Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, June 29, 1861, Image 3

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' r tiit lUTTLBi Of BOPWKTILtat
7 Dfa 4,000 Rebel JW
ted and tht Field Occupied in 7Ventj Afin
vttt. ;
j ' . Craresrwndence ufUie Now York Herald.
Coonktiuxr, Cooper co., J009 18, 1861.
The boat! how moved lo landing tight
mile below Uoorjetrile, co the eoutb ide of
the river. Hera they fattened to the thorp,
nd the tronp were debarked. A farmer at
work ia firld near lb landing elated that
the enemy were lo camp four and a half miles
from that rpot, or three and balf oiilei
bdo JJooooville. The level bottom land of
the Miaitoari was bluff bat it gradually oar
rowed as it extended op the river, until it
terminated where the bluff came to the
water's edge two miles from the boat laodiop.
The read followed for mile and balf
lung tbia bottom, and tboo Ascended the
bluQ. The latter Is a range of low bills or
ridges, about lo haodred feet la height,
which are separated by ravine. me of them
with quite precipitous sides. The order of
procoediog was as follows : Ten mounted
bird, the only cavalry ic the expedition, led
the advance ; scouting parties detached from
the Second regiment, were thrown out for
half a mjle on the left, and to the river 00
the right j General Lyon's company of regu
lars, led by Sergeant Urifllo, and Conipaoy
li, of the Second regiment, commanded by
Captain tlcholte, followed the cavalry ; Copt.
Tolteu'i battery of artillery, and bis coropaoy
of regulars, the latter by l.ieutenact Lathrop
came next, followed by Colonel Blair's (First)
regiment; the rear was brought up by a
battalion from Colonel Doernstein's regiment
led by Lieutenant Colonel Schaffer. On
board the boat was Captain Richardson,
with company D, First regiment, and Captain
Boastep, with twenty men and a siege (eight
inch) howitzer.
At just three minutes before asven, A. M.,
on Jane IT, the order was given to move.
The morning was cloudy with occasionally a
few drops of rain, bat before the battle was
over the sin shone out clear and bright as
ever. As the column ascended the bluff,
the pickets of the enemy were seen aud
driven in.
After an advance of three fourth of a mile
one of the advanced guurd rode hastily back
to the head of the column, and informed Gen
eral Lyon that the the whole body of the
ritute troops was drawn up a few hundred
yards in (root. General Lyon at once order
ed the regulars undor Sergeant Griflin to tbe
left, and Captain Schultz's riflemen to the
tight. Cuptaiu Totten's battery was ordered
to take tbe front to occupy the road.
Tbe enemy were drawn up about three hun
dred yurds in advance, on the crest of a hill,
or rather along swell or ridge, over which
tbe road passed at the highest point. Th
road was occupied by Colonel Marmaduke,
with a smell body of horsemen and a battalion
ol infantry. Immediately on his left was a
brick house filled wilh rebol troops, and back
of this, towards tbe river was a narrow lane,
where his left wing was posted.
To their rear was a wheat Geld, and in this
was miscellaneously scattered small crowd
of men, apparently without order regulari
ty. To bis right was another wheut Geld,
separated from en adjacent corn Geld by a
"worm fence," and behind this fence bis right
wing was posted. Soon as our men were iu
position Captain Totten uolimbered a twelve
pounder and a six-pounder, and sent a shell
from tbe former into the midst of the men
occupying tbe road. A puff of smoke rising
(rocn among them showed that tbe gunner's
a m hud been true. ,
Too next shell was directed cpon the
founds of men ia the wheat field, and caused
ibuu) lo make a hasty retreat. Tbe fire now
became general along the whole line ; tbe
regulars on the right cud the German troops
on the left advauciog in good order. Oar
line wns formed on a ridge similar to thai oc
cupied by the enemy, and parallel to it, sepa
rated from tbe latter by a valley with a gen
. tie descent on either side, l'o our left was a
corn field, and on our right t copse or grove
of scattered oaks.
The regulars advanced in the corn Geld, to
to tho crest of the ridge, creeping up tbe
latter an bring when opportunity occurred,
taking for thoir motto tbut of an Irishman
at Donnyurook Fair, "Whenever you see a
beaJ hit it." Tbe hollow between the ridges
was full of scattered oaks, and these served
09 a cover to our men. Captains Stone, Cole,
and CaveuJer, were sent to support tbe right
or the regulars, and in tus way tbey all ad
vanced to tho fence where the enemy was at
first pasted.
The, battallion from the Second, supported
by Captains Maurice's, Hurke's, and Yates'
coinnunies, were at the same time doing good
work on the right j and in twenty ininutcB
from the time Captain Tolton fired tbe first
shell tho rebels were in full retreat, end our
men occupyiug tbe line first held by the ene
my. Tbe house on tht right bad bean com
pletely riddled by the last shots from tbt
battery, and one shell burs in the very centre
cf the building at a time when it was full of
Several dead bodies of tbt rebels wore
found iu the wheat field near tbe lane, show
ing that cur fire bad been effective, lo fact
at the first volley from the right wing several
saddles were emptied of their riders, and two
horses galloped over to our lines. Tbt cor
respondents of tbe New York Herald and St.
Lou's Democrat entered the buttle on foot,
by the side of tbe battery, but were very soon
mounted, having succeeded io capturing these
runaway sfedi.
From this ruint tbe Union troops proceed'
ed, still iu line, for nearly a mile, over ground
somewhat uneven, bat not rough, in a
grove at the entrance to Camp Vest tbe
rebels made a brief stand, but two shells and
a few rounds of Minie balls speedily dislodged
them, and tbe; fled in tumultuous haste
towards Huoueville. Cuptaio Cole, suppor
ted by Captain Miller, entered and took
possession ot the camp capturing a Urge
quantity of provisions, ammunition and camp
tquipage. He secured oue secession flag,
one lone star flag, and ont Statt flag, with
fifteen Btars.
The number of killed and wounded 00 tbe
cart of tbe rebels has not and probably will
not be accurately ascertained. Many of those
lighting on tbt rebel side wert "loose men,
not enrolled ir, any company, and lied in large
numbers, not to any rallying point, but di
rectly homo, thinking, doubtless that there
was some mistake about tbt popular belief
thut Union troops are cowards. Got of 000
fompuoy (Capt. McCullocb't Cooper County
Rifles) thirteen art known to ba killed tod
several wounded.
The number of dead already brought into
. liooueville, or taken to friends io the country
caunot full much abort of fifty, and the
wounded now beard of are as uiauy more.
Several shells wert burst directly in their
midst, and tbe Minie balls Sew thick and fast
from tht rifles of oor soldiers, to that tho
lnortality list must bavt been quite large
Ua tht side of tbt Union troops, tbert wert
three killed, tea wounded, and ont miwiug
We took eighty prisoners, nineteen of
whom have beeu reloased, and tbt remaining
tixty-oua pot cu board tbt Louisiana. Uu
ring tbe engagement Rev. William A. File,
of St. Loais, chaplain to tht First Regiineut,
was foruithed with a detail of four uieu lo
loon tiler tot wounded. Descending to a
ravine lit taint suddenly upou a party of
twenty-four rebels. aud peremptorily ordered
lueru 10 nan ana snrreuaer.
