Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, July 27, 1861, Image 3

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    Celcflntpjiic Tcfos;
Gen. ITcClellan to lake Charge of the Army
, of the Pototnae.Tht Grand Army to b'
Reorganized and Invrtaied. Largo Rein
foreemente on (At icay to Wa. hington
Actioe Defensive Preparation). Offentioe
Optntiimt to be Resumed.
Washington, Ja); 22.
Ota. MeClellan has been summoned by the
government from Western Virginia to repair
vo w ashing ion to lane command or toe army
of the Potomac. Ueo. Rosencrstes takes
his place in comoiaud of the artny of Western
The Corpi dVArmy at Washington is to
be inntnoiiy reorganized sod increased. The
order have already been (riven. 0 flora of
regiments already raised and being made will
be accepted with tuch rapidity at to insure
that this will be accomplished io few days.
Lurgn reinforcements from various districts
are already on the way, orders have been
telegraphed for them yesterday while the
bailie was in progress.
The government entertains no spprehen
sioin for the safety of I he Capital. Prepare
tioos not only for defensive bat the renewal
of offensive operations are going on vigorous
ly. General McDowell has returned to bis
head quarters at Artiogton Heights. The
regiments comprising bis army will resume
their position, which most of them have
already doue.
Nina o'clock P. M The estimated num
ber of killed and wounded in the battle of
yesterday is gradually decreasing by arrivals
from the woods and surrounding country.
Six hundred of the Ellsworth Zouaves have
blreaily leturoed. 1 1 is now understoad that
Col. Wilcox, of the First Michigan regiment
acting Brigadier UeDerul, in not dead as
reported but is badly wounded.
Auethxr right lu Missouri Union Men Vlelo
rim. Kansas Citt, Mo., July 20.
By a special messenger just arrived, we
learn the following : On the lSlli, at half
past two p. m., Major Van flora's command
df United States Reserve Home Guards of
this place, numbering 170 men, were attacked
by SOD rebels under Copt. Duncan, three
miles north of . Ilarrisonvjlle. 'be Cgbt
lasted four hours, during which time a con
tinual firing was kept up on both sides. At
lmlf past six the rebels withdrew, leaving the
Union mon vicloiiona. The loss of the
rebels was fourteen killed, including two offi
ceis. The Union men cnutinued their march
crossing Grand river, but they were compell
ed to leave three of their bjggage wagons
on tl.e bank of the river, owing to the high
Mj. Van Horn's forco wns attacked while
ot dinner. They planted their fluK&taffio the
ground, never giving way an inch uor moving
the Hag till ufter the rebels withdrew. The
enemy attempted to flunk !hpm cm u. left
with a company of cavulry, hot were ccm
t,lei-ly routed by a detuiled fores of twenty
three men.
Itee-cl Account of the Cattle.
New Orleans, July 22.
Di-spjtclies from Richmond, dated last
eveiiioir, stats that a battle had commenced
near .VI aLssjus Junction, ut four o'clock in
the morning, and became general about seven
o'clock, when the Federalists retired, leaving
us iu possession of the field. Sherman's
celebrated battery of light artillery was
tuken. The battle was terrible, with great
slaughter on both tides. It is impossible to
furuisb details.
The return of the men composing the
sncood and fifth Pennsylvania regiments has
given rise to many conjectures and specula
tions, since the result of the battle of Bull
Hud, ulike injurious and unjust to tbe galluol
men who compose Unite two organizations.
They did not anticipate a fight. Many of the
tneu were assured that a fight would not
occur in wbich it would be possible to parti
cipate, for a considerable length of time.
With this view and assurance, tbe men con
cluded to come home, where, alter seeing
their friends, they wi uld enlist for tbe war,
organize under uew auspices, as well as more
popular and efficient officers. In connection
witb these, facts, there are other circurriotuu
c-s which must not be held back from the
public, but winch should go on tbe record
now. as part of tbe history of the disaster at
Bull Uuo. Gen Patterson made but a lai
appeal to the men of the second regimeul,
telling them, iu fid, that tbey had u right to
go, that be would be pleased if they would
remain, but that if he were io their position,
he would exercise the right they possessed
end returu home. Geo. Palleuoo even
traveled out of the way to inform these men
that he did not uffiliule wilb or approve of
tl.e action of the administration iu waging
Ibis conflict, and that be bad in routemplalioo
a resolve himself to resigu. This assertion
was repeated to us substantially iu the same
spirit by a dozen different perfectly responsi
Ide men. who were in tbe ranks when Gen.
Patterson iodulged in tbe expressions, aod
who could not bn mistaken io their spirit cr
meaning. llarruburg Tele graph.
Gek. LroK'a Bodv Guard The New
York Timet' correspondent io Missouri gives
us the following account of this singular
guard :
One of the principal features of tbe march
are Gen. Lyon and his German body guard.
The latter is composed of tea athletic St.
Louis butchers, each mounted on a powerful
horse and armed with heavy cavulry sword
and a pair of navy revolvers; each wears a
light bat turned up on the left side, and
decorated with a white ostrich plume. Al
most any tiuie Gen. l.yon, accompanied by
btlfadozeu of these savage looking fellows,
may be seeo spurring along the line, or a
small squad of tbeni, or singly galloping
fiercely to tbe front or rear, or straight out
into the open country. .If the General goes
into a bouse a half dozen of them will be seeo
io front staodiog like iroa statues at the
bridles of their horses if he scours along iu
ad vane of tbe train the clanking of their
long aabres is heaid beside bim stop where
be will, there may be always seen a stolid
squad of white plumed boisemeo awaiting
patiently bis movements. They era fearless
riders jump fences oo a dead ruo, leap
ditches, gallop down steep descents, and, in
fact, never ride lees fBt than their borses
cao run, unless compelled by some urgent
necessity. I odepeodeot of their duty as body
guurds, tbey act as messengers, scouts, Ac,
and in consequence, bate plenty to do. Tbey
are commanded by kieuleoecit ; aod from
their appearance aod daring horsemanship,
will, if orcasiou demands, whip a dozen times
their weight io chivalry.
Major Gsmmal Fsfmokt has been and
dent summoned to Wasbingtoo, aod left
New York yesterday morning. I J is com
maod will no doubt be changed to one of tbe
corps in Virginia.
The diptneria is making fearful ravages in
the town of Anboro and Franklin, Maine
In Fraoklio whole families have been cut off
io lew days Old aod youog art alike vie.
tims to this ten tola malady.
