Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, August 10, 1861, Image 4
SENT BY EXPRESS lsvExvsrwixBun. Retailed at Wholesale Prices, Made to Mcasuro at $10 per doz, -on six run kinu uoliaus, rVlthout Cellars on. Collars en 2 per doi. extra. MADE CP KnV-YOI!K MILLS MUSLIN, I Will tine Mr rinsoms, nn.l wnrrnr.te .1 ns c"0 1 a H dr' si 1 3U In liie retail l ."O each. ALSO. THE VERY r.F.ST FIlirtTS THAT CAM EE ' MADK AT (il KAC1I. T 'a. Trows li" think I cnnncl nntre i boo1 Shirt for is' per dnten are laistieu. Here's tus cort of oue dozen (18 line shu n. CO yards of Koir-YorU Mills mtir'li nt 1 l.Vc P" J-a. tt M 7 vnrda of fino L.nca, at, .'He. per yard, J J Kalilne Slid cut! ine, . J V; laundry, ft, buttons a:: J cotton, w: i rroM - '"' Total 13 00 Helf Ucas-urcmont for Shirts. rr'nted directions sent free eTerTwhrre, end an enr t understand, timt any one cru tal e their own inn fr shirts. I ivnrrruir. s cowl fit. The cnidi to be pad l the Kxprcss Company on reocipt of goods, ' The ErprcM r.ari-s on one doiea Eiiirls from Kew York to New Orleans it $1. r p. s.PARTli:S riPIHN-n FsTTTTVTS IV nAPTt'.r't Jcivlrie time to send fr-r Rules of Measurement, rtimiM send per mail, prepaid, one of the W.l!ttlrif sl.lrts ; t!.c-y have got, stating any alterations that may be required, 7 S. V7. II. WARD, fiom London, 307 Broadway, up stairs, . Between TOte k Streets " KtV-YOKIi' March IB, I Mi I.- tf Sarsaparilla TOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. ml f'-r the epwdy euro vt the folWinj complaint): ferro fills, ami Prvofiilon Affertlonn.KiicU . na Tiimoi'M, I l'vr,, htM't-w, F.rnjit io, I Jflllpll'V, IUNltllcK lilot (hoM, IIOliMf liluillK Hitd ull Nki i Jieuv4 Oviii .wn, Intl., 0th June, ISO, J. P. Aver Co. fleam 1 t ! It my duty to ne TutMlrlno v hit your .ai.-Hi'arilljt liii donu fT m Jtiniiix tuliTftoI a t-i-iMfukniH ititoL'UMii, I liavo ufliTi-l jfii-ni ft in Viviens w;ty l'-r .vi-oi.-. btintetiiui it lMivnt 'tut fti VltrR ot inv liiiiiii n;nl inn's: ' inttiiiit' it tnrnttt lnnl tifi me ut ll;o hi)tnt:Ji. Two .Vtviii ngo it lui'Ki' ti t mi in v tit ml anil ruvt.i'i-il niv mwp un-1 fin.- villi one hurt', vim li j -ii,i!'ii k ti'.t ! utltiiio ) yvud Ji-eriptinii. I tvifil tunny nn-iH-.-iiK-fi ami nevoral titi.i: n , but vitli'jiit iihrIi iin-t lri i nt,y tiling. J it ui-t, Hi:- iiii-.iil.v fii iw wo..-o. At ! nr.tlt I "w.-is irj' Iinl tM'H'l in the :s.i'l MceiiL'cr licit, ym h:nl i.ici;iti"l nn ulieintie (Sai.tpurillm. t'.-r 1 kin'w ttntii your r- jtitii ti' li tu it nny yi ' innl lt nil, 1 m u fo i'tlK-iniutlnTiil p.. it i, iiii'l iim l it nil tt ruiol run. 1 tut'.k if, ns yufi itUt iw. in f iiiiul doM'suf U tr ajn.jti!iil ov.T a u;i utli, and uvtl nliiiust tln-ey b -t(I.". New im.l Iir'iilihy fiu'ti mo'.iii Infill t' t-nu tiiiti.T tie? he .K w 'in li (iI';-th while fell nil. My pUiu Is nmv rlcur. uml J know ly my Ivuiiiv'H tbt' iim-iwe 1im t'om Imni my Ksb-m, Vmi cull writ h.'li- ( tint I tt 1 1 i !i;it 1 tun Niviiirf tvln ti 1 tell 'li, tlir.t 1 li-! I yon to hi one of th" nostK-i t-l'lUo oe. mid ipiiiuiu ever nitctully. Vins AI.Lia.U D. TAU.KV. fet. Anthony' Fire. Kone or rirvHipoIns, 'i'cUri' ntnl Sal. If ti c inn. St aid J2l9 lliiifworiii, fcor lC,yts9 Dropsy TV. HoVrt I'ivMj wiil.t Snl-m, N. Y., 12th ("ppt., I?!-:. Ihut li-. hit ciht'1 an iivct . rat-j cno of nhi-Ii tlii"iitt-iu il t tt iiniii-.itu, ly tlio '.rs'-vTini f "i.r ."'iu n ill'i. 'n ! t u I.ui''rus '.Viif'i! i:,f iyif'bts by ).ir ! :wa r,' tl.i rrtmo ; uy .' o cures tl'O cniiU''ii Hntvumis hy tt cn-'niitly. JUontl.oi'i-le, Uollic or wclletl IVtrk. S'cliulon Stmii of Pu't-in't t, 'IV jus wiiti'S : ' 'iluve bft V'lc of y-.liv S.ualiit ilia run- til" frm n C f'tv n iitJ-r-tu f ti tiid biiU, nlticli 1 Ixtx'i eutkrei fruui vcr two 3'HJiib. j Ueucorrlicrn orWhHf,Ovnrinn Tumor, Vtcirliie Lli'crntion. I'ctunlu Discuses. Tr. J. R. S. ri.iiiniijr. f f --.r Vr.ilt f Ity.nrlte.-; " I r.v st flwriiilly o iiiply villi the vci ""( vi'iht n;7-"t in (tviliK I Iihvg f"Uiitl 'mr t';n;ii'rvi!l.i n in U PM.vlh'iit . Wt-.TMtim in iim iiiiim r us ci Mjit'iint.. 1.r vhi H vo '.nij ley "itirh i rt inf lv, I nt j i l'liy In )!'' f ll..' -.I'luIoiH ili-nle-i. I li:ivc c-nc l in;ny fnvet'-T-te or si 8 of iifirili'tT l-y i', uinl p. in- h--i. Uo rt'in lit wnu r .li'.'. I,y tf'.'. ;' ti f t!.' - Th" nl't'i'- l ; Jt-ll it self WiiB sr.n r in I, .V r V. illull t;iy Kliuwl e puis it fr tht'T? t. .u h- il- jau-.-m' -it j.M 3.:i.vHia H. -Mi.vic, f.f NM.I-iiiy. Ai.i.. viit.-. 11 A V:n .'i rons r rv.i . ir.c m one of ill-. fi itini's in my f. iniiy, vhi-lilin (ic-fiJ n-1 (ln icni' lh s vt- r 1. 1. J t ii'i-i'-y. I,!. I- i '! H'.:'ti bt-t'ii '--Mni'h 'f'v tirt-il l y yi'if li-tr.rt of S ir faj arilja. Ot,r j ti-,i' i ni Lhet... ('t ti .li.i'h- t it x1i;p.i-"I.-n ffnil-1 fltr! itl r ;.i r, Ht i;r n-1.!-'- tu trial of your '.'Uiil!a tin? 1-i-st r-Kut lf-iinv ciiiti.1 r, nnl It. jr jv-U cfii.'.tu.i!. A0 r tnUlutry mr ttiuIy fjat wuU ju iyiiintom .f tli ttiat-B rt iii.ini".'' tiy)Ulli in. I Icrciulnl rlHcnc. New Orti.t:NS. ii. th Auit, DR.J.C.ATKnt Fir, J clt. rfully cin'iy v.ltTi tho 'v-'l tf y-mr ami rnrt li "ti huuio ui lilt etlects Ii.'ito realizit l uiih your -.ivuptn Hhi. I havp nirjt) with it, in my nartict mof f lliocom inintrf f,,r v lii-.Ii it is rccmniiiuleil. i mi hiivp f iin 1 its t-if-.'H tmly voii'h-t ful in mho of nnrnl and .l.r curial Iifra?(, One f my iatM'iti .Syohililic til'-Td tf t Lis throat, whi'.li vvnt t -nsumifitc J i in jiiiiiito uml tlio t iif h uioiiili. Your t-iiU'if.iirill.i, .:l!y tuktn, . .m i hiui in lio Aii"tn.r inn iittiu'!;ii by fuc- i.try symptoms in liw now, iMtl)e nl-vnt'ou Inul (Mwi Kv:iy n coii-.i-letul'le :tvt of it, so Unit I lcli-Vf tlto ihottlor viouM ftoi-n fjuh hia brain and Kill him. lint it j-lij-il to my admiiiitraiioii vt your har-Hotnilia : tha i'ci Imwltil, nni le.