Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, July 20, 1861, Image 4
SENT BY EXPRESS Ml Retailed at Wholesalo Prices, Mada to Measure at $18 per doz. OR BIX FUIl NINR DOLIsARSs ! Without Collars on,v.HH Collars on 9 per do, extra. MADE Of KETV-VOtlK MILLS MCSLIN, ; -With fine Linen Bosoms, ni warranied as F"l Biirt M sold In the retail stores at 2,r0 each. AL0. TUB VERY HOT FIITT1TS THAT CAS EK T S Those r.o thlnlc I cannot make ft goc-dflilrt for ;V p?r dorcn sis mistaken. Herts th sort of on dofca fib une sain 80vnrlof KMr-TorkM111-mn!llnfttH,Vf-rJ-'. O J 7 vards of fire Unen, at fcuc v yard, Iakmgcn-1 cittliinr, " J l aundry, Hi buttol.s ami cotton, Wo 1 Vrottt ' w Tout Il Self Iloas-aromont for Shirts. rrlutcrl iient free everywhere, and to easy to understand, Hint any one can take their own tneaaura for sMrta. I warrant ft pood (It. T!. cub. to bo paid to tlie txpress Company on receipt of goods. The ErpreX clinrrea on on dosea Shirts from Kew Tork to Kew Orleans Is (I. i p g -PARTUS TCTSIITKA PVTTRTS IN IT AST R, not having time to ieud tor Rules of Measurement, should end per mail, prepaid, one of the best fittlngslilrts they bar got, atating any alteration tliat may be required. f S. W. H. WARD, from London, ,307 Broadwf,y, up stairs, .Between Wliito k Walker Streets "KW-YORBV J? mill I li, I rb . I . .AVKirs Sarsaparilla FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. And for tbe speedy car of the following complaint t felrrofulH mill fccrofulona Aftertlnns,flu-h no Tumor, l ln ri, Morm, Krupl loimv Plmplrs. l'u(uUi, lilotehea, liutlw, Ulnlue, nud Mil Skin 1U - Oakland, ln.I., Cth June, 1959. J. C. Ami k Co. GtMvai I frfl it my duty to ac knowledge liat j our Sat mi aiiUii bua done tor me. Having inlioilletl tt irrofu lulls .tifrcllou, I have fiiffVrid fiura it in viuious ways lor yeai. Pomctimca It burnt cut In Ulcers on my hands and Drms; aoniotimefi It turned Inwmd and difltrc.Jtjtd me ut the ritoinroh. Two jcrtrs Ago it broke-out on my hettd mid covered my trrtlp mid enra with one tune, which wan pultitiil and liiftUiriume beyond deicriptlou. 1 tried many medicine aud aeveral .yi-iaii. but wltlumt much leltet tmi:t ntiy tliiif. lu fart, tlie disorder grew nottso. At length 1 was rejoiced to read In the llospcl 3Iensouur tbut you had prciMied d alterative (jtanmjjarllla), fr 1 knew fiutu your r-itita-tion that any tiling yun umd. nuirit bu pood. I sent to Cincinuatlandgot it, and m. d it till it ured me. 1 took It, an you advim. in ftmull dostn of a tenitooitfiil ovi'r a lnnutli, and used almost Ihrtte bottlfS. New and litiMlthy kin noon Itpjjnn to frm undr tbu smb. t hich altera hile fell oil'. My skin i now ob-ur, and I kuow by my fttliiipn that tin dii-arie bus gono from luy twu. You can well beliove tbat 1 Uvi wluit 1 am mtving ulifii I tell you, that I hold you tn be one of the a our, tic J of Ibo uge, aud reuioiu evor arutelull y. Voui , ALi- llhD U. TALIiFY. ft Anthony' Fire Tloae or Krvslpelas Tetter ft ml Salt liheum, HralU IleaJ, Ittiigivorm. Sore Kyci tlropay Pr, Hobert M. Preblo writes from Siib-m, N. Y., 12th F't.. SbM, that ho hnft cuifd aa itivetemto case of JJropsy, wbich tbvo:itfiicd to toraiii:;ito fatally, by the persevering iue of our fursaparitla. and ul -u a UutiUMrom Malignant Ayji;Wat by large. doss of the fame; iays he cures the common AVf lions by It constantly. BronchocclCf Co I tie or Swelled Neck. Sebnlnn Slonn of INnfpert, Texas, writes : ' Three bot tles of your fcarnapiu illa ctited me from a 6-i'rf a bid eons snvlliuK on the uuck, whith J had Bull, ltd from orer two years." liCnrorrlifra orWUUn. Ovarian Tnmor, Uterine I'lveratloai. Feiunle UUeuave Pr. J. B. B. Clmnninjr. of New York City, writen ; ' I nutst cheerfully comply with the recpieht of your ngnt In aiiigl have found your tarmparjlla a nitt rxrellunt alterative In the numeroua coiiiplilntn for which vie employ such a remedy, but especially in wdi'e Viuastt of the 8erofu?ou diuilifttbi. I bare cured many inroUT ate eases of Leucorrhwa by It, anil ir-mo where tlu com plaint was c lined by ulceration of tbe wt..u Tbo ulrer n'inn Itself was soon enred. Nothing withia my know I ede equals It for those feuiulo derail Rt'iiieuts." J.tlwnrd 8. M.irrow, of Newbury, Ala Wi itefl, M A dan ffrous oiwitin tumor on one of tlie ft-muios lu my fnuillv, which had d-nt d all tbe remedy wo could employ, bus at 1 n it th been complete.; curd by yonr Extract of i?ar enpavilla Our pi) vii iiu thuu-bt iw tl.ini but extirpa tion coubl afford ivlif. but be tdvlsed tbe trial of your baraapartlla as the last resort before cutting, sud it prove d effectual. After toklutryour teiuedy eight weeks 110 symptom of the disease remains." Syphilis and Mercurial Disease. New Oiu.rtys. ii5tli Anpusf, 169. Vp. J. C. ATKitt Sir, I eheer fully coinidy with the re tpwnt of your agent, and report to yon some of the eflecti 1 have realiied with your Sarsaparilla. I have cured with It, In my practice, most of the crm fdniuts for which it Is recommended, and have, found its effects truly wonderful in tbe cure of Venereal anl M?r atrial Ditenir. One of my patients bnd Syphilitic ulcers in bts throat, which were consuming hie palate and tbe top of his mouth. Yonr fearsapaiilla, ateadlly taken, cured him In Ave weeks. Another was attacked by sec ondary symptoms In )U iiosn, and the ulceration bad enivti away a considerable p'irt of it, so tlmt 1 buliuve tbe dinar, lor would soon reatb bis brttlu and kill bin). Hut it yuld -d to my adminlatruti.'n of your Sar-apuriPa; the ulcer healed, and be Is will again, not of couise without ioirt dttdi-puutiou to bis lace, A woinuti who had Leen treated for tbe same disorder by mei t ury wan smTeriug from this r)ison In her bones. They bad become so en titire to tbe weather tbat on a duip diiy tbe sulTeml ex erm -luting pniu in hvr j.4i.tB and bones, the, tro, was cured entirely by your hainpi.iil!u in u fow wetk. I Itnrw from its fotinuln, v.liii li your ugi-nt .save Lie, tint this l'lepatation froiu your luboiiilory mii-t bu a mit remedy; coiisetiitently, tin be truly lvtuuikaule lei-ult witii It have not Put pi lut-d me. fraternally jutirs, 0. V. I.AItTMKR, M. D. Ithenmatlanit Ciont, I.lver Complaint Isr.EPKSnENOE, Pi eft ton CM Vii.. tub July. Iii3. Vt. J. C. ATtJt : Mr, 1 Lave bet-n alllicted with a pin ful chronic h'I.eumatum f t a long time. wbl U ball!. -d tbo !till of pbyielHtis, and stut k to me In spite of all the rmm-dicl c.