Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, July 13, 1861, Image 3

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Waiiiikotok, Jaly 4.
Tbe Senate was called to order bj tbe
Vice President t 12 o'clock.
The follomnR Senators were present:
Messrs. Anthony, Bayard, RinRham Ureck
Inriilge, Bright. Chandler, Clark, Collamer,
Cowan, Dixon, Donliltln, Fessenden, Foot,
Fostof, Unme", Halt, Harlan, Harris, Hoe,
Juunson (Teno), Kennedy, King, Lane,
(nil ). Latham, Morrill, Nesmitb, Pearce,
Polk, Powell, Nanlabnry, Sherman, Simmon,
Summer. Ten, Eyck, Thompson, Trumbull,
Wade, Wilkerann and Wilson.
Mr. tirimes (Iowa) presented tbe creden
tials of Jamei S. Lane, Senator elect from
Kansas, who took the oath.
Mr. Doolittla (Wis.) presented tliecreden
1iuls of S. C. 1'omoroj, Senator elect from
Mr. Trumbull (1)1 ) presented the creden
tials of Orville 11 Urowninit Senator elect
from Illinois, to fill the vacancy occasioned
by the death of tietintor Douglas.
M r. Latham (Cal ) presented the creden
tials of J nines A. McDongal, Senator eluct
from California.
The oath was administered to the last three
Senators. On drawing lots, Mr. Tonieroy
drew the loitsr term fur Kansas.
Mr. Hale (X. II.) offered a resolution that
the Senate proceed to the election of Ser
goatit at-Arm. Laid over.
Mr. Hale offered a resolution, asking the
Secretary of the Navy for a copy of all
contract. Passed.
Mr. Wilson (Mass.) gave notice that he
should, to morrow, offer the lollowing bills :
A bill to ratify and confirm certain acts of
the Presided, for the suppression of insur
rection and rebellion.
A bill to anthorize the employment of
volunteers for enforcing the laws, and protect
ing puhl.c property.
A bill to increuse the present military
establishment of the United States.
A bill providing for the better organization
of the (miliary establishment.
A bill to pro mo to tbe efficiency of tbe
A bill for orpanizing a volunteer militia
force, to be called tbe National Guard of the
United States.
The Clerk road the resignation of Asbury
Dickens, the venerable Secretary of the
On motion of Mr. Fessenilen (Me.) the
Senate adjourned.
The Cleik culled the names of those here
tofore elected as members from South Caro
1 in u. Arkansas and Florida.
Mr. McOlurnntid objected to Mr. A. T
Thayer being called ea member from Oregon,
and s-nt up the protest of Mr. Sbiel. This
tuhject was passed over for the present.
Mr. VulUndigham said he would, at th
proper time, present a question of privilege
in the lorin ol a resolution, that Messrs
jUurstnn. til air ami uurtts, claiming seats in
this House, huvini; been sworn into tbe
military service of the United States, and
holding commissions, are constitutionally
di.-qualified from being members of this
Mr. lsiair said he had never ben sworn
into the service of the United States, and
tuereiore Air. uiianaigDuui a Ucu were
wrong as to himself.
Mr. Vullaudighain said, of conrje, after
this explanation, bo would not incl'iiio tbe
iientleinin. (Applause in galleries )
Mr. Hichardsou objected to the recognition
of Sir. Dally as the delegate Irom Nebraska
The list of members having been called
tbe Cleik anuooni-ed that one hundred aud
lil'iy-si ven members had answered to their
I he elect, on ol a bpeuker was now in
Mr. Colfax said Mr. Clerk, before tbe
bttllotjng commences, 1 desire to state to my
fellow members that 1 am not a candidate
lor the Speakership.
Mr. Hickman nominated Francis P. Hlair,
Jr., of M issouri, saying that that gentleman
bid iuaiiKuruted the war policy in Missouri,
which had elicited tbe approbation of every
loyal American citizen. (AppluuEe in the
Mr. McClernand wished now to pot a stop
to such disorders in the irulleru-s.
The Clerk said ha bud uo power to pre
serve order.
Mr. Vallaudigham thought an appeal from
tin- Clerk would have the proper effect.
Mr. Sti veus, iu nominating Hon. U. A.
Grow, (Pu ) for Sp'-uker, said be would not
follow the bad tusli of bis colleague (Mr.
1 1 ickinan) by going into a eulogy of Mr.
Gruw's character, or be provoked into saying
anything uiinst bis opponent. (Laughter )
Mr. Cuius, hi nllml'iig lo Mr. Vallandig
ban's question of privilege, said he was elect'
ed bv the people of lona us a member of
Congress j lie was also elected a Colonel of a
volunteer regiment from that Slate, and for
those marks of coulidence his constituents
were responsible.
The Houh then proceeded to vote for
There no choice, M r. Blair laid it
was unnecessary to fiave another vote, as
tins would c-iiiMi delay in the organization,
lie begged leave lo oVclino hejng a candi
date, and requested Ins friends lo change
their votes on this ballot in order to an
t'lei'tino at once.
Votes were then changed from Blair to
Grow, and the lollowing was announced os
the result :
Whole number of votes 359 Grow, 09;
niair, 11 i Crittenden, 12 ; the rest scat
tering Tub lion G A. Grow, the Speaker elect,
was escorted to the chair by M Bears. 13lair
and Richardson.
He made an address, when the oath of
office was administered to kiui by Mr. Wusb
buroe. (111.)
i ne riouse men proceeded lo a vote as
follows :
For Mr. FniERioai!. 93
" FoKNKY. 41
" DlKTHICU. 21
" Flokencb. 2
Mr. Elheridge was declared elected.
V A.iimaTON, July 5.
tt r-v , v .. ...
air. naio, oi .ew Hampshire, called up
bis resolution ofiercd yesterday to proceed lo
the election of Surgeuut al-Aruis of tbe
Ou the first ballot 41 votes were cast, as
follows :
Genrge F Brown, 29
D It. McNuir,' 9
George lirowo, . 2
I!. Beale, 1
Mr. George F. Brown was declared
elected, lie appeared and took the usual
Mr. Hale offered a resolution that tbe sal
ary of M r. McNair be paid till December.
Laid over.
.Mr. 8aulsbury of Delaware, asked the
Henator (rum New Hampshire, if Mr. McNair
was a worthy cflker, why be bud been reiuo
at all?
Mr. Hale said if the Senator would tell
bim why the State of Delaware removed Mr.
Coiiegjs, un ,.nt bim (Suulsbury) here per
bup be would uu,-r.
, Mr. Cb (idler, tf Michigan, gava eotxa
that he should, to-morrow Introduce a bill to
confiscate the property of all the Governor!
of the Stales, the members of the Legisla
tures, judges of the courts, and all tbe military
officers above tbe rank of Lieutenant, who
shall take np arms against the Government
of the Uuited States, or aid lo abet treason
against the Government j aud that all such
persons be forever disqualified from holding
any office of honor, emolument, or trust in
the Government aucb property to be ap
plied to restore to the Uuioo men, in tbe
rebel States, any losses they may have
ATM (vtttlttA Sil!1ftl? I
Tbe Louisville Morning Journal is Indig
nant at tbe seizure ol tbe Louisville Wednes
day.night tralu on the Memphis branch of tbe
Nashville road, at Clarksville. 1 he iraios
were subsequently ordered not to go further
than Bowling Green, Kentucky.