Two mora Massachusetts regiments, the
Twelfth aod Thirteenth, leave Boston this
Nature has granted t as all to ba hsppy, If wa
At4 bo( knew hev t? ui her huf...
Shamokfn Coal Trade.
BbaHokin, July 20. 1861.
Toha. cwt
Bnnt for the week ending Jul
6.861 17
TerlaSt Report,
99,119 03
105,481 02
83,01)3 05
To ssme lime last year,
Gutta Tkiicha Ckhkkt Roofiko. We
invite the attention of our readers to the
advertisement of Messrs. JOANS & CE03
LEY, New York, io another column.
The numerous experiments made for the
last few years, to produce a substitute for tin,
slate and sbingle roofs, nave at last led to
perfect trinmph io the Gutta Fercha Cemeot
KooCng offered by these gentlemen.
Possessing in a great degree, the features
of elasticity, (which is a qualification of a
Cement Roofing actually orcessery and long
after.) durability and cheapness, combined
with the fact that it is weather and fire proof,
us general adoption cannot be too earnestly
urged. Their Gutta Percba Cement for
coating and repairing Metal Roofs of all
kinds aod for preserving all metals from rust
and corrosion from its great durability and
cneapiiees, is last superceding points of everj
description beretofors used for such purposes.
These materials (f"T w-hieh the First Pre
miums huve been awarded by the American
Institute and man of the principal Slate
Fairs throughout the country.) are recemmed
in the highest terms by the New York &
Erie R R. Co., and many of the principal
Railroads North end South, and also bv the
officers of the leading Insurance Companies
throughout the country
Tun Military Clotiiino Depot Rock-
bill & Wilson's Brown h'tone Clothing Hall,
appears to bo tbe leading house for the manu
facture of military clothing. Io the opper
Stories they employ some twenty cullers, and
about seven buudred bands are constantly en
gaged in inakiug op the work. Over three
thousand coats were made up by this firm in
tea days, for the Stale, besides full suits for
several companies of Home Guards, and for
officers of the army and navy. The location
of this wiill-knowu establishment i'b Nob. (iU3
and C05 Chestnut street, above Sixth, Phila
delphia. Philadelphia Market.
Philadelphia, July 33.
Wheat Flour, (extra,)
Kye Flour,
Corn Meal,
Red Wheat, per bushel,
Whi'o " " "
Corn, '
Oats, "
Kye, ' "
$4 0 a 4 75
$3 25
S 62
1 12
3 00
1 IS
Wheat, S lual 30 Butter, $ M
Kye, .... 75, ... io
Corn, .... 75 Tallow, ... 12
Oati 33 I rd, ... 12
Duckwheat, - . 62 Porh, .... g
Potatoes, 87 Beeswax, - . 21
New Advertisements.
Democratic Standing Committee.
Tlie membeis of the Deitix-noii- StHnrii..
for rvnithuiuberiuiid composed of the following persons
to wit : oil
Cturlt-fl J Biuner,
William UillJilh,
Heier buret,
J liana,
J F Lcrch,
J Ltfisetmng,
R M Cutnniiitgf,
Charlea Hutlenatein,
J H Kiuifmdil,
Cminid Kukcr,
1) Bilimuu,
George Ci'iirari,
I B.dcllpech,
F Wiliitlm,
Joiih Wolf,
Jacob Muiiiicker,
i ?eiier,
William II. Kiite,
will hereby talie notice ilwt a mn-tiiie of the Committee
will U,k Vincent jSuiiliury, on Mnntby, Auguttl 5th, t t
o'ekna 1' M. All the ii.e'-.itei-s urd rtqut-fcitd tti he in
attendance, ai buaincfca ,f impnriuiK-r will tie biuught
before them. ily ord-i of Hie CinomiuM,
J. l.KlsKMUNU, Secretary.
Nnnliumher'and. July fclh, 1-sil.
To the Democratic Voter nf Northumberland
riMlKOUGH the encourngement of my
i friends, 1 have been induced again to offor
mytclf as a candidate for the,A'l'LUE.
autiject to the rules of the dcmocralic party
Trevorton. July 13, IRfil.
i:i,van su; ac)ABii:.tiv,
PAI., and Teacher of Languages.
Mr. STEPHEN V. OWEN, Teacher of
Mathematics and Kngiiah Branches.
Misa J. RL'miUUFF, Teacher of Music on
Piano and Melodcon.
The Second Session will commence on'Mon
day the Fifth of August, 1KBI.
Good hoarding can he had in private families
near the village at $ I 25 a week aod in town
for 2 Ou, or Scents by the meal.
Terms per quarter of eleven weeks.
Common English Branches, $3,00.
Higher, " fi.00.
Latin or Greek, 7,00.
Music, (27 lesson), 8,00.
Elyshurg, l'a.,
july 13, '61. :it
'JV'OTICE is henby given to all Legatees, Cr
-A. ilitora arul .ither neranna tntre.teil in tl
in the
following estates, that the Executors, Administra
tors and Guardians of the tame, havo tiled their
accounts with the Kegialer of Morlhuinherland
county and that ihey will he presented to the
Orphans' Court of said county on Tuesday the
6lh of August next, in the lorenoon of that duy,
for continuation, to wit :
! Bird, Joseph F , deceased, settled by bis ad
ministrator lusiah F Bird.
2 ( ressingrr, Mary, settled by her guardian,
i - .
Josepb Creasinger.
3 Doebler, Jaculi, deceased, settled by his execu
tors, Joseph Graven and Jacob Duebler.
4 Engel, Abraham, deceased, miimr children of,
settled by their guardian. Kdward Baurn.
5 t easier, Lmely, aeltlod by her guardian,
James HeeJcr.
6 Geis, Jacob deceased, settled by his executor
Henry Geis.
7 Hannabach, Daniel deceased, settled by Ins
administratrix Hannah Hannabach.
8 Kramer, Wm K deceased, settled by his
sdmiustiator I. E &. J B Kremer.
9 Long. MagJalena dsceased, minor children of,
bv tbeir guardian George Long.
Iu Manser, Henry deceased, settled by 1 eter ts
Masser, one of the executors.
1 1 Miller, Philip deceased, settled by his admin
slraior Jacob bpuiz,
12 Mill, Aaron deceased, settled by his execu.
tor Abraham Schlegel.
