlie Xurlnt District ut Uie house of Truvorton. AVcuvcr, in 'J'he Cameron District, at the house nf Jacob Wnrjtrer, The Jortlati District at the bouse ikw or lute of il cum min Leitzel. The .Mount Curmel District at the public house of Abra ham Lerch. The. Wushingtou District at the house of Godfrey B. Ke bock. The election to open between the hours ol 6 and 10 o'clock iu the forcnonu, and shall continue without inter ruption or adjournment until 7 o'clock in the evening when the polls shull be closed. The Severn I Inspectors end Judges elected on the 3d Friday of March, letil, in pursuance of the ad Sertiou of the act of Ihe 2d of July, will hold Urn election on Tuesduy the oth day of October neat. Thal every perm except a Justice of the Peace, who shall hold any ohVe or apptjintiuciit of protit iud tiusi un der the government of the United Stales, or of this iule, or of any cily or incorpoiuled district, whether a couuiiia sionnl ollicer or agent, who shrill be employed under trie legislative, executive or judiciary department of this Slate, or the United States, or of any city or incoipnraitd district and also that every member of Con;riess and of the JMute Iscgisluture, aud of the select and conn mm coun cil of any city, or commissioner ol ony incorporated Dis trict, is by law, incapable of holding or exfreisunr the nmce or appointment of Judge. Inspector or Clerk, of any election of this commonwealth, and that tu Inspector, Judges or any other othcei of such election, shall be eligi- uie io any omce cone men voieu nn. And the said Act of Assembly, entitled "an net rclnttiitr to the election of this Commonwealth1n passed July the ami, in.i', lurmer provides us loiiows, to wit : ' Tlmt the Insoectors aud Judut chosen us aforesaid. shall ineetut the respective places for holding the cle-iiin uie uistrict co which Limy respectfully lel Mtg before nine o'clock in the morning of the second Tuemtuy ot Oc ti titer iu e:ich nnd every year, and each of smd iuipelois ahull upixint one clerk, who shull be u cpiuliiicd voter of auch d strict. Section ii. Thnt any fraud committed bv onv nerann ViMing in the manner alxive tiresctilietl. shall Iw mininlicd as siuulur frauds are diiected to be punished by the exit ing iuws oi tins uoinmonweauit. "in case trw person who shall have received the second highest number of voles for Inspectors shull not nttt-uri on the day of any election, then the person who shull have received the second highest number of votes for Judic the next preceding election, shall act as an iuspecloi in his place, aud in cuse the person elected Judge ahull not attend the Inspector who received the highest number of votenj shall appoint a Judge in his place end it any viicum)' shall coutiuue iu the board for the space of hull' an hour al ter the tune hxed by law for the opening of the election, she quali bed voteis of the township, ward or no (huri- t, foi which auch officers shall have been elected, present at she place of elections, snuli one of their number lu (ill sucli vacancy. "It shall be the duty of aaid assessors respectively to at tend at the place of hlthinr evexy, Hnncud. or township election, during the whole tune auid election ia kept open, for Uie purpose of giving information to the nspeciors aim juugf, wnuu cuiicu on, in relation io ttie ight of any person assessed by them to vote at such elec tion, or auch other mutters iu relation to the afsessmmi ot voters, aa the aaid