Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, June 15, 1861, Image 3

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    (Pur Uis Banbury Aroetiean.
' Letter from Washington.
"" " Washington, June 10, 1861.
In Otis reipeit I m tiks the Princ or
Waiss wberever 1 go 1 tatt rain. v Deo i
utered TilUborgh the atmosphere became
oltrjr, too sky tolsck with cloodt, aod it
raised, off and on, for two weeks. At liar
rifborg 1 gave them an old fashioned pourf
a( Suubury I broogbt yoo a "refreshing
bower, good for the crops," od at, Pbile
delpbia I emphatically Uid the doit. But
toy greatest ploriooi achierempot waa re
aerred for Washington. 1 made my trium
pbal entry Into tbii temple of Liberty in a
Kood North East drirtli, and had tbe satlsfac
tioo, two tours afterward, of being dreoobed,
a tbe Spaniarda aay, to tbe marrow. For
two di It oeTer rained, bat it poured,
making promenade impossible, and tbe
blue "facts accomplished," wh'le tbe atreeti
were occupied ooly by impressible backmeo,
Spasmodic newsboys and Zouaves, who turned
out for a wash. Tbe women, wbo occasion
ally .made their way along with the grace
peculiar to females on a muddy day, looked
like wbat they were Undines fioin Africa,
and tbe men, if not from Africa, were as
curtaitily not Undines.
Yesterday, however, withoot clearing np,
it beld up, and, taking advantage of tbe lull
in tbe storm, in company with several friends,
of wbom oar couimou friend 8. J. Packer waa
one, 1 visited Alexandria. To Pie Ibis Visit
bad something more of interest than it bad to
moil. At a school upon the heights, buck of
the town, 1 bad passed nearly two years of
uiy boyhood. 1 knew every foot of the
liroaad. There was cot a buuse, a wood, a
stream, or a field, with which 1 was not
familiar, uud tbe very air of tbe place was
redolent with the sweet savor of old associa
tions. 1 had not been there since 1 bad left
tbe school, but eager as 1 was to revisit the
old sceue. my anticipations were clouded by
the pomp aui circumstance of the war which
surround them. It was with no light heart,
therefore, that 1 embarked upon tbe Thomas
Coll) or, then a new boat, note ac old oue.
As we steamed over the river we saw nothing
but war, war, war. From the Arseoul
frowned great pieces of artillery, among
which moved swunus of soldiers. Along tbe
right btsbk stretched loug lines of encamp
ments, aud the while teuts glimmered from
among the peaceful groves of Arlington
House. Everywhere we saw the preseuce of
a Government iu arms, aod as we oeared tbe
town we pasaed under tbe opeu port-hules of
the I'owbaltun.
The last time that I bad seen Alexandria
was one beautiful bright July inoruiog iu the
jear 1851. It was at en early hour, when a
ride of three miles bad sharpened a scbolboy's
appetite, which the city Llotel bad with much
tribulation etAmGed, and when my heart beat
high at tbe thought that the tbaldrom of
school pi over aud that the joys and rights
df vacutioo luy before me. The mists of the
mornicg bad Boated off, leaving the bright
an to shine uninterruptedly upon tbe culm
urfuce of the river, the wharves began to
bu uktir aith life, tbe streets to Gil with
negroes going to tbe murket, tbe stores to
peo, aud tbe old town, never very lively,
seemed to wake up earlier tbun usual that
day. The whole sceue wus oue ef perfect
peace and quiet, aud 1 breathed the atmos
phere of repose. As the boat moved off and
1 ilung a half tearful adieu to tbe black boy
wbo stood ou the wharf and cried out, "Come
back soon, Mas'r, come back soon," how
little 1 thought that when I did come buck,
it would be as an invader of the soil that
helped to nourish mo. luvaderl Shade of
Liberty, fergive me. I was no more au inva
tier yehterday than 1 wus ten years before.
Now, 1 behave myself and let people's pro
perty ulooe ; then but if you want to bear
of buir breadth escapes, comedown and ask
the neighboring orchard owners of tbe errois
of the i'reo Companions in tbe brave days of
When 1 landed yesterday in Alexandria, I
lauded in a deserted city. As before, tbe
yceoe was one of life, it was now one of death.
Mave the passengers (nearly all military,) aad
a few soldiers, there was not one living thing
to be seen. Tbe warehouses wtre all closed,
the occasional smack or schooner that you
taw was rotting at to wharf, no dray rumbled
ovor tbe street, no carriage was waiting, no
merchant hurried by, but the scene was one
of blank desol&tiuu, from which commerce
bad hurriedly fled. As we passed np King
Mlreet, the inain street of the lowo, we saw no
further signs of life, except now and then un
open store, which guped in vain for customers
while tbe owner lolling in tbe door mournfully
eyed us as we weot by. The negroes we met
bud forgottoo how to laugh, even they were
moody aud sileul, and upon tbe cellar doors
would huddle groups of men, wbo would return
our glance wilt averted faces or fairly scowl
at us with a contemptuous tnaer. Even the
domestic animuls seemed to have fled with
their owuerx, for iu some of the streets tbe
eight of a dog or a cat would buve been a
relief to the desolation.
We soon came to tbe Marshall Hooeo,
whicb was filled with a detachment of the
Pennsylvania Fifth. Passing through the
oQice we weot up tbe stairs to the scene of
Ellsworth's murder. Tbe illustrated papers
give but a poor idea of tbe place. Tbe
stairs, instead of being broad, are narrow and
steep, and the hall, from being large and open,
i cabined, cribbed and coufjued. The bouse
is indescribably dirty siDce ils occapatioo by
the troops, tbe atmosphere close, aud reeking
with a dozen distinct odors, and the whole
place forbidding to tbe last degree. In tbe
dining room was quartered company of the
Mb, through wbicb we were abown by a
Lieutenant, wbo treated us very kindly, aod
from whom we beard tbe tallest blessing that,
we venture to say, has yet been given to that
pride of Pennsylvania, Andrew O. Curtio.
If the Governor will take my advice, be will
not waste his vatuable time in writing any
mure letters to the Sib Uid epistolary style
not being appreciated by them. From tbe
.Marshall House we started for tbe camps
and iutreuchments, which are about a ball or
tureo quarters of a mile from tbe little stream
thiii bounds the towo at the foot of Bhuter's
bill. On tbe ooUkirts of tbe city, in ube
grounds of a large brick building tbat is set
back from the street, lies a battery of light
artillery. On the other side of tbe stream is
encamped a squadron of cavalry, and tbe
fields back of them, two regiments ef lufantrv.
one of them composed of lb main body of
nne rennsyivama am. Aseeodiug tbe bill
we turn off from tbe road to a wood, in which
lies the Michigan 1st, a fine lookiog body of
men, wuo were busy at tbat hour cleaning
the guns and attending to camp duty. Going
through tbe wood we came upon an open
.space, on wbicb a large gang of Irish aod
soldiers were tbrowiog np a heavy intrench
meut. Tbe position of tbe iolreocbmeot is
as follows: At tba top of Sbuter'e bill a
lane branches off to tbe left. Following it
for a few rods it turns westwardly, and half
doteo rods after this turn oo ao elevated
piece of ground, to tbe left is this fortification.
It encloses about an acre. It ia admirably
ailuuled, commanding all southera approach,
es to Alexandria, including tbe Potomac.