13 Miller, Grace deceased, settled by ber ad
ministrator Solomon Miller.
U Keed, Mary E settled by her guardian Jesse
IS Rothermel, Elixabcth deceased, by ha exe
cutor Isaac Kolhermel.
IU Kolhermel, Daniel deceased, by hie execu
tors Michael Lenker and Isaao Kolhermel.
17 liehbock, Conrad deceased, stilted by his
administrator Peier Fersler and Coursd Hebbock.
18 Kchniinky, John Or. deceased, by his ad
miliums or John 8 .Schminkey.
19 Schankweiler, Andrew deceased, settled
by his administrator Solomon 8chankweiler.
SO So)cier, Catharine (now C Mallick) aetlled
by her guardian Win L UewarL
21 Transue, Edward, deceased, aetlled by bis
administrator Jacob Tranaua.
82 Woltertou bilas deceased, settled by his ad
ministrator Wm. lieed.
23 Jones, Wm P deceased. aetCeJ by his ad
ministrators W T Forsyth and C U buiith.
24 John Tthopp, dee d., sallied by his amnio'
istraUir 1 H. littler.
J. B. MASKER, Register.
Refietei's Offiii-s )
?0try, Jul; j;
BY virtue of sundry svrlts ol Ven. Exponas,
Firrr-f acies and Al. Fieri Facias, issued ovt
of thsVourtol Commou Pleas of iorlhumlier
land rount, Pa., to me direeied will be exposed
to public sale al tbe Court House iu the Borough
Huiilmry. on Saturday the 3d day al Angus!, A.
D. 1661, at 4 o'clock 1'. M-, the following de
scribed real estate, to wit
A certain out lot, situate In Upper Augusta
township, Northumberland county, Pa, bounded
on the south by Henry Houpl, on tbe east by
Knydertown road, on ihe west by Cattawlssa road
on the north by Henry Weisa, containing five
acres and filty-nva perches, more or lose.
Also I Another out lot, situate io earns town1
ship, county and State aforesaid, bounded on the
north by J'eter a. Masaer. on the west by trails
wissa toad, on the south by Henry Weise, con
taining five acres more or less.
Also, another out lot, situate in ssme township
county and State sforeaaid, bounded on the north
by Mrs. Msry Markle, on the south by George
Conrad, on the west by Cattawissa road, and on
Ihe test by Snydertown road, containing ens
acre and filly -four perches, more or less.
Also, two other out lets Nos 81 and 82 in
same township, county and Slate aforesaid,
bounded on the north by Edward Y Bright, on
Ihe west by land late of John Robins, on the
east by Catiawissa road, and on the south ty
Centra Turnpike road, containing ten acres, mora
or less. Five acres of wbich said out lota Nos 81
and 32, bounded by the Centre Turnpike on lbs
south have been set aside for the defendant under
the $31)0 Laws. Keixed, taken in execution an J
to be sold as the properly of Henry Weise.
At the ssme time and place, all that certain
piece, parcel or tract of laud, situtte in Jackson
township, Northumberland county, Pennsylva
nia, bounded on the north by lands late of Robert
Parrish, dee'd., on the east hy the same and lauds
late of Jno Olio end Jacob Michael, on the south
by lands of Joseph Trego and on the west by t'uo
river Susquehanna, Containing about sixty (till)
acres more or less ; whereon are erected a two
slory frame dwelling house, a fraine shanty and
largo barn.
Being all of that certain tisct of land contain
ing 101 acres and 14C perches, which Ueorge bei'
ler and wile, by their deed dated January 18,
185:1, granted at.d conveyod to Ueorge W. Beebe
Win. H Russell end James L Morris, trustees of
the "Northumberland and Union Counties' Land
Association." and which Ihe said trustees, by
their deed, dated 31st May, 1856, recorded in the
orlice lor recording of Deeds, 4-c, in and lor said
county of Northumberland, in Deed Book, M. M.
pago 313 granted and conveyed to I he 1 revor
ton Coal and Railroad Company , excepting and
excluding therefrom that part thereof, containing
forty-four acres sixty-two hundredths ; embraced
and inscribed in a mortgage given by said Com
pany to Aquila G Ktout, truslee, &c .dated June
2d. IH.'iO. refolded in Northumberland county in
mortgage book M. C, page 350, Ac, and which
was conveyed hy Wm C Pickengill and Oswald
Catnmann, successors of the said Aquila J
-stout as trustee in said mortgage, under proceed
ings had by virtue of and under the provisions
of said mortgage, hy their deed d.ited the 22d Feb
ruury 1 8f I, recorded in the ollice for recording
of deeds, Ac , in and for said counly of Northum
berland in deed book R. K. pages 220, Ac, as by
reference thereto will more fully appear. Seized
taken in execution and to he sold as the properly
of The Trevorton Coal and b'ad Rood Compa-
At the same time and place, a certain lot of
giound, No 1 1, in hl'ck No US, in Trevorton,
Zerbe township, Northumlierland county, Penn
sylvania, bounded on the north hy Shmiiokin
street, south by an olley, enst by lot No 12 and
weM by lot No HI, containing 25 leet in front
and 125 feet in depth, whereon are erected a
two story Irame dwelling house with basement
o .iai.iv, ., ot)er outhnildiiies., Seized. llri
, . : snni as me property oi
Levue Leo. ;
At the same time and place, all that certain
trnct of land, situate in Shumokiu township, coun
ty of Northumberland and .Slntu of Pennsylvania,
iljoining lands lute of the heirs ( .Martin Wea
ver, dec 'd, Isaac Triehly, John Uriger, Solomon
r agely and others, and bounded and described
as follows, viz: Beginning al a pol in Ihe cen
tre turnpike, thence by land late of Ihe heirs of
Martin Weaver, dec d , south one and one-half
degr-es west two hundred and sixty nine and
nine tenths perches to a small sassafras; thence
south 18 j west y perches to pine; thence S. I J
west 42 perches to a chesnut oak; thence south
68 J east 5 1 perches Io a pine ; iheiire south 8lJ
east 43 Iwo'tenlh perches to a pine ; thence north
112 J east 15 three, lenihs perches lo a post; thence
north li cast 239 six tenths perches lo a stone ;
thence north 88 west 21 perches, lo a stone ;
thence north II) east 62 perches to a stone :
thence north Sjj west perches to the pluce of
beginning, containing 200 acres and I 13 perches
more or less, whereon is erected a large two story
frame dwelling bouse, w ith one and one half story
stone kitchen, stone spring house, wagon-shed
and corn-cribs, and a large frame bank barn, a
well of water and an orchard of choice fruit, Ac
Seized, taken in execution and lo he sold us the
property of R. Fagely and Wm. Fagely,
Al the same p'sce, on M.iidav, the 3tli day of Auguit
A 0. 11-61, t one n'cliX'S V .M.