Tbey evidently coutidered discretion tbt
better part of valor, and tt once tbrew op tbt
r ponce, 1. ., took off tbtir ball and laid down
tt)ei( arms. Tbt person 1000 tfiar reported
tlmlolf to General Lyon, with bis twent fonr
prisoners, guarded by four men and himself.
The story Is pretty well circulated among
our boys, and the chaplain Is looked upon
(if hit clerical neck-choker will allow the
expression) perfect tramp, decided
eaaUr fotinaea fa WetV
WaantNOTOB, Jons IX Senator Andrew
Johnson, of Tennesse, wst welcomed to night
by a serenade and a large concourse of eiti-,
tens, lie was introdnced, ia eulogistic terms,
by (loo. John B. lltskin.
Mr. Johnson responded In tpeech, which
was frequently interrupted by tpplaose. lit
eloquently combalted rieceiBion as heresy
destructive of the Government, wblcb should
bt effectually crushed out. The war now to
progress, he contended, was not of the North
against the South, bat, as conducted by tht
Government, for the perpetuity of the Union,
tht maintenance of the Constitution, and the
enforcement of the laws made In pursuance
of that Instrument. Ho earnestly appealed
to his eoditora to uphold and defend tba time
honored flag tod resist tbt despotism now
menacing even this capital, reminding bis
bearers that history shows that a republic
once destroyed Is never re established.
Up, In etluct, condemned tbt late Admin
istration for not suppressing secession before
it assumed formidable proportions, and cited
the example of General J acksoa as one wbicb
should have been followed. Lie thanked God
we yet have Ic our midst that glorious old
soldier General Scott, who stands up with a
stalwart form end strong arm, now at here
tofore, in defence of bis country, lie spoke
of the perils attending the declaration of
Union sentiments 10 disloyal States, and said
if Southern despots attempt to coerce Ten
nessee out of the Union, the eastern part of
that State tntcods to call upon tht Govern
ment to sostmrj Her in tbe struggle. 1 oey
might overcome her before aid could reach
her. Her enemies might devastate her Gelds
and drench them in blood ; they might sack
and barn ber cities and towns, and even con
vert ber hillsides and valiejs into burial
grouods ; but they never could make of East
lennessee a laud 01 Blaves.
ITalil oa tba tipper Potomac
II AfiERsvow.N, Juoe 22 An express bas
arrived from Cumberland, which says there
is no truth in tho report that the Cumberland
Home Guards having been massacred or
wounded at their stution at the New Creek
Uridge. l'hey numbered twenty-six, and all
escaped. They bad two small iroo cannon,
but spiked them both and threw them into
the creek.
A Virginia Colonel, wbo was taken at
Romney, together with eight privates, was
under guard at Cumberland.
Lieut. Colonel Kowman and Mr. Chase,
who were seized by the Secessionists opposite
VVilliamnport, are safe in jail at Martinsburg.
The correspondent of the American, ot Wil
liaiusport, in a letter, dated Friday night
says tbut Col. Dowman and private Chase,
who were recently takeu prisoners io Virginia
opposite Williamsport, were bung at Mar
tiushurg on Thursday as spies. This last
report is probably incorrect.
WaSAtscToh, Jobs 23.
It bas been ascertained that a battery has
been planted by the Rebels at Powell's on
the road from Fairfax Court House to Fall's
Church, three and a half miles from the
Court House and four and a hall' from Full's
Church. Tho siluution of the. ground will
enable tbe battery to command the approach
to the Coort House by that road.
Acting Lieulenaol Webster, who is attach
ed lo the United Slates brig Perry, is here.
Lieutenant Webster was on board tbe Perry
wben the Hannah N. Johnson was seized,
she bad a valuable cargo 00 board, aud was
bouud South. Sht is a fine sharp sailing
schooner, end after consultation it was deter
iiuucd to lei ber go, as they ware not ia con
dition to put what was deemed a sufficient
crew to munsge her.' Lieutenunt Webster
t Cored to take ber to New York with one
iuud beside himself, and went on board. Ue
invited Oh a captain and mate into tht cabin,
fasten d tbeui in, and then sent bis associate
forwardamong the eleven Rebels 00 board.
For four days and nights be remained 00 tbe
quarterdeck, of the schooner and carried ber
safely nto New York, where she has since
reeti condemned as a lawful prize. Lieuten
ant Webstar was born io New Hampshire.
He went to South Carolina some years since,
and notwithstanding tempting offers to join
the traitors, came North, and oa the day of
his appointment here, his mills, worth $12,.
000, were burned down.
Tbe several Bureaus in tbe War Depart
ment will urnish estimates as fur 200,000
men, to be locorporaluti iu tbe Secretary's
Keporl to Congress.
x' oar regiments tiave arrived since morn
ing, aud it is rumored that twenty more have
oeen oraorea 10 tins point immediately.
The Now York Highlanders marched from
Georgetown to tho Arsenal this muroioir. ana
exchanged their muskets tor those of the
most improved pattern. Their new Colonel
rode at their head iu full Highland rig.
Jeffeison Davis has a reeulnr Dostal ar
rangement between Wushingtan and Rich
mond, r.very nigbt a messenger collects
private loiters, end letters conveying useful
loiormanon 10 iavis and Letcher, and
between ten and eleven o'clock leaves Wahh
iogton for a pointon tbe bank of the Potomac
where be uods water carriage and conveoieo
ces for a speedy transit to tbe next messen
ger, wbo helps on tbe sacred parcel to Rich
mond. Complete files of the Philadelphia
and New York papers are also sent to him.
From these be sills oat truth as near aa he
can, tod from our full reports of the move
ments 01 troops, be moves bis men about 00
bis board 60 as to keep thoroughly posted ;
oui u is a poor rule iual will not work both
ways, and so Gen. Scott is propably 03 well
posted as be is about some of thoso little
arrangements be is making. The insatiable
thirsting for news all over tht North, where
tbe whole community read, keen a full coma
of Reporters iu tbe field, and consequently
our position and strength are more generally
known in the North than theirs are tt the
Coplain Cooloy. of comDanv II. of Tenri.
splvuoia Fifth, having beard of 0 lot of am
munition and military stores, 00 last Friday,
took five men with bim. and eoina to the
bouse of R. Rudd, bt found bis wife and two
daughters at borne. They said Mr. Rudd
bad gone awoy 00 business, aud if tbey wan
ted to sarch tba boust sht must know what
they would Inks before sbe allowed tbem lo
examine. Tbe captain told ber bt would
take no private property, tod bt would
examine the premises thoroughly before he
Ibt girls commenced a Derfect tirade of
abase, at wbicb the men imiled, which only
luceuseo. mem tbe more. Tbey denied bav-
111K a cellar, oui opeulllg ft clOSStt door it
was round lo lead to a dark hole. A liirht
being called for they denied having a caudle
iu mi uuiin, on open nir ina cunhnard una
was found, and going down tbev found it, ten
Sibley tents, one General's tent, (wbicb was
ery uue, auu was loienueu lor Ueneral Lee,)
I'Buiema, auu uu ana uan wars tor
wbole company.
