CTjorr cs!0iijb cue c fFi the "Satibury American.0 Letter from Carlisle- CAituti.it, Sept. 2. 1S1. Im AKKHKUitt Owing to the roctemeo ry of ilio weather ttiit morning, we have dis pensed with drill nod lt out door work, which Hired me n opportunity to write a few lines lo yon. 1 bud occasion to visit Harrisbnrg, on Monday, August 2(itb. I iiIt-d the "Sun bory Guards." Seventy foor men were already woro io tbe United Bute service, eud Copt. Uoblo told me be eipecled tbe maximum complement io a very few days. The bnyt were ell hearty, and of good clreer. I was biehly pleased to see Lower Augusta, Little Mahanoy, Washinatan, JavVsnn and Cameron townships so well represented (o the Company. It shows conclusively that the cjtitens in the rural districts are getlirir aroused j that they fully appreciate the peril in which their country is beion placed by vilo od unscrupulous traitors. Our farmers' sons re oot so easily swayed or excited as the cit iens of citius and towns; they have their steady employment, and do ml wisb to leave their daily avocations ooless they feel assured that tbeir presence is really needed. That honr has arrivaii, and they are already respond ing to the call. My rural friends, twine for ward with steady hot determined step ; the arm of a great nation, in her honr of trouble, is leaning on yon for support. You are the life and soul of the greatest country opon the earth; "'he Lord't Country," the destruction of which is not yet written in the book of fat Each of you combine within yourselves every element aud virtue tbat constitutes ao effi cient, true, and noble soldier. Every muscle la developed by honest industry. Come out in your might, and yoo will present such a solid phalanx to tbe enemies of your country, that Ibev will shrink from your sight. Wro. II. Bussel's letters to the London Timet are not of tbe mostconciliatory nature : be speaks of Ame'rieoo soldiers as if Kngleod bed never met with tbem in former times. The army that retreated from Bull's Run, of wbicb bis rich imagination enaoica Dim to give such a plausible and graphic history, was composer) Ol tne same material which, bv Syr acuse, knocked a born oQ Joux Bull. Tbe English press is quite tenacious in ber threats nd abuses ; tbey most have Cotton, and if tbey do not bebave themselves they may have socb a dish of cotton served np to them as Jackfon served op to them at New Orleans. Tbey are evidently very much afraid lest some of Her Msgesty's subjects would riBk tbe'ir money in tbe "American Ltao." I do not Know tbat we had any reason to expect much financial aid from tbeir coffers; for every tcbool-boy knows that her national parse is heavier loaded with debt than witji specie. Bbe carried on s war for opwords of twenty years, equay as expensive as our war at pre sent. The same time ber money paid io part, the Austrian, tbe Italian, end Spanish armies, whilst warriDg against France. She, with fif teen millions of people, less means, internal improvements, aud commercial trade thao tho Northern States have now, felt herself able at tbat time not only to pay her own soldiers for quarter of a century, but nearly another na tioo's army that would war against ber com mon foe, "Napoleon tbe First." If we were to believe tbe miserable, one- tided baransue in ber press now, we should be forced to admit tbo success or final fate of our great country depended npon the opening or shutting of the British purse : but experience bas already tangbl os oiUerently. I no Amer ican Deoole are not only oMeto meet every fi nancial emergency, but are also trilling. Mil lions of dollars are daily beioir subscribed, in sums averaging from $50 to $50,000, from all classes of people. Tbe poor widow throws in ber mite which she bas accumulated by years of economy. Then comes tbo millionare, with Lis pile, for be can find no other place on tbe face of tbe earth, wbere bis money is so safe, nd yet bringB such bigb interest 7 and 3-10 percent. It is a satisfaction to know tbat tbe interest of this immense loan will be real ized by tbe citizens of our country, and much of it by the laboring class of oor community, instead of it goiDg to tbe money-mongers of tbe old world. Tbe late active manifestations of our Gov ernment cannot help but bave a good e fleet at borne and abroad. Tbe steady re-enforcing of of our army, tbe training tnd bringiog our troops to a strict military discipline, tbe strengthening of the Navy, tbe rapid collec tion of warlike materials, tbe seiznie of the re bel spies and emissaries botb male aud fe male, and tbe suspension of the circulation of Northern incendiary and secession newspa pers, most inspire confidence, and will be bailed by every loyal American. If tbe ener gy of McCleilaa has already brought about such good results,. then bis efforts mostia tbe Jinnleba crowned witb success. The peace editors of tbe North are of tbe vilest species of traitors : tbey wish to alien ate tbe loyal citizens from tbe present admin istration ; their peace means tbe success of tbe Southern Hobelliou aud the overthrow of the government. May they be long remem bered, end on their tomb he inscribed tbe word ' Traitor," Some editors make tbem. selves particularly obnoxious by assailing Si mon Cameron ; bat this is neither Btrange cor discouraging as every great statesman bas been in times past, and iu all propability will be in tbe luture more or less abased by oisap pointed., broken down political hacks: even the great Washington was not secure from tbe pohjonoua venom of prejudiced demons. 1'hocian. THE AMERICAN . BTJNBTJRV, PA. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 7. 1801. n. B. MASSER, Editor and Proprietor. To ABvaxTrsaM.