Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, July 06, 1861, Image 3
Winx $t c to s. THE REBELLION. IMPORTANT FROM WASHINGTON. Wahuhotos, Jone 28. A lotrnp &nmtr of eighteen years, bas bo rtMledl tbo Micbigan Kegimeot. be cf 8 her ume ns Mica KinRsbury, end said ! wan a native of Washington O.ty. Upon fccr person was foood no accurate digram or ib fortification on Sbortei'e Hill, lb" posi tion of the guns being marked, as well as the week point. Bho bad bwa permitted to remain in tbe vicinity tot aome day, but suspicion being aroaoed, was arrested. She it in close custody. Among the other raymesters who are now tending to their duties, enucb to tbe delight of the soldiers, who lor o niauy weeks have been oot or fuuds, it tba iino. David Taggart f yoor State. Tbe first official duty assign ed to biin was the payment of tbe Thirteenth KegimeDl or New York Volunteers, Colonel (i,uimby, stationed at Camp Union, a onlo or two west of Fort Corcoran, on the way to Hull's Cross Roads and Falls Church. Washington, Jona 28. Yesterday after, noon, Captain Ward, of the U. S. steamer Freeborn, landed twenty-five men in boats at Matthias I'oiot, Va., about forty miles below Washington, on the l'otomoo river. Tbe lutentioo was to erect a battery to command Ihe Point. This was on the Virginia eie or Ibe titer, and the place hid been previously reconnoitred, ns it was thought there might been a Rebel force there. The following is believed to be tbe correct version of the engagement : It appears the Freeborn was off the I'oint reconnoiteriog, und discovered indications of a movement lor erecting batteries at the Point by Rebel Boltlier. On Wednesday night last Captain Ward Bent np to tbe Pawnee, at Aquia Creek, do e.tiog Captain Ower.i to send bim a rein torcemeul uf the boats' crews. Two small uutters, with their crews, were therefore sent down to the Freeborn, nodor Lieutenant Chaplin, and with them Captain Ward despatched a boat uud crew fruui the Free born, numbering in all from thirty to forty men. Lieutenant Chaplin ye?terJay morning effect ed a landiug, and succeeded hi driving in the Rebel pickets. Knidii'g preparations for the erection of a Rubel buttery there, it wait detet mined to throw op breastworks and mount uns thereon, to give the enemy a warm reception should tbey tittacl: the crews. Accordingly, men were set to work, oniler cover of the Freeborn's guns, tit thruning op handbag breastwork, uud succeeded in work ing lour hours and a half, getting tboirworka completed about live o'clock in tin) evening. They then went to their boats, intending to go on board of the Freeborn lor guns to mount u tbe works, when ut the mo merit of tMnbarking, they were surprised by a force t f the Rubeis, estimated at I rum a thousand to til'teen huudred strong, wbo poured a heavy aud coutinuous lire ol ' musketry upon tbem (ruin bushes uear by. Uudtr cover of tbe Freeborn's guns, they reached that steumer, leaving a lew of the meu on shore, tbe guns et the Frueborn meanwhile opening with activity and precision apparently upou the enemy, who were con cealed by uuderbrush. About ten- shells were thrown among them but with what eOuct could not be seen oning to tbe eDmi's posi tion. Cupluin Ward behaved with grunt coolness standing by thu guus and directing their Gre, when a gunner received a wouud m the thigh which disabled bun. Captain Ward immedi ately look bis place, and was sighting the gun uLeu he received a Mime musket bull full in the breast which killed bun almost inptantly. The men left od shore by the boats in their retreat, enaui out to tbo Freeborn, one of them carryiug on his back a wounded com rude uauied Hess, who bnd received lour musket balls, aud was thought mortally wouoileJ. Jack Williams, Coxswain cf the third cutter, received a flesh wuund while waving the Stars and Stripes, which he had carried in his hand during the whole affair, liuhaviug inobt gallantly under the hottest tire. Tbe Atnencau ensign, which be nnxeus mt'ly waved, wus pierced with nineteen ruus Lot 'alls. Duly three of the men iu the boats were wounded, ihe only tile lost was that of the (jalltiot Ward, who, tbo moment the enemy was discovered, blew the signal for the boat's crews to come ou board, and instantly opened on the foe with bis heavy guns. A s'.uve bclongiag to Dr. Howe approach ttd thu shore with a while shirt on a pole and getting on board the Freeborn, informed ('upturn Wurd tbat the enemy were ambus caded in uo utidurbrosli near by, one thousand strong, fcslill the work was tontiDncd and Uude icuiiy. W AiiriNUTON, June 30, 1861. The advance Regiment of Pennsylvania, noOsr Col. Cuke, yesterday packed up then traps and marched towards Poolesville to jmu Cof. Patlersou's Regiment uud the other troops now halting there, preparatory to oe. copying Leesburg, sometime in the future, peiiups next winter. The boys were re jf.iccil on receiving their orders to march, aud thu teuls were struck and packed in tbe wr.ious iu double quick time. They looked well co their march through Washington, uud need not be ashamed to tell where they , came from. I A company of scoots from the Third Con necticut Regiment were lying in ambush to day, eleven miles from here, when four secession cavalry came rising along, and sud denly stopping, two ol them dismounted and leaving their aiiiuiuls in charge of their com rades, started for the top of a hill near by The Connecticut men- charged and captured tba two muii and four horses. They also pursued the other?, but coo-Id not catch them. Thd prisoners were brought iu to Geueral Tyler, aud, upon beiug txmiued, said tbey ueioiigtd to u Virginia Cavalry Regiment. und that ll.e regiment bud been at Harper's Ferry, but had gouu from thero to Manassas Gup,, and were thence ordered to Fairfax Court Uous. Tho regimuul is composed of Virgfuia' larmers, who provide their own boise?.