-nld nnd, until t tried your Hur; aiuirilla. One bottle cuimi me in two weeks, and rest ore a my general W,lih so imit'li tlmt I am far better than belli re I wag ttttuiked. 1 think it aftouderiiil medK-lue. J. 1 lit AM. .Tubs Y. Oeteb.dl, of St. Louis, wrlttst 'l have liecn ftfilicted for years with nn ujhetum uf the Liver, vbii li destroyed my health. 1 tried every thing, aud every thing Id ltd to it lieve nte j aud 1 have beeit a Lroktii-dnwu nmu oi some jvais fnmi no other cuticle tbnn derungenifnt vf the J.irr. My beloved pahtor, the He v. Sir., advis:d me to trv your arMi.arilbi, because be said b( knew J oil, wnd any tbiuir you made, watt wot tb tryins by the blt-sa-ing of Ood it ba i -tired ni and linn so put ified my blood ah to nuiku a nvu' man of uic. 1 feel ouiu njr.dn. The beat tinit c;m be Miid of you not b;ilf ood enoti: b." fii hlrrua.C'niii't-r Tumors, Ialnvcmeiitt l lcei-n t ioik, Curie mul JxfollHtlou of tUe Uontrs A fireat vari-'ty ef eases hare ben reported to us where ruie, i i th"e fxrmiditble t-ouidaitiia bao leulted from tlte W: of tli'lS Ifioeity. but i'MI' Haee b"ie will intt a Jlli it Do m. Hoti.t of them may be fiiind In our Ameiiau AlltlitlU'', wJiKdi tbo ll'4t'lit4 Imlow u-tuicd are ploRaed to fni uih gratis tn all bo call fur tbeiu. Dyspepala. Heart 1lsease, Flfa, Epllep s,yt Itli-InneJioIyf Keii'ulK-V 2Inny ronmiVaM' tur-s of there Ifertionri have been nut vie l y tiie ulteintivo n ver ot ibi nieditine. it utimu lte tbo It-.l fuioMU'iiK into vi'ious in'.ioii, and I bus overetmes dit'.i.lfVa tvbi -h woubl be fcuipoit'd tftfuud its reach. Pii'-h a itun ly ba l-'irj been n-ui.-i tl ly the u-c- i'-'itir' of tbt i t--j le, and wo are eoiittdt ut that this will do fr thcui stl that tui-iiciuv; tun do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, ron tub it .tr id crnn or CoiiiV. folds. IikHurnza Honrseneas, tieupi Iki-oueli itt, liii'lpleiit ( ou aui.iutiuia, mil for tUti itellef of t'oiiNuin pt I v 1'nlleiite In atl vst nred Stngee l the UUriisi)( Tbls U s rine-Vv so nnivrrrully known to surpass any fit her tor tbe cure cf tli.cut and luiig conibiints, that it I iinek-es bdie to tbo utdiitice of its virtues, its unrlvaib'l exeelleiien for toiibg and colds, aud lis truly WLndeii'ol cures of pulmonary di'Ufe, have made It kuowu throughout tbe civil tied tuitions of tbe earth, lew are Ibo communities, ir ecn faujilU s, umoiitr tluin who bae not smnr rwrjtial oxnieme of its etrct. e. nie lining tinphy lu their midst of its ictoiy over the subtle and dsnerouii dloibrs of tbe tbront and luna. As all Icnow tbe drendiul fatality of the) divider, aiid as they know, too, the effects ol this remedy, we need U"t dj more than to atnw them that it baa bow alt tbe vir tues tbat it did have when making the ruris whieU bavs wou so strongly upon tbe conlUt-nco vf inaukiiid. Frepaied by Dr. J. C. AYEB & CO., toweU, Halt. ld by F.ilii.n (iiart, mid A. V Vch:lr, fimlmry J V. Cul-w and C. lir iWii, Milton; br Wiu-k, M F.wen.vill. ; Uelfmiyiltr fc Cl.fiMiiail Tinbillville; 11 U. MeCoy, Xoitliumlierluiid uuu b U.-ulera cvrryw-lict. A pi 1 1 at), ldl ly ire or llealll The subscribers uicaaure in announcing unit iney are now prepared to mail (free) to those who with ii. a copy of an important lilllo work, by the late lr. Brampton, entitled "The Invuli.l's M-dical Con fidant," published for the benefit, and aa a warn ing to young men anj person who auller from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, 4c. 4c, supplying the means of self cure. The reader is irresistibly lej to compare a useful life with an ignoble death. Reader, lose not a moment, hut send your ad dress for a copy of this little wort. Address the Publishers DR JOHN n OG DEN 4 CO, 1 At SO Jobu tt, New York. Msy 18, lSGP. i-ruo. GREATEST EXCITEMENT 07 THE SEASON I FIULING & GRANT. tt the MAMMOTH STORE, hv jut recfWeJ NEW AND DESIRABLE 8to k of FALL cj WINTER GOODS! A ery extcnaive nortmont of LADIES' DIIESS GOODS, ConaiMing in pnrt of Block nd Fnncy Silks of very clioico pattern DEBEGE5, Duruls, Cashmere. French and English Merinos, Plain and Figured Wool Delaines. Muslin Delaines of all styles and prices. Foulardj, Thibet Cloth, Poil De Chevrcs. Saxon'and Wool Plnidi- I .DIES' FURS, BROCHE, Bey Slate and riety, Ac, &c. Wool SHAWLS of every va- Gentlemen's Dress Goods, of every style, consisting of Cloths, Caaimeres, BaUineUa, Kentucky Jeans. 