ijulcgrapjjtc, gj.cbs: GOOD NEWS FROM MISSOURI. orriciAL lmiMTtll rHO.ti GfeKEftaL Flight at th Rebel ander Martin Green-lap Iwr ol Uaggage, Prolton Bad Munder. Warhinoto, Sept. 12 The following de p.tch km received to-night ft, the headquar let of tbe army : , .J .... St. Imvw. Sept. 12,1801. IV Pl V. D Tnwnaend. Assistant ArijU tant Ueneral :-Tb report of OeuVral Pope, r. ceived to day from llunnevilie, ny that he made night march oo Martin Orecn last Sunday, who, Uowerer, roi nonce ui ui. . proch i but was anccsasful In continuing tbe diversion of 3.0U0 or the rebel force, leaving IIPIIIUU llirui iih.u H"S ..--.. - --- .,. ) alio the Dublin tirnnerty aeired by Oreen at Shelbouro. Uen. Pope's Infutitry m too tnnch fatigued to pursuit. I bu Dorse mea, however, continued tha pursuit ten or fifteen rutle. until tbe eneny was compeleiy icattered. Tbe railroad east of BrookMd is opeo, and no more Secession camps will be made within twenty miles. Oneral Urant telepraphs that tbe Grst gun ia in puiliou at Fort Holt, Kentucky. (Signed) tlntis C. FkEMONT, Major Ueneral commanding. THE LATriST FROM THE It KB fcb ST A T F. Lolisvii.i.k, Kf.Sept. 12. Tbe Richmond papers are full of doleful descriptions of tbe ravages of sickness lo tbe army of the Potomac. The Union prisoners in Richmond now number fourteen hundred, aod are confined in five tobacco warehouses. Uy recent orders no more visitors are admitted to them. Newspaper are denied tbeui, aud tbe supply of coflee and sugar cut off. Capt. Gibbs, of Florida, has been appoiut ed Prurost Marshal for Richmond. The panic io North Carolina bas consider ably subsided, and fugitives from tbe coast towns are returning to their homes. Charleston papers state that within a month fourteen vessels have entered Char leston, aud thirty three tbe Wilmington harbor, and that in the same time one hun dred aod eighty thousand dollars in duties had been paid lo collectors At New Orleans John Ross, chief nf the Cherokee Indians, publishes a statement that nt a mass meeting on tbe 21st ult , bis people authorized their authorities to form an alli ance with the rebel government, and that a mounted regiment, under Col. Drew, will be raised fur the rebel service. COL. JOHN A. VASIIIGTO SHOT. Ci.iRK8iiLBO, Va., Friday, Sept. 13. Tbe rebels . commenced an advance on both pikes yesterday morning toward Klk Water aud Client Mountain summit. Tbey succeeded . in surrounding the fort on the Summit, and cot tbe telegraph wire. Tbey continued to advance on Klk Water until within two miles of our troops, when a few shells from Lnomia's battery dispersed tbem. Skirmishing was kept np all nigbt. This morning two regiments were sent to Cut their way through to the summit and succeeded, the rebels retreating tu all direc tion.. Two rebel officers spying round the camp at Kik Water this morning wore surprised by our pickets and shut, Tbe body of oue was brought into camp, and it proved to be Hint of Col. John A. Washington, of Mouut Vernon. Washington, September 15. About one o'clock this afternoon two of the Rebel pickets detained at Muntmn's Hill ventured heyood their picket line, when tbey were fired on by our sharpshooters. As they were both seen to fall, M is supposed that tbey were killed. Several companies of Iierdan's Sharp, shooters have arrived. Tbey will be distrib uted in detachments, among tbe brigades, for tbe special purpose of picking off the leading Rebel ufiicers in case of uu engagement. They have been anxiously looked for, and will contribute as much to tbe success of our urms as tbe artillery. By a strict account having been kept it is ascertained that seven hundred shots have been tired by tbe Rebel pickets during tbe list week, of which our into kipdly returned fifty. On Inst Thursday a peace meeting was sailed to take place at Ruckville which was projected by a number of prominent Rebels iu that place. Uy order of Gen. Uaoka a considerable force of Federal troops was on hand at the hour appointed lor the meeting, who arrested some twenty of tbe most noted iudiviiluuls concerned therein. In pursuance of orders from tbe Secretury of War, the Quartermaster General of thH Army is directed to take the necessary steps for the registration of the graves of soldiers killed in battle, or living in hospitals. Frieods of the dead will herealter have little difficulty in 6ujiug tbe remains or their relative. wbo full in tbe war, aud are buried here or in tbe South. The Richmond shoe merchants urge the discharge of all the shoemakers from the army, aud their employment in the manu facture of shoes, composed principally of canvas. PlllLADKM'UU, Sept. 13. W, II. Winder recently arrested in the armory of the Philadelphia Home Guards fur treasonable correspondence was sent to New York for Fort Lafayette this afternoon. The correspondence discovered was with Breck inridge. Davis, Burnett, &e. Roth copies of his own and those from correspondents, from which it appears be assured Breckinridge bis coarse in the Senate was approved of by large numbers of tbe best men in the north wbo were only awaiting an opportunity to overthrow the rule of mobs, and that many of his Home Guards belonged to that organi- lion ouly to disarm suspicion. Pbint or Rocks, Sept. 15. About three o'clock this afternoon a force of five bundled rebels attacked a portion of tbe troops under Col. Geary, stationed about three miles above Harper's Ferry. ' Colonel Geary commanded in person and tbe Ggbl lasted about three hours. Tbe enemy were driven from every house and breastwork, and no less than seventy-five of tbem are reported killed and wounded. Oar loss is one killed and a few slightly wounded. Our troops behaved like vete raos. Companies U, D and 1 of tbe Twenty eighth Pennsylvania regiment, and two companies of the Thirteenth Massachusetts, were engaged in the conflict. During the bght a rebel was seen