- War! War! Wax I C.VK. FROM THE NORTH, COME PROM THE SOUTH, , , . CO ME FKOSt THE EAST,' COME FROM 'J HE WEST, Save th. country and huifd yourselvcsr homes, r now in the time ti got Jottr lumber cbwr. Yes, LUMBER ! LUMBER !! LUMBER ! ! ! finite purchase a ttw rofe et the oitjn NVW-MILL of . IRA T. SUNBUBY, FA., 5ueh as Panel Lumber, Frame Lumber, Boards, Siding. Shinnies ffin? t S per thousand. Plastering Lath, Puling, Roofing Lath, Ac, Ac. All bills ordend, for any Mud uf Lumber, will 1 fiirrushed l the shorie.t notice ' , IRA T. CLEME.VT. Hunbury, March 9, 161. . 7 i S. E. corner of Stoenth and Chctnut Streets. This it one of ElfcliT COLLEGK?, CONSTITUTING- THE "NA TIONAI. CHAIN." LUCATl'S 1.1 Philmlelphhi, Tew York City. Alhny, DiiTato, Cipro tin.t, l'h:-:wi, nnd St. Louis. Scholarships i-uil be pur chased ut cuher poinl, g'tod ul all tho Coll. ccs. THE COLLEGIA TE COURSE or.brnoes Double oi.d Single Entry Book-Kecnine, Com mercial Compulations, Commercial Law, I't-n i i: n i t p, Business L'otrespolide.'ce, Purtaerslnp Settlements, etc PRACTICAL TEXT-BOOKS. TheTcacl in? in the Hook-Keeping Department is most- Tv from written mamisciipt forma, with crul iiikttnoiinna lecture, nnd bl:ieV-o!irti elticirtmion i in nddiiinn ! whii-h. in order t.i uinke Collemate Course ne thorough mil LiieciuKlnii nossihle. the following Text-Hx'ka have Bryant & titration' Rook-Keeping, in three editions e.imiiK'ilfrhool. High School, null uounting nouse j ory mi! n Stmt'on'a Commercial Arithmetic ; Bryant ft- Stratum's Commercial I .aw, by Amos Denn, L.L D. PPENCF.RIAN SYSTEM VF PENMANSHIP, iu a series of ninnbooks, by P. R. SPENCER. P R 8PEXCER, Ji., Teacher of Penmanship. Iirfi vidiml tnetraclwn. Students enter at any time. Diplo- ni. nuar.lc.l IT For Cnt'ilof ties nivl Clrc-tlnrs. enll nt the College, uraitdresa HHYANT, SlUAIlv.x it KAIittiAMi Keliruury 43, led. ly Philadelphia. FOR MALES AKD FEMALES Pev. J F. W AM POLE. A. M., rKINCI- PAL, and Tcaclier of Lstiu, Greek and German J.aiituaseB. Mr. STEPHEN W. OWEN. Teacher o Mathcmatira and EniiUh Trnnches. Miaa CAKOL1NE KOLUKJLE, Teachor ol Music on I'inno and Melcdeon. 'J'he Summer Session will commence on Mem dav the First of Aorii. 1R6I. Uood boardinn can be had in private families in the village, cither by the -week or by the meal at reasonable prices. Terms per quarter of eleven weeks, Common English Biaches, Higher, " " Latin or Greek, Music, (extra). $3.00. 5,00. 7,00. 10,00. tiermati, (extraV Elysburg, Pa., Mareh P, 18BI.. 1,00. -tf SENT BY EXPKESS EVEBTWHERB. iledet Wholesale Prices, Mado to Heasxire at $18 per doz. OR BIX FOH NINE DOIjI.AKS !"rVbout Collars on.vflth Collars on 2 rer dot extra. MADE OF SEW-TOEK MILLS MUSLIN, .Tfitli floe Mien Ituorns. and warrants! as good a Ehlrt as sold la the mail stores at eutiu in TlIEYEItY TtEST FHTIlTS T1UT CAN ES t ' UADT; AT H EACH. p g "Tioss n-ho think I cannot tnnlce a stood Slilrt for 1' per djzon a-a mistaken, iierc's the cost uf ce dozen $1S fine shirts. SO yards ef Kew-Torlr.5nilransl!nntM;fe. fcryd. t TS 7 :i: . t ot tUO J.llien. HI. UVtf. per imu,. . . . ..8 60 MaV'lnesnd cutlb.? Lawdry, ll i butiona tnd coilon. Wo. . . . f.-oOl ....(! (I ....1 W ....I M Total W Eclf IIea3tiremQat for SMrts. Trluted directions sent free everywhere, and so easy to un d'-Mtar.d, Unit any oca can ttko their own ineaur forslJrta. I warrant a good fit. The c.uh to bo jiaidto t'.:e ljcprcss Compimy on rece!it of goods. The Exprws charFCS on owi dsica Shirts from Ke. Tcik to i.'w Drleansis (1. r. 9 -pinnies visirrsa etjihts is haste, not havi.'S fine to send for P.ii'hi of Measurement, Bhould e ;ni nor mi ll, prepaid, one of the but little;; al lrts they bave't'Ot, stating any alterations thai may bo required. ? S. Y7. H. WARD, from London, "387 Broadway, up stairs, .Between TOte t Waliier Strscts "UW-YORK' ' March 10. ISfil. tf BOOT AND S 11 O E MANUFACTORY. Corner of Muriel Siiuare und Jlii'er -Street fjJIME subscriber respectfully informs the citi zrns ot iSunburv ami vicinity, that be 1ns cpened a Boot and t'-lme Shop on the corner of Market Square and Liver street, opposite the l.ourt Ho U.K. where lie can be found tt all times rcaily to wuit upon customers, Hiving coiisiJerabm expiricnre, he is prepared to make un customer work of all kinds, at short notice, in the latest style and workmanship. He keeps rouattititly on hand a large assort iiic.it of Leather, of the best quality, which ma bits l.im to make up (rood and durable work. Call arid examine for yourselves before pur chn.ins elsewhere, and you will save money. JOHN WILVER. Sunbury, Nov. 10, I860. ly SAVE YOUR FEUIT fSY UMNO MASON'S Patent Sheet Metal Screw Top PRUsEUVE JAR. MASON'S PATENT SHEET METAL SCREW TOP! that it necessary being to screw the Cap down upon the Rubber Gasket, which is placed outside upon the shoulder ot the Jar, d-4 id an null dm taut from the top; prevent the possibility of the flavor of the Iruit being injured by coming in iitui t v ii h the Kuliln r. Persons leaning these Jars, can be supplied by awnir their orders witli 11. 0. M .insf.K, fuiibury, June I8G0. Agent COTTAGE' BIBLES. 