A four bortt wacoo was tent for. and whila
tut men were loading np tbe "traps," an ex
auimation was made of up stairs. Tbe girls
said tht insolent Yankees should oot go intb
ineir cnamuer ; 00 indeed ; II lalner, or tbeir
big oroiber wert only there, tbe wbole rtci
meot would hova to inffer j so tbt captain
thinking now wat bit timt before tbey ctuit
op Ireoi Minuiii, proceeded to txtmiot
tbeir "sacred chamber." Oo turuiuir ap tba
btd covtrt, wt fouod nint knapsacks, witb
tna men t names 00 lint "iiouut Vernon
company), tbreo overcoats, tbret uniforms,
aod a larct tot of plates. knive and furl"
tbrtt oxikrte ati.f rN Ji.:r'iii. ratbe. j
moderate pile for nice young ladiat to ksvt
io their beds t
Tbey wert taken down and loaded Into tbt
wagon, tod drivtn to tbt' Qaarttrmatter't
Offitt. At tbey left, tht girlt shouted after
tbem t Oh, bnt too will catch it whet Ft
tber and kit into tomt back I" "Father' is
ao officer in tbe "Mount Vernon Glare's t
be left tuddenly oot line May morning, tnd
hit oot bad time to oomt back yet j bt will
no doubt bt pleated at tht noblt - stand tit
hopeful daughters made.
t. Loots, June 22, P. M. CspU Totten's L
eommand returned to Syracuse yesterday
afternoon, having1 giveri ep tbt pursuit of
Governor Jacksqi at Florence, ten miles
below. Half t car load of powder was eeiaed
tt Tlppon, and about the tatnt tmoont of
Itad tt Syracuse.
Yesterday. Franklin, tba engineer, who
wat engaged lo burning tht bridges, was
arretted at Tippon, and C H. McCulloch, 0
cousla of Uen. Ben. McCulloch, it also a
The Republican learnt that Gen Price was
t Lexiogtoo on Friday, and tick.
Troops were flocking tapidly to tht Statt
standard. Gen. Bainet had arrived In ad
vance of tomt 1600 from tbt southwest, tnd
it is propabla tbat 4000 will ba conceutrated
at Lexington before Geo. Lyoo wbo Is under
stood to be in waiting at Booovilte fur rein
forcements, can reach here.
There btva been 3000 to 4000 troops col
lecting at Jackson county, but much dissatis
faction exists among tbem, some objecting
to serve out of tbt connty, while others were
tnxious for a fight, and ready to go anywhere.
Finally, over half tf their number tbrew down
their arms, and went borne to attend their
farms and tbe balance proceeded towards
It is now thought that ono or both the
Kansas regiments now stationed 00 tht bor
der of tbat State with Captain Prince '1 reg
ulars at Kansas City, will come down the
Missouri river ia boats, and reach Lexington
simultaneously with the forces under Gene
rul Lyon.
Jkffkrson Citv, June 22- Gov. Jackson
with about COO men, passed Cole Camp on
the 20th, pushing southward probably for
A rkansas.
Uen. McCullocb is reported to be at Mays
ville, Ark., with 15,000 men aod considerable
The Second Regiment of lows volunteers,
under Col. Uutes, joined Genenl Lyon's
command at Itooneville yesterday.
The steamer I. C. Swan reached here this
afternoon, bringing the volunteers weunded
at Hoonville. Colonel Blair also came down.
Tbe number of the State troops killed at
Bonneville is not yet known, but fifty is prob
ably s high estimate. The Stars and Stripes
now wave from a staff near the Gubernatorial
Mansion, where a Secession flag recently
Washington, Jane 24.
A gentleman who left Richmond on las
Thursday, says that the bills uround the city
ore being most strongly fortified. The works
io tbe coarse of construction and projected,
take in a circuit of twenty-Ova miles. He
says that some of the loading men io Rich
moud say tbat tbey con concentrate a force
of two hundred thousand men within four
days. They are wild with excitement, and
feel Banguino of success. Tim most of the
regiments are very poorly clothed, and not
calculated, under any circumstances, to with
stand a summer's campaign. The same gen
tlemun snystbitt Beauregard, Gen. Johnston,
and Jefferson Davis, wilb a number of Geor
gia and Alabama officers, were at tbe Fx
cbnngo Hotel on Wednesday last.
We have during today had continuous
rumors of insurrections exielioit among the
slaves in various portions of Virginia, but
cannot trace tbt reports to toy authentic
It is also reported that so mnch alarmed
tie thotwotuen aod children at such a movu
mcnt on tht part of tbeir negroes, tbat tutiru
families are fleeing to the camps uf Vbe
Secessionists for protection.
General Pcott a Tailor Gen. Rcott is
beyond all question the best tailor in tbe
Union. He has cut out rebels at Washing
ton, hemmed them io at Harper's Ferry, and
run them together at Manassas Gap. He is
obout ready to baste them at Norfolk, fell
them down at Richmond, and if nothing else
will answer, rru tbem generally to pieces
New Advertisements.
Attention Militia.
1st Brigade, bHh Dni.iun i. M
THE Militia of 1st brigade Rth Division feni
bracing all able bodied while male ciiui-ue
between the ajji-D of IS and 45 year) are r. pi ti
fully and eariieally requested to meet in each
township, on SATURDAY the S2d irist., at i
o'clock 1'. M-, at the place of holding township
elections, lo elect one person for Captain ; one
person fur let Lieutenant and one peraon for ,2d
Lieutenant for the Miliiia of each township, with
a view to an organisation uf the Militia of the
It is particularly urged that the Militia to or
ganized will parade on the days following, viz :
The Militia of Munbury, I'pner Augusta, Low
er Auguvta, Point, Northumberland, Rush, ha-
mokin, Coal, Ml. Carmcl and Zcrbe to parade at
sunbury on tbe 4th of Jul. Y, line to be formed
at II 0 clock A. M., 111 Maiket street, right on
- street. Volunteers and Militiamen from
all parts of the county are invited and urged to
join 111 this parade, and assist in appropriately
celebrating 'he approaching National Anniver
sary l.y a good old fashioned Militia Training,
Arms are not required.
The Militia of Milton, Chillisqnsque, Delaware,
Turliut, Lewis, Watsontown and McKwensville.
to meet at Milton, on atunluy the 3oth of July,
1 he Militia of Little Malmnoy, Cameron, Up
per Mahonov, Jordan, Washington, Jackson and
Lower Mahonoy lo meet el smith s J avem, on
Saturday the 27lliof July.
W e have been urged to make this suggestion
lo the Miliiia of this county by large numbers of
influential citizens from ililfetent townships, who
lliink that in this hour of our country's peril it is
not only proper, but a duty to demonstrate our
strength and organize it, eo that should the gov
eminent unfortunately require more men the
country would know where and how to find her
brave and sturdy patriotic Volunteers.
lly all means let us celebrate by a craid im
posing demonstration that great day the 4lU of
July. By request of
Drip. Gen., 1st Brigade e)lh 11.