-Tlie circulation of the 8rnev AMfRiCAHiimnnttha different town ion the Sorque hsnnt la not exceeded, if equalled by any jpet pulilished in Northern PsnnivlTinl. ii wi i i ii.iiwiw ii, I' wm 137" Nom-Pa vino Si'fscrirrrs As we are about to prune oar subscription list, we shall be compelled to strike off all subscribers of longstanding who pay nothing and make no effort to do so. Those who can do as tbey please about "paying tbe printer," will please take notice. To others we shall Bend bills. All kinds of produce taken on subscription. tTT Vor.CNTKRR Battalion. We ere re- quested to state that a Volunteer Battalion will be beld at Turhutville, in this county, on Saturday, the 2lst Inst. All military com panies and tbe citizens of tbe county ere invited to attend. C3T Circus. Gardner & Hemming's Circus exhibited at this place on last Saturday afternoon and evening. Those who witnessed the exhibition were well pleased with tbe performancee, the tumbling especially. t3F Puotoorapbs. Mr. Bergstresser'scar, in Market Square, continues to be visited daily by many of our citizens, as well as by our friends in the country. Mr. Bergstress-r is a skillful artist, and bis pictures give general satisfaction. tiS" Fine Flims. W e ere indebted to Mr. Charles Gassier, of Aagasta township for a specimen sample of some very fine plums. Tbey averaged over six inches io circumference. CS" Tub American Phrenological Jour nal for September, contains biographical sketches, with portraits and Phrenological characters, of Geo. McClellan, tbe lute Mrs Browning, tbe 1'iDglish poetess, and William Tillman, tbe negro who recaptured the schoon er S.J. Waring from the pirate prize crew; also several continued lectures, &c. Publish ed by Fowler & Wells, New York, at $1. a year. CT We regret to learo that the health of Senator Wilmot is rapidly declining, and that it is thought be will oot be able to resome bis seat in tbe Seoute at the coming session. The city of Reading has furnished more volunteers in proportion to its size, than any other city or town iu Ibe Loioa. Letter from Captain Gobin- Camp Cwrtin, Sept. 4, le?6l Dear Wiletrt :-Tbe American was received last week and eagerly read by the men. We bave been mustered into tbe United States service, and bave received our tents and uniforms. Our Keeimeut, Col. Good's, bas removed to tbe field adjoining Camp Cartin wbere our quarters are much superior to tbose iu the old camp. Tbe men are all io good health and spirits, and are learning very fipidiy. Our uniforms are dark, and of excellent material, en are all our accoutrements. 1 give you a list of the members of my company, s far as mustered in tbe service : Captain J. P. Sbindel Gubio. 1st Lieutenant James Vandyke. 2d William Hoes. 1st Sergeant Daniel OyBter. 2d do C. fcl. Board. 3d do Jared Brosious. 4tb do William Tier. Stb do Peter Smelser. 1st Corporal, Christ Sehall. 2d do Charles F. Stewart 3d do Jacob K. Kielsr. alb do liiac Kembul. Stb do Jubo ti. lleiui. 6th do William Plaut. "tb do Samuel Eister. 8tb do D. W. Keo.bel. Musicians Henry l. Wbartoo Bouliod Young. Wagoner Jeretuiab Geneemer. List of privates and officers up to tbis time. 90. Tbe Company, when full, will Dauiber 101, when tbe list will be published.! lea men arrived last nigbt lor me, mat will swell my company nearly up to the maximum. Tbey are good men, aud all of tbem, 1 am satisfied, will give a good accouut of themselves when ao opportunity offers. Wbat bas become of Smith Head, who borrowed money to buy articles for bis family t lie came to Hsrrishurg witb us and returned the tama nigbt, leaving me to account for bit blanket, besides minus tbe money be got of me, 11 is precious scamp. Yours, JP. S. G. Joseph E. Sheffield, of New York, bas presented to tb Scientifio Department, ol Yale College, a seewud dooatioo of flftj thou I add wellere. 1ST Camp Vallandioiiam. The Secession- tsts in Kentucky bave named one of tbeir camps in honor of this traitorous Ohio Coo. gressman, whose traitorous speech bas been published aud applauded by most of our Breckinridgo semi-Secessioo papers. 63T Uorsk Killed. Mr. Itobert Camp. bell, we regret to say, lost a valuable bors on Monday last, in passing over the bridge at Still House Run, several miles above Sun bury. The bridge was badly repaired, ami in driving over, one of tbe horses io bis team trod on a strip tbat flew op between the hind legs and entered the bowela of the poor animal, inflicting an injury wbicb soon after resulted io death. We bave on mora than one occasion cautioned Supervisors to guard against just such accidents. It is much cheaper to pay $10, or eveo 850, to repair a bridge, than to pay 100 in damages for tbe loss of a horse. 35" Important to the LtDics. Soon 'Old Boreas' will make us bis accustomed visita tation, and our lady friends will be devising ways and means for the protection of tbeir forms from the penetrating assaults of bis chilling breatb. Now every ludy will bear u out io tbe assertion that nothing ia more con ducive to tbe comfort and appearance of a fe male io cold weather tban a substantial and fashionable set of furs. Tbis being an admitted fact, it is with plea sore that we direct tbe attention of tbose in terested up tbe inducements offered by John Fariera, the favorite furrier of 718 Arch Street, Philadelphia. His card appears io tbis issue. C3f" Ex-Governor David R. I'ortkr. The friends of Governor Porter not only in Pennsylvania, but elsewhere will be pained to learn tbat be is lying very ill at Ilarrisburg, A few years since Governor Porter took up his residence io Texas, wbere be was largely engaged in agricultural pursuits, but on the breukiog out of the present rebellion, lie, with