Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, July 20, 1861, Image 3
ar T c hrs. IW BATTLE AT CABH ACTC'8 FORD FILL. AKD ImTCRRsrlKia DKTAIL9. The Flight of the Rebels. Tl,eir Pnrtuit and Capture Sl ill and Heroism of the Federal Troope Particulars of the Battle Bril liant Aci(wmenls. Total Annihilation of General Oarnett's Command .The Hood and Roads Filled tcith Deserting Rebels Baggage Train and Artillery Captured at Cheat River Remains of Gen. Garnttt t0 be tent to Richmond. Cincinnati, July 16. A special despatch to the Gazette, dated on the field of battle, at Cnrrsrk'l Ford, oo the 14tb, lays: On the nlfht of the lltb the rebel army at Laurel Hill, noder command of Brip. Geo. Robert S. Uaruett, late Major in the United States army, evacuated its ramp in great baste oo bearing of Uen. McClelUn'K approach to Beverly, apparently hoping to pass Beverly before Geo. McClel Itui's arrival, and thus escape the trap for them by a passage through the Cheat Moun tain pass. The evacuation was discovered on the morning of the 12th, and pursuit was instant, ly ordered. By ten o'clock the Ninth entered the camp on Laurel LI ill, and found a large number of tents, a lot or flour, camp equipage and cli thing, and several sick and wounded, with a note asking us to give them proper attention. The whole road for twenty miles was strewn with baggage thrown from the wagons to facilitate their retreat. The rebel ermj weut within three miles of lieverly and there met the rebels flying from Iiicli Mountain, and fiuding escape to ilut t otis v il I impoFsilde, all united and returned toward Laurel Hill, and took the road in the direction of St. Morris. Gen. Morris' division pursued them for a mile or two beyond l.eerisville that night, and halted from 11 till 3 in tbe morning, when the advance resumed the pursuit and contin ued it all day, in spite of aa incessant raiu pouring down. Tho rebel army left the pike end struck Cheat river and pursued the mooutnio road down the valley. Our advance, composed of the Fourteenth Ohio and Seventh and Ninth Indian, pushed on, guided through the mountain gullies by tents, camp furniture, provisions and knapsacks, thrown from tbe rebel wagons to facilitate their flight. Our troops forded Cheat river four times, nnd finally about ten o'clock came up with tbe enemy's rear guard. The 4th Ohio advanced rupidly to the ford in which the enemy's wngons were standing, when sudden ly the rebel army opened a furious fire on them with small arms two rifled cannon from tli bl nir on the opposite side of Cheat river, where tbey had been coi.cealed, but the fire, as usual, was too high to r.e effective. The Fourteenth regiment returned the fire with spirit. Meanwhile two pieces of Cleve land artillery came up and opened on the rebels, and the Ninth Indiana advanced to support the Fourteenth Ohio regiment, left while tbe Seventh ludiuuini crossed tbe river between the two fires and caciie oo the enemy's right flunk. The rebels then fled in great disorder louving their finest piece of artillery. At the next ford, a quarter of a mile fur' ther on, Gen. Garnett attempted to rally bis forces, when the Seventh Indiana came up in hot pursuit, and another brisk engagement ensued. Geo. Garnett was finally shot dead, when his army fled in wild confusion towards St. George. The, Seventh Indiunna pursued them a mile wOC-Lwd, but our forces were so exhausted with their forced march of twenty miles with but little rest from yesterday's march, that Gen. Morris refused to let them pursue any further. The results of the whole affair are the cap. tore of tbe Rebel camp at Laurel Hill, a large amount of tents and camp equipage, forty baggage wagons, a field cump cbest, supposed to contain all their money, two regi'nectal banners, one of them that of the Georgia regiment, from Georgia, captains und limtet nnta and a large number of Yir ginia ofljors, the death of Geo. Garnett and twenty ofbis men, and a much larger nuur ber wounted. Our loss is wholly in the Fourteenth Ohio Regiment, two being killed and two mortally wounded. Our forces are now engaged in burying the dead. Geo. (jarnelt's body is lyine at headquar ters. It will be sent to his family at Rich mond. AH aloug the line of retreat the woods are filled with deserted rebels, and our men are ordered to Hop arresting prisoners been use we cannot take care o, them. There were over 4.00(1 rebels on the bluff commanding our position, w ho opened fire on the Fourteenth Ohio, and tbe distance was little short of two hundred yards. Their artillery was rapidly nerved, but aimed about two feet too high, and cut off trees above the boys. Our advance, which alone entered hto the engagement, numbering less thin twobundred. U is thuight our forces nt Rowlesburg will cn offtbeintreatof the remainder and secure tbt fiiw Damage wagons still left. The rebel aytiy waictuiposed mainly of Georgians and Eaitern Viginians, Oil. "ftoirSay. of the Georeia reiriment. sticc-eds Uo. Garnett in command. The Gentians wre direct from Penstcola. Tie same torrespondetit telegraphed from Oral'bn last Jight as follows : . "Oi cominjj through the field of battle of yheat river yterday with Maj. Gordon, who pd clurga of Jia corpse Geo Garnett, we land i tUttt the tebel army had left the remain V of tbeir baggage train and artillery at a 5nt two mileafrom St. George. Word was ijaotly sent bck to Gen. Morris, and ull is prooaoiy captured. The rebels are tly disorganized and are heading for y county. Veo Garnntt's corpse is now afton swuitng the orders of his family. 