Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, September 14, 1861, Image 3

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The Unloo Confenlion, held io fmrsnancs;
to a call, met io the Court Unnic tt Sonboryi
on lh tUh rlaj or September, 1B6I. Ibe
following were tlie delegates present l
Lewie -Oeorire Dirrim, R. U. Kuchmao.
Delaware. Jnnss Wolf, W. li. Fulmar.
. TurbatvilU. Dr. 0. F. MacFhersOO, Jdo
McEwensrille. Philip Sleinruck, James
7'uifcii(.Wm. Kot. Dd. Kckert.
Milton. MoBta UbstnberliD, Uagb C.
Chiltisquaqut Peter Kelcher, fiamael
J'mnt. Tbo. Watt. V. II Lelghnir.
sVr(iuriiei(W. Dr. Priestly, Daniel
Yoris. '
Sunbury O. li- YonogmaD, Benjamin
Hendricks. ,
Upper Augusta Benj. Hoover, Jacob
tower Augusta C. J. Coorad, J. R.
Clark, i
Ltt ifc. Bonharn R. Kase, Joseph Sharp
ies. &7iomoiltn. George Kricbbaaui, Solomon
Coal. A. R. Fiske, W. P. Withineton.
Ml. Curmct.A.. F. Sleeker, Patrick
Ctmtrrm. Samuel Long, C. B. Bojer.
Little Mahanoy.S. H. Rotharmel, Dao.
Ite HZ.
Jackson S. W. Watt, J. 8. Zattman.
W.ishintjtnv,' Uao'l Kahria, Jacob UaB.
Upper Mahanoy. Daniel lleiui, J. il.
jZerix. Uoorg Mowton. E. C. "Tanna.
L. Au'iariffy. Daniel heiler, John Yar
gcr. Mr. George Mowtoo, CbairmaD of Com
tnitlee oo permanent organization, appointed
at a meetiug for cousnllutioD previously held
by the delegates, composed of George Mow
ton, Dr. Priestly and James Ruadarutel,
reported the following officers :
PresidMnt, George 1). Youngman.
Vice President, Moses Chumberlin.
Secretaries, Win. Putter Withington, Wm.
. Follmer.
Mr. Youngman. npoo taking tbe Chair,
briefly staled the object of the Cooveution
and announced it ready for business.
(Jpoo motion, Moees (Jbamlierlin and
Jonas Wolf were unanimously elected Coir
ferees to meet tbe Conferees of Montour and
I,CMiiniig counties, with instructions to vote
lor Joliu W . Mayoard, of Williainsport, for
President Judge.
i'be Convention proceeding to the nomina
tion of a cnudidule for the Legislature 10. Y.
Bright, Jesse Yocum and J. Woods Brown
were proposed as candidates. Oo motion,
the uiiiiiu of J. Woods Brown whs stricken
from the list of candidates for the reason
thut a number of the neighbors and friends of
Mr. Brown, desirous that be Bhould come out
openly und unmistakably in support of thu
government, made to him tbe proposition
embraced in tbe following letter, with a view
of offering his oamo in the Union Convention,
if bis answer would be satisfactory to Union
men :
Mii.ton, September Oth, 1861.
Mr. Drown: Sir, Being aware of tbe
influence that a pirtizao election will have in
givini; aid aud comfort to the enemies of the
col btit il on and laws of the United States,
nnd being your neighbors and delegates to
the Uuiou Convention, would respectfully ask
yon, not to forego your democratic principles
but that you will for the present say that you
will use all your influence to sustain the
government of tbe United States without
respect to party, and thus enable the friends
of the government to present a united party
againnl the euemies of the country. Your
answer to the above is respectfully asked that
we may act undvrsuodingly when to Convec
tion. , M Chambkri.iv,
Jonas Woi.f,
Wji U. Follmkb,
To this proposition Mr. Brown positively
re'used to accede. Hence his rejection by
the Convention as a candidate.
The Convention then proceeded to the
election of a candidate fur the Legislature,
tbe vote stood as follows :
K. Y. Bright, 37
.!- Yocum, 6
E Y. I! right having received a majority
was declared the nominee.
On uiotiuD, William Deppjo and Joseph
Nicely were declared by acclamation the
iiominees of tbe Couveotion for Associate
J udgeg,
Tim Convention then proceeded to vote
for lteuihier and Recorder. Tbe gentlemen
proposed were Metier!. Jacob B. Masser,
I Ihiiii.ik ). and P. tei W. Gray. Tbe
balloting resulted as follows ;
M itser, 20
tiruut, 19
Gray, 4
Neither candidate having received a major
ity of all tbe votes cast, the Convention
proceeded to a second ballot. Oo uiotioo,
tbe geniiemau having the smallest number of
Voles on the tiro I billot withdrawu, aud
tbe secoud ballot resulted as folbns :
Masser, 23
Grunt, 22
M asser having received a majority of all
the voles polled was declared duly elected.
The Convention proceeded to nominee a
candidate for County Commissioner. Messrs.
George Chritituiao and Abraham tilraub
having been proposed aB candidates the
balloting retu'.ted as follows:
George Christuiao, 25
Abraham Stroub, 19
Mr. Christuiuo having received a majority
was rjeclureu ine nominee.
rssi io order was toe Domination of a
candidate for Treasurer. Messrs. John
Dunham, Joseph Veukirk and Michael A.
Keefrr were offered as candidates, aud the
vole was, for
Dunham, 12
Vankirk, ' 18
Keefer, 14
Neither- candidate having a majority of
all the votes tbe Couveutiou proceeded to a
second bullot, which resulted as follows :
Jiunham, 12
Vankirk, 18
Keeler, 14
There being still DO nomination a third
ballot was had with the followiog result:
Dunham, 6
Vaiiknk, 25
K eler, 13
Mr. Vankirk having received a majority
of all the votes was declared tbe nominee of
the Convention for County Treasurer.