inspector or judge or either of thcin limll trout tuno to Lime require. io person shall be nermitteil to vote nt any election aforesitid, other tluiu a white free man ot tweuty-oue or more, whx shull have resided in the slate at leu t one year, and in the election district where he oilers to vote al least ten duys immediately preceediug llie eleclmu, and within two years paid state o county tax. which shall have been asstiKSed at least lendjiys before ihe eleel ion. Hut a citizen of the United States who had previously been a Qualified voter of this state, and removed therelroin and resumed. uud shull have resitkd iu the election district, and paid tax aa uforessut. shall lm entitled to vote alter residing iu this state six mouths, Provulcd, That the white freemen, citi zensol the tJiuieu states, neiweeu uie age oi twenty-one ami twenty-two years, and in tlte elttctior district tea days us aloresaiJ, shull lie entitled tua vote, although tuey shull not have paid tuxes.' No nersitu shall lie permitted to vote whose name is not coutuiued ui the list ol taxable inhabitants furnished by the coiiuium loners us aloicaMid, uidess, First: He prtKlures a receipt tor the puyinent, wiitiiu two years, of a st:ite or county tax ussesReti ayreeat'iy io me cousiuunou, uiki tjHve iLitisrarttirv evidence either on liis own nth or ailinua- tion, ur nil the oath or iilfiriuattou of unother, thut he has iuid such tux, or on tuuure u prouuee a receipt, stiull make tail outh to the miyineni tnertxu ; r secoun, u tie ci.11111 a right to vote by being an elector between the ncs of twenlY-nue aud twenty-two years, he shall depose 011 outh or ainrinutiou. thnt he has resided 111 the titute ut least one year itrxt be! ore his uppliualion, and make auch proof o 1 resit leuee ill ine umiriri ub iruuimi iiy una mci : auu thut he does verily Itelieve from the account given linn dcut he is of the uiru uforesuid, and Rivu such other evi- tliuces us is reuuiretl iiy litis act, Whereupon the name of the person so uuinitteu to vote, snuu ie insert t a in alpha tselical list by the inspectors, and a note made opposite thereto by writinx the word '-tax," if he ihull be peinut- ed to vote by reucoii 01 nuvuiK mu tux, or the wonl t'age," if he shall be permute! iu vote on aecount el his ai;e, aud in either cuse the leaaoiiof audi votes shall be cullrd out to the cterK, who aiuiu make uuies ui uie ust vuiJra kent bv them. In all cases where the name nf the person cljiimiinr to vote is not found 011 the list luriitshed by the Commission ers aud saessor, or his right to Vole whether found there on ur not. is oojecteu 10 iiy any ijuauneu citizen, the In spector snail examine mni iiciaii. ai iwiii s 01 uim uuuun- cutiitus, and if he claims to huve resitted 111 the state one year or more, his ouin snau o a proui uiereoi, nut ne snuli prove by ut least one competent witness, who shull be a qualities) eiecntr, iiuu ue iwuni wiuiiu me uintici at least ten ilava next iiiuuediuiely prceedine the election, and hal also huuscll swear that his bona hue result -nee, in purau- mice of lawful calling is vitlun the district, and that he did not remove into said district tur Uie purpose of voting lllarf III. Kvety peatm quuiineu as aitsresaiu, auu wno shall make nrmi". ii reuuired. of resident ami nuvineut of Uixea, us aforesaid, shull las admitted to vole iu the township, ward ordutriet iu which he shall reside. Jf anvpeisoii not quuhtied to vote in