- vrll tt;.in. net ut' LMiuvi without uiiu di-tl'utittioii to hi ft pi. A woman who bait In-cti tiratc-d ft r tlio piiitit distil ih-r by inficuiy wiu miIIl-uih; r.itn tbii i;ooii iii in r tu'ie . 'i ln-y ha I iH'cunc m tii ii--ilke to thu w't-athi'i thni on a damp day uiiii nutk-i.-d vx-crm-iatm jiiiti in br j' ii.tH itnJ Ikhh-h. Mic i. o. wail tured en tii fly by your f-aiKioaiilU in a ft'Vnvct I know ti'oiu its fuiutula, whnii yum ap:.t parn nn, that tiii i'tt-j uiauuij from muv hloiatoi mu.-t be a vtiht rumt'iiy; coitiiUfiuly, tiieu tmly tcium Uabio iviiilts Mtll it hint! ijt Mll'.l d hks iiattinally j j.nd, 0. V. LAUIMTU, 51. D. nhcumnllsm, Cinnt, Ilvrr Complnlnt l.vtr.rt.Nn:N: :, I t 1 n C., Va.. Cth July. 1.?.. Tit. J.C. AviP! Hv. I haio bti-n iitliii-n d nith n p t in fill cbiohic JifirviiiuttsM fi-r a bit tinn, whMi balll-d thu paill of i-hyi- iftiiH, i t tne in t- to ot all tht rtfUH -Iii- I f.niid tied, uiiiii 1 tried oiiv h'ar.-rpariliu. Or bottle CUifd IliO 111 tvu t.f l s, anil rtr-li'lt d loy l:ur;il lotnUIi bo iini' li 1 itia i'.n- bt'it"i' than Init io I was iiitut.Uud. 1 1 hi n. i. it u ivi ieaiiul ni-juino. J. l'KKAM. .Tuh'S Y. Ci-trhfH, t fl. Louis viib: "I h.iva Uon uniit;tfd lor t-aiiih an n '..c'ruf .' the inr, vhi- h iii tr jved my h.-alth. 1 tin-1 evt-ry tiling, and iiery thinrf Jailfd lo it-lave mo ; and J hue li n a l ioUt-u-dnwn uuu .or fr-mm y-.-urs fiiu no othr rniw (ban 'i.I;cm ; f Lu-tr. My bi-luwd "i.tol tiie I!-v. .Mr. li.-jiy, adi bsid I'ih to tiy your r'ar ai o!a, i.1' au-i be taid In li:nw uii, tid any thin? y.-u ina-lu uiv inn th III in', i-.V I bo blci- int ut tiotit i aai iiii tl ina, and ni so jM.i itii-d my b!' i4 ui to milky u in w mun ii mo. 1 fi tl .Vi-ntiK amtin. Tho wi thai c.ib bv naitl ot yon in not h;tll gut t intugh.'' r li Irr ii,4'aikfcr Tiinor, Vnlnrrfpineiit, 1 IcrtHtitkii, Cui'ic nutl KxToiiuttuu of A jif-at varl ty rf cfno hire hdn rfpni'tc-l tn nn vhre 'Ul.-i. uf tie K. f..rmiil.illo 'om.lni!iN Inivn i.iiitt-'t f.t 'n h" u tf this r- tii-lv. I. ut fiir n mo liif lit iet u .bi-m. f-. ill'i of ilit-m may -- k-uiet in our Anit-ii' iui Aliiiaiiftc. wbirli llu n.-itts b;l natnpil aro pli'iihctl to f .1 nihil --laiis to all who cull lur iht-n. -Tji)i'ptln, Ilenrt nincnse, Fits, Kpilrp- yt iUtl.t nvlioly f At ni tili;iti Mtiny ii'iiiatkuh'i: iii ct tbcH) ulhTti' int Iiatc hn Welt by lie: nl ter.itii u r et (bin m- ilirine. Jt stimii '-.-fi tlu iuui'ti-'i'S into -. n ut mm u, and thui .dUTilJltlfo flirlilltkrH IV lo I'll WOltld 10 MIiM.Vtl ltfUll(i it i-.u b. tie b a rci.n dy has b-op; bfni i . .(i;iri ii l-y the n . nnlti.H t.f thu i b: ai'fl wt avo (oiifidciit thai Ibid Wiii 4 I'j fr tkeni hit thai int ikiliu can do. Ayer'3 Cherry Pectoral, ou tic: ni'ii)"rt'tii: ov Vor.Kli, ( olds, lisniuuzn, ironrKenreB, tittup, liix-iit I it i, i m-ipiri.-t ti tii t iu it. and t'U" th li t I itl" Of tilth It 41 l)i IV t ! t it 111 In n v stt'ctt St t; oi tiie iiiht-ubi This Is a vftnt'dy k.1 univ- iNiHy Kuown f, Ftirpap any ntb-.-' Iii tin-cure of an I luiirf o iuphiinti, tliut it u-vk h. 19 to pn'Ii-h li e t-viu, i-o r.t it a b tu.-. lt : n 1 1 :i 1 1, f;r"l! m e f ,r eoiibfc m d rohR and its truly T.Mii.if;il riuei of puIneMMiy tU-ene. bavo H kuoun throughout ti o citili.- d iinlin of tbu Chi ill, i-vM ;uc ilia f iiiiimuithH. or t-u bitiulir-s. aim-mr tbi-m imve nr t 'ii.e i iMitial n.vp ra mo ff iti ettc-"tit livimr tr.jphy in Ibt ir mid-1 of it U Ury over (bo i ililoiiud tlmitiej-iUH iv v l.-i of tbo throat and iunv'H, ad kie.w tim (!r'a.!l'ul l i iHty of Iliuuo ilit-uiiUT', Hi.d f h they know, tun, tp.. .n,-' 0f ii,;,, rcm.-ity, v need no tio :t.or( t'uaii to hMirt' lie in (hit It bio now all the vir tutu th:it it did lm.' wte-n mal .in lie- fu.on wliiU baie v ,u j nirouIy up -u thu tonti b iuo of imtiikiud. epared by Dr. J. C. AY EE & CO., Lowell, Mass. ' M by I-' rilius; -V nint,n(l A. Y. KiHht:r, HhiiIhuv I', t'axl-tw and C. Ilrown.; J)r W't n- k. Mp ('.t'roii it'i: ; HfifMiyder -V I bi iimio, Tuthut vilU ; K. li Ale"; .y. .. itiii.mii. rUnd nmJ ly iH-uii-r cvtryvtt:ie. A put 'i. 1 1 -j t . 1 y ?T ll'O or Poalll 1 lie nuWribera tuke jJJ ltature in niitmuiif in that llity art? now iieareo to moil lref) tu Vwnn wlut wt-h H, a ,:opy of an impnrttiiit little work, ly tlio lute Or. Irampt'Jn, euiitloj 'Tlie Invili.! .K-dicul t-'uti. f'dint," published f.r the bent-fit. and u a warn liig U voting nn a ami jcru,ii who fcttll't r ftcin urvnus lability, rr'rntitar I)t'Cy, Ac. .t lupplyii.t? l!ii intMiis of : elf cure. The riai!er u rrtb.-iiibly li d tu compare uneiul Ule wild ut tftmblt th-atli. litai'n r, hte not a mo'iicul, but seuil your ml I fur a cpy uf this li.Ue work. AUarei hli JOHX !i OfiDnN 6l CO, bi v 06 JmUu New Vtwk. May H. - Suios GREATEST EXCITEMENT 0? T13 SEASON ! jF IUL1NG & GRANT at the !: ... nve j tint recciveJ MfW AND DKsinAlJI.n Plotk of FA Lb oj WlNTJ:il HOODS! A very extensive assortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Ct'tisiting in nr' f Elaik and Fanry filks of vrry chnire jiattcrns DEBF.GE5, Ilurulc, Cashmerea. - Frcnrh onJ English Morinnp, t'lniit anil FigureJ Woo Delaines. Muslin Uridines nf nil styles a id prices. Foulards, Tliilict ("loth, Toil Vc CLcvrca. Saxon and Wool Fluids. I r.DIEs FUllS, BROCIIi. Buy 8tato and liety, &.C.. &e. Wool SHAWLS of every vo Gentlemen's Dress (ioods, ofevery style, consisting of Cl.illis, Caimere, Siitlinett3, ' ' Kentucky .tenns. 