On inoliou, Isaac II. Iteeitler, of George
town, was nominated by acclamation for
Auditor; and oo motion, all the candidates
having received a umjonty of tbe votes for
the different cilices were declared the nouji
Does of the Convention unanimously.
Tbe Chairman of Committee on Resolu
tions, composed of A. U Ficke, Wm Kutr,
Daniel lleim, W. P. Withington and Jooas
Wolf, reported the following us expressive of
the senile of tbe Convention :
Wukrkas, A desperate effort it being
made by rebels and traitors to divide tbe
Union and overthrow tbe free government
established by the blood of our forefathers ;
and the Natinuul Capital is threatened by a
powerful army of insurgeuta whose avowed
object is firal to capture the teat of the
national government, and then to invade tbe
loyal Stales ;
Akd Wukhkal the titration of the Union,
and tbe maiutenunce of tbe government in
its constitutional powers and functions
require that tbe loyal tit lens should b oui
ted, vigilant and determine I in their oppusi-
lion to rebellion, and Ik-it support of those
bo have been legally elected to adiniuiaur
the govtromtat ;
And Wbrrkas, we believe, tbet If tbe
people falter In supporting tbe constitutional
authorities of the country, and allow them:
Selves Io be divided into confl, cling faction
and parties at thit honr.i.f danger, we will be
destroyed at a natKin, witb tbe Uoino divi
ded into petty and hostile confederacies,
between which cootinoal war will eiist, with
immense and endless expense of blood and
treasure Therefore, be it
Resolved, That for tbe maintenance of the
(Juiun. and the SHpporl of the government,
we will no'te ourselves as a band of brothers,
laying aside, for the present, all parly dia
tiiidions and differences, having no other
object than tbe enforcement of the Constitu
tion and laws, and the suppression of that
wicked rebellion wbicb, if it succeeds, will
destroy tbe best government ever formed,
and reduce thit once happy Union to a col
lection of contending petty slates, like those
ol Mexico and Booth America, whose people
will be the victims of endless war and taxa
tion, and the slaves of military despots.
Rnolved, That we will stand by our con.
slituliooal government and our legally elect
ed President, io Ibis conflict with treason
and rebellion, to tbe last extremity and at all
Resolved, That the spediest and cheapest
way to put an end to the war, to repress this
causeless rebellion, tud to restore the Union,
is fur the government to exert its fullest
power, and lor tbe people to stand united in
support of the government, contributing witb
cheerfulness and Ceal the Decessary aid io
men and money.
Restlvtd, That we fully agree with tbe
words of that eminent patriot and Democrat
ic Statesman, Joseph Holt, of Kentucky,
who said in his speech to the people at New
York, on Tuesday, the 3d inst j "What we
need is patriotism, which rises fully to the
comprehension of tbe actual and awful perils
in which our institutions ere placed, and
which is eager to devote every power of body
and mind and fortune to their deliverance a
patriotism wbicb, obliterating all party lines
and entombing all patty issues says to
the President ol the United States, "Here
are our lives and onr estates ; use them
freely, use them boldly, bnl use them success
fully j for, looking oo the graves of our
fathers and oo the cradles of our children
we have sworn that though ell thirgs else
shall parish, Ibis country and Government
shall live."
Resolved, That we deprecate and condemn
all attempts to divide the loyal people into
contending politicul parties and factions,
when a desperate enemy is arrayed to destroy
our free institutions, believing that if we are
divided we fall, as ex pre wed by Judge Don
ulas in bis speech at Chicago, on the first or
May last, when he said that "lbs rebels hoped
that in the Northern States party questions
would bring civil war, between Democrats
and Republicans, when tbe South would step
in with ber cohorts, aid one party to conquer
the other, and tbeo make easy prey of tbe
Resulved, That to prevent the disastrous
state of affairs thus pictured by the lamented
Douglas, and to keep from our own midst the
horrors of civil war, it is absolutely necessary
for 08 to allay inflammable party spirit,
eradicate for tbe time being political distinc
tions, and unite on one great issoe, tbe sup
port of the goverouient aud tbe suppression
of rebellion.
Resolved, That we agree with the words
of the pa'riot Lewis' Cass, who says: -'He
who is not for the country is against ber.
There is no neutral position to be occupied.
It is the duty of all zealously to support the
Governments in all its efforts to bring this
unhappy civil war to a conclusion." And
with the words of Daniel S. Dickinson in bis
Tunkbannock speech where be sayB : "It will
be time euough to struggle over who shall
administer the Government when we are
sum wo have one to administer. He who it
not for it is against it. 1 bave determined to
fight this battle out, but oo oo political
Rmnlved, That while we desire that tbe
loyal people of tbe South should bave every
aid and encouragement possible, we can in
no way consent to a compromise with armed
rebels, believing with Daniel S. DickiDsnn,
who said io bis Tuokhaonock speech, that
"there is no peace until yon can put down
rebellion by force of arms."
Resolved. That we endorse the 'arts of
President Lincolo io his efforts to put down
tbe rebellion, believing thut they were tbe
best tbat could be done io his responsible
position, and io the dangerous emergency
wbicb be was called npoo to meet, aod io
this connection we need but use tbe words of
Daniel S. Dickinson, who said at Tirakbau
nock "I kuow not whether Mr. Lincolo has
observed the Constitution ; indeed, for all the
purposes ol resisting the rebellion, 1 care not.
It is due to him to say, however, tbat he bus
seemed to be in good faith attempting to po
down tbe rebellioo. He has not done all
tbines as 1 would have done them, because 1
would bave multiplied his men by about four
and when he bas struck one blow I would
bave struck a dozeu."
