SENT BY EXPRESS EVKRTWHEBa, Retailed at whclosaio wices, Made to Maarcr9 at $18 per doz. O t SIX PCU HISM 1JOI.LARS, T-lihout'crtlar, en,-r'th foliar, on JJ p.T do. U1. J. SM MATa!" OF M-W-iUHO. juiL.ui ...:.,..., ' utfh Cue tlni TJosrnns, arranted pood 0Mrl 1 an sold in tho retail i'"l),c"c , , .,, TUBVCPY Br?T FnTRTS TI AT CAN lit. ., . ,!, I cannot, mnke n goo'. S!.ia inr ilwe'i J13 cue sMrts. CO yards of Nw.Tork Mir- muslin nt 1 C r i " laundry, t button and cotton, We 1 ro jTolit . Total t30 Celf Measurement for Sliirts. Vrlntcl directions si-ut. free trwyirhtre, and se emr h tUfw any ore enn Uk their o n u,i. . for"' i ". I war: ant a N t. The cub to be paid to the tipraa Company on receipt of goods. The Express charres n one dosea Blurts from I.CT-. Y .rk to New Orleans la 1 1. P 8 -PMITIE3 WISHING smrtTS IN ITASTTt, not liaving time to send for Rut.-, of Mcnimnm t. s.iouUl i"d5r mnlt, prepaid, oic of the best litre shirtsMicy have got, " tatiug any alterations that may be required. ? S. W. H. WAUD, from London, 387 Broadway, up stairs, Between White A Wa'.ter Street! "W-YOltE.-y ruin Iti. lt-01 f AYER'S" Sarsaparilla Ar.-l fiT t.n PiH'cii.v erne of the fxllowinp complnliitK tic vg ti in nnd htvofnloiift A (Tk Uoii,huc!. ni l iniioii, V'tt'H, ISoi-en, Krujtloiijv !, 3' u ft tit ?(-. H!ot lxt9 UollH, JUmi9 and all &tia Dtftfltm. Oa li and, Intl., ClU June, lSW. .7. C. Avrn .1 Co, Gent : 1 foul it my riivy to ae kiuikJ.t Th:it ymr mm npariila lwis ! for ni", limiji'-? inlioiiti'ii u irofuittus iiil'i'Ction, I have puflfi'td from it iiM.iiH.uu -iA tor l-hi. Iroinetiim. H Imrst cut in Viffi on my li;iinN anJ nnns: ninii;tiiin;s It tmuod Iit wwrl ini'.l tliutruji-il my at the htonittch. Two yviii- ngr it lToki- out on toy head mnl covtrcJ uiv unt vflr'a villi ui fcutt- uliicli naf jiiuiiful ami hmtlisouio lifymd dt'tiTiptii'ii, I tiieil many inntkit.iMi mnl .u-vti'il VhV''i'"f' Hillcut nnj'jli roiitl fion any thing. In I tot. the lii-oi-di-i" -K'v wotev. Ath'iith I ? rejoiced tj rc;ui In tiio .U.Yel Mis.-nr thut you had pi'ti:iiei : aif .'ia'r,-.' iipaiiihu. for 1 Uml-w liuni vtmi ifpntiv li.'ii tlic.t tu:y tliiti;x yn mud muni In f.uoit. 1 int tt Ciiu hinatl au'i", t it, aii'l vvl it till it euivJ inn. 1 took tt, n yoiuuh in hin;til tl"int" a t '.! hksi fill over a in-. riUi. uud it--.i nlinj.-t thite hottlo New cml he:iMiy K .!i I ;aa to turm uinlti- tli w.tti, whi.-h after a vhilL- I 'll oil. My kkin i now clear, ami I knw hy my r-L-iii.h that tUfin--1 lias houc 4:0111 my Nyitem. Von can 11 1 le'l what 1 inn iuir when I toll ynt, tiiat I hi'I'I uu to hi; oue of th apostle of the 00 uml reiiiBiii ever iiraiAully. Yarn's Al.l ia.U li. T.M.LKY. t. Antliony'i Fire. Hobc or IlryKlnclPS, Ti tter txnil Suit Hhcuin, St altl Head, lUng yoi-ii, Sore Jbycs, Uiupsj . Dr. !o1-rt T. I'l.'Vl'j WrittK fr-'lll PjleM. N. Y., 12th fol,, ltfrA. 'bat ho his curcil nu invotprnt rose of Jjrcpvj, Mii'-li tliicati-iK-il to toiuiinato fatally, by tho jHT-svi'i ii vu of r iai'sapatiiia, unit a!n a ituiiirors .Mti!l'ma: t fa'ifsi.-'hitt 1-y hwca tl the sum?; says bo Mii'oc tho cimntion :'Vji;t,& by it constantly. Bront.iorlfi Gollre or Swelld 3VecU. Zt lailon .-U-.'n of rpiF-pert, 'iVnu writes : " Tliree bot tler of vonr faifip.uillii mu-d ttu- from 11 tJ-i'rc ix hid vnifl Bw.'llintc ou tlio lied;, whkh 1 bail euifcred from, vrer two ycarE." ICcr oorrfurn or V"? H rif . O vnvlnn Tumor, Tr. J B S. haniiho'. if Now York I'lty. rir.ti ; l tiioHt ch-rfullyr":M vef'"t of your Hni.. savfuu'l lao f'uii'l vour Pvii.anlh a iimm cxrllent niu-n.tlso In th nnmvoMB complaints tor wbh;h wo employ nu-li n rme.l.v, hot .-iiillyifi lUucilc y.r f r V? fYue J by' t4?cvijVH0f tho v'mtg. 'J'lu1 nicer iiii.Mi itif wuaiKviii tnrul. Notblnsc within my Uno.vl-t-J-.-n ftiHlr. it lor iliofo fenirh (lrMi iiK'nH." i-M'vunl Mi-rroM, of Nc- hor. . la viiti-3, A rUn-.--. w'i' '" nr on on nf tho r-unJ in my family, vhblihwl dtficrt ik! I enj roim-iIo'S wo conl-.l empltty. Ins lit Iciiirth bi-cn cpiplrrtely ourd hy yoni Kxtrurt of 1-nr-C'lptti llin. Our phv-.i'im tbnmht iniHiinir hut cxiirpa- th'U (iu!il afloi'l ri'lit-I", but lit adviced, th tlial of your r'ai-hifpnitlln the hi-t rchoit b.-loro coHim;. nti 1 it rovjil oti'ef'tiifl. Aflf-r tiiltli-tr your vvmeiiy eiht weok &.u yuipt .'in or tho dhemc roinaiits.' SiUllU mid niercurtal Dirnso. Nrff Onirs.!. Aunt. 150, Tt. .1. ' A ff.n i fir. I c leeifully coinJy with the rp-ri'i.-t of .voiircjont. and roport to you nemo of the ertucti 1 have t ' with your S.u-.-nparilln. 1 bnv cured with it, in my puo tiro. most of the com j'nints for vvhbh it is rtfoiimn'iideiJ. nnd have found ita tret!i truy wonili'i ful in thy euro of V'-ncrenl ami M. r Cit'i't f'iamic, (mip i'f my put inn tH i:id .-'yphilitic ukt v$ iu birj throat, tvhkh wero c-it-vuniinp h p.ilalo nnd tho top I' liifl iiieuih, Yuiir aiapaiilla, n'tiidily takt-n, cim 1 him in live wet.-l;H. Ai'oilici- was attacked by sec vn hoy fyiiiptoina in hi.s nose, nnd tlo; tth'ttutiou bail tf.vtvii away a coiidi-ial U pu; t it. u that I helievn tho (U..Ver would Kor.ti ii-KcJi his hiJMti and Kill him. lint it h: Is-d to uiy administration of yt ur ium; urilla : the f !. healed, iimi he in il :t.iiu, ii't vf course without .::! disiijinratiuii tu h in face. A wom'Mi v.lio had been floated for tho kudo din-ukr by mercury wiin fnifl'oiiiitf I nin this puirion in lifir hor.c?. They had btvonn- m m il ti tho Weather that on u demp duy ube nullned i?x tmcmlinh' pain in bec jjntH and t"m-s, the, tro, wm cm-vd M.tiudy by y-ur rittriupuiillu in a fow vvt-ks. 1 k'lotr from iu loruiuln, wliit h yur a.rnt iavn me, that lliifl lM'.'par;itiun fiom jour lut.oiatory uniMt lie a irieat j unit Jy i con.