Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, October 05, 1861, Image 1

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NEW SEMES, VOL. 14, NO. 28.
Oil) SERIES, VOL.22, NO 2-
The Sunbury American.
Market Squart, Sunburp, Pinna. '
TERMS OF 8 U B C R 1 V T I O N .
(ru-n miLLAR er annam to tw roiid half year.
y in advene. No r xraa discniitinged until ALL arrearage
are paid.
Three Copies to one address
firrm do. -,
t 00
10 00
to 00
Fifteen do. ao.
Five dollars In advance will pay foi three year' eub-
eefipiioii to the Aineric.n. .
a uslinaslers will Im act ae our Aeents, and frana
Mterscoiitamine; eubacription nmr. hhjj !
led to do thie under the fuel Office Law.
One qimre of W line1 3 time,
Every euhsfqilenl inaertion,
tiieS)ttnre, 3 month.,
fix months,
Jne year,
unaln,4 Cards nr Five line., per annum.
l 00
) no
( oo
8 no
Merchant, "nil olhere, adve-tiBiiur by the Y
with the privilege of inei ling different edi
tisemrul. weekly.
UT Larger Advertisements, a. per agreement,
10 00
We hnve connected with our establishment a well ee"
lerted JOB OFFICK, which will enable n. to execute
in the nenteit .tyle, every veiieiv of printing
S. 3. jwasseju
Bruin. attended to in the Ceufities of Nor
mmberland, Union, Lycoming Montour and
References in Philadelphia!
Hon. .fob R . Tv.on, Chaa. Gibliniis. Esq..
Sonier. A, Snndera.., Linn Smith A Co
attorn c y at Caw,
No. 11 Hrosuiivay, rY?w Torli.
Will carefully nttend to ColleclUm. and all otliet matter--ntm-ted
ti hi. enre.
Muvlil. lSSr.
Cor of Howard and Franklin Street, a few
Squares West of the A". C. It. I!. Depot,
1 1 per Dt
O. LEISENRIXn, Proprietor,
July Id, 1S3 If From Sehni Orove, l'a.
Importers anil Dealers in
Cloths, Cassimeres. Vesting, Taylors
Trimmings, &c,
No 32 Sotilli Fourth Street, between Market and
Cliff nut Si recta, Philadelphia.
Merchants oihera visiting the city would find
it to their nilvminge to give them a call and ex
imiria their stork.
March 10, I860
Attorney iSj Counsellor at Law
WILL attend faithfully to the collection ofclaimi
and all prol'essiontil buaineaa in the countiea of
Northumberland, Montour, Union and Snyder,
oiin.el civen in the German language,
fit Ollice one door eaat of the Protbonotary's
Sunbury, May 26, 1R60. ly
(Tits induct-men's to Merchants and Tourists visiting
ew York, unsurpassed hy any lintel in the Metropolis,
t'he tollowiiur, Are among the Advantages which it pusses
Kt. and which will he appreciated hy all ttuvelere.
lit. A central litctumn, convenient to placea of bu.ineai,
la well .1. plncc. (if nmuftement.
Vl. rcnipulouily ctciin, well furni.lied aiiti infr room.,
,vnh n niagniticuiit Milic Hatlor, commanding an exten
aive view of Hri'HilwHy
3d. I iti;e nnd .uperlily furnished anting riom., with a
iiinsn.fifiit Turlor, einumaiiding an cxleinive view of
till, lieinsr conducted on the l uropean plan, vi.itnr.
on. live in t lie heal .tyle, with the greate.t econon.y
Stli. It i. connected with
'I ;ij lor n C'clclriif etl Saloon.,
where visitoL enn hnve their meal., or, if they deaire
thev will lie fiinii.hed in Iheir own room..
S:h. The fn:e .erved in the Calonne and Hotel ie ae.
kimwleihied hy epieniea. to be vastly euperior to that of
anv other Hotel in the city. ....
With nil thee artroniancji, the eo.t of hvinf ill the
International, i. much below thin of any other fir.t rlam
Hotel. GilON A CO, Proprietor..
Auru.t 4, ISOil.-rlv
CONSTANTLY keep, on hand all kind, of
Confectionanea, Fruit and Toy a, which lie
i nelling at wholesale and retail. Having the
neceitaary machinery tie., he ia manufacturing
all kinda ofToya. and keep, up hia atock. ao that
purchaseia will not bo at a loea for a aupply of
almoat any article they may deaire.
Juat received, a large lot of applee, which heia
telling at wholesale and retail, at low jiricee
(Jive ui a call. .
Sunhury. Maruh 5. lSfil. tf
SPALDING'S l'reiircd Glue, and Shelleja Muciiage
Price per bottle and Ikii.Ii i5 cent.
""Coriliul Klixir of Culiasya Uark A Uenxine.for removing
Snnhury, March 17 IfaCU.
DLERY. AUo, the heat assortment of Iror
Naila and Steel to be found in the county, at the
Mammoth .lore of FIULINU cV GR ANT.
biunliiiry. June 2, I SCO.
t1KA h tllS ! CRACKERS, juat received
J and for aale by the barrel or pound, at the
Confectionery .tore of M. C CEAHH ART.
Sunbury. October 13, I860.
KeroMfiie Lamp.