Resolved, Thut in regard to the suspension
or the writ of hubeus corpus, tbe Prtsidtol
acted in conformity witb the luterest of the
Constitution, which suys : "The privilege of a
writ ol habeas Carpus shall out be snspeuded,
unless wbeu in Canes of rebellion und invasion,
the public safety may require it." And we
endorse the lauuage of Hon. Daniel S. Dick
inson in this regard, who suys : "If I were in
command, aud bad good reason to believe that
1 bad possession ol a traitor, 1 would suspeud
tbe writ, aud the individual too."
Resolved, Tbat we can bave no political fel
lowsbip with those who, by tbeir sympathy
with rebels, tend to prolong tbe war, aud in
crease tbe bloodshed aod expense, aud that we
believe that a division among tbe loyal people
of the North will encourage tbe rebels to coo
tinue the struggle, which will necessarily in
crease tbe taxatioo aod extend the period of
blonusDeo prostration ol business. 1 hat our
duty us patriots, as well aa our interest as
citizens, urge us to conduct this war with such
vigor, and to bring it to sucb o conclusion,
that we will not be compelled to assist io pay
ing the bonds of tbe so called Confederate
Stales, but will force the rebels who caused
the war to bear the priucipal burden of tbe
expense. 1 be rebels of the Suutb coin,
meuced this civil war without cause, and jus.
lice requires tbat the expense of suppressing
the rebellioo should be borue bv those who
precipitated il upon us.
Resolved, Tbat secession is revolution, and
tbul the alleged right of any State or Slates
to withdraw at pleasure from the Unioo, would
lead to a condition of endless anarchy aod civil
Resolved, Tbat all our sympathies are witb
our brave soldiers now in arms in defense of
tbe Uuioo and the Government ; and the fact
of Democrats, Republicans aud Americans
slandiug shoulder to shoulder io tbe ranks
teaches us at home to present the same exam
pie of unity and fraternity. We caouol ex
press the sentiments of ibis Convention belter
than by adopting tbe letter of that uob e sol
dier, Geo. Benjamin F. Butler, to his political
mends in Massacousetts, published in tbe
Lowell Advertiser, io wbicb be Bays: "As 1
bave staled to vou aod as 1 have publicly
repealed, wbeo J left borne 1 left all politics,
io a party sense of tbe term, bebiud me, aod 1
now know do politics 10 aoy sense, suve at
represented by tht question : How best to
preserve tbe Uniun. acd red or a the country
toils integrity? Peace it desiruble to all,
and to none more to than to Ibe soldier who
has left hit friends and bit home to do bit
duty to bit country. But, however desirable,
it it not to be purchased upon aoy terms, tave
the recnguitioo ol tha aulhonty of Ibe Federal
UovernuiMiit over ey loch ol territory which
ever belonged to it. Upim oocooditiou what
ever, other than this, would 1 consent to
peace. A peace iuvoivinv the disintegration
of ibe Uuioo, or until the tupreoiary of lie
Govercmeot it forttm established, would t
I f ply a declaration of perpetual War of ten
linn-. Ware tbe floalhere Confederacy to day
aeknowledfr.ee1 io the fulloesaof goof fWtth,two
ti.oniun. would not elapse be-fore causes of war
would arise, sufficient not ooly to justify, but to
demand renewal of the cooflict. No two
mnnlhs bave passed io the last ten years, et
least, io wbicb outrage have not been com
muted opno Northern men in the South,
which, bad they been perpetrated by a foreign
nation, would bave demanded a redrest of
grievances, under a pain of tbe suspension of
diplomatio relations. On the matter of the
nominations I cannot consent that my name
shall be used by any party. . While oo tome
tbiogs, as you are aware, 1 do not agree with
the principles npoo which both tbe State aod
National Administrations wete Inaugurated,
yet we are a long way past that. Tbe Repub
lican party, having wou a political victory,
both in the State and in the oation, it enti
tled to the endeavor of every man to give it a
fair trial in tbe administration of the govern
ment. Lot it be understood that without
distinctiou of party and without raising parly
issues, all men who love the, Union are deter
mined to stand by it and the country until
thit rebellioo shall be quelled, aod then we
may hereafter divide at we please npoo the
minor difference or administration of Govern
ment." Resolved, Tbat we do not regard thit war
at one of subjugation, and in this we are sus
tained by tbe declaration of Congress, at its
late special session, as offered by Mr. Critten
den, and passed almost unanimously, which
said : "That tbe present deplorable civil war
has beeo forced upoo the country by tbe die
unionists of the Southern States, now in arms
against the Constitutional Government, nnd
in arms around tbe capital ; that io this Na
tional emergency, Congress, banishing all
feeling of mere passion or resentment, will
recollect only its duty to the whole conutry j
that this tear is not waged vpon their part in
any spirit of oppression, or for any purpose of
conquest or subjugation, or purpose of over
throwing or intrrfering u ith the rightt or estab
lished institutions vf those States, but to d-J'end
and maintain the supremacy of the ( 'onstitutinn,
and to reserve the Union, with all the dignity,
equality, and rights of the several States vnim
paired; and that as soon as these ends are ac
complished the tear ought to cease."
