Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, August 31, 1861, Image 4
1 EnraainrwiiJEran. Rctaileact Wholesale Prices, Hado to Ifrasnro at E!18 per do3. on six port srcwn iwi.ars tmtlwut Collars cn,vllh Collars cn t per dm. extra. ji dr or Knrr-vorji mills Mrsus, -Vltbftae Lti, sr-d irnTar,t'1 np rtv-ttl ft Rl.lrl M sold la tle reuul i' tii at t-Vl each. alto. Tut xyv.r vrsr pmiiT" that cam e WAJJli AT 13 EACH. 7. 'q.T!e vrlio flil-tV T f nimr.t irae a pood BMrt f ar (;s'f,- IS, -sen nr. iuktuku. Herts tiie tMt of ou .OKU I IS f DO shirts, TO ranis f Seir-York Kt! mur'in r 1 HVc r" J"J. 1 1 M V ,'.r.s ft fin l.'.ncu, lit tOc. per yard, 8 f 0 KtbiiitariM cutt'.-cr J (0 Ln'lndrv, 11 : bullous t.l J coltc,n,toc 1 10 Irett....:... Total 1 l Gclf Measurement for BMrts. Printed directions si'iit tree everywhere, an J. so "asy to understand, ti..'t tr.y ope can ts-o tl.elr unn ineB.ire f jr sVrts. I warrant a good, lit. T';e c.'isli to be pa d t tie Impress Company ou recsipt of foods. The l rnrrei charges en one doiea SLlrU from Kew. Tot It to ficw Orleans ie 1. r. &-r amies wiuiKa pmrcrs iv rusTn.nrt lmvinir time to send for Bales of Measurement, el.ouM semlper nin'l, prepaid, one of the best liiiirmshirislhcy have tot, stating any alterations that may bo required, ? S. W. II. WAKD, from London, 337 Broadway, up stairs, Uetwceu VLite k Witter ILlretts Vntrh ti, 101. II "i.w-yoi:ti- AYEB'S Sarsaparilla for purifying the elood. knd for tlie cute of the following coinpluhttit cm ruin nml r rofulou AaV.-Hona.uurb im Ttnnoit. I li vi'K, kivi'CM, KruiiMouv, lMm tcN, tulra, IMoti lit-M, jUoiltj, jUJuiji and nil bain liweoHea. 0m .nd. t tul.. t'tb June, 18. X 3. r. Artn & C. tinni-: l fvl H my duty to ae tti.iwlf.tH vlnr jvtir SmNtjatill.t luui (1.ihj fur ine .luun iitlmiU tiii Scrul'iiI'Mts intivtioti. I lne ?ul1iit ruin it in v:ii-kitiF wjs lor l:u. fuim-liiurs it hurst ut In l l.-tMh t-ii my i;iuih uimI nttns; imniftini'.-!" it 'unitil Inwiud Httd illitiei.l mt at J he Mutimth. 'iwo ei ni;n it hn.ko out -n ntv ln-tul uirl i--ivt n-1 mv mMlp tii I wii h w iih .iu s tif. uiiitlt H.itii'nt ;tinl kntilintiiio nyonU iK-cTi'i"'n- tid-ii in:i:i,v hh ili in. ntui -Vfiu 'Iti. i.iu, but u itliour iim.-h ruin I tiMni uuy tl.iup. In tilt liiviui.-r iri"v Wor.v. At Iflilh lM;t H-joiccl U IT.Hl III OtO itSH'l M(s.'hi r tlmt jcu liJlil i.i. i:tuil m iiltttmtive (S;iwtin illio. I r 1 knw iiom ymii iv.iitu iuit tliiit any tlim (iu ijuido iiumI It i1. 1 ttnt to :iiirliiti;iIiiiiHll it, iui.t tiHt-.l It till it iiri-l mv. 1 tittle t, n jfitt mlviftf, hi mimII du-i-s ft' u t-!iHK"iii"iil over ft i nth, nud u--d nhiiost tlnw out Hi. Ni-w and lutiltliy ;;in wk'ii I'l' to lui nt und-!- thr fcr;ib. wliii-li after u f.'ll oil. .My fUin is nuw dfiir. and 1 kimw l-y my iliiirs tluit tin? diHi'iin lii nony IVom m nvtti ui. Vi-ii .it twll lndidVe t)i;i( 1 I.-cl uhiit 1 mil Mn'ini ulini 1 tell on, that 1 hold you t, U-unu oi wyvAlsa vt the ngi. nd rviduiu vui- grateltilly. V'nit's Al.l Ul'.O II. T.UXKW it Anthony Tlrr, Tionv or i:iysin. las, 'loiter nnd Stilt It h ii:n. ht -nld iJtuiI, King wotiii, bote Kjtw, Uiopwy. Dr. IloWrt !. IVl-Mo mitt fnun Pah m. N V.. liO, that lie h:m tuitd ttfi iuv ti'iiitti ease tf h-jjst Hliith tliicatiiu'd to ttriiiiiiutu liihilly, ly the liTevci iui it : "f our .urhiipm ilin. mid ulu u 'i;tuL'i'nu ttiitgttant ririp7ii lv lurt dojH' ff tli fumu; niiya 0 curei the coimumi -'.rtq,fiun$ hy Jl cotutuiitly. Uronihoctle, 4oitr or Swelled Neck. Zflmlon Sloan f rioKix-rt. 'IVkiih. Miltf j "Thri.e hnt-k- of your ilht t uiol mv liom it , i'iv a hiJ oii9 Knelling; n the lie-k, win. h J had bullvitd fium two years.'' ucorrlirrn or XV h U r. Ovnrlnn Tnmor, Ctvi'liie Vltrrn(iiiv Frniulo ilcuwi Dr. J. II. S. Ch ii iiiiiK. of jNcw York City, n -lUtu j I iot c-hecrtnlty (omply t.iih Ihe retputit ofymir njr nt in n in? I Iivh fiond ymir Hur.Miptirill.i a iih: rrdlent 1 r.'i ti v in tlio it iiinci'Miin i'iiti)(iiutn for nhi -h ue 1'ij.l'jy mult h mm-dy. U:tt t'Mit',iity in Hmtttt lfit?it?ct V the Si'toftiloiiri iHniht Hlx. I hmo run d mmty iuvetor t Hint's of l,i'iiroiui.:i ly tt. Hint mhik u hci it the coltl tlittiit was rmu-fd hy tt!arttt- ul tl.p uftvut. Tin- uln-r-tlf'ii Itfttdf wan koi.ii ciiifd, Kutldicj ulihin my knovvl-ii-'t1 CtpMls It for tln'tc h'liinh ili Tiiitt. im-nH." lOiIwiird 8. ,M;n i ()v, of i-u inii y. A ln n i ite. A d-in-tioiH nv-'riun titutnr i-n oiin of (ho fi-innU in my famiiv, hlli hud di-lli-d nil th4 n-nifiliiM toidd fiiidv. Iwitf t Ji'tiiith li'ren cr.mpltdtdy I'tiri d hy ur l-x!i i t of S;u wi)l;ln. Our i'1i-ichiti thought li'-lhliu; hut rxlhpa Inn could nft'tid n lii-l, hut he advid tliu lii;d i yunr uixijim tl!n ns Hit hft H'wHt hffiue cuttirir. fin 1 it roved cfTnctuiil. After lidtlntr your rtUiydy tiht uveki i f'iufitoiii of ihe dheme ii'DuiiiiM." Byplillls and lerrurlul Iivcnsr. Nr.w Ot:i.rfl. "i'lli Auirit, lsfij, Trt. J. C. Arnnt Fir, 1 rhi' tlully comjy with lh i west of your tiL'fut. nnd ii';nrt to vn uiu of Ihu clients I.jive realiKt'd with your I ir-iipai tlta. 1 hnvo ciii-i! i'h ir. in my ua"ticc, infill (.f the mm liinti for tthkli it Is reroimix ndt-d. nud have f iuid its (ft-rtti tiuly Kondt-t lul in tin cm 1 1" nervJ ami N?r uriul Dif'se, iur of my pfilienltt Syphilitic iil'-ri i liin throat, which weiv finsuuiim; hli palnte nnd the op of hiH D'Oinli. Your h'aitiparilla. bU-.itlily tnKfii, uid him In fue ree)iH. Anolii- nui nttackeil hy itcc ndary symptom in his iitM urn) tlio uhi-i.aioii had a tin away a consideruhlo part of it. ft that 1 htdifVo tlie Murder would booh tenth hi Lr.iiu mid kill him. i;ut it ieldid to my adminUiiiiiioii of your urnapaiilla; (he i! -via henled.and he hi well nut of ctnnse without .xitu OiNllmation to hlfl face. A ouiuu who had hi t u reau-d fur the hiime Uifonhr hy nieiuiry wus nulleiiit ,H''iu thi poison in her Iioikh, 'J hey had'heeonie pu st-u-ttive to the weather tint ou Oump day hi it- hutit-ied ex .'luilutiuK lrti ii in hei y uu nnd h- in-s. he. lo, was .tired entirely hy your i-.