QENT BY EXPRESS fflWM Retailed at Wholesale Prices, Mado to llessuxo at $18 per doz. on MX FOll WiUBI JUOLLA-IlSi IVfibcmtCc.'.lurs on. ith Cottars tm J per do extra, MJjiB OP KCT.-TOnK MIIXS MUSUS, ,rtir.flns Mr-en TMomt, warranted m r"M ffdrt essd 10 the retail Jtuics at V.y each. Aisa. ma teh hurts thai can b f P '.. Those wti iMnV enn j! rr-ske a (rood Shirt fhf li PT "own art mlst.k-n. Hrt'i Um est of est cd 19 fino shirts. 80 yard, of New-Tork Mill. flwlta nt 1 . r t 1 vnr. i of f.iw I.beti, at 0O0, per yard, H'r.Ung an 1 cut-.nrt, v ".:"' V 1 rn !MTnlry,l butiumanJ cotton, 6 J w profit ' - ML 18l" Delf Measurement for Shirts. Printed directions sent fret CTrrrvrriere, and M easy to urd "land, 't any out can taV. theirotenmcwur. foVsMrts. I warrant iolflt. The ch to be paid t Hit Lzdkm Company ou receipt of good. The Impress cbanres on ont down Shirts from New Torlc to NewOitcanil 1. P B.-r AMIES vYISHlNO flTTTtTS IM nAStR,Brt Having time to ee.i.4 forRulftof MM.urernOTV).oi.W Hud prr mill, pre.mM, one or lh best rmimtthlrt. they eutli'g any alteralloui that may be required. S. W. H. WARD, from London, 387 Broadway, up stairs, Between Wfctt k Walker Streets Kv7-T0BV Marcli IH, 161.- it ' AYEE'S Sarsaparilla FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. Ind fur tli speedy cur of tha follow in ir, comptnintft Prr of it In a no) KeroTnlon Aflertioni.iHch us Tmiiom. Ulcers, !Sorei, Ka'Utloimf Flm files. Puf nlrft. Hlott-lke. lioU. ljUuius, aud all feWln Diseaaet. Oakland, Ind., Otfa June, IMfl. J. 0. Atrr A Co, Cent: I JW't tt my duly to ae- noMMfce what yi;r j'.uvo par ilia bus "dii. fur nn, isiing inherited n iTofuhms infection, I have stiffen tl hxm it in various ways tir years. Sometimes it bunt out In licet on my hand and tutii; Mine times ft turned iinnn j ant) disttef:ti mo ut the uton.Hclu Two f rail Ago it bn!;e out mi in v heiul anJ covert'l my iciilp And eaii wtth out sui t, v hi li wit piitnfnl.Hiil IuhUihuiu veyond dcsti ipiton. 1 tt ii-U muny iitifciiii'9 anil nvrul pin sicliiiH. but without nuicti reliof iVom any thing. In tuot, t.io ili'tuiuur gr-w wont. At Ivnglli 1 Vat li jnicetl lo lend in ilit ti(p4-l Mt.'Mi.-i)g-r that vou had prepared an altvrutivt (aiHpiuiitu), fur 1 kin w fruin your ruf-ut-tl"H th.it any tiling you in: d-i iiMint W pwJ. 1 nent to Cinciiiiinti Rtid got it, ami until It till it cured int. 1 tuclc It, (in you H'lu, iu email dyne vf a teufpooutul ovwr ai.uih. and Hied ulitiont thr.' lottl s, Nnv and liealihy iJ.in fhiou le.in to fj.m mi !, r Win y:.i!t. whkk ailcra r-hlle ft-ll off. .My skin it nmv di;u. aud 1 know ly my fcelint that (be liisrrue bm toite from my nyiU-tn. Ynit can well beliett tbitt 1 ftel nlnit J am mying when I tvll yoxi, flint I hold y jii to lc one of tli apoktlut ol ibe agt aud reiuaiu tvir giutelully Ymire, ALl ltKD D. TAfXKV. fet. Antliony'f Fire, Itoi or ErvlirIno, 'J etter nml Halt Klicimi, Hrnlil 11 cud 9 lllngtvoruif, Sore K it. Drojiay Dp. lU-lwrt r. 1'rtble wrltea from Patem. N. Y., 12th Sept., Jul?. I but he h:t cim-d nn iiivet-rate otse of &rcp$i, H liltli tiiiLfttt ited to t"iiiiinute futully, ly tbt persevering use of our &iifai tirilln. and ilt-r h Oiiniteruua Mni'nant Ertftip&ti by lar;t doses of th same; aayt bo cures the common Ert.iimt$ by it constantly. Dronchoceltt Goitre or Swelled Neck Zebiilon Sloan of lrneieot. Texan, wiite ! 'Three bc-t-tie of your amiparillii tuied mc from a i' a hid K'Ui awtlling on the ueik, which 1 had KUirud from aver two years." turorrliorft or Whllea. OvMrlnn Tnmor, V'tertue llceiatlou, Ktmale Ilaeaeci Dr. J. B. 8. Chnnninir, of New York Ciry. writes t I li tout cheerfully cmnj-ly with the refjuMt of your agent la ivtiifrl have fumd you:- .unaiMiril In a nifvf, excellent ailteratire in the miiuerniK ciiid tint for wMh we itnploj ancli a rcinwly. but eivilly in tVmalt Diarast cf the Scvofiilnua di:ith-i. 1 bate cured many Inveter ate rasp of J.ruettribo? by it, ami Koine v bvte the com dnint wan caused by titywti-n of the tr'T't. The nlcer arimi itielf wna noon ctm-d. Ntliini: within my kubwl do eqiiiiU it fi.r (bene f'Mimlo U'r!U;Kemtntf." Kdward fi. Marrriw, of Newbury, Ala., wrfre, A dan jperona nvanan tumor on one uf the females in my fnmilv, w hiih had uVfb-d nil the remedies we rynld inj'by. hat Icit clli been oin,1--tely cnifd by your Lxh -act of Sar-l.-MnrJIla, Our li Ati'tti ii th'mirht mtbinir but extirpa tion cuil.l afioid r li-f. but lie ndvised tb U d rf i .ir i iirapai illi n the butt rort bifoie cn:int;. and it jiixived cffcolnal, Auer tnkhrxyour iciutdy tight weclu b o syopt'iin rf ihe. uiitenr leinains." - Byphllii and Mcrcnrlnl Dlurnic. Nrw Ori.fn, iJMli Aiij:nU lt9. DR. J. C. Aftnt Fir, I ch rlVlly c-any wit 'he re nf t of your nirent. and report to r.iu some of ibe eflct 1 h ive realized with yr;ir SarapiuilU. 1 hav cnt( d wi:h it. in my jimrtice, mnnl of (titcom p" lints fir which It ix ief inni' tidfii, and hive found iff c ff-.'Cta trulv wondeil'id In tin cine of Vn-trml and M?r puri'i Ihvtttt, One if my patients bail Syphilitic ulcere In hit thioat, whi. h hciv c 'ii-iuniiij( M palate and the t 'p uf his iiiomh. Yur Satsapaiiila, fteallly taken, Cuied liltii lu fivo wcflift. Aii'dlo-r mm atticktd by sec v 'ld.Liy tyinpti in in hU l.usj. a"d ilia uletiatiou bad euteti away a coiisldi-iitide (.titl il, iiluH 1 Ittieve tha i murder would soon it-ai li I i t bi:tiu mid kill him. lUit It ielde i to my adiiihiirttrail 'it of jair .iri1-urillu ; the nU-:ri b-aled. and hu U wtll at iii. not of couise v itlijut eotnt dUii,.'intiti'jn to bin fi.