other Northern men, was compelled to leave that locality, being deprived botb of cit zenebip and of property iu tbe State of Texas. Siuce bis return borne, bis health bas gradu' ally given way, and bas prostrated the veteran statesman on bed of sickness, wbere life on' ly teems to wait on hope. mi cocsTir convrivtion-thb noara DEMOCRATS CARRY OFF ALL TBHOF- ricaaTUTMat otiikr iidb. Tbe convention of the Breckinridge Dem ocrats of tbis county met at tbe Court House, io Saobury, on Monday last. We do not mean to say tbat all were Breckinridge meu, because we know tbat most of the Democrats of tbe lower end are good Douglas Democrats, and a cumber of these were preseot, but unfortunately the organization of the party is oow controlled by Breckioridge leaders and persons wbo sympathize with tbe rebels, and no man wbo gives the least countenance at Ibis time, to traitors, by creating divisions and dissensions, can be a trua Democrat. In time of war party struggles for office should not be beard of. Uo said the lameoted Dou glas, io his last speech So says M r. Holt, tbe late patriotic Secretary of War, under Mr. Buchanan. So says tbat distinguished Democrat and statesman, Gov. Dickioson, in bis late speech, and so lay all true patriots. Look at tbe result and see if wbat we say i not true. Tbe great majority of tbe party in this county are Douglas men, but a little oest of plotting, half secession, Breckinridge Dem ocrats, in the upper end, manege to control the party, and bave taken every office on tbat side of tbe river among themselves, all but one Associate Judge, and would bave taken tbat if there had not becu two. Pre. sident Judge we do not count, as tbat is a district office. Now tbis is not strange to those wbo know bow such things are done. One of tbe leaders of ibis intrigue told us to Saturday, before the election, thai all tbe offices were to go oo the other side, but one Tbe secret clique wbo thus cheat tbe people are actually worse thao tbe Know Nothings, and expect to carry out their vile intrigues under tbe natfe of Democracy. A number of tbe men engaged io tbis business were Fede ralists and Wbigs, not maDy years ago, and having left their party for the sake of office, are ready for anything. Wbat con be the object in throwing all tbe offices io tbe upper ond, is a question more easily asked than answered. Are they more deserving, or are we only fit to be tbeir servants, or is it because tbey have been plotting for a number of years to divide tbe county, and expect by getting all political power into their own hands tbey can belter accomplish their de signs. It is, however, but just to say tbat some of tbe best men of their own party, in this place, condemued tbis course, and begged of tbem to prevent it. Salierm Wuldrnn was one of these, and openly declares his opposi tion to such outrageous conduct. Tbe Democratic party always will be tbe strong tbe dominant party, and cau afford to do right, and it is only when tbey permit designing and selfish politicians to lead them that they are defeated. Democrats ere al ways true to tbeir country and will fight for it, without asking how the war was brought about. Such questions, at this time, may well be asked by Democrats of the Brerkio ridge stamp, but not by patriots. Why then should Democrats pass over the claims of tbeir neighbors good and capable men, and gut into tbe bunds of tbe Breckinridge faction in the upper end all tbe offices, most of bum bave been secretly aiding the South by de nouncing the war, while some of them, at least, not long since, openly declared their A OR RAT UNIO HP EEC II We publish, on our ontside this week, a great epercb delivered by the Hon.-Daniel 8 Dickinson, of New York, at ao immvese Uni on meeting of all political parties', held at Tunkhannock, Wyoming county, in this State, an the 19th alt. . Mr. Dickinson is well known s a Democrat of the strict construction school, and has always battled Tor the rights of the South, and his name was mentioned during the session ol the Charleston Cooven. tion as an acceptable candidate for the Presi. dency. ". All mast concur in every word of this great Union speech, in which there it so' little cf partisanship, tod to.n,ocb of patriotism, that a Republican Convention, beld at Wilkes-Bar on the 23th, was constrained to approve it by a formal resolution of tbaoks, io the following words t ,- v. -, ' Resolved, That the Ibeiiks of this Convention are hereby tendered to the Hon. D. 6. lHckinwn, for hit masterly plea for Hie Union at Tunkhan' nock, and we cannot but express our high tatia' faction at the courte of this ditiinguished leader ot the Democratic party, in common with a host of other in sinking the partisan in the patriot, and rallying tolhe support of the government against the machinations of the traiiora." Let every Democrat, every Republican, and all who are patriots and love tbeir couo try read it. When such a distinguished Demo. orot as Gov, Dickiortv can for a time rise above party, surely tbe more bumble in rank should not be ashamed tostaud by tbeir coun try. The new mp fr which Mr. D. P. Rood is now canvassing the county, has a number of points not usually found in maps: sucb as, table of the height of mountains ; the cities of the Union, witb distances from one to ano ther; table showing ibe distribution of staples plants, trees, &e. ; a bird's eye view of New York City ; a map showing the distribution of minerals in the United States; a plate giving the temperature and amount of fall of rain in different localities; map showing the distri butinn of animals ; a taMe showing (he rela tive proportions of the different churches, ic. It is nn excellent map of tbe