Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, August 17, 1861, Image 3
M it r t s . FEOM FORTRESS MONBOE iiAiirToi nrnttn nt tub nmici.. Fit Hundred Haute Ltid in Aihee h) ' ; force Under Gen, MogrnderA , ' , . FOBTBBM MO0, Aug., B. Tie ton or Hampton ban beec dwitroyH by Ihf UontedertUi. Bconti od rogilitri btoUHbt ord yesterday or the pprouch or Urg OoDfdrt Torce from These romori wero confirmed t ft, P. &f . by lh arrival or n Intelligent deiorter rrom the 8ece.iocit, oamed IS. A. Mahew, a native r Main, but resident or Uori until impressed ioto tbe eervice. who luruish ed your correspondent an account or the nxDHditioo. Mr. Muhwn ba beeo elalioned ut Yorktown lines the 1st 'f JnnH. On Friday last On. Mantudar left Yorktowu with a rurca of eeveo thooiaod man, including; two hundred cavalry and eifcht piei-m of artillery throe Parrot Rims, four bowitf-re and oue rilled cannon. Fart or these troops wi r troni V illiaminurg. Ou Munday aigbt tb Torce encamped at Uelhel, which had been completely deserted. On TnesiLiy ninbt tbey advanced toamrda Hampton, and at tioou took up a posit 101. on Itock river, mun three utiles I :, the loan, vheie Mabe maougeil to fociipH through a cornfield, swiiiiuiiiiB a couple) of flrebina and fiimlly reached the FortreM. He e) the otj.-ct of the exp-di-tioii wus to draw our forces, utlui'k Camp Hamilton or Newport News, if practicable, ami at leaot to Jeelroy llaioptoii, o as to prevent tbe Federal troops using it lor aiuler quarters. General liinler at once repaired to this end ol Hampton Bridge, where be remained until eleven o'clock. Col nel Wcher erected a barricade near the I lam pi mi eod of the bridge, and pluCed a strolls' guard ul various points Ibis Bide of tile creek. A lew minute pact midnight Hen. Magru tier, Willi alioul tiVH llUllille'l Ci.ilifederilles ut mem iielongiug in I lampion, entered ttie town and miuieillalcly fired tbe buildings w illi lurches The greater part of the 6ve hundred houses, being built ot wood und very dry. there hiiVing been uo rain lately, were goon in D unes, and the 6lron south wind quickly funned them to a terrible coullagratioii. Tliere were perhaps twenty wh;le people ami double that number of negroes remaining in the towo lioin inability to move awuy. Some of tbe houses of these poor creatures were fired without wak ng them. Tbe incendiary soldiers gave Carey Jones 0 ll J his wile, bulb of them aged and llltiun, but filteen nimules lo remnve a few articles of furniture to Iheir guideu. Several of the whiles und also of the negroes were hurried awuy to be presented into tbe Confederate service. Wm. siei. field, a merchant, took refuge in the swamp above the town, and thus escaped. Four negroes weredrowued while attempting to cross Ihe creek. A coinpauy of Rebels attempting lo foice the passage of the bridge, but were repulsed with a loss of three killed uud seveu wound od. Tbe fire raged all night with terrific sped. The greater port of the Confederates with drew towards morning, and ut noon to-day, when 1 visited the place, but geveu or eight buddiug Were lelt standing. The dchiructiuu of tbe town was a wanton net of cruelly lo tbe resideul Unionists, and moreover entirely useless, as Geueral Butler intends lo winter bis army inuny miles beyond Hampton. An attempt will be made lu fiisuu this act of vuudalixn upon the tJi u-ral, but ulter ten o'clock on Wednesday night there was oot u Federal eoldier ill llauiplon. A Hag of trure, just in from Norfolk, with Mayo, a uelco ot l.ieuleiiiul (Jeiierul Seott, en her wuy from lt.chinoud lo New York, states that the Couh-derules attribute tho act to (jeueral Butler. Geueral Mugriider lias eicaniped near New .Market Bridge, lie will burdly ven ture to atluck Newport News. Mr Mahew says ihi re have bpeil about 70UU Coulederules stulioued at Yorktowu. Some leu days ago a battalion Came duwo to I ho outskirts of Hampton and carried away one hundred und eighty negroes. 1'rovisions are abundant at Yuiklown, and most of the regiments are receiving new uniforms fur the winter cumpaigo. LlisTKlClION OF HAMPTON VILLAGE GENERAL NtUUlDKIl's TMKKAT hifcUtlKD. The steamer Adelaide, Captain Pearson, reached her wharf ut Baltimore, on Friday in, and brought up about fifty paseeu ! uers. nearly all ol uoill were euner o nicer 8 or pr vati-8 ol tbe uiiiiy, A ball dozen, bow- r were leliigees I r Mil i ue nine village oi 1 1 am ot mi. whu h is now in I inns, h iviug beeo i Iiur:inl by order ol Geueral .Magnnler. Some weeks since ll was r- ported quite! frei-1) at Y oi klow n, urt'oldilig In the Male-' in. -nt oi a deci-iii'i' hum the Confederate uimy.ibal altiioiigii llm vilagu wus ol no upe I', 1 1 Ihe (iiefeiit seu-ou to" the Lulled j Slates iroops, )el ll would lie lu the cold hi umhU, and the) wiiiilii occupy it us quurlers lor tin ir legiiio-nls. I Wu buvu coiivrr.-ed niih.tlie refugees, and ! thV givo a most d sire t-toiig uccoiint of allnis allien have occurred wilhiu Ihe past two Aeeks. At tbe unmmeoceim-nl ol that time seVi-ral ot the Union men of that place, uulK'Ipatiliii Ihe desti uclloij ill the town, wisely deli i mined lo leave, and alter gathering up then pm luble goods, rouitihg lo part ol meichaiiOiZe and hulls, hold fur ll l tore, removed, lo ill. s city.wiieia nearly all ul i hem have relatives or friends. I lit re yet I .on. on. "1. hoev;r, ul h n't s.jily persons, two lhr I? o! whom veie f.cgrois, noil the rema.uiirr men ol oii-mers, who luVe been lesbliog at lli pone lor the lunt ten years or more. Ihe lu-l positive inloi inulion w inch Ihe wht s had of Ihe destruction of tli- place wus by an advance uumd of the Conli-ileiale troops, ho, ullei helling fire in u Mlu .tier of bourne, pioceeded to Ihe recti i. led lesideoc.'S and loid the families that they had liberty lu leave tbe place, provi ding tbey weuld do so ta a quarter of an hour. Unprotected by the militury, and scarcely knowing