4T HOJIROK, MISSOURI. ""KD REEELS i. !caoo, July 12. ' the relief of Col ', returned last the toad unob d Monroe. On hey formed a .rce, which was buildings. Tbe grouped over the Jul. Smith's rifles, rtillery, which were distance was so almost spent before i. Smith's artillery od did considerable jot il dusk, and the last dismounted one, of tbe jpet at that moment Govur fi fell oo their rear with f Quiocy on Wednesday, routed Sent, taking seventy- ,oo gun, , 1 large Dumberof out twenty or lairty rebels were ot one mao oo our1- side was tltboogb several were , severely i. Mmith is determined to shoot some of aiost prnmioent rebels, j General Tom Harris, the ret 'loader, ajesped. ' i It isad for tbe Confederate HI m Gov roneat wbeo its merchant vese' e taker, cd its loo iso i. ZwnU Joutf.; BATTLE IN WESTERN V1BOINIA. a camp v nt "OEPir siiRnounoED A Brief and Desperate light Victory of the Federal Force. Roamhq Run, Vs., Joty 12. A battle was fought pesterday afternooo at Rich Mountain, two miles east of this place, where tbe enemy, numbering about 2,000 onder command of Col.Tegrarn, were strongly entrenched. About three oclock in the morning. Gen. Rnsencrants, with a portion of tbe Eighth, Tenth, and Thirteenth Indian regiments, and tbe Nineteenth Ohio, left tbis place, and after very difficult march of seven or eight miles, catting hole through tbe woods, suc ceeded io surrounding the enemy. About three P. M. a desperat fight imme diately ensued, lasting about no bonr and a half, resulting io loss of sixty of tbe enemy killed, a large number wonnded, and many prisoners, some of whom are officers. The enemy retreated precipitately, leaving behind them six gons, a large Dumber of horses, wagons, camp equipage, etc. The loss on our side was about twenty killed and forty wounded. Among the latter was Capt. Crismiller, of the Indiana Tenth. DFSPATCtl FROM E. Mc.CLEI.LAft. Probable Surrender of Col. Pegram's Com' tnand, near Leierly, in Western Virginia. Washington, July 14. The following des patch hns been received at the Head quar ters of the army here : Report of Gen. McClellan to Lieutenant- General Scott, doted Beverly, July 13. "1 baye received from Colonel i'egrain proposi tions for bis surrender, with his officers and the remnant of bis command, say six hundred men. They ure said to be very peuitcnt, and determined never again to take up arms against the General Government. "1 shall have nearly nino hundred or one thousand prisouers to tnko cure of when 1 'eg ram comes. The lutest accounts make the loss of the Rebels in killed and wounded, some one hundred ami fifty." Wasiiinotok, July 13. The following des patch from General McClellan was received to day at tbe Army Head quurteri : Levkklt, July 12tb, 1861. Col. K. D. Townscun, Washington, D. C : Tbe success of te day is all that 1 could deeire. We captured six bruss cannons, of which one is rifled, all tbe enemy's camp equipage and transportation, even to his cups. The number of tents will probably reach two hundred, and more than sixty wagons. Their killed and wounded will amount to fully 150 with one hundred prison ers eud more coming in coustuutly. 1 know already of ten iifliccrs killed and prisoners. Their deleut is compluto I occupied Beverly by a ropid march. Garnett abandoned his camp early iu the morning, leaving much of ilia equipage. He vaiue within a few miles of Ueverlv. but our rapid march turned him bock in treat contu sion, and he is now retreating on the road to St George. 1 have ordered Gen. Munis to follow hi in up closely. 1 have telegraphed for the two Pennsylva ilia Regiments ut.Cumberland tojoiu Gen. Hill at Rowlesburg. The General is con centrating all his troops at Rowlesburg, and cut off Garneti's retreat near Weet Union, cr, if possible, at St. George. 1 may say that we have driven out some ten tliouskud troops, strongly entrenched, with tbe loss of eleven killed and thirty five wounded. The provision returns here show Game It's force to have been ten thousand men. They were Eastern Virginians, Ten nessecous, Georgiaus, and, I think, Caroli nians. Tomorrow 1 can tive full details as to the prisoners, etc. 1 trust that Gen. Cox has by this time driven Wise out of the Kanawha Valley. Io that case I ehull have accomplished tb object of liberating Western Virginia. 1 hope the General in Chief will approve of my operations. (Signed) G. H McCei.lan. Maj. Gen. commanding the Dept. of Ohio. FCRTIltn DETAILS OF RICH MOUNTAIN BATTLE. Retreat of Gen. Garnett's Command. Cincinnati, July 14. A epeciol despatch to the Commercial, dated at .Beverly, says that Gen. McCIellan's advunced division is moving rapidly towards tbe Cheat Mountain Tass. The Rebels burned the bridges at lluttonsville and will burn the Cheat Moun tain bridge, but this cannot delay us an hour. At Rich Mountain one hundred and thirty one dead Kebels were found. Our wounded ore doing well. Ten commissioned Rebel officers were killed and wounded, including Captain Skepwith, of Powhuttun; Cwptuin I). K Langell, late of the United States Army; Captain Irwin, of Brunswick, danger ously wouoded. Dr. Tyler, late of the Uuited States Army, and Dr. Wall, do., are prison ers. Some Georgiuns aud South Carolinians are among the dead, hut those killed ire gen erally from Eastern Virginia. This morning, Colonel Pegram, who com manded at Rich MouuUio sut a letter to General McClellan, offering to surrender himself and bis co-umund of six haudred men. Tbeir surrender was accepted, aud the prisoners will