Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, August 24, 1861, Image 3

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    WL itr IT t to s.
Wamiinoton, August 18.
Th Admlnllretiiin lia jnt lani"1 ih"
follnwlnii impnrtartorrlera. a prompt rfapnnaa'
to which il l tint driiiMed till l jrivh, 1bo
t nura iPFiiriim Ibc Capit"! Bio1t Inva
ainn and al I hi- MfrMinii. atTorrtirij, additional
coodilpnc to th country tn th parm-Mot-i
of tha (Jovt-mmfnl in the protection or tlm
general Heifer :
WAiHIKOTOK. Aug. 19. 1801. I ,
All commander of ruiinienta of olanlcrr
accepted hy thia Department in th Stale, of
l'nnsylvania. New Jeraey. New York. Con
nocticiit, MaachiiUa. Vermont, Rhode
lelaod. New Hampshire, Main and Michi
(fan will lake nolica of and conform promptly
tn the general order thig day directed to the
Governors of the SiUtea above named, which
is aa follows :
To the Governor of the State of -.
Hy direction of the Prei dent of the United
Bute, you arc urgently requested to forward,
or canoe to he forwarded, immediately to the
city of Washington, all volunteer regiments
or parts Ol regiments, nl ins ejipensa m me
L'uited States Government, thai may he now
enrolled withio your State, whether under
yoiir immediate control, or hy acceptances
issued direct from the War Uepartnieut,
whether Bueh volunteers are armed, eijuipped,
or uniformed, or uot.
The oflicers of each regimental organiza
tioo that may not be full ahull leave recruit
ing oflicers at their several rendezvous, and
adopt such nth.T measures as may be neces
sary to fill up their ranks at the earliest
date possible All officers of volunteer
reginwLta, on tbeir arrival, shall report to
the commanding Generul, who will provide
t qnipineots unil other supplies necessary lor
their comfort. To insure the movements of
troops more rapidly thjn might otherwise be
done, you will please confer with and aid ull
tillkvra of independent tegimenia in such
measures as may he necessary to etlect the
object in view. All clothing or supplies
belonging to or contracted for the several
ream entu shall be fi,rwrded to Washington
for their use, detai'ert reports of which shall
bo made to the commanding (jnneriil.
Simon Camkron,
Secretary of War.
Among the M st appoiutiiients are:
MajorGeueral llalleck, of California, furl lie
ltejtular Army, arid Colonel George A.
Thomas to tie a ltrigailier General of volun
teers. The former received a military educa
tion, and is experienced, and the latter is an
army uflieer uud ullacbud to UeOeral Dunks'
As a consequence, Major Generals Dixand
H. iuks are llnm placed in Mibnrdinale military
positions l'lTtress Monroe is not included
in this new arrangement.
I'lie State Department has just issued the
following notice, addressed to all whom it
may concern :
"Until further notice, no person will he
Hllowed to go abroad from a pott of the
C'mled Stales, without a passport, either
from this Depmlmeiit or countersigned by
the Secretary of Stole ; nor will any person
be allowed lo Uud ill the United States
without n pissport from a .M inn-ler or Consul
I. 1' the. United Stiles, or, if a foreiguer, from
Ins owu Gjverument, countersigned by such
M mister or Consul. This regulation, how
ever la uol to take effect in regaid to persons
cooiiiu tiom abroad until a reasonable lime
hliall have elapsed for It to become known
in the. cuuulry from which they may pro
feed "
Tln President Tor several mornings lias
been visiting the Navy Yard, experimenting
with a newiy invented mechanical (. u i). which
la worked by a crunk in the hands nf the
gunner, and throws seventy balls per minute.
The ioipiemeiit. is said to be the invention ol
a pool mechanic of New Yolk.
The boasting of tile Uelield seems to be
their only capital ul this tune. They never
cea:-e bragging ubniil Ike capture of Shtr
man's IS ittery, winch is here, eiife and coin
plete, to a gnu The most of their victories
lire iu their imagination ; but it is ull very
well, as I he masses among them have to be
prtcilied In strong language.
A General or der was is.-ued by General
Scott, to day, uniting the military d-part.
'ments of Wuslnuxtnn and Noitheustern
Virginia into one d. p.u tinett, lo be called
the 1' p. rum M ol the Potomac, under
M ijoi -General McCiellau, who is ordered to
proceed to org iiiiz the troops under him
lulu divi-ioiis an ii independent Origades. Liy
llns change Celo ral Mansfield IS left without
u co oui.iiid, uinl no 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 h is been
given 1 1 i ill us )"l us to uhiil duty ho will be
na-:i!i:el. Ili sl.ill' Hill n-iiiuiu us heretofore.
'I I.. i-iw dep ill IlieUl IllClillieS N or I heur le m
', if. ii: i. I'-lrcl nf Columbia, and
M ii J land, us lur as UUdershiifg
Annexed to tile li-in-rnl Order which con
hii'.uliog t lie Mutes of Kentucky uud Teunej
tee a sepuriite cnilliry coinmuiid, are the
lollowing impiirtai.t in deis : oll'icers ol Volunteers will not be
permitted lo select the.r uiiles'dr'cuilip from
the idlkvrs of Ihe Uvular Army.
A U geuerul und i-1 j II' ulliciT who have
Come into the fetvice of I lie Lulled Sluteg
under I lie call of the President fur three
in. in '.lis Volunteers are beieby muttered out
ol service.
Officers of vcluuteer who resign their
cnminitiion4 will but be received luto the
SelVlce of the United State! of other Voluu
teer orgnn Z'il Inns
The i . in in sluuilarii for enlisted men in
the Regular Army ha been reduced to live
feel, three inches. There is uo btaiidard for
Within one month from this dale the effec
tivenefS of the Navy fur the purpose of clos.
in if ull the entrances of the iiiulliwru cool
will be increased one half. That IS to n).
Iievond all present ilfecliveiiess, winch
uiiiouiit to u ell. clive a blockade iir was
ver iio-tituted by any N ivy up.m so extiu
eiVH a line of sea co ist.
'I'lie U liel troops Iiiivb nearly all fallen
back lo Fairfax Court lluiise, tlius widening
the distance sepiiuling the Imsllle forces.
The pickets of both urunes, however, occupy
nearly the same udvanued position) us here
tofore. Kx Minister F.i'ilkcer wa arrested as a
ho-laue for Ihe return of our Congressmen
and nlheis, but undoubted evidence of his
treason ia already III Inuiil, ami the Stute
i)eiurimenl In. Ids the clue to tiverwheliiiiiig
evidences of h s guilt. Letters winch lie has
wriilen mice his incurcerut ion, Willi grave
misrepresentation of hi uirest uinl its
causes, liuvu Dot beeo furwurded to their
- destination.