what might be tbe consequences if they remained beyond thu prescribed time, u general Blampede took place, und but few unnules elupsed before the entire plica was in flames, and out of at least 400, uol more than li u have efceaped at least partiul de fctrucliuu. A lining tbesri are about fifteen public bu Idiogs, including threw hotels, five churches, a lecture hall, c- Of the chuicb , thiee were of tbe Methodisi denomination one. being rebuilt, one Baptist, and the other Proiesiuiit F.pisccpal, wbicb bad stood for more thuu one hundred yean. Concerning the value of property destroyed by the lira a is almost impossible to lell, toil surely it can scunvly be less tbau $8l)bU0(i. Home of tbe houses entirely destroyed had been erected by upuleul Virginians, who bad k paied neither pains nor expense in their i ruction and decoiatn.n, Ou aloue, the i rouerty of Mr. Phillip J. Gibson, coal 2tt.U00, being a three story brick, with mar ble portico and extensive ost-grounds. Mr G. waa a strong Union man, und lorg since lell tbe place, carrying all bis furniture with linn. Another gentleman, Mr. Samuel Cant minus, f r twenty years a resident of tbe I ace, and well known in Baltimore as a first ate busiuesa man, loses at least eight "thou- sand dollars by this act or vandalism, as be t i destroyed t biBdsaut buiUiogr, to one or wbicb be resided, and ia tbe otber conducted hitherto prosperom buiioes. Previously be bad taken the precaution to remove the most valuable part or his Itock to Baltimore, wbere be ll Dow temporarily reel ding with his fumily. Tbe man who Seems to bave laflered tnnit severely was Mr. James dcofield, who ts most favorably knowo In this city, end who bas been living in Hampton for maby years. He was in bed when be beard tbe discbarge or firearms, sod suspecting something wrong, jumped Dp and sooo ascertained the cause of tbe alarm. Hastily provided ft Vehicle for the conveyance of his wife end children to Old Point, be reached that place id safety. Several Confederate soldiers ponued and shot at blm, bot this was without doobt, bo ODBOthorized ect on their part. Mr. S. is now here, with but five dollars in bis pocket, bill like a Union man, "design going bark to Hampton el loon as tbe war il settled," it least such is hia language. Tbe following partiei, who have long been reridents at tbe village, arrived at tbe Old Point Hotel iu safely, although according to their own accounts they must have had hard time of it t Carey Woods, proprietor ol a saloon ( Mr. Puscoe Lattimer, merchant and produce denier) llichard Hicks, pilot, with his wife and children; Mrs. ' Edward Laws; G.'orge T. Maeseoberg, pilot, with his negro servant, Charlie; Itichard P' Ketuier and family f Wilsuo Jones, far mer. Mrs. Sarah Lawsno, a widow lady, who for some time past has been quite ill, arose from her bed, noil walked all the way to Old Point. She had sixteen hundred dollars iu gold coin in her house, which was in damns before she got out or the town. She was accompanied by two female slaves, who would Oot forsake her. Wamunqtom, Aug. 11,1861. A citizen of Washington bus received a letter from 11. S. Muraw, who wuscuptured on his way to Bull Uun to recover the body of Colonel Cameron. Tbe letter is dated Richmond, und written several days a'ter his capture. It slates that be is at preseut im prisoned id a tobacco wanihouse, under guard, Ihe chief of whom N Mr. Todd, brother of Mrs. Lincoln. He says he is well treated but kept in. close confinement. Ha suys they tire deieinnned to mete out to our prisoners the same treatment that is given to their prisoners by our Government. Strong eHorls have been made by influential Southern men to olitain l heir release, but the Government will not swerve tram their course. Arnold Harris is with MegraW, and both are in good heal ill. The realon assigned for their arrest is that I hey came within their lines iuiprop erly. The answer to this iu Washington is, that Mr. Harris was not invited to enter upou tbe mission by t!w? Government, uud is viewed us a Rebel ; hence should oot be imprisoned by bis owu friend. Letters huve been received from Munassas stating that Colonel Wilcox nod Captaiu Rickets are doing well The latter has two bullet wounds in the tbigh, uud the former a severe wound in the arm, but both are recovering without ;be necessity of amputa tion. The President is satisfied that nothing improper has or will result from the visit of Prince Napoleon to Manasss. When the Rebels endeavored to obtain a promisa from him tbut he would use his influence with the Kuipetor to have the Southern Stales recog inzed us an independent government, he evaded a direct reply, but did not positively refute The tulle are all guarded in wbal Ihej say, but iuiiinutH tbut the Rebel force tbeie is much (trentr now tbun at tbe time of the buttle ol Bull Uun Tbe Nashville Uninn and American says Hon, I In. mas A. R. Nelson, of Kist Teuues see, who has persitteully opposed the action of bis State, wus nrresteil ou the charge of treason, in Lee county, Virginia, on tbe 4lb. He will piob-ibly be tried for treasou. The great Garibaloi bus tendered his ser vices to tbe Federal Government. The cor respondence iu which the ofi'er was n.aJe and accepted took place between the American Consul at Genoa and Secretary Seward. The offer, of course, was accepted, and the rank of Major General tendered lo the noble Italian. The bill providing for the increase in tbe number of tbe West Point Cadets, did not pass Congress, as bus aeon reported. Colouol Stevens tood command of the Sevenly-uiuth (Highland) Regiment oil Sat urduy. The correspondence between C"l McCunn and Col. Stuart, of the Virginia Cavalry, touching the body of Col. Cameron, bus been laid before the War Department. The iden tlty ot tbe body IS established, und tbe time of its recovery substantially rests with the Secretary ol War. I he J'retborn brought