-. A w.ii.uii wlio had been Meattd for t be aanic diioidcr by lueieury wan sufTeiiriC Twin thin polv-u in bet Ihl.m, 'liiy had ben nio m mju sitivt to the wetttlit-r th.it n a damp tly ahe uuiftied tx ti ueiiaiittr I'rtin in bir j ii.ta and boiict. the, tto, was cured etitntly by your raiit;;-ai ilia in a few wetk, I tiniii tii furutula, wliuh your atnt &xt me, tbnt Viiu IM-epaia;u ii fi cm youi" 1: boiatoty mud be a ruit t'toiedy i couse'piei.tlv. liicno tiuiy leuiaikublt leitults With it have not Fitipiiivd ui. lialtrually juurt, G. V. T.AIUMF.K, M. D. llhcnmatituif CJonf. I.lvcr Complaint iHDEftsytNcr, Viftoii Co., Vh.. Cih July, KM. Da. J. C. Avt.n; lr, have I Bt-n alllicted with a pain ful chronic RUrumatinn 'r a long lime, w'lirh Ultl":i iho skill of pliiei;m, hi J n'ti k to mo in fpite ot all the rtuituieil could tlnd. uiiiil J tiit-ti youi ariaparilla. One t dilt cuicd me in two woi-kt, ai.d ictored my t-nerai luulih foni'h that 1 a in br Mtir itmii b--t"ie I was t nicked. 1 tl.iuk it a wuiiJt riul iucdi In. J. l litlAM. .Tulet Y. (.etcbelt. of t. I.oulu, wrltrai "I have afllUlvd fur yeam Willi an vUiCfnuf tf,e Lner, whhli driiroyeJ mv bt alili. 1 Irie.l ev.r thimr. .mil every tiling filled tj tvlieae luu; uiid I liuvi bt-eu a biokcU-dowu uau fy-T aouitf uis fioiii no i llur taut than i''iitreiN(.'i(t tf Vt J.inr. M .'lovvd utor. tlie ttv. Mr- l.-pv, adiid Dm to try your Stoapaulia. t'iMitite be fciJ bu ki:W 0Vt aud any (biiiu you made ua woi lh nyin. I the blria-in-f 4-f Uud it 1m ciiii d lite, aLd ba i-o pm ifitii li:y l-i-l Tts to lit ikj u iirw tiiaii of me. I l'-el youiirf flcuin. 'lat bvkt lU:it cu id t..id cl yuii I iiot ball od t-uouh." bvli Irrua.C'n.iper Tumors. Tiilnrffrmcitt. t'lccrutioii. C'uiUs autl Kxlollutluu ot tlie liuuew. A Rivat variety of r ai have l n reporttd to uk l.t-re cuivf of thfsc loriiiio.il'Iif roinpli-itin b-ivu I' -nitt-d fi'-m X'.ii m uf tbi ix-iut dv. but our r-..ite bviu aill not adi.iit t'o-m. om of ttiviu in iy t loimd in our Ano-.i. un Alinnunc, which thu aiit-nl l-low uuicd am pleased W tuniHii .aiU to all wb-j rail p i tlie.n, I) speiMl'i. IIcim t DUcnae, FIt. Kpllcp aj-t li-lniiihol v, Iwarulla Vnhy i;-matl:nb't fi;rn iT tln-e t.lfceti us have beta l.v.It by lue ail- i.iIim- w r id Ui- m-li iiie. it liiiMi : tbo ,ilal lui:. ii im into i. oio:i ci n, nmi titui t,vr.Ml;: dto-.j in w rt would U- u; p..s.-d 'olil Hi It'tih. ?ui ii a rt-mei: hut ion b.cu i ijnired ,y ilit) -t-i u-t id tl.e : ;.),-, ii'i 1 uu iie tnudtul thai Ibis will wo ir tin.-ui all Ij.i iitruiciiit .j.u do. Ayers Cherry Pectoral, rott THE I:1MU CIRE OP loiilt., Coltts, Influenza, lloarsenessf Croup, til-out li J Is, Iiteiitellt ( ou .uiii ptloii, muiI for III. Itclitf vt on.tiitiiitive I'utteuts Ilk eit.niettt r.tf;t;S of (he Disease. Tlil. Is a remedy m unie:'lly ku'.un to siirrjass sey ct)..i-1 tr tt,,: 111. f lloftt au 1 lin.yc ci.tntilaoti.. that it I. c--.-i.'. Ijis t.i pul.lmli 1)6 .!f':' if it. Jrtn-t. Its uiuhtt''.d .Act!.!.:-: It -ot'-!,s ur.tl rclOt, aud us trliiy Jl.tlct: d CU:tS l-t tliUI U: '.iy dlS.SAA, ll.Ve UlHl'.S it Liiohu tlottuttlnmt ths civilixed nntkji.s ir th t-urtli. I e hi. th. r. iniiiiootiHi, or n LDiikics, hiiiuorf tlim who I..,-, not some r-rsonsl eri.iif. uf it. el;-iUi s.'Li. living tmphy lu tl.i'tr udd-t or lis lictt iy over lh. uiiUl. and U:oii..tnns iliMniti'i-s of III tlottl and Iniis. As all know Hie itirit.llYl fitnlity cf ll,r? diMrilfis, Jo.d u tl.c-v kn'.w, too. the etUctfeuf tlil. r meity, ts nMl not do more than to a.m-e litem Out it has now all th. tir tuis thst it ,lij liave ulin mulon,: Ihe curt vihicb bav. , un so fetionly upoti ths coi.liiUuc of nmukind. ' Prepared by Dr. J. 0. AYES & CO., Lowell, Mass. S.lol.v t-'iti..tf Ac Giant, aud A. V. r'laciier, rnhujy 1 F.Calowi,il C. brown, Miltou; Dr Wen. k, M i:wru.vil!) ; Hnfiiy.Vr4 :linu,.iii, Turhntvii:c ; H. U ftlcOy. Noi-.tmu htriaiui anu hy Dealer. everwhcit. A i'mI tfo I -ill ly Uu i- Uf Ulll 'I'll, subscribers tok pleasure in announcing that they are now preiarcd to tnul (lice) to those who wish it. a copy of an impnrtitnt little work, by the late I r. Nawnpton, entitled "'The Invalid's Medical Con t." puulikl.ed for the tx.ni lit. and at a warn Vyjui.g men and peiaVna who sutler from Urliliiy. Presjisiuia Decay, Ac, Ac, sj tt,e 101 ana of '.( cure. The resder is led to ci io par a UMtful flit with an noi a moment, but send your ad- cf Hot little work. Address the HN B OGDEN & CO, j. B Jahii St.. Ntw ,t'i. GREATEST EXCITEMENT 0? BE AS OS I TUS ex ium& GRANT LIAMjIDTH store, tte j art rectiwl KCW AND DESIRABLB Block of FALL c5 WINTER GOODS- A very esteiuive tnortmpnt of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Conciating in part of Black anJ Fancy Silk, of very choice patterns. UT DI'GES, DucaU, CaelnntTi't. French end English Merino", rl tin and Figured Wool L'elaines. MutlinDeUlnet of all alylei nd price.. Foulards, TliiLtt Clit'i, Foil De CI.evrei. Saxon'nud WoulTliiJe. I f.WES' ICR, BKOCHE, Hay State and riciy, &c.) &c. Wool SHAWLS of every va Gentlemen's Dress Goods, of every style, consisting of Cloths, Casiinerco, Satlinelts, Kentucky Jeans. Tweeds, Velvet Cord, Vevet n, Veatinga. of every variety. Our stock of Mlk and Silk Velvet Vi'Muig, cniinot be suipaiifil in the country, i'luase call, and examine them. CLOTHING Our stock of READY MADE CLOTHING, has been replenished, uiid we have a lull assort ment of OVERCOATS DSESSCOATS. rants and Vets, Overcoats and Dress Coats for Boys of all ages. ALSO, a very handsome assortment of HATS JISTJD CAPS of every style an3 variety at the lowest prices. Our stoc't of HARDWHRE hns been renew' cd slid we have now a larger assortment than ever bcfc.re cllircj lo our customers, consisting in J Art of Sausage Cutters, Pocket Cutlery, Butcher Knives Mayer Hinges, Bolts and Pad Locks, X Cut taws, Mill saws, Scoop $liovels. &c, &e., &c, 4 c, ic, lie. iuteiixvai e and Classirare of every variety at the VERY LOWEST PRICES. Our stock of C-?kOCE?,IES is very (inc. We