Henry Waper llalleck, nf California, was
nude u .l .iji.r General of Volunters to-day.
lie IS a New Yorker hy birth, und graduuted
at West Point in lb :!'.!. He is the author of
severul military works, was brevetteil Cup
tain Inr L'allaiil ci.udiicl and r .itorious
services in t'alilnruu in 1847. was Secretary
ol Stat" under Ihe military Government of
California, under CeliS. Kearney, Mason uud
Hedlv, In. m Ibl" l 14'J, and Chief of
Coiicnodnie Shiibru k's Stall during a portion
of the same lime. Ilia said that lo him
mainly is due the Iririluiiul organ. ration of
Head-Quartkhs NoHlllKlUKKN 1):i't, 1
Arliugtou, Auyust 15, Ifiil.
Billy lion coiuiiiissioued o nicer and (.nv .
tel ol the Second Maine Kepmeiit ol Voluu.
leers, huvnm formally und positively, III ihe
pretence of the regiment relused to ilu any
fuillier duty Whatever. I.ilsely aliening that
they were not legally lo Ihe Service of Ihe
Uullvd Stale, the) are, Willi the eppiovul
ol Iba General iu L'biel, ttrtb) liunsleired. iu
air..:, iieW It l:BiUt,tuo liiicr wor
thy to prvs with It, and will be lent to the
lry I ortngas, In the uuil ol Mexico, mere
to perform such r.t:gne service as the ofheers
cnmmandiiig may assign them, until they
shall, hy future conduct, show themselves
worthy to bear arms. They will be sent lo
the Navy Yard to night. Brigadier General
Sherman will pen to the execution of this
order. By order of
brigadier General MclloWKi.t..
Jar. II. Fur. Assistant Adjulaol (jeoeral.
About $5000 worth of contraband goods'.!
quinine, chloroform, military equipments,
Ac , all labelled "glas'' were seized yester
day hy Ihe pickets of the companies of the
First Pennsylvania Hegiment, which ate
stationed at Annapolis J unction. They were
taken at Phelps' Cross lioad, at the inter
section nf Ihe Annapolis railroad and a
county road abnut live miles. from the Junc
tion. The goods were loaded in two wa
gons one driven by Albert Uruoibull, of
lialtimnre, the other hy a negro, both of
whom are at the Junction A .third man,
named Gull, who was in tho rear of the
wagons, escaped, Druinmell made a lull
confession. The goods were bronght for
parties in Richmond by parties in Baltimore,
Brummell having purchased sninn articles
himself. A Uich oi draft or $4975 was
sent to cover expenses, lie was lo receive
jS 1. 50 for ihe safe delivery of the goods at
Pope's Creek, where transportation In Vir
giniawustobe supplied by the Virginia
The boxes, Cfteen or twerty in number,
were marked to a firm io the neighborhood.
The seizure was made tit 1 o'clock, A. M.,
they expecting to be able lo pass the pickets
in day time. The horses and wagons are
wort h several hundred dollars. Hrummell's
confession is circumstantial, mentioning
dates, names, and localities, and is quite
interesting und important, in view of the
illcit trade carried on between Baltimore and
Uichmnnd, He had on his person a bundle
ol sixty or seventy letters directed to ollicers
and soldiers of the Conledeiute army
Washington, August 19, 18C1.
The work at the Ordinance Department 6
the Navy Yard, during '.he last week, has
included the iinishing of twenty six howitzers
and lield pieces. They are ull rilled, uud are
'JO pounders and 12 poundere A new gun,
invented by Cupt. Datlgreen, is now iu course
of coiistiuctlon. It weighs ten thousand
pounds, will be nfled, and will curry u bull
weighiug thirty-six pounds.
The President received, to-day, Cve differ
ent pi t lions signed by the Bull Kun prison'
ers, pruning that some measures might be iu'
ben lor their releuse or exchuiue. One ol
them was signed exclusively by the niuiried
men und hiuds of families, numbering four
hundred und thirteen. It begged thul they
until! be exchanged, in order thai they might
return home to provide lor their lamilies,
who, they alleged, were sulleriug. Another
wus from the three month's volunteers, whose
time has expired. The President reud Ihi-in
all," und theu passed them ro Mr. Bluir, who
tiled them cutefully uwoy.
Til K Oltlt fcM'OMIl-.X i; HILAIIYi: TO
IIIK ItHOVKlV Oil' Tllli llfc.MAI.Mt UF
I OLD ML l.UllHin.
(J K.N Kit A I, JlVl'NN's LKTTKR.
Neak Ai.kxanokia, August 3, lbGl.
Tc ('ol. Stewart, counnucding First Vir
ginia Cavulry :
My Hhau Sik : The bearer, Lieut Jones,
ol the Thirty seventh New York Volunteers,
will hand yon this. My object in sending to
you is this: Col Cameron, a wann personal
Ineud ol mine, fell in ihe battle of Bull Kun.
Ills lady and family are iu great distress
about his body. May 1 not appeal to you us
a soldier, usking you lor the moment lo throw
uway ull ceremony, und allow the Colonel's
orderly, who was with him when he fell in
the Held, to search for the body of his la'
menli-d commander f 1 make thus free with
you because your Lieut. Hanger und bis nien
guve me a mod geii-rous description of your
kindness ol heurt and your good soldierly
qouliHes. 1 huve the honor to remuiu, my Colonel, yours most respectfully.
John II. MtClNN, commanding brigade.
ILml'iuurltrn, l'uiifux Court House,
August 4, 1&01. )
1 1 k a K Gk.vk.iiai Your communication ol
yesterday was duly received under a flag ol
liuce. As the su'iject matter of jour letter
belonged propeily lo higher uulhoiiiy, uud
had in lucl ulieady been the occasion ol
cmiiiiiuiiic itinns winch have been ref rreii to
(jelieial J. V.. Johnston. Confederate Slules
Army, my commander, I hud no powertouct.
but tell hound to re. r il to the General
commanding the Coufedcrate Slates forces, ol
which my coiiimaiid is part. His endorse
ment is us follows :
"Military usigu ha established tho mode
of Coiiimuuiculinn helweeu belligerents.
Whenever the military authorities of the
Uu.ied Slates sucli u request us thai
prelerieil, und in the lounner eslubl ished by
military custom, it shall be complied with
prouipily. As there is an established mode
ul comuiiinicaliou, none other consistently
w illi the dignity of the position iu bich Cell
Johnston bus been placed by Ihe Colitederule
Stales ci.U beatfreeo to."