Oo tbe North it sweeps the main road aod
tbe fields. On tbe West tbe ground pitches
abruptly, making deep valley, or rather
golly, the only approach oo that side. Deep
trenches surround it, which eao be swept by
guns bearing from tba angles by which tba
breastworks are Banked. It ia designed to
be a permaoeat furlificalioo, and is considered
. a formidable structure. From tbii point the
. view is indescribably beautiful. To tba
North range the heights, parallel with tbe
river, uovered with foliage, with Washington
in tbe dieteuce, and tba great mass of tba
, Capitol looming boldly from tba sea at. To
ibe vett the grauod asctd with njetie
weep, crowned by the Theological Seminary,
aod covered with forest, while to tba South
lies a rural lookiog littla valley with booses
just visible through tbe trees, and beyond
winds tbe Potomac almost to Fort Washing
ton and Mount Vernon. From where 1 stood
1 could see tbe cupolas of my old school, aod
though my heart longed to bs again oo Us
playground, I ooocluded I wouldn't go this
time. When 1 was there, with the impa
tience of boyhood, I thought I would never
get away, and yesterday, strange to ssy, the
feeling, I know, would have been stronger
than ever. Returning tbrsugb tba wood we
csme opoo the camp of Ellsworth's Regiment.
Tba "lambs" were gambolling oo tba grass lo
all imaginable antics and in all their poetic
Innocence and prosaic roughness. Stopping
for ft moment at a group we listened to a tale
of sorrows. They were the first Regiment
that marched oot of New York, they were.
They bad risked their lives when the pel 7th
had not, they had. Tbey bad had more pro
visions given them aod legs performed than
any other crowd of men that aver lived, they
bad. Look at our clothes), said tbey. We
looked, and came to Iba conclusion that if
New York hereafter sneered at the Pennsyl
vania troops, wa would show tbem ft Zouave.
Having oo time to visit tbe other camps,
each oua of whicb ia like tbe other, and by
tbia time being fatigued with our walk, we
went back to tbe towo. To give you an idea
of what the latent feeling in Alexandria is, as
wa wera going back through King street a
little boy, iu passiog us, said in low but
audible lone, "liurrab for Tbethessioo 1" and
ran off repeating the cry, to the evident de
I ght of two or three worthies who were
luafiug at the next corner. A little further
oo, two or three girls hung out of a window,
singing a song, of which the burthen was,
that "tbe Northern hordes" were about to go
through tbe process of annihilation, and that
tbey tbe girls were going to join tbeir
"Southern brethren." These are but little
straws, but in Alexandria, with tbe surround
ings that we saw around tbem, tbey struck
each of ns as of deep significance. Ou our
ay to the boat we weot through that part of
tbe towu iu whicb are lo be fooud the finest
residences We did not see oue opeo. All
were deserted aod closed, and bad il not been
for the appearance of squads of soldiers tbe
place might be thought to be plague stricken.
lo the afternoon 1 visited Kalorama, dis
tant about two miles, to see wbut sort of a
pluce Camp Cadwalluder was. My first call
was upon the New Hampshire Hegiineut.
Tbey are Goely located in a spot surrounded
with beautf. Though the heavy raius bad
made the mud ankle deep, tbe camp was in
excellent order. Tbis Regiment is admirably
equipped, and oot the leusl feature of the
equipment are the sixteen vivandieres that
accompany tbem. They are wives of mem
bers ol the Kegiment, aud it .struck one cot
unpleasantly to see, occasionally, a good wife
stitching away ut the iuexpretsibles of her
lord, wbo was calmly smukiog bis evening
pipe at tbe door of the tent. From the New
Hampshire 1st we went to the quarters ot the
Peuusylvania 1st Artillery, about a quarter
of a mile abevu. liure tvu were hospitably
received by a number of friends in company
A and F, and passed an hour or two tuikiug
on Philadelphia news. This camp is the
model of neatness. . To these wbosu ideas of
camp life are confined to that apology for
military quarters, Camp Curtio, the idea of
neatness among tents may seem ubsurd.
But tbe idea is a practical fuct in the quarters
of these men. It is remarkable. Not a
straw nor a crumb is to be seen in tbe street
we were in, aod when one erf our party uu
thinkiugly threw down the stump of a cigar,
tbe good humored cry of Police I Police I ran
all along tbe tents. Within the tents tbe
same order prevailed. Everything had its
place and was in its pluce. The floors were
carefully swept, and before tbe doors the
fellows had turfed tbe ground aad surrounded
each little plot with an edge of stones, like
those we see In tbe ladies' flower gardens at
bome. This may seem excessive and fancy,
but no oue can deny that it il is a fuult, it
leans to virtue's side, and tbe caviller is
stopped when he beurs or sees that these
men ore excellently disciplined, drilling with
almost tbe precision of regulars. Neatness
and obedience are tba two great teats of a
With this last cheerful testimony to the
soldier-like spirit of our brave men, 1 close
my letter. in my next I will try to give you
some idea of affairs at Arlingtou Heights.
Letter from our Volunteers.
Ha vbx bi Grace, Md , Juno 11, 1H61.
Dsab Wilvkiit ;
Wo left North East on last sabbath, our
passage from there to Perryvillo, was very quick,
and the only "Patriotic" expressions exhibited
was by some halt' dozen young ludies, and a
whole regiment of "niggers," which our fellows
did not like nut the ladies, but the niggers. In
deed the colored people here think that the entire
army ot the Nonh have come to liberate them,
so much so that they have become imputent. If
that is their style, and keep oa in the manner
they are doing, we will have to "pop" them in
stead of the people of the "Confederate States."
Havre de Grace is most beautifully located,
the Susquehanna empties into the Chesapeake
Bat at lllia place, and the scenery ia moat ex qui'
site not I think equal to ours around Sunbury.
Leaving Sunbury out of (he queation, we all ac
knowledge "nature's beauty" around Havre de
You should have seen our boys get up this
morning with their clothes damp, the rain oozing
through the tents, particularly myself. After tat
too, not liking the heat took my blankets to take
a quiet snooze on "mother earth," aid about 3
o'clock, A. M., if you ever saw a boy of live feet
six, completely drenched it was me.
We are now under marching orders. The
Colonel told us last evening, on Kegimenlal re
view to be prepared to leave en a moment's warn,
ing. Our destination is Cbambershurg ; when
we gel there we expect to be forwarded lo active
life. not "playing soldier," guarding railroad
bridges, (made out of stone.) to keep the rebels
from burning them. W herever, and whenever
our regiment meets the enemy you may expect
, lo hear a favorable account of Company F. Tbe
Sunbury GuarJa are composed of amall men, but
they are made of the right grit. Corporal Urighl
expects to gel the reward thai waa offered by some
Philudelpliians for Jeff. Davis' head, and in the
expectation of it he is quite jubilant. Our fellows
are all well and send their "moat pious regards"
to all the "good folks" at heme.
In my next I expect to give you theexporience
of a skirmish. 1 hope we will be successful
this war between "brothers" will be ended and
our beloved country at peace. Excuse the itu
perfectness of tbia letter as I have a large crowd
around me and my desk is a water bucket.
Yours fraternally, H. t. W.
Letter from Carlisle Barracks.
CBMsui, June 9th 1861.