A VKHY LARGE and cheap assortment will
be found at the Mammoth More of
aupply of Macaroni and Confectionery at
r mi.iiu at uiia.i x o.
ftunhury, June 2, 1 8 HO.
bar bottle tor aaie oj
OK DRUGS at the
Jx. Mammoth Store.
Alao, a new lot of per-
fuiuery, Soaps and Fancy Article. Very cheap.
Sunbury, May SO, IftftO.
AT the. Mammoth Store will ba found a
4 very largw aaeortment of Skeleton. Skirts
from seven hoop op to thirty.
Oct 6. 18ri(). FRILING St GRANT.
R Iron. Steel, Nails, Pick, Grub-Hoes and
Mason Ham mere, at low pricea.
Bl'.H.HT V60.N.
Bunbury, June 1S0.
than can be purchased el.e vhere.
Juat received by Railroad tliis week.
Sunbury, December IS, I860.
THE SUMMF.R TERM nf the Sunliuty Academy will
commence on ther-.h of April
The couim of instruction einbraeea every depait
ment tit educntion btuali, in our best Acarieiniee. preparing
aturients one ciihet for a proiessiou or to enter any class in
college. I'i'.n v(iAniLn;
Common School Rriinehrs, SI 00
Higher Knftli.h llranclie., 5 ift
Latin and (ireek liiguaitea. . TOO
Tuition to be paid before the mMdleof the term.
Hoard enn lie hud in Drivata tam.liea at fiom 1 73 to
8J So pel week.
r, uli r. i rruicipiu.
Sunbury, March 30, leSO.
Itelliiighiiici's i fit Uralfd
For the Whiskers and Iluir.
Tlie aubscriljera tnke iileusure in uniiouiiciiig to the citi
Sen. of the United Snot-s, thnt thm liiive olitiuied the
Agency for, and uie n w enutiled lootlvt lo the Auiericnu
public, the above ju.tiy cclebruice and v. urid renowned
The Stimulating Onyufnt
ia prepared by Dr. C. P Hellingiitim. uu eminent phsician
of London, and i. watrunted to bring out n thick set of
K7ii.v(Ti or Moustache.
in from three to six weeks. The unicle i. the only one
of the kind used by the French, and ill Loudon and i'a.
ria itiaiu uiuverriil use
It is a tienutilul. economical, soothing, yet stniiulnting
compound, nciing hb it' bv limbic upon the root., cousing a
befltiful growth of luxuriiuil hnir If ni-pl led to the sculp,
it will cure bHlihic.s, Hint cause to spring up in place of
the bald spots a fine growth nl hair Applied according
to directions it will turn red or towy hnir dink, nnd restTe
Srsyhnir to itsotigiunl color, leaving it a ft, .tnNith, and
exihle. The 'tinguent'1 i. an nidi.pi-nsilite nilicle in
every genii, man', toilt-t, and after one wek'a use they
would not for any eousidcrai ion tie without it.
The aubsenber. ate the only Agent, for the article in
the United Unites, to whom all orders must be addressed.
Price One liollni a box f-r snle by nil Druetritf. and
Dealer.; or a b"X of the 'Ongut'iil" (warranted o h'lve
the de.ired cflVei) will lie .eul to any who deaire it, by
mall, direct, seculelv packee, on reccif-t of pi ice and post
age,f Lib. Apple to nr iirMrcss
Druse ist. c, !M St., New Yntk.
For sale at this office.
March 30, p-ei.
H. E. HOOKER &c CO.,
l'.OrllKcTKR. N. Y
JOHN W. BUCHER. Local Agent, Sunbury
rilhe tubacriber, having been appointed local
A Agent for the snle of Fruit Ireeu, plants.,
vines, &C. of one oil lie most reliable Nurseries,
cull the attention ol all who waul choice fruii to
this method, aa more cei tain than by obtaining
them through ttnveling agents. Among those
described in the Catalogue are. Dwarf Pear
Trees, of the age for transplanting, remarkably
warf Apple Trees, on Paradise Stock", ma
king beautiful little trees for the garden, and pro
ducing remarkably fine specimena of Iruit in a
very short time.
Dwatf Cherry Trees, budded on Muhaleb
Stocks, handsome trees.
Standard Apple, Pear and Cherry Tree very
Cno, with a large lint of varieties.
Peach, Plum, Nectarine and Apricot Trees.
Gooseberry, Ulecklwrry and Strawberry Plant
all of the finest kinds.
Currants, many new and improved varieties,
such a Cherry. White (irupe, lute Goudouin,
Red Grape, Victoria, Ac.
Strawberry Plants, in great variety, including
the Hooker, Wilson's Albany, Triomphie ite
Gand, (the most approved old varieties,) aa well
aa all the novrliiee.
Grape Vines. including those line, new, yet
well tested kind, which no planter should be
without, such i Delaware, Concord, and Hart,
ford Prolific. These we have propagated ao ex
teneively a to able to oiler them at reduced and
satisfactory prices.
Plant, Roses, Kvergreena and every variety of
ornamental trees and Shrubbery, securely packed-
JOHN W. BUCHER. Agent, Sunbury Pa.
Sunbury, Febuaiy, 9, IHbl.
New Millinery Goods.