probably march io to-day. They are much reduced by huu ger. From I ho I.nunvilla (Kv.) Journal LETTER FROM MRS. LINCOLN, It bus been published in tbe Southern papers that tbe sympathies of the President's wife are with the Secessionists. The follow ing very handsome letter, rrceived by one of our IuIIjw Keutucaucs, dues not indicate it: M ANSIs, ) June 'JO, 1801 MvDkabSir: It gives me very great pleasere to be the medium of truosmibniou of these weapons, to be used in the defeuce of national sovereignty upon lbs soil of Kentucky. Though some years have passed since I left my uu'ive State, 1 have never ceased to contemplate her progress in bappiuess and prosperity with seutimunta of lood und filiul pride. In every effort of industrial energy, in every enterprise of honor and valor, my heart has been witn her. And 1 rejoice iu the cousciousuess that, at tbis time, when the institutions to whose foBteriog care we owe all that we have of happiness and glory, are ruilely assailed by ungrutetul and purncldul hauds, the State of Kentucky, ever true and loyal, furnishes to the insulted flag of the L'uion a guard of ber best aud bravest sons. Oo every field tbe prowess of Keutuckiuus bus been manifested. In tbe holy causu of national defence tbey must be invinci ble. Please accept, sir, these weapoas, a9 A token of the love I shall never cease to cher ish for my mother State, of the pride with which I have always regorued tbe exploits of ber sons, and of tbe couudence wbicb 1 feel iu the ultimate loyalty of her people, who, while never forgetting the homage which tbeir beloved State may justly claim, still remembei the higher and grauder allegiance due to our coaioiou couuiry- Youra very sincerely Mart Lincoln. Colonel John Fry. A Nkwspapeh Corkkspokcknt Punished. Sbeimau Greig, a private io a Rochester, New York Regiment, now stationed At Ar lington Heights, has been sentenced to carry filly pouuds oo bis back, six bours each day, for twelve consecutive days, besides doiug regular duty. His offense consists io writing letters to tbe Rochester Fxpreis, criticising the general trentirer.t i f the Vt-luuteeil tbeir Arrival i A.i., ., ii. Hew Advertisements. SHERIFF'S SALES. BY virtue of sundry writs of Ven. Exponas, Fieri Facia and Al. Fieri Facia, isaued ovt of the Court of Common Deaa of Norlhumher. land county, Pa., to me directed will be exposed to ptililie sale at the Court Haue in the Borough Annttnry, on Saturday the SJ day of August, A. D. 1661, at 4 o'clock P.M., the following de. scribed real estate, to wit t A certain out lot, nituate ia Upper Augusta township, Northumberland county. Pa, bnunded on the south by Henry Houpt, on the Mat by Snydertown road, on tbe wmtby Cattawiaaa road on the north by Henry Weiae, containing Cva acres and fifty-five perches, more or less. Also i Another out lot, situate In same town ship, county and Htate aforesaid, bounded on the north by Peter B. Manner, on the west by Catta wissa road, on the south by Henry Weiae, con taining five acres more or lost. Alao, another out lot, aituate in same township county and State aforesaid, bounded on the north by Mrs. Mary Markle, on the south by George Conrad, on the west by Cattawisaa road, and on the east by Snydertown road, containing one acre and fifty-four perches, more or less. Also, two Vither out-lots Nos 31 anil 32 in same township, county and State aforeiaid, bounded on the north by Kdward Y Bright, on the west by land late of John Hohins, on the east by Cattawissa road, and on the south by Centre Turnpike road, containing ten acres, moro or lese. Five acres of which said out lots Nog 31 and 32, bounded by the Centre Turnpike on the south have been set aside for the defendant under the $3(10 Laws. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Henry Weise. ylLSO: At the ssme time and place, all that certain piece, parcel or tract of land, situate in Jiu-kunn townahip, Northumberland county, Pennsylva nia, bounded on the north by lands late of liohert Parriah, clec'il., on the east by the same end lands late of Jno Otto and Jacob Michael, on the south by lands of Joseph Trego and on the west by the river Susquehanna, containing about sixty (fin) acres more or les j whereon are erected a two story frame dwelling house, s frame shanty and largo barn. Bring all of that certain tiact of land contain ing 101 acres and 148 perches, which George Sel ler and wife, by their deed dated January 18, 1S53, granted ar.d conveyed to Georgo W. Bcehe Wm.H Husjell aud James I, Morris, trustees of the "Northumberland and Union Counties' Land Association." and which the said trustees, by their deed, dated 31st May, 1HS6, recorded in the ofiice for recording of Deeds, AC in and for said county of Northumberland, in Deed Hook.M. M. page 313 granted and conveyed to The Trevor ton Coal and Unilroud Company ; exception and excluding therefrom that part thereof, containing forty-lour acres sixty-two hundredths ; embraced and inscribed in a mortgage given by said Com pany to Aquila G fr-Huut, trustee, A c , dited June Xd, J 6 .r 0 . rcrnidcd in Northumberland county in mortgage book M. (i, page 3A9, &c , and which was conveyed by V'm (J 1'ickf ngilt and Oswald J C'ammarin, successors of the said AquiU J Mnut as trustee in said mortgage, under proceed ings had by virtuo of ami under the provision of said mortgage, by their deed dated the 22d Feb rimry ISO I, recorded in tho olfice for recording of deeds, Ac, in and for said county of Northum berland in deed book ft. H. pages 22t, Ac, as by