thistmnvnwealth agreeably to law, (except the eons of qualified citizens, aliall appear at any p e 4if election fof the purpose of is suing ticket!, or lunuenemg citizens qua! inert iu vole. In I iu 1 1, on conviction, forfeit uud ihiv any sum not exceed' ing one tiuuilreti ooiiars ior every ouu aucu on '-nee, sun be imprisonetl f.w any term not exceeding three months. It shall le the duty of every mayor. sJieritl, uUleiman justice of the peace, and conslable or deputy constable, of every city, county, township ur district .withruthis com in aiwmllh, whenever culled upon by any orfi w of an election, or bv anv three qualified electors thtreof, to clear auy window or avenue to any window, to the place of fteueiul election, wnicn snau ue omiiucieu in sucn a way as to nreveut voters from approach ins; the same, aud on slwll be deemed vnilted ol' misdemeMiHr hi office aud on e nivii?tiou shull be nneti iu any sum n t less tluiu one hun iirHfiecL or reiusai 10 uo mu iu ui-u rcuuiuou. buiu oiucei dred nor more tlt-ni one thousnud dollars ; and it shall lie the dutv ol the renpecliv'e constable of euch ward, district or township, of this commonweal li to le present in person or by deputy, at the place of holding such elections in ea-h wata, tutwrier. or mwiiewini, tur ii iuiri'o ui picwivtug the pence as atoreauiu. It shall lie llie uuiy 01 every peace nmcer, as sitoicwuii, who shall be present ut auy such disturl Minces al an elec tion aa ia described iu this act. to report (he aame to the next oouit f quarter seasions. end also the names ot the ivitiieuucs who uui nrove the auiiie. The Judaea uie to make their returns for the county nf Northumiwriaud, at tlie uoun nouse, iu ouuuury, 011 r ri dav.tha 11th dav of tJeH'lair, A. D. Ii-l. ISiven under uiv liaud. at tSunlairy, this Hth 4nf of IVplem. ber, A i. and in the 06: a year of Uie iudepeudence of the L uited 9lute. DAVID WA1.DRON, Sheriff. SherilTs Ofnee. Sunbury, 8eH. U, l-"U ' . . 8. L. BEHGSTKESSER, PH OTOGR APIIIO ARTIST IJUOTOGKAPHS, AMBROTYPE. and all l be modern style of Piclurea, executed m superior manner. Id?" Rooms in his CAR, Market Square 8uiibury, Ha. August 10, 1861, . VTB O OTrl i fcH OES, can be purchased at the 29 Mammoth Htors of rrilinc & Ursnt, very eheso.aa ws sre determined not to be undersold by snybody. Call snd learn the list of prices for yourselves. FKII.INU & UK A NT. Bunbnry, January II. 1861 TIN WARE A vsry cheap and desirable assortment just received litis week, at lus Mammoth 6 tors U . f lU.NU (JUANT. Vwes-ury, isnusry II, 181. To the Democratic Voter of lTorthnm - Zetland County. . HAVE hrtn ImlniTil to pprinil my nama to t.a iiacil In t-.nn.Tiion wilh tbe iwrninailnn t tbe l.KUIsbA tijUH, al tbe snsulng Demo trsilB primary rlactioh. , . Tim aclirliaiion of mans warm personal Wenils fej""b rmla of our county havs prrllail homlnal's sfl)l-r anil aliouli) lne at-e proper to well ss a duly, to il..jlll be pit raaur, aa trniiiiiy of my r wn con.iiiMenV, Vi,?",,1"' tbe tSlale anil counlrv al lar(to. ' J. WOODS BROWN. Turlint townahip, July 8, 1 R01. AUDITOR'S Martin K. Ilacliman, now for Ibe uae of Abraham Uohncr . Henry W'cisff. NOTICE. In the Court of Common I'leas of V Northumberland co. Yen. Ex. No 3ft- AuguatTerm, I HO I Notice ia brtcby givpn that llie undcrwiuneil Auditor, by Ihe aaitl Court to diatrilule the monira in Court, in the eliote cane, will altund for that purpose at his office, In Hunbury, on Turmlay, tha