'Fwcedri, Velvet Cord, Vnlvetet n, Veslin?,. ofevery variety. Our stock of Silk nnd Velvet Y.'flinis, cannot lie surpassed ill country. Fk'ttsd call, and examine them. CLOTHING-! Our slock of READV MADE CI.OTI.'INn, ha 1 been rt plcnhcd, nnd we have u full ussoit tucut of OVERCOATS PRESS, COATS. Punts and Vests, Overcoat nnd Dress (.'outs for Boys of all nges. ALSO, a very handsome assortment of HATS -A-ISTID CAPS of every i-ty!o and variety at the lowc.-t prices. O.n stock of HARDWIIRE hrs l.ncn renew' el and we have now a larger nssorlment llom ever l.efi ro tll'crtd to our tustoniLr,, consistlnj in pur' of Sausa;'.' Cutters, Pocket Cutlery, . Butcher Knives Mayer Hinges, Holts and Pud Lock, A L ut caws, Mill S.nvs, Scoop MioveU. &c, Ac, Ac, i)c., &c, &c. iiiieHa.ivaic and Glassware ofevery variety at the V E It y I. 0 W E S T PRICES. Our stock of G" P. O C IS I jZ lius) is very Cue. W'c have I lie best qunlity of Syrup .Molasses ever before off. re lo tho c ilizi ns of Sunbury mid vicinity. CEDAR AND WILLOW-WAIIE of every vatiny. Hosiery, Gloves, Notions, SADLERY. LOOTS AND SHOES, & c, Sic Also a frceli supply of Drujs, Paints, Oils, 1'erfumery, Soaps, Dye Sufi's, Glass, Brushes, &c. Partienlur care having been taken in the sc. lection of our goods in regard to ipialitv, style and t rice, vc cull the ulteii'ion of the public to our large stock to 'which constant udJitious will be niadc. Thai.kful for past favors, we hope to merit a coi.tinuuiice ol the the public by selling cheaper than evtr. Give us a culi bcfuie purcliaaiug el.ewheie. FRILINU & GRANT. Sunburv, Nolleinber 17, lbliO. TO ALL i:.OSEIHVl Farms, Parks or Gardens. IX CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA. A mre. cli.mcc is n.-w aif-.r.!. d to select nud order FUU1T AED ORNAMENTAL TREES Vmts. Minilitiiy, &4:.lfi.nii tlit-i-f Irhniii'd i'lnver Street iMirM'iius ic;m-a ;it itot liLftcr, ew .ik, EiChsrs, MOOKi; -IIUUTKIKKS, PHOPRIETORO wnn i.t-p ii'-ivc K Miiiniiiicu lUal tnry ure pcomed uiu-uu n.tu qii.'i.aitti itiiu R I-. S I' O N S 1 li I. K A (3 K T S, To it;,lri!,ulc Ihtir su,ieiior stuck lurilie iiiu.l reusuimhl teiuis. l'KOPl.K t)K THU I.iivin.,1 N:iliueund Ihu lienul if.., niul iusllv eelelilale lor )..ur Intel ueuce, vvenlih, llheralu y and tule, now II ..... ... j-.u, aeireiiou. iroi.l uur 111'-. 'I! I I' II Yl". C I'l'AlllUl'l.' Ml A TU Ml ,lL-i Winch lll he 1'ariiifhe.l you, Iluouli our .,cul i.eiu u'i.. .. .. hq.ui.u iimi youi uroers win la) houoru l.!y lii!.-.l. I 01 lurther j.articular.upp!vir, l iii;tii;ICK A. IIOWK, OrJUHNU JONI-s, tAnv,.LK, ca. AiC'iilior Niiriliamlwrlaud county. HEFEKENOES: It on. i:iir:NI -cit liliiKFIN, K.-ehesur, N. Y. llou. JllllN liAl.bKAlTll.Krie, -u. CI. J. R. JuiiNfi'., Altudville, I'a. I'tbrai.ryS, l-iil STOVES- . l,tOR SALE an excellent second-hand Cook I ' . uij toe, also several Cyl.uJcr Co.: 1 .Move.. t.iii, at this ullite. CENTRAL HOTEL, SUNBUHY, fforUitimberiftnr County Pa. Tni larg, nJ eommodiotn Ifotel, now . mtniged hf JAMK.i VAN IlVKB. It i wtuate at the Unilroad Depot North corner of Market Sq.iare. Sunl.ury, and at the terniintiii i of the Sunlulry 4. Erie nnd North- nd is ,, foMhe aecom-n-Z frailer, and the pnWic In general tor.r'P'"!''' will Kjve hi, exclbsivo nttcn and is do' erlf1 "nd ennvenietu of his gneMs rank amonfr the"'A.'0 nko this ei,..i.i.nni His table will l ifi,le Sintr. market can produce havi,f ih th W ,e daily coqimuni.iatinn hy cars iifeAllTn,lte.,J. more, and also from thoie hringinR rlVe frorri the surrounding country. ' Ilia hiirwill he supplied with the purest liiju ., the market can produce Oa-cfut and obliging servants always in al tendance. Nr w and commodious stabling has just been added to the premises. A share uf the local and traveling community most respectfully solicited. P'jnbury, January 13, 1861. "WINTJEJH GOODS, FOR M I) N ' S WEAR. Black and Illne Hair Chilli, Denver Overcoating, Uluok Doeskins, New Hlyle Cassimeres, All Wool Tweeds, Heavy Kentucky Jeans, Keal Hood Cassinrtla, ISilii .Mixed ("oaiincs. Super Cords, Black l.renaditie Vesting, Black t?ntin Vesting, Fancy Silk Velvet c.tinp,s, I'hiin bilk Velvet VestinRS, Nice ("assimere V'estinps In fact all kinds of cnods fur Men's and Hoys' wear, en n be found at the Feople's One Price ritore nf 1". V. 7'riirlit Sc. Son, who have just eceived hy lluilroad a splendid stock of all kinds of Roods, suitable for cold weather. I'luaso call and be convinced. 1. Y. IlKIOHT & RON. Putihury, October 27, lS(H). HEVEKE HOUSE, (I.ati: i:agi.i-: hotki..) Third Sh-cit, obnre J'ace, l'hUmltlphin, HIUIADS fc SAII.Oll, Propiu-tors. IMI'ROVK.MKN Tjc nave been ma.le, ami Hie House has ln'rn ri'fitr.-tl tlironpiHMit Tii.iin.uan V. IIiioaus, n.rmoilyof Hie National Hotel t'lUKI.Fa Sailor, InnniTlv of rVlitiylkill CO., I'a. l'lnliiilulploa, Jan. Ill, lHii. ly D O O T A N 1)" S JL O K MANUFACTORY. Corner of Market Suare and Hirer Sired PA. rB"'"' subscriber respectfully informs the citi zens of Sunhury and vicinity, that he has opened a Hoot mid fhoe Shop on the corner of Market Square and River street, opposite the Court House, where, hn can he found ut all times ready to ivuit upon customers. Having considerable experience, he is prepared to make up customer work of ull kinds, at shoit nolice, in the latest stylo nnd workmanship. lie keeps constantly on hand a largo assort ment of Leather, of the best quality, which ena bles him to rnuko up Rood and durable work. ('all and examine for yourselves befnro pur chasing elsewhere, and yon will save money. JOHN Wn.VER. Siinburv, Nov. 10, 1800. ly 1'CSIIi A B r.M1 1 1 V VO M.r.G K. !?. K. corner of i'.v?nth (J11J CIicsiufStrtets. T'lis is one of KIUI1T COIXt'OFS, CONSTITUTING THE "NA TIH.NAL CHAIN." l.nCAll 1 Pliiln.b-tpliin, N',-w York Cily, Allnny, RnlTilo, Clwe Inn.l, Cm. :ic-i, nnd St. Louis. i-lmlHisliips cun be iur cliiiriuii ut ciiIkt poinf, jji,nd tit nil liie Collci-es. Tin: coi.i.i.ciati; cocker cnilirnccs Double ami Single f.ulry It.iok-Kcepinir, Cnm- iiM'ici.ii c.'iiMitali'ini), L.i.ninercial, I ViiinmiKliip, liutiliuA. Cut ifnp.iiiilt'iii'0, I'urtuciship S-.