Editor American :
Oo Saturday five companies of the
.1.1.4 IT;j t r
- -- i.-ii j . j nib. .uujpv
oy B, Cepi. Shepherd, company D, Lieut.
ucii vuujiuftuuiuif. vuuipauy j, iieut. W 11
liains commanding. Company U. Cspt,
Sheridan, and company of Copt. Sykes, accom
panied by a fine band, arrived at this place,
en route for (hamherhnrir. Thus .
good night's rest iu tbe Barracks. Then, on
Sunday morninir thev atrnin ttmlr tVi.. B.B
They are part of tbe troops that were
comuiaudud by the traitor Twiggs in Texas.
Tbey are fiue set of men, have apparently
seen much hard service, but look as if they
could stand much mora. Tbey denounce
Iwiggs in stroDg terms aod express their
anxiety to meet tba foe. Company F. of tba
V...l. rT:.i ... .... r V
A-uuiiu vuueu d taies artillery is now station
ea cere, iney oaa an accession of forty fiva
men lo tbeir company from tbe ranks of tbe
recruits of tbis place. Tbey will aoon join
iu aroiT uuusr commano oi ueneral I alter
l : - L i .
oo, wuicu is now ii" i-r nwniutf orRera f r
northern Virgin,., i .. v.uiu heud.2 j
Cot. Thomas, second Kegiment of United
States Cavalry. All new appointees are
beld ander strict Military discipline. We
recite daily to some experienced officers after
which wa drill, so that wa Can obtain both
theoretical and practical knowledge of our
future duties.
1 have been attending divine worship in
the various cborcbee since my sojourn here ;
nd most say tbat I waa particularly struck
with tba sermon I heard oo Sabbath morning
last. Tbe speaker'a bearing was independent
yet noble unassuming in his appearance, yet
interesting in his manners, and eloquent in
his arguments, his train of passages were
replete with patriotic sentiments, mora firmly
aod fearlessly expressed than I ever heard
before. 1 was so much pleased with his
remarks, that I felt desira of forming bis
acquaintance, and give him an invitation to
accompany ma to Sunbury. I did so, and
learned that be waa iba Key. Mr. lioss, be
told ma he preached on the Soobary circuit
soma years ago. Ha accepted my Invitation
very cordially. So if no providential interpo
aitioo you may expect us on Tuesday the lS'.b
day of June.
J. R. D.
P. S. Mr. Ross had tbe Star Spangled
Banner sung in church here last Sabbath.
He told them if there were any so religious
that did oot like it tbey might lump it. He
said it was as good a tone as he ' wanted to
have these times, and If it was offensive to the
ears of some, tbey might go down to booth
Carolina or Florida, there tbey would not
need to listen to it.
Letter from Ilarrisburg.
llAaaiuoira, June If, ltfOl.
Mr. EeiTea :
A few words relative to Camp Curtin. Tha num
ber of soldiers uow quiulerctl in ttiis Camp ia about 301u,
all of whom (save one or twi CnnipnNii-s) are ai yet
umiiiformed. And on account of Itua deiiciency tha pa
nties might well hava some inure appropriate "uanbeit
aOjrulive prefixed than "drear." However. the Vuhiutceri
are all in high apirila, conaiderin; cirt-umitunoe. lmaie-diau-ly
alter sun-sell, iniiy be seen aqauds together, mnu
sing themselves, Uunclng ull innnurr of dunce from the
eotilinn down (or up) to ttie "break down" and "snake
dance," at the auine time may beheaid notasof the choicest
kind reverberating in the air, a incentive lo fine singing
and dim sing. The ladies are frequently present, and eaeh
then tries to rival the other in melody of voice and in
"touching he light ruiitugtiv toe." At another pluce may
lie heard Bome whistling the air nf the"G'irl 1 (lie) left
lichiud" there being none to the volunteer an attractive.
frengitng is held in lump each and every auiulny, whi.-h
is generally well attended, not only by the aoldieia them
selves hut also by tne citizens of ltitrritburg. At the con
clusion nf a sermon lately by a Roman Catholic Miuisler,
it is stated tbl stud minister bad received congratulations
fioin many wf the aoldiera ns to the character uf hie scr
inon, one of Whom, however, appronchud the Reveieud
rather rongtly, whereupon the minister inquired whether
onto, he belonged to any Church lea, responded the
volunteer, H belong to the Mom oe Guards." At another
lime whilst nn Kpincopnlmn Minister whs dwelling, pa
triotically upon the condition nf our country, tha justness
nf our cause, Ac, he whs led to exclaim with greut em.
phases, 'if (iod is with us who can be ni-ainsi us?" Im
mediately the response was heard, "Jeff lluvis and the
rtevil." Many incidents Wiirlhyof note transpire diiily in
Camp Curtin, brt, having but little opportunity nf wit
nessing such, you p!eH?e consider what I have related ss
heme: an "elegant sufficiency" unlit I lii-d lime to write
in ire. ours, Resacctiulk, L .
Ikish Vs.Lt.iit, June 12th, 1861.
Ma. Editsr: A very inspiriting I'nion Meet-
inn and flag-raising was held last eveninir (Mill
intt ,) at llie LI aptist Church, whose attendance
was very large, and amid the excited multitude,
wus easily discerned tangible evidence of patrio
tic souls whose floclualions, marked an enthusi
asm, blended in sympathy lor our country's com
mon cause. A beautiful flaff the work of the
ladies of Irish Vullev, was hoisted and flung to
the breeze, after vvhii h the meeting was organised
by calling FARNSWNRTiI KEED lo the
Chair, Jacob VorJy, (Samuel Campbell, Isaac
Sober, Furman Famswortb and Lewie Chamber
lain, Vice President.
The meeting was then addressed by the Hon.
Alexander Jordan, Attorney Hill and Judge
Welkrr, (your townsman), touching the present
difficulties and peril, by which our beloved insti
tutions, our interests, our rights, were surround
ed and menaced ; and the manner in which our
glorious flag the ensign commanding inherent
respect upon ocean and strand, wherever unfurled
was assaulted and trailed.
Then in a inoai stirring maimer reft red to the
cause pf all this civj strife, tUe duty of the nartsi,
its magnanimous unanimity and closed by a
forcible appeal to tne ciliaens, regarding their in
dividual duties lo be shared in the furious ragirig
1 he remarks were heard with profound altera
tion and marked interest, evinced by the anima
ted countenances of the audiences in the course
of the powerful and soul-stirring appeals of the
speakers, alter winch a vote of thanks was ten
dered them aud tbe meeting adjourned.
W. l. eour.R, J u . .
J. ii. Tax lou.
I uecroiuries.
Okvfxopfmfnts of tub Skizkd Tw.kikamh.
The developaments that are likely to follow
ine seizures of tbe despatches bled lb tbe
telegraph ollices will astound the country.
Tbey will ebow a system of treachery exten
ding- through all grades of official business
and snlial circles. Members of Congress
from Free btutes fipnre frequently among
these flashes of intelligence. Representati
ves of New York citv, some of whom are now
seeking commissions in the Federal army,
did their full share ia giving information and
telegraphic encouragement to tbe Rebel
leaders then engaged io rushing tbeir States
into Ibe vortex of secession. Kt-porters for
Northern true Soil papers handed iu to tbe
t Ifgrupb oflice the knowledge they bad ob
tained through their Free Soil professions.
Kven the memhers of tbe I'eace Congress,
and some of the Free States held out words
of encourasemeut to the Hebel leaders, that
if tbey would keep op tbe fire tbey would
break tbe tree boilers dowo. Several of tbe
members of that Convention from tbe Bor
der States gavo regular reports of its procee
dings to the Rebels, while ut tbe same time
were insisting that the should be
kept from the Northern Press and public
A'. V. Times, Bth.