1OU BALK, chenp, throe copies nf the Cottage Bible, in two volumes, with cooj mentar.i-a 11. u. ma boh 14. rjLANK Parchment Paper Deeds and blank Mortgages, Bonds, Executions, Summons, Vc, for sale b Ii. II M ASfSKfi. sff, BACKERS ! CHAI KERcf, iu.t received snd for sale by the barrel or pound, at the Wilcciloncry store ol M. I;, ULsAli II A IU . Sunbnry, (lelobcr l. 1HPI1. FIl.N WARE A very cheap and desirable - assortineut jiu.l received tliis week, at the Mammoth Store ul j-KU.IAU & GKAN J Sunbury, Jarruary 13, l&bl. IBlEDrEACHhS, ard aud uojursd -" l ID JldHmntQ sltirefif llill.lNti sV GKANf s THE E1ULING & GRANT. et the MAMMOTH STORE, have just received NEW AND DEMIUBLE etrvk of FALL WINTER GOODS! A rery extensive eesortmcni of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Consisting in part of Blswk and Fancy Silks of very choice patterns. DBBEGEf, lhicahvO'astxnerra. French and English Meiinos, Plain and Figured Wool Delaines). Muslin Delaines of all styles and pricca. Foulards, Thibet Cloth, Poil De Chevree. Saxon'and Wool Plaida. I ADIES' FURS, B ROCHE, Day Slate and Wool SHAWLS of every va- riuty, &c, &.C. Gcntlemca's Dress Goods, of every itylo, consisting of Cloths, Cusimercs, batlinctts, Kentucky Jeans. Tweeds, Velvet Cord, Velveteen, Vestings. of every variety. Our stock of fcilk and Pill; Velvet Vesting, cannot bo surpassed in the country. Piuasa calli and examine them. CLCTKXKG ! Our stock of READY MADE CLOTHING, has been replenished, and we have a full assort ment of OVERCOATS DRESS COATS. Pants and Vests, Overcoats and Dress Ceaie Ut Boys of ail agts. ALSO, a very tmndome assortment of HuftuTS CAPS of every Myle and variety at the lowest prices. Our stock of ZI ARDVVHRE has been renew' ed and we have now a larger assortment than ever before offered to our customers, consisting in part oi Sausage Cutters, Pocket Cutlery, Butcher Knives Mayer Hinges, Bolts and Pad Locks, X Cut Saws, Mill Saws, 8coop Shovels, &.c, &c, &.c, it., Ac, ie. Qucemwnre and Glassware, of every variety at the VERY LOWE8T PRICE8. Oar stock of Is very fino. We havefthe best quality of Syrup Molasses ever before olbre to the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity. CEDAR AND WILLOW-WARE of every variety. dpi. Notions, Hosiery, Gloves, SADLERY. BOOTS AND SHOES, Ac, Lc Also a fresh supply of Dri-ps, Paints, Oi's, Dye Stuffs. Perfumery, Glass. Fancy Soaps, Brashes, &c. Particular cure having been taken in the e lection of our goods in regaid to quality, 6lvle and i rice, we call the attention of the public to our largo stock to wUicli constant additions will be made. Thankful for past favors, we hope to merit a continuance oi the pnlruusce of the public by selling cheaper than ever. Give us a cali before purchasing elsewhere. FRILING & GRANT, Sunbury, Nollrnibcr 17, 1800. TO ALL, TIIGSK II4TIAU Farms, Parks or Gardens, IN CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA. A rare chance is now uiTorded to select and order FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES Vuies.Wiiuhi.ei , sVc.fii.tn the celebrated Clover Street i.iu.cius ixjeaicu ai iiociicsicr, iStw Yoik. itit'NisTK, BiooitK, imoriiK.its, PROPHIETORR Who beg leave to amiouncu that they arc prewired Uitough their tjuiilihed and ' 1 It I; B P O N 8 I B L I' AGENT 8. To di.lrionte thi eir superior ste-ck on ihe .most rexsouabl rnoi'Lii he the ICETSTCITE STATE. f VS"..'.'f.Ni".!i"re ""d benmiful.imd justly eelehrat. your liHeHis-Mme, venlth, liberality and Isste, now IS time to make youi selections Iron, our ' the I.KSOHIPm K CATALOUIE AND PLATE BOOKS, W inch will befnruiahed you, ihroufl, cur .,cal nceins" Ely hii.,1 J' """" U U"r 'd"" Wi" be Uuuon' Eol lurthet jiuriicutarstipph-to I'ltEDEHICK A. HOWE. Or Jt)ll B JONES, "aAbvitix, A si ut lor .Yirthiimherlaiid county, HKPEHENCESi HS. EfJI'NE.EIt riKiKEIN. It oi heater, N V Hoi. JOHN OAl.liKtlTH, Erie, Pa. ' ' t .d J. It. J()ll.s,, Meodvills, Pa. 1 ab r us r ) , 1 bU 1 . m . STOVES- lOH SALB an excellent second hand Pex. in g Mow., also several Cylindt Coal olu.es. V.mqiun at ll.is nrtic. GREATEST EXCITEMENT 0? SEASON t K0W WITHIN BEACII 01 ALL G noVKIlrllAKniS CELEBTtATED NOISELE8 Sewing Machines 405 BnuAawir, Nats York. Tho public attention is respectfully requested to the following cards of Eli is Hows, Jb , and the (irover & Baker 8. M. Co A Card from the QUOTES. & BAKER S. 1. Co. Our rafcnls bclne now established by tj Courts, we are enabled to furnih tho Urover &. Baker Machine, with important improvements at greatly Reduced Prices. " The moderate price at which Machine mik Ing the Grover & Baker stitch, can now be had, brings them within the reach of all, and renders the use of Machines making inferior stitches as unnecessary as it is unwise. Persons desiring the best Machines, and the right to use them, must not only be sure to buy Machines making the drover & Baker stitch but a so that iiurh Machines are made and stamped under our patents and those of Elias Hower, Jr. GROVER & BAKF.RP. M. CO., 4 US Broadway, IVevr York A CARD FROM EI. I AH HOWE, JR. All persons are cautioned not to make, deal in or use any Sewing Machines which sen- fro'n two spools snd make I he stitch known as the (irover & SBaker slitch, unless the sume are purcliancd from the Grover V Baker Mewing Machine Company, or their Agems, or Licenses, and stamped under my natentof September 10, 1846 Said Company, and their Licenses, alone, art legally authorized under their own patents, am. my suid patent, ihirinj the extended term there of, to make and sell this kind of Sewing Machine and all others aro piracies upon my said patent, and will be dealt with accordingly, wherever found. ELIAS HOWE, JR. New York, Dee. S9, I860. tf New Arrival of Clothing. THE largest and best Stock of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING ever brnnght