-e'juchtly, theso truly icuiuiUablo letult Villi it have not finpii-4"d mo. tiuUriially jom, 0. V. LAItTMHR, M. D. H?ieumo t(Hm, f-'-mr, T.i vrr Cmi;ln!n. J u ui knkinc i:, Pu-Ni,n Co., Y11.. t ill July, VW. 1R. C. Ayuu .ir, I Lii6 ht'-n al'.licud uilh a piln f'.d ( hroiiic hh bmottim for a Ions tinii-, wf'k h hnrtl' d I ho lUiU oi phy-i- hv, and sfnrk to mo in t-j.itu ufuii thi jwo'-dit I emild iiud, until i trird your iruit'i arilla. Ono bo;tlcuu'd iiih in tvo vpks, and ielori-d my p-'rirU benHh t-u r.iu'.h that i am fur hitter th'ui ln-fr-tv ) waa actackod. 1 think it a womlei ml medi'-tuo. J. l it KA 1. Jules Y. GeMictl, rf St. I.uK vrltoni 1 have brpn ai'lii-tcU for roam wiili an ojficti'-n of iftc Lntt vl.icli dmroyed ii hdih. I tii- 'l o'very thiti. nnd overy tiling ThM'I to lel-cvo me; ai.d I have boon a broken down mau It hi: '. -jp.H from l?o tlttr cn'i- tb'tn 'Irvtmijeutent -J 'w I.ii'fr. My ti-!ovvd pa-tor. the Itev. Mr. I-Npy. HdvihpJ, toe to try our San-nrm ilia, be-'auso he tuld he ki;w ou, had anj tfiimr yuii inaih was worth try hit,'. Hy the bleat li;gof ojd it has cuid iu, aud hns pinifitd loy blood n t mnky u ti o w man of me. 1 f l yonnir oain. 'iho b.-st thai can t.B i.iid of yon m not ha'f goid enough," Scfiii-ru,luitcf:v Tuiiiors, rtiTni snnei.t, I'let rntion, Cui-irv unit Llxiol ititiun uf . A (;if!t aii 'ty fc'i bttvo "tt reported toudnbero Coif A of Ho B". formilablu complaint li'.t ItNUitvd fit ui liitj nl 1 i.j tviiir-ily. bnl our hpue b.ciowill ii"t admit fi.-ni. iMi 'f r,.:u mv he lninl iu wir Amwi'tiu A iniaoio.-, vlth'h tho aL-iit. llow named urt? plvaacd lo ti.i ui'.U 1 1 all v.'.i 1 tali l .-r thun. PyMjicpiln, If t t 1Isrrp, Flt, Kpllt'p Many it tnnkbln t m.f of the r.rff.'laais hT been iut. I j b tlo: idivrativc p', cr ot lliin un-dieim. !t i-tiuiu-h t ll.u IiukUwi into vinriH ailii'li, find thud tvun oim " (' iU 1.4 whiih w ould bo rupptfd beyond iU rcavb. fM:h a rtnu-'lj' ban beu n tuiveil l-y the lit iNXtitii of lb pHi,pi.., ,.d vo aid cunhdettt ihkL lhi will tl ljr lu.'Ui ihut lueilitiiio iao 4o. Aycr's Cherry Pectoral, ion tut. liAt'iu cti.b op Cuiiatt., Colitu, lntluenm, Ilunr.eness, ll'ftIi Ifiolu Ull l, Iutiieltl .oii blilo Ion, mill foe tilr KcllcC .f ('nufcitiiiitl e K'nllenls tu nitvniheril Nlues of tlie lUentt-. Th't ! a rem Jy m uidvci..n;ly liiicwn to snrpsss sny fir llu- ciih 'tf tim st ?id litlig c.-lniluilits, ih.'it it . u.-elfss Li-rs I" puMi-li tho e ideiM-ii i.f lis vlilues. it. i.wiiMiih 't exielli tie f- etitt.lis ,oid rulJrtRlnl its truly .ltdinil cures iT r ului'n.M'y dii-eio-e, lisve Bindd it Vnuivii throutmnt the ciili'd Mvttoii. ol ILa cui'tu. J.ew eii llio roiuniiihilieH. "r vmh himiliea, .uiulnr Iht ui who hart) vA some ..'i?ftnil e xpi'l-ieli';e lit its elfects .. u:e livhifT to.j.hy iu their n.idt nf Its littniy over lbs subtle snd diOieieu i ilisordrs nr the tliroiitsud lururf. As nil snow thu dmuilut ftosJity ot lla disordves, ami as they know, tuo, th J efft ets of tills reuietly, we need nut m.'t'e than to nAMir tbeui tlist it has m.w .11 tho vir tues that it did lisve when Disking the cui-es which Lavs won so stronKly upun tha rouildfueu of uiankiud. Prepared by Sr. J. C. AY EE to CO., Lowell, Ma si. f !.( by fr'ulii a 4 G'ai t, ui d A. W Fischer, tnuhnry J F. Cush.w end C. Bmwn. Milum: Dr Wenck, M-;. F.wsnsvillr ; rieifenyocr It t 'lirir.nan, Tuihntville ; R. B. McCoy, MoHl.huiberlbud and hy lwjlerc everywhere. Auul v!0, Ull ly ire or rtenlll The subscribers tuke pleasure in announcing that they are now pre-areuio man (tree) to tnose wno wish 1 1. a copy of an important little woik, bv the late Ir. Brampton, entitled "The Invalid's Medical Con fidant, published for the benefit, and as a warn ing to young mm and persons who sutler from Or JOHN B JONES, iNervnus Debility, i'teuiatura Decay, Ac, Ac, supplying the means of self cure. The reader is ' irresistibly led to compare a useful life with an iguoMe death. Reader, lose not a moment, but send your ad dress for a copy of this little work. AJdieis the Publishers. DR JOHN B. OfiD' N & CO, 64 at 86 John 8:., New York. My ii, lHJl.-Kaics GREATEST EXCITE M EST OF THS SEASON I I LING & GRANT t the MAHSIOTH STORE bavo just received a NEW AND DESIRABLE Stoi-.k of FALL 05 WINTER GOODS! A very extensivo assortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Consisting in part of II lak and Fancy Silka of very choice nattcrna. DEBEUES, DuchIb, Canhmerca. French and English Morinoa, Plain and Figured Wool Dclainra. Muslin Delaines of all styles and prices. Foulards, Thibet Cloth, Poil Ue Chevrea. Saxonand Wool PlaiJs. I .DIES' FUKS, BROCHK, Bay State's ml riety, &c, &c. Wool SHAWLS of every va ' Gentlemen's Dress Goods, of every style, consisting of Cloths, Caai meres, Sattinetts, Kentucky Jeans. Tweeibi, Velvet Cord, Vclvetei n, Veslings. of every variety. Our Block of SilU and rilh Velvet Vesting, cannot bo surpassed in the nuiitry. hlcase call; and examine them. CLOTHING-! Our stock of READY MADE CLOTI'IXO, has been replenished, and we have a lull assort ment of OVERCOATS DRF.SS COATS. Pants and Vests, Overcoats and Dress Coats for Uuys of all ages. ALSO, a very handsome assortment of of every ttyle and variety at the lowest prices. Our stoc't of HARDWHRE has been renew ed and ne have now a larger assortment than ever before ellered to our customers, consisting in par! of Sausage Cu'ters. Pocket Cutlery, Uuk'ber Knives jViaycr Hintrps, Bolts and Pad Locks, X Cut iSuwa, Mill Saws, S.ooi Shovels. &c, &c, Ac, 5c, c, &c. QiuciiMvarc and ftlasswarc, of every variety at the V E V LOWEST PRICES. Our stock of GSOGERISS i very fine. We havejlhe best quality of Syrup