Lie'ut. Davidson, of the first Tennessee
regiment, was shot through tba heart at
Lynchburg, Vs., on hondy last, ia attempt
ing to prevent a difficulty butweeu two sol-
diero, aud died iostantly.
Gctta Tercua Cevjknt Uookino. We
invite the attention of our readers to the
advertisement of Messrs. JOANS A CllOS-
LhY, New 1 org, in another column.
The Numerous experiments made for tbe
last few years, to produce a substitute for tin,
slate and shingle roofs, bave at last led to a
perfect triumph in tbe Uutta I'khcua Cerneot
ltooCng offered by these geutlemeo.
f ossessiog In a great degree, tbe feautures
of elasticity, (which is a qualification of a
Cement Roofing actsally necessary aud long
after,) durability and cheapness, combined
with tbe fact tbat it is weather and fire proof,
its general adoption eannot be too earnestly
orged. Tbeir Outta J'ercha Cement for
coaling and repairing Metal Uoofs of all
kinds aod for preserving all metals from rust
and corrosion frem its great durability and
cheapness, is fast superceding points of every
description beretofors used for sneh purposes.
These materials (for wbicb the First Pre
miums bave been awarded by tbe American
Institute and many or tbe principal State
Fairs throughout tlw country.) are recemmed
in the highest terms by tha New York k
Erie Ii. It. Co., and many of tbe principal
Railroads North aod South, aad also by the
officers of tbe leading Insurance Companies
throughout tbe country.
New Advertisement!.
In tha Orphans' Court of Northumberland county.
rT!IlE Ululraiona1- an amlilne anfeftiritail l.w
-- said Court lo audit and restate tbe account
offeter W.Gray Executor of William M. Grav
dacoased, will attend lo tbe duties of bis aaid
appointment at his office ia tbe boroueh of Bun.
bury , ea Friday the S8lh day of J una, inalat
' " loreiiuoo. aii uiieraajiaoj may
- ii. ar... June P, latol. AuJitotJ
THE subscriber offers himself to the Demo
cratie Voters of Northumberland county, as
a candidate for the Oflice of COUNTV TREA
SURER, at the nest primary election. Subject
to the decimal ef die County Convention.
Dolaware twp, June 8, 18(11.
Cathariae 8nyder, In the Court of Common
vs. Pleas of Northumberland
Wm. L. Dewart,) eountv.
No. 58 April Term 18RI, Vend. Exponas,
The undersigned, an auditor appointed hv the
Court of Common Pleas, lo distribute the money
raised and paid into Court under above stated
writ of Vend. Exponas, to report facts, 4c, will
attend to the duties of his appointment at his
office in the borough of Sunbury, on Saturday
the 29th day of June Inst., at 10 o'clock. A. M.
All inteXesled can attend.
Sunbury, June 8, 18GI.
ROPOSA1.8 wrt be received by the Com
missioners of .'JV -thutnherlnnd countv. on
the 18lh duy of JuncJ 11, at tlieir office in Sun
bury, for the liuildiiJWui a Bridge across liig
Malionoy Creek in tjbneron township.
Plan and Mperisfi lion of the Bridge lo be
built, co p.' Mr seen at Ibe Commissioner's office
up till that lime. Proposals will be received
rfrom 10 o'clock A.M., until 3 o'clock P. M. of
same day.
-PHIMP CLARK. VComai're.
Commissioner's Oflice,
Sunbury, June 1, 1861
The ehenpest and moat thimble Roofing inuie. It is Fire
hi id W altar Prut if.
It enn be applied iu new end old Rood nf nil kind, arid
to Shingle .RmTa withota reinving the atiiniea.
The Cost ia only about One-Thinl that
of Tin, und it is twice as Durable.
For presevinif end repairing Tin end other Meiut Roofs of
every d(criiiion, lrt.m iti grunt elasticity, is nl iigurcft
by the ciit ruction uud expnntitm nf nicluis, and will nut
ci tick i' cold or run hi warm wrnthfr.
These intileriuiH buve bten thoroughly tested In New
Y'rk and nil parts i f the l uUu;fii ttml Weslrrn siui-s,
and we can give Hhumljmtjironf of all we claim in tlair
They are readily applied lV or inary laborers, at a tri
fliiiK expeiiHe
These mntfrinl" tire put up ready for use, und for ship,
ping ton II parts of the country, with full phtilcri direct ons
for application.
Full desciiptive circulats will be furnishr-d on npp!i."fl
tion by m nl -r in perfimut our PriucipMl IMTicc nnt Wart,
h-iusf. 76 WILLIAM STREET, (Corner of I.ibeiiy
Street,) New Yi-rk.
AtsEXT Wakied ! Terms Cuth! !
Jure 1. 1MJI ly
S. 11. Corner Second and Chestnut sis.,
DAY CHOCKS, a vrry clrsiiitble aniulc t'.ir diureti
cs, Hotfl. B;uiks, Carnitine: H'-uses. Purlnrs. Acu.
Alsn, .Mnnsfsotnrcrol' KINK UUI.D PK.fc.
Cli-cks repttirrd suit warmnU-d.
CI'K-k Tl minimis ol every n.-scriptinn.
PhilmltMiiH, Juimury lit, lhCl..-3y
WRAVKM.EKS and others ara resjiectfully
Informed thsl tha subscriber, in oriK-r to ac
coninioc iie the jiuMic and facilitate travel, has
reduced tlie rates of ferriage at his bTEA.W
FERRY, O'er the Kusquehanna, at Huuburv, and
will carrv Passengers, Horsea, Carriages, and
other vehicles, at the following rates, viz :
Foot PasserijeTs, cacti,. , 5 cents.
Horse and Rlrr, . 1 5
Horse and y, . 25 .
Two-Horso Conveyance, 40 "
Farmers and others, wishing lo transport Coal
and Produce, can niaki arrangements at still
losr rates.
A aro, saf , nd commodious titeamhoat will
rrui regularly auu, vromplly at all hours of the
day, and to accommodate those who desire to at
tend the fe'hurche at ciunhury and KHinsgrove,
the Boat will run en Hunduy.
The Steamboat will run from Market Street
Warf, aud promptly convey Passengers from
both sides of the River, without delay.
like ieam Kerry now affords not only a safe
ajid convenient transit over the SSusqueliannn,
but hIso a pleasant and agreeable ride.
IRA T. CLEMENT, Lessee and Proprietor..
Sunbury, May 25, ISfil,
To t7ie Voters of Northumberland County
Fellow Citizens:
I offer myself as a Union Candidate for
the office of ASSOCIATE Jl'DOK, at the next
election. Should I be elected, I pledge mjself
to perforin the duties of the office to the best of
my ability. JOHN DUNHAM.
Northumberland, May 4, 1-C1 te
Cored Mantles,
Poplin Duster;
French Maqirvs, -Silk
Newest Designs, Weady Made, or Made to Order.
8. E. Corner Ninth and Market, Philadelphia.
May IH, lUfil.
ON (lis nature, trriilmenl, and radical cine nf spennu
liwrtHLa. or rkiimuj Weakness, Srxtiul Debility, Ne.i
Vnusitess mid inn::intary einirsiiais, inducing iuipolcucy,
and .Mental n:iU Physical liicaiucity.
lly ItuliT. J. CTIA'UKWEI.L, M I).,
Author uftlie '-M'een Hook," Ac.