up with her two cnnlrahuuds, one belonging to Dr. Hood and the otber to James W ullur, of Sluflord couu ty, a ho report that the slaveholders still font men to put tbeir aluves in the Reticl uiuij ll is reported hern that tlis woods at and near Bull Run have been lireil, and that, at last ail vices, the fire was at ill burning fiercely i give nie ri pun tor wnui ll is auriu ; out if true, of course, it must have been doue by some ol our owu men, us upon those woods the Rebels depended umiuly during the recent engagement. The Fust Artillery, Pennsylvania Tolun teers, winch arrived hereon Wednesday night, lire t tbe Arsenal They will receive their horses uud the remainder ol their canuon in a few dujs. John Bigelow, lute editor of tie New Yo'k Eoming, bus been appointed Consul at I'uris ll is u remunerative ufiice, paying $."000 a yeur. The historian, J. Lathrnp Molley, hasbeeu appointed lo succeed J. Glaucey Jones, as M under to Austria. Wasiiinntok, August 13. Sinee the return of Cant. Fox. Assistant S-cieUry ol the Navy, from the North w here he has beeii lo puichase uud charter vessels lor Ihe Navy, a letting ol much greater con fidence prevails here. The vessels which be has puichased or contracted for, some seven ty five in number, added to thu thir'' which be has chartered, will make it formidable lleel, that must, if prop-rly manued, go fur towards making Ihe blockade i lleclive. The liew fleet will sad for Its destination by detachments, and as soou as the proper ur- mameuta can be place on board. The work will be prosecuted with energy, the uieu employed buiug required to work Digbt and day Ur J , 11. Stewart. Senior Surgeon of the First M innesola Regiment, who was captured by the Rebels at the battle or Stone Bridge, has arrived in this city, ia company with twenty five olliei prisouers, who have beeo releused by the euemv oo parole. Among the number are live Surgeons. Tbey bring more than a tbuusuud letters from prisoners still con lined ul Richmond. The stories about the bayoneting of the wounded are baselvss fabrications. Tbey brought a Deli lion to tbe President, fioiu the prisouers, urging that measures be taken for their im mediate release, ; but Capt. Winder of the Rebel forces, stopper the document, and will send it to J efi" Davis, and if be approves, It will be lorwarded lo Preside!! Liucolu. They report that twenty three nu mbers of tbe first Minnesota U gimenl are at Uicu inond. Neaily all of them were wounded Iu Ihe battle bul are doing well. Many of our soldiers who were reported amoug tbe killed are iu tbe bauds of the euemy, and are well treated There r twenty two other Federal sol dm at Sudey Church, Virgiuia, suffering from wounds, but in a lair wuy 01 recovery Tbev are kindly treated also. Kugune Wilaier, formerlv of Philadelphia, and Corporal Pearson, nt Philadelphia, lot'. Ul wbour sieie n p'oilil Ul.ii J, V autre. Lieeteeant Welch, sm ef the forexer Chief Jastiee r Mincesota, is well eooogh to be on tbe street! or Richmond, lie reported among tbe dead, and obituary ootides ei him were publishes1 In the Westers papers. Dr. Stewart reports that tbe Rebel soldiers re tired of fighliag, Dr. Peogoet, tinrgeeii of tbe Seventy-first Regiment of New York, also arrived this Oioruiug rrom ManasBas Junction, having been permitted to come to Washigton to await await to exchaage of prisoner I. Jt ii said that tbe reason why be end others were allowed to leave was tbe scarcity or good provisions In tbe Rebel camp. A lady has just arrived bere rrom Rich mond via Louisville. She says workmen are engaged there making tabks for carrying water to the Rebels at Manassas ; also for keeping it after getting it there, KkBKu WAtl NEWS, ' Tha Eiyhlk Georgia Regiment in the Battle ut Hlone Bridge, Tha following grnpliie denvriptlun nf tcenos nn the bat tle Uakl, BllU the gallant ooliduel 01' the Klglitll Uenrgm llegiiiieal, waa w-iilteufofl Ilia HicIihmiikI Diiuihiom bv a guiiilemuii whu purlieiialttl in ttie tiarue conaict ol' the mat of July i On Tliuminy, tha 18lh hutmit, ahoot 4 P. M , this Regi ment lelt W'liicht-ller for MaliaMiie, under eviniiiainl of 1-ieul. Colonel Mi.ulgoinery Uarduer. Col. Barlow had licen for eonie Weeki timing Brigadier General uf a Bri gade, couaisi lug ul Ihe Bevenih, Kightn, Ninth and feio venlti Ueorgia Regiuiente, and Battalion ol Kenttekieue, 'J'he F.iglilh inarelied i7 milea ovei the mountains, lord ing the &Hieiiuitdih, to I'tedineul ou the AluntirisHa Uap lladrond, arnvuig there ai.out 14 M , FriilHy. 'ihe mutch wui latiguinii iu Lha eairetne. Altera deln)' of a few houra tlie left for iMiuiussue on the ears, and a alow, le dum ride brought them to thia point late Saturday morning. They murehed three and a hull uuleato eainp in the wiwala, wi Liioiit lunta, and without f.s.d. Kurly next liuiruing the were ordered to the tight, where they arrived after a circuitous,, and at tiiuea double quiek tramp of between ten and twelve miles. Breathless, tired, faint and fnntiore, tha gallant fellowa were eager lor the Rlo'iiy. They weie brat ordered to aupSrt I'eudletoli'a Virginia Battery, which they did auiid a lurioua atiiiui of giupe Iran the eneinv. limelive as they were, uouiielled to he under this fire, they stood nail and auliurried Thev weruftiedly ordered to charge hermnn'e Battery. Toilo thiait wua ueeesMiry toeroes aa interve mug hollow, covered by the enemy 'a fire, and eainl.lish theuiBL-lvea in a tluekel naumng theeueiiiy's batlery I tiey charged iuu manner thut ehciltxl the praisea ul Generaj Guiuina the thicket, thev opened unun the enemr. The hlstuiyol wurluie prohallly all'ords uu instance of more desperate nighting than took place now. l-'rom three sides u furee, couetlltraled, murderous, QueiliBiiig volley poured in ujiuu inis uevoitu una neroie "rix riunuteu" ue.ugiuna They enemy aipcareil uisin the hill by Ihe thousands. Be tweeu ata and leu leKimunts