- The horses captured are of superior breed. The prisoners were armed with fowl ing piectu loud-d with buckshot. They re-j-ort that their regiment is encamped two miles this side of Faiifax Court House. Lieutenant Spieuel, of tbe Connecticut Tubt, went out this uorniug with a tquud of meu ou scout duty. He baited his meu iu trout and witlnu a short distauce of farm Loose, und wus walking up nloue to the building, ft Lea a negro woman culled out "Massa, bouaa full ot sogers. Dou't go dar." Tbe Lieutenant retraced his steps for the purpose ol calling up his men, but before the bouse could be surrounded, the Rebels, about twenty in number, took tbe alarm and fled from the rear of the building. At the outposts of one of the camps near Baltimore, ou Saturday, a ball was fired et one of our picket guards by a Rebel Scout, which struck a smill pocket Bible carried by the tu'.diur, aud glanced off at bis aide with out coiog bim b'irm. Tbe Bible was torn and scarred, and was sent into Fort Mo Henry. Gen. Uauks now las tbe book in Lis possession. The Third Couuecticut still occupies tie outposts, lieiug only si a miles from FuirfuX Court House. The Secoud and First bring op the tear of the column. Tbe two Ohio Regiments and tbe First Kew Jersey Urigaile lay upon the railroad, two rufUs nearer Washington. Tbe man are ll determined and anxious for an engage ment. Fir four or five days after their arrival thcr were In momentary expectation of. an attack. 'I ha men slept upon their wme, d.-imod of JvO. Dans, and at every noise rnsued to the doors of their tents, Mpectiog to End either Davis or Beauregard ready to be scalped. At a false alarm once given, the whole Brigade wera ready to march in five minutes. A gentleman baa jnst rescued here, wbo cam down with the traitor "Alvey," from llegcrslowo. ' He lodged him partly In tba Fort last bight. Dnring bis trip down tbe railroad be appeared sullen and Indisposed to talk. On Saturday afternoon, the President raised the flag that floated from the main meet of the steamer Freeborn, and onder which Cpt. Ward fell, on a pole sooth of the White Hunt. On an elevated platform were the Prcsi' dent and his lady, Secretary beward, General Cameron, General Mansfield, Rev. Dr. Pyne, and a number of invited friends. A guard of eighty men surrounded the stand, and acted sue escort fof the party. After a prayer by Rev. Dr. Pyne, Wither Band, of tbe New York Twelfth, plsyed the Star Spangled Banner as the President ran up the Hag. Several thousand people around the eland gave Dine cheers for the flag, three for tbe President and three for Ueu, Scott. AFFAIRS (I.VTIIC IFPER rOTO.TIAC. Probable Advance of G antral Pulterton't Column. HaOersioW."!, Friday Might, June 2d. Major Doableday saw a body of Rebel troops clustered around tbe edge of tbe woods opon the high hill opposite Williams port, and threw a 24 ponnd shot at them this afternoon. They scampered over the crest of the hill at more than "double quick." Orders for the march of the Reserve Guard, consisting of the First Wisconsin and the JCIuventh Pennsylvania, were issued this al'lernooD) and also to McMullin's Independ ent Rangers. From the fact that this corps is the especial body gourd of Gen. Patterson, it is presumed that be, loo, ruuVes bis bead quarters southward. Lieut. Klder, of Major Doubluday's com mand, learned from the parly who brought the flag of truce yesterduy, tbut the V pini ons are forced to feed their horses exclusively upon corn ; they hove no old hay, and ac knowledge tbut not only provender, but provision of oil kinds, uro vefy scarce. They said that everything iu the valley of Virginia is literally cshausied. ill.' believed that our own troops will cros the Potomac partly nt Williamsport aud partly at Sbeppard's Ford, nine miles below. If tbey cross Bt the tatter point and push rapidly forward tbey may succeed in capturing at least three Luodred Secession cavalry. The troops nre nil inspirited ut the idea of a forward movement, but their enthusiusm is scuiewhat chilled by the fear tbat they will be marched teu or fifteen miles end be baited ngiiiii for weeks. Two regiments one Alabamiuns and tbe other Mississippians reached Harper's Furry this morning, aud destroyed thu balance of the railroad trestle work. They also came over to tbe Maryland shore and seized all tho boats they could get, either breaking them np or tuking them over tbe l iver. All thu Uninu men of Harper's Ferry were again driven out. Alvey, tiio Secessionist leader, who wa? arrested here ten days njio, leaves to-morrow for Fort Meilenry, by wny of Cbuiiibersburc and Uiirrisbursr. His trunk is already packed, aud be is ntider a guard or McMullin's Rangers. Any attempt ut a feacuo would provu hazardous in the extremo. 1 huva jest learned that McMnllin's Ran. ger encamp to morrow night at Sheppards town, and some reginnpols will be thrown forward with them. The headquarters of General Puttersou will be odvuticed further southward within a day or two. Haokkstown, June 30. The following de. spatcb is oflie-iul : llEMiqtAKTFns, Df.p't. or Penka.) Hackrbtow-r, June 30, 1EG1. J General Ordcre,Ko. 2D Tne Commanding General bus tbe satisfaction to announce to tbe troops a second victory over the insur gents by a smull party of Indinna Vcluuleeip, under Colonel Wallace, on tho 2Cth inst. Thirteen mounted men alrhchnd to the regi ment attacked forty oue itisurgenls. killiur? night and chasing the rest two miles. Ou their return, wi:h seventeen captured horses, they were attacked by seventy-five of tlio enemy, and fell beck to a strong position, which they held till dark, when