reference thereto will more fully appear. Seized taken in execution and to he sold as the propeity of The Trcvorton Coal and Hail Rood Compa- ALSO: At the r-ame time and place, a certain lot of giound, No 1 1, in block No lis, iu Trevorton, Zerbe township, Northumberland county, Penn sylvania, bounded on the north by Shauiokin street, south by an alley, eni-t by lot No 12 and wet by lot No 10, containing 25 feet in front and 125 feet in depth, whereon are erected a two story Irame dwelling house with basement and stable, and other outbuildings. Seized, luken in execution and to be sold as the property of Lewis Lee. AL80: At the same time and place, all that certain tract of land.situato in Shamokin township, coun ty of Northumberland and State of Pennsylvania, adjoining lands late of the heirs of Martin Wea ver, dee'd., Isaac Tricbly, John Unger, feolomon Fogcly and others, and bounded and described as follows, viz: Beginning at a post in the cen tre turnpike, thence by land late of the heirs of Martin cover, dec d , south one and one-half degres west two hundred and sixty nine and nine tenths perches to a small sassafras; thence south 88 west 9 perches to pine; thence S. I J west 42 perches to a chebnut oak; thence south 88 J cast ft 1 perches to a pine ; thence south 81 J east 43 two-tenth perches to a pine ; thence north 2 east 1A three-tenths perches to a post; thence north 1 J eist 2 o'j six tenths perches to a stone ; thence noith 88 west 21 perches, to a stone ; thence north 1 1 4 east 62 perches to a stone : thence north 8" i west perches to the place of Deg-nmng, containing ?u acres and 1 13 perches moro or let-s, wiiereon is erected a large two story frame dwelling bouse, with one and one half storv stone kitchen, stone spring house, wagon-shed anil corn-cribs, and a large frame bank barn, well of water and an orchard of choice fruit, Ac. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of K. Fagely and Win. Fogcly, ALSO : At tlieame place, on M iidav, the 5th day of Allguct, A It. IrOt, nt one o'clock I. Al 4 lie ueieiifliiiil'Hinteret in hie estate In It No. ?tt in Hit uen. T;il plan of the Imoumli 01 Northumberland, Nm. Ihuiiiheikiliii county, IV, bounded anil described us f'-. Iowa : mi the et Uy lot No. 7."i, on the Mouth by lluke street, on the West by l-'mut street, nnd on the north hy lluern street suid lot e-Mitainlus (Ml leet ill width, and 2'Jb Icet ill depth, nu which leeteclt-d a tw-.stnty frume house a livo-story buck house a. Inched, u blueksuulh shop, A:c. Smcd, uiken in execution aud to be sold us the property Ul AlCXtlllUff uii. ALSO : At the same lime and place, a certain lot and a hals lot nl pround, situate 111 the town nl 1 revurtoi Zerbe twn &lup, Northumberland county, Pa., bounded und drsenbed as lulluws: int the north by sfhuinokiustieet.ou the south by alley, ou the eimt bv (Jeoice Keisei, and on the west by tit it i. i ii ,ii Knouse, iu Block No I IT, containing ill width 37i I'eet, and in depth l-iii feet, wheieon is erected a oue unit a hall slory fruuie stole room Als'i two other lots in the same town, township, couuty and Stste, bounded on the noith by Mantel street, on the aoultt by nu alley, on the wesl by Henry Shrader, nu the earn by Kijihlh sllcct, Nos. 13 and I.I in Block t-7, tuntaiii iut; in width Icet eui-h, and iu depth 15 i'eet, whereon is eri-clt-d a sninll I'rume houe. Seized, token in execution aud 1 1 be sold as the property oi iButic. neibi-i. ALSO : At the same time und ptuce, two certain lots nt ground siluute iu Himuokiu, Nuilhuiubelldiid county l'u., Nos. 07 and 6i in Hlock 103, conuiiuliiil in width feel euth, and In depth luu i'eet, bounded uud dcserilK-d us 1'olU.vvs, to wit : ou the wesl by lliiiinuil Niyder, cast by slieet whereon are erected a tu-u-sloiy ttume house, stable and oilier ouieuiiuotijs. Seized, uikeu iii execution and to be suld as the property of Khas Klseiihuit. ALSO: At the vune time and place, eeituin track or piecs tf land situate in tiwer Augusui township, udjoiuli g lauds on the east by John Koy, ou the wesl by Alldiew Oonserl, on thesoulh Uy John Liit,on the North by Juhu Muhi-k, coiiLuuuub 17 acres, more ur less wheieon is erected a two lory bsick house, u oue uud u hull story fiauie house, aiiiull barn, shed, orchard, Ac. Also u Had or piece of kn.d m Irish Valley In Htiumo kin towusliip, adjoining lauds ou Ihe South by Joseph Hope, eust by W illiuin Cornell, west by James lteedcr, and others containing 65 acres more oi less, whereon is erected a oue and a hall' aloiy tiunie house, small bjru, orchard, Ae sixty ucres nt which are cleaied. AIS'i u certain ttuct or piet e ol" kind, situate ill Lower Augustu lowin-hip, adjoining lauds on the east by John MnUck,ou the west by John t.oug, eloue church, aud others, containing Its acres, inoieoi less, all of which is ch-.ircd. Seized, taken in execution, anit to be sold as the property ofjir. John Kukel aud t-'niuiiuel KaurTuiuu. Also at the same tune and ptuce. two certain lots of ground, situate iu the lowunf Tit'Vnrlon, Zt-ite towiibhip, Noithuinberland county, Pa., descrilK-d us follows, tu wit : U'ts Nos. 1 and It in UiK-k 1-J3, adjoining hhaitio. km street on the north, an ulleynn the south, lot no. a ou the eust, and l-'it'th street on the wesl j whereon ui elected a two story flume house Seized, taken in execution and lube sold aa the piopeity ol ilurrictC. liiuluu aud William linliuh ALSO; At the una time and place, a csrtsiu tract nr piece of land situate iu r)hainokiu township, Norlhuiiiheiluud coun ty, bounded by leiulsf t the hens of of Moses Kiehie, de ceased, mi th north, on n the south and west by hind of Ataier Thuiu, on lliewsl by laud of haruuel Hears, con taining 'Jl acres, mora or iess ; wheteou ia erected a nu and a hall at iry log hnase, one small kg stable, and una wnffnn shop ; about tiva aeiea cleared. Set ed, tuken in exoculiuu aud to bo sold as the properly DAVID WALDKON. PbetifT. Sheriff's Office. ) Sunbury, July V3. 