to this place, arrived at thn Mammoth Cloihing Store of SCHWEITZER, HE1LURONNKK & CO.. in Market street, nearly opposite Wea ver's Hotel. Their Stock comjirises of FINE CLOTH COATS, Dress Coats, Over Coats, Business Coats, Ac. VESTS OF ALL KINDS. UnderShirts, Drawers, &c. HATS AIST3D CAPS. BOOTS AND SHOES, of the latest styles of every description end quality, cheaper than ever. Their assortment of gentlemen's furnishing Clothing is the most complete ! Their variety und etylesmost attractive. And the pi ices defy all competition. I Ji? Call and examine for yourselves. SCYEn,ZEF.,HEILBKttNNER $ CO. Sunbury, Oct. C, ISO. CENTRAL HOTEL, STJNETJRY, NortLumberland County, Pa. THIS large and commodious Hotel, now managed by JAMES VAN DYKE. It is pituute at the Railroad Depot North East corner of Market Square, Sunbury, und at the terminus of the Sunbury If Erie and North cm Central Railroads, and is open for the accom modation uf Travelers and ihe publie in general The prjprietor will give his exclusive atten tion, to the comfort and convenience of his guests and U de crmiued to niuko this establishment rank among tlic first in t lie State. Hi.- tabic will be supplied with the best Ihe market can produce having the advantage ot d.iily eommuniimtion by cars direct from Balti more, and al.-o from those bringing produce irom the surrounding country. Ins bar will be supplied with the purest liquors the market ran produce Ca-eful and obliging servants always in at tendance. Niw and commodious stabling lias just been added to the premises. A share ol the local and traveling community a most respectfully solicited. S'luhury, January 13, 1861., VITT."EX GOODS, FOR MEN'S WEAR. Black and Blue Hair Cloth, Ueaver ivercoaitng, BUok Doeskins, New St) le Cassimeres, Ail Wool Tweeds, Heavy Kentucky Jeans, ileal liood i-assmetta, Sill Mixed Coatings, Super Velvet Cords. Black Grenadine Vesting, Black Satin Vesting, Fancy Silk Velvet Vesting, Plain Silk Velvet Vestings, Nice Cassimere Vesting In fact all kinds of goods for Men's and Boys' wear, can be found at the People's One Price Store of E. Y. iiriglit & Son, who have just eceived by Railroad a splendid stock of all kinds uf goods, ftiiia'olc fur cold weather. Please call and be convinced, E. Y. BRIGHT & SON. Sunbury, October 27, 1S00. REVERB HOUSE, (1.ATI-: KAUI.K HOTEL,) Third Strut, ubure liace, Philadelphia, BHOADS le. SAILOR, Proprietors. JMPROVK.MKNTS nave been ma la, and the House has bt-en refitted throughout Tilgiiman V. Kiioaiis, formed of Ihe National Hotel t iiAKLK. e-.iLoK, formerly of Schuylkill to., Pa. 1'liiliulelphiii, Jan. IU, 1961 ly FILES & RASPS" ' ISE-CUT and made equal to NEW, at the old stand No. 211 NEW STREET, (near the Barley Sheaf Hotel, 2nd Street, below Vine, PHILADELPHIA. All work done at this eoUWUhment warranted good, at a savins; of Fifty per cent. A large assortment of New Files, on hand Wlmlcsule & Retail, at Manufacturers' Prices. J. B. SMITH. A pril 6, ISfil 3m w NOTICE A LL persona knowing themselves indebted to the subscribers, engaued in the Foundry business, on notes, book accounts, or otherwise, are equested lo settle Ce sain, without delay. Those neglecting this notice must not complain il co.ts are added to their accounts. C. U. & J. ROHRBACH. ftunlWy, Nov. 17, ISCb 6in BLANKS! BLANKS!! 4 new supply of Summons', Kxecutions, Warrants, Supcenas, Deeds, Mortgsges, Bouds, Leases, Naturalization pajwrs, Justice. ud Constables Fe. Bills, Ae., just printed snd for sale st this OfiHe. -- Sunbury, April 90, Ib.'iS. Cure CWolt, CoM, llo&rtcntit, Inflnenxa, any Jrrtlati-m or Sorenetl of th Throat, lieve the Hading Cougk . in Connumptton, Bron. i - thitit, AnHma, and Catarrh, Clear and give $trengt to (ht tofcf of Poblie Spea'hert and Singrrt. Few see aware of Ihe Importance of eheckln Conah or "L'tjrmuou V"M" lit Ita first stage that which In Ilia bnriiiiiina wookt yield to a rot! remedy, If ucqleeteri, nonii HHcKi the Lanas "IIROWN'S DHONCHIAL THO Cllli!," eoiuiiinins; demulcent ingrediuils, allay Pulino uary and lirnnehiul Irritation. "Thnt trouble III my throat, (rof which the "TllOlH:,, are a specihe) huvn.a Brown's TROCHES Brown's THOCI1F.S. Biown's TROCIIF.8 Urown's TROCHES. Brown's mud nMol'ten a naern whisnerfer" IN. P. WIM.IS. "t recommend their use to Tublie Speak ers." KF.V. K. H. CHAP1N. "Have proved extremely serviceable for tlonrstitt'sn." KKV. llr.XRY WARD BKECHER. ""Aim. st in. unit iclinf in the distressins Isbor of breathing nliar to Asthma " "Cnnuin no Opiuin or anything injuri ous." UK. A A I1AYKS, CheuiiBt, uosU'll. "A simple and pteasaut oomhiaatiun for uougns, SlO." nit u r niubiAMv, Boston. "Beneficial in Bronrhitis " DUJ F W LANE, Uiolon TROCHK9. Brown's TROCHES. Brown's TROCI1KS. Brown's "I have proved them excellei.t for Whoop. insr cougii." KtV II W WARREN, Boston "Beneficial when compelled to speak, suflernif Iront uom." REV 8 J P ANDERSON, St. Louis. TROCHES. "Effectual In removlne Hoarseness and iriilHtion of the Throat, so coininon with Brown's TROCHES. Brown's TROCHES Brown's TROCHES Speakers and Sincrrs." Prof M STACY JOHNSON, l,n Rraiiee. Gn., Teacher of Music, iullicm Female Collesre. "Orent benefit when take:! before snd after preaehinff, as they prevent Hoarseness From their past effect, I think they will be of peiinaneni Hiiniuitige to me." . REV K HIJWt.EY, A M., President of Athens College, Tenn. IT Sold hy all Druggists at io cents a box. December 8, lt-G0. timpl EVANS & WATSON'S Philadelphia Manufact'd Salamander Safes. Xo. 304 CViwiMf Sfreef, PHILADELPHIA. ruHKSR Safes are now in arte all over the United States, J nnd hiive been tested in many fires J the following shows another instance ol their enpatni ty in resisting me VA'iTMaa's Erioob, ) Lnnenster Townshln. July 30. 