1 weedtt. Velvet Cord, Velveteen, Vestings. of every variety. Our stock of feilk and Silk Velvet eatings, rnnnot be su Miasm' d in the ountry. Please callj and examine tliein. CLOTHING ! Our stock of READY MADE CL0TPIXO, has been replenished, and we have a full assort ment of OVERCOATS DRESS COATS. Pants and Vests, Overcoats and Dress Coat for B oys of all ages. ALSO, a very handsome assortment of HATS -A.1T3D CAPS of every i-tylo and variety at the lowest prices. Our dock of HARDW HRE has been renew' ed and we have now a larger assortment than ever before efTercd to our customers, consisting in part of Sausage Cutters, Pocket Cutlery, Butcher Knives Mayer Hinges, Bolts and Pad Locks, X Cut fc'uws, Mill Saws, Scocp Shovels, 4 c, dec, &c, 4c-i Ac. lluccntaiTRi'e and Glassware, of every variety at the VERY LOWEST PRICKS. Our stock of is very We havejlhe best quality of Syrup Miilaia-i ever before olfere tu the citizens of Sunhury and vicinity. CEDAR AND W ILLOW-WARE of every ariety. Ca p N oliotiv, Hosiery, Gloves, S ADLEI5Y. BOOTS AND SHOES, 4c, &c Also a fre.h supply of I)ruis, Gil? Paints, Dye Stiff's, G lass, brushes, Sec. Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, Particular care having been taken in the se. lection of our goods in reuard to quality, style and rice, we call the attention of the public to our largo stock to vwuch constant addition will j be made. Thankful for past favors, we hope to merit a conMnuunce of the patronage of the public by selling cheaper than ever. Give us a cali before purchasing elsewhere. FRILING 4 GRANT. Sunhury, Nolleniber 17, I860. IO ALL, THOSE UAVIXG Farms, Park3 or Gardens. IX CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA. A rare chance ia now afforded to select and order FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TRIES Vine"- slirulioviy, Ac. .from the cle I tinted Clover Street Nuruiio8 lm-iitcl ut itociicuicr. New Yoik. JtlcMftrti, RlOOHi:, UHO I I1EHS, PROPBIETORS Who l)Pf Irnvi to im nuance lhai lUey are piejuirtd th i oily h t Jit ir o,ii;ilifH J uuU R E S O ft I U I- R AGENTS, To ditrilute their tuoeiior 8Uxjk on the mutt rasoiwbl it i urn, PEOPLE UP THE ICSTSTOITE ST.TE. Ivrn of Ntiture mid the Itfaulifnl, nud iuitty eeleLrule f'ir titivlliefiico, wnlth, liU-rulity and liwte, now it the tc t" selections trom our DESCRIPTIVE C tTALOGl E AND PLATE BOOKS, Which will lie furuiMl.ed yu, lluoupb our local agents ; and you m.iy rest ai.urtd that youi oiders will be houura Llv l.'IM. i'ul further particulars apply to 1 KLDKRICK A. HOWE, HEADV1LUC, TA. Ol JOHN B.JONES, Agent tor Noriliumltcrlund county. REFERENOES: Ho. F.BKNK..1.K OKIKFI.N, R-'rlieslei, N. Y. lioi. JlllIN (jAl.HU M, Pa. Oil. J. It. JOIINMIN, Meadvdle, Pa. Februaiyv, leu m STOVES- TOIt SALE an excellent second-hand Ceok- - ing t-tove, also several Cylinder Coal Stiiv. -buquir at tut ollice. CENTRAL HOTEL, SU1TBTJRT, Northumberland County, Pa. THIS large and rommotliou Hotel, now managed by JAMES VAN DYKE. It is situate at the Railroad Depot North East corner or Market Square, Hunliury, and ai the terminus of the Sunhury 4- Erie and North or n Central Itailronds, and is open forlhe accom modation of Traveler and the public In general I he proprietor will give lus exclusive atten tion, to tbe comfort and convenience of his guests and is de eriiiinrtl to make this establishment rank among the first in the Slate. His table will be supplied with the beat the market can produce having the advantage of daily communination by cars direct from Balti more, and also from tltmo bringing produce from the surrounding country. His bar will he supplied with the purest liquors the market can produce Ca-eful and obliging servants always in at tendance. New and commodious stabling has just been added to the premises,' A share ol the local anil traveling community a most respectfully solicited. S'lnbury, Junnary IS, 1861. FOR MEN'S WEAR. Black and Blue Hair Cloth, Beaver Overcoating, Blaok Doeskins, New Style Cashmeres, All Wool Tweeds, Heavy Kentucky Jeans, Real Oood Caspinelts, SiU Mixed Coatings, Super Velvet Cords, Black Grenadine Vesting, Black Satin Vesting. Fancy Silk Velvet Vestings, Plain Silk Velvet VestinRS, Nice Casiiimere Vestiugs In fact all kinds of goods fur Men's and Boys' wenr, can be found at the People' One Price Store of E. Y . iincht & Son, who have just eceived by liailicacl a splendid slock of all kinds of goods, suitable fur cold weather. Please call and be convinced. E. Y. BRIGHT fa SON Sunhury, October 27, 1800. REVERE HOTJSEi (I.ATK KAULK HOTKl.,) Third Sired, above llace, Philadelphia, RUOADS & SAILOR, Prnpnrt'.rs. JMrR.nVK.MKNT! luive been made, and the Huusehas lpeii refitted lliroiifiimut Tii.gumas V. HttoAna, fnrmeily of the Nnttnimt Hotel Chari.ks Bailor, formerly of Schuylkill Co., l'a. Philadelphia, Jan. !!, ly iTooriv n d s iuTe MANUFACTORY. Corner of Market Stitore and Hirer Street PIM1E subscriber respectfully informs the cili sens of Sunhury and vicinity, that he his opened a Boot and Shoe Shop on the corner of Market Square and River street, opposite the Court House, where he can be found at all times ready to wait upon customers. Having considerable experience, he is prepared to muke up customer work of all kinds, at short notice, in the latest style and workmanship. He keeps constantly on hand a large assort ment of Leather, of the best quality, which ena bles him to make up good and durable work. Call and examine for yourselves before pur chasing elsewhere, and you will save money. JOHN WILVER. Sunhury, Nov. 10, 1860. ly " r.r ..7 P.'I.L4I!X1MEI t HOMAGE. S. E. corner of Seventh and Chcsnut Streets T'lis is one of F.IGHT COLI.KGKti, CONSTITUTING THE "NA TIONAL CHAIN." LOCATED l!f Philadelphia, New York City, Allinnv, BulTulo, Cleve land, Cliieiiao, nml r. lMiuis. Schulnrnliips can be pur- cmuHju ui cutter poiw, khu ai an tne coneires, THK COM.KOIATK COURSE embrace! Double nnd Pingle Kntry Hook-Keenine, Com mercial