Uu motion of Wm. Kulz, the following waa
ouanimoiiBly added to the olber r solutions:
Resolved, Tbat tbe war ebould be proseco
ted with all tbe energy and power possessed
by tbe Government, until disunion is comnlee
ly crushed out ; and tbat whilst we are willing
to give to every portion or our beloved conn
try all their just and Constitutional rights, we
we will oppose aoy and all compromises with
armed traitors; nevertheless, when tbe au
thority of the Federal Government shall have
been re-established, and peaceful obedience Io
the laws prevails, we shall be ready toco-ope.
rate and cooler with all loyal citizens through
out the Union, io Congress or Convention, for
the consideration of all supposed grievances,
the redress of all wrongs, il any exist, and the
protection of every right, yielding ourselves,
and expecting others to yield, to the will of
the whole people, as constitutionally express
ed through the ballot box.
On motion, the resolutions were unanimous
ly and enthusiastically adopted.
On motion, Resolved that the proceedings
of the Convention be published io the papors
of tbe county.
Oo motion, tbe Convention adjourned, sine
Signed by tbe Officers
New Advertisements.
.m!i;i: a it ti i v a l or
Sunbory, September
7, 1801.
John rarHru
7ia Ahcii Strtt, bwweeii
?ili., nnd aih., Sir,
(Late 818 Mar Let,)
Jmpnrti.r ft Mnniifactiirrr
oi, ami IVnlfr in all kiii'!t
of KA.i:V FL'Hi. f..i
l.mli..' Mistm,' itiiil Cllil-
oreiri wrai.
llnviiit iiiw mnnnfnrtiir
ed nod m ittie my usiuil
inrite and iHfnutilul ansint
;rM Maud imlitie.-tf Fun,
nia;iMi ro me r an dimi
Winter ttainins, 1 would
respectfully iuuiti an examination of my stock and pri'-e.
from IhoM intruding In purchase, as I am enabled to vffct
tliem very drsimlile iuducementa.
All my Furs have been purchased for Cash, and mnil
by experienced bauds, aiai as Hie present monetary Itoublrs
render it necessary that I should dispose of my goods at a
Very small advance oncost.
I am sittt.ried that it would he to I lie interest of those who
design piiichnsiiff to rive me a call.
nr Kecoiiei tthe name, aim street : j. r aners,
(New Fur Score,) "IS Arch Street, l'hiUidelibuu
sept. 7, 181. 5m."
Fellow Citizcna : I offer myself to jou aa an
Independent Union Candidate for
Should my ellnw citizens see proper lo give mo
majority of their votes, I pledge myself to a
faithful performance of their duties of the office.
Sunbury, August 17, 1861.
lha modern styles of Pictures, executed in a
superior maimer.
IV Rooms in his CAR, Market Square,
8unhury, Pa.
August 10, 1861.
nPIlE Assessors of Northumberland Couo.
A ty, whose business il is to make tbe tri
ronial asessmeul, are hereby notified that the
hooks for that purpose, ore now ready for de
lively at tbe Commissioners' Ollice.
Commissioners' Office, )
. Sonbury, Aug. 24, 'CI. J
To the Voters of Northumberland County.
17EL1.0W Cri lZENS: From the encnur-
- aaement 1 iprpivpil fmm
county, I offer myself as a candidate for the
otfica of
anbject tn the usages of Ihe democratic party, and
ii eiecieu, win perform lha dutiea iusily and inv
partially to ihe beat of my ability.
Lower Augusta township, June lh, 1861.
A auppl of Summons', Executions.
Warrant. Suposnas, Deeda, Mortgages.
Bonds, losses, Naturalisation papera, Justices
tnd Constables Fee Bills, Ac, ate., just printed
end for sale at thia Ollice.
irborr, Apr! 80, fh.
-M A 'Tft "I i. to? IV-
To the Democratic Voters of Northum
berland County.
1 HAVE been induced to permit mv name In
I uaed in connection with ' the nominalion
for the l.EUlSl.ATUKE, at Ibe ensuing Homo
eratie primary election.
The solicitation of many warm personal friends
in both ends of our county have prevailed wilh
me in this matter and should they see proper lo
nominate and elect me, it will he mv pleaure, ns
Weil aa a duty, to piemote the interests and
prosperity of my own constituents, aa well as of
the State and oountrv at large.
" J. WOODS unowN.
Turbut tnwnebjrt, July 6, 1861.
Entirely Vegetable. No Alooholio Prepa
Prtpartd ly
DR. JACKSON fc CO., Philadelphia, P-nb'i,
Will efTectunlly cure Liver Complaint, Drappp.
. ia, Jauniliaa, Chronic or Nervous Debility.
Diaraae of the Kidnfiva, and all diaeaeea arising
from ft disordered Liver or Stomach
Suchaa Conttipatimi, Inward Pi In, Fnlnnanr Plnm to
in him, Aciuity v itie vintnirh, IN a turn, IRTtrllMirn,
Uirsuet fif r HhJ, r UifiVM i Wewlit til the Nimiwh.
trur Kiurtatimti, Sinking or Flultcrina; hi the Pitf the
$i"mfich, Swimming of ibe Head, Hurried ami OilTictilt
HintUiing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or SiifT'.nth,
ruMiioiMs when in a lying posture, Diinnem of V in ion,
Dot of we I heforethe Hiitbt. Fever und Dull 1'nm in 1I1.1
Heail, Deficiency of Perftpiiiition, Yellowness of the lkm
and Kvea, Pain mthePide, Buck, Chest, l.itnha, fte , fml.
den Flu tries of Hent, Hunting in the Flesh, Con unit lum
gininga of evil, and great Depression tf Spirit", nnd will
n..Biiivfly prevent YtiLLUW l'EVEK.blMOl'S FK
VKK.fte. The Pronrietm in cnllfnff the attention of the nnhlietn
this pie amtimi,does ao with a feeling of the utmost eon
fidenre in its virtues and adniitatiou to Ilia diseases for
which it is rerommeiided.
