0, MBKriMO ir THK RKIHIBLICAPI TANU. IJtB t OMMITTEK. At meeting of the Rebuhlicsn 8tanding Com Jnittee, held at Hunbury, on Ihe 10th of Septem Ter. I8A1, the following preamble and resolutions Were adopted I Whereas, in extrsordinery stste of BfTaitu, threatening: lha existence end prosperity ol the Republic hat arisen through the mschjnationa of traitors anil eoiispnatore Icninil her liliertiee, nine the last meeting of the Republican Execu tive Commit If e of Northumberland count; t And wherein, it ia deemed essential to the sue real of the national arm! that party and party ilivieinna ahnuld for the present ha forgotten in the earnest endeavor to cruah out treason and re bellion, and that all good citizens, without distinc tion of party, shall rally aa one man to liie tup pert of our naiional rulers, therefore, Resolved, That in the opinion of the Republi ran Executive Committee1, it ia inexpedient to place in nomination candidates for the respective rounty office at the ensuing election, and that we earnestly recommend our Republican frienda to support the nomineea of the Union Conven tion which assembled in Sunhury on the Oth day of September. J. M. BOSTIAN, Chairman. District Conference. The Conference or the Kighth Judicial District net at (be bouse of Capt J. 11 HuLT, in the borough of Milton. The dif ferent counties were represented as follows ? f Hon. Wm. II. Armstrong, ' Lycoming, ! C. B. Bowman, f Jonas Wolf, Nortliatnb'd, k Moses Chaaiberlin. C J. II. Diefenderfer, John Shearer. On motion, M. Chamberlin wag elected Chairman, and J. II. Diefenderfer Secretary of the meeting. The object of tbe meeting being stated. Oo motion of Jonas Wolf, seconded by C. U. liowmon, Hon. J. V. Maynard, of Wil. liamsport, was unanimously elected as the Candidate of tbe Union party, for President Jndge of the Kighth Judicial District of FeoDsylvaoia. Signed by tbe President, M.CflAMMERLlN. Apt!: J. II. Dirfbndrrfrr, Secretary. A Fkmai.k Soi.dirk. A Harrisborg corre spondent of the Philadelphia Journal gives the following item of camp romance ; As a specimen ofcamp romance, 1 send yon tbe following, wbicb will interest your readers. Yesterday afternoon, two gentleman solid looking farmers arrived in Camp Curtin, who ought an interview with the officer of tbe day, and iufortned bins that tbey were in search of a girl who bad strayed awoy. In less than an bour she was found on guard doing duty as a sentinel, in tbe uniform of Captain Kuho's company of Saraner Rifles, of Carlisle. , . ... . , . i . . .. . it a uu out kdow wuai name sne enlisted un der, to proteot tbe honor of her country's flog, but her real name is Sophia Cryder, and her residence only about a mile from this city. She has been in Captain Kubn.s company a week, and is a plump loss of only sixteen years of age, and bad so completely unsexed herself that she could safely bid defiance to any one trot acquainted with ber to detect ber. How she shirked an examination, wbicb is said to be made with great strictness by the medical men of Camp Cortin, we are not informed. She is represented as a girl of unblemished reputation. Tun Nkw Tkkarirt Notes. Tbe first issue of the small Treasury notes was made on Saturday end bas already entered into circulation, and we understand that some of our tradesmen refused to take them except at a discoont, which may bave been the result or ignorance on both sides. We will there - fore explain that there are two kinds of treasury notes the "demand bills," for gene ral circulation, and without interest, and the treasury notes which bear 7 3 10th per cent, interest, redeemable in three years. The denomination or tbe "demand bills" re $5, $10 and $20 ; while those bearing interest are 50,8100, 50O, $1,000 and $5,000. There are five kinds of five dollar notes payable on demand in New York, Boston, Philadelphia, St. Louis and Cincinnati, and of course, for alt business purposes are better than specie. The name of tbe place where tbe note is redeemable is engraved oo tbe face. Tbe $5 note is embellished on tbe margin with full length figure of Crawford's "Ameri ca," with tbe motto "E , I'luribus Unum," and on tbe rigbt a portrait of Alexander Hamilton. There are also Eve $10 ootes, made re deemtkble as absve. On the left is a likeness of President Lincoln, in the centre tbe American eagle, and on the right a full-length figure representing tbe Arts. These notes bave been put into circulation. In the centre of tbe $20 notes there is a full length figure of Justice. Tbey are a little larger tban ordinary bank notes, and being redeemable on demand will be highly priced as a circa ting medium, and therefore holders should not submit to any shave Washington liepvb. J Tub Very Stonrs Crt Oct Against Tmf.m. -A gentleman who recently visited tbe Na tional Capital copied the two following In scriptions from two blocks or marble awaiting their places in tbe Washington Monument. The blocks of marble were ordered by tbe re respective States : "LOUISIANA. "Ettr faithful to the Conslitutiea and the " Union." Federal Union Jtmust he preserved." Could a more tilting rebuke be admiuistef ed to these States, which bave proved false to ibeir owo principles, than we have given in tbese words on stone, by tbe authority of tbe States themselves? A', '. Observer. One or tbe most encouraging signs of the times is tbe continued rush on the part of tbe people to subscribe for tbe Government loan. t rom evsry part of the North money is bur. ried on to tbe financial centres for invest- ?,1l.MfftVIl"l,t securities, and no doubt but that the tbirty-five millions beld by the banks will be disposed of before tbe 1st of October next, at which time they are to notify the Government as to whether tbey will take tbe next fifty millions as per agree went with Mr. Cbaae. England bas been Battering herself that our Government would ba obliged to go oo its knees to ber