Cii'iipulati-ms, Cuinmercial Law, Penmanship, liuaineM correspondence, t-arinersnip pettieintnta, etc. PRACTICAL TKXT-HOOKS. The Teael mg in the Hk-Keepmg Department is most ly trorn written niuiniaeiiiit tnrnia. with mill tniti netiun lectures, and bltiek.lxmrd eliiciitxtiona ; in addition to which, in order to make tlie Collecinte Course na thnrotii'h and elTictiuiliia pomnble, the lollowuig Text-llixiks have been prewired : llryaut A Strittlon'a Itonk-Keepinir, in three editioi Common Sehool. llieli S-IuhiI, aud Ceuntuie limine: Hry am .v. Mratiiin a commercial Arithmetic ; llryaut i titration's Conunereiitl Law, by Anuis Uenn, 1. I. fJ. SPKNCKRIAN BV8TKM OK PKNMANHIP, hi a aeries nf nine IxM.k, by P. R. PPKNCKR. P. R. SIT.NCKR, Jl., Teacher of Penni..iliip. Ini' vidual iiittruetion. Sludeiita cnlei at any lime. Dipli lllafl awarded. W Kor Catalopnea and Circulars, call nt the College, nr IIHUreB IflUAI.MKAl I ViS & r A I It !. A t3 Fchruury '21, ldl ly Philadelphia. War! War! War! OMR FROM THE NORTH, COME FROM THE SOUTH, COME FROM THE EAST, CUME FROM 7 HE WEST, Save the country and build yourselves homes, or now is the time to get your Lumber cheap. Yes, LUMBER ! LUMBER ! ! LUMBER ! ! ! can be purchased at low rule at the STEAM SAW MILL uf IRA T. CLEMENT, SUNBUKY, Such as Pane! Lumber, Frame Lumber, Boards, Siding. Shingles from .fi3 tn 8 per thousand, Mustering l.uth. Puling, Roofing Lath, Arc, &c. All bills ordered, for any kind of Lumber, will be furnished at the shortest notice IRA T. CLE.WEIVT. Suubury, March 9, 1H6I. SAVE YOUR FRUIT BY lINO MASON'S Paler.t Sheet Metal Screw Top PRESERVE JAR. MASON'S PATENT SHEET METAL SCREW TOP ! A that is necessary being to screw the Capdown upon the HuhU-r Intake!, v.;,i.!i u placed outside upon the shoulder of the Jar, 3-4 of an inch di tant from the top ; prevent the possibility nf tbe llavorolthe Iruit being injured by coming in ulact with tlie Rubber. Pcrsousiicsiring these Jars, can he supplied by ariug their orders with 11. B. MASTER, Suubury, June 2, I8U0. Agent. COTTAGE BIBLES.""" BOU 8 ALE, cheup, three copies of thn -"- Cottage liiblo, iu two volumes, with com mentur.'ea. II. H. M ASSKU. 1M.ANK Parchmeni Paper Deeds and bianl - Mortgages, Bonds, Execution., Sumuuuis, 4c for sale b U. H. M A KS Eh. 1At KEKS! CRACKERS, ju.t received ) aud for sale by the barrel or pound, at the Confectionery .tore of M. CGEARHAKT. Suubury, October 13, 1860. BLANKS! BLANKS!! , new supply of Summons', Executions, War ran la, Supa-nas, Deeds, Mortgages. Honda, Leases, Naturalization paera, Justices mo i.onstawes ree Uilla, tVc, 4c, just printed and for sale at this Ollice. H.jiibury, April SO, IH59, VVNDOW SHADES A very fine and ' ' cheap assortment, just received by Rail mad from New York, at the Mammoth store of Friiing ic Grant. We have also for sale 8. 8. Putnam 4 Co' celebrated Patent Pendulum Curiam Fixture. SUNBUIiY STEAM FLOURING THE subscriber having taken possession of this first cla FLOURING MILL, are pr. pared to receive grain of all kinds, and to do cur torn work at the Shortest Notice. Customer will have their grists ground Immediately upon their being left at the Mill. A It 1 th. inten. tion of the firm to stock the Mill a large Sup ply ol Grain, will be constantly kept oo hand, and flour by the quantity can always be obtained. The greatest care will be taken to turn out a au perior quality of flour, for which the mill is ad' mirahly adapted. Strict attention will he paid to the want of customer, and the patronage of the public generally is respectfully requested. MORGAN & CO., Sunhury, June S3, I860. PHILIP 8 H A Y , ivtxjjsra-sr, ta. 8NFORMS his friends and the public in gene ral. that he constantly keeps nn hand, Boards, Shingles, Lath, Joists and all kinds of Lumber and building matcriuls, which he will sell at the lowest prices. March 30. 1861. DR.. A. W. FISCHER, fkFFERS his professional services to the citi en of Sunhury and vicinity. Office at the Drug Store. Sunhury, June 30, 1830. SHAM0KiNALLEYPWTERYr flHE subscriber respectfully informs the public that he is now manufacturing at hi Pottery, 4 miiea cast of Suubury, all kind of Earthen Ware, made out of Ited Cement Clay. This clay produces the best and most desirable kind of ware, equal, in many respects, to stone ware, and is less liablo to crack by sudden heat and cold. The subscriber refers to Friline &, Grant, flunbury. Address, JOSEPH 8AVIDGE, Oct. '3. 1P60. ly Sunhury, Pa. FRILING & GRANT, at the MAMMOTH STORE, have this day (January 17th, 18G1 received a CHOICE ASSORTMENT OP T1IK NEWEST STYLES AND PATTERNS OF WAIaL PAPER, which they are selling at prices that defy competition. Sunhury, January 19, 1H6I- LOOK HERE, IF YOU WANT TO BUY CHEAP FOR 0 ASH. pi O TO WM. H. MILLER, he has received UJT fr. in Philadelphia a large stock of r 91 r r s His stock consists of lien ts Kipp lioots, i ouths hipp iiool. Lliildren Calf Hoots. Also a variety of Women's Calf Lace Boots, Women's Morocco Lace Boots, Children's Morocco and Calf Lace Boots, all of which he will sell cheap for CASH. Call and examine for yourselves. ALSO, first quality of Tampero Moroco for sulo for cash. WM.H. MILLER. Sunhury, January 7, I860. NOW WITHIN REACH OF ALL GliOYEirBAKEl.S O E L E B R A TE D NU1SELES8 Sewing Machines, 495 BaoAUWAT, Ntw Yohk. The public attention is respectfully jequcsted to the following cards of Elias Howe, Jr., and the Grovcr 4 Baker S. M. Co A Card from the GR0VER & BAKER S. M. Co. Our Patent being now established by tjjj Courts, we are enabled to furnish the Grover 4 Baker Machine, with important improvements at greatly Reduced