1 SMcgmpjjie dittos. LATE FROM EUROPE. ARRIVAL OF 1 lift BOIIKMIAM. Fartukr Poikt, Aug. 18. The London Ttmtt bas another article bitterly sarcastic on the battle ol Bull Run nd says thorn must arise gathering doubts that the Southern nut in too bard to crack, nd that the military linn as a matter of business doe not answer. The lonm article ridicules and laughs t tha lb real J of tbt prominent New York journals auamst Eng land. It It-ara that iba question of the , blockade ma; involve England in aome difE cult complication. The 7tmc. remarks thai there li a little cloud which, although only as liirne ax a m nil's h im), nmy come to over shadow the whole sky. The neat of the Mull Run battle was received on the 4th fust., and caused a pro Timid sensation. The Northern Americana whim much depressed, and the Southern correspondingly e.i'ited, causing almost a collision in ibe Liverpool Nena room. Mr. Russell's letter to the Times was con fined to graphic details ol the lout of the Northern army. which ho calls a cowardly roul, a miserable, Causeless punic, -nnil disgraceful to men in uniform, and real sol diers. The Times says editorially thot the victory was not u Cuinplelu one. The L'niou army lost all, even their military honor, and wishes to Gud something in it to congratulate either tbe vielois or the vanquished, hut sees notb inn but what must stimulate the evil passions ol both combatants. The Duily Aics denounces the Times' criticism?, but says that nothing happeued which wg rot anticipated as possible. All ilia journals think that the event has closed tint door to compromise, aud must embitter and prolong the contest. A Paris letter says that the success of the Southerners has powerfully operated on the opinions of the Parisians in Invar of the Secessionist?. Parliament was prorogued on the Cth iustant, and tbe Queen's speech wug rend by commission. It states that the foreign rela tions are friendly and satisfactory, and trusts that there is no danger of disturbances to the peace of Europe. It notices the cousumation of the kingdom of Italy, and hopes for the happiest results. In relution to American affairs it says : The dissensions which arose some months ago io tbe United Stutes have unfortunately assumed a churucter of open wur. Her M tijesty deeply lumentinif this result bus determined, in common with the other powers of Europe, tn observe a strict neutrality between the contending parties. PROCLAMATION FHO.YI GOV. Cl'RTI. IIariiisbuho, August SiO Governor Curlin has to-day issued the following proclamation : Pennftlcuuin s.. --1 O. Curtin. G"i'ernor : In the name and bv the authority otitis Com monwculth of Penn-ylvonia. Andrew O. Curlin, Governor ol the said Commonwealth. A prncinmati'in to the Freemen oj the Common- wealth (if Penxsylrania : Washiiiu'nn is again believed to be in danger. The President has made an earnest appeal lor all the men that can he furnished tu be sent foiward without delay. If Pennsylvania now puts forth her strength, the hordes ol hungry ilebel may he swept down to the latitudes where they belong. If she falters, the scene of tumult, disorder rod r.r pine, may he transferred to her own soil. Lit ev er man so act that he will not be ashamed to look at bis moihei, hi wile r Meiers. Ii. this eincrncucv. ii devolves uuon me to call ! upon all commanders of con. panics to report im mediately to the head quarters of the Common wealth, at llarrisburg. that means may he provi ded for their immediate transportation, with the men under their command Tbe three months' volunteers, white discharge has so weakened ihearmy, are urged by every consideration of feeling, duty and patriotism, to resume their urins at the call ol their country, and aiJ the other men of Pennsylvania in quelling the traitors. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State, at Harrisbutg, this 20th day uf Augnsl, in the car of our Lord one thousand eight hun dred and sixty one, and of the Commonwealth tbe eighty-sixth. (Signed) Eli Slifer, Secretaiy of the Commonwealth From 111 Ismail. Rolia, Mo., Aug. 19. ('apt. Emmet McDon ald was in town to-day. He reports that Cupt. Charles C. Itojgcrs, aid-decamp to tiov. Jackson, and Capt. Stephen A. Coleman, both of tst. Lou is, were killed in the battle uf the .'(Jill just. Al so thai Cen, McCuhVugli's force, bel'oie the bat tle, was 22,1)00 strong, and their killed and wounded was S,.r00 to U.t'UO. tieneral Siegle received his commission as Brigadier-General on Saturday, and assamed command of the Federal forces yesterday. Cupl. Mcllonsld reports that Generals Price and (.-'lark were slightly, and H readier-General Slack seriously, wounded in the late engagement. Also Capt buy, luimerly Captuin in Jackson's body guard. McDonald was very anxious to go to St, Louis, but his application was refustd. lie asked many questions with the view uf ascertaining how ma ny troops, caunun, Ac, there are in that city, and what preparations are being made to resist tin attack. Two Secession Pupus (trailed Out. Boston, Aug. !i0 In Haverhill, last night. Ambrose L. Kimball, editor ul Ihe Kssex county "Democrat." a weekly recession sheet, was forci bly taken from his house by an excited mob, and covered with a coat of tar ami leathers, and ridden on a rail through the tonn. Subsequently, under threats ot violence, Mr. Kimball promised to keep bis pen dry in aid of re bellion, and was liberated. The town authorities end muny good citizens unsuccessfully attempted lo quell the mob. F.irrox, Aug. 20 Last night the office of the Sentinel," a pader advocating peace and compro mise, was gutted by a mob. (.'ol. 1'l.ilip John son, Member of Congress elect from this district, was burned in effigy, and mude lo show his col ors. Wasmingtuk, August 21. LlUtllAI.. Messrs. Spoflbrd and Tileston, who have two steamers running between New York and Key West aod Havana, have proposed to subsist one officer mid lilleeu men oo hoard of each vessel, lo be furnished with Ihe proper armament aod clothed with authority lo cap ture privateers. The Secretary ol tbe Navy lias acceded to the