they returned ' to camp, with the loss of one man killed nnd one wounded. In the lust skirmish, a Cup turn, two Lieutenants, uod a luige number were wooudud. The commonding Geoorat desires to bring to the attention of the ollicers and men of htKcommaod the courage and conduct with which this gallaut little band of comparatively rap troops met tbe emergency by turning cm an enemy so largely superior in numbers, chastising them severely, and gathering iu retreat the Irnits of victory, tty order of Muj. Gen. Patterson, J. F. I'oatkh, Asa't. Adj. Geo. I'nloit UrmnnMratlon In Texas WASflr.vr.TON, June 30. Information b3 been brought by Judge Shelby, a distiuguisbcd Union man. jus-t ar rived from Texas, that a movement b) on foot to separate western Texas from the rest of the State, and erect it iulo ft Union Stata. It is settled largely by Germans, nnd the German press without exception, favor the measure. The Union party there, alreaJy very ttrong. is rapidly increasing. Secret iunn n?KOi:AI snnn linvo Kan F...mat .mA tlieir juluence is dailv estendino frnn. rnnn.r to county. General Cnrsnn ch l...,li.i;. guished himself by his opposition to the rebel lion, has been uomiunted as an unconditional union cnnuiuaie tor me congress ol tne Udi ted Slates. Gen. Carpen has been for some lima at the head of a body of Union men in western Texas, and it is reported of him that. with about two huudred Union men, he lately routed more than twice that number of reb els. This movement, nnd the fact that the I loyal citizens there, tort, ere arming to resiGt I the usurpation of their State government, fur- Dishes another evidence of the decadence of tbe Jonth Carolina conspiracy New Advertisements. To the Voters of Northumberland County, 17BLLOW CITIZENS: From the encour element I received from dilfcrcnl parts of the county, 1 oiler mysclt as a candidate for the otfice, of ASSOCIATE Jl'DGB, object to the usages of the democratic pajty, and if elected, will perform the duties justly and im partially to the lest of my anility. ABRAHAM SIHPMAN. Lower Anijusfa townhip. June 89th, 1801. FOTriiEGISTEIt k kecordeTT. tiuhject to the Rulei and Usages' of the Demo' etatie Party. J. B.MASSER. DRUGS AKD MEDICINES, r.ICHAED A. FISCHEH'S 3 B.TT G- & CHE VL I C A L nAYl.N'U .urtbaned the storo formerly kept by A. W. riSCH K, he would respectfully ell the attention of the (ublia lo his well select, etl stuck uf ' DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHCMI- UALS. PAINTS Oils, Pye-Stufts, 'Virnishes, Perfumery, Fancy Aithlts, tine Hair and Tooth Urushev, Fancy Soaps, Trusses, Ac. PhysTrians Piescriplions and Family Receipt accurately compounded at all hours, by an cie fenced Vlrureist and Apothecary. KEMEMBEK the flar. under tna office f I Ibe "tlun'iury Ame'i'-m ." buttbirvj jun. Si I1 .- -linos ' IMPORTANT TO LOVERS Of CE3'CE OD LID "CP US v . BRIGHT l 8()N, Invite attention to their Stock of Prima Green and Black Toa. June 19, 1861, SUMMER GOODS! AT PRICfis TO SUIT THE TIMES. 12. TT. SHIGIIT & SON, li AYK KECEIYED JL LARGE kJ 1 ww .it. OF AL HINDS OF GOODS, HANDSOME, 13 XT ZR, .A. 231 H, 33 A X D LZ2 JX$ jfS C GREAT BARGAINS AK1 Splendid Inducements TO AT THIS ONE P1UCE STORE, or It. BitltfliT k aon. Bonbury, June 15, I6G1. JOHNS & CUOSLtt, SOLK MANLFACTLKKKS OF TIIK lMTROVF-D QTJTTA TPEKOHA CEMENT HOOFING, The chcaptrsit and most diTrnli!e Pi ifi-ig itiuic. It is Fire mid Water Proof, It ran be spplitd lt hr;v find old Rood of all kiadi, and tt tfuhtgle Kool willioui reiiuving Uie il)iiii;ie. The Cost is only about One-Third that of Tin, and it is tiice us Durable. Ol'TfA rKKCflA CRM K NT, VoT prfKcvins' utul repaiiiup TinmP other Metal Koofi uf t-vrry fVTijtiJM, Ifoin its Trul tlasttcity, ii imt iujurt-l by llii' cnntritclion uird expiiiihioii of tutlaJa, ami will Hi-fc1 cuifk i cold or run m wunn weallin, 1 Thrte tnnteriiila have btcn limrongtily totted iu New Vorlc uinl fill pitrts ut the Suiiitn, inni Wt rrtt ru State8, ut(i we tan give uuuuilaHtpfOvf oi uH we vlatm 111 luctr favor. Thtyufe readily applied bv or iaary labor eft, ut ft tri 'NO II EAT 13 KECiUKKI) Thffte materinl are put up rvnih tor uip, nud forihip- lutiRtoall piirtaof the euutry, wllti lull punted difci t o.. i for tipnlicutioii. Fb:1 UtStrrtptive o:rcu'.m will be famitlied onappHra- lUtn by mail r in (rts-miit tur I'rhicipul Orfiir uttri Wart hmr, 78 W 1 1.1,1 AM MiU:i:T, (Coriitf of Libeity Mrectj) New York. lOHNSeV CItOSLfiY. Agents Wanted ! TermiCuh! ! Jure 1, UGI ly Hew Millinery Goods. 31. I.. Cil'SSLER, Faifn Street, ttco dour south of the Shamolin Valley J- Potlsville Rait Road, BUN BURY, PENW'A., UEtiPEUTFLXLY informs the citizens of Sl'TVUUKY und vicinity, tiio I she has just received from Philadelphia a large and si If nilid assortment cf the most faahionablo and latest style of eg ce sr sr un zp . HATS, 8 H A K B KB, HUM MINGS, Ac. which she is selling at the most reasonable prices To which she directs the attention of the ladies and invites all to caH and see them. Thankful for past patronage, she hopes by keeping to best assortment at reasonable price to continue the same. Kunbury, April 13, lfiCl. 3nf J AMES B A tt li li 18 ' b WUOI.KSlt.E AND RE1AU, CLOCK ESTABLISHMENT, S. E. Corner Second and Chestnut U., Philadelphia. A OKSCV for Hit-FATP.NT KCllJAt.lZINOTUMTV DAY I Lttun, a very arsirslile unci, for Cuurch cs, llolrls, Hunks, ciuntiKg Houm-s, r-urlors, tie. lt, Msiiuiaciurerot 1 INK liOLD FEINS. I U. ri.trtl sitd VMirniiiled. r . : -r,nini!in vt tYtyy derlf , I tr.. January 10, wejl -tsf '"' ATTENTJC 0 1ST. The Beat Military Book ever Published '.V READY, BAXTER'S VOLTJNtfcfc&'S MATTTTAL Containinir full instruction! for the RE(;Ri;iT, In the Mcbools of the SolJier and Squad, given In the moat Simple Style, and all the information necessary foi the forming of CORPS OK HO ME GUARDS. Illimtratod with bver 100 engravings fhowing the Uitlerent Pos'liont In the Firings and Manual ot Arms, and Complt-to directions relative to Loading and Firing. Arranged a'.