taking aim at Col. Geary, when tbe Colonel grasped a rille from a soldier and shot him oo tba spot. Our troops are iu fine spirits, ECCSSIOMSU "Mr-PtD IN THE BID." Baltimore, Sept. 16. Tba police are arresting tba secession members of the Legislature as fast as tbey reach this city ou their way to Frederick, so that there will he no quorum to morrow, nearly three-fourths gf the members of both houses being secessionists, aud it is presumed that they will be all arrested. Tbe arrests this evening are Messrs, Den nis and lleckart, of lie Senate, and Maxwell, Lauding, aod Rayim, of tbe bouse. Let those who want to "compromise" with traitors, "slind from under." The catherincr avalanche of a patriotic public sentiment will crush lo atoms whatever shall attempt to impede tbe prosecution of tbe war until Utoioo I squelch. aUCCEISFCL FIGHTS A0 SKtmmill-:. A 1 CHEAT MOllftJTAI. Col. John A. Washington's ltody Returned. Three Tennessee ! yiment Diverted at : Cheat Mountain. A Larrge Force Driven Back from Elkicater. Ki.kwa.tfh, Va, Sept 16. Tha body of Col. John A. Washington was sent over to the enemy yesterday, tinder flag of truce. While on the way it was met by a similar flag coming from the enemy for the purpose of obtaining Information as to his condition. On the 12ih Inst , a detachment of 800 men from the 14lb Indiana, and 24tb and 25tb Ohio regiments, dispersed three Tennessee regiments, under Gen. Anderson, on tbe west side of Cheat Mountain, completely routing them, killing 80 and obtaining most of their equipments. Our loss was 8 killed. Tbe enemy made an advance on Elkwater on tbe same day witb a force supposed to have been 15,000 but they wore driven back by detachments from the 15th Indiana, 3d aod Gib Ohio regiments, and shells from Loo mis' battery. They have "retired some eight or ten miles distant. A strong force of Arkansas, Tennessee and Virginia troops also threatened the east side of Cheat Mountain, but they have not yet had a general engagement with tbem. A shell from one of Loonus guns thrown two miles into the enemy's camp, killed ten aud wounded four of them. Tbe Thirteenth Indiana regiment bad a severe skirmish witb superior numbers ol the enemy on the 12th, and killed ten or twelve of them, witb but trifling loss. As the enemy advanced on Klkwater, their column was handsomely checked by a detach ment of the 1 (tu Indiana regiment. Lieut. Morrill of tba topographical engi neers, was taken prisoner by tbe rebels while on his way to Cheat mountain. THE BATTLE AT LEXINGTON. Jlivorted Defeat nf the Utbtlt. St. Louis, Sept. 17. General Sturgis, with one regiment infantry, two companies of cavalry and one o artillery, took possession of St. Joseph on Friday last. It is reported that a battle took place at Lexington yesterday, between the Federal forces there and the Rebels under Martin Green, in which most of the latter were captured. This needs confirmation. Another bridce was biianed on tho Ilanni. bal and St Joseph Railroad, a day or two smce precipitating the locomotive into the stream and killing the engineer. J FKFKnsoN Cnv.Sept 1 7 O ther accounts say General Price left Warrensbnre, for Lexington, on Wednesday night. Reports are current that Lexington has been captured oy tne uetieis, tin l they are not believed. 11 is confidently thought in mililnrv onnr. ters here, that Gen. Sturges, lias by tin's time, reached Lexington from St. Joseoh. and that Price will be cut oil or forced to rotreat. Quite a panic prevailed at Georgetown on the receipt of tbe reports from Lexinstnn. and many families fled, fearing an attack from the Rebels. All is quiet here, end no nppre hensions are felt of an immediate attack. Jkfkkrson City, Sept. 17 A special despatch lo the St. Louis Democrat says : A man namen U ninth arrived here to-dav and states that on Saturdav last General Price with 17.000 men had surrounded Lex ington, and had sent a summons to Colonel Mulligan to surrender. Col. Mulligan refused, when Gen. Price is reported to have sent word that he would give him until Monday, at 4 o'clock to surrender nnd if he did not do so then be would march on him with a bluck fljg. TllR RKCENT CaI'TL'RK OK M ARTt.ANDF.KS. Washington, Sept. 17 Copt. Stuart is the name of the officer from Anne Arundel coun ty, and who commanded the body of dragoons, and, who, together witb three residents of tbe same county, were captured by a company of the Kentucky Cavalry, and brought to Wash- nglon Ijst nig In. 1 he Captain says tbat it is custom in Lis county to organize patrol guards for tbe preservation of slave property, and be was so engaged when captured. This 1 guard, he says, is commissioned by the Gov- ! eruor of the Slate. Their papers havo been I tiled with Uen. Curler, aud tbey will buve an early hearing. Tun Maryland Sf.ct.ssion Orpinante. Upon tbe person of one of the Rebel mem bers of tbe Maryland Legislature, arrested in Baltimore, oo Monduy, was touud a coi'V of the Secession Ordiuuoce, which it was intend ed should be passed as soun as practicable af ter tbe opening of tbe eeesiiai. As there is uot much propubility of a quorum being pre- seut, there need be no apprehension of the passage of tbe treasonable document. Ex Mayor Bkiirkt Visits tub Prf-pidknt. Ex Mayor Berret, having returned from his involuntary sojourn at Fort Lufayette, visited tbe President to-duy. LATK WAR NIWI. Three hundred now muskets bave been found at Baltimore, supposed to have beeu concealed by tbe infamous police of that city.. I he untie!) brig "Alyslery was seized at New York yesterday. She was from Have, na, and bad instructions to run the blockade. McM asters, the editor of tbe Fieeman't Journal at New York, has beeo arrested for treason. Geo. Fremont bas arrested Col. Frank Blair, Jr., at St. Louis, for using disrespectful language towards bitn in letters intended to secuie his removal. From western Virginia, we