-ua.ui!lii iu a few we.-K. ihuw fitun its f.jiiiiula, .hi h y-nu iitnt nxo im; that jii I'ropuititioi) liom your Jidioiatoiy miil he a nut vinedy ; iomte(iuiitl. ih o tiuly I mai liable le.-ull villi it have iiut FiiipiiM-d me. fiutei-uuliy joum, 0. V. I.AKIJIKR, M. D. '.UieumatUm, on, IJvc-v Cosunlnfnt. lM'ti'tSW.u; I'Kloii l .,M V.. tlii Julv, l-'.. Dit. J. C. Arru: l-h, 1 h..i Win utllnttd wiin n pain, ul (hr.'iiic 1,'firtnitot tin for k long liim,whii h ha!l!.-d the kill t f ihsK'i;inti. nnd '.n. I( to me In s) tie ofuli Ihd emedii I ould hud. until I tmil oiu S-r.parilni. On r"jtlo cured iiitj in two neeks, nntl lei-tttied my f'lifl tl . .altii no luii'di tlis.t 1 hid Im- Letter than Ik i re I wuf ttucked. 1 think il ttw Millet. ul n.vtli' ino. J. FltbAM. Juh s Y. fli Uhelhof Ft. I.diiis. v iiii-Ht "1 l.nve In en rllietid lor veurcwiili nn minium .' ihe J.i,rr, v hirli i Htntvi d my lo-aiih. 1 ti i'l i-H ry ihitijr. ami vry tiling tilled 10 relieve iiih; and 1 have hi en n hiol.en -thiw u luau tl MHiie yt'ins fnm no t.tln-r i ane than tfrftuyanrntif 'ic Jl In o . r pallor, IIih li'-v, Jlr. IVpy, ttd W'd ie to ti y your Kami pun U. hi-uue he Kaid hi Ki:ew jcu, nd tiny thiuu you ma le win, -.,th trying. J'.y the h'li-crf ioj'viod il haniiiinl loe, ami Inn. ro piiiiTid tuy hlonil to make il !i"-w mi.ii of me. I t'-el .Vouiii! l.paiii. Thft jhl Unit can hetiiiid ol y-m id not Imll tiood enough." , Ii ii'niH.Ciiuci r Ttniior, Knlm 4inciit, I Ivr.miou, tmic una XJjkl'uUatlun of A m'e-tl mi h ty of liai.-ht-en renil to us where i.ii': ol" thee f.-i mhial l- e-niplaiiil hao ivMillt-J In 111 iiv u'-e ol thi-f i-t-iuedy. ) lit mil -pat i. le re will itot ulniit In in. iif (!' ill. hi iitiii ! tfiiud in our Auitiii-iiii ..tii'ili.t.-, wlii- li i!,i ni't iiU hrdAv ii lined uivptvUbtd to li nieli i" all w ti j lid I f r tht in. ylepilti. IInr iJlnt-r. P, Kpllrp- y, 1 lfiut Itul -f iNt lMllIlu M.niy !i ur h i1 iloe ntl- t ii-na have hern .lid hy the li!.-iallie p. w-r fl tl . int. Ih I int. J I KMiHl-it-i tin.- vhid tuiniirs into xiioiw a. lii u. and Hi on VfHin.ii riiotil it wIik h would he Mippui-d l..'i.iij il i--h. hi h a reno .'v lot i-juy hvt-n n iMin-d hy lim m. riUf uf Ihe pi -pi. , and we are toiiliduit liiut'lli. will j for them uU th:i liiniuiui; uiU do. Iyer's Cherry Pectoral, I0H TIIR lUt'JU Cl ltR OF 'oti?ha, C'dIiIh, liilliirimi, ItoitrariKX, Croup, IlKiui liiiu, liit lpiriil ni kuiiiptlon, i. ml tin l'.tliil Vt UHkiiilllvc l'lltli'Ul. lit llviiuiiil t"tn(; of I lie IUciii.i'. Tl.l. ta a ifioclv o ni.lviu!l.v l.m.wii to nirM nT li?r for (lit iiuy t.f l h i-i .ul and tunti eniu.iuiiiu. it llM.'Ht b'-IU to plll'llll tilt f iiil'lll'tf tf jtk tit Iui-k Jt tuitiill.'tl txi-flit-tirt: lr ii.tilil imil and itit tnily t.iKlorliil fuit'H of itiltouiitry Uw-jn-e, li.ivt it iiiihu t)irmiilifht liitt (iilin.l iiHll-iint f tlie t-iiilb. at-t tliu ( iiiiiitiiitiiii, tir i'vt'ii liiiniii'.. Htin.ii il.iut bo l.nte lint wine "iMiual rx.'.'ifiite td tt lli-t-t. tue thing tmpliy in llivir initUt nf iu utti) ct-r Hi. ibllt mid dmiviMU fM.i.lri-H of tlie throat nnd Itinii. lull know tlio tin :i.:i..l u.talilv of tl.ttt tliKn.ln-, Mid tlipy kn'.w, loo. Ili.t I'. it.ul iiii rt int-dy, mr l i...t ) limit tliun trHi-uio tin-in tlml il liu in w all lite vir. if. tbnt Jl did liavc v-litu llu cure, vliitb buve on to itroiigly ii un tl.o roi.l.d i.. e of inankiiul. v eptred by Dr. J. C. AYES tti CO., Lowell, Hast . i . I ...i l A Ciriinl. uti'l A. . I IK. i 1 1. hi i jv K. C il w tn,.l C. Hrt.wn, Miiii.n; llr Wen, k. Ml-,i-e.i.nlle; I.. Un;di:ifc I linmiiuii, Turlmtvllle ; H. 11' cC'y. Ni.ithni Lirl ind and by litulci. i vir nt le. 11.' ur Itt alll 'J l.o ul tuke 't mure in uiiiioiiik ing that thry me now V.iil (fti'r) In tliue who i-h i. u ' ''.'tie vvuik, hy the lulu l'i. ' .-'!d' M.,licu (Jon ' u warn - GIISAT 1ST EXCITEMEJfT OF TUB SEASON I F RILING & GRANT nt lite MAM'iIIOTH STORE, have Juat tetioJ NEW AND DESIKALI.E Slock of A very extensive iJiortmont of LADIES' DKKSS GOODS, Consisting in inrt of Ulutkimtl Fancy Silks of ttry rhoiro iattrrn. Ducalf, Cnahmcrci. Frenvd onj Englith Merinos, II .in niid Kij-uriJ Wool Leluince. Muslin'llt l.i ne of nil njlei tvnl jirires. FoulariU, Tiiilitt Clot'.i, Toil Do L'I evrt-a. S ixonnJ WotJ I'laii!.. J .UICS' 1UH-J, DliOCliE, Day Unto and Wool SHAWLS of every va i iiiy, Ac, Ac. Gentlemen's Dress Goods, ofevtry stile, confuting of Clotoa, l aaiineres, Satlnif Hi, iitntocky Joaiia. '1'vM'ttli, flvi t (,'onl, Vulvetei n, Vttbiinge. of every vnriety. tlur Btot-k of Mlk urn) silk el vi I Vertniia, euliliol hn ciiriiisi-t d m ti,o country. J'lcaso call. mnJ cauiihiiu them. CLOTIiZKG ();ir ftntk of KRAUY M A I) K CI.OTPr.NT.. hna lieeii ri jilenisIicJ, niitl vie have a lull assort ment of OVERCOATS DRKSS C0AT3. Tunis nnd Vests, Ovcieoats nnd llrosa Coata for Uoys of till ages. AI.KO, a very hindfonic assortment of HATS J.lSrjD CAPS of every Myle ami variety at the lowest jiritca. Our stix of IIAIMIV.'IIKK h. I....- ... otl niitl e hate ti.nv a hiri-er iioriinent limn i ever neloro tlleied lj our custmnrrs, coliMstlng in nr: of atieapt! Cotters, 1'ocket Cutlery, Uuli'lier ICnivea Al dtrr ilinsea. and Pud I.ocka, X Cut Saws, Mill Sana, Scoop ! hotel. Ac, 6lc, Ac, ie Ac, AC. iiui'jiai c and Cilaswirare, of every variety ul the V E U Y L 0 W EST l'HIUL'S. Our stuck of - W W i . i i4 3 ia very line. We have tlie hest onnlity of ruii .v. -laaaea ever Ii. oil', re to the 'eilizens ol "uiil'ury and viciniiy. CKOAIt AMJ Wai.OW'.WAKE of every vaiiety. ' Hosiery, Gloves, Notiom, "i A LEERY. HOOT.s AND IIOEe?, Ac, &c Also a Irtoh supply of Urui;, Puints, J'I". Hte Sufli, JVrfuuiery, lilass. Fancy tfoups, IJrushcs, Ac. Particular rare having been taken in ihe se. It-c'iiiii of our goods in regard to quality, style an I rice, we cull the uiici'iioii of tlie public lo our large .lock lo which constant additions will bo mu le. 