proposition. Tub Loss at Bi i.i.Rik We huve at last thu official account of tbe losses at ibe battle of Bull Run, which is embraced iu Iba official teport of that battle fruui Gen. McDowell, the commanding General, and is as fol lows : hilUd 19 officers, aud 4C2 noo-commis. sioued otliuers aud privates. W'uuinletl 04 officers, aud 917 uon-cominissiooed ollicers and privates. Total, Uyj killed aud wound ed. I ba uiltsiLg, prisoners aod otherwise amount lo about UuO. Allbodjn the total loss is considerable, Jet it is Satisluctonly ascertained lo ba much below thai of tha rebels, who, live or six days alter Iba bailie admitted to a loss of COU in killed, aud iu wouuded iOU. ' Colo or no Cokskql-knck A young widow lady advertise ia a Bristol (English) paper for an aBectionata aud good tempered partner, who can offer a comfortable borne. A geolletusu of color, it is slated, would Dot be objected of a suitable age, Irom forty-fit's U felly. Either young English widows pos aass reioarkabla tastes, or else they Bad vl all uistrhiioulal Baikal. THE AMERICAN etJiNrBTJR-y, pa. SATURDAY, AUGUST 24. 1861. II. B. MASSER, Editor and Proprietor. To AovTiRTnass-.The circulation of the fussraT A mskicas among the different towns on the Siiffiiehiins la not exceeded, if equalled I17 any paper puMiaheil In Nnrtliern Peiinivlvanla. W Non-Payiko Si'tisrRinKRR As we are about to prune onr subscription list, we shall he compelled (0 strike off all subscriber of long standing who pay nothing and make no effort to do so. Those who can do as they please about "paying the printer," will please tke notice. To others we shall send bills C3T Tkmpkrance. L. I.. Allen, of Ohio, a popular and eloquent speaker, will d liver an address on the evils of Intemperance, next Sabbath, in the Presbyterian Church, to the children at 3 o'clock io tho afternoon, and tn the citizens generally , in the evening at 7$ o'clock. J2T Rf tenors Noth'k. Rev. Mr. Gibson will return, and services will be resumed in the churches in this place and Northumber land, on Sunday next, 25ih inst , at Nortbtim berland in the evening, and in this place in the morning, at the usual hours. CJF Tbe "Suubury Guards," under Lieut. J. P. S. Gobin, as Captain, left for Harris, burg on Tuesday, The Compuny is composed ebiefjy of the three months volunteers, who bave re-enlisted for tbe war, a number of them are Irotn Pittston. The Sbamokin Company also left in the same train, number, iog about the same body of men. Neither of the Companies are full, but expect to be filled up shortly with recruits. The three months volunteers, wilb their experience, will make an efficient and reliable force. We understand that a second volunteer company is about being raised ic this place. C5T If is asseutku that Gen. MeCullougb is dead, and that Geo. Price is badly wound ed. It is also reported thul (Jen. Jobnslou has crossed the Potomac with purl oT his ur my, which is not true. There lias been another butt! at Charleston, Missouri, in which the rebels bave been routed by an inferior force Whenever onr soldiers huv met the rebels io a fair opeu fight, on equal vantage ground, they have uniformly been successful. The battle at Manassas, with Very few exceptions, was well fought, though budly managed by some uf the higher officers. The rebels, ac cordiog to tkeir own accuuuts, were whipped aud about retreating, when Gen. Johnston's forces urrived. Outside of the conduct of a few regiments, and the fearful aud causeless punic, there was nothing nt Manassas that oar soldiers need be ashamed of. Tbe severe loss of our troops, and tbe greuter loss of the rebels, tells the tulo wilb more truth uud graphic efiest thao the tongue or pen. CS" Tbe Gruud Jury of tho U. S. Circuit Court, nt New York, have presetted as nuisances tbe Journal of Commerce, Dailv News, luy Rook, Freeman's Jourcal and Urooklyn Eagle, for sympathy with the rebels, and usk the advice of the court, saying that they will be glud to learn that the conductors of these papers are liable to indictment and condign puuisbtnent no doubt. That they are, wa bave i j CiT Thomas S. Sen ill, a noted traitor from New Orleans, baj been arrested ut New York, on bis arrival from Europe, with i'),W0 in ! Liauk ol Engluud notes, the proceeds of a rebel loan. CS" Hod. Wurreu J. Woodward, ofColutn bia county, who was lust week nominated for i President Judge of tbe Seventh Judicial I District, by tbe Democracy of Bucks and Montgomery counties, has since written a letter declining the nomination. CaS The State Committee of the Breckin ridge party in New York met ut Albany oo Thursday. They expelled Matthew McMa ban from the Committee for having accepted an appointment under President Lincoln and declaring himself a supporter of tbe policy or tbe Administration. They adopted a series of resolutions declaring against the present war as not beiog "a war for the Union, advocating on armistice, a uatiuoul cooveu tiou and peace." They agreed to uuite with tbe Douglas Democrats iu a Slate nominating convention, Douglas Democrats will never agree to fraterniee with Breckinridge traitors- C" Camps of iubliuctiou are to be estub lifched ul New York, Hanisburg, Pittsburg and Cincinnati, under charge ol officers of ILe regular atmy. About forty of tho mutinous New York Highlanders are still in irons, aod charges are being formally made out against them. Col. Miles is under trial at Alexandria for uoollicerlike conduct at Ceulreville on thu day of tbe battle. At the buttle of Davis' creek, Mo, the enemy's camp extended along the creek tut three miles, enclosed by a high ground oo each side, on ahich tha greater part of the fighting look pluce. 