capitalists. Shall the Government be encon raced to enforce obedience, or be compelled to bee pardon to traitors? Tbis is the question presented to the people. The partisans who oppose tbe Ptesident and his elforts to sap. Pk83!i ? rMlion. ! that convention should be cooveued aud an efTort made to agree upuu a form 0f adjustment to oiler the armed traitors before they strike ! If we do. we wil deserve to be wl.lpped on every rood of laud between tbe Potomac and the Tut gambling places in Washington bave been routed during tbe past week by tbe Gov. eromeol. Cause. Porter Gallagher, of tbe Navy bas squandered poblie foods among them, to tbe tune ol baadreds of thousands ol dollars. "VlTr Fau," for last week, contains .n tlustration.otitled "Tbe White Feather j, represents ball labelled il j uvren in iron, wun a mask marked "peace," and sporting a white feather. ,m .,vi nuuuu, ii ii t gooa bit THE AMERICAN. BUNBUBY, FJK. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1861. H. B. M ASSERT Edit oFand oprietor. THE UNION TICKET. For Fresident Judge, JOHN W. MAYNARD, of lycoming Co For Associate Judges, JOSEPH NICELY, of Delaware. "WILLIAM DEPPIN, of Trevorton. For Assembly, , EDWARD Y. BRIGHT, of Sunbury. For Jlegister and Recorder, Dr. J. B. MASSER, of Sunbury. Ftr Commissioner, GEORGE CHRISTMAN, of Lewis. For Treasurer, JOSEPH VANKIRK, of Point. For Auditor, I. H. RESSLER, of Lower Mahanoy. ITT Noji-Pavino SuriFCRtBERS As we are about to prone our subscription list, we shall be compelled to strike off all subscribers nf long standing who pay nothing and make no effort to do so. Those wbo can do as tliev please about "paying the printer," will please take notice. To others we shall send bills All kinds of produce token on subscription. CaP A Mfchigao Regiment passed through this place oo Tuesday evening. CaT Several trains of cattle and hore passed through tbis place the past week. one train lert tbis place on Tuesday with 49 cars for Baltimore and Washington. taS" Another company or volunteers frum this place, under Capt. C. J. Broner, left for Camp Curtin. at Ilarrisbnrir. on Vdnert.e- The company was not full, but will, no doubt, oe Diied op by new recruits. We were pleased to 6co that roornits from the r-nnntr- are coming in and offering themselves. tST Tub Union Ticket. We are glad to hear that the Douglas Democrats in th upper end of the county are strong for the Union ticket. Messrs. Nicely, Bright and Dr. ilasser, on tbis ticket, ere all strong Douglas men, and for this very reason willbe opposed by the White Feather Breckinridge papers of this place, who stand ready to cut the tbroat of every Douglas man who does not join their clique. As the great body of our Democrats are Douglas men, these dougb faces will be whipped out of their boots. tj" Gov. Dickinson's great speech, on our outside, should be read by every good citizen and will be endorsed by every one, whether Democrat or Republican, or of any other party, that does not sympathize with the rebel party. Want of room prevented its appearance lust week. When will tbe speech of this distinguished Democrat appear in the Breckinridge Democrat of this place ? Echo answers never. C3T There is a report that tbe privateer Sumter bas been wrecked off Trinidad, and another report that on tbe same day ebe was at Paramaribo. $3T The rebelB oo the nnper Potomac have torn np the rails of tbe Baltimore and Ohio rallrood, to use them io extending the track or the railroad rrom Strasburg to Winchester Tor the purposes or their army. They have also taken off the engioes for tb same end. CJF On Tuesday afternoon, tbe 10th inat aboot three o'clock, battle was fought near Summersville, western Virginia, between tbe United Mates corps, commanded by General Rcsencrans, and tbe rebel army under Floyd, wbicb lasted until nightfall. Our armv slent upon tbe field, but in tbe night Floyd fled, wun tue loss of bis fortified position, a bride-M of boats across the river, all his baggage, camp equipage, ammunition, and of twenty, five of the prisoohrs be bad taken rrom Tyler's command. Our loss is fifteen men killed and seventy woonded j that of the enemy is not Koown. Among tbe killed is Col. Lowe, 0r the 12th Ohio Regiment. ET K. Y. Bright. We stated last week that Edward Y. Bright, tbe Union candidate for Assembly, bad loo since retired from politics, and reluctantly accepted the nomi nation, we also referred to his great expe rience in Legislation. In addition we me say that Mr. Bright was one of the strongest supporters or tbe lamented Douglas, and earnestly advocated bis election. I la I... also strongly supported the Government in me prosecution of this wicked war, brought opon os by Breckinridue and hia allies n, bas contributed freely to tbe support of the lamilies or the volunteers, who left their homes in defence of their country. Mr. Bright bus also been one or our most enter prising citizens, inputting up buildincs and giving employment to mechanics and labour- HThe Union Convention uf Ci.lnmKi. county bave placed oo their ticket all Doo- glas Democrats bnt one, the Auditor Among tbern was Judge Baldy, a Douglas Democrat, for Associate Judge, who bad also I l i . i ueeu piacea oo me UreckmriJge ticket two weeks previous. Tbe Breckiuridgers were rrigbteoed, and prevailed on Judge Baldy to decline, who will, no doubt, learn to rnni.Lt at leisure what be bas done so hastily to uhKo ueaigoiog ana tricky politicians. In Lycoming county Col. Packer Is oo both tickets, aud tbe Breckioridgers dare not strike him off, as they knew be will be elec ted. In Luzerne county Judge Conyngbam is also oo both tickets, and refuses to be considered party candidate. Io tbe same county Col. Wright was placed on both tickets and elected to Congress by an im Oleosa majority last spring. Tbis course is adopted in many counties, and is la tbe right spirit, and proves that tbe Uoioo party is governed by