Klisaj 31. I. ,l al.i:i,
foicn Street, two doors south of the Shamokin
Vulley I'otttville Hail lload,
1 KSPKCTFULLY tnfoiins the citizens ol
SUNUUUY and vicinity, that she ha juat
received from Philadelphia a large and si leinlid
assortment of the moat tttshiouuble and latest
style of
CE 3" S3" OB EP S3 ,
which she is selling at the most reasonable price
lo which she directs the attenuon of the ladies
and invites all to call and see I hem.
Thankful for past patronage, ahe hopea by
keeping to beat assortment at reasonable price
to continue the same.
Sunbury, April 13, IWI. Sm "
nAVINU purchased the atore lormerly kept
by A. W. FISCHER, he would respectfully
call the attention of the public to hia well select.
ed stock ol
Oils, Dve-Stufla, Varnishes, Perrumery,
Ailicba, fine Hair and Tooth Brushes,
I-a nr V rnap. Trusses. Ac.
Physician Presrripiiona and Family Receipt
aecuialely compounded at all hours, by an axpe
lie need I'rlizm'l anil ApMtieeary.
REMEMUER the ,iUi, under the office of
the "Suuury American."
mrburv, June It Itrtl. J-Taoe
Select: ocfri)e
Two armiea toiling dny and night
Hy bridge and barricade
Or riy the henrthplnne full of might,
Each working for the trntb and right,
And neither ooe afraid.
Two armies j one of noble men.
All strong, nnd alern, nnd brave (
Forward at rluty' mil and then,
It metier not the how or when,
To glory or th grave.
Their ennn'ry'a glory n their own,
Thejr common grave, her ahanie ;
Their watchword Union, that alone.
Thniiyh on the field their hoals be gtrown,
Shall lead them yet to fame.
Two armiea j hnt the one
A fnirer aadder ait lit ;
With steadfast purpose, ell a one,
W it h a ekeninc labor. nee done,
Toils feerlesg for the fight.
Daughters of meo ! we know yon now
For what you ever were ;
Angels with calm unclouded brow.
Before whom every man should bow
lo penitence of prayer.
Though death should come, and come full
ooo, .
We fear him nevermore :
We ask of heaven one nnly boon,
And pray beneath the pint-id moot),
VVlio oever rayed before.
"Oh, Lord, within thecnming strife,
Sad war of kindred blood,
Grant strength to every soldier's wife,
Tench her to do without his life,
And so reward the good."
By every tenr damped thread nhe draws,
By every needle' gleam.
She links her heart's blood to the cause,
She biuda her soul to arm our laws,
Wounded hot to redeem.
Oh. soldier in your camp by night,
Betbiuk you ol her toil,
Mow you are linked, thouifh dead in fiihl.
By golden soul rajs glimmering bright
lu sorrow and turmoil.
Linked to a nobler soul on earth.
By weak bands of thread ;
'Twus woman'e love that giive jnu birth.
Her lov hll bind, come gtief, cotnu initth,
The living to the ileaiL
Nine years ago you came to mo,
Anil nestled on my breast,
A soft und winged mystery
That settled here to rest j
And my heart rockt its bah nf bliss.
And soothed its child of air.
With something 'twixt a snug and kiss,
To keep it nestling there.
At first I thought the fuiry form
Ton spirit-sott end good
To fill my poor, low nest with warm
And wilely womanhood.
But such a cozy peep of home
Did ytiur dead eyes unfold ;
And iu their deep end dewy gloom
What tales of love were told I
In dreumy curves your beauty droopt,
As tendrils lean to twine,
And very graciously they stoopt
To bear their fruit, my Vine I
To bear such blessed fruit of love
As tenderly increased
Among the ripe vine bunches of
Your buluiy breathing breast.
We Cannot boat to huve bickered liot
Since you and I were weil ;
We- have nol lived the sinothent lot,
Nor found ttiH dimmest bed !
Time hulb not puesed o'erhead in stars.
And underfoot in (lowers.
With wings that slept oo Iragrant airs
Through all the happy hours.
It is our way, more ftite than fault.
Love's cloudy lire to clear j
To find some vntue in the salt
Thai Fpsiklea in a tenr
Pray timi it all come right at last,
I'ray God it so be full,
That when our day of life is past
The end may crown it all.
HlDsoM Mo., Sept 23. The following
account of the siege of Lexington ia furnished
to the bt. Louis Republican, by Henry
Lirail bur ii, one of Colonel Mulligan's soldiers,
who left Lexuigtou on Saturday morning.
I ue but was stirreuilered on rriday after
noon. I he men biugbt jor utty nine hours
without water, aud had only three barrels ol
viuegar to quench their thirst.
Uunng uli thul lime there were uo springs
or wells of water in the camp ground, aa ha
been staled The supply of water was
entirely from the river. There were hrean
works ull arouud Ibe camp, with tbe excep
tion of lh portion next tbe river, li was
here that the hardest lighting took pUce.
Tie Rebel procured a large numbor of
hemp bales aud rolled tbem IU advance and
uuder their cover graduully succeeded in
securing a position in the rear They then
cut oil the supply of water and bad the fort
completely surrounded.
I bey made but lew charges upon the
bieuslworks during the entire siege. Their
object seemi d lo be to surround the fort and
cut oil llio supply of water.
