BENTBY EXPRESS EVEBV W1IERH, Retailed at Wholesale rrices, Made to Mcasnra at $18 per doz. or six for ninh dollaiis, .without Collars on, with Collin on pr dos. extr. MADE 0 SCW-YOISK MILLS NCSUM, Wlh fins I.lncn Bejon.s, and warranted as pond m fold In tin retail stores at t2,!X each. ALSO. III VERY HEFT FfTIP.T? THAT CAS IB MADS AT 4 fcAca, P ThoM who thin I cannot m-ke good S.trt for tia per dcren sr. miilUen. Dors' th Wit of on down 118 Ono sUrts. ..... f 0 yards of Nctr-York Mills rrnsV.n MU.Vc pryJ. M M 7 v tnli of fine Lluea, t bOc per yard, 19 JUklng an cutting J" Laundry, 1 1 buttons and cotton, SOo. 1 Profit "J Total ' Self Measurement for BIiirt3. Printed directions dent free everywhere, and so easy ,n understand, that sr.y on' .can Uks their o n mea.i.r. fcr shirts. I warrant a good tit. Vie rash to bo paid to Hie Express Company on receipt of goods. ' The Esprcss charces on one dou Shirts from Kcw York to Now Orleans ii 1. r b -PARTir.3 wisnreo pmrtTS is n aste, ni taring time to send for Rules of .Measurement slioulj rod p mall, prepaid, one ot the best Oumgshirts thty ban got, stating any alterations that may b reqidrc.0. 1 S. W. II. WARD, from London, 387 Broadway, up stairs, f .Between Vthlte Walker Streets "W-YOIttV. Marin ib. IHBl. - It " AYEE'S Sarsaparilla tor ruRirYmo the blood. And for the speedy cure of tho following complaint! Scrofula find 8c rnfulons AfTctlona,Hnch at Tumor I'lcemt) Sorm, Krupf lonf I'iittplea Vimtulea, Itlotehf a, Holla., IIlaiiiH. mid ull bkln Ulnruiei. Oak und, I ml., 6ih Jhho, lp. J. 0. Arr.ii k Co. ( I fti-d It my duty to ac knowlcde lmt your iNtmipurilla bus done fur iue. liming iiilioiUtnl a Scrofulous infection. I hfivo eufturvd from It In various waji fr jtur. Hunietimes It burst ut In VIceiH on niv hnwin and arms; Mine times It turned luwurd nti-l MHticnsH mo at the vtomncl). Two jenr atro it broke out on niv lioad and mitred my sculp and eara with one sort, wlii;li nun painful mid louOigonie beyond desci iption. J tri.-d itiauy meUirint'H and tiveral jltynii'iaii, but without ntucti rulit f from nny tliitifr. In tnc't, tlio disoider grew uoi-o, M leiiplh 1 was rejoiced to read In the Oo-.p l M niiw that voo had prpnrel n alterative (Saraapiuilla). f r I knw from youi reputA ticn that any tliime joii made must be pood. I tent to Cincinnati and got it, aud ue1 it till it cund me. 1 toilc It, a you advne. in aiuiTtt doff a of a t'-tiToonful ovrr a tniith, and usd atnioit tlnoe botth s New mhI Imaltby BkJn soon began to form undvr the kcab. which after a tbtle fdl otf. Jy akin In now rloar, and I know by uiT fcrlinc?" that the dintfwe Imi rnne from my ay ft em. Yon can TVtill U'liwve that 1 feet what I nm naviiKZ when 1 tell you, ttiat I hold you to If one of tuu apoitloa of U.o age, Aud remain ever gratefully. Your. ALFKbD B. T ALLEY, fit. Anthony's Five, Ro. or Frvelnelas, T titer ni (I ISnlt lMicuin, Srnld Heatly It In g norm, bore I-yen, Uropvy Dr. piter t M. Pn-Ile writes from Salem. K. Y., 12th Sept., that h? ha cured an inveterate case of Dropsy, whUu threatened to terminate fatally, by tho porwverfug n of our bari)aparilhi. find hi mi u uatifterout Malignant Frpn'pfJar by lnre doses of the same; says lie cures the common Krvptvmt by It constantly. Cronclioctlf , follr or Swelletl Neck Zihirion Sl"nn of I'lnyiwct, Texas, ic rites t ' Three hot" tlvs of your Sarsapmilla en red me from b W-iVre ft hid eous pwellint; on the ueck. vhidi 1 had sulfcred fioin ovsr two years." Leiicorrluva or Vlilles, Ovarian Tumor, L'terine llrfiailoii, Female Diseases Ir. J. B. P. f lianninp, of New Yik City, writes j most cheerfully comply with the request of your ftfrent in savins; I hare found your Farwipat illa a nuwt exrellent alterative in the numerous complainU for which we employ siiili a retne1y, but ejecl!ly Ip ftwl Diseases of the Scrofulous diaihIs. I have cured many Inveter ate eiiopn of Leurorrhnpa by It, and some where the com plaint was caused by u'cYrtf." o the - rn. The ulcer ation itself was soon cured. Nothing within my kuowl edrfo equals it for then female deraiif-muits.' fcdward 8. Mnrrow, of Ntwbnry. Ala., writes, 11 A dan gerous orttrian tumor on one of tho females In my famfl?, which bad defied all the remedies we could -mploy. has at length been eomplet'dy cured by your Lx tract of Sar sapaiilla. Our phririan thought notiiintc but extirpa tion could afford ndn f. but he advised the of your Saitapaillls us the Inst resort before cuttinir, and it proved effectual. After taUhitrynur reaiudy eight weeks no symptom of the disvnte remains." Syphilis and Mercurial Disease New Oiti.ptNs, iiftih Aunt-t. 169. Tit. J. P. Arm t Sir, I cheerfully comply will, the re- ?ih'M of your airen, and report to yu some of the eJleits h.tvo realised with your S irnpai ilia. 1 luoiMUnd U it, in my prtHtce. mrmt, of the com-J-lrtlnts for which it H tcr-omuiended. ettd have fuiind Its ei'.vis truly wonderful In th ute f ' ntrttt and JtVr cfi'J (v". One id my pa! hint hid Syphilitic nlrera In his throat, which weio c-niMumin his ;tlule and tits t p of his mouth. Your urir.!irjln, vte'idily taken, cui'tdhiui In tivewoeUi. Another was atlitrked by sec uudary syiifptoius in hi nunc, and the nlct ration had eritoii away a cont-ideiaijlo part uf it, s tliiil I believu tlie disorder would soon le.a-h bin hialu and kill him. Uut it yirldd to my sdmiuivtraiion of your arcapjtrilla; the u'cei healvd,and ho is well uaiit, not of course without St mi dilUuraiiuu lo hif f ive. A woman who hud bet a treated for the fanio di-mder by iiieitury war t-uftei ii:t( fioiu this poiou in licr tnne. They bad bet-otne fo f en tutivti to the weuihet that i n a dump day she suffered ex viuciatinif