principles and patriotism, and not by party prejudices. Till DOTY OF GOOD DEMOCRAT. If any true Democrats can bave any doubt whether or not they shooldvote the Union ticket, let them look and see where they God all or nearly all tba ablest, best, and most distinguished men of the Democratic party Where do they find that old veteran Demo! crat, Geo. Cass, tbe able Secretary of State under Mr. Buchanan? Where do tbey find Hon. Joseph Holt, of Kentucky, Post Master General and late Secretary or War under Mr. Buchanan, who saved Mr. Buchanan and the Government from being entirely plunder ed by Secretary Floyd ? Where do tbey find Got. Dickinson, wbo stands at the bead of the Democratic party In tbe State or New York, and wbo is one of tbe most dis'tin. guished statesmen in tbe'Unioo ? Where do tbey find Gen, Butler, now in the Army, end Ute commander of tbe expedition that cap tured tbe Forts io North Carolina, wbo recently refused to take a party nomination for Governor, declaring tbat tbis was no time for party, and recommended the re-election or the present Republican Governor Andrew ? Where do they fiud Governor Johnson, of Tennessee, tbe head and front or tbe Democ racy in that State? Wbere stood the late lamented Douglas, wbo beseeclied all true men to lay aside parly until the country was rescued from the Southern traitors and their Breckinridge allies in the North ? Why do not tbe editor of tbe bogus Democrat, of Sunbury, and other "wbite feathered" heroes of tbe Breckinridge organs, publish tbe speeches of lliese truly greataod distinguished leaders or the Democratic party? Is it not because they are unwilling to let their readers know tbe truth ? Can they point out, on the other hand, a eiugle prominent and distin. guisbed Democrat in this country wbo takes the opposite ground, or who has dared to reply to these great men, and true Democrats, except a fow miserable traitors like Breckin ridge and Vallnndigham ? Tet these political hucksters, who do the dirty work or a clique of office hunters, call on tbe people to sustain tbe party, and leave the country to take care or itself. Now these distinguished Democrats have nil declared that we should know no party until the war is oVer. Wbo says they ore not right? Why, no one, but small, pot-house politicians, who are scheming and scrambling for office, and who get np oewBpupers like Pnrdy & Bacbman's bogus Democrat and the treasonable sheet at Selinsgrove, and hire strangers and turn coat whigs to teach the old Jackson Democrats of this county how to vote ? IS 111 till! A, DlifNlut It A1 IC TICKKT ? The bogus Democratic paper of this place, knowing that true Douglas Democrats or this county would not support tbo ticket got up by the Breckinridge fction, which tbey falsely call tbe Democratic ticket, aud on which they placed all Breckinridge men, and these all on tho other side or the river, think they can prevent true Democruts from voting the Union ticket, by culling it a Republican ticket. Now these editors must either be fools themselves or believe that their readers are fools, if they suppose they can niuko them believe such stuff. It io well known that one half oT the members of the Convention were Democrats and tlau other half Republicans. The bust offices were given to the Democrats and one-belf of the candidates nominated are Democrats. Uow, then, can this be called a Kepubl cao ticket ? Mr. Purdy, who is a comparative stranger in this county, and Mr. 15 ach man, who was, himself, a rampant Republican only a few years age. must bave a poor opinion of tbe Democracy or this county, ir tbey suppose they can be made to swallow such nonsense and falsehood. The ticket is a oo party ticket, and in this respect truly Democratic, because oo true Democrat will disturb the country by party issues in such a crisis. Tbo ouly party ticket that will be run in the State this fall, is the ticket of the Breckiuridge party, a small faction or olhce hunters, who get up party issues to put themselves into cflice by forming a ticket with their own men on it. and then rely upon being elected by calling it a Democratic ticket. Ctf" On What Side would Gkn. Jackson bk? ir any good Democrat bas any doubt what ticket he should vote, let him ask him self, what side Gen. Jackson would tuke if he was living. Does any one suppose be would support the Breckinridge faction ? In 1833, when Gen. Jackson was President, John C. Celboun, of this same Southern party, now beaded by John C. Breckinridge, commenced tbis same secession movement at Charleston. Gen. Jackson did not wait, like Mr. Buchanan, but filled the Forts at Charleston with soldiers issued his procla mation and swore by tbe "eternal" if they went one step forther, he would hang Calhoun and all bis followers "as bigb as Haman.'' They knew the iron will of the old bero, and the traitors knocked under. Now, does any one suppose that Gen. Jackson would support a ticket got op by a faction, whose leader, John C. Breckinridge, ia one of tbe disciples of John C. Calhoun, and who was the cause or the defeat of tbe lamented Douglas, the friend and defender of Jackson ? With a knowledge of these forts no Jackson Demo crat can hesitate to vote the "Union" ticket, tbe only ticket a troe Democrat can consis. tently vote. The memorable words by Gen. Jackson, "The Union must and shell be preserved," is now the motto of the Uuion party. " Whivt iK'lli theft buotsdirplm-s, Must mm Bi'Uilnstrs fare u face." O" The Northumberland County Democrat of last week, bas tbe following astounding challenge : Secbssiomsts. John Yonngman, in Lis last issue, was very profube io epithets sgainst this paper and the Democracy or this county, culling ull hands Secessionists. Now, all tbat is necessary for Mr. Younguian to do Is to pick out any one or the two thousand three hundred voters that took a part in our primary election, and tell him to bis face tbat be