Tho woiUUresinwneduiUh'r, in this bdinirutile Lecture)
clearly prove fiotn Ins own experience tlnit the uwl'u,
consequences ot Susl-nhuHe may be elteclunlly removed
without medicine and without duiipeious surgical opera
tions, bulimias, instruments, rings or cordiuls. ((oiuiiua; out
a mode of cure at once i-eil'am and, t,y which
every suffer, no niatter w hat bis condition nmv be, in:;y
cuie hiiuscll cheaply, privately and rudic-uily. This lecture
will piovc a boon t' tlinnsiiuusima tiiousuncis
Pent under seal, in a plum envelope, io unnress, post
paid, on the receipt iu two nostnau sunups, lv Uildrt-ssing.
Dr.CII. 1. C. K1.1NE, 13? Bowery, .New York.
Pott LUi.-e. boa ,58t.
April Jn, 19SI. ly pi
New Millinery Goods.
.11. i ;i .s!Si.i;ii,
Paten Street, two doors snuih of the Shamolin
. - I 'alley j- I'oltscille Hail lload.
Ur.tirEC'J'FL'LLY informs tho citizens of
KUNUUKY and vicinity, that she has just
received from Philadelphia a large and si leudid
assortment uf the most fashionable and latest
style of
123 GD :ST S3 E3 t S3 ,
which she is selling at the most reasonable prices.
To which she directs the attention of tbe ladies
and invites all to call and see tbem.
Thankful for past patronage, she hopes by
keeping to best assortment at reasonable price
to continue tbe same.
Sunbury, April 13, 1861.-3in
BA R E fl E 8.
Rich Figured Vareges, 19, 25and 31 cents,
Ilarege Rebes. S3 SO, Si 00 and $5 00,
Motarulique Robes at $5 00)
Traveling Dress Goods,
bbephard's Plaids, Mohair Plaids,
Gingham's, Lswns, Prints, Challtes,
Grey Figured Goods,
J E corner Ninth snd Msrket, Philadelpbis.
N U liest uuality Uooj Skirts, 94 ceuAs to
$3 2.
krj U, IML ; "
The Host Military Book ever Published
Containing full instructions for the RECRUIT,
in the (Schools of (he rloldier snd Stpisd, given
In the most Simple Htyle, and all the information
necessary for Ihe forming of CORPH OF HOME
GU4.RD8. Illustrated with over 100 engravings,
showing the Different Pos lions in the Facings
and Manual ot Arms, and oouiplote directions
relative lo Loading and Firing. Arranged ac
cording to
TICS, And in conformation with the army require
uients for the present War, by
of the National Guard.
Tbe instructions given are of the ercntest im
portance to the rew voluntrtr, snd should be
thoroughly understood, being 'indispensable lo
the instruction of a company.
Hound in one volume. l2mo ,H2 parses, Pnper
Cover, price 2fl cents. Flexible Cloth, 3S cents.
Tito Same Work
Is also published in lbs (Jetnisn Language, at
the same price, and is the only German
Nook of American Tactics pub
lished in the United Mtstes.
Aytnts and Canvassers Wanted.
To engage in the sale of this Work, in every
City, Town and Village in the country.
Price per Dozen Copies, gt-IO
Fifty " H.00
" Hundred" 15.00
All orders accompanied with the Cash will he
dispatched immediately, either by pusr or ei press.
If ordered by post, Stamps must be enclosed to
pay postnRO. If by express, tho freight can be
paid oil delivery.
The Cump-Fire Companion.
A New and Oiiglnnl Collection of Military
and Patriotic Song; adapted especially for the
present Campaign. One vol. Wino. With il
Pupcr cover, 15 cts. Flcxil lo Cloth, 25 cts.
Sinijle Copies of (ho above Books
To any address in the United Suites, upon re
ceipt of tho price, by
KING &. BAIUI), Printers and Pulitzers.
007 Sassom St, Philadelphia.
To whom nil Orders should te addressed.
May 18, lMnl. tit
Aau cor:sTivNTi.Y mash
at the
Fashionable Tailoring Establishment;
JAcox-o. beck:,
Market street, KUXKL'RY, Ia.
THE subscriber has just received and opened
a lame assortment SPRING AND SUM
MER GOODS, nuchas
Plain and Fancy Cas&imeres, Vestings, &o
of the latest styles. In addition to his stock he
is constantly receiving new supplies from Ihe city
keeping a full assortment of the most subsUnliul
and latest Style uf Goods in the city Market.
He is prepared to make to order all l.inds of
Gentlemen's and iiov's wear, such as
LOONS, &.C...&C.
of the very latest style, aud in the most substan
tial manner, at short notice.
Any Goods not on huud, will bo furnished
from Philadelphia, by giving two day's notice.
tV Cull and exumino my stock, no charges
made for showing.
Sunbury, May il, IHOl
IT. E. HOOKEE. &c CO,.
JOHN W. BUCHER. Local Agent, Sunbury
rilhe subscriber, having been appointed local
M. Agent fur the snlo of Fruit trees, plants,
vines, &.C., of ono uf the most reliable Nurseries,
culls the attention of all w ho want choice fruit to
till, method, as more reituin than by obtaining
them through traveling agents. Among those
described in the Caiuloguo are. Dwarf Pear
Trees, of the age fur transplanting, remarkably
Dwarf Apple Trees, on Paradise Storks, ma
king beautiful little lice, for the garden, and pro
ducing remarkably tiuo specimen, of fruit in a
very short time.
Dwuif Cherry Trees, budded on Mahaleb
Stocks, hatiiUome trees.
Standard Apple, Pear and Cherry Trees, very
fine, with n large list of varieties.
Peach, rititn. Nectarine and Apricot Trees.
Gooseberry, blackberry und Strawberry Pluiit
ull of the litict kinds.
Currants, many new and improved varieties,
such as Cherry, While Grape, bile Gunduuin,
Red Grape," Victoria, Ac.
Strawberry Plants, in great variety, including
llio Hooker, Wilson's Albany, Triompbie de
Gaud, (the ir.Obt approved old varieties,) as well
as all Ibe novelties.
Grape Vines, including those fine, new, yet
well tested kinds, which no planter should lie
without, such is Delaware, Concoul, and Hart
ford Prolific. Theao we have propagated so ex
tensively as to able to olier them at reductd and
satisfactory prices.
Plants, Roses, Evergreens and every vntiety of
ornamental trees and Shrubbery, securely packed
JOHN W. BUCHER. Agent, Sunbury Pa.
Sunbury, Frhuaiy, tf, Irilil.
Orphans' Court ala.
8N pursuance of an order of i lie Orphans' Court
of Northumberland county, will be exposed
to public sale, nn the premises, on Kulurdny, the
87lli day of JULY, next, all that certain Tract
or Piece of LAND, situate partly in Shunul.ui
township, und partly ill Coal township, Noilhutr
bcrlaud county, Pennsvlvania, bounded by laud,
of Martin Cuss, land, surveyed to Obediah Cap
111, John Titsworlh, Robert Taggart, John Mil
ler, and Thomas Hamilton. containing 1 our Hun
dred and Twenty-Eight Acres and Fifty one
perches of Laud and allowance, be the same
more or less, lute the property of Chrieltan Ka
bet, deceased.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., of said
day, when the terms und conditions of saU will
be made kuowu by
By order of Court, 1
J, B. MASSER, Clk. O. C. S
Sunbury, May 4, 1801. J
Attorney at Law,
SUNBUBY, Northumberland Co- Pa.
(Formerly Free'uurg, Snyder county.)