WM. K. MARTZ, Brigade lusiwctor.
bunbury, June 15th, 1861.
In the Orphans' Court of Northumberland county.
THE undersigned, an auditor appointed by
aid Court lo audit and restate the accouut
of Peter W.Uray Executor of William M.Gray
deceased, will attend to the duties of hie said
appointment at bis office in the borough of Hun-
bury, en Friday the 28th day of Junr, inet.,at
10 o clock 111 the forenoon. All interested may
attend. J.NO. KAi CLEMniVr,
Sunbury, June 8, 18BI Auditor
Catharine Snyder, In tht Court of Common
s. Ploas of Northumberland
Wrs. I.. Dewsrt.j county.
No. 38 April Term 1861, Vend. Expouas,
The undersigned, an auditor appointed by tht
Court of Common Pleae, to distribute tht money
raised and paid into Court under above at tied
writ of Vend. Exponaa, to report facta, eVe.a will
attend id tba duties of bia appointment at bia
office in tbt borough of 8unbury, oa Saturday
tht 39tb day of June tnat, tl 10 o'clock. A. M
All inteiaaicd can attend.
ia. KAY CLEMENT. Auditor,
i-uiii ui), Jur.e 8, lftl.
CE CE ED Q? rn .
Invito attention to thoir Stock of
Prim Green and Black Tea.
Jane IS, 1061. ...
A -V O
Splendid Inducements
Sunbury, June IS, I861.
The chenpeat aud mmt durnble nnofitig in uio. llu I iru
and Witier Proof,
It rim b applied Ut new utid old RrvWa of all kinHi, and
to Shingle UiA'iet withuut removing the ihingiea.
The CoBt is only about One-Third tbat
of Tin, and it is twice a9 Durable.
Fir prewvtntt aud repnirii.K Tin mid other Metal Ktfn t.f
e'rr dticnpuoii, I'rt'iii Hi gttut etantietty, ia nt Jiijurnt
by the com Taction aud expaniinii of nieiui, and win ut
cirif'k i cold or 11111 tu wnim wnathei.
These millennia huve breu tliorouuhly fetlcd in N'w
York and all par is of the Southern uad WeHlerii gluten,
nttd we can give abuudantproof of alt we claim ui thrir
They arc readilv applied bv or inury laborers, at a tri
fling expense
iU 11I-.AT 13 KfclJL IKr.U."
Theca material urn put up rendv for ntt. and for whip
ping to all partaof the country, wllh full printed direct una
r application.
Full deciiplive circular a wlil be furniihcd on awHr-
tit m by mail r in pent-hi at our Principal Office and Wait
hou, tt WILLIAM iSTKLlVr, (Coiucr of LiU-ny
Street,) New York.
Agknts Wanitd ! Terms Cush ! !
June lf lt-61 ly
Hew Millinery Goods.
VtltH 31. K. Gl SI.KU.
Fuwn Street, two doart toulh oj tht Shamolln
I alley tt I'ottm Ul. Kail tinad.
RESPECTFULLY inform, the ciliiens of
SUiMU'ltY and vicinity, that she hss just
received from Philadelphia a large and at lenJid
assortment of the most futbiunable and latest
style of .
which she ia selling at the most reasonable prices
To which aha directs the attention of the ladies
nd invite all to call and see them.
Thankful for past patronage, aha hope by
keeping to test assortment at reasonable price
to continue the tame.
Bunbury, April 13, lP613m
JAMES ii A II B E lt ' B
S. E. Corner Sec.nd and Chettnul tit
DAY CLOCK, a dr.irbi in iris for ttturrn.
M, Hulcl, banks, Couulii'K lliiuscs. Failure, Aa,
Also,.Muiufscturrur FINE liUU) fUNa.
Clncke repaired an4 wafautrd.
IJIqc TiMBWing ottntj Ktpie.
PVisfcia, rumj II, MV-y
A.TjrE3STT 1 02ST.
" The Best Military Book ever Puhlixhed
row READT.
Cnntninlnc full instructions for the REt'-RUIT,
in the KohonN of the Mnldior and Squad, given
In the most (Simple Style, ami all the information
neeeessry fun the forming of CORPS OF HOMB
GU-RDS. Illustrated with over 100 engravings,
ihowing tbe Lifierent Pus limisiu the Facing"
and Manual, ot Arm, and complete direclious
relative to lMdwg tnd Firing. -Arranged ac
eoKiing to
. ... TICS,.
And in conformatlnw with the army require
ments for the present War, by
Lt. Col. l. VV. C BAXTER,
of the National (iuard.
The instructions given are of the arextest im
portance to the rew, and should be
thoroughly understood, being 'indiepensalile to
tho instruction of a company.
Round in one volume, l2mo , H2 pspes, Paper
Cover, prke 2i cents. Flexible Cloth, 1)8 cents.
Tho Samo Work
Is sine published!!! the Cetman Language, at
the same price, and ia the only (ierman
Book of American Tactics pub
lished in the United Slates.
Aij'nts and Canvtuvirs M'untfd.
To engage in the sale of this Work, in every
City, Town and Village in the country.
Price per Dozr.n Copies,
- Fifty "00
" Hundred 15.00
All orders accompanied with the Cash will be
dispatched immediately, either by posr or express.
If ordered hy post, Stamps must bo enclosed t
pay postace. If by express, the freight can be
paid on delivery.
The Camp-Flre Companion.
A New and Original CollT'inn f Militnry
and Patriotic Songs; aJal:d especially for the
present Campaign. One vol. ISmo. Wilb il
lustration. Paper cover, 15 cU Flexible Cloth, 25 eta.
Single Copies cf the above RooVs
To any address in the United States, upon ro-rt-ipt
of the price, by
KING t UAlRn, Vinter and Pullishers.
C07 Sixsiim St , Philadelphia,
l'o whom all Orders should be addressed.
May 18, INM. Hl
A N D T n V 1 N G U (J A T C O M P A N V,
flRAVKI.I.EKS and other aro respectfully
iiifurnicd that the suWcri'ifr, in order 10 no
commodale llie pulilin and fjcilitale tiavrl. h.19
reduce! tl,a rali-a 01" fvrriiiBB nt leis S'l'CAMj
I'EIJKV, over tt,e Kuou'-haims. at Sunhurv, ni"i
will carry Pacstnpors, llori-cs, Cariiiii;c aud
other vehicles, nt the following rales, viz :
Fot Passi Peers, eacli fi cents.
Horse ami lli.ler, IB '
lfursc mid yJucsy. "
Two-Iloise Conveyance, 49 "
I'a-nii ra and tlhers, nishing to transport Cual
and i'r"Juce, can makt arraiigemeiiij el still
lower rate.
A Inrsc. faff and comrroilinus Steamloat will
rr.n rrguUrly end pron'i'Sly al ull houra vf the
lijv, and tr accmiimodate those who dnsire to ul
tcrid the Cburih-d nt tfm.l.ury ur.d Scliiisjrove,
the Hrwt will run on rundfiy.
The 8ieamliont will run from Marlviil Street
Warf, and promptly convey Pni-seiigora fruni
holh siiics of the Kiver, wiiiirut dehy.