mh day ol October next, when all persons intcreatPil msv attend, if they think proper. HARRIS PAINTER, Auditor. Kunhury, AuRiiat 24, IP6I. . The Great Cnre for Consumption. If you have a colJ, uae V laha't a Tine Tree Tar t'or.lial ! If you have acuuub, me Wiahart's Pine Tree Tar CorJial ! If you have Aatlima, ucn VVisliart's Pine Tree Tar CorJial ! If you have fSoro Throat, ue - WiHharl's Pine Tree Tar Cunti! ! Ifyou have llroncliilia, uxe Wiahart's Pine Tree Tar L'or.lial ! If you have Consumption, use Wialiarta Pine Tree Tar Conlinl Wishart'a Pine Tree Tar Cnnlinl ia an iinfuil ing reinrdy for iliarase of llie Kiilnevs. Urinary . MiiMuinis, uiiiiu auu uiceiiing rues, nervous llehility, and for female weakness and Irreau lariuee. The well known efficacy of Pine Tree Tar in the cure ol eiternal alli clloiia or Sores, pointed it out aa the Natural Kemedy for what Pliyaiiiane call Tubercular jll'ecliotia (lhnt is to a;iy, Mores.) upon trio Lunga. It remained to uncover tlie bet rneana of application, wlik-li diacovery ha been made, aa a ilioumnJ tuatiiuonials prove, Ly uie rroprietur nt ifhnrl'a I'ine Tree Tar CorJial ! Ifyou have DVlPKPflA. use i ixliarl a tireat American Dyapcpsu rill ! A sure cure Warrai.ttd for one dollar, or the Money Kcfundcd ! IJoy a b-x and take them accordinir to direc tiona, arid if they do notcurejou, the money will be returned. AiitMi Wm. M'eimer, Norlhiimhoiland. A. W. Fischer, Nunhury. Call at cither place, aud get a descriptive Cir- I.. Q. ('. Wiahart, proprietor, Xo. 10, Xorth econJ, PhilaJelphin. Aucuat 111, ISHI. ly SUNBURY STEAmTeRRY A K 1) T IMYINUBUA T C O M P A N V. r1ItAVK!.l.ER8 and others aro respectfully inlormeJ thai the aubwriber, in order to ac commodate Ihe public and facilitate travel, hna reJnced the rales of ferriage at his STEAM I'KliKV, over the Huaqiiehanna, at Sunbury, and will carry Paaaeiiftera, lloraea. Carriages, and other vehicles, at the lullowing ratea, vis t Fool Pasaengera, each fi cents. Horao and h'ider, 15 " Horae and Jlueny, S5 ' I wo-Horae Conveyance, 40 " Farmers and others, wishing to transport Coal and Produce, can make arrangements at still lower rates. A large, safe and rommodioua Steamboat will rnn regularly and promptly at all houra of the duy, and to accommodate those who desire to it- tend Ibe Churches at Sunbury and fcicliiicgrovc, the lloat will run on Sunday. Itie ritc.inibont will run from Market street Warf, and promptly convey Passenger from bolh aidea of the liiver, without delay. Ihe team rerry now ailorjs not only a safe and convenient transit over the Susquehanna, but also a pleasant and agreeable ride. 1I!A T. CI. KM KM Leasee and Proprietor. (Sunbury, May .", 1SCI, A Good Chance for an Enterprising Man M1H E siil.scrilwr wanls a partner in the Mar a. ble business, a sober perservenng man who ti can apeak both the bullish and lerinun huiRua' ges, to one llial will suit, no cash cupilul rerjuired r or paiticulais inquire ot JOlliM A. I A i I.UK. Northumberland, Aug. 3. IHfil 3in BLACK SILK COATS. Gored Mantles, Poplin Dusters, Freni h Saquea, Silk Oasuuinee, Newest Designs. Ready Mode, or Made to OrJer. I'UOI'EK & Ct). All, N E. Corner Ninth and Market, Philadelphia. May 18. IHfil. TO THIS VOTERS OK MJRTH U.MUEH- LAND UOCNTV. Fellow Citizens : I pfler myself to you as an Independent Union Candidate for REGIS J Kll AND REC0K'IR. Should my ellow citizens aee proper to give me niaj.irity of their votes, I pledge mysell to a faitbful performance of their duties of the oflice. ft 1 tit Vt . UKA X. Sunbury. August 17, ISUI. "fancyTurs 1 ! Joint Farlrii. 