were visil.'le. It was a hell of bullet-rain in that fatal grove. The ranks were cut down us a gruia by a acyihe Whole platoons melted nway na if by magic. Co il, uuQiiichiug und Btubboru, eui-h man lougiii tvitn gaiuuiiry, anu a slein (lelenulnalioii to winurdie Not one Inhered. Col, Bai low's horse wua shot under htm. Adjutuut hruncli fell, mortally wounded. Lieut Col. Gurdner dropped with a sliatleted leg. The oliiuerB moved I'loin rank to rank, ftom man to man, cheer' lug and eucounigiag tne brave fellows, gome of them took Ihe muikela of the dead and begun coolly firing at the enemy. It was an appalling hour. The shot whistled mid tore through trees und bones. The ground tannine literally paved wilh the fallen Yettlie remnant stood composed uud unquuiiug, carelully loudiug. .steadily aiming, unerring filing, und tnell quietly looking to see the eUVet of their strits Mere boys fought like 'veterans uuexciied, save with the stem '-white heat,11 nameless ejthderaliun, that battle gives to brave apirila. Alter eight or ten loumia the regiment appeared anni. hiltiled. ihe in-der waa reluciuutly mven to ciaae finue and retire. The Blubbolli fellows gave no herd. It wus repeated roll no obedience. 1 ne buttle spmt was up. Again it was given. Three volleys hud been fired aftel Ihe brbt coiuumud. At length thev returned, walking uud figh.lng. Owing to the density of ihe giowth, a part of the regiment were sepurulvd from the colors. The other purl burned in a open held behind the thicket. The treat continued over ground alternulsly wood and field. At very open spot they woula relonu, pour a volley into the nursauur eneinv and union letire From the iiccount of the enemy who stopped lo give wuiei to tne wouuueu ami rule iuu ueau, u aeeuis mat ttie Kighibcut to pieces the Sixth MussachUHellB, half dt-mol. isllel the Itluale Islunders und mu.le deadly havoc amoug the reeulura. But a horrible tumiuke occuirid ul this suul J Heir own trieuua taking tliem Irotu me euemy, poured a lutal hre ll,)Ou their mutilated runka. At lengdi they wiln drew Iroiu thu liiihr. Their final rully wus with some Bixty men, of the six bundled they took in -Intii the val Iryol death laarch Ihe six hundred.11 As thev retired they pat-sed General Beauregard tie drew uside ironted, luised his hat, uud said : "1 salute the Ligrith Geotgta with ill V hut utf.o Ot all ihe companies of the regiment, the Oglethorpe Light Infantry sulfered most. Til- y weie on the' exueme llgi.t neuresl the euciuy, hud thus were mote exposed, t.omposea' of the firest young gentlemen of Muvuiurah, their terrible loss will Uirow a gloom over their vrhnte city. An oigim:zaliouof live or six yeaus slttiiding, they weie ttie favoiite corps ol siuvuuuuh Colonel BarlwW had long been their captain, and was idolized by them, while he hud a bund ol sons in them. Ills supposed that his deep grief at the mutilation of the bna euused him to expose Ins life more recklessly tliaii was ncccaai. He wished to die with theui, ll he could not tuka them bjck home. They fought wile liermc desperulloii. All young, ull unmarried all gentlemen, there was not one of the killed who was not nu ornament to the community uud treighted with brilliant piouuse. lu sending theui lo Virgiuu Sivaauah Beat her best to represeul her, and tlieir loss proves h.w well they Blood up. how well thut city wus represented iu a battle where ull were brave. This coiapauy was the first one ta offer its services to INenideut Lnvis uudcrthe Confcdclule actaulh iriziug htm C"lnauleK, and had the honor of being the tint received. They left home iu disobedience lu ll.e onlerof their Governor, uud brought away taeir ui ma in defiiuee of his uu'hority. so eager were I hey to go wnere our countr) ueeed her best aoldiera. The) were nue of the two compam'.-s that look Foil Putuskt. When there waa a riot expected m Sivaunuh, early iu ihe yent, they were called nul to quell it, with another eotps. Then whole htsioty is of heroism First to aeek peril, they have proved in theirsud fate how nobly Ihey can endure it Tliey will tnevitucly make their murk during the continu ance of Una holy war. I hey have enlisted for the wlrole war, undone will turnback who can go fotwuid, until it is ended, or Ihey ure coni;telely nnuthilated. After the gallant Kitlhlh had retired with but a fragment, C!. Ilait w, by General IJeaaregald8, order, hroirghl up Ihe Seventh Georgia, exclaiming lu reply to Col. Gailreli, of the Seventh, who akcd liiui where ihev should go uGive me y-.ut fl ig. nud 1 will fell yotr.n Leading them to their ahold amid a terrible fire, he posted the legiment fronting the enemy, uird exelairueil in Ibise eloquent tones B ifull' f high feeltrl Ihuf his friends ever expected fr m hrn o(jel) Beauregutd saysyou muit hold this p.isitiuu. anil. Genigbni, I appeal to yon t hold it n Reg irdless of hie. gallaully tiding unud the hottest fire, rheei tec the men, inspiring them with his fervent eourage, lie wus shot iu the heart and fell from his lioise Thev picked him up. Wilh both hands ctuipeil over his hrenst, iie raised Ins head and with a eflorl, his eye glit tering in its hist glenm with a blazing liiilit. lie rod, wilh a lest heroic fluvh of his loliv si.irit.o'l'hey have killed me, but, boya.uevei give uptiienei.i" emiiiiasizius the om-v-er" iu hia peeuli-ir and stirring muuner, tltut ull wao know him will ri feeltuirly recall Thus perished as noble a oilusever breathed. Tie will long live in remembrance He met the fore he most wish ed the martvred pulriDt'seTnve lie was a rime iMitri.t. an able stutesiuan, a lirtllinnt lawyer, a ceivulrie soldiers, a Bvlless genlleman. His imperious scorn of a littleness wus one of his lending characteristics His lofty potii'i nsin will consign hia same U uu imiuorlal puge in l'oa country's history. 