The del'eiidaiit'atiitereal in lil'eeftnte in It No. Td lu
the geiu-rul plan of the liorouh of Northumberland, Nor
thuiiibeilaud cnuufy, l'a., boundeduitd ik-scritiL-d us f I
.ws : on the ea-t l.y lot No. 7j, on the soullt by Duku
ireet, on the West hy Front atrret.und on Ihe north by
Quern street auid lot contuinui)- till leet in width. Hud .-b
I'erl in depih. on whit!, it elected itw-sloi-,- traine house
a two-ilory hi irk house a.tuched, a blacksmith shop, ,Vc.
bt-ized, tuken in execution and lo be sold us the properly
of Alexuudcr Cult.
Al the same time mid place, a certain M and a hala lot
of ground, situate in the town ol Trevort'-n, Zerbe toivu
slop, .No(lhuluberluiidcMiiily, Pa , bounded und drai-riued
al billows : ou the north by Miiiiuokiu aueet.on the aoulti
ly ulley, ou tlie east by Ocoise Ketaei, una on Ihe went br
lleujaliiiu Knouee, iu liloek No J 17, containing ill width!
3T feet, und iu depth l-Mi feet, whereon la erc.-lcd a one
uii.l u ball story frame sbae room
Also l woollier lots iu Ihe asuie lown, township, county
and (Stale, bouiulrd ou Ihe uonh by Mnrkel slieel, ou the
soutti by un uiiey, ou the west by Henry Shruder, on tlie
euai by Ki,:hlh ttieet, .Via. I-J m.d 13 in lil-iek e7, contain
1113 111 wall h - feet each, und in depth Wu fevt, whereon is
erected a small iiame house.
Seized, tusen tu executiou aud 1 1 be sold as lbs property
of Jeuuc Keiser.
At the same time and place, two certain lots of ground
aituutu iu ---iiumokiii, rsorlhulotiellinid eounly Pu., Nos.
07 Hud bdln liiofk 153, C'llltuinini- 111 wlilth i-J leet each,
and lu depih luo leet, hounded sml desunnrd Hs follows, 10
wit: 011 the wefcl b Hurinau buder. cant b) atieet
whereon ate erected a two-story Irume house, stable and
other outbuildlnga.
tsrized, tuken in execution and to be sold aa the property
of hhus feisciihau.
At the same time and place, a certain track or piece of
land aituutn 111 l,owrr Augusta lowitnliip, udjoinii g lands
011 the eust by John l-'ny, on the wi-sl by Andrew Unused,
on the south by John Long, 011 the Noith by Johu Mulit-k,
CouUilliiiib 17 acres, more 01 !es -wheieou la elected a
two story b-uck tiouse, a one and a hull story fiuine house,
small huru,shedttirc-hurd. &r.
Alio a tiutl or piece of Un.d in Irish Valley iu t-hum-i
kin township, nil.ioitiliig iaaits on the south by Joseph
Hope, east by Willium Cornell, west by duinea Heedcr,
uiulothcis containing ti.i ueres more ul less, whereon 1a
erectrd a one and a hulf atory fiume bouse, siuull baru,
orchuid, Vc ; sixty ucres of which are cleared.
Aisoa certain tiutl 01 pietc of lund, situulc ill Lower
Auuuftta township, siljoinlug lauds oil the eust by John
Mdlickni the west by Johu Long, atone church, and
others, coutuiiiiug 15 acres, inoieur ksa, all ol . wiucU is
beiied, taken in exer-mmn, end to be sold us the properly
of lir. J.ihu Kakci aud Liiiauuel Kaudumu.
Altai al the same nine anU plaire. twu certain lots of
K round, siiustttf in ihetowuol lifVfrlai, s.vilm towiiMiip,
NiMLliutubcrUud county, lu., d.Ai'iibrtl tw l'oliuws,, lu
wit : isu No. hiii) H m liloek I'sta, uttiointit hhuiuo
km tireet mi th iiurili, un uliry oh thtj avutlt, ktut. li u
llic cult, aud Kilita it fret un ihb vveK ; wticwn n irclc4l
two toiy ffMiu bu
Seized, takt-ii in execution and to be td m UipiOpity
ol liuirictC.OriditstuudW illwia iiiilinu
At thume time aiid phv, a cetuin Iraet or piece of
laiul lutUMLe in limokiii ixiwiunip, Nttribuajbrisuiideouia
ty, U'Uuded by tut id 1 1 tbe hens ot iCMise Hichie, de-
rMd, ou tbe iMiith, ijiinii the tsstuih aud wel by bo id l
Aluittr Tlmip, ou throta by hiisd ( Hum net, eon
uuuiig )H uL-rre. more or let ; wheienn is etected a one
end a hull t iy Uf hnuso, oui inn II U suble- end uite
wtigoiishop atMiul tave muids clcerrd.
bi ed, tukcu in execuUuu aud tu be vldat the property
of Jusiab Jobuaou,
eherifTa Office, )
Sunhory, July V'J, 18CI. f
AT the Mammoth Store will be found a
very larga assortment of 6keletoo Skirts
fmm tfro hoops op to thirty.
Lower AugvntaTbot Snyder, John Camp
bell, Ueorge B.Conrad.
Saeioit'r--i-iSoionion Kvert Jot T Jehn,
Casper Adarns, jr., Samuel Kelly.
(a4 Femhviton Bird.
)c(7Kiare-Willinm Kirk, William Biggert.
Millon Thomas 3 Ulsdden, Johu W Llu
ether, Jos Angslndl.
Rue Peter llsughawout, Oliver P Pat
ton, llonham K Rase.
i'ot'nf-BerjsmiD B Ilommel, James Deacb.
Leioit William Fulkersoo.
Sunhury Solomon iSlroh.
Jaciton George W Coble.
Chitisqunque James Reed.
Upper AuyuiUt George W Brewer.
Turbut John Dunkel. '
Zerbe Peter Reeder, Frederick Fisher.