-llli;ineiits, etc. PRACTICAL Tr.XT-UtluKd. T!---Te.-scl nn; in thu ll.HK-Kei-:nni; Di-iuirtinent is most ly writu-ii ihiiniiKciipt fitnits, with on.l iiistiucli.'iis Iti.iir,s, mill Miick.lMJiir.i rltU'itlnliohS ; ill ntl.lltlou to winch, in tirilrr lo iiuike the Culh-uiale C'.ure lis Ihoroilirh nnd clicctiial as puvsil.le. the t'.illowiug Ttxt-ll.sik- have ul'.-ii p.cpiirrii : Uiyanl A: Stiatt.nrs 11 "k-Kccpirp, in three e.lili.nn t fi.iiin. m S-Ii.h.I, Ilij'li Schiml, ;in.t C-'iiniiui; I J. nive ; Hiy- nni .v rnm.'irs ....iiiiiicrcliil Arillnnti. ; liruiut & Mriilliin s Coiniut.rciul Uuv, l.y Ann lieiin, L.L li. SI'KXCKRIAX SVSTLM ( 1T.NM ANSIIII', inn h. litsnfiiinclio iks, ly I'. R. SPKNCKU. I. R SPIN'i'KH, .li., Teacher of rcrini..iiship. Iiu'i. viclual iiistri'.-tioii. Sluiltiita enlci ut uuy luue. ipk. 111111. awarded. If" I'.ir Ciilnloenps nnd Circular. e,H nt ttie Cnlh-je r.ldls lilt YANT, SI HAT t U.N .V lAlltllANKS Feliru.iryJI, 1 i I ly l'lnladclphia. War! War! War! OMK MOM THE XORTIT, COME FUOM THE bOTTlf, COME FROM THE EAST, COMEEllOM 'JllE WEST, avc Iho country and build yourselves homes. or now is the lime to get your Lumber cheap. is, LI MBER ! I.tMBKR ! ! LUMBER ! ! ! can be purchased allow rates al the STEAM SAW-MILL of IRA T. CI-HrlKNT, Such as Panel Luiuhcr. Frame Lumber. Boards. Siding. Shinnies from .-J:1 to 8 per thousand Flustering Lath, Paling, Roofing Lath, Ace, &e. All lulls ordered, lr uii v kind ot Lumber, will be luruislied ut the shortest notice. II! A T. CLEMEAT. Sunbury, March 0, 1KGI. SAVE YOUI I'RUIT llY l.M.Mi MASON'S Patent Sheet Mclal Screw Top PRESERVE J A It. .MASON'S PATENT SHEET METAL SCREW TOP ! Ill that is necessary being lo screw the Cap down upon I ue ituuu-r t.usk. t, wlucli is olsced oulsnl upon the shoulder ol the Jar, 3-4 of an wich dis I. ml from the lop ; prevent the possibility of the llavor of the fruit being injured by cominc in niuct wim tiie ituiiiicr. Personsilcsiriii these Jars, cun he supplied by a v lliu tlicu orders v. nil JI. U. .MASSLIC, Su:ibury, J line 'J, IStiO. Agent. COTTAGE BIBLES. IT'OU SALE, thtfitp, three copies ef th Collage Bible, iu two volumes, with com II. H. M AS.SER. I ) LANK Parchment Paper D.ods and blank t' Mortirages, Bonds, Executions, tiummon, Ac, lnrsuleb II. 11. MA.SNKrt. a 1At Kl RS ! CRACKERS, just receive, v4y and for sule by the bam I or pound, at the Confectionery store of M. C GEARH ART. Sunbury, Octoltr 13, If CO, BLANKS! BLANKS! ,4 new supply of Summons', Executions, Warrants, Supo-nas, Deeds, Mortgnges, Bonds, Leases, Naturalization papers, Justices ud t.'onstablcs Fee Bills, 6ic, &.C., just printed and tor sale at this (mice. Sunbury, April 30, lM.,9. lVNl'OW SHADES A very fine and cheup ass. 11 Uncut, just receiveJ by Kail ,ad from New York, el the Maminota store of Frilini; 1)- (iranl. We have also for sale S. Putnam rV. Co', celebrated Patent Pendulum Curtain Fixtures. yee' erf H'T't SUNBURr STEAM FLOTJKIiN'G ff tlR suhscribers hsvins taken possession of Ifns first cla.s FLOl RINO .MILL, are pre parol 10 receive grain of all kinds, and to do cue '.1 the Kh't,"t Notice. Customers will fe their grists around Immediately upon heir be,,,, .f, the Miq A, h lh ion of tie firm to stoch the Mill a UrKh Sup- ' yt n 1irtl Wi!I ,,e -f-frtafiny tfepl-S-i Tfand, and flour by Int. .,,,:, .i..V 1. . ri. . ... "'"""lyean always b obtained. mirably adapted, rllrict attention will be paio to the wants of customers, and the patronage of the public generally Is respectfully requested. MORUAN & CO., Sunhury, June 83, 18fi0. LUMBER! LUMBER. P H I 1.1 V 8 H A Y, 1 .. "Ahil Mt"i nd t,,R t,ublic gene rn . that he,,,,,,, keep, on h(ini) UosrJ hh n8le. l.Bth,J.;M.B1., all kinds of Lumber and build ng interin,which he will ,cM ,t h lowest prices. March 30, IHC1. DR. A. "W FISCHER, "OFFERS his profofionnl services to the citi " xens of Sunburynnd vicinity. Office at the Drug'lore. Sunbury, June 3b 1830. SilAMOKllTlALLEY POTTERY. 'fpHE subscriber rxpectfully informs the public -1 that he is now lanufacturing at his Pottery, 4 miles east of Sonury, all kinds of Earthen Ware, made out of neI Ctmcnt Clay. This cloy produce, the best and most desirable kind uf ware, euunl, in many respects, to stone ware, and is less liulle lo crack by sudden heat ami cold. The subscriber rerrs to Frih'ng & Grant, Munbury. Addrex, JOSEPH SAVIDGE, Oct. 13, IffiO. ly Sunbury, Pa. "WALL PAPER 1 KKILINU & GRANT at the MAMMOTH STORE, have this day (January 17tb, 1861 recoived a CHOlCIi ASSORTMENT OF H1K NEWEST STYLES AND PATTERNS "01 "WALL PAPER, which they are sellitg at prices that defy competition. Sunbury, January 19, lUfil- LOOK HERE, IF TfOU WANT H) BUY CHEAP FOR CASH. GO TO WM. 11. Ml'.LER, he has received from Philadelphia t large stock of BOOTS & SIIOSS. His stock coisists of Gen'ts Kipp Boots, Youtlu' Kipp Boots. Children's Calf Boots. Also a variety of W'omrn's Calf I. nee, Hoots Woman's Mnro-ro Lace Hoots, Children' Morocco and Calf Lace Bools, all of which he will R-ll fur (!.SlI. Call and examine furyournelvcs. ALSO, first Quality of Tsmoero Moroeo for sule for cash. WM.H. MILLER. Sunbury, January 7, 1880. NOW WITHIN REACH OF ALL GKOVE11 t5 DAKEli'S CELEBRATED NOISELESS Sewing Machines, 495 BituAHWAT, Niw Yuhk. The public attention is respectfully jequested to the following cards of Eli as llowt, Jr. , and the Grover & Baker S. M. Co A Card from the GROVER & BAKER S. HI. Co. Our Putents being now established by IS I, our Is, e are enaLled to furnish the Grover Buker Machine, with important improvements at greatly Iltditct'd Prices. The