New Advertisements.
Ten Thousand Rebels Attack Fifteen
Hundred Federal Troops.
Kansas Citt, July 9.
We are Indebted to tbe Kansas Journal
for a copy of tbe Fort Scott Dtmocral of (lie
7lb inst. It contains an account of a . buttle
between tbe Missouri State troops under
Gov. Jackson and Gen. Raines, numbering by
their accounts from ten to thirteen thousand
and the United States forces under Col.
Selgel, cumbering fifteen hundred in all.
Uur inlormaul savs tbat on Wednesday an
inst., the State troops loft Rupe's Point end
moved south to Murray a, six miles on 1'riday
mornicir, at eiiibt o'clock Ihey broke op camp
and marched soutb in the directioti of Car
thage. They were met by Col. Seigei with
l.fil'O men wbo immediately cave bim
At the crossing of Day Fork, our lines were
very near being brokeo. when by tbe timely
arrival of two hundred Union men from
Shoal Creek they crossed with a loss of five
killed aud two mortally wounded. I be battle
continued, the Uuiled Slates troops alter
nalely lighting aud retreuting uutil dark,
when they reached Carthage, having crossed
Huck JJraucb and Spring ltiver on tbe
I be Osbling was all done with the artil
lery, Col. Siegul retreuting as soou as they
The loss on Jackson's side was very great.
Our informant says he counted over 7(1 or SO
wounded on the held and in the bouses by
the wayside.
1 he loss on the side of the State troops
cannot be less than from 300 to 500.
Gov, Juckson announces his intention of
fort lying Carthage until Prico aud MiCul
loub arrive from Arkansas with reinforce
ments, when be will act on the offensive aud
enforce the laws of the State.
A citizen of this place has just arrived,
having left Sherman, Jasper county, at day.
light this morning. He states that after
leaving Carthage Col. Seigel moved two
miles southeast of the town, where he en-
encamped for the night, his commund budly
cut up.
His loss is variously estimated at from
three hundred to one thousand, aud tbat of
the secessionists from one thousand to two
thousand killed and wounded. Col, Brown
with ihree thousand troops from SpringUeld,
is Baid to have joined him. Major Sturgis is
north of Osage ; and Gen, at lasl ac
counts, was at Warsaw on bis way south.
On the duy of the battle Gen. McCulocb
and Gen. Price arrived at Neuso twenty
miles soutb of Cartbaue, with ten thousand
meu. A guard of t8 hundred left by Gen.
Sieule was surrounded and taken prisoners.
One report says that all were murdered,
and another that but a small portion of them
-were killed. McCullocb sent forward 2,000
men to assist ,ackson. He expects 5,000
additional troops from Arkuosas.
BY virtue of eundry writs of Ven. Etponsa,
Fieri Facia and Al. Fieri Facias, issued oet
of the Court of Common fleas of Northumber
land county, Pa., lo me directed will be exposed
to puhlio sale at the Court Houie in the liorouah
ftnnnnry, on Saturday the 8d dav of Angust, A.
U. 18Gl,al4 o'clock P. M., Ibe following do.
scribed real estate, to wit :
A certain out-lot, aituate in Upper Augusta
township, Northumberland county. Pa, bounded
on the south by Henry Houpt, on tbe east by
Snydertown road, on the west by Cattawlssa road
on the north by Henry Weite, containing five
acres and filty-fi ve perches, more or less.
Also I Another out lot, situate in same town'
ship, county and Htnte aforesaid, bounded on the
north by t'eter U. Wanner, on tbe weal by Lalta
wiesa road, on the south by Henry Weie, eon1
tabling fivo acres more or less.
Also, another out lot, situate in same township
county and Slate sfnreaaid, bounded on the north
by Mrs. Mary Markle, on the south by George
Conrad, on toe went by Catlawissa road, and on
the cast by snydertown road, containing one
acre end fifty -four perches, more or less.
Also, two other out-lots Nos 81 and 83 in
same township, county end State aforesaid,
bounded on the north by Edward Y Bright, on
the west by land late of John Rollins, on the
east by Catlawissa road, and on lb south ty
Centre Turnpike road, containing len acres, more
or less, rive acres of which said out lota INos 31
and 32, bounded by tbe Centre Turnpike on the
south have been set aside for the defendant under
the $3U0 Laws. Seized, taken in execution and
to be sold as the property of Henry Weise.
There are those that sty in these enlightennd
That splendid lies are all the poets praise)
That (trained invention, ever on the wing,
A lone impels the modern bard to sing.
'Tis true tbat ell who rhyme, nay, all who writ'
Shrink from the word to genius trite t
Yet truth sometime will lend her noblest Bros,
And decorate the verse herself inspires
Tbiafartin virtue name, let KR1I.INU &.
GRANT claim
For Dry Goods, handsome, beautiful and
cheap, .
Are always found at their Mammoth Storo in
Market Blreet.
Sunbury, July 6, 1881. St F.
Quebec, July C The steuniship Great
Eastern from England, arrived with troops,
briiiKinu Liverpool dates lo Ibe 2th ult.
Lord Chancellor Campbell died suddenly
from tbe rupture ol a blood vessel.
The Sultan of Turkey died ou the 25lh,
and was succeeded by bis brother Abdul
Azis Ktthn. Everything was quiet at Con
Sir J. i'erguson. in tbe House ol Com
mons, condemned ibe sending of reinforce
meets to Canada, aud Mr. I);srueli also
thought the Government was incurring a
serious responsibility.
Lord Pulmerslou defended the act of tliu
Government as a uouul precautionary
measure of all Governments in the immediate
vicinity of hostilities. Tbe step indicated no
distrust of Ibe fulth of tbe N orihem Stales
no want of confidence in the Canadians
The time was ht aud proper, becuuse rein
forceuieoig can only be scut to Canada iu the
sum mer.
A recognition of tbe Kingdom of Italy by
France, bus been formally announced.
Tbe Cooard steamer Scotia bus been suc
cessfully lauuehed.
Sir Archibald Allison, in a letter to Cas
eins M Cluy, contends, that the American
Constitution is a failure, and recommends a
national church and mouarchy as a remedy.
The conQagratiuu in Loudon, briuliy tele
gruplied by the Persia, was the most disas
trous for generations. Immense piles of
warehouses on the Surrey side of London
bridge, tilled with all kinds of produce, were
destroyed. Tbe loss exceeded 2,000.000
Some estime the extent from 3.000,000 to
4.000.000, nearly all insured.
1 be 1 ope wob ill, but improving at tbe
last accounts.