have the best ijiinlity of Syrup Molasses ever before oll'cre to the alliens of Sunburv and vicinity. CEDAR AND W1LL0W.WARE of cverv uriety. Hosiery, Gloves, Notions SADLERY. BOOTS AND SHOES, Ac, &c Also a fre.h supply of Drugs, Paints, Oils, Hye Sufl's. , Perfumery, Glass, Fancy tjoaps, Brushet, Sic. Particular care having been taken in the se lection of our goods in regard to quality, style and 1 rice, we call the atli-mion of the public lo our iare slock In which constant additions will be made. Thankful for pat favors, we hope to merit a coi 'iiiuance ol the paironaee ol the public by st Ling t-1, caper than ever. Give us a cull bclore purchasing cUewheie. run. ING A. CHANT. Sunburv, Nollenilier I (', Infill. TO all. most: 11 4 VI YU Farms, Parks or Gardens, IN CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA. A fare e!ancu is now BiTord'.d to srlcct and oritur FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES Vmea. SlmiUi-ery, Actrmn the i-elrl-inttd Clover Street Nuftttiua lH-'iittti t Ktx-tiesier, New Ynk. Aihhiii, Mookii f imoiiu:i.. PROPRIETORS Who beg leava tn Diuiouuctt (hut they um piepuinj llituugli tiitir qualitivd autl K i; S P O N Ci i U L E AGT.NTS, Tu rtialniiute their aucuur aUt'k uu Uie lunat rcutuiiabl ttima. PKOHLK OF THE KE7STC1T3 STAT2. lveis of Nuture snd Hie l-uiiiful, sih! jaslly cekls-al. h-r your uiieliivrueu, wealth, lilM-rulity and tuale, now is tile Uine lit make yi -ji aclecJ ions trotu our Pl Si P.ll' l lvr. C ITAl.tlUL'K AM) I'l.ATK BOORS, WlocllWlli lie lurukelml you, ttit,iuKa our k-al utieuls; ml yuu limy real aasuicd Ilia! i j( ottieis will he tionoia hi) l..i-.l i'ui further uariiuulars apntv to r'Ut-:DKltICK A. IIOWR, OfjOIINB.jONFS, AU.tw,,A. AkciiI lor Northumberland ettuuly. REPEBENOE8: Ha. F.nFNKZKK I.KIH I V, It oehetUsi, N. Y. Hon. Jllll.M UAl.HK.MTII.Kue, I'a. ."..I. J. R. JUIINSK.N, Mtauvihc, Pa. r ehtuaiyil, leol iu STOVES- fT'OR 8ALE an excellent second hand Cook-- ing Stove, also several Cylinder Ciwtl et!iite. Knnlre at tkit etl'tte. CENTRAL HOTEL, SUNBURY, NorthumLerland Cotiuty, T& riHIS Urge ami ennimixlioua Hotel, now A manage! I., J A M M VAN lVKE. It la iituate M th Hailrond L)epnt North Eaat corner of Market tqiiare. rjliinbury, and at th tormlnnt of the Sunhury 4 Erie and Norlli crn Central Railroad., and la open for the accoin mrxlationof Traveler, and tha puMio In general 'J he pnprietor will give hit exclualva atten tion, to the comfort and convenience of hit gue.ta and i da rrmined to mnke Ihia cubliahmenl rank among the first in Ihe State. His tahle will be tupplied with the beat the market can produce having the advantage of daily communliislion by car. direct from Haiti more, and also from thnte bringing produce from the aurrounding country. Hi bar will he supplied with the pureat liquora the market can produce Cn-pful and obliging servants always in ot tendance. New and commodious stabling has just been added to the premises. A share ol the local anil traveling commumw a moat reaprclfully solicited, t-iiibury, January II, 1861. "WINTER FOR MEN' GOODS, S WEAR. Black and Blue Hair Cloth, Beaver Overcoating, Blnok Doeskins. New Wlyle Cas.imerea, All Wool Tweeds, Heavy Kentucky Jeans, Real Good Caesinetts, bils Mixed L'oa'.inss, Super Velvet Cords, Black Grenadine Vestinjr, Black Satin Vesting, Fancy Silk Velvet Vesting., Plain Silk Velvet Vc'tines, Nice Caaimere Vestingsi In fact all kind, of goods for Men's end Boys' wear, can he found at the People's One Fiice rMorc. of E. Y. iriilit cV Son, who have just ecrived by Railroad a npteiulid stock of all kinds ol pnoils, toiitaWe for cold weather. i'lcase cull and le convinred. E. Y. BRIGHT & SON. Sunhurv, October 27. ISfjfl. HEVERK HOUSE, (Lati: kaui.k norm..) Third Si red. cbnre J!ucc. I'liilitiUjihiit, RIIOAD! A ll.Oll, I'ropnei. rs. I VPItO l-..ll,NT- linvc been made, ond 'die Il'iusrhai X la-eil rrlllVll Ihrouulh'lit 'I'ilohman V. IOioaui, fonncityof lh. National Hotel 1'hari.kh Bailor, liiintTl ot Seliuylkill Co., Pa. I'luluil.-lplMo. Jun. Ill, l-til.ly I J O O T A N J) S 11 O K MANUFACTORY. Curnnr of iftirlrt Sti.are and Hirer Street sxjasrBXJK,-, i?a. ' 1 HE subscriber respectfully informs the citi lens ot Motibiiry and vicinity, that he his 0iened a Hoot and Shoe Shop 011 the corner of Market Square and Hiver street, opposite the Court House, where he can be found nt all timee ready to wait upon customers. Having considerable experience, he is prepared to make up customer work ol all kinds, at short notice, in the latent style and workmanship. He keeps ronstanlly on hand a lurgo assort ment of Leather, of the best qoality. which eua' hies him to make up Hood and durable work. Cull and examine for yourselves before pur chasing elsewhere, and you will save inoniy. JOHN WILVER. Pnnburv. Nor. 10. IsfiO. :vs IMIILOELPIIli COl.LlT.i:. i. corner of Stceuth find Che&nut Streets T'lin is one of EIGHT COLU.fiK?. CONSTITUTING THE "NA TIONAL CriAlN." located i.i Pbiliit'elpr.ia, New York City. AlUnv, Ili.TiK Cleve irind, Chtfiu'-, nncl rt. l.oui. S'-li.ilnirlupit am be jmr-chii-tfd at eitlif r oiiit( cimh! nt all tli? ColiffS. THE COLI.KOIATI. COUftSb: embrocfi Double nntl iSio'e Knlry IliHik Keppins, Cora irrcial Ci'TiimiutioiiB. t i.niercml l.nw. gVimtiihv.ii,!, Uusiiicca Coiresv.inJtiice, t'lirineuliip i-'fttlcmrutw, etc. rHACHCAl. TKXT-IUMlKtil. TheTfael iiik in the lltink-Keepnit? Dt rtnieiit iam"t ly iri'in written iitunust'i i t It-r.tiP, with crnl iimTturiii iiN Itvtinv., autl l!iu'ktrti:inl t'lueiOniM-ii. ; in aiti . if ti tn whn-h, ill itiuVr Ut unit (ho IJ -lit'ithre C"iiTe ;i8th"f"u-:h Hittl (rffftunlii (.i.nil,le( theloikiwiMg Tcit-limiks liuve been pitp;irtl : liiviini A- Stnittoii'a H M-k-Kf epinjr, in t'jr -r fftiiMig C' linti'in SchtKil. Mitch tjlimil, ,'ii.tl t;. 