1FS30. 1 Tks. Tvanb .V Wnxsiix. Gentlemen : The smali size No. I Salamander Safe which I porehased from your agent, Mr. Adam R. Burr, in lneaBter City, on July lftlth, lbflf, hits been snhjeeied ton very severe test, which it withstood in a most satisfactory manner- This Safe, con. tummr; ail mv hooks, together with valuable pnnera hclang tig to mvself and some to my neighbors mid frienilB. and representing n value of over Twenty Thousand Dollura, (-JO,(:uii) was in my Mill, which was destroyed on the night fo Ihe STihof July, IfiflO, and pnssetl throuih theheiy ordenl unscathed, The rif was on Iks second floor, and fell to the Imaemeiil of the Mill, and Wus subje cted for six houis to an intense heat among the ruins, which wus greatly increased hy the combustion of a large quantitv r groin confined within the brick walls. After thefue the Safe wnsoprned and the books and papers taken nut in a stuto of perfect preservation, the paper not even being discolor ed. This tact was, however, to many bystanders, a better rccomm'-ndiitioti of your Sles tlu.ii could be exptessed in liny other words from me. Yours, respectfully, SAMVEI. RANCH. Another Victory for Evans and Watson Salamander Safe. Onwsoo. N. Y., March 27 lf-00. Gentlemen It utTonls me much pleasure to Inform you that the Pate No ft, (upright) which I purehnscd of B. Stroud, your traveling agent, lias passed through an ex ceedingly hot fire in a three srory brick huildinff. which heated the Pnfe to u white heat, so that the cornels f it appear melted; but it preserved my liooks and valuable I tapers to the amount of aeverul thousand dollnis, for which leel liiunkful. Yours, respectfully, J N. EI.DR1DGE. Ft' A large assortment 'f the alwe S Fl'si always en hiiiirl. ut 30 1 IJhesnat street, (latest South 1'ouith si., t-rnlHilriptiia. Octc.be' 6, 1S60. ly LOOK HERE, KvU WANT TO BUY CHEAP FOR IF CASH. G TO WM. H. MILLER, he has received from Philadelphia a large stock of BOOTS & SHOES. His stock consists of Gen rts Ktpp Boots, Youths' Kipp Boats. Children's Calf Boots. Also a variety of Women's Calf Lace Boots, Women's Morocco Lace Boots, Children's Morocco ami Calf-Lace Boots, all of which he will sell cheap for CASH. Call and examine for yourselves. At. SO, first quality of Tain per o Moroco for sale fur cash. WM.H. MILLER. Sunbury, January 7, 18fi0. SUNBUltY STEAM PLOUitliSG rlHE subscribers having tuken possession of A this first cla FLOURING MILL, are pre pared to receive grain of bll kinds, and to do cus' torn work at the Shortest Notice. Customers will have their grists ground immediately upon ilicir being leit at the Mill. As it is the intcn. tion of the firm to stock the Mill a large Sup' ply ot Grain, will be constantly kept on hand, und flour by the quantity can always bo obtained. The greatest care will be taken to turn out a su perior quality of flour, for which the mill is ad' mirably adapted. Strict attention will be paid to the wants of customers, and the patronage of the public generally is respecllully requested. MORGAN &. CO., Sunbury, J un. 23, lBHO. LUMBER! LUMBER PHILIP SHAY, BNFORMS his friends and the public in erne H ral, that he constantly keeps on hand. Hoards, Shingles, Lath, Joists and all kinds of Lumber and building materials, which he will sell at the lowest prices. March 30, 1861. DR. A. W. FISCHER, (TVFFERS his professional servises to Ihe citi " aens of Sunbury and vicinity. OlVue at Ihe Drug Store. Sunbury, June 3l, IHIIO. SHAM0KIN VALLEY POTTERY. r"xHE subscriber respectfully informs the public that he is now manufacturing at his Pottery, 4 miles cast of Sunbury, all kinds of Earthen Ware, made out ol Itcd Cement Clay. This clay produces the best and most desirable kind uf ware, equal, in many respects, to stone ware, and is less liable lo crack by sudden heat ano coio. Ihe subsciiher refers to Friling & Granl, nunbury. Address, JOSEPH 8AVIDGE, Oct. 13. IC60. ly Sunbury, Pa. "WLIj PAPER 1 FRILING cV GRANT, at the MAMMOTH 81'ORE, have this Jay (January 17ih, 18CI received a C1101CE ASSORTMENT OF Till NEWEST STYLES AND PATTERNS OF WAZsL PAPER, which they are selling at prices that defy competition. Sunbury, January 19, I861- GENESEE SALT. WHOLESALE Os RETAIL, lJi'ILING & GRANT (at the Mammoth - Store,) have just received 600 ths. of Solar Ground, Solar and Fin. Sail, 700 Sacks of Ground Solar Salt every sack warranted to contain 23S pounds of Salt and 200 bags of Salt containing en. Bushel each. This salt is the best and strongest now manufactured and in market, ('all and se. for yourselves. Sunbury Sept., 8, 1860. Trrsw llBil BOOTS t SHOES, eaa be purchased at the Mammoth Store of Friling eV Grant, eery cheap.aew. are determined not to be undersold by suy body. (Jail and learn th. list of prices for yourselves. - FRILING 4 URANT. Pwihnry, Jsnusry J, ufei - Specif ; EI AH WHAf TH1 BA1. ' Th mvterrtcned bavin OBei Prnfenmr nnMPRftFTfr BPKOIPIO HOMHOPATHIC RKMKDIKS In our families) mlth tin aaost satlsraetory results, and having full eonfl denes In tlielr genulneneiis, purity and efficacy, cheerfully reeommend in era to all persons who wish to have safe, re liable, sod t motel ous remedies at band fur private er o mefitle