'J'luitklul for past fuvors, we hope lo merit a coi 'inuunce ol the patronnge ol the ulilk- In selling ch aper lh.ui tver. Oiveusa call before puiihuslug el.-tuherc. Flill.INO & GRANT. Kunhury, Nollemher 17, I Mill. TO KXt 'I'IJOM: II I t li Farms, Parks or Gardens, IN CENTR A I. PENNSYLVANIA. A lure dunce i. n i....uli d .i seim ud ortler FEUIT AND CflKAMEii'TAL lltlES Vine., fliruli-ieiy, I Ik- ,-flrt.nittJ finer rUreel iui. l.'.c.iUJ al ll'ielnkier, ,ctv oik. fllcism si, .Hi. tot; i , Into allCtt, PROPHIKTOR3 Hhi lirjr Uatf to iniiu.uueo lUi they uie ineoaied lliumli their tiu.ililied ttnd n i: si'u.i ii i, r. a o k n t s, I'" ili.tnL'tilt ihtir h um .ik ou II. e unl mh.usbl let in. rr.opij; nK Tllli EE'JGTCITE ar.TZ. I.yon ol .Nature and Hie beautiful I jtiMly eelebmte f ir )"iir mill eiiee, w.-nlihi, l,l,, ritli;y and time, now is llio lime lo uiitku inui seleellnn. I rum our i)K-rKii' rivi: i- iTALiicit i.: ami i-latk ihhiks, VMoeli M ill be, lln.ii,(., i.r kK.. nuein.' und j.iu un.) real un.uiiU I hut yt tadti. will be Luauiu' bly Ink-'l. i'tii luilltcr jaarlicolur. iippit ft. I'lliUiKKlCK A. IKiWK, Ot JOIlXB..' atswii.ta, i-. . ' "aiy. CENTRAL HOTEL, 8UXBUEY, Northumberland County, Pa. 1111 lS large and rninmmlitnia lintel, now managed hy JAMES VAN DVKR. It ie rituate at the Hnilroatl llepot North Eaet eorner of Maiket rttuare. Kunhury, and l the terminne of the Httnhury Krin ami North ern Central Ruilrn ny, ami ia open forthe arcoln nioihition of Tiini lera and the puhlie. in geuernl 'Ihe priprietor will give hi. extln'ive ntten. lion, toll'B .com furl niitl ennveiiience of hi" giieflu and i tie errnined In make thin estithliiilimi nt rank among the first in the Stale. . lli tahle will he aupplied with the heat the mn'kel ran protluee having the advanlnce ol dally eiimiiitiniimtion hy care dircrt from linlli more, ami also froin thoto hrinning protluee fioin the aiirrounding eonntry. '! His har will he aupplied with the purest liquors Ihe market can produce Oa-eful and ohliging servants alwayi In t t tendance. New and enmmniliniie (tabling has just been added to the premises. A share ol the local and (raveling community a must respectfully solicited. fMlibury, .lum.nry 12, 1801. WI HTJnPlCO CD ID 3, FOlt MLN'S AV E A It . Dlack and III tie Hair Cloth, Ueaver ' Iverroiitirig, Dltiuk Doeskins, New pttyle C'assimeres, All Wool 'I'weeda, Heavy Kentucky Jeans, Ileal fiood Cassinetts, Wli Mixed Coa'ings, Super Velvet Cords. II luck (ireiiailiun Vesting, Black rSatin Vesting, Fancy Silk Velvet Vealings, J'iniii filk Velvet Veliiiga, Nice fns-jiiicre Veslinga In fart nil kinds of poo, is for Men's anil lint s' wear, ran he found at Ihe I'roplc's One Price More of K. Y. JJiiaUt ,V fSon, whn hnte jusl eceivetl h Hniln-utl a hplemlid el.u k of all kinds ol goods, suitable lor cold wc.ilher. Please cull and he convinced. E. V. IIIUOMT & SON. Sunhurv, October 27, I Still. REVERB HOUSE," ( LA TK I"Ali IIOTi:!..) Third Sirei-t. almre Unci; I'hiUuhlMa, IftlOADS SAILOR, Pn,piiei..r. 1yrnoYK.i-:NTr' ,, teen made, and tlie House m lieen refuted llir uijilii.ul 'I Hi. II ..Ian V. Kiioaiim, ftirineityof I he National lintel I II tllj.K! fiAlLnll, li.llnell) ol tslillt IK 1 11 Co., I'u. I'llll:ulelliliia, Jan. Ill, IMil.y 1 O O T A N 1) S II O K M ANLFAfJ'I'OK Y. Comer of Marl; I .St,ure uiul Hirer Strttt 'SMiE subsrribrr respeetfully inlorms ihe riti zona ol Kunhury uiul vicinitv, Ihat he h is opened a Hoot und Mine Mmp on' the corner of Market S,Uare uiul h'iver htrcft, opposite tin Court House, where he can bo found ul ali times ready to tvail upon customers. Il-ving cuusiderulile exp,.rienre, he it prepnted In make up customer work ol all kinds, at shoil notice, in the latest stile and workmanship. He keeps oiiMnnlly on hin.l a large assort ment of Leather, of the best .junliiy. nhicli enu hies him to make up good and dunilile work. full and examine fjr yoursilvcs hefore pur chasing risen litre, and jolt will save money. JOHN WIEVEK. Smihiiry, Nov. 10, lRfio. ;y sr. stjpsy , :j rEIII.iI)C:MIill KiLMIiP., -S. ; amier of Ht tenth und Clusnut titrei ts Tt'is is one of MiiiiT coi.i.icr.r.s. co.NsriTrTiNij tub ".a TitiXAI. t'll.M.N." I.oCaTKU in riiituil'Viia. New York City. Albany. ItniTil i. rieve i.nid, Clin-ai.-. ini.l si. I.ios. , h. .lai l.ij.s run lie'bittt-U uleilh. i .t. int. (,Nsl in ill tin- f..ii vg. Tin; COLI.LIilATK cui ltsi; rtnbinres Piaible in,. I SinjiV I'.nliy II.k-Kee, inc. Coin. Ilieleial C't'iqiiitall' a-, l'. .inineieed .:itf. l'i i in .nslii Uus.uns Con cup .ii,l,.,:ee. l'i,riii.-i.liii ft tl ciiien, tie l'liAcllOAl. ii:xt iioi.iis;. TlieT-.M-l nig in I In- II ink Itc-pn u I)e,uii lineiil is nlnnt ly Ir.nn it rille.i -i I imn.s, tulli inunii-n ns letlintu, nn, I lilaek.l nl t-luel.':iti.,,ii j n Iiimi, in Winch. Ill nitlrl to iiiuke the Collemalu C. ur. in. llimnu-h and rll.eliialus pouil.te, Ihe I'nllnw lug Text-linnU liitte been ile nri'ti : llryniit & Siinltim't Il ink-Kfepiee, in three etbtinns (.. aim m M-h.s.l. -f-.-l,....!, ii,,.t rniuiiiue iloioe; Itiy. mil .V Hntl. ui's l.'nniint ri-ii.l Arillnnelie ; llitnnl ilt Mrnllou's l iiiuiui'ieiul Ijiiv, ,y Amm lleun. L I, I). ' SI'IACI-HIAX SYSTKM OF IT.N.M AXSIill', la a series of nine hooks, by I'. It. M'lACLII. P it PI'LXCKIi, Ji.. Te n her of IViiiii .iii.hip. Iiu'i Vlilual ii.miielmu Mudeiils enter ut uuy tune, llii.lo lllilit till aided. 