18C1. J BKELSTON SKIRTS' 1' the Mammoth (store will ba fount very large assortment of Skeleton Skirts seven hoops, op to thirty, i. 6. Is60. FRU.I.VG A- GRANT. JTTEOES FOR AUGUST TERM, 1861. GRAND JURORS. Lower Augusta Tho Snyder, John Camp bell, George B Conrad. Shamokin Solomon Evert, Jos T Jebn, Casper Adams, jr., frsmul Kelly. Coal Pemberton Bird. Delaware-William Kirk, William BiaTfrerl. Aifor Thomas 3 Staddon, John W Liu etbnr, Jol AnRstadt. Rusk Peter Haoghawoot, Oliver P Pat ton, Honham H Rase. 'ot'nf-Benjamin 1 Uammel, James Deach. km. Feinit William Fulkerson. Sunbury Solomon Stroh. Jackson Georee W Coble. Chilisjuaque Jamel Keed. Upper Augusta George W Brewer. 2'iirouf John Punkel. TRAVERSE JURORS. Zero Peter Reeder, Frederick Fisher. Lower Mahonoy Abraham Boyer, Jacob leekert, David Seiler. Little Unhonoy Simon Dunk feberger. upper Matanoy Liernaru Adam, Jackson George Lahr. Hhamok in Samuel Epler, Franklin Klase, William G Kase, Klida John, Thomas D liufT James Vanhotn. Chillisounnue John Cole. Dennis McCee. William ij Irwin. Sunbury James Boyd, Augustus Clement Samuel Gosslnr, Jonathan Boslian. Mchu-ensmlle David Gold. Turbid John M Hansel. Martin liillinire. Henry C Haas. Upper Augusta Charles hckman, Heory Gnlick. iVorthumberlandiioorp: Ilymandieper. Lewis Stephen Glaze, John Schuyler, Si mon Cameron. Milton Ijenjamin Miller, Charles Walters John Peeler, John Divel, Baltzer Kreitzer. Rush Joseph Sharpless. Cameron Leonard Kerstetter, John II Cramer. Coal Benjamin Hoy, Henry A Shissler. Point loho C Barnhart, Daniel Stumer, Wm Vankirk. Delaware Robert Ferr, Wayne Vandine. Lowtr Augusta Jos F Larich, Isaac De' wilt. PETIT JURORS Jordan Jeremiah Wolf, Samuel Enscl, Elias Kissinger. Aorthumberland John Dernbam, Daniel llraotig-am. Delaware Charles Fuuz, Wm B Brvson, Enoch llilpart. Uilttm Henry Harris, Thos Fry mire. Mount Carmel Jacob Hinehart. Lower Augusta John Starner, Dan'l Hile man, Kobeft Seers. Lewis James D Barr, r rederick fchirts. Peter Harmon. H'd.'itnrffHi Samuel Bobb. Turbut Thomas Curl. l-'pper Augusta Martin R Gssa. Little Mahanng John Hensil. Shunivkin Jacob K Muencb, Geo Heck- ert. Isaac Bonghner. Lower Mahunuv Andrew Ooneert, Isaac Bnver. McEwensrille John F Dorr. Coal John Conrad, I'jmer Mahanou Daniel Slrasser, Samuel. Netswender. Rush Jacob Weaver, Wilson Miller. Chilit'iuaipte Norman Butler, Hugh Sic Glacbliu. Jackson Abraham Zartman. Zcrbe Dennis Buoy. THE LATEST STYLE OF SPRING AND SUMMER GARMENTS. ARB CONSTANTLY MADE at the Fashionable Tailoring Establishment of J" .A. C O 33 O. BECII, Market Mrec-t, STXItl It V. I'n. flHE subscrilier has just received and ppcnnl -- arire assortment ISPRIIStJ AND SUM MER COODS, such as CLOTHS, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION &. QUALITY. Plain and Fancy Cassimeres, Vestings, &c of tho latest styles. Ill addition to his stock he is constantly receiving new supplies Iroin the citv keeping a lull assortment of the moat substantial and latest style of Goods in the city markets. He is prepared to make to order all kinds of Gentlemen's and i'ov's wear, such as DRESS. COATS, FROCK-COATS, BUsI-KESS-COATS, VESTS, PANTA LOONS, &c. ic. of the very latest style, and in the most substan tial manner, at short notice. Any Goods not on hand, will be furnished from Philadelphia, by giving two day's notice. tV Call and examine my stock, no charges made for showing. JACOB O. BECK. Sunbury, May ll,l0l. To the Democratic Voters of Northum berland County. J HAVE been induced to permit my name to be used in connection with the nomination for the LEGISLATURE, at the ensuing Demo cratic primary election. The solicitation of many warm personal friends in both ends of our county have prevailed wilh mo in this matter and should they proper to nominate and elect me, it will he my pleasure, as well as a duty, to piomote the interests and pruspenty of my own conntituenta, as well as of the blatu and couutrv at large. J. WOODS BROWN. Tuibut township, July 6, tstil. ' " 1TCTICE. Cathariuc Snyder, 1 In the Court of Common vs. Pleas of Northumberland Wm. L. Dewart, J county. No, 38 April Term 18fil, Vend. Exponas, JJOTICR is hereby given, to all persona in in- terot, that the undersigned A uilitor, appoint ed by tbe said Court, to distribute the fundi re maining iu Court, arising from the above writ, will attend for that purpose, and all others, at his ollice, in Maikel street, Sunbury, on Tuesday the 3d of July. I BH 1 , when all may attend if they think proper. IlAKKI l-Al.M tlt, Au.Iitor. Sunbury, July 6, !81. y6Ws"cidsLEyr SOLK MAM FACTLHKRS OP TIIK IMPKOVrn OUTTA PEROHA CEMEN T HOOFING, Tbe cltuipcftt mid inot dor. hie 11 u. 