pain in her J iind btJios, hhe. to, wns cured viiiiiely ly your hiTi;t ini IMh In a few u-n. I know from its formula, wht. l. your agent gave me, that thii Preparatiou fnm jour lulK-intuiy lmtot be a pleat reimdyj ctmeMiuently, these truly lc-uiaikable iults Will U have ii -4 fin prised me irttCLial! )uui8f O. V. LAHIMKR, M. P. Rheumatism, Gout Liver Complaint jNEVL.NbLM.K, l'llnU-ll Co.. Yl.. till July, l.l Dft. J. C. Arm: elr. 1 have been iilllicted with a imIii- ful chronic JthrunwtntiH fur a long lnue, whhh bnlll- d the skill physii inn?, aud kin k to me In spite of all -the remedies, could hod. until JTiied juiir Farjapaiill. One bttUcuieti 1U9 In two weeks, aud restored my health so much I am fur bett r than bet'.ie 1 was ailaeked. I think it u wondei nil mt-dltiiie. J. Hit. AM. Jules Y. Gi'tchcll. of ft. VuR wiltest 1 have Wen adult J for years with nn aii,ctnnnf the Aiitr, whtili destroyed my heultli. 1 tried every thing, aud every thing fiiild to .relieve me ; and J have been a hiokeii'dowu man lor Pome years tr-itn uo olh'-r caue than tUruvgt.hmit of tin Linr, Mj Indoved,e llev. Mr. K)y,adUsed Die to try your PnriiupaiiHa, li uiiiite lie Mild he kunw von, and any tlun jou mailewas worth trying, by the Mews of li'-l it has cured me. and hss so pm ititd my blood a, to make a new man of me. I f-el yountc aam. The best that cau be aaid of you is not hall pood tuouh." tfclilrrna.Cniirer Tumors. Kiklarffeim-nt, 1'lcerotlnti. t'uriis uutl iuAtoliation at the iioues A great tarl'-ty of cases have Iw-en repovt'd to us where ouies jf thtof t irini'" romplHiuls have reoulted fiom tin. Utiti of thin rciuedy, but our pa-e h-.-re will not admit th-.nt. atoina tf them be luiind in our Amerit-nu Almnmo;, whirh tlm aun(ri below usukU aiv pleaaed U fiui;ih giatta to ail wlio cull fr tliein. Dyspcptiln, Heart DUfane, Fits, Epllep uy9 jtlrlaiichol'. Aeiiralftla Muny reuinrkuble cures of these flVcti ns hnre been tniole tv ihf ultt-iativt p.v er ot tliin meduiue. It Ktikiiu uis Iiie vitsl fiitu ti'iiK into vigorous artioii, and thus oven -unit ontMidt rs whii.h would be mi poaed beyond its re:o'h. tfui'h u reiiii dy lot lung beeii n ijuireit by the ne ceiti:s of llm pe pl'. and wt aie ntiitiduut Uiat this will do for theui all that inedkluc can do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, . FOU THK ItAflD Cl'ItB OP Coughs, t'olciM, fn Hue nia. Hoarseness Croup, lit niM'hit is, lurlpieut l ou auiii;itluu, and for the ltellei of ( otuiuiiptive Patient lu ailvnuceil ita of the Dlaeaae Th! Is a ren-fdy so unlverfciilly kmwn to surraB any Other lor the cure of throat und lung c(mphiitts. that It Is iii.-leitj hei to ptihiixli the eviduuee i f lis viitui s. 1 ts uuilvalU d excellence fur eoiifLs and culds, and its truly woi.J.Tful cure of pulmonary dKase, have matte it known ihrnuphuiit the clvllind nnth-us uf the earth. (-w arc the coinmunities. or wen lnuiilies, aiuonp: th ia who hate not some jx-rsonal einerieiice of its i lfecls sonis living trophy iu their mirixt of iu vkloiy over the subtle and duiineioua disxiders of the thtoatand lun:). As all know the drendtul fatality of these ditorrierN, and as they know, too. the vfferts of this remedy, we n-ed not do um're than to astuire them that it has now all the vir tues that It did have when making the cures whkh Lavs won so strongly upon the confidence of mankind. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYEH & CO., Loveil, Uais. ! tiy KiHihn tit not , it i,0 A. I m t t hi-1 i j J F. Cnf.i"W aoii (J. Iln vu. MiJtt.u; r Wcuck, Mo r.weosuUe; HeifnHer 4; rhrimimu, Tnrbntville ; H. U lcCy. mid by Lkalers tveryw t.cie. Ap'i' l-rtl ly CI lie or lta!il The subscribers take P A plt siure m amiuuiiciiiK that tliey are now )rt'ared to mail (frre) to those who wi.-li it. s copy of an impoitant little work, ly the (ale Or., emillci) l,'J he Invalid's Medical Con fi.'ant," i'uoiilif J fur the benefit, anil as a warn ing toouiit turn and parsers who sutler (runi lervous Dciility, I'reHiature Decay, Ac, cVc, supplying the oieans of self cure. The reader is ifieewtitily led to tempore a ueful hie with an Ignoble death. lUa.Icr, I..; not a momr-iit, but send your ad- die.s lor cony of I hi Jiltle Vfurk. Ad ire?s the uhhshcrs lR JOHN B 00 DEN A CO, 64 & C3 Johu WU. New York, May II. GREATEST EXCITEMENT 0? THE SEASON I FIULING- & GRANT ( the HAMHOTII STORE, hat just received KEW AND DESIRABLE Stock of FALL $ WINTER GOODS'. A very extrrmive imortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Conaisting in part of Black and Fancy Silka of very choice patterns. DFBEGES, Diicnls, Coslimorea. French ami English Merino., I'liiin and Figured Wool Delaines. MuslinDt'luines of all stylos and prices. Foulards, Thibet Cloth, Toil Do Chcvrcs. Snxon'and Wool I'lixids. I .DIKS' FURS. UllOCHE, Ray Slate and Wool SHAWLS of every va riely, etc., &c. Gentlemen's Dress Goods, of every style, con.Uting of CIollis, Canimeres, Satliuctts, Kentucky Jeans. Tweeds, Velvet Cord, Vciveiei n, Vestings. of every variety. Our stock of fciik and Silk civet Vestings, cannot be fcurpaned lit tho country. J'lcaae call and cxuiniiie tbtui. CLOTHING! Our stock of READY MADE CLOTHING, has been replenished, and we hive a full assort ment ol OVERCOATS DRESSXOATS. Punts and Vests, Overcoats and Dress t'outs for Hoys of all ages. ALSO, a very handeome assortment of HATS A 1ST ID CAPS of every ttylo and variety at the lowest prices. Our stock of HARDWHRE has heen renew' ed ami we have now a larger assortment limn ever before cll'crcd to our customers, coiisistlim in part ol Sausage Cutlers, Pocket Cutlery, Duteber Knives Mayer Hinges, IJoits and Pad Locks, X Cut t-UU8, Mill S.nvs, Scoop ! hovels. &c, 4c, &c, Ac.. Ac. Ac. 