'Uiitni;.' lI.Mit , li r y -ant X. Stniltn'a O'limiirrcnil Autlnnttic ; Id nit & lrtttliii'a Cuiunirrriul ltw, liy Am lf.ni, I, 1, 1. SPKNCF.RI AN !YSTKM OF IKNMANUI1, in a aencinritintrlMNik", liy V. K. t".KNChK. P. R hPr.NCKR, Ji., Tcaehrr of .Yin.n!iin, Im'i vitluHl iiiitruetiuii irludtnl- entei ut nny tune. L)ip! lRii.it. IV" Kr t Ht.iloKuea and Cirml.ira. cull nt thr C ilN!!, tr mU!rea HiiYANT. M'KAT I'UN 3t FAIR HANKS FfhniHry V). Mil I y I'.nUlci, lua. War! War! War! comi; l'HOM THE SOUTH, COME Ii:OM THE HOUTU, COME FHOM THE EA ST. COME MOM 'J HE WEST, Save the country and build yourselves homes, or now is the time to get your Lumber cheap. Yes, LUMBER ! LI MBER !! LUMBER ! ! ! can be ptirchased ul low rates at the 1ST E AM SAW-MILL r IRA T. CLEMENT, SUNBURY, FA., Such as Panel Lumber, Frame Lumber, Hoards, Snling. Shingles from $1 to jfS per thousand, I'Ijs1t:ii' Lath, I'jliim, iiooting Lath, Vc, Ac. All hill, ordrrr i, lor any kind of Lumber, will be furnished at the .honest notice IRA T. CLEME.VT. Sunbury. March 0, 16 1. SAVE YOUR FRUIT 11.G MAMiN'S Patent Sheet Metal Screw Ton PRl-t RV E JAR MASON'S PATENT SHEET METAL SCREW TOP! Ill that is necessary liemg to screw the f'updown upon the Itnlil t r (iasket, nhieh ia plncetl ouitlH upon the shoulder ul ihu Jar, 3-4 of an inch dis tant from Ibe top; prevent the possibility uf the II. iv.i i t, I the Iruit being injured I y coming in niact wilh the Rubber. Peraoiisilesiiiiig these Jars, can be supplied by aviinr their orders wilh 11. B. MASS E R, Sunbury, June 2, letiO. Agent. COTTAGE E1DLES FOU SALK. cheap, - Collage Uihle, ill t three copies of the two i . Iiiine. witb eioti nientur.es. 11. I.. M ASjSEU. ) LANK Parehmem Paper Deeds and blank Mortgugrs, Bonds, Eneeutions, tSiitiniioiis, Ac, for sale b II. II l NSt:h. A KAI KEHS! CRACKERS, ju-t re.eiie.1 J and for sale by Ihe burn! or pound, at the Confectionery time of M. I'. GEAR HART. Sunbury. October 13, IsHl BLAWKb! BLAN lifc !! A new tupplv uf Summons', Executions, Wairaii's, Supaiiias, Deeds, Moituaget, Bonds, Leases, Naturalization papers. Justices nd Constable. Fee Bills, Ac, Ac, just printed and lor sale si Ibis Ollice. Sunbury. A pill 30. IHA9. W" M'UVV MIADES A very tine tr.d thesp astortmrtit. just received by Rail road frum New Vork, al lh. Mammoth .tor. of Frilmg if Grant. Ws b.vs also for sale 8. S. Piitnain A Co't caltbraujd PsVtot iiiduluui (Vsrtain FivWire. SUNBUUY STEAM FLOURING 'ff"M TH auhacrilicr. hnving taken OSeion of I tii. fitsl cl.l-a ''I.OI KI.Ml Mil. I., are pre pari'd to recel-e gf.iin of kll kinds, and to tin cua1 lom work at the Wliortoxt Motice. Cuatomers will havt their griatt ground immediately upon their being left at the Mill. As it is tha intrn lion of th firm to stock the Mill Isrga Wop ply ot Grain, will ba constantly kept 01 hand, and Hour by lh. quantity can always ba obtained. The greatrst care will be taken lo turn out a eua peri'T quality of flour, for which the mill 4s ad mirably adapted. (Strict attention will be paid to the wants of customers, ami the patronage of the public generally is respectfully reque.ted. MORUAiN 6c CO.,. Sunhury, June 83, I8"0. LUIVIBEI1! LUMBER P H II. I P H H A Y . MTJNOY, I A.. SNFORM.S his friends and tli public in gen. ral, that he constantly keeps on hand. Hoards, Shingles, Lain, Joists ai.d all kinds of Lumber and building materials, which he will sell at the lownst prices. Msrch 30. 1861. " DR. A. W. FISCHER, kFFER8 his professional services to the citi lens of Suuhury and vicinity. hury and vicinity. Ollire at the Drug Store. Siiunurv. June 3d. IX:10. bHAMOKIN VALLEY POTTERY. 'IMI E subscriber respectfully informs the public - that he is now manufacturing at his Pottery, 4 miles east of Sunbury, all kinds of Earthen Ware, made out of Kr1 Cement Clay. This clay produces llieet and most desirable kind of ware, equal, in many respects, to stone ware, and is less liable to crack by sudden heat and cold. The subscriber refers to Friling & Grant, Sunbury. Address, JOSEPH 8AVIDGE, Oct. ly Sunbury. Pa. V7ALLV"PAPEB 1 FRILING & GRANT, at the MAMMOTH STOKE, have this day (January I Tilt, 1 8 G I received a CHOICE ASSORTMENT OK TIIR NEWEST STYLES AUD PATTERNS OF WALL PAPER, which tl.ey are selling at prices that defy competition. Sunbury, January 19. IHfih LOOS HERE, IF YOU WANT TO BUY CHEAP FOR CASH. GO TO WM. H. MILLER, he has received from Philadelphia a large stock of BOOTS 8c SHOES. His stock consists ol Gen'ts Kipp Hoots. Youths' Kipp Boots. Children's Cull Boots. A Iso a variety of V omen's Calf I.sce Boots, Women's Morocco Luce Hoots. Children's Mororro and Calf Lace Boots, all of which lie will sell cheap lor CAM!. Call and examine for yourselves. ALSO, hist quality uf Tiiupcro Moroco for sale lor cash. WM. H.MILLER. Siinbiirv, January 7, tSfi!). JGV WITHIN J. EACH CF ALL GKOYKIllyBAKlSli'S C E L E li R A TE D aiiisEI.ESS Seving Machines, 4'Jj BlIOAIlWAT, XtW YoltK. The public altcnti in is respectfully jequested to Ihe follow ins cards of Eli is Howe, Jit., and toe (irover A Baker !S. M. Co A Card from the GROVES & BAKEH S. M. Co. Onr Parents bein; now rstahlished by tj: ("ourls, we are enabletl to furnish the Grover A linker Machine, wilh iinportaiit iinprovemeuls at greatly llrduced I'liert. The moderate price nt which Machines mak ing Hie t.rover A Haker stitch, can now be hail, loiiig them wilbin the reach of all. and rentiers the ue of Mu hjio's making interior stitches as unnecessary as 11 is uiiwie. Persona ileMrtng thf besl Machines, and Ihe right to use II. em, must not only be sure to buv Machine making the (irover A Baker stitch, but a so that such Machine are made and slumped under our patents aud tho.e of Ellas Hower, Jr. GROVER vt BAKER S. M. CO.. i'JS Broadway, New York. A CARD f ROM KLIAS