moderate price at which Machines mak ing the Grover & Buker atiich, can now be hnd. brings theiii within the reach of all. and renders the use of Ma -.bines making inferior atitchca as unnecessary as it is unwise. Persons desiring Iho host Machines, nnd the right to use them, must not only be sure to buy .Machines making the drover & Baker stitch hut also that such Machinea are made and slumped uudor our patents and those of Elins llower, Jr. GROVER & BAKER S. M. CO.. 495 Broadway, New York. A CARD FROM ELIAS HOWE, JR. All persons are cautioned not lo make, deal in or uso any Sewing Medlines which sew from two spools and make the stitch known as the Grover & S Laker slitch, unless the same mre purchased from the Grover & Buker Sewing Machine Company, or their Agents, or Licenses, and slumped under my patent of September 101810 Ban! Company, and their Licenses, alone, an legally autbori.e.l under their own patents, am my said patent, .luring the extended term there ot, tu make and sell this kind of Sewing M achiue and ull others are piracies upon my suid patent and will be dealt with accordingly, wherever louud. ELIAS HOWE, JR. New York, Dec. 29, lBfiO. if New Arrival of Clothing. TMIE largest and best Slock of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING ever brought to this place, arrived at Ihe Mammoth Clothing Store of SCHWKITZER, 11EILBROXNEH & CO.. in Murkcl street, neuily opposite Wea vers Hotel. Their Stock comprises nf FINE CLOTH COATS, Dress ('outs. Over Coats, Business Coats, Ac, VESTS OF ALL KINDS. Under-Shirts, Drawers, die. HATS AXSTP) CAPS liOUTS AND SHOES, of Ihe latest styles 01 every description ana quality, cheaper than ever. 1 heir assortment of gentlemen's furnUhing flouting is ine most complete I Their variety and styles most attractive. And the prices defy all competition. UT Call and examine for yourselves. S C W E I'I'Z E R, H EI L B RON N E II r CO, Sunbury, Oct. 0, I860. fpiN WARE A very cheap and desirable assortment just received this week, at the Mammoth Hlore of t RILING 4 GRANT. - Sunbury, January 12, Iriu'l. YIUED PEACHES, pared tod gupared at lb Mammoth storeof FK1LING i GRANT SI ANOTHER Aa1VAL OF j. if tlSGEl of Buitbnrj, HA 8 lust arrived with splendid STOCK of , SPRING AND StJMMKR GOODS, from! Philadelphia, to which he respectfully .Invitee his friends and the Public to call and Inspect, ho will spar no time in showing them. Among his stock of poods will befound, FINE BLLb AND Bt.ACK , fF.kitcii clot; inetta, Jeans, Dlack Itaifafl-'worea, trw"". Cottonade, Linens, Linen V,1!C,' l"""?' t7 vesting, also a. large Jssorti..., f ...u vuuiuuiu ior men anu boVi (cheap.) , - FOR LADIES WEAR, Black and Fancy Dress Silk Tissue, Beregcs, Chali and Chali Robes, Berege Delaine, Berege Robes, Figured Brilliant and a variety 01 oilier Uress Goods, Spring and Sum mer Shawls, Mantillas, Parasols, a good assort .n,rVrVmrt general assortment of J.mpje jj ,,".: Also a large stock of h.. " 7 '' d,l-n,. , , kr j i "nil Caps, Boots and shoes, Hardware, Queens ..r ' " Groceries, Cedarware, Stone and Ear'tRR. ' tice. Drugs and rainls, oalt, risn, inecsc, nam, Tar &c. &c. N. B. Wall and Window Paper, Floor and Table Oil Cloth, Carpets, all the above will be old at low priqes for cash or country produce ta en in exchange for Goods. J. H. EJMiUI,. Sunbury, May. 19, I860. tf. - HARRIS IMISITEH, H 1 1 0 r n c a ti t 3L a u) , MARKET SQUARE, STT N B TJ R -TxT, FA.. June 83. 18G0. New Air Line Eoute T O 1ST E "W OP, TZ.. SHORTEST IN DISTANCE ATD QUICKEST IN TIME between the two Cities of KEW YORK AND IIARXUSBTJHG. VIA READING, Al.l.fcNTOYVN AND FAPTON. Morning Express West leaves Now York ut 6 a. M . and Philadelphia ut A M., arrives nt llurrishi.rp at 111 45 P. M. connectini. ut Ilairishmg with train on Northern Centml Rnsd for Snuliury, WilliuniNport, Lock Hnven and inter mediate sUilions. Mud Train West leaves New York nt 12 noon, nnd Philadelphia nt 3.M0 r. M., ennuectiini wiih train on North, era Central Road for stutinna ns nhove, and also 011 ull trains on the Williani.port nnd Eltnira. Mnil Tuiiii FUimi leaves Ilumshuiir nt 8, A. vt , nnd nr. rives nl l'hilmlelphia nt I r. M., nnd New York at 3 3U P. M., in time to take liont or cars for Bosttni, Ac. Vast l.xpress East lesves llarnsliuir at l.l5,jn nirivnl of Northern Central Tinin, nnd arrives at Philadelphia nt i. p m . nun rvew l ors utnr. m. No clinnce 'Mf cursor barsiu;e between New York or Philadelphia and Ilarrishuitr. Kor lienuty of scenery nud speed, comfort nnd accommo dation, this route presents superior inducements to the tiavehng pi'hlie OiTiee'm New York, foot of Courllnud street, Philadel phia, Hroad nnd Callowhill streets. I-ure liel ween. ev lorn suit llurrisburg nVKUt'l, LA US. For Tickets; Freight or other information, npjdv to 1. i. CLYDE, Ueneiul Agent. Harrishnrp. June 30, lt-lio ly ALFRED D. ERICK'S UMTED STATES AXD EL'HOPEA PATENT OFFICE, No. S23 WALNUT STREET, Philadelphia. VT B. Communications by mail promptly - ' attended to. Sept 22, lrC0. Iy5 Cure Cough, Cold, llnnrseness, Influenza, any Irritation or Snrines of the Throat, Ee Here the Had ing Cough iu Cantutiijition, llron chitis, Asthma, and Catarrh, Clear and gire strength to the voice of I'uhlic Speuken and dingers. w nrenwareof ihe importance of checking n Coiieti Common Cold" in its first stage ; that which in the ........