1 will mid that General McDowell, and ulso
three citizens sent by the Secretary of ur
of the United Slates ou a similar mission,
have been informed to the Same purport as
above. I notice you address uiu ug Colonel
I'll si Vn giuia Cuvulry. The regiment 1 huve
the honor lo command belongs to the army
of the Confederate States. 1 thank you lor
the Haltering l-rins ol your appeal, uud need
hurdly give uUeiuute to the universal uppre'
c in I ii.ii of the win in heurted sous ol your
native !uod, of whom 1 have no duohl you
are an honorable type. Allow me lo udd
thai our President bus given me otliciul
assurance, and our gallant General is loo well
known lo the lUtlionlies of the Llnlcd Slules
for lliem to doohl, Unit bo ellort to lessen
the horror of wur, und to col. bud It to the
strictest civilized usuge, will be toured
Must le.-pectfuliy, Juur obedient servant,
I. V. If S i kwaKt,
Col. First Cavalry, C. S. A., Commanding.
lo J. II McCmiu, couiuiundmg bngudu
L ulled SluleS forces.
Uriijuil Hcudquortert,
Nrar A l.KiA.MJKU. Va., August 13.
To Cxpl. Jones, First Virginia Cuvalry :
Petit Sin 1 u in per Imps ov rsteppmg
milituiy custom uud usages In thus coutinum
eating with jou. The holy mission iu which
I mil engugeil is my only apology. Colonel
Cameron was a Warm peisoUal Ineud ol unite,
uud lor ihe bake of his family uud to lea.ll
ill a Spot where his boueg ure laid, 1 would do
all) thing iu honor uud fuiriiess. 1 do not
wish you lo compromise jou'self iu th
(.lightest degree, or lu do uiijlhlug thul a
gallant subtler would not deem il his duty to
perloim I do uol want any Uvor that Jour
geuerous Colonel (alewuitl would not grant
ul once. 1 simply u-k you Ihe great favor lo
mark the spot win-re a bruve mun has lulleu
thus lo enable his bereaved lalllllj to uncover,
at Ihe end ol this unnatural slide, tbe usheg
of a fond aud Uevu.ed father, of a good aud
brave ii au
Captain Johnston sujg that you were kind
enough lu mention m bun thul jou found the
body ol one ol our ollicera with the likenesses
ou Ins peii-on ol our Secretary of War and
Uia ludy, aud olbes-adicles ol jewelry, which
led you lo suspect it wus Colouel Cumerou'a
remains You weie tight iu your surmises.
Do, my deur Captain, do a duty you owu lu a
brave aud geueiou loe, and do au everlusl
lug tuvor lo ine. if a catioul Lava hi.
isaiaiDS, mark tti spot wlere L,
tmrled anil If ynof gallnnt Colon pj will tend
the likenesses by a 0g of truce, 1 will deem
it such a favor aa only a brave and generous
enemy could bestow. Hoping bave not
overstepped the duties of a ioldier in thus
aildieiiing yon, I have tbe honor to remain,
iny dear sir, jours truly,
Joim II. VoCckh,
The above letter was couveyed hy Captain
Johnston, of the Thirty-seventh H-giment,
who returned the following letter to General
McCnnn, aud with it lb eorraspoudrnce
ended ' . '
Alexandkia, Va , August 14, 18GL
To Gen, McCunn : Dear Sir t I bave the
honor to report that I delivered your letter,
ns required, to Captain Jones ) that Captain
.tones blindfolded me and took me to Fairfax
Court House, where 1 saw Colonel Stewart,
of Ihe First Virginin Cavalry. Col. Ktewart
informed tne that the likenesses and oilier
things found on Colonel Cameron's bsdy were
in the possession of one of big officers, now in
liichmond ; that the same would be at once
obtained and forwarded to you, and you
alone, as Colonel Stewart considered thnt he
would not, under any circumstances, render
any favor to the Secretary of War, or any
other member of the Government. Captain
Jones further says that he bug mutked the
spot where the remains nf the lamented Col.
Cameron are buried, and will remain till the
time cornea when they will he most willingly
given up to bis family. All of which 1 Lave
the honor most respectfully In report.
James W. Johnston,
Captain Co. K. Thirty-seventh regiment,
N. Y. S. V.
1 rKRKnTIM) mol CAIRO.
Totcn dJ' Commerce, Mo., 'Jukcn ami Jiutalen
lUtreut of the lUbel J'orces.
St. Louis, Aug. 20. The town of Com
merce, Missouri, forty miles above Cairo,
which was tuken ou uudoy and a buttery
planted by the Secessionists, wasretukv-n luH
night by OUL) troops sent down from Cape.
Gnardeau, by order of Get). Fremont.
The Hebels in n de no stand, but retreated
with their battery ou the approach of our
troops. Their force was about liO llifautry
und ihe same iiutnhtr of cavalry.
.1 Mitlniijht Eiigfyemenl at Charleston, Mo.
Tim l!eb,U Jlnuh'i
Cairo, Aug. 2uth. Au engagement took
place last night ul 12 o'clock, ul Charleston,
betweeu the Federal force, about twu hundred
and Ufiy strong, and a Hebei force of about
six or seven hundred men.
The Federul troops consisted of a portion
of the Tweuty second Illinois Uegimeut,
under command ol Colonel Dougherty, uc
compaiiled by Lieut. Colonel Knwsoli, ol lliu
KleVentli Illinois Hegiment. The Hebels
were coiiimauded by Colonel Huuler, of JelT.
Thompson's urmy.
The Federul force was victorious, com
pletely routing Ihe Lebela, killing lolly uud
taking seventeen prisoners.
The loss ou our snle wus one killed, viz:
Wm. T. Sharp, ol Compuny A.
Surrender of Mojor TijnJ, trith I'ioe Hundred
United States 'J'roojm Fort l'itlmurc Aban
doned A Fiyhl at Missilla
lNUKrK.iK.M'K, Mo., Aug. 20. The S.mta
Fe Mm! uud Cation City F.xpie..s arrived
here last eveting, three Uajs aheuil of time.
The Suntu Fe dutes ure lu the 5lh instuul,
uud Canon City to the'Jth.
A leport re iched Santa Fe two days before
this in. nl It 1 1 that Major Tyud, ol Ihe 7th
Intanliy, U S. A , III command of ubout .f)U0
Federal troops, fctineiidered lo the Texas
troops. ;iil0(l in number, without tiring a shot.