'dceavaie asad (lafisuarc 7 of every variety at the V E R Y LOWEST PRICES. Our stock of C?.0Ci?.I12 is very fine. We have the best oualitv of Svrnu Molasses ever before oifire to the citizens ol Sunhury and vicinity. CEDAR AND W1LL0W-WARE of every variety. Hosiery, Gloves, Notions, SADLER Y. BOOTS AND SHOES, Arc, &c Also a Iresli supply of Drugs, Paints, Oils, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, Dye Sufii, Glass, Brushes, Ac. Particular care having been taken in ihe se lection of our Roods in regard to quality, style and rue, we call the ulleiton of the public to our lurgu stock to which constant additions will lie made. Thankful for past favors, we hope to merit a continuance of the patronage of the public by selling cheaper than ever. Give us a call bclore purchasing cUehi rc. FKII.INO Ac GRANT. Sunlmry, Nolleinhcr 17, I NtiO. TO ALL, 'I ESOSK 1141 Farms, Falks cr Gardens, IN CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA. A rure cluinie in nmv nifordtd to elect und order FRUIT AND Cr.EALIESTAL 1REES V mri. llirubirry, A c. Iii-m tlif relrltrjied "!'. itr direct IN uri-ft iv J.vuicdal iliH-litiier, icw iik. MUOM.K, HtHtll IIKIM, PKOPKIETOR8 Wlm lies leave to iintioum-D lltut tliev ar ineiuirrl thruuuii tticir uuiiliued und li K I T U N (j i U L E AGENTS. Tu diitfd'Uie Uieir mpenoi itjck vu ihe tuoftt rutiktuaU IcIlllM. PKQ11.K UK THE !ovfi uf N)nre and llie lieauliful, and iunlv ctlebnite It your nituliim-iiee, wt-uiib, Itirtruliiy anu lunte, now i DESCRIPTIVE CtTALOUI E AND PLATE BOOKS, Which will tie I urnished you. thmutfh lair kieul uhhiii . suit you limy reu kwuted tliul )our oidera will Ik lionura- uiy uneu. Foi further particulars apply to FiU.DhRlCK A. HOWE, Or JOHN B.JONES, , vaLz, r. Agvutlor Northumberland eounly. REFEHENCE8: II a. FHF.N P ZER URII- KI. Rochester, N. Y. Hon. JOHN UAI.BRAITII, Erie, Pa. Col. i. M. JoiiNt-o.N, Mcudville, Ps. Febrianylj, Itoi Hin STOVES- iOIt SALE au eicellent second hand Ceok- ing Stove, also several Cylinder Coal dtosGBqiur at ibi tilim. CENTRAL HOTEL, SUNBURY, Northumberland County, Pa. THIS large and rnmmodioue Hotel, now mnnnKd by JAMES VAN DYKB. ll I. situate at the Railroad. Depot North haat corner or Market Mqunre, nunnury, and at the terminus of the 8m!uiry Krie and North ern Central Railroads, and ia open fur the accom modation of I ravelers and the public in general I he prnirietor will give his exclusive atten tion, to ire comfort and convenience of his guests and Is de-crmitird to make this establishment rank among the first in the State. Hie table will be supplied with the best the ma'ket can produce having the advents of daily nimmnninalion by cars direct from Hnlti- more, and also from thoie bringing produce from the surrounding country. Hi. bar will be supplied with the purest liquors the market can produce t'a-eful and obliging servants always in at tendance. Ke v and commodious stabling has just been added to the premises, A share ol the local and traveling community tnoKt respectfully solicited. t-jnbury, January 13, IR6I. WI3STTJ3n GOODS, F 0 It MEN'S W E A 11 . lllnrk and Ulue Hair Cloth, lleavrr Overcoating, lilnok DiH-xkins, Aew f tyle Cassimeres, All Wool Tweeds, Heavy Kentucky Jeans, Real t.ooil t essiiietts, Mils Mixed I'osrings. Super Velvet Cords, Black Ureiiadine Vesting, Black Satin Vesting. Fancy Silk Velvet Vesting. Plain Hilk Velvet Votings, Nice Casi-imcre Vestings Tn fact all kinds of gonna for Men's and Iioys' wear, can lie found at the People's One Price Store of E. Y. .Bright & Son. who have just ereneil bv Ruilrrad a splendid stock of all kinds of goods, suitable for cold weather. Please call and be convinced. C. Y. UKItiliT & SON. Simbury, October 27, ISfiil. BEVEKE HOUSE, (l.ATK KAUI.P. IIOTKI..) Third Slrett. tilmre Hnce. I'hitmhlphia, HMO AD" ft SAILtlll. Hropiietrrs. IMI'ROVKMKN'I' irave been muile, and l lie House has been retired I ll r. llbout TiLOHMaa V. Kllor), formeilvof Ihr- National Hotel .'MAl.rf tlLnR, fininerly ol Selmj - Ik ill Co., I'll 1'hiladelphiu, Jim. Ill, I trti I . 1 i7uToTan J) s n o Is MANUFACTORY. Corner of Murl tt Stjunre and Ittver Street 'pHE subscriber respectfully informs the cili' zeris ol Snnbury and vicinity, that he his opened a Bool and Shoe Shop on the corner ol Market Square and River street, opposite the Court House, where he can be found at all times ready to wait upon customers. H-ving considerable experience, he is prepared to moke up customer work of all kinds, at short notice, in llie latent style and workmanship Ho keeps constantly on hand a large assort ment of Leather, of the best quality, which ena bles him lo nuike up good and durable work. Cull and examine for yourselves before pur chasing elsewhere, and you will save money. JOHN WILVER. Snnbury, Nov. 10, 1S60. ly riunncLi'iiii. coixrcn. S. E. corner of St vt nth and Ciesnul Struts. This is one of EIUHT COLLEGES, CONST1TCTING THE "NA TION.U. CHAIN." I.OCATI-.I) I.N Philadelphia, New York City. Albany, RulTilo, cicve- liinu, imc:ii;i, nun r-i. i.uis. r-cle l;o stops f an be pur chased at either poinl, pod at nil the Colleges. THE C('I.I.I"(iIATK coi hsp: embraces Double mid Sincle Entry llook-Keej-im-, Com ir.ereial Coniput.itious, Cuininerecd luv. Pi umion'liip, lousiness Coiresp. -ndenee, I'arineiship Settlements, etc PRACTICAL TEXT-HOOKS. TlicTeacI lug iu the Hic.k-Keriihi- Deiiartment is most ly Ironi written uiiniusenj.t iWlns, Willi ooil iustiuelll.s leelures. and bliick-hoiiril eliieidnl ii'i.s ; in itililiin.ii to Willi h. in order It, inAe Itie Cnle!iiile Course and eineliiulus possible, the billowing Tcxt-iJooks have been piewirrd : Kiyant A Snaltou's R's k Keepi' ir, in three