use. m The Rev. Wm. noianef, editor ef " The northern Inrle pendent," Auburn, N. Y. ; llie Rev. K. II. Orsasey, D.D., Hector of 81 Peter's Church, Aubnrn, N. Y. Uia Bev. B. L Ires, OtianiRtn of th Auburn Btate Prison Uis Rev. Bpenosr M. RlcS, Rectnr, New-Bedford, Mass. the Rev. Allen Steele, New-York Oonrerenoe ; the Rev. Samuel Nichols, East-Oimesea Conference, N. Y. t the Ree. P. tv Prau. Dorset, Vt the Rev. John JJ. Robte, BurTalo A. O. Hart, Ksq., Utlca, N. Y. i th lion. Neal Dow, Portland, Me. I the Hon. Schuyler Colfax, South-Bend, Ind. j the Hon. Oeorge Humphreys, N. T. I Henry D. Oook, Esq., Editor t Ths Ohio Hlate Journal, Columbus, Ohio ; the Hon. R. H. uraliam, siiiune, in. ; me uon. mnniiw . wii. wvi.w eHIo, Ela. 1 the Hon. Joseph Benedict, Htlca, N. Y. Wra. Bristol, Esq., UUca, N. Y. -, A. 8. Pond, Esq., UUca, N. I. ; James I'luukstl, kh., nasnviiie, rsnn. LIST OF BPECIFIO REMEDIES. 11. 1 Vnt Vvr. Oonsastlon. and Inflammation. No! 1 Ear Wonn Fever, Worm Colic, Welling the Bed. No. 8 "or Colic, Orylng, Teething, snd Wakefulness ot Infants. No. 4. Tor Diarrhea, Cholera Infantum, and Snmmar Oomplalnts. No. 6. For Collo, Ortplngs, Dysentery, or Bloody Tin. No. 8 For Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Vomiting. No. 7. For Coughs, Colds, Influensa, and Sore Throat. n a Itfir Tnnt.h.ftrhi. Fsca-arhi. And Neuralirla. No. a. For Headache, VerUgo, Heat and Fullness of the Heau. . , No. lft DrsrxretA pit.rs ror weas ana verucea gtomaeh, ConsUpatlon, and Liver Complaint. No. 11. Fon fsmili IaaaotruaiTias, Scanty, Painful, or Suppressed Periods. No. 18. For Leucorrhea, Profuis Menses, and Bearing Down of Females. No. 18. For Croup, noarse Cough, Bad Breathing. No. 14. Sai.v Riikoh Pills For Erysipelas, Eruptions, rimples on the Face. No. IS. Riibosutic Pii4A For Pain, Lameness, or Sore nss In the Chest, Baok, Loins, or Limbs. A. For Fever anC Ague, Chill Fever, Dumb Ague, OW Mismanaged Agues. .... p For Piles, lillnd or Bleeding, Internal or External. O. For Sore, Weak, or Inflamed Eyes and Eyelids; Fall Ing, Weak, or Blurred Sight. C For Catarrh, -of long standing or recent, either wltb obstruction or profuse discharge. W. C For Whooping Cough, abating III violence and Shortening Its course. In all acute diseases, such as Fevers, Inflammations, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Crimp, RWiiruatlsm, and such erup tive diseases as SoarUt Fever, Meuslcs, and Erysipelas, Die advantage of giving the proper remedies promptly Is nb. vious, and In all such cmib the specifics act like a charm. Yhe entire disease is often arrested at once, and In all cases the violence of the attack Is moderated, Uie disease short ened, and rendered less dangerous. Courtis and Colds, which are of such frequent occurrence, and which so ofteu lay the fnundatlos of diseased lungs, bronchitis and consumption, may all tie at once cured by the Fever and Cough Pills. Id all chronic diseases, such as Dyspepsia, Weak P'omach, Constipation, Liter Complaints, Piles, Female Debility, snd Irregularities, eld Headaches, Sore or Weak Eyes, Catarrh, Salt Rueuin, and other old eruptions, the ease lias specifics whose proper application will afford a cure iu almost every Instance. Often the cure of a single chronic limcult.v, such as Dyspepsia, Piles r Catarrh, Headache or Female Weak ness, has more tlnui paid for the case teu times over PRICE. Case of 20 vials complete. In morocco, and Book. Case of Vil vials, and Book, plain Case of 16 numbered boxes, and Book 4 I Case of 6 boxes, nunibcred, ami Uook. . Single numbered boxes, with dircct.l;s, 1 . W cents. ..Ml cents. enigis lettereo t aitli ulrecltona. Large case of S os. vials, for planters and physicians. lt ALSO SPECIFICS. Foa AsvitMl na Parnate. Oppressed, Difficult, Labored Breathing, attended with Cough and Exploration. Price, Ui eents per box. Ken k DiscHAaoes m Dsashskb. Discharges from tint Ear, the result of Scarlet lever. Measles, or Mercurials. For Nulses In the Head, Hardness of Hearing, and Hinging 1., II,. l.'r. tn.l l:.-tr.a,:l Price. f)0 celie tier box. Fob Scaorri.A Enlarged (llaiuls, Fnlarged anil Indurat ed Tonsils, Hwellina-a and Old 11,-ers, Scrofulous Cachexy of Children. Price, Ml cents per box. Foa flMtaaAL Dssii.rTV.- Physical or Nervons Weakness. Either the scsull of Sickness, Kxeesslvs Medication, or Ex hausting Discharges. Price, Ml cents per box. Foa liBurar. Fluid Accumulations, Tumid Swellings, with Scanty Secretions. Price, Mi cvnla per b'rx. Fob Ska Sicxnkss Deathly Sh-knens, ertlgo, Nausea, Vomiting. Sickness from riding or motion. Price, 60 cents ''"oKt'Bis.iBT Piskabss. For 'travel, Kenat Calculi, Diffi cult, Painful Urination, Diseases of the Kidneys. Piles, 60 cents per box. Foa Skmixai. Emissions. Invf.luniary Discharges and Consequent Pruslratlon and Debility, Had Results of Evil HUdta. The most succrtsful and etlicleiit reinwly known, and mar be relied- upon as a cure. Price, with full direc tions, ii per box. PersUI WHO WISH lo place iiiru-.eiTr. u.i...