Il is no new nnd untried art 1 fie, but one thnt hn stood
the lest of a twelve yewrs' ttinl before the Anitrimn pio
plet and lis reputHtion aud ante are unrivnllcd by any similar
prepnnitionextanr. The testimony In its fovor given by
the tn"t prominent aud well-known PhvRiciuttft and intti
vidiials in nil pnitsof the country is immense, nnd a cure,
fill perusal of the Altnnnnr.puhlished anuniilly bv the' pro
piietors, and to he hnd gratis of any of their Apents, run
not bnt,Mtify the most skeptical that thu reintdv it real I v
dtsoi viii(f ttis grent eelebnty it hns ohtai'ied
From S. Newton Brown, D. D , Editor of Hie Encyclope.
dm of Religious Knowledge.
Atthonch not disposed to favor or recommend Patent
Medicines In general, through rtitrttst of their iimredieiitt
and effects, I yet know of no sufficient renson why n mint
may not testily to (he hetieht he believes htmselt to have
received Iron, any simple preparation, 111 the hope thnt he
mnvthus contribute to the benefit nf others
1 do this the mote readily in retrntd to "Hooflnnd's Ger
man Miitcts,1' prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson, of thiscitv,
because I was prejuciced agninst Ihcm for years, iinib-r the
impression that they were chterlv an nlcoholte mixture. I
am indebted to my friend Rolwtt Hhoemitficr. 1., for the
removal 01 tnis prejudice ny proper tests, and lor encour
agement to try them, when suffering from prent mid long
continued debih) The use nf thiee hot lira of ihese Hit
ters, at the I ice inning or the prvsetit year, was followed,
by evident relief, nnd restoration to a degiee of loriily and
mental vieor which I hml not fellfrstx mouths before.
and hnd almost despaired of regaining. 1 therefore thank
God and my friend for directing me 10 the use of Minn.
rnihtra., Junetrj, immi, j iuv tu.n ukuuin.
August 31, IMU. ly
In the Orphans' Court of Northumberland
In the matter nf the final account of William
I.. Dewart, Guardian of Mary C. Malirk ;
fPHE undersigned Auditor, appointed by said
Court to settle and aitjust raid account, will
alter d fur that purpose at his office, in Sunlmry,
Tuesday, the 81th day of Srptem'ier, 1861,
when nil persona interested may attend, if they
think proper. HARRIS PAINTER, Auditor.
Sunbury, August 24, Ie61.
Martin K. Bachman, now
In the Court of
for tbe use of Abraham
i ivuminirii i lean ui
r Tii c
Henry W'cise.
Northumberland co.
ven. Kx. i0 38
AuguetTerm, 1861.
Holice is hereby given
that the undersigned
Auditor, appointed by the said Conrt to distribute
the monies in Court, in the above case, will
attend for that purport at his office, in Nunlury,
on Tuesday, the Hih day ol Oelober next, when
all persona interested may attend, if they think
proper. HAhlUS r A1I 1 Eii, Auditor.
Sunbury, August 24, 1861.
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Wishart's Pine Tree Tar Cordial
Wishart's Pine Tree Tar Cordial is an unfail
insc remedy fur diseaae of tbe Kidney s, l.'rinary
oinplainls, Ulmtl and Iilt'tnling Piles, fWrvuu
IMdlity, and for Female weakness and Irrrgu
larilira. The well known efficacy of Pine Tree Tar in
the cure of external afle etions or Surf, (minli'd it
out as the Natural Kemrdj fur what I'iiysn iiuis
call Tubercular HVctiuus(lhat it lo say, Survs.)
upon the Lunge, it remained to discover the
best means uf application, which discoveiy has
been made, aa a thousand testimonials prove, by
tbe Proprietor nf
Wishart's Pine Tree Tar Cordial !
If you have DYSPEPSIA, use
Wishart's Great American Dyspepsia, Pill!
A sure cure Warranted fur one dollar, or the
Money Refunded !
Buy a box and take them according to direc
lions, and if they do not cure you, the money will
be returned.
Asknts Wm. Weimer, Northumberland.
A. W, Fischer, Suiihury.
Call at either place, and get a descriptive Cir
cular. I.. Q. C. Wishart, proprietor, No. 10, North
Second, Philadelphia.
August 10, 1N0I. ly
A N D 'J' n W INOllUA T C O M P A N Y.
''-RAVF.LLER8 and others are respectfully
informed thai tha subscriber, in order to ac
commodate the pol.lic and facilitate travel, h is
reduceJ the ralea of finiHge at bis STEAM
FERRY, over Ihe Susquehanna, at Kuiihuiv. and
will carry Passengers, Horses, Carnages, and
other vehicles, at the following rates, vis:
Foot Passengers, each fi cents.
Hora and Rider, 15
Horse and fuggy, 25 -
Two-Horse Conveyance, 49 "
Farmers and others, wishing lo transport Coal
and Produce, can make arrangements at still
lower ratea.
A large, safe and commodious Steamboat will
rnn regularly aud promptly at all hours of the
day, and to accommodate those who desire to at
tend Ihe Churches at Sunbury and Seliusgrove,
the Boat will run on Sunday.
Tha Steamboat wilt run from Market Street
Warf, and promptly convey Passengers from
both sidea of the River, without delay.
Tbe Steam Ferry now affords not only a safe
and convenient transit over Ihe Susquehanna,
but also a pleasant ami agreeable rule.