'J'La rebels bad twenty, one pieces of artillery, aod wete not driven back for any considerable distance, but all their charges wera repulsed. Wa captured 400 horses, aod they lost 200 uieo killed and COO wouoded. TiT Jl'bot Juhuak baa been tominsted Tor reolectioo by iba Democrats or Montour Couuty. lie will, of course, receive the uom ioatioo io Ibis county, and therefore become tha nominee or tbe party j3 Ibis District. Whether Iba party in Lycoming County, tbe other county of Ibe District, will uomiuate a I candidate, we cannot say. Judge Mayoard aud Mr. White, of Williamsport, are cuudi. dates, but Iba forroer, we understand, will not accept a party onmioatioB. MillimiiL L'-riic. The editor of the Sorlhiimlirrhvul ConnlyJ Ijemticrat lets o(T three mortal Columns of slang against the other papers of this county for doubting bis loyalty, veracity and wisdom, three essential ingredients in which Mr. Purdy seems to be wonderfully deOcieiil These small matters would seem to be essen tial to an editor io this latitude, but to a ' secession editor in the Soolb they would only be an incumbrance. Hence we think our neighbor made a grand mistake when he migrated from Lewisbnrg to this place. He should have gone South and located at Mempb'S or Charleston, where his peculiar talents would bave been appreciated, lie calls ns and our cotempnraries hard names, in place cf meeting our arguments and charges. This is something like the Van quished school boy, who In his extremity could only make mouths nt his master. M r. Bower, of tbe Shamokin Hcgidcr, made some strung points touching our neighbor's secession proclivities. His reply to this is, that Mr. Bower received a cowhiding several years ago. therefore he Mr Purdyisnol guilty. This logic is almost equal tn our neighbor's defence of the traitor Floyd, for robbing the Treasury. Mr. Bower, however, thinks it much better to receive one undeserved flog, gins than to escape with tbe odium of a dozen deserved ones. We do not fear anything that Mr. Pnrdy can say or us in this community, or any place where both of us are known, but if lie has any charges tn make, let him make them manly Bnd openly, and not cover them up as he does his loyalty, in obscure logic and sneaking insinuations. Mr. Punly's logic, in order to exense bis course, is as puerile and flimsy as it is inappli cable to the case, but as we did not take time to read his lucubrations nntil onr paper was nearly made up, we can only refer to his labored hebdomadal effort nf folly and fustian. Until the fCnrlhnmherlnnd Cmmly Democrat appeared in this community all was peace and harmony, except the usual episodes of party contests, flutafew disappointed office hunters in this place, in connection with some or the I) ret kinridge disorgunizers ol the opper end, in order to retrieve their standing in (he prly, made a last desperate effort to dragoon Pemocrats oT the Jefferson nnd Ilouglus school into their vile embrace, for the purprose of accomplishing their own selli-h designs There was some excitement, on Tues day last, on account of a shot fired, about mirlnight, from the office of Messrs Pnrdy & Bachmun, of the Xorthumherland I'mmti Dtnmerat, at one of our returned soldiers, who, having heard that some of them bad made their .ed in the office to resist an at tack, chucked a stone into an open window of the third story, to see if any one was in, and ran, when a shot was fired lifter III ill . the ball striking the pavement, tjfl'hese facts were giv en us hy one of several persons who witness ed tbe transaction from the Central Hotel. It is to he regretted that the violent partisan I conduct of this paper, und its attempts to I emhiirrass tbe Government io the prosecutiou I of the war, should bave cuused such a bitter I feeling against them, among patriotic men or ! all parties. We buvo always protested against violence, whether by mobs or iudivid 1 uals. The shooting in this case was wholly 1 onjustifjahle, although the act that caused it I was wrong, though not criminal. I As our neighbors denounced us a short time since for classing their paper among those that were threatened for their sympathy with the rebels, we presume they will hardly repeat ibis deniul alter 80 loud and valiant a repiirt uf Iheir oft 11. Cv "Reaction in tho North" is tho harp stung of the Secession papers, which pursue a system of lying and deceptiou to hold tbe restive masses of tbe South in the Secession ""ia n lue ir"cuiuruig organs in the North, whose secret inpathies for Southern traitors is manifested by disparaging attacks cm the Government in the prosecution of the war. So far from the reaction hoped for, Ihe North is determined to carry on the war till the Rohelliou is entirely crushed out. We have cotiVered, recently, with men Democrats, Am ricans, and others who but a short lime ago Imped for some 'com pro. mise," us a speedy close of the war, w ho do I not desire to see il closed until the doctrine of Secession and ils villuiny be entirely abandoned. The feeling ii that the work must be done, aud all prefer thut it be finished now, aud that posterity shall not be left to finish what has Cost so much iu preparation, already, aud which would be far more trouble some if now bumpered by concessiuu or Compromise wilb armed traitors. sfif The New Yotk Ev. uing Post, of Sat urday, unn junces thut tbe Assistant Treasur ers of Philadelphia, New York, and Boston, are now authorized to receive subscriptions to the National Louu, in sums of sums of $:"U or upwards, bearing iuteresl al the rule of ,.3(1 per cent., or oue cent per day on gM. In pursuance of the provisions of the late uct of Congress, bo-jks of subscription will soon be opeoed iu ull the priucipal cities and towus of ibe Uuiou, Tbe new demand notes, of the deoomiua. tious of five, ten, aod twenty dollars, are also nearly ready fur use. They will bear interest at tha rate or J b . per ceut., or one cent per dsy ou $100, uud will be payable on demand in gold otio half iu New York, Bostou, and Philadelphia, aud thu other half iu Si. Louis and Cincinnati. CSTGknkkal Brai-beuahi), it is said, lias received such assurances uf support from Bul timoreans aud other Marylauders, as bave in duced him to rely upon a rising of the Seces sioo population uf that Stale, as tooo as lie has made a demonstration upon Washington, ll is said that ba bas received assurances thut there are, io tha neighborhood of Bullimor aod Washington, uo less than ten thousand disaffected citizens, with arms concealed, who will risa whenever ba gives tbe signal, take tho Annapolis branch of the raiirood, destroy agaiu ibe bridges over Bubb aod Gunpowder creeks, and thus cut ofi Baltimore aod Wash, ingloo from all communication wilb Harris burg and Philadelphia. Al the first symptom of a rising ic Belli, more, tha guns of Fort Mcllenry will ba turned upon that city, aud il will be shelled, if necessary, until not ou bouse is lefi iuud-lug. 1 1 11 re mov .t op riiK "tutnv 0.lMlillr," ti.urv "F. One of the members nf the Company has furnished us with tbe following memorandum of its movement since Its departure from Sunbury to its return at llarrisburg t April 21. Weot from Sutibury to Camp Curlin, llarrisburg, and encamped there. 