15 ark it asd lliiKcxiNRiDOE In the report, as originally published, of the recent debute iu the Senate, beeween Col. baker, of Oregon, aud John Cataliue Ureckinrtdge, tbe follow ing passage occurs S "In the most thrilling portion or bis terri hie philippic, tin nine towurd the recreant Iveiituckinii, liaker askod : 'what would have been laid iT it a Roman Senator, who, at one crisis, when the existence of the Repub 1 c wag imperiled, when lluunibul was but one day's ntuich from her gates, should have nt t. red such doctrines iu tbe Senate chamber V Mr. Fessendeii, in un undertone, but wilb much empbasij, exclaimed, 'lie would bave been burled tiom the 'i'urpeian rock;' when linker, catching '.be words, reiterated : 'Yes, Sir ! an outraged and indignant people would have hiirlet, hi in headlong Irotn the lurpuiau rock.' 1' or once, Urvckiuridue wus cowee. it wus Mr. Sumner, lint Mr Fessenden, who interpolated this scathiug remark. H ker is a tigbting man ; Sumner a non con. hat ant. Consequently, w hen Breckinridge arose to reply, he was very indignant at Sumner, hut tame towards Uaker. lie knew whom it was safe to assault. KoLDIKKS AND I KTKMFKRANCB. We anile wilh a contemporary in askini1, can nothing be done lo save our volunteers Irotn the tern hie vice of drunkenness! ll is eppulling to witness the scenes of every day tbe ilrtnkiDf swearing, Dghling in every street, eome n the young men are wasting ull their earnings in this folly ruinniL' their health, destroying their good name, and leaving nothing for their families or relatives, of all ibey mi" hi huve had, tint for tbe terrible, mad vice ol fashion able drinking. May we not hope that some tjood Spirit of Ueforin will yet, as lu the old Washington days, rise up lo save our brave youlb suit our land from curse more dire than tbe butlre-tibld's horrors, than pestilence or famine Would that these intelligent young soldiers rould be brought to pause an think, and s'op tbe mol disgusting of all lorois, shapes and instrumentalities of sell. destruction Ibe senseless gtiKzliug which converts a uiau or hero into a tbiug so lootb some l MisfoiRi. Events iioitM. to Missouri at the propslile sceue ol the uext ureal fontlicl. A f icniillaneoui utluck ie i per tad upon liprinpfleld, 8l. Louie and Bird's Point: the lulter mere feint. Ueu Lyou ia iu commacd ( H4Hiuuueld, end (jeo. 1'iemool v kit. Loo- New Advertisements'. rt- The Great Cure for Consumption. If you have col J, use WishsH't Pine Tree Tar Cordial I If you bave a cough, use Wisbarl'a Pin a Tfca Tar Cordial t If you have Asthma, use Wiaharl's Pine Tree Tar Cordial I If you have Sore Throat, use' Wishart'e- Pine Tree; Tar Cordial I Ifyou have Bronchitis, one Wishart'a Pine Tree Tat Cordial ! If you have Consumption, use Wishart'a Pine Tree Tar Cordial Wiehait's Pine Tree Tar Cordial is an uufail. ing remedy for disease of lha Kidoevs, Urinary Complaints, Blind and Bleeding Piles, Nervous Debility, and for Female weakliest and Irrcgu' larities. The well known efficacy or Pine Tree Tar in the cure of external aflectlnnsor Mores, pointed it out as the Natural llemrdy for what Physicians call Tubercular j4flectioria(that is to say, Mores.) upon the Lungs. It remained In discover the heel means of application, which discovery has been iiintlo, as a thouFund testimonials prove, by the Proprietor of Wiahart's Pine Tree Tar Cordial I Ifyou have DYSPEPSIA, use Wishart'a Great American Dyspepsia Pill ! A sure cure Warranted fur one dollar, or Ihe Money Kcfunded I Buy a box and take them according to direr tiuits, and if they do notcureyou, the money will be returned, Aosrs Wm. Weimer, Northumberland. A. W. Fischer, Sunhury. Call at cither place, and get a descriptive Cir cular. I.. Q. C. Wishart, proprietor, No. 10, North Second, Philadelphia August 10, 1861. ly For Associate Judge- 1LVB earnestly recommend 'J'lIOMAS 8. ' MACKEY, Efrj., of Milton, as a suitable person lur ASSOCIATE JlilXJE, al tbe ensuing election. Mr. Mackev is a good scholar in both English and lierinuu. He is also an uncovckomisimo Union mall, and as such we present him to the voters of the county, Aug. 3d. 1801, FOR THE UNION. DInnoIuiIou or Partnership. "JVOTICE is hereby iiivcn, that the partnernhip heretofore existing between J. C. Morgan & Co., has this (I9tb of Julv, I8H1.) day been dissolved by mutual consent, J. C. Morgan going out of the firm. The books and papers will he left in hia hands for settlement and Collection. All persona indebted or having accottr.ts wilh Ibe same are racpjested lo call and make settle ment. J. C. M OKCIAN, C. O.MOIIUAN. Siiribtirv, August 3. 1161. 9seiluture. I hereby offer myself as a Union Candidate for the Oliice of Legislature for Northumberland County, soliciting the voles of all persons tavor aide to enforcing ihe Laws and the Constitution, nil sustaining the present General Administra tion so long as its actions are in accord: mice therewith ; pledging myself if elected lo perforin every duly incumbent upon the position to ihe best of my ability, discarding all party dif ferences. JESSE YOCL'M. NirthnmVierland. Aug. 3, IsHil.-- A Good Chanoe for an Sfiterprisin Man v HE subscriber wants a partner in the. Mar t.le business, a sober pereerveriug loan who ran speak both the English and German luiigLa- ges, to one that will suit, no rash capital required. For paiticulara inquire of JOHN A. TAYLOR. Northumberland, Aug. 3. INS I 3'in To the Voter of Sorthutnh.rUmd Cvuuty: lliM.OVV.CrnZU.WSi-Havh.g hern ured ti v man? citizens ff Imth ends of our county. I oiler myaelf a cauJiilato (or ASSOCIATE JUDGE, tuhject to tli rule und usuge of the drmoornlic party, and it nnuiiiled end rlucti'd. I will lullill ihe duirrs of the office uniiaHially and to the heat of my ahility. CASl'EK SCHOLL. hhamokm. July 27, 1H61 . For Associate Judge. 8ul ject to the Rulei and Usages of the Demo cratic Party. JESSE J. HOIU O.V. Vuint township, July 13, Ixbl To the Democratic Voters of Northum berland County. 