is Secessionist, end be will then have a chance to establish the slander and vilhtin. ous falsehood that he charges upon them all.'1 Mr. Yoongmao never said such silly thing, or oo one else. There are not more than one hundred genuine Breckinridge dougb faced, semi-Secer jlooist) in tbe county! A few of these are io Sunbury and vicinity and the remainder of tbe oest is in tbe opper end. And yet tbey managed to bam boozle the Douglas Democrats, and get a majority or their own meo oo what they call tbe Democratic tisiet, THK FSOFtTlllcnn CENTRAL RAILROAD. The Northern Central Railroad has been assailed by certain parties in New York and elsewhere, because tbe government has been forced to nse its great facilities, and shorter route to the federal capital for tba transpor tation of troops. These parties take advan tage of every accident on that road to denounce Its management, and thus if possible destroy its popularity and usefulness, bnt when tbe fuels in the case are brought before the public, as in the case of tbe late accident, whan several soldiers were killed and others severely injured, tbe circumstan ces exonerate the agents of the road and completely vindicate and sustain its manage ment. The latest cry, and tbe meanest opposition waged are those by roads tonnihg from New York through Philadelphia and Baltimore to Washington. Parties interested io these roads, with their unners and barkers are constantly bowling at the government because the Northern Central Railroad is used for the transportation or troops from tbe north-east and east to Washington. When we state that a saving of $5,000 is made on each regim?nt forwarded to Wash- ington from the east over the Northern Central road, the public will understand why that coiporation is preferred to all others, and when tbe additional fuel is made known that all trans-shipment is also avoided, the preference will be commended not only oo the policy of economy, but as a matter or safety, accommodation and speed. Tho Seliosgrove Times, or last week publishes a speech delivered by Isaac Slenker, Ksq , oo tbe 4lh or July lust, which contains the following patriotic Bentiinent. Mr. Slenker is a candidate for President Judge in that district : "Patriotism will not permit ns now, while, our country is iu tbis Tearful crisis, to inquire who is a Democrat or who is a Republican. It is the duty of both Democrat and Repub lican, to divest himself of all political and purtizan feeling, and to act in the churucter and with tbe feelings or a putriol." Every good citiZKO und every true Demo crat wilt endorse that sentiment. But in the very next column there is an article from the Freeman's Journal, a traitorous organ iu New York, which has been suppressed by tbe Government, which contains the following treasonable paragraph, expressing sentiments directly iu opposition to those of Mr. Sletiker : "Kven in counties most desperately given over to Lincoln last November, powerful parties, irrespective of former association, have appeared denouncing this war. Ju this State tl needs but collision prudence with party managers to secure, ne.vt fall, a full committed peace -Legislature The change io Pennsylvania is even more rapid.". And yet this miserable sheet, which blows hot and cold in oue breath, which publishes treason aud patriotism in parallel! columns is supported by men professing to be Demo, crats, some, no doubt, through ignoronce, onJ others by deBtgo. Such, however, is the character of the Breckinridge press here and eUewbere. tS" We quole from the Wanhlnglnu corros pondcnce of the Press and News, one of the lead ing newspapers ill the Slule qf Wisroirtmi. Frt,m the tylo ol the rorreHpondence we are induced to believe thot it in from tho pin of one of the cdi tors oflhut jiiurnal. It ia us fulloiva : Washisoiom, Aug. 28, . A slay in Washington of a week or ten days has sutti-ficd me of the gipantic preparation now making for this war. When tlid blow ia struck it will be crushing, and will blot out all honos of the rebels. The different meiiilicra of the Cabinet labor day and nilit ; and a this giganlio movement is more in 'the hand of the War Department, to ils dulie are more oppressive. General Came ron, its head, is the man of ull others for that position. With unliiing industry, great admin Mrntive ability, energy, decision, courage, quick and ready know led ol human character, incorrup' tuble integrity, he has accomplished wonders in his department. I am well informed by a fiiend, now a guest in his house, that olten, long after midnight, he admits messengers to his bed room, and la on hi bed counselling and giving order and instruction. This great labor is wearir.g him out, but his determinutioii never flugs. Like his gallant brother who fell at Hull Kun, he will die in the harness rather than fuller in this peri lous hour. I do not wonder that he is bitterly assailed. A ttacks upon him conies from two sources. First that class of men who come here to steal and to rob the Government. Their name is legion Some New York merchant politicians, profess ing great patriotism, figured largely a a com mittee to save the govsrumeiit. Finally, one of Iheirliumher proposed to sell a steamer to the government at $;jfi2,000. The President and Cabinet upproved the purchase, and directed the Secretary ol War to close it t ili r.,irI. I General Cameron took Ihe precaution to send on an agent to New York to examine the vessel, and to learn all that it was proper to know, lie discovered that a lew week before the owner had offered Ihe vessel at ijiSli-.'