'ling iu mo. It is Kiro uuu u.iir rrutu , It can be applied to new und ult) lltw'fhofalJ Uncla. aiiJ to Hoof without removing iliu nhmicd. The Cost ia only about One-Thinl that 0t Iid, and it is twice as Durable. OUTTA TKKCIIA CKMKNT, For preitfviiiir and reiMiriits Tin and othor Metal Konfa of every deaciijuion, fnun Ha leui elaktifitv, la mt injiiml by ttir lunlrHcUim uud exuiiiou of njctaU. aud will ma ciuck in ld or iuii in wurm wfntliri. riieas. uiuieriuia liuve breii Llnxouiflilv tested in ow York and all ptiria of tlic IS tMitcin und Vfteru h:jitr, and we cau give Mbuiulttnljiruuful' all we cloiio iu tiicii iavr. i'heyare readily ai-licd by or inary la borer at a tri fling expeuae- iU lib AT 19 Hr.iil'lKEU." Theae materiult are put up ready for use. and for ship. ping to all parti ui tlie country, Willi luU pruittxl direct toil for bppLicutioH. r ull drsciipuve circular a will be lurniiheil on api hen tinu by mtiil r in pranMt .ur Pnneial O it ice ami VVurc i.-u. 78 Wl 1. 1.1 AM b'lKKLT, (Coiucf of Libcily direct,) New Vik. Agents Wawikd! Terns Caab! I Jui:e 1,1601 ly BLANKS! BLANKS!! new supply of Summons', Kxeculinns, - Warrants, Buposnas, Deeds, Mortgages, Bonds, Lenses, Nslurulixstlun papers. Justices nd Constables Fee Dills, Ac, Ac., just printed ,nd for sal at this OrBc. , 9tnbury, April SO, 159. TRUTH vs. KIIYME. fhere are fhoso that any in these enlightennd dsv, That splondid lies are all the poets praise ( That strained invention, ever on the wing, Alone impels the modern bard losing. 'Tie true that all whorhymo.nsy.all whowiite, Shrink from the word to geniua trite ; Yet truth sometimes will lend her noblest fires, And decorate the verse herself Inspires ; Thisfaclin virtues name, let FUlLlNG OH ANT claim For Dry Goods, handsome, b-tautiful and cheap, Are always found at their Mammoth Store in Market Htreet. Sunbury, July 6, 1801. 3t F. List of Causes for August Term 1861. John P Summer vs John Mclfeynolds. Hanuiel 8 Usitnn vs Win McKinaick Iaaac Kupp vs Jerry iV Jas If I'ennypacker David 1. Miller vs Ur Edmund FrnnciscnR. Dsid I. Miller vs D E Arwineand wife Philip Heilgert dee'd ailm'r va David Lshbach (troiis tt Kimble vs Jamns Covert William I. Dewart vs Peter Ketlin Lewis Dcwstt ex'r vs l'ct. r Kcrlin Abraham (iarman v.ijc (irecn ft Fr Tlowmnn James Malotie vs IShainokin Valley & l'oltsville Iiailrnad Co. Henry Weiae vs Wm L T'cwiirt liiH Mountain Impr (Jo vs II D Huffman, Hnmuel HnbLi et si Cnriiinonwenlth of Per.n'a ct nl vs Jan en Van ilvke and hail ! Galen 8 KoLiiisdcc'd adm'r vs Mary iters aurno vp spencer M and Win II Kasc Nnute, W'inRate A- Co vf John li McMickrn illiani V IS'nle vs John It MeMicken Michael tirnhaiu vs Kalph Uoc'e ilcc'il c'r same va (iooilman & Mootlio Geo C McKee vs Joseph Long John Keilcr vs John Miiilor (iithriel Kline vs (ieo C McKen Jacob 1'reilericU iV Co vs Kalph Hogle dee'd ex'r. John Ivcilcr and wile vs Michael A Kccfcr and John bh'i'sler Joiah Keiter vs M A Kecfcr end John Shissler Thomas Hafer vs ,'ohn Ketzer Dewait for Jacob Gass vs Ilenrv Manser dee'd ex'r Joseph Lnn vs (ieorjro C McKee J 11 Matwer lor Dewart vs Michael Mullen and Elizabeth Mnllctl E Y Bright Sr vs Jonas, Michael & Abraham Hohner Henry Thnrpvs "Vorthern t.-ntral Kailn-ay Co. C II 4' Geo Abbott &. Co vs Hanuiel G Wheeler J V 1. Hewitt Crain for use of Win II Miller vs Miller d Brown William Weidenhamer vs John McMathcw John Waaner vg Jacob DrcMcr Jonathan llunklcbercer ve John Humford, James S Marsh cV C'ovs Jacob Westlry Abraham Duiiki I vn John Ilnttenetein Mary II Gclund's heirs vs Northern Central Rail lioad Company. rilOCJiAMATION. TV OICK is hereby given thnt the screrril Courts of Common J'lens, (ienerul Quarter Sessions of the peace, and Ori'hntis' t 'onrt. Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, in and lor the county of Northumberland, to commence at tho Court lk use, in the borough ol Sunbury, nt II) 6'chnlc, A. M. on .Monday, the fifih day of A U(i L'.ST, next, und will continue TWO VV'KEKri. Tha coroner, Justices of the IYrice and consta bles in and fortho county of Northumberland, are reiuestotl to be then ami there in their proper per sons, with their rolls, records, ip'jni.-ilioiis, and other remembrances, to do those things to their several oliioes appertaining to be ilone. And all witnesses prosecuting in behalf of the Common wealth against any prisoner are nlso requested and commanded to be then and there attending in their proper persons to iroMcutn against htin, us shall lie just and not to depart without leave at their peril. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their attendance, at the time appointed agreeable to their notices tiiveri under my hand at Ftiubury, the ! it dny of Julv, in tho year of our Lord ono thous and eigh' hundred and sixty-one and the Independence of the United Slates of America the M.'iih. God save the Commonwealth. DAVID WAl.DKON, Sheriff. Sheriffs Ollice, Sunburv, 1 July 6, 1SGI. ' I To the Voters of Northumberland Connty. lKl.l.OW CITIZENS; From tho encour- acment I teceived from did'eient parts of the county, I oiler myself as a candidate for the ollice of A88UCIATK JUDGE, subject to the usages of tho democratic party, and if elected, will perform the duties justly and im partially to the best of my ability. AUKAHAM PHIPMAN. Lower Aiipusta township, June 29th, IHfil. FO li HE (j I STE 1 1 & K E COIlDElT. Subject to the Hules and Usages of the Demo cratic l'uitv. J. U.MAS.SEK. 