Union, witb tbe lutest changes and divisions of tho United States, Mexico and Central America. Price The wire-wokers, in arranging the county ticket, on Monday last, have raised about their ears such no outburst of indigna tion that they will remember it for yeors to come. Some of our most substantial and leadiog Democrats, who cannot thu9 be bought and sold, denounced the outrageous conduct of these men, who, under the guise of Democracy, treacherously deceived good men for the purpose of carrying out their own selGah designs. Among these we nwij meution Sheriff Waldroo, who denounces this scheme of designing politicians in no mea sured term', and gives them notice that, as a true and independent Democrat, he will not support such nominations. Democratic Primary Election B 'B of Northumberland County. Atse.mhlg. ' j. (-1 .' ; i Afm-i'iir Jttlr l'rar.l Cwn'r. y 35 I "V"" Tj o "f," Tj f" a os a a ? os a - ?o a ? I S , ,. ' i a 3 W : U l a a w S: . II s ? I 11 j lid- j I , ' ' ' Dklawarc, 136 42 30, 214 45 U14C, 203 26 138 68 70 144 12i 7(1 Lrwis, ( 116 46 2, 14f, 64 21 77j 156 18 115 42 1151 54 157 18 TuRMTvn.t., 10 25 1 34 6 20 lOi 84 7 25 51 18 18 30 C McEwiwstuxr. 15 9 1 25 10 14 2 15 15 2 18 22 4 19 7 TuRBur, 97 Ft 93 93 2 15 99 6 92 12! 38 66 85 21 Milton, 65 28 3 103 111 6 11 89 6 P3 32 63 34 65 11 CHiLlsqcAQCi, 33 76 2 941 24 3 90 97 12 72 40, 86 26 . 43 20 Point, 37 16 17 68l 2 17 51 5 1 48 65' 54 14! g 61 Northuvbrrlakd, G8 15 8 Tl 3 61 28 12 12 5t 751 63 26j 5 81 Sonburt. 26 57 28; 951 19 91 5; 76 27 67 33l 80 2l 65 41 UrPB AootJSTA, 31 28 8, 65 35 40 2 35 22 44 331 40 271 40 23 Lowrr Aoousta, 102 99 38; 206! 15 7l'15R 191 16 220 49; 143 81 97U35 Shamokw, C8 86 35i 124j 18 74 I50i 13!) 71 138 25 78! 87! 27 145 Camrron, 12 16 26; 49j 46 2 6 47 50 4 7 30j 23: 46 7 Resit, 5 4 1061 102 11 15 90 69 22 89! 42' 80 30 701 37 Upprr Mahanot, 35 19 10! 6l 22 1 27 16 6) 22 42, 3- 40j 18: 52 9 Washington, 64 1 291 81 1 42 24 30 89; 22 74 1 5 471 30; 351 67 .lAfitsoN, 12 29 4. 44 4 40 2, 15 10 36 30 35 10! 321 13 JnRDAN. 8 8 201 18 14 7 20! 30i 21 181 7! 12 21 j 10 27 l.nwKR Mabanot, 19 1 20j 39, 9 20 9 23 ft 25 111 27 4 15' 21 Zkkbr, 321 M 2 89! 24 j 35 33; 32 3 84j 58 75 g 40 35 Coal, 19 64 6 64 39 42 4; 35 88 421 ll! 73 12' 69 25 Little Mabakot, 161 1 1 18! 8 7 4i 16 4 151 2 1 17j 16 3 1 1 I 1 I 1 Total, 1 1047,42:405 ,1936 656,658, 900j 1572l451525;6041298753j 1172 913 ftTIRIUKG SPEKf'll OF THOMAS FRANCIS MKAGIIER. On Thursday, a festival, for the benefit of the sick and wounded of the gallant Sixty ninth Regiment, was held at Jones' Woods, New York. Upwards of fifty thousand tickets were Bold, aud everything passed off in the roost pleasant macner. Captain (now Colonel) Meagher delivered tbe prin cipal oration, extracts from wbicb we print below : I ask no Irishman to do tbat wbicb myself am not prepared to do. Cheers. I My heart, my arm, my life, is pledged to the national cause, and to the last it will be mv bihest pride, as 1 conceive it to be my holi est duty and oblation, to ebare its fortunes. Applause 1 1 care not to wbat parly tbe Utile I .Magistrate oi me uepiiDi'c naa oeiong ed. Hear, bear. 1 care not upon wbat plank or platform be may have been elected. The platform disappears before the Consti tution, under tbe injunction of the path he took, ou tbo steps of the Capitol, tli day of bis inauguration. Loud cheers, j The party disappears in the presence of the nation applause and as tbe Chief Ma. giHtrate, duly elected nud duly sworn, is bound to protect and admiuister tbe national properly for the benefit of tbe n.ttion, bo should every citizen concur with bun in loyal and patriotic action, discarding tbe mean persuasions oud maxims of the local polili ciatis hi-ar hear, beat aud substituting the national interests, tbe national efficiency, the nulional honor, for tbe Belnshness, the " We Democrats are all called Seces sionists," is the ery of the lireckiuridg faction. Not so. No good Democrat cnti be a Secessionist, but it is a fact notorious, that there is uot a single Secessionist, North or South, or one who sympathizes witb them, that is not a Breckinridge man. These are facts tbat cannot (leUeoied. Not No 1 True fruMration of tht scheme of this incorrigible aristocracy, its chantUemerit and downfall, fore Bees a healthier and stronger life for Enaland and the liberty of Ireland. (I. oud cheering.) Be it with Irishmen at all ever ts, the lesion, the incentive, the animating conviction, the rallying lutlle cry in this teinptuous time. Every blow that, with the shout of "Fa (ram bealach" cnlhu iasiic cheering clear the nay for the Star and Stripes, and plants that flag wherever it has a prescriptive riht tu float, deals to this English aristocracv a deadly mortification and discourage ment (hear, hear) depriving It of new allies and resources (loud cheering) and thus ao far avenges and liberates the island' of which it haa been the persecutor, the crippling feltir, the recurring lamine, the pervading tdiRht, the social canoer, and the rank source of poverty and slanders, in spite of which her children make their fooling good, and assert themselves abroad, (hiiud applause.) Which being so. let us, who hail from Ireland (loud cheers) we, who have taken an oath of loyultv, not to New York (hear, hear) not to Alabama ; not to Massacliip tells ; not to Florida i not to Kansas j not to any one isolatod Statu, but to all the States (inr mense cheering) that built up the powerful and resplendent Union which the sword and counsels of Washington evoked; which the philosophv of Jefferson approved; wiiich the headstrong hon esty and heroism of Andrew Jackson preserved ; which the great arguments of Webster rendered