Lower Mahonoy Abfabam Buyer, Jacob
Qeckert, David Seiler.
Little Aliihonoy Simon Dunkleberger.
Upper Mahmwy Bernard Adam.
Juckton George Luhr.
Hhamokin Samuel Kplpr, Franklin Klase,
William G Kase, Klida Johu, Thomas D 11 till
James Vanhoto.
Chillisquaque John Cola, Denoia McGee,
William K Irwin.
Sunbnry James Boyd, Augustus Clement
Samuel Gossler, Jonathan Bostiac.
AtcEwennvilltVavid Gold.
Turbut Johu M llausel, Martin Billmire,
Henry U Haas.
Upper Auguila Charles Eckman, Henry
Northumberland George Hymandiager.
Lewie Stephen Glaze, John Schuyler, Si
mon Cameron,
Milton Benjamin Miller, Charles Walters
John Peeler, John DivhI, Ballzer Kreilzer.
Rush Joseph Sharpless.
Cameron Leuuard Kerstetter, Johc 11
Cool Benjamin Hoy, Henry A Shissler.
Point Johu C Buruburt, Daniel .Stumer,
Win Yank irk.
Ddiiwnre Robert Farr. Wayne Vandino.
Lou.ur Augusta Jos F Lanch, lsauc De
Jordan Jeremiah Wolf, Samuel Engel,
Ellas Kissinger.
Northumberland Jehn Dernbotn, Daniel
Delaware Charles Faux, Win B Hryson,
Knorh lltlpart.
Milton Henry Harris, Thos Frymiro.
Mount Carmel Jacob Uinehurt.
Lower Auqusla Johu Starner, Dan'l Ililo
man, Robert Seers.
Lewis James D Barr, Frederick Shirts,
Peter llarniao.
Washington Samuel Bobb.
Turbut Thomas Carl.
Upper Augusta Martin 11 Gasg.
Little Mahanoy John lletisil.
Shamokin Jacob E Muencb, Geo Ileck-
ert, Isaac Boogbner.
Lower Mahanou Aodrew Gonsert. Isaac
McEwensville John F Dutr.
Coal John Conrad. ,
Uvner Mahanou Daniel Stra6ser. Samuel.
Rush Jacob Weaver, Wilson Miller.
Chilisquonue Norman Butltr. IlbiibMc
Jacknon Abraham Zartman.
Zerbe Dennis Buoy.
Vjr Jrt XVL Jzi JSi 'X' fc3 ,
at the
Fashionable Tailoring Establishment
Iflai ket street, MM11HV, V:t.
THE subscriber has just received and opened
rue assortment SPRING AND f-L'M-
MF.R GOODS, such as
Plain and Fancy Cassimores. Vestings, &c
of the latest styles. In addition lo his stuck lie
is constantly receiving new supplies trom Ihe citv
keeping a lull assortment of tlie mosl sulislunliul
and latest style of Goods in ihe city market.
He is prepared to make to order all kinds of
Gentlemen's and .Joy's wear, suctt as -
I.OON. &.C.&C.
of the very latest style, and in tbe most substan
tial manner, at abort notice.
Any Goods not on hand, wT?t be furnished
from Philadelphia, by ijiving two day'a notice.
C?" Call and examine my stock, JIO charges
made for showing.
Sonhury, May II, 161
To the Democratic Voters of Northum
berland County.
I HAVE been induced tu permit inv name to
be used in connection with the noniiiintion
for the LEGISLATURE, at the ensuing Demo
cratic primary election.
The solicitation of many warm personal friends
in both ends of our county have prevailed with
me in this mailer and should lliey see proper to
nominate and elect me, it will he ray pleaaure, as
well aa a duty, to piomole the interests and
prospetity of my own constituents, aa well aa of
the blate sod counliv al huge.
' J. W Of illS BROWN.
Turbut township, July C, I NCI.
Calhariue Snyder,! In the Conn of Crinmon
vs. Pleas of Noilhurubciiaiid
Win. 1 Dewart. J county.
No. 28 April Term ISfil, Vend. Exponas,
OTICE is hereby given, to all ersoua in in-
' lerest, that the undersigned A udttor, appoint
ed by the said Court, to distribute the funds re
maining in Court, arisir g Irmn the above nt,
will attend for lhat purpose, and all wlhcrs. ai tits
ollice, in Market street, Stinlmry. on Tuesday Hie
'.'3d of July. I HC 1, when all muy attend if they
think proper.
Runhury, July 0, !HI.
CEMEUT It O O V I N (i ,
The cheapest and most Rnnfiiig hi use. Ilia Fire
and Wuiui PriKii.
It can be applied to new und old KMrs 'f all kinds, and
lo bliii.gleltuuls willeiut removing tlie :nugie.
The Cost is only about Oiio-Thinl tliut
Of Tin, and it is twice as Durable.
For prseviii(r and repairing Tin and oilier MtUt ili'i of
every ileaeription, from ila sieul elasticity, s ie. i.ijurcd
by the conlraell.111 aud eipuiisinil if uiculs, and will uot
duck v ciUd or tun iu wunu weall.ri.
These iiuileriula liuvs b su thxroi'Khly ttslsd in New
Yurlt and ull pulls ol the tinulhtnii and Wcateru Stairs,
and ws can give abuuduntjuouf of all w csoui ui tlmr
faeor. ,
Tl.eyare readily applied bv or inary lalsirers, at a In cipeuse. -iut.-t,
ttE.A I la fl'.l-ir.4.-
Th.u n.nini.1. nra nut ud reedv fur use. and for shin-
runs loull paitsul llic euuiill), wnu iu.i yumcu mini uus
Itir ailicalloil.
Full drscniitivs eirculais will lie fiirnnlii-d on appllra-
tiisi by niml "-r in nrrs"iiat uur rrinciiHi times sou vvur,
h"use. 78 W I l.l.l JVM tjlKEKf, iCoiucr of Libcit)
btrost.) Nw Vors. ,. t
AassTs Wio! TtruuCasii! !
J -us I, I HI I ly
Anew supply of tiuiiunona', Kseculiuns,
Warrants, Bupcenas, DeeJa, MorlgSRes,
Bonds. Leases, Naturalization papers. Justices
,n J Constables Tea Bills, Ac, Ac, just printed
and for sale at this Office.
Pnnhvry, Aft SO, lSt.
7Tiere are those lhat say in Ibeso enlighlennd
Thsl splendid lies are all Ihe poets prslset
That siiained invention, aver on Ihe wing,
Alone impels the modern bard losing.