HOWE, JR. Ail persons are cat tinned not to make, deal in, ur use any Sewing Msclnne. which seiv Irom two spools autl nm'.e ihe ttiu-h known as the (irover A Sltdkcr sliicli, unless the same aie niitcbased Irom the Grover A Uaker Sewing Machine ('oinpany, or their Agents, or Licenses, ami stamped under my paKittol . pleti.her III, IMlh. tsai.l toinpauy, and their Licensts, alotie, art legally authorized under their "wu paleuis, am mv t-aid patent, tlurnig the extended I, rill Uiere ol. lo muUe and iell ilnsUiinl of dewing Machine and all others are piracies upon my .aid patent, and will be dealt with accordingly , wherever lound. ELI AS HOWE, JR. New York, Dec. 29. I Mt.o. If Hew Arrival of Clothing. rMir. largest and best Stnek V I VI' E It ( I.l'l MING ..f Fall and ever brought to Ibis place, armed si tha Maminoih ('lo hing Store of hCH W I'lTZER, HEILBRO.XNEK A CO.. in Market sin el, neatly opposite ea ver's Hotel. 'Tiieir Stn k comprises of FINE CLOTH COATS, Dress Ciiafa, Over Coats. Business Coals, Ac. VESTS OF ALL KINDS. I'lider-Sbirl. Drawers, Ac. HATS -vKTIj CAPS. IJt:Ol!S AND Mi OEM, of ihe latest siles of every dewitpltoii and quality, cheaper than ever. Their assortment of gentlemen's furnishing Clot'iiug is Ihe most complete I I heir variety and stylesmual sl.ractive. And tlie piite. tlely all competition. C7 Call ami ttaiuiiie l'r yourselves. SCWEUZKR.HEILUKONNER 4 CO. Sunbury, (lei. ft, I SCO. em. rpi. WARE A very cheap and deairable -a- assortment just received this week, al ihe Mammoth S lure of FRILING A GRANT. Sunbury, January li, I8l. DRIED PEACHES, pared aud unp.red l the Mamo'oth s'oieof RJUlKi GBAKT ANOTHER ARRIVAL OF N EVV GOODS, J. II. EXCaKL r ftMulHarr, ., If APjnst arrived with afioiUia HTOCK of " etl'KIMH AND euMMKX UtMIUH, fraia Phihi'lelphia, to which b. rwotfully jnvitet his (rienils and the Publie to call and inspect, he will spars no live in showing thera. Among Ms stock of good, will btsaand, ftKE BLUE AND BLACK FRE1TCS CLOTH. Fine Black and Fancy ('asimerr 'I wetdt, )at inetta, Jeans, Black Italian t'lotb, Cashmerette, Cottonade, Linens, Linen Drill, Linen Check, and Pa-cy Vesting, also a large assortment of Ready-made CLOTHING lor men and boy. (cheap.) FOR LADIES WEAR, Black and Fancy Dress Silk very cheap. Silk Tissue, Bereaes, Chali and Chali Robes, Uerege Delaine, Ilerege Rubes, rigured Brilliant and a variety of o her Dress Goods, Spring and Sum mer Shawls, Mantillas, Parasols, . good assort. ment of white goods. Collars, Sleeves, Irish Linen, Shirt fronts, Marseilles, Brilliant Ac. A general assortment of domestic Dry Go ds. Also a large stock of Hata and Caps, Boots and shoes. Hardware, Queens and Glassware, Groceries, Cedarware, Stone and Earthenware, Drugs and Paints, Salt, Fish, Cheese, Ham, Oil, Tar Ac. &c. N B. Wall and Window Paper, Floor and Table Oil Cloth, Carpets, all the above will be sold at low pricea for cask or country produce ta- en in exchange Tor Goods. J. H. ENGEL. Sunbury, May. 19, I860. tf. II A II It I 8 3 1 1 0 v n r )) PAINT EK, at 31 a to , MARKET SQUARE, STJ N B U R "X-, FA .Time 3:1 IKGO New Air Line Koute TONE -W YORK. BUORTK9T IN DISTANCK AND QUICK KST IN TIMK between Ihe two Citiei of KEWVOHK AND HAnaiSBURG, via READING, Al.l.KNTOWN AND EASTON. M'fning Fx press Weal leavoa New York at 6a.m. and rinl Ktt'ln.iia m t? a m.. tirrtvra ut IluirnO.urc at lit 45 l M cnneriing ut HHirtsljuig with train on Northern Central mniuinf r-miuury, v iiiiuinvpori, iakil iiiiveii una Inter ine.tititr ainti'Mii. Alml TrHin Went faives New York ot 13 noon, anJ j iMiiljnIelphia nt :t .(() p. w., connectiiiR with tram on North ern CVniiul RoihI fir stiiiiona in hlriive, and alto uu ail ! trii.ntiiti the Vilhuntfpori ntnl Klmirti. ! Alml Tihiii Kurt leaves Hurriihuifr at 9, a M , and nr rivea ut l'lnhnltlphm Hi 1 k m , ami New Yiik Hi 33U I, m., in time t tnke IhihI or enrs for Hualnn. Acc. I'uii KxpteM Hunt Iftivra llnrni-liiiii at 1 15. on at rival of Niirthem Unit nil Tiuin, and arrive at Philadelphia at tf lo P M and New Yik tit1 t. M. N eliniie tif ciiiaiir Imirenga bftwen New York or INiilmlt'lphm ii i ul Ihirritvhiiiff! Tut In-uuty rf aceiierymtd tpeed, eomfnit and accomiTi't riitinn, tin. 'nute presents aupenor induceiiienta to the truvHinir pnhiip Oifn em Nrw York, f-wit of C"urtlond itreet Phlludel pliin. Iliontl and Ciitlnwliill Ptrt't ts. I ure between New Ynrk and llarrialurff FIVE DOL I.AKS For Tickets; Freight or other information, apply to J J. CLYUK, Geneial Agent. II irrirl-nrg. June 3d, Irftl ly ALFRED D. BRICK S UXITED .STATES AXD EL'UOPEAb PATENT OFFICE, No. aaa V A I - U T 8TIEE'r, Fhiladel..hia. tV U. Communications by mail promptly ' aitfndotl lo. Hep! 16-2, IHCO. Ijft Cure Cottqh. Cv!dt Hoarseness. Jttjfuenza, ant irritation or Soreness uf Ihe Thront Re lieve, the Hocking VougK in Consumption. Bron chitis. Asthma, and Catarrh, Char antl (jive strength to the voice of Iuhlic Sjtetiktr and Singers. Few are aware of the importance of checking Cough or 'Ci'iiiui Mi C"ki" in ita first itiijif ; Ihut which in th heginmitti wmld yield l a mild leinertv, if neelected, mum tttiiicka tlie I.mma "HKOWN S HKONCHIAl, TJU). CIU.S.M fitiiiitiitnitr deinulcenl iiigreUienta, allay Puldiu nary mid lli'tiu'tiinl lriitaLnn. 1 Thnt inmhle in my throat, (for which Brown's ,lhe "TILOCIIKS" are a specihf) having made lue "Urn a mere whiHpeier" TKOCI1K3 ! N. P. YIIXld. j l lecounneiid their ue to Public Speak IIrowu1a era." i REV. E. II. CIIAP1N. TitOC'IlErt. I ''ll.ive proved extremely atTviccable ftr lltmrfftiesfi 1 Drnwn't TltOCllf.S Ilrown's TROCIIUS. Rrovvirs TROCHKS Drnvvn's TltOCIll-.S Uiowirs TROCHFA UroW'llS ritocin. Brown's TKOCIICS. Ilrown's TROCIir.:. Ilrown's TrtOCIlEA IU-.V. HENRY WARD HI-.ECHER. A tin ml instant telttf in the diKirmbinc lalntr il Lituilniif; p-cnliiir to Amtiimt " KEV A C Etiul.l.rSl'ON. "Contain no Opium or anMhini: n.jiiri hub." UK. A A "HAYES, Uhemist, lii'Kii'ii. "A aitnple atrf pleutant eonihinutioii for Ctiuuhd, io." PR G F ttlfjtxnw, littfetoii. ' Ucuefu-i.il in Brtmrhitia " PR J F V LANE, a-'Bton I have proved tin. in exceltei.t ff Whifop ing Couyh." EE V H V WARREN, IJfiaioti. 