- ..ia r..iu ,,. a tniM reniedv. il" nevl--r, ""n stimks Hie l.uius '.IIKOWN'S HUONUIIIAL TRO CHES' eonluiiiinir demulcent ingredients, nltay Pulmo nary and Rrouelnal Irritation. I "That Ir.mhle in my ihront, (fur which Drown's I the "TROCHES" nro a speeilie) having .made me often a mere whisperer" TROCHES. I N. P WILLIS. I "I recommend their use to l'ul.he Spenk Brovvn's crs." I . REV. E.H. CIlArlN. TROCHES. I uHave proved extremely serviceable for Jllourseiiess." Brown's I REV. HENRY WARD BEECIIER. ! "Almost nistiint relict iu Ihe distressini; TROCHES ilubor ol Lrcullin. peculiar to Astlaun." I li E V A C Etjl.I.EsrON. Brown's ! (1Conlaiil no Opium or iojurl ous." DR. A A HAYES, TROCHES. I Chemist, Ronton. "A simple and plensuut for 'Couyhs, ,Vc." I DR G F BIGEI.OW. Bruwn's TROCHES. iioston. "Beneficial iu Bronchitis " DR J F WI.ANF., II, .si 1 ill "I have proved them excellent for Whoop ing Couch." EEV 11 W WARREN, llosion. 1 Brown's j TROCHES. I Brown's 1 TROCHES.! "Hencfieiid when compelled lo speak, sullclilis iroin 1 ..... REVSJ 1' ANDERSON, Si. I.iiis. Brown's TROCHES. "ElTectual in removing Hmtsene.s nnd iiriitinion of Ihe Thront. so common with Brown's Speakers and Singers " 1'rol .llMAll J.lllAMIA, La Grniure. Ga.. TROCHES. I Teacher of Music, Southern Brown's Female C.-Ueoe. "nrent benefit when taken and TROCHES, lafier preaching, nsthev nrever.l H.isrseness 1 From Uieir ttast ellect, 1 think tney will be id Jfrowu's iperiiiuneul iiirvaniage 10 me." REV K ROWLEY. A V.. TROCIU'S. President of Athens Culle-e, Teim. I 17 Sold hy ull Druggists ut ii cents u box Decemlier 8, IcCu. Oinpl r EVANS & WATSON S ' .1.1 ritiludcljjhia Manufuct'd ir -j--, itlaiiiaiuler SafcN. aoi Chennut Sired, ..'.3 l'lIILADEl.l'IIIA. liHESE Safes are now in use nil over the United States, 1 sud Imve been tested iu many tires: the follnwiini shuws auoilier instance ol their cuiuiiui ly 111 resisting Uie Wither s Bainos, ) Ijmcanu-r Tovvihip, July 30, IPdo I Messrs. Evans At U'.tws, Geuilemen: The sinali size No. 1 Snlamnnder Safu ttdiich I purehnscd floin your ueeut. .ir. Atlaul It. Kurr, in Jncuster i-uy, niuuly voth w.i, hits been sub.ieeled lonveiy severe lest, which il withsto.Ml in u most stit.hfactory manner. This Sufe, con, luiiuug all my IsMiks, lordlier with valuable papers belons. lif to myself und siuue to my neihlnjis nud liieuds, und rcpres.'ntiinr a value of over Twenty Thoiisund Dollurs, (is.M.iiiHi) wus in my Mill, which vni ditroyd mi tlio iiiffla fo I he tf7thof July, I anil p:iKil tlnuut-h the fiery orrjeul unscnttied, The Saft win (n the wonti titr, unit fell to the Imsonieiit of the Mill, und wus tuil'icrttil for mx aH'iits to nn intmse lipiitumoug the ruiim, winch wudurt utly hirreustil hy (lie trtMiihusiioti ef a Iuihu qumililv if giaiu coiiftiied wittun lite br irk whII. Aitor ihefiie the Nife w:t ovcnfcl and Ihe iMiokti nmt fsfirj t:ikni out in a ntuUt of perftct preiervulion, the jmiier not even lieintt ditN-olur ed. 'riiuhict whi, Uwevtr, to many Ityniutuluri, u bi-lier rerorntiifiidiitinii of your Sai'eii titan could In exorcised iu any oilier wortU Iroin ma. YuurareKpecllully, . tSAMl'KI. RANCH. Anotfier Victory for Ecaus and WuUon$ SuUunander Safe, Citwiwo, . V., Man htfT IHW. fientlemii Il afforda me much pltaMiitti to iiilurm ymi th nt the Hufe No 5, (upriglii) which I iiirt'luisd of H, 8iroud, your truvelinjf nt-ut, liaa tviajifd thronuh un ex-reednif-ly ht fare in a tints nory briuk huiluioit, which heatrd the Kile to a white heat, ao thut the corneia it ttieiir melted; ,uL il prcarived my It-xikt aud vahinhle Iiuitrrs to the amount uf avverul tltouund doliait, tor which tcel t hank Jul. Youra, reapectfully. J.N. i:r,T)RU)fiK. rT A lurce BMaxirtiuetit ' f Ihe above A k alwuva oti I. mh!. at :j.i Cheanut atreet. (late 1 hoaih t'ourlto at.. -hilidtlhiii. OcU-bcrtf, I960. ly GENESEE SALT. WIIOLKBALi Ss HETAIL, IA'ILING A GRANT (at Ihe Mammoth . Store,) have just recoived 600 His. of Solar Ground, Solar and Fine Salt, 700 Sacks of Ground Solar Salt every sack warranted to contain 225 pounds of Salt and 200 bags of Salt containing one Bushel each. This (all is the beat and strongast now manufactured and in market. Call and see for yourselves. Sunbury Sept., 8, I860. BOOTS &, SHOES, can lie purchased at the Mammoth Store of Friling & Grant, very cheap, as we are determiued not to be undersold by anybody. ' Call and learn the list of prices for yourselves. FRILINU & GRANT. Suubnry, January IS, lSffl jsWB.1 Has returned H a ir- SlocV of Confectionai'' 5"'--- flrjd Toys I T seerss M f heas open .iJ..tinrK.n V Literature ai..bler ", jeraim.. .levelotn aO. ence win giov. eW sno . Hmerbeautiea .no .nJer ,rtfp"3:. ' ln . Tb, buaineaa worlS tr most feel the new n illuence and every'patl quickened and "V fned by an incW- viulity, which shall 1 u. on with eleo'Pto ""'' of greater f- Uln "M et dreamed of ' ,, .( and dewjjr- of doing hij, ward. "The VXthrm the rood Peo- 'V JHl nA the P"01'" Bnerlly, Ihat pie of 8UlJetutned from lh, cily ,f phiigOel. . he has i.... -a .v-:..., .tnrW of Con. do phia ' v..,;. mnA Tn. that ha. aver been U . ,rt 1 1. '. . .A.i:An ,r -nimln. H IS also manufacturing all of Confeclionariea, Ac, to fill up ordera, wholesa'e or retail, at short no v' Amonir his stock of Confectioneries, may e found 1 Pp-neti Secrets, Unrncd Almonds, Cream White, " Vnnills, Common tcemts. Liquorice, ' Ransnns, Dates. Gum Drops, all Kinds 01 seem, live Dions, Mint Prop., rcrl and wrote, JHly ralira, Fruit Dmp., , tick t'noes, of all scents Rock candy, irfKiliil Caisly, PRIrsx. frun Fins, ' Citr'MS. Currants dried, Aimouus, Raisons, N uw of all kinds LEMON SYRtp , of a superior quality, by the aingle m dozen, superior qunlity of Segara and Tuhacto, and variety of Confectioneries, fruit, Toys, &c all of winch Is ollered cheap at wholesale or retail. L sf Remember the name and place. jJ M. C. GEA RH ART, Market st., 3 doors west of E. Y. Bright & Son's storo. Sunburv, April 14, 1800. ly 1IAS32?.'S PATE1TT FIVE-MINUTE FREEZER, As Improved for 1859 and (it), By E. It ETCH AM & CO., 889 Pcarl-Strcet, iNew-York. "IHE only Freeier constructed on, scientific principles, with a revolving enn and spring blade scraper. I he one hastens the freezing of the cream tlio other removes it as fast as frozen. Tlio most rapid in freezing, with the least quantity of ice. The most economical in cost, as it is the most simple and durable in structure. For sale in all the principal cities and towns in the Union. Each Fieezer accompanied with a hook of re cipes and full directions. PRICES. 