.OOO, at private sale. This w as communicated to Uen. Cameron, who at once refused to make the purchase, and thus defeated this conspiiacy. under professions of pa triotism, to rob the Government of $100,000. Thereupon the participator in thia nefarious at tempt to plund-r raised the howl against the Se cretary of War, and have since been continually engaged in attempting to poison the public mind against him. I will give you, in a few days, further instances of attempts by these palriotio and disinterested merchant politicians to rob Iho government j also of other attempts promptly and firmly put down by Gen. Cameron. You may rest assured that he will come out of this trial triumphant. The rebel inlluence ie the free states has also been busy at work to prostrate bim and to destroy hi Uselulne. A LOOKER-ON. C3T We trust that our neighbor Purdy, when be speaks of os hereafter, will try to be more careful in bis o'thogrsphy. His bad grammar we can tolerate much better than his spelling. We don't mind being called a -tleuk little editor," provided the word is lot spell wilb an a, as Mr. Purdy basil. It may be tbe best way to spell sneak instead of soeek. As regords the word "dam," we are also somewhat in the dark. Is it the mill dam or tho Shainokin dam our neighbor refers to? We are, perhaps, too sensitive oo these questions, but think, as editors profess to he teachers, they should not .let bad examples to the rising generations. I.. . CiiT The editor of tbe Atnerican, and we presume tbe Ountte, uever did object to Judge Jordan making speeches in favor of Uoioo and harmony in tbe prosecution of the wicked war brought about by the Ureckin ridge leaders. But tbey did object to the bypocricy and deceit wbicb induced Mr. Purdy and others to take shelter under Judge Jordan's wing, to preach harmony and Uoiou, while at tbe same time be was publishing in bis paper articles tending to create discord and disunion, hv ati 0 lllalt itti n a that Icannl.liaana as wanting in courage and patriotism. We -j uiouuuu, aiso, mat an remarks made by us io regard to tba Breckiuridge ticket, are not intended to apply to tbe President Judgeship, for wbicb there was bo opposition, io hois county. 0 We have received a well written communication from Money, signed by a respectable citizen, Io regard to some disloyal expressions used by Judge Turner. We bad frequently heard of tbe disloyal sentiments of tbe Judge from itber reliable sources, and nevet had any doubl of their troth. The communication having beeo res eived at late hoar, we can only make room for the following extracts, wbicb fully establish the charge, and will sustain our position that Do good Democrat or any other good citizeo should support any man who gave utterance to such sentiments. The writer, after speaking or the necessity of giving a strong and hearty support to the Government in putting down tbe rebellion, refers to the Tact tbat we have men in our midst, wbo give aid and comfort to tbe rebels, and says : On or about the 20th of May last, several gentlemeu from Columbia county, being on their way to Willjamspnrt, called on Judge Tarner, and having had some acquaintance with hlni, intended to be bis 8 nests over niebt. Soon tbe conversation turned on the rebellion. at which time (as I bave been told by two or me men inen present.) be said menv bard and bitter things against the Federal Government, declaring that the Government was altogether to blame for bringing on the war, that the North was all wrong and tbe South right, that tbe coose or the South was just, and the North ooght to moke nil desired concessions, and ex pressed himself as bitterly opposed to the law authorizing the support of soldier's families, stating that it was all wrong from besinnicn to end, and unconstitutional ; and there being one or two loyal men in the party, who by the way were also Democrats, they undertook to argue the case with the "Jodga," hut he, ra ther unceremoniously, informed them that they must not contradict him In his own house, that "lit" was Judge and understood all about these matters, and finally told them that if this had not been the case be, (the Judge, of course, would not bave been placed in the position be held, because," said be, "they do rot put dumb heads iu for 'Judge ;' " that when they passed through Muucy, they might enquire, ir tbey chose to do so, about Jiim ; but that they must not enquire for Wm. Tarner, hut must enquire for yie Turner. as nobody in Muncy knew bim by' any other iiBiiiB man juoge, vc. two ol the company came to the conclusion (but thevennlil ,,t or would not, hear any more of bis abuse, irenauu ana egotism, aud ordered their horse endcarriBge, and came to Muncy that night, errivirg hern about twelve o'clock. I am well acqnaioted with one of these men. and verilr believe their statements to be correct and true. vneir names ana ainuavils cao easily be hud ir desired. They are are or undoubted truth and veracity But tbe "Judge" has not only poured out his treasonable sentiments to ctmnnoM alone, but is said to have expressed himseir r...i w i . . . . . .o.j uri-ijr. ii uen, as ne rnnugni, Be was iu the right company, he is said to have boasted in this village, "that he was worth 70X10, and rather thou see the South whipped, he wouhl give them all his property," declaring that iuu iturm wob nitogutner in t no wrong! And many stories are told or him. hv differ cnt persons to whom he expressed himself in a similar maoner, thinking, of coursn, the Democrats would auree with bim in his reckless and tory statements. But in this he has beeo sadly mistaken, aa il is the Demo crats wbo have exposed him, aud have advised these statements to bu made nuhiip. I bave endeavored to eive the conversation verbatim, but ir 1 have failed in this, I hove, at least, given the suhiftance. and Bin author ized to soy that these statements can be proven corr- ct in substance, and tbat names and affidavits coil be bad at anv timn. Yon ore at liberty to give my name, if ueaireu, oo lue par; 01 tbe "Judge." m t KAPPA. M UNCT, Lycoming county, Pa., 1 September , 1801. J 53T We have on several occasions referred in me tuci ttiul some of the nominees of th Breckinridge ticket had made use of disloyal