23. Were srorn Into Service. May 4 Left Camp Curtin for West Cheater at II o'clock. Arrived in Camp Wayne about 8 o'clock. 27 Left West Chester at & o'clock, went through Philadelphia to North East, Md , arrived about 5 o'clock in the evening. June 9. Went from North East tu Havre de Grace. 12. Went from Havre de Grace to Cbanv berstiurg. 17. Went from Chambersburg to Ha gerstown. 1H. Weut fiotn Hugerstown to Williams port in the morning, anil returned to llagers town in the evening. 2!). Went I. mii Hugerstown to Downs ville. July 1. Wi.voLJ'rom DowusvilU to Wil. liamsport. 2. Lefi Williamspnrt Ihr Martinshnrg Met the enemy at Hoke's Run Had an engagement, j which 1 was killed and 9 wounded in I he 11th Pennsylvania Regiment, 1 killed and 7 wounded in the 1st Wisconsin Regiment, and 1 of Me.Mulliu's Rangers killed aud 1 wounded. Encamped about 1 mile from the battle field. 3. Weut to Murtinsburg and encamped there. 4. Went to Williumsport. Guarding the baggage wagons, ft Returned to camp at M arlinsburg, with provisions. 12. A flag was presented to t lie 11th Regiment, by the ladies of Mnrlinshurg. K. Weut from Murtinsburg to bunker Hill 17. Went from Bunker Hill to Charleston. 21 Went Irotn ('Inn lesion to the heights west of Harper's Feiry. 24 Weuiucroes the river to Sandy Hook. 2d. Went (1 ((ii Mainly Hook to Baltimore. 27. Weut from Baltimore to Harnstmrg. Ci" A great Union Convention of ail par lies hus been Called to meet at Coluinhus, Ohio, oo the fifth of September, for Ibe nomination of candidates for Governor, Lieu, tenant Governor, Sudge of the Supieliie Court, Controller, Treasurer, Secretary ot Stale, and one member of the Board of Pub lic Works, to be elected in October. Tbe following is tbe-address Io Ihe ptople : "Fki.i.(iw Citizkss of Ohio : Shall tbe Government he preserved is now tbe all ubsurhing question, und the only one worthy the consideration of ihe Aliieijcuu people. We leol tllut 110 lengthened uppeal is oeces sury io unimiUM you io lue oischurge ot ymir outy in relation to it. e leel ussure.1 that a respect for the memory of your fathers, who secured for you Ihe blessings of 1,11 e institu tions a sense of the obligations resting noon j you as Ihe herutulore peacelul possessors ol I those blessings, aud a proper regard lor those to whom you hope to transmit them, will he sufficient to impel you to chelate with no doubtful voice, your uncbutigeiihle delermi i notion, thul the GoVetumeul shall not be biokeu up. "Compared with the interests involved with the greut quevtion ail other interests are of hul little importance. If Ihe Government which establishes uud maintains social order IS forever toeil-l at the uieipy ol capr-ce or disappointed munition, lb-re is but little o' all that we now enjoy thut will uot. Ill the loiH ot its (.lability, lose ils value. Shall it be said thul we have neglected or put in peril the proper settlement of this question by our party differences? These are new of bul little, moment. They are mere shadows to allure us Irons Un pursuit of the tulitxlice without value, nay, disgracelul alike (o victor utid vanquished will he those triumphs of parly which aie celeUrsled over Ihe ruins of u dismembered Government." Democrat like Duvld Todd, John Brotigb. aud Thomas Spano ; und Republicans like GeorgoM. Parsons, Samuel Cullnwny, and Uufus P Spalding, uie umoi g the siguers. Meetings huve been, and ure being held, in every county in ihe Slate, in support of ibis movement, uud long l:M3 of names, composed of equal numbers, representing the Republi can, Democratic, end American parlies, uro added to the original call. We tolic llial many who have been acting wilb the Demo i-racy, many who voted for both Breckinridge and Douglus in the late Presiilenti.il election, give it their Cordial uppiovul. 'I bo Ohio 'i((rMiMji. edited by the Mi-dary and May penny influence, and repieenli:ig ihe worst heresies of the Buchanan dynasty, of course denounces it. Tho action i f the Democratic Statu Convention on the 3d i f August u body coutrollrd hy Vullandighum and men of his school has, however, roused so much iinligua'.ioii among Ihe D.Miiocruls, thut all who eudorse Ihe doings of that Couveiilion, or uccepl lis nominees, must go to the wull I'liilmUtjihiii Prist. CiJ' Thu letter or our correspondent al Carlisle, intended Tor lust week, did not reach us uutil ulter the iluy or publication. Wti insert, however, the following extracts. Tbe eviis oi luieuiperuuce reierreu io am uoi i exaggerated. They are, perhaps, more duo geruus and injurious than all others combined. No ollicer addicted lo the use of ardeut spirits ahuuld be trusted Wilb any responsible ya'l lion- We aid pleased lo bear thul General McClelluu is using strung measures tu chuck this growing evil. Tiom Carlisle- Aubutl Ull', 1:111. IIsas Amkkican : Tin Mill anil !-Vli Cennsylviinia lle-omcnts are new Iv inir at I Ins plai-e (Carlisle.) und have lirtu nr two v, evks -usl awaiting taco -my. alley mc p-olly ilis-ag.-iinzeil utiU quo s.iJ ui.0 Ui.Ihu. lemil 'I he) aie siiuuM wiiioii si;iii ol then iiiciida yit iu (U-stneU to lie 111 their u-nls vvitti u supi'ty whieli consists mainly ol the chanty ul the cm. zei.s ol Carlisle, 'l liry tuiva 110 cle.ii.u ol eloihing mr have 1101 nail lor ll-rt-e iuailhs. ISut ii ouloiges should isd be oveitisiseil, nut be UuetU 10 then source, und Uie quallly 14,rty broutilit to a slru-l aei-ount. 