1 RA T. CLEM E.M' Lessee and I'roprietor.
Sunbury, May US, Ittfll,
A Good Chance for an Enterprising Man
tHE sulcriber wants a partner iu Ihe Mar
ble huainese, a sober perstrvaring man who
can speak both lit English and German langua
ges, to on that will suit, no cash capital required
For pailkulars inquire of
KerQiussbairlaad, A. 9, .,
Taxes ! Taxes ! Taxes !
rSHIj Doonl of hi hiiol IMrectnra anil Sujirrvl
sora ol 1 1 on ils In lwiialiiis wlier unwaleil
l.amla are eitualrd, ar. Iierel.y reietrj to fur
tiisli ihe IVmmiMtinnrra of Northumberland
county, with ie rate r rent for the yearn lrliiti
til, on ftliool and Koal Tax
H. I). JORDAN, Clerk.
Cimmi'sioner'a office, )
H.M .. IhK ST. 'fi.
amaa Liital STYLE OF
at lha
Fashionablo Tailoring1 Establishment
Market Mrect, SUNMCIl V, Pa.
T E subscriber has just received end opened
" Irce Ksaurtment HPHI,(1 A Nil MUM
MF.R COO 1 1", suchss
riain and Fancy CasBimerea. Yestings, &o.
of the latest at) les. In addition lo his etock he
is constantly receiving nrw supplies from the cits
keeping a full assortment of ihn most substantial
and latest at) le of Ooode in the city markets.
Me is prepared to make lo order all kinds of
cii'.li'tnon s and Coy's wear, such aa
I.OON. Ac.&c.
of the very latest style, and in the most substan
tial manner, at sl.ort notice.
Any Good not on hand, will be furnished
from Philadelphia, by giving two dny'a notice.
I & Call and exuminu my stock, no charges
made for showing.
Snn'iurv, May II, IRfil.
The cWnpeft nnd tnnst iurMt Rnofing in use. It is Fire
atin vhipt rrnni.
It ran be applied n new nntl nltl Itncfi of nil kitit. and
t tliii.g!e HHr without remuving the himfie.
The Cost is only about One-Third that
ot lin, and it a twice ns Durable.
For prewvintr nnd ff rMiirinjr Tin nnd ntlier Mctiil It(Kr nf
vrrv dpsciipii'ti, fn-m tiff ifitf eliiwticity, is n t injured
hy Ihr fuiiiriiciii'ii mifi fX iiniiii of nit-tuis, nnd will imt
cluck i c'U) r inn iu vvnitii wciitlici.
I'lu'st inntrriiilM Imve In en lii'roi nhlv trfird in New
Yotk nnd nil pTiriR nf Ihe H't.ihf-rn nnd YVtern Starn.
nnd we cuii give al)UiidutitBptttofuf all we clmni m ilitir
Tlieynr rendity applied by or iniiry laboreri, at a tri
fling expense.
tii a r ir ii.r.u.
TIicbo nialeriiilffiire nnt un rnut fnr use, and for shin-
pinirtitnll pnri-uf the country, with full piintfd dirttt oi.a
for iippliriitimi.
Full drwnptive cirrulnta will le ftirnisJn-d on eppiiiMt
limi hy tnuil r in person nt iur Pritieipnl t'lTice and Wnrc
hniiBc, 78 WIIJ.lAM 8TKKET,. (Corner uf Liberty
Ptreet,) New Vork.
Ar.FiTiTS Wavikd f Termi Cafh ! !
Jure 1. l6 ly
Tbe Dest Military Book ever Published
Containing full instructions for the RECRUIT,
in the Kcbools of the Soldier arid Sipiad, pivon
in the mott Simple Style, and all the information
necessary foi the forming of CORPS Or HOME
GUHlS Illt'strated with over I (10 engravim,
showing the Dill'errnt Pos lions in the Facings
and Manual ol Arms, and complete direcliuiis
relative to Loading and Firing. Arranged ac
cording, to
TICS, And in conformation with the army require
ments for the present War, by
Lt.Col. D. W. C. B AXTER,
of the National Guard.
The instructions Riven are of the creates! im
portance to the rew volunteer, and should be
thoroughly understood, being 'indispensable to
the instruction of a company.
Hound in one volume, 12ino.,fi2 paces, Paper
Cover, price 2.r cents. Flexihle ('loth, 3rt conla.
'I he sume Work
Is also published in the (lerniau Language, at
the smne price, and i the nnlv German
Book of American 'Panics pub1
lished in tbe United Slates.
Agents ami Canvussem Wanted.
To engage in the sale of this Wnik, in
City, 1 own and Village in Ihe country.
Prue per l'ozf.n Copies,
.. Kiliy "
" ' Hundred"
All orders accompanied with the Cash will bo
dibiiatcheJ immediately, either hy posr or express,
II" ordered by post. Stamps mnst he enclosi-d to
tiny postage. It' hy express, the liciuht can be
paid on delivery.
The Ctimp'l'ire Towpaninn.
A New and Oiiciual Collection of Military
and Patriotic Snug': ailanlcd especially for the
iiresriil Campaign. One vol. (Vino. With il
1'aper cover, 15 cts. Flexible Cloth, 25 cts.
Single Copies ol the shove Book
To any address in the United Elates, upon re
ceipt of the price, by
KINO & B.1UI, Printers and Publishers.
(1117 StitsiiM Sr., Philadelphia.
To whom all Orders should be aduresscd,
Mav 18. ISM 6 t
A R E G E el.
Hja Rich Figured linreges. 19, 2.'ainl 31 rents,
Harege Robes. $:l 50. 4 Oil ami $5 00,
Mozambique Rubes al i 00,
Traveling llres CtoiU,
Shepherd's Plaids, MubaT Plaiils.
I iliij.hsiii's. Lawns. Punts, Challies,
Grey Figured (mods.
S E corner Ninth and Market, Philadelphia.
N H Dest quality Hoop Skirts, 94 cents to
S 25.
May 18. 1H6 1.