edit i.n.s Coiutti'iit ehool. f 1 1 et ti Si-hool, und C"untii'i' Ilouri: ; llry ant .tt Strittlon's C.'inmeH Mil A nt litnel li-: Hi niit tt Mratton's Commercial l,uw, Ly Amos lleiiu, I.. I, ll. SI'ENCI'.RIAN SVsrEM OF PENMANSHIP, ill a Series of nine Isioks, by P. II. SI'ENCEIt. P It SPF.NCEK.Jl., Teacher of Penili..nsliip. Indi Viduul m.lructloii tii!tt!cuL enter ul any lluiu. Diplo mas awarded. IV For l ntalnpiies Bud Cireulais. call at ! C' lleje, urnddms Hit V AM". M'KA t TON k FAIKHANKS February 'll, tstil ly Philadelphia. War! War! War f COME FIUM THE NOHTIT, COME I-J.'O.U THE SOUTH, COME FH0M THE EAST, CUMEIHOM 'IHE WEST, 3ave Ihe country and build yourselves homes, or now is Ihe time to get your Lumber cheap. Yes, LUMBER ! LUMBER ! ! LUMBER ! ! ! can be purchased at low rates al tho M'EA.M SAWMILL of IRA T. CLEIVSENT, SUNBURY.PA., Such as Panel Lumber, Frame Lumber. Boards. Siding. Shinnies lioni n per thousand, Plastering Laih, Puling, Roofing Lath, Vc, Ac. All bills ordered, for any kind of Lumber, will be lutntthed st Ihe shortest notice 1UA T. CLEM EAT. Snnbury. March 9, 161. SAVE YOUR FRUIT I)Y LING MASON'S Paiei.t Sheet Screw Ton PI;K..nEH F. I X If Metal MASON'S PATENT SHEET METAL SCREW 21) P ! AU that is necessary being lo screw ihe Cap. low n Upon the Rubber Casket, which is pboed outside upon tlie shoulder of iho Jar, 3 4 of an inch ilia. ant from the top ; prevent the possiluhlv ol the lluvorul ihe Iruit being injured by coining in oiiact with the Rubber. Peraonsi csiring these Jars, can be supplied ly aviug their orders with II. U. MAsEU, Sunbury, June t, IBtiO. Agent. COTTAGE BIBLES. rOK. SALK, cheap, three copde of the Cotlugo liilile, ill two volumes with coin nientar.'e. 11. II. MASSKU. 1 J LANK Parehmem Paper Deeds and blaiil Mortgages, Bonds, Execution, Niunmmis, Arc., for sale b 11. K MANSl'.b. 1iA( KERS! CRACKEKsT ju.t7e7ei7ed XV and lor sale by the buirel or pound, at the Confectionery store of M. C GEARI1 ART. Suubury. October 13, I M O. 4 new supply of Summon.', Kieculions, Warrants, Supoeuas, Deeds, Mortgages, Bonds, Leases, Nsluraliiatioii papers, Justice, tnd Constable. Fee Bills, &e., Sec, just printed and for sale at this OHice. Suubury, April 30, I8S9. WNDOW MiADEft A very fine and cheap assortment, just received by Rail road from New York, at the Mainmolh store of Filling 4-Grant. We hsve also for sale S.8. Putnam & Co' celebrated PaUul Pendulum sjrlMa FisswT, SUNBtTRY STEAM FLOURING THE subscribers having taken possession of this first cla H.OLKlNU Mil. I., are pre. pared to receive grain of kinds, and lo do cur loin work at the Hhorteat Netiee. Customers will have their grists ground immediately upon their being let) st the Mill. As it ia the inten tion of the firm to stuck the Mill large Hup' ply ot Orain. will he constantly kept 01 hand, and flour by the quantity can always be obtained. The greatest care will le taken lo turn out a au peri-T quality of flour, for which the mill is ad' mirahly adapted. Strict attention will be paid to the wants of customers, and the patronage of the public generally ia respectfully requested. MORUAN St CO., .Punbury.June S3, I8R0. LUMBER! ZiUftZBSR. PHILIP SH AY, MUNOY, PA. Hf N FORMS his friends and th" nublic in aene a) rsl, that hecnnstontly keeps on build. Hoards, Wiingles, l.ath. Joints ai.iNall kinds of Lumber ami building materials, which he will sell at the lowest prices. March 30, 1861. DR. A. W. FISCHER, "JFFERr hia professional services to the citi--" lens of Suubury and vicinity. OHice at the Drug Store, Suiitiury, June Mb, !:i0. HAMOKIN VATlEY POTTEBTr" 'J'HH subscrilier resHClfully informs the public that he ia now manufacturing at his Pottery, 4 miles east of Suuhury, all kinds of Earthen Ware, made out of Itcd Cement Clay. This clay produces the best and moat desirable kind of ware, equal, In many respects, to stone ware, and is less liukle to crack by sudden beat anil cold. I he subscriber refers lo Friling & Grant, Hunbury. Address, JOSEPH SAVIDGE, Oct. '3.nfi0. ly Suubury, Pa. WALL PAPER 1 FRILING 5t URWNT, at the MAMMOTH S'l'OHE, have this day (January 17th, 1861 recuived a CU01CE ASSORTMENT OF T118 NEWEST STYLES AND PATTERNS OF W-A.X.X. PAPER, which tl.ey are selling at prices that defy competition. Suiibiiry, January 19. ISfil- LOOK HERE, IF YOU WANT TO BUY CHEAP FOR CASH. O TO WM. H. MILLER, he has received from Philadelphia a large stock of BOOTS fit SIIOS5. His stock consists ol Gen'ts Kipp Hoots. Youths' Kipp Boots. Children's Cull Boots. Also a variety of Women's Calf Lace Bonis, Women's Morocco Lace Bonis. Children's Morocco and Calf Lace Bonis, nil of which he will sell cheap for CASH. Call and examine for yourselves. ALSO, first quality of Tsmpero Moroco for sale for cash. WM. II. MILLER. Suubury, January 7, lR(iU. KOW WITHIN REACH OF ALL G HOVER cj BAKEirs C E I. E B R A TE D . l .s E L E S S Sewing Machines, 4U5 Bhiiaiiwat, New Yoiik. The public attention is respectfully jtqucsted to the li llowiug curds of Eli as How k, Jit , and the Grovcr iSr Baker S. M. Co A Card from the GROVER & BAKER S Id. Co Our Paten's being now established by IJS l.oiirla, we are enabled to furnish tho Giover Ac Baker Machine, with important improvements I at gieatiy j ESt'tlucrd S'riet'K. I The moderate price at hit h Macliiues mik ing the Gniver Al Baker stitch, can now be hud brings them within the reach of ull. and render the use of Mu ii,e making inferior stitches us unnecessary as tt t unwise. Persons desiring the best Machines, and the right to use I hem, must not only be sure to buv Machines making the G rover & Unker slitch, but a'so that such Machines are made aud stamped under our patenta and Ihose of Elias lluwer, Jr. GROVER A BAKER S. M. CO , 4'J'j Broadway, New York. A CARD riiOM KLIAS HOWE, JR. All persons air; cautioned not to make, deal in, or use any Sewinfc Machines which sew Irotn two spools and make the slitch known us (lie Grovcr & f Baker slilch, unless the same are purchased Irotn the Grover iV Baker Sewing Machine Company, or their Agents, or Licciists, and stamped under my patentol September Ml, 1816. Said Company, and their Licenses, alone, an legally atilhnrizcd under their own patents, mi my said patent, during the extended term there of, to make and sell this kind of Sewing Machine and ull oilier are piracies upon niy .aid patent, and will be dealt with accordingly, wherever louud. ELIAS HOWE, JR. New York. Dec 29. lSliO. tf New Arrival of Clothing. 