1 l I'nr t at-ttnj.,,,., ,,,! rirrulsie call at llie ('nlle-e "ru.lilie.s lilt AM'.MIIATHIX & PAIIOIAMtS l-fl.ra ityil, IMil -ly . I'lolmltl; Ina. War! War! War! com-: mom tiik yoirnr, co mi-: n:vM the turrir, com ii ri;oM rm: i:sr, caMErnoM -j in: wj:st, iate the country and build yourselves homes, or now is the time l,i get your Lumber cheap. Vcs, Ll'MIIER ! I.I'M HER ! ! LT'.MHKI! ! ! can l.o purchasi d allow ratis ul the KTEAM KVWMILLiif in a t. G7r,?vrH?, BTJNBURY, lA., Such as Panel Lumber. I ian.e Lumbei. LinanU, Siding, r-hiugles Innii .i I,. S per lhuuaiid, Plaslerin Lath, Puling, limiting Lath, Vc, .r. All bills ordered, lor uny kind of Lumber, be fuinishrd ut the shuile.t inn ice IRA T. CLE MEAT. Sunbury, March !, IMjl. . SAVE YOUR FRUIT E?V I'M NO MASII.VS Palei.l rjheel Shtul JScrew Top PRESERVE JAR M AfcUN'S PATI'.NP hllEET METAL M.'KEW TOP ! AW that isneeefsary being to screw the Cupdotvn upon the Rubber Casket, which is pl.uetl oulsi le upon the shonhler of the Jur, a 4 of no imh ,h. lant from Ihe lop ; prennl ll.e possibiliiv of the ul the Iruil being injured by coming in Miiurl with the Rubber. Piiaonsiesiiiiig I here Jurg, ran le supplied by atlng Ibeir ortlrrs with Jl. JJ. .MAsEi:, bti'il.uiy, .) une lt(.0. Agent. COTTACE lilllLES. 0I1 SALK. theiip, three topi,. a of the Collune llible, in two volumes withi niu menturJes. II. li. .M ASSEH. I J LANK Parchment Pnner It. ...I. . 1.1....1 Morlfnges, Dunds, Ekecutit Suiiiiiious &c., for sale b . II. M AssKlt. ' 1iAlKERS! CRACKERS, jUht" ri.,.ri.j J and for stile bv the burr.l or iii..,.I ... t. , , r . 1 .or Cotifet-tioiirry ftore ol M. C. CEARII AK P. Hunbury, Oclt.ber 111, ISCII, EUjAtt SIS ! ELAN II fc J ! 4 new aupplv of Kuiiiininis', Evecuiimis, Warrants, Supucuas, Deeds, Moiinnges. Uonds, Leases, Nulurali7.ali.111 pars. Justices Hid Colislul.les Pee Hills, Ac, cVc, ju.t primed and for sale al this (lilice. Siiuhury, April :)U. In5y. 'MtOV MlAl'l A v.ry line and (heap assoHii.ent. just received bv Rail- rrnin New Voik, al the Mammoth .lore of V Grant. We have also for sale 8.8. A Co'e celwbritwl Patent Pendulum tveua, 6UNBUUY STEAM FL0URINQ 'T'HE euhcrilier hainff taken j rntiession of this first cl'a FI.Ol HI.( MILL, are pre pared to receive grain of Jl kinds, and to dt cus tom work at the Shortest Notice. Customera will have their grists ground immediately upon their being left el ihe Mill. Aa it is the inten tion or the firm to slock the Mill a large Sup ply of Or liu, will he ennstantly kept oi hand, niitl fl.iur hy the quantity fan always be obtained. The greatest care will he taken to turn out a en-perb-r ipinlity nt flour, for which Ihe mill ia ad mirably adapted. Mrict attention will l paid to Ine w ants of ciutomets, ami the patronage of the public generally is respectfully requested. MOKUAN & CO., Kunhury, ,Tuno 83, Igr-O. LUIV2B1JR X.UMB Gil P 11 I I, I P H II A V , ' MUNOY, TP A.. g N FOR MS his friend, and tint public in gene M ral. that he constantly keeps on hand. Boards, Miingles, I.alh, Joisls ai.ri all kinds of Lumber and liuiltling materiuls, which he will sell at the lowest prices. . Mirth 30. 1661. LR. A. W. FISCHER, "IFFERShis professional service, to the cili v' .ens of Biinhury and vicinity. Olliee at the Drug Siore. Vunhnry, June ilti, 1H40, SHAMOXliTVALLEY 'IMIE subscriher respectfully informs the public thai he is now manufacturing at hie Pottery, 4 milca east of tSunbury, all kinds of Earthen Ware, made out of Itetl inciit Clay. This clay produces the best and most desirable liintl i.f ware, et(unl, in muni respects, to stone ware, and is W liuble to crack hy sudden heat and coM. The subscriber refers to Friling A Grant, Hunbury. Addre-n, Joseph SAVinr.n, Oct. 13. Infill.-1 y Kunhury, Pa. "WALL"" I'-A-IPEPl "f FlilLINO oi GRANT, nt the MAMMOTH STORE, hate this day (January I7lh, IH6I rettived a CHO.ICK ASSOUTMEXT . OF TIIR NEWEST STYLES AND PATTERNS tip "W -A. L L PAPER, which ti.ey are aelling Bt prices that defy compt iiiiuii. Hunbury, January 19. lr,. LOOK HERE, II' 0E WANT TO HEY CHEAP FOR i;as O TO Mll.l.l'l? he I... .:..! .jM ironi riiilnilrlphia a Inree stock of BOOTS &. siions. His stock consists of Gcn'ts Kipp lJoots, Youths' Kipp Boots. Children 'a Cull' Roots. A Iso a variety of Women's Calf Lee Hoots, Women's Morocco Lace Roots, Children's Morocco and Calf Lace lioots. all of wlm l, ,e wj gt, clea) for fjAsH Call and exiimine for yourselves. ALSO, first quality of 'Pampero Moroco for sale lor cash. WM. II. MILLER, niiiihury, January 7, 18110. KOW WI1HIN REACH CF AIL GIOVKIilAKKirs I'- I- " If A IE Ii ,,uM:,ES! Sewing Hachines, 4H5 EiitiAiiu-Ar, Ntw YoiiK. 1 The public nltenlion is respectfully jrqucstrsd to j the follniiing r irds of Elms Hutu:, Jit., and j Ihe (irovcr & Raker . M. Co i A Card from tho C ROVER & BAKER ! 8. M. Co. i Olir P..trnt.a ....... ...1.1- t. .1 1... . ai " ' "ii eat.UUtlIieU OV lg Courts, we are niublt d to furnish the liroter A linker Machine, with important improvements at gieaily ESeiiiscfcl B'riccsi. The moderate price t which Muchinea mall iitg Ihe (irover oi Uuktr stitch, run now be hud, brines them within the reach of all, und renders Ihe use ol Ma .ii,es makin j inferior Hitches as unnecessary ns it is unwise. Persons desiring the best Machines, and the right to use them, must not only he sure to buv M ichincs making the (inner & llaker etitcli. hut u s, 1 Hut such Machines are made and slumped under our patents and those of Ellas Hotter, Jr. Ci ROVER A- IIAKER S. M. CO., 4U.r) Eroudivuy, New York. A CARD I ROM El. IAS HOWE, JR. All p -rsoiis are euulioucd not to make, ileal in, or use any rSeumg Mschines which sew from two spools und make Ihe siiieh known as the (inner A Ii.i',,1 r ttilch, unless Ihe auiue are purchased ,r, "'e (irover V llaker Sewing Machine Company, or their Agenta. or Liceusis, and slumped uutler toy pateiuol September III, I H I f . Said Company, anil their Licenses, alone, art legally si, Ih, 111, d M,Avi their own patents, ant my sun I patent, during the eklemletl term there ol. to muse and sell this kind of Sewing Machine ami all others are pirucies upon my suid patent, und will ho dealt with accordingly, wherever lound. ELI As HOWE, JR. Nt w York, Dec. 29. IHUO. If Hew Arrival of Clothing. 