-. n.c slonal care, or to seek advice or pror. iivMPunsys, can no so, at Ida office ti-i Broadway, dally from b A.M. to 8 P.M. or by letrer. OI R HEMKDSFS BY STAIh. T.nok over the list: make un a case of what kind yon ehouMi, and Inclose ths amount In a current note or slamjps by mail t our address, at Nu. ran nroanway. new iorx. anil the me.nciiie win uc uuij ir.um.u uj . w. ..j:,. free of charge. A IE-NTS WANTED. We desire an BCtlvc,ernclerit Agent for the sale of our Remedies In every town or community l ths Cnlted States. Address Dr. F. I1CMPIIRKVB Co. No. 62 Mboadwat, Nsw.yoas. A.W FISHER, Ageut, Sunbury, P. May Sfi, 1860 ly ANOTHER A II It I Y A L OF N E W GOOD S, J. II. EFX. of Sunbury, Pa., n AS just arrived with splendid STOCK of SPUING AND SUMM KR GOODS, from Philadelphia, lo which he respectfully invites his friends and the Public to call and inspect, he will spare no time in showing them. Among his stock of goods will befound, FINE BLUE AND BLACK FKE1TCH CLOTH. Fine Black and Fancy Casimeres. 1 weeds, Sat inetts, Jeans, Black Italian Cloth, Cashmerette, Cottonade, Linens, Linen Drill, Linen Check, and Farcy Vesting, alsn a large assortment of Ready-made CLOTHING for men and boys (cheap.) . FOR LADIES WEAR, Black and Fancy Dress Silk very cheap, Silk Tissue, Bereges, Chali and Chnli Robes, Berege Delaine, Berege Robes, Figured Brilliant and a variety of olber Dress Goods, Spring and Sum mer Shawls, Mantillas, Parasols, a good assort ment of white goods, Collars, Sleeves, Irish Linen, Shirt fronts, Marseilles, Brilliant Ae. A general assortment of domestic Dry Goods. Also a large atock of Hats and Caps, Boots and shoes. Hardware, Queens and Glassware, Groceries, Cedarware, Stone and Earthenware, Drugs and Paints, Salt, Fish, Cheese, Ham, Oil, Tar &.c. iic. N. B. Wall and Window Paper, Floor and Table Oil Cloth, Carpels, all the above wilt be sold at low prices for cash or country produce ta en in exchange for Goods. J. . ENGEL. 8unbury, May. 19, I860. tf. ii a nti is P inTLRi, 21 1 1 o r n r ji at a to , MARKET SQUARE, STJNB TJRT, June 23, 1860. New Air Line Route TONE -W "STORK. (SHORTEST IN DISTANCE AND QUICKEST IN TIME between ths two Cities of NEW VOUU AND HABMISBUfiO. VI READING, ALLJ.NTOWN AND EASTON. Morning Express West leaves Now York at 6 a ss . and Philadelphia st 8 a M , arrives at Harriaburg at Hi IS r M. connecting at Horrisl.urg with train on Northern Central Rood tor bunbuiy, VYiuiawaport, Lock Haveu sad inter mediate stations. Mud Train West leaves New York at IS noon, snd Philadelphia at 3 30 r. ., connecting with train on North ern Ceulial Road for slutions as above, and also on all trains on the Willmmsport and Eliniia. Mail Traiu East leaves Harriaburg at , A at , and ar rive at Philadelphia at I . at., and Naw Yoik at 330 r- sr., in lime lo lake boat or ears for Boston, Ae. Fsst Express Eusl leaves Harnsbat; at 114, on ai rival of Northern Central Tiain, and arrives at Philadelphia at 0.13 r at .and New Yoik aitlr. is. No change of ears or baggage batweeo New York or Philadelphia and Harrisbuig. For beauty of scenery and speed, eomfbit and aeeommo dation, this rout presents superior Inducements to the traveling publie Oilice iu New York, footnf Courtlsnd street, Phllauel. phia, Hroad and Callowhill streets. Fare iMtween New York and ilarrisburg FIVE DOL lAKS. For Tickets; Freight or other information, apply to .. , 1. J. CLYDE, General Agent. Harrlslairg. June XI, 1W0 ly " ALFRED D. BRICK'S UX1TED STATES AND EUROPEAN PATENT OFPJOB, No. 823 WALNUT STREET, Philadelphia. 1T B. Communications by' mail promptly I attended to. ' , Pept II, rt). ly HIGHLY I M POUT ANT HEW 8. M. C, Cii.i:ifi,liT, , , ?Tb returned svith a new ft long of . ConfMiiontxies, Fruit and Toys, T seems as If a new ace, a new life was open ing upon us, animating every heart to nobler doeds-and higher aims! Art, Literature and Sci ence will glow anew and seek to develojat sub timer beauties afrd grander conception. Th business world too must feel the new In fluence and evort'pnrt be quickened and strength ened by an hiereased vitality, which shall urge ns on with electric speed to the consummation of greater things than Wers ever dreamed of in the Philosophy of the past. Animated by the enthusiasm which prrvades all classes, and desirous of doing his share to wards "The great events of the A ge," Ihe sub scriber would respectfully inform the good peo ple of SUNBURY and the publie generally, that he has just returned from Ihe city ef Philadel phia with the largest snd choicest stock of Con fectioneries, Fruit and Toys that has ever been brought to this section of country. He Is also manufacturing all kinds of Confectioneries, ckc, to Dll up orders, wholesa'e or retail, at short no tice. Among his stock of Confectiouaries, may be found I French Secrets, Oum Drops, all kinds of scent, eurneil Almonds, i.ove Dions, Cream Whits, Mini Drops, red and white, 11 Imon Jelly Cakes, ' Rose, Fruit Drops, " Vanilla, tHisk Candtea-, uf all scents Common Sect eta. R-ock Candy, Liquorice, Almond Cauda-, PEUIT. BaRsnas, Prunes, Datea, Figa, Currants dried, Citrons, Almonds, Raisons, Nuts of all kinds LEMON SYRUP of a superior quality, by the single or dozen, i superior quality of Scgara and Tobacco, and variety of Confectinnanrs, fruit. Toys, 4c, all of which is offered cheap at wholesale or retail. MT Remember the name and place, M. C. GEA RH ART, Market st., 3 door west uf E. Y. Bright & Son's store. Sunburw, April 14, I860. ly KASSEPs'S FATE1TT FIVE-MINUTE FREEZER, As Improved for 1859 and 60, By E. KETCH AM & CO., 280 Pearl-Street, New-York. 'THE only Freeier constructed on scientific principles, wun a revolving can anil spring. blade scrsper. 'J'he one hastens the freezing of the cream the other removes it ss fast as frozen The moat rapid in freezing, with the least quantity of ice. The most economicsl in cost, as it is the most simple and durable in structure. hor sale in all Ihe principal cities and town in the Union. Each Ficezer accompanied with a book of re cipes and full directions. PRICES. 