Having succeeded in this, they awaited
until Colonel Mulligan was compelled to
yield to a loe more terrible lhau the 27.00(1
Ut-bel who surrounded bun. Previous to bis
surreuder be ottered lo take a position on a
level spot of ground sod give General Price
the odds of lour to one in a fail opea,
but no attention wus pud to it.
lri.vcT, HI.. Sept 24 The list of the
killed at Lexington, as far as ascertained, is
aa follows :
First Illinois Cavalry. Privates Charles
W. W bite, Samuel G. Hernial, l. Nettle.
J R Palmer. G W. Davis, William II
McDonel, Cyrus K.Tregu, C. Scbouble, John
tlurly, Daniel Sheely.
The horses aud all the arms were rutaiued
by Gen. Price.
Communication with Gen. Prentiss la still
out oil', nothing having been beard from bun
Since yesterday.
Military meo to-re do not regard the simple
capture of Lexington as injuries, but, iu a
mere military poiul of view, tbiok it to our
Extracts of a 8peech of Daniel B.
The following exir&tttare from Ihe speech
of Daniel 8. Dickinson, at a great meeting
in New York city, on Friday, the 20th alt t
He had never voted an oppusitinn ticket,
in whole nr iu part, in hia life. And when
ever the Democratic prty had been divided
he had always at Inched himself to that
portion of it thut he demed most national.
No bastard Democracy for bim, and no
spurious Democral either and he would
drag all such lio'o their hiding places. He
would tear the Veil froti the faces nf their
Mnkannas and show t lie in np in all good
time to the popular iiidgnatinn. (Cheers.)
If New York was on fire, and lh destructive
element was raging, th tre engines arriving,
and the fire bell giving out the dinger on
every hand, who, under fnch circumstance!
would wait to inquire whether the bouse on
fire was that nl a Democrat or a Republican,
or to what political partj tbe inmates be.
longed? It a great pestilmce was devasta
ting ttie land it the people were all being
shovelled into a common sepulchre together
end con&ternatinn reigned on every side,
would they undertake to ground political
parties on it ? No; ihey would act together
and pray to heuveu to avert the common
calamity. But they were threatened with
an evil tenfold more dangerons than pesti.
letice, fire or famine. The government of
Washington ihe only gr"ot free government
00 eurlh was threulened with destruction.
A great army was in the field to put it down.
A mighty rebellion, with nil the elements or
war. was thirsting for its overihrow ; and
right in the midst of these dau'erA, they saw
t-curvy politicians attempting to aid their
enemies, ut whom the slow onmoving finger
or scorn shull be pointed, und who ehll be
scourged from the temple of liberty with u
scourge of cords. The great patriotic heart
of the people must rise nbove the miserable
consideral uinv of parly, and net together.
Anil trhofvtr attempts, under any vame, or
designation, or any pretence whatsoever, to
tnttourutje parties nl thin time, is an enemy to
the. country ami very lillie bi tter than an oju n
traitor. ( I cheering ) The rebellion
has ulreudy gained on its terrible proportioned
from the aid und comfort unit encouragement
It bus found iu the treachery of a mincreiuit
pre-. it iius to'in.l aid and comlort iu
compromise, und in other attempts lo aid it
ol one Dame nr mud her
The party 8 inp ithiring with rebellion tell
you lluit the President of the United Stales'
hns viidiileit the coiistilulioo. But they say
nothing of their turn President M r. Confede
rate President DaviK Oh. no j he has not
violated the const tution, but Ahrahutu
Lincoln has. How? In attempting to dis-pog-
of bimI put down an infernal lehellion.
(Cheers) In doing this the President com
mitted, in t lie eyes of the pence party, an
unpardonable sio. He would tell litem that
the President wnM Ihvh done e great ser
vice if, ulntiii wiih suspending I tie batieus
corpii; act, he hud Mi-pend (1 some of the
peace pirty nnd apologists of the rebellion.
(Cheer ami cries ,, I lint's good " Better
late tli mi never, however. (l...uuliier and
cries ot " I'bat's SO.") If the PreBluellt hail
done less, he would have been open to
impeachment. It was Ins duty to Seizo every
traitorous spy, spotted and leprous, who was
attempting to break down the constitution,
aud lo punish them. n ordinary limes the
press had a right to discuss freely the mea
sure of the government, Bud that was what
was meant hy tbe liberty of Ihe press. It
was one thing to discuss the principles of a
government, and nuutber thing to sap and
uesiroy a government. And when the press
attempts to apologise f..r and stimulate
rebellion, it was guilty nf treason, und the
duty of the President of the United States
wa to put it down. (Applause.)
He had seer, iIim accuised serpent of re
hellion from the moment it wu hatched, and
Dow he would live to see it God grant it
crushed into the very eBrth (Enthusiastic
applause) They who aided It directly or
indirectly, were as guilty as those who were
in arms against the government. I too, said
he, am opposed to war so much opposed to
it that ! would, if possible, bring out the
red artillery of heaven to ctunh this rehellioti.
(Good ) But yesterday a young bride was
called on to wreathe her brniiil flowers with
widow's weeds ; and you. peace me-i, are the
cause of her st rrow. Raise jour blood red
bands if you can, you inlnuioue wretches, and
aid this rebellion flintier (Cheers.) He
cared not for political men or deeds in this
grout emergency. Let every man do his
duty. Let I he wail of children go on, an I
let the moan of woman's prayer be heard in
Heaven. The bow of promise arched itself
in the distance. IJnd protect Ihe ship of
State in this her hour of peril, fcihe is safe,
she is sate! TIih buttle is won. And he who
has fought with me, who has fiuiahed his
course, and has kept the l.iith. has done bet
ter thun all the miserable politirul organiza
tinns III existence. The people and ptess or
Great Britaio are attempting, out of pure
euvy, to annoy this great republic, but they
will timi, when Ihe spirit of the American
people is aroused, that if Hint wus lo become
the question, they would cut the fast anchored
i-le of Great Britain from ber moorings
(Cheers.) 1 trust a belter spirit will prevail.