Molucca ever before oilere to the citizens uf Sunbury and vicinity. CEDAR AND WILLOW. WAKE of every oricty. Hosiery, Gloves, Notions, SADLER Y. BOOTS AND SHOES, 4c., kc Also a fresh supply of Drugs, . Paints, (lib- Dye SlifTs, Glass, Brushes, &c. Perfumery, Faucy eioeps, " Particular care having been tulien in the se lection ol our goods in regard to quality, sij le and i rice, we cml the attention of the public to our large stock to which constant additions will be made. Thankful for pat fiuiors, wo hope to ment a coii'iuiiHiice of the patronage of the public by selling cheaper Ihnn ever. Give us a culi before purchasing elsewhere. FRILING & GRANT. Sunbury, Nollember 17, IKtitl. IO A 1.1s TBIUSK I1AV1K Farms, Tarks or Gardens. IN CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA. A line chance is now nll'iirdeil to select aud order FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TRLES Vine.. IShiiibbeiy, A e.. from the relebraled Clover Street nui.vni; wnuicu ai itocnesier, Aew Yolk. jtifs.M i, m.iO.ti , uuoi iicits, PROPBIETorb Win lies leuve to mm,. unco that they are epaied It K P O N S I II I. E AGENTS, Tu distribute their suj.cuur ituek on the utust recsonabl tclll.S. PFOPlITTi-' THK KE7ST01TE STATE. IsOVflU r mature hikI tlie heantiful, ami jmlly rel.Unte l r .ur nut l:iince, wt-Hlih, Iilwntliiy and ttwle. now ii io juwi scjvuiiLiiB irnn our DKt-CKIPTIVK CVTAI.OGL i; AN D PLATE HOOK tM.leh il ill be furiil.hed you, tliinufih our Iik.hI U(enuij ' Wy ni eJ. ueuouoia. lt lurth.r particulars npplv to l- UEDEBICK A HOWE, MGAUVILLK, TA. Acutior Nnrilinintierliiud county. REFERENCES: H.m. ritENFZKIt (ilill l-lN. K..chesU-t.N V II.mi. JOHN UAI.Hit AITII. Kile, Pa. Col J. l. ii.ii. iwi., .wcuuville, I'a. FebruaiyV, l-til Hoi STOVES. TOR SALE an excellent second-hand Ceok tng Move, ahjo several Cylinder Coal stove. c.niuirt at this otiica. - ' CENTRAL HOTEL, SUNBURY, Northumberland Connty, Pa. rilHIS large and 'commodious Hotel, now A managed hy JAMES VAN DYKE. It la situate at the Railroad Depot North East corner of Market Square, Kunhury, and at the terminus of the Hunhury J- Erie and North ern Central Railroads, and ia open forth, accom modation of Travelers and the public in general The prjpriotor will give hie exclusive atten tion, tolbe comfort and convenience of his guests and is do'ermiued to make this establishment rank among the first in the ?tate. Mia table will he aumdicd with the best the market can proiluce having the advantago of daily communinalion by cars direct from Balti more, and also from thoo bringing produce from the surrounding country. His bar will be supplied with the purest liquors the market can produce Ca-eful and obliging servant always in at tendance. New and commodious stabling has just been added to the premises. A share ot the local and traveling community n most respectfully solicited. Sunbury, January 12, 1861. WINTER GOODS, FOR MEN'S W EAR. Black and Blue Hair Cloth, Beaver Overcoating, Blank Doeskins, New Stylo Cnssimcres, All Wool Tweeds, Heavy Kentucky Jeans, Reol Good Cassinetts, Sil M ixed Ooa-.ings, Super Velvet Cords. Black (irenadine Vesting, Black Satin Vesting, Fancy Silk Velvet Vesting, Tlain Silk Velvet Vestincs, Nice Cassimere Vestingsi In fact all kinds of goods for Men's Bnd Boys' wear, rati he found at the People's One Price Store of E. Y. .Bright & Son, who have juBt eceived hy Railroad a splendid stock of all kinds of goods, suitable for cold weather. . Pleaso call and be convinced. E. V. niaoiiT & SON. Sunbury, October 27, 1S60. REVERB HOUSE, (I.AT1J KAOI.E HOTlil.,) 2'AtVfi Street, above llace, Philadelphia, RIIOADS ,V PAII.OH, Propnetms. IMrilOVK.MKNTS nave been made, unci the Home has tieen rt'fiired Ihrougliout TiLoiiMAN V. Himiadb, fcrnieity nf tlie Xntionnl Hotel Cuari.p.8 SaIM'B, I'tirtiicrly ot Schuylkill Co., I'a. l'hilmlcliihia, Jan. 10, ly HO 0 rfA Nlf)sTl 0E MANUFACTORY. Comer of Market Sijuure and Hirer Street 'J1HE subscriber respectfully informa the citi zena nf Sunbury and vicinity, that he Ins opened a Boot and Shoe Shop on the corner of Market Square and River street, opposite the Court House, where he can be found ut all times ready to wait upon cstomers. H..ving considerable experienre, lie ia prepared to hiake up customer work of all kinds, at short notice, in the latest style and workmanship. He keeps constantly on hand a large assort' ment of Leather, of the best quality, which ena bles him to make up good and durable work. Call and examine for ynurselvea before pur chasing elsewhere, and you will save money. JOHN WILVER. Sunbury, Nov. 10, lRfiO. ly S. E. corner of Seventh and Chesnut Slretls T'lis is one nf I'.IOIIT COU.KfiKS, CONSTITUTING THE "NA TIOXAI. CHAIN." LOCATED IN PhtlmMiliia, New York City, Albany, Buffalo, Cleve Innd, Cliieair", and t. Ivmis. ' Hc'lmlnrsliip, call tie pur chased uU'ilhcr point, good at nil the Collr(rts. rim cui.i.i:oiATK cocksk embrnfcs l)''ul.le and Single Kntry H'H.k-Ki'enincr. Com- int-ictul C.i'pputntins, C.iniiHTfittl Law, 1'enmuiiKhtn, UiihincK. CMrresp.tndenci-, 1'itrtnerslnp Settlements, etc. PKAC'1 1CAI. TKXT-IlOUKS. The Teiel nttr in the nook-Keeninu Department is most. ly lrinn written ninnnRenpt forms, with ornl infti nrtitui. lertiires, mid lilui-k-lMinril elncidiilnins : in ndilition to which, in order to innUe the Cnlleiriiili; Course nsthoroneli and elfictutil us possible, the following Text-Hooks have uet'u prepiiren : Uryant i Stratton's rtook-Keepbig, in tliree editions Ciauiuon svlinol, llieh Pehool, anil C-niutlni: H'Mise : Hry- ant iV Stnttliin's Conimereiul Arithmetic ; Hrvnut Jc S-trutton'a Ciamuerclul Ijiw, hy Amu. Ueun, I.. I, i). 