OFFICE, Market Street, s lew doors east of Ihe
Northern Central Railroad Depot and two
doors west of the Post Otf'.eti.
All Professional Business, Collections, Ac.
trill receive prompt attention.
March 30, tool.
RlEUPKAClllisi. pored aad uoparea
.1 lua AlaqilDOlh storeol
Ar yon nick, ftllo, ami
rnuilnifihii Art) ju nut uf
irlvr. illt ymir ttyxlttni tie
itntnt 'l, ant yum- foflinj.' un
inii-rtHl'lif 'J' lima nyinp.
n mf oiin tie- preluii to
Miimt 'thit'Ff), t..Tnj tit of
ei kutNi I ci ''tun "n you,
ktid atinilil I ntti?(l by
timely dm vf the riyht rem
ty. Tk Ajwt'n Hostile,
chiittife tutt tlm fUeonlHiH liu
ttiniK ymrifj the Mood, mid
k't tlto Hni'in itiovii uu tiiiol-
'P7?pjv-:'-J-it. &
:.&Vl Tlivr h'.iit.H'au U. fmu'tioim
tlm clurtntflKuis Wliiili u-mkv
d1inwe, A coM nttl flniiitfwliri-u til t It yt mw uti
wtriii'iri t ntttiua! fmtrtlut)4, 'i litest, if iut rwik'd
rmi.l ii)krii l)ifniH'Ivt hm-I tha inin tnhflitig org-Aitfi, ito
il-rinff jtrmntnl ncirrftuUit, ttiilltjiiiti;, ku1 tli-ds,
Vtlill- III IhH COTItlit It'll, 0)iirjflrr4 hj tl(t tttilrWipPIHOfltsl,
tftko Ayrr'n I'ilK nml Attn UuW tliim'tlv fliuy rtfttiM-n t
iiatiiritt tl'iti of the Hflltm, nwi wild it Uji (iituyfitit
fiiclhifc ff Imthli ntf-iin. Wlrtt In tniitninl m mr'nt In
tlii tsivinl ttmi coin in m ctiiiiil!iint. i itlno tin- in uiiuiy
of tli t1iHi ni-nttitl mitl l mi r roil1 ili-tmiiitji ri. lli"ri
purnntivf (,'fttct. t-x timtii. OtiiwN. hv nlniiliir ottntruc
:i"Htj mill il rMipti'irttrof tli ttirit' functi-tn) 'l tli
b-nlr, iliy m r.ii'lly, ami tunny t th-'m u ftj', nrvl
ly tin sum,. tiit'tiiiK. NtMit wti-t know tht Tirtiisii of th'jw
I'illit. will tiir1er,t to fnfl(jr thoiti when iuiliing itou
tin tlht-irvlwn tticy rim-.
Kluti-mHiiiM fi'i'mi h-tiliiii rliyfl tunn In dohk of tli
principal citloA, mul fivui ulltcr tkuil kuowu iiuulic pir
I)n. AvTicf Your 11 1 U oro Itm inr:tKuii rf all thnt U
grout hi in"1lfliit. 'J"li-v hare curc-'l my liuht il:iii!rM"f
of iili'vivitiN H'liv upon Imt IiiiihN und fiftit tiiut tiitil pnV"J
im-itrnhia for y-nirn. llur mollw lnwt lvn uricv
ouhI v atllt.'toU n it Ii hlutcltfli aid ulmpM u hor Hkin mist
In h'r htiir. After our chiitl uilj ttirtnl aiiu tilw tuvtl
J uur I'dlMf mul luejr linvv Ciuvtl kv
As a Family Pliyalc
Frmi ).-. A ii; (VrlwriyU, Mto Vrltant.
Totir Tills nr the prlnco of piirgoa. 1 holr rtcf1lrnt
qnalillfS aurrwi.s nny nllnit tin. wn potaciot. 'J'liy ai-a
it!iil, but vcryceifulii uu1 piT rtn -ii In Ihuir action ou tha
tiowuit?, ivhich ui:ikf tUem iuvuluublo to tit Iu tbo daily
trmitim'iit of Jiounsy.
Iicatlachr,SlckIIcaanf lir.Foul tomftch.
Vw(j lie. I'MMwd ll titt, UaUimorr
Ir.Mi lino. A vw.v. : I ciuin-tt iiihwvi' yot fpftat complnlnt
I huv cttrii with yr.ii I'tll letter tbun to ny i tfuil we
tvr twit with a pttntltit hifuicint. I .1iico peut dpen-di-ii
e on nn flTt';tml withnrtir hi my tl'ilfy ton tost wltli
uimw, hiiiI liHliftviiitr nn I tla Wvxt yww I'illa aiTurtl ua tha
Leat wv have, 1 of cuumo vuluo them highly.
riTTimw r; Ma7l,lR55.
Da. .T. C. A TrR. Fir : I lutvo rfm 4ly ci mI f
tho witist f nttu.i,A tiny .,UX ,ttu huvo f u lusw or two
i your riut. ii Min-rii it
wUicli tht-y :pii!i.e ut uiicij
Vuuta wiili gtvat ion
Ct rk of Str. ifr rVu.'i -tt.
BllJoiift DUorflers t4ci Citip1nintte)
From Vr. Thf.dort tl:V ' w dtv.
Xt only am yt-;r Pills MTmiinblv.'utc-1 to their pnr-
ptsj n4 an ptkiil. but I lllitl Ihcir be liCTKm? . sii'rtnu.t'n
tho fjivt-r vt'iy uirfkkptl jmli'il. Tlu-y bwvti intnyf:ac
lien prm-etj inuro (sftvrtual fur tbe cure of lutoiiM
fh'j.iittx thun uny uiiw ronunly I cm) mention. I Mticci'uly
tvjoi j tliut wi) liavit ai lnth a I'ltrnlivt whiclt wo
tb tliu cuuflJyiuto ut tbt' pitsfCdisitit uml tho pouplo.
iOl PAIiTMtN'T Or T11K iNTEPTrR, 1
Uiii!uiit;l..t I. C., Till IV (3.
.Smt T have uapiI your 1'illH ;d.y itritl natl liuai.ilril
pracliotufp himv wii nimlo ttrR, an) cmiuot hmitaio to
aay tlu'y uic thu bi it i-uiburlic w trniplm. Their ngii
Utiutf uviit'U on tiio liver in quicic unU Jecitltcl,
qiHMiily thuy ara an adiijikttbla itinotly for dt-tungeiiiuutt
ol that organ, imt cuiT have Bi-l.Ium found a cat uf
i li"us dncust: Bt) (-bdtiTietto tiiat U dirt imt ivaiitly ylvld to
tiiuui. AraUiUally jouis, ALO.N.U M. D.,
J. Vijii'ci'ut vj U,t JfWtna IJntpitaU
Dyaentcry, IJIaiihita, Rclux. Worms
from Ui: J. V. Given, uf Vkiwgiu
Your rilln Imve limi a Ioiik trial In my pruetiro, and I
1."1I tbin iu cti- tn an on- uf the best h(viiuts 1 have
ever found. 'Ihir alterative vlfcct U.ti ilie Ht makes
lii.m an uxcidli'itt if:m?ily. wbt'ii giu-n in Muall Uosos fur
LthfiHt ihjs,:nUT;t und tlittrrhwtt, 'Jhoir Rlifrai-caliiig
rmikes tb.'tii XiTT a. crpUl Id uuU CyilVvUltUt lor tliU Ubit
ni won, on uJ cluUion.
jyl?piln, Imjiurtty of the Hlooa.