bave news that Gen. Lee, wfih the main army of tbe rebels, attacked our United States intrenched forces at Cbeat aiouutain, under Reynolds, oo Sun day, but was repulsed with considerable rebel loss, and little or none oo our side. Colonel McCook's regiment took seventeen prisoners. Gen. Cox was advancing along the Gauley ri ver against Wise and Floyd, who were retreat. ing Further accounts speak of a skirmish in which 300 Ohio and Indiana ttoops dis persed tbreo Tennessee regiments, at Klkwa ler, completely routing tbem and killing 80, while only eight of our men were killed. It turns out that there was really a fight on Ibe Kansas border, between the rebels under Gen. Raios. aud tbe U. S. forces under Mont gomery, ltuios having gone lo Fort Scott, seized eighty Government mules and killed the leuuister. Montgomery went in pursuit of him, attacked him, killed several of bis men, took some prisoners and drove bioi elev. en miles, when, encountering the main body of tbe rebels, be fought a hard battle, but having but one piece of artillery he slowly retreated- Mooigoinery bad live hundred men and Rains several thousand. Tweuty-tbree negroes, the property of a re bel, bave beeo declared free under Fremont's proclamation. uov. jacusoD Das estsuiisneu bis capital at Lexington, Mo., or rather itsteods doing so when be gets it, and fur that purpose Geueral frice, witb 13,000 rebels, bas attacked II; but it was strongly defended, our troops being entrenched. Tbe 40th Pennsylvania Regiment, 1.000 strong, left llarrisburg on Monday. Ueneral tluller bas commenced raising six New England regiments for special service. Fourteen slaves escaped oo Saturday oigbt from Sewall's Point, aod crossed io a catoe to Fortress Monroe. Tbey represent tbat pro visions are scarce io Princets Aoo ei only, aod that there are oniy live hundred troops at Sewall's Point. The blockading squadron is returning. to Old Poiot. Miss Dix spent tbe day at tha hospital at tbe latter place, and expressed herself highly pleased at its condi tion. Captain Dyer bas beeo transferred to Spriogtvld, Ua.-e. !tlsut l that tha rebel steamer York- j t w i in iron plat J. I 'I lie Secretary of Slate is engaged In tbe natier nf the proclamation of tha Oaptaio Utneral ol UnOa. A rebel schooner has mo tbe bl ickade at Galveston, Texas. The greatest distress pre vails In that Slate. A pirate, with four six founders, bas arrived at Minatitlnn. Tbe IT. 8. steamer "Illinois" is on tbe lookout for her. General Reynolds reports oo change at Cheat Mountain. The pirate-ship Snmter is said lo be at Suri nam, destitute of coal and provisions, and her captain bad threatened to lire on tbe town un less supplied. Tbe New York Daily Newt bid farewell to its readers on Monday, Tu National Loan Tbe New York Herald of Friday last says : Over one million dollars were paid into the Sub Treasury this morning by the subscribers to'the National loan. The heaviest sum sub scribed during the day was one of $100,000, which came from one of tbe most prudent and conservative financial institutions of tbe city. A Urge individual subscription Qrty thou sand dollars was made by an old, careful and highly conservative merchant, who informed the Sub-Treasurer, on tendering him his cheek for the amount, tbat he bad come lo the con clusion that it wag his doty to lend b's monoy to the Government, and that, moreover, he considered it an excellent investment. Seve ral $25 000 subscriptions came from financial institutions, and the usual mixed assortment 'from individuals. Tbe subscriptions of to-day show what will be done when Mr. Chare gets his five hundred agents fuirly at work in every town throughout the North. The Govern meot need feel no apprehension about' money. An exchange says : "Fasten a nail or key lo a string and suspend it from your- thumb nnd finger and the nail will oscillate like a pendluin. Let some one place his band under the nail and it will change to a circular motion. Tnen let a third person place his hand npon your shoulder and tbe nail becomes in a moment stationary." New Advertisements. Estate of Henry Weaver, Deceased. Michael Weaver, ") Writ of Partition or vs. Valuation issued out of The heirs of Henry the Orphans' Court of Weaver, dee'd. J Northumberland county. Returnable to November Term, A. D. 1861. 1st, Christopher Weaver; 9(1, Jesse Weaver, who died before said intestate, leaving a widow, Eliza Weaver, and the following named children, being grand rhildrea of said intestate, to wit : Ann Kliza Weaver, Charles Weaver, George Weaver, Marietta Weaver, William Guinn Weaver, John Weaver, Ruth Weaver and ; I.uther Weaver, the last eeveu of whom are niinois; 3d, Michael Weaver; 4th, Joseph Weaver, who is now deceased, leaving issue one child to wit : Minerva Wearer, a minor; 5th, Elizabeth Uoullon, formerly Weaver, being now intermarried with Willium IS. Uoullon; filli, George Weaver ; 7th, Sarah, intermarried with John Cuthhert. Yu'i and each nf you are hereby notified that by virtue or tbe above writ, lo ine d reeled, an impicst will be helJ at tbe lute residence of said Henry Weaver, deceased, in Norlhuni1erland comity. Pennsylvania, on Thursday, October Kill), I KG I, at 1 1 o'clock, A. M-, lor the purpose of making partition of, or to value and appraise the real estate of said decedent, to wit : Two certain messuages aud tracts uf land, situate in Hush township, Nortbumberlaud county, Penna., one thereof adjoining land of Catharine Haucha wout on the North, and nf Philip Weaver on the East, land of Harrran Kline, t) P. Palton and Martin Weaver, and the CattawUsa road on the South, and land in poessiori of Peter Uaugha wont on the West, containing otio hundred acres wiili allowance, more or Isss, whereon are erected two two-atory frame dwelling houses, a large frame barn, wagon house, a good spring M water, an orchard, 4c, the whole of which is cleared and in a good slata uf cultivation. The odier thereof bounded on the North by land of Christian and William Rbians aud land nf Philip Weaver, on the South by land of said Philip Weaver, and on the West ly land of Catharine Ilaughawout, containing twenty acres, strict measure, moro or less, witb the appurtenances. At which time and place you may attend if you see proper. DAVID WAI-DKON, Sheriff. Sheriff flfllce, Sunburv, S.pt. 14. 