'Benefieial when compelted tu Kpuik, Hudeiing trotu roltl." I REV S J P ANDERSON. fl. ls"UlS. "l-'iTft'tuttl in retnoviti lloaiieueka and iriitMtiuii of the Tho-at, so cininou with Stieukera mwl Simrrrt " I.H liiime, ja.. Teacher ol Aluie. Southern Femule Ct-Hrne. 'Grent Iwnrfit when bike i ltiie and iifier pffitchiiiir, iicthey prevent lliiirsene9 From their put tttrci, I think tney will be of periiisinetit HilMinirie to rue " REV K ICOWI.F.Y. A M., Premiteitt "f Alliens I'ollfjie, Tenn rP" Sdd hv ull Urusmstsat cents a box. Peceinlwr h, It to. bin pi tftXT. JiVANb & WATSON S tJ9 j f i7jlaianiaiiicr sales. W'ii.Vo. 3lU CAtt.iul Street. flllll irtL I D ( 1 1 a rpHI'.K Pafes are ihw in uae all over the Tinted Stntes, I aid hnve letfii tteil in many lire; the MlutVinK shows untilher ijisunee ot their cnpttbil ty in reaiitnuf hie ; WirxsK'a Hkidgi, ) Incatter Township. Ju.y 30, lfiO TrtnH. I'v'ANa A VtTaos, j ntlenieii : The iinnti aiz V'. I lttl.iini)nder Safe which 1 pnn-hnbed friin your Htfr-nt. Mr Aiinin R. Unrr, in Lnnrtii.ier Ciiy.on Jily -iih, IV-. bin been snhjri'M-d In a very tevere teat, winch H Hunts-Had in tt moat niitisOict'-ry nmnner l'hi .tfe, t"i tuifitnj! h)1 my hooka, titseiher with viiUi;!hleMpemltelnt hit t inyirit ami unit to my nci'.'hlMirp xii't liieiMta, mul ri'j'f-iiriitiiiK a vu lue of over Twenty Thmuind Dollars, (;jt',i'(ii) wnt in my Mill, which wua dftrryed n the ii m hi fn ih- VTIh of Jnlv. 1, a -ul pHtvril thf.'Uiih the6eiy oitlrnl imvniied. The Sul wua on it1 st-eond tiirt and fell in the iMiaM-menl ol the Mill, and vvm aub.ifcted f.ii h-'iiia t-iHii imeiisU hfiit Jimoinr; the rtiini, which was (irraity inerttiitl by the ctnnbuttin of a buee gutoititv of ifrtnii ciifiiiel withm the brick wills. AHei the fii tha Kit w hjh-ikmI mid ihe hst'ks aiul par. titkfii ul in a siMtn ol" wrffrt preservHlioil, tlie pwiter ii"t even lieniff tlnynlnf. ed. Thn fnet whs, however, V innny hyniaiidrr.1, m brtter reronnn-nd;iti'ii of ur tSnl'ea than could tn expreaaHl iu any oilier wrda from me. Yours, repcilully, SAMi nt. RANCK. Another Victory for Evans and Watsons Salamander Safe. O-wioo, !M. V., March t7 l60 Gentlemen It alT'rds me iiiurh pleasure to inform you thnt I lie iiittr No ft, (upright which I purrhiined f U. tSrixud, your trivebnft ttReui, hna pil thr'tutth sues reediniy h 4 fire ill a ihrre arory brick buikline. which h atett i be inie to a white heat, so trint tha atmeis of it apear melted; but il preaeived my h-'uks urn I vhiib: Iinpsv-re to the amount of aeverul thousiid iiollma,for which leel ttiHiikiul. Yours, retpartfully, J N F.I.DRI13GK 7" A la r ye H-rLiiieiit f the atova 4 Vt alwavs on imnd, ur 3i4 Cliesnut street, (lateiH soutH Kouith St., h'Ltiltlpliiii. Oc t- U:' 0, Hl0 ly GENESEE SALT. WHOLESALE Sb KETA.II,, O.'ILI.Nti & GRANT (at Ihe Mammoth av More.) bsve just received COO Hit. of Solar Ground, Solar and Fine Sail, 700 Sacks of Ground Solar Salt every sack warranted to contain 225 pounds of Salt and 200 bags of Salt containing rue bushel each. True salt it the best and .Dongas' now manufactured end in market, ('all and tee fur yourselves, Sunbury Sept., 8, I HBO. HttOO'l'S A KlIOES. ran ba purchased at lb. g J viainmoiii mora ot r riling dt (jranl, eery citea , at w. ar. determined uot to ba undersold by anybody. Call and learn tht list of prices for yourselvet. Fldl.INU 4 (uKAJx'T. rVwbtisy, TksTQtry t, HIQHLY IMPORT AW T HEWS. M. C. GEAKIIART, Ha. returned with a new Stock of Confectionariea, Fruit and Toys. IT seer, as 11 a new ate, a new life was open ing npon osj, animating every heart to nobler deeds and higher aims) Art, literature and Sel ene, will glow anew and seek to devel pe sub timer beauties ind grander conception. The bosinees world too must feel the new in fluence and every" part be quickened and strength euad by an Increased vitality, which shall urge o on with electric speed to th. consummation of greater things than was iwr dreamed of la the Philosophy of the past. Animated by Ihe enthusiasm which prevades all classee, and desirous of doing hi. share to wards "Th. great events of th. Age," the sub acriber would respectfully inform the ,ood peo ple of SUNBURY and the public generally, that he haa just returned from the city ef Philadel phia with the largest and choicest stock of Con fectioneries, Fruit and Toye that has ever been brought to this section of country. He ia also manufacturing ell kinds of Confectioneries, Ac, to fill up otders, wholesa'e or retail, at short no tice. Among hit stock of Confectionariea, may ee found t French Secrets, Kurned Almonds, Creain White, " Lemon Rose, " Vanilla, Common Hterets. Liquorice, Gum Drops, all kinds of scent, t.ove Dnips, Mint Drops, red and white, Jelly Cukes, Fiuit Propa, Stick rundteatof all scents Rock Cniidy, Almond Candyf FRUIT. Dnuanns, Prunes, Pales, FiifB, Currants dried, Citrons. Almonds, Rations, Nuts of all kinds LEMON SYRUP of a superior quality, by the single or dozen. A superior quality ol Pcgars and 1 oltacco, and a variety of Confectionariea, fruit. Toys, Ac. all ol winch is offered cheap at wholesale or retail. JT Remember the name and plnre. Jl M. C.GEARHART. Market it., 3 doors west of E. Y. Bright A Son's store. 8unhur, April 14, 18C0. ly lASSEP.'S PATE1TT FIVE-MINUTE FREEZE a. As Improved for lN.r9 and CO, By E. KETCH M A CO., SHU Pearl-fttreel, Iew-York. 'jHE only Freezer constructed on seientific -- principles, with a revolving can and spring blade scraper. 