Priees. The moderate price at which Machines mak ing the Grovcr 4 Baker stitch, can now be had, brings them within the reach of all, and renders the use of Ma Mnes making inferior stitches us unnecessary a it is unwise. Persons desiring the best Machines, and the right to use them, must not only be sure to buy M ichines making tbe Grover 4 Baker stitch, but also that such Machines are made and stamped under our patents and those of Elias Hower, Jr. GROVER 4 BAKER 8. M. CO., 495 Broadway, New York. A CARD FROM ELIAS HOWE, JR. All persons ate cautioned not to make, deal in, or use any Sewing Mschines which sew from two spools and make the stitch known as the uroier 4. S Baker stitch, unless the same are purchased from the Grover 4. Baker Sewing Machine Company, or their Agents, or Licenses, aud stamped under my patentof September ltl,lH4G. Saul Company, and their Licenses, alone, an legally authorized under their own patenU, am my said patent, during the extended term there ol. to make and sell this kind of Sewing Machine and all others are piracies upon my said patent, and will be dealt with accordingly, wherever found. ELIAS HOWE, JR. New York, Dec. 29. 1H0. tf Kev Arrival of Clotkinff. TH I A V E larcest and liest Stock of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING ever brought to this place, arrived at the Mammoth Clothing Store of SCHWFlTZER, HEILBRONNER 4 CO.. in Market street, nearly opposite Wea ver's Hulel. Their Stock comprises of FINE CLOTH COATS, Dress ('oats. Over Coats, Business Coats, 4c. VESTS OF ALL KINDS. UnderShirts, Drawers, 4e. HATS A3STI3 CA.ZPS. BOOTS AND SHOES, of the latest style of every description aud quality, cheaper than ever. .Their assortment of gentlemen's luriu.hing Clothing i the moat complete I Their variety and styles most attractive. And the prices defy all competition, t F" Call and examine for yourselve. SCWEITZER, HEILBRONNER 4 CO. Sunbury, Oct. , I860. rjMS WARE A very cheap and dsirabla A sssortinent just received this week, at tha Mammoth Store of FRILING 4- GRANT. Sunbury, January 12, lSfil. DRIED TEACHES, pared at the Mammoth atoreof and nopared Fill LING k GRANT ANOTHER ARRIVAL OF NEW GOO D H, J. If. EXCEL, of Sunhury, Pa., UAS just arrived with splendid STOCK of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, from Philadelphia, to which he respectfully linvites hi friend and the Public to call and inspect, he will spore no time in showing them. Among hi of good will befound, FINE BLUE AND BLACK FB.E1TCH CLOTH. Fine Black and Fancy Caaimere Tweed, Sat- Inetta, Jeans, Black Italian Cloth, Cashmerett, Cottonade, I. mens, Linen Drill, Linen Check, end Farcy Vesting, also a large assortment of Ready-made CLOTHING for men and boys (cheap.) Jt UH LADIES IVVAli, Black and Fancy Dresa Silk very cheap, Silk Tissue, Bereges, Chali and Chali Robes, Berege Delaine, Bereee Robe, Figured Brilliant and a variety of other Dress Goods, Spring and Sum mer Shawls, Mantillas, Parasol, a good assort ment of white goods, Collars, Sleeves, Irish Linen, Shirt front, Marseilles, Brilliant Ac. A general assortment of domestic Dry Go"da. Also a large stock or Hat and Caps, Boots and shoe, Hardware, Queen and Glassware, Groceries, Cedarware, Stone and Earthenware, Drugs and Paints, Salt, Fieh, Cheese, Ham, Oil Tar &c. &c. N. B. Wall and Window Paper, Floor and Table Oil Cloth, Carpets, all the above will be sold at low prices for cash or country produce ta- en in exchange for Good. J. H. ENGEL 8unbury, May. 19, I860. tf. HARRIS PAINTER, attorney at a to MARKET SQUARE, STTNB UB TT, TP A. . June 83, I860. New Air Line Route TONE "W "YORK SHORTEST IN DISTANCE AND QUICKEST IN TIME between the two Cities of NEW YORK AND HARRISBURG VIA, READING, AMsKNTOWN AND E ASTON. Mnrninc Exprem Wert leaves Now York at 0a.m. and Philadelphia at 8 a m., arrives nt Ilarrishtirtr nt It AH P. connecting at Harriaburg with trnin on Northern Central Koau lor Miiiuury, VY illiuiiiatport, Lock ilaveu and inter meiliiitf stnt ions. MrtilTrnni West leaves New York nt 13 noon, nnd Phiimldphiii nt 3 30 p. m., connectinn with titiiii on Nort em L-enliui itonii inr stntions as noove, and also mi tniiiison (tie Williniiinnort and Elinira. Mail Tmin East leuves Iliirriskniff nt P. A. M . and ar rives at Philadelphia at I p. m., and New Yik at 3 30 p. m., in lime to tke lvont or cars for Bust on, fee. KqI Express East leaves !lnrriftUai at 115, on mrivnl of Northeaa Central Timn, nnd arrives at Philadelphia at 0 I j p m and New York at Or. m. No change of cursor bnggage between New York or Philadelphia und llurrishuig. For lnauty of scenery and speetl, com fort nnd nernmmo dation, thi route presents superior inducements to tlie traveling public Oifice ih New York, dtof Court In nr! street, Philadel phia, Uroad and Callowhill streets. Fare between New York and Harrisburir FIVE DOE LA US. For Tickets; Freight or other Information, apply to J. J. CLYDE, General Agent. Harris! uig . June nn, I H H ) 1 y ALFRED D. BRICK'S UXi?'ED STATES AXD EUROPEAh PATENT OFFICE, No. S23 WALNUT STREET, Philadelphia. 