1861. TREES! TREES! rHE undersigned invite attention to their -A- large and well grown stock of FKUIT AND OliNAM EN'TAL TKEES, Shrubs, Vc , embracing a large and complete as sortment of Apples, Pears, Peaches, Plums, Cherries, Apri cots, and Ncciarines. Standard for the Orchard, aud Dwart lor the garden. English Walnuts, Spanish Chssnuts, Hazle' nuts, iYc Kubhernes, Strawberries, Cu'ranU and Gooseberries, in great variety. GHATES OF CHOICEST KINDS. Asparagus, lihuharh, Ac, &e. Also a fine stock of wail formed, bushy EVEUGKEENS, suitablo for the Cemelry and Lawn. Deciduous Trees lor street planting and a gen eral assortment nf Ornamental Trees and plow ering Shrubs. Koscs of choice varieties. Camellias, Bedding Plants, &c. Our stock is remarkably thrifty and fine, and we oiler it at prices lo suit the times. XfT Catalogues mailed lo all applicants Addresa EDWARD J. EVANS & CO., Central Nurseries. YORK, Pa. September 14, 1861. 3in AKOTIIUll A It II I VA I OF SEASONABLE GOODS, AT THE M A M MOTH S TORE ! OF FAILING & GRANT. Sunbnry, September 7, 1861. FANCY FTJESI1 FAMCY rURSJ! John rarcirn. 7IS Auch Street, between 7m., and tth., ii., (., 818 Afurktt,) I'hiladrlphia. Importer & Manufacturer f, and Dealer in all kiiuls of FA.MIV FL'H, foi , l-ad.,,' Misses,' and Clill- V-ureirs wear. J1 HHvini now msnufaotur- ad and in slots tny usual riargs ana ihmuiiiui sssoit KTraent nf all Ilia vnrinua 'SSfXintaBSSS- l!"li qualities of tors, jHjeVX iji siliipted to tha Fall and -ssasRgS Winter Omshiis, I would i I mj rirmn inn i ru.f,-r ri u n a respectfully inulia an examination of my stock and pries from thus ininiHiing to purehose, as I am enabled to olluf tuera vary deairabla inducements. All my Kurs hava bee purchsard for Cash, and rrwda by eiperienoed bauds, and as the present monetary troubles render it necessary that I should dispose of my goods at a very smell advene oiionsl. I am satisAed that it would be to th busiest oT those wao dtsisn nuruhesiifr. to fie toe a call. r" Recolleelib naioe, aumher and street : J. Falters, (New Fur Store,) 71 i Arch Street. Ur.ik(i(iM-. be( t. T, 1861 Sin. General Election PROCLAMATION- 1")URflUANTtffan nul of the Oeimrnl Awml.ly of tl.e Cmnm'mwonlth of Potmnylvnimi, entitlH nn Of?t rotating In Om election of tliii CoinrmmweHltlt," Ap'rocH the tecml day nf Jul)', A im Uoniino, nue thcuftntid ig;ht hundred and thirty. ninn. T, UAVID WAMWON, High fhoriff of tho enmity of Nnrtjiuml)rl(itid, IVimsyl vnnia, do hcrehy make known ami give nntiue lo ihn iIt tmra of tha enuiily afirririd, I hot a trmrral nk-fttoii will I held in Mid county of N'Tlhnmlierlnnd on the SKC N D TU KADA V Bin nf OCTOHKU, nt which tunc they will vote by hnllot ft the eeveml oilicni unrtitil, vir : One peraon fur Pririrnt Judge fr the fylt Jmiiuin! )ii. tricl, ctimpiwrd of tha count tea ol Norihumlferlnnd, Mon tour nitd Lycoming. . Twr.i persona at Ataoelnte Judgra for Northunilmrloiid county. One peraon nt Member of (he ITonwnf Representative, to represent the cunty of IMnrthuniherliind On? person for Kegifirr of Wills, llworder nf Deed, and, Cleik of the Otphrois Cnitr. for Northumberland Co One person for County ('oinimtsioncr. One person fur County Trcamitcr. One peraon for County Auditor. I nisi) hereby tnnke known and givenot.ee thnt the phicea of holding the nforeaaid genet it I election in ih- wv eral Imnmgha and townships will. m the couuly of Nor Ihiitubcrlinid ore n followa : The Suulmrv District, composed if the bnmiigh of Bunlmry, and Upper Augusta, at the County Court Hon so. The Augusta District, composed of the township ol tsower Augusta, at thehoufeof Peter Dunkelberger, in aid township. . The Northumberland District, coinpmed of tha homiie'i of Northmiibeiltiud, at the house of C. 8. Brown, of the borough of Northumberland. The Pi lint District, at the house of Henry Haas, in the borough of NortttuuilKTlsnd. The Milton District, at the house of Mrs. Sticker in snid borough. Tim Turbut District, nt the house occupied by Abraham Kissinger. The Delaware District, nt the Sinking Spring School House. McKwensville district, nt the Stone Church School House in the borough of McKwensville. The Cliibs'iunque District at thehmscof II. KonUinnn, The Turiiutville DiHlricl.at the house of Hi ruin Key holds, iu the borouuli of TurUutville. The Lewis District, at the hniee occupied by Hi mm Reynolds, in (he borough 01 Turbutvtile. The Sltntn kln D inflict, nt tbe houte oT John Neihit. The Upper Mdhoiwy Distiict, at the bouse ol J. II. Adtun. The Little Muhoiiny District, at the house of widow F. H ii her. The Ijower Muhotmy District, nt the house of A. Rode armel. The Runb District, at the Liberty Pole School House. The Jucksou District, at the house occupied by J.Uuten Smith. Tee C'njl District, nt the house of William M. Wcnvcr, iu the town of lmtnkiii. Tue Zurlie District at the house uf Weaver, in Trt-.vorlUiU. 