7ld Arch Street, between ?tli.. anil btlt.. Sim.. (. HI 8 Mnrttl,) J'hiltirMpltia, FANCY 1VHSW t.'?ef lniwler A Manufacturer TfiyiivK 111", anil Healer II kiiula Pim!' '"' l''AN V FL'H?1, f..i 1 K-iWr l."ui'a.' Maaea,' and Clol f i f, B;f4 Weal. "fl 'y' u -A ' -- ed and ui lnii, niy usual luilaler A Manufacturer ' r H' A 4 iaetn ut ail tua Vlinnua ZZZ-JkVYr l l a anil iualilir ( Fnra, rnitai.leil to Ilia tall aun Winter tfrnsnna, J suld respectfully Tttuile an exaiiiinatliin tf my atoek and price fniin tliime inlemliiift to puri'tttifte.. as f am etiiililrd lu ullur tliein very ilevinilile iiMliteeiitenls. All my r ura have item purehaatl l'r mm. aim rnana Ity eaperienceil lianils. an. aa the present maieury linublea render it neresttirv tlini t shuukj tlurHise ut my imxIs at a Very Kllinll nilvanea nil ct. 1 am aalitfieil that it would lie to Ihe inteteat of lliuse whu devian nutelitisLc. In aiva uie a ti.ll. rsr Ueculleelllieiuiine, iiumiier amiaireri: i. rallera, (New nr ftore,! 7IH Aleto Street, I'nwiUelpuia. .fent.7, 1SIII. Stn. Assessors. FMIK Asepssors of Northumberland ('onn ty. mliuse bueinms it is to make: tlie tri ennial aafaameut, are bi'ri'by Dollliod that tbe books lor that purpose, are now ready lor ae Uveiy at Ike Comuiisaiouera' OtTico. S. V. JOKI'AN. Commiasioners' Otllee, ) tiuubury, Auk. 24, 'CI. j To the Votert of Northumberland County. 17KL.I.0W CITlZKNrli From the encour. - sgciiisiit I received from dilla'snt psrla of llie county, 1 orler myself as candidal for the otlics of ASSOCIATE JUDGE. subject to lbs uaasee of tbs democratic parly, and if elected, will perlorm lb duties justly sua tor partially Is the bssl of my ability, - ABKAHAM SHlfMAN. I.ovf AofQita township, June Vtb, Uti. V&aW-i' Taxes! Taxes I Taxes! rMH2 Hoard ofcluiol Directors aud 8uicrvl - aora of KouJa in lownaliips whpra tinaeaied l.anda are situated, ars licrrliy rfiuealed to fur niali the Coinmiaaionris of Morlliuniberlar,d caunlyi rith the isle per cent for lbs years IttuV l, on fuliool snd i'oad Tas ft. U.JORDAN, Cleik. Commliwionrr's tflice, ) funlmry, July 7, '61- ( . IHE LATEST STYLE OF Sterna AND SUMMER OA. MENTS, ARB liONA ,TIjY iaAtJE st the Fashionable Tailoving Establishment of u J. COB O- 33 23 0151, mantel mrcei, MtVtJVflV, prt. '"r'HE suhacriber ban just received an. I 0,,r,) J Irvn Mj)rlnii.iO MI'IMf: AMI WITIL. MKlf GOO UK, auchss CLOTHS, OP EVKUY DESCRIPTION eV qtJAI.ITV Plain and Fancy Cassiineres.Vestings, &o of the latest styles. In addition to his atoek he la ronstanlly receiving new auppliea from the ritv keeping a full sasortiurnt of tbe moat substantial and latest style nf (io.ida in the city murkots. He ia prepared to make to order all kind of O'eiitlerueii'a ami ov's wear, such as UREss COATS, FROCK-COAT.. BL'SI NESSCOATS. VK&TS. PANT A l.OpNS. &.C...