8PKNCKBIAN SYSTF.M OF PI5NM ANtftllP, in a aeries of nine books, by I. R. Sfl'l'.NCKK. P. R. Sl'KNCKK.Jl.. Teacher of IVlltnllsliil. Im'i. viihml instruction, r-tudeuts enlel at any tone. Uiplo- lllus nwnrded. W Vox Cntnli'jrtifs and Cireulius. enll ut th Colleee. riiddiess HKVANT. SSTKATTON 1 KAIKIIANKS February 23, IHil ly Plitlailflilnu. War! Wart War ! OMR 1-nOM THE AOJlTjr, COME FJIOM THE SOUTH, COME FJIOM THE EAST, COME I 'HOM 'J HE WEST, Save the countiv Bnd build yourselves homes, or now is the time t.i get your Lumber cheap. Yes, LUMBER ! LUMBER ! ! LUMBER ! ! ! can be purchased at low rates at the STEAM SAW-MILL of IRA T. CLEMENT, STJISJ-BTJil-i'-, FA.., Such as Panel Lumber. Frame Lumber. Boards, Siding. Shingles from $:l to Jri per thousand, I'lusti-riot; Lath, Puliiiijr, Roofinrr Lath, Ac, Ac. All bills ordered, for any kind of Lumbe., will he furnished at the shortest notice IRA T. 0-LEM.EA'T. . Sunbury, March 9, 1S61. .SAVE YOUR FRUIT Y I'MNl. MASON'S Patent Sheet Metal Screw Top PRESERVE JAR MASON'S PATENT VllEET METAL SCREW TOP! AW that is necessary being to screw the Capdown upon the Rubber Casket, which is placed outside upon tlie shoulder of Iho Jar, 3-4 nf an inch dis tant from the top ; prevent the possibility of the flavor ol lite fruit being injured by coming in Mitact with the Rubber. Persons. iesiring these Jars, ran be supplied by aviiiK their ordera with H. B. MASSKR, Sunbury, June 2, 1 160. Agent. COTTAGE BIBLES. ' BOfl SALE, cheap, three copies of the - Cottage bible, ill two volumes:, with coin. nientarit'S. II. Ii. MASSKlt. OLANK Parchment Paper Deeds and blank Mortgages, Uomls, Execution., Summons, A-c, for sale h H. !). M ASSEft. CI BACKERS ! CRACKERS, just received J and for sale by the barrel or pound, at the Confectionery .lore of M. C. GEARHART. Sunbury, October 13, I860. tTNlJ0W SHADES. A very fine and T cheap assortment, just received by Rail road frum New York, at the Mammoth store of Friling 4- Grant. We have also for sale S. S. Putnam & Co's celebrated Patent Pendulum Curium Fixtures. BLANKS! BLANKS!! 4 new supply of Summons', Kxecutions, Warrants, Supoenas, Deeds, Mortgages, Bonds, Leases, Naturalization papers. Justices ,nd Coiialable Fee Bills, &e., Ac, just printed ne lor .ale at this Ollice. Sunhury, April 30, 16S9. SUNBUltY STEAM FLOORING TOfflttJE-i-JIL-aw THE subscribers having taken pnsseaslon of tnis first cla-s Fl.OUIUNU MI LI,, are pre pared to receive grain of ull kinda, and to do cue torn work at the Shortest Notice. Customers will have their grists grmmd Immediately upon their being left at the Mill. As tt ia the inten. tion of tho firm to stock the Mill a large Sup ply ol Grain, will he constantly kept on hand, and flour hy the quantity can always be obtained. The greatest care will he taken to turn out a su perior quality of flour, for which the mill is ad mirably adapted. Strict attention will be paid to tho wants of customers, and the patronage ol the public generally is respectfully requested. MUKUAiX at lio,, Sunbury, June S3, 1860. LUIVIBEI1! LUMBER PHILIP SHAY, H NKORMS bis friends and the public in gene Q ral, that he constantly kcepaon hand, Boards, Shingles, Lath, Joists and all kinds of Lumber snd building materials, which ho will soil at the lowest prices. March 30, 1861. DR. A. W. FISCHER, OFFERS his professional services to the citi zens of Sunbury and vicinity. Ofliee ot the 'Drug Store, Sunbury, June 30, 1830. HAMOKIN VALiEY POTT rilHE subscriber respectfully informs the public that he is now manufacturing at his Pottery, 4 miles east of Sunbury, all kinds of Earthen Ware, made out of ftcd Cement Clay. This clay produces the best and most desirable kind of ware, equal, in many respects, to stone ware, and is less liable to crack by sudden heat and cold. The subscriber refers to Friling & Grant, Sunbury. Address, JOSEPH SAVIDGE, Oct. J 3, 1P0O. by Sunbury, Pa. FRILING &. GRANT, at the MAMMOTH STORE, have this day (January 17th, 1861 received a CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF TUB NEWEST STYLES AND PATTERNS Of WALT, 3? -A. PER, which they are selling at prices that defy competition. Sunbury, January 19, 1R61- LOOK HERE, IF VOU WANT TO BUY CHEAP FOR CASH. O TO WM. H. MILLER, he has received from Philadelphia a large stock of BOOTS & SHOES' His stock consists of Gen'ta Kipp Hoots, Youths' Kipp Boots. Children's Calf Boots. Alo a variety of Women's Calf Lace Boots, Women's Morocco Lace Boots, Children's Morocco and Calf Lace Boots, all of which ho will sell cheap for CASH Lull and examine loryourselvcs. ALSO, lirst quality of 'Pampero Moroco for sale tor cash. WM. H. MILLER. Sunbury, January 7, 18(10. NOW W ITHINR EaTckTo F ALL CELEBRATED NOISELESS Sewing Machines, 495 Bhuauway, Ntw Youic. Tho publie attention ia respectfully jequested to the following cards of Ei.ias Howe, Jr., and the (irover &. Baker 8. M. Co A Card from the GR0VER & BAKER ' S. M. Co. Our Patents being now established by tj Courts, e areenabled to furnish the tirover & Baker. Machine, with important improvements at greatly. ISt'duccd Prices. The moderate price at which Machines mak ing the (irover & Baker stitch, can now be had, brings them within the reach of all, and renders the use of Ma bines making inferior stitches as unnecessary as it is unwise. Persons desiring the best Machines, and the right to use them, must not only be sure to buv M idlines making the Orovcr & Baker stitch, hut also thut such Muehinea are made and stamped under our patents and those of Eliaa Hower, Jr. OKOVER Ac BAKER 8. M. CO , 49.r) Broadway, New York. A CARD PROM EI.IAS HOWE, JR. All persons are cautioned not to make, di al in, or use any Mewing Msehiiiea which sew from two spools and make