Tau e1; bail" Tj er s
S. E Corner Second and Chestnut $U.
AGKNCY fnr ll.e lATKN T V.Q I ' A I J ZI NO Til I ft TV
UA V CLOCKS, h veiy tfisii(illp uMicle lor t uunii
e, HotttH, Hanki, .NniiiMnx Htt, lnrlorw, tVn,
wt M-iiiuiurtiirrr t'l r l K liUl.U I'bAb,
CtiW'ait Teiuirc1 unit yai rtinttnj.
CU'vk Tiniiiuingai l evry iitwriptioii,
rinlmifh.hiH, Jtmuary IU, lHU.--3y
A l.KCTt'RK on lha Ntur, treHtmfitt, aiu) Radical
Curei'l SptiiiiUiriha.i, ir Hrthiiml WoHkiieti.ihtJuti) He
bihly, NerV'umpB hihI invntuitiurv viiiiviioiin, prtxluriii(
iiuptvteiicy, C'iuuiptiiii mid Mrntaltiiul l'bytt-ul Debility.
The .mituriaiil (net thnt Hie awful e-Httuenc'f of mt (
a I him muy m eilwtually reinnveJ wiiti'tut iinrnutl mnli.
enit4 f lh dJiiwiHi iMtlimlioii l Huiiii-a, iimtru
roeitl nmiifwietl Ueuttit, mut miter .iimiphI dvi
hrfts clmrly driiituifaitiirU, and i lie ruiirrly new nd hiuiily
auccrasiul trwtlmieiit, at atipttd by the rrlfUatt-d autluir
fully emplaniwl, by nttwua of M lnrhevary me emdtlrti
tii cure liiniaelf prffwilv, mid M tUm IimM p"ili t,
therdty avindiiifi all tli adverliaed lusatruiiia nf thadny.
Thia lei'ium will prove a impm ii iitoueniuivaiiu ibodmiiiiib
hetit under aeal. in a pUin envus-tp?, li any atldirna, ptvat
paid, on the ieH ini nf two pnatr ittmpi, by adbeiiiu(.
lit CH J O.kUNK, li.7 Howety, New Vuik. Yumi
aa co ua cu z
11RIOHT & fu..
Invito attention to their Stock of
Prime Green and Black Ton.
June IS, HOI.
SZ2 JS3ST 1333 T GJ
Splendid I due cmente
P "J ?a Z H JL S E ?a
Sunbury, June 15, IKUi.
llOl lllislEK, N. Y
JOHN W. Bl'CHER, Lornl Ayein, Sunbury
rjlhe subscriber, havinij: been eppointed local
i Afienl lor the sale uf Fruit trees, plants
vines, &.e., of one ui the most reliable Nurseries,
cilia the attention of all who waul choice fruit to
this method, as more cci tain than by oblainiuu
I hem Munich Irnvellnj; amenta. Among those
desciilied in the (.'aiuloua are, Llwurl' Pear
Trees, of the age for transplanting, remarkably
Dwarf Apple Trees, on Paradise Storks, mi
kiiU beuutilul little tries lor the garden, and pro
dueint; icinarkably tii.c specimen of fruit in a
very short tune.
iitvaif Cherry Trees, budded on Mahaleb
hloeks, handsome trees.
HUmluid A)iple, Pear and Cherry Trees, very
fine, willi a lurne list of vaiietics.
Peach, Plum, Nectarine und Apricot Trees.
(iooseberry, lilucklerry ui d Strawberry Plant
all ol the tine.t kinds.
Currauis, many new and improved varieties,
such aa Cherry, Vi bile tirupe, bite (ioudouiii,
luil tirape, Vntoiia, &c.
Sirmvlirrry Plants, in great variety, including
the Hooker, W ilson's Albany, Triomphie de
Oand, (the uiost approved old varieties,) as well
as all lite novellies.
(rape Vines, including those (ine, new, yet
well l-i-ied kinds, wbieh no planter should be
without, such is Delaware, Conconl, and llart
lurd I'rnlilic These we have propitiated so ex
tensively as to able lo oiler them at reduced and
satiefactory prices.
Plants, Roses, Kvertireene and every variety of
ornamental trees and bhrubbery, aecurtly packed
JOHN W. UI C1IEK, Agent, Kunbury Pa.
Sunbury, Pebuaiy, S, IKtil.
Kcw Millinery Goods.
.fllas ,11. 1 ,l .VW.I.U,
Fawn Street, two ibtors south oj the Shamok in
I alley Pottsville Rait Rad,
UKt'l'KCri't l.l.Y informs Ibe cinzeus of
ISL'NUL'RY and vicinity, that she has just
received from Philadelphia a large and si leudid
assortment of Ihe moat fashionable and latest
style nf
il A T 8, h H A K K R 8, TRIM M lMlt. &e.
which she is selling at the most reasonable prices
'lo which he tlirecia the attenlion of ibe UJwa
and iuvilea all lo call atij ihrio.
Thankful for tat iUonag, ahe hop? by
keeping to 1-ct.t ataorlmcut t reanoual.Iti jjricra
locontinuo tho a ma.
Btbur-f, April O, Jf If 3aa
tlian can ba purchased elsewiirre.
Just received lijr Hailroad this week.
Sunbury, Decrmhcr 16, I8fi0.
MiouM he in every family. School, Gymnasi
um. Asylum. Btnl HuFjiitu! in the lurid. Ara
not TJAMjEKOI;, like the common Rorkinj
Horse. Stands firm on lis Pedestal, will not
wenr CARPETS, and bas no Rockers to injur
Ihe Feet.