&C.. of the very Intn'.Ht atylo, and in tha most substan tia! manner, al short notice. Any Goods not on bui.d, will be furnished from Philndelpbia, by giving two day'a noiice. fW Call and examine my atock, no charges made for showing. JACOB O. DECK. Sunbury, May II, 1 fil. JOHNS & CROSLEY, SOLK MANCFArTUUKRS OK TIIK IMl'ROVEO GTJTTA PECHA C E M E N T 11 OOFING, The cheiipest mid most litirsMe Unpfmg in use. It ia Fire and Water l'rwif. Itonn lienpt'lied to new nnd old KiHfsnfn!t kinds, snd t'j Sliinf;le Ktivl's without removing the shutgies. The Cost is only about One-Third that of Tin, and it h twice as Durable. OUTTA r K It C II A CK M K N T , For preseviiiir and repninnf Tinnud other Metnl II oof nf every uenTiitiion, (ruin lis great einaticiiy, is imt injureU by the emi nirtii'ii mid exrtiiHion of miluis, mid will not cntrk it cold or run in wiirm wen th-r. Tiienv iniiientils Imve In en thoroughly lesttd in New V"?k ami (ill nuns ol the Southern nnd Western States, and we cun give Qbundunt.pioof of till we clmiii in their fiivnr. Theynre readily upplicd bv or umry labor ci s, ut a tri rluiR expense "NO HFaAT RKqriRF.n." These mat er mis me put up reitdv fir use, ntul for shin- pin to all purtsof the country, with full piinteil directiuns I'.tr Hpphciiiion, Full descriptive circulius will le furnish nn applies tion dy inn 1 1 -r in pernist our I'rincipHl OtHee hiiJ Wurt Itouse, ?H WII.JM SlKEtir, (Corner f Lihuity Street.) New York. JOIIX3.V CROSLLY. Agents Wanttd ! Terms Cash ! I J if e I. 1-01 ly ATTENTION Tlie Uml Military Uookevcr Published KO'.V KEADV, BAXTER'S .r VOLUNTEER'S MANUAL Cnntninine full instructiuns for tho KEI'lilTI', in Iho Schools of the Soldier and Squad, given In I li c most Mmile Nyle, and all ihrt iiifornialion iirrrsaury fot Ih'u f.irtniiiR of C'OKI'H OK HUME iIJHl3s. Illi'struted itli over 1 (10 cupravinea, showing tlie Lliflerent l'lis liulis i:i tho Facings and Manual ol Arms, and coinh'le directions relative tu Loading and Firing. Arranged ac cording to SCOTT'S SYSTEM OF T.NTANT15Y TAC TICS, And in conformation with the army require ments for the present War, by U.CVI. 1. W. C. BAXTER, of the National tiuard. THIS BOOK IS OFFfCIALl.Y Al'PKOVKl) OF. 'J'lie instructions given are of the urente im portance to the rew volunteer, and should he thoroughly understood, being indispeusuble to the instruction of a company. Hound in one volume, l2mo.,62 pKOs, Paper Cover, price 25 cents. Flexible Cloth, UH cents. The frit! lie Work Is also pnblUhed in the German Lancuage, at Ihe same price, and ia the only Herman Book of American Taciics pub" lished in the Lniled Stales. Agenls and Canvatsert Wanted. To engage in the aalc of this Work, in every I 'iiy, Town and Village in the country. Price per Doxr.a Copies, jj.'M0 l-iliy " f.UU " Hundred ' 15.00 All orders sccumpnnied wiili the Cash will be dispatched immediately, either by poer or express. II ordered by post, Stamp must be enclosed lo pay pOhtuge. II by express, tlie fleiglil can be paid on delivery. SONG FOK TH K The Camp-Fire 'J'ouipamu. A New and Oiiginal Collection of Mililary and Patriotic Songs; adapted especially for the picseut Campaign. Due Vol. l.ino, Wlla 11- lusltulions. Paper cover, 15 cla. Flexible Cloth, "5 cts. Single Copies of Ihe above Bonks mailed ii:j:e of postage. To any addresa in Ihe I niti J 6'tates, upon re- ct ipt of the price, by K1NU ii BA1KD, 1'tiulers and Pi.llishers. UII7 Kuscim tSr., Philadelphia. To whom all Orders should be addressed. May 18. IM.I. tit A K V. a E ei Rich Figured Uaregea. IU, 25 and 31 cents. Barege Itobea. s U 5U. 1 1 UU and 0U, Moxanibique lfobes at $5 Oil, Truveling Oresa (lords, Hiephurd'e Plaids, Mohair Plaids. ' (iingham'a, I. awns. Prints, Challies, Grey Figured Goods, COOPER A CON AIM). 