1aT B. Communications by muil promptly attended to. Sept 22, 1860 ly5 Cute Cough, Cold, lloarteness, Influenza, any Irritation or Soreness of the Throat, Re lieve the Hading Cough in Connumpti'm. Bron chitis, Asthma, and Catarrh, Clear and give strenrlh to the voice of Public speakers and dingers. Few nrenwaredf the importance of elieekimr a Couch or "Common Cokl" in Us first stage ; that winch in the lieirinuiiiil would yield to a mild lemeily, if neglected, soon attacks the l.unes 'IlltOWV IIKONCI1IAL TKO CHKS,'' containing demulceul ingredients, allay l'uhno uuiy una tiroucniui iriitutioti. I "Tlmt tronhle in my ihmnt, (for which Brown's 'the "TKOCHKS" are a specific) having m&de lueotieu a mere wmspeicr" TROCHES N. P. WILLIS. "I recommend their use to Public ripenk Brown's crs." REV. E. II. CHATMN. TROCHES. I "Huve proved extremely serviceable lor Hoarseness." Brown's REV HKNRY WARD BEECHER. "Almoal insuint lelief in the distressing TROCHES lalHirol DiiailliiMS peculiar io Ammu ' liEV A C KUULKSTON. Brown's "CMiUiiu no Opium or anything iujuri ous." DR. A A HAVES, TROCHES. Chemist, Boston. "A simple ned pleasant combination lui Brown's Coughs, ice." DR G F BIGEI.OW, TROCHES. Boston. "Beneficial in Bronchitis." Brown's DR J F W LANE, Host on TROCHES. "I have proved them excellei.l for Whoop- Iuig lougn." EEVHW WARREN, Boston TROCHES.! "Beneficinl when compelled to speak sullcnou lrom , iin." Brown's REV 8 1 P ANDERSON, St. Liuis. TROCHES. ! "Etrectunl in removing Houiseness and 'irritation of the Throatj so common with Brown's .Sneakers anil mnger! ' Prof l STACY JOHNSON, TROCHES. I Urance. Ba Teacher of Musie, Southern Brown's t einale Colleae. 1 "Great benefit when take.i hefoie and TROCHES, after preaching, nsthev prevent Hoarseness .Fnnn their punt ellccl. t think tney will beof Brown's 'penuaueut aitvauliice to me." I REV K ROWLEY, A M., TROCHES. President "f Athens College, Teim. I fy Sold hy all Diuggists at 'io centsa box. December , itou. ouipi EVANS & WATSON S ; .',;iV Philadclnhia Manvfact'd i-.:it- -a r,'' jf-t salamander Safes 304 CAesnut Stret PHILADELPHIA. rs im-'tiK lira nm in use all over the United Suites, I and heve been tested in many fires j the following shows another instance ol Iheir capubil ty iu resisting lue WlTMSR'a Bbidoi, ) Tjinenster Township, July 30, 1HI0. t Mitftiia I?.&n's A Watson. Gentlemen : The Sinn size N". I Salamander Safe which I purehused from your Birent, Mr. Ailum H. Burr, in Ijuieaster city, on July Kinn lhSri, has been subjected to a very severe test, which withstood ill a most satisfactory manner. Una Sole, con liiiiiin. all niv hiaiks. loeelher with valuable aners belon. into invself and some la mv neishbots and fiiends. aud reiueaeniiii. a value nf over Twenty Thousand Dollars, (S-jo.iioo) was iu my Mill, which was destroyed on th mslii f,. the !!7th uf Julv. I8GII. and nasseil thiouiih the fiery ordeal unscatheil. The Safe was on the second Hoor, and fell to the basement of the Mill, auJ was subjected for six houis to an intense heut among the ruins, which was greatly inereaaed hv Ihe combustion of a luiae quautitv of araili ! confined wiihin the brick walls. Alter tlie hie the Sufe was opened aud the books and papers taken out in a stiiln of perfeel preservation, the paper not even belli diseokvr- j ed. This fact was, however, to many bystaiaiers, s belter reromm-uaatlm oi your sales luau ouuuj u. cspicawu iu any other words from me. Yours, respectfully, 8AMCEL RANCK. Another Victory for Evans and Kafjuii'f Salamander Safe. Oswsau, N. Y., March 87. 1Bn. Gentlemen It affords me much pleusure to inform you that the Sale No 6, (upright) which I purchased of B. Stroud, youi traveling agent, has passed through an ex ceedingly hot fire in a three srory brick building, which healed the Sal. tn a whit, heat, so that the cornels of it appear melted; but it preserved my books sud valuabl. fnpers to the amount of several ttioussnd dollais, for which feel thankful. Yours, respectfully, J.N. F.I.DRIDGE. W A large assortment it the above BA ml alway on hand, at 3U4 Cliesnut street, (late it South Fourth St., PhiUtfUlphla. October a, I860. ly GENESEE SALT. WHOLESALE Se BETAIL, CVHL1NO 4. GRANT (at the Mammoth - ritore,) have just received 600 tha. of Solar Ground, Solar and Fin Salt, 700 Sacks of Ground Solar Salt every sack warranted to contain S25 pound of Salt and 200 bag of Salt containing on Bushel ach. This salt is tbs beat and strongest now manufactured and in market. Call and se for yourselves. Sunbury Sept., 8, 1860. BOOTS & SHOES, ran be purchased at the Mammoth 8tore of Friiing 4 Grant, very cheap, a we are determined not to be undersold hy anybody. Call and learn the list of prices fur yourselves. FRII.rNG & GRANT. Sunbnry, Jsauary IZ, 1861 It 'l'5H-;Yi HIGHLY IMPORT! ANT NEWS. M. C. OKAi.HAKT, t Has rrturned with new Stock of Confectionaries, Fruit and Toy. T scents as If a new age, a new tife was open - ing upon us, animating every heart to nobler deed and higher aim! Art, Literature and Sci ence will glow anew and seek to develops sub- limer beauties and grander conception. The business world too must feel the new in- uenceand every part be quickened and strength- ned by an increased vitality, which shall urge on with electric speed to the consummation of greater thing than was ever dreamed of in the Philosophy of the past. Animated by the enthusiasm which prevade all classes, and desirous of doing his share to wards "The great events of tha Age," the ub- criber would respectfully inform the food peo ple of SUN BURY and the public generally, that be has 111st returned from the city at Philadel phia with tbe largest and choicest stock of Con fectionanes, r ruit and l ova that na ever neen brought to this section of country. He 1 ahto manufacturing all kinds of Confectioneries, 4c., to fill up orders, wholesa'e or retail, at short no tice. Among hi dock of Confectionaries, may be found i French Secrets, Burned Almonds, Cream White, " Iemnn ' Rose, Vsnilla, Common SecieU. Liquorice, Rnnanas, Dates. Gum Drops, sll kinds or scent, bove Uf"ta, Mini Drops, red and white, Jelly Cakea, Fruit Drops, flick