1 trust that Great Britain will learn Ihe
difference belweeu an infamous cul-throal
rebellion and one of the greet Powers of Ihe
earth as a free government. Whenever she
does that and doe it manfully ami thoroughly,
1 urn prepired to acknowledge the otdigaliou
we shall owe her; but when I see her
attempting to give every back door aid and
comfort to domestic traitors. I intend t,o
arraign her before the judgnfjeul of tbe
civilized world.
A Rotired Queen.
A correspoudeul of the London Times
thus describe tbe ex-Queen ol Naples in Ucr
exile j
Those who have, as I have, gazed with
interest on the mild. soQiewhat arch, yet
ingenuous countenance of the ex Cjueeu of
Naples as it appeared two years ago portray
ed in tbe Alinanach de Ctoiha, tliore whose
best feeling were enlisted in behalf of a
true-hearted German girl, doomed to waste
her sweetness in a court of which Ferdiuand
1 1, was the head, must hear a ith regret the
reports current in ibis count ly about I t
present doings. Married to a better husband
brarssed with uhildieu. placed in other bands,
under proper Control, Sophia might have
been equal to any fate ; hut the applause he
slowed upon the show of bravery by which
lie illustrated the fall of ber husband's boose
have been tun much for her. Tbe laurel
wreath got up in her honor hy the ladies of
Berlin has inade her giddy The royal
Bavariun will never lire of playing the
heroine. A good English riding bshit ia not
Amsgoniun dress enough for her. Sheehow
about Rome, too genra Iv. in man's attire
a breach of femiuine delicacy only to ba
xcoisd b extreme circumstsocei. With
her lord's privileged neither garments she
affects also manly swagger and bluster. She
' smokes like a sailor and Swears like
trooper." as if that looked prelty or sounded
eraceful. She hectors her sisters in law and
has pitched battles nh the Princt-s and
Princesses of the House of Itonrbon The
members of the exiled family have constant
bickerings among themselves; they peck at
each oiher like chickens tied, to the same
string and dangling from the bund of the
honsewife who e carrying them to market
tho.e true emblems, as the poet said, of
partners in misfortune. High worrls end
angry screams are heard from th Quirinal's
windows. Plates are sloed at the royal
heads, end fly intj Ihe streets, to the gr-at
seandul of tbe Swiss guard at the Palaco
The Quepn, thnngh rohhed of her sceptre,
disdains lo handle the distuff; she curries
her dread revolver at her side; she delights
in the exhibition of her skill ; she aimed at a
cat. H e oilier day. in the Quirinal garden a
fine Syrian cat. gray long-tailed end hairy
who was basking in Ibe morning sun, (the
Queen is np at live.) on tbe wall hanging
over the grottoed fountains, and waterworks
which are one of the .even wonders of tke
city of Seven Hills. Purring, and stretching
and gamboling, did the nnwarv tabby luxuri
ate In the sense of blessed existence, when
the Queen look aim. fired, and the poor thing
leaped np iu the air, hit through her head,
and dropped down like lend into a basin of
water beneath
Ilia not pleasant to have such deeds to
record airainst uny ludy. but private letters
Buy it. and stories nf that nature were hardly
worth getting np If they were not true ; and
the correspondent goes ot) informing us that
the said pns belocged to a Signnra llerluz
zoli no less a person than Cardinal An'.o
nelli's sister, who occupies some apartments
in Ihe lower stories of the immense Papal
lesidence, and th it the bereaved gentlewoman
run to her brother's office, and stormed and
raged, und called for vengeence for her feline
favorite; end it is added that Ihe Cardinal
soothed her end assured her that revenge
she should have, nd tabby's manes should
be appeased, for that Ihe ex Queen would
soon find the Quirinal too hot for br, and
she and her family and her murderous revol
ver. with bag and buggoge, would have to
Early Decay of American Women--Mrs.
Stowe. in her book of travels in Ku
rnpn, makes the following sensible remarks
oboot the comparative beauty of the women
of England and America :
A lody asked tne Ihe other evening I
thought of the bounty of the Kngltsh ansto
cracy; she was a Scotch lady, tiy-the by, so
thai the question w is a fair one. I replied
that certainly r port hud not exaggerated
their charms. Then came home question
how the ladles of England compared with
Ihoae of Arnenca? '-Now lor it, patriotism,"
said I to myself, and invoking to my aid cer
tain fair saints of my own country, whose
faces I distinctly remembered, I assured ber
that 1 had never seen more beautiful women
than I had in America. Grieved was I to
add, '-hut ynnr ladies keep Iheir beauty much
longer." The fact stares one in the face in
every company; one meets ludies pagt fifty,
glowing, radiant and blooming, with a fresh
ness of complexion and fullness of outline
refreshing to :ontemplate. What can be the,
reason? Tell us 'Muses and Graces, wbal
Can it be ? Is it the conservative power of
sea-fog and coal smoke, the same which keeps
the turf green, and makes the ivy and holly
flourish? How conies it that our married
ludies dwindle, fade und grow thin, thai their
noses incline, to sharpness, and their elbows
to angularity, just at the time ol life when
their island sisters round out into a enmfor
table and becoming amplitude and fullness ?