AgitatioL in lluogarv was reported to be
Ibe Prince and Princess Frederick Wil
Hum hud arrived in England on a visit to the
At the same time and place, all that certain
piece, parcel or tract of land, aituate in Jackson
township, Nortbumberlond county, Pennsylva-
nia, bounded on the north by lands late of Robert
Parrish, dee'd., on the cast by the same and lands
late of Jno Otto and Jacob Michael, on the sooth
by lands of Joseph Trego and on the west by the
river Susquehanna, containing about sixty (60)
acres more or less ; whereon are erected a two
story frame dwelling house, a frame shanty and
large barn.
Being all of that certain ttact of Innd contain
ing 104 acres and 1 46 perches, which George Sei'
ler and wife, by their deed dated January In,
IB!53, granted or.d conveyed to George W. lieelie
Win, II Russell and James I, Morris, trustees of
tbe "Northumberland and Union Counties' Land
Association," and which the said trustees, by
their deed, dated 31st May, 1S56, recorded in the
office fi r recording of Deeds, A-c, in and for said
county of Northumberland, iu Deed Book, M. M.
page 313 granted and conveyed to I lie 1 revor
ton Coal aud Railroad Company ; excepting and
excluding therefrom that part thereof, containing
forty four acres sixlylwo hundredths : embraced
and inscribed in a mortgage given by said Coin'
pany to Aquila (i Stoot, trustee, Sic , dated June
"d, IH.r)6. reroi iled in Northumberland county in
mortgage book M-. 6, page 359, Ac, and which
was conveyed by Wm C I'ickeugill and Oswald
Cummaiin, successors of the euid Aquila J
.stout as trustee in Baid mortgage, under proceed
ings had by virtue of and under the provisions
ot smd mortgage, by their deed dated the 22d reb
rury 1861, recorded in tho office for recording
of deeds, Ac, in and lor said county of Northum
berland in deed book ft. R. pages 226, A c., as by
reference thereto wilt mora fully appear. Seized
taken in execution and to be sold as the property
of Tho Trcvorton Coal and Kail Hood Company.
At the same time and place, a certain lot of
giound, No 1 1, in lilock No lft, in Trevorton,
Zerbe township, Northumberland county, Penn
sylvania, bounded on the north by Shaiiiokin
street, south by mi alley, east by lot No 12 and
went by lot rso 10, containing 25 feel in front
and 125 feet in depth, whereon are erected a
two story Iratne dwelling house with basement
and stable, and other outbuildings. C-eized, taken
in execution and to be sold as the property of
Lewis Lee.
At the same time and place, all that certain
tract of land, situate in Shsmokin township, coun
ty of Northumberland arid State of Pennsylvania,
adjoining lands late of the heirs of Martin Wea'
ver, dee'd., Isaac T nelly, John I'nger, feolomon
1'agely and others, and bounded and described
as lollows, viz: Beginning at a post in the cen
tre turnpike, thence by luud late of the heirs of
Martin Weaver, dee'd., south one and one-half
degres west two hundred and sixty nine and
nine tenths perches to a small sassafras; thence
south H8J west 9 perches to pine; thence S. I J
west 42 perches lo a chesnut oak ; thence south
AH J east 61 perches to a pine ; thence smith 81
earl 43 two tenth perches lo a pine ; thence north
f2 east 15 three tenths perches to a post; thence
north 1J east 231) six tenths perches lo a stone ;
ihence north H8 west 4 perches, lo a stone ;
thence north ! I ) east G3 perches to a stone :
thence north 8j) west pen he to Ibe place of
beginning, containing 209 acres and 1 1 3 perches
inure or less, whereen is erected a lurge two story
frame dwelling house, with one and one-hall story
stone kitchen, stone spring house, wagon-shed
and corn-cribs, and a large frame bank barn, a
well of water and an orchard of choice fruit, Ac.
Seized, taken ill execution end lo be sold us the
properly of It. Fagely and Wm. Kagrly,
Sheriffs Oilico, )
Sunbury. July :t, 1861.
List of Causes for August Term J.86L
John P Summer vs John McRcynolds.
Samuel 8 Baitonvs Win alcKissick
Isaac Knpn Jerry 4- Jas H Pennypscker
David L Miller vs Dr Edmund Franciscis.
David L Miller vs I) E Arwineand wife
Philip Heilgert dee'd adm'r vs David Eshbach
Oros & Kimble vs James Covert
William L pewart vs Peter Kerlin
Lewis Dcwart ex'r vs Peter Kerlin
Abraham Carman vs Jos Green fc Fr Howmnn
James Malonevs Khatnokin Valley & Poitsville
Railroad Co.
Henry Weise vs Wm 1, Dewnrt
JJig Mountain Impr Co vs H D Hoffman, Samuel
Bobb el al
Commonwenllh of Penn'a el al vs James Van
dyke and bail
Galen 8 Robins doe'd adm'r vs Mary rfcesa
ame v Spencer M aud Wm
H Kase
Nagle, Wingate A- Co vs John U McMicken
William F Nagle v John l McMirken
Michael Graham vs Ralph Bogle dee'd ex'r
ame vs Goodman & Moodie
Geo C McKne ve Joseph Long
John Keiter vs John Shisaler
Gabriel Kline v Geo C Me fee
Jacob Frederick if Co v Ralph Bogle dee'd ex'r.
John Keiter and wife vs Michael A Keefcr and
John Mpt-slcr
Jnsiah Keiter vs M A Keefer and John Shissler
Thomas Hafer vs John Fctzer
Dewait for Jacob Gass vs Henrv Masser dee'd ex'r
Joseph Long vs George C McKee
J 13 Maaser fur Dewart vs Michael Mullen and
Elizabeth Mullen
E Y Bright Sr vs Jonas, Michael & Abraham
H oh tier
Hrnry Tharp vs Northern Central Railway Co.
C H J- Geo Abbott & Co vs Samuel G Wbeolcr
JV1, Dewitt
Craig for use of Wm H Miller vs Miller 4- Drown
William Weideuhamer vs John McMathew
John Wagner vs Jacob Dresler
Jonathan Duukleberger vs John Bumford,
James 8 Marsh & Covs Jacob Westley
Abraham Dunkel vs Juhn llnttenstein
Mary H Geland'a heirs vs Northern Central Rail
Road Company.
Invito attention to tlicir Slock of
Prime Green and Dlack Tea.
June in, IR6t.
jar iuslxu: jioi
13. Tf. BRIGHT &. SON,
IV (JlCE is hereby given ibnl the several
' Courts of Common Pleas, General Quarter
Sessions of the peace, and Orphans' Court. Court
of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery,
in and for the county of Northumberland, to
commence at the Court He use, in the borough oi
Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, the
fifth day of A UCUti T, next, and will continue
The coroner, Justices of the Peace and cousin1
bles in and for the county of Northumberland, are
requested to be then and there in their proper per
sons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, and
other remembrances, to do those things to their
several ollices appertaining to be done. And all
witnesses prosecuting in behalf of tho Common1
wealth aguinst any prisoner are also requested and
commanded to be then and there attending in their
proper persons to prosecute against him, as shall
be just and not to depart without leave at their
peril. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their
attendance, at the lime appointed agreeable to
their notices
Given under my hand at Sunbury, the 1st duy
of July, in the year of uur Lord one thous
and eigh' hundred and sixty-one and the
Independence of the United States of America
the 8blh.