1'lie Cmnernn District, nt the house of J.iob Winnier. The Jordan District at the house now or late of lienjit miu LeitZfU The Mount Curmel District nt the public housenf Abra hum Lcrclt. The Wash in ii ton Dlstrictnl the house nf Ginlfrev B. Ru- bock. The election to open between the hours of fl nnd 10 o'clock iu tbe forenoon, and htittll continue without inter ruption or adjournment until 7 u clock in the evening when the polls ahull hv cl scd. The evrril Inspectors nnd Judges elected on the 3d Friday ol Murch. I PHI. in mirmince of the yd Sect ion of the act of the 3d of July, Irtu, will hold the olecli. n on I uemi:ty me Bin (lay m uctoticr next. "Thai every person except a Justice of the Pence, who shall hold miy olfice or tippoiiitnit-nt of profit and tiusj uu. clef the covermneiit of the United States, or of this Sinte. or of any city or incorpotnted district, whether n eoimnm sioned othcer or nuent, who shall be employed under tne legislative executive or judiciary dVpnrluieiit of this relate, or uie ituieu Mutes, or ol anycityor lucoipomted district and also that eveiy member of Const ess and of the Mate legislature, and o the select and cumin m conn, cil of any city, of com missi otter at any incorporated Dis trict, is by law, incapable of holding or e.xTcitnii the ollk'e or appointment of Jude. Inspector or Clerk, of uny election of this commonwealth, mid that no Inspector, Judges or any other oflicei of such election, shall be eligi ble to any ollie to be then voted foi. And the said Act of Assembly, entitled unn net relating to the elections of this Commonwealth," passed July (be 2nd, further provides ns follows, to wit : -That the Inspectors and Judire eboum tu aforesaid, shall meet at the respective places for holding the election in the diMrict to which they respectfully bel ng before nine o'clock iu the morning of the second Tuesday of Oc , tolH.T in each mid every yeur, und eat li of nod inspectors shall appoint one clerk, who shall be a qualified voter uf I socli district. skctkx 'J. Thnt nny frnnd committed by nny person voting iu the manner ub we presciibed, shall be punished as similar fttnuls nru directed to be punished by the cxirt ing laws of this Ctnnmoiiwculih. 'ln cuse the person who shall have received the second ' highest number of votes for Inspector shall not attend nn tbe day o any election, then tbe person who shall hnve received the second hitihcst utunher of votes for Jude the next preceding election, shall net us nn iuspcetoi in his j place, and in case the person elected Judge shall not sueiul j Mie inspector whn received the highest numhernf votes, ! Khxll appoint a Judpe in his place; und if any vacancy I shall continue in the b wird for the stceot h df uu hour uf- ' tcr tht time fixed by law for the. opening of the clectum, she quafriiul vseis of the township, waaj wr no distiict, for which sach nfficei shall have been ertTted, presunt hi he place of eleclsoHS, s"uiil wnoof llictr uumWcr lo till such vaeoinw. I t;H fbsJt he the daty of said nBssSirs rcjective!y to fit teisi at the jtar of" lioidnig every ;Micrrtl, special, or township election, during the wly'lu time Kiid election is ket open, fit the purjie of giving iuformatiou to the laspectora nnd Judge, when en-led on, iu rulaliou f t the Iipht of nny persou nmHtssed by them to vute at sue h elec tin, or such other jh Iters iu relation U tire nistttsineiit oi voters, a tbe snid inspector or Judge or eitlier of them stifill front tinio to time require. "N'ti person simll be KTniittcd to vote at nny election us aforesaid, other than a white free man ol twenty-one or nn ire, who shall have resided ia the state at lea t one year, sod iu the election dislriM where ho oilers to vote at least ten days i.n mediately precteediiig the eleelnin. and within two years (mid slate ot county tax. which stiall have been anscs'srd at Iwist ten days. Iielore'the eiwtion, Uut a citiz- o of the I'uitei) States who bad nrevinnsly Imeu a (lualit.cd voter of this state, and removed therefrom and ream mil, j and shall have residod iu the cleeiion dint r let. and mud tux 1 as aforesaid, shall lm entitled t vote niter residing in this ttliite six mouths, t'roi ioeu, mil me wnire tieetii'.-n, t-itt zens o the I. tilted Slates, tet ween the uge of tweiilyonc and twenty-two ymrrs, Mini in the election district ten ' davs as atoresaiu. hiiuu mi eiuuieu io n voie, uiiuouyn mcy shall Hot have paid tuxes. No iters-hi siiall be permitted to vote whose name is not conUiined in the list ol taxable inhabitants ftirntslal by ilie ciiinmissioiiers its atotesaid, miless, I-irst : He prinluces a receipt l"ir the pnynteul, within two years, of a state or county tax aestgjsed agrec;ihly to the d ntititutiixi, und pave sattsluctory e uienee etiacr on ins own oatn or atluiiia tion, or on the oath or ullirinution of another, that he hns tuiid such tax, or on fuilurc to produce o receipt, rliaH make i.n ohHi to t:ie payment the reol ; r second, if be claim a rmht I) vote by being uu elector between the ones of twenty-one nnd twenty-two years, he shall depr-we on oath or uifu mutton, tbat he lias resided in the State at least one yeur next bvlorc his application, and make such pnkif of residence in the district us is require,! by this net; nnd that he dives verily believe from the account civen him dcat he is of the age aforesaid, uud give such other evi- thnces as is retpinetl l.y this act, whereupon the name of the person so uduntted to vote, shall be inserted in nlphn Iteticul list by the insjvectort, nnd a uote imiile oppomte thereto by writing the word lax," if he ihull be petmit- ed to vote by reason ol navntr putri tax, or the word t'uge," if he shall be permitteU to vole on account cf his age, and in either case the leuson of such votes shall be cullexl out tome clerk, wnu snau niuhe notes in the list of voters kept by them. Jn all cases where the name of the person cliiiiuiinr to vote is ut found on the list furnished by the ConiiuiNKion ers and ssessor, or his right to vote whether found there on or not, is objected to by any qualified citizen, the In spectoi shall examine such persou on oath as to his qualifi cations, and if he claims to have resided in the sute one year or more, nisoaui siaoi iw a prooi inereoi, nut he shall prove by ut lenst oue competent witness, who shall ! a qualified elector, tliut he ichided wiliiin the ditucl ut least tun days next immediately preceding the