J', tow JtttoJ, 1". Unites, i'uttur cf JUmft Church, Uatotu
Dr. AvlTs: I liJirou'j'l your I'MIn w it U cxtin nonary
Pti'xt -s In my frtmily ami armm th"Ht 1 am caliud to viait
Iti iliHlrt-sK. 'I'a tho oi-jrutit uf dinotinn nnd
puiify tho, Miy urn tho vtyy bt.'t rnuudy 1 bavo
cwr known, and 1 cau cuulidt-nlly ti-coiutm int t liem Ui
Diy fiitfiHU, Vuuin, J. V. lililLfi.
Waits w, Wymntnjc Co.. X. Y., Oct. "2U ISM.
Tr.R Sin: I tun hrIiij your Citilni tic I'ill in my pme
tice. an J liud ilivm nn ext'fllfiu imrv.itivo to cleajist) tli
avutuui uud purify tht fntwitunt f t',c Uo.-tt,
U. MtlACHAM, M. I.
Conttpnt Ion, Co Ivenraa, Suppression,
lihrtiiiirtiUm, -oticf Ib'uraigiu Llrup
', XHraXysVivf 1 lt9 tvc.
tir Vr. J. I Vanjhit, JLutwl, Ciwd.
T' nntcli Kfinnot brt of your I'ill fur liie care of
Vitiwst, If otbor if i.ur fiUT"'iy bu.w fotin-i tiivci
lui -R;Cil-i Ut X IipV, tjify pllf-itbl j-lll Dia ill (lOclaltM-
I ut: it for Mm benerit of th iiiultitudv wio fiom
thai compliant, win- h, aliliouh bad ruonli in iioif, la
tbii i - redout ttr of titlura tint ur I Miere (.
rntiv toviiuiiiat- in flip hTr(bui jaur Tills aUcct tliut
oigaji and tuie tha dir-cuho.
Prom K. Siictrt, Vjritum ami hWitift, Union.
I flutl ono or two btr-i ibnt's of your TiilK taltr-n at ibe
projivr tinit.. m exn-ll. nt (uomoil-ttif the uMuml
twn when wh'llyor paitiully uiatrtaie I, and ) wry
ofd't ttial to cU'turr. tlu ttomU nud trjt vnrmt. 'lUvj
aro ho uiiii h the U-t phy.iic wo have thai I rotfUiuuud
uo other lu my paliouiit.
From L'tf .Vr. Vr. ifuwktt.nfthe M thotlst Church,
I'fMsiii Hoor. Kavaiinati.fla.. .Ian. 6, lO
H.'Xonrn Bite : 1 should b,t unvuleful fr iltd rvlisf
ywur eLill ban brought mo if J iul not roport uiy cum to
you. A cold n-'itli'd In uiv linilwan t hionlit uli r-xcru-viating
rimm'ic uutt wlii-. h end ! In r rftruina
Usui. XotwitbMauitlnK 1 had liit ir-l of pbyisii-iium, the
dt"anp fjifW worm ntid worst-, uutil by tin ud vice if your
rxoellont ajfijut in lUdimioi'L', Ir. Ma.'ktui: 'i?, 1 trit-d your
l'illi. '1 l.iir ih-rtu wfre slow, l-nt miv. Ky tstu .-t'tuiijg
lu tin? uo ol tofiu, I tun now tiitUt Jy well.'
rtiAMiivii. Vutnn TTourre, ... fi p.'f.
Pn. Aykii: I bavo Iwon etihi. ly cor. .1. bv nr Pi'., of
Ithriim tltc t'us a paiuiui liuea-H ilnit bud nf !!it-d u:e
for jvar. Vl.NCL.NT Si.lDlCI.L.
Itt'"! lb I?!! In murVt-t cor..i!r; M.-rourr.
bi h. (tlH. u-!i a uluuhl' rfin dy In .l.iUtil lini.da. ii
dai'trcroiisi in u puHii: y;V.t fioin tli" dreiolail ' iiei-i-iiencfH
that frutiiNMitly f .ilov? in iucauti u tw. Tl,u,d
voutnln no n.Pnmy or iuinral niilsstiti-it w luitotur.
Price, 25 cents per Box, or 5 Boxes for $1.
Proparod by Dr. J. C. AYEE & CO., lowell, Was.
S ilil bv FriliriT Ornnt, un l A. W. riclier, Sunbury
J F. Can low uinl C. Urown. MiiUai; Ur Venlc, Mp
I'.'.voajville ; KmfMidfrit Cliricinaii, TiirbntviMe ; K. Ii.
McCoy, Nuiihuinbcrland and by Lvulerk every witeic.
A --nl -jd, p-Kl. ly
do vor WAXTYiiw.u:ns?
ReiaiBiham i t It Jr;Ucl
For the Whiskers and Hair
The Riibscribera take pU-arfnre iu aaiu unciiig to the citi
zciib ot lite United ISiiiien, unit Uiey Ji;ivj i.uuuird the
Agency for, and ait now enabled lui (Tei U the Amenruu
public, the above justly celeb rait e und wu.Jd-reuowncd
The Stimulating OnguenU
it prepared by Dr. C. i. Belluicliuni, an eminent pLaiciaii
ul London, aod it wairu.itt d i-bung out u tlnek act ol
Whisiti's or Moustache.
in from three to six week. The unu-Je ii tbe only one
of the kind uard by the Fieucli, and in iJiidou und i'a
rif it la iu Ube.
1 1 m a beauiiiul. reoiiomii'.il, aootbini;, et stiniul:itiui;
coiup hi iid, uitin-raa u by u.-tgic upon u.e n-ot. eaiuin u
bealil'ul pro wiii nf luxuriant liair II 'applied lo tlie aealp,
tt will cure Luk'iiefcS, and eautjc to Hru.'K 11 i1 p't(t !
the l-'ildHpotau fine tjrowiu ot ituir Applied bcjoidiiig
t id i reeti -ua it will turn red or i-.wy hair tlaik. hm it-atrc
(My h.iir to iLitotincil eol.if, Uuviu it tit, hiiiooib, aod
ilrxilile. The iiKUOiilr in uu ludispciuibW atlicle Hi
eveiy genii' iu.:.ta t ui.d ul'ier un v.i-el.'i u&e lii:
wokl n-iii'., i ativ eoniidrr.tlioii ie without it.
I'lie aiibMTibe r ure the .nly Amenta t-r tlie article in
the t i.itt-U M.ilrf, to wiioiu i..i oHicm lauht uiiJrt-!cd
I'rii e Ui.e lo:,r a U x fr Kale by uu Diunnn.ii and
Dealers ; or n box of tliu "t ha-ueut" (.Wi'i-raatad lo have
tbe tb-Kiied Jjre) wilt be sent t-i a;iy ; h--i;ire it, by
mail, tnrtrl, aeeuuly packce, un rece.,'t j ;kc l.u'. p-t-ai:c,
l,la. Apply ! or ufMreaa
Trti'5k'its. Ac, il V. ibKuu u., New Yu.k.
ForttiTr at tliu o.Uce.
Mnreb 3U, It til.
Executors Ilotice.