God save the Commonwealth.
Sheriff's Office, Sunbury, )
July 6,1861.
To the Voters of Northumberland County.
FELLOW CITIZEN'S: From the encour
agement I received from ditlcent parts of the
county, I oiler myself as a caudidute fur the
office of
subject to tbe usages of the democratic party, and
if elected, will perform the duties justly and im
partially to the best of my ability.
Lower A ugusta township, June 0lh, ISIil.
Subject to the Rule and Usages of the Demo
cratic Partv.
A Ar I)
Splendid Inducements
P "J ? C H i.
To Uie Voters of Northutidterlaud
I oiler myself s a Union Candidate fot
tbe office of ASSOCIATE JUDGE, at the neM
election, should I be elected, I pledge myself
to perform tbe duties of tbe office In the best of
my ability. JOHN DUNHAM.
Northumberland, Mny 4, 1U1. lo
himself to the Demo1
A Merited Compliment -The Philadelphia
North American pajB the following well mer
ited compliment to au indefatigable oujcer and
worthy gentleman :
"Mr. 'I homos A.Scott, Vice Presided of
the Pennsylvania Iiuilrnad, returned from
Virginia yesterday, to this city. Mr. Kjolt
bus been appointed by ibe Government to re
construct the almost demolished railroads in
Virginia over which tbe Federal troops and
munitions are to be carried into the rebel
cuuotry. When the first rush of soldiers found
Its way to the Pennsylvania Hailroad, Mr.
Soolt erected a line of telegraph to ti e Gov.
ernor's rooms at Harrisbtirg, and there sat
night and nay, with watch in band, superin
tending the ruuning of the trains, exhibiting
powers of endurance literally astonishing iu
so moderate a physique Ha is now in charge
of all tbe railroad lines in possession of the
Government that lead to Washington. The
work of reconstructing tbe damaged roads is
so rapidly progressing that the rebels are al
ready taking to consternation and dismay
VY bile a publication of all that has been dune
would be improper, it is well lo say tbat nn-
der uo exterior of extreme modesty, Mr. Scott
bas pertoriued tasks ol the greatest impor
tauee to the Government, aud that no man on
tbe side of the Union in Ibe present crisis
baa rendered more valuale aid to Gen. Scott
than bit Philadelphia oamesake."
FLECTION RerURK of thr twelfth
To tha Democratic Voters of Northum
berland County.
1 HAVE been induced to permit my name to
- be used in connection wilh the nomination
fur the LEGISLATURE, at the ensuing Demo1
cratic primary election.
The solicitation of many warm personal friends
in both ends of our county have prevailed with
uie iu Ibis matter and should they e proper to
nominate and elect me, il will I inv pleasure, as
well as a duty, to piomote the interests aud
prosperity of my own constituents, as well as of
the State and country at lurge.
Turbut township, July 6, 1861.
Catharine Snyder, "j In the Courl of Common
vs. y Pleas of Northumberland
Wm. L. Dowart. J county.
ffllE subscriber offers
cratic oters of Northumberland county, as
a candidate for the office of. COUNTY THE A-
SUIiKIi, at the next primary election, (Subject
to the decision of the Countv Convention.
Delaware twp, June 8, INut.
Ar j nii nfc!;, fr'tl lft, 'Mi !
r'iiitl'dni:i't Ait jf'ti cull if
oi'i-'t with j .Mir i-tfm rts
r)itf'"1. )wur failing un
rotui'ii'tuM' f J'l:i so t-vmvj
- Fj"LVAt,Jrr" -ft f' !"n,n ic oil -n tli pt-liiil" Kt
''-r -C' "r,-.". '-i A n) ii'!s ! cm '-,iNi itjittii yor.
moly n.-i tte n. t l iim,-
tvlj. Tul-e Aji s ril.-,. tmil
Cu?i.- c. r:r: ; iu- pv "
, vV'W slniel- J r-.lll. win.
-V-1' F'i" . .S?'V T!iv H'.imul-Oe t. fuu-olMrt
.vJfc.J''i hryl ."' of leu l-"Jy ii. m vtv,-i"i no
-vt:Fatj! .' - : tii,l inn ily IU xytou ll"B
No. 28 April Perm 18BI, Vend. Exponas,
JOTICE is hereby given, lo all persons in in
J v tercet, that the undersigned A uditor, appoint
ed by the said Court, to distribute the funds re
maining in Court, arising from the above writ,
will attend for that purpose, and all others, al his
office, in Market street, Sunluiry.on Tuesday the
2:id of July. Ibbl, when all may attend if ihey
think proper,
liAnKIM rAl.VIliK, Auditor,
Sunbury, July G, IKK I.
HAVING pun-based the store formerly kept
by A. W. FISCHER, be would ie.ectfullv
call tbe attention of the public to his well select.
ed stock of
Lox-irne county,
Columb a,
M notour,
Uandall'i vote
Wright's msj'ititj
Tbe cheuput and moat duraula RoaSng iu use. It it Fire
ana it aier rruoi.
It cnn he applied In new and old Rnofa of nil kinds, and
to trtiiigie wiumui reinuving me sningica.
Tho Cost is only about One-Third that
Of liu, una it is twice as Durable.
For preaeving and repuiring Tin and other Meuil Konfa of
every deucnplinit, Iruul life gieul elaiiticity, la not injured
by the ctinlrucllou alio elunanin ! uiclala, aim will uog
ciurlt in cld or iuii iu wuiiu wiuUirr.
1 lieae inuleriula liuva bicu thoroughly tested in Naw
York and all puna ol the Soulhein and t'valern Stnlra,
and wa van give ttuuiuUuljiouf uf all we cim ut Ihcir
TLeyara readily applied bv of inary labor i a, at a lri
nnx vxpenaa
Thraa iralrrMtaara not un reartv for uu. and tnr ahln.
ping mull parts uf II country, With fall pimied dirwt una
for applu-utinii.
Kaildtacnpiivteirculaia wiH ha furiilahari om annlira.
ticai hy mall ! Iu paraonat our Prnwipal Omo and Warv
hoos.. 7 Wl 1,1,1 am 8TKEET, (Uoriw of Libwiy
. - I0BNS4 ccLEY
AtTi Wiinaa V Terms Cash ! !
J - 1 l) 1)
Oils, Dye-Stufts, arnnshea, Perruniery,
Ailiclcs, Cue Hair nnd Tooth 15 rushes.
paiicv tfoapa, 'l'iuaes, &c.
J'bysiciaiia Prescription and Family Heceipt
accurately compounded at all houra, by an rxpe
rienced Druucist and Apothecary.
KEMEMI3EK the (lare, under tha office of
the "Siiii'ury American."
Suiiburv, Jon 22 161. 3moa
Cored Mantles,
Poplin Dukters,
French Koquea,
bilk ltaaqoiiies,
Newest Designs. Zi'esdt Made, or Mode to Order.