If it 18 the coul and sea-fog, why then
I am afraid we shall never come up with
But perhaps there may be other causes
why a country which starts snme of tbe most
beautiful girls in the world, produces so few
beautiful women. Have not our close.
BtovH heated room: something to do with it ?
Above all, has not our climate, with its
alternate extremes ol heat and cold, a tendeo
cy to indue- habits of indolence ? Climate,
certainly has a great deal to do with it ;
ours is evidently more trying and more
exhausting, and because it is so. we should
not pile upon its hack errors of drefS and
diet which are avoided by our neighbors
They keep their beauty because they keep
their health. It has been aa remarkable to
me as anything, since I have been bere, thai I
do not constantly, as at home, hear one and
another spoken of aa in miserable health,
very delicate, Ac. Health seems to be the
rule, and not the exception For my part 1
must say the most favorable omen I know of
for female beauty in America is the uiellipli
calioa of water cure eslablishmeats. where
our ladies, if they get nothing eUe, do gain
some ideas as to the necessity of fresh air,
regular exercise, simple diet, aud tbe laws of
hygiene in general
rti i) it Wit hiu the past week, an old gentle
man, from Dauphin county, Pa , who, though
seventy eight years of age, is still hearty and
hale, visited Washington lo see the city and
meet hia, relations and frieuds who have "gone
to the war." He was warmly received, and
every attention paid to his comfort by bis
friends. During hia stay tbe old gentleuiao
frequently remarked that it would afford him
much pleasuie to see General Scott. Tbougb
calls lor anything excepting urgent business
are carefully avoided, yet his desire wae so
great that bis friends deeided to ask for an in
terview for tbe otd soldirr. The favor was
tr mted. The General bad just risen from
dinner. He received hi visiter with great
cordiality, and thanked bim for calling
General, General," remarked the old gentle
man, somewhat overcome with emotion, "1 am
glid lo see you. Tbe lust time I saw you I
was iu tbe ranks at Luody'n L ine. 1 remem
ber well when yon passed along reviewing
vntir army, with your wounded arm in sling.
Yes, Geiieial, it seems but aa yesteaday, but
it is a long time since. 1 have eome from
Peuns' lvania to see you aud to See Washing
ton. M auy of my friends have gone into Ihe
army, and 1 said to my sons that 1 should like
once more lo tight for my blessed country
against ita enemies worse enemies than for
eigu foes aud now, at the close of life, to die
on the field ; but 1 am too old, en1 yon wou'l
receive me. General, good-bye ; G id prosper
you, and prosper the cau-e " The General
pressed ttie hand ol the patriotic old iimu, aud
sent him away with bia blessiag. The inter
view was one of peculiar luterrst to the par
lies themselves, and do leas to those who
were present. The allusion to the wounded
arm at Lundy's Lane brought up old associ
lint', and tbe great contrast iu the circum
stance surrouuding Ihe war then and lha
war onw flashed, a be remarked, through
General Scott's mind, and ceitted eoiuliua
wlioh bt could not cooceal.
Col James A. Mulliaan.
The following sketch of Col, James A
Mulligan, the brave defender of Lexington,
Mo., nas been furnisher! to the Detroit
Advertiser, from a gentleman who bs been
intimately acquainted with hiui for the past
C ve or su years :
Col. James A Mulligan was bnrr in the
City of U licit. New York, ill IbM lonrlH'JU
anil it cot.seq lently iu k- tbirlv. second year.
!Hi paifoits were umiv. s or Ireland. "His
' mother, Bflt-r tbe death of bis father, which
look place when he child, removed to
voicago, wneresue nas riJ-J with her sou
fur the past twenty three year She mar
rind a resectable Irish American in Chicago,
named .J ;chel Laotry, wko bas steadily
welched with a f.ther's solicitude the
p ti ding mind of the brave young soldier.
He was educated at tb Catholic College of
North Chicago, under tbe superintendence of
the Rev. Mr. Kinsellar, now or New York
city. He is a strict member of the Catholic
church. In 1802. 18.5U, ad 1854. he read
law in the office of tbe Hon. Isaac N. Arnold,
Congressman from the Chicago district. For
a short time he edited the Western Toilet, a
snmi religious weekly newspaper, iu Ckncaio.
Io 18"6 he was admitted an attorney at law
In Chicago. A I ibis time he held tb? position
of second lieutenant in tbe Chicago Sbielde
Giiads, one nf tbe companies attached lo tbe
Iribh brigade, now in Uis-ouri, and which
hag done so well at Lexington. In tbe
winter of 18"7, Senator Fitch, of Indiana,
tendered him clerkship in the Depurtmeul
of the Interior, lie accepted the position,
and spent the winter at Washington. During
his residence in Washington be corresponded
with the Utica Telegraph, over the nnn tie
plume of 'Satan." Alter hi return from
Washington he was elected captain of tbe
Shields Guards. On tbe news arriving of
the bombardment of Fort Sumter, h threw
his soul into the national cause. The Irish
American companies held a meeting, of whom
he wus chairman. Shortly afterwards be
went to Washington with a letler, written
by the late Senator Douglas on hit death
bed, to the Presioent, tendering a regimcut
to he called the ' Irish Brigade." lie was
elected Colonel, and immediately went to
work with a will. The course of tlia "Uri.
i'Bde," up to the buttle of Liiugtnn. is well
known ; it has nobly, bravely, aud booorably
done im duly.