'Ilcakta and happiness In the samt aiiWIs." N P. Willi
"Of all tho child-furniturejwe "have ever seen
no article combines so much of those two itnpor
tant things health and happiness as the Ad
justahli! Patent Steel Spring Saddle-Horse, in
vented by .lease A. Criinilnll, It is not dnnger-
ous, liko a common rocking-horse, to children's
feet, cannot be upset, does not wear carpts, hut
stands firm on its have, and its action is so liko
ihe gallop of a live horse that the child never
wearies of it. This ,atest of child-novelties is ex
ceedingly elegant nnd artistic in design ; and f
ndjusluble, substantial, and durable, that it will
last a liletiinc. It is indispensable in every
family where there are children. It should ha
in every primary school and gymnasium in tiio
country, as it can be m.idc large and strong
.'nough to sustain grown persons. Aa a pedeatul
for photographic pictures, nothing is more beauti
"Every Oiphan Asylum and Institution where
children are congregated, should he furnished
with a number of these beautiful articles. They
ure lilted with side-saddles when required."
the after part of the base sulliciently to allow the
axle to go in its place ; then raise or lower thu
Horse to suit you. Screw the bolts in tha aids
very tigjit.
fW These Horsea ara WARRAFTED one
March 16, 1PB1 tf
rpHESL'MMKHTf.R.M of the Sunbury Academy wol
J Commence un the e in nf April.
The coma4 f inftiruotin euibrncct every dcpml
ment i-f fcdtunti'Mi tmijzli in our bcrt AcHdemiea, pre(-Mniig
tu'leuta one culicr fT a pruirMiuu or ti entet any uia wi
Omm-in Pebwl Itratichea, -1 00
Higher Kit! it'll lrnich?a, 5 i U
Isatinand Oivcl: lsangimgut. 7 OO
Tnittn to bepftid ttft're the mKMleof the tenn.
tt irdcun be hud iu pnvule luin.lica el fioni 1 72 W
S-2 di week.
R P. WOLVERTOX, Principal.
Sunbury, Marrh Si1, ItCO.
1 clt'brafecl
For the JVhiskirs ami Hair,
Tin? auliacri1er Itike pleusnre in Biuinuncinp to the ci:i
zentitti the Lnitfil fttuit-a, that they have t bUrnt'l tl
Aficy tur, an Jure n"W enabled touffei tn the Anieri(jm
pntihc, the uUuve juully ctlcbruLfe und worlU-u-tiowiivJ
The Stimulating On ff vent
is prep;irtd by Dr. O. V. Itellinsitnin, un eminent plyticiatl
ot iMiiiun, Ht'.d is warranted ti bung out a thick let of
Whiskers or Moustache
in from three to nix. week a. The miiele il the only on
of the kinil nf-l l y the Freuvti, and in Luiitj'nuud fa
ria it la in univerrnl una
ll iM u lui')iiliil. rc'iicmicul, aontlmiff, vet at imubil tn
iii'v'uiut, Hctickt na if bv inncir nix n ihe riKi, cnuMtiu a
titHifiil growth t f luxunrini hmr II h polled to tbe -k uip.
t will eure (MNlnexa, nnd i-tomr to anrii.t! up in nlnc-e f
the b-tldspotaa tine growth ol huir. Applied acci'idirg
to iiirrrii'itta it will turn red or lowy hmr tbok, and rtii '
cmy Imir t ilaotigiutil clor, lettviu it 'tt. mx-tn,
nnihle. I lie iitirieiil ' is un indiFpt nnulc arm le in
t?'t( Liiikin;iii tt t 'i.-t. niiA inter one week a ue they
w u'd nt for hiiv coi.siikTalion be without tt.
The auburribcra re the only Aaen'a fr the article lit
the Ui.ifd rtnlei, to whom nil orders musi le tuldr s-ed.
I rice Ore l)h;ir a Ihix fur t h bv nil Dnnieista nnd
Dealfia: or a Itox tf the Oueuent1 (warranted to have
l be dfured eilt-ci) will be win to any who tifiirt it, by
mail, ilircct, tuielv pu -kec. on receipt o pi ice and l'- hl-
age, tfl,!. Apply to or adtlrcn
Ml'HAtl. Is. 1IU.iA. ft CU.,
DrurfzitilB, Ac.. William St., New Yolk.
Fornalent tf.i ollice.
March 30, 1M,.
hOUniOH illlLHIi,
Attorney a Law,
SUNBURY. Northumberland Co.. Pa
(Formerly Trceliuru, nvder count?.
0FFli;E, Market iStrt'tl, a frw donr-i eaht of tho
-Norther i: 1'rtiiral Kailron J Depot and Xwo
di'ora went of the Vost Office.
Alt TroieifMonnl Hushh-cs, CuULCtiunu, &c.t
will recciM) i i-Mnpt altL'iitioti,
Murcli 30, lhtii.
n.WI.Mi (.iircliawd (lie store furnirrly hrpt
l.y A. V. f l.-l HEU.tiewoiiM re-ioiifuliy
call the attmtiuii uf lh iutlic U his nell sulei't.
e J stuck nf
Oils, Ujr Sliilis, Varnishes, Pcrrumrry,
A i lii Us, Cue Hair ii n J i ooih Urusl'rs,
ranry foaps. i russea, die.
ybysician I'rrsrriiliuns anil Family Ri"csi'l
accurattily vompuuMieJ at all hours, l y an vx
riincc.l lJruseist anil Apt llnrsiy.
KE.M KMUKH Hie (ila.e, uii.lrr th c
lh "Sun'mry Amt riian."
Hniihurv, June i'i Iriiil. !)moa
UoreJ Manilas,
I'nplin UukUrs,
French Kaquea,
bilk basijuinea,
Newest Desigua. A'hb.I Mails, or Mail In Onler
CODl'Ki: & CON Alt II,
B. Corner Mntli ai.d Markri, rkii4''hia.
IrUrl), Iktt.