- cording to SCOTT'S SYSTEM OF INFANTRY TAC TlC9i And in eofiformailon with the army require ments for the pretteril War, by LuCol. 1). V. C. IWXTERi of the National Onanh THIS BOOK 13 OFFICIAI.T.Y'API'rtOVrrt Of. The liistructimis jriven are of the Brentest Im portance to the raw volunteer, and hnu'd hi thoroughly underwood, feeing 'indiitpensahle to the inHtrnetion of a company. . Uouml in one volume, ISnw.,R3 p'4(re, Paper Cover, prh-e 85 cents. Flexible Chub, 38 rh:nu. The Same Woi k Is also published in the German Language, itt the tnrne price, and la the only German Book of American Tactics pub lished in tho United Mates. Aytnts and Canvumer Wanted. To engage in (he sale of this Work, in every City, Town and Village in tbe country. Price pcf Dozen Copies, jil.lO Fifty " HftMt " Hundred" lS.iid All orders accompanied with the Cash will be dispatched immediately, either by pour or exprce. IfordefSdhy post, Stamps moat be enclosed to pay poHt.ic,e. If by express, the freight can he paid on delivery. SONO FOR THE VOLUNTEER. The Camp-Fire Companion. A New add Original Collection of Mi!itrv and Patriotic Hongs; adirpted especially for Ihe present Campaign. Ono vol. litno. W'ilh ii lustraliins. Paper ccrvcr, 1.0 ctu. Fleiiblo Cloth, "H uU. Single Copies of the above Bon MAILED FREE OF POSTAGE. To fty addretiS in the United States, open re ceipt of (he price, by ElNO & BAIRD.Ymtcrs and Pnblulers. CU7 San son St., Philadelphia. To whom nil Orders tbould be addressed, May 18, I SHI. 6t SUNBtntY STEAM FERRY AND Tn WING B O AT CO M P a:.Y. riHtAVEI.LERS aud others are respectfully inhumed that the subscriber, in order to ac commodate tho public aoj facilitate travel. reduaed the rates of-ferriage at his ts'l'Ij.iAl FERKY, over the Susquehanna, at Stiuburv, ami will carrv Passengers, Hones, Carnages, and other vehicles, a! the lollowing rate, viz : fool PawenRcrs, each ft cents. Horce and Kitlrr. 15 Hofse and A'ungy, 25 ' Two-Horse Ccnveyance, 40 " Farmers end others, wishing to trnnxpott Cunl and Produce, cau make arrangements at still lower rates. A lar(e, Bfe and commoiioua Steamhont will rnn regularly and promptly at all hours of the day, and to accommodate those who desiro to at tend the Churches at Bunbury and SelmsijroVf, the boat will ruitun f tintlay. The Steamboat will tun from Matket StreiH Warl'v and promptly convey Passengeta fiuru both sides of the Kivtr, without delay. Tho Steam Parry now affords not only a safe and convenient transit over the HuyquehdM.a, but also a pleasant and agreeable ride. IRA T. KLEM ENT, Lessee and Proprietor. ciunbury, May 89, J8l, To he Vottrt of Nbrtliumbttland Couuly FttLOw f'iTim;s : I offer myself as a ITninii Caiuliilatti foi he office of ASSOCIATE JL'DUE, at the next election. Should I be elected, 1 pleilne invseif to perform Ihe duties of tho olhce to the let ol my ability. JOHN DUNHAM. 'Northumberland, May 4, 161 te BLACK SILK COATS. Gored t .miles, Poplin Dusters. French Saquea, Kil k 13asuine, Newest Designs, ?eadv Made, or Made to Order. COOPElt &. CON AUD, 8. E. Corner Ninth and Market, Pbiladi-lphia. May 18, lbCl. nOW LOST, HOW RKATORKD, JUT Pt JI-ISHKH IN A SKAI.KI) KNVFLOPK ; ON the untnrt-, trKitmi nf, and rndirnl cui of uprntifi. tirhra. or fsemitml Weukncu, Sexual Debility. Ntr votiitifkis and involuiitiiry euiiwioii luUuciMg imHJlciK-y, mid Mental und rhviital lncuriciiy. ByKOBT. J. CTI.Vi:BWRMM M I., Authtirnfthe ''Oiii Botk,,J Ac. , TliC world-rinwnedauiiior, in ih;t ndniirab!r Lvrtr.rH clearly proves (rota lit own rjtprneura that trie nwfn, coiiFequeiieeB of iSell-nbuse my te eilemua..) reni;ivd witlvHit modiciiie und without tiangetoug burioal opi-iu-turn, Uiiiiiiea, inmrnmcnta, ni'pa or ctrt'i;.ti, ih-mhium out u mtjtto ol cure ut once ceituni and t-ffretual. by wlncii rvery aufttT. no nrilter yh:t lna eonditniii mav be, irmy cine IninseH elieaply, privately nd rudi ally. 'I'ms lct'l;if c will puive h boon t phouNitiKlflnnd tlmnwmii Kill under Benl. in h plain envelope, t" nddrcBii, ynft para, on the receipt of two pontage atutup, by attJrt i,.. lr.CH. i. C. KUNK, 1J7 Bowery,- Ner V-rk. Von OrTite btix4-5&&. April JU, (Sfi'l. ty pf t Ol'S l Y THE.4SMIEK. rfH E subscriber olTera himself to Ihe Prnio X cratic Toters nf Northumberland county, as a candidate for the office of COUNTY TlllJA Sl'KEK, at the next primary tlcction. buljtcf to the decision of the (,'ountv Convention. JOMKPH EVEHC'TT. Delaware twp, June 8, I8C1. Orphans' Court Sale. IN pursuance of un order of Ihe Orphan.' Court of Northumberland county, will be exposed to public sale, on the premises, on SaturJ-ty, the 27 ill day of J L'LY, lie it, all that efffatn or Piece of LAND, situate pnrlly in ' town-lap, and pirlly in Coal township, Noftfiuir norland county, Pennsylvania, bounded bv land of Murliu fiuss, lands surm vcJ to Obediah I'Hinp. bell, John Titsworth, Kobert 1 upgart, Juhn Mil. ler, and" ThomaM Hamiit tn.corfarnriiR Pout Hun dred and Tweniy-Eiglil Acroa and filly one perches of Land end allowance, be the an me more or lets, lute tlie propertysoi i, ntii-ii-jn jva bel, deceased. Kale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M .nfssid dny, hen the terms and conditions of sale will be made known by IS A AC N. HAUSE, AJm'r. Dy order of Court, 1 J, H. MAtsKH, Clk. . C. S Suubury, Muy 4, 1S01. J IfO or I?aUl The subscribers titke iileasure in auiiottncing tbat they are now prepared to mail (free) to those who wrrfi M, e copy cf en important little work, by tho Into lr. Drampton, entitled '-The Intalid'e Medical Con ddanl," pubtislretl for the benefit, end as a warn ing to young melt end persons who aull'rr from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, &e. Ac. upplving the means of self core. The reader is irresistibly red to compare useful life wiih en ignoble death Header, loae not moment, but send your ad dress for e copy of this little work. Addresa Ihe Publishers DU JOHN B OO DEN & CO, A. 1. IJ,. Cl V.a. V.,L Sarsaparilla VOU rUIlIFYINQ THE EL00D. And ff Hit apcdy cuid ot tba Mlowtn CirtnplnlnUit Mrroftiln nnd fofulotia AiTertloiiReanrh na 'I'miiora. HU i m, bore., Krunliottii, r Implti, liitulrn. jtlotrlti , Uoll.t. tilaliiM, aud all (Skin Ulwnaea. OAHHirn, ip nii J nre, 18T.H. J. C. At: r k Cft. Oeiitw! 