language, unbecoming patriots and good citizens, and ouiiht not. therefore hH son. ported by any one who loves his connlrv, wnetuer Iemocrat or Republican. These charges having been denied, the following . It: I . I t . . . . nmuavii nas oeen namied to us for publico lion in regard to J. A J. Cummings, th candidate for IWister .t- RucnrHur Ii i proper to soy that Mr. Blain is vouched for osa reapeciaore ana worthy ornn : jforlhnmberland counlu. ss. George Blain, of Chilisqnaqiie, being duly a-rurii ncooruing to law, uotn Depose and Bay, that in the month or April last, he heard J. A.J. Cummincs, who is now a candidate for Register and Recorder for the county of Northumberland, placed in nomination for said office by the Breckinridge wing or the Democratic parly, say, in regard to reinfor cing Major Anderson,, that he hoped to God that the Rebels would blow up our fleet, if they went to tert Sumter. GKORGK RLA1N. Sworn and subscribed before me. Septem ber 11, 18C1. Jos. Bound, J. P. We can only sruy, in additioo, that Mr. Cummings, a fow days Before the fall of tort Sumter, denotiuced the President iu our hearin?, io the Commissioner's Office, for attempting to send supplies to Major Auder soo bis and starving soldiers. We rebuked bim at the time, as did one of his own political friends, who was also present and heaTd him. S3" Russia for tiik Union. A o official letter from Prince Gortschakoff to the Rus siarj Minister at Washington, conveys tbe assurance of tbe Kmperor of Russia, "that "io every event the American nation may "count on tbe most cordial sympathy of the "Kmperor, during tbe important crisis wbicb "it is passing through at present." . Hkioiit or iMfUDKNCK The attempt of little test of Breckinridge politicians in the upper end, together wilb a fow disop pointed ones io SuGbury, to get op a ticket and pieced all their own men on it, and some of them of doubtful loyalty, and then ask Douglas Democrats to vote tbat ticket. O" Another Terribi. Railroad Am. hunt. Oo Mondoy night a train or cars oo the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad, containing a body of United States volunteers, fell through bridge near Huron, Indiana. Four passenger cars were precipitated into the creek, and one box and one baggage car fell on tbe top of tbern. Tbese cars contained companies K. F, G and I, anti Ibe latter two companies are the principal sufferers. Capt. Howard, of company I, is.amoog the killed. Up to eleven o'clock on Wednesday morning about thirty killed bad been takeo out, and more are supposed to be beneath the wreck. A train is on the way here wilb ninety two wounded. Tbe impression at tbe scene is that there have been from forty to fifty killed. There seems to be but little doubt that the bridge bsd been tampered wilb by malicious or traitorous persons. CsTCkntbal Nibsekiks We call atten tion to the advertisement of Edward J. Evans & Co , proprietor of tbe Central Nurseries, at York, Pa. Tbese extensive new seree are not only convenient, but we know tbe proprietor to be reliable and responsible men. tF" Jobo B. Packer, Esq.,"oTthii place, bas beeo appointed the agent for Ibis county to receive subscription to tbe National loao. ilooritaVs Balsamic Corsiai bas acquired a reputation that places it at the bead of all rme. dies for pulmonary diseases. An adverth u.it ta.;ll I,. i.. . , l i waii uv iwuuu in suuuivr column. ; B3 Rumorkd Battlr at Lkxinotof, Mo. It ia romored, end we give it as a rumor, that a severe battle took place at Lexington, Mo. That tbe Rebel loss was 4000, and cor loss, onder Col. M ulligao, about 800. Trice, tbe Rebel General, entered the town with black flag, giving no quarter and asking none. The battle was Dot concluded. The moon changes every thirty days. 1 f a rct were wanting to determine the sex of this planet, the above is sufficient. Like most ladies, she is never a day older than thirty. . Shamokln Coal Trade. Siiamokin, Sept. 14, 18G1. TONS. CWT Sent for the week ending Sept. H. 7,854 08 Per last Report, 140,003 17 148.464 0.1 131.549 01 1,695 04 To same time last year, Increase, I'm- Grrat RRtjuistTKS. Napoleoa and Wellington always beld that DO army could be pflective nnless it was well clothed. With them tbe regimental tailor wos a more important personage than a General of Division, for there was plenty or mate rials to make Cfnernla hut nfinrt ftana. ral tailor required a combination oT rare dualities. I army was created almost by the sounding ni a uuriu. i ue "(janornn s gathering" wss magical; but good clothing was scarcer thon good men, and ragged uniforms dis figured entire regiments. This evil is now at no end, the famona firm or Rockhill & Wilson having established a Military Cloth ing Depot at their Brown Stone Clothing Hull, Nos. 603 and 60.") Chestnut street, above Sixth, and nniforois or foultless moteriul, cut and mode, ore now produced there in unlimited quantities. A correspondent or the Siecle Paris, tho government organ or France, writes from Tu nis, Algiers, as follows : "Our College or philosophers at home, may, nnd probably do accomplish a great deol for the cause of science, but the Americans are the people to turn these discoveries to a prac tical account. Many o. the modern inventions in nse here are American, and one American chemist. Dr. J. C. Ayer, or Lowell, supplies much of the medicine consumed io this coun try. Ill's Cherry Pectoral, Pills, Sarsaponl Is and Ague Cure constitute the staple remo dies here, because they are of ertv application, nre in their results, und have the confidence of tbe people. While the science of Medicine is carried to a higher perfection in our oo country (France) than in any other, it strikes a Frenchman as a little singular that tin American Physician should fornish Ibe meili cl skill aud remedies for our Priueipul Pro vince. We are happy to inform our Mailers that these superior medicines which the Emperor's