Major Tyud abandoned Fort Fillmore ou the
'Jo til ull , ami marched towards F'oil Stuulou,
lii miles fioui Fort Fillmore.
It is believed in Santa Fe that the Texutis
huve ulso taken I he block uud conches be
louging to the Santa Fe Mall uud Kl I'uso
Mall Company, as their coach lulled luurnvu
iu Sautu Fe ou tbeU'l Hio'.unt.
Au engagement io..k piuce at Messillu,
between u body of Federul troops und TU0
Coulederutes, under cnminuiid or Captuill
Nog ley. Captain McNeully und Lieuteuulit
Brooks, of tho United Stales Army, were
wounded. Twelve of the Confeili rules were
killed. Night put ull end lo 'lie engagement,
Hie TcXuns reiiiuiinug in Messilla, uud the
FederuW filing to Fori F'lllmuie, ubout one
honored miles distant.
Considerable fears ure entertained for the
sulety of Fort Union, and the commanding
oP.icer wus huviug it forlilied und entrenched
Cojouel Lonog, loiinerly of lim United
Stutes Army, is suid to be iu cominuud of u
body ol Texan Uangeis.
The weuther ou ihe I'liins is very wurin,
uud buffaloes ure III Ill muuy
places the mull party lutmd it ilillicull lo get
through tho large herds which Covered Ihe
roads uud plains
It coBts ul least 2(10,000 to put a cavalrv
regiment in the field. The Imrea alone
lor one thousaud uieu, ure worth ubout
5? 140.000.
New Advertisements.
To the Democratic Voters of Northum
berland County.
S IIAYE been induced to permit mv It.tme to
be used in connection with Ihe iiioiiinaii.iii
for the LEtilsl. Vl'UliE, ul the ensuiinj Ueino
cratie pnuinry elcclinll.
I he solicitation of n anv warm personal frieinia
in both enda of our ronnlv have prevailed with
ne in this mailer and should they sie proper lo
nominate and elect lite, it will be mv pleasure, as
will aa a duty, lo piomote Ihe interest and
prospeiity of my own constituent, as well a of
the Stale and couulrv al liirue.
Tiirhut t.iwn-liip, July 0, INC I.
To the Voters of Northumberland County
I.EI.I.OW CITIZEN'S: I'min the eiuoor
aetueiit I teceiveil from dilfc-renl pnrlsol i'ie
roomy, I oiler uiyaclf u a candidate fur the
ollice of
associatk Jirnr.E.
subject to the Usiiue of the deinocralie party, and
if elrcled, will perform the dulie justly and im
partially lo Ihe best nf mv ibility.
auiuham miipman.
Lower A ugusla lowm-hip. June Viltli, IMil.
Subject to the Rule and Usage of the Demo-
cialic Parlv.
'io the Yultr of Xnrlhuiiibtrluiid Count u,
IKLLOW Citizen Emm the tnrooraKe--
men l I have ulready received tium l.ulli end
of our county, I oiler in v sell for the
Subject lo Ihe usage of the democratic parlv,
and if nominated uud elected, prouiiMi my best for her interest, us well that of our good
old Commonwealth.
Rushmwn, Julj 'il, 1861.
A l.K.CTL'ltK. ou lha Nature, iroittnrnl, and
Cureof eeviiimtoiiliee... or rH-iau.! t Palmes Sexual Lie.
Inllly, Mini involuiilary riinssiiint. pr.sJueo.f
iuisaeiiey, Vrtii.suuipniill biiu .vieiuinaiia rtiysical uetillliy.
Th bnp.irlunt taut 1)11 ih awful e .isei)uence of self,
anus may Im tffectually rainoved witlmul mlrrnal nirUl.
eiue IM Hi U.iiirlnu piilieHtliaio- cmlsllc. Ilisliu-
inenll. ineitleated Uiugm, and oilier euipiileul drvipe I
livre t-lrurlv aiiiniiOuu-il, uialihe rullr ly nrw and Inplily
ui-eraslul ll.-Hlineiil, ad. pled by Hi eeklualnl aullior
lully expluuicd, hy iiiaiins i.i wlneli cveiy !. it ed
Uieur linmeir perlectl) , wnd ul Ilia laatl p tsllila ecl,
Ihrieliy uvindinj all llie silv.rlised u-ttiuins of Ihe day.
Tin Ir4-tui will pfovv Ism. a it, tleiaviiidsaiid lltnusul.rt
haul under ui in u ptiia euv.ilopa, in uuy addles. sil
twoii, inline ivt-rini a mil p.iM siauies, liy aiktieiisl
Ur I'll. J ikUNK,N7 Uuwary, Nisw Yufk. V
'.Jo. I'i !f Ji
The Great Core for Consumption.
If you have cold, use
Winhii'l'i Pine Tree Tar Cordial I
If you have a cough, use
Wishari's Tine Tree Tar Cordial I
If you have Asihma, inn
Wishsit's Pine Tree Tar Cordial I
If you have Pore Throat, use
Wishart'a I'iue Tree Tar Cordial !
Ifyou have Bronchitis, use
Wishari'a Pine Tree Tar Cordial !
Ifyou have Consumption, use
Wiahart'a l':ne Tree 'Par Cordial
Wishari's Pine Tree Tar ''ordial ia an unfai!
ing rrnirdy for disease ol Ihe Kidneys, Urinary
I omplatuts. Blind aud Bleeding l'ile, Netvous
Dehilily, and for Female weakness and Irregu
larities. The well known rfnYacy of Pine Tree Tar in
the cure of external affections or Mores, pointed it
out as Ihe Natural Kerned) for what I'iivsieiuos
call Tubercular ff.-clninn (lluit is to y, rtor".)
upon Ihe Lungs It reiiniined to dicovcr the
he-t means of application, which discovery ha
been made, aa a thousaud testimonials prove, hy
Ihe Proprietor of
Wialmri's Pino Tree Tar CorJial !
If you have DYNPEPMA. use
Wishari's (Jrea, American Dyspepsi Pill!
A sure core Wuira..led lor one dollar, or the
Money Itefunded !
Buy a hx and lake them accnrdinir lo direr.
thins, and if llicy do ool cure jou, the money will
be returned.
Agents Win. Weimir, Northumberland.
A. W. Fischer, iSunlmry.
Call at cither place, and get a desciipiive Cir
cular. I.. Q. C. Wishnrt, proprietor, No. 10, North
Sec. mil, Philadelphia
August lo, lhCI. ly
For Associate Judge-
lrn earnestly recommend 'I'HOMA.S S.