election, and sltal also himself swear that his bona fide residence, iu purt,u- auceof luwful calling is vithin the district, and thnt he did not remove iutu said district for the purpose uf voting therein. Kveiy peson qualified as aioresaul, and who shall make nroof. if retiuireit, of resident and navment if luxe, us aforesaid, snail Ihj admitted io vote in the township, ward o r district in which he shall reside. If Biiyeio uot n,uu 1 1 tic I to vote iu this Coimmn wealth -ei:iblv to law. texcent the tons of quati tied eit.zrni. shall uppear at any place of election for the purObe of is suing tickets, or inl.uei.cing citizens qualified to vole, he shall, on conviction forlcii and pay any sum not exceed ing oue hundred dollars lor every one such olin.ee, Und be unnrisoiicil for any term not exceeding three mouths. It shall Iwi the duty ol every mayor, sheriff, itldcrmmi justice of the peace, nnd coiutluhle or deputy constable, of averv citv. couulv. township or district within lhu eom- inoiiwealih, whenever culleit upon by uny oifieer of an elect ion, r by any three qualified electors thereof, to clear any window or avenue to any window, to the place of geneiul election, which ahull be obstructed in uu h a way ms to prevent voters from oppfouchiitg the auine, and on neglect or refusal tit do so on such rcquisioii, Kiid oificri sttalt be deemed guilted of misdemeanor in otlicc and on conviction shall Im; lined iu nny sum not less than one hun dred nor inure than one thou wand dollars ; and it shall e the duty of the respective constable ol each ward, divtriet or township, of this coimuouweaih to be present in person or by deputy, ut the phice of holding inch elections in each wnid, district or township, for the purpose of preserving the peace as aforesaid, It shall he tbe duty of every pence officer, as afoicnild, who si lull he present at any such disturbances at an clee. tion us is descntsett in this act, to report the same to the uextcouitof quarter session, and also the names ol the witnesses who can prove tbe same. The Judges are to make their returns for the county of Northumberland, at tbe Court Ibaise, in Sunburv, on Fri day, the llth day nf October. A. D. IM3I. Given under my hand, at Sunbnry, this t-(h day nf Septem ber A D. tMk), uud iu the mlio year ul the iiidi-pciiduce of the United States, DAVID WALDKON. Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, Suubury, ) cpt. 14, ipOU. JVolIce lo KiHiool 1 eHtiirisi. APPLICATIONS will be received by tbe Uoasd of School Directors. Munbury School District, by the board of Direelors for three Male Teachers for ltootns No. S, 8 and 4. aad one Female Teacher for Koom No. I, on Wed nesday the 95th day of (September, when the allotment of schools will take place, in the Pub lic School House, at 10 o'clock A. M. All applications roust be accompanied by ne cessary certificate. PETEB W. GRAY, feec'y. Sxnhury, Kept, li. 1861, 0OT8 4 bllOES, rants) purchased at tbe P 9 Mammoth aUore ol r riling K Urant, very cbaae, as we era determiiied net to be undersold by anybody. Call and learn the list of price for youreejvee. KK1LIKU & UKANT. Sunbnry, January 13, 1881 To the Democratic Voters of Northum berland County. IfAVR been induced Ut permit my tntm to be tiscd fn eotitiprflnn with the nomination f(r the lsK(iII,ATUK13( at the ennuing Demo cratin pMinnry rlprlion. The aolicltation of man warm ptrnonal friomla In hotii ends nf our county hsve prevailed with me in this m alter-end shoutd l hey t e proper to nominate and elect mo, it ill t my pleasure, well en a duty, to piomote the Interests and prosperity of my own coimtUuf nts, at well as of the Mate and countrv at large. ' J. WOODS ISROWN. Ttuhut township, July 0, 1Rfl. AUDIT0HS NOTICE. In the Orphans Court nf Northumberland County, In the melter of the final account of William Ir. Dewart, Guardian of Mary C Malick : HPHE undcrsipned Auditor, appointed ly anid Court to settle and adjust said account, will attend for that purpose at hi office, in Huubtiry, or. Tuesday, the 111 Ih day of September, 1H6I, when oil pernor s interested mav ailend, if thoy think proper. HARRIS PAINTER, Auditor. Huubury, August 24, AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Marlin K. Harhman, imwl In Ilie Court of r ii r fur the use of Abraham llohncr vs. Henry WVisc, i (joiiiniuii i leas oi Northumberland ro. Veil. Kx. No 3H August Term, ISfil. Nnlire is lirreliy xiven thnt the uiiilrn-'ii;n(1 Auditor, appnintpil hy th snttl ('onrt to ilistritutp the niotiu-s in ('nnrt. in the ahove rase, is ill allenil fur that purpose at his ullic-p, in Kunhiiry, on '1'uesilar, the Mth duy ol llclnlx-r next, when all persona interests! mnv atteml, il they think proper. HAHKIS PA INTKlt, Auditor. f unhury. August 54, I HO I. The Great Cure for Consumption. If you have a cold, use Wisho't's Tine Tree Tar Cordial ! If you have a cough, use Wn-hnrt's Pine Tree Tar Cordial ! If you have Aslhnin, uso VV'islmrl'a Pine Tree Tar Cordial ! If you have Sore Thront, use Wishurt'a Pine Tree Tar Cordial ! Ifyou have IJmrubilis, use Wishart's Pino Tree Tar Cortlial ! Ifyou have Consumption, use Wishail's Pino Tree Tar Cordial VHishnn's Pine Tiee Tiir ("cnliul is an unfail iiiB rcmrdy for disease of the Kidneys, 1'rinary iiinplniuls, lllind and Uleediug Piles, Nervous llebiliiy, and lor Female weakness and Ir regu larities. The well known effiracy of Pine Tree Tar in the cure of external nllfcltons or rfores, pointed it out ns the Natural Item, civ forwhnt Physieinns enll Tubercular )llecliolis(thnt is to sny, S'ores.) upon the Liinija. It remained to discover the bei-l means of application, which discovery hns been made, as n thousand testimonials prove, by the Proprietor of WMinrl's Tine Tree Tar Cordial ! If you hnve DYsl'KPHA, use W'isharl' (ireat American Dyspepsia Pill! A Burn cure U'arrai.trJ for one dollar, or the Money Id (untied ! Uny a b.x and take them occordinu to direc tions, and if Ihey tlo not cure you, the money will bo returned. Auk .NTS Win. Vt'eimer, Northumberland. A. W. Fischer, ISunbury. - Call at either place, and pet a descriptive Cir cular. I.. Q. C. Wiehart, proprietor, No. 10, North Second, Philadelphia. Aimust III, IHtil ly SUK BURY STEAM FERRY A N I) T W I N G II O A T C O M P A N V. fl'HAVKl.M'Pi.S and others ore respectfully informed that the subscriber, in order to ac commodate the public ond facilitate travel, has reduced the ratea of ferrin a his STEAM KKliK V, over the UMpiebannn, nt Sunburv, Bud will carry Pnt-senfers, Horses, Carnages, and other vehicles, a', the follovwng rates, viz : Foot Pust-encers, each B cents. Horse and Kider, 15 " Horse nnd 7uccy, 25 Two-Horse Conveyance, 41) " l'arnn rs and others, wishing to transport Coal and Produce, can make arrangements at still lower rates. A large, safe and commodious Steamboat will rnn regularly and promptly Ht all hours cf the day, and to accommodate those w ho desire to at tend the Churches at iSunbury and Selinfqrovc, the I) out will run on Sunday. Tho Utenmhout w ill run from Market Street Warf, and promptly convey Passengers from both fides of the Kiver, without delay. The Steam Kerry now afford not only a safe and convenient transit over tbe Susquehanna, but also a pleasant nnd agreeable ride. . Hi A T. Cl.i:.M ENT. Lessee and Proprietor. Suubury.MHy 25, IMil, A Good Chance for an Enterpriping Man. MHE subscriber wants a partner in Ibe Mar A ble luisinefs, a sober perservering man who can speak both the English and (ieruian hinuun pes, to one that will suit, no cash capital required. For l atliculars inquire of JOHN A. TAYI.OK. Northumberland, Aug. 3, lslfil. 3m BLACK SILK COATS. (iored Mantles, Poplin Dusiers, French Soques, hilk Basquiues, Newest Designs, A'ead Made, or Made to Order. COOPER V CON AUD, N E. Corner .Ninth and Market, I'liuladelpliia. Mav I S, UCI. TO THE OTKKS ()K NDIM IILMUEU- LAND COI NTY. Fellow Citizen : I offer myself to you a an Independent Union Candidate for KEGIsTF.lt AND KECOWMUl. Should my ellow ciliier.s see proper lo Rive me a majority of their voles, I pledge mysell lo fjithl'ul performance nf their duties of the nllice, 1't. I uu w , un.t i Sunbury, August 17, IbOI. S. L. BEKGSTltESSl'R, PnOTOGHAPIIIC ARTIST IJHDTCfiUAl'llS, AM UHOTYPES. an.l all - the modern ktyles of 1'iclures, executed in sunerior manner. Koom ill Ula l.ll, iarKei oijuare, Sunbury, l'a. AugnsMO 181. Assessors. TM1K Assessor of Northumberland l oon A if. whose business il is to muke the tri ennial asesainent, are hereby entitled that the bocks for that purpose, are now ready for ue liveiy at the Commissioners' Office.. S.D.JORDAN. CommisBioners' OHice, ) Kuubury, Aug. 24, 'CI. j To the Voters of Northumberland County. IELI.OW CITIZENS iFrom the encour. agenenl I teceived from diuWul parts of ibe county, 1 offer myself s a candidate fur the office of ARSOCIATE JUDGE, subject to th usaie of the democratic party, and if elected, will perform tbe duties justly end im partially te the best of my ability. 1 ABRAHAM 6HIPMAN. Lower Augusta tovn!iij, June SOih, 1861. Taxes ! Taxes! Taxes! fTMIR Uoard of School Director, and Sopervi t ore of Hoads In townships where unseated Lands are situated, art hereby re-pieated to fur nish the Commissioner, of NorthnmberUnd county, with the rnte per cent for the year. lofiO 61, on School and Koad Ta H- D.JORDAN, Cleik. Commissioner' office, ) Sunbury, July 87, '61. J lilJs LATEST 6TYLK OF SPRING AND HUMMER QABMENTS, ASS CONSTANTLY IOADB nt tho Fashionable Tailoring; Establishment jcob o. be air, Market sitroot, H'MH IIV. Pn. 11 E subscriber lias just received and pperied -1- 'T Iren assortment SPltlNfl AND SUM MERCOODN, such a CLOTHS. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION QUALITY. Plain and Fancy Cassimeres. Vestings, &c. of the latest style. In addition to bis stock he is constantly receiving new supplies from the citv keeping a full assortment of the most substantial and latest style of Ooods in the rity markets. He is prepared to make to order all kinds of Ceu!i'tneu'e and Jj'ov's wear, such as DRE.-S COATS. FROCK-COATS, Bl'SI NES8.COATR. VESTS PANTA LOONS. &c. Ac. of the verv latest style, and in the most substan tial manner, at short notice. Any Uooils not on hand, will he furnished from Philadelphia, by giving two day's notice. 1 r Call ami examine my stock, no charge made for showing. I A COB O. HECK. Sunhurv, May II, IRfil. JOHNS & CR0SLEY, MAM'FACTrRKR? (if TI1K IMPROVED so! GTJTTA I'ECHA C E M E N T HOOFING, The clauict nnd most dumMe licrtfmg in use. Il it Fire uuil WultT l'nuit", Il cfin he npplipit to new nmt old R'Hfs nf nil kin In, ami Siiii.gte Houl without removing th shmpiea. The Cost is only about One-Third that of Tin, and it is twice ns Durable. OUTTA PKRCHA CHMENT, For prwvimr nml repnirmi; Tin nn. other Men! nxtfs of vwry iirseiiilimi, irmn HBit it ctHsltt'iiy, is nl iniuret by the ciilinrtitii nnd espnnwon of met u Is, and will not ci;ir-k io eiUt rr run iu vat in wfiither. Tlu'se nuitfrinls hnve htm ihnrouphly tPMrd in Nrw York nnd nil pnrts of tlip tiul hi?i und Western State, m.d w t un givi iilfuiuliintjuoof t nil we claim ui their In vor. Tht-ynre rendify applied hy or innry laborers, at a tri fling t'xpensp. Ml IIRAT IS Hr.friRKD." Theve mntrruiUare put up rly for use. and for ship, p i up toitll pnrtF of the country, with full ptintnl ilirect on fur nppliention. Full descriptive cir-ul;im will be furnished nn it nidi na tion by mail -r m pfmonnt -"ir I'rincipnl OiRee nd Wan. hMiixe. 