'I iieie is uii enemy 111 Uie euuit of the fedemluriny more sulislle, mure duligt reus, liiun ull sS'Ulljeril eluvuliy uiid. ustuttness eon, lain (J. It is mm, u coituxiuml ul inluxi oaLoiK. isnsotiKUs l.oireduiiti Hint wihileiiiuiiiluee the con sume! s v iiiucs, uuUttiulue bis ciaisUtull'.u, and liiuolv kill the h ily und liaml, lllcsuul. 'I Ins 1 vil lias been caiiiuilliiie I its havoc in our iitno to un tilinmin exnnt, unit every pusslllecxellioii, shuliiu le liuitte lor lueSierily rxtuilshill ol S'ldaugerous u toe. Whilst lite Mill mill l-ith Cennsyl vunia retouiemsure encamped here, we can see daily oc-ciorent-e ol die most ihaoiuVi ly anil revoliuiu ehataeler 1 ilolu-ed the other evening, u lltlie g'rl going am mg the soldo-is with a luski-l lull of prut isioiui, cvuU-nll) c-nlsiucr-ieg ll a privilege I o u lie v inle then wants ; but lo tier llmr-nru-utiou she met a -tiny is inloxiratrd soliticts w Im nut only rel'usrd to Itceivc- lief lerieshillelila but rculli cursed liei bevuusc she bail ml whiskey luuit:i,ie lmw u hv-suui-ilt-r IVU In see the disHiHiiuted gnl walk away with luurs in her eyes. In Hamsuuig, whilst our three in-nidia sol dleis w. re being musteitxt out -f service. Ihe t-ellur (lours, pavements una gutters, wera btelnlly tilled with intoxi cated sulaiers. Wssliittgioii, afiei the ilutt Huit defeat presented an anniraiiu mueli similar I lulked with u luily, the other day, who has two sons III the army, she said "if they get killed lielore the war isover. 1 ,.uve one inoie left ul lluine who shall go too 11 God will liiesasueh a mother, ilmt Wuuid luuke every sa crin; however dear, 101 ltd cuunlry II is not accessary lot lue to iei.k further of the Une ful intl'ienee of run in our army, though comparatively, of hoil siauibiig ; ihey are painfully rideul 10 all It should Isj the duty of the Cress to teem with bitler invecuvea, upon il.s heads of huuur venders; sueh who r-osiw aa ' ul wotbvr's wbohuuia eountd. arruy 01 niiuiie you. t men, i.eyuud the reach ol a lalhcr CHOCJAX. C3 Gov. Curtin bat issued a proclamation calling upon commanders of companies to report immediately to tbe headquarters or tba Ststa. T There ara io tha hospital at Washing ton 8 lick and wounded soldiers, at George- town ,( ,t Alexandria 90. mortality Ii rtoiarkably iojsII. TU UF.KF.nAI. Met l.ffil.H. TrOTD tltf Mnntrral lVilnnt ' " 1 This joiing olfl' er has had a peeulisr prrpaa lion for the hili po-iiion he now holds a por second only Io that il (teneral Hcutt, and we rath' er think, aecund only in name. Any authentic iiiforinaiinii concerning this rapidly rWng man, whose influenea over the future of tbe United Miles is likely Io he an great, must be very Inter esting, and we ire happy to be In a sit 01 inn to give such information, The Rev. Ur Outfield, uf Ue'roit, one of Ibe most eminent and influential mounters of the Presbyterian Church in lb Uni. led Mates, was present at the Inst Hablinth after noon meeting in the Unnaventure Hall, in this ci ty, snd being asked to communicate any facts concerning the present WBr, of inleresl in a reli1 gions or temperance point of view, spoke in sub' stance as foluws : "It is a delicate thing for me, a stranger among strangers, tu speak of the war which rages in my own country, but I feet that 111 such an atmos phere ol Christian union and lov as this, 1 am aiming Christian brethren who will appreciate de tails that, in other circumstances, it would be in. appropriate to give. Her. Br. Thomson, of C'in cinuati, pastor of (ieneial McClellan , communica ted to 1110 Ihe following interesting particulars, which, though only intended for the private ear, may he productive ol good, especially among the young men whom I see in this meeting : Gene ral McClellan is of Scotch descent, and has been brought up with reaped lor religion ; hut never shown any decided resolution to fillow Jesus After hi career of victory in Western Virginia, he wsa suddenly summoned tn Washington to lake command there; and bad to go round bv Cincinnati aud Philadelphia, the more direct roads being interrupted. Ai Cincinnati he sought an interview with his pastor, who asked him if his rapid ascent had not made him dizzy 1 "Kather," replied he, "I have been sinking for I feel myself a Inst sinner, and came to know whnt I must do to be saved." 1 1 r. Thomson then faithfully and clearly unfolded to him tbe only way of salvation, as ret forth in the Scriptures, to which Ibe General gave mol ear nest heed, appearing to bave a spiritual appreherr ston of the great truths he was hearing. At the close nf tliii interesting conference, Br Thomson and the General knelt together, and the former prayed most earnestly with him and for him. At the c' ic of this praver General McClellan re mained upon bis knees, evidently under deep emo tion aud I lr. Thomson aUo continued kneeling, till sfier about two minutes passed thus in silence, I Ba Thomson laid his head upon ill General's I IVHl OI1IL, . shoulder, and said, "McClellan, pray fur your- Thu encouraged, the young soldier began in almost smothered tones to pour out his soul lo (iod ; aud when he arose there was aglow of spiritual life in his countenance. "I had already." said he, "given myself lo my count y ; but now, I give myself lo Gud, and pray that he will use me lor my country's good." Thus terminated Ibis singularly interesting interview; and Gcueial MtClcllan hurried on to Washington, where he immediately Introduced order and discipline ; re quiring, not only every man, but every oliicer to, lie in his place a mailer in w hich there haihiiti e to been a gieat lack of discipline in tue United Slates army. He also required Congress to pass a law prohibiting tne sale of intoxicating liq iors t soldiers, by which Ihe crowd of'vulturea that follows the army will be hindered of Iheir prey Br, Duffield added that General .McClellan was onlv 3 years old, instead of :I5, as coniuionlv in putted, and lhat it was a remarkable coincidence, that Ibis relis-ious young man should be called lo command the thousands nf religious young men who had been