'I MIL Uruest and be.t Mock of FALL AND A CLl'l lll.NG ever brought to this pluce, arrived a I Ihe Mammoth Clo'liing More ol M il FITZKR, HEILBRONN EK A CO.. in Market street, nearly oppusitu Wea ver's Hotel. Their Stock eompris-e of FINE CLOTH COATS, Dress Coats, Over ('out. Business Coats, Ac. VESTS OF ALL KINDS. I'n.W -Shirt, Drawers, Ac. HATS vISTTO CAPS. BOOTS AND Mi OES. ol the latest styles of every description and quality, cheaper than eve'. Their assortment of gentlemen's furnishing Clothing ia the most complete I Their variety and style must attractive. And the price defy all competition. (3r Call aud ensniine for yourselves. SCWEITZElt. HE1LBH0NNEH 4 CO. Suubury, Oct. 6, 1800. TM.N WARE A verv chesp end desirable J- assortment just received Ibis week, at Ihe Maminoib Store of FRILING cV GRANT. Suubury, January 13, 1861. VUIEl) PEACHES, pared ud - kt til) Mmui"ih storeof FKlWIiia k GRANT ANOTHER ARRIVAL OK JVEW GOO 1)S, J. II- EIYC1CL. ofSunbnry, Pa, HAS just arrrved with splendid STOCK of! SPRINO AND SUMM KR GOODS, from Philadelphia, to which he respectfully .invito hia friends and the Public to eall end Inspect, he will spare no time in showing them. Among his stock of good, will befound, FINE BLUE AND BLACK FP.E1TCH CLOTS. Fine Black and Fancy Casimere Tweeds, Sat- Inetts, Jeans, Ulack Italian t'lotb, Gaahmerelle, Cottnnade, Linen., Linen Drill, Linen Check, and Fa-cy Vesting, also a large assortment of Ready-made CLOTHING fur men and boys (cheap.) VR LADIES WEAR, Black and Fancy Dress Silk very cheap, Silk Tissue, Uereges, Cliali and Chall Robes, Uerege Delaine, Uerege Holies, Figured Urilliant and a variety of other Dress Goods, Spring and Sum mer Shawls, Mantillas, Parasols, a good assort ment of white goods, Collars, Sleeves, Irish Linen, Shirt fronts, Marseilles, Urilliant Arc. A general assortment of domestic Dry (ia ds. Also a large stock of Hate and Caps, Boots and shoes. Hardware, Queens and Glassware, Groceries, Cedarware, Stone and Earthenware, Drugs and Paints, Salt, Fish, Cheese, Ham, Oil, Tar cVc. &c. N U. Wall and Window Paper, Floor and Table Oil Cloth, Carpets, all the above will be sold at low prices for cash or country produce ts en in exchange for Goods. J. H. ENGEL. 8unbury, May. 19, I860. tf. II A It R I 8 PAINTER, 51 1 1 o r t r j) at 3L a to MARKET SQUARE, BUNB TJRY, 2? -A. . June S3. I860. New Air Line Route TONE "W TOR I-r. SHORTEST IX DISTANCE AND (Jl'ICKEST IN TI.MB between the two Cities of NEW YORK AND HARKISBTJHG. VIA READING, AI.I.KNTOWN AND EASTON. Morions Kxnrcaa West Ipavp. V..v Yiwb .i a . w u.i Philadelphia at 8 a M., arrives al llairishnrgnt CHS r. u. connecting at Hiimsbura with train on Northern Central Koad for Sunbury, V iloum.purt, Lock Haven and inler metliate stations. Mini Traiii West leaves New York at 13 noon, and Philadelphia at 3 ail P. M., connecting with tlalll on North eru Centuil Kond for stations ns nhove, and also on all trains on the Willminsport and Klmira. Alail i lain Ka.t lenvel Hurri.huig at 8, A X , anil ar rives nl Philadelphia nt 1 r. m., and New Yoik at 3 ail r. M., in tune to take boat or cars fur llniton. Aie. I ant express h.asi lenves Harrikhns Ht 1 1.1, on airivnl of Northern Central Tiiiin, and arrives at Philadelphia at 6 M S M and New Voik ttttlr. m. No change of cursor Imcgngo between New York or Philmlelplnti and Hnrnshntg. Kor beauty of scenery and apeed, comfort and accommo dation, this route presents superior inducement, to the iruvenilg puiiiic Ofiiee in New York, foot of Conrtland street Phlladel. phia, Hrond and Cullowhilt streets. Fare between New York and Harrisburg FIVK DOL LA US For Tickets; Freight or other informaiion. apply to J. J. CLVDK, General Agent. HarriMiuig, June 30, 1 Mil ly ALFRED D. BRICK'S UMTED STATES ASH EL HOPE AS PATENT OFFICE, No. 323 WALNUT STREET, Philadelphia. VT B. Communications by mail promptly ' alteniied lo. Sept 3, IK60. Iy5 Cure Cough, Cold, oornene.., T .1 ... . jiijiuenza, any imtiiH'in or Sarene of the Tlirnnl. lie liece the Uncl ing Cough in Onurwiijiiinn. Brim chilis. A.ilhma, and Catarrh. Clear and ijice ttrength to the vice of J t'uultc Speaker ana singi-ri. Few are aware of the importance of cheeking a Cough uCoiillii"ll Culd" in Us first stage : Ihtlt which 111 the beginning would vield to u mild lemi-dv, ll' neglected, soon Httneks Ihe Lung'. IlltllW.VS IllioXCIIlAL jtO CUES.'1 c intHiniiig tleiniileeul ingredients, allay Pulmo nary und Rroneluul lriitatioii. I "That trouble in my throat, (for which Brown's the "TROCHES" are a specific) having imade ineolteu a mere wluspeier-" TROCHES I N. P. WILLIS. "I leuoiiimeiid tlieiruse to Public s-penk-llrowu's lers." I REV. E. H. CHAPIN. TROCHES. '-Have proved extremely serviceable for ;lllso.eiie.l." Brown'. REV. HENRY WARD BEECHER. I "Almost insinnt teliel iu the distressing TROCHES :la)Hr ol bieutluu? pceulmr lo Asibuia M REV A C Etfl.t.ES I'ON. Drowu's "Contain ltu Opium