tho stitch known as the tinner & S Baker stitch, unless the same are purchased from the Grover Ac Biker Sewing Machine Company, tr their A(jents, or Licenses, and stamped under my pateittof September 10,MStB. Said Company, and their Licenses, alone, art legally authorized under their own patents, am nty said patent, during the extended term there of, to make and sell this kind of Sewing Machine Bnd all others, me piracies upon my said patent, und will be dealt with accordingly, wherever fount). .. ELIAs HOWE, JR. New York. Dec. 29, IBtiO. tf New Arrival of Clothing:. rpilK largest and best Stock. of FALL AN U A WINTER CLOTHING ever brought to this place, arrived at tho Mammoth Clothing Store of St HWK1TZER, HEILBRONNER 67 CO.. in Market street, nearly opposite Wea ver's Hotel. Their Stock comprises of FINE CLOTH COATS, Dresa Coats, Over Coats, Business Coats, Ac. JOUSTS OF ALL KINDS. Uuder-ShirU, Drawers, Ac. HATS jPISTJD CAPS. BOOTS AND SHOES, of the latest styles of every description and quality, cheaper than ever. Their assortment of gentlemen's furnishing Clothing is the most complete I Their variety and styles most attractive. And the prices defy all competition, r" Call snd examine for yourselves. SCWEITZER, HEILBRONNER A CO. Sunbury, Oct. 6, I860. rpiN WARE A very cheap and desirable assortment just received this week, at the Mammoth Store of FRILING & GRANT, Sunbury, January 13, 1861. IRIED PEACHES, pared and nopared at the Mammoth storeof FRILIXO k GRANT ANOTHER ARRIVAL NEW GOOD ; J. II. EffGEI of Sunbury, Ph., OAS just arrived with splendid STOCK of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, from Philadelphia, to which be respectfully .invites his friends and the Public to call and inspect, he will spare no time in showing them. Among his stock of goods will befound, FINE BLUE AND BLACK FP.E1TCE CLOTH. Fine Black and Fancy Oasimerea Tweeds, Sat. inetts, Jeans, Black Italian Cloth, Cashmeretle, Cottnnade, Linens, Linen Drill, Linen Chech, and Farcy Vesting, also a large assortment of Ready-made CLOTHING for men and boys (cheap.) 'OR LADIES WEAR, Black and Fancy Dress Silk very cheap, Silk Tissue, Bereges, Chali and Chali Robes, Berege Delaine, Berege Robes, Figured Brilliant and a variety of other Dress Goods, Spring anil Sunv mer Shawls, Mantillas, Parasols, a good asa rt ment of white goods, Collars, Sleeves, Iridi Linen, Shirt fronts, Marseilles, Brilliant Ac. A "lice. general assortment of domestic Dry Gonds. Also a large stock of Hats and Caps, Boots and shoes, Hardware, Queens and Glassware, Groceries, Cedarware, Stone and Earthenware, Drugs and Paints, Salt, Fish, Cheese, Ham, Oil Tsr Ac. &c. N. B. Wall and Window Paper, Floor and Table Oil Cloth, Carpets, all the above will be sold at low prices for cash or country proiluce ta en in exchange for Goods. J. 11. EBUBL. Sunbury, May. 19, I860. tf. HARRIS PAINTER, 2U t o r n r 2J at 31 a to MARKET SQUARE, 8TJ W B XT n S, 3? -A. . June 23, I860. New Air Line Route T O 1ST E "W" "YORK. 8HORTKST IX D I STAN CIS AND QUICKEST IN TIME between the two Citie of NEW TO UK AND HARRISBTJ&G. VIA READING, AIjLKNTOWN AND EASTON. Morning Express West leaves Now Ynrkut 6a.m. and rhiltidelplim at 8 a m , arrives at Hiirrislurr at VI -15 p. m. etmnectinif at Uairishuig with trnin on Northern Central linad tor cunoury, imuii.Bport, UtKk Haven and inter- mediate ntutioiin. Mail Trnm West leaves New York at Ii noon, and PhiliirielphiH at 3.3U P. M., eonriectitm with Iihiii on North ern Centnit liout for stittions as Hhove, and also oti all trains on the Willmmsport and Klmira. Mail Truiu East leaves Harrish'tiB; nt 8, am, and ar rives at Philadelphia at 1 p. m., and New Ymk et 3 30 p. ar, in time to tuke boat or cais fur Boston, &c. Eqst Express East leaves IlnrriMmtr nt 115, on nmvnt of Northern Central Tiiiin, and arrives at Philadelphia at 0 15 p m . and New Yoik at Or. m. No chance of rarsnr haugnge between New York or Philadelphia nnd Hnrrishuig. For beauty of scenery and speet), comfort and nceommo datinn, tliia) route presents superior iiKlucemenLs to the traveling public Otfice in New York, font of Courtland street, Phlludcl phin, Mr nnd and Callnwhill streets. Fare between New York sikI Unrrtsburg FIVE DOL LARS. I'oi Tickets; Freight or other information npply to J. J. CIA'DE, General Agent. Darrisharg, June ."Mi, hkhj ly ALFRED D. BRICK'S U SITED STATES AXV EUROPEAN PATENT OFFICE, No. 323 WALNUT STREET, Philadelphia. ftl B. Communications by mail promptly ' attended to. Sept 22, I860. lyfi Cure Cough, Cold, Hoarseness, Influenza, any Jmtatton or Snrens nf ih 'J, oat, ffe lie1 fhe. II-..):,,.. r-i-ln LonfUfiijitioii, limn- ' chilis, Asthma, and Catarrh, Clear and five strength to the voice of J'uOltc Speakers anfi Singers. Few are awflreof the importance of checkinirn Coueh or uCoininou' Cold" iu it. first stuge ; thut which iu the uvffinniiiir, woultt yieiu to a mini leiuedy, it ueuleeted, soon attacks the l.uil!;. "BROWN'S BHONCH1A1. TKO CIIKS,'' eoiiuiouuf! demulcent ingredients, allay Vulino uury aud Bronchial Irritation, "That trouble in my throat, (for which ihi. mm: HI'S" . ...... i... Brown's TROCHKS. Brown's TROCHES. Brown1. TROCHKS Brown's TROCHES. Brown's TROCHES. Brown's TROCHES. Brown's TROCHES, Brown's TROCHES. Brown's TROCHES. Brown's TROCHES. Brown's TROCHES imuue iiieiiucu a ineie w ni"perer N. r. WILLIS. "I lecoinmeud their use to Public Speak- era.' RF.V. E. H. CHAPIN "Have proved extremely serviceable for Hoarseness." REV. HENRY WARD IIEECHER. "Almost instant relief in the distressing luiwi ui "learning ci-uhui iiiAininm. ' KKV A C EUGl.ErjTON "Contain no Opium or anything injurl oub. niv. rt a n a i-.?., Chemist. Boston "A simple and pleasant combination for luukiii, ote." DR O F B1GEI.OW, Boston, "Beneficial in Bronchitis. n DR J F W I.ANE, Bosom "I have proved them excellei.l for Whoop. iiik louau." EE V H W WARREN, Bostou "Beneficial when compelled to speak kuucring iioin coia." REVS J P ANDERSON, St. Louis. "Effectual in removing Hoarseness and irritation of the Throat, so common wuh rrpcuKers ann fingers rroi ai bi avi jouasus, La Crane. Ga Teacher of M usie, Southern r emule College. "Great benefit when take.i befoie and .after preaching, as they prevent Hoarseness 1 1- rom ineir past citeci, i trunk tuey will beol peruiancui novnmtigc lo me." REV E ROWf.EV, A M., I President of Athens College, Tellll. I C9" Sold hy all Druiimais ut -25 cents a box Decemtier S, IbOU. (impl '1P.X EVANS & WATSON'S MSiS PBi&fJt i huaaeipttia Manufact a UftM.':ftt.V'irH. 'ni w VTij!'.' Salamander Safe. pitSAV. 304 Ckesnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. ri'HESK Safes are now in use all over the United Stnte., 1 and have been tested in muny tires; tlie following show, another iii.tance 01 ineir capauu ty 111 resisting nic Witmer's Bbidgs, Lancaster Township, July 30, 1HJ0 Mkasrs. .V Watson, Gentlemen : The .inali aii No. I SultimHilder Safe whieh I purcliused horn your ngent, Mr Adam K. li.irr, 111 ijincaster uiiy, 011 July with. 1NH, has been .ubieeled lo a very severe test, which withstood iu a most satisfactory manner. This Safe, eon. laming all my books, together with vuluable paper, belong no to myself and wane U my neiirhhots aud friends, auc representing a vulue of over Twenty Thousand Dollars. ($'io,ono) wus in my Mill, which was destroyed on the night fo tlie 27lli of July, IRiO, aud passed through the fiery ordeal unscathed, The Safe was on tlie second fj.ior, and fell to the basement of the Mill, and wu. subjected for six houi. loan intense heatatnong ttie ruins, winch waagreatly inereased by the coinhaslinu of a latue quuntilv of grain confined within the brick walls. After ihefue the Safe wa. 0tened aud tlie hook, anil paper, uikeu out iu a .tatu nf perfect preservation, the paper not even being diacnlor ed. This tact was, however, to many bvslanders, a better recommendation of your Safea than could be expressed in any other words from me. Yours, respectfully, SAMUEL RANCH. Another Victory for Evans and Watson's Salamander Safe. Oswxoo, N. V., March 27. 180. Gentlemen ft afford, me much pleasure to inform you thut the Safe No S, (upright) which I purchased of B. Stroud, your traveling agent, ha. passed through an ex ceedingly hot fire iu a three srory brick buililine. which heated the Sate to a whit, heat, i that the eoriiei. of it appear melted; but it preserved ntv books and valuable faper. to tlx amount of several thouHud dollar., for which leal thankful. Your., respectfully, J. N. EI.DRIDGE. Vf A lares asnirtmeut ( the above aA -) always on hand, at 3u-l Cheaoul atreet, (late 24 koutu Fourth St., t-hiladtlphia. v ' October 0, 1800. ly GENESEE SALT. WHOLESALE As BETAIL, 14VULIMI At GRANT (at the Mammoth Store,) have just received 600 lbs. of Solar Ground, Solar and Fine Salt, 700 Sucks of Ground Solar Salt every sack warranted to contain 215 pounds of Salt and S00 bagaofSalt containing one Bushel each. This salt is the best and atrongas' now manufactured and in market. Call and see for yourselves. Sunbury Sept., 8, 1860. BOOTS AS SHOES, can be purchased at the Mammoth Store of Friling At Grant, very cheap, as are are determined not to be undersold hy anybody. Call and learu the liatof price, for yourselves, , FRlLl(J A GRANT. Sunbnry, January IS, 1861 OF .HIGHLY IMP0RTIANT NEWS. lias returned wuh a oi-nt lock of ' Confeotionaries, Fruit and Toy. ; T seems as If a new a; e, a new life was open inn upon us, animating every heart to nobler deeds and higher aims I Art, Literature and Sci ence will glow anew end seek to develops sub- limer beauties and grander conception. The business world too must feel the new in fluence and everv'part be quickened and atrenglh- ened hy an increased vitality, which shall urge us on with electric speed to the consummation of greater things thsn was ever dreamed of in the Philosophy of the past. Animated by the enthusiasm whicn prevaaes all classes, and desirous of doing his share to wards "The great events of the Age," the sub scriher would respectfully inform the food peo ple of SUNBURY and the public generally, that ; . . .. .. . r rL :i .1 i he has just returned irom me city i onauci phia with the largest and choicest stock of Con fectionarles, Fruit and Toys that has ever been brought to this section of country. He is also manufacturing all kinds or Uontectionarics, ate, to fill up orders, wbolesa'e or retail, at short no Among his stock of Confectioneries, may be found t French Secrets, Gum Drops, all kinds of scent, Burned Almonds, l.oveDions, Cream While, Mint Drop., red and white, Imon Jelly Cakes, Rom, Frail Drops, Vanilla, Stick Candles, of alt scents Common Secrets. Rtick Candy, Liquorice, Almond Candy, FRUIT. Bananas, Prunes, Dates, Fig', Currant, dried, Citrons, Almonds, unisons, nuts ot an linos LEMON SYRUP of a superior quality, by the single or dozen. superior quality rf Scgars and Tobacco, and a variety of Confectionaries, fruit, Toys, Ate, all of which ia offered cheap at wholesale or retail. tsT Remember the name and place, jrj M. C.OEARHART, Market at., 3 doors west of E. Y. Bright & Son's store. 