Col. Mulligan is worthy of all praise. A
purer, a better tnun, does not live io the
State of Illinois. Since he w, able to tell
the diSerence between ale and water, glass
of spirttuoua or tnalt liquor bas not passed
hn lips. He is rigid temperance man,
all hough in.- ia jocund and whole-souled lo
fault. He is six feet three inches in height,
wilb a wiry, elastic frame. a large, lustrous,
hniel eye. an open, frank Celtic face,
stamped with couruge. pluck, and indepen
dence, surmounted with a bushy profusion of
hair, tinctured with gray. Ilouorable in all
rejtion8 respected hy all b- bag won his
way by uoliring industry and unquestionable
courage. On the 'Jbih day of October, 16:"i9.
he was married to Miss Marian Nugent, by
the Roman Catholic Bishop of Chicago.
A tine scholar, a good speaker, a brilliant
writer, a promising lawyer, was he when the
banner or the Union was insulted. Now be
is long may he continue eo one of ihe
brave defenders of the Union. Ia one of hit
last letters received by the gentleman above
ullnded to, he says: "If 1 die, I full in
defence of our laws and Constitution, let my
example he followed by all by every man
who loves the fame and renown of the fathers
who made us a great and honored people."
Pleasures of Picket Duty.
A correspondent of the New York Trilmne
descrihes the pleasures of picket d-.iiy and
excitements which attend it. According lo
his view the Michigan troops are about the
best fellows at this kind of work. They lie
in pits about six feet long and one deep, with
the earlh thrown op in front as a breastwork.
I lie men when they first go out are nervous
and cautious, but twenty four hours are
enough to get them used to the business, to
a- to be able to estimute its risks and guard
against its dangers. They prefer a corn field
for picket duty, both Tar its protection and its
rodder, and the denuded corn-cobs are ranged
alone the earthen breastworks in imitation
of cannon and make quite a formidable array.
Here the pickets lie watching an opportunity
to try their skill upon a "secesh," occasionally
varying -the amusement by dancing or
waving their bals upon a corn stalk, to
irritate their enemies The first species of
amusement is fretpiently interrupted by the
necessity of dropping down so soon a they
seethe smoke of a rifle or hear the singing
of a Minia ball The r ige which is sometimes
excited by these provokinganaoifestations is
very amusing, and sometimes the "secesher"
is incautious enough to show it in a way
which brings half a dozen rifles bearing upon
his person, and generally with an effect that
quiets bim. Describing these operations he
says :
Fur half an hour, they say aff.ira have now
heen rat her quiet ; hut something is expected
soon. Soon, indeed. "Down," is the word
again, and this lime not ooe, but half a score
of bullets rush by and overhead. "That's
the prima donna," says one. It seems they
have learned to accurately distinguish the
sound of one kind of hall from another. A
rifle is a much more cheerful weapon than
mere musket. It tings The muket only
grumble and buzzes. One rfla sings ho
shrilly and sharply that the call U the prima
donna. "Prymer domier" is their way of
putting it. Hut to tb warm salute tbey
make oo immediate response. Presently
another of the tame description comet, end
now tbey think it ueeds attention. The
weapins are carefully sighted, resting on the
breastworks, the meo kneeling. One after
another they pop oil in Ihe direction of Ibe
nearest rebel lint. There ia notound thence
for five or ten minutes ; but, with a glass we
toon tee three men moving slowly up Ihe hill
one feebly and druopiuyly supported by the
two others.
Perceiving an unusually large group npon
corner of the rebel earthwork, one of our
men prepares himslf for a long shot. After
adjusting his piece; with the tight elevated to
the full one thousand yards, he i about to
fire, when a Companion, who is spying through
a glass, say; "Hold op. women up wuiofij
thetn !" The rifleman lays down h's pi-ce
with a tigb he bad been sure ot scattering
them that time. It always happens that the
shot which I interrupted, nipped in the bar
rel, as it were, it just tbe one which would
have done more damage than any other shot
on record, bad it ouly got fairly off. Tbe
rifleman will have tome kiod of sport for
compensation. He retreat within tbe coru
field, cute a corn stalk, trims it, and, return,
log. perches hit cap upon the end, and bobs
it above bit rampant. It instantly becomes
become a mark for rebel veugeauce. After
a tcore or two of tbott have been discharged
straight at it, be alowly pushes it ofl aloft
eight feet or to, disclosing the full etttot of
the corn stalk, whilB ni cnmpmioni Jump
erect .nd tint derisive choruses In a loud
olce. Thus the rickets s-rive to alu-viate
tne wearo rigors of their duty.