' MACKKY, Ksm. ol' Milton, as a suitable
person for ASSOCIATE Jl.'DCi:, at the ensuing
Mr. Mackev ia a good scholar in hnth I'nclUh
nud German. Ho ia also un I'M ovpitou in mi
Union man, and as such ve present him to the
voters of ihe county.
Aug. 3d. 1SCI. FOR THi; UNID.V.
Ilxsolutloii or t'ardici'slilii.
TVOTKHi is herehv tiven, that the partnersliip
heretofore existing between J. C. Mi-ruan
A Co., luis this (I'Jili nl Jnlv, IHfil.) day been
dissolved hy nnituil consent. . I. '. Murgao lining
nut of the firm. 'J'he ho.ikx ami papers wii he
lett iu his hands for si tlleno lit and lollertioo.
All persona indehtpil or haviuu uccmn ts Willi
the same are requested to call and make si-tllo-nienl.
J. t:. MOIiGAN,
Sunhnrv. Aucul 3, ISfi I.
hereby olTcr myself as a Union Candidate fur i y
the Otlice of l.egislutore for ,io tliiiinberl mil in
County, soliciting the votes of all persons Imor
a'du lo enforcing the Law and the Constitution,
and sustaining the present General Administra
tion so long a iti actions ura in uco.r.l:
hiu-b therewith ; pledging myself if elected to
petti. nil every duly incumbent upon the position
to the best of my uhilily , discarding all party dif
ference. JESSE YOCU.M.
Nirlhnmherlanil. Aiiu 3, Imil
A Good Chance for an Enterprising: Man-
'111) subscriber wants a partner in tbe Mar
hie hutiuesH, a mUr uerserveriuo; mun who
can speuk both the Emilisli and ticriii.-.n b.
c s. to one that will suit, no cash capital ti ijuiied.
F.jr paiticulars impaire of
Nnrthumherlanil, Alia. U. Ilil :bn
'Jo the I'oicis nf ISnrthunihurliihd Count ij:
IKLI inV-Cn iZENf-.'-Havitm hen ura.d
by many ci'izen ot both end of our county,
I oiler myself is a candidate for
Sul.jert to thu rules ami of the democrnlic
party, and if nuinin ited und elected, I will I jli'll
the duties nf the ollice iiiiparliully and lo tile lie,-t
of my ubtlily. CASSPEK bClH H.L.
Miaitiokiu, Jnlv 27. I Til.
Assocititu Jutlt'.
Subject to the Kules and Uaaje of the Dem i
cralic Purty.
Point township, July 13, IM1
sun burtTsteam" ferry " "
A N I) T nwiNOBOA T t; 0 M P A N Y.
' ItRAYKI.LEItS and other ure lespectfnlly
inlntilied Ihul the subscriber, in urder lo i.e
commodate the public und facilitate tiavel. fin"
tedoced the rates ol ferriuite ut his s'lXAU
1'EHUY, over I lie Nu-qileoaliK. at Soul niv. and
will carry Passengeia, Horse, Cuiriaues, und
nllnr v-liicles, a', tbe following rate, mi:
Foot Pascimers, euiU fi cent.
Horse and Kl.ler, IT)
Morse and Zucuy, --i "
Two-Horse Ciuve)ance, 4'.l '
Karon rs and others, wi-hin; lo trun.-piwt ('.ml
and Produce, can liukt ailangeiiii ul ul still
low er rate.
A lurue, safe Slid commndioo Steninbimt will
mil ri and pr. niplly at all hour of Ihe
dav, atid lo ai'coiiiinoddle those who desire lo at
tend the Churches t tunhury and "-Selni.iinc,
Ihe w ill run on Htiudaj.
'I'lie Steamboat will run from Miuket Stieel
Wart, and promptly convey Pan-enters Irom
both side of Ihe Kiver, without delay.
The Meam Perry now allord not only a sate
and convenient ttiiiisit over the tSusipii tiuuiiu,
but nlu a pleuxutit and axreeuble ride.
1 UA I . CLEM UN I Lessee aud 1'iopiielor.
Ciuiibury, May t!5, ItsGI,
V order of Ihe t'onunaitder in I l.tet. I nm
directed to colle.l all Ibe .MII.ITAIU
AliMS of Penusylv.viiia, of every kind, in tins
Uiiusde, suili a muskeis, iille., oi.biiatice.
swords, pistols, cc , with the accoutrements, and
deliver ihe same to the Arsenal at llimibui;.
All 1,1 ill IM Itlll.HitM Iimviiii! in Ibi-ir
possession any arm or aecoulieinelil. are hereby
coiiiiiiauded to deliver the same lo toe or In my
uutln'iif -.1 menu, st nine. The peiinliv ol Ibe
Act of Assembly will I proinplly and severely
enl iried upou any peikoii negit-vting or reiusina
no lo do,
Utivade Inspector of Nuilliunil.eriand litiade,
I'. V. M.
Miiiibiifv. July 87. 1861.
The billowing peisooa are aulhoiized by me
demand and receive lha arm, &e :
1 Ida ware and Lewi township. Win Savidgc.
Milton, ('hiliqoqoa and Tuihul township,
William II Frviniie. Milton.
ISoiihumlH-rlaud and point, John A.Taylor,
North umber land.
Miamokin, loal and Mount Carmel, II. E
Parker, bh unokin.
Upper Auijusla. Lower Augusta and Uu.h,
Michael Kieh r, I'pper A uguala.
For ihe real of ih Itiigade, Samuel Wert,
Vu li Democratic Volert of Northumberland
Count i.
riMIUOUGH Ihe encouiageinent of my
1 friend. I have la-en induced again lo ulTer
myself as a caudidale for the LLtJISl.A TLKE,
i.e. aubitel to the rulea of Ihe democratic party,
' Travnrtnn Jul 13. lCfl.
To Vii Votert (f Torlhinilcrland Count
Fsllow CiTiaaa I
I I'fler inyxlf aa a tTnlon f'andlilate fm
the office of AKHll l IK JUlKifl, at Ihe lien I
election. (Should I he eleeted, I pledge myself
lit perle nil lha duties of Ihe olhY In Ihe heal of
mj ability. JOHN DU.MIAM.
Niirthumhefland, May 4, 1-61 . le '
4 OL' 1 V 1 ME TM-liicir.""
riH K auharrit-pr offers himself In the Demo
A ithiic Voters ot Nuithutnlierlaiid ronnlv. al
candiilale for the oflice of COUNTY TKKA
SUIHJK, at Ihe next primary election, huljetl
lo the deci.-ioti ol the County Convention.
Delaware Iwp, June S, 18(il.