1 1W4 tl my ilnty t j nr KittwltMlu vlnt your Sur:ipnrillu dino lor im. Il.i'. i fulnnltitl a St-i 'IhI.iu- iuf v:tl D, I h.ivn minLrd fr-HM It in ariouv ity !! wirf Sometime t bmrt tut In L'bvrn n In dnudit ioi1 mtun; nn,ttin, ; j tunifit imvimt nnd tli-tii'wed inf nt Iho itotiia h. 1'wn Ji-fti ,10 It broke 'iit n my ln-ad nnd coven il rnv falp and mum Vitli one oiv. uhit li vhh ji:lntnl nnd In -Iismi!o b.-j'ii i tUwnpiton. tticd iiitmy mutt 'ium nn-t eevt-VMl f iiyii mii, but wiibont iini-'b iii-f fo-m nnv t.'iii.if. In fwit, tltri diwiltl'i fmvr ois.-. At l t jrlii I v.n ii johri-i to rrtiJ lii tli t AU'ineiiKr llmt ou bad an nitfiniivu ivu iiin). r.r Uiu-w fV.iii Vi.-u: it-pn'n-ti n tli tl nu.v tbi'u J'"" ri!ii'-i jfi.-t jrcu!. 1 f.-ut t tinflHtmtl.tti'lft.i i;, ami uM-,i U till it euicd in". 1 t.K'ic It, p you mlu.-i-," in wn!l dofitftt t ( p'mii fid over a In-Il !li t tnxl 1 1 . J .ilni'l Ih if)- h itliH, ,t:tf nii'l hfullliy nkiti htvn t y;-in tu Tm in tl.u enli, v bj !. nlicr n Willie ffyll ntT. y rlalii U now -t-.v. find I kiroy ty mj feciido lli:it llirt tlifii.: U.u ut io fioin v'y rw 'in. Cun Wi-Jl beliuM) llmt I ! .! h.t I nm rasi'.v ; lin I t il y-JU, tint 1 bold . ri to ).. W. ol th'l .ipu-tlyej of n-,., aud leiuuiu 'tr intetullje Voitis, AT.Fhl-.D H. TAIJsK'iV fit. Anflio'iy'A Xlra nn' or KrvIrrln, 'I rtter ittitl hail Hi in, Mf nhl llcnil. Kinylvoriii, feive- MycA, Vmsy t)r1 ItMbr-rt M, I't lli. ivi iti" fron P--ni. V. "V, i:tli FHt.s ir0, tbit Im h;i cmi'd nn iitv.'tmie rfiso of JJiOpftfi u:t llinMh ned to l.-ri.inmlu t':t:II v, by tbd pTj-fftTinp mn fTunr Nn Ktp:oiU;i. ioi I i'..-.t ji iiunni-ron M.tliltnU'it h'rfsijU;s l-y bin (Im.-im iT tlit fnniyj d:t-i lin cmos tlie common fcntpfi-mt I y It cnmthinU Bronrllotclc, fJoltm r Swrllrit !TccIa y.Mbnlnij Slrwii. 6f rr;, Ti-mi, Milicei . Tin b'.t (l s of yimr Sin Mp;nil in i-tttc t iiM- li imi n ...rtxn eoiin sw.!i:n f.n thu uvll, wiif li 1 kid bulivicd fioin over two yijat-ft." Ijf iirnri hrrn or V!i II r, Ovnrlnn Tumorj l lerinu I ltn u 1 1 : u, DVnnlo jUIucnaca Iir .? Tl. R. C'hf nniinr, f Now VmU Ciy, writea ; t most rli'-f i fully ct.'iiit 1 bb tin; i i-.on-st c j m nfi-nt !n femur! Imivo fniioi y. ?.tr:i:n ill.i n iu.a.. r:: .!int allfi :itlt in tliu iMtiio'itum i-otin ;.,iuts t'ir vMdi employ str.di n rcui-iy. but e--.,M inv In h'irJ: JKrrjtcs of the Srr: Tubnis !! lib '-i-j. 1 liiw i-nii 1 ninny int v ctn Mi("s of f,(. ii 'i t iiic-i ! y If. n I t hvi '. tb fom J'lulnt v.ns rjttM'il l,y i-J v Vf of t ft- fx. 'Jb ubvr ii!i'n iti-;t n snf.ji enrtd. iVfil.intr vitbin my l;mw edro sjtjtnljs jt for tln .te lVirmt" 01 n.-imnts." lulu nrd 8. Mirrow, c f Ni wi in , vnt.-n. " A dnn-StM-Mi "i-'O-idi t-,i'Lt OH Ol. c f It.-- I' tli: k-- in l.t.V rnci", bb-lil:j tiet1ttl till tl. ; ri invM'h c u-r.i i t iii'ky. at l'Milb hti eompbtt1y rnrt-W l.y jnur Kxti.n I i mo nptrilhi. Our -I' tlnmnlit" notbhm i.ui. i.t i tlvi crti:M n,rA:-.. Nor. but liw i I v ;.. iri.ii of jv-ir Fnrtiapnrttlit ns tb btft r"trt b.f-'f rnttimr. nn t It irovel cflfrt!!fll. Afit r tnUliry:ur cibt uwibs UO f nipt'Jlit Of lLo Jisflitu l'.:llKlih uJt fiphillfi tii jIi;rrnrJnl UUrnno. aN't't Ortvv. leth Ana i-';'. ??.. J. C Ami Sir. I cbfrfnMy with iho ! fjTn-i of y(.,r lend reTt tn yon Ttn.i ot tbe tiK-cia I liivc li-alizcd with yuuv r?,xrm ;n iliiu I Fr.Te nvt- v'jrb it. in in v jt i-ii , rr tf tbo enm flafntff f )f. whMi it Ip rcoii'inorulnj, rnt bin.1 fi.nti'", pi .elTev-U truly if,f. b.i Oil in tnu enin i f TV-r ?! uuit M f rurini Jnteufc Ono of riy I'-itiei.; U l y pliiliilj tiitjers tn Tliu (lircut, illicit wrih (onsnniinir u'tn f'.ito find llit tup of hi nmnili. Yiur Kir'apHiilbi. M'-mU in'-n, ciiltu liiu in liu fr;I,?i. Anoiiivr nn htf:t':hfi by ph oinlary fyninU-nn in I. It iiom. :inl il;" nl : iu!. u hrri r.iivii away u ioi.Mio.aL!5 ; tri ol I., limi I ti'lktj (y.o dN'.i ! r miuid -oti K'tult l.i lo- .in iin-l hili J;nt IS yn oil.! to my nomu .-:.-.,..'.:., r'.TLi.;; 11,0 c Is well :i.iin, i.i c t,i cm i I.I.. Avcmri:. vb-. Imi 1.-111 (ut!oiucr T'V iiin-iitrv vn-, suli.Tiivr oinli-iiniilioii lo tiuuttu for lli o fmim' tii!"iuiicr 1y lutrinry vn. BulU'riti fioin this poison in h-i Itoiicn. iby .. U coiio rr f-n to tUe wen In r tl: t n n d;i:i.p dty hf u:i.trt-J ax cflii lutinu pfliu in bev j.'inn nii'l br-tien. M,-'. to, was cnu l tnihWy by your Miiaft:trillu tn a ffw vn ks. T kn'.w from iU fonuuli, whttb y.n.i n.cnt iuo mo, that tin frr.j yoi-h.'ltonitoiy intiHt ben treat ri.nw-lyt oiiBfjuctilly. ibci tmiy ivai.:!:Mo Au.ults riib it lfi o iuft r.ipinfl im. fratrMdllj ycurfl, 0. V LAUIMKR, M. D. HUtuinllHm, Uovft I.lrer Complnlnt iNnrrrjctiENti:, l'n-.t- n C'-e Vn. tth .Inly, K,X Tin. J. C .ir, J havu bocn iililici. d wii.i n jmiii fill rbii.ii.i h' ffUi tt.-ai m- u lUl;'1,v hWU b 'P1 -d tho B'-il! if pl.vfif liu.K, pud hin -It to ni" In pito of nil the rcuitdi. n 1 i-ouiO i. I. until I ttie.l your Sm.i ai .Ila. OL4 b-jttiu Cmvd m in tivn vf--k. ai'U K-t''i.ii my .