Cari or Old Appl Thset.-Many farm
er, who have old appi- orchard are neglect
ing them, and io many case cutting them
riowo to make room for young trees. I'bis ia
had policy, to say tbe ea.t." Old trees, by
II e.ercjse of. iittle core and tkill Im man
agtng them, may be made almost at product
ive as ymDf P0.,( ,nd Ju mocb Bhortef
time. All that is ttitially requisite to in
sure this result is to trioj thern. carefully cut
ttng away .l diseased and broken limb, and
to free the trunks and larger branches of the
tcurf.od trots, and afterwards to insert grafts,
care et the tame time being taken to lighten
lb. soil and make it rich, especially in the v.
cinity or the roots. J0 renewing to old or
cbnrd, aomething like tbe following cooree
may be adv-oUgeously pursued, tbe proprie
tor having Crsi eiamined the trees and deci
ded whether they bave sofficient vitality to
"en" 'ormer oergy under proper treat-
In April or May we sbonld remove tbe
rough bark from tbe body and large limbs of
the trees with a scraper, en implement like
those used by ho.t-bnilders lo removing the
roam rrom the sesmt or boats and vessels, and
a'terwardt scour the entire surface with a
mixture or sharp sand and ash-s. mixed with
oap .nd water. Every limb should be treat
ed io tbe t.aie w7. whether large or small,
tbet can be come at conveniently, sod care
taken that all tbe most aud rough bark il removed.
A SptiKKT Tknaxt. A late London paper
contains tbe following advertisement : "A
gentleman who it about lo leave the bouse io
which he resides, and beiog detirous of re
turning it to his landlord in the same condi
tion in which he found it, will pay a fair price)
for COO full grown rats, an acre of poisonous
weeds, and a cartload of rnbbish ; the weeds
to be planted in the garden, the rubbish left
on the dour step, and the rats suffered to ruo
loose through tbe house. Address, Jtc."
Ciiaradk Can any ol onr readers solve)
the following charade? It has been stated
to be by the principal of a Can: bridge college,
but we know not with what trntb:
A Headiest man bad a letter to write,
'Twus read by one who had lost hia Sight,
And the Dumb repeated it word for word,
And he was Deaf who listened and heard.
Trig Qcality or Wheat. Tbe perfection
nf tbe grain of wheat depends npnn the quan
tity of potash it contain" : good wheat harms-.
j by analysis, as much as 3fi$ per cent, ef not
; l. and poor wheat hot 26 por cent. Juur-
nui sj noyai a g. society.
A promising young man may do very well
perhaps a paying one much better.
Jkah Pavl srys love may slumber io a la
dy's heart, but it always dreamt.
Drrss plainly the thiooest toap bubbles
wear the gaudiest colors.
Why is a lover like a dog? Because bo
bows and he wows.
A H Kit pkckkd husband declared that the
longer he lived with bis wire the more be wat
smitten by her.
Tbe good deeda that most tons prefer that
their Tnt hers should leave behind tbem am
real estate deed.
In society all kinds nf evil lie
nnder smiles, as reptiles lie io tbe shad?, under
Never open the door to a little vice, lest a
great one should enter also.
There are reproaches which praise, and
praises which reproach. .
He that would enjoy the fruit must Out
pluck tbe flower.
$f ripes,
PlCKt.iNa Cl'Ci MHKRS. As a general thing,
sufficient care is not taken in pickling cucum-
oeis, anu large numoers or them spoil in less
than three months' tune. The following me
thod we think ihe best :
Select a safficient quantity of the aice yon
prefer, wh'ch probably cannot be dooe at the
aatne time Put thein in a ttone pot, and
pour over them a strong brine ; to this add a
small bit of alnm to secure tbe color. Let
them stand a week ; then exchange the brine
for clear water, iu which they must remain for
two or three daye. Boil the best cider vine
gar. and when nearly coi l pour i ver the ctj.
cumbers, having previously turoed off the wa
ter. Prepared io tbit manner with the addi
tion of cloves, allspice, mustard und ciuiiauiou ,
boiled in th- vineiiar, pickles o every kind
will keep for a year, lu picklin cauliflower,
tomatoes, and other vegetables which easily
absorb the vinegar, tbo spiced vinegur should
be added when cold.
Marino Bekswax Beeswax is easily made
by putting the refuse parti of tbe hooey comb
into a coarse bag wilb stones or iron enough
keep it. wheu put into a kettle of water in
tbe bottom, and then boiling it until ihe wag
is melted. And the wax when cool will be
found on the surface of the water, and all it
needs it a second melting and pouring into
vesseh of suitable siKd to tnake tbe sized was.
cakes you desire.
Lrnog Cistabd Pu Gruto Ihe rind of a
lemon, and alter squeezing it until yon have
all the juice, wash the pulp iu a teacup of
clear water, then add the water to tbe grated
nud, and one teacup of sugar ; put it over
the fiie, and let il boil hard. When a little)
cool, and an egg well beaten, and a table--poouful
of flour ; baka with ao upper and un
der crust. One lemon makes a pie tbut will
make u editor laugh.
Pt rr C.k. Six cups of Uower, st eggs,
four cops sugar, half a pound of butter, two
cups ol milk, four leeapooufult or cream of
tartar, two waspouufule ol toda, aud one of
Fruit Cake - One cud of butter n.i of
cream, three of sugar, lour of flour, live eggs,
one nutmeg, nua pound of raisins, a small
quantity or clove and cinoamon, a spoonful
anu uau oi sous, ana one oi cream ot tar
lar. I'HirKEM I.Ii'MA an,A anrinklino offresk
air tUcked litae or of sulphur, or powdered
brimslooa ia the Dealt and around tbe coops
..r (erti.B ahii.t-H. will liiii, riA ull n.t th...t,
both yooag and old, of that pett, tbe cbickea