1 HAVE 1'een iinlucetl to permit mv namo la lie inwd in conni'ction with the nomination fur the LEGISLATURE, at Ihe ensuing Duiuo' cratic irimary election. 1 he solicitation of many Warm personnl friends in liolh etuis of our county have prevailed with me in this matter and should they see proper to nominate and elect me, it will he my pleasure, as will as a duty, to picmnte the interests ami prosperity of my own constituents, as well as of the Slate and country al large. J. WOODS BROWN. Turfint township, July fi, 1HCI. To the Voters of Northumberland County- IEM.OW CITIZENS : From the encnur aKCiuent I received from ditterrnt parts of the county, I oiler myseir as a csnuidate for the otlicu of ASSOCIATK JUlMiE. suhject to the usages of the democratic party, and if elected, will peilorm the duties justly and l.Tr paitially to the hesi of my al rlny . A H l( A H A M KIIII'MAN. Lower Angusta low in-hip, June '.Ulh, IMtil. FOll REGISTER & RECORDER. Subject lo the Rules and I'sages of the Drmo' CTatic I urlv. J. B. MASSE It. 7o A Voters of Northumberland County: IjKLLO W Citiiens : From the encourage liieut I have already received Iroin both ends of onr eounty, I oiler myself for the LEGIsLAI'URK. Subjert to the usages of the democratic parfv, and if nominated aud elected, promise my l et ell'orl for her hilerents, as well as that of oar good old Cointuoiiweallli, WM. Jl.KAME. Rushlown, July 87, 1891. - MANI-IOOD. HOW LOST, HOW HKSTOHK1), JUST PUJUSIIKU IN A 8KAI.KU KNVKI.OI-K ; A l.KCTL'BK on the Nature, treatment, and Ka.lieal Cure of Sieniiatiiriliu3j, or MeiHinal Waakiiess.Sesunl iu tiilily. Nervousness ami iuv.ilsiilury eiiiiKsi.uis, ir.Hluciiia; illipoteney, Coiisuiiipuoiiuial Mental and Physical Llebiluy. ByKOBT. J. CTl.VKIlWi;i.l, M 1., The important fuel that the awful eouseiueuccB of self uliuss may lie etfeeluulty reiu-ived willmul inleruul nieili. ciues ol tti lUnxeiiiu applieulMins ul' enuslies, instru meiils, iiiettieated tKiua,oa, anil other enipiiieul Uevist-a, ib here clearly (letiiuustiaieii, anil i lie entirely new auri highly aiieeeasiat treatment, as ud"pted hy tbe celebrated author fully elplutned, tiy iiieauB of which every una IB enabled Incurs himself perfectly, and al tha least possible cost, thereby avnidiiii all the advertised isisnuins uf thadny. This lectuie will prove a tsmu to IhiMSandsaud thuusnuils Kent under seal, in-a plain envoi. ipe, lo any addiess. imisi paid, ou Ihe leeeipt ol two D4HBs:e stamps, by Hdtliessnia. I)r I'll J C.KU.NK, 12? Uowsry, New York. OlKea Ik is S.fiX). April u, iMil.lrnl YrNUOV MIADES A very fine and ' cheap assortment, just it ceived by Rail4 road from New Yerk, at the Mammoth store of Piiliug if Grant. VTe bave also for sale B. ti. Putnam Si. Co's csiebrstss) Ptusjit i'enduluiji CorVtia fiHtiree. To he Yolere of Northumberland Cbunfy Fittow Ci Titans t I nlT.T myself as a Union Candidate rot the office uf AtjrtOClATK JfJIHJR, at the next elrcliun. Mhould I be elected, I pledge myself lo perform tbe duties of tbe ollice lo the heat of niy ability. JOHN DUNHAM. Northumberland, May 4, 1 -G I la OU.l V TUEtSfJKbll, FinH E auhscriher offers himself to the Demo X cratic Voters of Northumberland county, as candidate for Ihe office of COUNTY TKH A SI'KEK, at tha next primary election. Subject lo the decision of llie Coootv Convention. JOKEPH EVEKETT. Delaware twp, June 8, lNlit. To the Democratic Voter of Northumberland I'ouiitu. T THROUGH the encourngrment of my friends, i hsve been induced again to nflcr niyfelf as a candidate for Ihe l.F.dlMl.ATL'RE, subject to the rulta of the demorratir. partv. JOHN B. NEWBAKER. Trevortnn. Jolv 13. INfil. Taxes ! Taxes ! Taxes ! rl H 1! Board of School Directors and Mupervi aura of Koads in tnwimhipa whore unseated I. a rids are situated, are hereby rn jueiicd lo fur nish Ihe Commissioners of Ntirth,uinLerlarid county, with the rule per tent for the years lbbO 01, on choul and Koad Tux h. D. JORDAN, Cleik. Cornniisionpr'a nflirn, ) Sudbury, Julv i47, '! J liiK LATEST STYLE OF SPRING AND SUMMER GARMENTS, A&H CONSTANTLY MADE ut the Fashionable Tailoring Establishment JACOB O. BEGK3 MnrkH mtrect, M Sll KV, Ia. JVi fi subscriber hn just received and opened a lurue assortment SPlilNUAND SUM MEM liOOl), such as CLOTHS, OP EVEKY HESCKIPTION A QUALITY. Plain aud Fancy C&ssiineres, Vestings, &c. of the latest styles. In addition to bis stock be ia coiislnntly receiving new supplies from the ritv keeping a loll asi-ortineul of the inoxt suhstanlial and Ititesl style of (ioods in the city market. lie is prepared to make to order all kinds of f-eiith -men's und iiov's wear, socli as DHESS t:OAT, FIIOt'K-t.'OATS, 11USI NESBCOATS, VKST8 I'AiNTA LOON'S &c. tc. of the verv latest style, ant! in the most substan tial innnner. al short notne. Any (iooiIh not on hand, will be furnished from Philadelphia, by giving two day's notice. tV' Cnll and exuinioe my stock, no chargee made for showing. JACOU O. DECK. Aimharv, May 11, lffil JOHNS & CiiCSLEY, SOLH MANL'KACTl'Kl'.KS OP TIIK IMPROVED QUTTA PEHCHA C E M E T It O O V ING, The chcapfst ititil inont diuiible UirTu $ iuuiG. IlikTire und W'nlcr I'rnnf. It enn Ite fipplifil to new ntut old KMfft of ull klitdii. nud to Ku-dit without removing the fchins. The Cost is only about One-Third that Of Tin, and it is twice as Durable. 