brought to the Lord in ihe gieut revival ol IS.17 a. and who now had taken their muskels on their hacks and their Bibles in their knapsacks to go ami light for their country, anil, hetrurt.il that it would turn mil for tho ulfr deb iicttoii ul that terrible system uf oppression which has caused all these troubles. UHRriCIMtlflGE FXCITIiD. A New Vork correspondent of the Phila lit' 1 1 li in l.tilgtr, writing under dute of August 1 1, says : There is good reason to believe that the Mozart Dull General Committee had a meet lug. a few evenings since, for Ihe purpose of tendering to Senator Breckinridge an invita tion lo visit New York, and that then aud there a sub committee was appointed to wuit upon him to apprise him of llm wishes ol his friends; but Ibe equivocal reception of the Senator anil bis friend Yulluiiilighuin ill Hal I im ore, induced the Chairman of ihe Commit leo here to change his mind, uud u telegraph ic despatch was accordingly sent to tbe Com nut lee, who hud by this lime reached Balli more, iuforming them that the invil.tlioti must be cancelled. Unfortunately, however, Ibe despatch came loo late. ''The sub-committe had waited 11(1011 Mr. Bieckitiridge, Friday morning, uud coinmuni c.iteil io him the wishes of his New Yoik Irietids, the Senator replying that he would be nio.-t bappy to accept. On receiving the du snatch countermanding their orders, the Com mittee, us you may suppose, felt rat her foolish However, their duty was plain, uud there was no alternative, but to perform it. And Ihey did perform it, but, ll tumor lie true, the re soil whs a scene of of the most picturesque description. The Kentucky Senator, it is Said, charged the Committee with deliberate ly insulting bun, and denounced Ibe New Yotk democracy as no better than black re public iihmii w hile, tor the city itself, be de c'ared a terrible retribution was in store for il when the people whom she had robbed lor so many yeurs would have their army occupy ing her marble, palaces, and their flag 11 inline over ihe City Hull and Men-haul's Exchange! Yullabdighain was present all the while, look I ' unutteruhle things" The Committee took the lecture in silence, but left the room be foru it was concluded." Secession Piit-sKi'iTST.u No four men have done mure to make Ihe secession movement en accomplished fact than Messrs. lihell. Parker. Kriil. and Inylis. Hear what these men lime said : Mr. Khett said : "The secession of South Cam Una is not ibe event of a day. Il is nut anylbiiig produced by Mr. Lincoln, or by '.be non.exccu lion of the Fugitive, frlave Law. It is a matler which has been gathering head for years." Mr, I aikcr : "It is no spasmodic eilorl that j has come suddenly upon us, bul it has been gradually culminating lor a series uf yeais. Mr. Keitt; "I have been engaged in tins move ment ever since i entered political lite." Mr. lnglis : "Most of us haw had this matter under consideration for the last twenty yeurs." Ed vard Everett, late candidate for Vice I'resi deut ill a recent letter said lhat he was "well aware, partly from facia within his personal know ledge, thai leading Soull ern politicians bad lor thirty years been resolved lo break up the I'm ltd rilates government, and that Ibe slavery ques tion was but a pretest lor keeping up agitation and rallying tbe South." ffsT Tuts following circular from Miss Dix, tbe philanthropist, wa cheerfully place in our Colonics- It is lo be hoped that Ihe purpose of it will be cordially met by all tbe humane aud liberal under whose eye it my full, tiOTICg TO UbKKAbClTIZkKS. All persons having fruit orchards or vege. table gardeus, are respectfully requested, as means and convenience allow, to causa dried fruits and vegetables to be' prepared ud . . . . - r '. stored for the benefit of tbe troop io autumn and w inter lhat a wholesome edition may be made to tba army ratious, aod health pre served by suitable diet. D. L. D. ll'ojAini?toi, I). (?., August lW, lbCl. ir The 8elinsgroe Post" is tha title of a new paper started at brlinsgrove by Israel Gub lius, Esq. Tbe "Post" is to ba independent iu politics and was established, evo prisnie, lo counteract tba (fleets of tha ' Times." a miserable lireckiu tidga organ, controlled by office hunters and political adventurers, w hose secession proclivities and sympathy with tba rebel traitors axa nolo- Ji'iHltL ajovmnilrn If nt K OfXT1 I he great ami exciting vi eol of Ihe Week h ix'tig the political e reles was tie a-Seoi. Ming on Tuesday last, ill Ihe grove of Mr. Rogers, at Montgomery Square, of the Dem ocratic delegates chosen tu select a Candidate lor President Judge, The convention was oponed with prayer; when the credential of the delegates were presented and approved. One district in Montgomery aud ten la Bucks not being represented . General nominations were then md for candidates for President Judge 1 wheo tha convention adjourned until after dinner. On reassembling the delegates proceeded to vnte viva voce: four ballots beiog taken resulting as lulluws t - .- - - tv I .. i 1st. 46 81 8G 2d. 19 51 3d. Ji9 4 f9 Henry Chapman, David Krause, Warren J. Wnodward, v" 5 The Fourth ballot resulting in the choice of tha lion. Warren J. Woodward, of Colum bia county. He was declared the unanimous choice of the convention, and the delegates pledged themselves to use ail buuorabla means to secure his election. Ski.f Ssrntncrxo Patriotism An inci- denl has come to our knowledge which, ol- j though it was not told us for the purpose of j publication, we cannot refrain rrom relating ; because itjs so noble a proof of tbe strong bold thu Union cause bus upon tbe beans of ' the people, unn the sacrifices they are willing j to make to uphold it. Mr. John E. Arthur, a soldier of the Mex- ican War, and a mecbunic whose only capital is bis labor, who has been receiving a pension from the U. S. Government or some yeurs, (or disability caused hy wounds received in j ine engHgemein 01 i ne cny oi .Mexico on me 13lh ol September, 1847, has written a lettur to the Commissioner of Pen-ions, stating that li s disability is now partially removed. and