Taxes ! i Ties f Taxes f
IIIK llourd ol bi-hool Hirei tors and Suprrvi
sora ul Konds in tiwni)liipi where unseated
Lands are situated, are hereby re-pioted lo fur.
ni-ii ihe Commissiniiera of Nnrlhiimberlaiul
county, wilh tin- rate per cent for the years IBOU
61, on School and lina.l 'Put
C immissioner'a nfTlre, )
8 ! i- . 'nil 7. 'lit.
a AAji A.A lii&T STYLE CF
at (be
Tashionabie Tailorinj Establiahment
niaiEift mtri-ct, MMU'H V, fa.
Sll I! subscriber lias just received nod opened
a Is'ue assortment ftPliLMJ AND i'i'M
MKU (iOODS, such as
Plr.ia and Fancy Cassiraeres, Vestings, &o.
nf the latest at) le. Ill u.ldition to his hock ho
is constantly reci it ini l supplies Irom the i it v
keeping a foil as-ortincnt of Ihe most subsbinliul
and latest stj le nf CoihIs in the city markets.
He is prepared to make to order u!l kinds of
('t-ui.leuitii'i, uud io 'a Ai-a.. sucli as
I.OUNs. &r. c.
of the verv latest style, utu! in the most substan
tial manlier, at st.ort tmlice.
Any (i.e. ils not on hand, will he furnished
from I'liiladclpnia, bv lilviug two ilnv's notice.
I i' i;all and examine my stock, no charges
made f. ir showing.
ftiitilttiry, May II, Mfil.
MAM I'AC 1 1 ilKKSi tiF Tllli IMPROVKD
CI E T U U O F 1 ' G ,
The clu-npi'st unit OiomIiUi It.i-.fing inane. It ia l'ire
anil Wilier Prntil.
Ii eaii lie npplieit to nw unit i.lil ILnifs of alt kinds, and
lo Sickle wnh'iul reuii.vii,t ttm elnngics.
Tlio Cost 16 tmly about Unc-'i iiinl that
of Tin, und it is twice as Durable,
c t; t r a i' t: it c ii c i: m r. n t ,
Tor nrest-vinir aeit o etimi'ir 'riinim! other Ab liil Ibw.fs of
every ilesei i.i I. ai, tri.m lis j;ie;it e'.-Mici!
I uijiiit-d
ny ihe e..iuiiu-ii"ii nun expiinsi.-n
n-ll' ii mill exniiisi..i ol' uieliilK. anil wnwiot
Cli.i-k l" fill .r Mill III will III weull.el.
I liese lu-.ti-ri.ils linve I,, en th. nit. iililv III Aew
l k imil all pnrts til I brr .-uiliein -nut W ejiteiii Sinus,
it wo can give iitiUii.liiiitjiol'ul ail vt- ciulili In llmr
TI.ey lire rtmlil'
lbl.a cXl.eii.e. I
nppln-d Lv or iimry Inbirets. Ht u Iri-
"NO HKAT IS lti:t;t"lltKl).o
1'iiecc tllill.Tlnl lire put up renil f'.r use. 111. (I sllip.
piii lii nil puns of llie , Willi lull Jii llileil Ull eel ons
t'.ir np;'lie.iti..i.
Iul! (ti'M-iiptive roeul.ns will be I'lontslie,! ,,n np.-lic-rt-li.-li
l.y lu ol -r in peis" .inr l-rniel.iil Office ami Wnri.
house. T- WILLIAM fiTKKKT, (l.niuer of Libtlly
hliecl,) Nov V.'ik.
kui.vs.v cno!i.i:Y
A.iknts tv,ifi) : Tern.sCasli! !
J'ii e I. l-lil ly
The Ucst .Military Eooacver Published
Coniainine full iunri.ction for the REI'KUIT,
in liie chiinls of iho Noldter ufid ,-ipiad. kivi-ii
iu liie 1 1 1 . .i-1 Stinple Me I all the iiil iiiiiiiinui
invesrary lo. the loiiuiuu ol CI i Ii I't 1 1 V HOME
lil'MtlLS lill-K'i;il, ,1 Willi ever 1 till eliC'iivinus,
.Iiiomiii; the lilll. til.t I'm. Iiiitia in the riciliys
anil Miiiiual ol Anus, a i ol complete dtric'ions
nl.itive to l.o.idini uud filing. Airiiucd ac
coidiui; l.i
'IICH. A nI in cont'iriiiniiiih will, t lie
ii.L'iilt tor IIih proenl .ir, ly
army rcijutrc-
I.t.t:..i. D. v. c. li.W'TIUt.
of llie N aii.'tial Ituiiid.
this hook is ni ru-iAi.i.v api'i:ovi:i) ok.
'I be iiii-li liclions .'t ii are of llie erestel itio
pi. r'ai. io to Ibe tew, and shiund be
lbor.iii!;blv, hi ill 'li'l'petn-aide to
ibe iiti . ili. in ol a cioopiti v.
Hound in nt-e Mill. me. I - no . '-, P.iper
t oiver. prne 'Jo cents, flexible Cl.iili. yH cents.
J !;i!ii' tl I K
L also p I liftbed in the (leiiuan I.ancinie. at
the same ptice, uud is the oolv ieruntii ot Aii.eiicnii 'I'uctics t.ub'
li-ln d in tbe I int. il M ites
A'jcnts and f'uneiigrr W'aotrd.
Tninuse,!' to Ibe sale id' ibis i.ik, in every
( 'ii , Toti n i d YnUee in the cotntiy.
Pine per l'"i' n Cepn s,
11 tiiidred "
All orders in ci. lupiiiiied w ith ihe t'n-b will I.e
dopati be.i imiitt ili.r.i lv. t oiler I.) poi-r or eipies.
it olii.-red by post. Mumps o.t,p be i-IicIom- I to
pa) poliiue. Il by I pn.-.-., Ibe lleilthl call I e
pai.l on ilriivi'iy.
eoxt; foh Tin: voi.lxtkfi:.
The t'ouii.J'ire Tionjianinn.
A New l.lul t'ollecll.iil of Military
nod Patriotic Siin; ad.ipied i . n l.iilv lor ibe
pieseul t 'aiupuiuo. One vol lUnio W ith ll
Paper cover, I 5
rievl. lc t l..:l,, Ci et.
Sincle 1'opiis i. ibe itbovi (look Eli HE ul- loyfAdE
To any aJdn in I I.e lulled lutes, npun re
1 'ell t H e in
U I Ntj i: l A
uce, by
I il 1 1. I'rtntir anil t'nl,liln-rs.
HOT .ViNsiiM 11., Pblblileb hlit.