'I Ml E l.iruesi ami best Stock of F I LI, N D INTER ( l.l'l lll.MJ ever brought lo Una plate. urued ul llio Mammoili Ohi ,ing Store of SCHU I riLR, H EILII RON N EH iV CO.. in Market stieet, ueaily oiiposile ea ter's Hotel. Their Stock roiypriera of FINE CLOTH COATS Dress Couts, Over Coats, Business Coats, Ac. VESTS OFALLKIXDS. I'li.ler-Shirl, Druwera, Ae. HAT3 -rtslSTID C-A.JPS. liOOI'S ANDM10ES, ol the latest styles 01 every dtscripliuii und quality, rheaper than ever. Thvir assoitmeiit of geiitleroeti'i furnishing lol ling is ine most compiele ! I In ir variety and .ty lea most attractive. And the prices defy all competition. Cf (.'all and examine for ) ourselves. m;wehzer,heiluhonneiu co. Wunbury, Oct. B, 1800, 'piN W A RE A very cheap and desirable aMoitment just received Ibis week, at ihe Mamiuoiu More ol Flill.l.NU A OK ANT. Min ury, January tt, 1861. I) UIKI) I'KACHKS. psred aod uopured I tht) Mammoth storeof FKlLlNU 4 GRANT iff ANOTHER ARRIVAL 0 V NEW GOODS, J. II CXOKIa of Bnubnry, V.i , IIASjust arrived with splendid RTOOK of " HlMUNU AN I) GUM M KH O0OIM, from Phltatlelphin, tr which he aesiajotfitlly .invilcs his friends and the Public ta call and iti9iect, he will spare nn time in ahnwiug thorn. Among his aturk of goods will ImfouniL FINE BLUE AND U LACK FB.E1TCE CLOTH. Fine Black and Far.r.y V asimeroe 'Iweeda, 9at Intrtw, Jcana, Dlack Italian Cloth, Casbincrflltc, Cottonade, Linena, Linen Drill, Linrn Cheek, anil FeTy Vesting, also a large assortment of Ready-made CLOTHING for men and b.,ya ..cueap VR LADIES WE All, Hlark and Fancy Dresa Silk trtry rhrap. Silk Tissue, Hermes, Chali and Chali Holies, llerege Delaine, llerepe llohes, Pigured Ilrilliant and a variety of o, her Dress Onotla, Spring and Sum mer Slianls, Mantillas, Parasols, a good assort ment of white goods, Collars, Sleeves, Irish Linen, Shirt fronts, Marseilles, Ilrilliant Ac. A general assortment of domestic Dry Co de. Also a large stock of Hats and Caps, Boots and shoes. Hardware, queens and Glassware, Groceries, Cedarware, Stone and Earthenware, Drugs and Paints, Salt, Fish, Cheeae, Ham, Oil, Tar A-c. &r. N. B. Wall and Window Paper, Floor and Table Oil Cloth, Carpets, all the above will be sold at low prices for cash or country produce la en in exchange for Goods. J. IT. EN GEL. Sunbury, May. 10, ISfiO. tf. . II A II II I S PAIN T KH, ' 3 1 1 o v n t j) a t 3L a to , MARK 1ST SQUARE, BUNB URY, jp A. . June 2:1. I SCO. Hew Air Line Route TONE "W YOKE. SHORTEST IN DIHTANCI5 AXD Ql'IOKI-ST IN TIME lietiveen the two Cities of NEW YORK ANDHAKIUSBUrnG. VIX KEADIXO, ALI.KNTOWX AXD KASTOX. Kxpres. West leaves Xew Ytak at 8 a . M . anil 1 lulaitel,liui in n A at., arrives nl HaineburL- at -J ii r M e-tiineeting at llumU'iiic witlilrmil on Xorllieru t'enlinl l-BdiorM.iibury, ,i.,a,i,ti tts-k Haven anil inier llie.luite sTiitlitns. Alail Tram West leaves New York lit t-J noon, nnd I lillnilel.iiu at 3 M P. Jl., c, eetine with tinn, mi Norll,. tin Cenlnil fr tuitions as .limit, und also ou ull lia.usoii ihe A illiamsptirt nn.l r.hnira. .Maii rinili l .asl leaves llarriihiiip at P, A M , niitl nr rivesat I'liiliidelplnu lit I p. xt , and New Yolk ul 3 30 1. M., in lime I,, mke Isml or ears f r llnslon. Ae. Ko Kxpien i:i leaves lbirrisl,iiB at I IS. n nirivnl ol .'Nnrl.iern Central 'I n ,, Brr,tt ut l'liiludt-liiliiu at 8 b r m . urnl .New Vol k at Dr. at. Xo chnneeof eiusor bast-age b-lwmi New York or Piiiiiiilelpliitiaiid lliirrlcbuix Km lieauly oi seenery niid upeetl, comfort and aet-ommo-(I'ltlnn.llin .inile piesems Bupt-rmr lihluceinenia lo the traveling put. He iiliee in .New York, foot of Coiirilnml street Phlhilel. pi, hi. Ill, .,i,l iiii.i rullntl'lull slreels. I )iJrflcl,eUvi't'"N,:w Vork and Unrrisburg 1'IVK D(L I'm Tickets j Freight or other information, apply tt) ., . !. J. CLYUK, Ut-neial Agent. Mnrrisliaie. Jane 30, isttll ly ALFRED D. ERICK'S UMTED STATES AM) KCHOI'EAy PATENT OFFICE, No. S23 WALNIT STREET, Philadelphia. JVf B. Communications hy mail promptly ' attended to. Sept 2-.', INCO. Iy5 Cure Cough, Cold, Hoarseness, Ji'jluenza, o u if Irritation or Soreness of the Tirnitt, He Here the Uncling Cnuyk in Consumption, llron chilis. Asthma, and Catarrh. Clear and rine siren nth to the voice of Public Spcrd.erti and inr rs. Tew are aware "f the liiipmiiinee of eheekiiiira Cough "r "C ni, ni Odd" iu Us lirst Rtiitie ; Unit tvlneli in Ihe bt'eiunina ivmi'd yield In ti mild lemeile. il" neglected, f.ioii iitiin ks the l.linus UltOW ,VS HltO.NClil A L Wltl- rilllS.-' 1 Iiliiiinir llelunleenl ingredieills, uliny I'Dllll'ii- li.ii y and llroiiclnal Inilttlmn. I "Tlmt Iroiihle in my throat, (for which Drotvn's the "TIIIH IIK!" uie n speeili.) having tuiude ineolleii u mere wiiispeier-M TIlOCllLS .X. I. WILLI-. "I leeoiiiuicnJ their u.e to Public Sneak Ilrown's crs." I HIATi:. II. CII AIMX. TKOCIIKS. : '-Have proved extremely serviceable for Hoarsenes,." Diown'a I lil'.V HI'.XIiY WAHD Ill'.l' I ''Alnintt liislniit leln-f in lite distressing TltOCIIb'S ialiiir oi iifMiihnia pi't'tilmr to Asihin.