that, as the Government is in want of : an ine luntis at its commiuiit, oe cheerlully : relinquishes his claim, and desires his name I to he tuken from the lnvulid Pension Roll, j Here is an example of self-sacrilicitig I patriotism llial should cause tr.e rich speeu lutors who are now intent on making profit ... . . . . , , '' " "' ,n" wverniiieui, 10 blu8b for naiUB. A'eaiiny Guztttt. PV, IF PnsslBi.K The- well timed re. marks we find in uo exchange, are pirticular- ly worthy ol consideration at present: We regret that there appears lo be so hi A- .. disposition on the pnrt.i-f those well able to pay as they go, to avail themselves of the plausible excuse of dull limes to avoid prompt payment ol llllle bills due to trades' men, mechanics and others Nolbtnif so contributes to weaken confidence ami depress business activity as tn withdraw Irotn the re- tail trade or uny business itsjust due, in times , , I . . , , , like the present, and we hold that any mun who would urge tbe present troubles as en r-TMoae lop not nilnu unull hit! ,!,., bu p iy as well nt one lime as at another, is guilty of one of the wins', of moral wrongs utlend unt upon business operations in u season of general depression. Never hoard up money, when nothing is to be gained by it. more es pecially when you have debts which are o'er due to parties depeudent upon their earnings to sustain themselves uud families. Pay up, ; if possible." A Man and his With Kibos.o uy Light NINO A terrible occurretic- transpired one iluy last week, OeBr Winchester. Crawford county, Ohio. A farmer named llaiuey und bis wife were out in a li.-LI making bay'wheii a thunder shower coining on, Ihey bV.i for a tree for shelter. Mr llaiuey slooJ near the trunk of the tree w.th u folk iu bis I. und, the tines of which were pointed upwards. While in this position the lurk was struck by light ning, aud Mr. 11 instantly killed, uud, sad to relole, his wife, who was bul a lew leet ills lubt, shared the same terrible fate. The handle of the Turk was shivered lo pieces, hut otherwise bul little truce of the electric fluid was left behind. Tub Imi'omr Tas Some misapprehension exists on Ibe subject of Ihe income tux. The act provides thai the tax shall only be com puted on Ibe excess of the income over $8110 after ull the oilier tuxes, &c , have been deducted. Thus, if a person's income is J'Jd0. and his other tuxes amount lo $1011. Ihe income tax is only to be computed on S-'HH). A linost every newspaper which has spoken of the bill, hus said that it is to be computed on ull incomes which exceed iiii lying that ii a person's income for in statics in 1 3110, and his other tuxes glllO the income tux must be computed ou 1200 This is uot the. case, Costkabasos. At last accounts '.here were utioui yuu coi'trnbaiiil slaves nt l or tress Monroe, viz : lio'O msn, 175 women, unn children, valued in the aggregate nt hall a million oollurs. Geo. I, tiller recommended und Congress udoptcd Ihe recommendation, that since the slaves are used as an efficient means in sustaining the rebellion uguin.-t the authority of the United States, ail those belonging to persons in insut rect on and escaping within our lines, should be either emoloyedand paid for llo-ir labor, or given their liberty lo (Impose of themselves us they see proper. This is a nun-l wise decision. 'I'm: Democrats and Uepublicans cf Ches. ter county have agreed lo unite upon one ticket ul ihe coming October election, This is noble and patriotic. Some Breckinridge siuypathizers w ith secession will, it is suppos ed, us Ihey will every where, run u ticket id their own uud ba hopelessly defeated. Uer Ttt. Dkatii of General Wheat. A letter received from a relative of General It. C Wheal, residing in Washington, slates thai General W heat, who was reported us mortally wounded ul the buttle of Bull linn, bas since died of bis injuries Tins tra-s the red-1 loss of stall' and regimental ollicers as fol lows; Two Generals, one Brigadier Genera', seven Colonels, and two Lieutenant Colonels The Federal ofheeta killed were hut one Colonel, and one Lieutenant Colonel. M I'sKETs roit Gun. Fiikmnt. Ur. lB ey. of Adams' Express Company, on Friday last transported Irom New York to St. Louis twenty thousand Austiiun rifled inu.-kets purchased by lien Fremont, They were received by the Borussia a few weeks ago Twenty thousand more, which arrived by the Ssxonia, and are iu bond iu New York will soon folic w. A Short Wav to Makr Momkv. The military chest of the rebel General Garneit. which was captured by our troops, was found to consist of slice's of lh- unsigned notes of tho Fairmounl Bank. The President of Ihe bank accompanied General Garneit, as oue of bis stall, signing such quantities of tbe Doles as were wanted from lime lo time. Tea is telling at Fredericksburg, Virginia, el two dollars per pound, aud sugar at tiny aud sixty cents. Gold ut Montgomery is 'Jo cents premium. This is a mere trifle to what there will be after awhile. Gkk. Cass It is said lhat Hon. Lewis , L'ass is writing, and intends lo publish Ibe ' i.i.i... ..ru ....aa. ui....i. .. 1.;.. l ....... ...! history of the events which, iu bia knowledge bave produced the present stale of things wilb the slave oligarchy. Tim Military Clothino Pkpot Rock hill & Wilsnu'a Brown Stoliu Clothing Hall, appears to be the leading house for the maiio fact ara of military i-lolbing. In the upper stories they employ some twenty cullers, and about seven hundred hands are constantly en (aged in makiug np the work. Over three thousand coats were made up by Ibis lino iu ten days, for tha Stale, besides full su'ls for several companies of Home Guards, aud for officers of tbe army aud navy. The local ion of Una well-known establishment is Noa. 603 and C05 Chestnut atrtxil, abcre Sinb, Philadelphia. ''lie ttmcrtihfrnl the lutrgnltnn" wss h- autl. fully said of Howard Ihe philanthropist. It also applies to every man who bring the ameliorations, comforts end enjoyments) of life within the reach of person and classes who are otherwise deprived of their advanta ges Especially may it be said of bioi