'I'o whom all tbderi. sl.oi.ld le bduressed,
Mav IIS. I xi I til
a ii i: ; i" 't
Hu h Fit tiled l ireues. IU. S5an.l HI cents,
li.iriv'e itola. b0, ti III) and 4i Oil,
M.innil iqce It,, be at i5 U0,
Travelifi; lire tioods,
hhepl.ard' I'luids. M..hir Plaids.
OiiiImiii's, Lswi.s Punts, L'bullics,
liley l'n;i.icd tiin.ds,
8 E corner Ninth and Market, Philadelphia.
N It lie. I quality Hoop bklrls, )i teiila lo
May 18. I H6 1 .
J A M ES 11 A It Ii E It ' 8
S E. Curner Second und Chestnut (.,
iiV C1.ik:KS. u vefy ilrsiiutil Hiueir iui Cuuieli
cm, Ih'lets, biniks, Ciuiiillu Ib-usea, Pi.iIi.i, &o,
Al i, Mui.ulueluicnil HM-: UU14J 1'L.Na.
Cliwk rvp4iiiiit Hiid vvuiruiilcd.
CUmi 'I'i iuiuiii ul mvmy uscriptv.
J uoi. i... ..trf 10, 1J3. -jv
UltlGII r &. f-o..
Invite .attention to their' Ft jck of
1'rimo Orccn ahd Llack Tea.
June IA, I HO I .
H A N D S 0 M E,
Splendid Inducements
k iJ
S'unliury, Jiiiit IT), IhGi.
II. E. 11COKER Sc OO.,
lt(n'iiKl KH. N. Y
JOHN W. Itl'CHEIt. Local Agent, Sunburv
' Mhe subscriber. haitii! been nppi'inied local
I Aueol tor the side ol I-'init trees, plants,
vines, iVc, ol one ot the most reli.ible N orsenc.-,
culls the ulieniion nl nil who want choice hint In
Iti. inelhod, as more eei tinti Ibaii by ubtuitiioi:
liieui liavelitif; aizeitts Amotiir those
docriliid lu llie L'uiiiIoiio lire, Lwarf Peer
Tiees, ol ihe uge f r lan,,', leinaikui.iy
Dwarf A pple Trees, on Paradi-e Wui ks, tliit
kin lieanlilul lillie tiies b r t'.e t n.le.i, ami pro
du um ii in.. i -ly line specimen ul to u
verv r-lioil lime.
I 'o ail l lierry This, IuOJvJ on Mahaieb
rJti'i'ks. Iniiulrotne tree.
Mand.itd Apple, t ear and Cherry Tree. cr)
Hue, with a lure ii.-l el vanities.
Peach, I'll, in. .Nectarine und Apricot Tree.
tioMsebeiiv. lihickhuiy ai d feliuwlciry i lanl
all ol the bnest kitob.
! Cumin!, noiny new uud improved varieties,
i such ns l.'beiry. U bneu.ij e, I. lie,
I lb-d Inane, icioria, vXe.
Sirawlierry IManls. in creut aiielv, iucbiiiii.i;
the ll.H.ker, Wilson' Albuli), 'lllolllpbie vie
tiat.d, tlbeiuost appraved old Valielics,) U Weil
as nil Ibe le .vi Hit..
Giaj-e X'loes. ii'cl.idii.g ll.ose fine, new, yet
will t-.iiil kinds. v l.i. Ii no pin, iei shoL'd be
wiib'inl. such is l)eli.vvaic, Cion-.ird, und ll.nt
bnd I'i.. I. lie. 'J'hese we have propau ited so ex
tensively lo abio lo ullar tlitin ul iivluced and
a.ill -fact. ry prlci .
I'laiils, IliiM-s, liverureen and every aiirty of
uiouineiilul tree aud Shrubbery , seciody pav ked'
JOHN W. lil CllLli. AbbuI, Bunbury Pa.
t-unbury, Febuaiy, y, l&bl.
New Millinery Gcod3.
y.1 .11. L.. i;i i.i:ic,
Sirett.luo toori fntlh oj the Shumu!.t.i
I ality t- uttfitae mu J.noil,
SUNBUKY, 1J U InT 1ST ' TV . ,
t I'l.t I ! I l.l.V inliiiin the tilnti'ii v.
MJMIL'KY aiiJ Miimly. Unit h h jnl
leieivril bum l' Ipbl a Ura anvl lemliil
usbuilmeiit uf Ihe must l.uliiun!.v anJ luit.l
Hv le nf
12 ci3 3 ir cs ,
HATH, till AKEltf, JiilM.MI.NG'. Ac.
whiili the i M-llinn al ihemu.t renidb!e pnei
'I 0 vshuh she direct lha alU-nliuu ul lb Uvl.vs
ami invile all lu call ai.J ea liieui.
Thankful lur pt plronge, alia hope I y
keeping lu best s.ur lint lit al ieJUU (iiiix
luC'iulluua lha aaiua.
Krfirury, Ajni I, ll- a
GOODS Cjrx33-A2?I2X
than cult he purchased eUa.vheio. 4
.lost recpivrd by Hiiiiroad ihi week.
pnonr nv r
finnhury, Decemlier 15, I860.
470 EHO A DWA7, M n V7 VOIlTt.
HiouIjI be in every tiimily, Sehonl. tiyiniiii
um. Aavltiin. and Hospital in the land. A
not D AMJKWir.s. like the c, num. hi lin.k'o
Horse, finn.1 firm on it Pedestal, will n
wear C lii'LT.-S, and hu no Kocker lo inju
Ihe Feet.
'Ilcallli un J ImppiiicH III tlie fume mAlle." N' p, Wii
"Of all Ihe child furniture we have ever sei
no atliele combine so innch ol' those two impoi
tntit lliint: health nm! happiness as the Ac.
jiisttible Patent Xtei 1 spring .uldlo Horse, in
vented by .les.e A. Crandall, It ia not datn;e .
ous, like a common rocking-horse, to cliiioui..'
feet, catinol be upset, doe not wear carpels, bn
stands linn on its base, anj it m-tion is mi lit,
the p.illop of live horse that the child neve
wearies of it. Thi lateslof child-nowdric. is e i
eeedinuly elegant and artistic in design ; mid s
ndjiistable, substantial, and durable, that a wr
hist a lifetime II is indispensable in eve.
hitnily where there are childien. It should I.
in every iriinary si hool and g iiinesiiiin j;i i,
counlry, as it can be made lari.e nu.1 tr..i,
.uiiumh to siistiini L'rovvn person. As a ped.-si.
for photographic piclures, nolhing i moie beauii
"Kvery Oiphan Asylum and In-titu'ion v.hur.
cliiblren are coi.uteja ed. should he furin.;,,.
with a litiuiberol ihese lieanlilul a. tide Thu
ine lilted witii side-saddles whet: recjuired."