-bt,.l lifaltli ad wu.h li nt I ii m tin- bii r than 1. ii i 1 w.u uttin-keJ. 1 1 bin!, .t ii ionr1-(lul ni-'i Inc. J, HtKAM, .lilies Y. Cv'c'i-'ll. of Tt. f.'r..t, wribat I have t ! ofllb !-(l for y.n' wtih nn ofi ?it f t, l.ner, v '.b h tb-fitroyrj Dtr b' t'Mii. I tti (I i.-r? I bin,?, iinJrwry il it:? fi!!-;t te t'-bfrvi- t.if; to t J have b-.. n ;i biok -ii-djn man fnf' ymiK frojii no ri:t r i itui'f than tiv-vr,t:trt,t nf tht .in r. ?Ij b' lonl pnnii.r. tbv I v. Mr. I .-pv, tub ici Jin; ill..; yr.ur S.on.ij n i ' ! . , 1m-oui!- n'.d In-1, now ou ntfl .mv thin yrn irud, . oi i yinr. b th b'.rs- it O" I it lt.'t riio tl in-, :,i ; !( m (n t US l'i Link -. i tn w in n "I lot'. 1 .'. r.tuu:.' I'i'iu.'. 'il. L- Rt tint i-iiii be said i t '3r.11 is not i.aifYrod noiit.h.' Soliiri tiA.f itiin r T 11111014, KiiTn ivrment, V Uf rni ion, i'ui ii-i unl Kxfol latioii ol' (lie A f.'T''-.' i of in fs !.;tvr'1"cn T-Iork-il t.irsv.IifM cur of i!o.i' ioin"ii-;tiii. riinnliouM ), . iiMiltid f .a l!r tf Ihitt I. ;iifiy, i-uf our Lprit ill-it- tj not I. 111. it tli-iti. llnp of tli-ni n.;t y 1. 1 1m,i J in oar Ai.n ii' ini Abmtio-. vbi li Ho i ""ii!- t.l.-w uuii' d Ji'li-WC-J tu l.o 'Ut.u i'.Hi u oil wloi r ill fur t!on. yupvnli, n.nrt DlKCnHi, Kltt. (ji2cp uy, jiie.-jiit!kly , I.tiiul -.'ia Miitiv 1 1.' itt j ut ibf-of i.ii't t;- ns Inre been Iiiiulo liy di" ul'i-iitii: p -WtT uf iTnit ni-'Iu ino. Jt Mhnil btl.H ll.o lin.i-ii .ii . into m ttii, :t. 1 t.ina t-T.-ylio'V uti-onltjs v.hi.b uoiibt b- Mipp's d b- 3 nm! its ri'ii' b 11 h n 11110 ly Kinr b ( 11 l i u b.y i.O no 1 .'iiics Mi"'' i-,"iin., ,.i aiu lout'.tjfiit thiit thu Will il-j t u- tl.ria all tii.ft i..v i.'iito 1 .in d. over's i riHWt y Pecton ton l Tin: it.WU ct iiii ny CfMifjl- lvlh Tnrtut iven, llnarKt-in as,. Cjouii, ihutuh'th, ltictplMit i'ou ttiitiipt liiii, i:id lor tlie ltolH if of Con tu iii it I v I'nt Ivutu In Oil ; !:rt il tiif;c OA tliC 11 ..ii !i a n-ifti tly u iini v: 1 I v brown to unvpifca sf otln.-r for t!u run- uf tt.i at mi-.I om c i--iiiplmnff, tbat it i iiivhri In l c ! I'll' 11-It tbo t l.ii t:t i; i,i k . il'ilii i. J l urn iviul. il i'.xri 11. in o i,.r :.vii.b M.d cltl.nrd itftiuly wi-nJerfttl fins of palmon-.: y uirc bnvu nim'o it l.l-urttl tl-lt'U,I."l:t ivi'.ia d Mili-nd of tiu c. :tb. t' ft uio t!i"- 11 nnminiiit.i, of o-, n ("-. to.l. tiinon ib-in Villi )tia lit B tlm' pir:-ird PTprli' w C cf' p.'Mif liwiiK tt.. hy in tln'ir mbisT of its victory over li:c fiuhtlc nirl dav-::i-t..i i",i.--oi-b-r- ihr ;u4i-.ti i,:ut Usui A all kn..w tl.u lMM'!i:l f t 'U'V ' f tb iun.' .-. d p th y Un ''. 1 tin 1 ift ti- 01 il.i ! im !. w med 11 t do iiiurt' th;Ui to it.'.-iiii' ll.uii ib .i;l::i now nil iho.r tu' t-'lbnt it did ba wli-.ii n.u'.t: " ibc ' Uif Lutt won fo fc:i.tiii;h' v.j on. tUo ivntitb lite of ii.aiiiii:.d. Vrc;:ored by 3r. J. C. AYO, CO., Ict.ell, Hi:?. S-d 1 ))- luii! c -V I'mot, 1..1.I . Y. FiSrli''', 1. .1': , J KiCih! .:. .d :. Kruwit M.hon f br IVv-nd.. .Ml. i.wi'iisv itit! ; llr-ii jniydiT i- ( h'i!t n i. Turli'if. li'c ; K. i. McC"V. Ntitilnmii'trl i'iti ana V bc K.s it .1 i. u. April Vil, t-n !v THR LATEST bTYLS OF SPMXG AND SUMMER Gr MEHTS Ann cokStaim v-'r riASE ut the (f JAGOU C. S Mitrnei s;:-c.'(, .uft ; , k T Till ftibFcr-'. ;t linn just received Ht ii opi-ne I ortir.tiit M':! ANl a.'M- ! ME I! cilOltfj. m..I e Cit (n-'-Tr; ' a ' I -J- -L. -1- -w-J j OK EVC;iV tiCiX'lUi'TloN v -l:AUTY. Pbin ar.t!Farifty Cj.iine:x:.Vc:tiii3, drc ol Hie latest st h -i. 1.1 u.ld'.;li i l.i Mod; b -K con'..tiil! f rectivh::- i t v. iiutu i'v kfci iii- a I..1I csAortinent of Ibc most Mih.-t.mtial latest .lyle oft. . u. liu city nin:il: He is i.iei.iiie.l to msl.e to or.ier all oft Arritli-uit i.'s and Zi'oy's tLU', vt t-li as DUKSS-COATS, KKt)'IC.l.'')AT?. WSi-NESS-COATS, VfTf PANTA. l.t)UX, Ac- ue. of Ihe very latest style, and iu the run.-.! fulittii tiitl manner, ut short i. Mice. Any l ioo'Is Hot oil InirnJ, it iii 1 o f in,i!:c,l frum l'ltiladelpliia,lV ;;ivinrf I'.ro d-ty s iiulii'.-, tTT" Cull and tiJiuiiie r,"y t-iutk, no rharjis uiade for ihowii. j. JAf OD O. fiECK. Sun'.itnv, Muv ll,lR(il SOLOMON 3I4I.ICH, Attorney at Law. 5UK BURY. Northumberland Co.. Pa (V'ormcily Kreei.ur-i, r-ntdt-r county.) OFFICE, Matket Street, a lew d-inta tn-.l of the Nottheru t'cntinl IlailrjHd Ucpnt and two denrs west of Iho Post I llire. AH ProfetH)n.l Uutiiic&a, Cuilections, Ac will rceio prompt attention. March BO, loGl. A n e o n a. Rich Fiaured Hareces, 1'J, 25 and ol rents, Hurege llobes. ftj &U, il OU and -J OU, Maiiibiiuo iiubrs at ui, Truveling WresgVood-., Shepliard a Plaids, Mohuir riutds, (iingham's. Lawns. Prints, Chsi.'.e. Orey Injured (ioods, COOPER A, CON' A 111). 8 E corner Ninth and Market, Philadelphia. N B lie.t tjuslity Uuuy fcknu, 'Ji catits lo n a. May 18, 1601. LIVE AND LEAXIN X let the morLB stzix tosiivmr. to i.itk, AND TI1KV WILL tlOON LEARN THAt rRILING & GIlAISTt A T THE MAKIE0TH STORE, ARE SELL JSC tlisu can te purchased elye.vhere. -A. FKEOlt EJXTX'r'L, V .T'ist recrivcJ by l'i:i!rotJ tliiit wi-ck. ytBMHMUBU TJIIS, PK01T BV IT. Cuiiiiu-j( l)cim1it:t 1, IHUU. J. :V . O 11 A N D A T. u ' I'ati;nt pi;.no iiD.-jsr.s 4?3snsAsvrj!'i.v, sew ironic. Mniul-1 l.vj in excrv fmnily, Silio .l, (Jyinnni nn, .sl tin. bihI H.wp-'-il m i'-.s l.-i'iil. Arc not IM.NCil."!: Iij'S, l,ko th.- rouiriiim 1'rx-l.iti H"r.-r. rstntul (ir:n un its rdi-cta!, vi.i iu ir ; A It J'lI'l'sS. nrtl has no KolLi r-J fj iniurt I 111c l l-PI. 'JlcuilJj nf lifij'pIneFS in Iho ram-'j-ii'Jle." Cf. P 7i.;;: i.w-ra jr.- -KT k'l" 1 ". FKO.M Tlir: "HOME .IQUHX.-ll-." ''Of oil the i-T-H fu r it ; - we liave c-tt t?p.i 1 i.ri:clecnl.inM t(. nitu-h of tlios- two I lanl hhiibs l-cr.ltlj ami ii ijniint-SS S's tl J iututio i' fiU il Sini::,' Ka-JJI-lln ; ... . . 