The Steam perry nnw alfurila 1101 only a safe
and convenient transit over the Sufquihanna,
hut also a plttHKnnt and agreealile ride.
RA T. t'LKM FMT, I. and J'roprietor.
Sunbury, May 25, 1FC1,
To he Voter of Sorlhumbcrlnnd County
Fellow CiTizKxa :
I offer myself " a Union Candidate for
the office of AHSOCIATK JL'LiOK, at the next
election, should I he elected. I pleiluc myself
to perfurin tho duties of the ofllr-e lo the hr.n uf
my 'ability. JOHN DUNHAM.
Northumberland, May i, 101 te
(Sored Mantles,
I'liplin Duster.
French Nuiiues,
Silk Bnsquini's,
Newest Design, f.'eadv Made, cr Made to Order.
8. E. Comer Ninth and Market, Philadelphia.
Mav 18, 161.
ON the imlure. irr:iliiit'iil, ri'cl;il cine of fpeiii,n-toirlin-a.
tr trniin:il Wfiilviu-Sli. ?'Sli:il 111 l-i!ltv. Nl.
viii!iss nii'l inviiluniHry eiiiissmns, in;uieing iniKiieuey,
anil Mental uud IMiysieel li'.cil,uclly.
Uj- ROUT. J. CTIA l.liW -LI., M D.,
Auliivr irihu Cireell Book," Ac.
The W'Jr'.il-rcniiwinilii'Hh"!, in this uilmini'jV Irf.-Hiri.-I
eli-i.rlv mvrs li'nn lii tuvn ex.eneiic I hut Hie nwf'i,
eiiisrii:c,K' uf Celi'-al'iiie mav be eileeiiiiiily rem-n'id
u-itlK'Ui nirdiciiiBUiid wiIIk-nt iNnjji-i'nis vurit-ul I'prm
Imiis. I,u?it-s, iiiruainits. rn;.'Sfl nirdiiili-,' mil
B mode of cuie lit oui-e cerlinn iiimI rtT? I.y wli:cii
tm) 'lllt-r, 11" mutter v. Iiat Ins e"iulill"H ll. iv l, may
rule liiniself elifiiplv, iriv:ilt -lv and radu-a-ly. Tlu lecture
will imivea ln 11 l-i llixuMiiiisiinil lliiiiiBinds
S-ul un ler h i!, in a liUm -.ivi"ic, lo u.!,lr.-, r.-"l
p im, on tnarrcript of nvn iTMi;e sUi.ujis, lv addrisnmsj.
Dr.CII. J.C. KL1.M-'., 1:1" ll"wv. New Y.-rk.
i'u.t OlUtt Ixix -I.Si.
April 30, 1WI. lypt
C Ol' S 1 V T K 4 f S. U KM .
rlHE aubicriber offer himself ta ihe Demo
A cralic Voters uf Northumberland county, aa
candidate fur llie olliee of COUNTY TKK
Mli Kit, at Iho next primary clrcti.u Subj'd
to the decision ul llie Couniv Oiivtfiitlnn.
Delaware twp, June B, lrtil.
Orphans Court Sale
5X purtuance uf an orJer of ihe Or) horis' Court
of Northumberland county, will bo cxp"srd
to public sale, i.n li.e premises, on Batt.rjjy, ,!.e
ii'ah day of Jl LV, IH-xl, ail that certain Tr.ii;
ur Piece of LAND, titualo puitly in Shainul.ii;
t.innshin. otid ipsrlly in Coal low n-diip, jNonhuir-
licrland county, Pennsylvania, bjumled hv lands
of Martin Cass, lands .urtryrd to Obediuh Cainp-
btll, Jiilni TiUw.iilh, Rn'.iert 1 ajiRirt, Jobu Mil
ler, andTlionia41ainiil'.n.Cii.laiiiiiit' I'.-urHun-died
and TVtnty-Ei;ht Acres and Fifty one
fcrchesof J.and and allowatise, lie t'.ie same
more or less, lute tho property of Cliri.iian Ka
bcl. deceased.
bale to cunimence at 10 u clock, A. M.,dlsanl
day. when the terms and conJiliona of will
te mutle known ly
ISAAC N. II AlMi, Adm r.
Bv order of Court,
J, B. MAnSEH, Clk. O. C.
bunbury, May 4, 1SCI.
Life Or Oculll The tuUcriheia tiilie
pleasure in aniinuuciiin that ibi.y aro now
iirenared to mail dree') to those who Visli it, a
ropy of an impor.ant little work, by iho bile Dr.
Brampton, entitled "The Invalids .Medical Con
fidant," published for tlie benctit. and as a warn
ing lo young men and persons who sutler fiom
Nervous Debility, Pmnaiure Decay, Ac, Ac,
supplying the means of self cure. The leader is
irresistibly leJ lo compare a useful life i:u aa
ignoble death.
Reader, lose not a moment, but tend your ad
dress for a copy of this Utile work. Addrera the
Mat ft JU.n bt...w Vurk
May U, leh-3moa
Am j"cn tkK iWht mi
fftniHitilnn? Art) yvm cml ol"
oexti-r. v lilt jrnr ajrteBt) tft
ritttH, Mitt onr ftaiifij
cfauiltnni4itt Tbow nina
V MIK MTV OUM M pfNtll tm
illn.. -Anna fit f
at'itttMitai lcrr'nplnii vjKtn yoo.
l o .
ana muiuti kyhihi tjr a
ttiiwl nm of th right rem-
riXlij i rinmf oul llw dkurilwed
ttW tfll1. ttolti ktlUJll IiilaiA
rftnu'iai IU unwind iuiK-tint. ff tv rrliereJ,
fren't tiHMi tliprnwlvwi im1 ttie Kurritiiititiug rgt.nii, jr
fltf K-iitral BorcrrwiilitiM, mitT'-riiif;, nn I du.
-M'hMn In tli iit oitnlitiuii, 'ntriw-tl by tlft itflrittKn-ntonr),
InliO Aynr'n I'lllf. mwl Ii w tiirt (4y tltv H'H'.ftn tl
tialtirni lirll'tii uf t'nK uyiim mul wltli U iUn ltiv,fiiit
fi"!llni( uf li' iillti njr-'irt. VVImt li tM rm I m nppvont tr
tUU t4i r In! uu I f,tiiiit'M rtinijtl.ihit. lv Al tni ia tuuty
cf t!io loip ta.-a(tI miti Huni-flpwii li i: -m jr- Th nii
ptirn(ivn t-iT.-. i ox'Ih thiti. Cim-- nlinlliu- clwinn
U 'lifi unit Ji.-iiicoiiTi-:iti i if Ihr tiitnrnt rniif-tiout of On
Wv-lv, Hity urn raill, fuid mniiv 'f tli'-m miinly, cwt l
ty 1ti')iiiit ni'f'i. Jitt wIm knit lint Tirttn i. it,m
l'ilW, will in tlc-t lo fiiriUf Uiotu wlict sulkriti Uvtu
tlin ill t.i 'lri tiif V i-ir
ftLtti'montH fom lt illnp t-l-y 1 inn In on f tli
pritii.iJril Cstirje, ttutl ftvjui inlitr ivcll kauwu public p-.T-inns.