3 quarts, $3 00 4 quarts, 4 00 6 quarts, 5 00 8 quarts, 6 00 14 quarts, 8 00 20 quarts, 12 (!0 Apply to H. B. MASSER.Sunbury. June 2, 1800. THE BEST ROUTE 1S60 F R O M Wyominsr Valtt'y tu Philadelphia, Aic-w York, ltaltlmurc, AND ALL rOhXTS X0RT1I, SOUTH j- WEST. LACKAWANNA k BL00MSDURG RAILROAD. STJIVI1MER AnHAi;GEMEIVT. Two Doily Pnssentrer Trains will he run between Scranton und Northumberland, us follows: MOVING SOUTH: I Ct H 1 Y lXt)TT,'i Leave Phil'a Mail. N. Y Fx. Peniiuon. lu A. Al. 4 iiu 1 M Arnveut Pitlston, A 39 4 fln Klli(!, 7 03 J 0j Shickshinny, 7 60 g v Hcwu k, g u 0 .5.-, looinsbuig, H tn - 3d Rupett, 0 HO 7 III, as 8 til Norihuinberland, In is. g r, MOVING NORTH: Leave N. V. Ex. Plul'a Mad.!aiid, S 3U A.M. 4 15 V. M Arnveut Danville, 0 (15 6 80 Rupert, 6 J5 8 ill Ill.Kimshuig, (1 4.-, C till Berwick, 7 15 6 3.5 ' Shickshinny, 7 45 7 115 Kingston, S 3d 7 15 I'lHston, K (17 f .i Scranton, H 23 S 45 ho l.aekawnnun nnd Blor.uiHbure Railroed connects Willi Ihe Delaware, Lncknw.uu. 11 in . I Western lluilroad. hi Scri.ut lor New York nud Philadelphia, nud interme diate points Lust: ilso for limit Bend, Binehutntoii. Svrueui-e,, Niiipant Falls, nnd nil unportunt points West. At Rupeil it connects with the Ciitlawissii Rail road, for points East uinl West. At Nolthuuibeilnnd it connect with ihe Sunbury nud Erie Ruilroud. I01 points West and South. Al. '.V. JALUSON, Sup't. Kingston, Augiut i"i, Irtn. KEW YORK LINES- CAMDK & AM HOY AND VHl LADKU'UU AND TUENTON UAW.HOAD CO.'S LINKS, From 1'hiladetiJ.ia to Neio York and Way Places, From Wii'mit Stroet Wlmrf and Kensington Depot, Fhiladeipliiu, will Iciive ua ToUuwt, IX akk. At 6 A M, via CuniJut and Aniboy C A. A Accin- modiitir:i, s $2 25 At 6 A M, via Cnmt.eit and Jersey City New Jer- acy MccoiiiirnHtattnti, g At 0 A M, viu Cuintlen and Jtittey city Morning Muil, 3 00 At IU A M, vitt Kciibingtou and Jersey city, Wca- leni I aprt tt, 3 (tt) At 1J I M vui Camtlm nni Aniboy, nrcoiniiKKlnlion a 23 At '! f' Mt via Cut 1 idea und Aniboy C and A. IU- prc-n, 3 no At4i I M, viii'KciwiniUon, and Jer acy city, Kve- iititfc J Apteuc, 3 Of, At4i 1' M, via KciiHingtou and Jeitey city, id t'lnsi Ticket, o yt At fi P M, vm t iiniib'n k Jrnty rity Kvniinc Mitil 3 (( Al II lJ M, vm Cuindfi) uiidJer'y city Sninh. Mnil i Al 5 I M . via C.iiiiib'ii nnd Anilroy Aet'oinmoilu- Hon, (freight ujid l'aawtnger) lot ticket, 3 ad " 1 50 The 6 P. M. Mail Line rum daily. The II Southern Mad Suturdaya exrepted. Kor Kelvtdere, Kimion, Fletninctnn, A-c, at 6 A. M., from Wnliiut piret-t wharf and ill'. M , from KeitNinifton. r or isiaiu n 1 nniiK. Aiieninwa uml ULlhlehtui, at t, A 1M. vui Lehlfth Valley Haitrottd. i'ui Water Oun, SirouiUSurtr. Seratttoti, WilkeHbatTo. Montroec, liuui llt-nd, Ao., at 6 A M, via Dclawire, lsnt'hii wuntiti nnu emern ianrono Tor Kieehold. tit ti A. M. anil V. M. I-'"t Mount UuMy, at U und y A M , and a, and 4 WAY LINES, For Hrisltd, Trenton, hv.t at 3 and 1 P. M., from ivt'iiainttni. For i'lttniyrn, Pelnnro, Bei'erly, Hurliuj-lon, Hortleu- imrn. we, ai tvj , .j aim 1 r. m. Fifty pound uf Hapuane tmly. allowed Mi-h pK4M'etr, l'aieiu!'ia ure piolnitiud fioin takniii imythiua aa i -ti- (rnijt bat thfir wrHrng apparel. Ail H:iti-i)ju over tiny poii ruin In tie paid for exir.i. The IVunpiiuy limit tin a rentoiiaibility Inr i.iit'iK to One J 'liar frf piumtl. uitd Will nit he luihie loi any amount bcyujia lint iJoiuia, ex cept by ipeeiiit ennirnet WM li. GAT.MKR Apent C. & A. R- R Co February In. itia. IIEGEI.IAN & COS CQIID1AL EL1X1U OF CALISAYA DARK Prepared only by HEGE.M AN 4 CO., Wh.desnle and Retail Chemists and Druggists, 161, M9, fill and 70S Broadway, New Yoik. THE virtues of PERUVIAN BARK us a Touie have been Inn kins k;Kwu lo need conunent. The C'ALlSA V A ('-or King's Hark,") is the most valu. able of the uuinertus varieties of the Peruvian Bark, and in the ELIXIR is combined with oilier ins-redieuts that iuttrcase its edicucy und at the sums time overcome ths tiueu.iiy uf tu bitiui, rotidcruig ua most Agreeable Cor dial, For persons living tu FF.VER snd AOl'E districts, il will be found iiivaluable as a preventive, Hull ot a wine gluts full lukeu uieht und morniuii, reudenns ths syslem liiuch less subject to the unhealthy u.dueuee ol the atiuoe pliere. DIRECTIONS D.we for an adult, half a winekist full liefore Ineakfasl and dinner ( children from one lo two teHspouns full i it uuy be lukeu with or without a lulls WatrS For sale at this office. March 17, It-till A Freali Supply of Ory 'oofln. CONSISTING in part or Prints, Delaine, bleached and unbleached M nslins, Checks Stripe Denims, & Drills, i.c, just received by R. U. al the Mammoth store of - FRILING &. GRANT. MEW GOODS Attli.MaminthBtore of N0. 