till more solid, and which the loving patriotism of Henry Clay, whose precept and example still animate the sons of old Kentucky, (cheering for Kentucky.) commended to the heart of every true American let us. at all events, who hail from Ireland, aland to the last by llie Stars and Stripe- (tremendous cheering) the illustrious Council rrooeedlnga. Stimuiat, Sept. 9, 'Bflt. Ooonell met, it being tbe stated night of meet ing. Chief Ourgesa brim- alvont, Assistant Burgess Trancis Bucher railed to the chair Members present, Messrs Uucher, Bright, Wil Vert, Dewart, B..yr, Urant, and Kohrbsch. Minima of last meeting read and approved. . ; r.e,rt ,"kpd Uou":l R"nt him an or. derofIOO on the judgement he holds against the Borough. On motion of Mr. HobrUch, i order was granted fo Mr. Dewart for IU0, to be credited on said judgement. On motion of Mr. Wilvert, Resolved, that the Street Commissioners bi and are hereby instruct ae to fill up tbe well which has lately caved in la front of Mr. John Yoiingman's lot. bill of Mr. Philip Clsrk for lumber, presented by Mr, boyer $1.9i, referred to Finance Umnmil. tee. L. UiMr' benjamin Droslons, MM, Const. Me $B.S, referred i Finance Commille j Commmilteerepoited favorably, and on motion, an order was granted fir the same. E.'f.VViIVert ",CV""' f"rce5 F. fliicher, W, I Grant and Jacob F, Kohrbach lined each 1.00 for non attendance at last meeting. On motion adjourned. J.W. BUCHER, Town Clerk. TlIB ObBAT REQnmiiS. Nnnnlenn knrl Wellington always beld that no army cnnM be effective unless it was well clothed. With them tbe regimental tailor was a more important pnesonnge than a General" of Division, for there was plenty of mute, rials to make Generals; but a good gene, ral tailor required a combination of rare qualities. In our recent experience, an army was created almost by the sounding of a bugle. Tho 'Cameron's Ratliering" was magical j but good clothing was searrer than good men, and ranged uniforms dis figured entire regiments This evil ia now at an end, tho famous firm of Uockbill i Wilson having established a Military Cloth ing Depot at their Bron Stone Clothing Hall, Nos. C03 and COj Chestnut street, above Sixth, and uniforms of Unities material, rut and made, are now there in uuliraited quantities. produced huckstering or tbe vengeance of a party. insignia of the nation that, of all the world, has ... 6 .. , . , ' Democrats are far Trout being Secession sts e say these men are not Democrats and , have no right to be called such, and let no Douglas Democrat, or what is the samp, old Jackson Democrat, tbe only true end loyal Democrats in the country, bave anything to d) witb the bogus, office bunting, Breckin ridge factido. but these Dreckinridgers are uot above sus picion, aud havo no claim to the title ol Democrats,' It would be a sluoder on the character of Jt-fforaoo aud Jackson to cull tbem Democrats. 900 ' 658 CDC 1172 913 O Tbe acts of the President, calling oot tbe military,, &c, were approved by an almost unanimous vote io Congress. Tbe few mem bers opposed were Breckinridge Secessionists. Since then tbe Breckinridge organs of Ibis neighborhood bave been rather mute and dumbfounded. Tbey will now get up some new subject to aid and encourage tbe rebels and embarrass tbe Adoiiuislratioo, which they pretend is oot tbe Government. These papers having in many instances excited tbe indignation of our loyal citizens, were threat. euud witb violence, and in some instances mobbed, llaviog been tbe cause of tbis violence themselves, tbey are oow load io their comments against mob law, and none more bo than our neighbor I'urdy, of tbe Northumberland County Democrat, wbo is a perfect mouomaoiac on tbis subject, and imagines every man with military aspect, wbo casta au upward glauce at tbe attic, io wbicb tbe oracle of tbe Breckioridge party ia locatvd, to bar some dusi.'O opou biasclf. THE SOUTH fcH" t 1.1 TV IICKfcT. Tho following is a list of Ibe candidates with tbe number of voles polled for each, by tbe Breckinridge faction, io tho County Ci n vention, oo Monday lust. Tbis manoovre in cheatiog tbo Douglas Democrats ou t ( is Bide of the river out of all the offices, is tbe boldest and most reckless politicul intrigue on record : F'ir President JwLje. Alexander Jordan, (no opposition.) 193C For Asuociute Juiljes. Wm. Turner, of I.ewia, 1572 Abraham Sbipman, of Low. Augusta, 1525 Casper Scboll, 485 Jessu C. llorlon, (Jlil lur Assembly. J. Woods Brown, of Milton, 1047 Dr. Newbaker, 742 William II. Kase, 405 For Register and Recorder, 3. A. J. Cnmmings, of Cbilisquaque, Dr. J. B. Musser, G. W. Striue. For Commissioner. S. Stablnecker, of Lewis, lleury Gossler, Fur Treasurer. William K. Irwin, of Cbilisquaque, 1293 Joseph Everett, 753 Fur Auditor. W. Hummel, 943 Littel, 19 Yordy, 75 Will not every spirited and independent Democrat on tbis side blush when be looks at tbe above list. Every important office on tbe other side, except one of tbe two Assoc! ate Judges, as one of tbe men remarked, be cause people might thiuk tbey were oot liberal if tbey took botb. So tbe true and loyal Douglas men of tbis side are put off witb one of tbe Associate Judges as their share, and be one of tbe Breckinridge stripe. Tbe President Judge is not a couo.ty office, and is, oT course, not included. Cj" Why does not tbe Xurthumberland County Democrat publish tbe speech of Gov. Dickinson, at Tunkhannock, tbe last speech of Douglas on the war, and the speech of lion. Joseph Holt, of Kentucky, late Secte tary of War under Mr. Buchanan ? These men bave always stood at tbe bead of tbe Democratic party, and are acknowledged to be tbe ablest and most patriotic men in tbe Union, .Why not enlighten tbe Democrats