Vrtm a FhrtrinU;g .V?j AVinf tffit. Tmitt I, In&r
Tn. Arm: V"t.r nm Iti" icumn ff nil tlmt Li
Rriit hi in4rMt) 'J'h.'v Imvr tnii-l my littl it iuirlitop
iif nlrcmuii nauy upon In'ti- lmn-1 1 mid Id , frul pTtvm!'lf f r ycnr.i. IIff inutlur y IWit lm: ri-r-tnHly
HtV.i'-iO'J Willi lil it.'liwi mtil pi'tiplffi " tier chin nml
fn h-r luur. Af.-r ur .-l ill w.m cun-J, tau tiicU
uur i'ilh, umiI tluiy lmviuuri lir.
An. MonaniiKJK.
At a V a rally FIij-sie.
Frm Dr. I lUvright Sew Ortxn$
Von Fills am llm prtiii of mi gen. Tlmlr rix-n'-nt
qtnlitlin aariLt nny citMinrtif- u 'aW. Ihr nr
mild, hut vi ry ci'iltun titfl i irt t tntil In tlitsiv tT-tl'-u on tl
liowoK whii nnli j thuut luiilunLl to us hi lu daily
tiTftlmoUt of liiseii-;
IScAtlaclie.SlrUIIrndnrlicPon rStomach
JVoui i:r, litin trd 'i, li tUimcre.
TKinl1ito. Avrut I ennnot niiHwor you '.'i(f( fymflnfMi
I Imvo cure I wirh ymir Pills h-f-r tii.m to miy allVvit ti
f -rr treat with n p't';,iitite mt 'iiritie., 1 phi.-o (pHt dopn
flciirf nn nn otiitctHnl r't:li:niit: In my 0;ity rontr?t vfth
Aif nu iiii! bt:lMiiiiij fix I l tint t 'tir I'iltn bHard mt h
beat wo Unxot I of cuuno vnluu Uiu'tn iiighly,
rm?i:0, Vn , Mn? 1,
TtuJ. C. Arm. P!r: I Imvo hofn rf i cnlcd!,-fiin-d of
tlio wurt rVMrAiWr (my i.otly rnti linvn ly n duip or Iwa
f I'ilU. It ri--ui to uiJju fiim a t-ut tuniacU,
T'iUi-4 with "ji:ut rcj'ict, T.p, tv. rnrp.Lr,
Otrl- ff .VfflUiti Ciarln.
Iillloun Disorders I.lvcr Comirlntiil
I'mn Dr. Th.:1orc E-tf, oXny y,,,-- C.v.
N"t mily urn yi'iir Pilln n hnlri.lilv mVipd-! t' th-tr p"i:r
pi?o us (in nnnrMit, I flni Muir l-tinciifiiil f-n?ctp;
tlio lvur xty riiilti'il hi'l'-i-il. T.u y Imvo In my pitko
tUo l.lovtjil n h. It :lh- tllal f..r t!:o euro of b.Unnt com
plaint thiti any etui i i'intnly 1 can mi-til ion. 1 ninoivly
li jnico tlmt we Imvr ttt b iiili pri'rMI've winch ur
tU Ui wtiGJuncu ct t'.c j-;oit.iLjn tbe e i lo.
Ii i-AtiTMrxT or Tnr Inti.pior, 1
X'n:ilnn(;f"iit th I'.. Tlh t r., iv,r.
Sin: I Iiuti ncd ymv vtl in my p-wrA i;u l I'.o-(..ImT
liM' iit ui'VL'i siw a u iitMI ill. m.uml riiuii')! bSiLite t
t.y iln- a ro tli Ittint cathailic wnumjjlMy. Tbtir nii
luiiiiL; riuiii ti tUj liver in quivk nnl doatlcl. ojiikv
qifiilly iUvy aits nn ifliuhullu leun'ily for dci.utoiiantfl
nt tliat 'rgtni. Iit'li'tMl, 1 lvi pelt I urn fuiunl u cust uf
lihunt tlitftte y.i uhstiuat'i that It di-1 nut ifiulily jii-itl tt
tliuu. AiuKrnall; Al,o'.i It ALL, M, ft,,
i'.ysi'ci'tti i th Marine IJotpilaL
D)'tciktcr3f Plnri'liora, Utlnx. V.ormi.
I'lom he. J. G. Gi-fxtt, aj' Chic iy
Tcur Pilli ltuvo IumI n lutig frfil in my ir:tr-., fnd I
Itolil tli-in in ff twm as tine i.f liio 1-t-st aju-ii- nts I Imvo
evt-r I'uu n J. 'IJiuii-altcralivo i-lK't t U)uii liwr inula-s
tlriu an l-.X'TIkmiI H-nivily, wluti iviii hi hiuuM tofK ft
lih-i'U tfy-citUr; tin t ut-tri'hur. 'J In-ir ni'(;;ir-coiitili5
tu:il;c ihi'iii oiy : -"piaLlo uud uhVtriisWait lur tut u&n
4' r jin:n Aud citiMiL-u,
DynprpSka Impurity of the nionct
from ii v.J. r. ltitjr of Advent Church, butm, '
Vv, Avn: 1 1t:i e nm 1 yc nrj'i'!' wilh i-xf nvtrdiuary
encc s-i in my family aii aiiioiiij ilittn 1 nm cr.,It-tl to vimt
In illHlrctf, 'Jn n"i;iiliitti llu orp.viH A dir'ti'.-:. unJ
I'aiilV liio t loi'd, iltt-y mo tli rivy Imtit vci.i'ly 1 liavo
-vff Known, and 2 can coiilitl- riiiy icu-mut'-ml tTir:i U
fc. h'inudx. Yuum, J.
TTr4w, UynmliiK r.r. V. Y., O-t. 'Jl, 1S05.
ICR Kip.: I rtui tiini; v an UiUnrf k I'illi in my tuo
li'.c, m: 1 li.. t! tu. nn cxc 'lknt tnt-tivf th
9j "Ivu ftud vttr'jf t:te (ni'' i''x ' r'....r,.
Tvai-tiiuatNut Csom, Acuruiia. Aroy
myf i'urjlj bit,, A-';, etc
jw Dr. J. l I'wc'r'i, Mi:!:r'.tt Cifirr'it.
To inin h C'ltintit l' (!! i.f yi-iir I'iils fi r (Ity cur of
m t- ; '. Jf i'tUi"n CI our irafrniif v have fimtid tlivin
ph cjl.ifiish as J Iiiivp, 'Tir-yhhr.uld j-dti nm iu pp.trl;vim
In ' li it Hi bntu in of tl..' tHitiiitu.h u vklni Mit 'f r,.
i .;i ru:i:(.!:i;iit, hi' h, ah h l,.ut u. -n-h in iUcfl', in
iiiu ni ;nini,ri) nil Ml" idiii ill t vorw. I m-lii-ro t-3.
ttriH'U trjuiilliati' it: liio iht, Lut na V'itU tUiftt thut
JVm Mr;. E. Ptutrt, "ys'rinn am? M-fai, Ihttr.-u
T find c.v.o cr tw-j I.tro d-.ft.i of ymr Fills, tibon nt l!i
pr.pc-r io (! ut pr.-ru-iiiv. h i.f i!n- iter.
tr.H wliin l;y i' h.illy sii; j.ii-w , and aM Vi TW
elTcLta.l . th,tlfi ilH it:n;h anj r .-. Tlf
nre rt-i itiiu li th b t phyaw we hutu lLl 1 locumna'nd
liO uiut-r ( i my j iticuU.