0 U T T A PEHCHA C K M H N V t pnr pit'SfVimr ami Tenaiiinv Tin niiii otlitrr Mntul Fi'Mifs nf every tltciij lion, lr.iu n meat cluHicit y, is imt injurcj ly tlif iMhtlntction uiitl t-xp.iiiKiin of mt'tuls, Hiiti will not citK'k i colli or tun in wui in weHlhci. Thcee iiiiiteri:il have ht nt th"ii.phly teed-d in New York hiu) all purls ot Ihe toutlu'in and Wi'sti-ni JSuiien, anil we can give i.bunduiitj)ioot'oI' ull we cluiui iu their tavor. They nre rmlily upplicd by or inary lalmrets, at a tri Hinu I'XiiciiPe. no heat is nKQvmw " Tht-ee nmicrmU an iutt up rt-iidv for ue, aud for Hliiti- pint; tojill piits uf the couulry, with tulJ printed direct ons for application. Full dtnernjive eirruhim will lie furnih-il un nnnlirT j lion hy nuiit -r in pctHonnt otir lrhieipitl (.Mhce und Ware lituiKR, ?S WII.IJWI STHEET, (Cuiuer if Libmy Auknts Wantt.d ! Terms Cash ! Jui'ti 1. IMil lv 6TJNBUSY STEAM TERRY A N D T o W I N U 11 O A '1' C 0 M P A N V. f IRAVEI.LERS and others ure leHpectfnlly - inliirined thut the vuhsciilier, in order lo uc- cominodiitc the puhlic ond facilitate truvt-l. h reduced the ratra ol li rriu)e at his STEAM PERKY, over ihe Susquehanna, ot Munhury, ami will carrv rufseiiKers, Horses, L'afrtagca, uud other vehicles, ut Ihe fol!or.'ifiy lutes, viz : Foot Passenuem, each fi cents, Horse and Rider, 15 " Morse und i'uuB.V, 25 " Two-Horse Ccnvejance, 40 " Farmers and others, wishing to transport O.inl and Produce, can injl.t ariaiigeintnts ut still luwer rates. A hirjje, safe and commoilious Slennihoat NI mil rinul.irlv und nri'inptlv ut nil hours of the dav, and to iiccoionioihite ihosrwiio desiro to ul lend the Churches at tun!mry and Sclinsijrovc, Ihe Hojt will fun on Sunday. The Stosnilioul will tun from Market Street Wart, and promptly convey Passengers from hoth sides of Ihe liner, without delay. The SteBin perry I'ow ul.'ords not only a sale and convenient over the Susquehunnu, but nls-o a pleasant ami aereeuhle rule. 1 RA T. CLEM EM' Lessee and I'ropriftor, fuohuiy.Msy 25, 1HS1, HILITAEt KOTICE. order of the (,'ominander in l.'bief. I am lirecled to collect all Ihe MILITARY ARMS of P nue) liMiia, of every kind, iu this Urignde, such ns iiniekeis, rifles, oidinamo, swords, pislols, Ac., wilh the arcotttienieiita, and deliver tile same to the Arciiul at Harrisbtiri;. All persons in this Drigudr Iiuviok in their possession any arms or accoutrements, are hereby commiiiiiled to delier the sunie to me or to my aulhorized agents, l once. The peinihv of the Art of Assembly will be promptly und severely eiiloried upou any person neglecting or refusing so to do. WILLIAM K MAHTZ. Uri,wlfl Insi-ector of Norlhuml erluud Uiigude, P. V. M. Suubiirv, July 37. 161. Tbe following peisoi.3 ure 'authoii7.ed by tne lo ileuntnd and receive the arms. ic : L. lawure und Lewis townlops, Win KaviJjje. Turbiilnlle Milton, f'hili(;oqe ond Turbut town-rhips, William H Pryu.iie. Milton. IS nt i hum bt rlaiid and Point, John A. Taylor, Notthutiiherhtfid. Sbamokin, '"'il and Mount Catniel, 11. E Purker, Ml iiiiokin. I'pper Auijostn. Lower Augusta and liush, Michuel Kief. r. lper Aiiijnsta. Kor I lie rest of the Hrrgade, Samuef Wert, yscksou. mjt a if n a .r, Kl Kieh Kieiired liurines, 13, SAnnd SI rents, Kurt i?e :l Ml. 4 10 and CO, Moraiohigiie at 1-.) 11(1, 'l iaiellni! lliess (ioods, Mieplmrd's i', M.diair Plaids, liiii;ham's, l.avsus. I'linls, L'halliee, tirev Fli!ied (iouHs. roomi en Aitn. f K corner Ninth anil Market, Philadelphia Si U lies! quality Hoop Skirts, 'J4 leuts lo a as. May IS. l6t. JAMES li A ll li E It ' S A'IIOI.KS4t.K ANU KKTA1I. CLOCK ESTABLISHMENT, S- E- Comer Second and Cluxtnut stt., riil!it(!fl!lilii. ACHNCY for ll.e l'ATKNT KtJl'Al.lZINGTHlRTy UAV CLOCKS, a veiy desoatile at nele for L'buicll e, Hotels, Miiiss, CouiiIihb llxuses, I'm lots. Ke, Mn, Mtii.ulaelureri.l' I INK UU1.1J I'I.;,SJ. rus-ka reiiuired and wuiruiiod. Clock i'lliaiUli'S ol Vef)f deBilio. Pail'di!, JkdiMf I, ltle - IMPORT.VnT T0L0VER9 OP ea ce qd,uo a oa URiuiir&soN, Invite ftttentlon to thoir StooL of Prime Orccn and Black Tea. June H, I sr. I. 2aj,ja.cLi53:r3ja.ja: SUMMER GOOBS! at rnioEa TO SUIT THE TIMES. K. IT. ERICJHT & SON, II A VK rsECUIVED A LARGE STCCS OF ALL SiXNDS OF GOODS, D s o m E DtTH ABLI3 AND az3 r-m is eim GREAT BARGAIsXS ANU Splendid Inducements TO PTIRCSASBR AT THE ONE PRICE STORE, OP E. Y. BRIGHT 1- SON. Suuhury, June IU, IStii. commercial" unsEKiEsT U. E. HOOKER & CO., Koi iii;.-ir.ii. N. V JOHN W. litCHUn, Local .Vi'iit, ciuubury la. Jte subscriber, havinu l-ctii nppuitilcJ lot-n! 11 Ajient lur the sale ol 1 nut lives, plants. vines, &e., of one ol the iims-i reliulde Nuisems, culls the attention ot ail hu want choice Iiuil tu this method, us more cei lam than hy ul tiiiiiniK llit'iu thriunh traveling agents. Ainoni; thoe discrilii'd in Ihe Catalogue are, Ilwuil' IVur 'J'rvus, of the age for trtiusj lunling, rrmurkahly line. l)warf Aiil Trees, orr rarailise (Stocks, tua Lini; i-euutilul little tiees for the gulden, nnd ro. ducuiK rcnia-raatily line sjiecimeiis of Iruil in a very mho I tune. lluuif (.'lurry Trees, budded on Malialeh blocks, h.ili(l.ioim- trees. Aode, I'ear and Cherry Tiees, very fine, wilh a l.ire list ul aiieties. Peach, Plum, Iectarme and Apricot Trees. lioueclierry, Illackhnry and IMruwhcrry Plant all ot the tiueet kinds. Currnui, many new and tni'rtn'ed varieties, such us Cherry, White tir.ij.e, A lute (joiidouiii, Ucd tirade, Victollu, t&c. Sl;iiulnn PUiils, iu t'leut viuiety, including the Motikei, llsuu's A I luiliy , 'l'rioniilue do (and, (,the most auruved old variciie,) us Well as all me iiovvliies. Ciia.e Vines. including those fine, new, yet wi ll atesltd kinds, which no l:mler should he v ilhiiiit, such is Delaware, Cuiicurd, and ilarl l ird I'rol tir. Thee ne hae propagated so ex teusively us to aide lo oiler lilt in al reduced uud s.lll.-l'.iclol v pi ices. Plants, Uot.cs, Kverreens and every variety of uruameiital trees aud bhrudhery, securely packed' JOHN V. Ul CllKK, Agent, feutibury IV. buuhury, J'ehuaiy, 1, 1 rt 0 1 . Hew Millinery Goods. l'uicn Street, two dtmrt south oJ the Shumulin Yulti y ,y I'utttvilU Jiiiil Uoad, 8UNBUKY, I333SrrTA.., :.-M'I'.(M' I I.I.V iiif.ums tha eilucns el hl .MU'UV and vicinity, that she has jut liceived Irom Philadelphia u lare and si I. ouid a.