of Nortbomberluud county witb tbe views of sucb men, iustead of giving currency to the vile doctrines of sucb miserable traitors as Bret.kiuridge end Yullaodigbam ? O Jei-k. Davis. Tbe rumored death ol tbe rebel President, wauts confirmation. He bas been ill for Borne lime, and sucb ao event is not improbable, KTThK AmEHICAM AoBICtLTl BIST - h September number of this most excellent Journal is tilled witb valuable matter. CiT The important naval victory on tbe coast of North Caroliua, bal caused great re joicing, tyTiiis DuLKuATRSysTny) At the County Convention, on Monday last, the Standing Committee were instructed to submit to the Democratic Voters at the next primary elec tion tbe propriety of restoring the delegate system, the delegates to vot viva voce Many of the beBt meo in the convention had become so disgusted witb the result of the tickeT formed that day, ooder the present system, tbat a resolution was oflered to abolish ifat once, but tbe old office Hunkers plead for one year longer, aud bud the motion amended as above. ti" Drafting Soluikiis. The idle rumor got up that the Governor was about resorting to druftiug men to fill tbe army, in order to scare some old Iddies io pantaloons into 'conniption Gt.s," is not true. Tbe Harris, burg Futriot says, "Pennsylvania to-day is coming op to tbe work manfully, and tbose who have witnessed the outpouring of her sons during the last twenty.four hours in tbis city alone, will agree witb os that tbe day for drafting is still distant. We conld raise at least 20.000 more without any such resort." C3TTo Caniiio Dkuockats We submit the following worda of Seoator Douglas, and ask all who love their country better tban party, to follow bis teachings end come out npon the Union platform, the platform of pa triotism : "Whoever ia not prepared to sacrifice party or ganization and platlorma on the altar ol lur country does not deserve the support and counte nance of honest people. How are we to over come partisanship antipathies in the minds of men of all parties so a to present a united front in support of our country ! Wis must cease discus sing parly issues, make no allusion to old nartv contests, have no crimination and recriminations, indulge in no taunt one against the other a to wbo ha been the cause of these trouble. "When we shall have rescued Ibe government and country rrom lis penis, and seen it flag floating in triumph over every inch of American oil, it will then be lime enough to inquire a lo who and what ha brought these trouble upon us. When we shall have a country and a government fur our children to live in peace and liappineis, il snail ue lime Mr eacn ol us tn return lo our uarlv banner according to our own convictions of light and duty. Lei him be marked a no true patriot w ho will not abandon all such issue in time like till." Douglas at Chicago, May I A Uksi-'l, Gknkkai. Omt'EB Killed Fort Corcoran, 'a , Sept. 2 At about five 1 . Al , on Saturday last, wbile two companies oi our troops one a Massachusetts comnauv and tbe otnera Pennsylvania company were scoutiug In tue diieciion ol Bailey's Cross ltoads, they came within sight of a battalinu of the enemy of about tbe same number, accompanied by a very distinguished looking mounted ofliuer, one of our meo, armed with a Springfield rifle, otked and obtained leave to ore al nun, tnougo toe distance was thought to be too great for so effective shot. Contrary to the geueral expectation, be tumbled him off bis horse at tbe first shot, Botb bodi- b of troops then retired, the enemy bearing their fallen officer away io tbeir arms. Iu ao hour afterwards their flags on Muosoo's bill and at Fall's Church were at balf mast, aod remained at balf mast all day yesterday. It is therefore judged in oor camps that tbe officer killed was ooe of tke eoemy'i generals, vibicb vi kou-w tot- ' 1 (Enthusiastic cheering 1 'I o me, at all eveuts, the potency of tbe National Govern ment, tbe honor and glory of the national fl.ig, ure of infinitely higher value than the Regency of Albany, the Tammany Wigwam, Mozart Hall, or l he Pewter-Mug. Cheer ing and laughter Nor shall the outcries on behalf of the liberty of the piess or tbe liberty and immunities of tbe citizen, restrain me in the active alt'giance 1 owe the nation and its executive, now that the rights and authority of both are jeapardized. Hear, hear, hear.l The integrity of the national domain, the potency of the National Govern ment, the reputation of tbe national arms, the inviolability ol that tranquil system of election without which no popular govern' ment can have legitimacy, consistency, and force these considerations aro far dearer to me, and 1 cluim them to be of far more vital consequences than the liberty to promulgate sedition or the liberty to conspire. (Ureal pplause. ouch lihetties must surcomh to the demands of tho crisis, tbe public safety. tbe discipline and efficiency of the army, and the attitude of the revolt. I Hear, bear I Within the range ol the laws, the police, the Courts, the proprieties and interests of the community, let tbem have full swing in the days of peace. Sucb d-iys have their pecn lar sanctities more than tbis, tbey have their rcoL'inz-'d and favored abuses of popu lar institutions and prerogatives; and the fieriest or foulest sheet tbat is scribbled in tbe coul hole or the garret, as well as the most neen ine Irirnuiiesl sanctuary ot tne lush race (Cheers for America.) And in going forth to battle for the American Union against domestic tresson and the despotisms ol Europe, let the Irish aoldier take with him the assurance, which the scene here before us justifies, that should ha tall neither hi wife not little ones will be