PIRECTIOXS l- OK Al)!i;.STlNG. Oja-i
Ihe fitter purl ol the base aulli ier.t y 1 1 ulbw i , t
i x le to i;d in its place; then rai-r- ur lower tl..
Ilor-e to suit ou. ticic.v the bolU in the siu,
verv tibt.
Li7- Tliuvo o; V.'AUKAFIXD o.-a
March 16. ls'01 if
ri'IIIJ SL'.M.MKIt I'KltM ol lliu Suilbuiy Academy W.l
X eetii.i.eiiee .-ii ttiei-.n ..i ai.hi
I'lie eoiiis.. ut iii.iiul-I..ii en braces ,-very d.Y-ar.t
mem i. ciiilenlloil tmili. m "to lietft Ai.-i.l?niitr. iileeui I., i.
siu.ti-iits ei.e eilliel b.
i u pruic'..ioii ur lo enlLi b.ij via.. u
(' iriuii.ri h. ;rni:i-lii i, Oil
IliUiici -.iiulih Itidiiclies, 5 iO
l-Uiii uiiti iiiut-k l.'nuayc. 7 1 1
'lniliMl t- In pun! I.L'l'.Te t!:u midiDc of llie leiui.
li-'Mf.ltviii he Uud iu jtfivulc iiun.lien ttt liutn 5-1 t
SI -j pel V. rvla.
H P. WOLVKllTON, Pniici.-al.
Sui.bui y, Murcl 00, tou.
Inr (he W.UUrs umi Iair.
Tttesu'jkrrili-r4 lake plr-iisuro in uniMtiitivii' tn tli ci't
2tii"I ine L iiiifil l.t'tk. Imit Utc. Ii-tve i.lii...J t,,
V'-iii'V lr, unil uie n vvfi'i'Hil l-M tr-i tn ihe .-in. vi it u. 1
pui iH!. Lite uui'Vu jus 1 ttitinu'.Lt. ui.U vii i -1 ; 1.0 ,!.. (i
The StinthlcJiufj Oiifttent.
in prfp:ircJ liv lr. C V il in, :n.iiit nt pliiciiai
t L u'ui'ii, mil u wui i iuifo l,i 11 ut u itt ui'
Witt si I I'M M' Mimstuvitr,
111 from ihiectti hix wet kg. The urtiHe i ill only nn
f lit: kuttt tined l.y li.e l'tct th, lit, a in LotiJ- ll b.U i u
Til ti n 111 uitiv 1 rsHl uu
ii 14 11 iiv.i u 1 1 1 ii I. I' 'i i' tRiii'B 1 )"Uih ff, e Um ulmiiij
Ci'inp unil, net h m H l.v iiniu'ic 11 pii 1 i.e r in, i'hiimi: 4
hi'itttl'nl tfiuwiii ! hiXUflt.lil luiir It Mppliid In ine ti up,
I ml; ni re .wiii'iirs, 11 mi inu. ! ;in ( up nt pfju'e
Hie iMi.ttv"'1 " 1'"-' ur"Uli it h.if A;'.it.-ii itfctilnit'
t'ulin-rii -i a ai linn it-d 1 Ihm y Ii iii tUiik, hiuI it- it
i-iny 1'inr l. ilu' -i lytMHi bim ii ini m ih, ut., 1
i-iltie. 'I i.e incut'iit'' ii Un ImjlEp- li.-tl le ill Unt: 111
4 Vt'iy ;rMtl-iit:iit t tiel.uiit HUtT ''fe V't-k" btf liiey
V'"ti.J ii.t 'i. 1 11, t - Cit!ilileiti'ti l,e Willi' Ul It.
Tne fctilifiTi!ei tne t'.e 'iiK Air.-U l -r nrtii-leii
llif I MjiIi-i In w!ii tit till i'ii!r-ft rT'l-il t.e titlu;-h-tiW
I'rtrc One to;. a 11 h, x i r Hii'e t.v eh Ji't I't-'Hi Ht J
l'li .tl. l J t.r II X nl M e 1 Oi t'tiei.t' ( wiirrHiilfd liiV
M c i!.'ie.l :f ' ) wil l-r t Hi.y wii" lustre 't. iy
in:.: , thin l. . i .tn I . l-Jt.-'r-.-H, recti, I nf UmKkl.
l.i-I,!;, Aj',-1'. i"i'i ii-'ilrem
nM. ci: j.. niT.r.MAV a co.,
F"f i-'le ut V 1 i..r.t;tf.
.Miiu-I. -UK l-til
Attorney at Law,
aUNBUKV. Northua Loilani Co. IV
(l'urntt'ily IVri'liuriv, er couf.ty )
UKKH I), Ma.kel Sifi-l. u lew JMir (ri uf lh
iNi'iUiiTti L'ii,:uil l.rtilronj lV(ii uaJ iaj
li ir vii aI ut tltii IV.tOii'ue.
A 1! ri'ttv-.-iiiril l;tiii.e. CuiJccwionn, 3k.c.B
uceiv.: (TtJihj'V IU Ulion.
M.noh 'Mi,
:r;jo fe.c- s in i c jm l
1 P A VIM. puri It-ihcil tho slum bnmcrly Vny:
b) A. V. I'l.l II LK. he uouhi iep.vUul.y
cult li e alleiili.'ii uf lha i nblie tu h, well .ilcci.
evl stuck ut
ti.i., 1)j.Sl!i, Yriil.!ie, I'er'uinery, Fancy
Aili-1., Una II ur mill 'i'u.iih iiiuvhe,
l uney budp. 'J rusaea, iVc. ,'
J'liyai. iana l iei ripiiun ami I'amily Feci,.i
aei-urutely eii'iipuunUrvi ul nil Inmr, by an t-apt
iiviiee-l Uiutuisl ami Api.lheear).
KliMDMiitlK hip f.!e, unuir ll,t ttSoa u
lha "Sun'.uiy Aii.eric.n."
Si.libuiv, Jnn 'ii i rsft I 3iiioa
(.rtJ Miule,
I'npliil llus.i-i.,
T leneh uvjije,
tllk livli:lli,
N'ewesl lein. Aeuiiv Mail, or Marl t OiJa.
H. E. Corner Nu.lh uivl H!.k. I'a.i'a'p!.
V '. lCl.
I ' ' L I !