8. K. Comer Ninib and Market, Philadelphia.
Mav 18. I Kfi I .
ON the naturt1. Iiraiilif nt, and mdieul cms of sperma
Iniriireu. or Im-iiiiuhI Wi-iiknu. Srxuul llehilny, Ner
votiaui'as and invilunUiry einihai ,is, inaueing inipoteiicy,
and Menial and riiyaual liH-upaeily
Auihoiofthe 'Green Hi 'k,"o.
Tha world-renownrd author, in this adiuiruhte Ieturet
clearly proves lintn Ilia own experience I hut the uwlu,
Vonit-quriirrB il hetf-ahuiie ntuy he tlltctuiilly reiiiovtd
with -ul meitieute aud without riiiiixeious aurii-iil opera,
lions, hougtea, austruineule. rmga or o..r,fieta, peintiua out
s nvUl cure al ou,e oeifuin and effectual. Ly which
very auffer, uo iiuiuer w hut hia eonrtnn-n niy be, limy
euiehlHiaeir cheanlv.privelty and radttuilly. ThoUM!tuiO
Vi lli prove a h-'H to thiuMndsHnd Ihouauuda
etetil under aeal, in a plain envelope, to address, post
paid, on the receipt of two postage stamps, by addressing,
Br.CH. i. C. KUNE, U' Bowery, New York.
Tost Ofiics bo 4,5.
Apulto, 1801 ly Pl
Sunbury, June 15, IbBi.
sunbury' steam ferry
A N D T V I N ti U O A T C O M P A N Y.
'BIiA VKI.EEK8 and others ore lespectf.illy
-"- inlonned that the eul ecriher, in ntdt-i lo he
coinmodute the nnblic and fucilitnte travel li s
reduced the rates of ferriage ut bis STEAM
l-'Eltlv V, over the fuiiquchunna, at Suiiburv, and
will carrv Pimsenners, Horses, Cai ri ;i e, and
oilier vehicles, at the following rates, iz :
Foot Passensers, each fi cents.
Home and Holer, 15 "
Horse and A'lint'y, 'iH "
Two-Horse Conveyance, 4'J "
Farriii rs und others, wishing to transport Coal
and Produce, cuu inukt ariangcinetits at still
lower rates.
A lare, safe and commodious Slcnniboat will
rnn regolutly and promptly ul all hours of the
day, and to accoiiunoilale those v. ho desire to at
tend the Churches ut Sunbury nnd Sciiunjrove,
the Li oa I will lull on Sunday,
The Steiiiuhoul will run from Muiket Street
Wart, and promptly convey Pnstcugcra from
both sides ot the itiver, without delay.
The Steam Perry now utl'ords not only a safe
and convenient transit over Ibe Susiiuehuiinu,
but also a pleasant and agreeable ride.
1KA T. Cl.EM EVP Lessee mid Piuprielur.
Sunbury, May lstil,
New Millinery Goods.
Fawn Sim t, tico Joum miulli oj the Shamukin
Yullty ,y I'otttrillc J.'ciil UfitiiP
1 EUPECTKL'LI.Y infonns the citizens of
SIINIjL'UV sod vicinitv. that she has inst
received from Philadelphia u liuc," und si leiulid
ussortuient of the uiost Jashionuble and latest
sly I t of
1X1 QD J OH tci3 GS3 ,
which she is selling at the most reasonable prices
'lo which she direels the attention of the ladles
and inviies all to call and see them.
Thankful for past patronage, she hopes by
keeping to best assortment ut reasonable prices
to continue the same.
Sunbury, April 13, 1 8P 1 3m
' JAMES B A 11 li E R ' S
8. E. Corner Second and Chestnut U.t
Ct, IlOtt lX, II Ul !v hf. t.t'lliitiMt; M 'Utr . I Hrli -I . A-C.
Aito, Mmiururturrrttj KINK .Ul.D l'liNs.
C))a?k rt-utirctt ttikd wiirajiLr4.
ri'trb Ti inimii-gE oi every dtKiiiptinji,
I'biUutiriiia, JftiiUJjy It, tbfl.-3y
Itu? a -Mi ti'-liniii tt;-ii lt w.n
dlrttnui. A col '1 KfitMiH in.niMUi. rj in ih bulv. ahI
n"li i.;)n Its uMluml fuN.U.i.i.i. 'J li".s-, if n I i;Ji--.fa,
rwicl iifxin lhi-itiwh. nn.l muiMHtMlinK 0 (,ui.l, pia-
(lllPilR ftilt rVtI.Ui, HMT.-l inK. hn (UAtHiMt.
Whilln tliin roriiHtH'it, ('fMHv'., by lln ivKimHuiMH
Ultn Aynr'n I'ill--. nn 1 rva itlrnntly lli"jf lttt U.i
nntuiiii n.-ti)'i tr tiio flt hti'l Vltit It Uii l-tiitynt
li'lliv nt It. -filth iisittt. Wlmt )s trim nuil . nftruiit in
Vv tii ii.i unit -.imtiifMi CMpUiul. U h1i tui- in many
of Ihn il.u( I Ji1 nmi ilrttii-on-HH (liflniitiKirn. 1nf MUifl
purjxntlv" i;ii:t oxfH'ln tli-m. (tt 'l liy "lintlur flti nc
ti'ttiH iih'l ilnrniti;iiiiHilM of ihn nnltintl lunctji)tii i f
li mIv, th y Hit r;i).H unit ninny ut lliatii utiroty, Mtitiil
liy MinstMii'i innriTi. win Itnt-w tit.- rh tu' ! i!.-it
I'illn, vilt iiftj.'!n:t to 0l)ifl0 tiiwit iJ huil-T'i.jj U jih
tlio cli-(ii dim ihv.v run'.
Ht.ltoiihiiitH fr Iwiilii'-' v1i,'-i"H i-i Knap or tltf i-jlur-, nul IliX.I LtlKT v.lM l.uowu nibUu
Pium a Hnwitfivfl JWcr?uiif if SI. Is-uls, Vb. i,
Dit. Yiiuv WIN nr llm arn;v rf ell tli'it in
p'-out in iiuOii inc. Tin y liavi' cin l tu? I i 1 1 l.nthur
ol ulperous HuitH n;inn h'r lnm.N itit'l li-t tlij.t li?. 1 pi.)V(U
incnniMo Tut yi;irn. llor tintthnv Mi (cei h t;-iav-imihIv
iVIHrti-d wilh iilnti'li ninl titiipt -n i Hi;ii timl
iu licr hrtir. Alter ctir ctuM wjw ciiry.I, hbo ttisJ ti'.uU
y.'Ut I'iII-t, fitiil litoj liuvu cnuni lu-r.
As r Fnmlly PhyHlr.
Prom Ut: .. II. nirtwriyht, Mw Orient.