Vow te Dev. Pr. Il'wUf, ' 'Ic MttfMis! Ejtis. Ck'trch.
Fin 'It! i r. S'Tann;ili,(in., .Ian. 0.
ll-Ufnni.p t-iii: I h.-nM l..i iiii.nt-lt.l f v tho ivljtf friviil has Uficht u.o if f HA vt r-ji.'it my iaie to
yrM. A ivl-l H.-uL'l in my l.a.' Utoniriit m r-xi-ru-4'l;i(lntr
tfHf.t',1'; )-n.i-iy - : !i i-in!. d hi r'irvii?rhttt't(t
tt-t.i. " NVtuiilist-.n.j- 1 ,:id th. i,,.-t ori'hr'l.vui, H
disi-.i r (::,- W"iu nivl v.- -ix. uiiT.t lv th-- ;rt- (' oiir
trvlii'ltt :(;f"if hi l.'allift !-, Fl. .Mv'ilitz;-, 1 U'i-.l .-ur
Fill-. J tu-ir fl'-N v-'i f j, br.t Mm. Iy jri;rioirIu5
iu Iho uso oi tlttin. I :t?n Tirivp vnthvlv well.
Srvit1; CiUMiri. fit -n '!m-.v, T.. lcrf.
TT. A ;:!' : l li-iv,. I.. nii-.-lv f.:r. I. hv y..i,r I ill-, cr
):hi'u" .t.c t.: a iaiuitil uiit.-U-- t'::il I --.1 uT): t'-t iu
fr .viiii-. VI.NUBNX SI.U'M.L
Mutt rf tlio r,'i: In mnrfet c-u!.iln M-roury,, nUIi. iili" rriii-ily in tl.ilnil bin-lii. id'" ill il fliljli" I Ml. fjui'thu .lri-a ll'lll c-i-n-.w
l"-i Itivt fu-'Mi.-iiliy r-ll iw lis iiii-.uiti'iii U-I-. Yti.-Mi
c ur.liii lifi iiiei-t-iiiy ur luitii-iai w :Ul. ,-r.
Price, 25 cents per Box, ot 5 Koxcs for $1.
Prepared ty Dr. J. C. AYES &, CO., Lowell, Uass.
S-M hv l-'ribiic k rtrai.t. an.t A. W. l'i-!: r, Pnubury
J I'. CiI-'U hikI C. ItmwM. MilUin; lir WVnti.', Me.
l.we,(ii-ilie ; Kcil-iiyilerA; ('hrisiriun, 1 urbulviiie ; It. fj,
McCi'V, Nnirniiiiilirriiiii,) aiid ty Deulers everywlicie.
Aj'iil jit, Hi I ly
THELATEST style of
at the
FasMcnalle Tailoring Establisliment;
Market stit t t, fiMfl 'AY, Va.
THE subscriber has just received and ppeneJ
I sre assertinent bPlil.Ms AND SUM
MER l.OUHS uch cs
Plain and Fancy Cassimeres Vepticgs, &c
of tbe lutct sly U s. In addition tf In stock lie
U roiistantly r -c ivints new n; plies from the citv
kci'i'il.g a lull asorliiii iit of the lliosl
ami talent style cf (ionds in tbe cily ma.'kcls.
He is prepared to m.ike to order all kir.iU of
O'eiitlt-ineirs unit Ii jv's vvei'-, sue,', as
.;LS.s.t:OAJ'ti, HMt.'K.rOATsS. BL'frl-MOSi-C
Li.UJ.N". ic. Ac.
f the very latest style, and in l!-c most mbtan
tiiil iii..nnrT. nt st.nn poiire.
Any tiouus not on hainl, will bo fun iIml
'rot,: s hibu'th lii i. I'l' -iWiux two dy'e Qiiec.
ijf t'ull and t-iuliilne my stock, no tUarfii-s
maiio fur shuwing.
Suiiburv, May It, IStil
fcOI.OHOX 3141.11 Zi.
Attorney at Law,
BUNBUiiy, Nortuumborlaud Co., Pa
(Formerly I'recbuig, Snyder e.iunly )
OFFICE, Market eilrret, a lew duurs eal of the
Northern Central K'llruid I'epot aud two
deer west of the l'u.-t int'ico.
All prolcsiniai Uusiiu-si', CulUcdoiu, Sit.,
will receive aiteutioii.
March oil, Isti!.
A u i: o c
HlcL rintircd Uarecei, 13, 25anJ 31 cenls.
Barege liobes. S I Sli, 4 IHi and 5 00,
Muianibi pie Kb" l o lU,
Traveling Press Uooi'a.
tiUcpliard' Plaids, Mohair Plid.
(iinth.irn', Lawn. Pru.ts, t"lal ic.
tiny Figured (iood.
8 E corner Ninth aud Market, PliilJt!;i!ii.
N il Uet quality Hoop fc-rt-, 91 W
ft 2X
AT nm
than can la purchased elsflwhem .
Just received ty llnllroet! lliia week.
Sunbury, Decemlicr 15, 18Bi.
J. A. C It A N D A IV Yj S
473 naoADvAT, m nvr ironn.
c!ioiil t in ev-rv family. School, Cvmnasi.
urn, Asvlmn, and Hni-pitnl in the land. Aro
not DANGEROUS, liku the common Pnr-klni;
Ilurso. filands f.rm on it Pt-!i-,ial. will not
wcur C ARPETS, and bas no Ko.kere lo injure
tho FP,
'JIcHltli and aifT'iie's ia trie mea !.!-.'-.N t. Wiim
mm Vixv
't r-rrs
"Of alt the child furr.i-.uie wo have ever sli a
no article combine so much of those two linmr
tant health end hauiiincei as the A-!.
! justahla Patent Steel Sprini Saddle Ho-so, in-
vcnip.-i uy -lesHo x. iranuaii, 11 ia niii cangir
ous, liks a cmniimn rorkiim-tioif ta childr n'a
fi-Lt, car.uul bo upai. dora iiot wer rnrprts, iut
stands firm on its hasp, and its action ia so lilts
the c'lliup of a live horse thi'. tho chilil nevcr
wearies of it. Tliis ,Btf.;tof child-novoltiis Is ex
ceedingly clepinl and orli-itif in de.sign ; ntui so
adjustable, aul'ftantiul, and durable, tint it nil!
la.-t lilutinic. It is indispensable In every
I family whero thcio aru cl.iblren. It ainnild l a
) in every primary echoed and pyirinas uni in tho
' country, as il can he maiio largo and Etr inir
j j'inuL'h t sustain prown persons. A a pcilesul
l'.r phut graphic pictures, nothing in more U:uti
! (A.