or aiivtlbug oijurl ous." DU. A A 'HAY ES, TROCHES. Chemist. Hoaum. t (,A simple ni'd jileasuut combination for lirown s .v-ougns, ixc DR G F UIGEI.nW, TROCHES Uoslon. "Deueficiat iu liionehitis " Brown's DRJFWLANE, Most, in TROCHES "I have proved them ezeellei.t for tump lug Cough." Brown s I EE V H W WARREN, Hosiini. TROCHES.) ''HeueheiMl when compelled to speak, .suilermg ironi i oin." Urovu's REV S J P ANDERSON, St. Louis. TROCHES.! "Effectual in removing llouiseness and iriiliition of Ihe Throat, so common with Jirowirs iMpeukera ami lingers " Prol M STACY Jl ilSO, TROCHES. M Orange. Ga. Teacher ol Si uslc, Southern Browns I-euiule College. "Great benefit when Mke.i betoie and TROCHES, ufter preaching, a. thev prevent Hoarseness i From their mst etleet, I think tney will beof Ifrowu s .permaiieut intviiuuige to me " REV E ROWLEY. A M., TROCHES. President of Athens College, Teull i i s Sold by ull Druggists at eenlsu Ikix December 8, 1?6U Ompl EVANS & WATSON S Philadeljiliia Manufact'd T 304 Chennut Street, PHILADELPHIA. ri'HESE Snfes are now in use all over Ihe I'nited Slates, 1 und hove been tested in many fires ; the following shows auuUier instance ol their eiisiuu ty in resisting hie Wi TMza's IIhiiigs, I Iainenster Towinlnp, July 30, l0 t Ms.ins. F.vts A Watsos, (ieiitlemen : Tne sinali size No. I Saliinuoider Safe which I purchased fioin your aseut, Mr A da in R. Il.irr, in laiuea.ler City July 'Jlllh, 183. has been suhjecled In a very severe lest, w hich it withstood in u moat satislaetory manner, inn suie, con, laiuing all my books, together with vuluable papers lieloug lis to uivseir and some to my ueietitiois ami menus, am renieseutiiia a value of over Twenty Thousand Dollar., (s)li,niKi) wa. in my Mill, which was destroyed on ths nisbt fo ihe 27th of July, !s60, and passed thiough Ihe tiery ordeal unscathed, The Safe was on the second door, and fell to the Imscmelit of the Mill, snd was subjected fur siz homs loan intense heat among the ruins, which was greatly increased bv Ihe combustion of a kllus niuintitv of srain cihM-d wilhiu the brick wvlla. After thefire the Safe was opened anil Ihe h-'ka and paper. Uikeu out in a stain ot ncrlect preservation, the panex not even neuig discolor ed. This tact was, however, to many bystanders, s better recoinm.'iiduihaiirf your Sales than could tie expressed in any ulher words iroin me. Yours, respectfully, SAMUEL RANCK Another Victory for Evant and H'ofnon'i Salamander Safe. O.wsoo, N. Y.. March tr IsfW. tjentlemen It affords me much pleasure to jnfnnn you trial ins mia no o, (uprigni; wiucn i purcnueea ot u Srroud, your traveling agent, lias passed through au ex- ceediugly hot fire ill a three srury brick building, whu heated the Safe to a while heat, so that tt.e cornels of appear melted; but it preserved my books and valuable papers to me amount ol suverui uiuussnu Ooliais, lor waica I leal tnnusiul. Yours, respeetfully. J.NFI.DRIDGE 17" A lurse sssorliiient - fthe aleive SAIIS always mi hand, at 3o Chesout streat, (lateiM kouth Fourth st. rnoaotipiiia, October 6, lcOO ly GENESEE SALT. WIIOLE8ALE do BETAIL ly.'ILING Al GRANT (at lb Mammoth - More,) have just received S00 ttis. ol Solsr Ground, Solar aud Fine Salt, 700 Sack of Ground Solar Salt every sack warranted to contain 225 pounds of Salt and S00 bag of Salt containing oue ttushel escn. inn .ait I th best and strongs.' now manufactured and in market. Call and see for yourselves. Sunbury Sept., 8, I860. mmm BOOTS & SHOES, can be purchased at th Mammoth Store of Friling 4 Grant, very dies ,1, as w era determined not tu be undersold by anybody. Call and learn th list of price for yourselves. FRILLN'U A URANT. shinbnts;, Jaanisy ll, IW. n io h l y iapoar aitt sews, i M. C. J BAKU ART, Ha returned with a new Stock of Coniectkmrmes, Fruit and Toy. S T see re. as If new age, nest Tife was open ing upon us, animating every heart to nobler deeds and higher alma I Art, Literature and Sci ence wilt glow anew and seek to develop ub limer beautie. and grander conception. The business world too must feel the new In fluence and every' part be quickened and strength ened by an increased vitality, which shall urge us on with electric apeed to the consummation of greater things than was ever dreamed of in the Philosophy of the past. Animated by the enthusiasm which prevades all classes, and deairou. of doing his share to. ward. "The great events of the Age," the sub scriber would respectfully inform the food peo ple of SUN BURY and the public generally, that he ha. just returned from the city ef Philadel phia with the largeat and choicest stock of Con icctionaries, Fruit and Toy. that ha. ever been brought to thi. section of country. He I. also manufacturing all kinds of Confectioneries, A c, to fill up orders, wholesa'e or retail, at abort no tice. Among his stock of Confectionariea, maybe found : French Secrets, Gum Drops, all kinds of scent, Rurned Almonds. Iive Drops, Cream White, Mint Drops, red and white, 11 linon Jellv Cakes, ' Rose, Fruit Drops, " Vanilla, Slick Candles, ol sll scent Common Seciets. R'ock Csndy, Liquorice, Almond Candy, FRUIT. Pmisnas, Prunes, lnte, Fiifi, Currant dried, Citium, Alinondi, Rnisons, Nuts of all kinda LEMON SYRUP of a superior quality, by the single or dozen. A superior quality of Segars and Tobacco, and a variety of Confectioneries, fruit. Toys, Ac, all of which isollered cheap at wholesale or retail. CfT Remember the name and place. M. C.GEAKHAKT. Market st., 3 doors west of E. Y. Bright & Sou' store. Sunburv, April U, I860 ly ICASSEP.'S PATE1TT FIVE-MINUTE FREEZER, ' Aa Improved for 1859 and GO, By E. KETCH AM & CO., 2N3 Pcarl-Slrcct, New-York. HE only Freezer constructed on scientific principles, with a revolving caa and spring blade scraper. The one hastens the freezing of the ceain the other remove it as fast as frozen. The most rapid in freezing, with the least quantity of ice. 