Candles, el all scents Rock Candy, Almond Camrf, FRUIT. Prunes, Firs, Citrous, Currants dried, Almonds, Raisnns, Nuts of sll kinds LEMON SYRUP of a superior quality, by the single or dozen. . superior quality of Segars and 1 oliacco, and variety of Confectionaries, fruit, 1 oys, die, all of which is offered cheap at wholesale or retnil. jr Remember the name and place. ,J M. C. GEA RH ART, Market st., 3 doors west of E. Y. Bright & Son's atore. Bunburv, April 14, I860. ly lrlASSEPa'S PATE1TT FIVE-MINUTE FREEZER, As Improved fur 1MA9 and 60, By E. KETCH M 4 CO., 2K9 Pearl-Street, New-York. THE only Freezer constructed on, scientific principles, with a revolving can and spring blade scraper. The one hastens the freezing of the cream the other removes it as fast as frozen. Tbe most rapid in freezing, with the least quantity of ice. The most economical in cost, as it is the most simple and durable in structure l or sale in all the principal cities and towns in the Union. Each Fieezer accompanied with a book of re cipes and lull directions. 3 quarts, $3 00 4 quarts, 4 00 6 quarts, & 110 8 quarts, 6 00 14 quarts, 8 00 20 quarts, 12 00 Apply tu H. B. MASSER, Sunhury. June 2, IH(it). 1800. THE BEST ROUTE FROM 1860 Wyoming Valley to I'lillatlcliiliia ftieiv Yoik, llalUitiure, AND 1ZL FOISTS NOR Til, SO UTII I ITS 7 ,ACKA WANNA k BL00MSBURG RAILROAD. STJIYIMER ARHANGS1VIENT. Two Daily Passenger Trains will le run between Seranton aim iNorttuimiieiiiuKi, ns tiiiiowa: MOVING SOt: t'H : Leave Plnl'a Mail. N. V. Ex, 4 43 P. M Scrnototi, 6 111 A. il. 8 38 7 tij 7 511 8 an 8 Sll 0 no II 'it lit oo MOVING NORTH: N. Y. Ex. au a. m. a os a j.i ts 7 is 7 45 8 an Arrive at PltUt'UI, Kiugstnii, 4 51 A 'JO 6 its 55 7 :m 7 411 8 Ml 8 45 Pliil'n Mail. 4 15 P. M. 6 St) t 50 r no 6 :s Wiicksliiuny, Ifervvu-K, BliHimsbulg, Rupeil, Danville, Northumberland, Leave Northumberland, Arrive at Danville, Rupert, ifliNiinsnurg, Berwick, Sliiekshiuny, 7 05 7 45 8 IS 8 45 Kingston, Pittston, Seranton. 8 57 9 -j- The Ijickawnnna and Mloi.msliurg Hallromt connects With tlie Delnwire, liekawauiin aiid Western Itiolrimtl, at Si-niutou, fur New York and Phibdt-Iihiit, and interme diate poiuta East ; also for Great Bend, Biiightoutiill, Syracuse, BulTalo, Niagara Falls, mid all iiiirKiruint iiiuts West. At Kllpelt It eonueets with me vnttawissa nail road, for points both East and West. At Nultliuiiitieiland it connects Willi tne uillury and itmironit, lor points West and South. M. W. JACKSON, Suii't. Kingston, AuguH 2S, lto. NEW YOHK LINES- CAMDEN A AM BOY AND PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD CO.'S LINES, From Philadelphia to New l'ork and Wuy Places. From Walnut Street Wharf and Kcnsingtcu Depot, Philadelphia, will leave as -'allows, is Saks. At II A M, via Caindt n and Ainboy C fl A Aecom- miHtiition, Hi 25 At 6 A M, via Camden and Jersey City New Jer sey accommodation, 2 -JS At 9 A M, via Cumdeu and Jersey city Morning Mail, 3 OO At 11$ A M, via Kensington and Jersey city, Wes tern Express, 3 on At PM via Camden and Amlaiy, accommodation g5 At 4 V M, via Cumdeu and Amboy C aud A. Ex press, 3 Ul At 41 P M, vin'KensitiKtnn, and Jersey city, Eve ning Express, 3 00 At 4 P M, viii Kensington and Jeuey city, 2d Class Ticket, 3 45 At 6 I M , viu Camden ft Jersey city Evening Mail 3 I I) At II P M, via Camden and Jersey city South. Mail i 25 At 6 P M . via Camden and Ainlioy Accimunoda- liou. (Freight aud Pusscngvr,) 1st class ticket, 2 25 liil - 1 511 The t P.M. Mail Line runs daily. The 11 Southern Mall SatUlduyS excepted. For tlelvidere. Eastou, Fleiuington, Ac, stOA-M from Walnut street wharf and 3 P. M , from Kensington. r or Munch Chunk, Alleutowil und Bethlehem, at u, A M Via lA'high Vallev Railroad. For nter Gap, Stroudsburit, Seranton, Wilkesliarre, Montrose, Great Bend, Ac., at 6 A M, Via Deluwale, IJickuwunna and Western Kailroad Fol Fieehold. at 0AM and 2 P. M. Foi Mount Holly, ul and 0 A M , and 2, and tj r. nt. WAY LINES, For Bristol, Trenton, 4c, at 3 and 41 P. M., from Kensington. For Puunyra, Delanco, Beverly, Burlington, Borden town. 4tc.. at I-JL3. and ii P. M. Fifty pounds uf Burgage only, allowed each passenger, Pusaenuera are niolnttiled from takuis anything as Hag. (rage but their apparel. All Baggage over filly Douiida tn lie nald for extra. The Coimiauv limit iheu responsibility for Baggage to tine Dollar per pound, aud win uoi in, name ioi any amount uvjvim vu siai, ta cent hv aueelaleontrat-t. WM H GATMEll Agent 0. A A. R R Co February 18. lend. IIEGEZVIAN & COS C0I1D1AL ELIXIR OF CALISAYA bark Prepared only by I1EGEMAN h CO., Wholesale and Retail Chemists and Druggists, 161, 309, ill and 756 Broadway, New Yoik. rpHE virtues of PERUVIAN BARK as a Tome have J. been ton king amiwu to ueeo oominelll. sue i-AbioAi n --ih mug wn, - able of the uuinersusvalielie. nf the Peruvian Bulk, and iu the ELIXIR i. couibined with other iiigredieuta tlmt increase its etneacy aud at th. aanis time overcome tha Intensity of its billet, rendering it a most Agreeable cor dial. For persons living ia FF.VKR and AGL'E districts, it Will De louuu invaiuauie mm a )iievciiiivB. nmi o, m w iiio glass full taken night and aiorniug, rendering the system niueb less suuject to ui uuiiMiiny uiuueuc. ui ia. atuio. phere. DIRECTIONS Dos. for an adult, half a winrglaa full before breakfast aud dinner : chiklren finm one to two teaspoons full ; it may b takau with or without lull. water For sals at this ofic. March 17, ledn A Freali Supply of Iry Goods. CONSISTING in part of Prints, Deluicei bleached and ouhleachcd M ualina, Checks Strip Denim. 