'The one hastens the Ireeztng ol the cream the other removes it as fast as frozen. The most rapid in freezing, with the least quantity of ice. The most economical in cost, as it it the most simple and durable in ttructure. Fur snle in all the principal cities and towns in the Union. Each Ficezer accompanied wilh a book of re cipes aud full directions. PRICES. 3 quarts, 4 quarts, 6 quarts, 8 quarta, 14 quarts, SO quarts. Apply tu II. B. June 2, infill. $3 on 4 (10 5 UO 6 00 8 00 12 00 MASPER, Sunbury. 1600. THE BEST ROUTE I860 FROM Wyoming Vnllej to IMiUndi-lpbla, New lurk. Ilalllmure, AND ALL POIXTS NORTH, SOUTH WEST, LACKAWANNA & BLOOilSBURG RAILROAD. STJiriMEK AHRANGEMENT. Two Daily Pnssenecr Trains will lie run between Scrantnn situ torii,tiiiiieiiaiiii. as loiiuws: MUVINO SOU I'll : Iave Pinl'a Mail. N. Y Ft. Seraiitoii, 6 It) A. M. 4 ii P. M Airiveat I'ltlston, 8 38 4 S) Kuiirstoit, 1 lla 6 'Hi finiksliiiiiiy, 7 so 6 if j H. rwii k. D tfu 0 ii filtsiinsbuig, a 60 7 UU Kuiell, f) 141 7 4U Danville, 0 !).', (I tu .Norlliuinberrurid, In tin fa 13 .MOVING NottTII : Leave N. Y. Kx. Ploi'a Mail. .N.iril umlierluiid, A 3u A. .M. 4 IS I'. M Arrive al Danville, 0 05 if) It'ipi'lt, 8 J5 i 50 Hi.i.imklurg, 6 45 I ID Berwick, 7 IS 0 35 Moekshniny, 7 15 7 US KhiKSI.'II, If .10 7 45 I'inslon, ft 57 t 15 fHTioiloi-, u OT ? 45 I lie Mckawnnna snit tll-s. mshitrs rt.il'roarl eontiects wilh I lie Delaware, litkavvamia ttnil Western Itnllrnatl, in Seraiitoii, for .New 'rk and I'lnlailelph.n, anil intrrine. itt;ile pi'llits Knsl ; also fi.r fireal lienit, Btntliiontou. S raeuse. Iliitl'alo, Nuitttoa rails, and uil niisirtiiiit puiuts West. Al Kiljiejt it eiuieels woli Ihe I'lOlawoata Kail road, for fiit!lmlh Kast and West. At Notltiiiiiilieiiand it v .inieets with Hie Sunhury nmt line Uailroml. fm p"ii,n West untlSiulli. Al. V. JACKSON, Sup't. KingsLou, Autrutt'J.5, 15-G'l. NEW YOlUv LINKS- CAMUKV A AM HOY AND I'llll.AUKLrill A AND Til KN TON RAILROAD CO. I.IMIS, From Philadelphia to Xtw York and Way Places, From Walnut Street Wharf and Kensington IVpef, Philadelphia, wililtuveaa 'fllowa, iz fAUK. At 8 A M, via Caindt n aud AinUiy C iV A Aceom miKliilic;if f 2 3.S At 6 A M. via Cumde.i aud Jersey City New Jer- ay iH'toiiunmliiiifii, S 2) At 9 A Al, vw Camden and Jersey city Morn in Mail. 3 00 At 1 1 1 A M, via Kensington and Jersey city, Wes tern LKapresi, 3 00 At Wi I' M vui t'Hmdeii and Amlioy, accominothttinn $ At V M, vm Cumdeu mid AmU-y C and A. K- pres, 3 00 At I M, via' Kensington, and Jersey city, Kva- iimp Kaptens, 3 CO AMJ I M, via Keusiugtou and Jettey city, Ciana Ticket, 9 U At ft I' M , vm Ciimdi u At Jersey rity Kveninr Mail 3 t At II I' M. via Cumdeu and J er'nej i jiy N-uiJi. .Mail t Al 5 i Al . via C.outien ami AmtM.y .XcCoiiiuhkI.v tioit. (Kieight aud I'tuKenycr,) in rlni-K ticket, V tf.l 1 &(i The 8 P. M. Mail l.ina runs daily. Tha II Southern Mail Kiiunl.ia excepted. Kor Heividrre, t-union, Fletninpton, Sir , at 6 A M., from VYiiliiut mreet wtmrf and b t. Al , from Kconintoii. Kor Munch Chunk. Ailenlovvu uiid lifllilciicui, ut 0, A Al. vm Itelii!h alley H tiiroiul, Kol Wutei tip, IStroudshurft, Karnnton, Wilkbarre, Monirosf, OfeHt Itrntl. Ar., ul 8 A AI,Via Delawure, Isackiiwniiiia him! Wentrrn (t ilrs I or Kieehoiit. hi 8 A M and 4 IV M For AIouul Holly, at 0 and to A M , aud 2, and 44 P M. way unf.s, For llriito), Trenton, Ac. at 3 aud 4 P. M , Trom Kenmntitmi. For Pauuyra. Detouro, Beverly, liurlinton, B. rden tou'n,&e.,at 1 !.,: aod4jP. Al. Fifty poinivls itl ii tytgr only, allowed eni-h nuMMiser, Piiiarnireia are piohit'itfl from tukint; anythmc hi li'ur znte but tlit-ir wenr ng appnrel. All H;iKcii:e ovrhity pouiuU to In- pHid for extra. The C"iiiiiuiy hin t then reiouiiitMlity for Unmiujie to One Dollar per po ind, and will t Ite lit I ile ft any amount bttyond 100 Do'Uis, ex cept by spe'iiil ronlnx't W l H (i A TM Kit Agent C. U.R R Co February 18 rfto. HEGEIMAN & COS CC3U1AL KL1XIR OF CALISAYA BARK Prepared only by If KG KM AN A CO., Wholesale snd Ketail Cheiuitts snd Druggnis, 161, 31ft, Sll snS 7bt Broadway, New Yik. THE virtues of FKRL VIAN BARK ss a Tonic havt lwu list smf k.siwu lo ueed oonuurul. Tha CAI.ISAV A ('-or king's Bars,") is Ihe most valu able of Ihe iiu.net .us varieties of the Psruvuu Bark, and ill lite KU XI It IS continued wilh odier uigretliauls that increase lis eflicacy atef at tha aunt Inrit overcnute the iutentily ol ns biliei, rwidsitug ua mtaa Ajroeabts Ccr. dial. for persons h.inf In FKVKH snd AGUE d.-triets, il will lw found iuvaltuilile ass ptevtnllva, Half of a wtne gluss futl Utksit nijtlit and mc.luinK. rendering Ilia S)Stera much letstubjat-l lo tht uuheaKk) intluenea of tha simos- nhers. Ill BF.CTIO.NS Dost for an adult, kalf a wlnefflaat full bef'trt hreuklust Mint diiinsr ; chiklrcn finm one to two tmspouns lull; il iwty lit Uktu with or without a bills water Kor ssl at this otlct. March 17, eu A I-reals (Supply ul Ory (Uoode. CONS1STINU in part of Prints. Delaines ble.ehed and oubleached M otlint. Checks Strip. Denims, k Drillt, c. J'iO recaiTed by tt. U. kl lb. Mauimoth store of VUL1KQ t OB A NT. NCW GOODS At the Mammoth Store IRA T. CLEMENT, NO. I MARRKT fVTRr.irr, PUNllL'KV, Of PA. IMIE subscriber haa just opened nt hit w. 1 known establishment in Sunhurv, one of I oil of the hen pest and most desirable mocks of Fall and Winter Goods, that has ever teeu offered in the place, an. I which ne will sell for CASH or exchange for Country Produce. Those desiring to purcheee.good will do well to call and examine his stock. BLACK AND FANCY SILK, All Wool Delaine, Figured, Striped and Phyta, French Merino, ell colors. Beautiful Dee Robes, Cashmeres, Shaded. Plain and Sriped must be seen to form an Idea