'Jo l,e Voters of J'6rtliitinberlanJ Count j Fj-llow Crriy.tNs: I oiler myself as a Union Candidate f )i the oliice of ASSOff ATK JUDGE, at the next election. Should I be elected, I pledge myself j to perform tho duties of the ofiice to the best of 1 my ability. JOHN DUNHAM. I Northumberland. May 4, te ! COIN I V TUVtM'ttXSe. I T til E subscriber offers himself tit tho Demo cratic Voters of Nurthun.berbiiid couMv, as i candidate f..r the ol'icc of COU.NTV TKE.V- SI KUH, at the next priinary election. Sulject 1 to the decision ol the t-onntv ( 'otiver:tion JO Ef'H EVEilETT Delaware twp, June 8, lsiil. DKUGS AND MEDICINES, EICHASD A. FISCHL&'S i o At m m mm i J JTw LI Ljr W -i ili AC i i. EMPORIUM. HAVING purchased the store formerly kept by A. V. rTSCHEK, he would respei-tluily call the attention of Ihe public to his well beiect. ed stock of DKIGS, M EblCINFS, CIIEMI CALS iVf PAINTS Oils, Dye fitulls, Varnishes, Fer'umerv, Faiu Articles, fine Hair and Tooth lirunbes. Fancy Soap. Ti iisbts, ic. i'hysiciuns I'rescripiions and family lieceiut accurately conipoiiiidtd ut ull bouts, by an rxpe rienced llritL'tiist und Apothecary. Kh.M EM Ill'.U the (.luce, under tho oihea of the "Sunbury Ainericuti." Hiinbury, Juno - IMHI. Unios 15L sili; COATS. (iored Mantles, Poplin Dusirrs, French Saqurs, Silk Hasq lines. Newest Dei;iis, A'ead Made, or Made to Order. CUOl'Ell Sc CON AH D, M. L. Corner Ninth and Maiket. I'liilailclnhia. May . HCI. MANHOOD. HOW LOST, HOW Rr.STORF.n, Jl ST rCtlLlfllKD IN A BKAUU) I'.NVKI OPi; ; ON the nature, Irriitnient, toid Mdicul cute of spciina-ltirliu-a, or Seliinuti W'riikilesi', r.-Kuid llrhiloy, Ner vousness and involuntary emissions, in.iueii.uj iiupoleuvy, and MeiiUl uud Pti)Sit-al iucuticily. By KOUT. J. iVIII.I., M v., Author of the ' toeen li.x.k," A.C. The world-reiiowiifdsulhoi, ia this adiiiintltlti Let-turel clernly proves ftoin his own experience Hint thu uwfu, voiisripieiit-es ot teli-uhusu msv be t-rtecttiHhy reuiovetl wilti'iut meilieiiie uud without tluueious suigitfil opeiu ttoiis, Umuirs, iiisiruiueina, rnigs or eoitliuls, siinunft out a niisleol cure at once eeitani and t ioclu!. by wnicii every auSTt-r, no multer wlml his condition inn v l a, uuiy etna hiiiuit-lf clieuply, rrivult-ly unS radically. This lecluie wilt prove a btniu to tti'iusHiidsund UiouKouia fteiil under seal, in a plain envelope, t,, it.l.lret'a, ost paid, on lha reeeipt of two NlHie sunups, by aittlreaslug. Dr.Cll. J.C. KIJ.M', III? Itowerv, New York. t'oat Ollnu b .x 4,9 Jtpiil lMt.-ly(. IMPORTANT TO LOVEMS OF CS3 X3 OD tS 03 BRIGHT & SON, InTite attention to their Stook of Prime Green and Black Tua. June in, IN01. jt"cl 'jhz f?v5 vim SUMMER HOODS! AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. H. T. BRIGHT U EOIC, II.VVK 11HCKIV KI OF AZiX. ISZNDS OP GOODS, HANDSOME DURABLE A A D S:Z2 20I 133 J. E GREAT BAllGALXS AND Splendid Inducements TO T " T , rt TP T fc - K J XV AT THE ONE YVi 1 CV. RTCiUV. " w OF E. Y. BKIGIIT & t:0N. Sunbury, Juno 1.1, lSlii. BUSCUSY STEAM TERRY A N D T o W I N (JllOA T C O M P A N Y. fjMJAVF.I.LKKS ar.d others are respectfully inlornicd I'.uit the subscriber, in order to ac- commodale the ptiblic and 1'ncilitiite travel, has reduce J the rates of ferriacn at his STEAM FFKH V, over the Supiel'..iiiha. at unburv, ami will carry I'.ibsenui rs, Horses, t 'armircs, uud oti:tr vehicles, ut the lollowiitg rates, viz : Foot PasM-neers, eui h ft cents. llorue and 1,'iiler, 15 " Horse and i'ua,;y, SS " T.vo-Horee Cenvcyance, 41) " Farmers und others, wishini; to transp. rt C al and Produce, can mikt arrangements ut still lower rates, A lar'o, safo and commodious Steamboat will rnn regularly aud promptly ut all hours of the day, and to ucrommotlute ihcev.ho ili siro to ut lend the Churches ut Sunhury and Selinscrove, the lioal will run on Sunday, The Steamboat will run from Maiket Street u art, and promptly convey J as'ienijeiB I'as'ieni'eiB from both sides of the Kier, without d. lay. Tbe Steam Ferry now not only a safe and conveiiier.t transit over llirt So.-quihuiuut, but no o a p .t and Hgreenble n.! 1KA I CJ.F.Vi V Lessee and Fro; lietor. f oi. bury. May '.. 1 St; I , New Killinery Goods. :ish m. Li. a sw.r.t:. J uM'l Stret t.two hors sout.'t (1 tie SI: i::: iiu Valley A- PutturUle Rail Ruml, SUNBUKY, PKW WA-, 1 p lOSl'Ft.-TFl'LI.V inforiiis the era.' no- i.i Sl.'N Ul li V and vicinity, thnt she ll:is jot received lioni rhilaiielj'hU u latue und s, asorthient of the most Jasbioouble und iittst uiy Io of cx zr 5-iii ip sc3 , HATS, S 11 A K i: US, '1 tilMMl.Ni'.s, Ac. whic h she is selliiiK al the linn I rt n.-. tnl.le j l it t To which she diiects the atientioii ol the ludua and iuvitea all to call and see them. Thankful for past putioiii;o, she h.ipcs b keeping to best assortment at rentouublc prices to continue the same. Sunbury, April 13, Ihfii iim JAMES BAIUJEU'B VlHOI.KSAI.K AND RKfAII. CLOCK ESTABLISHMENT, S. 1'. Corner Second and Chestnut f' , l'liil:iUlplil.l. VCKXCV fiirthePATMNT i:il!"iTlllltTV h.Y Pl.Ot'K, a vry dfsu jble artit ie lor Cuuruu ea, lintels, lin'. i:ouiuii'i H 'utes, furl .rs, Kv, Also,.Muiiulut-lurrrol t lNt: C.ULU PLNS Tlivks rnp-iiied ana warrroiled t l.s h Tiiiinniiv. ot every denrnpncn I'I.ii.hM: io.i, Jio i J IU, lil -J) LIVE AND 1 LET THE rEOFLE STILL, CONIIVUi; io MVC, AND Til MY WILL SOON LEARX THAT PU1MNG & GRAIST, AT Titi: hahbiotii cross, ARI-J SFtLlNG GOODS CHEAPEK than can be purchased elsewhere. A FltEaH RTJPPL V .lost received by Kniiroad this week. REMRMDEK THI.4, AND PROFIT li V IF. Sunbury, Deccm'ir IS, 1PCU. J . A . c n A N 1) A L L a PATENT SFKIXO DOU-E'S 73 EntJABWAir, jisw "srcmc. ! hhoultl ho m every family. School, Gyn.iia-.i-j um. Asylum, and Hospital in tbe Ihi.i1. Ar i not D ANfJEll'l.'rt, liVn the eotinnrn Roekin; I Horse, .-'lands firm on its Pedestal, v ill I wear C AKl'ETS, nnd I aJ no Hackers to iojur. uie reel. Hi:ui!h :uA hippiiifs in th. Hinift .e., -N r. wii. V's P . N.- A to". -'!'Vr. 