-soiiiiicnl of the must lashiouabla and latest style of LO GO S-f Oii ttHJ 33 , HATS, bH A K KKS, T1I1MM1NG, Ac. which she is selling at the most reasonable piicm 'Jo which she directs the sUcnlion ul ILe ladies and invites all la cull and see iheu. Thankful lor past palronsf, s is hopes hy keeping to best ssiirluiiut u.1 less JUabl pricss lu continue lha ssrus. Honbuiy, Ai'ili .H, ISfJ -r Sia . LZV23 AND LEARN 1 ' LI3T TUB TEOrLB STILL, COeSllXVC TO 1.1V C, AND TIlliY "WILL SOON LEARN THAT FlllLIKG & GKAISTK at run MAMMOTH STOUE, ARE SELLING GOODS CiiS33?I3. than can be urcliuiioJ oltieAhcro. f -A. FRESH StXIIr. T iust received hy Rullroad litis week. REM E AIDER THIS, AND rROPIP BY ITi fciunbury, Dcccmhox 15, I860. J. A. C RANDALL'S PATENT SPRING HORSES 473 EROADWAV, HEW JTOIIIC. Shoultl hn in every family, School, Gymnasi um, Aavluin. and Hospital ill the land. Are not DANUEROUS, like Iho common Horse, .sianilii firm nn its Pedestal, will not wear C ARPETS, and has no Rockers to injure the Feet. 'Ilaalth ai.J happiness In ttie earaensiliils." N P. WIL'ls FROM THE "HOME JOURNAL." "Of all the child-furniturejwe have ever seen no article cunihines so much of those two impor tant things heulth and happiness as the Ad- justable I'atent Steel Spring Saddle llorse, in vented ny .Icsse A. Urandall, It is not danger- t ous, like a common rocking-horse, to children's. leet, cannot no upset, does not wear carpets, ln't. stands linn on its lae, and its t-ciiou U so like . till! ;lioji cf ,a lmn-o til it tho child never weaiic-i ol it. Tliis .ntest of child iieveltics is ex- ceedincly elejrant and artistic in design ; and loljustalile, eulistantinl, and dmuMe, that it will hist a pletinio. ll is indispensable in every finiily where thero arn children. It should ho in eery primary school and g ninatiiuui in the country, as it cuu be lu.rde lurgc ond ssrontf. .'iiouch to sueta.n grown persons. As a pedes!!! for photographic ictures, liolhiug is more beauti ful. "Every Oiphan Asylum and In.-titution where children aru cons u'guied. should tie furnished with a number of these beautiful articles. They ate fitted wilh side-saddles when required." IURKCTIONS POR ADJUSTING. Open the after purl of the base sufficiently ts allow the axle to go in its place ; then raise or lower thu Horse lo suit you. bcrew the bolls in tho side, verv iU.M. CjT These liorses are WARRAFTED one year. March 10. JPCl if SUKBUEY ACADEMY. 'UK HUMMLli TliKM nfihe Sunbuiy AcuJemrwitf cniuiieiii:e in thrSili t A ri it. 'I'hrj cuiiifet ii" itiHtruutiHit t'tnbnicet ev-trv depart nit-nt i.f eilucutii'ii tii. iiln iiH'ur beat Atudt-'ioitis, iircwniiffy, Btu'lcuib one citliei lur u jiruleLsMuji ut li enter uny uUt jji TL'.HMS ViZH QUARTIIIU lifmichea, &l 00 Higher Isiis-'liflt Urniiclifii, 6 fO lst.Hu ami Greet l-uiipuugta. 7 UO Tuilmn tu t? p-ml Lefcrc lha i.iitltlle of the term, li irtleuti be trad in private tuiiislies ut I'lom l 75 W j j put Wetfi. S P. WOLVEUTOX, Principal. Sui.bury,Murch30. UOU. uo you UAfci niusiiim DO VOU WANT WIIISKKHS T DO YOU WANT A MOl'STACUEf DO VOL" WANT A .MOUSTACHE? Ci Uiatik.HiiiN 1 ekbraCtiuI S T I Si U LATINO OXUUE N 'I Fur the Whisker and Hair. TiienuWonl-crsi lake plensuro in aiHicum-inj' to the c:ll.-4 Zcun ul l he Unit til M;iltB. tlml liie;. li,ive eulii.M-U tl.u A;'iicy hiulirti ri"W t'luilltd t.u'irei to tbe Aiucre ur' public, Ui u!jovc jutU- ciitbratte ui.d wurid-rviioWiecJ UltlCit. ri'he !MimuUiti)tf Ouguent is pfcpured by JJr. C IV Jlclliuuiiiiiii, nn L-niiiieitt plfiuiau Ul isOitijull, UliU Hi V1U lillltt'fJ Ul bin g t-ulu ti ot Whiskers or Mtm.ttche. in fritin tlnPt tu tix wct-kii. Ttie uriicie is tbe only ph of tbe t.iuiJ used ly I fie I'reiicti, und in Luiid.'ii iu,ii 1 m ru n in in uiiiwrNil live It m u lie.iuiuul. rcinHLiciil. so.itliinjj', yet ktitnulut ii j Cimip"'lu, ullJiijl na I1" by fli!ii;il' lip"ti tbe ruulu, chuii' t hinu!ui iTii'.viii i r.i.x'.irjiini im i r ll :i .iicito Uu- m.-u , it will I'ure u:iNuuis, nixi cnunr t" Hiiii-i: un m .i ! tbe b;.l.iHputa lmiMVvil i ot knr Applied necMiiiug lli ihrci'l I' ns II VI ill turn I ti( i r d ia t- l,i i t L ..i..t i.,.i.o. piuy li:ur lu ii Sony i nn: eolor, leiivinf: ii a .ft, nn.N'th. i.i.U llt-xilile. '1'lie iiiyiu nt'1 is- un lodispt nsil.le unicie" i;: ei i-iy yenlletn.'iii's t-'iii-t, uhtl el'ter one week's use lliw)' woulil not f..r anv e.uisi.K-raii.i.i le 'villn ut it. 'fiiL- siilicenliets uie tie only Auents lor ttie arliilein the l.i.ileO Mutes, to u-li.mi nil oni.-rs lunar l,e miJiesrevt. Trii-e One liollsi a Uut for sale l.y Hi! Iliuist ai.d Is at.u I ISOct ;il,l,t J p .si- ' ri'ii!t-rs: or ii I10.1 01 llie ' Clncut-iu" (warrunte,! lo I III? iltsireil i-llccrl win lie 3elit to liny wlio desire 1 liiiill, illieel, si-eulelv paekee, oil receipt ul" pi ice Ullj p' ui;u,lrl,ts. Apply to or aiMrtas IHHi-lCl: I.. HI'GFMAN' A: CO, DruseisiB, A.c., 21 Willium lit., New Vuik, Forsrle si iiiik I'liice. .March ail. l-iil. hOLOMUA ill.4L.lCH, Attorney at Law, SUKBUltV, Northumberland' Co., Ta (l'urmeily l'reehuri;, rSn) dcr counly.) UFKK E, Muikel tieel, a lctv doors east of th Kuitiicni Cculrul Ii.illiuail Deput uud two dours west nf the Post Ollice. A!! P.'uicot-ioiial lJuaincs, Colleclior.i, (it., will reccivt" prompt uttentiuii. March 30. lMJI. T'TfrGS AM) MEDICINES!, RICHARD A. riSCHER'S D ?s "OT G &. C S EKICi,L HAVI.Nli purchased the store lormerly lepj hy A. . riSCH til, I e would respectfully rail the attention of Ihe public to his well selec-. ed stuck of c .1 i.e. PAINTS Oils, lle Su.ns, Varnishes, Perfumery, Fancy Ai tides, tine Hair und Toulh llrushss, , 1 -'aiiey .-oap., 'i iues, O.C. i'hvsiriaus Prsscriptiins and ramily IVccipf uccur.i'.ely lOmpOuiidi d ul all hours, by III tiptf 1 11 1 ice. I 1; 1 ustt: l and Apothecary. KtMIiMULIl Ihe iilaee, under lha uttic u tha "iun''ury American." cSoliburv, June Si M'il. Slims BLACK SILK COATsj (Jored Mantles, 1 Poplin Dusters, Fiench Kaquas, , bilk llasqciinos, V Newest lisibus, iieailt Mads, or Mad to Oidsr. COOPEII & C'ONAItU, H. 12. Corner Niutlt laid MarUl, Pullsd.lpLi.v ' Msy l, Ulll. j I try i