8unburv, April 14, 18G0. ly EP.'S FATE1TT FIVE-MINUTE FREEZER, As Improved for 1S59 and 60, By E. KETCH AM & CO., 89 Pearl-Btreet, New-York. THE only Freezer constructed on, scientific principles, with a revolving can and spring blade scraper. The one hastens the freezing of the cream the other removes it as tast as Irozrn. The most rapid in freezing, with the least ouantity ot ice The most economical in cost, as it is the most simple and durable in structure t or aale in all the principal cities and lowr.a in the Union. Each Ficezcr accompanied with a hook of re. cipes and lull directions. 3 quarts, $3 4 quarts, 4 6 quarts, 5 8 quarts, 6 14 quarts, 8 20 quarts, 12 Apply to H. B. M ASSER, Sunbury. 00 00 00 00 00 00 tune 8, lHtill. 1C0. THE BEST ROUTE 1860 FROM Wyoming Valley to IMtlladclpliia, New Turk, llalliinore, AND ALL rOlXTS XORTH, SOUTH j- WEST. LACKAWANNA k BL00MSBU1VC HAIL ItO AD. SUMMES ARRANGEMENT. Two Duily Passenger Trains will be run between Scranton ami iNoTthnmiieiiuiin, as follow. : MOVING SOUTH : Leave Phil's Mail. N. T Ex. Scranton, lu A. At. 4 ! P. M A i rive at Pittsum, a 39 4. 83 Kingston, 7 05 3 H) Shii kshlnny, t Ml B 25 Berwick, 8 6 55 UliKittlsliuig, A 50 7 an Itupcit, f oil 7 40 Danville, 9 25 g 0 Northuiubsrlind, lu on a 15 MOVING NORTH : I-enve N. Y . Ex. Phil'a Mail. NiirthumUrland, a 30 A.M. 4 15 P. M Arrive ut Danville, DM J jo Rupert, e 35 s 50 Mlismisbutg, a 45 f 1.11 Berwick, 7 15 fl 35 Sluekshlnny, 7 15 7 (15 Kingston, 6 30 7 45 Pl'tston, g 57 S 1.5 Scranton, 9 25 tt 45 The Lackawanna and Blm.msburc Railiouil connects with the Delaware, Lsckuwattna unci Western Railroad, at Scranton, for New York and Philadelphia, aud interme diate points East ; also for Great Bund, Binghanitnn, Syracuse, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, und all important point. West. At Kupett it connects with the Cuttuwissa Rail road, for points both East aud West. At Northuuilieilaud it connects with the Sunhury und Erie Railrnud, for points WestandSoulh. M. W. JACKSON, Sup't. Kingston, August 25, li6l). NEW YORK LINES- CAMDEN 4 AMBOV AND PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD CO.'S LINES, From Philadelphia to Xeio York and Way Places. From Walnut Street Wharf and Kensington Depot, Philadelphia, will leave as ollows, 12 FAua. At 6 A M, via Camden ami Amboy C A A Accom modation, sij 25 At 8 A M, via Camden and Jersey City New Jer sey accommodation, 2 25 At t) A M, via Camden and Jersey city Morning Mail, 3 00 At 11 A M, vis Kensington and Jersey city, Wcs- lem Express, 3 00 At 124 P M via Cainden and Amlaiy, nccnmmodHtinn 2 26 At v r At, viu luinuen and Amtsjy u and A. ex press, 3 on At 44 r M, via'Keniington, and Jersey tit v, Eve ning Express, 3 uc At4i Y M, via Kensington and Jeney city, 2d Cms. Ticket, 2 25 At 6 P M , via Camden A Jeney city Evening M nil 3 t o At 1 1 P M, Via Camden and Jersey city South. Mail 2 23 At o I.M. viu Uauiden and Aiulioy Aecomni'Hla- tuill. (Freight aud Passenger,) 1st class tu ket, 2 '.'5 2d " 1 5ti The 8 P. M. Mail Line ruin daily. The 11 Southern Alan Paturriuys exi-epted. For Helvidere, Easton, Fleintneton, Ac, st 8 A. M from Walnut street whaif aud 3 P. M , from Kensington, ror milium cnuns. Aih utowu and UeUiiehein, at B, A M. via Lehigh Valley Railroad. For Warer Gap, Slroudsburg, Scranton, Wilkesharre, Montrose, Great Bend, Ac, at li A M, via Delaware, Lackawanna und Western Ruilrond For Fieehold. at 8 A. M. and 2 P.M. Foi Mount Holly, at 8 aud U A M., audi, and 1 s . .... - WAY LINES, For Bristol, Trenton Ac., at 3 anil 41 P. M., from Kensington. For Palmyra. Delaueo, Beverly, Burlington, Borden, town, lie. at 121.3. und 4.1'. M. Fifty pounds of Birgiige only, allowed each paswnger, Passenger, are prohibited from tukinir anything a. Bhif. gage bat their upiairel. All Hsgguge over fifty pounda to tie paid for extra. The Conifiauy limit their responsibility for Buggnge to One Dollur er pound, and wm nut in! aaui. mi any amount b.youi loo iouais, ex cept by special contract. WM H GATMER Agent C. i A. R. R Co February 18. lbrio. IIEGEITAN & COS COltDIAL ELIXIR OF CALISAl'A BARK Prepared only by I1EGEMAN & CO., Wholesale aud Retail Chemisu aud Druggist.., 181, u, 811 and Jot) Broadway, New York. rx-HE virtues of PERUVIAN BARK a. a Tonio have a. neen uai king known to ueed eomineut. The CAL1SAYA ("or King's Bark,") is the mo.t valu able of the nuiner .us varieties oi the Peruvian Bark, and Ui the ELIXIR is eoinlaued with other thai increase iuj erhcaey and at th. sum. time overeom. tee intensity of iu billor, rendering it a most Agreeable Cor dial. For parsons living in FEVER and AGUE district., it will be found invaluable asa pteventiva. Half uf a wine glass full taken nighl aud morning, rendering the .yttern much law subject to th unhealthy uittueuc. ol th. atinos phere. DIRECTIONS. Doh for.u adult, half a wineglass full befor. breakfast and dinner ; children ftom on. to two teapoous full j it oiay b taken with or without a bill. Water For sale at Iht. office. March 17, le6l A Freah Supply of Dry Gooda. PJONSISTINO in part of Prints, Delaines bleached and oobleached Muslim, Check Strip Denims, & Drills, 4eN just received by R. R. at tb Mammoth store of FRILING GRANT. NEW GOODS Atthe Mammoth Store of IRA T. CLEMENT, NO. 1 MARKET BTRF.ST, SUNBURY, PA. riiHE subscriber has just opened at his well JL known establishment in Suriburv, one of the hoapest and moat deairable stocks uf Fall and Winter Goods, that has ever been offered in the place, and which ne will sell for CASH or exchange for Country Produce. Those desiring to purchase goods will do well to call and examine his stock. BLACK AND FANCY SILK, All Wool Detains, Figured, Striped and Plain, rrench Merino, all colors, Beautiful IJie.s Robes, Cashmeres, Shaded, .Plain end Striped must be seen to form an idoa of the extent and variety. Mantle, Stella, Chenille, French Wool Shawls 1'hibet and Broche Shawls. Cloths