3 quarts, $3 00 4 quarts, 4 00 6 quarts, ft 00 8 quarts, C 00 14 quarts, 8 00 SO quarts, 13 00 Apply to H. B. MASSER, Sunbury. June 2, I860. 1800. THE BEST ROUTE 1860 FROM U'yomlnii Valley to IMilIadelpliIa, New Turk, Italtluioie, AND ALL POIXTS NORTH, SOUTH & WEST. LACKAWANNA & BL00MSBUI10 KAILKOAD. STJItlMZIR ARHANOEMENT. Two Daily Passenger Trains will he run between Sersntoi anu orinumoeiirtiiu, as toik.ws: MOVI.NU 80LTI1: ' I-eaes rinl'a Mail. N. Y. Ex. Scrunum, IU A. M. 4 25 P. M Airive at Pittston, 6 38 4 M Kingston, 1 Hi s m bhicksliiuny, t w a S5 Berwick. 1 SO a S5 Blooinsbutg, fi 60 7 30 Kupeit, V WO 7 40 Danville, V US 8 10 Northumberland, lu uw b 16 MOVING NORTH; Leave N. Y. i:x. rail's Mail. Northumberland, 6 30 A. M. 4 16 P. M Arrive at Danville, (I 05 8 Ut Rupert, 6 J5 g 60 Bloomsburg, 4 45 f to Uerwii-k, 7 15 8 35 FHiicksliiuny, 7 IS OS Kingston, 8 30 7 45 Pulsion, (j 57 S IS SH-rnuton, 0 tjS 8 45 Ihe Lackawanna snd RliK.uisburg Railroad connects with the Delaware, Lackawanna und Western Ruilroud, ut Scrautiin, for New York and Philadelphia, und interme diate points llast : uls.i lor Ureat Bend, RingliuinUill, iSyraeuse, Bulfuio, Niaguiii l-'slls, uud ull linporuut points West. At Rupert it connects with lhe CaLUiwissu Rail road, for (Hiinta Imlh Kuat and West. At Noilhumheiland it eonnet-ts with the Sunbury and Krie Kuilrnad, for points West and South. M. '.V. J ACltSON, Sup't. Kingston, Augmtas, 166H. 18C0 WINTER ARRANGEMENT. I860 NEW" YOKK LINES- CAMDKN ft AM BOY AND PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD CO.-S LINES, From I'hiladelpiiia In New York and Wag Places. From Walnut Street AVbiirf and Kensington Depot, Philadelphia, will leave as 'ullows, iz rASS. At 0 A M, via Camden and Ailiboy C ft A Accom modation, f3 3s At 6 A M, via Camden and Jersey City New Jer sey accommodation, g 25 At 0 A M, via Canaieii and Jersey city Morning Mail, g 00 At IU A M, via Kensington and Jersey city, Wes tern K.xpress, 3 00 At 121 P M via Camden snd Ambny, accommodation i -JS At V r at, , via Cuindr.ii and Am' oyC aud A. Ex- JresB, P M, viii'Kensiiigton, and Jersey city, Eve mug Express, At 41 P M, vu Kensington and Jeiiey city, 2d Class Ticket, 3 oo 3 DC 3 25 At 8 PM, viu Camden ft Jersey city Evening Mail 3 uo At II P M, via Cnmden and Jersey city South Mail g lis At ft P M. via Camden and Ainboy Aceomiiioila. tion. (Freight and Psaueugcr,) 1st class ticket, 2 25 d " 1 SO The OP. M. Mnil l.ioa suns daily. Ths 11 Southern Muil Suturduys excepted. For Helvidere, F.astou, Fleuungton, 4c., at (A.M., from Walnut street wharf aud 31'. M , from Kensington. For Munch Chunk, Allcutowu ami Bethlehem, at 6, A.M. viu lhiuh Valley Rnilroad. For VA nter Gap, Strouilaburg, Serantnn, Wilkrsharre, Montrose, Great Bend, Ac., at 0 A M, via Delaware, Lackuwuuna aud Western Railroad Foi Fieehnld. at 6 A.M. and 9 P. M. Foi Mount Holly, at 6 and 9 A M , and 2, and 41 P.M. ' WAY LINES, For Dristol, Trenton, Ac, at 3 and 41 P. M., from Iveusiiigton. For I'ubnyra, Delaneo, Reverly, Burlington, Borden, town, 4c, at l'JI.3, and 41 P. M. Fifty pounds of Haeguge only, allowed each passenger, Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as Hag- gage but their wearing apparel. All Baggage over filly pounds to bo paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility for Buggnga to One Dollar per pound, aud wiu not ue uaiiw ioi any amount beyond 1U0 lluiuis, ex cept by special contract. WM H. UAT.MER Ageal C. ft A. R. R Co February 18. 1SA0. HEGEIYIAN & COS CORDIAL ELIXIR OF CALISAYA BARK Prepared only by UEGEMAN ft CO., Wholesale and Retail Chemists end Druggists, 161, 309, 611 and 7S Broadway, New Yoik. rpHE virtues of PERUVIAN BARK as s Toole have oeen ton long Known lo need comment. The CALISAYA ('-or King's Hark,") is the most vulu sbis ol the uuoiersua vuiictie of Ihe Paruvian Hark, and lu the ELIXIR is combined with other iufiedieuis Hint increase ns cr&cacy ud at the same lime overcome the intensity ol iu ullUi, isudcruig u a niosl Agreeable Cor. Pot persons living hi FEVER sad AOl'F. districts, it will be found invaluable ass nieventiva. Half of a ,o,. (lass full taken night aud morning, rendering tha siera wmvjv. w i uuuciiay uiuueiwe oi ins aiinos pliere. DIRECTIONS Dnu for an .M..I. fc-if . i I full before breakfast end dinner; children fiom one lo two ,o.iuiia luu, u auyue laseu with or without a little Water For sale at this office. March 17, IbOn. A Fretli Supply of Ury Goodi. (TJONSISTINO la part trrrints, Delainei bleached and uobfearbed M oslloa, Checkl Strip. Peoims, i Drills. 4o., just recsired by R. R. at tha Mammoth store of TitlLJNfi A GRANT. NEW GOODS Attn Mmmoth Stort of IRA T. CLEMENT, WO. I MARKET BTRF.RT, tVUNBURY, V.' THE tuhscriber has Just opened at hk wsJI known establishment in Sunburv, one of tb hes pest snd most desirable stocks of Fall and Winter Goods, that hot ever been offered in the place.and which ne will sell for CASH or eichnnw for r'.,e.. Produce. Those desiring to purchase goeds will do well to call and examine his stock. BLACK AND FANCY SILK, All W ool Deisms, Figured, Striped and Wain, . rrncn merino, all colors. Beautiful Dre. Robes, Cashmeres, Shaded, Plain and Striped must be Men U form an idoa of the extent and variety. Mantle, Stella, Chenille, French Wool Shawls, 1 bibet and Broche Shawls. Cloths Cassimeres and Satinet, For Men and Boys' Wear, lilack Fancy Cassimeres, side stripes heavy, Doe Skin Cassimeres, Satinets all kinds. PI.A TvT TVr TTT cs White and Red Flannels, all grades and price. Bay StHte Sack Flannels, colors finest qnaltios". KEADY-MADE CLOTHING Boots and Shoes, e ,aUmJ C"P. &Cne-, all or which were selected with great sare, and will compare favorably, as regards quality styla and price, with any in the country. HAKDWARK, a full aasortoient. Wood and Willow Ware, CJueensware, of all descriptions, ' Groceries, a full stock in sloiw, Carpet Chains, &c, Paints, Oils. Glass, Dye Stuffs. 