Tnrr riMi mo the iriiiq of Their ntrllct.t
qinitiii flurprw iinv ("ilh.n tir v.-i 1nia-"i,s. FJ i-',v tiro
in, hi, bwt viiiy tt;ihiiii mitt ''ih't'-hml hi tht-ir iitii'ii on tU
t'owoiff. which iipiki-.i tlK-iii inviilutiblo to u iu Uu it:iy
ticuliii' iit of (li-t fisj.
IlcaducIiv.Stf lI n(1nrlir,Fott1 mtoittaeli i
Prom Vr. J 'land ISt, b-tl'iiitme. j
pMnllro, Avni: Icmin-'i ntiMver ynu n-JW C'lmjilnluti i
1 h.tvo ntra-t witli yn ('ills usu-:r Uw In nay till that vx j
dcipe on fin crf n:ti! il cnilrufii in my tht'ty t-onlcit villi
flirtpnio. litnl I i x in.x ns I tlo tlmt y.-up i'ills ulluid US tlitj
tost vu li;ive, 1 of cuu i so vtilim thum highly.
PirropTT.n, Mny 1,
T'R. .T. C. Atpb, Hlr; T !i;ive bcfti rf pi-ntfiily rurpil rf
tli" worst ti iitlttvtt dtiy 1"'dy r.m liiivi hy n Aim -r two
of yonr I'ills. It fi'iiia to nriso lion it fuil itcinacb,
txliich tlu'V rhinn-'f ut one'.
Voiiiii with great icni sct, I'D. W. TMU.nT.n,
fit rk of Si- nnrr t 'htri-m,
Iillloim Plsorilcru T.tvcr C oinplninta.
Pmm lr. Titninre H 'l. of X, in Vrk Vit.
Not only fuo your rilUfulinlriiMv n'lupU'il to thefc pur.
prwH a mi nptuiont, 1 nt I liiol their l-fnt-rn inl ririTts upon
tho l,iv-r vim mailit ii iinl-t l. 'J h- y in ny prac-
ticu ptovvil in-ire eift.'itunl i'or tho imo of bJtont c?n
yhu'nt. tlmu any otm lviiimly 1 can HH.-ntidii. 1 t-incert-ly
rfjoif that w lintu ul l- rith h initiative which is wur
thy tha cuutidciico oi' (he piufv-nf-iou unit lliu iuiilu.
l'rl'At'-TMJ NT OI T1!B iNTEtlton,
Vl-tiili;t... I. l. 7th Ih., 1&;m1. T Iistp ihix! ymir r,ll in my Ken'-rul nn.l
priii'tue i'. vi' Min e oli lltiulu t!ii!i'i,nU cannot hesitate to
pny lln-y mm tlm l.-Ht. ruihai tie we cmph y. 'ili"ir reRU
hi.imr a. lion on thu Iivit i oui -k nul de'-i'U-d, cuio-
iHt.-ntly Ihey ate un inlinhnhlo luim-'Iy tor ileiiiiii'iui-iiM
ol u.itil. liuleeil, I Imve H. I'l-rtM louii'l u cise ul"
hit f mt diM.ttc fo ulitiuitU! thut il ili'l in' t l'-ii'lily yiehl to
them. iiutiiiniily ymiiH. Al.i: , lSAl.b, M. ..
J'iisiciau of t.Uc Mamie JivxpiiuU
Dysentery, DIui-vIiosa, Ittlnx, Woi-iuh.
Pi out Dr. J. C. Orroi, "J Oiiioo,
Your I'ill.s Imve uv ti Iciir li til in my pnrffro, nnd I
liohl l Ihiii in e-'ti-i'in us one ui the b'.-Ht njn rii-uts I hnvo
i-r K-imil. Thoir ltt;iutio i-ltecl ui-n the liu-r ni'ilu-i
thum mi t'xeell.-nt ifim'il.v, wh-n iv.-n in stiiiill (hi-n i..r
b.ii'nis t';s' ii'i ry nni l '.ri't'ii. '1 h"ir f-n tru --r Al'ur
iiiulvi s 1 1 it u i ci it'-L'r,(Hhlti nii'J cjintuiunt lur the uoj
uf woitK'ii mi'i clindun,
1j kim i.iu, Imiurly of the lilood.
Prom lit v, .. I". llmus i 's! -r tf AJvcttt Church, Huston.
J)n. Avr.ii: I lirive used yout I'ilhith extra mlipury
pnci'e-H in my fiuitily nnd amoni; thu!-'1 1 ttin ealh-d to virit
in ilistrerih. To iiiiliito the orm of diuestion und
pHiify ti n Mood, they me lii vi h-t, renit-ity 1 havo
vit known, and, 1 can cunti-h-miy loci-ininend tli -m to
Uiy rrifiidM. Yours. J. V. UIMKa.
Waiwaw, Wyomliiff Po., N. Y.. Oi-t. 'Jl, 155.
T)rn Sin: 1 inn urdnir vour Ctithnrlic I'illn in inv t-ruC-
tice. uiil find them hit exe tlhriit piiryutiU) to ileuiibn tho I
niml ljmt ion. nxH vi-iri, Supf.i e.ilon,
lliciiiiintisiu, ;ou, jNcurnlgiUf Oiop-
y , i'ui-RlynlM. Fits, vie.
Pn.m lr. J. J'. 'tit'i'.fi, .V'-iilrft. C union.
Ton lum-li nmnot he i-iid of jn:r t'.-r the cvre of
C'.sl'niu,-n. It Llh' iH of tun- fiiitemitv linve li-imd them
nn etVu-Tit i' tis n I Irn th.-y slioiihl jnili inu in lii ocluiiii
inj; it r-r the iK-neUt of tho multitude who sull'- r lioiu
Dud eoinpiiiiht, which, iilthoiih had iu if be If, Is
tliM pro-enitor nf i t hern lint me wuto. 1 helieve ms
tt mints tnorij;iu:ittt in th' liver, hut J uur l'illti ullect thut
orguu aud cure the diaoasu.
Prom J.fc.'. . ttmtrt, Physic fan an-l Mi-hrift, Jtl m,
T tlud on" or two birjr 'Inwn of your Pills. tiil.t-n at tha
proper line?. r m ll- nt pi -iiuutiVin of the vnttirni tvn.
tion i i - 1 1 win! I y r p;iriiully Mitprf.-B''d, ami no ery
tilffi'tutil to ch'fiw.-.r the ."H(it'.i mid f.'W c nut. They
Hie h i iimi'li the )'-( physic Uu huvu that I li U.ti.'.ud
jio oihcr t'j my p:iiieiitn. ;
Prom th V.-e. Dr. If,- M.V.Ott ?';.,. Oi.'iirh.
Pn.iVRt II M' - K. f-ti a II lid il , 1 :ia. i' TIM. ''. J'.M'
IldVOTttMi Mi:: I tihould bt inr.-m HI lur ih i li f
your f-Uill hn ti -ht mo if I did nut r- p 1 1 my c.we tn
ynu. A cold n. -tiled in inv limb ; ntid hr-.iuht "il i:tru
rhlt ilirf'f! 'i "f-S whih cn.I. , in rh-'Hi-- th'Kii-tt-tism.