-t " I l. liV A C hliiil.KS TON. Urtitvu's Contain n i Opium or suytliiiti- injuri l"U" tilt. A A 1 1 A i:s, TROCHES, j riliriiiisi, II w .n. "A simple ni'd pleasant u unln nut n.ii for Ilrown's i Coughs, sic." )R G F BIOKLfiW, TROCHES Huston. "Ilciiefifiat iu nroio-bitis " Brown's IjH J F W LANE, HnSM,, TltOCIll'.S "I have proved them ex-cllei.t l"..r Wh....n- 1 lug; Cout'li." Btotva's I Lt V II W WARKFX, ItoSttlll. TltOCHF.S.1 " when comprlletl In speak, ulli-liu Irian" Urown'a KKV SIP AX l)F.IIo, ft b TROCHES. "KrTeettial in reinnvins llotiiseness and inititii'iu of the Thr.ut, so common Willi Brown's iSpeak-cis uiul Snnrers " l'r.,1 Al STACY JOIIXSOX, TII()Clir.S. Ij, lilimae. Cel., Teacher of Mutie.S ill.itia Hrowu's I'ellllllr College. "Oret.t hrnefit when take l liemn; nnd TKOCHF.S. nfler pir.itiii,,-. sslhry prevent Ibtarsenesa I'mui their past ehVot, I llilnk lin y will be of Ilrown's :peilnsueut uilvtiutoiie In uie " IIKV I. UUWbKV, A M., THOCIli:?. IVesnlriil of Alliens College, Tina 1 1711 ild hv ull Urtlxgislsut io cents u bux. December ti, IMiO. tiuipl aii .F'i ' . - ;,.v il CUsnut Stwt, fe-iSP a. 1 111 1 K Kifm tire h-hv hi u ull ovtr Hit ruititl Smii-i, 1 und hi:va I Men ti-itetl in ninny hu-s; the .-l;ovvinj; uluiwa uuoilicr iuntuncc oi ihfii uiutbil ty in rckimiu Im. ; WirMKK1 UKtPT.B, IjinrnKpr Ttiu'iifetup, July 3f), lfl0 Mkkr. Kv'&ns A Watsiix, (i-nllftiM-ii : The to null i.f .i, I S'iI.ii)iiiiiiIt :iie wliuli J )iiirrti;isrU I nun ynur iiiit nl.Mr Ailiiui It. U.irr, in IinciiHiLr I'ny. in tmli, li:i liecu tilieirtl inn very stvt-re tfit. winch it williKltvul in h MD'bt vittikloflory liutmier. 'I lui !;tlf, Un g Hit my b M-lvR. tiigdlior vith Viilual-U-onpnn iK-l.-iiff- niC uiyirlf uiul .me in my iic-;iIkkii mid tilfM lM. Hint leprem-iiiiiiK u vuluc ol over Twriily TltiiMiinl IM.urN, (!2l',0(Ki) win in tuy Mill, wtiicli woi di-utmytHl dm ihe ntjiiit fit the 'JTlli of July, If-Oti, und piieil iluouiilt (he UViy ortlml inott' illieil, 'J'li-Siile wuhoii Uie ii-otnid ii.n.r, inn! Oil to fhr IhU'-iik-mI of ilm Mill, nod win nhjivltd lor tix kdi t'uiii uitpiiif lirtit tiinniig the ruins, which wnt nr-mly iiuTivitird lr Ihe rooiliuMiion of a Uuitv tjoMiititv of r ;i i n roidinfd within tliohrii k willn. Afici tii fire the Kiff wti oiftitil urnl in liHki ntid (wiper litki n out in u ntnio of perfect prem rvolioii, the puiwr nt i-vuii lieiinr ilm olnr eil. Thif met wan, huw t vrr. ii in.uiv t-viHndt'r, h ivtier reeinim"iiHiiii u of nr Siiei than could bo rxprewud iu any oilier word from om, Yiiuri, rei-tioliy, 8AMTKL IIAXCK. Another Victory for JCvanM and Vutson$ SulamoHfltr Safe, Oiwiuo, N. Y.t M irehS7 SM Gentlemen It atTrda me mucli plenure Mtofonn you Oi;u Uie Sole No 5, (opngliO wliiHi 1 pnrch:ird il" ii. hlroud, youi Inivelinn "tfeni, Itiit p-iutni ilu-Mih an ex. reed.ntely In life in u lUrve anuy t.n.-k huikhof. which he-iifU Ihe hie lo m wlntc hcul, bo llo.i the crii-i. of it appeur mrliiMt; but it preat-ivrtl mv h -ka and vatuuble import tn ihe amount of nevcri.! thiiutwud dolliua, lor wUicii 1 I eel thuiikiul. lr . lar,4e """"'lent fthfalsove U I H MlwMa i'h.!d,ipf,! chl'"ul Btwcl (,ate1 kouUl Fl,rU, ,l ' GENESEE SALT. WHOLESALtl Ac lHiiTA.IL l..'H.IMJ Al till A X T . .1... t, .,' 1 . , t. .ttw U.UIlllllUtll - Mote,) have Joel received 600 ll,s. of Solar (iround. Holer and Fine Bait, 700 Bucks of tirouutl Polar fcalt every eaek warranted lo contain 225 pounds of Hall and SOU bags of Halt containing one Uushel each. Tbis ault ia the best and slrongas' now manufactures! aud in market, ('all and see for yourselves, hunbury rjepl , 8, Ib86. BOO'l'S k HOES,ran be purchased at Ihe Marumoih Store of Filling cV Uraul, very we are determined not lo ba undersold by anybody. Call ami lean, the list of pricea lor yourselves. Ft'UIU 4 UK ANT. eiiViry', JinttiT , VA M U- si "' i(adttjhia Main, fa'cfd alaiimiidcr SaicH. HXanLY IMPOST AWT3TEW8. M. C. IE.iMlAlTT, Ha retttriss.l -with new Stork f Confecticmnries, Trull and Toys J T eetr-e aa If new age. new life was open Ing upon os. enintnting eeory heart to rudder deeds and higher aims! Art, Literature and rlci ence will glow anew and seek lo develop aub limnr beauties and grander conception. ITbe business world tod must feel the new in flueiioeand every'parl lie quickened and atrength. ened by an increased vitality, which shall urge us on with electric apeed to the consummation of greater thinga than waa aver dreamed of in the rniiosopny oi me past. Animated by the enthusiasm which pre va ties all claasea, and desirous of doing hia share to wards "The great events of the Age," the aub acriber would respectfully inform the food pro pie of SIJNUUKY and the public generally, that he has just returned from the city of Philadel phia with the largest and choicest stock of Con fectioneries, Fruit and Toya that has ever been brought to this section of country. He ia also manufacturing all kinds of Confectioneries, & c, to fill up otdcra, wholeea'e or retail, al Bhort no tice. ' Among hia atock of Cotifectionaries, may h lourio I French SWrete. Oam Drops, all kinds of scent. Love limps, Mint limps, red and while, Jelly Cakes, Finn Drops, Slick Ontlies, ol all scents Rock Caatly, Almond Candy, FRUIT. I'riines, Fies, ran..,. Harued Alirsaids, Cream White, " Lemon Robs, ' Vanilla, Common SeeiclS. LitUoriee, Baninns, Dates. Currants diied, Aiinoiius, naisnns, Nuts of ell kino LEMON SYKUP of a aujierior (uulily, by Ihe single or A superior quniny ol Pcgare and l oltaeco, and a variety of ( 'oiifeclionnnes, fruit. Toys, &c, all of which isnD'ered cheap at wholesale or retail. CUT Ituineiiihcr the) name and place. M. C. OEA K HA Market at., 3 doorwest of E. V. L'right & Son's store. Sunburv, April 14, 18C0. ly MASSEP.'S PATE1TT FIVE-MINUTE FEEEZER, Aa Inijiroved for 1S9 and tiO, Ily E. KETCH IMA CO., ana Pearl-Hlrcet, New-Voik. 111 E only Freezer coiistrurted on n-icniilic principles, with a revolving can and spring blade scraper. The one hastens the freezing ol the cream Ihe oilier removes it as fast as i'mzi n. The most rapid iu freezing, wilh the leust quantity of ice. The most economical in cost, as it ia the most simple nod durable in structure. For sale iu all the principal cities and lowi:s in the Union. Each Ficczcr accompanied with a book of re cipes und lull directions. FKK'ES. 3 quarts, $3 00 4 quarts, 4 (in 6 quarts, a 1)0 8 quarts, fi 00 14 quarts, R 00 20 quarts. 