1 hankful for the patronage heretofore received he will spare no pains to please all who msy favor him with their custom in the future. Sunbury, Uct. 3. 1659. ROCKEFELLER & BOTES. ' Attornies at Law, STJJsrBTJR-sr, FA. .. Jorrtau nocltrfcllcr and Solomon II. "oyer, respectfully announce taat tbev entered into Copartnership in the practice of their profession, and will continue to attend to all busi ness entrusted to iheir charge in the counties of Northumberland, Union. Snyder and Montour. promptly, faithfully olid carefully. Special at a 1" b 8'Vn ,0 lhe COLLECTIONS nJ-Dx. a )1?' Co,"u""''' can be had in (he UhKAIAN language. Office,- Market Street, opposite Weaver's Hotel. Sunbury, February 4, men. c iti aki:i( i & st., MAKurACTvaxns or FINEST QUALITY OF BOOTS -A. 1ST 2D SHOES FOR GEN TLB MEN WHOLES ALE AX 1) RETAIL No 4S South I'ouilh Street, Philadelphia. C. IJCXKKHT- V J 11kv... JMarco 3, letii-Om. BKr. Watches Jewelry silver Ware WK would respectfully Inform our friends, r,trm and tile nu I IC eener.i i- ll,nf I . . and offer WH1.I l- II 1.- . ..vc "w 'TAIL, t the Imcest iarn rrn es, a Ini a,h I rn es, a Inire anil ve-v choice Mock of WlTrnrl Jl irivY-I ,?r,'r'n";," nr DIAMOND WORK a a w ' e i" ""'"' h"rt "oiice. I 1 other (ioods Warranted lo he us represented. N. D Particular attention given i ty Aip to the repairing uf liton. u.un unu jeweny oi eveiy Uencriniton STAITl.-ri.-u . i 8TAUFFER ft HARI.F.Y. MarciKn'"1' "" P. MELANCHTON SHINDEL, justice: of thk iijace OJice m Veer Strtet,imnutdiately opposite the Pullie School House. All business promptly attended to. Jtuni.. collected and all ordinary writings done. Sunbury. April 25. 1857 if IIENlt"YDbNNEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office opposite the Court House, Snnbnry, Northumberland County Pa. Prompt attention to business in adioininsi WHOLESALE DEALER IN BRANDIES, WINES, GINS.&C- r"1HE subscriber having opened in Thompson's Brick Building, Mill street, Danville, a larae and complete stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS comprising the best brands of Brandies, Gin. Old lj e. Scotch and Irish Whiskey, Port, Sherry, Madcrin, Champagne and other Wines nf all grades, all of which will be sold Wholesale at Ihe lowest city prices. Tavern-keepers by buy ing of us csn save at least the freight. Persons desirous of purchasing liquors foi FAMILY USE. may rely upon being furnished with a pure and unadulterated article. EP" Being determined to establish a reputation for selling cheap he respectfully solicits the pa tronage of the public. All orders promptly at tended to. JEREMIAH 8. HALL. Danville, Jute 16, I860. INGRAINED CARPETS, MAM'FACTl'RFID and fer S!c hy M. Peiper 4 Co: Leibraudt and McDowell's Building, North East coiner, Second and Race streets Philadelphia. GOODS GUARANTEED. October S7, I860. rV 7 17' e . Save the Pieces ! ?Cl Asuecideuts will hsppen, even in well-regnlnted fu lies, n is very de,trable to hace some cheap and convenient wuy for retiairiiig Faruitaie,Toys, Cn catry, Ae. SPALDING'8 PREPARED GLUE meets all such emergencies, end no household ean atfrd to be without it. It is always read) and up to Ihe sticking point. There is no longer a necessity for limping chairs, splinters veneers, headless dolis, aud broken eiailics It is just the article for cone, shell, end other ornamental work, so popular with ladies of lehueinent and taste. Tins admirable pieparalicn is used sold, being chemically held in Botatioii,uisl tossessiug all the valuable qualities of the beat e.ibiiiel-mnVer's oluo. Ii muy be used in the place of orduutry luuciuige, being vastly more aduesive. USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE" N. B A Brush aceoinpauiea eacb bottle. fnce tt5 cents. Wholesale Depot, No 45 Cedar street, New Tor. Address, HblNKY C. .-U'AI.IHMi & CO.. Box No. 4,vui, New York. Pat ep for Dealers in eases containing Four Eight, sid Twelve Dozen a beautiful LtthogtuphHi Show Laid as. Couipanyuia. eueh package. (e A single bottle of Spalding's Prepared Glue willssve ten times its cost uiuiuallv to every household. Sold by all prominent Stationers, Druggists, HardwarS and Furniture Dealers, Un-!., and Fancy Stoles. Country Merchants should make a nota of i-palding'e prepared Glue, when llicy make up their list. It wrt sum! any c.uuule- For ssle st this office. March 10, Ikflfl. tv FOE S-A.JL.E. TWO LOT8 siiuat. in Market street, in the town of Trevorton, Nog. 1 2 and 1 3. in block No. DO. Apply to WM. GAI'GLKR! Selins grove, or H. B. MASSE R, Sunbury. U8EFEL IN ALL FAMILIES-HEtsKMAN dt GO'S Benxine, which removes paint spots grease, Ae, ifc, and cleans gloves, silks, ribbons, Ac, equal lo new, without Ihe slightest injury to color or fabric bold by all Druggists, else at this office. 25 cents per boltlet Aw T-ri-KTrvvTr.'(', 6r 1 BOY'S BOOTS au4 fcUOES, cheap for rosfe WW. MILLER'S. Pan' ury, Avgast ST