79 W1M.IAM Sl'KKKT, (Corner of Libeily direct.) New York. JOHNS CIMJSLKY. ArtRxm Wanted ! Ternis Cash ! ! J'U e 1, lSlil ly ATTENTION The liest Military Hook ever Published NOW READY, BAXTER'S VOLUNTEER'S MANUAL Contiininir full instruction for the HECRCIT, ' ill tbe. Scbools nf tho Soldier and Sijuad, given In the mod Simple Style, and all the information necessary f Hie forming of CI iHI'S UF HOME (;i"-UL)S. Illi-siraleJ nilh over 1 00 engravings, thnwiuir the Different Pos'linns in the Facings and Manunl ol Anns, anil complete directions relative to Loading and r irmg. Arranged ac cording to SCOTT'S SYSTEM OF TNFANTUY TAC TICS, And in conformation with tho army reijuirc- inente lor the presenl War, by l.l.Co. 1). V. C. KA.M EH, of tbe National t!uard. VI!IS niOK IS OFFICIALLY API'KOVKD OF. The iustrtietion piven are of the creates! im portance lo the r cw volunteer, und should be thoroughly understood, being indispensable to the induction ot a company. Hound 111 one volume, I!imo.,n2 pai;es, l'nper Cover, price 2i cents. Flexible Clolh, 38 cent. I IlC PilliM'- OI K Is also published in the (jermnii Language, at the same price, and is the ouly (cruiaii Hook of Americnn Tactics pub1 lishcd in the United Slates. A'j'itt and Canvassers Wanted. To engage in the sale of this Work, in every City, Town and Village in the country. Prue per Ilozrii Copies, 10 ' I illy H.UO ' Hundred" 1 ft. till All orders accompanied with the Cash will be dispatched immediately, either by posr or express. If ordered by post, tnmps mestbe enclosed to pay postage. If by express, the Ireight can be paid on delivery. BONO FOR THE VOLUNTEER. The Calnp-Fire Tompanion. A New and Original Collection of Military and Patriotic Songs; adapted especially for the piesent Campaign. One vol. r-imo. Wan il lustrations. Paper cover, 15 cts. Flexible Cloth, S5 ct. Single Copies of the above Rook MAILED FIIEF. OF POSTAGE. To any address in the United Stales, upon re eript of the price, by K1NU ii UA1UD, Printers and Publishers. till7 Saksom St., Philadelphia. To whom all Orders should te addresM-d. May IS, IHhl. (it B? A It E O K A Rich Fieured Bareges, 19, 2ft and 31 cents, liarcee Kobe. $:) Mi, 1 OU uud $ft UU, Morambique Robes at i--r) 00, Traveling Dress Coods, Shephard'a I'laids, Mohair Plsids. (iingham's, Lawns. Prints, Challie, Criy Figured (ioods, COOPER eV COXAHD. S E corner Ninth aud Maikel, Philadelphia. N li. lie.t iualiiy Hoop Skirls, U4 cent to e '.'ft. May 18, 1 SC I . J A ME S lfA It'll E If S WHOI.KS AI.R AND FKTAlt. CLOCK E STAB LIS IIMENT, S. E. Corner Second and Vhtttnut sts., PIi!!a:rlpM:i. AGKNi'V fortlie l'ATFNTDQI'ALI'INOTIIIHTV llA V l'I.Ot:US, a very lU-souhlt- srlu-lv Inr 1'iiurcli us, Holds. Itiillks, L'-tuulil-K Ibiust-s, I'lirlnr. Ac. Miiuuiuclurrrof FINK OOl.ll I'L.Ntt. riiM-kh rt-pHitt-il and wtltrioitrd. t'l-it k Tioiiiiimiis ! evny ilMcrilinu. riiil4ilrl-ihiH, Juuuury I!), It-til.- ay jrA.3sriioor. HOW LOST, HOW KKSTOKF.D, Jl ST PVJLIiIIKO IN A WvAU:D VI.LOl'K 1 A l.F.CTl'KF. on the Nsture, tresrmenl, and nsnlral Cureof Swnuslorrhir, or bclHinul Woiiliiiei.!-uiil lie. hihly, Norvousiien ami iiivolunlarv emission. pr.Kluemg iuipiiteiiey, Comuiupuuii and MenliO mid Ph) snul Uebilily. Uy HOUT. J. CTI.VI.RWKLL, M P., The iinporuuit fuel that ilie awful e -nseiueiiefs of self. al.uw ihu) lie i-lleeluaily reuioved without llilerisll lunll. clues 01 Ilie lUuneious ipliealuaiS" csu.llis, lintru menls. niedlc-HIrd IshikIi-s, sod oilier euilHlunl devlsrs, is brre eleuily ikusnielreled. ami the euluely new alul lnlily su-eeslul tieslmeiil, es ad..ilrd liy Hie etlcbraled uullior fully eselsinnl, by mmiis of wlucli eveiy one is caliled to cure liiiueflf prifrrtly, end al the leaM possible eosl, thereby evoidui all the advertised uostruma of the duy. Tins Iccluie wiB proves kiii to Ihouseiiilssnd iboussmls f cnt under sal, in a plain envolope, to anv eddies, post paid, on the irceiiil "I two piias sunip,4iy siWiessiii. IW.CII.J WtUNE, UU ISowity, .Nw Orhce h-'l l-X- April l, Inot. 1 V1 IMPORTANT TOL1VER8 OF (23 CD OD LE3 EP L5J URIGHT it SON, Invite attention to their Stock of Trime Green and Black Tea. ' Jons 15, mei. SUMMER GOODS! AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. S. "ST. BRIGHT & EON, HAVE RECEIVED A LARGE STOCK OF ALIi IIJNDS OP G OODS, HANDSOME, DURABLE AND GLZ3 101 IB JBl. Ua GREAT BARGAI NS AND Splendid Inducements TO ? "J ?. C H A C E S . AT THE ONE PJUCE STOKB, OP E. Y. BRIGHT & SON. Sunbury, June IS, IS61. J . A . CRANDALL'S PATENT SPRING HOUSES 478 BROADWAY, NEW TTOllK. bhouU he in every family, ."School, (ivninasi 11m, Asylum, and Hnsiital in the land. Are not DANU L'KOl'S, like the common Rocking Horse. Viands firm on it Pedestal, will not wear CAlil'ETrl, and has no Itocker to injure the Feet. 'Health und happiness In the same saddle. N F. WiUia FROM THE "HOME JOCRNlL." "Cf all ih child furnilureawe' have ever en no article conildne so much of those two iinuor taut Ihiuus health ami huj .ines a the Ad justahle Putent Sleel KHing Saddle-Horse, iu venled hy -lesse A. Crandall, It ia not danger ous, like a common rockum-horse, lo children' feet, cannot Ik u'ei, does not wear carp-is, hut stands firm ou its hase, and lis action is so like tho rjnllo of live horse thnt the rhilJ never weaiie of it. Th'n .alislof ehild noveltie is ex. eeediniily cleeant and artistic in design ; and no adjuMuhle. suUtaulbl, and durable, thai it will last a lilctinie. It is iudisponsahle in every lamil) where there are children. It should ie iu every priniary school anil g mna.ium in the country, a il can U made large and sirong jnoocli to su-ir.in iimwn person. As a peJrslul for phottfgraphic pu lures, nothing is uioru Uauti- fu'- . .. .. "Every Oiphan Aylum nd Instituioe wher children are congregated, should he furnuhe.l with numher o( these beautiful article. Tbey are lilted with ide addle when rcijuired." 1IKKCTIONH FOK A PJL'STINO. Ojii the alter part nf the base sufficiently lo allow the xle to go in it pile ; then raise or lower the Horse to uit you. Hcrevr the bolu in the side verv light. Xir Tbea Horse are W A KRAFT Li' nuJ year. March 16, Ji'fl. if : 0 f&i&