whn laboriously seeks and find new mean if preserving health, "tha poor man' capital and the rich man' power." Wa think this euloginm properly applied to J. O. Ayer. of Lowell, tbe renowned chemist of New Eng land who, spurning tbe trodden path Io fame, devotes hi entire abilities and acquire, rnents to the discovery of Nature' most effectual remedies for disease. Wheo tha , hidden blessing ba been revealed, be pro. I read In snnnlv t ta all mantinrt si bs 1 r - - " - , through our druggist at such low pr cr that poor and rich mav alike eotov its bene. '! r 1 1 r-' --1, ".. ... t August 3, lgbl GUTTA PSRCHA CbMK.NT RlKiFIMI. Wa invite tha attention of onr reader to the advertisement of Messrs. JOANS & CROS LEY, New York, in another column. The numerous experiments made for the Inst few years, to produce a substitute for tin, slate and shingle roofs, bave nt last led to a perfect triumph in the Gutta Pkri-ha Cement Roofing offered by these gentlemen Possessing In a great degree, the feature of tltislicity. (which is a qualification of a remef linnfing actually necessary and long after.) durability nnd cheapness, Combined with the fact that it is weuther and fire proof, its genera! adoption cannot be too earnestly urged. Their Gutta Percha Cement for coating aod repairing Metal Roofs of all kinds and for preserving all metals from rust and corrosion from ils great duruhility and cheapness, is fust superceding points of every oescnption nereiotors used lor such purposes. I hese matertuls (f r which the Fim Pre. miums bave beeu uwarded by the American Institute and manv of the tirincio il Statu Fairs throughout the country.) are rei-emmeil in ine highest terms by the New Yni k A: Erie R R. Co , and many of Ihe, princtp.il Railroads North and South, and also by thu ofO.-ers of the leading lusuratica (.'ummnnMi throughout the country. Itt'lig.on flolicv Divine service will be loacli ns follows; lied every SaM atli in tins Uo j HRKSHYTKHI AN CIirRCII.Noitli went corner . j rtlackheiry anil Heel slreeln, H,.- J 1), ItrAM'i.N. IWni I Divine service every S.iblmili ut nj A. M. Prayer meet- 111"1,"", "uwlay evening. Al N..rtlinn,l,erlan.l. n, (;,! I icauttClinil .siJUIUIIt Ul i H UtKSi I . lU,, VVttV i n.i,;,in ' ' GKUM AN RKFORMKI) Clil'liCH North west SS.,":,V at in A. M. ami 7 P. M. Tiayei meeting on Friday eve'"'," , .,rl,ow s v.i P. lilullo.d'lltv'i"!." Zv Divine icrvicr, alternately, every SahlMtli nt III A M.aml I 7,.-V, " ""'"'"'"v .ev"",!r Al r. I III lllls-1 I- PICoPAl.t,IM Rl II Devv'teri str,-e, i w-m of a. ft !; Kail It. .ail. Key. v.. Hitlfr nmi J P. ! Swmir, Cantors. Divine n-iviee. altern-e.-ly. even Sil,. . natlt at 1HI A.M. anil ijl .AI. Prayer lle:i-line onTvirs. day evening. MARRIAGES On Wednesday fast by P M. Sbiuiiel, F.-q . Mi.Nohmw IIa -s, and M its Ei.izai kiii IvKnHN, nil ol this pluco. -iSMSas)s" -r.vMuiksiuni ...i D E A T II S . In 1'pper Augusta, on Monday morning la-t, FKEBKltlCK il A A a, K,q..'Bged about 7 0 ears. Philadelphia Market. PUILADM.I'IIM. Aug. 51. Wheat Flour, (extra.) $1 Si a ?S SO I! ye flour. Si 75 Corn Meal, 8 111 a M 00 lied Wheat, per bushel, 1 IT) a I 2:1 While " " 1 Cii a 1 S Cora, " " 82 a ."it Oats, " " St n r.J Hye, " " 64 a Ml Cloverseed, 4 75 Timothy, " 00 Flaxseed, 1 4 J SUNBURY PRICE CURRENT. Wheat, gl 10a I 30 Butter, - - 11 Hye, .... 75 Kggs, ... 10 I'orn, - 75 Tallow, ... i Oats, .... oil Lard, ... I liuckwhest, . . 6C Pork, .... H 'olatoes. P7 Beeswax, - - 21 New Advertisements. State cf the Bank of Ncrthumlerland, August 1st, 1861- l-nnianil ttillstl sc-'imb-il, 1)-,. t"Si:ite I'eiiiia.lviin.a, Virltininlit-rluiiij fjai.t floes', Otlier feloeks, llial KIHIe, Due by oilier Rinks, V'tes and l-'lu-ess of oilier JJ'lukj, sijicie la Vault, it.:." ij a ICll l- I j.i'im I.-J s fi 14 l""l 4 I S"JI'l II -.1) I V i ill 1, mm n ei.'.n.-in! -.'s fl MUI 1.', 4. lilt UV 61.J.1 :iu MAUIUTIES. Votes in Ciir-nlapnn, lliia other banks, Dae Connnouu eullh. Due Uep.'Sibas, S.'JI Ml VJ I eertiry the b'iovs statement to lie just nu'l true to tlm hest of tuv kiiowleilge ami liehet' j. it. i'H!i:sti,i:y, Cu.kur. bu'orn anil snbseribeit beloit- me t lisohuK MbHK.CK, J. P. J August -Ji, Islil. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Martin K. Hachman, now 1 In the Hr bans' for ihe use ol Abiahaui ) urt of Nurih'd Co. Buhner vs. Henry WeUe. jsVen I'.x. No I August Term, I b I. Notice is hereby iiiven that the uinlcrsi uod Allilllor, appointed by the said t '010 1 to ilUirtt uie the ntonies in l.'outt. in the above case, will attend tor lhat ptupo-e at his olii.e, m s-nuluirv, on Tueeiiuy, the eih tJa of I b lola-r oevt. when all persons interested mav atteiul. il l!n i:,u,k proper. HAUWS I" A 1 TBH, Auditor. !uiihury, Au;ual VI, IsiJi. Assess J1S- rjIIE Assessors ot Nor.huinl eil.nd I'oun. - ty, whose business it is 1.1 maae 11-. tri ennial asessmeul, are liereby tiol li-.l Ibai the bonks lor Ihut put pi.se, ure now teaily Im da tively al ihe Commissioners' OHice. S. 1). JUUIUN. Commissioners' OQI -e, ) Suubury, Aug 'li, '01 AUDITORS NOTICE In the Onhans' L'-iurt nf yortltun,lt rliiiitl Cuutitij. the matter nf the linut account of William I.. Bewail, Guardian ol Mary IJ. Mslick : (11 r Jll K unilersiuoed udilor, appointed by Court to eetlle and a-ljust said uccoiinl. said Ijust said account. Ul.! atlui d lor lhat purpose al Ins 1. tlire, io Suubury, 01: Tuesday, theillhil.iv of eptemVr. InUI, when all rs,i s iuleresU-.l mav ailen.l, if they think proper. B AUKI.-S I'AIM l.'U, Auditor. iSuiiluiy, Auiiusl'l. Isnl. TO THE VOTtKs DP MUM'UL MUEK. KAMI CiUM V. Fellow Citizens : I "Her my self to you as an Independent l'niou I'an.liJ.le ..r KtGlis'I EK AMI liEt Olli'BR. Sihoul.l my ellow ritiieris see proper lo pi me a msj-inty of their voles, I pleJue my , ell in a failbl'ul perlurmabce of Iheir iluiies ol ibe nfli.'e 1'ETLK W.GliAV. Sunbury, August 17, Ibtil. S. L. BERGSTl!ESi;i?, pnoTOOK apiiic autist IJIIOI OGKAPllSI. A.MI'lOTVrK and all the ninderii sly le of 1'uluies, enecuted iu a suh ior manlier. tV Itooine in bia CAR, Matkel Susra, Suubury, Pa. Aiigual 10, 1601. V