forgot ton. (Prolonged applause, during which Cap tain Meagher retired ) LETTER OP aKMATOR HOlTiL.UV A friend of Senator Douglas has handed to the National JntetHgencer for publication a copy of the following letter from bimoo tbe stale of the country, from wbicb we make tbe following extract : Chicago, Friday, May 10, 1SGI. Mv Dkar Sir: All hope of compromise with the Cotton States was abandoned when they assumed tbe position tbat the separation of the Union was complete aud final, uud thut tbey would oever consent to a reconstruction in any contingency not even if we would furuisb tbem with a blank sheet of paper and permit them to inscribe tbeir own terms. Still the hope was cherished thut reasona ble and satisfactory terms of adjustment could be agreed upon with Tennessee, North Caroliua, and the Bonier States, aud tbat whatever terms would prove satisfactory to these loyal -Mates would create a Uuion party in the Cotton States, which wsuld be powerful enough at the ballot box to destroy faithless citizen aiming us, may he permitted, i the Revolutionary Government, uod bring the one to scatter broadcast, und the other j tbose States back ioto the Uuion by the to diop in crevices and corners, the seeds of voice ol their own people. This bop was disaffection against Ibe Government, without cherished by Union meu North and South, Gltta Tercua Cement lioortso We invite tbe attention of onr readers to the advertisement of Messrs. JOANS ,t CltOS LKY, New York, in another column. Tho numerous experiments made for the last few years, to produce a substitute for tiu, slate and shingle roofs, have nt last led to a perfect triumph in the Gltta Pkrimia Cement Hoofing offered by those gentlemen. Possessing in a great degree, the features of etastwily. (which is a qualification of a Cement Hoofing actnully necessary ond lung aftrr.) durability and cheapness, combined with tbe fact that it is weather and fire proof, its genera! adoption cannot be too earnestly urged. Their Guttn Percha Cement for coating and repuiring Metal lioofs or all kinds and for preserving all metals from rust and corrosion from its great durability and cheapness, is fast superceding points of every description heretofore used for such purposes. These materials (for which tho l'irst Pre minni3 have beeo awarded by the American Institute and many of the principal Stato Fairs throughout the country.) are recemmet! in the highest terms bv the 'm Vnrl A- Krie K K Co , ond many of the principal Hailroaila North and South, and also by tho ofli;ers of the leading Insurance Companies throughout the country. ISclig-ioti Notice Divine srrviee will be held every SubLath in this Bo lough as follows: I'RKSHYTKKUX CM I TR CI t . N..ith west erner o. Hluekbeiry and Di str.cls, Itev. J. l. IIeammh, I'nstur Divine service evr Subl utli ul IMJ A. M. I'rujer nifrt inft on Thursday evening. At N.iriliiiiulii-rland, in (lid School Presbyterian Cliun-h, ut a o'clock, 1'. M every SaWuth ' ' ' G Kit MAN REFORMKD CIIIRCII -North west eornerof Hiver und lllarkberry streets, Itev. J W.Ptsik mkiz, PnsMr. Divine service, alternately, everv Snbhalh at 10 A. M. and J l. ,M. piavei meeting- on Friday evening KVANGEI.ICA!, I.t'THKRAN Clll:RrtI Deer street below 8 V.ft I'. Km, Hond, Itev. I. Kukk, Fnsmr Divine service, alteruiitelv, every iibhulli nt 111 A M. and 7J P. M. Pinver meeting nn We-lni'sdny evening METHODIST Kfiscmfai. CI! I ItCli. Drwheny strfej west of 8. ft E Kail Koud. Itev. UtiTi.ta ano J P. 8wasger, Factors. Divine hei vice, alternntely. ever Pnl, Iwth at in A.M. and 7J P. M. l'ruyer meeting on Thurs day veiling-. DEATHS the Common wi ultli incurring any detriment. j Hear, bear. I But in lime or war above all, io time of civil war the supremacy of tho Government sbnuld be the sole object loud cheer?! and tn this end martial law should be the higher law, and tbe only one in uudispuled force. Applause W bo speaks about his rights as a passenger about his bag of money, his chest of benks and clothes, the photographs of his wife and children, his live stock or bales of merchandize, when the steamship has met witb a collision, threatens to go down, must be cleared of every ember Taesment and dead weight, and all bands are summoned to tho rescue T You know it well. 1 assert it without fear of contradic tion from any quarter; and those wbo have bad moat la' ttude and impunity, were tbey frank and generous, would be the Grst to own it. Tbe National Government bas suffered more from the patience, the lenieocy, the magnanimity it baa practised toward its enemies, aod those wbo are io sympathy and league with them, tban it has done from tbe courage, the science, the fierce energy of those wbo have taken tbe field against it, and victoriously shaken tbe banuer of revolt and repudiation io its face. Cries of "bear. hear." The masked ronspiraloia of the No'tb are infinitely more criminal and misehievuus than Ibe bold aud armed recusants of the South renewed shouts of "hear, bear." and Democrat as 1 am enthusiastic cheers spurning the lleiiuhlicaiiism of the Chicago Convention as a spurious creed having no sympathies whatever with the men in power, other than those which should subsist between the cillieu and hi Gov eminent bear, hear, hear I would promptly and cordially approve of the severest measures the President might adopt to paralyze the treach ery which in this and other cities, under variaus liberal and beneficent pretences, has been, and is still at work, to undermine and overthrow the legitimate1 magistracy of the natien. Enthusias tic cheers Do I not spesk in tbe name of the Irishmen ol New York and they are counted by tens ol thousands when I speak these semi men