'hi in. I'i-Vi LwVSJFTPi FROM THE "HOME J0UEN.4L." "Of all the child -furniture wo have ever bp:i no article combines so much of those two impoi taut thitiRS heulih and happiness n the Ad justable Patent Steel Sprinsr Saddle-Horse, in vented by .lesse A. Cramlull, It is not d.inger ou, like, a common rocking-horse, to children's feet, cannot be upset, docs not wear crrpe'.s, but stands firm on i's base, and iis action is so like the gallop of a lie horse tii ,t tho child never wearies of it. This .utest of c'lild novelttes is ex ccedimjv eierMttt and artistic in design , nnd s adjustiible, substantial, and duraiilc, that it wi.l lust a lifetime. It is intlispciisuule in every fam'ly where there are cliiiuien. Il sh ",;Id be iu every primary school ai d (iviiineaium in the country, as it can bo lnaile large and etrom; -Miotmh to sustain proun persons. As a peje,tu fur photographic picture;, nothin;; is more beauti ful. "Every Oiphan Asylum and Institution whero children ure conprcira'ed, should bo fumiihcd with a number of these beautiful articles. They are fitted wilh side-saddle vliei! requited." DIRECTIONS FOIt ADJUSTING. f)fcn the alter part of the sufficiently to allow the axle to go in its place ; tlieu rai .e or lower tho Horse to suit you. cre.v the bolts in the sido vcrv ticht. rT' These Horses are V A K RAFTED one y en r. Maith in, t --: r. 1 . tf SUIJ EUEY" AC ADELiy . " 'I 'HE St'MMEIt TF.R.M of il.o Sauluiy Acai)-my wiil .1 comiut-iKu i n ol Ai-ril. T.ic CkjiiiNt' ot inf.tracti'ui inbracos every depart-n,.-nt ii'.ii tnui.:il itl.-ur hst Acuilemit-s, prepsrin luud-.-ittij unc culiei t'or b. j-ioiiiiiiou or I-. any t-U.s :n ( T K.I MS lT.R HL'AR 1 UK: n-miiii -v S:-li..ol ltiuii..;.t, tl IKI j lligiirt KnK.iili'' .. . .'. OO I.Iui mi i Ijiccl: Lmiruai s. 7 il I Ttmi"!! r ' - 1 l"-fre the rch'.ri; vf U:e t'-ri.,. H"aril i-ni he lilui li.j.-v.' X-j'.'uhr.i tt iroinil 5 tJ ! ii ici e;':i. I ii t-i. 1 1 i-riiic.ia.. Sunlmiy. March 30, f.vj. I0 Y1U ff.WT WEIC&IiCKS. IK) Vol- WAXTWIUSKKItS ? i 0 VOL WANT A MOUSTACHE ' jij YOU WANT A MOt'sTACIIi:: j IIcIUii'irih'M Ct'lela'aled ! s T 1 M U L A T IN O ONO U E N 1 For the H7;i.v.-pr.s- ami Hair. I 'i'liestibn-rilpers tnl:e plcnsurc in nnnouiir-iii to the cit' i Iruti.i Hie I. niK-d stares, that lliev have obtained xl.u ; Acru y iur, qiiiIui.' ituw toLiiei to tlie Amt-ru-sfi p-ibbc, tiie oLovc jually Lci-:brdlce ui.d vvorlJ-leuuwiwJ I aitic.e. ) The Stimulating Ongnent. is pr'-Mired Ly iJr. C. 1. i'.cllii;tt:tion. an eminent pisician i ill' 1.;iii1jii, aii'-t is ui ru;ili-u to liing cul alliick v ei j Whisker ur M'ntsliuhe. I in from thii-c Io six week. 'I l-e article is the oiih-one ! of the kind Uf& by ihe I-'reiicli, nu.1 in I"-,iiin and i'a- j ris it is in nnivf 'ssl use I 1 ' Il is a iHMJtnul. roii.Mint-jt. soothing, yet stiiiiufii'.i. lnvu'i(l, uc'liifi i'H II I'V n.i.lf upon lii- ro. iu. chishi a iililul rowlii l hixmnoil lull. Il applinl to t:e si-h.j, I will i-uw l..t!'!iicsii. iir.-l t-inisc lo sjriMC tip m nmce il lUf. Ij:i'i sto!s a liiiw crtovrh i t h nr A ; p 1 o tt nco'iuii;ir ' I' i Jo,T!i.i.s ll t ill I u i n tvil or low y i.iio I.", :nnl r-jhini j .'IIIV tl-ul I.. IIjJ.'Pl'U :.i C.-I"l, lulVllie it S :ft, illt til, HI. J ' llt-o-lf. '1 'i' - I 'it'itu'iit'' ia mi n,.l.."pf iilt!" Hlticiw oi 1 c t-iy tuiol-iiiiin's l--i I. . n!--t it-OT v L-k's use l;o-' j wonlil ll'l I T hut txi:!,!'!' Titoon he w.;l:--0 II. ' 'i'..e bai."t-r'.! t-i i:rt- l! t en:y Ai't-nts f.r t!ie ftrtu le to the L'l.ili-il Smiles, to v iiollt u:l tjuu-rs li.UPI t c uiljrts.-c.i j rr:t-t; tbiv I't.liur a b..:i for tu'e by till Linicnih's in.J IJ.'.'ot-n, ; or n tfix of tl u'-nl" (wairioili-.l to have ! ll.e dt-foetl t'tlVio) w i!l l,t: st-nl to any wli" tiesirc it. 'V i tu;ol, dirt't-t, st'fint'iv I'u'.liit.-t'. on rcceii-t of puce amtp-jit nt;,lt!.l-. Al',iv t" or 't'ri-ss iincAi-i: i.. HEiirMAV ro. tiur!s. -tc.,i!t Wiltiitiu St., Xcvv Yvit. I F'-r .i! at lliu. ulfi-je. ! Aliueh -6I. Orphans' Court Sale. BN pursuance of anor.ler of the Orphans' Court l .Northumberland county, will be exp -sej , to pu! lie fale. oil ll.e preitiises ou Suturd.y. the i ""J ,' ' ,ilnl certain rni , or l iece ol 1,..L Mlunte pirliy in .Mianuii.iu ' township, and pimly iu Conl township. Northun : berlaiitl county, l entiylvaiiia, boundcil hv lauds ot M iir'in C:is luiids siirveved io Ol-eJi ih Caioo- i-ill, John Tiuwottl , Kobt it '1'aeeurt. John Mil. '. Ii-r, and Tlm'ins Hamilton .cortjimnt; Four Hun. 'iItl! and Tim oty-l'iijht Acres ai d Fifty t i.o ; pruLi'- ot I.ind ai.d allowance. I.e. ti e i.nco 1 more or !-, lule the pro; city of Christian Ka , bt-l. dt'cea.-i d. S 1.-1 j cni'lii ii.-e at 10 o'clo.k, A. M, of sail day, when the terms and conditions of sul will be made by ISA AC N. HALSE, Adm'r. Hv order of C mrt, 1 Ti. M A.vI:H, f. Snt.burv, Muv 4, k. O. IHlil c. t rVL.O.TIO SI ALIC li.. Attorney at Law, SUREUivV. Korihuiribcrlana Co., Fa. (Formerly Fe biir, Snjdcr county.) Of'Flt.'E, Market Sitei l, a lew doors eal of ihe Norihiin ft ntiul ll.itlioad Depot and two doors uet ol Ihe i'ost Ollice. All Fro!cs..ijuul Losinets, Collelious, Aic, wi'l itCcice auentioii. Mai cli Utl. I ."111. t;j a k e u e j I JJ liich I'icuinl Fun ijes, la. 25 and 31 cents, ; D.treiic Kobis. fi f0, 81 (IU aud (Ill, Moiurnl i ue llt.bes at !fo t'O, i 'fiuvelint; lre. (! ioi's, Sbephar.l's PlaitU, Mohair I'tnids. i tin i.liin's. Lawns. 1'iiuts, I liuliies, tiiey FipuirJ Cooda, i coorr.i! CONAKD. S E colon Nintu tod Maiket, l'hiludi!phi. N" b Est cual.ty Hoop Skirts, S4 ceuis tu $8 25. I May 18, 1561. j---.7fc"s' i i iwti V t-a --