Notui'li-lili dim; 1 h id th- Le-t of ph .-i.-imii. tho
lii-i'ii-e fjrew Wi'ie mi l m m-, hi I il hy t t.e iulMi'e i-f yi-ur
exi-illetit a-ent in li;ilinioi I'r. Ma. heui'1. I tiic.i jour
Pill, 'i h-ir flTeer- were HnW, hut Miri'. Hy ptlbC-ei ina
in (he ii.-i,i nt Uiein, 1 am n-w .niiu'iy veil.
Si:nte f'HAMiD.ii, I!ouru, I.n.. o Pv. 1vfi.
Vv., A veil : f h;ivo h.-n i-iiilretv cm.-.i, hy . ur I'i'N. f
Ph.-iiiii -tic (i'U li painful (lni;i-o that h id af ii'-'i i Hit-
fer year-. I.Nt'L.NT fcl.UiJd-
Jtns-M. vt r,f t!i.. PdN iM niiirV-d r.tilain Terniry.
wli-. h, ;d:h"iih a vmIu.-iM- r. ii. i'y in skillnl h ui. U. is ill 11 p;i--;e p;i, fl-'UI the diea-lfld f'-'.-riie-(j
tjt ii. i-s that fte iU'-ntly f-jilorf it ii.i-.mti' U-; n--1. Ih-ae
C 'Utain no ijHMvuiy or liiite-ial ti: 1 i!i ii
Prico, 25 cents per Box, or 5 TJoxs for tl
Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER 6o CO., Lowell, Mass.
Soh hv I'ri!n fr Gin-it, and A. W. V eli-r, t'ml nrv
J V. i.!I w unci C. llrowu. Mdtt ii; Ut Wem-k, Mr.
l.v--nsd e ; II eiiVnyilr-r V i'litiniiititi, Tuit tiv.i!e ; K. li.
.Mi'Ccv, N. iiliuiiilii rliiiid und hy !)tulti cverywlieie.
April 'JM, l-hl Iv
Ut tho
TashionaMe Tailoring Establishment;
ninrktt Rlrc-il, M IIS JV. I'a.
HTMIE siilisirilicr htw jul rn:i ivcil nml o)-rrifil
-- l.irue flssarlmi-iit
MKH liOOIif. fu'h es
01' I) VERY DKst'lill'TKi.N A- QUALITY.
Plain and Fancy Cassimeres, Testings, 6c
uf Uie lutfst tt li s. In uililiti.m M liio nuck lit
in ct'iiiilaiilly rei-i i'ii.g ln w hii lua Irmii ll.c ritv
ki't-'iiiK u liill uHMHlinciit ul ll.e mmt nulittiinliitl
utul latest uHlo i.f lloi.ils in tlm rity n.iirki'i.
lie ii iri'-ur.-.l to iimke to uriii-r nil kinds of
(Yn'.li iumiV mi'l iia' wri. , .liCSi us
uni:ss i oats, r liocK.i'OATs, bum-
AUtfsi.COA i s, YKSTS. I'A.NTA
LOON1. Af.. Ac.
of the vrrv liitrst style, at.J ill the niit auljitun
llul inuiiiit-r, ul l.rt iiotii-o.
Any (io.uls not on liutiil, will ! furnislit-.l
from i'liihoU-ll'liiii,lV i;iiii tw.i dny'a liuti,-.1.
Cull mill i xan.iiio my t-luck, no ili.iigi-s
nmiio tliuvving.
jACua o. bi;ck.
Sunlittrv. MV lljlffil
SOLO.tlO. ill A J.I til,
Attorney at Lav;,
SUNBURY. ITorilium'ocrlund Co., Va
(l'lirmeily I'rwl irn. ! r.Uililv )
Ol'TK'H. Murki i r-'iii-i t. a li i i-m-i ul tin-Koillit-ru
C'tiitral ll.ilmuJ li- "' "I'd t
ili'iira w i st of tli I'to-I 1 iliit'O.
All llusincts, Collrcliotia, iVc.
v-ill iL'tiive iroti)il nllcntio.i.
. Mun-h UO, lUlil,
GOODS QZi.12jr-E12Tl
limn can l iuri:l,icj elnrwhtra.
Jiifit io. pivc.l ,y hni'r-inj ihia week.
ki:mi:.mukr i ass,
rnor::' tiy
feunl.uij, I',..-rni!-M 15, 1H0O.
J .
SlioulJ li in rvry family. School. tjyrmiRiii
um, . Altnn, nml llontsl in tho lan.l. Aie
not lSOKIli)(JM, like Uie coininnu Hocking
Horse. MhimIh llrm on itu I'euVatal, will not
wenr OAKl'liTd, nnd lm no Hocltcn to injurs
I he Fi-i-t.
'Ili-alth und Ii0.pini)ss in Hid surna mdrlia.,: N P. Willis
st V'-r-j
"Of nil the rhild-furnituro wo have ever en
no nrticlc combine so morh of those two impor
tuiit tliines health oml hnnijineaii a the Ail
jllflllilR 1'ilti nl Slpr-I Spring SaJ.JI. Horse, in-
vcntitil tiy .li'ssc A. uraininll, li i nor nnnger.
ons, like a common rock'niR-hornc, to children's
f,.-i-t, cannot be npwi, does not wenr carpfte. hu
stands firm on i: base, und its action i o liki
the n illo'i of live horse thut tho child neve
h eiirics of it. Tins iiUMil of rliild novellics ia ex
cecdinttly i-lrpant otid artistic in de-icn ; nnd
ocljust-ible, Biiliftanli:il, nnd dunilile, that it wi
lust a lifetime. It is indispensable in evei
family where there are children. It ahould I
in every i.riiiinry i-eliool nnd pymnnsium in l
country, us it can he made large nnd strag
3nou;.''.i to mi.tain crown persons. As a pedrsnl
fnr jliulogiapliic pictures, nothing ia more hcuti
ful. "Every Oiphnn Asylum and Institution ieri
children are coiiji-ecuted, should be fuiBshcl
with a number of these beautiful articles. They
are fitted wilh side-saddles when required.'
the after part of the base sudiciently to sllow tt:o
axle lo p,o in its place ; then raise or Iawer
Horse lo suit you. Screw the bolts in the ido
very tiuht.
VST These Horses are VAI!UAFTi:L r.e
March 1G,
lflil. tf
ri'HKSUM.MKK Ti:R.M of Uie guuLmy Academy will
1 cuiiiineiK-t1 en tticStli ..(' April. . .
'I'lie eniiim1 ol embraces e-Verv oepori
nit'ut t.f idiictiti"!! t.iuglti in our Ltst Ai-aileiniua, or"pun"l!
fiiMti-uiti one eitlier t'or a uruit-sbioiiorto enter uny cit& ::i
TKUMS ri.ll ((L'ARTEK.
Common Svluol llnn.fhi.'H, tM 00
lll(.-.u r l'l -jlo-li Himr-li-s, i U)
l.-.u.fl nml GtLtl: l.itnt;iiiiiL'H. 7 (SI
Tuiti'-ll I" t-eivud hL-t'- rc- t'le Mii'l'-l.-of Ihc t--:m.