1,. : . ni) iiri-cli" Ciimliiiit-s to mm-h of thos two i'o;ir.r. the Ad- rsp, in- venlf'1 Itv .lpf-! A. CrmjtWll, It is not il.iniri r. ! ous, tike a commorl rookin-'ajrai. to t-liilJu n' j lout, rnniict tt upset, tlo-.- nr,t v. cur CflriK-ts, bill stands firm on lis lias.', nml iu, action i so like tl;c Kttl'.op of l!'-0 L;rsc tl.t the ciiild never n eurit or it. Tliis .alest ofi liild riovelliu is ex-r-i-j,tisly c!ei;at,i uud artistic in dc-sijn ; and so tdjustai'le, substantial, und durable, that it will a htelime. It is i:.iiipo:isabiO m evt-ry I family wln-rc tlierr are chl'drcn. It shonbl be 1 in ttviry piimary school ant? f uinneit'ni in tut I country, us it cut) Lo ircd Izrpff urul sruii iiittSh to s-.if'aii f rin iurrfiis. As a edtstul fof p'uot igraphic jiittufes, notl.inij a more bcauli fuf. Every Oiplnn Asyiu:n una Institution v'ner children ore coiiffTetm'cd, sln-ulJ be l'ufniht'd with ? r-UU!n iln-se beai.lit'il iuiiil-.ii. i hey iuv ITittil with sidi'-sajiiles when rcquiied." MRi-:ci'iox3 run AP.u.rnx'j. ihe ul'ter art of tiio Imr sullicirnlly lo allow- t!:e iivlo to go in lis (dace ; then raiv or lutver the I'ori-r to uuit ion, 5-jrew tho btiu in the side crv liiht. , rir''J'!iore Horses are W A P.P. A FT ED one j on r. March 16, 1 Ml If SOKiJUltY ACADEMY. ft--'-MMKItTI-:BM ;.f thti Suukary AesJemy iJl t-.tiiillt'Ht-e un ' I Aliril, I'he c L.iku ul' in!rrb'.-i,. u t-ai.,t;ic-s cverv (T.-n-jrl- ra il I I I tli:-:illn trutirhj in ti-;; . A .-il,l(.-:lii-.., nni-jr k-M-l.-it's one ci.i.Lf f-u a ;,ri'ft aa;- cl.-.s u. C:i-tre. TKI'.ir? ! K:I (lUAHTLR.-C,-ul!i!.,ii r"-' ! -ntl H'i.jj'-ht-., 1 itl l-.-' cr ;-'ml;!I;-Ii I'.-ju.cUi p, i -' l.jrj-.n--' lir-.-U UiM--;ibcj. 7 LO T-.i..-. -a t" !-i:;aal Uif.iru tbo nirti"? rf tl,- i,;:,n. Pr ,t1i .a t inut In piivnlc f;,m.l;- 3 ul tlflil 1 75 U Si -.') i -.-i-';. H ?. WOLMZHiO.i, rrit:c.,i. .!!.:. Mart-'.. "'-, in voa ;.;kt H'isi ;-,$. TO yvv V..TVI!ISK!-:itS? HO Vol.- WAXT A MJl-f-T.fEJ D.) VOf WANT A MlH-STACnE? I'itl lit) si-.a sn-a lo h ra t v s t i :.; v h a r ixg o x : u k n i , Fur the H7..w'.ti-x r..:i! J! -ir. T.-CM.1 re in ..muiiK-liiij to lin- chi-i.-: l!i-.- ltuve tulaii,-.,! Itir - I Si..:. i.,,-rit;ui :ia'Wl,i-ti I" ,: t,.e ui'- V- J I'C -l-' U'l'tl! I i :l,r..,-;,r, 1 1 , i,,. C. I-. il-lt:i.j i ,-t I. -.lUcit. ii!m! is v. a-r..n. ' '(!.. ::-a, i -i eiMnta;' :i, J ia:t j Ih.w', vttl-r. t. ;T:r..-in icl'iif I :v.;.. VtAv (.,- M:u 'ii fii-m ll"i'ctii :.X . t-cii. 'I loJ PrloIe is tjie .nly our i of i::.; !.oi. I ;h- t l y I:,- 1' re .oil, und in I-uiK'.-ni n'ut l'a. lit) It U 111 MtltVK. tl l.rfO : li . j :i i.t:r tuii. o.rii'Mri. st. Fu'.'lbir !'i;in!,itii t t-fii);.' .I'-ti q i.i U I., i. .-.: m tiir iii.-li". i v j -.lii u tov;!li uf l.ixur.nnt Ii Nj-plint tn toe io.-n I vil. nr. 1. 1!. .cm c;ui.- v r:'n Lt in nlvc ! tba t, olo t l 1 IT Ai'M.ut OLPtlldloiT 1 i.hrr l ii v.r u -1. i . .US.I I I..ur l , tl , . i, ! !-. i!-r. .t h it, t 'i t Ji,'te,,t'' : :.:t i;. y.iti V,!i:tu' t.'-'.-l. ,1 -r; ! i l l"r itiiv rciMlt.'-.-.' ! -ii !,.- tvi;li,M:l ,l. '!' ' '!. IIMl f in i use they : s '.U- It..' I ') A-.-.-i". s iri::- nrt-!cn I t,i--l to vi:.-iri .'!. rs ti.M S.- a.:.jr.-.-'-.-.i ii--- tli 1-.):... a I'mx r r rn:,- 1 y lt.t,i-i.i.,s lit..-! , t i. I t li.- ni:U' .it " (w irhintc I ti ,,.se ilvS'i.'il :!.: V'i'1 In-t,,nt :, n(,.- v:i,. ,:, sin- i-. i y . i tr, t. tti- -t, 'v i'l"-,.- r- r-c.j,: . i j-ric yui : si, ts. Aj-; ' 1,1 .r !,.!" Cieirt! I--.-.T unle at ti,- . .Mi.i.-ii ". c . t H 1I.1.1111 St , Vcw Vu it.- i;t 1 AT. M-i:SLKIF.S. ! TrT j TZ. l;o -tiK.-i t-it, N. Y JOHN' U'. liJX'HEU. Li-c'4i Agent. &u!.burv I'.t. uf suVscrilier, huvi'i li-rn npp.-'i.ttd !-),-i- iXtfUit i'r l.e ali r..' . ticf.t. p!.n t . "f. tf f.r.e i-' tlie ir.ti r- i-.-.Mc .'-. 't.iaeii. s. s tl.i- uiici.tliiii id nil r '.:n wjiit t'i .l.i- Inist t ; 1 liltn ntt-!ir-I, lit jit- tvltrilll UlJII t . ul'lir; ' th.-m titr.-.ah ttut-!iiij ::i lit- Anion,! t'l ... e i!..-riin. ,1 i.-i the I'ataijue htc. 1-.;t! IVar Tret a, of the ege I jI l.'.innp!.inti;ij, rviuuikub'y i lin". I Dwarf An le Tree , on Pur. Ji.-p Stoi k.t. mo-pr-t- ,,T bi .1' ui. I I'tt!.--.:t i s .'.,r the t'iiii.'. end . duci...' n mt! Ii i! -!y t:Tie sppcrijiTia cl l.u.t m n j ft-ry abort fine. Liviiif ( b.-rry Tree, on M.iha'il) , fc'l.'d.s, l-nliili-oiiu trees. ! Slandjid Apple, IVar and Cherry Trees er n.,, with n birite lit nf vtrieiies. IVaih, Plum, Net lariri" and Apri.-ot Trcs. lioost.l.erry, llljcl. berry and bliuU'Ltrry l'iatil all uf tbo lii,.---l knuU. CuiTa't's, many new and lini rove.-l tniietles, su-h ns Ci.t rty, k hiie ti'riiya, W liile Ccnd'-uin il: J fitjpe, H-toiia, -.v b.iuwlvrry PlsStj, rn iireot variffy, Ine'inlina the !......., Vi'' Allr, Triitrr.phip lt tianu, (tlie imtst approved o'd far.iues,iu well as nil t.-s n. vi-llies. Grape . .(-, ...cUidHif those fine, new, yet well tested kinds, ivhith i in plenlcr th.uiid'l e witliu-..l, au.-h -i-, CoiictrtH nnd Hail, lord Prohlie. These v have propjjred j ex tensively asfo a4-lo to otier ibtin ht is luo.d und sulif..Cli..-y iirit. riai'ls, K.'sc., IT.erureens nnd avert variety of otimiiienttl tii a .iid fcbrubt-fry.secuM-ly pat-Led JOHN V. Utt'llEPv. Auoi.t, Sunbury Pa. tHiiibnry, Kcbti.ny, j, 18C1. y.'LiO'.V i.;i!Al)i:s A very lino and cheap assoitmeiit, j.l-,t if-v-eii-d b' road fi i m New York, ui tl.u M itiiiin,.l)i .tote nl Friliug if (iitnt. M'e. hsve also lor aula tl. 8. Pnliimu V Co's etlebratri 'sul Ptrueiwi, ruriain-Flort StJNT BY EXPRESS tv-w viy -:t netaiied at Wfcolesab TiMe, liado to Moasura at $18 fsr dcs. oa tiis ro.t mse i.oLi.AUJi VltRoutO0.ir3 m, vim Colliin en i pt-r dos. e.Ttra MAHi: Of NKW-YOKX KCSUS, VlttiCne l.'r.en D".oti.. sn-l frfrrAr.T-ft cs fl-tod L P.i?t l ui sold in tlit r- ti... rt'-rcs st c-.cli. also. TUi: vr.iiT r.