'Tie true lhat all who rhyme, nsy, all who mile,
Shrink from Ihe word lo genius trite
Yet Irutii sometimes will lend her noblest Ores,
And docoratethe verse hersell inspires :
This 1st I in virtues name, let FKILIiNG &
GRANT claim
For Dry Goods, handsome, beautiful and
Are always found at their Mammoth Store in
Market Street.
Sunbury, July 6, 1861. 3t F.
list of Causes for August Term 1661.
John P Summer vs John McReynolds.
Smmiel S Baitoti va Wm IticKissick
Isaac Kupp vs Jerry 4- .las M Penny-packer
David 1, Miller va Dr Edmund Franciscis.
David L Miller vs I E Arwineand wife
Philip lleilgert dee'd adm'r vs David Eshbach
(tuna Sc Kimble vs James Covert
William L Dewart va Peter Kerlin
Lewis Dewart ex'r vs Peter Kerlin
Abraham German vs Jos Green ft Fr Bowman
James Malone va Hhamukin Valley 5t Poilaville
Railroad Co.
Henry Weiso vs Wm L Dewait
Big Mountain Impr Co va H D flofJinan, Samuel
Bohh et al
Cop.momvealth of Ponn'a et al va James Van-
djke and bail
Galen S Robins dee'd adm'r vs Mary iWss
sumo va spencer M and Wm
II Knse
Nsgle, Wingale cV Co vs John H McMickcn
William F INsgle vsJohn I! McMickrn
Michael Gruliain vs lialdi Dot'le ilec'd x'r
suine n Gooilinao A Mood, a
Geo C McKee vs .loseidi Long
John Keitcr vs John Kbiasler
Gabriel Klimi va lieo C Mcl'ee
Jacob Frederick iV Co vs Iuiljih Bogle dee'd ex'r.
John Keiter and wilu vs Ma-lisel A Kccfcr and
John bhisslt.r
lninh Keitcr vs M A Keefer and John Shissler
Thomas Hufer vs John Fcizer
Dewait for Jocoh Gass vs Henrv Masser dee'd ex'r
Joseph Long vs George C McKee
J 11 Masser lor Dewart vs Michnel Mullen and
Kiizabelh Mullen
E Y Bright Sr vs Jonas, Michael & Abraham
llrnrv Tbarp vs Northern Central Railway Co
C II Sf Geo Abbott &. Co vs Samuel ii Wheeler
J V L Dewitt
Craig for use of Wm H Miller vs Miller d Brown
V tlliutn W'eiiiunhnmer vs John McMathew
John Wagner vs Jjcnb Dresler
Jonalhati vs John Hum ford,
James 8 Marsh & Co vs Jacob Westley
Abraham Dunkt I vs John Hollcnstein
Mary H (Jeland's heirs vs Northern Central Rail
Road Company.
jVOICE is hereby given that the seral
Courts of Common Pleas, General Quarter
t-Vflsiotis of tlie ieacc,and f trphans' Court. Court
of Oyer and Terminer and General Juil Delivery,
in and for the county of Northumberland, to
commence at the Court Hi use, in the borough ol
Sunhury, al 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, the
fifth d-iy of AUGUST, next, and will continue
Tha coroner, Ju.ilices of the Peace and consta
bles in aud forthe county of Northumberland, aro
requested to be then and there in their proper per
sons, with their rolls, records, impiisilioiis, and
other renieinlinuicps, to do those things to their
several ollices appertaining to be done. And all
witnesses prosecuting ;n behalf of thu Common-
SliyflctYVo' fie then and there utlendiiig in tlioi
proper persons to prosecute aguiiial him, as shall
'"'tost and not to depart without -cave at their
peril. Jllllllfl mi ii.A..u n .. j. .
attendance, at the lime appointed agrrea'.ile to
their notices
Given under my bond at Snnlmry, the 1st day
of July, in the year of our Lord one thous
and eigh hundred and sixty-one mm the
Independence of the United States of America
the Moth.
God save the Commonwealth.
Sheriff's Office, Suii'oury
J ah C, 1801.
To the Voters of Northumberland County.
lEI.I.OW ClTlZKNS : From the eticour-
agetiit-nt I teceived from different parN nf the
county, I offor myself as a candidate fur the
ollice of
subject to the usiiges of the democratic party, and
if elected, will pcrl'otni the duties justly and im
partially to Ihe best of my jhility.
Lower A iigusln township. June -J9th. I Mil.
Subject to the Rules end Usages of the Demo
ctalic Piuly.
To he Voters if Northumberland County
Fkluow C'itizfss :
I I'fli r mvself as a I'nion CanJiilate foi
the office of ASSOCIATE JL'LlGK. at tbe next
election. Sboulil I be eb-cteJ, I Uilije myself
to iirrforin the duiie of the otiii-.e lo the best of
my al.iliiy. JflHN I HI MI A.M.
Nnribiimberland. May 4, lfil. lo
oi m i i ui:tM iii:a.
' H K S' l'srrit'er olfi-rs himself lo the Pen
cratir Voters ol .Norttiun.t-i county, as
cainliibit,- f..r the otlitv of (JlH NTY THE A
M li'l) II. at the next riinarv elertion. Nul-jecl
to iIik dei i inn ol the Couniv Convention.
.1 (is K l tl EVKKKTT.
Ib-laware Its p. June K, Iftil.
D ?s"J C- & CHS1C ICJ.L
n A VIM .ur. lin-i il llic alore lortnerly l,ei
l A. W. TIM IIF.K, be would re(c-iruliv
rail ll.e stli-nll-jli ol Ihe public lo bis Weil H int.
Yd liii'k of
Oils, Uye-Stutls, Vartiinhes, Ter uinery, Futiry
Aiticlis, fine Hair mid Tooth Hiu.lies,
l'alu-v Goal's. Tni-sen, Ac.
i'liysnijiis l'res-li'iilis and Family Uereipt
aiturult iy compound' d ut u!l Imuis, l y an cipe
liencivl liniKcisl and Ap tliec iry.
KK.MEMliEll tbe pUie, under the ofl'ne "I
the lSun1'ury Ainerican."
Simliurv, June S3 I Mil I .-.linos
liond Maulles,
Poplin Dusters,
Fiencli Ksquts,
hilk basquitivs,
Newest Uesisns, ieadj Made, or Made to Order.