12 no Applv to 11. B. MASKER, Sunbury. June 2, iNfill. Ls69. ihe BEST ROUTS F It O M 1860 Wyoming Vallej Iu rplila, tw l'ork, i:ut(lmurv, AXD ALL POIXTS XOIlTll, SOUTH ft WEST. LACKAWANNA & 13L00.MSBUI1G RAILHOAD. STJMIrlEn ABnANOEMaM. Two Daily Pusseiiper Trains will be run between Strantoa and Noitlmii.lieilautl, i.a loliotvs: A1OV1.X0 SOUTH: l-enve Phtl'n .Mail. N. Y Fx. 6H'r;l"l" , e 10 A. m. 4 a P. ai Aiiiveut I'lltsloii, g 4 M Kingslini. 7 5 j Slut miuimy, 7 oil S5 Bvrwiek, tt 00 6 M ' 'buig, fi 4,, y :ln Rapell, B h , iu Dnuvilie, n 05 g m .Xor.liuiiiberlaiit, to 7m a 15 MOVING NORTH: ''!"' , , , N- V. Ex. Phifa Mail. Nniil-tiii,, 0 3u A.M. 4 15 I'. ,1 Arrive at Danville, 8 n.1 8 ( K'leit, 8 JJ .8 40 HI mmsburp, 6 O r i ll "C'lVieK, ? S 0 : j Sloi'kshttiilt', 7 J5 7 ,,3 Kingston, (1 rio 7 45 I'l'lst'Ui, S 57 h la Seiiinloii, j) 0.5 e jfl The ljiekatvnnna and nioMnslnirg Rnilrnad eonneru with Ihe Deiawire, Liiekatvaiuin and Weslt rn llullroail, irlSerantoa, for New Yik mid I'liilaili lphot, and inleriue. lll lle pniuts East ) Ills., for fireut llend, lllngltulllti 'II, Str.ieuse, Hull,. I,., Niagaia Fall., and ull liiisirlaul poiuis West. Al llltpeit II io lis Willi Uie I'altmt ism Kail- rsid, for p .nils both East und West. At Xnllliuiiilieilinid 11 i- nneets w-ilh the Sunbui) mill line Uailtoml. l,,i pninls Wi st un.lSiulll. .M. '.V. JACKSON, Sup't. KiuilJInn, Ailjliot O'l, I -6 1. NKW Y01UC LINES- CAMDEN A AM HOY AXD PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD CO.'S LINES, From ritiiadelpl.ia to Xew York und Way I'lacs. From Walnut Pl-eet lun'f und KeuliucbUl Depot, Philadelphia, will leu.c us 'uliotvs, u ,t. A'. 8 A M. via Cuiudin and AluUiy C ic A Accnin- niHl;iti::i, .t .5 Al 6 A M, via Ciimih .'i nnd Jersey City NewvJer- Bey ItetiimiU.Ntalluii, g jjj At HA .M, via Camden and Jersey city Morning Mail. 3 nu At Ii; A M, via Kensington and Jraev city, Wes- i.-iii Express, ' 3 (K, At I'.'i P .l 1 111 Uiiutlcn nnd Amlaiy, aceuirmndnti.iii a 25 At ti f' M, via Camden und Amuoy c und A. Ex- l'"",, 3 ofl At 4J P M, vi:t-Keiuington, and Jersey city, Eve- i'nii-2 l!xpiet. 3 oc, At4 P M, via Kensington ami Jeuey city, 8.1 Class Ticket, g 03 At 8 P M, via Camden A Jersey eily Evening Moil 3 Ml Al II P M, via Ciiuiiten und Jersey city tN.uih. Mail J W Al 3 P .M. via ('un. tlen mid Aiubt.y Aici.uiiiitnln- Inui. (Fieitibt and Passenger,) '1st class ticket, t tH ftl " I SO The 6 P.M. Mail Line runs daily. The 11 Southern Mail Satuittavs exeepltxl. F01 Kelvniore, Easimi, Flemmcinn, Ac., st CAM., from Wul.iui slreet wintrf und ul. M , tioin Kcismatnu. For .Mnneli Chunk. Alteiilowu und Ikllilei.em, ul I), A M. via Lelnuh Yulley 1! uilniiul. F01 Wmei Hap, Slrimilsl.urg, rV-raaton, Wilkesbsrre, Muutmsf, Gieat lleinl. Ae., al 0 A M, via lleluwuic, l.'iekiitvainia Ituii W estern Riiilrnittl Fol l ieelu.lil. al 0 A. M. Ul.d 2 P. M. p Fa Mount Holly, al li and t) A M , and 2, and 41 WAY LINES, For HriMol, Trent ai, ic, ut 3 DuJ ) P. M., from Keiisioulon. For Pabilt ra, Pelioico, Heveily Ilurlillston, DtirJen totva. At-., ul I J J . : t ami t,P. ,M. Fifty auuits of ll.i.ti'.i:e only, allowed each piisseneer, Passenueis nre piohibiled fioni titkiue autlhunj as line sane but their wem.nir iii,isnl. AH Ragiiiiiie over iifly ioiiiiila I i lie paid for exlia. The Coiiiiuuy limit llirli ressinsibililt f,.r ll iSKne t One Dnllur per pniind. and Will mil I liable I'M liuv auimilil beyouil 100 Dolbus, ex eepl by speeinl contract WM II GATMEIl Agent C. ft A. R. R Co February lb leOO. HEGEMAN 5c COS CCr.DlAL KIJXIll OF C A L I S A Y A LARK Prepared only by IIKUEMAX & CO., Whotesule and IteUll Cbeunsls Slid Druggists, 161, QUO, oil and Jill llrowtwa), New Yoik. ri-HII virtues of PERUVIAN DARK us a Tonic have J. Ihk-ii Iini Inns k.siwn lo need uommeul. The CA1.ISAY A (-or Kiugi's Hurk,") is ihe most vulu alile ol ihu nuiiicl .us vitnelivs of the Peruviali llnrk, und iu lite El.lXlIt is oomtiiued with oilier inaiedieiils tlial inereuse lis clTieHey uit'l al the same lime iiveiemue the itteiisny ia Its unlet, reiideillil It a most Agreeable Cor. ibul. For persons living in FF.VKK and AOl'K distrieis, it Will be found invuluable use Heveiitive, llhll'ol a wine. Illuss full Uikeu iiiht uiul luolltiug, lendenng Uie S)Stein iimeh less subject lo the unhealthy htMuenee ol Ihe uiums phere. Dl HECTIOXH Dose ror an adali. hslf a wine In full bef'ire hreNkl'ast aud dinner ; elnklreu fium tuts u ittti leaisiut fullj it uii) h mkeu Willi ot witliuuta lull. Waler For aule at this oAca. March I?, IhOll A 1 1 rail 6uljr cif Dry ClouiU. PjONSlSTlNO In part of Prima, Deluine. bleached and uubleacbed Muslins, Checks Htripa Deniuia, ft Drill, Ac, J'isl received by Ui U. tt the Mtoimotb store of yjWUNU 0RANT. NEV7 At the Mammoth Store of IRA T. CLEMENT, IW. I MARCT-T f?n!r.KT, BUNUUIlT, rs. 