'I he most economical in cost, as it ia the most simple and durable in structure. For sale in all the principal cities and towns in the Union. Each Fieezer accompanied with a booK of re cipes and full directions. PRICES. 3 quarts, 4 quarts, H quarts, 8 quurts, 14 quarts, Sll quarts. $3 00 4 S G 8 00 00 CO 00 00 13 Apply to H. B. MASSER.Sunbury June 12, iNiiii. lrjUO. THE BEST ROUTE 18C0 FRO M Wyoming Valley to riillacn iphla, Acw York, Ilaltluiore, AND ALL POINTS KOltTU, SOUTH J- WEST. LACKAWANNA cc RL00MSBURG RAILROAD. SUMMER ARUANOEMEMT. Two Daily Passenger Trains will be run between Scrantoii and .ortliunilieilaiid, as lollows; MOVING SOUTH : Leave Plnl'u Mail. N. V P-. Scanton, 0 IU A. M. 4 25 P. M A i rive at union, 6 M 4 .M King.toii, 7 m i a) Miieksiiumy, 1 so 6 "j nerwiea, 8 20 0 65 Hl'i.ninbuig, A jo y Rupeir, 0 (hi 7 40 Danville, D -JS t? t'l Northumberland, In on b 45 IIUMAU ion I ll : Leave N. V. Ez. riol a Mad. Northumberland, 8 30 A.M. 4 15 P.M. Arrive at Danville, It 11.1 g s;i Hnjlt, A ii 8 511 i.i.MiuiKtjuig, e 4a r tin Berwick, 7 15 ft 115 Slnckstiiuny, 7 15 7 0.5 tviugsloii, M -M 7 45 I'lllston, 6 57 I 1 enlltnll, Q 25 S 15 Ihe lckavvanna and HIiM.mshtire Rutin a' c'linecls with Ihe Delavv-ne, Luekawanna ami Western Rrulrond, ut Soriiuton, for New 'ork 11111I I'lulaib lih.u, mul mtei me diale points Kusl ; also I'or t.reut Bend, Hiii 11 . Syrai-use. Bnllalo, Niitgaia Falls, and all ouporra'iit potnls vv esi. At unpen it eouueets Willi the v nilawiisn Itail rond, for jv.iitls holh Kusl mid est. At Noilliuinlieilaiid it connects vvioi the Punhury anil l-.rie Kiolroail, nu poinis vvesi aiioniin. ai. -,v. JACIvSO., t-llit't. Kingston, AuglUt SJ, 1-6:1. NKW YOlUv LINKS- CAMDEN AMI10Y AND PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD CO.'S LINES, From Philadelphia to A'ew l'urk and Way Places, From Walnut Sl-eet Wharf and Ketisiimton Denot. Philadelphia, will have as "ullows, iz -. fahs. At 6 A M, via Catudin and AuiUiy C ft A Accom modation, 92 23 At 6 A M, via Camden and Jersey City New Jer- sey accommodation, 225 At 1) A M, via Camden and Jersey city Morning Mail, 3 00 At J 14 A M, via Kensington and Jersey city, Wis- tern Express, 3 no At PJJ P M via Camden and Amhoy, accommodation a V5 At J P M, via Camden and Amboy C und A. Ex press, 3 on At 41; P M, via'Keiuingtnn, and Jersey city, Eve- g Express, 3 00 At 4) P M, via Kensington and Jeitey city, Sd Class Ticket, J JS At C P M, via Camden ft Jersey city Evening Mail 3 ill At II P M, via Camden audjersey city South. Mail i 25 Al 5 P M. via Camden und Aniboy Accommoda tion. (Fleigbt und Passenger,) 1st class ticket, 2 25 2d " I 50 The P. M. Mail Line runs daily. The 11 Southern Mail Saturdays excepted. For Melvidere, Easton, Fleimngton, &e., at 8 A.M., from Walnut street wharf and 3P.M , from Kensington. For Munch Chunk, Allentowu and Bethlehem, st ti, A M. via Lehigh Valley Railroad. For Water Gap, Stroudsburg, Scrnuton, Vilk-sh:irre, Monlrose, Great Bend, Ac., ut 6 A M, vu Dclawuie, laiekavvanna and Western Railroad For Fieehold. at OA. M. and 2 P. M. For Mount Holly, ut tt and V A M , and 2, and IJ P. M. WAY LINES, For Bristol, Trenton, 4c, at 3 and 4 P. M., from Kensington. For Pnuiiyrn. Deluueo, Beverly, Burlington, Bonleti lown, &c.,al 121.3, aud IjP. M. Fifty tsmuds of on'y. allowed tan-h passenser, Passengers are prohibited from takinr auylhinc as ll-nr- gai:e hut their spairel. All Hupaaee over tiny pouuiia to tie pain lor extra, rue 1 nipauy limit then responsibility fir Bacg-ige to line Do'kir per pound, and will not lie liable fa any amount beyaid isu XKillaia, ex cept b) spcial ctMitract WM II GATAIF.R Agent C. ft A. R. R Co February IS. I will. II EG EM AN 8c COS C03UUL ELIXIR OF CALISAYA BARK Preiarrd only by h KG KM AN 4 CO., VholeuI nd KeUil Chcmikta and Drugnti, 16), 3DP, 511 and 760 tirtuidwat New Yoik. THE virtuei uf PKRUVJAN HARK a Touio bav lren ti iig k.mwn to need comment. The CALIrtA V A or King's Baiu,'") ia Ihe inai vain, lit ul' it uumer Hi vuiiciicn u( t)ia Heruvun Itiirk, and hi the KldXlH ia CHnliiiifd wall other ingredirnia that liicreub inj rlhcacy mid at the aunie tune itvernnne the Inteiiaay 4 iu billet, raudeiing iia uitat Agreeubte Cur dtal. Kir prwma liviiift hi FF.VRH and A OIK district, it will bs- found mvuluuHe aaa pieventivn, Hnll'oi u wine gitiaa full takeu mghi mid mi'ining. rvtideriiig Ihe sim much Idtta aubjcct lo llie unhealthy ul Ihe aituoa phere. lit HKCTION't Doaa for an adult, half a wiMfyhai fuU net Itrmliiuat and dinuar; ehildrfit iioin one in two leutniuiia full j it iuay b wkau wiia or without a httia water Fur aal at this offlca. March 17, Ibtiti A l'reti Supply of Dry f.uoUs. TONSlSTINQ in Dart of Prints. Dolaiupa bleached and oub'eucheal M'tgliii. Checks Stripe lleoiin. Drill. Ac, just received It. K. t ti Moimoth store of i o. r fta.-n s. n . v-s raibiau V.-Xl NEW GOODS Atthe Mammoth Store of IRA T. CLEMENT, no, I Market ?trkkt, WNnurtY, o 'lllE subscriber ha just opened at hia well 1 known establishment in Sunburv, on. of lb neapesland most desirable stock, of Fall and Winter Goods, that ha. ever been offered in th. place, and which n will sell fnr CASH or exchange for Country Produce. 