--" Eninn i:u.i c.i:; EE'i; Ar ii liAca. V. theft -ho t'.,!u'? I etinn"t. mnl e a We-.l f.h'rt fir f-.V por il-irn u4 tMjUXiu. Ucr.'s tU. cue; ct caa d-jscn ;.5liLJ5t"'.rt. . 17 rsks'et Xew-TM-k M!J1 m'!"n at HJi'e. f'fi. f tl V jnriisrriliiUI.'.a n, tt per yar.1, !! t :l f I'n !:ir fan 1 -.ut-jiT. : in I. ., 'I (" l,i-in'try, 1 j tut.ot.a ari c.",l',on, Coc .' 1'roU -.3 -. tola!. Hi W gcif Mcastiromcnt tdf Blurts. Printed d'.r:-tior.s vut free errryirhna, nnd n t:f Ii understand, 11. :X nr rnc f rr. tft'-'i Otclr ownnnW frr f irtJ. 1 vtiHMi.t a r.od U V, e cr.O ty Uo I to tlie Express CiLip-upy 011 re -rip'- cf fwii Tht Fxi-r! rhurrcf on on Acitta SMrts fixm Ktw Tork lo i.ew Crlranl.i $1, r. s. rARTirj; wifttirra- Fin.n TV n.vritr.r.ot hiIn time tout-ml l'ir Ru'.es cf ;-n!mreine; L, linuU pcud p'.T ihmI. jrrp i,J, on1 cl tbo nest filttnrMrU tSry Lam cot, statm;; nny aUofitimis t!iat toay )? rciirtiL 3. W. II. WAUD, from tcnior., S8!4Broadw?wy, up stairs, .Ecttroaa ivb; V.'a:ic;r StrrcH -K-n-.VOUIi-'trtl, id, Iht'l. tr irYaTi "mJa i tin v7" I-Oll JIAL.vS AND VEMALI'3. Tiev. J i WAMrOI.C.- A. M., rKINV-i-PA I., and Ttacher uf Latin, Ureclt nml tierman;u:iKCs. ;r. Hi T.l'ilKN W nWEX, Teacher o Mul'.iem-i'ior. end L)ni;iih I5ri.nch.-s. Mil CAKOl.INi: tiOMdUUiS, Teacher o Music otl I'ian ) und Meloiloon. 'i'he Stimuli r Session will tomrtiunce On Mon day the Kirst of Apri!, ISO!. tJoo.1 b3ai.'.ina ran be tun! in' private fttnille-f in Ue vi'.l te, fciifii-r by the wi-t-k or by the meci at :e jirict-stf J crui3 per i;'.nrtcr of eleven weeks.- f. r- ... , $5,Sh. vvoinrnoii li i; iii-ii nracnos, liigher, " Latin or Oret-k, Music, -(fxtrn), ..... t ).(!,0. 7,00. It'.Ot). ..n.i.a.., Aimj, Uly-iliurK. I'ti., jsUnn I36l.-tf 1,00. BOOT A N Ji S II o i; HANtFAfcTORY. Corner cf Market Square and River Street Jlir2 subfcriber rejifctf.i!Iy informs the citi-- z.iis of Siinbury and iciuuy, lht bo his ouencd a S-;mI nri t-hne Shop en tire cornvf i.f Mnrkef !?'iuaT0 nnd River streit; nt.potite the Court li oust), tihere he cini bo founJ at all ti-nea ready to wait u'n'in cuNtoiuers. ' fiavir3 considi-iaMn esperinrm, l:e U p'epa'ctl to ftu!;e,ii cueloiner work of ell kinds, nt ehort UJttce, in the latent ii!."lo tm.l workl!iin!iij. 11c k.fps constantly on hand !ar-; L'fort' inetii. uf Leather, of tiie bo.Hl q.ittiily, wliicli ei.ii bleu liim to mako up good and durable Trorit.- Cull uud fj.uii.int3 f,..r y-.ur.-tclMS bti'u.'o pur' chasing ehenhcre, and vou will save moncv. JOHN WlLYLK. Sunbury, Nov.-10, I860. ly V s I . . ii". center of Strenth and Cuenut -t';'tc?5-Tin ii one vf Kiunx roi.LEor.s, contitl-tiq 'n:; na TiONAIe CiA!N l.OCATEI IN P.iitiiiif'j-hiH, XiAv Y-rk Ci:y, A!.r.T, Hti.Tilo, Cwv. l-irut, Clit .n; , iiml Si. I,()tifi.- hlii .nrphi;-3 cau U j-.ur-cluicti u. (..liar y hd, 'oii :ti pM he LoJim. TUU COJsI.I 'ilA'I ii CUUKifB einbrnres p.n' !e :rd VinuTlc l..lrv Ijn.ik-Ktp;-!nT. Com ii!fn.vi1 .n,ulut"':t', Ct.iitii'Ttinl J.nw,.;. HilhiiiL'j. C- -l r. .m'f.-. ., l'.;r: :u . I Hip h '..;? Mli;::t3, dc. ' ly fnuu w.itlu.. ii..i!ti;t-:r:j.t ft-trinii, wi'.ii i;Uil .'mtnicih:'Sf I i.v-turcs, hi ul 'ilack-u.'itri.l vi-."-!' .-it!. :, i : in ni'tJi.'iui t-i 1 wim'b. 4ii j wic i..e Col-efinie C"urc utht iurj. aii'l cur-'juiil-ia l:c lt'.iu;' 'i-M-!'-K)..4 ; been pi - r.-tj- : j Wr n: a- r.'i'V Pm U-Kcf pi;'?, in t'irc et..iti.ns - C M'!..'il, Ili. h Scli'1,1!, anJ 1 j 11:;; i It. y- nnl St S'i'.'ti.".V (.'tiiiiii.rt ; ii Ari:inneiir : L'lvciit Jt . S-iraT'i-n's Cffi:ivrrr:;.i; I..ii, Ly AiiV-s I'chii, I i, L. bl KNCl'-KiAN SVTKM VV ri:VM ANWI. ' ian 8crifs-f iiinebjitfti, lv T. ft. SIMIM KU. I Pit SPKNCUK. Jr.. Tenrlir-r if Pvnvi .i.-'iip. In'M. viiiiml nniri' ::iii. Sl'jilfhti cuter ut uny I.iftf, Dipli- j i.-i i.j iiw:ii-teJ. V r ?il tfjufi B-.! rir.'iifHr. cull nt Ci:-t I rtibru.iryCj, ly i'iiiii.l-.-!;:ln.i. CUE FROM THE XORTir, COME FROM THE SUUTlt, COME FRUM THE EAST, CVME FROM 'JUE WEST, Save tho c.,-.:i.try unj bt::!j yourr-lves hj"ne; or row is this t::rc ti ct-t ycer Lure'ter thtup. V.-i, l.f.-'Mrr'it i.r.M :jc;: . .riiffEij i r'i be p-irt-hi-td at ioiv rut., at the STEAM sav.'-;;ll ff j f-nr'i 0' IVtr.el T,uinber, Frame L-jinlier, llLiurd't, i'lJinu. f'hi.i,-Iti I'.i'in s.-i p.v (''.o-.tfsr.J, P; iij Lath, I'ltltmr, Uo.irng Loth, Ac., Ac !l . . '.. ,e,l, l-,r unv ki::l ol Lumber, tuiil be t'i ri.U'ud r.t tho eh. rt.-t 1 1 ' i c s - i.;a t. cle.m ?-.$T' Sunl ury, March 0, leOI. SAVE YOUil f EUIT fY lIMi MASON'S Patent Sheet J.Ielu - .-.--v Tv". i'i:i;.':L i: jak.'d i-ai::nv sheet mutal tt "hew top .11. tint is necessary being to aere (lie CbjhIhwtJ' upt-n ilia hLbi.t-r tl.t--rti, -hi.t. is pb'-ea i'n' -iue" iipoti i'..o ni., u'.u-r o tin- J-tr, 3-4 i, an inch ..'n ttiil .'r in the tup ; pievi'tit t! e posioiiiiv of the' tl.. . r t.t l!.." I -in I being injured by coming in' . ; ,r 1. ih,. l!.ihl.fP. I ersoii.dt siring these Jars', can be supplied by a nit! ll.eir ut, ere wnli JI. uv. :4A&sh., l unbury, J-uiie tti-). Av.ut.- COTTAGE LliiL,E'3- gOll AL cueni,- tV.o copirs of Ihl t'otl:if;c kiibh', iu t'wo VuluiiiOb, r.ii'ntar.m. 11. B. M ASXi-Ht I LANK l'urchiuttiu PaH-( Dttoda and hiauk Moit','aqrs, JJoiidi. Kxecutions. iSuuitnona', Ac. for mil h liVU. M.V.-SKK. i t; A 4 KHIiS ! Ch.VCKL'KJ, just re.cited and lor sultf by Ihe barn I or the l'nf.-ctioneiy sMr-t of itt. f. Gl'LMi 11 AKT. Siiniuiy. It-iii1 .t lit, IhBiI. V.-liti A very cheap and dinrahlo uss.irtinent just revived tin. w.ek, ft ihe Suiuiti!h Store of jVKlLlNti tft irKAN t. Bunbury, Jnuunry I. Ilil. DUlbU i'tACHKS. pare.) end unjunw et ki.srMesf.oth etoreof FR7ll.SU A OrtAMT