H, E. Corner Ninth and MurLel, Fluladelphia.
Muv IN. I SKI.
ON th nature, tlralinenl, und rsdiesl cote nf aperma.
Unrtiii-a or ft-nonal s.kiieaa. trxuui Uehiluy, Nur
vouanfaa u..'l involuiioiry eu.i-si..ia, ii.uutliig uiiioiency,
ailtl MenU.1 und Pnyan-ul liuaarlly.
by HUHT. J. CTl.Vl.UWr'.I.!., M D.,
Aulhr of Ilia '-Uresii U."-k,"A
The world-rsiiiiwntdaulhiil, in tins ailuiiratla lcturel
clasrly roves litui his own experience 'lial tlia awlu,
e.'iit-iU. !-- t:f hcil-al.uMi tny be rlleetnaily lemi.t-ed
W lli-'Ul lliedli'tiie and without surreal upera
lions, bougiee, 11 siruiiieiila, ro.Ks or eoniu,!.. poiiiiius out
n..Mle of euie at once ceitsoi S'nJ efteetual. Iy wliicn
every auffer. no iimttcr what his e.iulii..u inav tie, may
euie bousell cheaply, privately and rudltttlly 'i his luctura
wnl pmvea noli l'i thouaaiulsaiiii Ihi.i'semls
8ill under seal, in a plain envelope, aihlroM, post
paw, ou the receipt of two pottug stamp, bv addreaainij.
Br.CH. I. C. KUNE, UT Biwerv, New Vork.
l-.K'i. e a-'i,.V4
Arii' t"l IT l
Invite attention to their Stock of
Prime Grocn and Iilack Tea.
one ifi, IH6I. !
- o-
SZ3 2!HKL" 'J332 j?S&-
c.j.1 j;j T x.
Sunbury, June 15, ISO .
A N 1) T V I N G U t) a T i; O M P A N V.
'pUA VEI.I.EKS and others are respectfully
iniornied thut ihe subscriber, in older to ac
commodate the public and facilitate Havel, h is
iriiiire.l lilt: raits of ferriage at bis n'l'EAM
FEIJK V, over the -umu tiuuna. at frutiburv, and
will carry I'.teAeiiers, Horses, Carriages, and
oilier vehicles, at Ihe follow nig rates, viz :
Foot i'as.enni rs, each ft cents.
Horse und Kider, 15 "
Horse and iiiuy, "
Two-ilorso t't nveyance, 40 "
Farmers and others, wUhing lotnnsport C.ial
atid I'roduce, can liiakc. urraiijeuieiiis at still
luw er rates.
A birue. s.if aod commodious will
run regularly and promptly al all hours of the
il;iv, and lo arcoininoilsle tl.Opev.ho ue.ire to at.
teml t!;e f.'hurelios at Sunbury ai.d Ueiinsrovc,
the Ho;il will run on Sunday.
The Meainl will run from Market Street
Wart, and pr-nnii'ly cutivcy l'asfi,i;i:ta from
both hidis ot Ihe lliM-r. without Urhlt.
'l i e e-tenin Ferry in w nlljrds not only a sale
Olid conti-nit nl triitisit over the uij.iti aunu,
hut Hisu s U :i-.iut oud iiijreeatile ride.
1HAT CI.EME.NT Lessee and l'ropri"nr.
riiiibiiiy, .M.iy 'i't, l"0l,
Uew Iflillinery Goods.
si-n i. i.. ij.isi.t:n,
l'a ten Xlritt.ltri do-trs, sot. (A ft the Shamokin
Vallry Pottn-Ule Ruil Road,
il.lJFi;TKLEl.Y informs ihe citiz.ns of
SL.NbURY and vicinity, that she has just
received from Philadelphia a large and silemlid
assortment of ihe most lashionabie aud laltst
in le of
3 GO 5f? tQ S3 ,
H A T K, K II A K E Its, Th'I.M.MP G Ac.
which she is scUiiiu al ll.e mosl rcsoiialile p i s
'l o which she directs the attention et ll.e iaoies
and invites all lo call and see them.
Thankful for past patronage, a te hopes by
Iteepiua. lo I est assortment at reas .liable piices
to continue ihe same.
Sunbury, April 13, 18H Sm
"JA M E S E A 11 BER ' S
. E. Curner Second and Chcttnul He.,
DA V CLOCKS, a veiv dcatiai.ia aiuv.c lu, Ln.rvu
a, Hutela. Banka, Countinff Houses, I'srloia. Ac.
Also, M ii-ulaeiiirer ol HK OOi-ll l't-Ns.
f'hNtks repaired and warrautrd.
Ck Ti.innniiNi of evrry oee'lAi-'a
1 ki iei t , I-1, st:. -S
r'.:i"w '. .'. 1 ' " 1111
goods cx-j..x:yi.3?,izn
than can be purchased elsewhere.
Just recoived by RailrosrJ this week.
Sunbury, Decmler IS. IdCO.
J . A TC RAND aTl's"
Hbould Iw in every fmnily. School, (jynineKi.
um, Asylum, end Hospital iu lie Imil. Are
not DANGEROUS, like tbe common liockin
Hor-e. ritands firm on its IVIestal, will not
weor CARPETS, and has no Rockers to injure
Ihe Feet.
'Health aud happiness Id tbe samessddls." N. p. Willis
"Of all the child furnilnri' we huve ev. r eren
no article combines so much of loose l-o iicpir. things he-ilth and h.ippinean as tlie Ad
justable Patent blcel Spring Waddlo-H'ose iu
ventcd by lease A. Cratid.ill, It is tiul Iuhui
oils, like a cumnion rocking-horse, to (hiiijuu's
feet, cannot be upiet, docs not near carp .-ta, I ul
stands firm on ils base, and its ac'ion i so like
the gallop of a live horse tint t!.o child neter
wearies of il. Tliia .alcstof cbtldiiovciiics is ox
ceediiiijly ek'Kniit mid arii-lic in dc-siiir. ; im-l
a-ljustaliie, suli.-tanii:il, ami durable, ili: it wi;
last a lifetime. It is indispciisal-lc in every
family where lliere aie children, il should be
in every primary school and gymnast um in iho
country, as it can be made largo und slroi.s
jnouh to sustain grown persons. A-H edcsial
fur photographic pictures, nothing is more beauti
ful. "Every Oiphan Asylum and fnstitu'ion where
children are congregu .-d. should be furnisded
with a number ol th-so '.caiiiit'nl inticlfs: Tbey
are lilted with sido-sa'ldlcs when required."
the h - er part of the Unre -ufli t t to ail., v ,jlt
axle to go in its pi, re; tl en raise or lower tne
Horie to suit ou. Screw the bulls in 11. o side
These Hors.- are VVAitnAi ...