1 MABKUT WRKKT, BVX. T A .hS, Goods, t thst has ever been offered 111 llofpiu.. nn() w,ieh ( no will aell for CASH or exchange for o,ntry I Produce. Those desiring to purchase goods wut well to call and examine Ins stock. BLACK AND FANCY BILK. All Wool U.Lin., Figured. Striped and Plain, Frexh Merino, all colors. Beautiful Dress Kobe,, Cashmeres, Shaded, J'lain and Striped must he seen to form an idea of the extent and variety. Mantle, Stella, Chenille, French Wool Shawls Thibet and Broche Shawls. Cloths Caasimeres and Satinet. For Men and Boys Wear, Black Cassimeres, Fancy Cassimeres, side stripes heavy, Doe Skin Cassimeres, Satinets all kinds. White Red Flannels, all gradea and prices, p.y State Sack Flannels, colors finest qnaltioa, READY-MADE CLOTHING Boota and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Ac, 4e., all of which were selected with great care, nnd will compare favorably, as regards quality, stylo and prire. with any in the country. HARDWARE, a fall assortment. Wood and Willow Ware, yucenaware, of nil descriptions, Groceries, a full stock in store, Carpet Chains, A c., Paints, Oils. Glass, Dye Stuffs. Thankful for the patronage heretofore received he will spare no pains to please all who may fuvor him willi their custom in the future. Sjiiburv.Oct. 8-1, 18.ri9. ROCKEFELLER & B0YER. Attornies at Law, BTJNBTJIl-5r, FA.. A. Jordan Rockefeller and Solomon II. lloycr, respectfully announce tnai they entered itito Copartnership in the practice of (heir profession, and will continue to attend to all busi ness entrusted to their charge in the counties of Northumberland, Union. Snyder and Montour, promptly, faithfully nnd carefully. Special at tention will be given to the COLLECTIONS Or CLAIMS. Consultations can be had in the GERMAN language. Ollice,- Market Street, opposite Weaver's Hotel. Sunbury, February 4, iniitl. ti. Itl MiJlX 1, mi.V MAf-'UFACTVBKni OP FINEST QUALITY OF BOOTS .A. 1ST 3D SHOES FOR GENTLEM EN W 11 OLE SALE A XI) li E TA 1 L No 4 South Fouuh Street, l'liiu.dclphin. C. Hc-tKKKT. V, J. BtMisnr. March 2,'J, ttlii (jin. Watches Jewelry & Silver IV sue WE would respectfully iufain our, pultons and the public irenerullv. Unit -e- h.ivu now in Stoic and oll r WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, in ih- l-.u-c: t Ca.ll I'liees, u hipe null ve-v choice Mock oi W VJ'Ct- .1 KWKI.R.V, SI LYl'.R AND I'l.ATEL) WARE, of evcty variety nnd slyle. Every descrintioti of DIAMflNI) WORK nud otlur JEWELRY, I'uule to order, nt short notice, r?" Ad tiooils l nrriinlerl to be ns represented. N. II I'niliculsr stleutii.ti given to the repairing ef Watches and Jewelry of every ileieripiton. . STAlKi'Elt ft HtRLEY, No. fin.) Mrket Sired, South Side, Philadelphia. March as. Ifin 3m P. MELANCHTON SHINDEL, "'STICK r TMK PKACE, STjrisj-BXjriY, fa.. Office in Deer Street, imme.iliatd y opposite the Public Schnirt House. All business promptly attended to. Monies collected and all ordinary writings done. Sunburv. A nril 25. fN."7 tf IJ EN RD ON NEI j ATTORNEir AT LAW. Oj?ice opposite the Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County Pa. Prompt attention 10 business in adioinire wounties. WHOLESALE DEALER IN BRANDIES, WINES, GINS, &C. rI"H E subscriber having opened in Thompson's - ltrieb U,,;i.l,.. Mill....,, I :n.. .1 Urick Uuilding, Mill street. Danville. , a largo and complete stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUOR, comprising the bestbrandsof Urun.lies, Gin, Old R; c, Scotch and Irinh Whiskey, Port, Sherry, Maileria, l.hainpactie nnd otlicr l ies of all grades, all of which will I 0 sold W'h desale at Ihe lowest city prices. Tavern-keepers by buy ing of us can save nt least the freight. Persons desirous of purchasing liijuors for fa m ii, y r s e, may rely upon being furnished with a pure and unadulterated article. r'Ueing determined to establish a reputation for selling cheap he respectfully solicits the pn tronage of the public. All orders promptly ut tended to. JEREMIAH S. II ALL. Danville, Jure IC, 18(i0. ' INGRAINED CARPETS' ' MANUFACTURED and fer Sale hvM. I'eiper Co; Leibrnndt nnd McDowell's Hiul.liiii-, North Ea;t comer, Sctvnd uud Race streets Ptiilii.lelplini. COODS C L'AHAXTEED. October 27, i'(0. tt'lIUnX t, A. T X. V W.. t "f c ECONOMy! uuit i.ii; licit At Bwidenta will Impin, even in welJ-rcpnlarl fnmi lieii, it nt verj di'.inihle t- hnvc fc. "ine cl.e.ip and (-'nveajeul way for repairing FtMnitLrr, To; c, Crocki ry,t.c. SPALDINQ'S PREPARED GLUE meets all aueh eme-rjenciet, and no honelio!d enn ihi t.) b ho wuhoul it. il im always ready and up to tiie siieioi point, 'I'here is no longer a iitceshify i -r lin;' iiii ciiaus, splinters veneers, hendiufi do! In, nnd broken eiudlt-s It i jtut the article for cone, slit II, and otht-r oiuanieinal work, s i popular w ith ladieii .f it lin iiitjn'. ai.d tasie. This admirable pit-paratii'ii m u.t-il fuid. I.t im; rlu'tiiie.illv hold in ao)ulion,imd t iw i tsc all trie vnhinlile (iimli-.itattf Jhe beat rjhtnei-maker a Olue. it may be iieed in ihe place ol uuliuuiy munl:ipe, bein vast I more udhtsivo. 'I SFKLLIN K.YLKY IItH.K' N. B A llruih acC'm.pMiiies ear-b bottle, Fi ice 'Jo eenia. Whohraule Deogt, T i 4- IVdnr street, w Y"ilf. Address, 11KNKY O M'ALDIM. A Cu., U 'X No. Jou, New YJt. Put up for Dealers iu enses eniituiiimj: Foir Kisb!,j:d Twelve I) lien a b-nutiiul Littu.rupii.c fhow Cmd uc Coiiipttiyiii4t each pickm;e. IV A single botileoi -jaldin'i Prejiaitd Glue will suvo ten limes its eoii itaniuilh to every household. Add tiy all prominent Ktniionei, lrti-.'i.r,it', Ibirdwiwa ivd Furniture jUealers, tint-erj. and Faty hunts. Country Merchant fbouid in.ikea ih-Io oi lu'dinir's propmed (ilue, wlien (hey make up thur hH U wil auind any eiimuta Far sale at Ibiioriice. March 10, le-60 lv SALE. fltWO LOTS situate in Market atreet, in Ihe town of Trevonon, Nos. 12 and 1 3, in block No. 0. Apply lo WM. (iAl GLKK, fcelina grove. or H. 11. MASSEU, Suuhury. TJSEFI'L IN A I.L F A M ILIES-H EG E MA N it CO'8 Dei, tine, which remotes paint spots grease, Ac, (Je, and cleans gloves, silks, ribbons, &c, equal to new, without the slighteal injury to color or fabric Sold by all Druggists, also alibis ofl'ice. 25 cents per buttle. (OY'S BOOTS and SHOES, cheap for cash A - " ' WM. MILLER'S. 6un' ury, August ST I Soil.