I "Every Oiphan AFj-Ium and Institution whera
' children nm cnimrcijak'd, should be furnished
: wilh a tiiiinhcr of tneso beautiful articles. They
arc lilted w ith eide-uildles when required."
the utter part ul li.e uaae utiilicicntly to allow tbe
o-?lc to go in its place; Ihin raise o jwer th
j Iior to suit you. (Screw the bolu iu the aiia
very tij;!it.
I r" These Horse ara WAItnAFTED one
I March 1(5, tf
! HIIE SI'MMKR TF.RM of the Sunbury Academy wUl
J cwuiiut.-in.-c vu me oui v a n ii
i lie f.-oiiine vi
iimtriictiuii t-mbmces even- deoart-
. niei-t r tULC:itl"!t tuunl in utir litrst Ae.ii!oinies, pretmi tigf.
I stu'leiits una citlmr fcr a ; rutui'-iior l-i enier any class in
Cull. s a.
r;;nMS phr q carter:
I P.miirHiii Srli ntl JVruirliri, (100
J ll'.'lier Km .ish ilr.mcli'-.s, 6 00
I I.a'iiiniMl Ijili L l.aii.uM(ji-s. 7 no
( Tuition t" 1-eti.iitl before Ihe mid.Ue rf trw tenn.
I Ti'Mnl run In liiiil in jinvulu fnimlies at from 75 te
-J 2j I't-t week.
I P. P. WOLVKRTON, rtmcipul-Sjriti'irj-,
March 3(, leOO.
10 Yil' WANTA Alt'L'STAClin!
Fur the l!7i.'..4cM (:;. Uair.
Tue s'li'st-nlit-rri niK - in iiiuii.L:s.-ui(; to tttseiti! tue I'inted Mun-n, thnt tinry iuive oir.auitd ti,e
Affeiu y Ixr, air lunv t-iriu.t-d i.m.Ji tu the Aiiu-iu an
piii'lio," the ii!ive justly ttinratce unit world-reiiuwiuj
The Stim'dnt'nti OnguenU
is prpfarp.! by )r. C 1. I!--i!ini.'hnni, it:: einui'-iit rh)siciin
vi l.uil.-n, i.itil f Miifnuitrd i . Ijiiiig i lit u thick s?l -f
1 1 i i r .... .1 .
I ll ;l-.ei. or .i ifii:(.'.
I in from tliiielu six weeks. Tli iirf-.le is Ihe if;lyo:ie
I of the kiuil usrtl ty tue l-'rcucli, and in LouiMi aiu 1 ...
j ris it is ui uitivcrc:!! .i:..
It u u ln-uutH til, ri-i-iinnucut, ico'hinir, et stiiiinlntins?
('onipi'inr.l. iipiiiii? ;is if lv n :iu- up.n the ruo1, r.rjM:;j;n
heaiiful i;--iu'ln 1' u.-turiiiiit .'.air II aiiirrl tu tli .-n. jt
it Wlli c-:lrf l.ji,iiie.i. uu-! -;iUfe tu efuiir lip in .iare ot
t'.i- L,.id iV'il a tnie urowtil u h.iir. Applied aix-nirliiy
t'ldiii-cM-ins ll Wlli turn rrlor tuVV hair 'lull--, ilnd rcst ru
iriiiy li:nr I 1 1' iiiiu;il c loi. le:iv ii s ft, suux-ii,. ii);il
ilt-i!.!e. 'r;ie "l innri-nl'' is n" niilispeiisiiio nnicle in
,.vet -.,,. -w t" ili-t, unit liner urc wi-i-ii's use tlu-y
w-'Mii.l ii. it I r ii-tv e.ii.iiiil- ratiuii I ir without it.
T!ie pu'im-i ili-iK lire the only Acmts f.if ti e s-:c-!e il
the I;. i:nl'H. to v, ii. nn ui! uriVrH nuit I in1.': -Fi-d.
I'lii-f ti!t- tlnliur li hox fur bui. hv tl 11 i triiK J ltt0 nud
Dmi.rf; oi -i h x of lue ' Uiirurnt" (wtiinuu.j t-i Iim-.
the Cmired t u-i i) will he sent to u.iy who ilr-rrv it. by
niiiti, uut-'-l, s.c-ilt!v -:e-kre, on rxe.;t u! pi ice ai.i'.p-it-i.fc'
A-.y.j 'oor ti.l-lrrss
iMiiACK i.. nr.cEMAN' & rr ,
ln"-LMt. e., ttl Wiliuia fi., New Yoik.
For !- nt tii.s ffii -i.
Mioi-h .1(1. I"!
JOHN W. BIX'HER. Local A gent, Bunbury
flhe sttSscriler, been appointed local
1 Auent lor the snle cf Fruit trees, plants,
vim s, ke of one oi the n um. r-lial! N'urserics,
call the attention of ull wh.i vi aul fiuit t
tins method, es mors ccitam than by obtjitiin
,neiu tnruii:li travtling aj-i!n. tbi:;U
Usi-ribed in toe Cuuionuo ara. Dwarf Pejr
Frees, of the nc for lia.'.eplanlinir, remaikably
D-.vt.rf A I'p'e Trie", nn P.ira.!ie Sto !.., p-a.
kiiv t.i.iiitilui mile tr.-et tur the ;-iiii!i .i, end pm
duciiin leiuarijtUly lii.e pci.imeiis of Irnit iu a
vciv il'.nrl time.
iiwaif Cberry Trees, budded on Ma!ia!tU
Slvcks, ln'.nd.-oiiie tret-a.
Siiuiidanl Apple. Pear and Cherry Treea Try
fine, wilb a lurvje U-l 'l vHiietit.
Pe-ult, I'iiini, Ne.-larine and Apricot Tree.
tioi.nebi rrv. Blackhwry and silraubcrry 1'Unt
al! uf Ihe lincl kind.
Curraii'. many new and improved ver'n-tie,
4u,-b ns Clu-rry. t h'-'e Urape, White GonJouiu,
lit J (ira e, Victoria, Arc.
tlrawtierry Plants, in prcat variety, incliidinr;
llie Hookor, Wilson' Albany, Tno.-nphie d
liaud, (the inwt nnpiuvcd old varieties,) ui well
s all the novellie.
Grape Vint,-liiclinlii'B these fine, ew, yet
well tealed kin s v. l.uii no pbmier ihou'die
without, such Delaware, Concord, and Har
ford Prolilic. 1 lie -m we have propaaletl " txi
leniieiy i. to able to utter iheui at reUuced and
latl.-f.;Ctuiy pi ices.
Plants, h'u.M-s, Kverureens and every rantty or
.rnniiicnlal tree aud, securely packed
JOHN W. Ul'CHKK. Agent, Sunbury Pa.
Pfunliury, Pebuaiy, V. IHi.l.
TNl' e'riAlM.'S.-A very tii.eai.J
' clu-ap aa-oriineu'.juai received hy Hail
road from New Vo-k. al iu Mir.:n.uh M
Pr.l.nn e Orauu W. hive alw M, sale H.
Pntnsm A Co' elebraW Pateut I eudulu-
is-nrtsU fijitme.