March 16, 1 sfil -f
'I-IIE SUMMEIt TEKM of the Senl-aiy Academy will
J eotii tn ei ice i -it tl.r i.h f .4 j-ril
Tl.e e -tiise in' in.tiiicti tu etiihraees every iVj.nrt
meitl of ttlurutl -n tt uglr. In our heat Aea'.f lllltta. prcr Ku-g
Itutleici unu ci: lie I fol a j-rtncb.u.n or t ei.;v! u.i L..s ill
TERMS I'KIl QL'AHTER: Scli-"il llrmielKS, 61 00
. ilieher Uiau'-lies, 5 (-0
Luim ai.d loetk tpntjitiiiea. 7 00
Tuitit.n ti lie j.-iid before thu mid l!e of the term,
it he t,ud lit ( uvulu luul.llL'S al flulll at 75 13
91 lii pel week.
S P. WOLVEUTOX, l'nucipal.
Suub'jry, March 3", hhu.
DO YOU VAN I"lVIl!K:'.nS ?
IU I.a.lXhUtta's C'C i 1 1) l"l tCil
For the Whiskers and Hair.
TheiuWnl'trs tua i-lensiira in aitnouiicing to the ci:i
Zensi-I lliti t'uiu-d rliiUn, ti.ut the1, have oolliiird tlie
Agency lor, antlute now enuhttjU ttntCci to tnu .-iiiieiuari
pni.iic, the kitcvo t-cichtulLts und wrld-reucwiicU
The Stitttulntiiiij Onguent.
is prepared hy Dr. C. Y bellingtium, un ciiniieiit physician
of L ...tJt-li, an J is v-ai runted lo Lin g outullnck ael of
ll 'Iti.i. tl's or Moui.lui.hi.
in fritm three to sx v.-eeks. The suicl-i is the only one
of the kind used hy the i'reneii, and ut London and t'a
ril 11 is in niir. crMil nnc
It is u htuulilj!. rcnonnciil. S'.Hitliing, yet ttmiulii-.hig
ciiii'-uiid, uttii:' lis it L'V iiiiiaie np'-n lite roots, timsins a
heiitiful :iovvih I luxur-inil n.tir If iiplied to the su'.ji,
t will h.i-iii.tfcj, t.i.'i enu.r to S ring up in place of
the L;ih!s;.nidM line gr.-wth of hjir A;- lied acenidlnf
t- UKt-cli-.i.s II wot turn itdi-r l.-w-y hair il:itk. i-ml r.isloin
2fu, Irur to usoiictniiici-loi. leivii.g a s -It, s.nooth, and
flej' 't'ne tlot-ni-iit1 i--t ttti Inj.sptnfc.hli.- Ullic.e ill
ev,-l nentl- ll::inS t--lift, U.-.1 Bl'ler one WeeK'S U.e ll.ey ii-il fi.r any coi-s.drrjiioii l.e Without It
Tl.e snl.?.;ril.ers tile lite only Age:ls for tne ariicle in
the I. i.ited siiiites, lo wiittiri ail ortit rs n-UKt he srldteetl.
I'r.t--; One l.ltt i:ir n httxf'-r snle hy nil L)nni'iia and
De.-hra; orhh-.xof the "OngnenlO (vvarrnnled" l'i hnvs
the il.-t.ueil eflrct) will l.e sent t t any wh't ritsne it, by
mini, Ctn ct; fc.i-tntlv patkee, on receipt of pnee and post
nee, tf 1,1b. ' Apply to or p-l-ires
Prusgois. c., 84 Wihiuiu St., New Yoix.
F.-rsilf nt tl i . :!ke.
Man-It 30, I'fll.
Crrhaus' Court aio
EN piirsuante of an order of the Orphans' Court
of Northumberland counly, will he rjposed
to pul lie sale, i n Ihe, on Ssii.rday. the
'JTtli day of .H 'l.Y, next, ail that certain Trsct
or Piece ol I, .1, sitoftle pitly iri l-I'mmokin
'.oniirhip, and purily in Cool township. Aorthair
berland counly, Penrisv Ivania. bouitiied by lands
of M artio (Jitsa lai d surteved lo ( Ihediah Csmp-l-ell,
Jolin Titaw-oilu, l.'.il erl Tiighurl. ?-itl.
ler, ai.j Titoinas limoilt in.coi.taiiiini i-'onr ilttii-d-cd
and Tw-enty -Eitht Acres 'and Fifty era
t t ttht . of Eiit d Ut'd u'.iuvv Ul.-e. I s thn b.lttlH
u; 'fe or b-s, laic li e j-.-oj.eily of
Lici. (i ce.i..e j.
e-1. to ci-inn.rire st 10 o'clock, A. V. ,of saii
day, w iien ll.e teims and cijiici.iui,s ef sa!e wd!
be made known t y
IS A A C N. II A UE, Adm'r.
t 3 .1 - s . .ft V
Ilv ord.'r of t'ourl. 1
MstEl:, Clk O. C. J
iiil oiy. May 4, I fe 0 1 . )
J n.
m:i.o.iiu lt.lCK.
Attorney at La7,
8UNBURY, Northumberland Co., Pa.
( Formcily Frerbtirix, Snider county )
OFFICE, Matket Mree.l. a tew dotira east of lha
.Nort.ii-rn (.'ci tr-,1 Pepot and two
dt'Ois went of ll.e Post Ollice.
All Professional Business, Collections, &c..
will receive prompt attention.
March 30, 161.
Rich I I cured Uaitiiea. IU, J5anJ 31 tenia,
Harege Kolas. S3 6d. tl 00 anJ S 00,
Moaii't'Wue Hi lt.-a at A 00,
Travel, ng Uie.e Goods.
Sbepiiurii's I'Uids, Mohslr Plaids.
Iiii gti'iu's, Fawns. Pruts, Cbeluts,
lircy Figured Oo.-ds.
B E corner Ninth and Market, Pbiladelphis.
N U list-l quality Uoop enu, IS esuia is
3 25.
y.r 9, Mi I.