principal Province is obliged to get from America, may he had by our neighbors, at the Drue Stores or Friling & Grant aud Rtcburd A. Fischer. Sept. 7, 1SS1. Gutta Perciia Crment Roofino We invite the attention or nnr readers to the advertisement of Messrs. JOANS & CROS LEY, New York, in another column. The numerous experiments made for the last fow years, to produce a substitute for tin, slate and shingle roofs, have nt last led to o perfect triumph in the Gltta Pkrciia Cement Roofing offered by these gentlemen. Possessing in a greot degree, tbe foatures of elusticily, (which is a qnaliilcation of a Cement Jinof'ing actuolly necessary and long after.) durability and cheapness, eombiiieri with the fact that it is weather and fire proof, its genera! adoption cannot be too eurnestlr. urged. Their Gulta Percha Cement for coating eid repairing Metal Roof of all kinds aud for preserving all nietuls from rust and corrosion from its great durability and cheapness, is fast superceding points Of every description heretofore used for such purposes. These materials (for which the First Pre miums bave been awarded by the American I nstitute and mnny of tbe principal State Fairs throughout the country.) are reeeinnied in. tho highest terms by the New York & Erie R R. Co., and mnny of the principal Railroads North and .South, and also by the ?ers of the leadirtg Insurance Companies throughout the country. Kellg'ioiiM Notices Divine srrvics will h l.eid every Sul.halh m Una tlo touch us follows: l'KK.SBVTK.RI.N CHfHCII. N'nith west enrner . Iltnrklieiry and Urei strrrts, Hcv. i tl. Huaixin, I'nsior llivme trrricit every 9nMih at ldj A. AI. I'rnver inisl iuk on Thursday eveninp. At Nwiliuinberland. in oil) Sohn. I'leshyteriau Church, at 3 iiVhx-k, V. AI., evrrv SaMnlh ' OKKMAN RKFORMKO CHf II CH -North west e-iruer of Hrver and HlaeWWrry streets, Itev. i W. ftaix hktz, Pasl-ir. Divinr snvicr, alleriailrlv, every AiMaith IO A.M. and ?J I. .V. Piuyef lutcting ou Friday evenmv. F.VANGKUCAI. M'THKRAX CIUKCII Deer street IwlowS V.A P. Ilni, llcwd. Itev. I Rizsb, Pnsbir Divine service, alu-rinlrly, everv Snllilh nt lu A M and !. M. Plover meeting on Wednesday evening MKTHODIST r ptsnirALflll KCII. Drwherry stree west of S. A; K Unit Road, Hev. F.. DeTi.ra ami J V. SwtnosH, Pnstnrs. Divine setviee, alternately, everv Stali bath at 1 ol A . M. and 7 j l. M. Prayer meeliur on Thurs day evening. MARRIAGES. In Klyshorp, on the 12th inat, by the Rev. Jocob F. Warn pole. Mr. Jacob 11 orr man, of Sham ok in township, to Miss IIarrikv Ritp. of Roaring Creek towoship, Columbia county. B E A T II S . In Lower Aneusta township, on the 12th inst., SAMUEL CRAKK, youngest sun of Paul and Abagail DeWiu, aged 'i years, 4 months and 1 day. Philadelphia Market. I'lMLADKI.I'llIA, Sep. IB. Wheat Flour, (eilra.) $4 25 a $5 SO Rye Flour, J 7S Corn Meal, 2 62 a 3 00 Red Wheat, per bushel, 1 10 a I IS White " " 1 20 a 1 SS Cora. " - St a S4 Oat, " 2S a 30 Rye, " 63 a fio Cloverseed, 4 90 Timothy, 9 25 Flaxseed, 1 4A SUNBURY PRICE CURRENT. Wheat, $1 00a! 10 Hotter, $ 14 Rye, C'i Egga, ... .12 Corn, .... 00 Tallow, ... 12 Oals 28 Lard, ... 12 Buckwheat, . . 6S Pork, .... 8 Potatoes, 45 Reeswai, . . tl New Advertisements. ASSEMBLY. EY. BRIGHT, hiving been tendered Ihe nomination for Assembly by Ih lale Union Convention, can only promise Io hia fellow citi zens without respect Io party, (bat he will, if elected, faithfully discharge the dulies ol ihe oflice. Supbury, Sept. 41. 1661. ASSOCIATE JUDGE8. JOSEPH NICELY of Delaware township, and WM. DEPPIN'. of Tievoilon, having eeso selected by tba late Uuion Convention aa candi. dales for Ihe ollices of Associate Judges, without solicitation on their part, having consented to the nomination, anU now ak I heir fellow citizens without distinction f paity tji Ihcir support. September SI. ISiL REGISTER cV RECORDER, 4e. J. D. Masser, having been nominated hy the L'nion Convention for Register anil Recorder, Ao respectfully solicits the support of all- Rood and union loving cilixens of Northuiiiherland county, without respect to parly for that office. . Kurihury, Wept. 14, ISO I. (5 O M M I S8 1 0 1 K R. EO. CIUISTM A N, having been nomlna led for County Commissioner, at the late Union Convention, offers himself ss a candidate to his fellow citizens without distinction of parly anil if elected will faithfullv discharge his duty. Lewis twp., Sept. SI, 18GI. To the Union Men of Northumberland County HA VINO received Ihe Union nomination for County Treasurer, I respectfully solicit the volea of the frienda of the Union, and siippnitero or Ihe Government in tbe County. If elee'ed, I will discharge Ihe duliea of Ihe office faithfully. JOSEPH VANKIKK. Toint tp., Sept. St, ! 86 1. A U blTO "it". T T8AAC H. RE8SLER, of Lower Mshonoy hav. - ins been nominoted for County Auditor hy the lale Union Convention, respectfully solicits the support of his fellow citizens without respect to party, for that office. September 21, IHfil. TN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court oi Northumberland comity, the iindereiumd who waa appointed by Iho saiilCourt TRUSTER for that purpose, will expose Io nul.lic sale at th. public house of E T. Urumheller, known as Ihe "Snsquthanna House" in Ihe borough of SUN bl.'RV, Pa., on Saturday, Ihe Itftli day of OU TOUER. HCI.at 1 1 o'clock A. M.. All that certain TRACT of I, AM, situate in Cameron township, Northumberland county, Pennsylvania, and marked cn Ihe draft annexed to the ioqnisi. lion had upon the estate of Philip Uunkleherger, decaased, as No. 1, hounded anil described as fol lows, to wit: Declining at stoma, thence hy land ol George Krrstettcr, north 6J degrees east 101 perches to a post ; thence hy lands of John C Hevlman, heira of John Cuttsi-hall, dee'd.. and Daniel Sineltz, south 8:iJ degrees, east 173 perches to stones ; them e hy land of the heirs of the said .tohn liottschall