4 Drills, ic, just received by li. IL. at tb Alainmoin store 01 FRILISO & GRANT. NEW GOODS Atthe Mammoth Btor of IRA T. CLEMENT, I MARKKT BTRF.E', BUNBt'RT, PA. NO. flHE subscriber has Just opened at hi well 1 known establishment in Suubury, one of the hea pest and most desirable stocks of Fall and Winter Goods, that ha ever been ottered tn the place, and which ne will sell for CASH or exchange for Country Produce. Those desiring to purchase good will do well tn call and examine his stock. BLACK AND FANCY SILK. All Wool Detain, Figured, Striped and Plain, trench Merino, all colors. Beautiful Drrs Robes, Cashmeres, Shaded, Plain and Striped must be teen to form an idoa of tbe extent and varielT. Mantle, 8tella, Chenille, French Wool Shawl Thibet and Broche Shawls. Cloths Cassimeres and Satinet For Men and Boy' Wear, black Cassimeres, Fancy Cassimeres, aide stripe heavy, Doe Skin Cassimeres, Satinets all kind. FLANNELS, White and Red Flannel, all grades and price, Bay State 8a k Flannels, colors finest qnaltio. READY-MADE CLOTHING Boots and Shoes, Hat and Caps, 4c, 4e., all of which were (elected with great car, and will compare favorably, as regards quality, style and price, with any in the country. II AUD W A UK, a full assortment. Wood and Willow Ware, (Jueensware, of all descriptions, Groceries, a full stock in store, Carpet Chains, 4c., Paints, Oils. Glass, Dye Stuffs. Thankful for the patronage heretofore received he will spare no pains tn please all who may favor L; :.L .1. . - mm won incir cusioin in me ititure. Sunburv.Oct. 8i, 18.19. ROCKEFELLER & B0YER, Attornies at Law, BUNBUBY, PA. A. Jordan Rockefeller and Solomon II. Iloyer, respectfully announce ioa. they entered into Copartnership in the practice of their profession, and will continue to attend to all busi ness entrusted to their charge in the counties of Northumberland, Union, Snyder and Montour. promptly, faithfully and carefully. Special at tention will he given to the COLLECTIONS Or CLAIMS. Consultations can be had in the GERMAN language. Ollice, Market Street, opposite Weaver's Hotel. Sunbury, February a, 1N60. J. UsUAIiUlCT Ai ma nur actus ers or FINEST QUALITY OF BOOTS AND SHOES FOR GENTLEMEN WHO L E S A L E AND KETAIL No 48S'uth Founh Street, Phimdelphia. C. Bkskskt. W. J. UiNKtsr. March ii, Ittil Cm. Waltliei,' Jewelry & Sliver Ware "TTE would respeetfully inform our friends, patrons V and the public generally, that we hove now iuStoia snd ofler WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, in the lowest Cnfch Prieep, a lame anil verv ehoiee stock of WATl'UI-S JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, of evety vuriety and style. Every deserintiou nf DIAMOND WORK and other JEWELRY, made to order, at short notice. Cv All tjonu Warranted to be as represented N. H Particular attention givm to 'lie repairing of Watches and Jewelry of everv it-- cripiton. STAI-'FPhi. A HARLEY, No. 6J-2 Inrket Street, South Side, Philadelphia. March 23, pmi. -3in P. MELANCHTlTsHIELi JlSTIUi; OF THK PEACE, SUNBURY, OPA. Office in Deer Street, immediately opposite the Public School House. All business promptly attended to. Monies collected and all ordinary writings d"ne. Sunbury. Aoril 2ft. 1857. tf henry donnelT ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ojfice opposite tlte Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County Pa. rrompt attention to business in aUjoinine counties. WHOLESALE DEALER LY BRANDIES. WINES, GINS. &C- PIMIE subscriber having opened inTliompson'i A Urick Building, Mill street, Danville, a largt rge and complete stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, comprising the best brands of Brandies, Gin, Old Lje, Scotch and Irish Whiskey, Port, Sherry, M adcria, Champagne and other Wv es of all grades, all of which will he sold Wholesale at the lowest city prices. J avern-keepcra by buy ing of us can save at least Ihe freight. IV-rsons desirous of purchasing liquors for F A M I L V USE. may rely upon being furnished with a pure and unadulterated article. t Being determined to establish a reputation for selling cheap he respectfully solicits the pa tronage of the public. All orders promptly at tended to. JEREMIAH J HALL. Danville, Jure 16, 1860. ' " INGRAINED CARPSTSj A JAM'FACri RKD aiul frr Pnle by V Pripcr k Cm ill lefibmndt mid MrDowt-ir Hmldifr, INortlij Lmt eonier, Second and Knee recti Philalct.m. 1 COODS (JUARANUED. Octolier 27, IfStl. , rs j . ... i- s- Save Ike Pieces! AaHccidenta will hfipi-rn, even ta well-regulated Jic, il ia very de.irHliir in buve ae cheap mulconvt' wuy for rei-wiiniK ('urimuie,T')i, Crockery, ke. SPALDING'S Ylilhov 0TT . meeta alt auch emerpenciea, an' to be without it. Il ta itlw point. There ia uo !' splinter veneera, hen juttt the article inr c ui iMiputur with ladief Thia Biiiinraiie pie. hrtd in lutioii,tiiid the beat caliinet-nu place uf ordinary ui' N. B A Bruah Wholaa Addreaa. ! De. Put up for Dealera in Twelve Doten a beaut company. i n each paoka4 C7" Aaingle auttie nf ten titnea na ooat annuai t4M by all prominent and Furniture Ueulera, C Country Merchtuila ah. prepared Glue, when tbta alund any climate. Kor aale at thiaofBc. Muieit IU, IboU-ly fob r TWO LOTS situate Jh. town of Trevortr , zs'oa. IV No. 90. Apply 4- . , M. OAlTi grove, or U. B. MASSE. T J BEFUL I.Y ALL FA MILIES-H Si CO'S Benaioe, which remove j greasa, &C 4re, and clean glovea, silUa, cVc, eijua! to new, without the slighter jqkk color or fubric Sold by all Druggists, ulmn ofbc. b cent per bottle. I fOY'S HOOTS and SHOKS, cheap for ej L WM.M1XLERU b.. i a.. ba i . ce Sun' fjl 4I4S) mi s.V'. . j ; H -