Cassimeres and Satinet, For Men end Boys' Wear, Black Cassimerea, Fancy Cassimerea, side stripes heavy, Doe Skin Cassimerea, Satinets all kinda. FLANNELS, White and Red Flannels, all grades and prices, Bay State Sack Flannels, colors finest qnaltlos. READY-MADE CLOTHING: Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Ac, it., all of which were selected with great carl, ami will compare favorably, as regards quality, style and price, with any in the country. HARDWARE, a full assortment. Wood and Willow Ware, s)uecneware, of all descriptions, Groceries, a full stock in store, Carpet Chains, Ac, Paints, Oils. Class, Dye Stuffs. Thankful for the patronage heretofore received he will spare no pains to please all who may favor him with their custom in the future. Sunbury, Oct. il, 1859. ROCKEFELLER & B0YER, Attornies at Law. BTJNBTJRY, FA. A. Jordan Itotkefellcr and Solomon It, Hover, respectfully announce tn.u they entered into Copartnershiffin the practice of their protession, and will continue to attend to all busi ness entrusted to their charge in the counties of Northumberland, Union, Snyder and Montour, promptly, faithfully and carefully. Special at tention will be given to the COLLECTIONS OF CLAIMS. Consultations can be had in the GERMAN language. Office, - MarketStreet, opposite Weaver's Hotel. Sunhury, February 4, 1H60. cTllUTHtKIlT V !M V M.KCVACTCRXRS OF FINEST QUALITY OF BOOTS AND SHOES FOR OENTLEMEN W II 0 r. E S A L E A X l li E T A 1 L No 4 South Fuuitb Street. -i, i iiiimi. i iiim. C nF.NK.SKT. March S3, lb6l 6in. v. J. UrMiKsr. iValchea Jewelry &, Silver Ware TTT'E would respecllully inform our friends, potions W and the public generally, that we have now inStore and nflcr WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, at the lewrai Cioh Prices, a huge nnil ve'y choice stock of WATCHES, y. -in vpii vn Pl.ATED WARE, of eveiy variety and s.l. Every itescrmtioti of DIAMOND wemn .j ,n,r JF.Wh!.K, made to order, st short, notice re- ,u Goods Warrautell lo be as represented. N. B Particular attention given In the retiring oi Wutches and Jewelry of every ili.cripilon. STAt'FFEIt A HARI.EY, No. 623 Market Street, South bide, I'hilndelpiua. March S3, -3m ' "p7MLLNfJHT0N SHINDEL," JUST I OK OF TIIK PEACE, STJN33TJ-3HY, FA. Office in Deer Street, immediate! ij opposite the Public School House. All business promptly attended to. Monies collected and all ordinary writings done. Sunburv. Auril 25. 1857 tf l i EN li YD ONN E L, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OJJice opposite the Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County Pa. Prompt attention to business in adjoining counties. WHOLESALE DEALER IN BRANDIES, WINES, GINS. &C- IJMIE subscriber having opened in Thompson's Brick Building, Mill street, Danville, a large and complete stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, comprising the best brands of Brandies, Gin, Old Rj e. Scotch and Irish Whiskey, Port, Sherry, Madcria, Champagne and other Wines of all grades, all of which will be sold Wholesale at Ihe lowest city pricca. Tavern-keepers by buy ing of us can save at least the freight. Persons desirous of purchasing liquors fur FAMILY USE, may rely upon being furnished with a pure and unadulterated article. Vif Being determined to establish a reputation for selling cheap he respectfully solicits the pa tronucc of the public. All orders promptly at tended to. JEREMIAH S.HALL. Danville, Jure 16, 1860. " ingrainedIjarJets, MAM'FACTl'RFD and fer Sale hy M. Peiper A Co: l.eibramll and McDowell's Building, North Eait corner, Second and Race street. Philadelphia. GOODS GUARAXTEED. Octobers, 160. o T-"rin-NT--vr-tr ' ' ll.A. 1 J ill M - 1. Save (be Pieces! identa will happen, even in well-regulated fanu lies, il is very de,irable In have some cheap aiidconveilltul way for lepaiiing Furniture, Toys, Crockery, Ao. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE meet, all .uoh emergencies, and no household can afford to be without it. It i. always ready and up to tlie sticking point. There i. no longer a necessity for limping chaos, splinters veneers, headless dolls, and broken cradles Ii is just the article for cone, shell, and other ornamental work, so popular with ladies of lefinement and taste. This admirable pieparation is used cold, tieiug chemically held in solution, and j itwessing ail the valuable qualities of th. best cabinet'inaktr'. Glue. It may be used iu lb. place of ordinary muciluga, being mora adhesive. "I SEFIL IN EVERY HOUSE" N. B A Brush accompanies each bottle. Price 26 cents. Wholesale Depot, No 4s Cedar street. New York. Address, HENRY C SPALDING A CO.. Box No. 3,880, New Y.k. Put op for Dealers in eases containing Four Eight, and Twelve Dnxen a beautiful Lithographic Show Card c oompanymg each package. tf A. ingle bonis of Spalding'. PraparedGla. u-illsavs ten times its cost aiinualb lo every household. Sold by .11 ,rnmiuol Sbituuiers, Druggisis, Hardware and Furniture Dealer., Grocers, and Fancy Sioiea. Country Merchant, should mak. a sot. ol Spu'ding'. prepared Glua, when they make up thair list Itwil stand any cuuiats. For aale at this office, March III, le0. ly FUR SALE. rpWO LOTS situate in Maiket street, in Ihe -11 town of Trevonon, Nos. IS snd I S, in block No. 90. Apply to WM. GAUGLER. Selina grove, or IL B. MASSER, Sunbury. TJ8EFUL IN ALL FAMILIES-HEuEMAN & CO'S Benaine, which removes paint spots grease. Sic, 6c, and cleans gloves, silks, ribbons, Ac, equal to new, without the slightest iujury to color or fabric. Sold by all Druggisis, also at this office. 25 cents per bollie. ..-v v .tv" s7 OY'S BOOTS and SHOES, cheap for rash - WM. MILLtK'r. I Pun' urr. Au.ust T liA9.