dee'd., south fij degrees west 101 perches to stones ; and thence hy tho Line Mountain, north Nfij ileurecs west ;3 perches to Ihe pUce of beginning, containing One Hundred and nine Acres and twenty-four perches strict measure. The inrirovt-ments conriUof a good two slory frame Dwelling Honea Uarn, Wagon shed. Sic, $ c. Late the property of Philip Uunkleliergi r, deceased. A. J. ROCKEFELLER, Trustee. By order of Ihe Court, ) I. H. MAS8EK, Clk, O.C. Hunhury, Sept. 21, IR6I ) Tenhs or Sa i.i! vixkii vi the Cor-a-rs Ten per cent of the purchase money to he Cash, and the balance Io he paid on ihe first day of April, 18H2, when a died will he ile'ivered. A. I. HOCKEFELLER. SitjM'ciBic C'ourl of Pei.Hwy! vatti.i, NORTIIURN DISTRICT. JOTICE is hereby Riven that the Supreme " Court for the Knrthern Lliftrict of Pennsyl vania, will commence its annual session on tho first .Monday of October next, at 10 o'clock A.M. at ihe Court II iu-e in the Uorouithif Sunbury CHARI.F.S PLEASANTS, Proth'y.. Prothonotary's office, ) ' ' iunhury.Sept. lOlh, IHtil. j LIST OF CA' SES OK-ARGUMENT. 1 Hredinger vs Rice, North'd county. 2 Ross vs Malcolm, Union ' 3 Quinn vs Jenkins, North'd ' t Aurand vs fc-cheliley, " 5 Ly. co. M I Co vs I'ulmcr A Co., l.ycom. ' 6 Lcwishurg University vs Ruber Tml Musser, Union county. 7 Uittenhender vs S &. E R R Co North'd ' R UewaitvsH li Master, " " 9 Clement oc Mueser vs Tacijart ct al. Union 10 Jacob W Smith, dec d, Appeal, Snviler ro. 1 1 Nor Cen K H Co, vs Hendricks. North'd en 1 MrlSargle vs Author c-t nl, I.ycoioinir co. i:i Rank vs Orwig, l'nion co. 14 Public road near Aliens, Lycmiiiog co 15 Child vs Brown township, " 18 Kepler vs Kihling, Smder 17 Ex'rs. ofH Hillm-h. dre'd vs. Means," IS Weitzel vs M arr rV Griffy, North'd 19 Clement vs Weight, ' " 20 techier vs Unstian, Lycoming ' 21 Uuumgardiier vs Clement, Norlh'd " 22 Atnmerman vs Wyoming Can C i Montour " Z- Ulmati vs Dunham, Lycoming" 24 West lir. lilt vs Armstrong, " ' 23 FeeKler vs Fields, 26 Uhamokin V & P R. R Co vs Livertnore and Malonc, North'd 57 Cameron & liillinuer vs Krcrburger, Union 4S Vincent's adin'r vs Watson's ex'r, Norlti'd ' 29 same vs saino 30 West lir Ins Co v Hellenstiin, " 3! Hotteiisiein vs Auti'ii, Montour" 32 Miller vs Casselhcrrv, L coming ' 33 Kcrshner vs Stark, Field cV Co et al, Snvder 31 Caul's adin'r vs Davis, North'd co Union co North'd co. 4 l Lycoming co Sullivan cn 3S Clement vs Younsinuii et at, 30 Lewis tp vs Delawaie tp, . 37 Uellee vs Clenon, 3S Wsrlint's adm'is vs Smith, 39 T)ler vs Phelps, 40 R.-aJ in Milton, 41 Miller vs Franciocus A Erwinc, 42 Pontius vs Neshit, Hayes, rial, 43 llufbh vs North, Chase & North, 44 It ill in j er vs Evans tt al, 41 T Kurguson & Dells vs Staern, N orth'd co l'nion co Clinton co. "THE UNION." Arch Street, above Third, Philadelphia, UPTON 8. Ni:VCO.Ii:it, Proprietor. 'l'HIS HOTF.I. is centiiil, WTvenient by Passenger Cars 1 to all paita of li. city, uml in every iwirucuiur udaiUvU lo Ihe coinlorts anil wants of the husiut-M pulilic. 1 V Terms, 1, 50 per day. fc-fXeinner iit, lj-61. y Etirely Vegetable. No Alcoholic Prepa ration. MR. II OO FL. IX US CELEBRATED GEEIO.IT BITTEPsG, Prepaied by DR. C. M. JACKSON & CO., Philadelphia, Pa. will elTeclually cure LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, JAIN DICE, Chronic Nervous Debility, Disrsses uf Ihe Kid neys, arid alliliseasea arising Ironi a disordered Liver or Stomach, Pilch as Constipation, lnwatil IMrs, Fulness or lUiw'p In llis Head. Acidity of lite bluinat-li, Nausea, lleitillium, Disgust lot Food, 1ulae.a or Vi-iihl in the sluiuui-h, Snui Kruetalions Nuking, or r'luttetnitr. ut Hie I'll i t lla hloiatu-a, ewiuiiiiiiiy of tins trend. Duirit-U and LonVutt lirealllllig. Flutlellnii Ml tile ilelirl. rhtiktii. or J.ttt, f-:iliitr. srlisslious wlieu iu a lying pottuie, llnuiiess . of Yisit'ii, I lloisof web define tlie fiilit, Fevei and Pall Pain in I the Hide Ba-S, Chest, l.iinlw, Ac-, Sudileu Flu.he ot Heat liurnuig ill lire Flesh. Constant linai;iuiik.'S of evil, ami gre-.l lrpifMnons or hpnits,and will positively pievcnl Yellow Fever, Hillunls Fever, fce. The productor iu calling the ullention ol the public to this preparation, does so with a leelm of ihe utmost con adenue Ml Its virtues suil uda.Utlou to the dna-uses for vvhh-li II is recommended. Jt IS no lieu and uutru-tl article, but One lhal has slots! the test of u twelve yt-uis' tiinf U lore tri Ameilran pen. Pie, and its reputation and sale are uiirivHll, tl hy any simi lar preparations exitiut. The testimony in its iavoi given by the moat pioniinent and well known rhymt'ians und Individuals in sit ants of the country is liuiiu-nMe, and a careful perusal n( the Almanac, published annually by the proprietois, slid to le lie had gialls ih any of theil Agents, eauniK but satisfy the most skeptical that this remedy is really deserving the stent celebiny it baa obtained. HF.AD TIIK EVUIKNCK. Rend whit the eminent (Jlsss Slanafarturer, JOHN M, V II H A LI., says of the U A I A M I O COUDI W.. Pr, C. M. Jackaoa Respected Friend: Having for a long time been acquainted Willi the Vliluesof thy Kilsamlo Cmdisl iu Oongln, folds, Inllammntiou U the Lungs, r, I thus freely bear li-uiuuaiy to its ellu-aey. For several years I bave nevel beeu vt nliout it in my tannly. It also gives me pleasure to stale that I have useil il Willi entile suceesa in (he I rest meat of Uowel Complaints. Thy fneudly irulv, Jl'IIN M HITAU.. Fiflh Mn. 17, Ic5&. Itaee stu-el, above 4lh, Philsd'a. These medicines are for sal by all respect able 1 iupcils and dealers in medicines iu li e I'nitid Plates, Cumulus, British Providences and West Indies, al IS ceii is -vet hoi. "e. U sure nd gel the genuine, with Ihe si-mature of C. M. Jackson on Uu wrapper itf earta holile j allnllieis aia eounterfeit. Principal Oibce aud Manufactory. 1 1S Ari-b. street, Fhiladrlphia, I'a. j Sipiiniber 14, Vxl ly