JTOTICC is licrely given thst lellrrt Ir.lnnen-
tary on tlie estate i-f luhn Kline, Sr., lute of
Kuxh towii-ihip, Nortliunil't-rland county, Jecous.
ed, have Im-ii gmnled to the uudi rsigncd. All
fwrsuns liavtuif cluiins ssTuiu.i tlie estate of tlie
suid decra.rl. are lfueiMi'd Id prr.rnt tbem, and
persons iml.'jlcd therclo to uiuka tiuincdiale
iiaymeiil la
ISA AC CAM PI3 ELI.. Executor.
May 4, l6l. lit
Life or Dentil The subscribers tale
pleasure in announcing that tliey are now
(i tt pa rid lo mail (rev) to those who tvi.h i'. a
ri)y of an impnttiuit littla work, by the late l)r.
Urainptup, n.lillf J "Tha Invalid's AK'dicai Cou
tiJjiil," iiublisticd fur the benefit, and as a run'
ing lo)oung ii. en anJ persons who suffer from
Netvous 'Uel ility, 1'reaistura Decay, cVe, Ac,
supplying the means of self cure. Tha reader is
irresistibly led lu compare a usrVil lite w ill. aa
ignoble death.
Ku.Jtr, lose not a niuuient, but send your ad
iliirf for a eopy of tins little work. Address ilia
, ol A S Juha iu..Nv Vori.
i X!sy, l6l-.-tvio
rniLiNG & GitANTs
at Tin:
aju: sF.i.usa
than can be purohaaoi clieivhure.
Just received by H-iilrood this week.
piWFir ny it.
Kunbury, Deccmlicr 15, infill.
Retailed at Wholesale Frico3t
Made to Miisura fit 1518 per doz.
on six for Aixn dcllahs.
! VTttbout Collars on, villi Collars oa (2 per ioz. extra.
TVlth fioe Linen Uosnms, snii worssntcd ..s poofl a Ur
as boH In tLo retail stures i.t cuch.
ALSO, .iaa zn7 hkst FnittTa that cas iu
hLUZ AT (3 hXCU,
V. S. Those who think I cannot me a rood ShM for
tlS p?r dozen are nulakm. liero's tbo cosl c? -(.::.
dozen IIS Que shirts. "
80 rnfls ei New-York Stilts mmTin at 1 ic. TeT yd. tt t5
T T.rrfs ofuoUnon, at DOc per ysrl, a . ')
2!.ingan'l cut'ine, .....6 t
L&uimry, i; buttons an4 cotton, i0c 1 r-i
rroGt 2 (.i
.$13 Hi
.Efelf Measurement for Shirts.
Pr'.nte.l direcUcna Bent free everyirhpre. r.r.3 po e.vy
to understactl, lit at acy one tun taV c ti.rir c"i wMiTro
for shirt. I warrant n good fits The cash t be paul l
do ilsjjrcM Company on receipt of gooUi.
The Express chikt-ps on ono doscn SlirU from J'ew
Tork tohcwOrlcaacia fU
p. a parties wishing pmnTs hasth,!.
fcavlnR time to eenl for HuIm of M e turn rem p;.t, BoutJ
acrid per mall prepaid, Ane of tl.e best Ctt'u c shirts ihe
haTe got, itatirtg any alterations that may Lo required.
? S. V7. H. WAKD, from London,
,387 Broadway, up stairs,
.titween VTuiXe t W JHer Ert-tcU " LIV-YOES.-4,orch
16, lSCl.-lf
470 EH OADWAT, M EW Tron.jr.
MiouU bo i:i everv fnniily, School, (Jvinna-i-um,
Asxluin, and Hospital in the land. Are
tint DA NOCUOUS, like tl: commun Kockitig
llurse. ctmids firm on its Pedestal, will not
wear (;AKiJETS, and lias no Kuckcrs lo injure
the Feet.
Health ui happiness In tho snme saddle." N T. Willis
Pfc-j-- "' -' -'"4
"Of ull llie child-furniture we have ever seen
no article combines so much of those two impor
tant tilings lienlih ond happiness as the Ad
jusuulo l atent Steel fprinj fadJIe llorse, in
vented by Icsse A. Cremlsil, It is not dantrer
ous, like u coinunai ri'ikini;-liore, to children's
feet, cannot be tipper, does i.ct wear carpets, but
stands flriu on i'. bi.-.i', and its action is j like
the gallop of a live horse t'.ir t the child never
v.i'aric. of il. This itiiestof i luld iioveliii s is ex eU'ifsnt end artistic in design ; and so
adjustable, sui.tan'.ial, and durable, that it will
last a lifetime. It is indispensable in every
family where there are children. It should bo
in every primary school and gymnasium in tbe
country, as it can bn made In'je and strong
iiiooeh to sustain crown persons. As a pedestal photographic pictures, nothing is more Ireuuti
lul. 'Every Oiphsn Asylum and lintitution where
children are ronrcpa'ed, siumld ba furnished
with a number of these beautiful articles Tliey
arc title 1 with side-saddles required."
tha alter fsrt of the base sufficiently to sli.nv the
sxle to o in its place ; then raUe or lower i!io
Horse to suit i ou. Screw the bolts in the side
verv tiffht.
rV These Horses are WAIHIAFTED ono
March IC, If'fil tf
JvaI E'Eiotoi-aith Frame.
E d, .ire to call tho attention of Ihe pul liu
' tJur I.ithoeonia (Ival I'hotoraph Frame
They p"s.-es all tlie ko id quuliiies of wood frames
with the advantsoe nf ere all r durabililv as they
never warp or crack, ami ara sold much rhenper.
U also han mi hand a large srirty of
lVOdll ()V Al.. which we off, r twenty five per
cent lower than can I e bouylit elsewhere. Also,
a good assortment .'f I'asse Perlouts.
fquarc Frjtnca at pruporlionaily low
A 11 orders bv in ml promptly tilled. AH who
come to fur great Comunrciiil Metropolis wo
aiiU lJ vull sen and. eiumiae.
M. W. LADD jr CO.
453 U read way, New York..
Maica -lu. IfCI.
HKH"vi.Ml'.ltTt:iU t! e Suubuiy Academy lit
c tl.liicnee ou liiet.U 'l A : r I .
I'll. c.uim; !' ii.lsiiOll' i eiiiliraes .Verv deunrl.
meiil cl t.lueali 'il Uci.pO lil' iir Ih-sI Aeuileiuies, reHu,me:
soj.L'iii. ui.c e.lhm fi-l u D!"!c.iuu vl to eulcr ko class lit
Col..g. xtr.tM-J PEIl QUAItTKRi
('.imiiliu felenl HrumlirJ, fl CD
llt.tier i.c.).ili l!oiitclirs, 6 (Ml
Uaiiuai..tlm-S l"li'ar. 7 W
Tuin -a t' I rd bcl'-'re tlie mid.tlo of the term.
H.nnl ei'u te ijutt ill riuia lanulies d lioui 1 75 Su
tiJ 1S1 W.ek.
Sunburj-, MarsliM, lsrto. J
CONSTANTLY fcp un hand ull kinds or
C-'oufeetionsries, Fruit and Toys, which tie
is Milling at w holesale and tetail. HaviuK tha
necessary machinery Ac, ha is manufacturing
all kinds of Toys, and keen uu his stock, thai
I'urehasms will not beat a loss lor a supply
aluio.t any urlicln they may desira.
Ari' A FI LES !! APl'LES! ! I
J o.l lecejved, a laiKO lot of Apples, which ha U
selling ai whule.tle ami icwil, i low prices
Wive us a cil.
M. v. fiEAUHART Vary, itfcot, S, 1181 if
i isssai I