1 hose desiring lo purchase good will do well to rail and examine Ins stock, BLACK AND FANCY SILK. All Wool Delaine, Figured, Striped and Plain, French Merino, all colors. Beautiful Dresa Robes, Cashmeres, Shaded. Plain and Strijied must lie seen to form an idea of the extent and variety. Mantle, Stella, Chenille, French Wool Shawl. Thibet and Broche Shawl. Cloth Cassimeres and Satinet. For Men and Boy' Wear, Black Cassimer, Fancy Cassimeres, side stripes heavy, Doe Skin Cassimeres, Satinets all kind. FLANNELS, White and Red I'lanneln, all grades and price, Bay State Snck Flannels, cn'ors finest qnaltio. READY-MADE CLOTHING Boot and Shoes, Hots and Caps, Ac, Ae., all of which were aelectcd with great care, and will compare favorably, as regards quality, style and price, with any in the country. II AUD WAKE, a full assortment. Wood and Willow Ware, (jueensware, of all descriptions, Groceries, a full stock in store, Carpel Chains, etc., Paints, this. Glass, Dye SturTs. Thankful for the patronage heretofore received he will spare no pains to please all who may favor him willi their custom in the future. Sunburv, Get. S'2. 1 8-9. ROCKEFELLER & B0YER, Attornies at Law, STnNrBTJPl"2-, A. .forth. it Rut liPft'ller and Solomon 11. Iloycr, respectfully announce l;u. they entered into Copartnership in the praclicu of their profession, and will continue to attend to all busi ness entrusied to their charge in the counties of Northumberland, Union, Snyder and Montour, promptly, faithfully and carefully. Special at tention will be given to the COLLECTIONS OK CLAIMS. Consultations can be had in lite GERMAN language. Office, Murkel Street, opposite Weaver's Hotel. Suiibury, February &, 1 nod. t - m at: u i MAMC'ACTUhltns OF FINEST QUALITY OF BOOTS J. InT ID SHOES FOR GENTLEMEN WII OL E SALE A XU K E T AIL No 4e South Fouuli Street. Philadelphia. C Hkmukt. W. J. DK.NKiiar. March is, Ittil liin. Watches JtMCliy &. sliver Ware V,rE would respectfully inform our friends, patrons I anil Ihe public iceucrally, t lirtt We l.nve lew 111 Stole andraTer WHOLESALE AND KETAII., al Hie lowct Ctoh Prices, a lnrye untl e'y choice SIl.K ol' WATv'Ul JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, of evei variety and st le. Every deserinii ill of DIAMOND WORK and oilier JEWELRY, ni.-iile to or-ler, al tliort notice &' All Goods Warranted to be as represented. N. R Canicular attention given to Ihe rcpaiiihg of uiwiics uiiu jcwcii 01 nfo in .cripiion, STaCFFER ft II A R LEY, No. 823 Market Street, South hide, Pinladelplua. March 'Jl, It-CJ. -a, 11 p. meianchton1hTel7 JIStk 1 or 'i 111; iM-urn, STJ-jsruxriH-s-, jp. OJice iu Veer Street, imntr.dintdg apposite the Public School Jftiuse. All business promptly attended to. Monies ollcctcd and all onlina. y wiitiugs dune. Sunburv, A uril '2h. I M57 tf irENlTibuNNEli, ATTOHN21T AT LAW. Ujjice opposite the Court Home, Snnbury, Northumberland County Ta. I'ronipl attention 10 business in adjoinin Couriliea. VH0T.ESALE DEALER IN BRANDIES, WINES, GINS. &C- 'M1 E svibscriber having opened in Thompson's Brick llui'ding. Mill street, Danville, a large and complete stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LlyUOR. comprising the best brutnlsof Brmulics, Oin. Old life. Scotch and Whiskey, Port, !icrry, Madcriii, Champagne and olln r Wines of ull grade, all ol which will be sold Wholesale at the lowest city prices. Tavern-keepcis by buj inp of us can save at least the freight. Persons desirous of purchasing liquors for F A M II, V USE, may rely upon being furjiUlird with a pure and unadulterated article. Being determined to cstuhlish a reputation for selling chi ap he respectiuiiy solicits the pa tronage of the public. All orders prompii) at tended to. IEREMIAH S.HALL. Danville, Jul e IC, lstio. INGRAINED CARPETS'" MANFFACTrRFD and fer Sale Ik- M. Peiper A Co; Leihrneill mid lcliowsl!'a liuititn ir. North Lart Comer, Second and Ruce streets Pliili,i'.elih.a. HOODS G UA i;a steed. October 87, 11811. - Us." pT JJUUJNUiUi: J -,V h Save llie Ticces! Aa''riiltfula will hapiM-n, even in weli-r-i?tiliptl lanu. lift, n is very de,irtiii,r ti havt kuMit'tMtt-uii niuir Hivciuciil way for rejuiiiiiig Furniture, T" t-fffiicry, A u. BPALLINQ'S PREPARED GLUE meets all such enierseucies. and no hou.eaold cnu aiflid to be wuhoul it. It u always read) unit up to I tie slick in point. There is no longer u neee.-.sii)' .r biu ing tiitoi., splinters veuet-is headless dolls, ai.d ho-ken ei.iill--s li i. just the article lor cone, shell, and oilier ornameiilai Work, so pofular W illi hulies f leliiieiucnl and lusle. held in s lulioii.nnd i ...sessing ul) Ine valuable uimii'iexg the tiest caliiiiet-ninker . Gain. It may le used in ih. piucs ol oron.ary uuieiaige, iMing vasllj uiiliesive. "IEFI LI.N EVERY IIUL'SE" N. B A Brush aecoiiip-inies euch bottle. Price Ja cents. Wholesale Depot, No 4 Cedar stieet, New York Address, HENRY C. SPALDING ft en., U 'X No. 3,W)o, New Y"k. Put up for Dealers in cases ciuil.iiuing Eifhl. and Twelve Dozen a benulilul l.lllc griiplnc Show Curd so eotiiaiiyiii each package. t7 A single btiltieol Sjuilding's Preiured Glue wlllsiiv ten times us cost uiimmlb lo every household IMd hv ull plonniient Suitioiieis, 111 ugeisis, HardWMs and Furniture Denlers, Gns-ers. uud Fancy Mules. Country Merchants should uiase a le tft ul r.uik!iug's prcvirel Glue, when Ihuy nuike up thear list U wd siuud any cduaite. For sale at this office. Mareh III, IHkl Iv 2?JBl SALE. "pWO LOTS situale in Muiket street, in Ihe - town of Trevorton, Noa. el,.l block No. UO. Apply to WW. G Al'GLliU, Scliur Stove, or H. II MASSER, bunhury. TJSEFUL IN ALLFAMlI.IES-IIEt.EMAN A. CO'S Benzine, w bit b removes paini spcia grease, Ac, 4c, and cleans gloves, silks, ribbons, C, Cijual to new. will, out ll.e .licl.ies injury to color or labnc. Sold by all Druggists, also al this cilice. 2A cents per bottle. by i I Vts BOOTS and SHOES, cheap for rash I WM. M1.LKK'. 1 M . . ...... crufl ur, duqsi sr 18.''