of the extent aud variety. Mantle, 8tella, Chenille, French Wool Shawls Thibet and Broche Shawls. Cloths Cassirneres and Rnt-lnpt For Men and Boys' Wear, black Cusimeraa. Fancy Caasimeres, side stripes heavy, Liu.. Skin Caasimeres, Patinets sll kinds. White and Red Flannels, all grades and pricea. Bay Stale Sack Flannels, colors finest qnallios. READY-MADE CLOTHING Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Ac, hit., all of which were selected with Rreat care, and will compare favorably, as regards quality, style and price, with any in the country. II AKIlWARK, full assortment. Wood and Willow Ware, (jueenaware, of all descriptions, Groceries, a full stot.k in store, Carpet Chains, A.C., Paints, Oils, Glass, Dye Stuffs. Thankful for the patronage heretofore received he will spare no pains to please all who may favor him with their custom in the future. Sunburv.ltct. S-i, It5.r)9. ROCKEFELLER & E0YER, Attornies at Law, eTTJNTETJIt-sr, PA. A. Jnrduii lioi kt-IVIIt r and Solomon If. Iltiyer, respectfully announce t.u they entered into Copartnership in Ihe practice ul their profession, and will continue to attend to all bust r.esa entrusted to their charge in the counties of Northumberland, Union. Snyder and Montour, promptly, faithfully and carefully. Wprcial at tention will be given to the COLLECTION'S OF CLAIMS. Consultations can be had in the GERMAN language. Ollice, Market Street, opposite Weaver's Hotel. Sunbury, February 4, lxtitl. J. lJL,IlkBilt7'icV M V HANCFACTCKKRl OT F 1 N i: S T QUALITY OF BOOTS A. 13 BHOES FOR GENTLEMEN WHOLES ALE AXV KETA1L No 43 South Fuutih Sln-et, Philadelphia. C BCNKKkr. W. J. ii.K,. March iU, let, I 6m. Wal cIii'N Jewelry & silver Ware WK '"u''' rP","'ully infnrm our friends, n,,tn,, and the puiiilt- ee-ierally, that we Iwve now inM.iie andofler WIIOUISAI.K .t.U HKTAII., nt Ihe lowest I sth I rites, n Intpe mid vt-.y rhoiee slm-li -if WVl'CIII-" JKWKI.RY, IU'UL ASb i't.A I ;U W All 15, ,( vanriy and style. ' ' tiv.-t ',,r",li,1,' f DIAMOND V(HK and ..tber Jt.Wh.JH , made to order, at thott notice Or All OihhIs ntraiitetl to be as represented. N. II I'aiticular attention jnveii to the reiaiitin. (,f tvatchtt and Jewelry of every il. eriiiiti,H f-TAll Klt HARl.KY, .No. ftas Market Stre-jt, South Side, 1-hilaJeli.hia. March tit. loll -3ni P. MELANCHTON SHINDEL, JISTM'l; OF TIIK IMiACE SUISTBTTII-X-, FA. ' OJJice in Deer Street, immediately opposite tht Public School House. All business promptly attended to.' Monies ollected and all ordinary writings done. Sunbury. A uril 115. 1857. tf UENltY DOISNEL, attohnejT at law. Vjjice opposite the Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County Pa. Prompt utleuliun to business in aJioiiiii -outtties. WH0LESA LE LEALER IN BRANDIES. WINES, GINS. & C 'SMIE siibscrilwr liaxinrt opened in Thompsoti'i llrick liuilditur. Mill street, Danville, a lai-. n and complete stock uf FOREIGN AND DOM ESTIC I.RJJORS, romprising the besl brandsof tlramlies. Gin. Old R; e. fcotch snd Iiish liisUev. Purr, Sherry. Matleiia, Chain at;nc ond other Wiius ol all Rrades, all of which will be sold Vio!e,.ale at Ibe lowest city prttes. Tavern. keepers by buy ing ol" us can save at least the freicht. Persons desirous of purc!iain liquors for FA M I L V i; s 10, may rely upon being furnished wilh a pure and unadulterated article. t"t? llcins determined to establish a reputation for selling cheap he rcspectlully solit its the pa tronage of the public. All orders promptly at tended to. IEREMI.UI 8. HALL. Danville, Jure IC, ltjtjn. " INGRAINED CARPETS MAM'FAi:TI'IO:naiidferFa'ehv M. Pet per Co: l.eibr.iiult ni t) Meln wi ll's Itiol.ln ir, .N.irih iJift eniier, bec-oud anil Kacn s'reels rliilaclrlpl nOOHS G UAE A STEED. October 57, M)o. ECONOMY J J' ; Save ihe Pieces! As iirritlenii will Imppen. even in well-r irniaietl iVmhn lies, it is v.iy de.iriil-li (o hnve riic.ip uml convenient way for repaniiig Fiiiniture, Toys, Cr. vkery, Ac. SPALDING'S HiEPAftED GLUE rneels all such euierseticies, and no leueh'id eau nrT-rd lu Iw wilh' 'Ut II. It i. aiwalsreail ant! up to li:e .nckois; p.'liii. Tnere is no longer n iitce.siiy f f liiiipina chana, Stliulrs venerrs. Iiewtiess d--Ha. ai-d br ken eiuil.rs It is just Ihe article for e,ir, thrH. Hniloltirr oriiaiuelilal w.rk, so tvipular wnli UiJies til teliiieuient and biste. This dtiin irable pi eptr.,1: n I. unr-l t-.-lil Ik-iihj clit-fr.it-:illv heltl in a lulioit,aiMt t oas-s.-.in)t all the vuiuuhu- tjuiilitiea of the ut si eabiuel-intiker's (jiue. Il may lie usetl m ths piuce of iirttmarv muciiutie. Iuiit vastly inure adhesive. 1KKIT. IN KVKUY lUUSi:" N. DA Brush accontivniifa eat-b boltlt. Trice il cents. Whnleaala Depot. No 4- CtOnr street. New Yorlr, Address, HKMtV CM'Al.DINli 4 CO.. B"l No. 3,t)U, .New Y-k. Put op ( Dealers in cssaroiitaiiituf Fn.tr Enlil. and Twelve Doleu a beautiful Lithographic rihow Card ac toitipan) in. eaeb paekaae. Cir Astiiftlc Uutisol taldiiig's I'repaied Glue Wlllsavt leu tirneJt its euti annual)- lo every ho.se!n-:u. sX-lrtuvall ptonuiitiit Ktationei., Iltueaisi., Hardware tud Furniture Ueiiters, Cnners, iinil Fati.- frioir. Country Merenants .lioitUf make a m' tn tuldillp's preparetl Olut. when lltey liiaks up Iftetr Itsl. It wd stand any elintats. For sale al this office. March 10, leflO.lv PoR SALE. TWO LOTS situate in Market alreel, in Ihe town of Trevorion, Nos. I J ami 1 3, in blot-It No. CO. Apply to WM. GM'GI.KR. Selins grove, or 11. H. MASSE R, Sunbury. TT8EFLLINAI.LFAMILIES-HEuE.MAX A L'O'S Hei line, whit h removes pan,t spot, greasa, 4c, 4 c, and cleans gloves, silks, rihhons, Ac, tipiallo new, without the .lightest injury to color or fabric. Solo hv all DmgK'sis, also al thi. office. SS cenU per bottle. fOV'S HOOTS and HOES, cheap tor cash - WM. MILI.bK'at. 7