Is, and declare in favoi of these vigoraus but imperative proceedings 1 Applause. Were I met with a negative, I should remind my coun trymen that the English aristocracy (three groans) which iathe dominant class in England lo which the navy, the church, the army almost exclusively belong, and which is, in fact, Ilia political opinion, the Parliament, the sceptre, and the swoidof England (That's so) Ishouli1 remind my countrymen that this aristocracy is arrayed against the Government at Washington (hear, hear) and that as it was dead against the Kevolotion, out of which arose Ibe liberties aud nationality of tha United Stales, so it is now in hot favor of the revolution which sets al nought those liberties, and against that national! ly directs a fratricidal blew bhouts and cheer ing ) A revolution that bas the flattery and patronage of an aristocracy to which for genera turns Ireland ha ascribed her social wretchedness and pill lies I disorders, and which bas scoffed at and scandalised her before the world, can surely never hav the heart snd arm of any Irishman who bas learned tbe history of the Stare and felriues (hear, bear, hear) valued the blessings sad f .ttciroo tbey insurtd, an who, in the una was never aoannuned uail war was levied at Charleston and the authoritative announcement mado by the Revolutionary Government at Montgomery, that the seoes siou flag should tin plauled upon the walls of the Capitol at Wutdiington, and a procluma tian issued inviting tha pirates of tbe world to prey upon the commerce of the United Stales. These startling dels, in connection with tbe boasttul annonnuement that the ravages of war and carnage should be qnickly trans ferred from the cotton fields of the South to the wheat fields and cornfields of the North, furnish couclusive evidence that it was tbe fixed purpose of the Secessionists utterly lo destroy the Government of oXir Fathers and obliterate tbe United States from the uiid of rthe world. In view of tbis state of facts there was but one path of duty left to patriotic men; 1 1 was not a party question, nor a question involving partisan policy j it was a qnestiun of Govern' went or no Government ; country or no coun try; and hence it became the imperative duty of every Union man, every friend of constitutional liberty, to rally to the support of our common country, its Government and flag as tne only means of checking the pro gress of revolution and of preserving tbe Union of Stales. I am neither the supporter of the partisan policy nor tbe apologist of the Administra tion. My previous relutions to tbem remain unchanged ; but I trust the time will never come when J shall not be willing to matt any needful sacrifice of personal feeling and party polio for the honor and integrity of my country. , son In Shmokin, on the 21st nit .ADA M, of Adam Adam, aged nearly 3 months. In Shtmokin, on the '28th nit., A LICK JANL, daughter of Daniel and Klir-ibetit Weaver, aged 5 years and C months - -'- .. .. . i. Philadelphia Harkot. Philadelphia, r'cp. f. Wheat flour, (extra,) Kye f lour, Corn Meal, lied Wheat, per bushel, White " " Cora, " " Oats, " Kye, " ' Cluvereecd, Timothy, Flsxseed, .a ii i $1 Kb a 7S a 3 OU a 1 211 a I Si a 54 a mi a 0 4 .'0 3 70 1 47 SUNBTTRY PRICE CURRENT. Interf sling from Missouri. BETRKAT OF MCCLLLOIGB. 8t. Locis, Sept. 3 Later da tes from Lex ington, Mo., confirm tbe news oftbesalety of that place, and the withdrawl of the Rebels. There is much disaffection in McCullough's army, lie is io Arkansas. Tbis is reliable. Hardee was rapidly moving towards Arkan sas witb 6000 men. Tbe enemy is reported to be strongly fortifying a position at Skes' too. A gentleman from Springfield reports Ren. McCollough, witb five thousand men, moving towards Arkansas. On Sundsy, the 89th ult., Generals Price and Parsons, and Black and Churchill, moved towards Bolivar, with a force of soma ten or twelve thousand men. When last hesrd from they were marching towards Jefferson City, on tha road between Bolivar and Warsaw. Only a part of (Sen, McUrida's Division remained in clpiingfield. Wheat, $1 I Oal 30 Butter, . . $ 14 Itye, .... 75 Egj,,, ... 1(, Corn, . . . . 7.S Tallow, ... j Oats, .... 33 Lard, ... J Buckwheat, - - 6-. Pork, .... H Potatoes, 87 Beeswai, . . 5 1 New Advertisements. AXOTiiUii Aiti.iv.tL or SEASONABLE GOODS, AT TI1E MAMMOTH STORE OP miLINC & GRANT. Suubury, September 7, 1SCI. Union Lodois in North Caoi.ia Union Lodges are organized tbrougbeut a large pari of North Carolina, and will send a full delegation to Congress at tbe approaching regular day of election. It is asserted that these statistical rsluroa of membership foot op a majority of tke whole toting population of tbe Status. FANCY FURS!! FANCY FURS!! John Fa Ira, TtS AP.CU Slreel, bel Wf en 7ltu. and alll., Ms., (lute bH Market,) Phitndrlphitt. Importer 4 -Muiuiliictarer !, ami Heakr i l nil klm S l-A.MY FIHS, ft and tbil- manufactiir- 2 ed and in ie my usnl i.oe unit he.iulilai uasou- -Went of Mil til VUIMMIS rU . -i. I... ...J 1.. i l... " v-'uWleil In tha trull m,. ""3SS8iL? Winter Itauuns, I wa a respiKttully inuile an rusiniimlion of aivsl-i-k sinl un- from those istmKlii.f in purchnae, as I wo enulilut to urkr Uieia very detirshle Jiiiliiceinents. All my Kars have been innclm d for rath, snri mads by experienced hands, sin as the present mmietsrv iioueies render il iiM-uaary ilisi I should disrrw ul inj go. us si a very small advance ou ea. I am sHtis&ed thai ,1 woald be in lbs interest of thute bo desirn paieliaang tri givs sac a call. rV" Kecilleclihe name, nuinlier snd street: J. Fsiie.s, (New Purtuore.) Tie Aicti4uet, I'ailaitii Ins r,iSM.;ail W ' IWWff-.iVf- Having lew J '' ' III Ll 'Hi. -C