'I TIE auWribcr Las Just ojicned at hie w.eH X known establishment in Sunborv, una of t'ua heafiesl and myst desirable slocks of Fall and Winter Goods, that has ever been offered in the place.and wbitU no will sell for CAHII or exchange for Country Product. Those desiring to purchase goods will do well to rail and examine bis ai.u-k BLACK AND FANCY SILK, AH Wool Delaine, Figured, Striped and Plain, French Merino, all colors, beautiful DreXja Kolies. Cashineics, Shaded, Plain and fttri,;ed must be seen to form an idea of the extent aud variety. Mantle, Stella, Chenille, French Woo! Sbawla Ihilietattd ltroche Shawla. Cloths Cassimeres Rnd Satinrt For Men and Boya' W ear, Hlack Cassimerea, I ancv Cassimeres, able strips heavy, ljoe tskin Cassimeres, Cntinets all kinds. ,. FX. JvTEXtS, White and Led Flannels, all gradra and pricea, Day Slate Sack Flannels, colors finest qnallioa 1IEADY-MADE CLOTIllNQ Uoola and Shoes, Mats nnd Caps, Ac., Jr., all of which were selected with great care, and will compare favorably, as regards quality, style and price, with any in the country. HAKOWAHIC, ii Ml assortment. Wood and Willow Ware. li'ieenswnre, of all descriptions, Oroccrics, a full stock in store, Carpel Chains, Ar., Taints, Oils. Olaea, Dve Stuffs. Thankful for the patronage heretofore received ho will spare no pains to please all who may favor him with their custom in the fulure. Sunburv.Oct. 2-.', 185'J. R 0 JiLCiSa & BOYEil, Attornies at Law, ,1. Jordan llo k K llcr and 80I0111011 II. ItoytT, rcspecUully annnunco l.n. they entcied into Copartnership in the practice ol their profession, and will continue to attend to all busi ness entrusted lo their charge in the enuuti. s of Northumberland, Union, Snvder and Montour promptly, faithfully and caivlully. Special all tentionwiU he given to the COLLEC'l li)..-j OF CLAIMS. Consultations cun be had in the U L KM AN lani-iiage. Olliee, MurketSlrcct, opposite Weaver's Hotel. Sunbury, February 4, imjo. v- ifc.'aiks;i tt so v XIAM-FXCTl'ilXIls OF FINES T QCALl T Y U F BOOTS AJNTX) SHOES FUU (.ENTLEMEN ir o-L 1: s a l i- a x n i; i: t a i l No 4. South FoUltll Street, I'liiluilelplua. ,. - IlEXKaar. W. J. lm.Nxaur. March i.l, ItUi-iiin. Vatciicn Jt'..t-li-7 & SV.m r Ware WK V'!"ld 'nr;-l(uy inform ,,r frit ml,, pair,,,,. r ami ihe public ct ni rallv. llim ,. ,.,ve nntt- t,,i, and . tier llt.l.l.s.O AX I, KETAII?," Uu I .w. ,t ;,-,i.-..,."i,.H "I"' vet) eli ice sues of WATCH I S JI .W l-Llt Y. SILVER AXD PLATED WARiV, of ete y Viinety ant) attic. ' "t-'r I J'wr"'' nfI,u"UNU WORK nnd thet ..... ........ .,.... , ei, , sn iii notieo L-Al C.iotlj i.rrai.led lo be us represenled ... . ,..,:-iiiar mien! given In the retniiing of VXalcllesanu Jetvelry of evert , .eiiutoii , , STAI I1KU A ilARI.EY, Jlan-a;!., ae,Pu.aa.e.,.'m. P. HELAN CliTON &RISBEL, JI STS4 t: t)V 'iril, PKiPK STJ3Xri3XJn-2-, OPfV. ' ' OJu-c in Deer Sired, immediately opposite the Public School House, All business promptly alien, lc,l to. Monica ollcctcd and ull ordina y writings done. Suuburv. Anril 25. ls.r)7 tf ENU Yi)UNN KL ATTOUNDIT AT 1UAW. Ujjicc opposite tiie Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County ?a. Prompt htleiilion to business in a.l.niii, P -oniiliea. c WHOLESALE DEALEH IN BRANDIES, 7 1 H 2 3, 0IIIS. &C fl'HE siibseril r r having opened in Thiuiipson'a Un.-k liuil.linir, Mill street, Danville, a larwo ami complete stock of FOIiEKiN AND DOM EsTK; Llqi'OltS, cnmprisiiifi'lhe best bron.lsof lirainlies, Cin, Old Uj-e. Scotch untl iiish Whiskey, Port, sierrv, Matleria, Champagne ami other Wines f all grades, all of which will he sold Wholesale ut Hie lowest city prices. Tavern-keepers by buy input' us can snve ut least the lreii,ht. Persons desirous of purchasing liquors for F A M I L V 1: s 1: , may rely upon being furnished with a pure and unduteruti d mlicle. Fi' living determined to establish n reputation lor selling clu np he respectfully solicits the pa Ironano of the public. All orders promptly Ul Ifiitled to. ir.lIE.MtAII S. H ALL. Danville, Jute IC, I Mill. ING RA INE D CA HP K rsT MAM'FACTI'REII ami ft r Sale bv M. Pelper ,V C 'y I.eihianiU unit Mel Intt . ,l Huililine, Ni-rlli Iji.t earner, Seci'iul uiul Race streets I'liiladelphia. GOODS ;i'Ai:.XTEi:i. October 87, 1.-6(1, 'V O. i-.-., e--, a Save Ik Pieces ! AsaecitViils W -ill 1 ilpi'.ea, even iu uclt-r. gtiUttil li un. lies, II is very ile.iri.l, e In hate tniueel inp nu,.' . uveniiut wit) I u.uiiuie, T , Cr. enj..e. BPALI'IIj-Q'rJ filPArtED CLUE meets all such emei jn.eit'S. an.1 n t b"ii-eh'.. eon ior i, 1. 1 be wall. ,111 u. 11 i,, iilttasrea.l nno up In tiie m.eRiri; pnliit. 'I lit re is is ' 1 iit'er ii iu ee, so t Ir bin, ii.e e,ui., spluileie venet is. l.enitu, i , .lis, unit i,r, k,n t in,,.,, 1, JUkl the aniele Itir c .,ie, sin II. anil ol lu-r niiiiriut uiul tvmK Sojs. pulur tl oil Indies nl lelt.n iiii i.i unit i.ish-, ' This It, im, ruble p, t j-u.-tli i is u-e.l e .i.t l-eli.;.. elu Inl.-ullv held iu s i u ai, ihe viiliiat.le gm ii'ie, ..f the bel,l.'el.l..Atr's l.lue. It limy le usrtl lull,, place ut tr..luult li.uei.ue, laoi2 vusl.) more inlhesirc. 'I F.I I'l. 1 EVE.Ii Y ilul .-E" N. D A llrufcu aee .mpmiiet etu-b U.itle. Pi ice v'-i ceuis. Wholesale Prpot. No 4 i'tilir siteei, New Ytk AJJrcM, HEMl Y C. M'ALDIXIi A ftl., " li 'X No. 3,000, Ni w Y-.ik. Pat up 1 or Dealers in ease. coutaiiiii.g Four Eis:i. ui.J Ttvilve D. zeu u lailllliful l.llhoguplue Sl.otv laid ue e'i"(,ai.) u.jj ench Miek.-ie. Asmrle b.'tlleoi r-iuli)ing's Prejiaiedl.luettilisitve lea Hints Us enst uiiuuull In en r) hnusei,, ki S.ldbvall pioii.meul Sl .li. nti-, In,. n..:., Ilnrtlwars and Furinliire liet.b-rs, Hint ers, ami Flint ) Muies. Counlry Meicli-uts fcli 'lild inokc a ii"le ul Spaltlins's iii',iirf.l l.lue. when ti.ey nuku up thell list. It w.l sttiud uny eaic tte. For sale ul litis olliee. March III. Istfll. ly ITTK SALE. rPWn LOTS sili, ale in Muikel street, in the A town ol "i'revorion, l'u. B ;i j ,M. No. HO. Apply to WM. (JAl lil.KII. Meliua grove, or IL H MASSEK, hunbury. rjsEl'I'L IN ALL FAMILIES-HKl.EMAN A CD'S e tine, which remotes paii.t spots grease. Ac. 4 c, and cleans gloves, silks, no! vuit &.C., equul lo iitw, v. 1 1 boo I ihe slighies, iujuiy to color or fabric, bold by all Druggists, 'also al lb is olliee. !i5 rents per Luiije. 1 1 OV'S LOOTS and tllOLS, cheap for ca.k We' MILLERV t an ur'y', A u.h1 ST IfcM1.