): :.;'! t:t' !'.-iuiU m i-rivuLo t.iiii..ics ut ll.ini-1
5-2 I'J i-cl Wi"ik.
Sunbun , .March Cii, I; 00.
"li io
A K E li E 1
SKicti Fisnrid Kareges, 19, 25 aud :il ciuts,
.... ..... . i a r. ii..
JSarege Kotien. 5J OU, Hi ou aim T"
Muzaiuhiu.u itobis alio UU,
'i'ravelini; i)itia Ciouds,
Hln pliard'a I'laida, Mohair riaida.
liinitliaiii', Lawns, l'riula, Chdlliea,
(in v Figured Couls,
I't'OI'l'.H A. CON ART),
8 11 rorutr Niulh and Ma'ket, I'liilad.-lpbia.
N 11 lii.t iju.lity lioi-V Shirts M .'it to
M-y H, tesG 1.
uo voir tv.ivr wsii.s.tajus.
DO Vul WANT A iliOl'STACIli:?
EJt'IIiithaui' Celt bra Jt. I
For the VI:isl:ers itud Hair.
Tii"Silln.f.'rl!iTi t il' (il-..tri: i . t J.iiiiOuttL: r.v to th fit;-Zi-iis
o I tiiu I mint ir;;r., tlir;L l;.... I, ic ui-UOMrit tliu
Arnii y . i j t.i id iru i. nv t ii.-il-in! l u ilVt u II. o A n:i-l !i cm
tiiiilic, u.c ai.uvc .uia'ly ttlct.iu'.ii; una vvurlil-iu.iowiivi)
Tic i.'i.u.'im'i.,v Onrjuent.
is iTt-piuuil l,y I'r. I". I l.fii't.iMiii. un emuiunt 'i)Slc:uti
ft Ml. lillEi IS MllMUflltOl ' lllil "UtaUllfLscl Ot
hi'rft I ')' M lil'lllCliC.
m from tine, t " six wi 'vf. Tl.e ariitie is ilis only one
ui tiie l.i'i-; mot l.y Hit-I'rcn'.ti, in LuiMjii auj 1 a
11 il in Ill uiuvi rs,;. iio
Jt :a ii tj. 1 1.'. 1 1 H n i c'i 1. f.iolliijig, yet stiinulntir
i-.-mp Mllul, I'ci i:iki as II l' U!iii:i uj' 'li Uie I l , ei- JM'. a
l.Cii'l.-'ul j-t-iv. Ul i-l i - u I' I : : 1 . 1 I or l';nij'ilt.-ll 1(1 lilt-S:lt:p,
I Vli'l l-i.ri.- OHlom-w, Hint -u-:ri- to KTlliB Up III .lave l
li..- b;i!i' sj'. linn liu.: fcr.'Wili i ! li.iii A,;.l:t-.i !-( dlntr
t i iliil'fii.'hs it vvol tuui u'l ir I w l.ior .lioii, anil ii-sl.iti
p.;, ImU i,. i'"i, Maviiis n utt, ain-u.-.h, ui d
Il'-Mulf. 'I'lIC '-4 Mimit'lll1 U HU llllll-il-ll'-.! 1C HCit-U' 111
.i-t-iyi:. iiil' iiiioi's I .it'. i. ml nlli-r .'nt- wi-ek's use tlicy
m!. I "ii. I nnv foiiijtilerdtli-il 1C W'lil"Ut It.
j-;, y ,!..rriliis .-mi Uie ".-i'y f"r tin. tirlielf in
tin- I. r.ile.l Stat'.n, to wli.uu 'ill muYrH must hr itit.lit-sjclt.
I'rirutliiH Di.Uiir H liux t'r fc.i'e Ly hII llruetrisra mi-t
lleali-rs : or H t.:ix of tl'-"l Inum-nl" (warruiitnl Ii. tiave
llir (U-aiitd tll-.-i: ) will be sent to any wiio liisnv il, by
il. ilirn-l. si-i-iiu-ly I'.icki-e, mi rt-ceii t of pi ice am! St
at'.?, si. Is. App.J I" or i.i'iln-sH
DiuL-si.ti, Ac, .1 Wii.iuin fii., New .k.
ror-.-il at tliiN ullicL'. ,
Waich Jl, IMil.
5" lie or Dentil The subscriber tuke
3 J pleasure in nnnouiu-itiii that tlicy are now
I n I ar. d tn mail (free) to those who wish it.
copy of an important little work, by the late Ir.
lira in lon, entitled "The Invalid' Medical Ooli
lidaut," published for the benefit, and as a warn
iinj to oui'U men and prison who auhVr from
Nervous lb-bility, 1 re m u I in e llecay, &c, &.C,
Hipplyin? the means ol seif core. '1'he reader is
iiTcsisiibly led In compare a useful lile wilh an
ignoble ib ath.
la adi-r, loa not a mnnient, hut tend your a l
diet s for a copy ut this little work. A dure, s inn
i'ui'lbl.i is
DR JOHN O'iDEX .t t'O.
H .V U6 John 8t., New York.
May 1, 1PB1-. 3rnoa
Crylirais' Court Sale-
i iirsuniice ol nu ui.Ii r of the Urphan toi-ri
I Not'b.'iinbi-iluioi em. iiiy, will n exp.'i.j
to j ui li'- sail', on tl. pu inibcs, on !-turi3jy, tbi
-.'illi daj ut J I I. V, next, all tbat ccrlMin Tract
,.r t'n uf LAN D, t,:i;aie i iitlyin .Shamukin
i '.iwin-bip, and purity iu 'ot. tiivvtiship, Norlhuir1
' licilooJ Hint)', I Vim---1. Uania. bt'iiiuled bv land
I o! Mar.iu tia.-s, bindsum ve.l to Dbrdiah t'an.p-
.!,'!. ti TiisWi-rti.. It'ibert Tagcail, J.ihli Mil.
i ler, and 'i't."iii 1! iioili-Hi . vm:Uiiirn! V'.uir lint..
Idied and 'i'wi-titj -l;ikiil Acres and Fiftv una
I pert hea of I.i.t.d tod sHowuiu-e, be the stii
i more or li s... lai loe proije.ty.ot' CktUtWii K
! 1-el, di Ceased.
! Sale lo to'iiinenre al Ht o'lirnk, A. M ,nfsiJ
day, when tbe Mm und ronditions uf sai iil
be made known by
Is A A C .N . H A 1E. AJin'i.
j By order uf Court,
j J, H. MAiSEIt, Clk. O. C.
i hunlury, May 4, I Hi I.
TTNflOV SHADES. A wry fine aid
cluap assorlm.ilit, just loreivej by pjii
road from i'e Voik, at the Mammoth stoie ti
Filling 4 Uiuut. Ve have alao lor sale H.i.
riiliiain X. Co' alt d l'uliiil J'siic'uioua
L'uilaiu I utuus.