8 E corner Ninth and Market, Philadelphia. N 11. Best quality Hoop Skirts, 'Jl cents to S 25. May IS, lni. J A M K S 11 A U li Ell'S V, 1IOI.E-AI.K AM) kt:iAII. CLOCK' ES TA BL IS II ME XT, H. ii. turner Arcoim ami hrstnut ti , riilla!cll!.t. VGKNOV f.w lliel'A' I.N T r.l I Al l'.lli I .Ilifl'V UAV CI.OI KS. meiyuism.i.le i-la CKXrV f.w Ihei'ATf.XT f.l I - A 1 .1 V. I N r. 'I' ! II 1 1 "I-V es. lloleis, Hanks, Counlii x Houses, Pi.rlor9. u. Mniiunicturer m' KINK IjUl.U I'l.'.fc riirks re.inieU aial waiiautiHi. lH-a 'I'iiiiii ol every tie.riHtu. I'lnlailrltihia, l.u.uary In, ltl)l.--.!y 4A.NIIOOI. IN A r5KAI.r.l) EX'l. ; - . - ..... , .... ......... . ....1 U.ii..l A I.r.l I I n r. on ina nmuis, ,rt.,iiiiieit,, i iU,.iniit,iiiliuM. or Seminal W'rtl.HeSst-xi.Hl lie. lulily, Nervousness ami iuvnmiitarv eniissions. f.riKlueins iliHioleliey, CiuauiiiHiolianl Menial and Thy'"! Ueninty. U IllJbT. J. t "IXVKIt WH.t., M V., Tha imp.. nam fart that Ihe awful eouaatuieia-ea of n il almso may ue elleclually removed wriihnui iiileriial emea is the ikiiasroua anplieatinis a eausiiea, lustra .uld l.uiea. oilier ei.ll'lncal il. vis.-s la here clearly li .nlllie entirely new anil lustily auceeisful Ireaimeiit, as ,.ieu hy the .eleliisted auilior t-iS'Sx terir"? .u,...l.. .ll the ailverlisi nostruaia of llie day TSis lecture wiU proves b. l thouaandsand iIx.iis.ihIs cut uml seal, iu f plaia envolo'. any Kldieaa. wist paid, uiitie rrecipt of iwo p.ttiig .uunps, by audiaasiiit. IO I H J , . . ' - . ..... bos 4e- Aftuv, tsm.-iyaJ IMPORTANT T0L0VEB3 OF (23 OS QD tQ1 I3U URIGHP&SD.N, Invito attention to their Stock cf I'rimo Uruca and Black Toa. June 15, IH6I. HLf jslc jjh fsa. JI SUMMER GOODS 1 AT PRICEH 70 SUIT THE TIMES. b. sr. nniGHT &. con, UAVE RECEIVED OF ALL KINDS OF GOOES H A ND S 0 M E, D U B A. B L E A X U CC2 '1323 -.5k. GREAT KARGALVS AND Splendid Inducements TO AT THE ONE P1UCE STORE, OF E. Y. BRIGHT t b'OX. Sunbury, June 15, ISGi. J. A. CUANDAL'S PATENT SPRING HOUSES 470 BROADWAY, W EV VOUIT. Mhould be in every family, School. Gymnasi um, Asvlitui, and Hospital in Ihe land. Are not DANG KRi'L'S, like tbe common Rocking Hirse. Miinds firm on its Pedestal, will not wear C ARPETS, and has no Kockers to injurs the Feet. 'Health auJ happiness In the'iUe." N. P. Willis mm FKOM THE "HOME JOCRXL." (If all th child fumitureiwe have ever seen no article combines ao much of those tw o iinpor I it. I thine' health ami happineas aa tlie Ad justable Patent !tee I Spring eiaddle Horse, in null. I by li sse A. Crandall, II is not ilKtier- I oua, IH.e a common rocking-uorse, la ihilUrni t feel, cdiiiioI be upset, does lint wear carpets, but i., .i.l - lorn on ils bae. and ils action is ao likst , ,, r . i;... i .k ..l. kin tlie (tallop of l'e horse thai Ibe child never weaiusotll. I iis .uii sioi t niiii novtities w ex cf e.'wntly clegniit and artisiiu in design ; and so stljustable, su;'sl jnli ii, uud durable, that it will l.t a lifeliuiH. ll is indispensable in every f.m.ilv where there are cbildien. It shoubl tu ! in every ptiuiary acbool and cninaium in ihs rge Slid slrot g ! jnouch lo smlaiu grow n liersoiis As a ;x .1' sl.ii i p ... .... '. for photograpl.ic puluiea, uutbnig is inure Uauit- iui. Every Otpban Asylum anJ In.lilulion rher children are rousrrguted, sfioutd be furnished with a number of tliea.- besuiilul ariiclee 1'hey ars lilted wilh side-s-,ll' "hen required." tuwKCTIXS FOK AnjLT.TlX.nn. . , vt 0f le y M aui;iriu1i t0 lowi Is I X' to then raise or lowe", ,K rtorae "" eerww ins duiis til ins Side vers wi'' i j These Horses sre WAKRAFTKD- on 'Mshi It, Ictll.if